Volunteer Pack 2013

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Page 2: Volunteer Pack 2013

Our neighbourhood and community

SMK Tengku Idris Shah is located at Kapar, Selangor, about 20km north of Klang and about 45km away from KL Sentral. It takes about 1 hour to get to the school from KL Sentral. It is a large school, with approximately 2,300 students in the school. Many students come from poor backgrounds – many are illiterate and in-numerate. Basic literacy test for Bahasa Malaysia by the State Education De-partment of Selangor (JPS) administered last year revealed that 198 students out of approximately 1,050 students in the afternoon session of the school were illiterate. This means many students lack the ability and skills to function in a normal classroom. These students are being left further and further behind in school each year and many don’t pick up these basic skills even after they fin-ish formal education, locking them into low income jobs, thus perpetuating the vicious cycle of poverty and illiteracy that our students are in.

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The Objective

Our project aims to tackle this worrying problem of illiteracy and innu-

meracy. We need to break the cycle of poverty so that our students will be able

to see that they are not bound by their circumstances in life. Their future is our

future; this project aims to bring these low performing students back on track

to where they are supposed to be and break the cycle. We want our students to

be able to read and understand their textbooks. We want them to have ade-

quate arithmetic skills.

We want them to be able to understand and function in a normal class-

room independently – something that many of them cannot do now given their

weak foundations.

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The Problem Many students entering the school are 3 to 6 years behind; some begin their

secondary school years unable to read and write. Students often get frustrated

due to lack of comprehension, as teachers are teaching at a much higher level

than they can cope with. The range of students’ abilities in each classroom is so

wide that to individualize learning to each student’s current level would be an

overwhelming task, given the limited amount of time we have in the classroom

with the students.

Here are just a few examples of the students we teach in school:

A 15-year-old girl struggles with the most basic English words like 'he', 'the'

and 'sweet'

Two Form 2 boys cannot say the days of the week nor the months of the year

in English

A Form 1 boy cannot even add one and one

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The Solution

The scale of the problem is overwhelming – the teachers in the school are

trying their best but there are simply too many illiterate students in the school.

As such, we’ve been running extra classes in our school staffed by volunteers to

help these students. We believe that education is a shared responsibility – and

we believe that this is the only way that this huge issue in our school can truly

be solved.

The extra classes are designed to give students the personal attention that

is so crucial for them to succeed. Volunteers will tutor students in small groups

of 3-5, tutoring them in small groups in either English or Mathematics. We have

prepared modules for both subjects for the volunteers to use – these modules,

unlike the school syllabus are tailored to the students’ academic levels.

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What We Do Our extra classes are run every Saturday between 10.00am and 12.00pm

at the school (Google Maps link: http://goo.gl/maps/ClMF). These classes are

sorted into 4 cycles in a year. For this year, the dates for the cycles are as fol-


Dates are still provisional

The English Literacy program will be based on the Usborne Reading Pro-

gram. You will guide students in reading and speaking through these books,

some of which come with teachers' notes. The Math Program focuses on basic

arithmetic skills, and students will be given a booklet each consisting of exercis-

es and drills based on Kumon, which you will use to guide and teach them.

Pilot March 2, 9

Cycle 1* April 6 – 20; May 4 – 18

Cycle 2* June 22 – August 3

Cycle 3* September 7 – October 5

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“A second chance for a brighter future. A second chance for a better to-morrow. This is where dreams of future blossom.”

Volunteers form an integral part of our project, and they will come from

outside the school to tutor the students in small groups. Our volunteers consist

of working adults, college and university students, as well as upper secondary

students. As mentioned, modules and exercises have been prepared for the stu-

dents and volunteers, making it easier for the volunteers to guide and teach the


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However, volunteers are given ownership and autonomy to decide per-

sonal goals and targets for the students that they are tutoring – in fact, volun-

teers need not even use our modules if they think there are better ways to

teach the students! Thus volunteers will get an excellent opportunity in leader-

ship, leading their small groups towards a target of the volunteer’s choosing.

The goal of the program is to have students in our extra classes success-

fully pass a Mathematics assessment and an English proficiency test by the end

of the year to measure their achievement and growth. The test will provide a

measure of whether such a student can operate independently in a classroom.

