VOL UME' XXX II .I (TWO HAR.) . GR:ACE, FRIDAY, (SINGLE COPlES y Pubiic Auction on SA.TURD , e 1 2th day of December n ext, on P.-eroises of Mr. Thomas Drover Is, &nd Cv\ · e. all the Goods and Chattels be- longing to th e of tbe late Elizabeth Dt -ov,n-consisting of Bede,Bedet.eads,Ohaira, Tables, other Household Fur ni tu r e, &c. ARCHIBALD YOUNG, D ec. 1, l in. An ctioneer. FC>R.. SAT.E -AT THE- FANCY & TOY BAZAAR, Hctoria Strut : CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CAR DS A La r ge consisting of- L oclll, Hand painted, Bo xed, leatberelte, Satin, Ch romo, Private, &c, &c :?llllgnifying and R eading Glas&Oll 1 Steel, Gold and Silver BeRds, Na)Jkin Hi ngs, Curling Tongs, Work Boxes, Tea Ctlddits W poJ and P hl Brackets, Timers, Mu sl in and Silk r...,mp Shades .Booklets, Carda for Hnntl Paintin g, &c. Al so, Dec'lra tions for Uh r istmas, &c. . A. & A. BRUN'LEBR. Lega1 Carel.. P. J. SUMMERS, BAit RI STER 0\ SOLIC ITOR H arb or Grace, Nfld. No•306i TIME IS MON EY. NOTICE 1 In tk maltuoj IM Will l au of'Barbor Newfound- lmtd. Jf erchaf!t, P URSU ANT to the .. T ruateea' Act, 1878," no tice is h ereby £ lVen a ll p&::'IODF claim ing to be Orid i ton of, or who have &nJ claim or demand upon or affecting t he Eetat f' or Aaaete of theaaid Wn.Ll.All PuNToN MONN, l ate of G':Ace, N&wf oundland, . Mer · oban t. d eoeued, who died at Harbor Grace aforesaid, on the 12t h day of 1882, and or whoae W ill P robate waasranted bv the ()ourf of Newfound la nd on tb e day of December, .1882, to ROBJiiRT H. PRowsE, Ron&RT S. MoNN, and Bowni NG, (formerly FLoRA. L, M uNN}. as of the said Will, an · here by requ ired to se nd to the said or the unde t11ign ed Solicitor for saidExecuton. t he particulars of the ir cloims on or before tb•· 20,;h day of December next; anJ take notiet th at Rfter tho s•id 20th dRy of Dece mber n Ntt, the sa id Executors will distribute tbe Asaet's ot the atloid Tes tator amongst f'n· titleJ thereto, havinJ: only to tbe of which tbey then &hall h ave har.l notice- Dated at f:i t John's, this 16th day of Nov ., A. D. 189 1. GEORGE H EMERSON, Solicitor (or 1aid Executof'8. Ca t beJ ral H ill, St. Jo! m's. Ln20.gi EVERYWHERE . .. . ALL KrNDS oF MILI IN·ERY, FANOY GOODS. 1 MEN'S READY-MAnE CL OH.TI G. RAT& AN D of Dry c o·ods. HOUTS AND SHOES, I ROOM PAPER3. < Ladies' J nbkets, Ulsters and W ateq)roofs. Onr AnnUal :1.& o:n.. rea t Barga t' ·n·s be h_ nd in Carpets, Can- . vRs, .'" mdow Holland, Cnli-:o, Flan- nel, Sheeting, Swanskin, Fleecre and \ Vo ol Blankets, \Vhite and Colored -Beo our- ' ST OC:K and PRICES as we are prer)ared to you r cheaper than liD} othe r Store in llarbur G Ou haol.l and to 40Q brls Ch oi ce N ew FlOUR Bread, Orr ttcrJHico aod every •hrng 111 tbe Grocery 11ud l'rovtaion Line. S'Ollr Small anrf Qaiclc ltetaro1 A. SQUIRES, \\' STREET, tlARBOR GRACE. Ad\ 'Ci ti'lc ruents of W unt!l, Il nusos to IPt &c . . ' ., 1n tho TASr>Ano ve ry ln w Post Office NOt tic ·e. -o- 1\a:A.l:LS will Lc. closet! at tbe Harbo r Grace P ost Office each morning A'l' 9. 30 O'CL OCK instead ofl 1.50 ll8 be relofor·e. A. 1'. DRY.SDj\LE, Master. Sept 29 W. J .. RUSSELL, 2 1-2 oz. Packets, - .. 5 cts. Just Received · and For Sale, 5 " 1o ·" 10 " " - .. 20 " Quilts, Ladies' Jerseys, Mantles, Ulster5, Cloth nnd Seal ct te Dolmans ltubber Clanks, Boots, Boas, Muffs, Wool Squares , ' Wool nnd Hoods, Wool ,Jackets n splendid lot of Dress Goods rang- ing from 7 c per yd up , Men'a Bla_ck and Din!!onnl Suits, \Vhite aud Colored Shirts, Underclothi n g, 1Ints and Caps- nU kinds, Also, 7 000 pieces Room Papet·, all choice ,patterns, from 4 c up. ' HOUSE, GE NE RAL P AlNTER at Prien to aait t bo Times, a uao r t. ment of Gooda, of- CL OCKS. WATC HES and OflAJNS, MUSICAL /. \'STRUM RNTS-utra and cMap FA.VCt GOUDS. CYWa•chea from $4 up1fards Tbe varioa'l lcio cle of worlc in tbe Watob and Cl ock -r•vsir iog lioo pro mptly and tatiafaotorily attaod ed to aod o ther loatrumenll cle&bed. rup aired or adjuat6d . .Jewe llery and Ri oga made to o rder. · iog exec a ted . M. SEARLE, 11'.-ITE/l S TREET. · l/ARR OR r;RIC E, '2 Ooora wes t T hompson's .\l .,dical Ha ll In lhr maJJ, r ol the Will •mrl Estrtle of the Ra . J ou" PE late of Carbon- c ar, Methnrli.< t .\ finistcr , deceased . In acco :-d ane e with the \lrovis ions of t he :\ < ·t I '>7 , " nottce is hereby gi ven that all per!'ons claimi ng to be creditorR of nr who ha \ ·e any clai m upon or affecting t lte Pstalo or a 3Set -; of the sa id He v. J nh n Peach late of Cn rbonear, Methodis t MiniRte r. "'h o died at Black· bend, on th o 1 "t h d ay of 8cp:ernber la st, and to whose \\'ill Probate was granted to th e R obe rt W. Free man , of B!ack · h ead, Methoui st Mi ni "ter, nod Alfred M. P eters, of . t . .Jo hn' s, a.c<'o un tant to the Execu t ors name d in the said· Will, are r equ ested to se nd to tho said Execu - to rs or to toe s ubsc rib er on or before the seventeenth D ecember next, particulara 0f their c 111'lms duly at· tes ted. And notice is hereby given that after the said 17th day of December, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, amongst the parties entitled th ereto, having only to t.he claims 'l f which they s hall then have b ad n tice ; and the said Exe- ?,e notice that they will not be liabllrfor the assets of the &1\ld de- ceased so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person or persona of whose· claim they shall not have bad notice at tbe time of the d iatr ibution of the said a88ets. Dated at St. John 's, this, 17th day of November, A.D . 1 89 1. \\'. R. HORWOOD, . Nov. t7. Soliciicr Jor .&ucutor1, Post O ffi ce Notice. -! - Labrador Winter S erv ice. .. T . HREE MAILS, lWDtalolnr Lettere oaly, · will be d"patobed from thla ofll.ot tl/4 BaJifu ud Q,aebeo, oo ot aboa• 16th daJ of J>eoembet . 1891 18tb Jeaat1aad 6tb Februarr. l8U. few all p&.oea lo Stnh• of S.lle hie to ffw.&• Harbor. aod tbeooe co Car.wrlall& aod W,Ol .. ; ud Tl:la.&E MAILS will be delfllob· ed froa: Blaao Sabloo for NowfcNDdtt8cl OD Uih n .... ber, 18tl, Pebr .... , aDd· lOtJa lrlanb, tan. . J. 0 . FB';\SER. l,.M.G O..eniPoelOII-M, St, Joba· s, N F ., 18tla NoY ., 1891. , LftiO " Wood ill's German . M. · .-. JO NE S, Baking Powder 93 Water Stre East, near ' the Beach. GEORGE - Feltow of tbe ... -J. . ... ,.AI ... Britain 11nd Ireland. C. L. KE NNE D Y, Pro prietor . A. B. L EH R, Surgeon - Dentist. Onr f>dl atock c,f STO\'"ES and GENERaL IIA RDWARB is now cof'!lpl ete. In STOVES we th e differe nt makt-s uf !(•ca l arid fo l' t igu mlln ufttcture, co mprisin!: Iltt ll, Ob ur cb , ttnd Par lor ; al.•o, Gotl.ic Gral t s. 11nd cfu plict\ tes of tLc local Water St, GRAOE, N fid mak es sl"' ays kf'('t on h11 nd, Teeth Filled at moderate ratea R o:>m.a next door to Meaara Munn B ros' pre m.i1Jl!la , The stock of H r\ R D\V ARE is 11 Ia reo one, ll tl'l any RrticlP-Ioc ks, !Jio2es, nails, &c.- can be had. FANCY GOODS and SOAPS kept in l1Hge \• aritny. LA:UPS of ttl! and pri ce11 in st c-c k,-fr.. m the Luge Chand elier to the V 1 !'t£TJAN and rena. vated. Also wiabes to intimate that he Ll n ow pr epar ect to do Fresco paintin6 at reasonable ntea . , · A quantity of Ceiling Papers and Bordf's for aale. . N •: a.JS!U... . --- - - - .....,., -- P ia nO and Organ -o- \\". H. KEXNEDY wiebes to intimate to t bo public tbat be ia DOW' prepnt erl tn nttrn,f to tt.e TUNING aod . PAIHIN G or PIANOS ANO OI{GANS P art ies io need nr his ae nicea aru requoated L. lenvo tb ei r at t bo s hop of Mr . C. W' Outr n• ·· , l'ro u:-ptly att eodod to. OtliceJ lo urs-lrom 10 a.ro. to 1 fr om 2 to 5 p. m. A C ARD. and sma llest Nutme" or Ni .. _,ht Lamp. In tLis liue we cJ n Fni: 1tl l ,_ ,urohnsers. Oil, Wicks, &o. p. m., I') A TINWARF., CO PPEK 5MlTri and l, us in es'l iR connect ed witu th e eatnb li hmrn t, wh e re a ll wot k in t hew Jin es C;l ll bf ex PC 1 11e J wit b n Aalll t:ss, promptness I and SAti l' faction. , Termur '. r ,r. I A.ss ura. fJ.Ca Oom pa.ny. OUTPOlt' t' ORDERS paiJ promptat tPnLi on to,B nd tho SATISFACTION guuautecd in nil C3SCS. H. MORRISSEY . W .s. St DISP E NSI NG PHARMAC IST, a .. er ., Nov. l2.3 m. Barb r- Grace. Water Street, H arb()7' Grace, Njld. - : P URITY AND ACCO B.AOY. :- Sunday Honra-trom 10 to 11 &.m., 2 to 8, 5 to 6 8 to 9 p m WNigbt-oalla promptly attended to. Custom · Tailorin2. WI LLIAM RYAN Bega to lotimate.to th e publlo that he bu latel7 moYed into tbe d ooae. lleJ:' ooor to Mr Tinware \bop, oo W11ter Street. fining had cooildefjlble experlenoelo Canada be ie prepared to eseonte &I I work io tboronwbly aood et7lt aod wo rk maoahlp aod d l ow .. t rates WS&tllfaotloo aaaraoteed lo all ouea A h t.l ordH ao!Lolted. WILLIAM RYAN, Tailer Harbor Gr•oe, .Tol'y 8 For Sale by . Private· Contract, THE FREEHOLD AII the i-=' I e s h F o r rn i n g and Strength -Gi ving el ements of Prime Beef n re sup plied by JO HN SON'S. FLU ID : BEEF It is an Invaluable Foo1 th a Sick - a.n invigo ra- ting and s timulating beverage. Nutritious, p a.latahle r-t nd eas ily-digested . ]j ., .I H E·R E ' •• . - BLI SH ED I R3fi L OXDON: i, .\I UOHO A BEl :Dt ·: t• .;_'-': 1, f EitH .. . fCE. ' A ND FUNDS (1S8 7) : Eire Promiuma . ........... .. .... ...... . C607, 000 Lf e Premluma . ........... ....... ... .. 1& 7,000 mtereat .. ... ... ... .. ...... ... ... .. . .... . ... 11J,OOO e..ccumulatod Fucde .. .. .. ... .... .. fhe u odet'bis;:nod ls e :r.rowcrctl effect in- b urancea on aU ki n ds of in New .. tound land at cu rrent RAtes . f Premi nm. 1'ho above Oorupani ia well kuowa f Jr ita i bcra lity nud promp tMss in aottling lol868, Proeptlcluaes, Forme of Application tor Firo ant! Lif o In su rance, and all other J n., formation can be obtained at th e office ofJ A. 0. HAYWARD, Sr. J otnf',., tor Nf11){oundlan&. W. ll . THOMPSON, .9ub.A otmt llarbor GUARDIAN FiRE AND LIFE Assurance ·oom pa,ny- o lf LONDON -- ESTABLISHED A .D., 1819 SUBicmtun O.ulT.u,. ......... •tR TOT.U. lnuTID B'u-Da bP.. · 01' ... , ., ,. ,,.,., ......... u ol' . ., The" beiog a olNI Rnsliah Inauranoe Oomt-ny offers all th01e a.dvantaget, moat deeirabl e tb illlnrent ::and9abt.ed atability, favorable Tetma alt• au ·ompt to olo. ilaa tbr 1011. t ., The nndenaped hnl&l( boeb Agcmq for Newfooll•iland ar.t prep&Ncf to tae Pelloiee tpl.m 1(!111 b 1 llrt. -: . "l :·· -'.'f't'.!. .tlffi'.,."l';1 . . J A KB8 l'l. wurt'Rll; · 8\. JDLaa\t. . CkJUDb, ... QtiM

