, V ,V. .-^-7^/3^ ^-: VOLUSEL76. FOREST* OHIO, TWBSDAY, AUG. % 1945 NUMBER 10. Tf EDITORIALS »r t. Bart Jaeah* •:"'?:> A «*»ln.velevator Is meuh needed "jo Forest, and would bring more Z* bu ? lne «« '*« * e town.' At tm.e tima JFoV«*ha<rt*o good elevators and a ,,.fiour /milf'that. also- -bought: grain- " : "New truck loads ©* grain ;pass. right [ through Forest enwute^to Patterson ^ Ktrby or ' Wharton.- f This' is sorae- f •; thing for-the forest Business Men's v > .Cfablto work Mi / '.. _ ••"•••"• I' «*'.' */> .... ,e";-» : -- '•*•;- . . <'• rAlcitkon . suggested• to us that At council, meeting last Thursday night the budget-for the years } 948- 1947 was: the principal subject. A g^nerai hike in? practically all .salar- ies aiid appropriations - was voted. The office of Mayor led, with a $100 increase. Clerk of Water Works Board With a |60 boos4„which makes the sajary^ of Village Clerk equal the Mayors- Police. ;are lo.receisw S125""monthlyT Road Superintendent same'salary as-police, TSupt/.of-th» Water Plant was raised to |125~per month, while 6w»cilmeh-»r« *to re- ceive $3.00-per meeting^The/ialarjf of ViHaga- Tteaajarer" for somje eeas- left as it is at *W per IUV Forest should cttsh^ ka-jiame^tA- p n w a 8 vKempyviilei'^inWMr. Bay''6; Bempy r .^. ^, Hougeridobler and Weber $c& o.wntf so. mthy business bleckSj ^ re j^ Mn t, this left the meeting/ ^ ™&k Mr- Wharton, of Kenton, L^y divided' po'lfticaliyijJurk jmd , .owns:numerous... ; properties, in thst^^,,^^ emocratB>:Mi a n awfcLeh- r<ity,-lait the citiiens^f^e-county lnjan ^ 0 ¾ ^ . / ", ; -V ;''—- ieat^ouia^not.bej*rsuaa>d.t^?^ W ,^^^^ WM . pl -^:^ or - -Kwtoa.-. W^aoJte -boojf. bu t /said' nothing -except .' .'' ~^.'*~ l.^K .&•* -hawas afttr credits .m his *'-.' l Scout. endeavors;,:: . Gtt. Devon was 5. to**hangevthe -name 3 ^Wh*rton FOREST SCHOOL S SCHOOLS OPEN SEP. 4th The Forest-Jackson'" Board Of Ed- ucation has. set Tuesday Sept. 4,.'as the- opening ot the.lW5-lM« schoel tern. 'Children who are/* years-'©* _age.by January %$1948 *re eligWir to. entor.jha; first grade- The faculty is complet* With the BusinesMen DISCUSSED COMPLAINTSTBAT ABB BEING MADB OF QUB PA^^ING ^TfSTBM. >. The'Fortsjr Business and? Pro*es- Aional.Men's CluViield thei/regular meeting in their -club rooms Monday •eveningr- " .. . " '• The Club discussed,,the .complaints i thst va b^mg;ma^-ai»^.thii,Main- I street parking, and it was'determin- excepUon^of oni'fi^|»ad« t ta««h«f^ed'.tha* the Ciub would; ini#tut* Two hew 'teachers have/ bee^esa*, proceedings to arrange for"'the. Main plowed. ' Phyllis KooM r of ManafWd street parking to extoiid /the maxf- a-graduat» of Jjtterbein! JCollege wfll mu m p§rWnfr facilitiesto thesjeo-I teach English and Spanish. ~ -,-: tple of tfie community that the state 1 -WilHam Peterson, "-.of- Ada, and * "Jaw witt permit:- • .." "_ . - . / ; "student a.t phio.Northern, yniversitjr/ : The regular meeting.of the.Club has been employed asathletic coach; i ? 5 he first Monday of Jeapb mont'hj[ Mr. Peterson along witbrms coaehl»ff-but as LaborDayicowes on the meet duties, will Continue; :ro\ studies at^ Northern. He come»A.to Forest wit*' coaching experience, having beea ^tf loth, and will meet atjGo>jn{ey . P « * | ; "sisant. coaph at. Massillon for otssln for a'picnlc supper/at ¢:3¾. foSlowed -year and high last assistant season- coach. >at Ada;. by .a progrant At a recent meeting of the boaH, ^Q^™.««,.«»-¾^.¾^^b/presentswking-a,-street HgbV^ 1 ^ Pates, was swom- in- b*e»i -•%> very»quie^affair. -Last jRH-i..-- "• m ' •--- -- -«»-«-- «—-> ihg njgnt-of the\Clu)b, the.Club will meet'o» the -second 'Monday.^ Sept- * Honor Sol^WJOCDinfilr '•oii South Gormjiey. street f-.npftiinees.forMayoi were, As* both; .present . day h ight we asked arman yho. had jt«V;re^rne4^om- : the- cwcus/'who ^ ¢¢^^:.^ light will doubt- was tunBijig^drfOffKe! o n h j s $cketj.™° **l^,':™Z-™ 7 Lr™ He-rftplfed,.'.'!. am. unibta to tell ^rou.'J *.SiVh;-Ahdifference^ to' Real, state, and national afjfaljs, at the present time' is-alarmint..-..-."- < : "<*:>' Air "old timer" in'tjie,.west end/pf ^^ess "be Snjtalled; ',-;-' Complaints; about weeds; which are numerous^. »0. far ' have. gone un« heeded as no onircan be found to do Jhe woiit' Asthe" town/is npt4quip- l>e^.t«.d.9..this work; .the weeds sflll •i --X -A t_..--v« -i_i_i a "flourish, and-you can spell-that with: towa-.wants BS to let hlnv report the -:' .. .—, J, . •" r «-• - Weekly scandal in tHta-part of town' 1 /* "?*"'T'.. _:\„J,--- u •-'• \ •Regarding the Mayoralty; race, ily scandal for^ the Review, tKtfcrpttrt Brother we -hear I member to fill Sthe unexpired tens/ of the-latee VrC. ; Milter.'-_.-; - '- '•) ~VThe_ complete, ^faculty for - ta*J .coming year, with the exception -of * .first grade teacher 4s as foftswt: Grade teachers, Msrcella IcKes, Gsaf gia Kellogg, /Verda Baker, Vfefc* -Carver,: Grace England, and ¢ 0 ½ Burdett, High School; Xathrya Young^ home economics; Betty^ Miliar Music; Jean;.. Evaqs, aigllah Latin; Aphyllis Koons, xCngilsh- ish; Grace Hprumuller, Comnsn*. A pot-luck diiaper was seryed Sun-; day in hofior"jpf ;pfc. Cletus Hart and Pfc."Ru»sefi Hart Jr".,'who are 'return ing to. the, r A^my'soonest the home* lii The Service ,5 -. riNew AxkhwKt'jfe B- fi. XSartin, 29 p l s m # W Street, itdmirilty VU- yage,- Kittery,- Main*.: ' .... • v Present < Address^ '*Sgt. yetnew Loeaardi 3M17W7, Ser. Co.; »80 Ihf, APO,g3, J Cars' ' ' ' k • •'"" york,N.y;- ' of, Postaastisr t \N.ew New ^ 0 ¾ ^ Pf& Dale;Weber Jr ,«i«a2740, Btry-^ B./283Kl-AAa. §-t B»W A, J . a 87», Care of Postmaster J^F^anciseo, Calif *''' •• "'••• Sgt Eddie Naus, spent«^firw jdaya. with Ais sister and brother-in-law, *red MclKee and' family. -He Jflso ^jsited friehds in B^rbyf / .- a scandal sheet, we. such items. .do'-.not\publish B^t *7 """"iTV^Zl^ "~ 'IFii "i*."L_" f the. Mayor was silent.; He expressed ^ ¾ ¾ ^ ¾ ^ ^ ^ tkattheresult 9 f<he com.UCKnton .Pine, ^tancepC. A- every, weok, but as. the.Reviewis not . f ^ ^ ^^^^^^.io tM :^mc» t . 9 u av - H progress"of^Forest,;• not »0 .mucfi a« culture;^William- Peterson; to the candidates themselves but to, YoaiannowgobKafxirPmDai: those behin3 the candidates; of wltam tor to N«w Yoikf. a distance e f t he. may have /something-"of Interest ^ * r N t mitss in one hour. But wf 1-to say later oh. . : :^T^'-|«\^^T*by cv 'sity.roctat'': ••'! ^*P*™V*f**•**».:.:«!». >•* m*mz.^ "•••BT?9*JPSi^s^Br -w^^B ^CevsTy* x. _ Since Lima J f ffreet. liai been re«; surfaced, some mofercycUsts use *tt 'on Sunday afternoons for • race track, endangering" the. lives of ped- estrians who may be crossing 3Ke 'sireet'at the time.-^:' -,-' - r •*' - : ••• ''• s. e •;..' >t .__ -.-/,- . The,local garden crop, will soon re- lieve .the potato shortage, in Forest Aint Victory-gardens grand* But ..there,are,stii} 'strings to £b« besi ,pods, for which the OPA cannot be blamed-- , —'-''--:• --^-^-^ .- , . . - - _ _ ^ . - - - . - * « ' - - - - . - V prevailing high black market prices shoutd ,induce, ..the .^poultry, raisers to sell their laying hens, we will be buying^Tjolden" v eggs next ~Winter, r -;./j. .; ',\__' The, OPA- is -becoming about as" popular with the peop« as "did Uie NIRA, the .Blue Eagle organisation, which djed }n infancy, A lew y«*r» ago; '• -> -"' r -r- . ---^.- . ••-. -_. ~ " " « . " ' . ' ~:. : - . ... " The new atomic homh _ncw being, used against Japan, has a wai.op that will send the Japs home to their father in wholesale tots"/- . ' " » " ' * . " ^ - - * There is one attractive feature at least about the "civilian jeep"', it has v a very njee ceiling price. ... ~-~ The approprjatioa eiletton e n t i e «ois ; ifeM"-4»vy^/«r park purposes. Should this levy he turned down" out park'; will remain, practically an orphan so far as furtds are coneernsd." .--^.-!•' .'The Street."Depwtrwnt' reported ridding sewers of twots aid whataiet but : »re jn»t unmindful: of condition .o'f-somy^ffeets" thit-ary in nSfed .of, repairs. : The firemen; "are tnoeh pleased with the.-.new-, 'doormat, firs- house, which1 disappears like magic »t the. touch o r a cord- Alsd credit for-new sign-over-do^r should go;& Fireman Chas. Cramer. The" old saying "led GOTge rfo it" should be "changed, to MetlftwHe do *t" as in resiityhe arrays.-. 1 does J It, and tt»«- wark'weM done. ' '-. <•• - •;•" Police Garver reports the town as social science; -Sidney. HHty„ A»*. ooaehj ft Ray Baum, Principal,- P. W. Tamstag Superintendent. FOOTBALL BCHKnA* Wnllam Peterson' coadu •r,:i AitMtjJO, at ^40 s> in. *) ; * » y s sheoM report thtt" opening session for i^Tv{ng?.e^pment.? : : The schedule for the year ls.,as fo'"yow»r-Sept. 14, EJida; Sept. «v Richwood; Sept. 28, MechaniusBbrg, there night); Oct. 6\ Kenton; there (night); Oct- 1¾ Columbus Grove, there; Oct. 19, Carey; Oct. 26, Pan- dora; Nov. 2, Ada", there. / \. Mrs. L gchoehbefger PASSSD AWAY AT HE8 HOME ^. -NORTH CfP FOREST, LAST /.^THURSDAY. : :> -Mrs. *£#>.£„ .Schoenberger, 52, passed away .at her home in Rich- land Tp.. Thursday eveningat ¢:46 Present Address- Sgt. 0 feona}d 'Vti BJtteij'8fi»«07f, »4; J, Hq.,_Co. 187tt/ Pjirs .Glideit Inf H A, P. 0. «8, Care of Postmaster, Sa» Fran- Cisco,,Calif-; v'' ' . '/ "Hwwell Frank Thiel 2-c, survfc. *,* ,.„^., «r - «f th* U- S. a Bunker Hill, Is of Mr." and Mrs- Larry Coldiron, e n d i n g * «1 ^ folough wift^his V -enjoy the dinner S»a» ta ¥*• ***.•*»:.^ Thlei. and ThSSe. present! werej M*..and Mrs. Eaj-i. RoW^ettj MK ahd-Mrs. Roily Hart, Pfc- Cletus ..Hart, all of Ftfrest; Miss Ivolene- Brown, of "Colunibna; PfcTlnd Mrs. Russell Hart, Jr. and son Charles of a a d l Kenton; Mr. and Mrs- Willis Van' TilbriJugh and '-son" Gerald/, Miss Jeannie McBride, a i l . '.of y.Columbus GroverMr. ahd~Mrs. 0. E. Hart ami daughters Marilyn Kay and Dejon Rae, of Mo"rral; Mr. and Mrs- ; W*tr ter'Reed andisons Leo,/Ronald and Meriyn, of Sycamortj Mr. and Mrs! Lester Martin, agd sohs'Burtonr Dohj /and Puaaa of Mars^UlM; Mr. ahd Mrs. Joha-^ifelea,/ of C Ann A^Pf, Itr.-^airf-^rfc^aa^oa » » h t - Jinger and' ^CgfiteV 1 Carolyn;, "of Caledonia,; Mr: and Mrs; Xarry Cold- iron and sons. Glenn, Jimmie, iJstk, Jewy-' and - Dayldv and' v daughters Bdith; of Carey, and-Miss Alice CoWron <sf Dayton. .. Home made ice cream and cake *•!• 'served in' the'a^rnoon, - . . . _,_ . ^ . o'ejnek- "She -^ad "been in failing (miU-gooa behavior wWSimaker| heaJth ^,. a nuwJ)er . of years,.,uf- fering from- diabetes. Four weeks ago, she itelJ and- ^fractured her left hip, after which she Was a patient at Mercy hospital, Tiffin r until Tuesday of last week, when she was brought home;" FarewieU Party held a James, Mary Elizabeth Johnson farewell "plsrty for Eugene Monday evening, who leaves Aug. 9 lor the JVnay-. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wagner, Mrs. jBetty Chestef, Rath Baker, Ralph JZender, M*s. .Bobert Beirandl daugh- ter Audrey, all bf_&arey;' Max Mc- Clain,-George Engie, Paul Parthe- more, Rose Miller, Hughie Latimer, Harry L. piller, Irene Eagle, Dick Roby,- Paul jimea, Sam f Baley, Reba Jamea, Donna Hoe,, Paul. v Zurcher, Louis Jones* Ralph Guy.JMUer, Carl Miller, Meredith ^Sehertaer,. ol Mt.Victsry; Mr. jwd Mrs. Maynard Brown, Marie and Pauline Cooper; his joh f ar more pleasant. Patterson W. S. C f $. -..;• *,. " f ^ssa«s»«»aiwsi ; The Patterson WSCS held --their August meeting at the home;ef Mrs. Litsie Kratt-" Seventeen irierabejs, three visitors and three children were present. The president opened the meeting : by singing a«d respon- j town,- Ohio, the daughter of the sive reading. Mrs. Mildred MeNutt^ late John and Anna Clerk. She was led in prayer. After the regular .„nHed In marriage with l e o i - business session, Mrs. Marie V^^ Schoenberger, Februry. 2, iW6- He iCinley presented the worship service «urvi V es with the following children; Mrs. Schoenberger, whose msdd^; •^^ ?*" f ^ i t - ^ Hanldnsi name wii^Margaret Mae' Clark, was born September S, 1892, at George- Miss Verd* Baker had charge of the program on "Cooperation in Latin America." Mrs. Bertha Brooks, ex- plained the Church Christmas Pack- ages 'project, and the ladies agreed to prticipate. Mrs. Brooks also gave an account of her trip to Lancaster. Meeting was" dismissed by Singing: -"Have' Thine Own Way." ; . " . - Delicious refreshments wese serv- ed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs- Zella Hemmerly Forest Girls 4-H Pep ciub The Forest 1 Girls ' 4-H Pep .CTab had a meetiijg Aug, 3rd at Garmleyj Park; The girls who were at camp told what'they did them We-dis- cussed where to have onr next meet- Mrs. George Beagle of Arlington; Mrs. WIRis G«tcmah,'of Mt Blanch- ard; Marjori.e, Allen Maxine and -Lena Mae at home/~Tnree children 'Clifford, Mary Jane and Glenn Dale, preceded their mother in death. She is also survived by two grand- chlldrew J Aside f«>m her family, she leaves many friends. The- funeral was'- held Sunday afternoon with services at the home ; at lib b'eKfek, and at 2 o'clock from the Church of God at Wharton, in charge of Rev. Robert Fast Burial was made in the Schoenberger j-cemetery. /, freshments served. There will he a- Oflle McKee, Lota PoHn*. Mr. andJingT; Games were played and re- Mrs. Sylvester Johnson and . sons iBohby,^ James,' Gene, PWllip, and Larry, of Forest r, " ~ Refreshmaats ww» ssrwd at ten. o^cteek Tha svssdng w»* •»•* !• Scout Paper Drive Scouts of local Troop 64 have an- nounced .another paper drive Satur- day, : August 18thT Details of the meeting Aug. 16 at the Upper park, drive will be announced . next week. It will be a pot luck supper, We are to roast at ths Legiea hall at 140 P.M. It is planned to-use the money from the sale of paper to provide oppor- f or saore Seoats M Memonal Services ; : For Donald £ Hankiria .^Jleriai services were, held a'l'the Yiak Street- chureh,>^Sunday after? poon, July 2Sth for S 'Z'c'bohald Lee Hankina, l9,"son "*of Mr, ,and;Mrs,; Atery Hankins', of near .Forest, who was killed May 11, lfi.45, while serv- tag his country'-«i-, the U. S- S. Banker between Okinawa and!;>Kyui ahu. near Japan and was buried at sea. The young man was" bor« ICarch 24, 1928. Tie graduated from Ae Forest High School with the class of 1944 and entered services the fol- lowing September 86th. : Seaman Hankins leaves to mourn their loss; his parents, two brothers and one famfty. and t riends in- Kirby. r LowryFfeld, Coh^^ _ July 30j; The Army Air Forces.Training.CommaiW| ( ( a«nounced v today.that PVU Chsrtes % Cohley, of^F6rest,OWfl was-grad- uated ^P^ PUDSPHV DBBCBJMjl A T8IP INTO N 0 8 T l ^ » - ^ ; '-v . ;• . ; ->ITALY;"' '/ -".;_• ^ - - ,,The following letter ^frohj ,WooV'" : ifudolph,. a former Forest ^ y , soa. rot JCrs; J. F.Ruoolp^-aw'iBsidlaaT - in Cdlumhus. /f~'V. ./>-- ' -~ -*--«. v.. :-Leghorn, Italy -:, . ;-•'.-;..-. -• -•-..- July!-»th 194^-- •;•;.--: Dear'Mother.'lNa-and^Karto/_ ^- 1 ';/ ; I # S k / i t ' s •'.aJbouiJtijnafor1»»''""' : - to wrije ^anp4h.e.r 'form-'.'Fatter-' aad ? catch up-with all back letters and i- save telling the : same-thifl'g^ : s3^t'*-/''. do«en times V l e a s t v -I was O$,M \ Mttle trip .^he othw- day ,ynd wiU tellhyou about It new, so hedges*. .'•The conipiiny has bean getting 'j f day passes, to" Ro^ .turi-tttrnad^ . mine down because' I wanted to *sfcs"'• my 7 days'-and either gp.sae'Everatt. ^ haxyShe^'when he' comes hens,, .since that' seems, "almost impoSsibls»" I took 8' days on the : 2nd a^d had -a-; wonderful timeTbn v « ttipinto North* 1 'erh'ltaVy. TwoTi6ys.¥a^a ifurtougi -and^were taken to Brentenico, Italy «nd -then we= wereHo-¾¾ aftee-thsni at- Oiejni' 'of. lO^days- aiid. liat's wh»W:l «me-4n wibmy 3'dsy pass- We left abouf ^9:8¾ ~* o_n 0\e moralat. of the 2nd in a jeep.V Before leaving/ we changed clothes, at" least thre*.. tlmeSf^just like -womenr'eh-1) first tfr/waa our--^atigues,' then" : to oor-' khaki and/ then to .our wool 0D*s.^ '^^ you imagine" ;that?- "We had a ' « V -s (•*••; ****££" ^ 1 0 ^¾:^'.i wonderful tt^.but had ottr.good •«*.,'- of Lowiry^ FJeTd^ Denver, Colo, .. Petty ..Officer' First Class,- Charles. Merriman,. of 'Commbus,.apent » few days with his'-sister anil brotheNin- •^law^,.; and M^Wllllam r H6y" and family Jn Kirhy. He "has1" returned : bad tiiom>nts, rain hail, flat tire and- -burned a coil up," but' it was worth-- it- It rained alt through the Po Vatley and in the Alps; cold and we 'gofjfcak^ig-wtt* several times. Tea hoy. I i^ent".w}th drove.'to.Moaetsi and 1 drove into Verona.. -We sort*/ from /the fowhvfiadflc «-1*8+ where | tplit the trip, -»>teWier would be too h. M'-months. i&S- to jbla ,tn* 122ndr^neraj JTospitsl UWtrit^Fort Ulx, New Jersey, sfter spending a day leave .with he>/pa": rents MK ^ / M|» 'WRox^tnam.. From -there, fphe will go> to "Fort Lawjsi -Washingt5ir : for' new JUHTigh- maBt,;, -J-. ,. V;.;' -- '-- ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ^1¾¾¾¾'inSsi^j Ured- WWJs'l*ws# d ^ l » 4 f 7 i » > • » . :•" Belqw'we givythe.JOrrecf address of the foiir. Siiider •irpthers, sbiuvbf Mr.and-Mrs. Elmer Snider, of Forest ; Pfc- Donald Snider; 3Wl66W,~Hq. Motor Pool, D.7B. &.AP0 772,:care of Postmaster, New York^N Y, Y yjonntaia and did vs.: sd, ^ 1 "]Aiia" jiaffed fiSs fa seen it hail. Wt ttoppad at Vsron* - for coffee ^ and-^ donftoats and-to- aorta stretih'.p-ir tegs, t&ai was Ot» : first we had stopped since UavingL eanip.-These,.two-*oys-tiat Jrers . /wpJoughs were v|sfting. .this one) hoy's Grandfather: and two .Uncles. This town of Brenienfcb is losatsd- just off'Ro>te ; 12, oyer the mountain' down -in'a~'' yaltey and'" a real nlce7' -ptece. /No American soldiers have ~ ever visited there and, we were the first Americans they/_ had 'seen. B, 233, AAAi'-'-S-L-Ti' Bn., APO 70, pare-of-Postmaster, SanTrancisco, -P»ut':•:- v : - = : .^-= '• - "A.„-'*'• Ler Jay Snider RVH. •&•*, .4188 CoffmanDe.i9i,"caVi of 1 Fleet P..O-, NewTprk/ji/Y. .-,,-- '.:,. f" _ Pvt Barton Snider, 4S0Ofc»0» Co.. D;v Uth Bn., 4th Regt, > IRTC, Ft McClelan,,Alabama. ... '/•'.»./ Six People Injured,- 5 .- t:In Sunday Auto; Accident -•'CpL Robert Snider, 3 6 6 2 2 7 7 9 , ^ 1 ^ e !^. treated/us swell, you could Eugene somewhere in Italy^ Orlen and A m u Lee at home- The memorial services were^-in eharge of'/Funeral Director Joseph" Shields of "Forest, and was largely attended The American Legion of Torest and the Kenton lodge of whicfrj hospital a«d injuring lie was a member took "part, and S>e sfficiating pastor was - Rev. Edgar Shady. Mrs. Shady accompanied by Mrs. Louis Schilling at the piano, •juig three numbers- An apprppri- ate'poem .was also read, v entitled "Beating Me Home." V~ " Celebrated Sixth Birthday ••• Donna Jeanne Anderson took din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. 0. P Bower, Monday, July ^0- When she arrived home-iii, the afternoon nine, girls were waiting'to remind her of her 6th birthday. After the.gifts were opened, the afternoon was spent in playing croquet,- -swinging, etc. Home made j^e. cream/and cak* were served, -Miss Arzelia Brown and afrs, Lilly Edgihgton assjstin*. / - Those present werfe: LeeanaStor- gls, of Kenton; Lee Kellogg, Linda Lou JolHff, LaDonna Tracey, Caro- lyn Waller, Donna . Jfeanne Owens, Virginia Brown, Janejt.RoekweU, Lob HamOtoB. and Doon*. /atrs- Bisa Is.* , A two car collision occii^red Snn- day-at 7^30 V m - at the. intersection 6f,the r Dunkirk-Forcst; and a town- shlp road, a mile west . of Forest, sending four members _ of ^_a. Mt. Blanchand family to' Aft Findia> two members ol? a; Forest ^famiTy. . They were; taken to the McKitrick hosptUl at Kenton. .••--•' . v '".'= ; JomvCole, 26, M t B l an chard, suf- fered head injuries. His wife^. Mary Lou, 28, was treated, for lacerations of the left hand amT body bruisei and later released- A son John Joe. •19 months, sustained a deep lacer- ation of fho left elbow and'a daugh- ter Peggy Lou, 5, suffered head in- juries .and was unconscious when ad- mitted to the hospital./ , _• The second car was driven by Mrs. Esther Joliff;-^, of north of Forest She was treated at McKit- rick hospital for a deep cut on the knee and body bruises. Her son Larry, 10, was. treated for. lacerations of the right leg, a. bruised face ^nd an injured eve* His > sister Nanej Mae, 9, has a possible rib injury huf was not admitted to the hospital- Shields ambulance took the injur- ed person* to Fmdlay; hospital. State Highway Patrohaa* F. M. not buy a.thing- We arrived at-his -Grandfather's house around 8j30 that evening and they "got us * bite to eat noodle." soup, steak, aalad and bread." •Re a ny tasted good^because we hadn* ^ eaten any.: that day except attha Red "Cross in Verona. We sat there andXtaJksd till it was time 16 go •tiha show, ^They-had asked us to gft •to a show, with them and we could not very. weP refuse,' had to go just, to be polite. It was an Itafian show;^ and I couldn't understand- ft, so- at the endlot the third .reel, i excused " myself and - headed for bed. Vti. slept in twin beds and' did I ere* -sleep, wow! Never turned-once the efctire night- Got. up about"830'th)l next morning, and I was all set for .about 6 eggs, and a big breakfast and-guess what they bring out? A tiny cup of coffee '' that tasted Uks : *shwatef.. That's all they> had;"th«jr" don't go/-ftt for breakfast After breakfast, the wine bottles start to eonie out and they drink from meaV Ing till night—that's all they do, drink, drink, drink.. We .had to visit his'Uncles yet, so we Jeft around, noon- tad ate dinner- at his Uncle's ' house. Had a very, good dinner arid here is what we had: home made salomy, fish and home made rolls for the first course, soup for ths second, boiled potatoes and fried in butter, roast .pork for the second and then finished it off with cake, peaches, apricots and coffee. And we had at least a dozen bottles of wine during the meal, so you s*s fliat we really had a feast- Left there about 1.-80. and headed for Trento. From Trsnto w* started for Venice and thafs where we real- ty an into trouble. Aboot ,15 miles tattwAIpa, MM last *•,«* •"- .3 ."*>' /v •^jsusesssBL^^ 2ffic J

