VOLUME XLII JANUARY 2012 TO DECEMBER 2012 Page FROM THE PRESIDENT 2 ARTICLES 3 LEGAL WORLD 5 FROM THE GOVERNMENT 15 NEWS FROM THE INSTITUTE 20 BOOK REVIEW 30 OUR MEMBERS 30 ADVERTISERS 30 MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCE- MENTS, NEWS ITEMS, ETC. 31 CONTRIBUTORS 32 Pages JANUARY 1-144 FEBRUARY 145-280 MARCH 281-424 APRIL 425-552 MAY 553-696 JUNE 697-824 JULY 825-960 AUGUST 961-1072 SEPTEMBER 1073-1232 OCTOBER 1233-1352 NOVEMBER 1353-1488 DECEMBER 1489-1632 CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHARTERED SECRET TERED SECRET TERED SECRET TERED SECRET TERED SECRETAR AR AR AR ARY Y Y ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003 tel 011-4534 1000, 4150 4444 fax +91-11-2462 6727 email [email protected] website www.icsi.edu I N D E X

VOLUME XLII JANUARY 2012 TO DECEMBER 2012 I N D E X · 2013-05-14 · volume xlii january 2012 to december 2012 page from the president 2 articles 3 legal world 5 from the government

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Page 1: VOLUME XLII JANUARY 2012 TO DECEMBER 2012 I N D E X · 2013-05-14 · volume xlii january 2012 to december 2012 page from the president 2 articles 3 legal world 5 from the government



PagesJANUARY 1-144FEBRUARY 145-280MARCH 281-424APRIL 425-552MAY 553-696JUNE 697-824JULY 825-960AUGUST 961-1072SEPTEMBER 1073-1232OCTOBER 1233-1352NOVEMBER 1353-1488DECEMBER 1489-1632


ICSI House, 22 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003tel 011-4534 1000, 4150 4444 fax +91-11-2462 6727email [email protected] website www.icsi.edu


Page 2: VOLUME XLII JANUARY 2012 TO DECEMBER 2012 I N D E X · 2013-05-14 · volume xlii january 2012 to december 2012 page from the president 2 articles 3 legal world 5 from the government


1st Meeting of the Committee to Formulate a Policy Document on Corporate Governance 570

2nd ICSI Corporate Governance Week 969, 1086

7th International Professional Development Fellowship Programme 436, 571

11th ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 17

12th ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 1242

13th National conference of Practising Company Secretaries 291, 435, 571, 707

16th Annual International Conferences of ICPSK 1085

40th National Convention 571, 834, 969, 1086, 1242, 1366

Acknowledgements 21

Annual Conference of ICSA, Nigeria 1243

Appointment of Chief Executive (Designate) 1086

Capital Markets Week 2012 434, 569

Companies Bill, 2011 16, 152

Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2010 16

Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 835

Conversion of Firms of PCS into LLPs 836

Core Group on Strengthening Infrastructure 16

Corporate Compliance Executive Certificate Course 436

Corporate Governance Policy 434, 1084

CRF 2012 Conference 290

CS Benevolent Fund 707, 1243, 1497

CSBF Cultural Evening at Jaipur 437

CSBF Membership 291

CSIA Council Meeting 1367

CSIA Presentation to WTO 835


Earth Day Celebrations 571

Efforts towards creation of new sub-head for company/corporate secretaries services under Services Sectoral Classification of WTO 153

Empanelment as Paper Setter/Examinar 436

Endeavour to raise the quality of professional services to reach level of excellence 434

Exposure Draft of New Syllabus of EP and PP 153

Fellowship Development Programme of Institute of Actuaries of India 17

Foundation Programme Examination under OMR system 153

Furthering of Training Initiatives 568

GRI South Asia Conference 1243

Highlights 2011

– Chartered Secretary 19

– CS Benevolent Fund 20

– E Initiatives 20

– Earth Day Celebrations 20

– Global Developments 19

– Goals of the Council 19

– Infrastructure Development in Continuum 19

– MOUs Executed/Renewed 20

– Networking and Collaborations: National Initiatives 19

– New Publications 20

– Our Successful Endeavour 18

– Peer Review Board 20

– PMQ Courses 20

– Practising Company Secretaries 19

– Programme Credit Hours 20

– Recognition by Universities for Ph.D. 19

– Reference on Certifications 20

– Stakeholders Interface 18

– Status of Various Committees/Core Group of Council 20

– Students 19

– Trade Mark 19

– Visit to Chapters 20

Human Resource Development and Training 569

ICSI – Direct 969

ICSI Certificate Course in Valuation 1084

ICSI Convocation 570, 1496

ICSI Corporate Governance Award 2012 1367

ICSI Corporate Governance Week 435, 707, 837

ICSI Foundation Day Celebration 16

ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance, 2012 1497

ICSI Vision 2020 16, 152

ICSI Welcomes Sh. Sachin Pilot, Hon’ble Minister of State for Corporate Affairs (I/C) 1366

India- Netherlands joint Working Group 291

Initiation of discussion for MoU with Bengal National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Amity University and Institute of Directors (India) 1497

Interaction with Regulators in South Africa 836

International Conference 837

International Professional Development Fellowship Programme 837

Internationalisation of the Profession of CS 153

Know Your Client 836

London Global Convention 1367

Meeting of

– CSIA Executive Committee 570

– GRI Focal Point India Advisory Group 435

– The Coordination Committee 1085


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Meeting with

– Chairmen of Regional Councils and Chapters 290

– Chief Minister, Jammu & Kashmir 706

– Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala 835

– President, Trivandrum Chamber of Commerce 835

– President, Trivandrum Management Association 835

– SEBI, NSE and BSE 290

– Vice Chancellor of University of Kashmir 706

Memorandum of Understanding 570

MOU with

– BSE-IPF 1085

– CMJ University Meghalaya 1242

– IICA 970

– NSE 1085

New Syllabus of the ICSI 1366

New Training Structure for Students 568

OECD Asian Roundtable 1367

OECD Policy dialogue workshop 17

Overview of the Year 2011 18

Panel Discussion Preceding the CG Award Function 17

Peer Review 707

Placement Services 571

PMQ Course in Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency 1084

Policy Document on Corporate Governance 1242

Quality of Professional Services 290

Recognition of CS qualification for Ph. D. 836

Recognition to Company Secretaries under Delhi VAT Act 836

Refurbishing of WIRC 970

Regional Conferences 970

Report of Hon’ble Parliamentary Standing Committee on Companies Bill, 2011 835

Review Meetings 970

Seminar on Emerging Challenges and CS 18

Short Term Certificate Courses 436

Stakeholder Consultation through Teleconferencing 1366

Stakeholders Grievance Committee 836

Strategy Implementation Workshop 968

Strengthening of Infrastructure at Regional and Chapter level of the Institute 17, 153

Student Conferences 1085

Student Induction Programme/ Executive Development Programme 569

Study Material on the Website 436

Syllabus for FP, EP and PP 153

The Task Ahead 21

Thought on

– Professional Independence 968

– Professionalism 1084

– Attitude 1366

– Vision 1496

Time Management – To make SMART Goals 706

Toolkit for Corporate Secretaries 291

Visibility of the Profession and Capacity Building of the Members 1242

Visit of

– Mr. Kevin Moore, Director, Global Business Development, CISI 1243

– WTO Official to ICSI Headquarters 968

Visit to

– Bhubaneswar and Bhopal 1243

– Hyderabad 837

– Regional Councils and Chapters 437, 1497

– Surat, Vadodara and Ahmedabad 707

– Tanzania 1086

– Thiruvananthapuram Chapter 837


“Go Green” A Clean Revolution in India – Pradeep Soni 308

A close analysis on Cotracts in restraint of trade and profession – Jaya Ankur Singhania 865

A Practical Guide to Shareholder’s Agreement – Rishikesh G. Vyas 708

Amended Combination Regulations Relief to Corporates & Bonanza for Company Secretaries – G.R. Bhatia 469

Appointment of whole-time Company Secretary under section 383A of the Companies Act : Some Critical Issues – Dr. K.R. Chandratre 1244

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Oppression and Mismanagement – B.C. Thiruvengadam 1088

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Opression and Mismanagement – V.Durga Rao 1093

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Opression and Mismanagement – Mahesh A. Athvale & Anagha Anasingaraju 1100

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Opression and Mismanagement – Revisiting the Legal Provisions – T K A Padmanabhan 1106

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Opression and Mismanagement – Pramod S Shah 1119

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Opression and Mismanagement – Pronamika Bhattacharya 1134

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Opression and Mismanagement – Naresh Kumar 1138

Arbitrability of Disputes Relating to Opression and Mismanagement – Rajendra Sawant 1144


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Art of Preparing Annual Reprts – A Global Overview – Sriraman Parthasarathy 731

Attitudinal shift in Corporate Functioning vis-à-vis Concern for Society – J. Sridhar 1526

Attitudinal Shift in the Functioning of Corporates – Focus on Some Important Areas – Rajkumar S. Adukia 1392

Attitudinal Shift in the Functioning of Corporates and Company Secretaries – S. Viswanathan 1387

Attitudinal Shift in the Functioning of Corporates and Company Secretaries – An Analytical Review with Future Perspective – Pramod S. Shah 1402

Attitudinal Shift in the Functioning of Corporates as well as Corporate Professionals – Mahesh Athavale & Anagha Anasingaraju 1375

Buy-back Law, Procedure and Practice – Shashikala Rao 481

Can a Body Corporate invest in a Partnership Firm? – D.K. Prahlada Rao 715

Cases of Opression and Mismanagement – A close look at the Jurisdiction of CLB vis-à-vis an Arbitral Tribunal – Dr. K.S. Ravichandran 1127

Challenges in Formulation of Regulations – Principle v. Rule Based Regulations – Dr. V. R. Narasimhan 1545

Clamour for Gifts at AGMs of Companies Needs to be Prohibited by Legislation – T.N. Pandey 29

Cloud Computing – Paras Kumar Jain 1268

Cloud Computing – The Next Future of I.T.? And Are We Ready For it – N. Balasubramanian 576

Company Secretary – A Key Managerial Person – R. Krishnan 1368

Competition Commission Notification on Combinations An Analysis – D.K. Prahlada Rao 459

Competition Law in India: Some Lacunas, Some Myths! – Bhawna Gulati 596

Conducting Board Evaluation – Prof. R. Balakrishnan 719

Corporate and Professional Ethics ….. Beyond Compliance – V. Sreedharan 1379

Corporate Criminal Liability Punishing the Directors or the Corporation – Manisha Choudhary 175

Corporate Criminal Liability: Company Director’s and Officers’ Liability for Offences and the Principle of Attribution – Dr. K. R. Chandtatre 838

Corporate Governance – Need for a Change in the Mindset – Dr. S.D. Israni 1383

Corporation, Community and Development : An Integrated Approach to Corporate Responsibility – Om Prakash Dani and M.S. Srinivasan 22

Cyber Crime & Cyber Terrorism: The need to know Cyber Laws – Suhita Mukhopadhyay 316

Electronic Meetings and Voting – L.H. Khilnani 584

Enforcement Actions under Securities Laws – M.S. Sahoo 1250

Ensuring Compliance under The Factories Act, 1948 – Prof. R. Balakrishnan 334

Enterprise Risk Management and the Board – K.S. Ravi 63

Foreinsic Accounting: A Tool to Uncover the Accounting and Financial Frauds – Dr. Pranav Saraswot 323

Governance and Compliance through effective Employee Communication – Dr. Joffy George 972