VOLUME' XXXII - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18911204.pdf · \\' ATI~R STREET, tlARBOR GRACE. Ad\. ... ns.made, refi~ted

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y Pubiic Auction on SA.TURD , e 12th day of December n ext, on th~J P.-eroises of Mr. Thomas Drover I s, &nd Cv\·e. all the Goods and Chattels be­longing to the Eeta~ of tbe late Elizabet h Dt-ov,n-consisting of Bede,Bedet.eads,Ohaira, Tables, other Household Furniture, &c.

ARCHIBALD YOUNG, Dec. 1, l in. Anctioneer.

FC>R.. SAT.E .· -AT THE-

FANCY & TOY BAZAAR, Hctoria Strut :

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CAR DS A Large selec~ioo,· consisting of-

L oclll, Hand painted, B oxed, leatberelte, Satin, Chromo, Private, &c, &c

:?llllgnifying and R eading Glas&Oll1 Steel, Gold and Silver BeRds, Na)Jkin Hings, Curling Tongs, Work Boxes, Tea Ctlddit s

W poJ and P hl Brackets, E~g Timers, ~rlorate1l, Muslin and Sil k r...,mp Shades .Bookle ts, Carda for H nntl Painting, &c. Also, Dec'lrations for Uhr istmas, &c.

. A. & A. BRUN'LEBR.

Lega1 Carel..


H arbor Grace, Nfld. No•306i


NOTICE 1 In tk maltuoj IM Will o(WtLLIAliPoNTO~

Mu~N, lau of'Barbor ~ Newfound­lmtd. Jferchaf!t, dee«ri~.

P URSU ANT to the .. T ruateea' Act, 1878," notice is hereby £ lVen tha~ a ll p&::'IODF

claiming to be Oriditon of, or who have &nJ claim or demand upon or affecting the Eetatf' or Aaaete of theaaid Wn.Ll.All PuNToN MONN, late of Har~or G':Ace, N&wfoundland, .Mer· oban t. deoeued, who died at Harbor Grace aforesaid, on the 12th day of ~ptember, 1882, and or whoae W ill P robate waasranted bv the ~upreme ()ourf of Newfoundland on tbe ~Oth day of December, .1882, to ROBJiiRT H. PRowsE, Ron&RT S. MoNN, and FLOR~ LE~URI!R BowniNG, (formerly FLoRA. L , M uNN}. as E~ecutore of the said Will, an· hereby required to send to the said Executor~~, or the undet11igned Solicitor for saidExecuton. the particulars of their cloims on or before tb•· 20,;h day of December next; anJ take notiet tha t Rfter tho s•id 20th dRy of December nNtt, the said Executors will distribute tbe Asaet's ot the atloid Tes tator amongst ~b'&'Partiea f'n· t it leJ thereto, havinJ: re~ard only to tbe claim~ of which tbey then &hall have har.l notice-

Dated at f:i t John's, this 16th day of Nov., A. D. 1891.


GEORGE H EMERSON, Solicitor (or 1aid Executof'8.

CatbeJral H ill, St. Jo!m's. Ln20.gi


. .. . ALL KrNDS oF




• of Dry c o·ods.



Ladies' J nbkets, Ulsters and W ateq)roofs.

Onr Gr~~l AnnUal Sm~K-T~tina S~l~ :1.& :ho~ o:n..

G· rea t Barga t' ·n· s t~ be h_nd in Carpets, Dru~~cts, Can-. • vRs, . ' " mdow Holland, Cnli-:o, Flan-

nel, Sheeting, Swanskin, Fleecre and \Vool Blankets, \Vhite and Colored

-Beo our-' STOC:K and PRICES

as we are prer)ared to ~aprly your w:~nt11 cheaper than liD} other Store in llarbur G r~oe,

Ou haol.l and to nrri~e -

40Q brls Choice New FlOUR Molu•~>.s, ~or&., o~,. f Bread, Orr ttcrJHico aod every•hrng 111 tbe Grocery 11ud l'rovtaion Line.

S'Ollr ~olto : Small ProRt~ anrf Qaiclc ltetaro1


Ad\'Ci ti'lc ruents of Wunt!l, Ilnusos to IPt &c . . ' ., J n~>e rt c•J 1n tho TASr>Ano a~ very ln w cos~

Post Office NOttic·e. -o-

1\a:A.l:LS will Lc. closet! at tbe Harbor Grace Post Office

each morning

A'l' 9 .30 O'CLOCK instead ofl 1.50 ll8 berelofor·e.

A. 1'. DRY.SDj\LE, Poe~ Master .

Sept 29

W. J .. RUSSELL, 2 1-2 oz. Packets, - .. 5 cts.

Just Received· and For Sale, 5 " " · 1o· " 10 " " - .. 20 "

Quilts, Ladies' Jerseys, Mantles, Ulster5, Cloth nnd Sealctte Dolmans ltubber Clanks, Boots, Boas, ~llarettes, Muffs, Wool Squares, 'Wool Cnp~ nnd Hoods, Wool ,Jackets au~'Suits, n splendid lot of Dress Goods rang­ing from 7 c per yd up , Men'a Bla_ck and Din!!onnl Suits, \Vhite aud Colored Shirts, Underclothing, 1Ints and Caps- nU kinds, Also, 7 000 pieces Room Papet·, all choice ,patterns, from 4 c up. '

HOUSE, SHIP,:~~-and GENERAL P AlNTER at Prien to aait tbo Times, a ni~e uaort. ment of Gooda, conaie tin~ of-


~1:tTJONERY. FA.VCt GOUDS. ~-CYWa•chea from $4 up1fards

Tbe varioa'l lciocle of worlc in tbe Watob and Clock -r•vsiriog lioo pro mptly and tatiafaotorily attaoded to ~antic&! aod other loatrumenll cle&bed. rupaired or adjuat6d .

.Jewellery and Rioga made to order. E~gru · iog exec a ted.

M . SEARLE, 11'.-ITE/l S TREET. · l/ARROR r;R.·ICE,

'2 Ooora wes t T hompson's .\l .,dical Hall ~:!0

In lhr maJJ, r o l the Will •mrl Estrtle of the R a . J ou" ~ PE ~ , "· late of Carbon­car, Methnrli.<t .\finistcr , deceased .

In acco:-danee with the \lrovisions of the ·~rustee:< :\<·t I '>7 , " not tce is hereby given that all per!'ons claimi ng to be credi torR of nr who ha\·e any clai m upon or affecting t lte Pstalo or a3Set -; of the said Hev. J nh n ~- Peach late of Cnrbonear, Methodist MiniRter. "'ho d ied at Black· bend, on tho 1 "th d ay of 8cp:ernber last, and to whose \\'ill Probate was granted to the R~v. Robert W. Freeman, of B!ack· h ead, Methouist Mi ni "ter, nod Alfred M. Peters, of . t . .John's, a.c<'ountant to the Executors named in the said· Will, are requested to send to tho said Execu­t ors or to toe subscriber on or before the seventeenth do.y~f December next, particulara 0f their c111'lms duly at· tested. And notice is hereby given that after the said 17th day of December, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having reg_~Lrd only to t.he claims 'l f which they shall then have bad n tice ; and the said Exe­~utoraJunher ?,e notice that they will not be liabllrfor the assets of the &1\ld de­ceased so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person or persona of whose· claim they shall not have bad notice at tbe time of the d iatribution of the said a88ets.

Dated at St. John's, this, 17th day of November, A.D. 1891.

\\'. R. HORWOOD, .

Nov. t7. Soliciicr Jor .&ucutor1,

Post Office Notice. -! -

Labrador Winter Service. ..

T. HREE MAILS, lWDtalolnr Lettere oaly, · will be d"patobed from thla ofll.ot tl/4 BaJifu ud Q,aebeo, oo ot aboa• 16th daJ of J>eoembet. 1891 18tb Jeaat1aad 6tb Februarr. l8U. few all p&.oea lo Stnh• of S.lle hie to ffw.&• Harbor. aod tbeooe co Car.wrlall& aod W,Ol .. ; ud Tl:la.&E MAILS will be delfllob· ed froa: Blaao Sabloo for NowfcNDdtt8cl OD Uih n....ber, 18tl, lO~h Pebr...., aDd· lOtJa lrlanb, tan. ~ .

J. 0 . FB';\SER. l,.M.G O..eniPoelOII-M,

St, Joba·s, N F ., 18tla NoY., 1891. , LftiO

" Wood ill's German . M. ·.-. JONES, Baking Powder 93 Water Stre East, near ' the Beach. hwillsu~dfurTh~~U~. ~N~ov~1~0=~~~-~~=~~~~~~~~~=~~=~=====~

GEORGE -Feltow of tbe Initi(o~:.~ ~~~~;{~~~G:;ttl ... -J. .... ,.AI ...

Britain 11nd Ireland.

C. L. KENNED Y, Proprietor. A . B. LEHR, Surgeon - Dentist. Onr f>dl atock c,f STO\'"ES and GENERaL IIA RDWARB is no w cof'!lplete. In

STOVES we h~tve the d ifferent makt-s uf !(•ca l arid fol't igu mllnufttcture, comprisin!: Iltt ll, Cookie~. Oburcb , ttnd P a r lor ; al.•o, Gotl.ic Gralt s. Ctt~t ing ~ 11nd cfuplict\ tes of tLc local

Water St, • HARBO~ GRAOE, • N fid makes sl"'ays kf'('t on h11 nd,

Teeth Filled at moderate ratea R o:>m.a next door to Meaara Munn Bros'

pre m.i1Jl!la ,

The stock of H r\ R D\V ARE is 11 Ia reo one, ll tl'l any RrticlP-Iocks, !Jio2es, nails, &c.­can be had. FANCY GOODS and SOAPS kept in l1Hge \•aritny.

LA:UPS of ttl! d~cript ioua and price11 in stc-ck,-fr .. m the Luge Chandelier to t he

V 1 !'t£TJAN BL~N:ns.made, refi~ted and rena. vated.