VOLUSEL76. FOREST* OHIO, TWBSDAY, AUG.ohfahs/-everyForest... · ,V,V. .-^-7^/3^ ^-: VOLUSEL76. FOREST* OHIO, TWBSDAY, AUG. % 1945 NUMBER 10. Tf EDITORIALS »r t. Bart Jaeah* •:"'?:>

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EDITORIALS »r t . Bart Jaeah*

•:"'?:> A «*»ln.velevator Is meuh needed "jo Forest, and would bring more

Z* bu?lne«« '*« * e town.' At tm.e tima • JFoV«*ha<rt*o good elevators and a • ,,.fiour /milf'that. also- -bought: grain-": "New truck loads ©* grain ;pass. right [ through Forest enwute^to Patterson

^ Ktrby or ' Wharton.- f This' is sorae-f •; thing for-the forest Business Men's v > .Cfablto work Mi / '.. _ ••"•••"• I' «*'.' * / > . . . . , e " ; - » : - - '•*•;- . . <'•

rAlc i tkon . suggested• to us that

At council, meeting last Thursday night the budget-for the years } 948-1947 was: the principal subject. A

• g^nerai hike in? practically all .salar­ies aiid appropriations - was voted. The office o f Mayor led, with a $100 increase. Clerk o f Water Works Board With a | 6 0 boos4„which makes the sajary^ o f Village Clerk equal the Mayors- Police. ;are lo.receisw S125""monthlyT Road Superintendent same'sa lary as-police, TSupt/.of-th» Water Plant w a s raised to |125~per month, while 6w»ci lmeh-»r« *to re­ceive $3.00-per meeting^The/ ialarjf of ViHaga- Tteaajarer" for somje eeas-

left a s it is at *W per IUV Forest should c t t s h ^ ka-jiame^tA- pn w a 8

vKempyviilei'^inWMr. Bay''6; Bempy r . ^ . ^ , Hougeridobler and Weber $c& o.wntf so. mthy business bleckSj ^ r e j^ M n t , this left the meeting/ ^ ™&k Mr- Wharton, of Kenton, L ^ y divided' po'lfticaliyijJurk jmd

, .owns:numerous...; properties, in t h s t ^ ^ , , ^ ^ e m o c r a t B > : M i a n awfcLeh-r<ity,-lait the citiiens^f^e-county l n j a n ^ 0 ¾ ^ . / ",;-V ; ' '—-

i e a t ^ o u i a ^ n o t . b e j * r s u a a > d . t ^ ? ^ W , ^ ^ ^ ^ W M . p l - ^ : ^ or - -Kwtoa.-. W^aoJte -boojf. b ut /said' nothing -except .' .'' ~^.'*~ l.^K .&•* -hawas afttr credits .m his

• • *'-.' l Scout. endeavors;,:: . Gtt. Devon was

5. to**hangevthe -name 3^Wh*rton


SCHOOLS OPEN SEP. 4th The Forest-Jackson'" Board Of Ed­

ucation has. set Tuesday Sept. 4,.'as the- opening o t t h e . l W 5 - l M « schoel t ern . 'Children who a r e / * years-'©* _age.by January %$1948 *re eligWir to. entor.jha; first grade-

The faculty i s complet* With the



>. The'Fortsjr Business and? Pro*es-Aional.Men's CluViield thei/regular meeting in their -club rooms Monday •eveningr- " .. . " '•

The Club discussed,,the .complaints i thst va b^mg;ma^-ai»^.thii,Main-

I street parking, and it was'determin-excepUon^of oni'fi^|»ad«tta««h«f^ed'.tha* the Ciub would; ini#tut* Two hew 'teachers have/ bee^esa*, proceedings to arrange for"'the. Main plowed. ' Phyllis KooMr of ManafWd street parking to extoiid /the maxf-a-graduat» of Jjtterbein! JCollege wfll mum p§rWnfr facilitiesto thesjeo-I teach English and Spanish. ~ -,-: tple of tfie community that the state 1 -WilHam Peterson, "-.of- Ada, and * "Jaw witt permit:- • .." "_.- . / ; "student a.t phio.Northern, yniversitjr/ : The regular meeting.of the.Club has been employed asathletic coach; i ? 5 h e first Monday of Jeapb mont'hj[ Mr. Peterson along witbrms coaehl»ff-but as LaborDayicowes on the meet duties, will Continue; :ro\ studies at^ Northern. He come»A.to Forest wit*' coaching experience, having beea ^tf loth, and will meet atjGo>jn{ey . P « * | ; "sisant. coaph at. Massillon for otssln for a'picnlc supper /at ¢:3¾. foSlowed

-year and high last

assistant season-

coach. >at Ada;. by .a progrant

At a recent meeting of the boaH, ^ Q ^ ™ . « « , . « » - ¾ ^ . ¾ ^ ^ b / p r e s e n t s w k i n g - a , - s t r e e t H g b V ^ 1 ^ Pates, was swom- in-b*e»i-•%> very»quie^affair. -Last jRH-i..-- "• m ' •--- -- -«» -« - - «—->

ihg njgnt-of the\Clu)b, the.Club will meet'o» the -second 'Monday.^ Sept-

* Honor Sol^WJOCDinfilr

'•oii South Gormjiey. street f-.npftiinees.forMayoi were,

As* both; .present . day h ight • we asked arman yho. had

jt«V;re^rne4^om-:the- cwcus/'who ^ ¢¢^^:.^ light will doubt-was tunBijig^drfOffKe! onhjs$cketj.™° **l^,':™Z-™7Lr™ He-rftplfed,.'.'!. am. unibta to tell rou.'J

*.SiVh;-Ahdifference^ • to' Real, state, and national afjfaljs, at the present time' is-alarmint..-..-."- <: "<*:>'

Air "old timer" in'tjie,.west end/pf

^^ess "be Snjtalled; ',-;-' Complaints; about weeds; which are

numerous . »0. far ' have. gone un« heeded as no onircan be found to do Jhe woiit' Asthe" town/is npt4quip-l>e^.t«.d.9..this work; .the weeds sflll

•i --X -A t_..--v« -i_i_i a "flourish, and-you can spell-that with: towa-.wants BS to let hlnv report the -:' .. .—, J, . •" r « - • -Weekly scandal i n tHta-part of town'1/* " ? * " ' T ' . . _ : \ „ J , - - - u •-'•

\ •Regarding the Mayoralty; race, i ly scandal

for^ the Review, tKtfcrpttrt Brother we -hear I

member t o fill Sthe unexpired tens/ of the-latee VrC. ;Milter.'-_.-; - '-'•) ~VThe_ complete, ^faculty f o r - ta*J .coming year, with the exception -of * .first grade teacher 4 s as foftswt: Grade teachers, Msrcella IcKes, Gsaf gia Kellogg, / V e r d a Baker, Vfefc* -Carver,: Grace England, and ¢ 0 ½ Burdett, High School; Xathrya Young^ home economics; Betty^ Miliar Music; Jean;.. Evaqs, a i g l l a h Latin; Aphyllis Koons, xCngilsh-ish; Grace Hprumuller, C o m n s n * .

A pot-luck diiaper was seryed Sun-; day in hofior"jpf ;pfc. Cletus Hart and Pfc."Ru»sefi Hart Jr".,'who are 'return ing to. the,rA^my'soonest the home*

lii The Service ,5 -.

riNew AxkhwKt'jfe B- fi. XSartin, 29 plsm#W Street, itdmirilty VU-

yage,- Kittery,- Main*.: '....

• v Present < Address^ '*Sgt. yetnew Loeaardi 3M17W7, Ser. Co.; »80 Ihf, APO,g3,JCars' ' ' ' k • • •'"" york,N.y;- '

of, Postaastisrt\N.ew

New ^ 0 ¾ ^ Pf& Dale;Weber Jr ,«i«a2740, Btry- B./283Kl-AAa. §-t B»W A, J. a 87», Care of Postmaster J^F^anciseo, Calif *''' •• "'•••

Sgt Eddie Naus, spent« firw jdaya. with Ais sister and brother-in-law, *red MclKee • and' family. -He Jflso ^jsited friehds in B rbyf / .-

a scandal sheet, we. such items.



*7 """"iTV^Zl^ "~ 'IFii "i*."L_" f the. Mayor was silent.; He expressed ^ ¾ ¾ ^ ¾ ^ ^ ^ tkattheresult 9f<he com.UCKnton .Pine, ^tancepC. A-every, weok, but as. the.Reviewis not . f ^ ^ ^^^^^^.iotM:^mc»t.9uav-H

progress"of Forest,;• not »0 .mucfi a« culture; William- Peterson; to the candidates themselves but to,

YoaiannowgobKafxirPmDai: those behin3 the candidates; of wltam • tor to N«w Yoikf. a distance ef t he. may have /something-"of Interest ^*r Nt mitss in one hour. But wf1 -to say later oh. . :

:^T^'-|«\^^T*bycv'sity.roctat'': ••'! ^*P*™V*f**•**».:.:«!». > • *

m*mz.^ "•••BT?9*JPSi^s^Br -w^^B ^CevsTy*


_ Since Lima J fffreet. liai been re«; surfaced, some mofercycUsts use *tt 'on Sunday afternoons for • race track, endangering" the. lives of ped­estrians who may be crossing 3Ke 'sireet'at the time.-^:' -,-' -r •*' -

: ••• ''• s. e •;..' >t.__ - . - / , -

. The,local garden crop, will soon re­lieve .the potato shortage, in Forest Aint Victory-gardens grand* But

..there,are,stii} 'strings to £b« b e s i ,pods, for which the OPA cannot be blamed-- , —'-''--:• --^-^-^

. - , . . - - _ _ ^ . - - - . - * « ' • • - - - - . - •

V prevailing high black market prices shoutd ,induce, ..the .^poultry, raisers to sell their laying hens, we will be buying^Tjolden" v eggs next

~Winter,r - ; . / j . .; ',\__'

The, OPA- is -becoming about as" popular with the peop« as "did Uie NIRA, the .Blue Eagle organisation, which djed }n infancy, A l e w y«*r» ago; '• -> -"' r-r- . ---^.- . ••-. - _ .

~ • " " • • • « • . " ' . ' • • ~ : . : - . . . . "

The new atomic homh _ncw being, used against Japan, has a wai.op that will send the Japs home to their father in wholesale tots"/-

. ' " • » " • ' * • . • " ^ - -

* There i s one attractive feature at least about the "civilian jeep"', it has

v a very njee ceiling price. . . . ~-~

The approprjatioa

ei letton e n t i e «ois ; ifeM"-4»vy^/«r park purposes. Should this levy h e turned down" out park'; will remain, practically an orphan so far as furtds are coneernsd." .-- .-!•' . ' T h e Stree t ."Depwtrwnt ' reported ridding sewers of twots a i d whataiet but :»re jn»t unmindful: of condition

.o'f-somy^ffeets" t h i t - a r y in nSfed .of, repairs. : The firemen; "are tnoeh pleased with the.-.new-, 'doormat, firs-house, which1 disappears like magic »t the. touch o r a cord- Alsd credit for-new sign-over-do^r should g o ; & Fireman Chas. Cramer. The" old saying "led GOTge rfo it" should be

"changed, to M e t l f t w H e do *t" as i n r e s i i t y h e arrays.-.1 does J It, and tt»«-wark'weM done. ' '-. <•• - •;•"

Police Garver reports the town as

social science; -Sidney. HHty„ A » * . ooaehj ft

Ray Baum, Principal,- P. W. Tamstag Superintendent.

