Vornholt - Tyreman The Destruction of Sabbath

Vornholt - Tyreman The Destruction - The Chronicle Project ...thechronicleproject.org/PDF1/tdsfreesmall.pdf · The Destruction of Sabbath. ... To Don and Louise Cochran, Kay Smilie,

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Vornholt - Tyreman


Destruction of


Published 2014 by Aavara Books, Canada

The Destruction of Sabbath Copyright © 2014 by Chris Tyreman and Brad Vornholt. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro-duced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, digital, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other-wise, or conveyed via the Internet or a Web site without prior written per-mission of the Publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Cover Illustration © Christopher Tyreman

Inquiries should be addressed to:

In Canada Aavara Books 406 Edward Street Radisson, SK

Special Thanks to

eLaine Vornholt and Laura Lee Vornholt-Jones for use of their research in this book. To Don and Louise Cochran, Kay Smilie, Doug Ribot and Rita Westley for their help in editing, plus the Chronicle Research team for their invaluable time and dedica-

tion to the Hebrew restorations.

Special thanks to George Ure for getting the whole ball rolling those many years ago.

A Calculating War ....................................................................................6

Historic Deception ....................................................................................10

Designs on Time ....................................................................................19

The Creation of Continuity .....................................................................35

Christopaganism ....................................................................................46

Forbidden Calendar ....................................................................................54

For the Sake of Power Itself ....................................................................67

Saturn and other days of the Week ......................................................76

Constantine: Sun-day and the Helios ..................................................86

The One World Calendar For the New World Order .............................92

SDH: The Discovery of Self Defining Hebrew ................................101

The Moon: The Anomaly of Earth .....................................................109

The Battle for Planet Earth .................................................................116

Reform or Restoration ...........................................................................124

Bibliography .............................................................................................127

Table of Contents

Chapter 1A Calculating War

It is not man’s power of observation that is his great weakness, but his inca-pacity for competent conclusion.

Christopher Tyreman

T he moon: harbinger of the night, keeper of life on earth, timepiece of the centuries. Science would have you believe its creation was a mere ac-

cident, a chance encounter with a mars-sized body slamming into the earth like some cosmic executive toy, to create our anomalous satellite. The truth is far more amazing. This moon of ours holds secrets that will change the very way you understand our origins. A quick look at just a few of the facts is enough to understand there is much more to the picture than we have been led to believe.

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- The Moon orbits the earth at a speed of 400 km/h. The Earth turns at 100 times that rate and travels 40,000 km per rotation.

- The moon is 1/400th the size of the sun.- Conversely the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon and 400 times

further away from Earth, which is why we get to see eclipses as the sun and moon appear exactly the same size to an observer on Earth.

- The moon reflects 1/400,000 the light of the sun.

These are only a few of the mathematical facts that we will be dealing with later in this book. Is this just coincidental?

An actual in depth exploration of the facts regarding the moon will lead most people to a singular conclusion. The overwhelming list of mathematical co-incidence is so large, that one must consider the possibility that the moon and its exact placement in the heavens may not be a natural occurrence.

What becomes even more evident with this potential is why the moon was also the central timekeeping piece, the method of calendation for almost all ancient civilizations. It was used for millennia to calculate seasons, festi-vals, and most importantly, the days of rest called Sabbath days.

Did these ancient cultures know something that has been forgotten? Or even more troubling, has this knowledge been systematically erased to hide the truth from us?

The ancient Hebrew texts say that the moon was placed in the heavens to be used specifically for this purpose, and yet this idea has been relegated to myth. Why have religious orders and government authorities worked so hard over the centuries to distort and hide such a seemingly innocuous con-cept as the original Hebrew lunar based calendar?

Perhaps it is not the calendar, but what calculations it is needed for.

Nothing is more central to Jews, Christians and Moslems then the word “Sabbath.” It is this word that can resonate with benevolence or discord, with acceptance or revulsion. This extremely simple concept of setting aside a single day from work has been an ongoing divisive focus throughout the centuries. How can something apparently so insignificant, so easy to under-stand, so easy to follow be so misunderstood and maligned?

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Heads of governments have invoked death penalties; organized religions have persecuted and murdered hundreds of thousands all in regard to the placement and recognition of this simple day. Why has a veil of confusion darkened our very understanding of the original intent of Sabbath and its original calculation?

Perhaps it is time to understand and pull back this hegemony-imposed veil to understand why such destruction has been wrought over this single concept.

Let us examine the systemized destruction of the original instructions and ask, if the moon and its Sabbath concept is so unimportant then why have the religious authorities and governments through the centuries invested so much time and so many resources into its distortion. Do the religious struc-tures and world governments have clandestine knowledge of this day and if so, what are they keeping from us?

Is this a war to control the keeping of time? If so, who or what are the in-tended purposes and why? How could the use of a simple calendar system be so threatening that the complete eradication of it was paramount to those in opposition to its use.

Although the persecution of those following the original scriptural instruc-tion is less visible through the fog of time, in ages past the deadly purging of those following these simple Hebrew-based practices was fierce and deadly. As a quick overview, one can sum up the venomous hatred toward those following the original practices by looking at the edicts of just the Christian church at the time.

As a preliminary to acceptance when receiving instruction from a catechist in the principles of the Christian religion with a view to baptism, a Jew must confess and denounce verbally the whole Hebrew people, and forth-with declare that with a whole heart and sincere faith he desires to be re-ceived among the Christians. Then he must renounce openly in the church all Jewish superstition, replying in these words:

A profession of faith, from the Roman church of Constantinople...

I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the

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Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspersions, purifications, sanctifi-cations and propitiations, and fasts, and new moons, and Sab-baths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants and observanc-es and synagogues, and the food and drink of the Hebrews; in one word, I renounce absolutely everything Jewish, every law, rite and custom, and above all I renounce Antichrist, whom all the Jews await in the figure and form of Christ; . . . . and thus, with my whole heart, and soul, and with a true faith I come to the Christian Faith. But if it be with deceit and with hypocrisy, and not with a sincere and perfect faith and a genuine love of Christ, but with a pretence to a be Christian that I come, and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish supersti-tion, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I ac-knowledge myself liable. And may 1 be anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the dev-ils. From James Parkes: The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study in the Origins of Anti-Semitism, (New York: JPS, 1934), 394-400 quoted from Assemani, Cod. Lit., 1, p. 105

This is the kind of environment the original scripture directives had to en-dure to survive. The constant day-to-day fight against an ever-strengthening system designed to displace the initial instructions with the traditions and edicts of the early Christian church that was busy melding with pagan beliefs and co-opting with the Roman governments.

Let us then delve into the history of this movement, and recognize the pres-ent outcome in our modern society, asking what are the secrets they have hidden and why.

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Chapter 2Historic Deception

“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses . . . more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

“Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will contin-ue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, Ch. X.

F or a Jew, those words can only invoke memories of atrocities most wish only to forget. But we must not. We must remember those words and

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fully understand their truth to remain prepared. For he was not the first to discover their power and he will not be the last. One must realize that just because we have accepted the belief in something, that does not make it truth. Truth and belief are not synonymous. To assume this is the first mis-take. Assumptions are dangerous as Hitler so horribly showed us, but they are particularly troublesome when they are made in the realm of religion. If a theological belief is based on a faulty assumption, the religious practice will be in error. People’s very lives may be trampled in the ensuing rush by the “righteous” to fulfill the edicts of their god. Bastardized core concepts can have far reaching ramifications.

The concept of the scriptural lunar-based He-brew Sabbath should be earmarked as one of the most misunderstood, manipulated and corrupted of these concepts. Its origin and implementation have been re-fashioned and packaged to where it has become a mere umbra of its original image, unquestioned by all except its most ardent seek-ers. This occultation of the original instructions has been so masterfully presented that even the Saturday Sabbatarians such as the Seventh-Day

Adventists fervently believe that Saturday must be the correct Hebrew Sab-bath. After all, the Jews could never be turned from following the laws of Creator as they were written in the Torah. They recognize Friday at Sun-down until Saturday at sundown as Sabbath, therefore it must be Sabbath. This unfortunately is a wonderful example of circular reasoning.

Consider the unthinkable, that the average Jew and even more, the Chris-tians are unaware that the instructions for calculating the original Hebrew lunar Sabbath have been changed. More than that, if they do know it has been changed, they have been taught that any change instituted is scriptural, therefore fully acceptable, so it remains unquestioned.

One may follow the weekly Hebrew Sabbath diligently every Friday night at sundown until Saturday night at Sundown; follow all of the rites and tradi-tions and believe wholeheartedly they are following scriptural Sabbath, but they miss the fact that as it sits, the modern Lunisolar Hebrew calendar fails to recognize New Moon Sabbaths as an extra day Sabbath described in To-rah and beyond.

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In the original Hebrew Lunar calendar, after the fourth Sabbath of the month, the next day is either the extra day of the month or the new moon Sabbath. The present system ignores this commanded Sabbath and yet few Jews even understand this error. We have now reached the point where the words of our teachers and tradition hold greater weight than those of the Creator of the lunar calendar system.

What few Jews, and even less Sabbatarians, know is during the A.D. fourth century, per-secution of all who used the original Hebrew lunar-based calendar for worship was so in-tense, that in the end, the Jews gave up their calendar handed down from the texts of the creation through to Moses and instead adopted

a calendar adjusted for worship based on the solar centered Julian calendar.

If asked, the Jewish leadership is very open that their original calendar was set aside under the intense Roman persecution of any who used the Hebrew calendar in the A.D. fourth century, “Under the reign of Constantius (337-362) the persecutions of the Jews reached such a height that . . . the computa-tion of the calendar [was] forbidden under pain of severe punishment.”1

Presently the Hebrew Calendar used for calculation is called the Lunisolar calendar. A lunisolar calendar is a calendar whose date indicates both the moon phase and the time of the solar year. This is a blended timepiece which relies both on the lunar cycle of the moon and the equinox calculations of the sun.2 This is not the original scriptural Hebrew system described in the Hebrew Torah. To someone who does not follow the Hebrew scriptures, this might seem like a moot point. After all, a day off is a day off. To a Hebrew however Sabbath stands in a much different light.

Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying: Verily ye shall keep My sabbaths, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that ye may know that I am the LORD who sanctify you. Exodus 31:13 KJV

The concept is simple, Sabbath is a covenant between those who follow the 1 “Calendar,” The Jewish Encyclopedia, 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunisolar_calendar

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Creator and the Creator himself. Those who do not follow Sabbath do not have a sign showing relationship with the Creator.

If the writings of the Torah are seen by one as being true, then there can-not be anything more important to one who wishes to commune with the Creator than the Sabbath day. By themselves, these writings may be disregarded as just a collection of stories, but once the empirical evidence we have compiled in this book is considered, it will become

increasingly difficult to merely brush them off as myths. The potential is be-coming evident that these writings may hold the key to our very beginnings.

There are four main areas in which the original calendar differs from the replacement:

- The original scriptural lunar calendar uses only the lunar cycle and the ripening barley harvest to set weeks, months and years.

- The Julian/Gregorian replacements, being solar calendars, honor the sun god, designed to begin the year just after the “rebirth” of the sun god at the winter solstice. The scriptural Hebrew lunar calendar in no way attaches itself to a time recognizing another god.

- The Julian/Gregorian calendars have a continuous weekly cycle of Sunday through Saturday. The original calendar established in the Hebrew texts at the beginning does not. Some months carry an extra day between the last Sabbath of the month and the Sabbath to begin the months. The weekly cycle restarts with each new moon/month.

- The modern Lunisolar calendar has each Friday night as Sabbath and fails to observe the instructions for a Sabbath at the sighting of the new moon which begins each Hebrew month as the original scripture based Hebrew lunar calendar commanded.

Maimonides (followers of Moshe ben Maimon) and most other Jewish chro-nologers agree that the modern Jewish calendar is based upon the “mean

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motions of the sun and moon, the true [calendar] having been set aside.” 3

The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, depen-dent upon the lunar cycle . . . Originally, the New Moon was celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath; gradually it became less important while the Sabbath became more and more a day of religion and humanity, of religious meditation and instruction, of peace and delight of the soul. “Holidays,” Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 410

With the development of the importance of the Sabbath as a day of consecration and the emphasis laid upon the significant num-ber seven, the week became more and more divorced from its lu-nar connection . . . . “Week,” Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Isaak Landman (ed.), Vol. X, (1943 ed.), p. 482

The months of the year were lunar, and began with the new moon (khodesh), which came to mean “month” rather than “time of the new moon”. What most people do not know is that the modern word month is derived from the word moon.

A month is a unit of time, used with calen-dars, which was first used and invented ac-cording to archeologists in Mesopotamia, as a natural period related to the motion of the Moon; month and Moon are cognates. The traditional concept arose with the cycle of moon phases; such months (complete cycles of the moon called lunations) are called syn-

odic months and last approximately 29.53 days. From excavated tally sticks, researchers have deduced that people counted days in relation to the Moon’s phases as early as the Paleolithic age. Synodic months, based on the Moon’s orbital period, are still the basis of many calendars today, and are used to divide the year. (Wikipedia)

During the era of the Old Testament Kings the new moon was observed by a two-day festival and the temple was to be open

3 Maimonides, Kiddusch Ha-hodesch, Tr. Mahler, Wein

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on both Sabbaths. (I Sam. 20:24-47.)4

During the A.D. first century the Israelites were using the scriptural Hebrew calendar, handed down from Adam and again through Moses. The high priest, who was selected from the ruling Sadducee class, was in charge of declaring when a new month had begun with the sighting of the new moon by two witnesses. The Pharisees at that time did not control the calendar. This is a very important point because the calendar in use today is a calendar devised by the Pharisees and

justified by their oral tradition.

With the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) the Sadducees dis-appeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was regu-lated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was recon-structed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition sup-planted the older priestly tradition (Abot 1:1). Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future. “Pharisees,” The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, (1901-1906 ed.), p. 666.

As a result of the extreme persecution associated with any attempt to use the scriptural calendar, some believe that Hillel II, the last President of the Sanhedrin, created a reformed scriptural calendar.

Declaring the new month by observation of the new moon, and the New Year by the arrival of spring, can only be done by the Sanhedrin. In the time of Hillel II [4th century CE], the last President of the Sanhedrin, the Romans prohibited this practice. Hillel II was therefore forced to institute his fixed calendar, thus in effect giving the Sanhedrin’s advance approval to the calen-dars of all future years. “The Jewish Calendar and Holidays (incl. Sabbath)”: The Jewish Calendar; Changing the Calendar, www.torah.org,

From ancients times the months and years of the Jewish calendar 4 The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Calendar,” p. 631.

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have been established by the cycles of the moon and the sun. The traditional law prescribes that the months shall follow close-ly the course of the moon . . . In the early times of our history the solution was found by the following practical procedure: The beginnings of the months were determined by direct observation of the new moon. . . . This method of observation and intercala-tion was in use throughout the period of the second temple (516 BCE – 70 CE), and about three centuries after its destruction, as long as there was an independent Sanhedrin. In the fourth century, however, when oppression and persecution threatened the continued existence of the Sanhedrin, the patriarch Hillel II took an extraordinary step to preserve the unity of Israel . . . he made public the system of calendar calculation which up to then had been a closely guarded secret. It had been used in the past only to check the observations and testimonies of witnesses, and to determine the beginnings of the spring season. Arthur Spier, The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar, (Jerusalem and New York: Feldheim Publishers, 1986)

The original Hebrew calendar was one of both cal-culation and observation. The moon is extremely precise and accurate. Even the various anomalies due to her elliptical orbit can be predicted. With ad-vanced astronomical knowledge, which the ancients possessed, the scriptural Hebrew calendar is both exact and calculable allowing past and future fore-casts for the appearance of each new moon. The beauty of this method of calendation is that a shep-herd on a hillside, with no astronomical knowledge

whatsoever, can still use it by observation. This is where the inefficiency of the solar calendar becomes evident. In ancient days, once a person lost their place on the solar calendar, it could not be re-established until the next equinox, where as the arrival of the Hebrew lunar-based month is heralded by the appearance of each new moon. In modern times this does not present a problem, but to the ancient observer an accurate solar calendar system for time keeping was not readily available to the common workingman.

When Hillel II “fixed” the calendar, he moved the New Year and corrupted

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the weekly cycle. The principles by which a scriptural Hebrew calendar is calculated are purely astronomical. Hillel II did not create them. He merely “made public the system of calendar calculation which up to then had been a closely guarded secret.”

Rabbi Louis Finklestein stated:

Pharasaism became Talmudism … [But] the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew … studies the Tal-mud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestin-ian academies. . . . The spirit of the [Pharisees’] doctrine has remained quick and vital. . . . From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia, and Eastern Europe generally, an-cient Pharasaism has wandered.

The Talmud derives its authority from the position held by the ancient academies (i.e. Pharisee). The teachers of those acad-emies, both of Babylonia and of Palestine, were considered the rightful successors of the older Sanhedrin. . . . At the present time, the Jewish people have no living central authority compa-rable in status to the ancient Sanhedrins or the later academies. Therefore, any decision regarding the Jewish religion must be based on the Talmud as the final resumé of the teaching of those authorities when they existed. - Louis Finklestein, The Phari-sees: The Sociological Background of their Faith

The traditions of the Pharisees are preserved in what is known as the Talmud a compilations of Jewish religious teachings and commentary that was transmitted orally for centuries prior to its compilation by Jewish scholars in Israel. They teach that if one does not know when Sabbath occurs, simply keep one day in seven. It is easy to see how such a tradition could be used to justify changing the calendar due to the extreme persecution

facing all who worshipped by the lunar-based Hebrew calendar. Using his authority as president of the Sanhedrin, it is assumed that Hillel II tied the annual feasts to the spring equinox. Next, he adjusted the weekly seventh day Sabbath to the Julian seventh day Saturday. This “freed” the Jews from the condemnation of the law since they no longer knew when the true Sab-

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bath occurred. Thus, they justified their use of the pagan calendar.

For those who use the scriptural Hebrew calendar, calculation is very simple. The weekdays, Sabbaths and New Moon Sabbath of each lunar month always fall on the exact same dates of each Hebrew month. This explains why, whenever the date of a seventh day Sabbath is given in the Hebrew scriptures, it always falls on the 8th, 15th, 22nd or 29th of the Hebrew month. The days of the week do not float through the monthly dates as they do now on the modern Gregorian calendar. After Hillel II “fixed” the calendar to fit into a Julian framework and moved the observance of the seventh day Sabbath from the lunar week to the continuously cycling Ju-

lian week, difficulties arose. The new moon would cycle through the Julian days of the week, which caused the annual feasts to fall on the wrong times of the month. As a result, rules of postponement were established – some-thing that was unnecessary with the scriptural Hebrew calendar, became necessary with the inefficient and ever changing Julian/solar calendar.

Those who desire to worship on the true seventh day Sabbath should not look to modern calendation efforts. All who worship on Saturday because “the Jews keep Saturday” are not following the scriptural Hebrew Sabbath, but the faux Sabbath that Hillel II’s corruption of the original calendation fashioned. This corruption of the correct day thus channeled the whole of the Jewish people into breaking one of the Hebrew scriptures most important decrees and caused the lose of the New Moon Sabbath of each month.

This was not done without a plan.

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Chapter 3Designs on Time

In the heavens there is nothing accidental, nothing arbitrary, nothing out of order, nothing erratic. Everywhere is order, truth, reason, constancy . . . I cannot understand this regularity in the stars, this harmony of time and motion in their curious orbits through all eternity, except as the expression of reason, mind and purpose . . . Their constant and eternal motion, won-derful and mysterious in its regularity, declares the indwelling power of a divine intelligence. If any man cannot feel the power of God when he looks upon the stars, then I doubt whether he is capable of any feeling at all.


T he beautifully simple words of Roman Stoic, Cicero, give voice to his admiration for the heaven and it’s Creator. He further observed, “When

you see a sundial or a water-clock, you see that it tells the time by design and not by chance.” Scripture, history and archeology all agree, ancient

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civilizations used lunar-based calendation. Egyptians, as sun worshippers, are believed to be the first to move to a purely solar cal-endar although originally they too used a lunar calendar. The ancient civil Egyptian calendar had a year that was 365 days long and was divided into 12 months of 30 days each, plus five extra days at the years end. Short of the actual solar year, it was known as the wandering year. The perfection of

the scriptural Hebrew lunar calendar verses the solar, as preserved by the Hebrews is well summed up in the words of Joseph Scaliger as “the most ingenious and most elegant of all systems of chronology.” Joseph Scaliger, De Emendatione Temporum, (Francofurt, 1593), p. 108

The reason? The Hebrew lunar-based method of time keeping is the most accurate, precise and elegant, while at the same time the “most ingenious” because, built within it are checks and balances, which require no man made manipulation to keep perfect track of time. On the other side, history shows all solar-based calendars require continual adjustment. Such timekeeping was so inefficient that solar-based calendars such as the original Roman cal-endar only had ten months, because the winter was not demarcated. It wasn’t until circa 700 B.C. that the second king of Rome Numa Pompilius added January and February to the end of the calendar in order to conform to how long it actually takes the Earth to go around the Sun.