Also wiabes to intimate that he Ll now prepa r ect to do Fresco paintin6 at reasonable ntea. , ·

A ~Dlal l quantity of Ceiling Papers and Bordf's for aale. S&fill lac~ion ~m,raoteed. . N •: a.JS!U....--- - -~- - -.....,., --

PianO and Organ Tuning~ -o-

\\". H. KEXNEDY wiebes to intimate to tbo public tbat be ia DOW'

prepnterl tn nttr n,f to t t.e TUNING aod R£. PAIHIN G or

PIANOS ANO OI{GANS P art ies io need nr his aenicea aru requoated L.

lenvo tbei r nrdo>r~ at t bo shop of Mr. C. t~ Kt:~~t:llY

W'Outrn• ·· , l'rou:-ptly atteodod to. OtliceJ l ours-lrom 10 a.ro. to 1 from 2 to 5 p.m.


and smallest Nutme" or Ni .. _,ht Lamp. In tLis liue we cJ n Fni: 1tl l ,_,urohnsers. Oil, Wicks, &o. p.m., I')

A TINWARF., CO PPEK 5MlTri and PI:.U ~[ fll~G l,us ines'l iR connected witu the eatnbli hmrn t, where a ll wot k in t hew Jines C;lll bf e x PC 111e J witb nAalllt:ss, promptness I and SAtil'faction. ,

Term• ur '. r ,r.

I ··~ ~~TH ERN A.ssura.fJ.Ca Oom pa.ny. OUTPOlt't' ORDERS paiJ promptattPnLion to,Bnd tho FlJ LI.l-:~rr SATISFACTIO N

guuautecd in nil C3SCS.


Nov. l2.3 m. • Barb r -Grace.

Water Street, Harb()7' Grace, Njld. - : P URITY AND ACCO B.AOY. :­

Sunday Honra-trom 10 to 11 &.m., 2 to 8, 5 to 6 8 to 9 p m

WNigbt-oalla promptly attended to.

Custom · Tailorin2. WILLIAM RYAN

Bega to lotimate.to the publlo that he bu latel7 moYed into tbe d ooae. lleJ:' ooor to Mr St~lhle'• Tinware \ bop, oo W11ter Street. fining had cooildefjlble experlenoelo Canada be ie prepared to eseonte &I I work io tboronwbly aood et7lt aod

• work maoahlp aod d low .. t rates WS&tllfaotloo aaaraoteed lo all ouea A h t.l

ordH ao!Lolted. WILLIAM RYAN, Tailer

Harbor Gr•oe, .Tol'y 8

For Sale by .Private· Contract, THE FREEHOLD

A II the i-=' I e s h F o r rn i n g and Strength-Giving elements of Prime Beef nre supplied by


I t i s an Invaluable Foo1 ~,, tha Sick - a.n invig ora­ting and stimulating beverage.

Nutritious, p a.latahle r-t nd easily-digested .

]j., .I H E·R E ~ ' •• . -


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Proeptlcluaes, Forme of Application tor Firo ant! Lifo Insurance, and all other J n., formation can be obtained at the office ofJ

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Assurance ·oompa,ny­o lf LONDON --ESTABLISHED A.D., 1819

SUBicmtun O.ulT.u,. ......... .t~,ooo,ooo •tR TOT.U. lnuTID B'u-Da bP.. · W~BD 01' ... , .,, . ,,.,., ........ . ~,1&0,000 u

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The" GUA.:RD~AN" beiog a ftn~ olNI Rnsliah Inauranoe Oomt-ny offers all th01e a.dvantaget, moat deeirable tb illlnrent ~ ::and9abt.ed atability, favorable Tetma alt• au·ompt •atthu~ent to olo.ilaa tbr 1011. t


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Dy.$p~psia · ,... -:--- ~.,

.lte;t.M • Svrlfor'ft(J for 8 ,_,..-S.. •Cored to ~eo ~-

l1ew peop1• hal"e. stlltet'ed more anerel7 .rom dyapcJ>5Ia UJ:w-1\fr. E. A. Mc:)(nllon, a weu known "rocer of St:muton, Vo.. He ~A)'S: .. Before 1!78 I \\':IS lu exet!lleut hCAIUl, wel&h· tor our too pouuds. In that year Ilia allinent deYeloped Into acute d,yspopsln, aud soon l waa reduced to 162 ~ertnc burnlna

I ~'ltJoas ln tbo stomACh,

nt8ns8 pf&lplutlon ot the burt, ( na~ and lndlgnUon.

- I~uld not sleep, lost nil bean ln DlJ' work, had llta o1 melane.bolln,aod .. or d.aya at a time I would h:IYe welc:om~ Oeatb. I beerun~ morose, sullen and lrrttnble, and for elilat years uro Wl\S a burden. ltrted IIDml)' pbyslc:Un.s :Lild many remedies. One d:\y a workman employed by 1ne snautetJ Uuat

~.:s~~n~ Sufferl·ng ~.~"~d:: It bad cured hi~ wife of dys)lCJ)o alL I did so, nnd before taking the wbule of a bottle I bet;nl'l to f rclllke n uew m:ua. T11o terrible p.'llns to which I h:ul bren subjeetco.l, ceased, tbe p:alplt:ulou of tl.e he:art ubslded, my stom:lc:b became easl<>r . n.;::s~:a dlsnp­peared, ll!ld nay t•Jlllre systt m b t'GRII to tone up. With re tnrulnt;

8 y

ttreogtla c:amt ::cth lly of ears JDind n ull hocy. r.crore Ule ruua bot lie\\ :a.~ t al: en .. l bnd regnh:cll my former ' n 'lllht nud nnt11ral condltloo. I :un llld.IY welt nud I nsc:rllle It to t.'lltln; Iloo•l's S.lrS3!':trlll.l."

N. B. If you d rt'ldo t o t nko Hood's SArsa­parilla do uot bo luduceo.J to lmy lUI ) ' other.

Hood's Sarsapari II a

lol4 by llll druntou. Jl; alx for 83. Pre paM• only ., 0. L HOOD 4 CO., Apotha~arle., LowoU, &1ua.

tOO Doses One Dollar


CONSUMPTION 'JlVhich cnn be cured by a timely t·csort to thi s stnnd­prd prepnl'lltion, ns hog been praYed by the h nndrcds of testimoninl rccC"i\'C•d by the proprie tors. It i:; ncknowl­cdgc<l by many p rominent phy~i <·inH~ to he the most r cli nlJic prcpnrntion ever in­:·rodnced fiw the re lie f nnd cure QJ' nil Lung complninta, und is offered tn ~1e public, sanctio n e d by t h<.· expe rience of orcr forty year s . \Vhcn resorted to in Rca ... on it sci-1om !nil to e ffect a speedy tnre in the m o. t severe onscs of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Infl:~~:mzn, Asthmn, Colds, &ro 'J.1hront, Pnins o1· Sore­ness in the Chest nnd Sido, ~ivcr Complaint, Bleed g nt the Lnngs, &c. Wistar'a . Unlsam does not d1·y up a Cong h , nnd lenve tho cnuAe behind, ns is tho case wit}· rnost prqpnrntior 't ·., .all 1 t loosens ·and c)Qnnscs the iungs~y~"irl'itntiqn, thus removing the cqlto6 of tho complaint.

J'lllltl' .4 JlED Jl T 8ETB W, FOWLE & 801'8, Boetoa, Xr.u.

.u.d 110M bF Dt'llfil.aU ~ ~ • ..-.u:r.

'filE HAltBO'R GRACE- 81'AND.AR~.

1tis Place. CHAPTER-XLVI.

( Continmd.) A little further they saw, at some· dis­

bnce two cottages in a row, both ~uUed ' 1 • ana emptied. An old man was a one m

At last ihey got to the bouse: and 'Little ahuddeied at the sight of~t; here not only waa· the whole front watl taken out, but a parl oftbe bao\: wall i t.he ja.~-. ged chimney• or the next bouse atlll clllig to t.hia miserable .shell. whose up~r floors were slanting s1eves, and . on 1ts lower was a deep layer of mud. with the caroa88 of a huge sow lying on U, wrasbed in there allthe way from Hatfield vtllage .

. . llighcst•of nll in Le3vening Pow~r.-U. S. Oov't Rcport,.Aug. 17, ,·~

one, sea\ed on the ground-floor in the deep mud.

They went to him. and askeJ what they could dot for him. ·

Tbe.people hRd all run away from the hou11e. and no wondftr. for it s~emed in­credible that it c"old stand a smgle mo­ment longer· never bad ruin come so cloee to dem~lition before and then stop­

'Do? Why let me die,' he said. They triea to encourage him: bot be

answered them in words that showed bow deeply old Shy lock's speech is founded in nature : ·

' Let the water take me-it has taken all I bad.'

When they asked after his neighbors, he said he believed they were all drown­ed. Unluckily for him, he had been out when the flood came.

ped. There was nothing to be done here, and man, that I may confess and repent, and

Ransome· went haole to Hillsborough, disown mr past life with horror; then keAping this aide the water. • swear me 1n a special constable ,and let


<DI s:::: --

0 0

Little clambered ioto the other cottage,. and found a little boy and girl placidly asleep in a cupboard upstnirs.

Little yelled with delight, and kissed them, nod cuddled them, ns if they hlld been his own. so yweet was. it to see their {>retty innocent faces. spared by death. The boy kis!led biro in return, and told him the room had been full of water, nod dada and mamma harl go-1e out at the window, and they themselves had floated in the bed so htgh he had put his little sister on the top shelf, and got on it himself, and then they had both ftllt very

Daybreai: realized his wo~t fears; be- me have the honi>r of acting uqdar your tween Poma Bridge. and the first su9orb orders, and of co-operatic~ witb you, sir' of Hi11sborongb the place was like a (to Little), 1 in your Cbristtao nod cbarit­battle-field; hot that many bad been able acts. Let me go about with yon, drowned on the flpot. but that. drowned gentlemen, and relieve the sufferings of a11 up the valley by the flood at its high- others as you tnve relieved mine.' est. they bad been brought down and de- ''l'bere,'said Ransome, proudly; 'there's poEJited in the thick laver of mud left hy a man for you. Be knows every mQve the abatio~ waters. Some were cruelly of the ~ame,cnn patter like an arch bi,shop gashed And mangled by the hark objects So saymg. h, lt:andcuffed the Shifty with with which they bad come in contact. such enth usia .. ut Lhat the convert sw6re

sleepy. · 1 You are a dear good boy, and l take

you into custody,' said Ransome, in a broken voice.

Judge if this Jlllir were 'petted, up at the Town Hall.

At Poma Bridge the devastation was horrible. The flood had bombarded a row of flft.y houses, and demolished them so utterly that on) y one arch of one cellar remained; the very foundations were torn up, and huge holes of incredible breadth a.pd depth bored bf the furious eddies.

. Where were the mhabitants? Ransome stood and looked, and shook

like a man in an ague. 1 Little,' said he, 1 this is awful, No­

body in Hillsborough dreams the extent of this calamity. I dread the dawn of day. There must be scores of dead bodies hid­den in this thick mud, or pebaps swept through Hillsborough into the very sea.'

A little further, and they came to the 1 Reindeer,' where be bad beard the boon· companions singing-over their gravead· for, that night, long before the 1.eock di craw, or the day daw,' their mouths were full of water and mud, nnd not the' bar .. ley bree.'

To know their fate needed but a glance at the miserable, shattered, jZUtted frag­ment of the inn that stood. There was a chimney, a triangular piece of roof, a quarter of the inside of one second-floor room. with aa the boards gone and half the joists gone, and the others either hanging down perpendicular or sticking up at an angle of forty-five. Even on the side furthest from the flood the water had hacked nnd plowed away the wall so deeply, thnt the miserable wreck had a jagged waist, no bigger in proportion lltnn a wasp's.

Xot far from this amazing ruin was a Jittltl two-storied bouse. whose four rooms looked exactly. ns four rooms are repres­ented in section on the stage, the front wall having been \.,) own clean awny, and the furniture and inmates swept out; the very fender and fire-irons had been carried away· n bird-cnge, a clock, and a grate were left hanging to the three walls.

As a part of this village stood on high ground, the survivors were in reach of relief; and Little gnve a policeman orders to buy clothes at the shop, and have them charged to him .

This done, he begged Ransome to cross the water, end relieve the poor wretches llVho bad e!caped so nnrrowly with him. Ransome consented at once ; but then came a difficulty-the bridge, like every bridge the flyipg lake had struck, was swept away. H owever. the stream wae narrow, and, as they were already muddy to the knee, they found a plnce where tb~ miscellaneous ruin made steppio,·stones, and by pAssing first on to a broken water-wheel, and tl~en on to a rook, tb,:~y go~ across.