FOOTBALL B C H K n A * Wnllam Peterson' coadu


AitMtjJO, at 40 s> in. * ) ; *»ys sheoM report thtt" opening session for i^Tv{ng?.e^pment.?:

: The schedule for the year ls.,as fo'"yow»r-Sept. 14, EJida; Sept. « v Richwood; Sept. 28, MechaniusBbrg, there night); Oct. 6\ Kenton; there (night); Oct- 1¾ Columbus Grove, there; Oct. 19, Carey; Oct. 26, Pan­dora; Nov. 2, Ada", there. / \.

Mrs. L gchoehbefger PASSSD AWAY AT HE8 HOME


-Mrs. *£#>.£„ .Schoenberger, 52, passed away .at her home in Rich­land Tp.. Thursday eveningat ¢:46

Present Address- Sgt.0feona}d 'Vti BJtteij'8fi»«07f, » 4 ; J , Hq.,_Co. 187tt/ Pjirs .Glideit InfH A, P. 0. « 8 , Care of Postmaster, Sa» Fran-Cisco,,Calif-; v'' ' . '/

"Hwwell Frank Thiel S° 2-c, • survfc. *,* ,.„^., «r - «f th* U- S. a Bunker Hill, Is

of Mr." and Mrs- Larry Coldiron, ending * «1 folough wift^his V -enjoy the dinner S»a» ta ¥*• ***.•*»:.^ Thlei. and ThSSe. present!

werej M*..and Mrs. Eaj-i. RoW^ettj MK ahd-Mrs. Roily Hart, Pfc- Cletus

..Hart, all of Ftfrest; Miss Ivolene-Brown, of "Colunibna; PfcTlnd Mrs. Russell Hart, Jr. and son Charles of

aadl Kenton; Mr. • and Mrs- Willis Van' TilbriJugh and '-son" Gerald/, Miss Jeannie McBride, ail . '.of y.Columbus GroverMr. ahd~Mrs. 0. E. Hart ami daughters Marilyn Kay and Dejon Rae, of Mo"rral; Mr. and Mrs- ;W*tr ter'Reed andisons Leo,/Ronald and Meriyn, of Sycamortj Mr. and Mrs! Lester Martin, agd sohs'Burtonr Dohj

/and Puaaa of Mars^UlM; Mr. ahd Mrs. Joha-^ifelea,/ of C Ann A^Pf,

Itr.-^airf-^rfc^aa^oa »»ht-Jinger and' ^CgfiteV1 Carolyn;, "of Caledonia,; Mr: and Mrs; Xarry Cold-iron and sons. Glenn, Jimmie, iJstk, Jewy-' and - Dayldv and'vdaughters Bdith; of Carey, and-Miss Alice CoWron <sf Dayton. . . Home made ice cream and cake *•!• 'served in' the'a^rnoon,

- . . . _,_ . ^ . o'ejnek- "She -^ad "been in failing (miU-gooa behavior wWSimaker| h e a J t h ^,. a n u w J ) e r . o f years,.,uf-

fering from- diabetes. Four weeks ago, she itelJ and- fractured her left hip, after which she Was a patient at Mercy hospital, Tiff in r until Tuesday of last week, when she was brought home;"

FarewieU Party

held a James,

Mary Elizabeth Johnson farewell "plsrty for Eugene Monday evening, who leaves Aug. 9 lor the JVnay-. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wagner, Mrs. jBetty Chestef, Rath Baker, Ralph JZender, M*s. .Bobert Beirandl daugh­ter Audrey, all bf_&arey;' Max Mc-Clain,-George Engie, Paul Parthe-more, Rose Miller, Hughie Latimer, Harry L. piller, Irene Eagle, Dick Roby,- Paul j imea , Sam fBaley, Reba Jamea, Donna Hoe , , Paul. vZurcher, Louis Jones* Ralph Guy.JMUer, Carl Miller, Meredith ^Sehertaer,. o l Mt .Vic t sry ; Mr. jwd Mrs. Maynard Brown, Marie and Pauline Cooper;

h i s joh f ar more pleasant.

Patterson W. S. Cf $. - . .;• * , . " f ^ssa«s»«»aiwsi ;

The Patterson WSCS held --their August meeting at the home;ef Mrs. Litsie Kratt-" Seventeen irierabejs, three visitors and three children were present. The president opened the meeting :by singing a«d respon- j town,- Ohio, the daughter of the sive reading. Mrs. Mildred MeNutt^ late John and Anna Clerk. She was led in prayer. After the regular .„nHed In marriage with l e o i -business session, Mrs. Marie V^^ Schoenberger, Februry. 2, iW6- He iCinley presented the worship service «urviVes with the following children;

Mrs. Schoenberger, whose msdd^; • ^ ^ ?*"f ^ i t - ^ Hanldnsi name wii^Margaret Mae' Clark, was born September S, 1892, at George-

Miss Verd* Baker had charge of the program on "Cooperation in Latin America." Mrs. Bertha Brooks, ex­plained the Church Christmas Pack­ages 'project, and the ladies agreed to prticipate. Mrs. Brooks also gave an account of her trip to Lancaster. Meeting was" dismissed by Singing: -"Have' Thine Own Way." ; . " . - Delicious refreshments wese serv­ed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs- Zella Hemmerly

Forest Girls 4-H Pep ciub

The Forest1 Girls ' 4-H Pep .CTab had a meetiijg Aug, 3rd at Garmleyj Park; The girls who were at camp told what ' they did t h e m We-dis­cussed where to have onr next meet-

Mrs. George Beagle of Arlington; Mrs. WIRis G«tcmah,'of M t Blanch-ard; Marjori.e, Allen Maxine and

-Lena Mae at home/~Tnree children 'Clifford, Mary Jane and Glenn Dale, preceded their mother in death. She i s also survived by two grand-chl ldrew J Aside f«>m her family, she leaves many friends.

T h e - funeral was'- held Sunday afternoon with services at the home ; at l i b b'eKfek, and at 2 o'clock from the Church of God at Wharton, in • charge of Rev. Robert F a s t Burial was made in the Schoenberger

j-cemetery. / ,

freshments served. There will he a-Oflle McKee, Lota PoHn*. Mr. andJingT; Games were played and re-Mrs. Sylvester Johnson and . sons iBohby,^ James,' Gene, PWllip, and Larry, of Fores t r, " ~

Refreshmaats w w » s s r w d a t ten. o^cteek Tha svssdng w»* • » • * !•

Scout Paper Drive Scouts of local Troop 64 have an­

nounced .another paper drive Satur­day, : August 18thT Details of the

meeting Aug. 16 at the Upper park, drive will be announced . next week. It will be a pot luck supper, We are to roast at ths Legiea hall at 140 P.M. •

It is planned to-use the money from the sale of paper to provide oppor-

f or saore Seoats M

Memonal Services ; : For Donald £ Hankiria

.^Jleriai services were, held a'l'the Yiak Street- chureh,>^Sunday after? poon, July 2Sth for S 'Z'c'bohald Lee Hankina, l9,"son "*of Mr, ,and;Mrs,; Atery Hankins', of near .Forest, who was killed May 11, lfi.45, while serv-tag his country'-«i-, the U. S- S. Banker between Okinawa and!;>Kyui ahu. near Japan and was buried at sea. The young „ man was" bor« ICarch 24, 1928. Tie graduated from A e Forest High School with the class of 1944 and entered services the fol­lowing September 86th. : Seaman Hankins leaves to mourn their loss; his parents, t w o brothers and one

famfty. and t riends in- Kirby.

r LowryFfeld , Coh^^ _ July 30j; The Army Air Forces.Training.CommaiW|(

(a«nouncedv today.that PVU Chsrtes % Cohley, of^F6rest,OWfl was-grad­uated

^ P ^ PUDSPHV DBBCBJMjl A T8IP INTO N 0 8 T l ^ » - ^

• ; ' - v . ;• .;->ITALY;"' ' / -".;_• ^ - -

,,The following letter ^frohj ,WooV'":

ifudolph,. a former Forest ^ y , soa. rot JCrs; J. F.Ruoolp^-aw'iBsidlaaT -in Cdlumhus. /f~'V. . />- - ' -~

-*--«. v . . :-Leghorn, Italy -:, . ;-•'.-;..-. -• -•-..- July!-»th 194^-- •;•;.--: Dear'Mother.'lNa-and^Karto/_ ^ - 1

';/ ; I #Sk/it 's •'.aJbouiJ tijna for1»»''""': -to wrije anp4h.e.r 'form-'.'Fatter-' aad ?

catch up-with all back letters and i-save telling the :same-thifl'g^:s3^t'*-/''. do«en times V l e a s t v -I was O$,M \ Mttle trip . he othw- day ,ynd wiU tellhyou about It new, so hedges*. .'•The conipiiny has bean getting 'j f

day passes, to" R o ^ .turi-tttrnad^ . mine down because' I wanted to *sfcs"'• my 7 days'-and either gp.sae'Everatt.

^ haxyShe^'when he' comes hens,, .since that' seems, "almost impoSsibls»" I took 8' days on the: 2nd a^d had -a-; wonderful timeTbnv« ttipinto North*1

'erh'ltaVy. TwoTi6ys.¥a^a ifurtougi -and^were taken to Brentenico, Italy «nd -then we= wereHo-¾¾ aftee-thsni at-Oiejni' 'of. lO^days- aiid. l iat 's • wh»W:l «me-4n wibmy 3'dsy pass-We left abouf 9:8¾~*o_n 0\e moralat. of the 2nd in a jeep.V Before leaving/ we changed clothes, at" least thre*.. tlmeSf^just like -womenr'eh-1) first tfr/waa our--^atigues,' then": to oor-' khaki and/ then to .our wool 0D*s.^ '^^ you imagine" ;that?- "We had a

' « V

-s (•*••;

****££" ^ 1 0 ^ ¾ : ^ ' . i wonderful tt^.but had ottr.good •«*.,'-of Lowiry FJeTd Denver, Colo,

.. Petty ..Officer' First Class,- Charles. Merriman,. of 'Commbus,.apent » few days with his'-sister anil brotheNin-•^law^,.; and M^WllllamrH6y" and family Jn Kirhy. He "has1" returned:

bad tiiom>nts, rain hail, flat tire and--burned a coil up," but' it was worth--it- It rained alt through the Po Vatley and in the Alps; cold and we 'gofjfcak^ig-wtt* several times. Tea hoy. I i ent".w}th drove.'to.Moaetsi and 1 drove into Verona.. -We sort*/

from /the fowhvfiadflc «-1*8+ where | tplit the trip, -»>teWier would be too h. M'-months.


to jbla ,tn* 122ndr^neraj JTospitsl UWtrit^Fort Ulx, New Jersey, sfter spending a 4¾ day leave .with he>/pa": rents MK ^ / M|» 'WRox^tnam.. From -there, fphe • will go> to "Fort Lawjsi -Washingt5ir:for' new JUHTigh-maBt,;, -J-. ,. V ; . ; ' -- '--

^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ^1¾¾¾¾'inSsi^j Ured- WWJs'l*ws# d^l»4f7 i»>•» .

:•" Belqw'we givythe.JOrrecf address of the foiir. Siiider •irpthers, sbiuvbf Mr.and-Mrs. Elmer Snider, of Forest ; Pfc- Donald Snider; 3Wl66W,~Hq. Motor Pool, D.7B. &.AP0 772,:care of Postmaster, New York^N Y, Y

yjonntaia and did vs.: sd, ^ 1 "]Aiia" jiaffed fiSs fa seen it hail. Wt ttoppad at Vsron* -for coffee ^ and-^ donftoats and-to-aorta stretih'.p-ir tegs, t&ai was Ot» :

first we had stopped since UavingL eanip.-These,.two-*oys-tiat Jrers 0»

. /wpJoughs were v|sfting. .this one) hoy's Grandfather: and two .Uncles. This town of Brenienfcb is losatsd-just off'Ro>te; 12, oyer the mountain' down -in'a~'' yaltey and'" a real nlce7' -ptece. /No American soldiers have ~ ever visited there and, we were the first Americans they/_ had 'seen.