How to Evaluate the CEO – Om Prakash Dani and M.S. Srinivasan 572

HR Post Retirement Social Responsibility Programme (PRSRP) – New Scenario – Sanjeev Vijayvargia 1277

Human Resource Management – Pramod S. Shah 33

Human Rights Voilations by Companies in India – Prof. Akshay Kumar 1555

ICSI – The Triumph of Leadership – N. K. Jain 1498

Impact of Gender Diversity: Women Participation in Boadroom and their Efficiencies – Komal Khilnani 169

Implications of Service Tax & Value – Added Tax on Works Contract – Nitesh Agarwal & Vinay Kumar Joshi 185

Industrial Sickness in India: Macro Economic Concept – Dr. Dilip Kumar Datta 328

Insider Trading: Duties of Insiders and Company Secretary – Dr. K.R. Chandratre 154

Issue of Bonus Shares by a Public Limited Listed Company – A Practical Approach – P. Kesavulu Reddy 166

Joint Venture Legal and Regulatory Framework – Naresh Kumar 472

Judicial View : Demystifying Arbitration in Disputes of Opression and Mismanagement – Aishwarya Singh 1115

Legal Framework on Electronic Delivery of Services – Joby Mathew 998

Liability of Reserve Bank of India to pay Dividend Distribution Tax – T.N. Pandey 1265

Managing Organisational Change : Some Critical Questions – Om Prakash Dani & M.S. Srinivasan 1370

Marketebility and Stamp Duty on Issue and Allotment of Debentures by a Private Limited Company – S. Krishna Kumar 860

Natco Pharma Ltd. v. Bayer Corporation Compulsory Licence for a Pharmeceutical Product – T. Ramappa 1566

Negative For Positive? Service Tax & Union Budget 2012 – Vikas Khare 446


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Nominee v. Heir – S.M. Jain 728

Of Anticipatory Bail Then & Now – Shantimal Jain 182

Operational Challanges Post Corporate Restructuring – Kiran M. Chitale 302

Peer Review – Why Every PCS Needs it? – V. Sreedharan 605

Peer Review of Company Secretaries In Practice – An Overview – R. Sridharan and Golki Beswala 609

Political Economy of Neo-Governments – M.S. Sahoo 1530

Protecting your Innovations under Patent Laws – Vivek Agarwal 993

Reference to Shome Committee Regarding Retrospective Amendments – Hastily Conceived and Imperfectly Executed – T.N. Pandey 1550

Refreshing Revisions in Schedule VI – Sriraman Parthasarathy 161

Regulatory Requirements Governing Sweet Equity – Rajkumar S. Adukia 58

Retail Investor Concerns in the Primary Market: Is there a need for Greater Protection? – Parimala V. 49

Right to Information Act, 2005 – An Overview – R. Rajesh 847

Risk Management – Omprakash Bagdia 601

SAT’s Observations on Director’s Responsibilities – S. Balakrishnan 725

Secretarial Audit (SA) A Better Regulatory Exercise – R. Sridharan & R. Sriranjani 1256

Separate Accounting Standards by the Income-tax department will be a duplicate futile exercise!! – T.N. Pandey 292

Service Tax on Directors’ Services – Company to Pay – Dr. Sanjiv Agarwal 1272

Shareholders’ Rights and Illegitimate Use Thereof – Harsh Mishra 977

Shareholers’ Inspection Right - ‘Law in Books’ v. ‘Law in action’ – L.H. Khilnani 872

Speculation Approach to Equity Valuation – Prof. S. Padmanaban 591

Succession Planning – Plan it Early – Vivek Sadhale and Vikas Agarwal 54

Superseding Supreme Court’s Decision in Vodafone’s Case by Amendment to Operate Retrospectively Erodes Government’s Credibility – T.N. Panday 456

Supreme Court’s decision in Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Ltd. v. SEBI. The lesson to learn from – Dr. K.R. Chandratre 1516

The Company Secretary Terra Incognita in Comparative Corporate Governance – Rupanjana De 297

Think before you Marry: The Fluid Law of Joint Ventures – Vinod Kothari and Nidhi Lodha 41

Trade Marks and Company Secretary in Practice – N. Sridaran 988

Understanding Peer Review Methodology with Focus on Efficient Administration of the office of a Practising Company Secretary – R. Sridharan & Golki Beswala 738

Union Budget 2012 A Step Towards Transparency And Better Governance – N.K. Jain 438

Union Budget-2012 And Its Impact On Capital Market – Kapil Dev Taneja 454

Whisle Blowing and Professional Responsibility – Prof. S. K. Malhotra 855

Why Business Organisations are not suitable for Foreign Contributions? – Prabir Bandyopadhyay 982



CITIMAKE BUILDERS PVT. LTD. v. SAMATA SAHAKARY BANK LTD [NCDRC] M.A. No. 580 of 2011 in Consumer Complaint No. 141 of 2009. K.S. Chaudhary & Suresh Chandra, JJ. [Decided on 16/10/2012] Consumer Protection Act – Section 13 – banking services – overdraft account – withdrawal of amounts through forged cheques – whether complaint maintainable – Held, No. 1420

LAFARGE AGGREGATES & CONCRETE INDIA PVT LTD v. K.C. BHARDWAJ [NATIONAL COMMISSION] Revision Petition No. 2522 of 2011 (From the order dated 06/05/2011 of the Chattisgarh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in Appeal No. 710 of 2010) Anupam Dasgupta, Presiding Member. [Decided on 01/12/20111] Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Complaint alleging defective goods and deficiency in service – District Forum awarded compensation without appreciating the defence of the Petitioner – Appeal fild with 1 month delay – State Commission refused to condone the delay – whether proper – Held, No. 76

NAGPUR GOLDEN TRANSPORT COMPANY (REGD.) v. M/s NATH TRADERS & ORS. [SC] Civil Appeal No. 3546 of 2006. P. Sathasivam & A.K. Patnaik, JJ. [Decided on 07/12/2011] Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Damage caused in transit to 198 monoblock pumps – Transporter directed to pay the cost of damage pumps by the District Forum – Transporter paid the damages and claimed the return of damaged pumps – whether tenable – Held, Yes. 77

NARNE CONSTRUCTION PVT. LTD. v. UNION OF INDIA & ORS [SC] Civil Appeal Nos. 4432-4450 of 2012 (Arising out of S.L.P. (C) Nos. 3499-3517 of 2011) T.S. Thakur & Gyan Sudha Mishra,


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JJ. [Decided on 10/05/2012] Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Section 2(1) (o) – Housing construction – Supreme Court reiterates and reaffirms the law. 755

TRANSPORT CORPORATION OF INDIA v. HAWA SINGH MEEL & ANR [NCDRC] Revision Petiution No. 1826 of 2012. J.M. Malik, Presiding Member & Vinay Kumar, Member. [Decided on 12/09/2012] Consumer Protection Act, 1986 – Deficiency of services - refusal to deliver the goods by transporter – consignee copy of the LR was with the transporter- whether tenable – Held, Yes. 1292


AGARPARA JUTE MILLS LTD v. BIFR & ORS [DEL] WP (C) No. 2728 of 2012. Sanjay Kishan Kaul & Rajiv Shakdher, JJ. [Decided on 08/05/2012] Section 25(1) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 read with section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963 – Appeal filed after the prescribed period – whether the delay can be condoned – Held, No. 747

ALCATEL-LUCENT INDIA LTD v. USHA INDIA LTD [DEL] W.P. (C) 12723 OF 2012. A.K. Sikri & Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, JJ. [Decided on 01/06/2012] Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provision) Act, 1985 read with Article 227 of the Constitution of India – repeated reference of BIFR in order to take shelter under section 22 of SICA – Can a company do this – Working directions issued to BIFR to check this kind of abuse of law. 880

ALL INDIA DEFENCE SERVICES ADVOCATES ASSOCIATION v. UOI & ORS [DEL] WP (C) No. 16789/2006 Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, J. [Decided on 10/04/2012] Societies Registration Act, 1860 read with the Emblem and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950 – registration of a society with a name containing “All India” – Registrar refusing to register – Whether refusal to register tenable – Held, Yes. 615

ANEETA HADA v. M/s. GODFATHER TRAVELS & TOURS PVT LTD; ANIL HADA v. M/s. GODFATHER TRAVELS & TOURS PVT LTD; AVNISH BAJAJ v. STATE & ANR; EBAY INDIA PVT. LTD v. STATE & ANR [SC] Criminal Appeal No. 838 of 2008 with Criminal Appeal No. 842 of 2008, Criminal Appeal No. 1483 of 2009 and Criminal Appeal No. 1484 of 2009. Dalveer Bhandari, Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya & Dipak Misra, JJ. [Decided on 27/04/2012] Offences by company – Vicarious liability of directors – Whether directors alone can be prosecuted without prosecuting the company – Held, No. 746

ANIL HARISH v. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA [SAT] Appeal No. 217 of 2011 and 218 of 2011. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members [Decided on 22/06/2012] Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 – Regulation 3 – Infrastructure development company – disclosure of information to stock exchange as to projects

valued more than Rs. 100 crores – whether this dissemination of information is price sensitive information – Held, No. 1003

ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF INCOME-TAX v. BIRAJ INVESTMENT (P) LTD [GUJ] Tax Appeal No. 260 of 2010. Akil Kureshi & Harsha Devani, JJ. [Decided on 07/08/2012] Section 108 of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Section 2(47) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 – transfer of shares – assessee transferred pledged shares and showed capital gains as well as loss – AO rejected the claim on the ground that pledged shares cannot be transferred – whether tenable – Held, No. 1282

BANKIM J. SHAH v. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA [SAT] Appeal No. 164 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members. [Decided on 18/09/2012] Sections 11(B) and 19 of the SEBI Act, 1992 read with Regulation 5 of the SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securities Market) Regulations, 2003 – allegation of publishing false and misleading information – accused persons were not provided with the copies of the publication – whether sentencing them is correct – Held, No. 1285

BASANTI COTTON MILLS (1998) PRIVATE LIMITED v. ROC, WEST BENGAL [CAL] C.P. No. 432 of 2010. I.P. Mukerji, J. [Decided on 08/08/2012]. Companies Act, 1956 – Sections 3(3), 3(5) and 560 – company – striking off the register – Dispute as to paid up capital – company’s name struck off under simplified exit scheme as its paid up capital was Rs. 7000/- - based on the application of one group – rival group claimed paid up capital to be more than one lac – whether the striking off is justified – Held, No. 1283

BHAGYRAAJ VYAPAAR PVT LTD v. REGIONAL DIRECTOR MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS [CAL] A.P.O. No. 292 of 2012 and C.P. No. 630 of 2011. Ashim Kumar Banerjee & Shukla Kabir Sinha, JJ. [Decided on 14/08/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – Section 391-394 – scheme not sanctioned as the companies were not supplying the required information to the Central Government – judge ordered investigation of the affairs of the company – In appeal companies told they had nothing more to offer – direction issued to ROC/CG and matter remanded. 1284

BHARAT SHANTILAL THAKKAR v. SEBI [SAT] Appeal No. 122 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra Presiding Officer and S.S.N. Murthy Member [Decided on 08/11/2012] – Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 – Off-market transactions in dematted scrips – claimed to be loan transactions –failure to furnish the details of the transactions- whether violating the provisions of SCRA – Held, yes. 1574



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[Decided on 18/07/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – Section 58A – nonrefund of deposit – CLB directed to refund deposit with interest – company refunded the principal but not the interest – depositor again approached CLB for refund of interest which was allowed – Company’s application for recalling the order rejected – Whether correct – Held, Yes. 1148