The original scriptural Hebrew lunar calendar is based on three observable facts:

1. The spinning of Earth on its axis: a day. 2. The complete cycle of the Moon from one horned moon to the next.3. The seasonal ripening of the grain heralded by the barley crop in Israel.

Each segment of lunar cycle clockwork is “off” in relation to the solar cal-endar. The weeks of the solar calendar do not align with the weeks of the lunar cycle and the lunar-based year self adjusts to the solar year through the years, but is not tied to it. To the casual observer, the solar calendar would appear to make more sense, and yet, when taken as a whole, the parts of the scriptural Hebrew lunar

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calendar unite to provide a coordinated time keeping system that is precise enough for the most exacting astronomical calculation, while simple enough for a child to just lift his or her eyes to the heavens and understand the cal-endar of the Creator.

Some people, in studying lunar calendation, have supposed that prior to the flood described in Torah at the time of Noah, the planets were in perfect align-ment: each month on Earth had 30 days; the years were 360 days long. This explanation is designed to explain the moons orbital time not matching up with the Earth’s yearly orbital length of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 sec-onds of mean solar time. While it

would simplify the calculations, it is a quantum leap in assumption and the statements of antiquity do not support such speculation. It should be noted however, that even if this supposition was correct, the scriptural Hebrew calendar was designed to self adjust even for this potential.

The instructions are simple. If the barley crop is ripe enough to harvest in the twelfth month, then the twelfth month was the end of the year. If the crops were not ready in the twelfth month, then a thirteenth month was added as a “leap month” in that year. This adjusted the lunar calendar back in line with the solar year. Many seem to have trouble with the idea that the system could be that simple.

Some of these misunderstandings have arisen over the belief that the scrip-tural Hebrew lunar system and modern solar-based system need to match up. Some believe there have been changes since the inception of the original He-brew lunar system. For those who try this matching and blending becomes an exercise in futility and quite possibly, that is the way it was intended to be by its Creator, un-meshable. An original system that required no calculation and only required observing the barley crops of Israel to establish the begin-ning of the new cycle. Thus the Hebrew people would always look to the land of their origin at the start of each new year. A simple built in remem-

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brance of who they are and where they came from.The Lunar calendation was used by many ancient civilizations. Some theo-rize this was because it was the method brought down from Adam, before the flood, through Noah and his descendants. Historical artifacts and records reveal that Sumer, the first post-flood civilization, possessed the largest and most accurate body of pre-flood knowledge. The applied mathematics of Sumer with their measurement of the heavens is still in use today.

One might begin to ask if it is time for knowledge of the original Hebrew calendar to be restored and understood. If at first it seems difficult to grasp, it is merely because it is a new concept. Unfamiliarity does not, by defini-tion, prove something is in error. Even the Gregorian calendar has rules that are unfamiliar to most people, such as the rare occurrence of eight years between leap years.

Let us now look at the different periods of time and how they are to be cal-culated using the original Hebrew lunar calculations.


Hebrew scripture establishes three specific times of congregation: after six days of work Sabbaths, New Moon Sabbaths to begin the months, and annual feast Sabbaths. The annual high Sabbath festivals such as Passover, being the most important Sabbath, had the most gift-ing brought to the Temple to Creator during those specified days. It is of note that consider-ably more gifts to the Temple were required on

New Moons than even for the weekly Sabbaths showing that New Moon Sabbaths were considered greater and not lesser Sabbaths. The time of the new moon or Khodesh was a day to consecrate oneself to the Creator for the upcoming month and like all Sabbath days, no commerce or work was to be conducted. To the ancient people, all monthly Sabbaths held the same rules. These three types of worship days were all calculated using the lunar calendar.

In modern times you will find the Jews using the new moons to calculate the

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yearly high Sabbath festivals but not the weekly Sabbaths, which are pres-ently calculated using the Gregorian continuous seven day weekly cycle. In scripture, New Moon Sabbaths and weekly Sabbaths are to be calculated using nothing but the original Hebrew lunar calendar.

Likewise, there is no evidence in Hebrew scripture that the calendar used to calculate the yearly feasts was different than that which was used to calculate the weekly Sabbaths and New Moons. In addition, if scripture is correct, it also clearly reveals that both New Moon Sabbaths and weekly Sabbaths are not a thing of the past, but will continue to be observed in the future of Earth. This can be observed in the writings of the prophet Isaiah as he speaks of a time far in the future.

And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith the LORD. (Isaiah 66:23)

Although some Hebrew scriptures “appear” to conflict with the idea that all time keeping was solely lunar, new evidence regarding the restoration of the Hebrew language has recently come to light through the work of the Chron-icle Project research center in Canada. These discoveries will revolutionize your beliefs not only on the origins of the Hebrew language, but about the very beginnings of the Earth itself. In later chapters we will take time to look at some of these discoveries.


At first, one aspect of the scriptural Hebrew calendar that’s hardest to wrap one’s mind around is the difference in the weekly Hebrew cycle compared to the modern calendar. The Gregorian calendar, like the Julian calendar before it, has a continuous weekly cycle of Sunday to Saturday. The original scriptural Hebrew calendar resets the cycle after twenty-nine or thirty days depending on which day the appearance of each new moon occurs. So a He-brew month may have twenty-nine or thirty days, but never more. Each time the new moon appears, the new month begins and the calendar will reset to the first day of the month. So each month begins on the first, and Sabbaths

24 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

occur after every six days of work until the new moon appears starting the next month. Every Hebrew month, the Sabbath days will be on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th day, then await the new moon. Then the next month re-peats exactly the same all year long. A Hebrew lunar calendar needs only be one page long with a simple number to fill in at the top to show which month it is, as the cycle is always the same. This is the only page you will ever need in your whole life. The Gregorian calendar remains continuous, so if the month ends on a Saturday, the next month begins with Sunday and so on. This is why the two calendars are not compatible and also why the Gregorian calendar needs twelve new pages every year until it repeats.


A Hebrew month begins the evening the horned crescent moon is observed. The horned crescent moon is the name given to the Sabbath new moon. It describes a moon with roughly seven percent of the lunar surface lighted.

For those of you who do not live near the equator, an explanation of the term is in order. The setting new moon, which is seen at the equator appears to the observer to be on its side giving the impression of a set of horns, hence the name. You can see from the following photographs how the crescent would appear at new moon from different places on the Earth.

The apparent change in the placement of the moon in the sky comes from the position of the person on our planet who is observing the crescent. The nearer to the equator one is, the more tipped the moon appears. To the per-

Northern HemisphereTo the observer in the Northern Hemisphere, the new moon appears as so. The moon has just begun to move away from the sun and the sunlight is just catching the edge. In essence, as the observer is standing toward the top of the planet, they sees the moon as thus.

25 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

son in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the moon is vertical. To a person at the equator, it is tipped on its side, appearing like a pair of horns. The term “horned” moon is important. It is possible, though rarely, to see a moon just above the horizon after sunset. This moon is micro thin and barely lighted around the edge of the moons surface. This moon was not recognized as a new moon, as it was too early and so the term “horned” moon was introduced to inform the Hebrew observer of the moon’s proper “new moon” proportions.

To add to the confusion of terms, present day astronomers have changed the term “new moon” to no longer refer to the crescent moon, and instead tying the term to what is currently known as the “conjunction” of the moon. The conjunction is when the earth, moon and sun are all in alignment. From Earth, it would mean that the moon would be between the sun and us. This position during certain times causes solar eclipses, which occur as the shad-ow from the moon passes over the Earth as the moon blocks the sun. At this

EquatorTo the observer in the Equatorial region, the new moon appears as so. The observer is standing on the side of the planet, they sees the moon as thus, hence the “horned” moon. The further away from the equator, the more vertical the tip will appear.

Southern HemisphereTo the observer in the Southern Hemisphere, the new moon appears as so. The observer is standing toward the bottom of the planet, they sees the moon as thus.

If the moon were full, the face would appear upside down to the Northern viewer

26 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

position, the moon cannot be seen from earth as the light of the sun obscures it. This conjunctive or “paired” position is also referred to as the black or dark of the moon. Presently the Jewish computations are made from this point, throwing the proper times for the festivals off of their correct times. Quite an odd choice knowing that the Hebrew month began the evening the

horned crescent moon was observed in the evening sky. Although there are differing opinions on what position should be observed as the new moon, the overwhelming weight of archeological and scriptural evidence, plus the discoveries of the Chronicle Project, establishes that the horned crescent (a slightly older crescent moon) was originally considered the new moon. Josephus the great Jewish historian writes of various-sized crescent moons being displayed on the wall of the Hebrew high priest’s quar-ters to determine the size, angle and placement of the moon for use in ques-tioning the people coming to the temple to testify regarding the appearance of each months new moon. If it was the first visible one, there would be no need for such comparison.

The word for new moon in Hebrew is chôdesh or khodesh which means to renew or replace. It is translated both as “month” and as “moon.” But for the English reader it should always be translated as “time of the new moon.” The phrase “new moon” refers to the visibly seen moon, as it is re-lighted, or renewed, after the dark phase. In order for the moon to be renewed or seen, there must actually be something there to be seen. In the following quote from Ecclesiasticus, notice the emphasis on the changing light of the moon as a sign to be seen. When the moon is in conjunction, there is nothing to be seen, and thus it is not a sign.

“He made the moon also to serve in her season for a declaration

27 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

of times, and a sign of the world. From the moon is the sign of feasts, a light that decreaseth in her perfection. The month is called after her name, increasing wonderfully in her changing, being an instrument of the armies above, shining in the firma-ment of heaven; The beauty of heaven, the glory of the stars, an ornament giving light in the highest places of the Lord. At the commandment of the Holy One they will stand in their order, and never faint in their watches”. Ecclesiasticus 44:6-10

The horned crescent moon is sighted above the Western horizon after sunset. This moon appears at different angles and positions depending upon one’s location on earth. The following graphics show what the crescent moon looks like from different points in relation to the sun and earth.

28 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

Depending upon one’s latitude, the distance away from the path of the set-ting sun will be plus or minus 5 .̊ At arm’s length, the width of one finger is 1.5 degrees. The furthest away from the sun’s pathway that the crescent ever appears, will be approximately four fingers (at arms length). If one is at the equator, the moon will appear to set directly over where the sun sets.The further North or South one goes, the more degrees away from the sun’s path the moon will appear. The following graphics show the position of the crescent in relation to that of the sun.

Like the sun, the moon also rises in the East and sets in the West. The time of day the moon rises, determines whether or not it will be seen, and how much of it will be seen. The following is a listing of times the moon rises according to its phase.

Moonrise times over the period of a lunar month:

Conjunction – sunrise (The moon rises with the sun and thus cannot be seen.)First Quarter – roughly around noonFull moon – roughly around sunsetLast quarter – roughly around midnight

“Because the weekly cycle started over with each new moon, the days of each month were simply sequential starting with new moon being day 1” Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews

29 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

Each New Moon (first of the month) was followed by six workdays. The seventh day Sabbath as mentioned before, thus fell on every 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the Hebrew lunar month.

The format of the calendar was like this:

Workdays Sabbaths New Moon day 1stSix work days (dates 2nd – 7th) Sabbath 8th Six work days (dates 9th – 14th) Sabbath 15th Six work days (dates 16th – 21st) Sabbath 22nd Six work days (dates 23rd – 28th) Sabbath 29thTranslation day, 30th, when needed

In modern calendar format, every Hebrew month appears thus:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0 21 2 2

23 24 25 26 27 28 29-(30)

The 30th of the month, like the first of the month, was not part of the weekly cycle, simply a placeholder to await the adjustment of the lunar cycle. How-ever, it was counted and did have a date, as an account must be made of all time.


All calendars periodically require some form of intercalation (adjustments). The solar Gregorian calendar has two rules for intercalation:

• Every fourth year, one extra day is intercalated adding February 29 to that year.

30 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

• Centurial (every 100th) years are leap years only if they are equally divisible by 400. For this reason, 2000 was a leap year, but 1900, 1800 and 1700 were not.

The original scriptural Hebrew lunar calendar has a periodically added month instead of just a leap day. A solar year of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 min-utes, and 12 seconds is longer than a lunar year by 10 days, 21 hours and 6.72 minutes. As this extra time accrues, every two to three years a 13th month is required to be added to adjust the Hebrew calendar back to the seasons. Various pagan cultures used the vernal equinox, the summer solstice, the fall equinox or the winter solstice to tie the shorter lunar year to the longer solar year. The Creator of the Hebrew lunar calendar anchored the beginning of the original lunar calendar to the ripening of the barley harvest in Israel, which logically ended the year with the harvest being ready. The new year thus begins with the harvest.

In ancient times, the law commanded Israel that a handful of the first fruits of the land should be presented to the priest for an of-fering at Passover time before any bread, parched corn, or green ears should be eaten by the people. This was to be a statute for-ever throughout their generations in all their dwellings. Leviticus 23:10-14

By this law the ancient Jewish year was regulated, and the full moon of barley harvest marked the first month of the year, which was called Abib, signifying the new fruits or “green ears.” Deuteronomy 16:1

Rather then observe the barley harvest as instructed, the modern Luniso-lar calculations are based on what is called the Metonic Cycle named after Meton of Athens who claimed to be the first to discover that every 19 years the sun, earth and moon come back to the same location relative to each other. So instead of relying on the original instructions, the Metonic calcula-tions are used to invoke the adjustment years rather than the observations of the barley harvest as commanded in scripture.

The barley-harvest law, when applied to a continuous series of

31 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

years, is the same in its performance as the law of the 19 year cycle. The moon dates themselves follow the same law, and pe-riodically, in harmony with the 19 year cycle principle, the extra moons are interpolated that bring the lunar year into harmony with the solar. Every 19 years, the barley-harvest moon dates repeat within a day. The embolismic years follow the same cycle number indefinitely, and the cycle can be numbered from any year in the series. Grace Amadon, Ancient Jewish Calendation, op. cit., pp. 8-9

There are seven “leap” years within the 19-year Metonic Cycle. This order of a common years (those without an added month) and Ve-Adar (the name for the 13th month) year never changes in barley-harvest reckoning, and the embolismic (leap) month is always in the spring. The pattern of common and embolismic/leap years is as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

While this mathematical principle does function on an averaging basis it does not allow for the harvest to always be brought in before the end of the year. The appearance of an unforeseen drought, for example could not be predicted or adjusted for once the Metonic Cycle became the standard. If the Metonic cycle called for the year to begin, but the harvest was late due to cold weather, then Passover would be instituted and the wave offerings that follow, without new harvested crop being available. While it is rare, this can occur and it reveals the shortsightedness of using the Metonic Cycle. To add to this, if the place within this cycle is lost, an observer has no way of knowing the length of any given year. Mere observance of the crops refixes the position each year. Thus when mathematics supersedes observation, the whole point of using the observation method is lost. Man-made law arises, devoid of life and the Creator’s purpose.

The observation method has multiple purposes:

1. It places the ability to keep time squarely in the hands of each observer, who looking into the sky remembers that time is regulated not by man, but by the command of the Creator who placed the timepiece in the heavens.

32 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

2. The word Khodesh, the time of the new moon means to renew. Each time we speak the word we know that we have reached a time of new beginning of renewal, once a month a time of rest and reflection.

3. It focuses the attention of the Hebrew scripture followers at least once a year to the land of Abraham.

4. By having the new year focused on the harvest, it harkens us to remember that the purpose of man was to tend the Earth as commanded by Creator.

5. It prevents calculating dates far into the future, keeping the focus of the people within the parameters of the present year.

An example of this type of thinking is displayed in the celebration of Rosh Hashanah. It occurs in the middle of the Hebrew year. It’s a time to envi-sion, a time to look back at what has been and forward to what will be the rest of the year, a time to reflect and reset what has been done wrong and set what to do right. This time culminates in the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).

What is the purpose of this? The effects of long-term plan-ning in the western culture us-ing the predictable Gregorian calendar brings the answer to light. We have become a des-tination society, a society of “I will be happy when.” A lost so-ciety mired in today, waiting for that fulfillment of “someday” to arrive. The short-term vision

grounds the observer within a visible period. Life focuses on the journey not the destination. Life is pulled from each day through the year and not put off until that indeterminate “someday.”

It is in this method of calendar adjustment that the original scriptural He-brew calendar shines forth as superior to all other forms of calendation. The various segments that appear to be “off” when considered individually in

33 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

actuality account for the moon’s various anomalies and provide an extremely accurate and predictable calendar. In practice it is so simple anyone need only watch the heavens to observe its ongoing function. If one’s observance of days is lost, it can be re-found at each new moon by sight alone. This is impossible with a solar observance for an average person using sight alone.

To make the idea of New Moon simple for the modern observer, regardless of your position on the earth, one way to consistently calculate New Moon Day is by observing when seven percent or slightly better of the lunar surface is lighted. Many apps are now available, free for this purpose. This percent-age is interesting as the crescent is seven percent lighted on the seventh day of the original creation week described in Genesis. This seven percent is consistent with the ancient Hebrew practice of choosing the horned crescent rather than the first visible sliver of moon.

So what is the outcome of moving away from observation and into math-ematics aside from the personal effects? History can answer that question for us.

During the century preceding the destruction of Jerusalem, the Sodhaїbour or “Secret Council for Intercalation” appointed by the Sanhedrin, fixed each year of the Jewish calendar by means of astronomical calculations based on certain regulations kept secret for a long time, which in the end transpired [via Hillel II] to the outer world. The direct observation of the new moon on the evening of the 29th day of the month, and the statements of witnesses – observers to be received with the customary for-malities by a tribunal designated by said Council – were used merely to confirm the astronomical calculations, and, above all, in order to surround with mystery, the deliberations of the Coun-cil behind closed doors. Sidersky, op. cit., p. 625.

With all that having been said, and knowing that the calculations can work; here was the unforeseen outcome of replacing observation with calculation. The Sanhedrin reserved the right to the knowledge and the setting of the times. The original scriptural Hebrew calendar instructions were designed specifically to prevent authoritarian control. Once the common man began looking to the Sanhedrin it removed the focus from the Creator of the cal-endar and handed to the religious and governmental officials, placing a false

34 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

earthy authority between the Creator and us. Once the original knowledge of the system was lost by many, and held by few, the manipulation of the calendar and it’s Sabbaths began.

35 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

Chapter 4The Creation of Continuity

A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.


T hose reading this book might assume that the problem of calendar ad-justment is solely a Jewish problem. Yet that could not be further from

the truth. Churches who call Sunday as Sabbath (although there is no scrip-ture which commands this change), base this practice on the explanation that Jesus of Nazareth arose from the tomb on a Sunday. As it is written he was taken down from the crucifixion before the Sabbath began. Jews observe Sabbath on Friday, therefore they explain to the masses he rose on Sunday. The masses then base their belief, and thus their practice, on an assumption.

36 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

The assumption is that there has been a continuous cycle of seven days from the beginning of calendation through the Julian calendar, which transitioned to the Gregorian. Therefore the modern week is identical to the scriptural week. Therefore, the “logical conclusion” is that Friday evening to Saturday evening is indeed the scriptural Sabbath. The historical facts of the Julian calendar alone prove this assumption to be false.

Santayana wrote in The Life of Reason, (1905), “Those who cannot remem-ber the past are condemned to repeat it.” Likewise, those who have never learned the facts of calendar history have built an entire belief structure on a faulty foundation: the assumption that weeks have cycled continuously and without interruption ever since Creation. It is of vital importance to all, regardless of their religion, to study the history of the Julian and Gregorian calendar. Assembling the missing puzzle pieces of historical facts reveal when a continuous weekly cycle of seven days became the standard mea-surement of time and it was not at Creation.

Before we do that though, it might bear a moment for the Christian reader to observe how well the idea of Sunday being the day of resurrection has been ingrained into your subconscious. If one observes the words of Jesus of Nazareth regarding his resurrection he spoke as thus:

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Matthew 12:40 KJV

Here Jesus describes to his follow-ers that he must be buried for three days and three nights before he ris-es again. Not three days, but three periods of day and three periods of night. Six periods in all. He was very specific and in no way infers this to be a metaphor.

Let us pretend for arguments sake that he did die on a Gregorian Friday as you are presently taught. We need six periods of time, three days and three nights. So beginning with him be-

37 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

ing put in the tomb Friday afternoon before Sabbath, it begins as such:

Friday day 1Friday night night 1Saturday day 2Saturday night night 2Sunday morning day 3Sunday night night 3

Do you see the problem? If you take his words as truth, then the day of his resurrection cannot be on a Sunday. People try to explain this away, but it cannot be ignored. Sunday according to his own words cannot be the day of his rising. It would be Monday. Why then does the Church continue to call Sunday the Christian Sabbath? The reason is because the deception is so complete that we can no longer see the truth. Once we moved from the use of the original Hebrew calendar, the Church and State was slowly able to remove us from the truth and replace it with the hidden agenda to worship the gods of their creation on their Sabbaths.