B, 233, AAAi'-'-S-L-Ti' Bn., APO 70, pare-of-Postmaster, SanTrancisco,

-P»ut ':•: -v:- = : . ^ - = '• - "A.„-'*'•

Ler Jay Snider RVH.•&•*, .4188 CoffmanDe.i9i,"caVi of1 Fleet P..O-, NewTprk/ji/Y. .-,,-- '.:,. f" _ Pvt Barton Snider, 4S0Ofc»0» Co.. D;v Uth Bn., 4th Regt, > IRTC, Ft McClelan,,Alabama. ... '/•'.»./

Six People Injured,-5 .-t:In Sunday Auto; Accident

-•'CpL Robert Snider, 3 6 6 2 2 7 7 9 , ^ 1 ^ e ! ^ . t r e a t e d / u s swell, you could

Eugene somewhere in Italy^ Orlen and A m u Lee at home-

The memorial services were^-in eharge of' /Funeral Director Joseph" Shields of "Forest, and was largely attended The American Legion of Torest and the Kenton lodge of whicfrj hospital a«d injuring lie was a member took "part, and S>e sfficiating pastor was - Rev. Edgar Shady. Mrs. Shady accompanied by Mrs. Louis Schilling at the piano, •juig three numbers- An apprppri-ate'poem .was also read, v entitled "Beating Me Home." V~ "

Celebrated Sixth Birthday ••• Donna Jeanne Anderson took din­ner with Mr. and Mrs. 0 . P Bower, Monday, July ^0- When she arrived home-ii i , the afternoon nine, girls were waiting'to remind her of her 6th birthday. After the.gifts were opened, the afternoon was spent in playing croquet,- -swinging, etc. Home made j^e. cream/and cak* were served, -Miss Arzelia Brown and afrs, Lilly Edgihgton assjstin*. / - Those present werfe: LeeanaStor-

gls, of Kenton; Lee Kellogg, Linda Lou JolHff, LaDonna Tracey, Caro­l y n Waller, Donna . Jfeanne Owens, Virginia Brown, Janejt.RoekweU, L o b HamOtoB. and Doon*. / a t r s - B i s a

I s . *

, A two car collision occii^red Snn-day-at 7^30 V m- at the. intersection 6f,therDunkirk-Forcst; and a town-shlp road, a mile west . of Forest, sending four members _ of ^_a. Mt. Blanchand family to' Aft Findia>

two members ol? a; Forest ^famiTy. . They were; taken to the McKitrick hosptUl a t Kenton. .••--•' . v '".'= ; JomvCole, 26, MtBl an chard, suf­fered head injuries. His wife^. Mary Lou, 28, was treated, for lacerations of the left hand amT body bruisei and later released- A son John Joe. •19 months, sustained a deep lacer­ation of fho left elbow and'a daugh­ter Peggy Lou, 5, suffered head in-juries .and was unconscious when ad­mitted to the hospital./ , _• •

The second car was driven by Mrs. Esther Joliff;-^, of north of Forest She was treated at McKit-rick hospital for a deep cut on the knee and body bruises. Her son Larry, 10, was. treated for. lacerations of the right leg, a. bruised face ^nd an injured eve* His > sister Nanej Mae, 9, has a possible rib injury huf was not admitted to the hospital-

Shields ambulance took the injur­ed person* to Fmdlay; hospital.

State Highway Patrohaa* F. M.

not buy a.thing- We arrived at-his -Grandfather's house around 8j30 that evening and they "got us * bite to eat noodle." soup, steak, aalad and bread." •Reany tasted good^because we hadn* ^ eaten any.: that day except attha Red "Cross in Verona. We sat there andXtaJksd till it was time 16 go t» •tiha show, ^They-had asked us to gft •to a show, with them and we could not very. weP refuse,' had to go just, to be polite. It was an Itafian show;^ and I couldn't understand- ft, so- at the endlot the third .reel, i excused " myself and - headed for bed. Vti. slept in twin beds and' did I ere* -sleep, wow! Never turned-once the efctire night- Got. up about"830'th)l next morning, and I was all set for .about 6 eggs, and a big breakfast and-guess what they bring out? A tiny cup of coffee '' that tasted Uks :*shwatef.. That's all they> had;"th«jr" don't go/-ftt for breakfast After breakfast, the wine bottles start to eonie out and they drink from meaV Ing till night—that's all they do, drink, drink, drink.. We .had to visit his'Uncles yet, so we Jeft around, noon- tad ate dinner- at his Uncle's ' house. Had a very, good dinner arid here is what we had: home made salomy, fish and home made rolls for the first course, soup for ths second, boiled potatoes and fried in butter, roast .pork for the second and then finished it off with cake, peaches, apricots and coffee. And we had at least a dozen bottles of wine during the meal, so you s*s fliat we really had a feast- Left there about 1.-80. and headed for Trento. From Trsnto w* started for Venice and thafs where we real­ty a n into trouble. Aboot ,15 miles

tattwAIpa, M M last * • , « *

•"- .3


/ v

•^jsusesssBL^^ 2ffic J

Pip*""*1 ^y\;>?X::V,^- rr PJPHM^CT*

' M V

• . • « >•-


;H«»tiBg,,jtoT».> Ify 8*5«.''' -HoliLi fir* good; "priced TauKmaWe.,, .'_'..

—,, -«J- - « •"' Mn; Austin Spoon .

' "itW fate ~ Insulation. '- ' • •" '^:l--r.^T "' OAlUttJS.":. Phone 119 : Fo^t,'Qhto

' Supper M Pattereon church, Thurs 4ay, August Wi. Serving.from'e. to

> Sponsored by the W3C3, '

;,f=>- 'GUI tM, . tinwsf. Bandaaky ; wAea-• ' jM'MI euaLfeed. Mod •*: ferttk

—\* --^- .-

)0. * OOlPfflKBOK ¢¢.,

'JWANTEp AfcONCiV- Man'with . snowing machine, sitter tractor or ': mm, to,cut weed* la Fp.rest-^rpe-'ration.' gee Bo*d Foreman Charles &aaaier or Phone 280. ''.:'^'.--^

.Bide will W- t«*ivW> *p,\to'l^ Veto** SfttonUy, Aug. 4th, 19& for tt« • •} • of the "reeideaee^ot George wVHempy, Deceased. •>•• :./••*•;• - ->-

> ttilph McBroy, Encotor '

*\ We ire/ now • .quipped /"fc JJuwtt' stone and. spread imast'one. ^ •'",:-. Ehone M^ , » ' i , ^ F- Rahrig

.' Bam- Paint, HOUR* • Chains. EIsrtric Moto'rs.

. Water Waft, On. wad..«-Oil-well

l/'.'•''••:'•'••••••< •-> N.SUDiSBLE Phone l is? •; pprtat, Ohio.

Budget hearing!-of the Forest. Jaokson'RuMiT S oo1> District will ba.hel4.at the .ojtfie 'pf'"the-Clerfc _Dr. F- fii', Freed, 'Tuesday/ August': 21». "at .$90 P.->lfc'•''•• :-*;::; x / /V-



flic Forest Itariew -P»bUeae« Weekly


Eatered las, second class mattez, Kay i 1900. .at the Pott Otiea at FonaVBudia Cejip.tr, Ohio, >anee* tfce Act a* Centres* of March 3, ltTl


Classiflea aa-rertieemeBts, ObUs. iriep and Gaxda «f Thantt •«. per i invee^ insertion. ..' ."'.':'.,;.r.;


- Sha • — Hen1. W ! cpnt*ibpt*b»a beasta - .""'' - ^e.^Xeah,l4uioir.

•J -r_-»-.

Paint, Log Car toad of

RaidFaaca/ Hog : Fon«fa7. Pouftgrjr Faaea, Barb Wlra,.Fead M1H§, tock

' Taaka/ Hog WfttarenV PoaJtry and rHof.-F«an»rH<% Rivffftr^'. • / '

.^. - -v--^v BJ^j&T..*-;'-jj6 ,:;'-'' -'••;. • t '.. . :T '•• •""{.-' -.. KantoajtsOhlo

-NOT" RESPONSIBLE FOR" MY ; WKRB'S^BBTS: ~^tinHl-ana itarta

. aenflng tliat ^wjmdarfal, nouriahing ' «er«y-packcd ceraml -^ 6rap*-NuU,

' lirery^dajr- • T»He* oil -SundayI- X ' aaad," :tha, •"•'g?.!'.^ w ty-irich,

aWeat-ar-a-nut ^Qrape-Nuta to ilgn

> '»11 thoaa chackt.', --JL P. W^ '; ^W


phoaa «M""?•«» ¢ ^ ¾ foi FWwen Jfar waddlagr, faaa»a»r or paraoaa^ aa' I.rapraaaat ttw lajga graan-

' fcausaa •aa4'-«ai-j|I«i.*ro»pt *«•!«* *i«aa a*», tha aama a» tho ,gtttn\ kamoaa «Wta. Fhoaa 11».

: ma-1.B./ACjurra-

Sihcere-ttbaaka who ftmembered' 4}» .'Vita. Joyoly cards -aid. floVera, ; aiid',; aU otbMfc

"acta of kinjlapw while I have.been ;ilV."-- * :^y'i iMra. KJMe,.La*«fi,. •

>V ATBfcETB L >6T .¾¾¾^ :..-. r . KW It *WS6«C -

I^VQNJJ H0UB,'-.if act pteaaed, yo^jac^bafik; K«rih> gerlwi, yOii kill the Itch. Aflk.a<iy dTjJggiit for •tWa, jjowarfuL fungicide. :rT»-OL: Maoe^th?.Wpercent; alcj&oj, you

rfea) i t^&tia^TE:- KBA^SES. HOKB OBRilS..{.APPLY FULL STttDRGTS;'/©^ itchy, aweaty.or tmoiiy feet.;;. T ^ y ' a t ' ^ ty Drug

OStbrai - - ^ : ^ "'*• .'.'f^ ^-^ •**-; : ^CARftvOF'THANKS

V'we ^i«h:*to'Ltn^'_our'net^Mri^ friends and -relatt*e» foVthe"ftautl^ ful floral «feriilig»; in aw«H»fty of .onr,pe»r .Befeved-SoB.-; and brother Dtinaid'Lee BanWM^ whp. ga?e fi» ;.Kfe?'in-';th'e'.service, -.of •.hia'.ceSntry, ^Alio the"American Legion. • Tt«ton; • Eagle iL>dge'i' tEe "singer; Mrt,;--;Ed|.aT Shadyj Pianist'%••- l^uia-Sohillittg. Revv Edgar. SHaMy lot hi*i conrfortWif woidi' and. the Shield*...Funeral Iftme

'fortheir'fine-'aerviceB. -- " -ic "Mr. and.-MrBf-Avery .Hankina

." :* ?iJ±Ortan:.Eugaae Hankliif ivw- i AnnaJtie Nankins''' **•• ;_" -":

""" T-e imd Mrs Everatt Hankina

Thart i»h> I run around with wonteh. "_ ~}~ '•/

L -A-Btat« liquor monopoly in the Mid to air a*lri"eala **"«»»* itaetf with enough brandy y> «ut :xar- -«W»f rt j^a' to float ajiattlaaaip,. which

wooW. b* an exhilaratiag a pariaaea


. - f

. ...y. For Dead Stock -\,Zr; " C A L L - - ' •• ^

-FBBTILIZrlil Swwaaj' - . "Tal'-

Tiki. A i A A i t W i v

for Jhabimaclea—Detroit News. : • • • • . ' . ' • ' N ' ^ ^ V ^ - ^ ' - : • • • - ' - . v -

' Doctor:: "Ybu e»Mt 'avoid all

_/patiaatf "ganH I >vea"1oot.. at jthemaiwoM•fta';ajreatt" • . _'• -,

.w >>-*. ,^ .*if ente-'-fCat,').- Journal: , • - , - : - » H ? ^ > ' • • . ' - ; • • • • - .

'Californlan: '*Tw Inn»yv»tate we *ean*row a tree that aUa ia about a year.. .How iong'did it take you to

"grow 1¾¾ oner?.",,. - _" ' '.; :" " Florioan: ^Cant" aay-^for; •«%. but it wain'f there yesterday.* -

7,- .7-.:. ~Lawrenceikan.).8erTica ": V..:s:-/t: •P*r-*rr " .V-'. > :"---A- diaappointed young"hnaband -ejlW'lda wife hie "littW'-MfylaeH'. He aaya aha #ai fcari jo. get aAd ii" Ww aiways on the run.-^Waterloo IndPreia. - >-•- >r. •*.;-.- .; -v. --.-"•'-. V . ' v ^ ^ * u i . » _ e >;.. •--' .--' ' - •-.; ;" Pr,esideh\'iTuman atilL ;haa the. biggeaUtaak before Hlra. Ai'iiat goinzjo be- asy convincing -the Aav -

•eriW^tfWfc • jKat-':-tha*a' in»'t «»P^ ^SantapUue--Coacordia':*•»•»» 1

-.;;.,;_ _.; ...»_*_i.»^ .. -_i . ....,1. -" An evangeHst recently announetd there ari 728 tin*.* He is being b*-seigedlwith; requesta-for-the liaV-*jostly from people..who think' thaf, mustTw^miwina; lomatWngl - -: ,j "J

.MawaviiLUK**) Advocate

•-• Oce.lady sai4 ' recently that her* atoaiach u»ed to be like a "gaa fac-tory-" That is, when she ate a »eal it teemed to turn right into gaa. She 'was always bloated, had awful stomach gaa. pains,, daily .headaches and constant • irregular bowel action. Now, however/this ladytsays she is FREE OFSTOMACHGAS and she aays, the change ia due to taking;.

