' f T7 .. -f.. lj SUUfllitYou Fre. II VOUmE ^ I To Enc Lti In Dinni^ham " * WASKTNOTCttJ .^ANPD - 17* Eii i TV-iMni i MSIUI X at the hearings held® Blrmtog Asm last Jt&e, aiigoufafed thaifoor large war plants to th^aojdh f __.;_ i The Vultee plant M Nellie. /,. (had some thousands of Sorters. Gy Record. WPB assistant, tes* Piled dtiring i^e &a?ESB^r^y jf^lbout 20j?§re> Negro. The personnel director said he.dHLiiat behave Negroes and whltfS would t-.work together and this In mite of ' the fact that J. M. SheltoiVTeprei sentatim of the: International As7 Snclatlon..lot Machinist..had j_ agreed that IT the company put / Negroes fto work: taking the Initiative in the matter, that some Lueffort would be made by the union In the way of-cooperatlon. NEGROES TO ME EMPLOYER , PEPC through Lawrence Cramer, ^ executive secretary, announced that &.VuLee was taking atepa -to employ Negroes hi its K&shville plant as *it had done In, its three plants iu California. Negroes are to be em£ _.(Continued- on Page 3) J*?! W'.. ' fr ';""-; H © /#?: K' v* iHHHHHHH i " CHARLESTON, 8. C . *-' THSdet { ^ -Albeit 'ttw SL Emma MUltary School. Rook Ca«name 6b URmwftM fUTlOUgft w- ' ~ Parents- Mr and Mwf.^3 Albel* B. Brown. olT 17 Maverick 1 at., Charleston Yrtung Browa 1* r hi* freshman year at this board- 1 ^ ing WhftOl, ted along '.fauif'dOllM. te lriaklng the courses -Maabnttr iir-tlre induatitfpi?c-~1 partmenw: :.,, - _ * 'J * . ;' fc. '.'A. "I ,* .... I£V»I>IHI| ijliN :. c ..«..... with part of hi* crow after the 10.5Ct-toia Uhtflt vmnmt-1' Bunker T WnihtwH.y had reached .port rbmpletln'f her maiden voyage The erew hit been hailed at a "symbol Recruiter Williams Is Biased . « JFLptU^gS,' g- c. ~ v OfIfInure Cook, Second Class Isaac Williams of Mulllns, S. C. who has served six years In the navy and spent the past 13 months on recruiting duty in South .Carolina, announced Mondax his pleasure that approximately 1.000 voung men harl mlint ea voluntarily for service and that tht hovy la becoming much "iridte Understood than ever before, making questions having been answer ed and others explained,'he said. Men between the ages of $1 anc 18, and naror urged to visit, the nearest Navy Rernilting ttta- tlon for aervice In different hrpnche* of the Na»al QcrTiiw. Drs. Hale, Drew, Barnes, Union J, / /. ttmthm g n. (RpeeiaH Dr J. H. Hale, head of the Department Qf Surgery at Metiarry Medical College,',' Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. Charles Drew, head of the. Department of Surgery, at Howard University's Medical. School and Dr. W Harry Barnes, Ear. Nose and TtHuM SpMlftllst ol Philadelphia will be guest lecturers at the Union Community Hospital's annual clinic Friday, January 29, Dr. L. W. Long, supcrintcnden^^Tfcft id this wee*. Plans for the "clinic will be completed within ;the riext tew ^ Martiril and Surgical cliifics will begin at 8 o'clock in the morning and the lectures and papers will occupy the afternoon. <A Denial cUflB for extraction only has been announced" and at MM public meeting lb Sims High School Friday nigntj t.q» delivered by the ReVV t>: M Tdbln, dlrectdr of the School of Religion of Muiils ioli4tfc at Other lecturers on tile afternoon PWam-inclttdhll -Dr James A. ffeyner BbrtsrJJealth Officer, add TVr trln. ov»»4#« ».lit. p#gM.rjiwk T* ."?i ..tr- i-a;., . ..... i."' !'.. ~3i\ ... : 1 3-ggsaepSgsg; ; a/' - - x » "fH#* yjaV yvjii « . . .TV* - \ 4- ^B ^B H IB 'j^m tn flB~ r " ^B H ^B |I im vr ..,. ' <~"r . gy -v v .;v -vv- ! .,,VJ 'y_ : "1 k Lj; -. " "T~ "* *- n rirmi - '- - - T> H^b*«?r,'!p^5r: ^p. .