Julian Calendar Established

The calendar of the Roman Republic was originally based on lunar phases, but this began to change. Pagan Roman priests, called pontiffs, were respon-sible for regulating the calendar. As the pontiffs could also hold political office, it provided opportunity for abuse. Adding in an extra month could keep favored politicians in office longer, while not intercalating one when necessary could shorten the terms of political opponents.

As a note of interest, intercalation (adding extra months or days) was thought to be “unlucky” and during the Second Punic War (218-201 B.C.) the priests hesitated to make changes, thus throwing the calendar slightly off the sea-sons.

By the time Julius Caesar was elected in 63 B.C. months were completely out of alignment with the seasons. Julius Caesar began exercising his right as pontifex maximus on what had become a cumbersome and inaccurate

38 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion


The term pontifex maximus means High Priest, a title now reserved exclu-sively for the Pope. This is an appropriate title as the Gregorian calendar now in use is founded on the pagan Julian calendar modified and named after a pope, making it both pagan and papal.

To understand why this cal-endar problem arose you need to know that to declare an intercalation, the pontifex maximus had to be in Rome in February, the 12th month. Julius Caesar (pontifex maxi-

mus) was involved in various wars, and there had been only one intercalation declared since he took office. In a letter to Atticus, dated February 13, 50 B.C. Cicero complained that he still did not know whether there was to be an intercalation later in the month.

In the mid-1st century B.C. Julius Caesar invited Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, to advise him about the reform of the calendar, and Sosigenes decided that the only practical step was to abandon the lunar calendar altogether. Months must be ar-ranged on a seasonal basis, and a tropical (solar) year was used, as in the Egyptian calendar. “The Julian Calendar,” Encyclopæ-dia Britannica.

Notice that Sosigenes’ big innovation was an abandonment of lunar calenda-tion:

The great difficulty facing any [calendar] reformer was that there seemed to be no way of effecting a change that would still allow the months to remain in step with the phases of the Moon and the year with the seasons. It was necessary to make a fundamental break with traditional reckoning to devise an efficient seasonal calendar. ibid

To bring the new calendar into alignment with the seasons required adding an additional 90 days to the year. This was done in 45 B.C. creating a year

39 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

of 445 days. “This year of 445 days is commonly called by chronologists the year of confusion; but by Macrobius, more fitly, the last year of confusion.”5 The first puzzle piece in establishing the truth of the calendar, is to realize that the Julian week of 45 B.C., did not look like the Julian week when Pope Gregory XIII modified it, and thus did not look like the modern Gregorian week of today. This is the first assumption made by both Jews and Chris-tians, regardless of the day on which they worship. Scholars do not share this assumption. Jews admit that the rabbinical calendar now used is not the calendar of Moses, and Christian scholars acknowledge that the scriptural calendar operated differently.

Some also admit that when the seventh day Sabbath is calculated on the Biblical calendar it will not routinely coincide with Saturday. The Julian calendar, like the calendar of the Republic before it, originally had an eight-day cycle.

The Roman eight-day week was known as internundinum tem-pus or “the period between ninth-day affairs.” (This term must be understood within the context of the ancient Roman math-ematical practice of inclusive counting, whereby the first day of a cycle would also be counted as the last day of the preceding cycle. J. P. V. D. Balsdon, Life and Leisure in Ancient Rome

The “ninth-day affair” around which this week revolved was the nundinæ, a periodic market day that was held regularly every eight days. Eviatar Zerubavel, The Seven Day Circle: The His-tory and Meaning of the Week

Early Julian calendars were not constructed in grids as are modern calen-dars, but the dates were listed in columns, with the days of the week desig-nated by the letters A through H.6 For example, January started with day “A” and would proceed through the eight days of the week, with the last day of the month being day “E.” Unlike the Hebrew calendar, the Roman calendar had a continuous weekly cycle. Because January ended on day “E”, Febru-ary began on day “F”. Likewise, February ending on day “A” started March

5 A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities6 inus Nijhoff, 1935), pp. 24-25

40 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

off on day “B”:

A k Jan F k Feb B k Mar B G C C H D D A E E, etc. B, etc. F, etc.

Following is a reconstruction7 of the Fasti Antiates, the only known pre-Julian calendar still in existence8 dating from circa 60 BCE found at the site of Nero’s villa in Antium. (For additional information, see The Calendar of the Roman Republic by A. K. Michels (Princeton, 1967)

This calendar was painted on plas-ter with the letter A painted red to indicate the start of the week. The months are ar-ranged in 13 col-umns. January, on the left, begins

on day “A” and ends on day “E”. At the bottom of each column are large Roman numerals showing the number of days in that month. The far right hand column is the 13th, intercalary month. Additional letters appear beside the weekday letters. These indicated what sort of business could or could not be conducted on that day.

All examples of Julian Fasti, or calendars, date from the time of Caesar Au-gustus (32 BCE – CE 14) to Tiberius Caesar (14 B.C. – A.D. 37). If the as-sumption is correct that Saturday is the biblical Sabbath because the contin-ues weekly cycle was not interrupted at the calendar change from Julian to Gregorian, than this should be easily proven from the early Julian calendars still in existence. An example of a Julian Fasti is preserved on these stone fragments and provides the second, confirming piece of the puzzle in estab-

7 Palazzo Massimo Alle Terme, Adriano La Regina, ed., 19988 For additional information, see The Calendar of the Roman Republic by A. K. Michels

(Princeton, 1967)

41 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

lishing the truth of calendar history. The eight-day week is clearly discern-ible, verifying that the eight-day week was still in use by the Romans during and immediately following the times of Jesus of Nazareth

It is important to remember that the scriptural week as an individ-ual unit of time defined in Genesis 1, consisted of only seven days: six working days followed by a Sab-bath rest on the last or seventh day of the week. The eight-day cycle of the Julian calendar was in use circa 100 B.C. However, the Israelites would not have kept the seventh day Sab-bath using the eight-day weekly cycle of the Julian calendar. The concept of following the calendation of their oppressors would have been tantamount to idolatry for the Hebrews. Even when the Julian week shortened to seven days, it still did not conform to the weekly cycle of the scriptural week nor did it resemble the modern week in use today. (Fasti fragments exist which show both the seven-day and an eight-day week)9

The Seven-Day Planetary Week

The decline of the eight-day Roman week was caused by two factors: (A) The expansion of the Roman Empire10 which exposed the Romans to other religions and led, in turn, to (B) the rise of the cult of Mithras. R. L. Odom, Sunday in Roman Paganism,11

The role Mithraism played in restructuring the Julian week is significant for it was a strong competitor of early Christianity.

It seems as if some spiritual genius having control over the pa-gan world had so ordered things that the heathen planetary week should be introduced just at the right time for the most popular Sun cult of all ages to come along and exalt the day of the Sun

9 Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Theodor Mommsen, ed., 1863 ed., Vol. 1, part 2, p. 302

10 Zerubavel, op.cit., p. 46; Huvelin, op.cit., pp. 97-9811 New York: TEACH Services, Inc., 2003, p. 157

42 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

as a day above and more sacred than all the rest. Surely this was not accidental. Odom, op.cit.

Under these two factors, the Julian week began a centuries-long evolution-ary process that ended in the week, as it is known today. The original seven day planetary week is the third and final piece of the puzzle proving that Saturday is not the scriptural Sabbath, nor Sunday the first day of the He-brew week. This transformation took several hundred years. Franz Cumont, widely considered to be a great authority on Mithraism, links the acceptance of the seven-day week by Europeans to the popularity of Mithraism in pagan Rome:

It is not to be doubted that the diffusion of the Iranian [Persian] mysteries has had a considerable part in the general adoption, by the pagans, of the week with the Sunday as a holy day. The names, which we employ for the other six days, came into use at the same time that Mithraism won its followers in the provinces in the west, and one is not rash in establishing a relation of coin-cidence between its triumph and that concomitant phenomenon. Franz Cumont, Textes et Monumnets Figures Relatifs aux Mys-teres de Mithra12

In his book Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans, Cumont further emphasizes the pagan origins and recent adoption of a seven-day week with its holy day being Sunday:

The pre-eminence assigned to the dies Solis [day of the Sun] also certainly contributed to the general recognition of Sunday as a holiday. This is connected with a more important fact, namely, the adoption of the week by all the European nations. Franz Cu-mont, Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans

The immense significance of this for Christians is found in the fact that Sun-day cannot be the day on which Jesus of Nazareth arose from the dead, first because his calculations would have put it on Monday and second because Sunday did not exist in the Julian calendar in his day. Nor can Saturday be the scriptural seventh day Sabbath because the pagan planetary week origi-nally began on Saturday.

12 Brussels: H. Lamertin, 1899, Vol. I, p. 112

43 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

This drawing of a stick calen-dar found at the Baths of Titus (constructed A.D. 79 – 81) pro-vides further proof that neither the scriptural Sabbath nor the day of the resurrection of Je-sus can ever be found using the Julian calendar. The cen-ter circle contains the 12 signs of the zodiac, corresponding to the 12 months of the year. The Roman numerals in the left and right columns indicate the days of the month. Across the top of the stick calendar appear the seven planetary gods of the pagan Romans.

Saturday, (or dies Saturni – the day of Saturn) was the very first day of the week, not the seventh. As the god of agriculture, he can be seen in this pre-eminent position of importance, holding his symbol, a sickle. Next, on the second day of the pagan planetary week, is seen the sun god Helios with rays of light emanating from his head. Sunday was originally the second day of the planetary week and was known as dies Solis. The third day of the week was dies Lunæ (day of the Moon – Monday). The moon goddess is shown wearing the horned crescent moon as a diadem on her head. The rest of the gods follow in order: dies Martis (day of Mars-Tuesday); dies Mercurii (day of Mercury-Wednesday); dies Jovis (day of Jupiter-Thursday); and dies Veneris (day of Venus-Friday), the seventh day of the week.13

When the use of the Julian calendar with its recently adopted pagan plan-etary/gods week spread into northern Europe, the names of the days dies Martis through dies Veneris were replaced by Teutonic gods.14

Mars’ Day became Tiw’s Day (Tuesday); Mercury’s Day became Woden’s Day (Wednesday); Jupiter’s Day became Thor’s Day (Thursday); and Venus’ Day became Friga’s Day (Friday.)15 The influence of the pagan astrologi-13 R. L. Odom, How Did Sunday Get Its Name? (Nashville, Tennessee: Southern Publish-

ing Assoc.,1972), pp. 10 & 1114 J. Bosworth and T. N. Toller, “Frig-dæg15 J. Bosworth and T. N. Toller, “Frig-dæg,” An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 1898, p. 337;

Odom, How Did Sunday Get Its Name? op.cit.; see also “Friday” in Webster’s New

44 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

cal day-names is still seen today. Latin-based languages, such as Spanish, retain astrological names for Monday through Friday, with the Christian in-fluence being seen in their words for Sunday (Domingo, or Lord’s day) and Saturday (Sabado, or Sabbath.)

According to Rabanus Maurus (A.D. 776-856), archbishop of Mainz, Ger-many, Pope Sylvester I attempted to rename the days of the planetary/gods week to correspond with the names of the scriptural week: First Day (first feria), Second Day (second feria), etc.16

Bede, the “Venerable,” (A.D. 672-735), renowned English monk and scholar, also reported Sylves-ter’s attempts to change the pagan names of the days of the week. In De Temporibus, he stated: “But the holy Sylvester ordered them to be called feriæ, calling the first day the ‘Lord’s (day)’; imi-tating the Hebrews, who named (them) the first of the week, the second of the week, and so on the others.”17 The astrological names, however, were too deeply ingrained. While the official terminol-

ogy of the Roman Catholic Church remains Lord’s Day, Second Day, Third Day, etc., most countries clung in whole or in part to the planetary names for the days.

The astrological influence is obviously even more pronounced around the fringes of the Roman Empire, where Christianity ar-rived only much later. English, Dutch, Breton, Welsh, and Cor-nish, which are the only European languages to have preserved to this day the original planetary names of all the seven days of the week, are all spoken in areas that were free of any Christian influence during the first centuries of our era, when the astro-logical week was spreading throughout the Empire. Zerubavel, op.cit., p. 24

The ecclesiastical style of naming the week days was adopted by no nation except the Portuguese who alone use the terms Se-

Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd edition, (New York: New World Dictionaries/Simon and Schuster, 1983)

16 Rabanus Maurus, J. P. Migne, Patrologiæ Latinæ Cursus Completus17 See Bede, Patrologiæ Latinæ, Vol. 90, op. cit

45 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

gunda Feria etc.” Catholic Encyclopedia vol 6 page 43

The fact that Christians had accepted both the Julian calendar and the pagan planetary/gods week for use reveals the beginnings of an amalgamation of Christianity with paganism. The pagan planetary/gods week, like the Julian calendar that adopted it, is irreparably pagan. Historical facts reveal that neither the scriptural Hebrew Sabbath nor the scriptural First Day can be found using the modern calendar. If it is important to worship on a specific day, than it is also important to know which calendar to use and when the change in calendation occurred.

Thus began Christianity’s slow amalgamation with the surrounding pagan beliefs

46 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

Chapter 5Christopaganism

The pagan names of the planetary/gods week have been perpetuated in the calendar in use among the so-called Christian nations. Every time we look at the calendar we have before us a constant reminder of the amalgamation of paganism and Christianity that took place as a result of the great reli-gious apostasy – that “falling away” foretold by the apostle Paul, which oc-curred in the early centuries of the Christian church and made the modern Babel of conflicting sects and creeds which profess the name of Christ.

R. L. Odom, Sunday in Roman Paganism

It is understandable, though unfortunate, that the modern Christian and Jewish faiths assume the week as it is known today has cycled continu-

ously and without interruption ever since creation. Much of the industrial-ized world has been united in using the Gregorian calendar, while different parts of the western world accepted the Julian calendar almost 2,000 years

47 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

ago and still use it today. However, ignorance of truth does not change truth; as the Creator sadly observed in Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” It is the responsibility of every individual to search out for him or herself truth and live their lives by that knowledge.

The amalgamation of the Church with paganism in the form of Mithraism was a process that took several hundred years. Once the process was com-plete, the original Sabbath of the Commandments was lost under the as-sumption that the modern form of the planetary/god week had come down unchanged since Creation. While references to new Christians still clinging to pagan practices can be found in the New Testament, the biggest change crept in over calendation methods. The solar-based Julian calendar with its continuous weekly cycle was very different from the original scriptural Hebrew calendar used by the Jews and apostolic Christians. Conducting business with a society that used a different method of tracking time was difficult. As early as the last part of the first century, Eviatar Zerubavel, noted that Ignatius “pioneered the movement toward substituting Sunday observance in place of the Hebrew Sabbath observance.” 18

The Christians in Rome were among the first to begin worshipping by the Ju-lian calendar rather than the scriptural calendar, which created much confu-sion among the pagans. Around A.D. 175-178, Celsus the Platonist, a Roman philosopher and Stoic, wrote the book, On the True Doctrine: A Discourse Against the Christians.19 This was a powerful denunciation of Christianity. While his writing “exhibits comparatively little of the bitterness which char-acterized [most pagans’] attacks,”20 he nevertheless mocked Christians for copying the heathen. “The result of his work was to place the Christian in a very unfavorable light in the eyes of the Romans and their rulers.”21

While no copies of Celsus’ work still exist, much of it was quoted on mass in a work by Origen a scholar and early Christian theologian who was born and

18 Eviatar Zerubavel, The Seven Day Circle, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), p. 22; Ignatius, Epistle to the Magnesians, (The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Grand Rapids, Michigan: W. B. Eerdmans, 1956, James Donaldson and Alexander Roberts, eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 59-65

19 See On the True Doctrine, translated by R. Joseph Hoffmann, (New York: Oxford Uni-versity Press, 1987)

20 “Celsus the Platonist,” Catholic Encyclopedia, NewAdvent.org21 Odom, op. cit., p. 54

48 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

spent the first half of his career in Alexandria. He was a prolific writer in multiple branches of theology, including textual criticism, bib-lical exegesis and hermeneutics, philosophi-cal theology, preaching, and spirituality. The book was called Contra Celsum (Against Cel-sus), and was written to counter the attack on Christianity made by the pagan Celsus. One quote is particularly fascinating because it re-fers to Mithraism and the planetary gods.22 It is interesting to also note that Origen did not try to refute any parallels Celsus drew be-tween Christianity and Mithraism, but instead simply sought to evade the charges.23

The extent to which some Christians were embracing pagan practices con-fused many of the pagan Romans. Tertullian (c. A.D. 160-225), an early Christian writer, wrote a defense of Christians revealing the worship prac-tices taking place with some Christians worshipping on Sunday, others on Saturday, still others clinging to the original scriptural (lunar-calculated) Sabbath which moved around on the weekdays from month to month. His statements clearly reveal that Christians had been mistaken for Mithraists.

Tertullian went on to state:

Others, certainly more cultured, think the Sun is the god of the Christians, because it is known that we pray toward the east and make a festivity upon the day of the Sun. Do you do less? Do not most of you, in affectation of worshipping the heavenly bod-ies, at times move your lips toward the sun rising. You certainly are the ones who also received the Sun into the register of the seven days, and from among the days preferred it. Tertullian, Ad Nationes, Book 1, Chapter 1

When Christians also adopted the Julian calendar for worship, the pagans could see little difference between Christianity and their own Mithraism, other than the Christian refusal to burn incense to the emperor, which was 22 Origen, Against Celsus, book 6, chapter 22 in The Ante-Nicene Fathers, (New York: Charles

Scribner’s Sons, 1913), Vol. 4, p. 58323 Ibid

49 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

viewed as treason. Another quote by Tertullian is very significant, again revealing the differing practices among Christians, with some worshipping on Sunday, others on Saturday which he shows to be a deviation from Jewish practice (the Apostolic Christians at this time were still keeping the Sabbath by the scriptural calendar):

We shall be taken for Persians [Mithraists], perhaps . . . The reason for this, I suppose, is that it is known that we pray to-wards the east . . . Likewise, if we devote the day of the Sun to festivity (from a far different reason from Sun worship), we are in a second place from those who devote the day of Saturn, themselves also deviating by way of a Jewish custom of which they are ignorant. Tertullian, Apologia, chap. 16, in J. P. Migne, Patrologiæ Latinæ,

This quote affirms that worship on Saturday was itself a deviation from the Jewish custom of worship on the seventh day of the original Hebrew calen-dar.

Do not assume that because some Chris-tians accepted pagan calendation and prac-tices that the change occurred without protest from other Christians. Apostolic Christians, those who strictly adhered to the teachings of the apostles and their immediate spiri-tual descendants, were greatly upset at what they saw as pagan apostasy creeping into the church. The prejudice against Chris-tians was extreme. In fact, the main thrust of Tertullian’s work, the Apologeticum, was to defend Christianity against the unreason-able treatment of Christians by the pagans. Tertullian, gifted with a biting wit and with great relish for irony, points out the inconsistent treatment of Christians versus common criminals by the magistrates.24 Whereas a common criminal was tortured until he confessed to a crime, Christians who confessed to being “Christian” were tortured until they denied it. Christians were seen accused of ritual incest and eating babies, although such charges had never been proven. Furthermore, Tertul-

24 For further research, see tertullian.org.

50 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

lian wryly observed, the pagans (who did abandon unwanted children) were so licentious that incest for them was an inevitable if unknown occurrence.

It is not for Christians today to judge those who lived through extreme per-secution in the past. However, it should be understood that paganism made inroads into Christendom only under extreme protest and through the blood of martyrs. Those who refused to drop a pinch of incense in honor of the “divine” emperor would often be forced to hold a handful of incense mixed with burning coals. If the burning mixture was dropped out of reflex or if it fell only after the fingers were burned off, the pagans would rejoice that proper honor had been given the emperor. Antonio Gallonio, De SS. Mar-tyrum Cruciatibus, 1591 Christians were also expected to offer a pinch of incense to the other Roman gods. “Prayer to the planets/gods on their respective days was a part of the worship of the heavenly bodies.” Odom, op.cit., p. 158

Some modern theologians acknowledge, “Yes, when the seventh day He-brew Sabbath is calculated by the scriptural calendar, it will fall differently; but all Creator requires of us is to keep the seventh day Sabbath by whatever calendar society uses.” Such a belief reveals a tragic lack of knowledge of the issues at stake. The planetary/gods week with the seven astrological gods was clearly seen by apostolic Christians to be linked to the worship of false gods. New testament scripture is adamant that the rites of paganism are nothing but devil worship as it states: “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles [pagans] sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.” I Corinthians 10:20

The next illustration25 a copper-plate engraving done by Antonio Tempesta of Firenza, found in Tortures and Torments of Christian Martyrs shows a martyr, figure A, being forced to hold a handful of burning coals.26 The caption reads: “Martyr whose hand is filled with incense mingled with live coals, and who being constrained by the pain to scatter the incense, is said to have made sacrifice to the idol.” The cluster of thunderbolts in the cus-tomary shape of an X with a thick bisecting bolt, reveal the idol to be the planetary god, Jupiter (Modern day Thursday). No true Christian, to save 25 This illustration was a copper-plate engraving done by Antonio Tempesta of Firenza

(Florence) taken after the designs of Giovanni de Guerra of Modena, painter to Pope Sixtus V

26 Gallonio, Tortures and Torments of the Christian Martyrs, op.cit., p. 138

51 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

his life, would offer a pinch of incense to that day’s planetary god, not even Sat-urn – even if the seventh day Sabbath on that lunation happened to coincide with Saturn’s day. To do so would acknowl-edge Saturn as “god” of that day.