CHANDER BHAN GANDHI v. RECKITT BENCKISER (INDIA) LTD [DEL] CO. APP. 1/2012. Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, J. [Decided on 07/03/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – Sections 100, 102, 103, 104 and 105 – reduction of capital – extinguishment of shares held by particular class of shareholders – whether tenable – Held, Yes. 493

DOOSAN POWER SYSTEMS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED v. DOOSAN CHENNAI WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED [DEL]. C.P. No. 151/2012. Indermeet Kaur, J. [Decided on 10/07/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – Section 391 to 394 – amalgamation – scheme provided for change of name and corresponding amendment/alteration in the memorandum and articles of association of transferee company – Regional director objected and insisted separate proceedings prescribed in the Act to be followed – Whether tenable – Held, No. 1149

DROPTI DEVI & ANR v. UNION OF INDIA [SC] Writ Petition Criminal No. 65 of 2010. R.M. Lodha & H.L. Gokhale, JJ. [Decided on 02/07/2012] Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 – Section 3(1) – No penal provisions in COFEPOSA or FEMA – whether the power of prevention is unconstitutional – Held, No. 1005

DUSHYANT DAYALDAS v. SEBI & ANR [SAT] Miscellaneous Application No. 125 of 2012 and Appeal No. 176 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members. [Decided on 18/09/2012] Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1922 – Section 15(T) – market manipulation – order to impound the auction proceeds – appeal preferred after delay of 15 years – whether maintainable – Held, No. 1286

GRISHMA SECURITIES PRIVATE LIMITED AND ORS v. SEBI [SAT] Apeal No. 209 of 2012 P.K. Malhotra, Presiding Officer and S.S.N. Moorthy, Member. [Decided on 19/11/2012] – Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 – Section 11 and 11B – IPO – broker allowed certain individuals to trade in the script on the listing day – exit route provided for QIBs – whether acts liable for penalty – Held, Yes. 1575

GUAJRAT NRE MINERAL RESOURCES LTD v. SEBI [SAT] Appeal No. 207-10 of 2010 N.K. Sodhi (PO), P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy (M). [Decided on 18/11/2011] Schedule II to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 – Code of Corporate Disclosure Practices – Investment company decided to sell shares in

order to fund a joint venture abroad – Two companies, in which directors of the investment company were also directors, purchased shares of the investment company – whether this constitutes disclosure of price sensitive information – Held, No. 72

IN RE: AVM CAPITAL SERVICES (P) LTD. [BOM] Co. Scheme Petition Nos. 670 to 675 of 2011, Co. Summons for Direction Nos. 598 to 603 of 2011. S.J. Kathawalla, J. [Decided on 12/07/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – sections 391 to 394 – amalgamation – promoters holding shares in transferor companies and also in transferor company – Scheme proposed to achieve this indirect shareholding of the promoter to become direct – Lone objector objected on the ground of tax avoidance – whether tenable – Held, No. 1149

IN RE: EMAMI BIOTECT LTD & ANR [CAL] CP No. 627 of 2011, CP No. 398 of 2011 and CP No. 474 of 2011. Sanjib Banerjee, J. [Decided on 08/02/2012] Indian Stamp Act read with Companies Act, 1956 – stamp duty on amalgamation order passed by the High Court – Whether stamp duty is payable on the sanction order passed by the High Court – Held, Yes. 614

INDIA FOCUS CARDINAL FUND v. SEBI [SAT] Appeal No. 82 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members [Decided on 27/06/2012] SEBI Act 1992 read with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securities Market) Regulation, 2003 and Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Institutional Investors) Regulations, 1995 – Board restrained appellant to sell certain securities which were under investigation – investigation could not be completed in spite of getting extensions of time – Certain shares of the appellant were not subject to investigation – whether restraint applies to these shares – Held, No. Whether the proceeds of these shares can be repatriated out of India – Held, Yes. 1002

INDIA INFOLINE SECURITIES LIMITED v. SEBI [SAT] Appeal No. 58 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members. [Decided on01/10/2012] Section 15(HB) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 7 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stock Brokers and sub-Brokers) Regulations, 1992 – unauthorized trading – broker allowing unauthorized trading on behalf of client – Mother is the client and son traded on oral authorization – whether tenable – Held, No. 1414

INDO RAMA TEXTILE LTD v. INDO RAMA SYNTHETICS LTD [DEL] Co. Appl. 762/2009 Manmohan, J. [Decided on 23/07/2012] Companies Act, 1956 read with Income tax Act, 1961 – Demerger – certain common facilities were retained by the demerged company – resulting company was allowed to use the common facilities on payment of charge to the demerged company – due to non payment of charges demerged


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company withdrew the common facilities – Resulting company sought modification of the scheme to compulsorily transfer the common facilities to it – whether tenable – Held, No. 1151

INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION AND INVESTMENT CORPORATION OF ORISSA LIMITED v. TOUBRO FURGUSON STEELS PRIVATE LIMITED & OTHERS [SC] Civil Appeal No. 1850 of 2007. Aftab Alam, J. [Decided on 05/12/2011] State Financial Corporation Act, 1951 – Section 29 – Appellant Corporation took over the Unit of a defaulter and sold the same to the Respondents for Rs. 8 lakhs and intentionally failed to complete the sale – Appellant corporation sold the Unit to another buyer – meanwhile the Respondents obtained an order from the High Court which directed the Appellant to refund Rs. 8 lakhs to the Respondent – Whether correct – Held, No. 75

JIYUAN LI v. REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES & TIANJIN TIANSHI INDIA PVT LTD v. REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES [DEL] Crl. MC No. 3579/2009 & Crl. MC No. 3811/2009. M.L. Mehta, J. [Decided on 01/03/2012] Companies Act – Section 234(1), 234 (3A), 234(6), 234(4)(a) – issue of statutory notice not proved – whether prosecution proceedings to be quashed – Held, Yes. – Limitation period to take cognizance – whether non filing of reply is a continuous offence – Held, No. 491

KALPENA PLASTIKS LIMITED v. BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LTD [SAT] Appeal No. 78 of 2011 N.K. Sodhi (PO), P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy (M). [Decided on 09/11/2011] Regulation 10 of the Securities Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 read with Regulations 76(2), 76(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 – Listed company – Preferential allotment of shares in 2009 – BSE not according approval for listing the shares – Company allotted the shares in 2010 - BSE found fault with allotment – Whether correct – Held, No. 73

KETAN v. PARIKH & ORS v. SPECIAL DIRECTOR, DIRECTORATE OF ENFORCEMENT & ANR [SC]. Civil Appeal No. 10301 of 2011 (Arising out of SLP(C) No.13932 of 2011) With Civil Appeal No. 10302 of 2011 (Arising out of SLP(C) No. 13984 of 2011) & Civil Appeal No. 10303 of 2011 (Arising out of SLP(C) No. 13988 of 2011) – G.S. Singhvi & Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya JJ. [Decided on 29/11/2011] Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999-Section 35-1056 days’ delay in filing appeal before the High Court – High Court refused to condone the delay – Whether correct – Held, Yes. 69

M/s A.B.N.A. & ORS. v. THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, U.P.S.I.D.C. LTD & ANR [SC] Special Leave Petition (c) Nos. 16116-16117 of 2010. A.K. Patnaik, J. [Decided on 08/05/2012] Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act – Section 13(2)

– Power of the Commission to review its order – Whether any limitation prescribed – Held, No. 883

M/s KHULOOD IMPEX PRIVATE LIMITED & ORS v. THE REGISTRAR OF COMPANIS [DEL] Crl. M.C. No. 2730/2009. M.L. Mehta, J. [Decided on 01/03/2012] Companies Act – Sections 234(1), 234(6), 234(3A), 234(4)(a) – Filing of criminal complaint – taking cognizance thereof – computation of period of limitation – Court explains the issues of limitation to take cognizance of an offence. 492

M/s RAJESH AND CO v. RAVISSANT PVT LTD [DEL] CO. PET. 63/2001. Manmohan, J. [Decided on 24/02/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – Section 433(e), 434, 439 – winding up petition – transaction between group concerns – adjustment of dues of one concern in the accounts of another – no admitted debt – whether winding up petition to be allowed – Held, No. 490

MCX STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED v. SEBI & ORS [BOM] Writ Petition No. 213 of 2011 D Y Chandrachud & Anoop V. Mohta, JJ. [Decided on 14/03/2012] Section 11(1), 19 and 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Sections 13, 16 and 18A of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 – permission to undertake business of a stock exchange other than for currency derivative segment – rejection of the application by the Board – whether correct – Held, No. 488

MRITUNJAY KUMAR v. SEBI [SAT]. Appeal No. 177 of 2012 & 178 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra, Presiding Officer & S.S.N. Moorthy, Member. [Decided on 02/11/2012] – Sections 11(1), 11(4), 11B of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 3 of the Securties and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993 – Portfolio management services – solicitation of business without registration with SEBI – whether restrain order tenable – Held, Yes. 1577

NIKHIL MANSUKHANI v. SEBI [SAT] Appeal No. 8 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members. [Decided on 11/05/2012] Regulation 11(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 read with Section 15(H) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 – Acquisition of shares by promoters who had split up due to disputes – Whether they are people acting in concert – case remanded back to decide the issue with reference to cases decided by the Supreme Court (Daichi Sankyo case) and the Bombay High Court (K.K. Modi case). 886

NIK-NISH RETAIL PVT LTD & ANR v. UNION BANK & ORS [CAL]. G.A. 1381 of 2012 in W.P. 6 of 2010 with G.A. 1378 of 2012 in W.P. 3 of 2010. Dipankar Datta, J. [Decided on 25/06/2012] Securities and Reconstruction of Financial Assets


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and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 – Section 13(2) and 13(4) – Borrower failed to repay the loan and interest after the issuance of demand notice – Paltry sum deposited – Bank enforced its security interest – whether the action of the bank tenable – Held, Yes. 1004

PRAJA MECHANICALS PVT LTD v. VARDAAN AGROTECH PVT LTD [DEL]. C.P. No. 296/2007 & C.A. No. 1290/2007 Manmohan, J. [Decided on 03/01/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – Sections 433(e), 434, 439 – Winding up of company-Inability to pay the admitted debt-winding up order passed. 192

RAGHU HARI EDALMIA & ORS v. SEBI [SAT] APPEAL NO. 134 OF 2011 – N.K. Sodhi (PO), P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy (M) [Decided on 21/11/2011] Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Regulations 11(1), 11(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India P(Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 – Buyback of shares by company – Promoters did not participate in the buyback scheme – Promoter groups shareholding increased from 63% to 75% post buyback – Whether this constitutes acquisition of shares by the promoter group within the meaning of takeover regulations – Held, No. 70

RAHEJA UNIVERSAL LIMITED v. NRC LIMITED & ORS [SC]. Civil Appeal No. 1920 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 26149 of 2011) with Civil Appeal No. 1921 of 2012 [Arising out of SLP(C) Nos. 5360/2012 (CC 15948/2011)], Civil Appeal No. 1922 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP(C) No. 26624 of 2011), Civil Appeal No. 1923 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 26964 of 2011). S.H. Kapadia CJI, K.S. Radhakrishnan & Swatanter Kumar, JJ. [Decided on 07/02/2012] Section 22 of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 read with section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 – Agreement to sell land by a sick company – Possession of land given to the purchaser – BIFR restricts the sale – Whether correct – Held, Yes. 344

