Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962  [29 th  March 1962] CON!NS 1" S#ort itle and Co$$ence$ent 2" %efinitions & Constitution of any agency '" Alication for registration " !n*uiry rior to registration 6" Certificate of Registration +" %ate on #ic# t#e agency starts functioning -" Register to .e $aintained .y t#e Registration Aut#ority 9" /aintenance of accounts and registers 10" Annual Reort 11" C#ange of t#e address of t#e agency 12" Voluntary dissolution of agency 1&" ee for insection of docu$ent, etc SC!%34! 5 SC!%34! 55

Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962.Doc

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VSWA Rules 1962

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  • 5/27/2018 Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962.Doc


    Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules,1962

    [29thMarch 1962]


    1" S#ort itle and Co$$ence$ent

    2" %efinitions

    & Constitution of any agency

    '" Alication for registration

    " !n*uiry rior to registration

    6" Certificate of Registration

    +" %ate on #ic# t#e agency starts functioning

    -" Register to .e $aintained .y t#e Registration Aut#ority9" /aintenance of accounts and registers

    10" Annual Reort

    11" C#ange of t#e address of t#e agency

    12" Voluntary dissolution of agency

    1&" ee for insection of docu$ent, etc

    SC!%34! 5SC!%34! 55

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    Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962

    [29thMarch 1962]

    S.R.O. 356 (K) /62-In exercise of the powers conferred by section ! of the "o#$nt%ry Soci%#&e#f%re 'encies (Reistr%tion %nd ontro#) Ordin%nce* !6 (+,"I of !6)* the entr%#oernent is p#e%sed to %0e the fo##owin r$#es n%e#y1 -

    1" S#ort itle and Co$$ence$ent. (). hese r$#es %y be c%##ed the "o#$nt%ry Soci%#&e#f%re 'encies (Reistr%tion %nd ontro#) R$#es* !62

    (2) hey sh%## coe into force %t once.

    2" %efinitions.In these r$#es* $n#ess there is %nythin rep$n%nt in the s$bect or context.

    (%) 4in%nci%# e%r7 h%s the s%e e%nin %s %ssined to in the ener%# #%$ses 'ct*8!9 (x of 8!9)

    (b) 4or7 e%ns % for in Sched$#e II.

    (c) 4Ordin%nce7 e%ns the "o#$nt%ry Soci%# &e#f%re 'encies (Reistr%tion %ndontro#) Ordin%nce !6 (+,"I of !6).

    (d) 4Sched$#e7 e%ns % sched$#e %ppended to these r$#es.

    (e) 4Section7 e%ns section of the Ordin%nce.

    &" Constitution of any agency. (). he constit$tion of %n %ency sh%## not be rep$n%nt to%ny of the proisions of the Ordin%nce on these r$#es %nd sh%##* inter %#i%* %0e proision for the

    %tters specified in Sched$#e-I.

    (2) :roided th%t the Reistr%tion '$thority %y* for s$fficient re%sons %pproe theconstit$tion of %n %ency which does not %0e proision for %ny of the %tters %fores%id.

    '" Alication for registration.(). 'n %pp#ic%tion for the reistr%tion of %n %ency existiniedi%te#y before the coin into force of the Ordin%nce sh%## be in or '* %nd %n %pp#ic%tionfor the reistr%tion of %n %ency est%b#ished there%fter sh%## be in or ;.

    (2) In either c%se* %n %pp#ic%tion for reistr%tion sh%## be %ccop%nied by-

    i) % copy of the constit$tion of the %ency< %nd

    ii) in the c%se of %n %pp#ic%tion in or '* by the other doc$ents entioned in th%t


    " !n*uiry rior to registration.he en=$iries to be %de by the Reistr%tion '$thority$nder section > %y inc#$de in=$iries in respect of the necessity %nd fe%sibi#ity of the pror%esof the %ency* its fin%nci%# st%t$s* st%te of %ff%irs %nd st%nd%rd of serice.

    6" Certificate of Registration. ' certific%te of reistr%tion iss$ed $nder section > sh%## be inor .