*.-v.' y ij&'j ^r* ( of UaiteJ NoilgnV unltr anil "g I triumph *6f democracy over (aschi I-race then® e*.fc Captain Mulue and I erew will he honored at » tc&tT menial dinner given hy the Iwdu7 ( trWl Union Council CIO, at th< Hotel Commodore, Tuesday, Jan Tiny Bradshdw, T3I Green To Hay Here Jan,T9r~ I I -" ! _L '" TINY BftADSHAW . Tiny Bradshaw, recently crowned "King of the Jitterbugs,"his orchestra and the sensational . Lll Qreen, beat knowrt fbf her "In The Dark1, rendition, bring a lively Jan\ session to the Columbia Township Auditorium Tuesday night, January 19 to open the 1943 dance programs for the State's cupilol dwellers Th» local promotion is: being done by the popular KatrtaniAl H. McNaii, wall known f5r his fine" entertainment programs which are always fyid .' j The diminutive Ork leader Is strictly a "hep-'cat"*and his childand classmates at Wllberforce U^il^pp^hc"was,"even. itt^WadSlan age days. AJew months ^ he nddea *ti§.twenty-three-year eld Lil Otean to his aggregation and her vocalizing has been the talk of the country. 'J . Tickets for the promotion are.on> ^ spots and in :' y.' '"s* * *-y h v ; !> * m '-> ' * ' : ^ ' "r- -tv . '* ' j m :?-r~ i. .'... _ .*. . ji-ij V,.r -v. ' L, " , CHAltLESTON. S. C.. StHVD^ MIILZI * » nation eil Of Unity : v. ... .*. Bjggy; ir.trj tV^HHt .tq rUht ata JOe Vwr gas. Philippines; JJoyd Curtrtffat California; Erin HJorsted. Ben 1 murk; Cantain MnlraAi Jy Itiwg Belgium; Eugene Clancy,.Ireland William Ilart, British Guiana, ant Aurusto Pere7. Honduras. (1IN). [Negro Men May Still Enlist In Navy CFiler Specialist John i£. Potts r* the- 8. C. Navy Recruiting Staff, said Tuesday that colored men rtiay still Join' up with Uncle Sam's Navv. Men 'Whn ore spypnf^cn yo^rw old- and who _meet-the-phystcat-amt ^aucational qualifications may enlist as apprentice seamen. Speclalist. Potts said also that tlteie, is nuw 'o\great » demand for Mess Attendants that'any colored man between the. ages of 17 and 50 and otherwise qualified, may loin" Chat branch of the service. _ Applications should be made at hp ru>flr»q» Maim " '1»1- - - . . .vvi,. i.wi.w.OiAZ. : tun Uefurtf tfolhk to the local Be -"Ct|xe Service Board. Since December 4r-when- volun. 'ary enlistments In all branches of he service, was discontinued, a TjTiftt,.deil *>t misunderstandtng in. 3 to navy recruiting has re«UKed" -Ohlef -Potts Said that lie hoped those men in the state who believed themselves qualified will -hurry'1'«hd take advantage of this opportunity while It Is still available. * " Final Notice To Delinquent ..Subscribers * This is the last Issue that deMntfuent subscribers to TH£ Llalithousa and Informer will receive. NrJ|Bes have been sent to persons hollnng subscrfptions which are payable foi renewals1 and pubitcations have been made In the paper. ' ...; ^ We are sorry to have to lyse these friends but postal regulations require payment in advance. Peri sons whose renewals u*e du«v and fr» nut*, mnniimS 'JVetlMMdftf. win not receive iurther copies until payment made. this first 1943 program Ti ls egpeto^ e<1 that the "usual "sell out"' signs toe hung up long be/ope tin actual program gets under way. / :.. -r- ' r ; .. r> . ^.' mam, n H u ... i I * \y- * V /"f "' \ tY- JANUAPV 10, 1<M3 ' ' V - '- '" LA AI I II v. 111. wf ffllil To Guests At 't Steers 10,500 Ton Ship Thru Submarine Water* NEW YORK CITY, . (SNS)-A dinner in honor of Captain Hugh Mf; Mulzac, first Negro to command a vessel in ^American maritime history, Vnd his United 'Tationa crew aboard^ ^he new Liberty ship. - OQQRlHt~TV WASHINGTON, will rBe~yiven Greater New York' industrial Unto.? Council, Cior at the Hotel Commodore, Tuesday. eWnttng, January IS,' ^ wag attT nounced Saturday. ^ \ Captain Mtazac and the - rrrrntly landril thfi irn.al at ai>> East Coast port after ita maiawrr voyage through submarine-Infested waters anal have accepted the invitation to come to New York for the-'dinner, the Council said. QOVEjEtNt^B "TO SPEAK :.OoverrijrqharJeB A. Poleitl and Councilman A. Cfayton Powell, J. .ill be aindng the speakers. fascist race theories, '-.r--' ^ "To win this war we mustmobll- ze the resources oa all the people >1 the world, regardless uf racg~~ E3&S&U color 0r national origin. Ttor linner, commemorating the sue essful voyage of the BOOKER T WASHINGTON, so capably commanded by Captain Mulzac a nd nanhed by seamen of 18 different ; nationalities, is concrete proof that men of alt nations and colors can n.«IIM|.wuim.wm-uicr to 'r and harmony," Curren aalch 1 ORGANIZATIONS AID Organizations supporting the dinner, in addition to many CIO and AFL unions, are* National Negro Congress, National Urban Leagye; Negro Labor Victory Committee, Brooklyn Victory Council Jot Equal Opportunity, Brooklyn Lodge 33, Benevolent Protective Order of Elkk, Congress of Benevolent and Fraternal Organizations Carleton Avenue branch, Y. M. C --A^- National. fur rhi Advancement of Colored People. ; -A Ciiaiiiy Adams . Now Waac Captain News of the pre. motion to the rgJik of captain, of T.)e<it rhurltv Edna Adams p.i> nnrt Mrs E A. Adnjrw. 2113 Lady St., has been received here, it was »learned this week. Oitptaln.Adams_is__Htatlgr>ed at_ Des Moines, Iowa, annd receoiTy visited Columbia while on her va-. cation. She .was the eotorrd* woman to receive a commission in the Womnns Army Auxiliary Corps. ' ' J J .. The Adams have a son In the i'rmy who Ts Abroad. Army Sure Of Its Mission-Stimson * . 7 *T~ WASHTNOTON. (8N8) In . a New Vf«t"ll nriMaicu TWm»«U u Secretary of War Stimscn said the Army was movlnf in^p the next 12 months "confident and sure ol Its mission." Interracial Body JMeete Thursday ; The regular liieetlrHr of the Ttfchtana_canutjt InferwraclaT'" Committee mUM be held Thursday ntterndon, January ldth in ihe Narart" Auditorium Of the Columbia Hospital at 5:30 p. m. All interested persons :*rc re- .rmested to attend the nrveeU*«< i * » % * ¥ U ' . .. A V > v:- . tsi: . "'. " ... i" _fl m .II i- 1# .H I .! / t; ^ ' . *' - irfi* ij * H H' ". ."^B ;fl ' " "7*"' * . FamousAgricu " (\ I aMtt^K '' JS f mm yJ^M B^^ByWfer-^.. ^ ^ /y^T I H 1/t^B famed Or. Georgo Washington Cl hove at work with his age of mc Famed Soil Dies It Tiis ' "/ >>>- .. ?-* Agricultural ^ Researcher Was ^ Honored By World > / c TUSKEGEE INSnruiE, Ala.~ g Dr. George1 Wrtrihlimi'wn "g Carver, «- Internationally vTamous . agricultural scientist, died at bis home here Tuesday night. Dr. Carver, who had been Jn fail- 1 ing health fur tho paafctew years, j was confined to his bed .