;|ERB-HELP. Her meala agree with "her. 'Nb'gas-or-JWoat afterf eattog. •Headache* and constipation are gone '«6h; what relief1? states this lady.' "Why dont otter ; W »»4 eon»iina> tion sufterers^getfigb-HeipT*^ ;- ;\

ERB-HfcLP contain* 12 Great He-rbs? they; cleanse ; bowels, clear gai' from stoinadi, act;;;'on sluggish liver and kidneys... Miserable peo­ple soon feel different all oyer. ; Sj> don't go off suffering. - Get; ERBr: HELP. Shields Drug; Store.-! ; u _



Farm Bureau r; Kenton, Ohio W. Franklin Street

"THE CASE OF. THE JESSING -:• - - «NDV .B 'CiTT*"-- / '

--:• No. 1 in. the:: aeries of articiea, • fcERABOiUTIS UNKNOWW" by Tries. Robb, starting in The American Weeki^with this Suwday's .(Augji.a) issue-of iThi DetroiT-Swjday Times. In this series wHi be tpld the story of ^ew^ork-^it^famous Bureau of Missing Persons, which handles S2,00Cr diBapperanqas yearly,-: solving 99. per cent,^Ttfeni.' Get Sunday'a -Detroit :Timea»-. - --• - :.

^ COMMERCIAL f&Nynittr:

• "'-The Beview.'office wrti-be lirlad to.. eupply you; needs in letter heaxls, ptatement -,'blaaks- envelopes.: bnel;. sees cardVial* billai etc. We ere. Job printers .ai.;we»; as --publishers.-Phone 183.-"-



Now on hand at .";:",;•:

Upper S«nduaky, Ohio

• • - .

< * * • • • •



Openings Available For v

»'•;.;•>% *v~;^;T^:,Ciiriiie--:";^4 :<.,.-^ inner Tube Molders"'•'..-*-u-'',

--•:•:;: :: Mii Met. :f.- -^ ^ i l l . Wright* T

-;..!- TX: rr Electricians ^ ];^T:S

Experienced Men preferred, but if you hire had no experience we will teach you any of the above tradea, We Pay You \VTiiIe You Learn. , *

More menife needed now and for our expand«d facilities — new building and hew equipment — which will soon be available for'production.

Good opportunity for steady work after the war. y.

• v .

Cooper Corporation


^ ''ilnillayiOhla.'.; : /


• , ; . - ; ' . • - • ' • , ' • ' • ' • • . ' : f "v'-V" - • • • ' - .

< \




' • • • • • >

5 New Shipments, A Good Tlrae to \get Your,Boy*$ .complete back to school" outfit "all a t c«e store, ^NOW-whileserections are good, Boysof All'schbot ;

ages. Suits, Fingertip Coats, Mackinaws, Sno-suits Slacks,, Sweaters* Jackets, Shirts, Shoes, Rain Coats, Hals and Caps. Also, still a selection of

/Siirnmer. CIothe^Jfor lhe._e4rly hot days^;of.schod.


•••-NEWS-WM«N^i'P/-M/;-"-'------'- •''«..,:• ^--:-



When the Poles come marching HOME

THE removed of QoiBumvA reatrieflons will aooa mako poteible the ebnatrueflon of.

new-lines bringing •lectridty to. farms not now electrified.

- • A* ct buainesa mem, the former eapeckdly crnpreefatM die "Know How," and, CM a butinen managed Industry, we hart'th# sure knowl?

edga cmdskul necessary to furnish (ftpendobfe electric service. ;

Weather, that arch enemy of forming, doe* not stop us". > . we hare JIO time out, no-houra off.

'With electricity to edd him, the modern former doesn't have to hut hope—Ae knows how it's going to be done, too. •''•


.¾ m» OHIO ^OWER Cjj

- . ' • • 1

r ,-1-

B t ' " ;•"'••* «• •' <r-

; ^ - :.' ••?• i f ''-.-;'

• f • ?. - - • « • * •

i>'-.••'• ••• .>- . y - a

--., y -.:, r;--r-7T^

-: i * -. *<•-»- Y..-•*s .V

T & U B | I ) A ? , AUG. 9, 1945 Vy' - - . - - -< r o a m B*vnrw, foavr. OBIO ,

.-. TrS*- John-iabbermaji iajhome a lfcday furloUgh. '->"-'- . - > -.- -


"' CircIe^No.,3" .'will-mewit."^el3*y «?• ,«rfldon*ftVthe,iqme pf Mr*.' - B u r k . • " '-•','• :• •-••-••

The frotit of the. forest . Theatre has:'-been1 .brightened -up by a new

'coat of paint- .- . j , ' v *.-,._ , h\-

James Binejjar who; Is "employed, at the Ajroxib^'pot in Marion, h i* been g»>»n a ciWlian award pin, £ y t h e cdmmandinjf officer? for "excellency in .h i s .woW ; \. } ' • .''*-.-(

- Mr. .and Mrs-;'• Sylvester Johnson, sons Philip and'tarry and; Mr. Harty

-Johhaon visited from'Thursday until Sunday- with .-relativeaVBi• Fairmontf VirginW •-- . - '"'•' .-_';.'<

-J MrraniT'Mra- I* R/'/triefJ mi ^children'. were, callers to Coldinb'us

last Thursday. " . . . . ; ; / / ' -.'.'.

Mrs, jSylvester. Johnson and child­ren spent. MbndayMa ' Carey withy ^ , Friday'morning. •-

' Mrs; Joe Clark- - . / - ^ -4 ". .'.' -- •* ^ - - -

^ Lester Price, the 'Mob?! gas dealer i t F o r e a t / i i i added.two ''flytofcred

I horses'Lto his stable, TheW howiarer -are "ridingTiosses, which he purchased for hji.tTtq daua^ters..;" ',;;"' ^ __

; Mrs. Earl £• Harris^ Jri, at keriton ^formerUy Ciaufline/: Chilaonf i s "'re-' covering n i c e s t McKitrick hospital where sb**ti»d*rwent a majbr/bpene-.'

—. ry^rr=* • • • ' • • • • . - . . .

29, jOf/Miami,-FUw-., PaulTibbets, . ^ ^ & J " e , id^i'drgppjed the first :atomic bomb

on Japan. - Mr- -Tibbota is a^riectl o t • JThft 46tl}". annu&l" reuniop, •-•'' Abraham :Searfosa- family wjirbe at - : * i y e r s i d e Park, Rndlay, AagjvUth.j the'Cnmi families here,'and has Vis-

-,•/'•• lir.-Syivtater- Johnson' i i driving ; .jhis truck-on = Ms>. milk^-^pute, hiisj

driver," JBugene James x be^ng called * ; ; to t i e Afhiy. .

ited Forest, many', times.

Miss Margery UVal ley and Betty BUrk, pt Findlay- apent rtt« wtfk end at thfjhome". of MJV »nd Mrs. Morris Burk. Ot^er gueaUi Sunday were Mrs. Donald Ha«g, Mxa. «al«A Derring, Evelyn Miasamere, Bosella Jturk. Bob QeHays and Befnia/yonn*

i, _ Mrs/ William LehnoanbWaa hottaaa to^ th* East. Matron's Club t t her hojne Thursday evening. • After a short. bVainesa seasio,^ .bridge wia. enjoyed. Refreshments were ;serred, thtf assistant hostessei .being Mrs. Mark Pishbuw^ ;Mrs. E. S^Monea and Mrs. Dale MeEkeaT" .;/- '•

4»»: ;; -Mr.sand "Mrs.. • August J- d inger ; spent Sunday .evening.; with. Mr.\.and . Mrs, Clark: Clements^, and dj|ujgiter - Maxin.e; and son- Rcfbert. ' <? 'J•';,

vA^treeTtiimming contractor and-a force .of' ni«i" jSre. here .trimming', trees* along the' .VlJa'la" ..of the^oSio j Standard Telephone '"Co.->^,The;jneh' are-at ..present yorkl^g: norjh' i i f Arlington,-".".",,..^'• -. .*."'": . j^:.V;

;._ -"Jorjien.:§fick' arid^ wife Betty.and .Mrs. Cecil1 Rockwell, of "vyapakoneta, Jwe'fe vis i tors-at- 'tfie'Jio'me- of Mr;'

:.and Mrs.'JG'erna rfune, Monday-" .

v'••;-' -Mr, and ' Mrs! .W-VTBt. Parrot :and • "family'caine, Wednesday to spend, the t' " Tieniainder'of; August with her par*-." ent% Dlvand M'rs, E. T- Sagef.

'-. Mr^and # r s . - H'allie ^"Wrigh^ Mrs--Wm.. Pa/h'tlton!. and/flon James'/ of- -,,„ PAjttwile^'Mich,^^^ spe^Csunda^;.yri¾4;•¥mse^• MI!„'and Mrs^^Rodney'Burk^and dau­ghter:' -Mrs.j;Barksma.-daughter ac­companied them'. back' to'Michigan

-f6*'aw*ek"s-visit..- ;". ''••'-, :'-~ .-'••

GJuifch Notes .-y PBBSBrTBRrA?J CtHJtC?t L

' for. Robert .Bathing, paster

. 10:0¾ Mornto*-Worship. "_-; -K Sermon; .The Light That Shineth .in

-. llarlflieas., .^ . ; v . ' \ _ ^.' " v""' " ; 'liiOO'Church School "'"'•""" '-; -'•. 6:30, Young People's Society, "-, -. Wednpsday -afternoon.' 'Auig. ISth, Vlomen's. Missionary "So*irty/njeeta' ^at'the home of Mrs.. Join SUphan-. -'; Tuesday ..-AugustMy, Seasi ottmeet­ing at the home of pr.'W.-NHKua^y.

•at 7:3©;' ^-=-- - : ••.,.:.--••-- ~ - '.-.- -' ;.

1 Thought for'the week: " H e ^ l * * . camiot fdrgpr ;others •. bjfeaiu'C the bridge^o^r'-whicK^^he^nvust. past

A • ~> - .~B - .

Watch Yo nxouK --. Kidneys/

.J{«ip T l i c m Clcan'te t b e B l o o 4 - : of Hannf i i l Body W a t t e

' Your kidntvi trtXimMflly tlUrtoi »uttn>u«r iron thlUsoditrtUB. But

.4;aB»y« loraotlftM i>| la-tMr work-*** Bat le t M t*B(ut* lowndtd—J«fl (• ra­v e r * ImpuriUw tbatj U raulaMl, msr patternMtmttm i i d n p M Ut» whttt fcodjrBMUwr.. . • . . : . , . . • -

n i t ,tfc« tym » tmUmt o< — ? • •


ja.ivjind MrsV.MorrTf 7Burk jiptia^ Thursday and' Friday in ColurSbus ta •the home _*jt- Mr. •'-.-and "Mrs. :Pwight Bark and'-'daughter! 'Barbara Ann-:^ Week days 8:80 a a^compahie<tthe"'m *home after spend?''ity'T>jg, jhg the,--past fwe'^-wjekav • with her aunt and uncle. ^ •• -•.-'••' . ; v '

MARY'S: CAff iOUC .1.-4-- •-'•-- -Kirty, O-r'i'i.- ^ •> ' •:~'V'. Rtiv. Leo Wjhiams, Pastor -'--. .- Phone J®*. Forestr'Exchange ., :. Confessfon, Saturday amTTborsda^

bef^ri^iuV^dayr^oir eacb ,si»<mt«;jl to 4:80. and T'to » p. m. .'•-

Sunday Masses, *:00 and 1040-a ft: and Satur-

HICKORY GROVE As t young nation baeV •Uiare in

Plymouth Rock t i m « C we were a «%rdy and thrifty S t ; -W* had fe be-sturdy and,.. alert V t w* would not have survived . t h e ; bliiia'rd* -and tomahawk* J C '•"'• .'„. :;" ' "' -Our Mayflower -. grandma and

grandpa had'-a tog house oSt there in the1 edge of the forest . , -jio running, wiat-*r—- no grocery tioxii and bakery and ijeauty, shop-pe down on jthe-eomer. ;-,••'- These

felka laid the foundatiorfo'r a -greaV ^ « Q n t Thrift was- the comer .tone W-ithout k-stock of bVanaV-nf corri, •nd smoked ;maat;tto^d i n the suin-mertime, .there /wasirw; eatin" In the wintertime.*- • •' _ l . ' . ' , * •' •',

But as, Ume rolled along .'ind as the-country prospered we .'started Joining, lunch' ciubflj and golf-jofubs and book reviepr£^We took on some

, iat around, the^ mWriff:; 'LWe^decided it .was easier to;let the othreiguy do •our heavy thintmg for tu_-- And"410w as a reward .for -_• same-, ; we« havev a flock of 2000.: or- so^ Bureaus^imr Grand Idea Agencuw with their feet under ;«ur^taW»--ind'.-lht_. elbby/in our'-riba. ; W^ 1>etter 1*00» td return

ito'our Mayflowet habtta-i-ljafore m' find ourselves put i*\ the alley. ':,

" W : / r t ' - t B R A - -

•~ - '.'.- Aaimal Blodel Plasma Aade from, the blood of

beef cattle can be used,tor trans­fusion, in human beings,, according to findings of Harvard uhivaralty. The tests were conducted aatisfac-toriiy .on. nearly 3.000 patient*. ~

- • ... •' Cleaning Wants - '•-': »"-:, By wiping house and porch plant*

with a c)p_vsoaJt«4 In glycerina, tha leaves will have a lustrous appear-ancf and will not wilt as soop to the s u n . , ; -•:. _ , • • • ' . ' . • •'

^ . _ i _ i i^4 , . of R A D I O S

KING, Forest, Ohio

tonma •eaattrerw.