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At 'The RE:ED Project', we always stress that no child should ever be told. "Because you were born in the wrong place at the wrong time,

you will be denied educational opportunities."

We believe that volunteers who join us in the project will gain an excellent lead-

ership opportunity as they mentor and change the life of an underprivileged

child. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to meet and network with

other like-minded people who will be joining us as volunteers. Last year, our

volunteers came from a wide range of backgrounds, from marketing executives

in multinational firms to analysts in banks and students from both local and for-

eign universities and colleges. We believe that this diversity in our pool of vol-

unteers and the networks gained while at the extra classes will help our volun-

teers in the future.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q: I am not a Malaysian, can I still volunteer? A: Yes! All are welcomed. Our aim is to help out these children and as long as you are able to do so, you are qualified! Your nationality does not matter. Q: I have no teaching experience at all. Can I still join? A: Yes! You do not need professional training. All we want is your enthusiasm and energy in tutoring the students the way you would tutor a younger sib-ling or child. Q: Who may volunteer for this project? A: Anyone who is interested in helping students read and write. Anyone who is passionate about education. Someone who thrives on challenges and meeting goals. Someone who just want to help!

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Q: Will transport to the school(s) be provided? A: Yes, HELP University has generously provided us with a van (which seats 14 people) and a driver. The van will depart from HELP University main block. However, due to the limited space available, please use personal vehicle if you are able to, to allow other people use the van. Please contact us to secure a seat. Q: What if I can’t make it to HELP? A: Alternatively, you can go to Taman Paramount LRT station and we will per-sonally come to pick you up. If this arrangement is still not suitable for you, let us know and we will arrange something for you. Q: Is proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia a must? A: It is not a must, but it may be helpful for some of the children as not many of them are fluent in English. Q: What if I speak only English? A: Knowing Bahasa Melayu, Chinese or Tamil would be an added advantage. You would probably face extra challenges if you speak only English, but it

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should not be a deal-breaker. Q: What should I wear? A: As you will be on school premises, please dress appropriately! The kids you will be tutoring are 13 to 15 year old. Casual is fine, as long as it is not reveal-ing. No sleeveless shirts or skirts above knee level. Jeans and T-shirt are prob-ably safest. Also, shoes, please; no slippers. Q: Is regular attendance necessary? What if I have not decided whether to fully commit myself? What if I am not available every week? A: It is preferred that you should commit yourself to attend regularly as a pu-pil will be placed under your charge and it would be helpful for the pupils if you come every week to help them. However, knowing that most volunteers are also students themselves and therefore may not be free all the time, no penalties will be given to the volunteers. Q: Can I ‘share’ a pupil with another volunteer? (2 volunteers to teach 2-3 chil-dren) A: Yes, there are no strict rules here and if you like to have another volunteer

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as a partner to teach, we can arrange for you to have so.

Q: Are non-HELP students able to participate in this project as well? A: Yes! All are welcomed. Studying or working, undergraduate or postgradu-ate, HELP or non-HELP student, do not matter. What matters is your willing-ness to volunteer! Q: If I signed up late for this project after a cycle begins, am I still allowed to teach? A: You can still help out and teach the pupils regardless of how late you join. Q: Can I choose my own subjects to teach? A: Yes, you may choose to teach either Mathematics or English or both. Q: Should I bring anything? A: Just bring yourself and a pen! If you have materials which you think are useful for your teaching, please feel free to bring them. If you have tablets and think that educational apps will be useful, do bring them and use them during the extra class. Rewards such as small gifts for the students would also be great as ways of motivation, but we don't want you to feel obliged to do so! Your presence and commitment to come and tutor our kids is already more than a gift in itself.

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Q: Can I use my own teaching methods or styles when I am teaching or must I follow a set guideline? Do I have autonomy in teaching my pupil? A: Yes, volunteers are given ownership and autonomy to decide personal goals and targets for the students that they are tutoring. Although modules are given to volunteers, they need not use our modules if they think there are better ways to teach the pupils.

Q: Do I receive a certificate for my help? A: Yes, each volunteer will receive a certificate from Teach For Malaysia after 10 weeks of teaching/volunteering. Q: Well, I'm interested! Where do I sign up? A: Awesome! Our sign-up sheet is right here (http://goo.gl/qMIYZI). We look forward in seeing you at the classes!

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