- several * old at his death. Dr. Carver was born In, 186f on a- Mlsflouri plantation He was kid* _ napped when a child, by night raid a ^ A.Wnvtono Ylis n a tiriu taiweii tu captors released the boy In ex- change for a race-horse valued at $300. . , . ' '-.' i As a youth Ire showed a remarkable aplilLule and intelligence with plants. -------- -He attended the Iowa State Agricultural College, at Ames. Iowa, i whe-e he- -obtatneth hll^3lHlbElDlx: q Degree In Science. Because of hi* nmMlng scholarship he waa g4vw» a place on the faculty there, usual honor. Next he was given. charge ot the bacteriological" lab-r oratory and the department of , systematic Botany. j In ISM' took charge or the sden- f 'foMSyesura he had been do'rtg mar- "v" *iiit#.ljwi uttitlft" uiimiywiti' that have made hU napne known to I the remoteiOjiouhdi pf the Earth. < f Dr, Carver waa made a Fellow of the Royal Society of ,Great Britain in 1014 and tlx ye*rj_lhlciJLhe Spingarn Medal for lKe moat ^ila» j ttnguisftetl .servica reridlsred by" an American Negro during tfih year. . * * -i . * **. : 1-. i»«^.""'v : ~~~~. ' . ~ ~7~. ..k ' . >1 ., -. *_. c V»V ~T.*» g 11 » * f - !' ***" J '" ' * . - ; '.' .1 ~.. f.' » ii'~ ~""," ---.-. ^ ... ': -.1' ,-j "I" . 1;' ' 1 " » trr ^-K : V. t* r inuc * 11 iBI ~ - ~~~ ~i "".' .1 11.^. r ^ ; ^ '^gi"^' -TM kfrrmi*'' i* tiowri T7? which he din tculfural eh«m-l aifkt Funeral fo inkinld, is to be held at T(itkt|M F rntist, Dr. kegee Tuei 'he Theodore Roosevelt Medal 1 rnue to him, in. 1989 ftg "£Llll>flratnr~ o men of th^ white race as well as < ^ the black." Henry lord, called fl ilm the greatest living chemist and tag named a school after him. Dr « tarver was as great a genivs in hF " J vork as Edison, and Burbank and-v < tfr\nrn;"i ijr ' ertainlytni- greatest genius that ^ he Negro race had yet produced, jl -=== / i Th him the peanut was a storelouse of wonders. To his Inquiring- i tnrl Intelligent mjnd over 300 dif. erent uses tor It wns^itolocked- Spreading« .,1.' ^ f "Hiii. WASHINGTON. t>. C7~- (SNST .Repeated attempt* on tht part r»r southern* »rmy ittif son^rt to trjfnrcf MWJaW m* 1 patterns on uf*HK>uthero ± areas ^aJtej^ Whlte, executive secretary to ttKLNiUotvtl Association f6r the. Advancement of Colored People, Oho in a- letter to the Secretary of War Stlmeon aakl: L att v «i « * * » ^ * ttC IWPfniB mjgniri 'Wwt xTwr WW * Denartment needs to speed up Hie formulation of a. more clearly dtofi'ini piokiMiirm -»ccordftac^rttiUi.; the t trhestp»tfi>aMdror democra- » cv to n verf farther trouble and to serve notice upon t>|«ots that the decent, thoughtful people of the united -SUtPS who ponetHute the | to determine tho patterns of action] at the country as a whole and not . ; . « " . . ~.iv ,. " ' wr ':* .^rr" .; * : ...- * '. t - __ ^1 ~t''.s? V -. /, k 5E8§ vf^i-1*- ^." * ''^1 ? rT1yr rtvt5 ^ ^ j v '.y^y^i'itjit' ; ^ *"rr~"~ < >*!' .i ..- . i 11 .-.-======^| y^V -J Lih*^ '' "y * '. -' ' H>". ~,c^ ; "? *'.i-.'ft£r.., ^ % H I r«nunTwven o'clock TwtijSfy - T t Dr. Carver, friend and koi*>H< riA*7. r . » ., :.... .. ,^-L. Carver, to*veroArkafcla..a\ healing oil. -A $300,000,000 » tear peanut Inlustry has bean built aU or ia part Edison offered5 hint an Immense alary (o eome_and Vwlp hipi.but .... .'MmW> le could render his best eontritap-i-^ ton to bumanHfr r.,r^;,...>.. --v' In 1940 be sponsored the George Washington pafver foundation to Hprow i the bigots thenar elves." 1^1^ 1 BE .thitmghr^l^J. - Browttr - lot ijt ClHQMC. AditfOait-0T HotwlquM I-t 1 ers. SrrndMi-ittallon, 47th OW^F! termaster Regiment at Pbrt SAOl -* Okla., in wWch were qputedjsecttom 20k 104. lot.' and ItJilH ~ Oklahoma Statute providlnf^ (or toto^t: the..!!toSSsing' IS^piSe ^jff^AACP inquired if BeareU- ^ ry SUmacm believed it to be ' prop* ^ w function of the WAr Department 4. J A. >, X 2 i M -1 ., 2t i to i^tst Idles in the enfuw.>r*tnem> of-l»Tnrnm»^ W <11*^^ fttnst citieen* on Account of t**f. or color/< -* S .W ' ; r >.