    +" %ate on #ic# t#e agency starts functioning. 'n %ency est%b#ished %fter the coininto force of the Ordin%nce sh%## st%rt f$nctionin within three onths of the d%te on which thecertific%te of reistr%tion is iss$ed to it %nd sh%## infor the Reistr%tion '$thority of its h%in

    done so within fifteen d%ys thereof.-" Register to .e $aintained .y t#e Registration Aut#ority. he reister to be%int%ined by the Reistr%tion '$thority $nder s$b-section (3) of section > sh%## be in or ?.

    9" /aintenance of accounts and registers. (). he fo##owin boo0s of %cco$nt %nd otherrecords sh%## be %int%ined by %n %ency* n%e#y1-

    (%) % c%sh-boo0 in which sh%## be entered in % chrono#oic%# order eery %o$nt p%id orreceied by or on beh%#f of the %ency %nd %## p%yent sh%## be s$pported bynecess%ry o$chers* which sh%## be presered.

    (b) % #eder* which sh%## cont%in %## person%# %nd iperson%# %cco$nts.

    (c) %n incoe %nd expendit$re %cco$nt* which sh%## be cop#ied %t the c#ose of e%chfin%nci%# ye%r %nd sh%## be %$dited by the h%rted 'cco$nt%nt or %$ditor or %$ditors

  • 5/27/2018 Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962.Doc


    %pproed by the Reistr%tion '$thority %nd sh%## be s$bitted to the s%id '$thoritywithin six onths of the c#ose of the fin%nci%# ye%r) ?%te* p#%ce %nd Co. of reistr%tion $nder %ny other #%w.

    (5) 'is %nd obects of 'ency< (o be st%ted with reference to the fie#d of serice entioned inthe Sched$#e to the Ordin%nce)

    (6) 're% of oper%tion (whether neihborhood* city* proince of :%0ist%n)

    (9) C%es* occ$p%tions %nd %ddresses of the office-be%rers of the %ency

    C%e Office De#d Occ$p%tion 'ddress()


    (8) C%e or n%es of the ;%n0 or ;%n0s in which f$nds of the %ency %re 0ept

    (9) (%) ot%# n$ber of ebers of the %ency on the d%te of the first ener%# eetin.

    (b) C$ber of ebers who %ttended the #%st ener%# eetin.

    (M) ;rief st%teent iin the fo##owin infor%tion is %tt%ched.

    (%) 'ccood%tion for the serices bein rendered.

    (b) ,ist of =$%#ified personne# wor0in in the %ency with n%es %nd =$%#ific%tions* if %ny

    (c) Incoe %nd expendit$re for #%st three ye%rs or since the est%b#ishent of the %ency*which eer is #ess.

    It is re=$ested th%t the %fores%id %ency %y be reistered $nder the "o#$nt%ry Soci%#&e#f%re 'encies (RN) Ordin%nce* !6.

    I* $ndert%0e to infor yo$ of %ny ch%ne in the office be%rers of the %ency within thirtyd%ys thereof.

    he fo##owin doc$ents %re %tt%ched1 -

    i) ' copy of the constit$tion of the %ency

    ii) ' copy of the in$tes of the #%st ener%# eetin of the ebers of the %ency

    iii) 'nn$%# Report for the #%st three ye%rs or since the est%b#ishent of the %ency whicheer is #ess* or % st%teent of %ctiities $ndert%0en d$rin the s%id period certifiedby % %@etted officer residin within the %re% of oper%tion of the %ency orh%ir%n of the Enion o$nci#/oittee.

    I certify th%t the st%teents %boe %re correct. ('ny office-be%rer %$thori@ed by the %encyin this beh%#f %y sin here$nder)

    o$rs f%ithf$##y*

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    Sin%t$re C%e ?esin%tion


  • 5/27/2018 Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962.Doc


    SC!%34! 55or$ (8)

    (See R$#e >)

    'pp#ic%tion for Reistr%tion of 'ency est%b#ished %fter the coin into force of Ordin%nce Co.+,"I of !6


    ?e%r Sir*

    &e the $ndersined propose to est%b#ish %n %ency* in %ccord%nce with the proisions of

    the "o#$nt%ry Soci%# &e#f%re 'encies (Reistr%tion N ontro#) Ordin%nce* !6 (+,"I !6). he

    p%rtic$#%rs of the proposed %ency %re ien be#ow...