. Albert HunV whb ha? been on the Biok~ list Jor.jjeyeral weeks 'hasjgiven

-uf his' position as Sexton, at Hifestrfn-Cemetery..' The Trustees have seeur^ «jd Carl Easlnger to.take HiineVpl.ace Mr. Huiie is* improvliijg from. hjs'.iUvj;k nesa-••-•••

1 ¾ Review; Job- printing depart'. _ent will b« pleased to: aerre y«W— your need* of com sawial printing. . J

; © u r repair mail will : be in Forest. ; a-«i vicinity, xAj»a> i eth to repltlr any Sewing Machine or yaccum Cieaner Writer:r-,':.?'-^^ T- - \ , -BDiGBBV SEW3NG H A C _ I N B C 6 . ;.*>v':i*-" MARIONj-OBio • ' - r - : .'-'•

- DALE ^SilGEH -y^ Fprestdhio

asd'Sooday, l i to S, :*-f ta- f f r M .

*;' * v '.'PHONE 117s. - ^ - - ^

1 ' : .wses ^t^;^**fs|«idist" chu** r w i ^ jnee^v W^e*diy,CAug<-| 18th.-«t Gormley P,»rk , £?*•*•• pienie dihner_at j 2 : W, ^jnn|f > ; covered dish and sandwiches" and your own table service- . The regular. meeting of the society-will follow^ the dinner

g A. ISfeis wander - ISSIIBANCB SERVICE '__/ '

FOREST, OHlOy; * H O N B _ « 8

SV--i\-t'.kvI »VI l\v.'»V/-»viJV( SVl'ft / k\7 »\ < %\•, iv ( H / »1 •/ IVV»


IRONING CORDS COMPLETE . -.. Open Evenings and Sundays

29c 69c

•-.'.lAWVKj-'vf./.'t '.'f-.'-Vf MT'.A« 'A t /AS/ ' t ' . \ t 'At -Ut7 M ','.f ' '« ' . ' t ' . ' t >.'I.Mf,'.»l / ' f t ••.'•t •

PHONE M •: f^Rfift^ OHIO

-NEW and USED TIRES Skes «MM& 350-1% i^0-17r 47$-500 19. • ~ '- >. . 7 '^ ^ : FAN BELTS FOR ALL MAKES OF AUTOS J i

FAN BELTS for All Electrkal Equipment r"• : ^ -BELTS for-POWER FARM MACHINERY ^ SOHIO and ESSO OILS, ATLAS TIRES, TUBES r ^ r - i ALSO ATLAS BATTERIES . BatterieSi Fog Lighte, Rear View Miwort, Seat

./:,.;. Covers, Floor Mats, Polkhe« and Waxes ^ pilFJlters and Oil Illter RepkcemenU, Tall Pipes-Mufflers,--Fuel Pumps, Seal Beam Adapters for any make of car, Auto Lite Spark Plugs, COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE, LUBRICATION We Grease, Wash and Wax Can, 7 - ^ "". :-

>: We also Clean Radiator*. Give us a Cali

' I f feu h a v e a i y place of furaitw you.deair* to sail or boy, a, want « 4 In the- Review win do it f « yo i . ? . ; ' , . . > ^ ' = - '


A'bank.can.<o^Iy make tadney by loaning money — by seiUng the

. c

use of money in return. for;a oriable Fee*—.inteijsat."Tftaturallj we .wantto make Joans'. *V" .'-.'"-(But* bank's first obligation 1s to itt depositors. Their money must

7br pr&ieeted;-;- The iact ftat-yout barit sometimes jays "KO"'M,':«. strong indication/of: its'safety-, Meaibeit I N M Depeait l a m aae* Cara«raU«a. I84M Maxi awni Iaawaaea fw aachPepaaitar

l^tNatLlteiik FORBST.OHIO

• N *

! • ! • • • •mil l wmaili MJ titmB|aBi

^*^f tONDS: ,^ .^y \^ '^¾/ PARM^LOAN8 ^

',. paowasii -{orrn^.'iKr-Mj -'ais1pi^cp'.:'Myr.i

ijorasaoE on mm



Matinee Saturday at2:00P.M. ---••• LULU BELLE and SCOITY

: T " - - M - : : - . ^ - - - : : ••• - I N - - •• - -•"'-. . 1 - ^ - . - :

"SING Nl^HBORSINGr^ * __ ALSO — ' ••'


- A L S O -Chapter No. 4, of "Federal Operator No, 99.**

SUNDAY, MON,andXUESi> AUG. 12, IS and 14 Matinee Sunday at 2 15 — Eve. 7:00.9:30 PrM.

MARIA MONTEZ — JON HALL ;'./-^in -C;. .J<SUD.ANM . ,::;., "-•

AU in Most Beautiful Technicolor Fox News — Cofcr Cartoon — Novelty

•y~ - Cotor Travel , w

. WED., THURS, SAT, AUGUST 15; 16, and18 Closed on Friday. ^




ChapterNo, 5 ef -FEDERAL OPERATOR ••*

Need FuriMK* =

' Repalrct

W e repair and c lew all makes of furnacei* Best materlals^-tttintdworinntn. All .costs r

bated "on actual tnattrials used;and labor, Phon« us now. •."'.- . <

Niw we have eemfert Slmct tkt ^aMiJ></WW.« WUIhmnm r u m

HJ"S! * " » « **mt*i; tr*UH with i aflttl "C." M, CM Htf flit* wtmi ktlffltj hr

,wh*ttitw*Mh*rMttt**i»tt**»rm*. !f«**r« itmrnt «**t_rt• mmlni-r«y llttirttttMttom. St..

'fttk mr WMiuutm ftnM w> s e n w # « m *MTY*r « j » f i f — W n w ) , S*Wt*.wrf «MH^^

: , T - • • -r»'t»t*-A- H. MiO»i»fcy. OU» .

UflLUAMSON FOREST T©fSSHOP W M t M A C , W - - Phonea-d3&i31 rsfiten t i l iSr

' • > L \ Kenton Farmers ^i Marketing Corporation

Will Start Loading Hogg at Forest, At Pennsylvan­ia Railroad Stock Yards, Wednesday of each week.

Anyone Having Stock to Sell Get in Toilch. ^ t h VICTOR BRIGGS, Forest, G. Phone 220F22,

— V ^ . 1 -

SALES - SERVICE ; We have in the last few months buffi up a nice Supply of Genuine Parts for thest oars, and will carry more as they become available. Also will give you'the beat service possible. Better when good Mechanics^re available. ,,

UNITED MOTORS SERVICE Deled Parts, Genuine Batteries for General Mot ors Cars, Auto lite, Ign. Spark Plugs, Wiring, Carter, Carburetors for Most Cars* A. C. Fuel Pumps, Speed O Meter Cable*.'


And Many Other Lines of Standard Parts.

McDaniel Motor Service FOREST, OHIO


KP.-iW.' V:>;' • W J ' « ' • :« • . rw-??!!W!!«B^»5PF?^^!W?PW(B|W|^^^Bp^™^^^^fl|l! ion

» " - . " : - & v A ' : ' • •• * < • • ' . « : . - . -

. , , . , ^ - ^ - ,- • • • < •

i - rtV - l:fr- . '

- 0 - , . -


/C ."•;.


: ^Coattnusd fro* Pa*» 1)

s * -.

jeep broke down, -a coil burned out, "and guy couidn't-fix i t Hardly any . traffic, w ' the wad, but a Hritiah ear came along, stopped and'after a aob story, took one of the boy* back to the nearest town for help. Re cam* back in *, Wttruck'Wcb-tow­ed ui to the . nearest: town, Verona

. about M miles awajf and what a ride wehadTwowt SRatoedluat abestthe, entire way to .: Verona,: > and we. got soaked again. Pulled into an Or*; nance place, and 'ithejr were'' closed fo^the nighlbut i f t t r n u t k t r o M c* bur sad stories, we- got a new coil providing we put it in ourselves wbicj« we.were glaiito do jn order to get out of ther^:f We tc-pk of f once- again and hadn't gone any

fmore than. i5 milev and the dam ^ stopped" *«s>i£'\fa*ekily thjie time we were>oh the jnain road and a Jeep gas* us a tow to the next town which' waa Jrat about fc/mfles<

"lway»_.There we got .sonie- guy .out , of bed and,4u put .a new coil in for 'tis^and'that's the last Bit; of etfgtne trouble we had, thank GodJ, : l | N n » ;a»und~lt o'Sock of the 3rd "and -wit had •- to' get- some place .to, sleep,. but #0. hotels could be found, JO we,

'did the.,nert_J^t and pulled into.a : farm house; but they didn't have any 'room* and the'next best they could offer w^the^barn. which vwe glflly

• ,„>ookWW* bought- a./bale-'of- strawy spread it on the floor, put on blank-

.. ets1 over the straw,and juI.Vdlefc we • wire"so.tired'Jhat'the jtniw' fe.lt like '_ an 1riner?Sprins>; mattress^ bat- H

. •'. waatftifcy' tlje way. my hack felt, the next morning. JSlept'rjfal 'good, but

u a bug Qjt.-. something -btt-«e: on. my . thumb and the dswihujnbjiiur been •"' Swollen,, since that - "morning-' • Left ;;.ft ere'"about §. o'clock and headed" for •; campr Wr^oame hack:throughi Bol~ :~ogna and afe dirniet.'Whh'some'of

. .ouTboya that ire on D|"lif Solojrha. It was .. anoundUi o'clock, on .the • 4th

- ^when'we- left-Bologna *or camp and 'Trt ran "hrtmore rajn.and .again Jgot

'.', sdrMehedr., -irKt^ must" lave been '•'-;- about the ,#h time jft lesat.-' Arrived <-back in eamp> around 6:80 on the ' night of y>e ^th,** "very/ tired of

course- The* entSe trip was 585 i-jnilee in tb«» day*, th«^ cov^ng^

;;, the country, isn't iti' We couldn't 'a^en^^B'tiwein; * • J ^ « C « ? • * '

r- would hAw"1iked*e»use" we Jiad,.Jto" get there and-• back, so 'all we eeuld say is that we w^re' there, that*

jwmethiiig.~ So now-1 haye-covered . JEtaly from toe to top. .Trento is as - ~far\no]rur as., 1/have igbnr and may . : get on up some day soon. The ci$-J

ies ar£nicM»t have, felt the effects ..' of ttie'air-force. They really to«kf>

^p'oanding'from the, air."" That Bren-.^ ner Pass really took it too- All you ; see? up north is ^German eonvoy

after" convoyr" GermaTiS'r driving: the" trueks^with aif _Ameriean'\ guaruY

- -Took *round SO-rolls.ef pictures and v if they .tuSri- out. OKrwilJ. try and v _: send. a few,._. One of the ."custom a in.

northern. Italy is that worn en _ do not --='eat with-the men*-^Thep: eat after

the-men and what'* left. Think that wouHlast long in the SjEatejif .. .'_^

"--' Must close for now, Love, . - - — : ' -•-_.-'." .:--^ , , .-WOODY_

v , - EUREKA;; -¾ ,%.'•; Mr. "and }f.h. Qdus Barggraf and

family - of Clarendon, spent Sunday eve with Hoy WIndle and family. ~> ' Yvt LeroyBobjnebW' left Thurs­day for reassignment after. aH5 day

r/urlough with.relatives here. • Mrs- Laura Grafmiljer,. Cora, Pem-

berton, and Edna Metzger calleoV'on Mr. a»d:Mrs,"Wm..Mujgrave;jrues-day evening. *}&T*' Musgrave U -quite- poorly.' •'••*•• • V-.V..'- -;: ••".' ~, ) • Mrs. Esther and .- Harold Stumpp>; of near:Laure, Mr. "aBdJ. Mrs'- Don Woodard and son Gary",'of Kenton,

ikrs.' Susie Flowers, Mrs; Cora Pem-bertonV;Mrs. La^ra GrafmUler, Mrs. Edna afetxger,. MAKV *Tpw*rft san^

' Jimmy George were Tuesday: evening guests "of Mr- iinjl Mrs. Roy W3n«e ajuilamGy;": t. V ^ v -;./ ";v '?*';**

-•- Jilr.' and Mrs, ,Dons% Woodard .85¾ son Gary, of ?Kenton, Mr. -isdHMrs. Roy Windle,v John/' Bart and Karl. Wmdle attended etherWindle. reunion' Sunday, which was held i t ClaridVn-

Miss^ormali'Burggraf/', of Glari-don,* 1a visitingj^B" week jwltti' Roy

WniJle ^ , ^ ^ / ^ ^ . / ^ ^ - - ^ : - -^-«ay: Young had the^miafortuhe to injure; his leg; with .a-j?itchfork-while;

jutsisting James^jSayefl..with .th.resh^ ing,:Mond*y"' ;"; ::.".'. r^.''' -;,:

v > : PATTERSON '•;..Mrs. Gail Engle- and- daughter Jane and:son. Philip, of Johnson Hgights, N. Y^wew visitor* at the Lloyd Smith home last week. • Fairy Baker spent the past Week' in Sidney- * - •'' \ . ;. • '.; Mrs, Averill. Woods *nd; children of R o ^ o i ^ speatV Tuesday . with Mr. and MrsV-JTosh* Silverthorn. _'

Carolyn Waller spent a few dajrs of I«t , week with relatives in Lima.