RAJESH TOSHNIWAL v. SEBI & ORS [SAT] Appeal No. 139 of 2011. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members [Decided on 01/06/2012] Section 15(T) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India 1992 read with Regulation 11(1) and 11(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997 – Successive acquisition of shares – Tribunal explains the relevant provisions of “creeping acquisition” and “acquisition post creeping acquisition”. 884

REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES & ORS v. DHARMAENDRA KUMAR GARG & ANR [DEL] W.P. (C) 11271/2009. Vipin Sanghi, J. [Decided on 01/06/2012]. Section 610 of the Companies Act, 1956 read with sections 2(j), 3, 4, 22 of the Right to Information Act – Whether information and records maintained by ROC under section 610 of the

Companies Act has to be provided under the RTI Act to a information seeker – Held, No. 881

RICH CAPITAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED & ORS. v. SEBI [SAT]. Appeal No. 137 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra, Presiding Officer & S.S.N. Moorthy, Member. [Decided on 14/11/2012] – Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Securties Market) Regulations, 2003 – Regulations 3(d), 4(1), 4(2)(f), 4(2)(r); Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 – Sections 12A(c), 15HA 1576

ROAD BUILDER (M) SDN BHD v. TANTIA CONSTRUCTION LTD [CAL] A.P.O. No. 118 of 2012 & C.P. No. 366 of 2011. Ashim Kumar Banerjee & Shukla Kabir Sinha, JJ. [Decided on 31/07/2012] Section434(1)(b) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Order 37 of the Code of Civil Procedure – Winding up petition by unsecured creditor – Respondent furnishing bank guarantee – winding up court relegated parties to civil suit – whether tenable – Held, Yes. 1150

ROCKSMELT COMPANY (INDIA) LTD v. GANGA AUTOMOBILES LTD [DEL] Co. A. Nos. 616-619/2012 in Co. Petition No. 161/1997. P.K. Bhasin, J. [Decided on 08/10/2012] Companies Act, 1956 – Winding up – directors personal properties – director gives undertaking to court that his personal properties can be attached – Later turns around and contests personal properties cannot be attached for company’s debts – whether tenable – On facts Held, No. 1412

SYED AHAMED BUHARI v. SPECIAL DIRECTOR, ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE & ANR [MAD] Civil Miscellaneous Appeal No. 3900 of 2011 and M.P. No. 1 of 2011 R. Banumathi & S. Vimala, JJ. [Decided on 22/02/2012] Section 52 of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 read with section 19 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 – appellate Tribunal ordered a pre-deposit of 5% of the penalty – whether correct – Held, Yes. 493

UNION OF INDIA v. RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD [BOM] Civil Application No. 140 of 2010 in Ferast No. 22067 of 2010. D.Y. Chandrachud, J. & M.S. Sanklecha, J. [ Decided on 07/02/2012] Section 52 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 – Appeal to High Court from the order of the Tribunal – delay of 570 days – whether delay condonable – Held, No. 345

V.K. KAUL v. SEBI [SAT] Appeal No. 55 of 2012 & 56 of 2012. P.K. Malhotra & S.S.N. Moorthy, Members. [Decided on 08/10/2012]. Sections 12(A)(d), 12(A)(e) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with Regulation 2(c)(i) Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 – Non executive director of parent company utlising UPSI relating to investments in target company – whether liable – Held, Yes. 1412


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AL JAZEERA STEEL PRODUCTS COMPANY SAOG v. MID INDIA POWER & STEEL LTD. [SC] Arbitration Petition No. 6 of 2009 Surinder Singh Nijjar, J. [Decided on 08/05/2012] Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 – Section 11(5) and (9) – International arbitration – appointment of arbitrator by court – Dispute relating to supply of substandard material – Respondent refused to concur with the appointment of sole arbitrator – Whether arbitrator to be appointed – Held, Yes. 1009

ALISTER ANTHONY PAREIRA v. STATE OF MAHARASHTRA [SC] Criminal Appeal Nos. 1318-1320 of 2007 R.M. Lodha & Jagdish Singh Khehar, JJ. [Decided on 12/01/2012] – Rash driving and hit and run incidents-quantum of punishment-appellant killed 7 persons due to rash driving-HC sentenced 3 years imprisonment-Whether correct-Held, Yes. [In this case SC recommended higher term of imprisonment for such offences] 196

ANAND RATHI SHARE & STOCK BROKERS LTD v. DEVENDRA SINGH BAGGA [BOM]. Arbitration Petition No. 566 of 2010 Anoop V Mohta, J. [Decided on 27/02/2012]Section 31(1) and 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 read with Bye-laws, Rules and Regulations of the National Stock Exchange of India – dispute between broker and client – arbitrator passed award without considering vital facts and law – whether the award is sustainable – Held, No. 495

ANIL METRE v. STATE & ANR [DEL] Crl.M.C. 2960/2008 & Crl. M.A. 10891/2008, 13225/2010 & Crl. M.C. 2961/2008 & Crl. M.A. 10893/2008, 13229/2010. M.L. Mehta, J. [Decided on 14/03/2012]. Sections 138, 139, 141 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 read with Section 482 of the Criminal Procedure Code – cheque dishonour – trial court issuing summons – accursed moved the High Court to quash the proceedings based on disputed facts – whether permissible – Held, No. 498

ASSOCIATED JOURNAL LIMITED v. ICRA LIMITED [DEL] RFA (OS) 62/2007 AND RFA(OS) 63/2007. Pradeep Nandrajog & Pratibha Rani, JJ. [Decided on 14/03/2012] Transfer of Property Act – Section 108 – lease and determination thereof – lessee determined the lease while lessor refused to take possession – whether constructive possession be inferred – Held, Yes. 497

BHEL v. MASS GLOBAL INVESTMENT COMPANY & ORS [DEL] I.A. No. 4049/2010 and I.A. No. 2852/2011 in CS (OS) No. 583/2010. V.K. Shali, J. [Decided on 31/08/2012] Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 – Order 39 Rules 1 and 2 – turnkey contract to execute project – plaintiff furnished bank guarantees to defendant – disputes arose – defendant sought to encash bank guarantees – plaintiff opposed – whether BG could be encashed – Held, Yes. 1288

BIPROMASZ BIPRON TRADING SA v. BHARAT ELECTRONICS LIMITED [SC] Arbitration Petition No. 19 of 2011. Surinder Singh Nijjar, J. [Decided on08/05/2012] Arbitraiton and Conciliation Act, 1996 – Section 11 – Appointment of arbitrator by court – Contract contained a named arbitrator – Whether the court can appoint an arbitrator – Held, Yes. 747

CENTRE FOR PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION & ORS. v. UNION OF INDIA & ORS. [SC] – Writ Pettion (Civil) No. 423 of 2010 with Writ Petition (Civil) No. 10 of 2011 – G.S. Singhvi & Asok Kumar Ganguly, JJ. [Decided on 02/02/2012] – Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 read with Constitution of India – Allotment of 2G spectrum licences – Whether arbitrary and against the constitution – Held, Yes. 348

D.D.A. v. PANDIT CONSTRUCTION CO. [DEL] FAO(OS) 382/2007. Pradeep Nandrajog & Siddharth Mridul, JJ. [Decided on 19/04/2012] Section 28 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 read with Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 – Construction contract – Contract contained restrictions to raise claim and legal action – whether tenable – Held, No. 617

DEC INFOSYSTEMS PVT LTD & ORS v. HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD [DEL] Crl. M.C. 3446/2011. M.L. Mehta, J. [Decided on 11/04/2012] Negotiable Instruments Act – Sections 138, 142 – Issue of cheque as security – dishnour of cheque – prosecution – whether quashable – Held, No. 619

DEEPAK VIG v. AVDESH MITTA [DEL] Crl.M.C. No. 1136/2011 M.L. Mehta, J. [Decided on 11/01/2012] – Negotiable Instruments Act – Section 138-Lease agreement-Payment of refundable security deposit to the Lessor by lessee-Dishonour of cheques issued towards security deposit – Whether security deposit constitute any debt or liability-Held, yes. 197

GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED v. HINDUSTAN CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION [DEL] O.M.P. 170/2004 S. Muralidhar, J. [Decided on 09/01/2012] Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 – Section 34 – Respondent issued NCC after negotiating with the petitioner-later claimed that issue of such NCC was made under coercion which was accepted by the arbitrator-whether correct-Held, No. 198

GE CAPITAL TRANSPORTATION FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD v. TARUN BHARGAVA [2012 (190) DLT 185] Miscelleaneous Application No. 125 of 2012 and Appeal No. 176 of 2012. Valmiki J. Mehta, J. [Decided on 20/03/2012] Contractual employment – employee not a workman – termination of services – claim for damages – Notice pay clause in the appointment letter – Trial court granted damages for the balance period of services – whether correct – Held, No. 1287


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H.D.F.C. v. GAUTAM KUMAR NAG & ORS. [SC] Civil Appeal No. 137 of 2007 Aftab Alam & Ranjana Prakash Desai, JJ. [Decided on 20/01/2012] Order 37 under Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 read with Section 139 of the Contract Act – Default by borrower-Summary suit against guarantors-Contention that recourse to the promissory note and equitable mortgage created by the borrower should be first made before coming to the guarantors-Whether tenable-Held, No. 200

HAWKINS COOKERS LTD v. MURUGAN ENTERPRISES [DEL] RFA(OS) 09/2008 Pradeep Nandrajog & Siddharth Mridul, JJ. [Decided on 13/04/2012] Trade Marks Act, 199 – Section 30(2)(d) – Gaskets for pressure cooker – trade name HAWKINS prominently displayed in the packing material – whether infringes the trademark HAWKINS – Held, Yes. 618

INSTITUTE OF TOWN PLANNERS, INDIA v. COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE & ORS. [DEL] WP(C) No. 8653/2008 Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, J. [Decided on 04/01/2012] Architects Act, 1972 – Minimum Standards of Architectural Education Regulations, 1983-Guidelines for Post-Graduate Programme, 2006 – Three PG courses offered by COA-Whether COA is competent to offer these three courses-Held, No. 199

JIK INDUSTRIES LIMITED & ORS. v. AMARLAL v. JUMANI & ANR. (SC) SLP (Crl.) No. 6643-6651 of 2010 & related batch of appeals. Asok umar Ganguly & Jagdish Singh Khehar, JJ. [Decided on 01/02/2012] – Section 147 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 read with Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956 – Compromise with creditors – Scheme sanctioned by the court – Whther results in automatic compounding of the offence of cheque dishonour – Held, No. 346

K.N. GOVINDAN KUTTY MENON v. C.D. SHAJI [SC] Civil Appeal No. 10209 of 2011 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 2798 of 2010) P. Sathasivam & J. Chelameswra, JJ. [Decided on 28/11/2011] Sections 21 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 read with Section 138 of the Megotiable Instruments Act, 1881 and Order XXVII Rule 22 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 – Criminal Court referred the complaint to be settled by LokAdalat – Respondent failed to comply with the award passed by the LokAdalat – Appellant filed an Execution Suit before the Civil Court for executing the award – Whether the civil court can execute the award – Held, Yes. 80

M.S. SMS-VISHWA(JV) v. ICICI BANK LTD & ORS [DEL]. IA No. 19947/2012 in CS(OS) No. 3190/2012. V.K. Jain, J. [Decided on 09/11/2012] Civil Procedure Code, 1908 – Territorial Jurisdiction of courts – Plaintiff is in Delhi and defendant is in Thane – Contract entered into at Thane for work to be done there – Bank guanantees submitted at Thane – Whether Delhi courts have jurisdiction to try the suit. – Held, No. 1581