Calendation encompasses much larger issues than has been understood. The day on which one worships, reveals which God/gods you worship. The early Christians knew well that to worship by a pagan calendar was to give homage to a pagan god. By worshipping on the Creator’s scriptural lunar calendar, they were declaring their allegiance to the Creator.

Christianity’s acceptance of pagan calendation did not happen overnight. Some Christians compromised on one point, others on another. Some ad-hered strictly to the scriptural Hebrew calendar, while others kept the scrip-tural Sabbath, but also acknowledged Julian Sunday. Still others kept both Julian Saturday and Sunday, while some worshipped only on Sunday. The compromises of one generation were taken a little further by the next.

A. T. Jones states in The Two Republics:

At every step in the course of the apostasy, at every step taken in adopting the forms of sun worship, and against the adoption and the observance of Sunday itself, there had been constant protest by all real Christians. Those who remained faithful to Christ and to the truth of the pure word of God observed the Sabbath of the Lord according to the commandment, and according to the word of God which sets forth the Sabbath as the sign by which the Lord, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, is distinguished from all other gods. These accordingly protested against every phase and form of sun worship. Others compromised, especially in the East, by observing both Sabbath and Sunday. But in the west under Roman influences and under the leadership of the

52 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

church and the bishopric of Rome, Sunday alone was adopted and observed.27

Because the calendars were so different, every area of life was necessar-ily affected. Those who did not have a heart commitment to pure doctrine found it easy to excuse away their compromise. Scholars believe that the Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, Eusebius (c. A.D. 314) was the first eccle-siastical writer to spiritualize the pagan name of “Sunday” to make it more palatable for Christians. He said of dies Solis, Sunday: “on it to our souls the Sun of Righteousness rose.”

This slow metamorphosis from pure, Apostolic Christianity, to Christianity intertwined with pa-gan calendation principles is largely responsible for the lack of knowledge existing today regarding the original Hebrew lunar based calendar. The pa-gan continuous weekly cycle reaches so far back in history, it is assumed that a continuous weekly cycle has always existed. The historical facts of the Julian calendar have been forgotten and circular reasoning has been used to “prove” that Saturday

is the original Sabbath: i.e., the modern Gregorian week has continuously cycling seven day weeks therefore weeks have always cycled continuously. Saturday, then, must be the “seventh day Sabbath” of the Commandments. To add to this, the chasm between Judaism and Christianity has been wid-ened so far, that most Christians either refuse to delve into the original work-ings of the scriptural Hebrew calculations or believe them to have become irrelevant. Had they done so, the simple observation of there being thirtieth day on a Hebrew calendar between two Sabbaths would have shown them that the continuous seven day cycle was a mere myth.

Catholics and Protestants worshipping on Sunday, the first day of the Grego-rian week, have been taken as further “proof” that Saturday is the seventh day Sabbath of scriptures. As many people postulate, if Saturday is not the true Sabbath, why would Satan bother with having people worship on Sunday? This double deception has affirmed Saturday Sabbatarians in their assumption that Saturday is the scriptural Sabbath. However, the facts of

27 A. T. Jones, The Two Republics, (Ithaca, Michigan: A. B. Publishing, Inc., n.d.), pp. 320-321

53 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

history can be used to shine light through the darkness of error and tradition to reveal the pagan origins, which have been used to twist the original com-mands of Sabbath into the modern worship days of Sunday and Saturday.

Interesting that in all of our dealings with the days of Sabbath we have for-gotten the words from the book of its origin.

“You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you”.

Deuteronomy 4:2 KJV

54 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

Chapter 6The Forbidden Calendar

Never do anything against conscience, even if the state demands it.

Albert Einstein

W hen tracing the corruption of the calendar, no time in history could be viewed as more pivotal then that during the time of Constantine the

Great (c. A.D. 272 – May 22, 337). Widely thought of as the first Christian emperor, his “Sunday Law” is viewed as the religious act of a recent convert to honor his new day of worship. Roman Catholics and the Greek Ortho-dox have canonized him, while Saturday Sabbatarians accuse the Roman Catholic Church of influencing Constantine into changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. They denounce the Catholic Church for deceiving all Christendom into believing that Sunday is the proper day of worship.

This is neither accurate nor is it fair to the Roman Catholic Church for these

55 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh


• Constantine had not yet converted at the time of his “Sunday Law.”• The Roman Catholic Church has always been open about her role in

this legislation.• Most significantly, the “Sunday Law” was actually civil legislation

that outlawed the original Hebrew lunar calendar and enforced Julian calendation upon Christians and Jews.

Constantine’s “Sunday Law” was actually calendar reform, which laid the foundation for a massive deception: Sunday as the day on which Christ was resurrected; Saturday as the original seventh day Sabbath.

Constantine the Convert?

As mentioned, Constantine’s veneration of the “Day of the Sun” was not a religious act as a Christian, for he would not “convert” for two more years.28 His decision in October of A.D. 312 to paint a supposed “Christian” symbol on the shields of his men at the battle of the Mil-vian Bridge was not a conversion. As with all his acts, it was politically motivated. Even after officially converting in 323, he postponed his baptism until just before his death in 337. Fur-thermore, he retained the office and title ponti-fex maximus, head of the state religion, which he had assumed in 312, for the rest of his life. 29

The Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology states:

Christianity was made by him [Constantine] the religion of the 28 R. L. Odom, Sunday in Roman Paganism, (New York: TEACH Services, Inc., 2003) p.

17729 Various inscriptions as recorded in Corpus Inseriptionum Latinarum, 1863 ed., Vol. 2,

p. 58, #481; “Constantine I”, New Standard Encyclopedia, Vol. 5. See also Chris-topher B. Coleman, Constantine the Great and Christianity, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1914), p. 46

56 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

state but Paganism was not persecuted though discouraged. The Christianity of the emperor himself has been a subject of warm controversy both in ancient and modern times, but the graphic account which Niebuhr gives of Constantine’s belief seems to be perfectly just. Speaking of the murder of Licinius and his own son Crispus, Niebuhr remarks,30 “Many judge of him by too se-vere a standard, because they look upon him as a Christian; but I cannot regard him in that light. The religion which he had in his head must have been a strange compound indeed. The man who had on his coins the inscription Sol Invictus, who worshipped pagan divinities, consulted the haruspices, indulged in a number of pagan superstitions, and on the other hand, built churches, shut up pagan temples, and interfered with the council of Nicæa, must have been a repulsive phænomenon, and was certainly not a Christian. He did not allow himself to be baptized till the last moments of his life, and those who praise him for this do not know what they are doing. He was a superstitious man, and mixed up his Christian religion with all kinds of absurd supersti-tions and opinions. . . To speak of him as a saint is a profanation of the word.” A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

It is intriguing that this quote refers to Constantine’s involvement with the Council of Nicæa as “interference.” Do not doubt it: his “Sunday Law” was civil legislation enacted to unite his empire via a single calendar.

Constantine: the consummate politician

Constantine was foremost a politician and a military strategist. He issued at least six decrees relating to Sunday observance, but all were for purely politi-cal reasons. These decrees were:

• March 7, A.D. 321: A law commanding townspeople, courts and trades to cease from labor on the day of the Sun.

• June, A.D. 321: Emancipation and manumission (the formal act of freeing from slavery) was allowed on the day of the Sun.

• Christian soldiers allowed to attend Sunday church services.

30 See History of Rome, Eng. trans., (London: 1855), Vol. V, p. 359

57 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

• Pagan troops required to recite a prayer while on the drill field on Sun-day.

• Sunday declared a market day throughout the entire year.• A decree supporting the Council of Nicæa’s decision that Christ’s res-

urrection should henceforth be observed on the day of the Sun (Easter Sunday) rather than commemorating the death of Christ on the actual crucifixion Passover date of Nisan (Abib) 14.

Constantine wanted a unified empire. With his eastern counterpart, Licin-ius, he had issued a decree in A.D. 313 known as the Edict of Milan, which granted Christians protection under civil law. This did not promote Christi-anity above paganism as much as “leveled the playing field,” allowing Chris-tians equal rights.

For the first time Christianity was placed on a legal footing with the other religions and with them enjoyed the protection of the civil law. Licinius was a pagan, and this law grants no privilege to the Christians that is not allowed to the heathen. It is another evidence of Constantine’s policy of maintaining peace in the re-ligious world. Odom, op.cit., p. 181.

Constantine was no saint. He was a ty-rant guilty of murdering his own son. His motivation for a united empire was not prompted by a desire for peace. Con-stantine’s drive for a unified empire was founded upon his desire for greater power. Some historians connect Constantine’s tolerance of Christianity with a desire to be able to enlist Christians as soldiers, thus increasing the size of his army. (Up to this point, Christians avoided enlisting.) All of Constantine’s “religious tolerance” acts should be viewed in the light of a dictator seeking uniformity, and thus greater control, in his empire.

Renowned church historian, Philip Schaff, cautioned against reading too much into Constantine’s “Sunday Law”:

The Sunday law of Constantine must not be overrated. He en-

58 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

joined the observance, or rather forbade the public desecration of Sunday, not under the name of Sabbatum [Sabbath] or dies Domini [Lord’s day], but under its old astrological and heathen title, dies Solis [Sunday], familiar to all his subjects, so that the law was as applicable to the worshipers of Hercules, Apollo, and Mithras, as to the Christians. There is no reference whatever in his law either to the fourth commandment or to the resurrection of Christ. Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church

Constantine was an equal opportunity monarch. While Christians hailed him as “the servant of God” and called him the “blessed Prince,” pagans regarded him as their Supreme Pontiff. Constantine demanded unity. He forced compromise in an unexpected way: calendar reform.

J. Westbury-Jones highlights the purposeful ambiguity of Constantine’s law:

How such a law would further the designs of Constantine it is not difficult to discover. It would confer a special honor upon the festival of the Christian church,31 and it would grant a slight boon to the pagans themselves. In fact there is nothing in this edict which might not have been written by a pagan. The law does honor to the pagan deity whom Constantine had adopted as his special patron god, Apollo or the Sun.32 The very name of the day lent itself to this ambiguity. The term Sunday (dies Solis) was in use among Christians as well as pagan. 33

Of all Constantine’s edicts, the one that had the greatest and most lasting effect on Christendom was his legislation supporting the Council of Nicæa’s decree establishing the observance of Easter. “By the time of Constantine, apostasy in the church was ready for the aid of a friendly civil ruler to supply the wanting force of coercion.” Odom

Michael I. Rostovtzeff, in The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire states:

“The time was ripe for a reconciliation of state and church, each 31 The paganized Roman Christians had long been worshipping on Sunday by this time32 Constantine’s personal motto remained Soli Invicto even after his “conversion.”33 J. Westbury-Jones, Roman and Christian Imperialism, (London: MacMillan and Co.

Ltd., 1939), p. 210, emphasis supplied

59 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

of which needed the other. It was a stroke of genius in Con-stantine to realize this and act upon it. He offered peace to the church, provided that she would recognize the state and support the imperial power.”

All of Constantine’s acts had the ulterior motive of political gain and the Council of Nicæa was no exception. The council of Nicæa was the first ecu-menical council of the Church called by Constantine (A.D. 325) who sum-moned the bishops of the Christian Church to Nicaea to address divisions in the Church. Although the church attempts to paint this council in a positive light, the true hidden agenda was to eradicate teachings that the main body disagreed with unification of belief by force.

The Scriptural Calendar Annihilated

The true significance of the Council of Nicæa is found in the fact that the decrees of the council outlawed the original scriptural Hebrew calendar.

Since the second century A.D. there had been a divergence of opinion about the date for celebrating the paschal (Easter) an-niversary of the Lord’s passion (death, burial, and resurrection). The most ancient practice appears to have been to observe the fourteenth (the Passover date), fifteenth, and sixteenth days of the lunar month regardless of the day of the [Julian] week these dates might fall on from year to year. The bishops of Rome, desirous of enhancing the observance of Sunday as a church fes-tival, ruled that the annual celebration should always be held on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday following the fourteenth day of

60 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

the lunar month.34 This insured that the Catholic Easter would never fall on the Jewish Passover. In Rome, Friday and Saturday of Easter were fast days, and on Sunday, the fast was broken by partaking of the communion. This controversy lasted almost two centuries. The controversy rose in the second century and reached its height during the time of Victor I, around A.D. 198 until Constantine intervened in behalf of the Roman bishops and outlawed the other group. Odom

The point of contention appeared deceptively simple: Passover versus Easter. The issues at stake, however, were immense. The only way to determine when Passover occurs is to use the scriptural Hebrew lunar calendar. Only by observing the moon, can one count to the 14th day following the first visible crescent. Because the seventh day Sabbath was also calculated from the first visible crescent,35 a ruling in favor of Easter being observed on a Julian date would also affect the seventh day Sabbath. Prior to this time, true Christians commemorated Passover, ignoring the pagan day of worship to Easter. The modern English term Easter, is generally held to have origi-nally referred to the name of an Anglo-Saxon goddess, Ēostre, a form of the widely attested Indo-European dawn goddess.

Up until the Council of Nicæa, the Christian Easter, especially in the East, had been celebrated for the most part at the time of the Jewish Passover, . . . [but] on the contrary, in Europe, “some earlier, some later, were intercalating the months . . . the Europe-ans were placing their cycle at the equinox, and were celebrating the Passover on the next full moon after the equinox.” Joseph Scaliger, De Emendatione Temporum

These contentions had agitated the churches of Asia since the time of the Roman bishop Victor, who had persecuted the church-es of Asia for following the “14th-day heresy” as they called it, in reference to the Passover.36 . . . The future Easter observance was to be rendered independent of Jewish calculation . . . Grace Amadon, “Report of Committee on Historical Basis, Involve-ment, and Validity of the. October 22, 1844

34 This insured that the Catholic Easter would never fall on the Jewish Passover35 “The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar

cycle” (“Holidays,” Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 410.)36 Op. cit.; see also Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book V, Ch. 24

61 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

This is civil legislation enforcing the pagan Julian calendar. Calendars cal-culate time and at the Council of Nicæa it was decreed that Christians were to remain independent of Jewish calculation because the paganized Chris-tians did not want to be associated with the Jews in any way.

This is a fact well known to Jewish scholars and historians. The Jewish Pub-lication Society of America published the following statement:

Then the world witnessed the hitherto undreamt-of spectacle of the first general convocation of Nice [Nicæa], consisting of several hundred bishops and priests, with the emperor at their head. Christianity thought to celebrate its triumph, but only succeeded in betraying its weakness and internal disunion. For on the occasion of this, its first official appearance, in all the splendor of its plenitude of spiritual and temporal power, there remained no trace of its original character . . . At the Council of Nice the last thread was snapped which connected Christian-ity to its parent stock. The festival of Easter had up till now been celebrated for the most part at the same time as the Jewish Passover, and indeed upon the days calculated and fixed by the Synhedrion [Sanhedrin] in Judæa for its celebration; but in fu-ture its observance was to be rendered altogether independent of the Jewish calendar, “For it is unbecoming beyond measure that on this holiest of festivals we should follow the customs of the Jews. Henceforward let us have nothing in common with this odious people; our Saviour has shown us another path. It would indeed be absurd if the Jews were able to boast that we are not in a position to celebrate the Passover without the aid of their rules (calculations).” These remarks are attributed to the Em-peror Constantine . . . [and became] the guiding principle of the Church which was now to decide the fate of the Jews. Heinrich Graetz, History of the Jews

Notice that the decrees of the Council of Nicæa are clearly perceived by Jews themselves to be the act of Christians stepping “independent of the Jewish calendar.”

The Council of Nicæa accomplished three goals, all of which are still in ef-

62 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

fect today. The decrees served to:

- Standardize the planetary/gods week of seven days making dies Solis the first day of the week, with dies Saturni the last day of the week.

- Guarantee that Jewish Passover and Pagan/Christian Easter would never fall on the same day, hence “safely” removing Christianity from Judaism and the potential for their “converts” to discover the truth.

- Exalt dies Solis as the day of worship for both pagans and Christians.

By establishing Easter on the Sunday following the full moon after the ver-nal equinox, the Roman Catholic Church guaranteed that it would never fall on the Jewish Passover. At this time, the Jews were still using the original Hebrew lunar calendar of Creation, adjusted by the ripening of the barley harvest. As the seven-day weeks of the Hebrew lunation cycled differently compared to the Julian pagan solar calendar, Passover, the sixth day of the Hebrew week, would fall on different days of the Julian week. Likewise, First Fruits, the day of the Christian resurrection on the first day of the He-brew week, appeared to wander through the Julian week, sometimes falling on dies Martis, or dies Veneris, etc., and only rarely coinciding with dies Solis.

Vestiges of the resulting confusion when attempts are made to reconcile the Gregorian or Julian solar calendar to a lunar calendar may still be seen. Because of calculation purposes Easter doesn’t fall on the same date of the Gregorian calendar from one year to the next because it is linked to the ver-nal (spring) equinox. This is a purely pagan method that’s a corruption37 of lunar calendation. Festivals calculated by a lunar calendar do not fall on any specific Gregorian date, such as the celebration of Thanksgiving in the Unit-ed States, which always falls on the fourth Thursday of November. Thus, while the date of the Christian resurrection always falls on the same day of the week and the same date of the month, Easter on the Gregorian calendar appears to “float” through March and April.

The long-term effect was that “Easter Sunday” entered the Christian para-digm as “The day of the Christian Resurrection.” The corollary to this re-alignment of time calculation was that the day preceding Easter Sunday,

37 The corruption of lunar calculation was in tying Easter to the vernal (spring) equinox. The law of Moses intercalated months off of the barley harvest, not the vernal equinox. Calculation off of the equinox was a purely pagan method.

63 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

Saturday, became forever after the “true” Bible Sabbath. This is the true significance of Constantine’s “Sunday Law” and it laid the foundation for the modern assumption that a continuous weekly cycle has always existed.The fallout from this edict was immediate. The law made it illegal to use the original Hebrew lunar calendar and it persecuted those who still tried to use it.

In subsequent years, the Jews went through “iron and fire.”38 The Christian [papal Roman] emperors forbade the Jewish com-putation of the calendar, and did not allow the announcement of the feast days....The Jewish [and apostolic Christian] communi-ties were left in utter doubt concerning the most important reli-gious decisions: as pertaining to their festivals.39 The longterm ramification was the fixation and calculation of the Hebrew cal-endar by Hillel II.40

The decrees of Nicæa, “destroyed the Temple of the Law in Ju-dea,” as it were, and the ancient regulation of Moses for harmo-nizing the course of the moon with that of the sun was ultimately replaced by calculations involving the vernal equinox,41 after which the nearest full moon was chosen to be the paschal moon. From this equinoctial point, the [Catholic] church built up her ecclesiastical calendar and its Easter feast. It is easy to gloss over the real significance of the Council of Nicæa and its bearing upon the Jewish system of time, for though the church desired to depart from Jewish calculation, and to adopt a movable feast,42 yet in the end, it turned out that both the Jewish and Roman Catholic festivals came to be computed from the same point of time – . . . the vernal equinox. Grace Amadon, op.cit., emphasis supplied.

The controversy over calendars was not resolved with Constantine’s edict. Rather, it opened the door for religious persecution of Christians, by Chris-tians. Those who were convicted by conscience that the Passover (as well as

38 Sidersky, ibid., p. 64039 Graetz, Vol. II, 571, op. cit40 Grace Amadon, op. cit., pp. 17-1841 Sidersky, op.cit., p. 62442 Christopher Clavius, Romani calendarii a Gregorio XIII restituti explicato, (Rome,

1603), p. 54

64 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

the Sabbath) should be observed by the original Hebrew lunar calendar were unwilling to accept civil legislation in the realm of religion. These people continued to use the original Hebrew lunar calendar in the face of intense persecution.