Mr- and; Mrs; C, Ai'Rearick and •daughter' Mancyl and Mrs. Ermal Dunn, ofStowe,-spent the week end with Mrs. .Verha Hamilton and di«-ghters.'''. ' 'i- -.".-,.. "':':'._.•.-;-:•'..';• -'- Mrs. ^Mildred McNutt ,and Mrs. Verja'.Bamilton are visiting rela­tives in\ Cleveland .'• aiid ; Stowe this wee* * ' :-'-'."..,- .'. ' '• V"-'- C

; - , . : ; ; ; . I B R A N T : - . , . • • - • ^

.. Mr. and Mrs.'Salph Yauger.-spent Sunday with. Mrs. W. Clark* and family-.'; - ' • . ' ; • , ~ v "! '".'

Caroline Janice and Clifford Linke are spending'a few days with Mr, and Mrs.' ErrSt Baker in Kenton. '

Mft "and Mrs Glenn l^hew^of Find with her, parents..

ghter, Bettie and Mr. and Mrs.,Pearl Ickes spent Sunday evening with Mr ari§ Mrs, Roy lBakerH . *.

Mrs, Harry Keckler spent Thurs­day with Mrs_Chartes Baker.

Ruth Elsesser called Sunday after­noon on, Cora Ann Ulen.'/ ' • / i .

Vera Mae Hewhorter spent Friday

visiting Mrs.-Freda"Walls." .'" • ,,: Lewis Glock'was a "caller in: Grant;

Saturday afiernoott -. ' - . . - , ' .

Patterson 4-H Workers -w.. «•.

Thfr>eig4th meeting of.;the•Pattern eon Jb,Ily;. Workers 4-H- Cli* .waa *eld ^Monday; ;>iig> o t h ^ t o ^ T l s t -terston church feasenftht-;.,The meet-. ing was" ealhsd-to order^by the prfS^ -identl"-.- ftbirwas- answered by ei|ght-members'ana'^o. a^visorii. by inm-in^their favorite' color.'" .The>ei-Ub received" r'<!ard.'0* appreciation from

*h*, WMnej Jamiiy.^Mirtrga Bader^ -and Bessie .Jolliff explained.tow.to11 make a couple^of dishes 4ising, cheese. '•""fha xtasses were -fta* heloV At l ie close-:«fTthe ' n f c * H ihe;group saftg songs-' Velma-WMl«;:*ssiR^ b ^ n g e l a , Owens, ^ ^ ^ ^ reh^tenentii">t .tM.clpSe ofthe meeting-- Our-nm rne^ng-wlft be Xngust 13th with Shirley McMaster,

^ihi6*Btess. *;? :*;'r_,-"£7'"' —

Dunkirk €amp Meeting

; The' Hardin Couhty..- Holiness: Aa-goclation will hold a Camp Meeting at Dunkirk,: Ohio, August 9-18, busi­ness meeting, August 18-, :at 9 A. M. "•Pneaching.sej^Re daily *t, ?.:30 atfd %-J^S P.MrThrep.jeryices on Sunday Missionary dafThursdayv CMdrei services daily. ".'"'•"-. ^.WSrkerainre Rev. H.. G--Witliame,

Evangelist, Cblingawood, New Jersey Rev. Otto Davideon and wifey.Sciif Leaders,'.Frazeysburg. ; : " ^"~ -iSpeclaJ.mu'gic-sm'd'singing. 'Meals

and lodging.- Free will .offering"fitt, -Officera/ are Kev..C l i Wrigb.^

Presidenti^BJsvr A.>.J..W4tgne», S«c*y/ r,Thomas Young, Rev, G, W Calhooat, •ReV' Wagner, advertising committee.

lay, caBeri. on Wm.;:kLehew afternoon-" ?., ' v . .;.., • ¾^ .-' . ., 1 -Mr. Harp'and, family entertained company from Columbus, oyer the week end.".-\ . . -,~ . ' • ," ' ~ ^Mrsi Donald Derf/< and. daulghter; sre" visiting her parents- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd OateB-. ' -'• -'#• , Mr. and-Mrs/ RJchard Baker and

family" attended / a . picnic, ae Upper Sandusky-SundAy. •-s .t '»,;=.' •

Mr.'and Mrs- Jess/OateSr-anlijdaui.


Kirkland Bootery KENTON; OHIOJ:

Mr. an^ Mr* James Hayes and, Mr. and M » - Virgjl'. Hayes spent Sunday at the Teservoir :Mr« Tred,Uhlea called on. Leta Hanl^;Thnrs4ay evening. \ ; :

~ Mrs-.Tony Swiss and children' are

Again Kroger Brings, you -'ttein which & "Top>:in _ liy and-' low in price-and point yalue._pnly .one-point per-pkg.

American, Bavarian, Old Srookjy, • Pimento. . "Thisicheese is p'acked _'.

; 12 Pkgs- "in- Kandj"^' , •';c6ntainer. -: Wev-will .-',. ••>• $w? y^u tftis^.in any; '

- fcsortment you iik%- '•*..

."""""'"' ^ S i m p e r 'Dozen " ' •": , - t_Pkgs. 27e

POBm^REE! Grape Juice, ToHalo Jaiea,

Juice, Oraags Jniee-NO LIMIT - , * j » j r \ M l o * .

^ want,, • 'l-'"•'•'•;'

GRAPEFRUIT JUICE «aa J7« rtmcm reoueea tin this «t«nd-

' . ard healthful drink. "' .* •{• --- • .4« «•.•«-.

"GRAPEFRUIT JUICE <M\n 29c Kreger's^ Country ClubTB/and;

Full-et-Vitemine ,: No.'2 - '•

-Grapefnftt Jutee .^ 2 eansjW Ooantry Club Sweetened- Here

ii today's, fruit /nl«> Valuer

---K*W :'


,> / / t H U B S - asd FRIDAY^:" AUG. 8 and tO

The >AU Technicolor Triumph. :Nbw At Begutar PrJeea. = ;

••"•''" tAT.I SUN.^OK-, TUES.,'. A U G \ l l , l % ift"«i"A-•';••••

MatTnee Saturday at 2KK) KM-Cont. Show•..'Fro^J^ P.M. Sunday.

1 ' ' « 1 . " ^ i • r •

The, Ohitf World. Premere Shoeing J: ot-'K: Columbus, Ohio pBoy^Wh?

Became World Famous - , . FRED MacMURRAY

; / ' " LYNN BAB]I ' ''. •'':'.;': " ^ ^ •-'• THOMAS-MITCHELL :v LLOYD «OIL AN - , ,

' • ' . : ; : • : . , . . . . . • , - I N . ' / . ,• • • ; • . • • ;

«GAPTAJN EBDnr^ ^ __ '•'• 20( Minutes of JSFews .-C^pr CaVtoon " —^;..Color Travel

;i WED-. THURS^FRLv '•:.''•'•' ''Am-15,--1^-17^.-'•'--i

'•-'-';BETTY GRABLB ^ . - ; . • ' * ' ' \ m . - / ' • • '-•-

^Diamond Horse Shoe* Atb IN TECHNICOLOR'


Men'sWea*;; -. ..- -:"'v;.. For Slimmer

NIMH t f, ii- •

See pwLiispUy Pt,-"".,., ;Sport Coats >-;.y:

!/:..--^X-^ Loafer Coats . v ' ' r ^ r > -" Thkd - Diniensioiv -,

Sunime^Slacks / . ; ; ' - ; c

Sport Shirts^^v^:'-,-:>' • I . • - 8. »

Socks- -y'^^', . -,• '-vj-'v Straw;H9ts-.-s;,r?;...^'-'V

WonW*Stiiir=-.>.--':'v:'v'is--"-5: MW^;-^^^: r;}-

Everything You Need To --^ _"•' "Ke^ Yp^.Coo1'Aiyt\ "'-;; -•. . "Comfortable -ri , . ;

j " Gldtheisl it :;-'West'"Ffinttin"Streftt:' /1

'" vKenton^ Ohio. - ..'*\.


C L O C K 2 19

l ie


BRAN F L A K E S , . . , . . > . / l l c

Country Club New 40 per cent, 15 ox. Package.

CORN'FLAKES . , , > . . . Country Cluh, DelfciousN

^anytime. WHEATIES'..,.>. .•/... 12 oirfkg. Breakfast of

Champions' '._'. . " -fi RICE-CRISPIES . . . . . . . . He Golden Bubbles of toasted Rke KELLOGG'S PEP . . . . . . _ « k V^amlns for Pep, PEP f o ^

Vitamins. ' V ',' '>.. CORN FLAKES ^ . r . . . . 2 . IBe Roasted and Toasted to / '

Crunchy Crispness.f "'?-. .

RAISIN BRAN . . . . . . l ie Delicious cereal with -Fruit ' Added ' • ' , r .1 "...

BtrTFEB . . . . . / . - . . / I A - « 7 e Country Club Print, Fresh,

Sweet, Only H.Polnts

-POTATOES, Wash- 10 lbs SVe Long.Wftite, 3¥ashed Clean, &T Excellent All purpose Variety.

APPLESi^}ravenstein 2Jb» 29c California, Large Cooking and

."l E^ting^Variety^ , . V .

•: ''' . / Lb."-'; MELONS Honey Dew 12 l-2c YAMS, Louiaana . . . 3 lbs. 3*e Washed, Waxed U. Sr No- ip-

Dettsious^ Baked J>r Boiled , - PEARS, Csl|fornia[ Bart, lb 15c

Firm-Fresh, SweetVead? to *af

LEMONS, Calif. . . - 2 the. 27e..; Chocked full <rf Juice, Firss.'

and Sound , ? ;

CRACKERS, 2 1 lb, boxes Mc Country Oub Crisp 8odaa, to

- serve with y o « eajads • SPOTLIGHT . . 3 Lb Bag 59e Hot Dated to injure FtejAneta

«roger*s Country Clab1


2 1-2 Lbs. $1.59




Mlk*BoncnDog Biscuit i ^ r t e ^ 3 c FLOUR; Silk Finish .j-rfrtojng&t?


PABLUSt.).. V^,..... Lge, box 35c '.' > Perfect FootTfor Babies and Inyalids " ^

eaeeeeeae^aeeeeeeeeee^eeeeeeeeeee*,* <>•»*«*•*•*»«»«*»*<


i \i

•«?» • a l i


4)range-<Srrapefruii Bid* 46 oz can Sic PORK&^BEANS : . / . .^ , 2cans^5c McGrath?s Turnip Grfeeris, 2 cans 33c SHOESTRliSGBEETS . 2cans29c LIMA BEANS . . . t . . . . Per can 15c PIE1 PUMPKIN i,,. No/21-2 can 16c APRICOT PRESERVES, per jar 30c R. W;PEANUT fiUtTER'j\ jar 31c RJN.APPLEBUTTER .^,jar25c COCOA MARSH . . . .>, large jar25c

FLYSWATTERS v . , . . . v, each 10c GENUINE ZINC U D S , . . doz. 25c R. W.MATCfiES..... per Carton 35c WINDEXSPRAYERS . . . . each 25c SCRUB BRUSHES.:. . . . each 10c