T}:ley passed the poiners' house. H stoop op uther high ground, and had got off cheap. 'l'be water bad merely carried away thd doors and windows, and waeh· ed every movable out of it.

Ran.aome eigbed 1 Poor Sbiny I' eaid pe: ' you'll never play us another triok. What an end for a man of your abilities I'

And QOW the day 'began to dawn, and *bat waa fortunate. for otherwise they rould lardly have found the house the.y wen going to.

On the way to lt they oatne on two dead bodieei an old mao ot eighty and a obild acaree y a week old. One f4te bad united tbeee extremee of bumaa life, the ripe sheaf and the eprJng bud. n tran­

lred afterward that they bad been

OthE'rs worA a peaceful expression and n h orrible onth at him . color in their cheeks. One drew tears Ransome n~ologized, and. beckoning a from both these valiant men. Tt was n constable, hnnded him the Shiftv . lovely little girl, witb her littl e hands 1 '1'11ke hi rn to the Town Hall, ;tnd g ive before her face to keep out the slght of him e~ry comfort, He is Number One. death. T b is mnn 's escape was not so strange

Here and there, abandoraghastly face as i t appeared. Tbe flood never born-appearing above the mud showed bow barded his house-he was only on the many --must be bidden altogAther, nod hem of it. It rose and filled his house, Ransome hurried home to get more assist.-.' whereupon he bored three holes in his ance to disinter the dead. I great chest nnd got in. He washed about

Just before the suburb of Allerton the the room until the abating flood coo· ground ia a dead flat, and here the flying tmcted, an.! th en it sucked him nnd his lalte covered a space a mile hroad . doing his box out <.f tb~ window. H e got frightful damage to property but not frightened, and let the lid down, and so much to life, beoauee wherever it expand- drifted about ti~l at last he floated into edit shallowed in. proportion. the hands of justice. · Tn .P.art of this flat a flentleman had a Little and Hansome carried the child beautiful garden and pleasure grounds away. and it was conveyed to the hospit­overnight: they were now under water, al and a healthy nurse assigned it. aud their appearance was incredible j the Ransome prevailed on Little to ~o flood expandlnfl here and then contract- bo·11e, change his wet clothes and he ing:--bad grounded large objects and left down for an hour or two. He consent­small onee floating. In one part of the ed, but fi rst gave Ransome an order to garden it had landed a large wheat-rick lay out n. thousand pounds, at his ex­which now stood as if it belon~ed there, pense, in relief of the sufferers. though it bad been built five m1les off. Then he went home, sent a message

In another/art waa an inverted sum- to Rnby H al !. that be wns all right, took mer-bouse~ a huge water-wheel, both off his ch t ltes. rolled exhausted into t.fthem great travelers that night. bed. and s l c-~t t ill the afternoon.

In the largt fish-pond, now much fu l- At four c. clock he rose. got into a ban-ler than uaual, floated o. wheel-barrow, som, and drove u~ to Woodbine Villa, ahalrmattress, an old wooden cradle, and the happiest man 10 England . an enormous box or obest. He inq uired for Mtes. Cnrden. The

Little went splnshing through the man said he believed she was not up but water to examine the cradle : be was would inquire. ' richly rewarded. Be found a little child 1 Do,' said Little. 1 Tell her who it is. in it nwake, but, perfectly b:lppy, and I'll wai~ in tho dining-room.' enjoying the fluttAring birds above and Ho walked into tho dining .. rooru be­the buoyant bed below, whose trencher- fore the mnn could object, nnd there he ous nature was unknown to him. T his found a sick gentleman, with Dr. Am­incident the genius of my friend Mr. Mil· boyne nud a surgeon exnmining hi m. lais is about to render immoral The patient lay on n sofn, ext remely

Littlu about of delight brought Rnn- pnle. nod g roamng with pnin. some splashing over directly. · One glance sufficed. lt was Frederick

They took up the cradle nntl contents Covent ry . to carry it home, when all of a sudden CHAPTER XLVII. Ransome's eye detected a finger protrud- 1 What I yo:.t nlh·e ?' snid Little stnr· ing throu5th a boie in the hox. iog. '

'Hnllo I' said" he. 1

Whya t here's a • Alive, a nd tb.nL's all, 1 said Coventn'. body inside tbnt box.' 1 Prn_v cxcueo me for not dying io

'Good henvens I' said Little, 1 he mny plonso you,1

be nlive., Ere Lilli~ coulJ reply. Mr. Carden, With that he mndo a rush and went in who bad hoard of his arrival, looked in

over head and ears. from the library and beckoned him in. 'Confound it,' said he, as soon ns h e When they were alone, he began by

got hie breath. But, being in for it now, giving the young man his hand, and he swam to tho box, and getting behind then thanked him warmly for his dnugh­it, shovecl it before him to Ransome's ter. 1 You have shown yourself a hero feet. in courng~. 1\o~ go one step further ; Ransom~ tried to open it, but it abut be n hl'ro Ill fortitude nnd self-deninl :

with a Bpting. However, there were air- tbat unhappy man in the next room is holes, and at\11 this finger atioldng out her husbnnd ; like you, he risked his life of one-for a signal no doubt. for her. H c tells mo be henrd the dam was

'Are ye alive or dead ?' shouted Ran- going to burst, and oame instantly with eome to the box. • a. ladder to resoue her ; less fortunate

' Let me out andlou'll see, 1 replied tho th,Jln you ngnin, h e has received n. mortnl box; and ~he soun seemed to issue from injurr. in ·the attempt. It wus I who the bowels of the ear~b. fou~im; l went down distracted with


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l!omfol' t.t.ble. 12 ptti t·a 110nt post. froo fllr fivn Dollars . Men'tllon~t kniokerbooker Hose 6 . ' p!l l111 soot po11t frco iot· 15, 6 or 1 Doll•ra,

Little h$d bls hatchet io his pocket nnd anx1ety, to look for my daughter; I found set to work to try and open it. '£he this poor creature jammed tight between o~oupant aa11isteg him with his advice the tree he was upon, and a quantity of G EN E. RA l how ~o proceed, all of which sounded henvy timber that bad accumulated and subterrnneous. res;ted ogninat a bank. We released him A

according t.o quality. Post. Ollioa orJer~~ . pay• able-B. & E. M'HUGff (Limitec.l), Balfut I mland.-2 io.w.5m. '

I Hold your JaW I' enid Liltle. I Do with great d iffic ulty. It was along time asurance Comnaa•. you think you oan teach me?' before be oould-apeaic ; and then, hla first , If I

By 4 oopslderable e~erlion o( strength inquiry waa after her; Show some pity - - -ae well~ ekill, be at laat got the box for an erring man, Mr; Little; some con- FIRE AND LIFE open, and d{soovered ~be oooupo.nt seat- sideration for my daughter's reputation , - - ---ed pale ~nd· ob~Uering, wi~h knees tuck- Let him die in peace: bia spine is broken ESTABLISHED· A.D. 1837 ed up, he oan't live many days.' -

The two men lent him a hand to help Little heard all this, and looked down . HE~D OFFJOE: 1 him up; Banlome gave a alight start, on the ground for.., ~ aome time in silence. ;130 CANNON ST.REET, LONDON, Jll 'O and then expreaed the warmest sa~is- At last he aaid flrmJy, 1 Mr. Carden, I · · fa~tTiohn. k H I' id h 'Sh \..h would not be inhuman to a dying oran; rCapita.l :-£1,000,000 S,_ tg,.

an eaven . aa e. a..e ut you were always hia friend, and -- · h.anda, old fellow. I'm downright glad. 'Dever mine. ~t ~eaee her, and I'll tell ,Io.su~noea eft'ected on alzq~t aU kinde of' I've been 1roanl~g over you, but 1 mi~~t her what you aay, and take her n<ivioe.' 10ropertyln Newlollndiaod a~~~~~ poaaible have koown you d .4nd some way to srw 'You shall eee her, of cource · bat not ll'&te. out of Lrooble. Mr. Little tbte is Shifty just now. She it lo bed, atts:eded b a himself. Pleue p~ your arm under hiS; "Slater of Charity, whom ehe ed be is u etroog u lroo, ~d DB slippery aa for.' aq eel.' • 1 Oan I atee tba' lady 71 'Cer nly.'

The SbJfty, hearing tbla account glvun (To be oooaf~tued)

J. AUGUSTUS CLIFl', .d_~~ra' for N•w/o»'lllllartJ B. B. TKOMPSON, .._, (.Jr Btwlwr Grace.

ot hlmaelt, fnetantll oollaaped, and made • himself weak aa water, and ~o\tered from · lu6a11pu of • •er,- aenre t7pe ia Prttaleol ill li. Sirace L-..barb one of bb guard• to the other In turo. Pari. aod io eoa&b·•-.tero rraaace. • 'I iJ••n

'1 wu all tb.1t onoe, Mr • .Ransome.'' The fttbetmea of New Gl-.ow, Oat,, b••• .ad lae. ln a nlae that beG& me auddeu- made I•I'Jft k;aalt thla ...... .UO ,..,., before, )JU feeble 1'1 hJa bodJ, ' bat tbla feart·d Th~aauaal ..-... ft· ot.:ed Ia &oeloa of DJah& .... . · '~· ~ KlrtnlOUJl7 a d •• ,., ... ea..-.. A. ........... ba lath.!

rowned In dUferent partehee. D~tbJ that brouabt theM ~ether, dleunheca bundredl. Poer Dolman'a bodT Wll found 10aroe a mllt from bia ho~liat hla wffe'a elwen mll• oa ibe atba' lllda of BOle~; u:ad t.bla1ricle..,...UR ol*-'ftiD iiW Ill one ~'t;;.tr. oae ... ~ ~ ............ . .. , ... ~,. pnMrYC fr61il ··ailtrtoUoa. l ·ha'fl , .. Hetar, \V ... ., '"~ .... 'ttielulllf for

IIG'IIqoe-i Jr.&.,.. lai YOtrtcl to lMCI a IO .. ~IJrt.llkt e.to.CJ90i ... llr · lIt 1 £a to ....,._ ..... ......... ........... .




EXTEPJiAL USE. Dl~thlll<erll~.-<~<•rotlp, A•Uima, Broz:chJW.. Neuntol~ Pon1110111a, RbeumaUam. Bleeding ot ~h.,

uw.u.oc......_~ CollCb. Wb.ooplD111 Oouab, Catarrh, Cholero. :Worbua. O)·een · eoui41D1Dif latllr· tD&tlaa. ot •:!r~

f arcot n\lllc. r,,.

~ errl:odr • t:o u l •l 1 f':.!\VU'- l.h l ,.. b .olo::.

t , .. t.. t.l tn~• u w!\O , "' r ~f\•1 h\r t~ \~W ·_\. · · A .,.,.r 1.\t't~:- fJ\ank

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y,ny PArt ot \lui ~~7 ~ta~ ~ o-.d&.L• L


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BEATTY'S ORGANS· -.\ rr Lbe best., \V ri LA for CatR-

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BEATTY'S PIANOS- In uRe eve'!· whflre. \Vnte

fo r ()attllogue. - Adclress, DANIEL F . BEd. TTY, WMhingt.on, Now J ersey. Je26




TROMP ON'Si -~ Bstabhs tid 1855:"- \

M~Ui~~l H~ll. ' lV hole:;ale and Heta1l.