The “loving” Christian Church put hundreds of thousands to death in the name of this law, including the Ebionites. The church especially hated Ebi-onites as they regarded Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah while rejecting his divinity and insisted on following Jewish law and rites. The Ebionites used only one of the Jewish Gospels, revered James the Just (the brother of Jesus) as the head of the their church and rejected Paul of Tarsus as an apostate from the Law. Their beliefs held to the original teachings of Jesus of Naza-reth and disregarded the distorted Trinitarian concepts established by the church leaders. Making them an ever-present reminder of how far the church had manipulated the teachings.

Christians on the fringes of the Roman Empire though, used the original Hebrew reckoning centuries after Constantine. When Catholic princess, Margaret, married Scottish king Malcolm III (A.D. 1031-1093) in 1070, she was instrumental in establishing Catholicism in Scotland. Prior to that time, Scottish priests still married, still observed Passover on Abib 14 (regardless of the Julian date) and still worshipped on the seventh day Sabbath – likely by the Hebrew calendar as well, as they were observing Passover by that calendar.

The Council of Nicæa was the culmination of many years of compromise with paganism. It climaxed in legislation, which outlawed the only calen-dar by which the true seventh day Sabbath, and also the original date of the Christian resurrection may be found.

The spirit of concession to paganism opened the way for a still further disregard of Heaven’s authority. Satan, working through unconsecrated leaders of the church, tampered with the fourth commandment also, and essayed to set aside the ancient Sab-bath, the day which God had blessed and sanctified (Gen[esis] 2:2, 3), and in its stead to exalt the festival observed by the hea-then as “the venerable day of the sun.” E. G. White, The Great Controversy

65 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

Counterfeit worship requires a counterfeit calendar and the Council of Nicæa provided it. The original Hebrew lunar calendation was supplanted by pagan solar calendation, and the planetary/gods week replaced the scriptural week, which depended upon the moon.

This planetary week was paganism’s replacement for the scrip-tural week instituted by the Creator in the texts of the beginning of Earth’s history. In the counterfeit week employed in ancient paganism “the venerable day of the Sun” was esteemed by the heathen above the other six days because it was regarded as sa-cred to the Sun, the chief of the planetary deities . . . Just as the true Sabbath is inseparably linked with the Biblical week, so the false Sabbath of pagan origin needed a weekly cycle. Thus we have found that the planetary week of paganism is Sunday’s twin sister, and that the two counterfeit institutions were linked together . . . . Odom, op. cit., p. 243-244

When the historical facts of the Julian calendar are understood, it becomes clear that Sunday is not the only worship day founded upon paganism. Sat-urday, dies Saturni, as the original first day of the pagan week, is also a pagan worship day. As the seventh day of the modern week, it has become a replacement for the original seventh day Hebrew Sabbath.

In 321 A.D., Constantine, emperor of Rome . . . by civil enact-ments made “the venerable day of the Sun,” which day was then “notable for its veneration,” the weekly rest day of the empire . . . The enforcement of the weekly observance of Sunday gave official recognition to the week of seven days and resulted in the introduction of it into the official civil calendar of Rome. The Romans passed that calendar down to us, and in it we have still the ancient planetary/gods titles of the days of the week.43

The aftershocks of the Council of Nicæa are still felt, worldwide, today. Of any direct or indirect attack against the instructions of the Creator, this one act has had the most profound and far reaching effect. Almost the entire world has united in the use of this calendar in its modern Gregorian form. Entire churches base their religious observance off of this replacement cal-endar. The foundation laid by Constantine’s “Sunday Law” is the reason

43 Ibid.

66 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

why Saturday and Sunday keepers worship on the days they do. The decrees of Nicæa legislated into place an entire overriding system of religion with its solar-based pagan calendar. Thus the knowledge of the Creator’s origi-nal instructions for the lunar-based calendar with its seventh day Sabbath has been buried under the accumulated weight of centuries of authoritarian manipulation.

67 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

Chapter 7For the Sake of Power Itself

Few are guilty, but all are responsible.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

As mentioned before, the Catholic Church has always been very open about her role in changing the calendar. The Catholic Church herself

has never denied the role it played in rejecting the original Hebrew lunar calendar Sabbath and promoting instead worship on dies Solis, the day of the Sun.

The decision of the Council of Nicæa to set aside original calendation was merely confirmed by Constantine in royal edict. The bishops wanted to de-stroy any ties to Judaism. Anti-Semitism played a major role, as can be seen in the quoted statement by Constantine: “Let us have nothing in common

68 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

with this odious people [the Jews] . . . .”44 Odom, op. cit., p. 243-244

One only has to remember the words the church required of its converts to understand the pressure upon the original scriptures:

“I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspersions, purifications, sanctifi-cations and propitiations, and fasts, and new moons, and Sab-baths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants and observances and synagogues, and the food and drink of the Hebrews; in one word, I renounce absolutely everything Jewish, every law, rite and custom….” Assemani, Cod. Lit., 1, p. 105

In endeavoring to show this distinction, not only was the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath transferred to the Julian Sunday, but all of the annual feasts which, up until that time were still observed, were replaced with popu-lar pagan festivals, giving them a Christian slant and incorporating Christian names.

To conciliate the Pagans to nominal Christianity, Rome, pursu-ing its usual policy, took measures to get the Christian and Pagan festivals amalgamated, and, by a complicated but skilful adjust-ment of the calendar, it was found no difficult matter, in general, to get Paganism and Christianity – now far sunk in idolatry . . . to shake hands. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons45

T. Enright, Bishop of St. Alphonsus Church, clearly states:

It was the Catholic Church which made the law obliging us to keep Sunday holy. The church made this law long after the Bible was written. Hence said “law” is not in the Bible. The Cath. [sic.] Church abolished not only the Sabbath, but all the other Jewish festivals. Letter by T. Enright, Bishop of St. Alphonsus Church

In this same letter, Enright offers $1000 “to any one who can prove to me 44 Heinrich Graetz, History of the Jews, (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of

America, 1893), Vol. II, pp. 563-56445 New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1959, p.105

69 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

from the Bible alone that I am bound, under grievous sin, to keep Sunday holy.” There is no denying that the Catholic Church is responsible for the change:

The Commandments, or Decalogue . . . Written by the finger of God on two tables of stone, this Divine code was received from the Almighty by Moses amid the thunders of Mount Sinai . . . Christ resumed these Commandments in the double precept of charity – love of God and of neighbor; He proclaimed them as binding under the New Law in Matt., xix and in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt., v). He also amplified or interpreted them, . . . The Church, on the other hand, after changing the day of rest from the Jewish Sabbath, or seventh day of the week, to the first, made the Third Commandment refer to Sunday as the day to be kept holy as the Lord’s Day. The Council of Trent (Sess. VI, can. Xix)

It is not really fair to accuse Roman Catholics of dishonesty when all along they have said that their church changed the day of worship to Sunday. Fol-lowing is a sampling of the numerous statements made by Catholics stating openly that they are responsible for the calendar change that transferred wor-ship to dies Solis:

• “The Sunday...is purely a creation of the Catholic Church.” American Catholic Quarterly Review, January 1883

• “Sunday...is the law of the Catholic Church alone...” American Senti-nel (Catholic), June 1893

• “Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles...From beginning to end of Scrip-ture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first.” Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August 1900.

• “They [the Protestants] deem it their duty to keep the Sunday holy. Why? Because the Catholic Church tells them to do so. They have no other reason . . .The observance of Sunday thus comes to be an ecclesi-astical law entirely distinct from the divine law of Sabbath observance . . . The author of the Sunday law . . . is the Catholic Church.” Eccle-siastical Review, February 1914

70 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

Because this change occurred so long ago, people today have forgotten the facts of history. It is impossible to find the original Hebrew lunar Sabbath via a pagan calendar; therefore, Saturday cannot be the original Sabbath as Sabbath using the original Hebrew lunar calendar moves through the week of the Gregorian. Not knowing this, Saturday Sabbatarians have assumed that Saturday is the Sabbath from which worship was removed. It is true that there are plenty of quotes from Catholic writers that refer to Saturday as “Sabbath”:

• “Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change (Saturday Sab-bath to Sunday) was her act...And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things.” H. F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons

• “Sunday is founded, not of scripture, but on tradition, and is distinctly a Catholic institution. As there is no scripture for the transfer of the day of rest from the last to the first day of the week, Protestants ought to keep their Sabbath on Saturday and thus leave Catholics in full pos-session of Sunday.” Catholic Record, September 17, 1893

• “Protestantism, in discarding the authority of the [Roman Catholic] Church, has no good reasons for its Sunday theory, and ought logi-cally to keep Saturday as the Sabbath.” John Gilmary Shea, American Catholic Quarterly Review, January 1883

• “Perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the Church ever did, happened in the first century. The holy day, the Sabbath, was changed from Saturday to Sunday. ‘The day of the Lord’ was chosen, not from any direction noted in the Scriptures, but from the Church’s sense of its own power...People who think that the Scriptures should be the sole authority, should logically become 7th Day [sic.] Adventists, and keep Saturday holy.” St. Catherine Church Sentinel, Algonac, Michigan, May 21, 1995

• “Is not every Christian obliged to sanctify Sunday and to abstain on that day from unnecessary servile work? Is not the observance of this law among the most prominent of our sacred duties? But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.”

71 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

James Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of Our Fathers (1917 edition)46

The facts of history having been forgotten by most people, many Catholic writers have used planetary week terminology (i.e., “Saturday”), which could be considered deceptive. It is also likely that many of the Catholic writers themselves were unaware of the full history behind the modern week. Cath-olic scholars have always known the truth, though. As conservative Catholic scholar and apologist Patrick Madrid stated:

[The] calendar that we follow, including Seventh-day Adventists, is not only a calendar that was devised by the Catholic Church, but also it is a calendar that’s based upon the solar year, not the lunar year. And the Jewish calendar that was observed in the time of Christ . . . follows a lunar calendar, which is several days short of the solar year. So the great irony is that even the Sev-enth-day Adventists themselves are not worshipping on exactly the same Sabbath day as the Jews of the time of Christ. Patrick Madrid on “Open Line,” EWTN

Over the centuries, as the facts of history have been forgotten, Saturday has been assumed to be the original Hebrew lunar seventh day Sabbath. How-ever, when the Julian calendar was being enforced upon Christians for eccle-siastical use, no one at the time confused dies Saturni (the day of Saturn) with Sabbato (Sabbath). All knew that they were two different days by two distinct calendar systems. An excellent example of “Saturday” being know-ingly or unknowingly substituted for “Sabbath” is found in the cannons of the Council of Laodicea.

After the edict of Nicæa, Apostolic Christians, (those who followed the Jew-ish apostles’ teachings) continued to worship by the original Hebrew lunar calendar. The Council of Laodicea was convened approximately 40 years later to enforce the acceptance of “the Lord’s Day” in place of the original lunar Sabbath.

In order, therefore, to the accomplishment of her original pur-pose, it now became necessary for the church to secure legisla-tion extinguishing all exemption, and prohibiting the observance of the Sabbath so as to quench that powerful protest [against

46 p. 72-73 (16th Edition, p. 111; 88th Edition, p. 89

72 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

worship on Sunday]. And now . . . the “truly divine command” of Constantine and the council of Nicæa that “nothing” should be held “in common with the Jews,” was made the basis and the authority for legislation, utterly to crush out the observance of the Sabbath of the Lord, and to establish the observance of Sun-day only in its stead. A. T. Jones, The Two Republics47

Canon 29 of the Council of Laodicea demanded:

Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honor, and, as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ.

Roman Catholic bishop, Karl Josef von Hefele (1809-1893), states that the word “Saturday” is supplied in mod-ern translations. Von Hefele is a very credible authority on the original word choice used at the Council of La-odicea. A German scholar, theologian and professor of Church history, he was educated at Tϋbingen University. One of his greatest works was History of the Councils of the Church from the Original Documents. As a bishop

and theologian, he certainly had access to original documents in the Vatican archives.

According to von Hefele, the original word used in both the Greek and the Latin was actually “Sabbath.” The word “anathema” (accursed) was used in place of “shut out.” The Latin version clearly does not contain any reference to dies Saturni (Saturday) but instead uses Sabbato, or “Sabbath:”

Quod non oportet Christianos Judaizere et otiare in Sabbato, sed operari in eodem die. Preferentes autem in veneratione Domi-nicum diem si vacre voluerint, ut Christiani hoc faciat; quod si reperti fuerint Judaizere Anathema sint a Christo.

It bears repeating: Christians at the time of the calendar change were not confused over Saturday being the Sabbath. Everyone knew that dies Saturni

47 Ithaca, Michigan: A. B. Publishing, Inc., n.d., p. 321

73 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

had recently been moved from the first day of the pagan week to the last day of the pagan week, while Sabbato was the seventh day of the Israelite’s origi-nal Hebrew lunar calendar with which no one in power wished to be associ-ated. Again, these were two different days on two distinct calendar systems.

Eusebius of Caesarea, a church historian contemporary with Constantine and his frequent flatterer, is often quoted regarding the Sunday legislation of the time. It is generally believed that he was the priest that finally bap-tized Constantine shortly before his death. At the opening ceremonies of the Council of Nicæa, Eusebius sat to the right of Constantine and gave the opening address. Eusebius was very clear that the exaltation of dies Solis was over the Hebrew Sabbato and not over the pagan dies Saturni. Catholic Encyclopedia, “Eusebius of Caesarea,

All things whatsoever it was duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lord’s day, as being more appropriate, and chief, and first, and more honorable than the Jewish Sabbath. Eusebius, Commentary on the Psalms

It was at this time that Sylvester I, Bishop of Rome during the Council of Nicæa, attempted to rename the days of the pagan week by the original He-brew lunar calendar weekday names. “This was the era of Constantine the Great, when the public position of the Church so greatly improved, a change which must certainly have been very noticeable at Rome.” “Pope Sylvester I” (d. December 31, 335), Catholic Encyclopedia,

Catholics, knowing full well that there is no scriptural reason to worship on Sunday, have seen how inconsistent Protestants are. “It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their obser-vance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church.” Priest Brady, in an address reported in The News, Elizabeth, New Jersey, March 18, 1903.

74 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

• “Who Do We Reverence and Pay Homage to by Keeping Sunday Holy? From this we may understand how great is the authority of the church in interpreting or explaining to us the commandments of God – an authority which is acknowledged by the universal practice of the whole Christian world, even of those sects which profess to take the holy Scriptures as their sole rule of faith, since they observe as the day of rest not the seventh day of the week demanded by the Bible, but the first day. Which we know is to be kept holy, only from the tradition and teaching of the Catholic church.” Henry Gibson, Catechism Made Easy, #2, 9th edition, vol. 1, pp. 341-342.

• “It was the Catholic church which...has transferred this rest to the Sun-day in remembrance of the resurrection of our Lord. Thus the obser-vance of Sunday by the Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the [Roman Catholic] church.” Monsi-gnor Louis Segur, Plain Talk About the Protestantism of Today, 1868, p. 213.

• “Protestants...accept Sunday rather than Saturday as the day for public worship after the Catholic Church made the change...But the Protes-tant mind does not seem to realize that...in observing the Sunday, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church, the Pope.” Our Sunday Visitor, February 15, 1950.

• “The [Roman Catholic] Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of the divine, infallible authority given to her by her founder, Jesus Christ. The Protestant claiming the Bible to be the only guide of faith, has no warrant for observing Sunday.” The Catholic Universe Bulletin, August 14, 1942, p. 4.

A Catholic who believes that Christ was resurrected on Sunday is far more consistent than a Sunday-keeping Protestant who claims to base all of his belief on the Bible and the Bible only. Catholics place tradition and the de-crees of their popes ahead of the Bible, so there is no inconsistency for them in believing that Sunday is the day of the resurrection. For them, truth is whatever tradition and their pope decree it to be.

However, for a Protestant to denounce the Catholics for following tradition rather than the Bible, and yet still worship on Sunday, is inconsistent in the extreme. Furthermore, for Jews and Saturday Sabbatarians to insist that

75 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

the precise, correct day does matter to Creator, and then keep the seventh day by the pagan, planetary/gods calendar is even more inconsistent. If it is important to worship on the correct Sabbath day, then the original Hebrew calendar, established by Creator in the first week, needs to be used to calcu-late when that Sabbath is recognized.

When the historical facts of the Julian calendar are understood, it is clearly established that Sunday is not the only worship day founded upon pagan calendation. Saturday, dies Saturni, the first day of the planetary/god named week is a counterfeit of the original lunar based seventh day Sabbath.

It has been said that there is an ancient proverb stating:

“He who controls the calendar, controls the world.”

The day on which you worship, and the calendar used to calculate that day, reveals which god(s) you worship. This will then tell you who controls you.

76 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

Chapter 8Origins of Saturn

Chronos, the god that ate his own children. The one whose followers have learned to do in the name of Jesus


As this book is attempting to demonstrate, history is replete with au-thoritarian manipulation of calendation away from the original Sabbath

directions. While most people are aware that the origins of Sunday Sabbath began with sun worship, as we mentioned before, they still assume that Sat-urday is the original seventh-day Sabbath. Saturday is the seventh-day of the Gregorian week, however, the calendar used to calculate Saturday is a pagan usurp, that establishes the worship times of pagan gods over the Jew-ish Creator.

77 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

The origins of Saturday reveal it to be a counterfeit used by the Church to overlay worship of a false god and eclipse the genuine seventh-day original Sabbath and its Creator. In essence, the historic Christian Church has sys-tematically erased the truth of the Hebrew Creator and replaced it with their manufactured triune god, complete with his own separate worship days.

Not only have they successfully moved the worship of their followers to Sunday, but in doing so, also led those in opposition to the movement of Sabbath, to incorrectly believe that the Saturday is the correct Sabbath. The concept of the calendar ever being anything but what it is today, is as fixed in peoples minds as the idea that yield signs in North America are still yellow and black.

So why would a church claiming to follow the Creator, go to such lengths to cover true Sabbath? Is it merely a lust for absolute power, or is there more? Let us delve into the history of Saturday to help you understand why.

The word “Saturday” is derived from “Saturn’s day” or the day belonging to the Roman god “Saturn”. Most, if not all, of the ancient religions had Saturn in their pantheon of gods. The Greeks called him “Kronos/Chronos.” To the Egyptians, he was alternately “Khons” the god of time and “Osiris” god of the harvest. Rome itself was originally the city of Saturn. “Tradition related that Sat-urn, the earliest god of agriculture, worshipped in Italy . . . dwelt on the hill afterwards called the Capitoline, and introduced the golden age into Italy whilst reigning there; whence [come the terms:] the Saturnian reign, moun-tain, land and city.” Johann D. Fuss, Roman Antiquities

In common with all the earth, Rome at a very early prehistoric period, had drunk deep of Babylon’s “golden cup.” But above and beyond all other nations, it had a connection with the idola-try of Babylon that put it in a position peculiar and alone. Long before the days of Romulus [the founder of Rome, with his broth-er Remus] a representative of the Babylonian Messiah, called by his name, had fixed his temple as a god, and his palace as a king, on one of those very heights which came to be included within the walls of that city which Remus and his brother were destined to found. On the Capitoline hill, so famed in after-days as the

78 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

great high place of Roman worship, Saturnia, or the city of Sat-urn, the great Chaldean god, had in the days of dim and distant antiquity been erected. Hislop, op. cit., p. 23948

In the Christian New Testament book The Revelation of John, it is theorized that Rome with its idolatrous worship is symbolized as a woman named “Mystery Babylon,” sitting on a beast with seven heads.49 The seven heads of the beast are identified as the “seven mountains” on which she sits.50

This is a potential reference to Rome, long known as “the City of Seven Hills.” “To call Rome the City ‘of the Seven Hills’ was by its citizens held to be as de-scriptive as to call it by its own proper name.”51 The

Capitoline Hill, the smallest of Rome’s seven hills and the site of Saturnia was long considered the most sacred and became the seat of civil govern-ment.

On the Capitoline hill, so famed in after-days as the great high place of Roman worship, Saturnia, or the city of Saturn, the great Chaldean god, had in the days of dim and distant antiquity been erected.52 Some revolution had then taken place – the graven images of Babylon had been abolished – the erecting of any idol had been sternly prohibited,53 and when the twin founders [Ro-mulus and Remus] of the now world-renowned city reared its humble walls, the city and the palace of their Babylonian prede-cessor had long lain in ruins. Hislop, op. cit., p. 239

Even Virgil alludes to the destruction of Saturnia at date remote even to the 48 See also, Aurelius Victor, Origo Gentis Romanæ, (Utrecht, 1696) cap. 349 Revelation 17:1-550 Revelation 17:951 Hislop, op. cit., p. 2. Propertius described Rome as “The lofty city on seven hills,

which governs the whole world.” (Lib. iii. Elegy 9, Utrecht, 1659, p. 721.) See also Virgil, Georg., lib. ii. v. 534, 535; Horace, Carmen Seculare, v. 7, p. 497; also, Mar-tial: “Septem dominos montes,” lib. iv. Ep. 64, p. 254

52 Aurelius Victor, op. cit53 Plutarch (in Hist. Numæ, Vol. I, p. 65) states, that Numa forbade the making of images,

and that for 170 years after the founding of Rome, no images were allowed in the Ro-man temples.