MAHAVIR SPINNING MILLS LTD. v. HB LEASING & FINANCES CO. LTD. [DEL] RFA (OS) No. 110/2010. Pradep Nandrajog & Manmohan Singh, JJ. [Decided on 06/11/2012]. Limitation Act, 1993 – Section 22 read with Articles 36, 37and 55 – Lease agreement for leasing equipment – recovery of dues – Non-payment of monthly lease rental – whether constitutes continuous breach of contract – Held, No. 1580

MEDHA KOTWAL LELE & ORS v. UNION OF INDIA & ORS [SC] Writ Petition (Criminal) Nos. 173-177 of 1999, T.C. (C) No. 21 of 2001 and Civil Appeal Nos. 5009 and 5010 of 2006. R.M. Lodha, Anil R. Dave & Ranjan Gogoi, JJ. [Decided on 19/10/2012] Prevention of sexual harassment of women in workplace – Extension of Vishaka guidelines to work place of professionals – Statutory professional bodies such as Bar Council of India, ICSI etc. to implement the guidelines in spirit and substance. 1416

NIHAL DEVI v. STATE GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI & ANR [SC] Criminal Appeal No. 1100 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 8941 of 2011) Aftab Alam & H.L. Gokhale, JJ. [Decided on 25/07/2012] Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 – Section 138 – accused convicted and sentenced – she paid the penalty during the proceedings – whether sentence can be annulled – Held, yes. 1152

NTPC LIMITED v. ANSALDO CALDAIE BOILERS INDIA P. LTD. & ANR. [SC] Appeal No. 2134 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 7807 of 2011) Altamas Kabir & J. Chelameswar, JJ. [Decided on 16/02/2012] – Interpretation of contracts – International competitive biddings – Installation steam generator – Bid conditions – Rejection of bid-Bidder JV Company is not the manufacturer of evaporator – Bid rejected – Whether correct – Held, Yes. 352

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF POST MASTER GENERAL & ORS v. LIVING MEDIA INDIA LTD & ANR. [SC]. Civil Appeal No. 2474-2475 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) Nos. 7595-96 of 2011) [Decided on 24/02/2012] Limitation Act, 1963 – Section 5 – condonation of delay – appellant filed appeal after a delay of 427 days – no proper resons/explanation for the delay given – whether delay to be condond because the appellant is a State – Held, No. 494

PREMLAXMI & CO v. KONKAN RAILWAY CORPORATION LTD & ORS [BOM]. Arbitration Petition No. 570 of 2009. Anoop V. Mohta, J. [Decided on 29/10/2012] Arbitration And Conciliation Act, 1996 – Section 34 – appeal against the award – work to be executed in Ratangiri – arbitration proceedings took place in Mumbai – Award passed in Mumbai – whether Mumbai court has jurisdiction to entertain the appeal – Held, No. 1582

PSG STEEL PVT LTD v. UNION OF INDIA & ORS [DEL] W P (C) No. 7418/2011. S. Ravindra Bhat &


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R.V. Easwar, JJ. [Decided on 20/07/2012] Foreign Trade Development Act, 1992 – Section 15 – revalidation of scrip – goods landed in India after the validity period – whether entitled for revalidation – Held, No. 1153

R. MOHAN v. A.K. VIJAYA KUMAR & A.K. VIJAYA KUMAR v. R. MOHAN [SC] Criminal Appeal No. 883 of 2012 [Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Crl.) No. 2299 of 2012] and Criminal Appeal No. 884 of 2012 [Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Crl.) No. 3327 of 2012] Aftab Alam & Ranjana Prakash Desai, JJ. [Decided on 03/07/2012] Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 read with Sections 357(3), 421, 431 of the Code of Criminal Procedure – Court’s power to award sentence in default to pay compensation – Accused sentenced to pay compensation and in default to undergo imprisonment by the Trial Court – High Court set aside the order – Whether correct – Held, No. 1007

SMT. SEEMA THAKUR & ORS v. SMT. PANCHI DEVI & ORS [DEL] CS (OS) No. 2211/2003. Valmiki J. Mehta, J. [Decided on21/09/2012] Indian Stamp Act, 1899 – Article 45 read with Section 2(15) – partition suit – shares are determined – stamp duty there on – whether passing of a final decree is required – Held, Yes. 1415

SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE & ANR v. CONTINENTAL COFFEE LTD [DEL] CS (OS) 2071/2003. V.K. Jain, J. [Decided on 07/12/2011] Copyright Act – Section 14 – Trademarks Act, 199 – Sections 29(1) and (2) – Infringement of copy right and trademark – defendant fails to justify the use of the design – whether Permanent injunction to be granted – Held, yes. 78

SUBHASH CHANDRA VASHISHTH v. INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA [DEL] W.P. (C) 2619/2012 & CM No. 5629/2012. Sahai endlaw, J. [Decided on 02/05/2012] Disabilities Act – facilities for differently abled candidates – examinations of ICAI-Guidelines for permitting a writer for a differently abled candidate – rigours of certain conditions – court removes such conditions and issues directions to be considered. 750

SUJIT KUMAR MONDAL & ORS v. RAMENDRA KUMAR MONDAL & ORS [CAL] C.O. 1229 of 2011 Soumen Sen, J. [Decided on 17/04/2012] Registration Act – Section 17(v) – Memorandum of family settlement – whether to be registered compulsory – Held, No. 616

SUKHDATA CHITS PVT. LTD. & ORS. v. RAJENDER PRASAD GUPTA [DEL] Crl.M.C. No. 3089/201 and Cri.M.C. No. 3090/2011 M.L. Mehta, J. [Decided on 11/01/2012] – Negotiable Instruments Act – Section 145-Evidence affidavit of the complainant-Cross examination of the complainant by accused-How far the subject of cross examination can go-Held, the trial court has to determine the extent with respect to the averments contained in the evidence affidavit. 196

TECHNOFAB ENGINEERING LTD. v. UNION OF INDIA [DEL] OMP No. 327/2005 S. Muralidhar, J. [Decided on 17/02/2012] – Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 read with Article 112 under the Limitation Act, 1963 and Section 42 of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 – Supply contract – Demand notice sent after 18 years of completion of work – Whether barred by limitation – Held, Yes. 351

TEJAS CONSTRUCTION & INFRASTRUCTURE PVT LTD v. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, SENDHWA & ANR [SC] Civil Appeal No. 4195 of 2012 (Arising out of S.L.P. No. 16175 of 2011) T.S. Thakur, J. [Decided on 04/05/2012] Tender – Execution of public work – Award of work – Challenges as to the eligibility of the successful bidder – whether tenable – Held, No. 1008

TUKARAM KANA JOSHI & ORS. v. M.I.D.C. & ORS [SC]. Civil Appeal No. 7780 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP(C) No. 2418 of 2012). Dr. B.S. Chauhan & Jagdish Singh Khehar, JJ. [Decided on 02/11/2012] – Land Acquisition Act, 1894 – Section 4 – Deemed acquisition of land – non payment of compensation for decades – Supreme Court settles the law. 1578

UNION TERRITORY OF LAKSHDWEEP & ORS v. SEASHELLS BEACH RESORT & ORS [SC] Civil Apeal of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (Civil) no. 5967-5968 of 2012) T.S. Thakur &Gyan Sudha Misra, JJ. [Decided on 11/05/2012] Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 – Section 3 – Setting up of beach resort – Compliance with environmental issues – Supreme Court issues elaborate directions. 748


CLASSIC BOTTLE CAPS (P) LTD. v. USHA SINHA & ORS [DEL] W.P. (C) 6860/2002 P.K. Bhasin, J. [Decided on 29/05/2012] Industrial Disputes Act, 1947- Reinstatement of workmen – Tribunal passing award favouring workmen based on the cross examination of the management’s witness – Management challenges the award – whether the award to be intervened – Held, No. 889

D. VETRITHINGAL v. TIRUVARUR CONSUMER COOPERATIVE WHOLESALE STORES LTD. & ANR [MAD] W.P. No. 27082 of 2007. K. Chandru, J. [Decided on 07/02/2012] Industrial Disputes Act – Section 10(4), 11(A) – dismissal from service – labour cour decided the dispute based only on the preliminary issue – whether against workman – whether correct – Held, No. 500

DIVYASH PANDIT v. MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR CEMENT AND BUILDING MATERIALS [DEL] LPA No. 297/2009 Badar Durrez Ahmed & V.K. Jain, JJ. [Decided on 29/03/2012] Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – Section 2(s) – workmen – graduate engineer engaged in research work and supervising employees – Whether an workman – Held, No. 624


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FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA & ORS v. BHARTIYA KHADYA NIGAM KARMCHARI SANGH & ANR [SC] Civil Appeal No. 7268 of 2003. D.K. Jain & Anil R. Dave, JJ. [Decided on 13/01/2012] The Food Corporation of India Act, 1964 read with Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India – Incentive to employees who acquire additional qualifications – Whether discriminatory – Held, No. 194

HARI KRISHAN & ANR v. MANAGEMENT OF M/s NORTHERN SCALES COMPANY [DEL] W.P. (C) 18888-89/2006 P.K. Bhasin, J. [Decided on 14/05/2012] Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – Section 25(F) read with Article 226 of Constitution of India – Illegal termination – Relief of reinstatement and back wages not awarded by labour court – Whether correct – Held, No. 754

KIRON B. DHINGRA v. UNION OF INDIA & ANR [BOM] Writ Petition No. 9453 of 2011. G.S. Godbole, J. [Decided on 03/02/2-12] Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 – Section 7(A), 14(B) – imposition of damages and penalty – Error apparent on the face of the order – whether tenable – Held, No. 354

LATA RAMCHANDRA UBALE v. RAMCHANDRA SHANKAR UBALE & ANR [BOM] First Appeal No. 397 of 2011 Mridula Bhatkar, J. [Decided on 08/05/2012] Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923 – Sections 3 and 30 – Deceased son alleged to have been employed by father – Whether compensation is payable – Held, No. 887

M/s AMBIKA RUBBER INDUSTRIES & ANR v. RAJENDER YADAV & ANR [DEL] W.P. (C) 14695-96/2006 P.K. Bhasin, J. [Decided on 30/07/2012] Industrial Disputes Act, 1947- dismissal of workman-labour court directed reinstatement and 50% back wages – Whether tenable – Held, Yes. 1154

M/s. MAHATTA & CO. & ANR v. MUNNA LAL SHUKLA & ANR [DEL] W.P. (C) 8365/2006. Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, J. [Decided on 10/01/2012] Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – Section 17(B) – Industrial award – award directing reinstatement with back wages of the dismissed workman – Employer contends that the validity of holding the domestic inquiry should have been decided as preliminary issue by the adjudicator – whether correct – Held, No. Non-appearance of workman coupled with non-enfocement of the 17B order passed by the court – whether entitled for reinstatement and back wages – Held, No. 195

MANAGEMENT OF M/s JANPATH HOTEL v. ALL INDIA PRAYATAN JAN MAZDOOR SABHA & ORS [DEL] W.P. (C) 19898/2005 P.K. Bhasin, J. [Decided on 08/05/2012] Section 10 of the Industrial Dispute Act read with Order 9 Rule 13 Civil Procedure Code – Improper application moved to set aside an ex parte award – Tribunal rejected the application- Whether correct – Held, Yes. 755