T be Bubsorihera, whil~ tbl\oking their numerou.s patrons for past favoqra.l ""~·hea to :1! attention to the following list, to whicbobas teen added a few of t.be n e -.eet ea tng pa P

medicines, u follows :­Boecbee'a Germ lln Svrup, Oreen'a Augnat FlollVer, Pillo'a Conaomption Cure,

•• Ca~~rh....Rocnedy. )Ja~aford'a Jamacia Gin~er, . W~r'• Safe 011re, \~arner•t Pilla, Wllt.at'J Bala&m ol Wild Obeery Wye~b'• ~iquid Malt E xt.tact W trite Ennutl (Cor 6lllng leet.b)

}BensiM (for..plea~aing .pur~es.) '.rllmar Iodi.&n (£or ~tJ¥eneae) lJlno'e Medicat.ed Suatr (for •orma)

•t J'roit Salt. Teawrry Too~b PQ1!Fc:ler }.fer'• ~arta1.arilla. A.yer'a Obecr1 Peo7,<>ral

&lo flair Vl,or, O•mpbell'a Toni() Suzir, Ot, WUton'a Kerblne Bitter~, • Gaar4'• Halt clye, Trioo~h81'0QI . Wi ~·1 'Beef irO.i ud \Viae lf~rop • Lymu'• T t~~et4ble p..,nry. ~ ortbrOp • LJman'• Bmalalor )(elloM'• AM~am• Re~necly1 dO,Omrtb 8Du£ ,.o11~loera, Ota&.lftra Be.ol1ent, Oaticqra ~p, )(alUM, M&lt.lu whb O..ra Sagrtda 1..iee '"" .Jetce, EloltowaJ• Oona ave ~·..,.,._, ••• .me attota . ...._, llo&ller Ota'" .. ' · WO!JJ ·s~. ,· ·~· ·~ of:~·-t· . ~ a1aa, ~..,, liJrw; ,.._~ .. ~Llol.,..,


Miscellaneous. .............. _.,.,.,._.___... - -~-~.--~ ....... -

·A l :OV 1\ St;OTIA.IIl!:lto.

- · TiraSydney Allots eorN'•pt~odn& orthe Tradet· .rnurnal tt iYfl the follo • i •·l: detalla o f \.he loaaof. •l•e LuoeuLnrg fi!hing,ch"'-"f'r Hilda May. which .. ,oapNI onr OIUIIIIJ ah•sut ~ l'lrlb s,doey oorrC'I ·

norltnt : Durio2 the 11111e of Monday DIRht II e 17th nit ; the eobooorr f/i'da .Mag 'rom Lnneo­••urg, N .S, wu drove a•hore off Ulaek Point. uortb weal of l'rllobprry hnd. The wioc.l an MU wae very hf nvy, p.,..ry •t~ breakin~t oloau ·••er the vueel. S••e weut aeloore at 8 o'clock ' ot· She "'"" n fiehin2 scboo,er "ltb o ioe men oo board. They all had to eland io the ri~lliog from \hal t ime ti ll nf'Br noon the ant day. There ,.., a large crowd of men ou the tibore~ all tho •oornin~ but t\ODe wnold .eoUue ont. At Jut .fohn Cox-.od three other IDeo with bim tried hut thir boat wu fiUed and they had to make for •bore again. After ll little time tbey tried 1111aio but failed Ruroe Park11, fro.n Laf:lave I'arh dreelt, Luotnhu•rc county. •b<r. when be s" w they couldn't 11et o ur. from t he ahore. atripped l·lf hia clothe' in the ri~llinll j•1mpf'd Into the water and awam for abore. Bdoro be gos to the sbore he !oat the oae of lfg& Re wu uaiated in by two yonog :nen, and taken to the nearest bouse where he I!Ot t~ometbin~r to 'eM 11nd drink aod a d ry suit of clotbee. He theo came btck oo the abore All the dories where waabed ashore and smashed a~raioat tt e rooks except one and it wu badly wrPcked. Parke llOt a hammer aod some nails and got to pilchiol!' up that dory. He u11iled a piPce l'lf ore or the doriea on ooe aide o f it himee lr aod ttro or tl.ree of the mrn around callttri llJl ! lot~ crn cka a bit. Tbeo they helped him iaucch btr. No one would ~o •itb him. " " r nllt' cl for the l'l'Ut l and •oon reacbed ber ~ • d b rot:jlh t one m~n uh'lrl!. He W illi our c~p•iz<'d t• ice. We bne 11ee-o o•eo and IJ~ard roll or them rcettiog prius ror leu noLle dt eda. It Rufus Parlte don' t (let ooe it Ia n~t bn t be earnpd it wel l. 'fbe crew lost all their c lott>te but wbll l ,.,,.,bad 0 0, aoll all their ran·. ~o· lt Tbey bad 8[)0 qtle or coclfleb.


( onsta ntiunplt, .Vo11 18.-A.. oolllt~lon ocoored Lbis mornir•g io the llnaphoroe between the Hrit iah ate11mer Ruby. bound from OrJuaa to ~hielda. and the llrhisb ateea.er EdileJhorp 1ua 10 badly dem~ged 1 hat t he ~ter poured iulo her in a tremtndooa volume aoCl abe went to the bottom almo•t immedillteiJ. The ateam laoooli t elooaioll to I be Ruetiao emba11y wu orulaloa Of'llr the toeoo of lbe aoold-.nt. aod wheo the Eddltthorp uok &l,e at onoa started fo r the 'pot \\'beo tboae on tbe slaking steamer uw there '"'s oo bope o f the veeael keepioll efioat they jompPrl ovtorbnard. The steam lauoob pi•:ked,np •H t> rft l nf 1he sn~>n io the water aod the bornane d f111ta of r'1oae oo boaro of her prneoted "hat would o tborlli'i5o ba\·e l:eeo a serioue Jon nf life. A • it if. only tbreo of theuilon1 of the F:atll~thnrp arp r rr<•r :rrl " " o.luinsn T be c•ptalo .. r 1 h•· F.ddlrth•• fl ,. aa b4dh· irj ~red, wbo~o then sttam~u o•n• t~ ll· v f t 1 er. a ts ·l • h•·ll~tb be wu r~S · cue~ frnm clro,. nl• {l it WA-/ o nl7 to dlt !I thort timr 11 frt• t ne 1\IR taken a1bortt. T l. e es•eut of •he Rub~·, d11mage Ia not known· T he Edt/it­thorp waa a btnqueotine riA(ged iron £crew steamer of ~.73:> jl tOU tone. '


ParU,NOII · 9-T !>e prMeoutloo o r ~f ll t {7ou tbe -;oularp, 1\rchbiaho p of Aix, whon ttlal •illt11ke place at the Conrt of A ppe11 l1 oo Nov 24. iu till excitioll con6ldera ble coo:ruent io official and eccleRiaetioal oirclea. T he Archblehop Ia aooo1ed or •. hiiViOil inllul terJ i\1 . Fallleret, Mioiater o r J ualic.: 11od PuLi ic Wor~hip. in terma tt>orliog 10

COUlp rmiso bis bon or aotl foo~lloaa. " iu a lt:lltlr wi,ioh hns oot bPen mad t puulic To ·day ll let tu from the Archbishop Ia publlabed io which he prole.tlft :- jlllloat the cation o) t he c1i ui, t er io inatitutln~t proceedi"gs agaloa\_ h im. Th6 Arcl,l i•hop d~clnru thnt the letter be eeot to the l\1 io:ste r of J uetice wa11 oot lotonclod t 'l irRult bim, and that hi• object in writi nll it w 11s •u t• t t~y to prottsl ..a)!alnat the loeult !J II~ ·ed to Frncce by tbt: mob which reoe-otly attochd a t"dy of F rl't•clt pilgrims io Roml'.

. -.-SELF·!:iACRlP'lCE IN nps::>(.\,

St Ptltrtbll•·g. N111J. 17 -Tbe eoldleu of the Odt e,a Jt&Hiaoo bu e • oluo tarllr aakeJ t bat tho d~ol l7 brtad pHioo ia,ned to tlle-m ba reduocd ooe-tblrd for tbc bet:ttl t of tbt1 at•rvln~r ~·eopll' lo tbe fawloo s trici(P n di1trio11. Self I '\Ciilict! (Or the beot-fi~ t•r l he I I II• 'r iUjl . pen1•l0 II ~"tll'rlll among al l e lpuu. and oht>9 takta uo•t:l "" ""' Repnrr• rrom the fllruine·•tricfeb di1tricte 1·f li•tt emt•lce ooorit \Itt to show the


entailed npoc the poorer olauu by the •c .. ,·i · r of rooc.l· The Cio•erumtot ia fall, allt'e I I'\ loot

e~igenQiU of Lhe eito~at !oa aod ia dolo~t ~'!·" t h ing io Ita powpr to hl'lr. the •Rft'erera T• ,. Cut baa made tl Yary arae donation for t l.e beneftt o f tue auiferPra. from hla prl•~<~e paree, io 11dd itlon lo t urolo~r: over to t llo tsn,lpe com· mhtee the aum• of tuoney pruen\ec.l l(l ' ·lrn upon tbP nccaalc.o of bia all•l•r ~~<'eddfow. ' l hu t'ulio~ roo ha• ahen f•eulf, oud o;bttr SJ~tmbt:na of tb11 Imperial family bn e belptd ••ell tbe fuod for the relief 1•f tile poor J,uge u tbt ~ubsodv · !luoe arf', t he.? at!\ bat a tlro p Ia tbe t eea,.a or P.',;Ptf tl ·a~ wjll be tvqalred to ~rry the t lrou upt1a l:f~D fbOAfJtllQf tJf f'P."PO'J1 lmall ftrtll61t au<J otbt r• ttsro4~~ 11\ot ioo~ ,.., • ..,,

• ·-· . > Who o~ D~pqte lt f


' The new bftrquentine Winnifred. frorn

K ugepore via Spehcer'a Island, bound Lo Havana with a cnrgo of potatos; apples nnd lumber, puL in here yesterday dis­masted. She hns been a most unlncky ve~el, from tbe time of starting on this, hPr maiden voyQJ!:e. She leH Kingsport in command of Onpt. Alex. Vance, and

n getting as fnr as Spencer's Islnnd he became ill, wos lnntied there and died-in twenty-four hours of pneumonia. Cnpt. Angus Mcinnis then ~or,k char~o and Railed from the island on Friday, the 23rd inst. That night one oftbe heaviest gales the cap\ain had ever experienced commenced, first from the north-east and then veering to north. It was ac­companied by rnin, ond the barometer fell to 29. 10. The ship stood it well, howev~>r, t ill Sunday afternoon last, when it commenced to blow strong aJZain from the west with a heE! vy sen. The veseef was lnbori.ng heavily and this caused the iron on the forestays to give out, when topmast, topgallantmast with all yarJs nnd sails nttachf d went ove-1 the side, . also the main· topmast. 1he fore­mast remain.,d but was badly sprung. As the rig~ing is all wire it took a con­siderable hme to cut nwny the wreckage, which was finally accomplished, but not before the side was considerably chaffed, In aedlsting to cut nwny Capt Mcinnis had his hands badly bruiaed and cut . At the tim &-af th a accident the Winni fred was in latitude 67. She baa nearly five thousand barrels of potatoes on board. After getting clear of the . wrecknge th e vessel bore u p for Halifax, after which time fair weather wns .experienced. Tho Win nifred is 432 tons and -is · owned by Wm. A. Conrod of J oh n Taylor & Co's., of this ci~y, and others It will tnke about ten days to get her ready for sen again.-Halijax paper . .

- About 2 VOO, OOO dots worth of W !onlpeg property baa cbaogrd baode 1ince . tbe beglolog or the year

Russia baR decided to build n line of forts along the Chinese frontier and in­crease the number of officers in central Asia.

A large Volume would 110l contain the ml\ea of testimony w!ticll hu accum ulated io favor o f On WISTAn's BALSAY or WILD Cn&RRY aa a ure, l'flicieot, 11 od reliable remedy io curing cnu11 h1 11nll pnlmoll&ry dl•n•e Maoy of tbe -:uru nr t.~ 1 rul) o. ooJufu l

- l·:•·pq l·o·l v l: uo•• the pocw, " Tbe O ld 0 -tkrlt ll uokt"l" l.mt who kno wa the jltiVt! of ita • utbo r? lt will be n,•wv to moat that Samutol \V ood wort h, the write r o f tbat piece or immortal verse, ia buried io either Sao francisco o r Oak· la nd, C11l, p robably t ho former: bu~ loeb ia t be oa!e

-S.u:oow's Rt:~ .\ HKADLI:: F t::AT-Uue or tile ne w ft~.Ltd o r tho <ter rnan Bl fllOo( 10!10 . Eu~:eoe S11odo w, ij called·· eupportl11g au o rchestra'' Sandow bolds 10 the a1r a plauo, a piaoiat. and thrto other mueilliao•, 111 b'l play wbllc io t bnt poeitlon

Sanclow 11lso I oCr~ " horae abo 1e hie head . art or t be animal baa b11tO ni11~d eneral feet rroso t he g rouort by Lack ie Tho horee ia only a pon1•. but there ia oo miatall. to)l hie ..-.. i~lot Aootber of !I.e C:e rw,u. lle rc ulte uo w fes ·a ia t urning n someuau lt with a lif •y eix pound uumbbell in e:.d: blt:Cl

IJ ( '. Ht CII Atws & Co Gettt• -W'.l ooueiJo r UlblAilD'8 LlNlM ~NT

the I.Pa~ In the Utllrket and cl•t erfully r tco; oJ . mend tits Obl' .