79 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

early time of Evander (roughly 1250 B.C.).54

The Greek god Kronos and the Roman god Saturn were seen as the same god.55 As god of the harvest, he was typically represented as holding a scythe. Kro-nos/Saturn was the god of time56 as well and as such he was frequently shown holding babies.57 Saturn’s

chief holiday was Saturnalia. In December, the path of the sun holds the same on the southern sky for five days. Ancient priests told the supersti-tious people that the sun was dying and they must win the favor of the god with costly sacrifices. Saturn, as the god of time, was implored to continue time. The people were thus compelled to offer the things most precious to them, their children, in order to prolong time. Saturn, god of time and god of the harvest, reaped his harvest of souls in the burned bodies of these young children.

In mythology, Kronos ate his own children. Therefore, the proper sacrifice with which to appease Kronos would, of course, be children. While indica-tions are that this was not a daily ritual, it certainly occurred at times of na-tional peril such as famine or war. The victims were generally heavily veiled (to prevent the parents from seeing when it was their child’s turn) and loud music with drums was played to drown out any screams that may be heard. 54 Referring to when Æneas was said to have visited the ancient Italian king, Virgil

stated: “Then saw two heaps of ruins; once they stood/Two stately towns on either side the flood/Saturnia and Janicula’s remains/And either place the founder’s name retains.” (Ænid, lib. Viii. II. 467-470, Vol. III, p. 608, emphasis supplied.)

55 Hislop, op. cit., pp. 31-35; “Saturn,” Ecyclopedia Britannica; “Saturnus, Saturnalia,” The Oxford Classical Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979), pp. 955-956.

56 “The connection between the sun and Saturn probably arose from both being taken as symbols of Time. The return of the sun to the beginning of the zodiac marked the completion of the year. Saturn, the slowest moving of all the heavenly bodies, ac-complished its revolution . . . in about 30 years, a complete generation of men. Saturn therefore was in a peculiar sense the symbol of Time, and because of Time, of Destiny” (The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, James Orr, gen. ed., [The Howard-Severance Co., 1915], Vol. I, p. 298.)

57 Fuss, op. cit., pp. 359-360

80 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

Carthage in particular was infamous for child sacrifice. “Special ceremo-nies during extreme crisis saw up to 200 children of the most affluent and powerful families slain and tossed into the burning pyre. During the politi-cal crisis of 310 B.C., some 500 were killed.” Roy Decker, Religion of Car-thage, “Human Sacrifice.”

“Saturn had become the champion of African paganism . . . indeed as Baal-Hammon in Phoenician Car-thage, he was the object of child sacrifice, disclosed by the discover-ies in the Tophet, or open-air sacrifi-cial grounds of the old Punic city.”58 “The champion diety of North Afri-can paganism was Saturn to whom the Phoenician god Baal-Hammon was assimilated. Although a fertil-ity god, Saturn-Baal . . . was none-

theless ruthless in the sacrifices he exacted.”59 If you worshipped on the solar calendar Saturday, it was your statement that he was your god.

The Romans quit offering human sacrifice early on60 and the Senate offi-cially outlawed the practice in 97 BCE.61 However, blood was still spilled via gladiators during the saturnalia celebrations.62

While Saturnalia was originally held on December 17, the riotous behavior associated with this popular holiday early on led to a lengthening of the celebration, first to two, then three, then five days. In Cicero’s time, Satur-

58 Quodvultdeus of Carthage, translation and commentaries, Thomas Macy Finn, (New Jersey: The Newman Press, 2004), p. 14

59 Ibid60 While the Romans frowned on human sacrifice as barbaric, there are, nevertheless,

specific instances of human sacrifice that occurred as late as 216 and 113 BCE. Other human sacrifices referred to by Livy (2.42) and Pliny the Younger (Epistle, 4.11) would seem to indicate that whatever the official “reason” for the “execution,” these were in reality sacrifices to appease the gods because of bad omens.

61 Robert Drews, “Pontiffs, Prodigies, and the Disappearance of the Annales Maximi,” Classical Philology, Vol. 83, No. 4 (Oct., 1988), pp. 289-299

62 While Saturnalia was originally held on December 17, the riotous behavior associated with this popular holiday early on led to a lengthening of the celebration, first to two, then three, and five days. In Cicero’s time, Saturnalia lasted for seven days.

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nalia lasted for seven days. “The gladiatorial shows were sacred” to Saturn.63 Ausonius stated that “the amphitheater claims its gladiators for itself, when at the end of December they propitiate with their blood the sickle-bearing Son of Heaven.”64 The fact that the gladiators were themselves considered sacrifices to this blood-thirsty god is affirmed by Justus Lipsius, when com-menting on Ausonius’ quote: “Where you will observe two things, both, that the gladiators fought on the Saturnalia, and that they did so for the purpose of appeasing and propitiating Saturn.”65

The principle on which these [gladiatorial] shows were conduct-ed was the very same as that which influenced the priests of Baal. They were celebrated as propitiatory sacrifices . . . in the light of the real history of the historical Saturn, we find a more satisfactory reason for the barbarous custom when such multi-tudes of men were “Butchered to make a Roman holiday.” When it is remembered that Saturn [Nimrod] himself was cut in pieces, it is easy to see how the idea would arise of offering a welcome sacrifice to him by setting men to cut one another in pieces on his birthday, by way of propitiating his favor. Ibid

As Christianity was absorbed into pagan Rome, both Christianity and pa-ganism combined to form a new, amalgamated religion. This new religion, headed by the papacy, retained the pagan celebrations, now christened with new “Christianized” names. Christianity was very quick to immerse itself in paganism, which did not change its religious practices. As early as the third century, Tertullian lamented how quick the Christians of his day were to give up their pure faith while the pagans remained very faithful to their religion:

By us who are strangers to Sabbaths, and new moons, and festi-vals, once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of Janu-ary, the Brumalia, and Matronalia, are now frequented; gifts are carried to and fro, new year’s day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians. Tertul-

63 Fuss, op. cit., p. 35964 Ausonius, Eclog. i. p. 156, quoted in Hislop, op. cit., p. 15365 Lipsius, tom. ii. Saturnalia Sermonum Libri Duo, Qui De Gladiatoribus, lib. i. cap. 5

as quoted in Hislop, ibid.

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lian, De Idolatria, c. 14, Vol. I, p. 682 as quoted in Hislop, op. cit., p. 93

This is a fascinating quote because religious observances are dependent on their calendars for establishing when to celebrate. Tertullian was listing the Creator’s original Hebrew holy days: Sabbaths, new moons, and annual feasts. He stated that these celebrations were acceptable to God, while la-menting the fact that they had been given up for pagan holidays, calculated on the pagan, Julian calendar.

A baker combines yeast with dough to make bread. The end product, bread, nei-ther resembles the yeast nor the dough. It is a new product made of them both. In this way, the amalgamation of paganism with Christianity has flowed through the papal Church and now permeates all of Christendom, from the Roman Catholics through to every other sect. Pure follow-ing of the original instructions from Je-sus of Nazareth regarding the Creator is a thing of the past, as is the overt pagan-ism of the ancients. However, the product of this corrupt union is clearly evident in Christianity today. The new end-result is

“Neo-Christian Paganism” ignorant of its Hebrew birth.

There are many devout Christians who do not celebrate Easter or Christmas because of their pagan origins, yet, through ignorance these same sincere people worship on other pagan holy days. It does not matter whether the day of the week is the first day or the seventh day; if a pagan calendar is being used to keep track of time, it is calculating pagan worship days fixed to the pagan created solar calendars and not the original scriptural Hebrew calcula-tions. Even if the correct day of the Sabbath matches the Gregorian calendar for one Sabbath, by the next month, the solar calendar calculation no longer matches the Hebrew lunar calendar.

Perhaps we should consider that the creator of the lunar calendar did so spe-cifically so that the original Hebrew Sabbath could not in anyway be tied

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to pagan, false-god worship days from the solar calendars. By putting the observance of the lunar calendar in the hands of the common man, its cre-ator designed a system outside of the control of religious and authoritarian manipulation, inhibiting the changing of days to suit their agendas. It is only with our relinquishing of our duty to observe the original instructions, that their corrupting influence has been successful.

The influence of the Modern church upon its members is still evident to-day. “Converts” are taught and memorize scriptures supposedly showing that Creator allows any day to be observed as Sabbath. The control is so complete, that verses taken out of context will no longer fail under scrutiny by the faithful as it has all but ceased to exist.

The teachers of the modern churches have moved from teaching context, to teaching con-text. This deception could not exist without the compliance of the member masses, who refuse to except responsibility and open up their scriptures to examine these teachings. An example of these teachings re-sides in the use of verses such as the one found in the Christian New Testa-ment book, Romans which is used to support the idea that any day may be seen as a Sabbath thereby giving the church allowance to have moved it to Sunday.

One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Romans 14:5 KJV

Inspect Romans 14:5 in context, and observe. You will find this section to be speaking not of Sabbath but the instructions regarding eating and which day to fast on. When reading from the beginning of the Chapter:

1. Him that is weak in the faith receive ye , but not to doubtful disputations. 2. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak , eateth herbs. 3. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth : for God hath received him. 4. Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own

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master he standeth or falleth . Yea, he shall be holden up : for God is able to make him stand . 5. One man esteemeth one day above another : another estee-meth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Romans 14:1-5 KJV

Have the Christians forgotten the words of Jesus of Nazareth, whom they claim is their master?

And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

Luke 6:46 KJV

18. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least com-mandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Matt 5:18-19 KJV

Most surprising is the fact that most Christians will agree based on teachings such as the one from Romans, that one may choose any day as Sab-bath. Mention to these same people that you choose your Sabbath based on the original Hebrew Scriptures and sud-denly this is unallowable. It is Hebrew law and that is no lon-ger in effect. This in complete

contradiction to the commandments of Jesus, the one they call master.

In effect, the church has even supplanted the teaching of Jesus with the teach-

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ings of Paul so that even Jesus is no longer their Lord as they have ceased to follow his commands to keep the Hebrew Sabbath as he did.

The very strongest deceptions are those closest to the truth.

Saturday, the seventh day of the pagan calendar is assumed to be the origi-nally instructed Sabbath, but it is not. In a complicated twist, the religious and governmental authorities have produced Sunday as the counterfeit wor-ship day. The purpose of this double deception is to deceive all who truly desire to honor their Maker. Instead of Sabbath though, they have created worship to be held on the “Lord’s Day” or the seventh day Sabbath. In this way, at-tention is diverted from the truth that Saturday itself is a counterfeit which honors the cruelest, most blood-thirsty of all the gods: Saturn.

Honor and reverence is thus stolen from the Creator and given to his enemy.

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Chapter 9Constantine, Sun-Day

and The Helios The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun.

Thomas Paine

As you have seen, Sunday has become the day of worship for most of the Christian churches and has become the Christian Sabbath over the

years. The Church claims the right to move the day from the original cal-culation, explaining that the resurrection of Jesus brought us rest from sin, a Sabbath. Therefore as Jesus is seen as God, they justified overshadowing

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the original instructions of the scriptures, even though there are no such instructions to do so in any scripture. In fact, this is in direct violation of the original instructions to maintain a lunar calculated Sabbath through the generations. Considering Jesus himself said the laws would not change and they were to be kept, this is quite ironic that they refer to him as Master and ignore his commands.

The church (who claims to follow Creator) and reigning authoritarian bod-ies have forcefully pushed to have the day of Creator’s rest moved from its original lunar calculated position to the day of Helios or Sol Envictus, the Sun day of the pagan god on the modern solar-based calendar.

So who is this pagan god that the church has rushed to honor?

Helios, the Greek god of the sun was also known in Rome as Sol Invictus. The people believed him to ride a chariot drawn by flaming horses across the sky each day with a shining crown of light to illuminate the Earth. An interesting note, Helios’ sister Selene, the moon goddess, still paired on the modern god calendar with the Moon-day (Mon-day) following Sun-day. To Romans, Sol Invictus was the unconquered Sun and the official Sun god towards the end of the Roman Empire. Worship of Sol Invictus was made an official religion by Emperor Aurelian alongside the older Roman cults which added to its legitimacy. Sol Invictus the favored god of Constantine used this god’s image for public use and coinage. Constantine juxtaposition-ing his image on the coinage to bask in the people’s impression of his image contrasted in front of the shining god Sol Invictus. As noted earlier, “Sol Invictus also played a central role in Mithraism and was equated by many to be Mithras, the god whose life seemed to closely parallel the Christians’ new god.”66

Once more we need to revisit the life of Constantine to see the pivotal rami-fications of his life and actions on setting the days of worship and why.

66 David Ulansey, The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries (Oxford University Press, 1989)

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Though many still contend that Constantine had become a Christian, there is no specific date to point to this and much evidence stands to the contrary of a true rather than political conversion.

On the evening of October 27, A.D. 312 with his army preparing for the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, emperor Constantine claimed to have a vision telling him he would be fighting under the protection of the Christian god if he placed a specific symbol called the Chi-Rho on the shields of his men. He was victorious, and many believe his victory in that battle cemented his trust

in the Christian god and capitulated his conversion to Christianity. But annals of history written around these times may shed more light. From Eusebius the Roman historian, two accounts of the battle have survived. The first shorter account in the Ecclesiastical History leaves no doubt that God helped Constantine but does not mention any vision. In the second, the Life of Constantine, Eusebius gives a detailed account of a vision and stresses that he had heard the story from the emperor himself. These two accounts hardly match each other, though they have been merged in popular notion into Constantine seeing the Chi-Rho sign on the evening before the battle. Although it is now, at the time this sign was not readily understandable as denoting Christ. The fact is, there is no certain evidence of the use of the letters chi and rho as a Christian sign anywhere before Constantine. Its first appearance is on a Constantinian silver coin from c. A.D. 317 which proves that Constantine did use the sign by that time, though not very prominently.

The above accounts are not the first time such a well-placed vision came to him at an opportune time. In a speech delivered in Gaul on 25 July A.D. 310 the orator proclaims that Constantine experienced a divine vision of Apol-lo and Nike granting him laurel wreaths of health and a long reign. In the

The original Chi-Rho (Labarum), designed under the emperor is described by Eusebius as “a long spear, overlaid with gold”, which with a transverse bar formed the figure of a cross. “On the top of the whole was fixed a wreath of gold and precious stones, and within this the symbol of the Saviour’s name, two letters indicating the name of Christ by means of the initial letters, the letter X intersection P at the centre.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910

Chi-Rho (Labarum)

89 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

likeness of Apollo, Constantine recognized himself, as the saving figure to whom would be granted “rule of the whole world.” The oration’s religious shift is paralleled by a similar shift in Constantine’s coinage. In Constan-tine’s early reign coinage displayed Mars as his god of choice and from A.D. 310 on Mars was replaced by Sol Invictus, a god conventionally identified with Apollo.

There is little reason to believe that his divine visions are anything other than proclamation fiction for the purpose of strengthening Con-stantine’s claims to authoritarian legitimacy. This increased his pop-ularity among the pagan citizens of Gaul and among the Christians who found the single god concept much less offensive then the standard ro-man collection. Throughout his rule, Constantine supported the Church, granted privileges to clergy and placed Christians in high office. He was paramount in building the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and Old Saint Peter’s Basilica.

Be not mistaken though, Constantine certainly did not focus solely on Chris-tianity. After gaining victory in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in A.D. 312 a monument, the Arch of Constantine, was built by A.D. 315 to celebrate that victory.

The arch is decorated with images of Victoria the personified goddess of victory. She is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Nike and was associated with Bellona. Constantine’s triumphal arch, by the Coliseum was carefully positioned to align with the colossal statue of Sol. Sol formed the dominant backdrop when seen from the direction of the main approach towards the arch. At the time of its dedication, sacrifices to the gods Apol-lo, Diana, and Hercules were also made. These actions would have been deemed unthinkable to a dedicated convert to Christianity who would have railed against service to false gods. Instead, his proclamations did the op-posite.

In A.D. 321 Constantine decreed that Christians and non-Christians should

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be united in observing dies Solis (day of the sun) as their day of rest, expand-ing the cult of sun worship from Aurelian in A.D. 274.Constantine decreed March 7, A.D. 321 dies Solis—day of the sun, “Sun-day”—as the Roman day of rest.

On the Venerable Day of the Sun (“venerabili die Solis”--the sacred day of the Sun) let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawful-ly continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain-sowing or for vine-planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost--Given the 7th day of March, A.D. 321, Crispus and Constantine being consuls each of them for the sec-ond time.”67

When Constantine moved the worship of those he ruled to the day of his god, it became quite evident that Sol Invictus was his patron god of choice. Long after his alleged con-version to Christianity, Constantine’s coinage continued to carry the symbols of the sun, Victoria and other deities.

After the pagan gods had disappeared from the coinage, Christian symbols replaced them as Constantine’s minor personal attributes.

The Chi-Rho, his beloved symbol of victory relegated to minute imagery, appeared between his hands or on his military standard, but never on the coin itself. During the dedication of the new Roman capital of Constanti-nople in A.D. 330, Constantine participated while wearing the Apollonian sun-rayed Diadem without Christian symbols.

It should be noted that pagan Greek scribes used the Chi-Rho, this supposed symbol of Christianity, as a simple accent to mark particularly valuable or relevant passages. Constantine used the Church to his advantage, giving them the attention and

67 The First Sunday Law of Constantine 1, in “Codex Justinianus,” lib. 3, tit. 12, 3; trans. in Phillip Schaff “History of the Christian Church,” Vol. 3, p. 380.

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freedom they long sought, while quietly creating compromise to the instruc-tions of their scriptures. His reign established the precedent for influence and ultimate regulatory authority, as emperor, involving the religious dis-cussions within the early Christian councils. In this authoritarian position he continued his plan to remove obedience to the Hebrew god, and sway the Christian leadership to adopt his “antichrist” not the original instructions of Jesus, but a Jesus, reborn in the image of the sun.

The Council of Nicaea thus marked the great break of Christianity from the original Hebrew instructions. From this point on, the Roman Ju-lian Calendar, a pagan solar cal-endar, was given precedence over the original lunar Hebrew calendar among the Christian churches of the Roman Empire. That which was to be determined by the original calculations of the lunar calendar was to be no more. This, the great council of Nicaea, lauded as the greatest council of Christian history, was nothing more then a collection of power hungry bishops who created a false pagan overlay to mask the words of the Hebrew Creator’s original instructions and allow them dominance over the unwitting faithful.

From this day forward, the great Easter festival was always to be held on a Sunday, the day of Sol Invictus, never to coincide with the Hebrew Passover, which might occur on any day of the pagan week. All churches from that day forward were now tied to the commands of a central church, never to invoke the calculations of the original lunar commands. Power and control were now theirs and all this, overseen by the great Constantine, the cham-pion convert to Christianity. How great was his conversion?

It was not until Constantine fell seriously ill soon after the Feast of Easter A.D. 337. that he was actually baptized. He summoned the bishops and re-quested a baptism right away, promising to live a more Christian life should he live through his illness. He did not, but the damage remains today. The modern Christian Church throughout all denominations continues to blindly serve without question, the constant golem Sabbath of man’s design.

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Chapter 10The One World Calendarfor the New World Order

One would assume that the adjustments to the calendar have been com-pleted, but this is not the end. In 1975, when Jimmy Carter was running

for president of the United States, he stated that he was running for peace in the Middle East and The World Calendar. Currently, there is a growing movement to implement The World Calendar between 2013 and 2017. The World Calendar Association, International, continues the push for calendar reform, which it staes clearly on its home page:

During the first half of last century, recognition of the need for a user-friendlier successor to the Gregorian calendar prompted worldwide study. It identified The World Calendar as the best probable choice. A well-documented attempt to make the change

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followed, but was not completed. In 2008, The World Calen-dar continued to unfold as a multi-level demonstration that the current, nearly unanimous Gregorian calendar, as we know and ignore it, quietly stifles (smothers/chokes) potential. TheWorld-Calendar.org

While Judeo-Christian traditionalists were able to defeat the earlier calendar reforms of the 18th and 20th centuries, current developments in the world eco-nomic situation would seem to indicate that the reform may be passed this time. The very simplicity of The World Calen-dar is one of its main attractions to the financial and banking institutions. Stan-dardizing the year into uniform quarters would have great economic benefits for the world banks.