VOUmE CHAltLESTON. j MIILZILA AI inuc:€¦ · hp ru>flr»q » Maim" '1»1---«-. ... tY- JANUAPV 10, 1

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Page 1: VOUmE CHAltLESTON. j MIILZILA AI inuc:€¦ · hp ru>flr»q » Maim" '1»1---«-. ... tY- JANUAPV 10, 1

' fT7 ..

-f..lj SUUfllitYou Fre.


ToEncLtiIn Dinni^ham "



Eii i TV-iMni i MSIUIX at the hearings held® BlrmtogAsm last Jt&e, aiigoufafed thaifoorlarge war plants to th^aojdh

f __.;_

i The Vultee plant M Nellie./,. (had some thousands of Sorters.

Gy Record. WPB assistant, tes*Piled dtiring i^e &a?ESB^r^y

jf^lbout 20j?§re> Negro. The personneldirector said he.dHLiiat behaveNegroes and whltfS wouldt-.work together and this In mite of

' the fact that J. M. SheltoiVTepreisentatim of the: International As7Snclatlon..lot Machinist..hadj_ agreed that IT the company put/ Negroes fto work: taking the Initiativein the matter, that someLueffort would be made by the union

In the way of-cooperatlon.NEGROES TO ME EMPLOYER ,

PEPC through Lawrence Cramer,^ executive secretary, announced that&.VuLee was taking atepa -to employ

Negroes hi its K&shville plant as*it had done In, its three plants iuCalifornia. Negroes are to be em£

_.(Continued- on Page 3)


W'.. '



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CHARLESTON, 8. C .*-' THSdet {

^ -Albeit 'ttw SLEmma MUltary School. Rook Ca«name6b URmwftM fUTlOUgft w- '

~ Parents- Mr and Mwf.^3Albel* B. Brown. olT 17 Maverick 1at., Charleston Yrtung Browa 1* r

I© hi* freshman year at this board- 1^ ing WhftOl, ted along'.fauif'dOllM. te lriaklng the courses-Maabnttr iir-tlre induatitfpi?c-~1partmenw: :.,, -


* 'J*


;' fc. '.'A. "I

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I£V»I>IHI| ijliN


with part of hi* crow after the10.5Ct-toia Uhtflt vmnmt-1' Bunker TWnihtwH.y had reached .portrbmpletln'f her maiden voyage Theerew hit been hailed at a "symbol

Recruiter WilliamsIs Biased .


JFLptU^gS,' g- c. ~ v OfIfInureCook, Second Class Isaac Williamsof Mulllns, S. C. who has servedsix years In the navy and spent thepast 13 months on recruiting dutyin South .Carolina, announcedMondax his pleasure that approximately1.000 voung men harl mlintea voluntarily for service and thattht hovy la becoming much "iridteUnderstood than ever before, makingquestions having been answered and others explained,'he said.Men between the ages of $1 anc

18, and naror urged to visit,the nearest Navy Rernilting ttta-tlon for aervice In differenthrpnche* of the Na»al QcrTiiw.