J . n llAnnll M n Bt~llevnl! llca1 i·dl.

F u A ~>ov.BsoN. l\1 n. I. II C S. 8 d iuburjlb :\1 I~ IJ S E olllaud

11 n " tt..SO~. M. o V ui. Peoo1

THE ALWAYS FAITHFUL Do~-It is a queer phase of life that a dog will remain faithful to a man a rter be hl\8 been given up by wife fnmily, and friends. The brut~ continues its afl'eo~ion whe,re all o~her living orenturea have renounced even recognition, A case in point is lhnt Georse Mel bur, of Soheneotady. N.Y . He waa the vlotlm of n prolonged spree. and ran abotlt brandiabing a razor anq 'hreatening slaughter. Ttien he fQW~ 'to an ialand near by nnd pqt hie ~h.Jo&t, There the boQy waa found, guarllea by ,. Q&Qine' friend of many years.

• HoUowaJl• Plll• .:-ro-;-;ral ~"'· mental dtpreaaioo, aod rservoaa lrdtablllly tffert l• ao mtdlotae wbloh operetta 10 Uh a oh,rm M lbeee fa111oaa Plllt. Tbty1Jqrtfl 'b' blood •oo'h• aad a!ranartbeo '~' pn~ a~d •Jttem, ¢•e tooe to ~, lloP,SI~b. ele•ate tht eplrha, auct, lo faot lUke the p11tlen~ llftMible of • to&al"\ad .-o.l dellat-•rQl rnQfqtlop Ia bit •bole ayatem 1'ber llfiJ bw ,o•u..wded1 nsoa' aareee"~IJ t1 &be

btet mtcllobaa I• .... DOt Tboqb

' · How· does he feel ?-He feels .~lue, a deep, dark, unfadi.ng, dyed­m-the-wool, eternal blue, aud he makes everybody feel the same way

· -August Flower the· Remedy.

How does he feei?-He feels a headache, generally dull and con­stant, but sometimes excruciating­August Flower the Reme;ty.

How does he feel ?-He 1eels a violent hiccougbing or jumping of the stomach after a meai, raising bitter-tasting matter or what be has eaten or drunk-August Flower the Remedy.

How does he feel ?-He feels the gradual ~ecay of vital power ; be fecfs mtserable, melancholy~ hopeless, and longs for death ana peace-August Flower the Rem­edy.

How does he feel ?-He feels so full after eating a meal that he can hardly walk-Aug~st Flower the Remedy. 3

G. G. GREE~. Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New jersey, U. S. A.

r ~----m~sionl

Ll;erOil APU) THI:

Hypophosphftes of Lime and Soda.

' No other Emulsion Js so e asy to take.

It does not s '!parate nor s~oil.

It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach

j can retain it.

I cURE.$

j Scrofulous and

j Wastin&' Diseases.

Chrome Cou h. 1 Loss of Xppetite. · Mental and Nervous

Prostration. G eneral Debility, &:c.

I n ....... of nlllmltatlons. A•ldo< I I ··~ ~~ n. r, L." f::!:'!:l!!:!on, and refuse 1 all otl:cr~.

PftiCE 60C. A NL> !;1 r E R BOTTLE. - - - -


Dr. Morse's Indian Root PIUs

~ T'HEY ars ths Rsmsd1 that th1 bounteous hsnd of naturs hal

provided (qr all dlseaS~s arising (rom IMPURE BLOOD. ~ ..... ' Morse'S are • nl'e 6re 'ro•BDJ•

0 111li'EU. IIE4DA~ DOIGDTIOWo ...._

P .II OOKPJ.A.DT, DYU' ... . .u. l!ee., •ee. I s f'DI uu "AU DUtQI -w I H. CIISTOOI,

BnCKrltU, OIIT. .r .,..,,.,, ••• r.




llill•r~lllU• e•IIOIOGii,UIIIJ lie UlDlariJ mUd· be il•.. wltla CEMENT

tM OG11f

a.~•fi"li ~~:-"'1 ·=:. tea • ~;QQ·~· laUtlJdMI



. . . . , .

l\t .")larhir jnce ~lmlt -...-o-

CONCBPTJON BAY ADVBRT!SBR. . _ _ , .......,. _ _....._., ........ ""'""""""''..,.<,~ .... ~ ..... ~ ................ , ........... ~ ..... -

FRlOAY", Dl!:<}EY,BER ~. 1891 ... _ .... ~,--,~ .... ....._................. t _ ................... Oa.nwlia.n ~ Wtat ~ Kukttl . . J'OB :tmW'FOUlmL.Um J'ISE.

Ttn: politi~epabroKiio which jcu~ no• disturb. the B iilian ~pire will no doubL injuriously .O:t~ t ita commerce. For the ex· porte~ of ou~..ac.ap'fe prodou~ tbia reYolation could no' well hne broken out at a more in oppo1 tune aeaaon. And the drawback on ou• usual markets ia all the more embarraaing in a year like Lbe current ooe when a iurplu1 \!atoh muat find a tale, elae it •ill be a IOU reP

of lou rather than of profi1. &.o the holders. Steady and reomneratin market.& must io tbe future, aa they hiiVe heen in the put, be reckoned with u strong factors in o•tr pros perity. To cultivate euy trade relations and friendly commercial intercourse with 0111 n ear n eighbura-wben it can be d :me with ont det.riment. to our colonill booo1· or p re judice to onr colonial interests-is both wiafo and poliLio.

In the preaa.and elsewhere there hu bAen for the Jaat few weeks no Ji~tle snecuJaLion B!o

to the reason wby our shippers cannot ban direct accesa to the markets in which Domin· ion 6sb·mercbants are-:-aeemiojjly at least­ne t t ing a tidy margin of profits on the sale of our 1•roducta. N e w£o•1ndlaod merchan t.a a re not lacking in enterpri~~e in season and ou t of sePSOn-we unat\ntingly give tbem t ho cret.lit of being wideawake where their O~Vn ioterest.e are in queat ion-t bey are, we m ay very safely take it for graotet.l, willing enongb to r eatl ize the last cent on our fish. T he a nomaly-if anomaly it may he o~ lled­m•ts t bP explained on othe r ~rouoda T ha t our cot.l fiah-the merchantable we mean-will tb tt coming seuon find ita way to the dinner­tableH of on r Ca nad ian neighbors, where our best Labrador herriog wu iR o ther years a luxu·~, is not a hs u rdou• assertion, but or:.e, however, which fa lla abort of a satiafactory explanation of our very conaidsrable export of fish this sea11on to t he Dominion. U p t o date it aggregatea a little over one tooth of t.ho total oatob. The balance--by far the la rger quot.ll of our exporta to Canada-is re · s old in 1 he West India marke te. Io the latter, n o mere than io the former, U. there any treaty embargo on our s hipmenta. T he trouble s imply is t hat we have"''nly fish to export , and t he difficul ty will perpetuate i t­sel f Bll long aa N ewfo undland remains solely a 6ab -produoiog country. In ot.her -.vorda, our sh1ppe n1 will oot be in a poaition t o cap· t ure 11nd hold tbe W est I ndia m11rke ts before tht~y lied t hemaelvea able to ahip mixed ca r~oeK aod belore NPwfonodlaod baa h~>me iodus1 ries ovhioh will warran t the carrying of return freight s of West l ntlia produoLB.


A WORTHY EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW. To s how tl•e iote•f'st being taken and the

efJort&-..~nade to oon11e r ve &nd improve the fisher ies of tbe nei~hboring Dominion, iL is

Nor i11 thi11 all. The .fiaherJ proteoUon t.olhoritlee ahoJreep their e1ee ·wide oveo ia regard to tbe iof111ct.ioo of regola~io~ ~e for the con~~ervaLion of ftny ot •he ftsJnDI Ul

dutariea of c.be Dominion. A. ahorl. dme ago some twent~ peraoos were oon•icted of aod fined for violation of the lobater fishery lawa. Surely, from all Lbia we can learn a muoh needed leaoo and act accordingly.

And it is a 11atitfaotion to know thd Now· foundland hu at Jenath ind&H1 bestirred herself. in the above respect. .For instAnce, look ai. the Lobtter propagation-617 mi!Jion of these valoable fish ltiL looee in the enoiro· li:1g aeu of the Colony I Alld th-tn the effot t.e whiolr'bave been made in the eatabliebmenl of the Bait Iu~tligence Ser.,ice-for tbe im provement or &he Herrin~ Fishery, referred to in laat inne-all tbia surely i11 auffioient to iodioate &hat old Terra Nova has at last begnn ~o tam a now leaf aa r~rds her staple ' industry-ample to prove that shP wi ll vot do more, much more, ip the aamo laudable direetion. -

Looal and other Iten1. -=··ourte,o~;;;;;-~f pota•oea bne baeybip ped from KioR'• o.>uotry. N S • c() Cub&, aDrl

·more are 101111 fonrard. Pnoa are beUer !bat lu~ Jtlr.

---'--Wolnt are \erroriaiog &be oeigbborbood or

New Drlgbtou 16· milea ftOID s~ Paul, MIDD ud It ia aald lbd tbree children bave beeu dnonred.

-Four libel au ita for •6QJ 00 eaoh hue beeo entered a~raioet tbe L'lodon Free Pr~u for priDt· iolt a document filed In coo4eotloo • itb the Hydlau election pe&ltioo. -

-A oou~leofboodreduokaof Caoadlao fieece wool aold for .. .sport to &be Statal latey at 19t oeo•a. 'fbie it the firat aale of the 18!U clip tha~ baa taken plaee

- The maoof,.otol"e of oleomt~rsrarioe in tht­United St. tea laat ye"r wu muolt lancer tbao io aoy preYious one, 128 000,000 bar~elt of the oi l beiog exported to European couutne._


ToE wonders ot that remnkablo iol"ention -the Phono~ra-pb-have been late ly wi tness t>d Ly the people in man.v aections of N ew­f::~undland-of S~. J oh o's, H arbor Om co, Carbon!'"r, HMr ts Content, et~ , w ho won­dereci grPatly nt the ma r ve llous li t tle inAtrn. ment. B•1t Ediaon'R l~tt eat. invention i'l n<1

less ma rve llous ; he promises an eclectric m otor which will do away wi th the !_loiso and ·l irt or t h_j, s team eog ino and szive 118 a rail way of a lundrt>d miles a hcur-a ,:peed wbich will make the mile a minute of to day a low a nd unendurable: 1'b is may a ppear i n · credi ble ; but when the f~tct i11 borne in mind o f what baa been done by electricity in our own day very fe w will feel disposed to r<'gard with incredulity the efforts of any in· veotioo which h&a .for iLB motive po wer that wonde rful a od mo• t my~terious agent.

-<..:ol. Joho F. Mio11 in the October Dumber or tbo N orth IJmcriCJII Rt uuw. anoounced thai

• hu bad beeD cured or t~e m~lady of d runktl nneu l'en daye a~o he went on a pt oloo~eri apree which left him io tbc RUtter. lle wat aeot to Black"ell'• ielaod aod died there a few moro· inga aKO.


[ • For oar pari we do oot beline io protected atudiee Grrek uame ioto the Wretero world, poor aort oeedy, tbrte oeo.tariee ago. By her owo unaided obarme abe bae woo her waJ. B> tboee obarme we bellne that 1be will bold her own agaioat all competitora ootil literature aod oi•lliaatloo are DO more.''-7lmu J Protected Gret-k I Protected Grer k I

Balfour may doobt, ti-e Timu dtmor, Aod cl- attering 11 correapondeota ' ' aeek

A11aioat tbe 110ddeaa etrife to 11ir, Hut wbi e the Seoate rain, you bet, 1 be Gotha t bio't emub tbe Ureciane Y••·

\Vbeo Doo meete Doo lo forlooe fray Tbeo eomea io eootb the log of war ;

Anti no tbi1 mtcnorable day 'I hey 11a tber io from near and far,

l"o whelm tbe oooalural oore who'tl aeek To ae t I be •· G race " agaioet tbe Greek.