Right now months and quarters in the Gregorian calendar year vary in length. In the proposed World Calendar each quarter would be identical to all the others: January, April, July and October would all start on Sunday. March, June, September and December would all end on Saturday. This would make figuring salaries, amortizing loans, mortgages and car payments, work and school schedules as well as international monetary exchanges much easier because quarterly time segments are equal and perpetual.

The economic difficulties being experienced by most countries around the globe have led many world leaders to call for globalized financial oversight. Such oversight would necessitate a uniformity that the World Calendar can provide.

And so the capacity to control the observation of time, would sit squarely in the hands of the world banks as they manipulate state and federal govern-ments to further their agenda of unified world financial control. For those who believe that the Creator has the right to establish the day of Sabbath it presents a very real problem. According to Dr. Angel Ro-driguez, head of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the World Council of Churches recently studied

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the World Calendar and how the proposed change would affect the current weekly cycle and worship on Sunday. While the 20th Century move to replace the Gregorian calendar with the World Calendar was defeated by determined resistance from religious groups, many leaders and members of these same religious groups saw no problem in changing the calendar. Some of them based their acceptance of calendar change on the facts of history. P. W. Wilson, formerly a member of the British House of Commons, emphatically stated: “The Jewish people are not to be held responsible for the anomalies and irregularities of the Gregorian calendar. No religious community – Jewish, Christian, Moslem, whatever it be – has a reason for upholding what originated in the Paganism of a Roman Empire that has disappeared.”68

What Wilson is acknowledging as originating in the paganism of the Roman Empire is Julian calendation, which was the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar.

In 1937, Dr. Jean Nussbaum, a Seventh-day Adventist greatly disturbed by the growing support for the World Calendar, conducted a series of interviews with leading men in Paris and Rome. Some Roman Catholic prel-ates, such as Monsignor Fontenelle of the Biblical Insti-tute and Cardinal Tisserant, the director of the Oriental Institute, claimed to be opposed to the World Calen-dar. However, the Rector of the Biblical Institute, Dr. Nussbaum reported, “sees no difficulty in accepting

the calendar reform . . . He feels that the [Roman Catholic] Church has the necessary power to make this change” (Rome, 1937).69 It should be noted that after the Rector of the Biblical Institute expressed support for The World Calendar, Monsignor Fontenelle changed his earlier position and agreed with his superior. In his notes of the interview, Nussbaum stated: “In spite of all my efforts, I do not succeed in bringing him [the Rector] to admit the sacred character of the week.”

Even certain Jews had no problem accepting the proposed reform. Rabbi 68 P. W. Wilson, “Discussion of Leap Week,” Journal of Calendar Reform, March, 1935,

p. 1969 Quoted in Box 4, Folder 9. Grace Amadon Collection, (Collection 154), Center for

Adventist Research, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan

95 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

Martin M. Weitz of the Beth Hillel Temple in Kenosha, Wisconsin stated in his book “Time” in Jewish History, that the calendar “can be changed today, if necessary, even as it was done previously.”70 He justified a blank day by arguing that it was allowable if observed as a 48-hour Sabbath:

If the World Calendar in no wise sacrifices the week as is charged by many co-religionists it may indeed be another great reform worthy of consideration. If it sanctifies the week additionally in that it can reintroduce an ancient Jewish practice – a 48 in-stead of 24 hour “coverage” for major rest days and festivals, it may well be time to lengthen again the one-day and one-week festivals by one-day for each. . . . This practice of a lengthened festival in general is proposed in part by The World Calendar in its Year-End Day and Leap-Year Day, so that on each of these instances there would be two days of leisure celebrated simul-taneously by the world-at-large. Weitz, op cit., p. 188, emphasis in original

Current promoters of the World Calendar are offering the same justification: make Year-End Day a second Sabbath and all is well. The reasoning pro-moted by P. W. Wilson is being repeated today in various forms:

The learned Rabbi has insisted that the word Sabbath does not signify only a day of rest. It signifies Rest itself and the princi-ple of Rest thus emphasized by Hebrew tradition, is no outworn principle. We have today the five-day [work] week. That short week is not destroying the Sabbath. On the contrary it is associ-ating Jew and Christian in a double Sabbath, human and divine, which both are able to celebrate in unison.

And so with the Year and Leap Days. These also are days, not withdrawn from the Sabbaths of the Year but added unto them. They are among those Holy Days which man may use as holi-days.

According to The World Calendar, in so far as it affects the mat-ter at all, the Jewish Sabbath is set in a strategic position. It

70 Martin M. Weitz, “‘Time’ in Jewish History,” Journal of Calendar Reform, December, 1937, p. 187, emphasis supplied

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remains what it has been – the day on which every week ends. It becomes the day on which every quarter ends. More important than all, it becomes the day on which every year ends. The place of the Sabbath in such a year is impregnable. . . . Through all ages, the Jewish people have concentrated their minds on life itself. That has been the glory of the Hebraic mis-sion – life and home and happiness defended against the oppres-sive encroachments of power. If it can be shown that calendar reform guarantees 52 fixed Sabbaths in the year and safeguards those Sabbaths within every year, and if this acceptance of the Sabbath can be extended as a blessing to all mankind – might it not be worth while for the guardians of the Sabbath to consider this opportunity of leadership along the path of well-being for all people? Wilson, op cit., pp. 22-23

In Israel, a bill brought by MK Zevulun Orlev (NRP) and posted on israelna-tionalnews.com on February 23, 2008, proposed that Sunday become a sec-ond day of rest, while allowing places of entertainment to be open and public transportation to continue to operate. A poll conducted by Prof. Yitzchak Katz found that 56% of the public supported Orlev’s initiative. Such an act would clear the way in Israel for the acceptance of the blank days in The World Calendar.

One Seventh-day Adventist minister, known for his conservative theological stance, was presented with evidence for the lunar Sabbath. In response he stated: “You’re right. When the Sabbath is calculated by the Biblical cal-endar it will fall differently. However, all God requires is that we worship by whatever calendar society is using.”71 Such a position, while surprising coming from a “traditional, conservative” source, allows for the adoption of a calendar, which changes the current weekly cycle. As so eloquently stated by Rabbi Weitz:

Rabbinic Judaism ever permitted infringement of any or all ritu-als or laws, affecting even the Day of Atonement, if it meant salvation of life. If manifold revisions can be cited in the past, not for convenience but for necessity, it may well be within the

71 Personal interview by eLaine Vornholt, Calendar Fraud, Spokane, Washington, August 16, 2006

97 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

spirit of the “liberal interpretation” of our “constitution” for Re-ligion-and-Culture, Judaism, to think through anew the problem of double-day Sabbaths every week (to insure Saturday for the Jew and Sunday for the Christian), lengthened Jewish festivals every season, and an improved world calendation in the form of a Year-End Day every year and a Leap-Year Day quadrennially.72

Rejection, as well as acceptance, of The World Calendar crosses all religious boundaries. Many people have assumed that the calendar is a dull subject, irrelevant to their personal self-interests. Nothing could be further from the truth. Scripture is clear that the original Hebrew lunar Sabbath contains the seal of the Creator and is described in the scriptural texts as the sign of a fol-lower’s loyalty to him and his government.

The pope, also, has made it clear that he wants to permanently fix Easter. Most people do not understand just what that entails. There are only three ways to do this:

1. Tie Easter to a specific date, regardless of the day of the week. An example of this is Christmas, December 25, which can fall on any day of the week.

The pope will not fix Easter this way, because “Easter Sunday” is his main reason for changing the Biblical Sabbath to the “Lord’s day” – to honor the day on which he claims Christ arose from the dead.

2. Tie Easter to a specific day, regardless of the date. An example of this is Thanksgiving in the United States, which falls on the fourth Thurs-day of every November.

This is not an option because this is the way Easter is tied to the calendar now: it is already tied to a specific day. Because the date of Easter floats through the Gregorian calendar, most people do not understand how it is calculated. Easter is tied to the vernal equinox. Therefore, it always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox.

The first two methods of fixing Easter being exhausted leaves only one-way: changing the entire calendar. An old proverb says: “He, who controls the

72 Weitz, op cit., p. 188, emphasis in original

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calendar, controls the world.” In ancient times, computation of the calendar was the job of the priesthood.

As the sign of the authority of the Catholic Church, papist writ-ers cite “the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of; . . . because by keeping Sunday, they acknowledge the church’s power to ordain feasts, and to com-mand them under sin.” Henry Tuberville, An Abridgement of the Christian Doctrine

. . . The Roman Church has not relinquished her claim to su-premacy; and when the world and the Protestant churches accept a Sabbath of her creating, while they reject the Bible Sabbath, they virtually admit this assumption. They may claim the au-thority of tradition and of the Fathers for the change; but in so doing they ignore the very principle which separates them from Rome—that “the Bible and the Bible only, is the religion of Prot-estants.” The papist can see that they are deceiving themselves, willingly closing their eyes to the facts in the case. As the move-ment for Sunday enforcement gains favor, he rejoices, feeling assured that it will eventually bring the whole Protestant world under the banner of Rome. White, op cit., p. 448

It is true that the proposed World Calendar is much simpler and easier to use than the Gregorian calendar. Many sincere people have worked and are working to promote what they believe will bring only good to the world. However, they do not see where this movement will end. If the Catholic Church is not at the forefront of this movement, it is because she sees that she does not need to be.

Marvelous in her shrewdness and cunning is the Roman Church. She can read what is to be. She bides her time, seeing that the Protestant churches are paying her homage in their acceptance of the false sabbath and that they are preparing to enforce it by the very means which she herself employed in bygone days. Those who reject the light of truth will yet seek the aid of this self-styled infallible power to exalt an institution that originated with her. How readily she will come to the help of Protestants in this work it is not difficult to conjecture. Who understands better

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than the papal leaders how to deal with those who are disobedi-ent to the church? White, op cit., p. 510

On July 5, 1998, Pope John Paul II published the apostolic letter, Dies Do-mini. At the time, it excited quite a bit of comment among Sabbatarians who quickly perceived that it was a call for increased reverence for Sunday observance. The letter included statements in favor of Sunday Legislation which made those who remembered history uneasy.

However, one aspect of the encyclical that no one commented on was the passage that referred to Sunday as the eighth day. Lacking an understanding of the lunar calendar, as well as knowledge of the World Calendar, this part of the papal letter went unnoticed at the time:

Sunday is not only the first day, it is also “the eighth day,” set within the sevenfold succession of days in a unique and tran-scendent position which evokes not only the beginning of time but also its end in “the age to come.” Dies Domini, Ch. II, sec. 26. See also Ch. II, sec. 23

This is very curious wording. No one knew what it meant when Dies Do-mini first came out. However, with an understanding of the principles of lunar calendation, it now appears ominous. On the lunar calendar, every month began with a worship day: New Moon day, the 1st of the new month. The next day, the 2nd of the month, was the first of the six workdays. Con-sequently, the seventh day Sabbath always fell on the 8th, the 15th, the 22nd and the 29th of the month. The calendar for each month appeared thus:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 (30)

The World Calendar bears a striking resemblance to the Scriptural Calendar, so far as the dates of the worship days are concerned. On The World Calen-dar, each year and each quarter begins on Sunday. Therefore, the calendar

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for the months of January, April, July and October all appear like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

In both calendars, the respective worship days fall on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the month. Another similarity is the translation day at the end of the lunar-based Hebrew month. It has its counterpart in World Day, the last day of the year on the reformed calendar, which is not counted as a day of the week nor given a date (i.e., a number.)

And so a much larger confrontation is now emerging. As focus on calen-dar change is increasing, more and more people are becoming aware of the changes that have been wrought upon the original instructions given for the day of reverence to Creator. An awakening to the choice between Creator’s lunar-based calendation and the calendar system that has been passed from Babylon to Egypt to pagan Rome on through the papacy and finally to the modern world today. The words of the Hebrew God remain clear. The calendar used to set the days and festivals reveals where you stand with him.

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Chapter 11

SDH: The Discovery of Self-Defining Hebrew

and the Scriptural Deception

In 2008 a small group of Canadian lay people who later became known as the Chronicle Project, made a discovery. This discovery could change

the very face of how we understand and translate ancient Hebrew and the revealed instruction of the ancient Hebrew texts. This discovery revealed that ancient Hebrew was built with the actual meanings embedded in each word, which eradicates potential mistranslation. A system so simple and far reaching it could conceivably change how we look at the very beginnings of Earth, its occupants and the directions from its Creator. The team calls the system, Self Defining Hebrew, or SDH for short.

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What this discovery did, was unveil a restoration of the ancient Hebrew that made it clear that not only had the Hebrew calendation system been dis-torted, but the very language itself had been manipulated to create a version of these texts supportive to The Churches doctrine. How far had this ma-nipulation gone?

Most people are unversed in the complexities of the present system for trans-lating ancient Hebrew. The current rules are set up to make sure that a spe-cific word will be translated a curtain way in a given use, however with so many uses the rules generally contradict in many use cases. To understand the outcome of this system on translations like the Jewish Torah or King James Bible, let’s look at how the current system creates an environment for doctrinal ideas or agendas to be easily inserted.

There is a word in ancient Hebrew pronounced Nathan. You’ve probably heard it as a person’s name. It simply means to give, nothing more, nothing less.

Here are the English translations of that word found in the King James and other translations of which, should always be rendered...to give.

Taken from the notes in the Young’s Literal Translation:

NATHAN, ‘to give,’ is rendered (in the Kal conjugation) by such words as: to add, apply, appoint, ascribe, assign, bestow, bring, bring forth, cast, cause, charge, come, commit, consider, count, deliver, deliver up, direct, distribute, fasten, frame, give, give forth, give over, give up, grant, hang, hang up, lay, lay to charge, lay up, leave, lend, let, let out, lift up, make, O that, occupy, of-fer, ordain, pay, perform, place, pour, print, put, put forth, rec-ompense, ender, requite, restore, send, send out, set, set forth, shew, shoot forth, shoot up, strike, suffer, thrust, trade, turn, ut-ter, would God, yield; besides seventeen varieties in idiomatic renderings = 84!

This clearly shows the latitude that the translators have taken regarding words appearing in the Bible and the Torah.

How could it be that a five-year-old, Hebrew shepherd can be fluent in an-

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cient Hebrew? How can it be that today’s scholars with twenty years in the Hebrew language still cannot come to consensus on certain words? Did the Hebrew boy memorize the rules? It seems only logical that these rules would be much simpler.

So the Chronicle Project decided to go in a totally different and logical direction than anyone has gone before. By ignoring every-thing modern scholars claim, and simply look for patterns and clues to the working of this language. If in fact a superior being was re-sponsible for this language then it should be perfectly organized, easy to understand and simple. By observing clear patterns in the construction of Hebrew words they discov-ered that the language was not phonetically-based as previously assumed, but glyph-based like Egyptian hieroglyphics.

This watershed moment meant that what was believed to be a letter, was ac-tually a symbol attached to a complete concept. Eighteen months later a list of the 22 Hebrew letters and their effect on words was assembled. With each Hebrew letter now containing an individual concept or meaning, it was then discovered that each Hebrew word was not a simple word at all, but a collec-tion of words. Essentially each word is a collection of simple concepts which form the definition of each word. This meant that Hebrew words contained their own dictionary in every word.

This groundbreaking discovery has now completely changed the way an-cient Hebrew is understood. What they hadn’t imagined is just how far the capacity of this construct went. A complete language formed using only 22 glyphs or letters, which by simple combinations of two or three glyphs could create any idea that one wished to convey.

This was the quantum leap needed for the correct restoration of ancient He-brew texts and where it really becomes interesting.

In order for a language to be created with only 22 base concepts to convey all thought, it’s designer would need to create the language before the lan-

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guage was placed in use. A perfectly designed and fixed language rather then a continually evolving and changing one like all other Earth evolved languages.

That discovery alone should be enough to shock the world, but there’s more.

If you read ancient Hebrew, everything in you will balk at the following defi-nitions for words, but understand that the words themselves contained these definitions. The Chronicle Project uses the fixed system, which has multiple levels of checks in it, and publishes exactly what results of that check. To understand the complete research, you may read up on it at their web site at TheChonicleProject.org.

When applying the Self Defining Hebrew (SDH) of each base letter to a He-brew word, you obtain a description of what the word is supposed to mean. The Hebrew name Abram is a great example of this system. In Hebrew, it is four letters long and appears as this, reading from right to left:


If Abram is divided using the rules of SDH it will appear as such with the following definition:

~/rba to populate – those

But if the SDH rules are not applied and it is divided a different way while still using the base glyphs concepts the results are:

~r/ba to have seed – to mass

Divided another way:

~/rb/a to begin – to produce – those

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No matter how the base glyphs are divided, the combinations continue to de-scribe the same basic theme with only a slight difference. When the glyphs are divided using the correct rules the glyphs describe the action...to popu-late those. When the glyphs are divided using alternate ways it describes the outcome...to have seed to mass or to begin to produce those.

For the Chronicle Project, this provided them the ability to check any transla-tion for mistakes. This amazing self-correcting ability being built into the language by it’s designer.

More so, Hebrew words often appear with prefix (before word) and suffix (after word) glyphs. Hebrew glyphs that form words are grouped together much like a sentence in English.

An SDH example of the prefix and suffix rule using the word...to join, com-

posed of the Aleph a (to begin) and the Thav t (to continue along with)

together they form the word...to join taNow let’s put a suffix on it so that it will say...to join – those

~/ta~t/aWhen divided alternately it reads, to begin, to increase, which, this is the outcome of...to join those. Once again when the word is correctly divide the action is described in that set of glyphs.

In the case above:

– action – to group those – outcome – to begin to increase

This amazing language has a built in multilevel definition correction sys-tem. No matter how many suffixes or prefixes placed around the base set of glyphs, the word always self defines. By applying the above multilevel check process to any Hebrew word it now becomes impossible to mistranslate any

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word and prevents errors from cropping up in the definitions of words over time - the seemingly impossible.

If a Hebrew language translator has the wrong definition for a word, the de-scribed outcome of the action will not match the definition. With this new understanding of the Hebrew language and use of this system it now be-comes impossible for anyone to uphold an incorrect definition. This means it is now impossible for anyone to translate the ancient Hebrew incorrectly without being exposed by the SDH system.

It is not the shape of the glyphs, but the base concept that is important. As long as the 22 shapes maintain the correct concepts the system works. This also means that other languages, like Arabic or Egyptian, may have the same base concepts just use different shapes.

No human could have designed this language without a computing system far beyond anything we presently have today. Now one can say with abso-lute confidence that this language is not a planet-based or created language. It clearly did not and could not have evolved over time. This is a language created by someone or something way more advanced than Earth.

The Hebrew’s have always held that this was the first language of Earth given by a Creator. Although we cannot prove who designed and established its use, there are things we can observe. If the conditions existed 6000 years ago that mainstream archeologists claim then this language has clearly not evolved from some ancient earthly civilization. This language also displays proof positive that it did not evolve from surrounding languages as is often claimed. It simply could not have maintained its perfect structure if any evo-lution was allowed. If any language is similar it will have developed from this one and not the other way around.

To add to this, the Chronicle Project team then discovered another layer to this incredible language.

Looking again at the name of Abram:

~rbaAs previously mentioned no matter how a word is examined, whether add-

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ing a suffix or prefix it always gives us the same basic concepts. Now what happens if the word is divided and grouped as before, but instead of reading it from right to left, as Hebrew is currently done, it is read backwards?

It looks like this:

abrmBy grouping and dividing Abram using the Self Defining Hebrew and read-ing the word from left to right:

a/br/mthose to multiply to begin

This works on all ancient Hebrew words divided in all possible ways, ran-domly grouped or grouped by the rules, and read forwards and backwards. When defined will all point to a single definition of the word making mis-translation totally impossible.

For an evolutionist the only way to explain this perfectly designed language is to claim that a past fallen human civilization created it. To accomplish this feat, an ancient civilization would require knowledge and computing systems advanced beyond what we have today. Where is this civilization and where is archeological proof it existed? This discovery clearly calls into question the evolutionary theory of human advancement.

If you’re a Christian or a Jew reading this you might be thinking, “proof of a Creator at last.” If this is the ultimate proof of a Creator and a self-defining, self-correcting language when applied to the Torah and Bible, clearly shows that the world authorities have given us a massively inaccurate translation. This calls into question everything we’ve been taught and told - everything we believe.

Sadly, in totality this is the proof that nobody really wanted. Proof of the existence of a Creator now requires us to let go of what we have been told to believe and prepare ourselves for something we thought we already knew. The truth.

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“It is hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.”


If all the above is true then the words in scripture are no longer just words of a man inspired religion but a mathematically proven text which cannot have originated with this planet. This also means that if these texts are what they claim, then the Hebrew lunar calendar and its specified Sabbaths are no longer a day of preference, but the specified instructions from a Creator for the people of this planet.