    1. C%e of the 'ency

    2. 'ddress

    3. 'is %nd obects of the %ency (to be st%ted with reference to the fie#ds of sericesentioned in the Sched$#e to the Ordin%nce)

    4. 're% of Oper%tion (&hether neihborhood* ity* :roince or :%0ist%n)

    5. :#%n of Oper%tion (:#e%se %tt%ch % sep%r%te sheet iin % brief st%teent of the steps tobe t%0en for the est%b#ishent of he %ency* with reference to %ccood%tion* =$%#ified

    personne# %nd e=$ipent* if necess%ry)

    6. Dow proposed to be fin%nced

    7. C%es* occ$p%tions %nd %ddress of the fo$nder ebersC%e Occ$p%tion 'ddress



    8. C%e or n%es of the b%n0 or b%n0s in which f$nds of the %ency %re proposed to be0ept.

    It is re=$ested th%t the %ency %y be reistered $nder the %fores%id Ordin%nce. &e

    $ndert%0e to infor yo$ of %ny ch%ne in the office be%rers of the %ency within thirty d%ys


    ' copy of the constit$tion of the %ency is %tt%ched.

    &e certify th%t the infor%tion ien %boe is correct.

    ('## the fo$nder ebers sho$#d sin here$nder)

    o$rs f%ithf$##y*Sin%t$re of witnesses withn%es %nd %ddresses


  • 5/27/2018 Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962.Doc


    OR/ (C)

    (See RE,A 6)


    h%s this d%y been reistered $nder the "o#$nt%ry Soci%# &e#f%re 'encies (RN) Ordin%nce

    !6 (+,"I of !6)

    ien $nder y h%nd %nd se%# %t LLLLLLLLLL this LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL d%y of


    Reistr%tion '$thority

    Cote1- ,oss of the certific%te $st be reported to the Reistr%tion %$thority within seen d%ys.

    OR/ (%)

    (See R$#e 8)


    ?%te ofentry

    C%e %nd%ddress of the



    ?%te ofreistr%tion

    ?%te ofest%b#ishent

    2 3 > 5

    ?et%i# of the o$nder Bebers ('pp#ic%b#e on#y to new 'encies)'is %nd

    Obects of the%ency

    're% ofoper%tion


    C%e Occ$p%tion 'ddress

    6 9 8 ! M

    ?et%i# of the Office ;e%rers

    C%e ?esin%tion 'ddress ;%n0(s) inwhich $nds

    %re 0ept


    2 3 > 5

  • 5/27/2018 Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Rules, 1962.Doc


    OR/ (!)

    (See Rule 12)

    'pp#ic%tion for the "o#$nt%ry ?isso#$tion of %n %encyRefLLLLLLL Reistr%tion Co. LLLLLLLLLL of LLLLLLLLLL

    oDA SARA'R O DA O"ARCBAC O :EC'; SOI', &A,'RA* &OBAC?A"A,O:BAC 'C? ;'I E, B',,* ?A:'RBAC.

    ?e%r Sir*


    h%t %pp#ic%tion be %de to the :$n%b oernent for the disso#$tion of the 'ency $ndersection II of the "o#$nt%ry Soci%# &e#f%re 'encies (Reistr%tion N ontro#) Ordin%nce* !6

    (S,"I of !6)* on the fo##owin ro$nds* n%e#y1 -

    (Dere st%te the ro$nds in brief)

    It is* therefore* re=$ested th%t orders %y be p%ssed for the disso#$tion of the s%id %ency.h%t tot%# ebership of the %ency on the d%te on which the eetin w%s he#d w%s


    %nd the tot%# %ttend%nce %t the eetin w%s LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL %nd the

    n$ber of (st%te n$ber) persons otin for the disso#$tion of the %ency w%s

    LLLLLLLLLLL (st%te n$ber). &e certify th%t the infor%tion ien %boe is correct. 'n

    %ttested copy of the reso#$tion of the %fores%id eetin is %#so %tt%ched.

    ('## the ebers who %ttended the %fores%id eetin %nd oted for the disso#$tion of the

    %ency wo$#d sin here$nder).

    o$rs f%ithf$##y*

    C%e of the ebers* %ddress* sin%t$re*1.