S wete lookr OD J ebb and J ebb OD nrowDe, A o d Bat e11oo look a oo Hobrrtaon Smith.

T hey c ry . ·· or Welldoo ' tia il l-dooe !' Hut Thomaou ilf a mao of pith,

A nrl Orimthorpo that eoalp -booting 11 Bran " Will ton:ahawk the " Alodero ' ' elu e.

The Prootou aat with aeriooa brow, Witbio tbe ewarmiog Senate Hou&e,

Voters io hund rede ewarmttd btl ow, Fel lo"a of acbolarahip and nmu.

T hey oouotod votea And, wheo ' twaa d .> ne, .\'ort plactfl b•a it, three to ooo I

Aod -lbero 11 re they. Oranrn·s foil fnee . The Champiooe or the Madero aide ?

Five t"enty. five empba•io .. Noe~" Have •quelobed their eoheme1, and dubed

their pride. Hurroo I for tbo .. 10 prompt to vindicate {;ompoleory Uruk a11aloet t he S1odlcate I

-BROKE lh:n DoOll .- '1 be schooner Elln /Jlauchc bmd a miobap • bile orouiog Trioity Uay ou Su111lny last wheu ~he br!>ke her main· boom Sho J(Ot iu M St .loho'a frorr, tl1e oortbwar1 . on T uee•fay latt, to 1leaars. J . & W. ::ite wart with 80t.1 q uintale Hall.

-THE ST. J OHN'S ~I UN ICIPAL ELKCTION i11 o :> w well nuder wny. T he CaodiJatr l oow out io the field are numernu,. ; t l.o~c ~ ho have O.\frl@

to the Electors ru- fgr ::\o :l Wnrd : ~l taere J oho T . Southcolt, F St J ohn, aud J oho W Forau . for ~o S : h.lr . . John S Parcell ; for No 4 : ~leurs. Michael T obiu aod ~J. Po" er · ror No 6 ; Meure. D owDey. P . J Urieo, aod Oouadl Moriao::1.

\\"o:o;OERFUL!-A cue of exlraordiDary fecundity ia reported from Weerero BAy, T be et<>ry a,:ote that a womao tbere-Mre Wi lcox-.ome eleveo montha I JCO, j!lftl birth lo lour clildrPo-all 11irla. Shortly thtrealter the UJOlher wat able to a et .• boot agaio T be ohildreo enbeeqoeot ~y fl ied Lu t week, it aH ma. tbe mother jlne b1rth to anotber cblld-maklog I he fifth lo elnen mootbt ! 'fh~ t tbe cue aboald excite a good deal of inter. eat i1 oot ty be wondered at

- !'ERSO:uL -Jobo C. Domioy, Elq , lbt aentletDfnly • 11eo\ of Muara J & W. Ste" art at Greeoapood celebrated !lie 60th birthday oo ynterday week, .For the .lut 20 _ytara he bu beeo rnanagiog the exteoatve bue1nus of the firm at the above place. and , h ie pluaiog to koow, wi• h much aatlereotloo lo all coocerDeC: . l"ho STANDARD joiol .,ltb Mr. Do ~r.io1 '1 maoy other frietids iD exteDdiog to him ita warmu t ooog ratolahoDa aod beet wlahee.

-Peraoq_e wl~hlo~ r eetb exb aoud, fi lled or cleaned, ana A rtl fiolal tee tb ioaerted, may hue tho aame dooe by calhua at Or. A. B. Lebr'a office otxl door to Meaara Moun 8 roa'. premiaee Watc'r Street . llu bor Grace. Now ia the tiaae to hnve yuor ceeth 611Ad aod eave thom beroro it ie too late . <..:arrl appear• eJee t;bere.

M ra. Kio~r. or Belle I ale met with a rAt her paioful ac:oideDt on Friday n eoing laet l t •P· pear• tbat ehe was cboppiog 6re woort, wbeo a luge atiok that III'U etaodioa nea r fel l aod at rook her OD the head The poor wo ruao bad to be brouRhl hera for medical aid, She ia now io hoepi tal, and. asd to .-y. ber haahand Ia l1 ioc ill at bome wi th ty phoid fever, a diacuo which is prevaleot nt Helle i lle.-Ht rald ,

I -=.Tb~re WI\S no al~~ of t!Je arri.val ft~ St J ohn:• of &be )~uglieh ma1l uv to IIX o'clock ~b11

etenlog 'H.uaru, Dec. 2.-Pnwer, member for

-The Carbooear ~aid of St P6triok.'a Wa&erford, the l'amellite whip iadead. He Church, trill opeo there oo 'J"needaJ oex& wu married only Jut week.

___ ...:.,_., I& ia reported tba' tbe Oanad~ Paoi6o Oo. " -The repain to the Ri~)re being poahed will build fut A.tlantio ateamert to meet t••e ahead with all potaible apeed, aod by U1e eod govArnme.nt'a demanda. • . of a fortolgbt, tbe iml-'ronmeota will_ h&Ye beeo A.. Juoatie 6red three paatoJ abota at the

tfft10ted • __ Rev. Dr. Hall, of New York, but did no in-

Menra John Muon & Co'a buqoeoUne Clwlt.a, jury. ' · Capt Joyce, will uil on Monday oext for Hrull, A train wu atop~ and rohbed nearS~ wltb a fall load elaple product M.r /3 8 Spence Lonia. One hundred and tifty thousand dol· goea pauen~flr by ber for a trip to South lart was taken from an expreas compaoy, and America. Yiailiog other parta there besid111 also a number of registered letters from the Brazil He iDtMds retllrDiog ID the spriog by .1 way of New Yorlt Hia frirnda will with onr m~bere ·ia an alarming increaae of yellow youog friend a plea~ oruie~ fe ver at Rio Janeiro.

-BnoK!S UP.-All hopes have been The Druilian troope are io a atate of rio&.oua ahandonetl of t·a i11ing t.he wrecked steamer insnllortlination. ol~n~teer. She was broken up by las t p, i· The rive r St. ,La wrence ia frozen over.

d~ty 'a Rnd S~ttorday'a ga lea, and 11he became Dw. 3.-The Counteaa Russel divorce a tot"! wreck. T he steamer Curlew, 0-tpt caae ago&ioat E-trl Rueael ia vroceeding. The K eatn, return ed froru . the N orth o n Sllturday, d isclosurea a ro ahooking, . t.r tcgin3 tbe crow of tbe w tedcP.d t t eamer. The agitation in Frunco,couaed by tha proa • .

___ • ecution of the Archbishop of Aix, continues -~I ATRUJONJAL -(,toire a stir was Jar-parent io Tho ~verpment asks the P ove ~ restrain

s,.ani&rds Bay. t ~ u occu ioo bt'iog tbo rn rriage t lto .Dishop , . T ho .!'ope will issue~ declara. or t .-o you nl{ r II; • u f that piRce. T be cerrmouy t ion di811 pproving of the agitu t ion . took lJI IIct~ in ' 1 •~ \ lvthodiet Cburo~ tbare. the It is cxpecCerf t hat t he Ctmadian P~tcifio H· v. Mr. Uu ••t officiatiosr. T be CODtrac~iog R ailway Co. will undertake to bui ld fas t At. par•iea werl' Cydl Uoue ( only aoo or the late J osiah Goll'") ~rt Lydia Cio•ae, (dat•g \ter or !antic s lea ruers, receiving a half million ot .\ l r ,James Guuu ) Mr. (.;yri l ia ont1 or our dollars annually from Ct~nadll, as a subsidy , bQLJc nod st ~otow. and we wish him and hie young and fihy Lhon'land poumh from Eu~land. JllHtner R pro~p,Hons aod baptly- yoya. o over D EC. 4 .-Thore is n fi nancia l panic a t .Mel-lire·~ eea bourw•, A u!lt ra lia. Two R:mks and th ree

--- Builiin~ Societie1'1 lutve t.uspendcJ. - ,\1 t rttOn iST Cnuncn - On Sunrlny next, Rt.H!('t .I '"'rvt~ .. a on bebaH of Miu iona wi:l be The•o is u uparalld~d d c.>ptess io n in s hippiug btold :u t he: ~l uthodi•t Churcb or this towo. At rates l.t>tween Englt~nd and America ; h eight thf' •u•.rutulo' der n ce·, thu ltn I{ \\" Frecrns o is lwh w cos t of CD rry ing. Large companies of B larkh.,t~t l wi lt J ·re~anb. At tloll enning aer · are arrunging for a lte ruate eaih ng11.

-vi : <' . tho Ht ,. I I. P. Co wperth •ui te, M A . of T he Cbin e11o ri ~:~ing is beyond t he g reat ::i t J ouu"s " Ill o!Iiciftt .. d~ l>o tho followtDll wall; many i mportuu t to wns captu red. Par· r uesda) onuiul(. "' 7 ::10 o'clock the sooua l ticu ltH<J u'itknown, M.i•eiouuy ~l eetiog will take place Sevro win ill<' '" art> expected to be presen t, 11nd apeak at t he u•.:ll ' IDI( wbiob, there cao ba oo doubt, " ill bo Ill! iu terettiD~ u 1ooy of ita predecpa. sora A lat l(O: attcodaoce ia oooeequeotly expect­ed

- S HA FT R nr KES.-'l'he . atpamer Ben gar, of tLe Bengar line ot stea:nahipe, Liverpool, put into Burgeo on Saturdlly with he r s ha ft hrokeo. S he was bound from Quebec to L i\·e rpool with a load or lumber , a t the time of t he accident, and had to be towed into BurgAO br ~ conple of small aohoooera. The Bengar is a s hip of 900 too11 ne t t , and 1461 gross. S he is 120 horae power, and was boilt. in 1887 uy M eAArs. Crai~, T aylor, Sons & Co., a t S tockton, E hgland.

!:iJI IP HOILDI:>Il-Ship-builog work in Spaoiarda Bay it ia pleaai o2 to learo, will be ~rried oo n teoetvely the o-•miog wioter aod 1priog T here are thrte veu ela to be re · built ; o ne brloDgiog 10 Meure John Mono & Go -the Matchleu which ia to be repal rPd uuder the auperiotf odaDce of of Mr J acob (i ou e ; the sr oond-tbe Garibaldi - lJrloot.~ i og to Meura Paterson & .Fe ller, will be i o tile banda of M r ChitJman ; aod tbo t t. ird - rbe Cdt l"itg owoed by Capt H W Tbornoy ia to be re-built by Mr Mark UO@IO f be operat ive people or thllt thri ving eettlerot~o l will no doubt be greatly I eol'fitle•l by tho valuable employmeut to ba tbua affo rded

IJl Mem ory of Lilian Parsons. who died on Monday momiog Nov. 30. only daughter of Gilbert and Louian Parsons.

J eane. while our bearta art bleeding, O 'er t be epoile lhat death baa woo,

We "oold at thia eolemn rueetiog, Calmly uy : 'l by •ill be dooe,

Tboogb caat down yet oot forealeo, Tboua b affiioted oot alooe ;

Thou didet ~ive aotl Thou bu takoo. HlePSed Lord, Tby will be dooe.

Tbon~tb oa r bearta are filled with monroloa, Mercy alill is oo lhe tbrooe ;

With tby erhilu or love re luroiDg We cao eiog, T hy wi ll be d11oo.

B1 . T by haoda I be boon wu gino, T hou baa takeo tut TbiDe own ;

Lord of earth aod Uod ot H eaveu. E\'ermore, Tb) wi iNlo d ooo.-S,kctcd.


At Spaoiarde Bay, yesterday, (Tburaday) . by the Rev. Mr. D ooo. Cyril Goeae, only 100 of ( the latl') Joaiah and J 11no Geese. to Lydia, daoghter of Mr. J amea Gou e, 11ll of Spaolards Bay.

Al tbe Cathed ral Ct orcu of St. J otoo the B~ptis~. St J obo'a ou Deo. 2ud. by the Lord 13tahop of Newlouodll\od, &Misted by R ov. J ~ T hompeoo. M . A , LiP ut. Hupert U. H. Diem­fie ld, H. N ., to Alice B. 1:: P ro wee, daughter of J udae Prowtc,

At Sal moD Co\'e Cburcb, co tbo 271b ultimo, byJthe an. R. II. Taylor. u eiatcd b1 tho R e.-. R \V Oarrel. Jatoee J Wilcolt. of llrigua, to Mary Jane D :J" deD, of Soal Cove Coc cf'ptioo Bay.