Drs. Hale, Drew,Barnes, Union

J, /

/.ttmthm g n. (RpeeiaH Dr

J. H. Hale, head of the DepartmentQf Surgery at Metiarry MedicalCollege,',' Nashville, Tennessee, Dr.Charles Drew, head of the. Departmentof Surgery, at Howard University'sMedical. School and Dr.W Harry Barnes, Ear. Nose andTtHuM SpMlftllst ol Philadelphiawill be guest lecturers at the UnionCommunity Hospital's annual clinicFriday, January 29, Dr. L. W.Long, supcrintcnden^^Tfcft id thiswee*. Plans for the "clinic will becompleted within ;the riext tew^ Martiril and Surgical cliifics willbegin at 8 o'clock in the morningand the lectures and papers willoccupy the afternoon. <A DenialcUflB for extraction only has beenannounced"and at MM public meetinglb Sims High School Fridaynigntj t.q»delivered by the ReVV t>: M Tdbln,dlrectdr of the School of Religionof Muiils ioli4tfc atOther lecturers on tile afternoon

PWam-inclttdhll -Dr James A.ffeyner BbrtsrJJealth Officer, addTVr trln. ov»»4#« ».lit.

p#gM.rjiwk T* ."?i..tr- i-a;., .


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H^b*«?r,'!p^5r:^p. .*.-v.' yij&'j^r*

( of UaiteJ NoilgnV unltr anil "gI triumph *6f democracy over (aschiI-race then® e*.fc Captain Mulue andI M« erew will he honored at » tc&tTmenial dinner given hy the Iwdu7( trWl Union Council CIO, at th<Hotel Commodore, Tuesday, Jan

Tiny Bradshdw,T3I Green ToHay Here Jan,T9r~

I I -" ! _L '"


Tiny Bradshaw, recently crowned"King of the Jitterbugs,"his orchestraand the sensational . LllQreen, beat knowrt fbf her "In TheDark1, rendition, bring a lively Jan\session to the Columbia TownshipAuditorium Tuesday night, January19 to open the 1943 dance programsfor the State's cupilol dwellers Th»local promotion is: being done bythe popular KatrtaniAl H. McNaii,wall known f5r his fine" entertainmentprograms which are alwaysfyid .' j

The diminutive Ork leader Isstrictly a "hep-'cat"*and his childand

classmates at WllberforceU^il^pp^hc"was,"even.itt^WadSlanage days. AJew months ^ henddea *ti§.twenty-three-year eldLil Otean to his aggregation andher vocalizing has been the talk ofthe country. 'J


Tickets for the promotion are.on>^ spots and in

:' y.' '"s** *-y

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nationeil Of Unity: v.

... .*.


ir.trj tV^HHt .tq rUht ata JOe Vwrgas. Philippines; JJoyd CurtrtffatCalifornia; Erin HJorsted. Ben

1 murk; Cantain MnlraAi Jy ItiwgBelgium; Eugene Clancy,.IrelandWilliam Ilart, British Guiana, antAurusto Pere7. Honduras. (1IN).

[Negro Men MayStill Enlist In Navy

CFiler Specialist John i£. Potts r*the- 8. C. Navy Recruiting Staff,said Tuesday that colored men rtiaystill Join' up with Uncle Sam'sNavv. Men 'Whn ore spypnf^cn yo^rwold- and who _meet-the-phystcat-amt^aucational qualifications may enlistas apprentice seamen. Speclalist.Potts said also that tlteie, is nuw'o\great » demand for Mess Attendantsthat'any colored man betweenthe. ages of 17 and 50 andotherwise qualified, may loin" Chatbranch of the service.

_ Applications should be made athp ru>flr»q» Maim " '1»1- - -« -

.. .vvi,. i.wi.w.OiAZ.: tun Uefurtf tfolhk to the local Be

-"Ct|xeService Board.Since December 4r-when- volun.

'ary enlistments In all branches ofhe service, was discontinued, a

TjTiftt,.deil *>t misunderstandtng in.3 to navy recruiting has re«UKed"-Ohlef -Potts Said that liehoped those men in the state whobelieved themselves qualified will-hurry'1'«hd take advantage of thisopportunity while It Is still available.*


Final Notice ToDelinquent..Subscribers*This is the last Issue that deMntfuentsubscribers to TH£ Llalithousaand Informer will receive.

NrJ|Bes have been sent to personshollnng subscrfptions which arepayable foi renewals1 and pubitcationshave been made In the

paper. '

...;^ We are sorry to have to lysethese friends but postal regulationsrequire payment in advance. Perisons whose renewals u*e du«v andfr» nut*, mnniimS 'JVetlMMdftf.win not receive iurther copies untilpayment made.this first 1943 program Ti ls egpeto^e<1 that the "usual "sell out"' signs

toe hung up long be/ope tinactual program gets under way.