This perfect system embedded by its designer now allows us to reclaim the original meanings of each word of the ancient texts. These restorations by the Chronicle Project on the first seven days of Creation have only affirmed that the original form of calendation was one hundred percent lunar-based. The sun was in no way used for anything other than the hours of the day. (see page 115) Scriptural references that once appeared to argue against complete lunar calendation and the keeping of Sabbaths have now shown to be severely mis-translated. It is now evident that “mistranslations” could not have been mere accidents or “misunderstandings” of the material, but planned and organized alterations.

With these tools now available it will be interesting to observe the reactions from the religious authorities to the exposure of scriptural manipulation that has been foisted on the masses.

With the new knowledge we now have, it becomes apparent that what was once relegated to the halls of mythology, has shown itself to be a work not of this planet as we know it. That the direction for our future lays not in the hands of what will come, but in the texts of what has been.

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Chapter 12The Moon

The Anomaly of EarthWhat in blazes is our Moon doing way out there? It’s too far out to be a true satellite of Earth, it is too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit about the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible. . . But, then, if the Moon is neither a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, what is it?

Isaac Asimov, Asimov on Astronomy

T he history of the scriptural Hebrew calendar cannot be considered com-plete without examination of the very satellite that the calendar system

is based on. It is Earth’s most amazing anomaly. Filling the night sky with

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light and making one revolution in one complete orbit all while holding the same side toward our planet. Perfectly spaced between the earth and the sun to create spectacular eclipses.

Is it there by accident, a chance natural occurrence? Is there more to the story of this celestial timepiece? The Moon is the natural focus of all in-habitants on Earth. It provides earth with natural tidal cycles to keep life in the oceans moving and abundant. Studies have begun to show that it might actually regulate the cycles of all species of plants and animals on the planet. Though science would have you believe the moon was a natural part of the formation of our solar system, many scientists are not convinced that the theories of its origin are as accurate as we are lead to believe.

Currently there are around 6 theories of moon formation:

Captured by Earth’s gravity

The problem with this hypothesis is the orbital pattern of the Moon around the Earth. If a planetoid was passing by the gravity of Earth, it could capture the passing body. A passing body or object would then settle into an elliptical orbit as it is caught, which would be visible even today. Although the orbit of the moon is not a perfect circle, the orbit of the moon is much too round to account for this type of event.

Fission Theory

The word fission means to split off or break up. This hypothesis says that during the molten phase of the planet when it was spinning at high speed the moon split away from the Earth leaving the depres-sions of the ocean beds. This theo-ry fails when comparing the age of

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the ocean floor with the age of the moon as the moon, which is much older. This also does not explain the present orbit.

Accretion - Attraction of matter by gravity

This theory goes that both the earth and moon formed at the same time from the condensing material orbiting around the newly forming sun. The problem with this theory is that the earth and moon have de-veloped with dissimilar attributes that exclude the potential they formed next to each other.

A Georeactor Explosion

This recent hypothesis proposes that the Moon may have been formed from the explosion of a georeactor, a natural nuclear fission reactor in a uranium deposit where self-sustaining nuclear chain reac-tions have occurred. Simple put, a uranium deposit created a nuclear explosion and blew a chunk of the Earth into orbit.

Giant Impact Theory

It is thought that this theory origi-nated in the 1940s with Reginald Aldworth Daly, a Canadian profes-sor at Harvard. The main problem in this theory is the mechanism of capture. A close encounter with earth typically results in either col-lision or altered trajectories.

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This hypothesis requires a collision between a planetary body about 90% the present size of the earth and another one similar to the diameter of Mars.

Such an impact would have put enough material into orbit around earth to have eventually accumulated to form the moon. Proponents of this hypoth-esis have difficulty explaining the identical oxygen isotope ratios of the two worlds.

Exo Terra Forming Perhaps the most radical of all theories Exo Terra Forming places a new spin on the Impact Theory. The theory holds that the moon was probably formed as described in the Giant Impact Theory, but after that point, the moon itself was placed into a specific orbit with the aid of an off-world source to sta-bilize the Earth for habitation. In essence this theory goes: The earth and moon were paired as a terra-forming project to make earth habitual for its present life forms. Although this hypothesis is the most radical, the restored ancient Hebrew Scriptures have a similar account.

All of the above theories, save the last, suffer from one large problem, the inability to explain the incredible mathematical properties that surround this “evolved” moon. So let us take the time to look at the scientific truths that stop these theories dead in their tracks.

The Moons Unexplained Anomalies

If you observe the mathematical facts of our moon, it becomes evident that there are too many coincidences for our satellite to have developed acciden-tally.

One of the first numbers of interest regarding the moon is the amount of times we encounter the number 273.

The Moon, Measurement and 273

- The ratio of Earth’s diameter to the moon’s diameter is 0.273 - The circumference of the sun in miles is 2,730,000. An odd coincedence as the mile is not a standard based on any calculation other than itself.

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Perhaps unit of length called the foot did not originate from a part of anato-my of an ancient king or pharaoh but from circumference of our planet?

1,000 x 360 (number of degrees in a circle) x 365.24 (days in a year) = 131,486,400.

131,486,400 feet = 40,077 km. Official equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,075 kilometers and the mean length of the year is 365.2425 days.

- 273.2 degrees Celsius is the temperature of absolute zero. Celsius was created by taking the boiling point of water and the freezing point and divid-ing it by one hundred points. This then is not a random calculation, but one based on a standard element for life and a standard measure.- 27.32 earth days is the Sidereal period (complete orbit) of the moon. Or easier said, the exact time it takes the moon to go around the Earth exactly once.- Gasses expand by 1/273 of their volume with every degree on the Celsius/centigrade scale- If you were to draw a circle inside a square, with the circle’s diameter the same as the square’s length, the area left over that the circle does not cover is 27.32% of the total area of the square.- 27.3 days is also the average rotation period of a sunspot.

The Moon, Measurement and 1092

- There are 109.2 Earth diameters across the width of the sun- There are 109.2 sun diameters between the sun and the Earth when Earth is farthest away from the sun.- The circumference of the moon is 10920.8 km

The Moon, Measurement and 400

- The Moon rotates at a speed of 400 km/h. - The Earth turns at 100 times the rate and travels 40,000 km per rotation. - Conversely the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon and 400 times fur-

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ther away from Earth, making the sun and moon appear exactly the same size in the sky. For this reason when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, it creates eclipses.- The moon reflects 1/400,000 the amount of the light from the sun to us- Moon Diameter is: 2,160 miles. Diameter of the Sun is 865,294 miles. Di-vide 865,294 by 2,160 = 400.6- Earths circumference is almost exactly 40,000,000 m along the meridian

The Moon, Measurement and 366

- 366 lunar days (1 lunar day = 27.32 Earth days) = 10,000 earth days- The ratio of the moon’s diameter to Earth’s diameter is 3.66- The Earth is 366% the measurement of the moon at the polar circumfer-ence- Strangely enough, the earth rotates 366 times in a single full orbit of the sun. And if you divide that recurring 400 by 3.66, you get that recurring 109.28.All this is assembled together like a precision Swiss timepiece. Could this really all happen by accident when the moon was knocked from the Earth during a Mars-sized collision with Earth? How is it that those who call themselves scientists have the gall to forward evolutionary theories of the moons creation while ignoring hard empirical mathematical data? What agenda can be observed in light of these revelations?

Once again we must return to the hypothesis of Exo Terra forming, the only theory that seems to hold viability. If the moon’s positioning is not a natural formation then the only conclusion left is that it came into its present place-ment in a non-natural manner. Without the moon, life on Earth could not exist as we know it. The moon provides movement to our oceans and stabil-ity to the very axis of the Earth itself. The moon is an essential satellite, a stabilizing stellar gyroscope which enhances this planets environment for supporting life.

It’s interesting how the Hebrew texts documenting the Creation, define its purpose as just that, even before science proved it. Although the modern Torah and Bible is strangely muddled on that area, the restored version using the Self-Defining Hebrew system makes it quite clear what the moon is for. In the restored version, the word translated heavens in the bible, actually

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means locators. It is the plural of the word Sham. Sham is usually translated as name, but the correct restored term means “to locate”, which is what your name is, your “locator.” Locators are the name given to the items ancient man saw in the sky like the sun, moon and stars. Each of these were the locators for man, the sun for the location of hours, the moon for the calendar times and the stars for geographic position.

SDH restoration of Genesis Chapter 1v14. And so the Originators declared ,”Let there exist that which continues to vary (the moon) amid the sky of the celestials, to-ward them (in space), independent between the day and between the night. And it shall exist being for tides and for congrega-tions and for measures and years.v15. And to be existing for continued illumination amid the sky of the celestials for spreading out discernment upon the Earth.And it came to be in this way.

Here in the restored Hebrew, only the moon is designated as a time setter. This is only one part of the puzzle lost in the modern translations of the first chapter of the bible that has been revealed using the Self Defining Hebrew system on the ancient texts. (see more at the chronicleproject.org)

With the restored material, it was revealed that the moon was placed in the conjunctive position, on the third day. This is important as the name of the day sounds like the number three, but it spelled differently. SDH revealed it to be a Hebrew word play meaning, “to go to, to manifest a display”. Here the name states that the moon on that day was placed to create a display. When? 72 hours later on the evening of the sixth day, (another word play) which actually says,”the invocation shall appear.” What authority? The new moon, heralding the very first Sabbath day. Proof not only that the crescent signals the Sabbath, but that a New Moon Sabbath was the very first Sab-bath. How convenient that all of this information has been lost.

Is it not fascinating that the very people responsible for the changing of the calendar system are also the ones in charge of our present translations? One might conclude then that, intentional mistranslations occurred for the pur-pose of hiding factual information showing the original instructions found in the Hebrew texts of Genesis regarding the calculations of Sabbath.

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Chapter 13The Battle For Planet Earth

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Daniel 7:25 KJV

T he above quote taken from the book of Daniel, speaks of a time when a ruler would arise upon the Earth to oppress the servants of the most

high Creator. The Christians call him the anti-christ. While in power, he and those following him would change the established times and laws of Creator to ones of their own design.

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If the quote from Daniel is to be accepted as true, then both the Jewish and Christian reader must now ask himself or herself a question.

If the times and laws, as you have seen, have already been changed from the original instructions of the Creator, who are those that changed them? Indeed, as one can see that these changes have already been wrought, how can this hold true for a future time if this has already been done.

Now ask the question...why?

Why has organized religion gone to such lengths to eradicate our knowledge of the simple instructions to keep a single designated day in the week using the original scriptural lunar-based Hebrew calendar?

The answer may be found using the restored version of Genesis chapter 2 using the new Self Defining Hebrew system we covered earlier in this book. The answer begins with the name of the first man described in Genesis, Adam. Although Adam was his name, it is not exclusive to only the first man of creation, rather it is also the name given to the the whole human race, both male and female.

Using the SDH system, the embedded correct definition of the word means... “to rule those.” According to the Hebrew texts, Adam was the first blood of mankind to exist on the Earth. Those who came from him would reside under his authority being descended from him. Therefore, one had only to have this single man who was given dominion over the Earth by the Creator switch allegiance to wrest control of the planet from the hands of its creator.

In the Torah and the Christian Bible, Adam is told by his creator that he might partake in any of the food from the Garden of Eden save a single tree which held knowledge restricted until man matured. This was a command of the Creator himself to be followed.

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SDH restored version Genesis 2

v16 Creator of the Originators placed a command upon the Adam to say, “All those trees of the garden to eat, proceed to eat.v17 And that tree, which has the knowledge to satisfy and to fear, do not exist to proceed to consume that to be extracting there. Amid the day your(s) consume that to be extracting is death to continue to death.”

As the story continues in the present modern translation, a serpent in the garden tricked Adam and Eve into breaking that command and follow-ing his leadership, causing their expulsion from Eden.

As presented in the modern translation this story can be viewed as analogy, a talking snake giv-ing hidden knowledge to man, removing him from the bliss of ignorance. With the discovery of the SDH system however, the actual story is revealed. You might ask why we need to look to

the SDH restoration instead of the present day modern ones.

For two reasons:

1. The SDH system does not allow words to be translated to suit doctrinal pressures. Any word can be checked on multiple levels, thus exposing inac-curate meanings.

2. The very institutions that changed the laws and times set down in the He-brew texts, are the very same ones in charge of our present translations and the ones who benefit from it remaining unchanged.

Using the SDH (which self defines and prevents changes to the original meanings), the word translated “serpent” (Hebrew: Nakhash) means “the (one) to precede to project” If the word appears without the word “the” in front of it, the word means

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“a serpent” as one who’s tongue “projects to precede it.” The word “the” in front of it in this case is pivotal as it has a secondary dual meaning. In English, in the context of the restored He-brew Nakhash means the one in charge of “that before projecting.” In the restored version, the work of making our planet habitable for life is done under the direction of Creator and by what the Christians refer to as the “angels” or “mes-sengers” of Creator. In the first chapter, the sun is restored, illumina-tion is thereby created and projected. The land was projected from the waters. Plants and ani-mals were projected upon the Earth, etc. The one in charge of this was the Nakhash. The (one) to precede the projecting - the overseer of the creation. This is the “Satan” (Hebrew for adversary) who was known as the greatest of the angels before he turned against Creator.

In context of the story of Genesis restored through SDH the meaning of Na-khash becomes clear:

SDH restored Genesis 3v1 And the overseer of the creation was to explain about all liv-ing creatures of the field, which Creator of the Originators had established to make. And this is what he declared to begin to-ward the woman to wear her down. “As so the Originators have declared do not proceed to be eating all of those trees of the garden”.v2 And the woman proceeded to begin toward the overseer of creation to declare, “That tree fruit of the garden is for eating.v3 And that fruit of the tree established in the middle of the gar-den, the Originators declared do not proceed to be consuming that to be deriving. And do not to proceed to toss around the idea inside, to proceed to transfigure”v4 And so the overseer of the creation declared to begin toward the woman,”You won’t die if you proceed to transfigure. v5 The Originators know this. As so on the day you consume

120 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

that being derived (of the tree) and proceed to unseal the flow you shall view and increase to the level of these Originators so to know, which produces satisfaction and fear.v6 And the woman proceeded to perceive the tree as so it was satisfactory for eating. And as so she proceeded to desire the tree to become able to view and therefore she coveted the tree. Toward the (tree) she reached out toward and proceeded to take that so to break forth and proceeded to eat. And she proceeded to hand over what she took in toward her husband beside and so he ate.

Here in Genesis, we can view for the first time that the Nakhash planned to legally usurp control of the planet away from its Creator and into his own hands. By having the Adam revolt against the commands of his Creator and follow instead the commands of the overseer of the creation, he turned control of the Earth into his hands. Creator bound by his own laws, had no choice but to accept the event. Although present modern translations have events later in the scriptures showing Creator breaking his own laws, the SDH system has shown these events to be incorrect and created through manipulated translations.

One may apprise themselves of the complete restored Hebrew texts of the Chronicle Project using the SDH system at:


For the Christian reader, I now refer to an event in the New Testament:

8 Again, the devil taketh him (Jesus) up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Matthew 4:8-10 KJV

Here, the adversary, the Satan offers Jesus all of the kingdoms of the Earth if he worships him. Note first, it is the Satan’s right to do so as he still owns

121 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

the Earth, but second it is a trick, for if Jesus worships him, he puts himself under the Satan which keeps con-trol of the world in the Satan’s hands. As with Adam, Satan attempted to bring Jesus, a jew under his author-ity. Jesus answers to say, worship only the Creator.

Here we see that control of the Earth is still under the Satan’s control. His givng the beast the right to rule the Earth is proof of that. According to the Christian teachings, it is not until the end of the Revelation to John the last book in the Christian N.T., that the Satan is deposed and impris-oned with control of the Earth passing back to its Creator.

So from the time of the first Adam on, control of the Earth now sits com-pletely in the hands of the Nakhash, the adversary. Creator, bound by law cannot interfere unless he has the allowance of the “Adam”, the humans whom he gave authority over the Earth, who are now under the Nakhash.

From this point forward, in order to have access to the planet, the Cre-ator has to establish an “Adam” who wishes to come under his command and out from under the authority of the Nakhash. Thus, Creator finds this in the man of Abraham with whom he creates a covenant for him and his descendants. The sign of this covenant is then established when the descendants of Israel are led from Egypt.

“Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the LORD, who makes you holy. Exo-dus 31:13 KJV

Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them. Ezekiel 20:12 KJV

122 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

The command is simple, keeping the original Hebrew Sabbath is the sign that you are under Creator. To not do so, shows you are not. The defining line becomes black and white. Nowhere in scripture does it give the allow-ance for the Sabbath to be calculated in any way other than using the original lunar calendar instructions. Nowhere does it give any other day the allow-ance of the Sabbath to be permanently moved to it. And that is the key.

When the Creator established people under him, proven to be following his leadership by the sign of keeping Sabbath, he created a people who can give him legal access to the Earth. If the Nakhash wishes to maintain singular right over the planet, he must either kill those who follow said Sabbath, force them to cease observing Sabbath or allow said people to think they are keep-ing those instructions while still breaking the original command.

To the Christian reader, why when the disciples of Jesus asked him how to pray to the father, did he answer thus:

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:9-10 KJV

He had them ask that Creator’s will be done on Earth as it is elsewhere. This would not need to be daily requested if the Creator had full ac-cess to the planet. Thus, Creator is shut out from helping those of us on Earth, relegating to watching and waiting for those who might rediscover the truth and once again open a way for him to retrieve that which was once stolen.

If one chooses to see these Hebrew Scriptures as a myth, then this argument is philosophi-cal at best. Another amusing argument in an irrelevant subject on Sabbath. To them it is merely relegated to another unnecessary reli-gious observance.

123 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

If these Hebrew Scriptures are more than myths and are actually the work of an entity not of this world as the SDH work on the Hebrew language has revealed, then the very freedom of our planet and its people hangs in the balance.

Maybe that answers why so much has been invested into destruction of our knowledge of the truth of the original Hebrew lunar calendar system, the Hebrew texts and the Sabbaths it calculates.

If so, where does knowledge lead us?

124 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

Chapter 14Reform or Restoration

Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you . . . Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD.

Exodus 13:31-32

W ith what we have seen over the course of history regarding the distor-tion of the original scriptural calendar instructions, the plan by the

religious orders becomes quite clear. We must now call into question the present system we work in. It has become obvious that this is not simply one mistake compounded upon another. It is not merely men of power seeking control over their followers. There is another underlying agenda regarding the eradication of the original Sabbath instructions. It’s imperative that we

125 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

all have an intelligent knowledge of these vital issues. Counterfeit worship to hide the truth requires a counterfeit calendar with an array of false meth-ods of timekeeping. The modern week in use today, which would be carried over to the World Calendar, is founded on the need to keep control of this planet away from its Creator:

This planetary week was paganism’s counterfeit of the true, Bib-lical week instituted by the Creator in the beginning of Earth’s history. . . . Just as the true Sabbath is inseparably linked with the Biblical week, so the false Sabbath of pagan origin needed a weekly cycle. Thus we have found that the two counterfeit insti-tutions were linked together . . . The enforcement [at the Council of Nicæa, A.D. 321-325] of the weekly observance of Sunday gave official recognition to the week of seven days and resulted in the introduction of it into the official civil calendar of Rome. The Romans passed that calendar down to us, and in it we have still the ancient planetary titles of the days of the week. Robert L. Odom, Sunday in Roman Paganism

The calendar reform needed today is a return to the original Hebrew time-keeping for the calculation of the correct Sabbath days and feasts. Christians and Jews alike, returning to the origins as they were written, would open legal access of the Earth back to its Creator. If one takes the Hebrew scrip-tures to be more than just mythical writings, then one must heed the words in Isaiah:

“Thus saith the Lord, Keep ye judgment, and do justice; for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it, and keep-eth his hand from doing any evil.” “The sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer.” Isaiah 56:1, 2, 6, 7 KJV

This is a subject that concerns every Jew and Christian living on the face of the planet. According to the Hebrew Scriptures, the day on which you choose to worship is a sign of loyalty to your Creator. Your day of worship

126 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh

reveals whether you are worshiping the Creator or that set forth by man. The choice is now in your hands.

When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest.

Richard Humpal

127 The DesTrucTion of sabbaTh


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138 Tracking The hisTory of DecepTion

About The Authors

Brad VornholtBrad lives in Portland Oregon and is the CEO of a web development company work-ing with corporations such as Adidas and the United States Golf Association.When he is not writing, or doing research in ancient Hebrew, Brad is an avid outdoors-man, spending his time hiking in the Or-egon Mountains. Brad’s home life is spent

cooking and bowing to the demands of Harry, his hairless cat. Brad divides his off time between the United States, Canada and Ecuador.

Christopher Tyreman

Former twenty year CEO of Tyreman Graphics, Christopher is now the founder and head researcher for the Chronicle Proj-ect research team. He presently lives in Radisson Saskatchewan, Canada with his family and a host of pets, spending his off time restoring century old homes and build-ings in the community.

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