At C11rboour, oD the SOlh., Mr James Hao· · rahao, coopH , a ostive Couoty Tipperary, lre­lantl , aged 92 year11. 60 d wbiob be apeo& io thia count ry-It I P

~bu t n ecessary to glance for a moment at wbnt is being dono in hot h t he 11uove re spects, b·. the aut borities there. For iust~tncr we l t~arn (1) that t he protect ion of the coas t 6aberi£-s in a ll the .Ma ritime Pro vinct>s d ur ing t be past season was l'minen tly successful ­n Gt a siogle complain t bu t t'ne ha ving , eacbed t he departmen t, Then we are in for met.! that t he lntelfigence Bureau hae n o' only usi.teJ t ho fiabermen to locate the whereabou t. of t he fish alon~ the oout, bat. baa materially a ided ~he veuela enga~ed in proteotioa the 6 abing grounds from beinS{ en~ohed upon by b merlcan poaober11. Tbe c~mplaiot re­fe rred to above waa made on the floor of Par­llaOJeot by .}Jr, Forbev, the unaeat.3d member (or Queen'a. That gentleman said h.e wu informed that Ameriea.n fiahiQg veaaela were operating freel1 withfo the three-mi'e limit of tho coau or Q uaen'a county, N .S., and •everal inat.ancea bad oorue to liia knowledge where Lllia..hd ocoumd. llon. Mr. Tupper expreneq bia liirpri.ee f'n hearioa tbta nate· ment, and lll~uebtlr wrot.e t-o Mr. Forbea 11king him to kindly fnrnfah auob in. for mation u be poueaaed in aubatantl" t ion of hie &llegatlotta made In t be l!otue of Colftmoo•. M r, F orhee had not aiven thit information op to )aiel& datee L ieut. G ordon, however, haa reporud fuiiJ un t he apbjeot, and in hia revert he denied ~be atac.emcnt in toto.

Tboa aaoa, or ooold, or aboolrt bau aoll(l, T he modero Uretk . lo lml•atln Yeree ;

Muowblle tbe Oodde", arn e, thouwt. ner

On Suod .. y ni11 ht Jut, be tweco 11 ADd 12 o'clock. t " e dwe ll ing houae ADd tarn atraeberl therPto, btloogiog to Pbllip Pu t ~ on Fr"~h · water Road, • aa totally de11royed by fi re. ~lr. P utt aud bie wife bad r' ' ireq to bed when he d ieCQfered tbat !lit bopee "u co fi re. Upon ui~ioa from bed , tbey bad ooly tlrna to eiQ•pe aulng bnt f• w tblo1:1 oo tbe flu wbere tl ey elept . E urJthlog boloujllog to Lhem on tbe upper tla& wu bnrDed. W bat maku tbe cue ettttremtly hard ie, t ba~ tbera wu oot a cent of lDanraboe oo 1he proparty, aod they are oo • placed lo a nry bad ooodltloo,- 1/t rold.

- P K(Ilfon os - CIII't Robert P ike, eldeat eon or c .. l't Hiet.o rd Pd,e, or St J oho"a, left thu pon laH wt ek by t ile 8 S JJiranda. for IJAiifn, hnvioll recoivcd fro•n the owoere the offer of the C1tomanrf of the sister ebip of tbe /Jarlow- tbe lln•·antlfl 'fnc:~e 11eamera 11re to ply b et ween llntifu aud ~ewfouudiRod por ta Capt P ike wn11 pu•au of the S S Yolu11tttn for the put four y":"' ao l · .le lu tbt. t poaltioo woo the t'&:CeW I'( tho 0 li I l'rl or hi• ltean:er II Well aS cbe well "iahte (of the public wbicb oow follow uim io his promotion Mr Pike'• tirat officer - CaJJt Uowdcn- alao beloogt to St J oho'a h • ~iog been some ae veoteen yeara oat of ~letara A Goodridao & Son'a employ aDd wu late ly waerer bri.caot loo Ht lla Ro!a T he laat D&IDOd veuol bae ft oew captain-Cap' J ere. miah Callallcn-who bu m11de eome yery emart rau~j.rt•~ In the •chooon Algtria. beloogio_g to the eaiJ tlrm T h• .Mgtria'' new mute r ie Ot,pt \\' If Tueker. formerly of t ~i• por~ We wieb ooe and all auccsea lo tboir aenral poait loot

Public Auction

A o imJlOrtant feature in conneoUon with ~he protection of tb' A&lantio 61Urtea or tha Dominion ia report.erl-tbre~, Yia, fn former J C&rl t he !'rot.eotic>n Setvioe ... trea tl1 em . berrueed by the e-pparenc "1Mf*lli1 on the

• p.rt of' mi nr -or the tiahermen • lona t.lle pout w itfi t~e potobiQJ v....J., anJ,I no in· formaUon OC.Qid b6 o• tal ned from tlae10 whb reapeot &.o infraotloDa of tbe !awe, Wllbm tbe Ju t two or ,&bree "•ra, Jlo~ever, publlo IIIIDtlmi"Jl• in this ,.pe;,, bu aa'lrely pbaopd The Domhtioo t•ermen Detw bette r •ppra­l'late tbe importallce of tbe in, bore 8elttria

-- the ...... ,, o( "'relally caardiDfla• &hrH-mile Ji••&. &Del t.hf!,.,ore fr"IJ Ye Information u to yfol•llon. ·.t die ... Vpoa Jnela loforMatioa 'h• cJ.pertiMIIt ._ •JJOD op or '.roo-.-. eacm11fal~ ...._ aocfon. -

w ......... 111M of. &be DOll ... ~ --~~·M...-.

yooo~, _ Stood. Peyobe-llke. nn tempttd to r-.beuu

'I he rasriosre . ·tllgtler lr.k •u 1eldom alnllg­U ttered by OyroD lo Mloerya'e <.:u rea.

She •Imply ltood, ~· etat•ly-prood ee Pall11, Lookioll eo cairn, 10011 mlah• hue dt,rued b• r


Amoliog aigbt tbie srame I Von "'e"u• Don Miucl i~ a t ort of cla11lo Ooooybrook

A lelbal tJe, pon I• a l-eJicoo Wbeo rlyala 1»alce a blodaeo~ of tile bQ:Jk.

By btr ooald•d charwa the GoddHa " no Hor way Tllu Ia •h• laowu•a• of loer look.

(The Ltu reate'e) " J nda,. tltoo ma hy what I am, ·• So 1b111t rboa find me. fa irnt"-la"' Compol.

1ory Orten l- f!411c"-

• .... - 2'

-P.EaaoN.u .. -Mr W. A, MuDD, of Metara. S tew•• t Muon & Or>., M ontr .. RI, hu Lef'n ilt t€'1y It Pre 'ln a aho• l Via\t. lJ fl ruttn1 (rft•ndl were pleaaed~ 1M bi~. --

-00'11> W OIIE.-- l'ba COI,Itlngeohooner B ona. pi.tta. beloijaiDg lo ~rnra. Hnio• Johat loo & Oo, Ia now bere pn tier lut trip for. tbt •eaaod T hla orah haa dono a ood work dllrtO(l' tbe put aomm~r And prfle r. t fall . bn1ui' mada fQOtteeo tripe from Honavleta lo ~h Joho'a aod back. aDd ooe 10 L\brador. She bu taken fourteen weo· •ral oaraoe. '0 tbe former port, looladtna near­ly aiK thooaaod ~ulDtala of Bab aod twep ty four tooe c;f oil She Ia ftfty. ooe too• bnrth&o. to·i Ia oommaoded by <,;apt Tbomae 8arae -Htrald.

- WkODt i\Q 8 t t.L.I - T he weddiDR oerornooy bt»l • ee.n Llrateoao• 131oom6eld, R N., l:l M ~ Ptl(calt , an:l Min Ali~e J!rowae, waa pelebrated thle ahernoon lo the C~orab of E oalaod Ca\he· nrat . bycbw Wart.t ReMb' Lord Dl•t.op .of Nt~w. fuaoJiabd, &~alated bJ ... -be Un, J ~- f bom., . eon, ~1 A. T bere wu a foil olforal ur•lcw ao.J at tbt yooo1 laliJ Ia b,ldal ""1· ltao(nlf nr·.,u •be •rm of --r f.ther • .rodat Pro• ••· Jl'"eJ •'I' tbe out, followect by• tht a.hr~o~~ IJrldHm•ld• Ml•aeallla Pro••. fiay•ard aod IMbella Pro••• lu wbl~ dr .... , rellend •hb J•llow tnmq,iolll aod O&"Yiolf bouqutla of fro•eN, alleoaed b1 &br• llUit tlrla-AliiMt liarn7. Allcw ll•J· ward aod Obarlotte J~>.,•-btarloa bou~uila of Ao'•trt, abt eft oa ..... "'1 IJpe,

The beft m• .,,. Ocoll.J•o•, E•q 1 ll, 'fhor­bQna, Eaq. aad Jt R !'rowae, EaQ , o'\Q)ODiaa lltoee vree .. t were lfle )t.o.-lltD0711te Uonroor aad lltdy O'JI••••· tllr W· V Wbite••J aad IAdJ Wblr•?•J. atlr Ro~ and L-uty l'j~~eeo&. 8lr Koberc aod Le41J Tlaorbona. tbe UoD A W •

. OoaMI D• ._ aad a lar1• ae4 '•"· .,...bla,t •Jtat ftlltd •It• obur~~,-7 •II·

. - GUILTY -The jury lo tbe cue the Q ueoo •• · Mortimer M oq.hy retired to oooaider their ver·

..diCit at ten miuncea to twelve l'od returned Into Court 11 1 a qa"rter to two. Mr P . J . O'Neil, the foreu1an of fl,e jory, uld that. accordiD~t lo lbe nlJ eooe, they could oot but flpd tbe pri•· ooer srolhy ; \Jot that lbeyetrooaiJ reoomme11ded blm to tbe meroy of lbe Conn. Mr Murphy tbto add resu.J tbe Court, u kioa tbe learoed

l•tdae to cako lo to aooouu& the obeeace of all o teouoo. oo the part of &be prlaooer to do more

lbao flU' t~e deoeaaed oo& of tb., premll'ft, wblcb ~tb wue lo oo tb• ratal olgbt. Hie Lord1blp Mr J oatloe Pioaeo• aald, be bad t.alr eo tba' olr· oumatanoe into O>Dtlcleratiou, aod be tboagbt tbat tbo jattlce of &be oue wonld be mt' by bit •eokuoloa the prlaooer to foqr m~nlS•' lm· P,rltoorneo&, to date from tbe 6th of Aaau.• laat, l 'ltlt meana tbd the prlaooer bu three d&J& more to remalo In prlaoo-:-B~rald

I om inatruoted bv the A rl miniatrator of the l£atate of t he la te PHlLll;l H O TOHINS to aell by P ublic A uction ( il not p1evioualy di1poted of), •

On 'Monday, 21st December \petant, at the following hon ra, on the Pre .. miaea,-at 11 o'clock,

That Piece of Land con~iniog about 2 acres, aituatfl ft~ O•plin Cove, bounded on the wen by J otlge ~D• nett'a p roperty and on t!Je eut by W~ vllle Road.

Atnooo- • T oe :Ualaoce Qf t&aaehuld Interest, of Fort7 y~rt from Nov., 18~8, in the Rouse and Pre miaee, on ~out.h Side \V at.er Stree~ latel7 ooou.,ied bJ J•mee J ania.

The Leaaebold Interest of the late J Q~n Bryne in t.be H ou e a nd P roperty, altnate on the Nor~h Side W a t.ec Eh-ht, opvoah e tbe laat- named,

And at 1 o'olook-Thfl Proper ty, lately ooonpied by WiiJWD, Godden, aitu.ate at Ship'• Read, kDo.-D All '' Dor•t <Jottaae'', with tbe buuq ••ta,bect (thle, fee.aimp~) • •

J'or farther p.rtioulara applr to · · A. T. DRVADAZ.S.

Aao•t~,..._ Har~ G~, Dec. t , 1891.

. ,