:.. -r-

' r; .. r>


^.' mam, n H



i I *

\y- *V /"f "' \

tY- JANUAPV 10, 1<M3 '


V - '- '"

LA AI III v. 111.wf ffllil

To Guests At

't Steers 10,500Ton Ship ThruSubmarine Water*NEW YORK CITY, . (SNS)-A

dinner in honor of Captain HughMf; Mulzac, first Negro to commanda vessel in ^American maritime history,Vnd his United 'Tationa crew

aboard^ ^he new Liberty ship.-OQQRlHt~TV WASHINGTON, willrBe~yiven Greater New York'industrial Unto.? Council, Cior atthe Hotel Commodore, Tuesday.eWnttng, January IS,' ^ wag attTnounced Saturday. ^ \Captain Mtazac and the

- rrrrntly landril thfi irn.al at ai>>East Coast port after ita maiawrrvoyage through submarine-Infestedwaters anal have accepted the invitationto come to New York forthe-'dinner, the Council said.QOVEjEtNt^B"TO SPEAK

:.OoverrijrqharJeB A. Poleitl andCouncilmanA. Cfayton Powell, J.

.ill be aindng the speakers.

fascist race theories, '-.r--' ^

"To win this war we mustmobll-ze the resources oa all the people>1 the world, regardless uf racg~~

E3&S&U color 0r national origin. Ttorlinner, commemorating the sueessful voyage of the BOOKER TWASHINGTON, so capably commandedby Captain Mulzac a ndnanhed by seamen of 18 different

; nationalities, is concrete proof thatmen of alt nations and colors can

n.«IIM|.wuim.wm-uicr to

'r and harmony," Curren aalch1 ORGANIZATIONS AID

Organizations supporting thedinner, in addition to many CIOand AFL unions, are* National NegroCongress, National UrbanLeagye; Negro Labor Victory Committee,Brooklyn Victory CouncilJot Equal Opportunity, BrooklynLodge 33, Benevolent ProtectiveOrder of Elkk, Congress of Benevolentand Fraternal OrganizationsCarleton Avenue branch, Y. M. C

--A^- National. fur rhiAdvancement of Colored People.

; -A

Ciiaiiiy Adams .

Now Waac CaptainNews of the pre.motion to the

rgJik of captain, of T.)e<it rhurltvEdna Adams p.i> nnrtMrs E A. Adnjrw. 2113 Lady St.,has been received here, it was»learned this week.

Oitptaln.Adams_is__Htatlgr>ed at_Des Moines, Iowa, annd receoiTyvisited Columbia while on her va-.cation. She .was the eotorrd*woman to receive a commission inthe Womnns Army AuxiliaryCorps. ' ' J J.. The Adams have a son In thei'rmy who Ts Abroad.

Army Sure Of ItsMission-Stimson

* . 7 *T~

WASHTNOTON. (8N8) In . aNew Vf«t"ll nriMaicu TWm»«U u

Secretary of War Stimscn said theArmy was movlnf in^p the next12 months "confident and sure olIts mission."

Interracial BodyJMeete Thursday ;The regular liieetlrHr of theTtfchtana_canutjt InferwraclaT'"Committee mUM be held Thursdayntterndon, January ldth inihe Narart" Auditorium Of theColumbia Hospital at 5:30 p. m.

All interested persons :*rc re-.rmested to attend the nrveeU*«<

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FamousAgricu" (\

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B^^ByWfer-^.. ^ ^ /y^T



famed Or. Georgo Washington Clhove at work with his age

of mc

Famed SoilDies It Tiis

' "/>>>- .. ?-*Agricultural ^Researcher Was ^Honored By World >

/ c

TUSKEGEE INSnruiE, Ala.~ gDr. George1 Wrtrihlimi'wn "g

Carver, «- Internationally vTamous .

agricultural scientist, died at bishomehere Tuesday night.

Dr. Carver, who had been Jn fail- 1ing health fur tho paafctew years, j

was confined to his bed .- several *

old at his death.

Dr. Carver was born In, 186f ona- Mlsflouri plantation He was kid* _

napped when a child, by night raida^ A.Wnvtono Ylis

n a tiriu taiweii tu

captors released the boy In ex-change for a race-horse valued at$300. . ,

.' '-.' i

As a youth Ire showed a remarkableaplilLule and intelligence withplants.-------- -Heattended the Iowa State AgriculturalCollege, at Ames. Iowa, i

whe-e he- -obtatneth hll^3lHlbElDlx: qDegree In Science. Because of hi*nmMlng scholarship he waa g4vw»a place on the faculty there,usual honor. Next he was given.charge ot the bacteriological" lab-roratory and the department of ,

systematic Botany. jIn ISM' took charge or the sden- f

'foMSyesura he had been do'rtg mar-"v" *iiit#.ljwi uttitlft" uiimiywiti'that have made hU napne known to Ithe remoteiOjiouhdi pf the Earth. <

f Dr, Carver waa made a Fellowof the Royal Society of ,Great Britainin 1014 and tlx ye*rj_lhlciJLheSpingarn Medal for lKe moat ^ila» jttnguisftetl .servica reridlsred by" anAmerican Negro during tfih year.

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kfrrmi*'' i* i»tiowriT7?which he dintculfural eh«m-l aifkt Funeral foinkinld, is to be held at T(itkt|M F

rntist, Dr.kegee Tuei'he Theodore Roosevelt Medal 1rnue to him, in. 1989 ftg "£Llll>flratnr~

omen of th^ white race as well as <^ the black." Henry lord, called flilm the greatest living chemist andtag named a school after him. Dr «tarver was as great a genivs in hF " Jvork as Edison, and Burbank and-v <

tfr\nrn;"i ijr'

ertainlytni- greatest genius that ^he Negro race had yet produced, jl-=== / iTh him the peanut was a storelouseof wonders. To his Inquiring- i

tnrl Intelligent mjnd over 300 dif.erent uses tor It wns^itolocked-

Spreading«.,1.' ^ f "Hiii.

WASHINGTON. t>. C7~- (SNST.Repeated attempt* on tht partr»r southern* »rmy ittif

son^rtto trjfnrcf MWJaW m*1

patterns on uf*HK>uthero ± areas

^aJtej^ Whlte, executive secretaryto ttKLNiUotvtl Association f6r the.Advancement of Colored People,Oho in a- letter to the Secretaryof War Stlmeon aakl:L att v «i « * * » i» ^* ttC IWPfniB mjgniri 'Wwt xTwr WW *

Denartment needs to speed up Hieformulation of a. more clearly dtofi'inipiokiMiirm -»ccordftac^rttiUi.;the t trhestp»tfi>aMdror democra- »

cv to n verf farther trouble and toserve notice upon t>|«ots that thedecent, thoughtful people of theunited -SUtPS who ponetHute the |to determine tho patterns of action]at the country as a whole and not

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r«nunTwven o'clock TwtijSfy -T

t Dr. Carver, friend and koi*>H<riA*7. r.

» ., :.... .. ,^-L.

Carver,to*veroArkafcla..a\ healing oil.-A $300,000,000 » tear peanut Inlustryhas bean built aU or ia part

Edison offered5 hint an Immensealary (o eome_and Vwlp hipi.but

.... -« .'MmW>

le could render his best eontritap-i-^ton to bumanHfr r.,r^;,...>.. --v'

In 1940 be sponsored the GeorgeWashington pafver foundation to

Hprow ithe bigots thenarelves."

1^1^ 1BE .thitmghr^l^J. - Browttr-lot ijtClHQMC. AditfOait-0T HotwlquM I-t 1ers. SrrndMi-ittallon, 47th OW^F!termaster Regiment at Pbrt SAOl -*Okla., in wWch were qputedjsecttom20k 104. lot.' and ItJilH ~

Oklahoma Statute providlnf^ (or

toto^t: the..!!toSSsing' IS^piSe^jff^AACP inquired if BeareU- ^ry SUmacm believed it to be


prop* ^w function of the WAr Department4. J A. >, X 2 i M -1., 2t ito i^tst Idles in the enfuw.>r*tnem>of-l»Tnrnm»^W <11*^^

fttnstcitieen* on Account of t**f.or color/< -* S.W'


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