MASOOD AHMED KHAN & ORS. v. HAMDARD DAWAKHANA (WAKF)/HAMDARD (WAKF) LABORATORIES & ORS [DEL] W(C) No. 3223/1989 Rajiv Sahai Endlaw, J. [Decided on 13/04/2012] Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 – Sections 25FFA and 25FFF-Closure of undertaking-Principles explained and reiterated. 625

MOHIT ELECTRONICS v. WORKMAN TAHIR HUSSAN [DEL] LPA No. 71/2012 Badar Durrez Ahmed & Siddharth Mridul, JJ. [Decided on 25/07/2012] Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – Section 17(B) – labour court directed payment of wages- management appealed to High court without complying with the said order – High court dismissed the appeal and commenced contempt proceedings – Whether correct – Held, No. 1155

REGIONAL PROVIDENT FUND COMMISSIONER v. THE HOOGHLY MILLS CO. LTD. & ORS [SC] Civil Appeal No. 665 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 17298/2009. Asok Kumar Ganguly & T.S. Thakur, JJ. [Decided on 17/02/2012] Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 – Sections 6, 14(B), 17(1)(a) – Default by an exempted establishment – Damages imposed – whether correct – Held, Yes. 353

SUNIL KR. GHOSH & ORS v. K. RAM CHANDRAN & ORS [SC] Civil Appeal Nos. 9921-9922 of 2011. (Arising out of SLP (C) Nos. 11115-11116 of 2009) P. Sathasivam & Chelameswar, JJ. [Decided on 18/11/2011] Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – Section 10(2), 12(4) or 12(5) – Transfer of undertaking – Workers refusing to work under the new management – Company refusing to allow VRS-HC grants retrenchment compensation to such workers – whether correct – Held, Yes. 81

THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER v. VITTHAL MAHIPATI KALE [BOM] Writ Petition No. 3957 of 2001 Anoop V. Mohta, J. [Decided on 22/06/2012] Industrial Dispute Act – Illegal termination-labour court granted reinstatement and back wages – employee not worked for some period – whether backwages to be paid for this period also – Held, No. 1011

THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. v. SIBY GEORGE & ORS [SC] Civil Appeal No. 5669 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 9516 of 2010 Aftab Alam & Ranjana Prakash Desai, JJ. [Decided on 31/07/2012] Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 – Section 4(A)(1) and 4(A)(3) – Supreme Court reiterated the law as to when the compensation under the act and interest thereon becomes payable. 1154


COMMISSIONER OF CENTRAL EXCISE v. OSNAR CHEMICAL PVT LTD [SC] Civil Appeal Nos. 4055-4056 of 2009 with Civil Appeal No. 5633 of 2009 and Civil Appeal No. 7142 of 2010. D.K. Jain & Asok Kumar Ganguly, JJ. [Decided on


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13/01/2012] Section 2(f) of Central Excise Act, 1944 read with Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 – the process of mixing of polymer and bnitumen – whether manufacture – Held, No. 193

COMMISSIONER OF CENTRAL EXCISE v. PLAXAIR INDIA PVT. LTD [SC] Civil Appeal No. of 2012 (Dy. No. 11065 of 2006) H.L. Dattu & Anil R. Dave, JJ. [Decided on 22/02/2012] Central Excise Act, 1944 – Section 11(AC) – Payment of duty before issue of show cause notice – whether penalty leviable – Supreme Court remits the case to Tribunal to decide afresh in the light of certain decided cases. 499

COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS, CENTRAL EXCISE & SERVICE TAX v. M/s ASTER TELESERVICES (P) LTD. [CESTAT] Service Tax Appeal No. 1802 of 2010. P.G. Chacko, Judicial Member [Decided on 04/10/2012] Service Tax on GTA – taking Cenvat benefit while clearing the finished product- whether tenable – Held, Yes. 1417

INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES LTD. v. COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX [AAR] A.A.R. No. 1085 of 2011, P.K. Balasubramanyan, Chairman [Decided on 27/08/2012] Income-tax Act, 1961 – Sections 9(1)(vii), 105 and 245R(2) – advance ruling- Indian company getting orders from Australian clients- Australian subsidiary of Indian company delivers the services in Australia – Indian company and its Ausralian subsidiary enter into a specific contract for this arrangement- Indian company pays to Australian subsidiary for the services provided by it – Australian clients pay to Indian company for the services received- whether the income of Australian company taxable in India – Held, No. 1419

M/s GSPL INDIA TRANSCO LIMITED v. UNION OF INDIA [GUJ] Special Civil Application No. 6914 of 2012 and 6869 of 2012. V.M. Sahai & N.V. Anjaria, JJ. [Decided on 22/08/2012] Advance ruling under service tax law with respect to availing CENVAT credit – Petitioners are step-down subsidiaries of principal holding company all of them are separate government companies – AAR rejected the application that they are not entitled to apply as government company and also by excercising the discretion overlooking the statutorily available grounds for rejecting an application – Whether tenable – Held, No. 1289

QUALCOMM INCORPORATED v. ASSITANT DIRECTOR OF INCOME TAX [DEL] W.P.(C) No. 7959/2010. Badar Durrez Ahmed & Siddharth Mridul, JJ. [Decided on 29/08/2012] Income Tax Act, 1961 – Section 147 and 148 – reopening of assessment – conditions prescribed under section 147 not followed – whether tenable – Held, No. 1291

RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED v. M/s DEWAN CHAND RAM SARAN [SC] Civil Appeal No. 3905 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP(Civil) No. 17943 of 2008) R.M. Lodha & H.L. Gokhale, JJ. [Decided on 25/04/2012] Service tax- material

handling service – Material handling contract – obligation to assume tax liability on the handler – Service tax to be borne by the recipient-Recipient shiftedthe liability to the handler – Whether tenable – Held, Yes. 751

RICOH INDIA LIMITED v. COMMISSIONER [DEL] STA No. 06/2010 Sanjiv Khanna & R.V. Easwar, JJ. [Decided on 04/05/2012] Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004 – Multi functional printers/machines – Classification-Whether falls under 4% tax schedule-Held, No. 753

SREI INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE LTD. v. THE INCOME TAX SETTLEMENT COMMISSION & ORS (DEL) Writ Petition (Civil) No. 1592/2012 Sanjiv Khanna & R.V. Easwar, JJ [Decided on 30/03/2012] Income Tax Act, 1961 – Sections 50(B), 2(42C) and 2(47) read with sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 – Transfer of business under scheme of arrangement – consideration taxed as slump sale – Whether correct – Held, Yes. 622

STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LTD v. CIT [DEL] 2012 (20) Taxmann 198 Sanjiv Khanna & R.V. Easwar, JJ. [Decided on 30/03/2012] Income Tax Act, 1961 – Sections 43(1) – Government granting loan waiver to assessee – waiver of loan – Adjusting the waiver against the cost of assets – whether loan waiver should be deducted from the cost of assets – Held, Yes. 620

THE BCCI v. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX & ORS [BOM] Writ Petition No. 373 of 2012 Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud & R.D. Dhanuka, JJ. [Decided on 02/04/2012] Income Tax Act, 1961 – Section 147 – reopening of assessment after 4 years – assessment reopened on the basis of information including misappropriation of funds which was not disclosed- whether tenable – Held, Yes. 623

ULTRATECH CEMENT LTD. v. COMMISSIONER OF CENTRAL EXCISE [CESTAT] E/A/5912009 S.K. Gaule & Dr. D.M. Misra [Decided on 18/02/2012] Seventh Schedule of the Finance Bill, 2008 read with Collection of Taxes Act, 1931 – cement not included in the seventh schedule – duty paid at pre-budget rate while duty was demanded at the post budget rate – Whether tenable – Held, No. 1418

VODAFONE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS B.V. v. UNION OF INDIA & ANR [SC] Civil Appeal No. 733 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 26529 of 2010) S.H. Kapadia CJI, Swatanter Kumar & K.S. Radhakrishnan, JJ. [Decided on 20/01/2012] Income Tax Act, 1961 – Sections 9, 161, 195 – Income accrued in India – Representative assessee – Deduction of tax at source – Transfer of shares by non resident to non-resident – Non resident company holding majority shareholding in Indian telecom company – Sale of shares of this Non- resident company to another Non resident company – Sale transaction took place outside


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India – Whether the sale of the shares of holding non resident company resulted in the sale of shares of Indian company – Held, No. 355



Aadhaar Letter as Proof of Address for Know Your Client (KYC) norms. 1171

Activation of ISIN in case of additional issue of shares/securities. 1181

Addendum to Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/21/2012 dated August 02, 2012 on activation of ISIN in case of additional issue of shares/securities. 1308

Allocation of debt limits in corporate debt old and Government Debt long term category to FIIs 504

Allocation of debt limits to FIIs 636

Alloction of Corporate debt long term category fo FIIs. 361

Allotment of Director’s Identification Number (DIN) under Companies Act, 1956 86

Allotment of Director’s Identification Number (DIN) under Companies Act, 1956 502

Alterations in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956 629

Alterations in The Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956 85

Amendment in NACAS Constitution. 1422

Amendment in the Notification G.S.R. 715(E) dated the 23.9.2011. 1426

Amendment of the Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms (6th Amendments Rules, 2012) for Forms 23AC and 23ACA. 1423

Amendment to definition of Qualified Foreign Investor (QFI) and QFI investment in debt mutual fund schemes which invest in infrastructure 1023

Amendment to Notification Number G.S.R. 501(E) dated 6th July, 1999 1156

Amendment to SRO 355 dated 17.1.1957 w.r.t. Govt. Companies under section 166(2). 1423

Amendment to the Consent Circular dated 20th April 2007 762

Amendment to the Equity listing Agreement – Plateform for E-Voting by Shareholders of Listed Entities 1029

Amendments in the notification number S.O. 891 (E), dated the 31st March, 2009 1014

Amendments to the Equity Listing Agreement – Formats for Disclosure of Financial Results 630

Amendments to the Equity Listing Agreement 377

Annual System Audit 103

Applicability of Service Tax on commission payable to Non-Whole Time Directors of a company under section 309(4) of the Companies Act, 1956 – approval of Central Government under section 309/310 of the Companies Act – regarding. 1162

Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) facility in public/rights issue. 1305

Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) 1448

Appointed date for applicability of provisions of certain sections of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 1013

Appointment of Cost Auditor by Companies 1584

Appointment of prescribed authority under section 108(1A)(a) of the Companies Act, 1956 630

Auction calendar for allocation of FII debt limit 782

Broad Guidelines on Algorithmic Trading 637

Business Responsibility Reports. 1172

Call Auction in Pre-open session for Initial Public Offering (IPO) and other category of scrips 206

Change of Name in the Beneficial Owner (BO) Account 1592

Changes in Re-investment Period of FII Debt Limit 212

Circular on Mutual Funds 505, 1587

Clarification on Para 46A of notification number G.S.R. 914(E) dated 29/12/2011 on Accounting Standard 11 relating to “The effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates” 1162

Clarification on Regulation of Interest Rates for Small Saving Schemes 272

Clarification to the “Guidelines for Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Disaster Recovery (DR) Circular dated April 13,2012” 898

Clarifications on Investor Education and Protection fund (uploading of information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules, 2012 1019

Clearing and Settlement of OTC trades in Commercial Paper (CPs) & Certificates of Deposit (CDs) 504

Companies (Amendment) Regulation 2012 – Amendment in Regulation 2 1449

Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms (Amendment) Rules, 2012 892, 1014

Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2012 1160

Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2012 1012

Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2012 1296


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Companies (Filing of Documents and Forms in Extensible Business Reporting Language) Amendment Rules, 2012. 1422

Companies (Issue of Indian Depository Reciepts) Amendment Rules, 2012. 1423

Companies Director Identification Number (Second Amendment) Rules, 2012 892

Company Law Board (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 1160

Company Law Settlement Scheme, (Jammu & Kashmir) 2012 1162

Company Law Settlement Scheme, 2011 86

Compliance of the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 and the Rules made there under 761

Composition of Arbitration Committee 204

Comprehensive guidelines on Offer For Sale (OFS) of Shares by Promoters through the Stock Exchange Mechanism 1026

Condition to be imposed for conversion of ordinary Society into Producer Company. Part-IX A of the Companies Act, 1956. 1301

Constitution of a Committee for Reforming the Regulatory Environment for doing Business in India 1161

Constitution of a Committee for Reforming the Regulatory Environment for doing Business in India. 1302

Constitution of a Committee for Reforming the Regulatory Environment for doing Business in India. 1425

Constitution of CLB Benches for the purpose of excercising and discharging the Board’s powers and functions 890

Constitution of CLB Benches 1302

Constitution of CLB Benches 758

Constitution of Committee to formulate a Policy Document on Corporate Governance 502, 1020

Constitution of National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards up to 28.02.2013 629

Contents of Application Form and abridged Prospectus for Public Issue of Debt Securities 1021

Corrigendum to Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Rules, 2012 891

Cost Accounting Records and Cost Audit – Clarifications about Coverage of certain sectors thereunder 87, 897

Cost Accounting Records and Cost Audit – Clarifications regarding applicability and compliance requirements 86

Cost accounting Records and Cost Audit – general clarifications 895

Debt Allocation Mechanism for FII 1591

Default by the Cost Auditors in filing Form 23D against the corresponding Form 23C 1585

Delegation of powers to RDs 1013

Delegation of powers to Regional Directors u/s 17, 18, 19, 141 and 188 of the Companies Act, 1956. 1302

Delegation of powers to ROCs 1013

Direct Market Access – Clarification. 1177

Disclosure of Track Record of the public issues managed by Merchant bankers 211

Draft – The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 263

Eligibility Criteia for qualified depository participant 203

Establishment of Connectivity with both depositories (NSDL and CDSL – Companies eligible for shifting from Trade for Trade Settlement (TFTS) to normal Rolling Settlement 628

Establishment of Connectivity with both depositories NSDL and CDSL – Companies eligible for shifting from Trade for Trade Settlement (TFTS) to normal Rolling Settlement 90, 1024

Establishment of Connectivity with both depositories NSDL and CDSL- Companies eligible for shifting from Trade for Trade settlement (TFTS) to normal Rolling Settlement 899

Establishment of Connectivity with both depositories NSDL and CDSL – Companies eligible for shifting from Trade for Trade Settlement (TFTS) to normal Rolling Settlement. 1310

Establishment of Connectivity with both depositories NSDL and CDSL – Companies eligible for shifting from Trade for Trade Settlement (TFTS) to normal Rolling Settlement 1591

Examination of Balance Sheets by RoCs 1584

Exchange Traded Interest Rate Futures on 2-year and 5-year Notional Coupon Bearing Government of India Security 105

Exemption from 100% promoter(s) holding in demat form 639

Exit Policy for De-recognized/Non-operational Stock Exchanges 901

Extension of time in Filing of annual return by Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) 895

Extension of time in Filing of annual return by Limited Liabilty Partnerships (LLPs) 894

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) for Civil Aviation Sector 640

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy – Liberalisation and Rationalisation 641

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy – Refinancing/Rescheduling of ECB 641

Facility for a Basic Services Demat Account (BSDA) 1166


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Fees Payable in terms of Regulations 29 and 30 of the CLB Regulation, 1991 202

FII Investment in Government debt long term and corporate debt long term infra category 897

Filing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account by companies in Non-XBRL for the accounting year commencing on or after 01.04.2011. 1165, 1425

Filing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account by companies in Non-XBRL for the accounting year commencing on or after 01.04.2011. 1584

Filing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account in Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) mode 86

Filing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account in Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) Mode for financial year commencing on or after 1.4.2011 1019

Filing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account in Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) Mode for the financial year commencing on or after 1.4.2011. 1423

Filing of conflicting retuns by contesting parties – clarification regarding 360

Filing of Cost Audit Report (Form-I) and Compliance Report (Form –A) in the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) mode. 761

Filing of Cost Audit Report and Compliance Report in the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) mode 1018

Filing of form 23B by statutory auditor for the accounting year 2012-13. 1425

Filing Offer Documents under SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 781, 1168

Filling of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account by companies in NONXBRL for accounting year commencing on or after 1.04.2011. 1165, 1302

Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2012 – Amendment in Rule 15, insertion of Rule 6A and substitution of Rule 24 645

Gazette notification GSR 534(E) dated 14/07/2011 – clarification regarding 1156

General Order – SEBI (Framework for Rejection of Draft Offer Documents) Order, 2012. 1426

Green Initiatives in Corporate Governance – Further Clarification regarding participation by Shareholders or Directors in meeting under the Companies Act, 1956 through electronic mode – authorization regarding e-voting 85

Guidelines for Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery (DR) 634

Guidelines for Credit Rating Agencies 504

Guidelines for declaring a financial Institution as Public Financial Institution under section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956 761

Guidelines in pursuance of the SEBI KYC Registration Agency (KRA) Regulations, 2011 and for In-Person Verification (IPV) 88

Guidelines in respect of the disclosures to be made in the Letter of offer in respect of Buy-back of securities in terms of SEBI (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 and Format of Standard letter of offer 362

Guidelines on Outsourcing of Activities by Intermediaries 91

Imposing fees on certain e-forms filed with ROC, RD or MCA(HQ) under MCA-21 where at present no fee is prescribed 894, 1020

Imposing fees on certain e-forms filed with ROC, RD or MCA(HQ) under MCA-21 where at present no fees is prescribed. 1165

Inventory Management for Market Makers of SME Exchange/Platform 1586

Investment by Qualified Foreign Investors (QFI) in Indian Corporate Debt 1025

Investment by Qualified Foreign Investors (QFI) in Indian Equity Shares 207

Investor Education and Protection Fund (Uploading of Information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules, 2012 759

Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism at stock Exchange 362

Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism at Stock Exchanges 204

Issue of Debt Securities – Prohibition on payment of incentives 88

Know Your Client Requirements 1308

Limited Liabilty Partnership (Second Amendment) Rules, 2012. 1425

Manner of achieving minimum public shareholding requirements in terms of SCRR, 1957. 1310

Manner of Dealing with Audit Reports filed by Listed companies 1169

Mini derivative (Futures & Options) contract of Index (Sensex & Nifty) 1587

Modification of CLB order dated 28/1/2010 759

Name Availability Guidelines, 2011 762

Notification regarding Establishment of Local Office of the Board at Bengaluru 1169

Notification regarding Establishment of Local Office of the Board at Jaipur 1169

Offer for Sale of Shares by Promoters through Stock Exchange Mechanism 377, 507


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Offer for Sale of Shares by Promoters through the Stock Exchange Mechanism – Clarification 506

Overseas Direct Investments by Indian Party – Rationalisation 643

Overseas Investments by Resident Individuals – Liberalisation/Rationalisation 642

Participation of mutual funds in Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Market as Users (“Protection Buyers”) and in repo, in corporate debt securities 1589

Portfolio Managers – Deployment of clients fund in liquid Mutual Funds 1029

Printing of Grievances Redressal Mechanism on Delivery Instruction Form Book. 1304

Processing of investor complaints against companies applying for listing of debt securities in SEBI SCORES system 633

Processing of Investor complaints against KARA {KYC (Know Your Client) Registration Agency} in SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES) 1304

Processing of investor complaints against listed companies in SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES) 636

Product or Activity Groups for Cost audit Report and Compliance Report to be filed with the Central Government 1157

Public issues in electronic form and use of nation wide broker network of Stock Exchanges for submitting application forms. 1428

Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs) – Allowed to Directly Invest in Indian Equity Market 138

Quality of XBRL filing certified by Professional members. 1424

Quality Review Board under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 360

Rationalization of process relating to surrender of registration by sub-brokers 1167

Redemption of Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs) into Underlying Equity Shares 1165

Redressal of complaints against Stock Exchanges (SEs) and Depositories through SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES) 899

Redressal of investor grievances against listed companies in SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES). 1169

Reduction of Time-line for Transfer of Equity Shares and Prescription of Time-line for Transfer of Debt securities 1031

Registration of Companies or LLPs which have one of their objects is to carry on the profession of Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, Architect, Company Secretary etc. 503

Reporting of Offshore Derivative Instruments (ODIs)/ Participatory Notes (PNs) activity 900

Review of Margining with respect to Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs) 1430

Review of Regulatory Compliance and periodic reporting 640, 781, 1030

Review of Regulatory Compliance, Periodic Reporting and Contents of Trust Deed 91

Review of the Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB) Framework 1586

Revise Format of Monthly Report (MCR) incorporating investments in Infrastructure Debt Fund 94

Revised Position Limits for Trading Members (Banks) in Exchange Traded USD:INR derivative contracts 764

Revision in framework for Qualified Foreign Investor (QFI) investment in Equity Shares and Mutual Fund schemes 900

Revision of Eligibility Criteria for Stocks in Derivative segment 1022

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 765

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 380

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Debenture Trustees) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2011 94

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) (Amendment) Regualtions, 2012. 1441

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012 384

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 384

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)(Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2012. 1436

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issues and Listing of Debt Securities) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012. 1431

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 507

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) (Second Amendment) Regulation, 2012. 1440

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 379

Serious Fraud Investigation officers authorized for purposes of filing and conducting prosecution under the Companies Act, 1956 1021

Standardized lot size of SME Exchange/Platform 361

Steps to re-energise Mutual Fund Industry 1305


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System for Making Application to Public issue of Debt Securities. 1181

The Companies (Accounting Standards) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2011. 83

The Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2011 83

The Companies (Amendment) Regulations, 2011 84

The Companies (Director Identification Number) Amendment Rules, 2012 758

The Company Law Board (Fees on Application and Petitions) (Amendment) Rules, 2012 1161

The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 2011 203

The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 912

The Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Rules, 2012 891

The Limited Liability Partnership (Winding up and Dissolution) Rules, 2012 1014

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2012. 1167

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (KYC Registration Agency) Regulations, 2011 95

The Securities and Exchange Board of India {KYC (Know Your Client) Registration Agency} Regulations, 2011 95

The Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2012 (SECC) 904

The Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment) Amendment Rules, 2011 84

Trade controls in Normal Trading Session for Initial Public Offering (IPO) and other category of scrips 205

Uploading of the existing clients’ KYC details in the KYC Registration Agency (KRA) system by the intermediaries 635


Annual Return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets Reporting by Indian Companies – Revised Format 904

Centralised Processing of Returns Scheme, 2011 219

Convergence of Indian Accounting Standards with International Financial Reporting Standards – Urban Co-Operative Banks 513

Export Credit Refinance Facility (ECR): Relaxation 911

External Commercial Borrowings – Simplification of Procedure 213

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) for Civil Aviation Sector 640

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy – Infrastructure Finance Companies (IFCs) 213

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy – Liberalisation and Rationalisation 641

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy – Refinancing/Rescheduling of ECB 641

Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2012 – Amendment in Rule 15, insertion of Rule 6A and substitution of Rule 24 645

Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000 (The Rules) – Compounding Of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 105

Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) Investment in ‘To Be Listed’ Debt Securities 514

Guidelines on Compensation of Whole Time Directors/Chief Executive Officers/Risk Takers and Control Function Staff, etc. 214

Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for NBFCs 509

Overseas Direct Investments by Indian Party – Online Reporting of Overseas Direct Investment in Form ODI 911

Overseas Direct Investments by Indian Party – Rationalisation 643

Overseas Investments by Resident Individuals – Liberalisation/Rationalisation 642


Amendment of the existing policy on Foreign Direct Investment in Single-Brand Product Retail Trading. 1311

Consolidated FDI Policy Document – Press Release 645

Policy on foreign investment in Power Exchanges 1317

Review of the Foreign Direct Investment policy – permitting investments from Pakistan. 1185

Review of the policy on Foreign Direct Investment – allowing FDI in Multi-Brand Retail Trading. 1312

Review of the Policy on Foreign Direct Investment – Liberalization of the Policy in Single-Brand Retail Trading 222

Review of the policy on Foreign Direct Investment in the Civil Aviation sector. 1313

Review of the policy on Foreign Investment (FI) in companies operating in the Broadcasting Sector. 1315

Setting up of step down (operating) subsidiaries by NBFCs having foreign investment above 75% and below 100% and with a minimum capitalization of US$50 million – amendment of paragraph (1)(iv) of ‘Circular 1 of 2012 Consolidated FDI Policy’ 1449



Certificate of Practice issued/cancelled 113, 228, 391, 520, 651, 787, 928, 1035, 1188, 1320, 1452, 1597


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Fellows 108,224, 388, 518, 648, 784, 924, 1032, 1186, 1318,1450, 1594

Licentiate ICSI Admitted 114, 229, 392, 521, 652, 788, 929, 1037, 1190, 1322, 1598

List of Companies Registered for Imparting Training 232, 235, 394, 522, 654, 790, 934, 1039, 1193, 1325, 1454, 1602

List of Practicing Members Registered for the purpose of Imparting Training 234, 237, 395, 524, 656, 792, 936, 1041, 1196, 1328, 1457, 1605

Members Admitted Associates 108,224, 388, 518, 648, 784, 924, 1033, 1186, 1318, 1450, 1594

Payment of Annual Membership and Certificate of practice Fee 114, 229, 392, 652, 788, 1037, 1190, 1322, 1453, 1599

Restored 110, 226, 390, 520, 650, 786, 927, 1034, 1188, 1320, 1451, 1596



21st Afairs Career Fair 796

23rd Regional Conference of Company Secretaries 1618

32nd AGM 1200

69th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 528

70th Management Skills Orientation Programme 799

9th Regional Conference of Practising Company Secretaries 1462

Campus Placement for Fresh Members and Students 1331

Career Awareness Programmes 667, 1043, 1200, 1461

Foundation Day Celebration 1200

Full Day Seminar on Capital Market, Corporate Governance and Credit Rating 1461

Full Day Seminar on Corporate Compliance and Professional Skills 795

Full Day Seminar on Enhancing Valule in Business – Role of Company Secretaries 1044

Full Day Seminar on Exploring New Areas of Profession 666

Full Day Seminar on XBRL under revised Schedule VI, E-Voting and E-Conferencing 1331

Full-day Seminar on Capital Markets – Growth Drivers 796

Full-day Seminar on Good Governance for Sustainability 1332

Half Day Workshop on Recent Changes in Corporate Laws and Revised Schedule – VI 400

Half Day Workshop on Self Development 400

Half Day Workshop on Taxation of Private Trust & Charitable Trust 1619

Half-Day Interactive Workshop on XBRL Filing 240

Half-day Workshop on Entry Tax in West Bengal 1043

Half-day Workshop on Interaction with ROC on FDI and External Borrowings 666

Half-day Workshop on Predicting Sickness in Indian Industrial Companies a New Approach and Advance Concept in Capital Expenditure Decision 939

Half-day Workshop on Recent Amendments in Service Tax 1044

Half-day Workshop on Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act and Meeting with the President and the Vice President, the ICAI 795

Half-day Workshop on Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act 1043

Half-day Workshop on Wealth Management 667

ICSI Convocation 1620

ICSI President’s Meeting with Chapters’ Chairmen 798

Independence Day Celebrations 1200

Investor Awareness Programmes 528, 1619

POST Union Budget Meet 2012-13 667

Press Meet 667

Regional Conference of Company Secretaries 240

Republic Day Celeberation 400

Study Circle Meeting on Global Change in Corporate Law and Opportunities for Company Secretaries in Global Market 1331

Times Education Expo 2011 240

Bhubaneswar Chapter

Annual Members Meet & Family Get-Together of Members 402

Career Awareness Programme 118, 401, 668, 1463, 1621

Celebration of 66th Independence Day of the Nation 1201

Donation to Bhubaneshwar Chapter 1201

Evening Talk of GST, Goods & Service Tax and Companies Bill, 2011 1201

Evening Talk 1621

Faculty Meeting-cum-Interactive Session 1621

Full Day Seminar on Revised Schedule-VI, XBRL & Service Tax 1463

Full Day Seminar 1200

Half Day Workshop for Directors of State PSUs., Odisha 403

ICSI Capital Markets Week – 2012 939

ICSI Corporate Governance Week 1463

Image Building – Meeting with heads of StatePSUS & State Bureaucrats, Odisha & Presentation of ICSI Diary/Calander 401

Image Building 1621

Interactive Session with the President and the Secretary & CEO, the ICSI 1463


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Interactive Sesssion 1201

Investor Awareness Programme under resource person 402

Investor Awareness Programmes by Resource Persons 118

Investor Awareness Programmes under Resource Person 668

Investor Awareness Programmes 118, 402, 1464, 1620

Lecture Meet on Transparency in Governance 669

Lecture Meet 1464

Management Skills Orientation Programme 668

Meeting with the ROC, MCA, Odisha 1464

Participation in 12 Days Book Fair at Bhubaneswar 400

Press Conference 668, 1464

Press/Media Interaction 401

Pujan Ceremony 1463

Seminar on Current Status of Indian Economy & Prospectus 402

Seminar on Union Budget – 2012 669

Talk on Private Equity, ECB & Due Dilligence and Bhagwat Gita, Ramayana 403

TV Interview 1464

Hooghly Chapter

Annual Students’ Conference 1333

Career Awareness Programmes 1201

Foundation Day Celebration 529

Full Day Workshop on ESOP and Buy-back of Securities 530

Full Day Workshop on Leadership Skills and Recent Amendments to Listing Agreements 1333

Full Day Workshop on Schedule VI and Companies Bill, 2011 529

Half Day Workshop on Competition Act 529

Half-day Workshop on Takeover Regualtions, 2011 528

Half-day Workshop 799, 1201, 1621

Interactive Session with Government Body 529

Interactive Session with RD(ER), MCA 118

Investor Awareness Programme 1621

Republic Day Celebrations 529

Seminar on Union Budget 2012 529

Study Circle Meeting on Role of CS in Corporate Governance 1333

North Eastern Chapter

Annual General Meeting 1201

Career Awareness Programmes 669, 1202

Debate on Union Budget 2012-2013 on a leading TV Channel of North-East 530

Directors – Role, Responsibilities, Liabilities and Challenges with Special Emphasis on Independent Directors 530

Full Day Wokshop & PDP 669

Full Day Workshop 530

Holi-Ri Dhammal 530

Sports Week 403, 530

Study Circle Meeting & Professional Development Programme 940

Study Circle Meeting on Impact of Intellectual Property Rights Laws on an Increasingly Globalised and Libralised India 403, 530

Study Circle Meeting 1202, 1464

Visit of ICSI Dignitaries to Guwahati, Bhumi Pujan and Meeting 403

Patna Chapter

35th Annual General Meeting of Chapter 1045

35th Foundation Day 400


165th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 1202

Annual General Meeting 1204

Blood Donation Camp and Health Check Up 1205

Career Awareness Programmes 119, 244, 406, 671, 802, 1335

Chandigarh State Conference on Emerging Opportunities for Professionals – Present Economic Scenario 1466

Chapter’s Chairmen Meet 532

Conference on Capacity Building through Value Based Life 801

Corporate Governance a Long Term Consciousness Perspective & Revised Schedule VI & XBRL 1622

Corporate Governance Conclave on Good Governance for Sustainability 1334

Cricket Match 802

Cultural Evening 1204

East Zone Study Circle Meeting on Registration of Charges 1467

East Zone Study Circle Meeting on Service Tax 1622

East Zone Study Group Meeting – Discussion on Private PF Trust 405

East Zone Study Group Meeting on Consolidated FDI Policy 940

East Zone Study Group Meeting on Corporate Restructuring 531

East Zone Study Group Meeting on Critical Analysis of MCA Circulars 243


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East Zone Study Group Meeting on Drafting of Arbitration Clauses – Mandatory & Optional Clauses 1045

East Zone Study Group Meeting on ESOP 802

East Zone Study Group Meeting on Intellectual Property Rights 1334

East Zone Study Group Meeting on Secretarial Audit 672

East Zone Study Group Meeting on Service Tax Valuation Rules 119

Foundation Day Celebrations 1203

Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony 120

Half-day Workshop for Female CS on Empowering Women – Empowering Profession 1467

Haryana State Conference on Value Added Tax and Service Tax – Creating Value for the Economy 1046

Inauguration of 164th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 1046

Independence Day Celebration – Flag Hoisting & Plantation of Saplings and Inauguration of newly renovated Library Reading Room 1202

Interaction Programme with newly Elected President & Vice President of the Institue 405

Investor Awareness Programme on Recent Developments in Capital Market 1335

Investor Awareness Programme/s 119, 244, 406, 532, 802

Joint One Day Seminar on Corporate Governance – A Long Term Consciouosness Perspective & Revised Schedule VI and XBRL 1464

Management Skill Orientation Programme (MSOP) 802

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice – Interactive Session with Regulators 1205

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice 940

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice for Discussion on Peer Review 119

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice on Analysis of Balance Sheet with Special Reference to New Schedule-VI Requirements 243

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice on how to Establish a Competitive Practice of Company Secretaries 1466

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice on LLP – Integration with MCA 1045

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice on Powers of Regional Director (with respect to Latest Circulars & Notifications) 1334

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice on Secretarial Audit 1622

Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice on Winding up – Role as Liquidator 801

Meeting of PCS on Buyback of Securities 671

Meeting of the Company Secretaries in Practice on Postal Ballot – Role of Scrutiniser 531

Meeting with Corporate Mentors of NIRC 1203

Mega Study Circle Meeting on Discover the Hidden Power 244

Members’ Quiz on Corporate Laws 1203

New Year Eve Celebration 244

North Zone Study Circle Meeting on Cost Audit – Reforms 1467

North Zone Study Circle Meeting on XBRL – Future Challenges 1202

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Apprehensions, Solutions, Plans and Strategies, to work in Legal Processing Outsourcing (LPO) Industry – Company Secretaries Perspective 802

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Governance, Risk and Compliances 1334

North Zone Study Group Meeting on GST 406

North Zone Study Group Meeting on New Takeover Regulations 244

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Nitty-Gritty of Joint Venture & Collaboration Agreement 1622

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Oppression and Mismanagement 940

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Practical Aspects of Copy Rights, Trade Marks, and Design Law 119

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Practical Aspects of Corporate Restructuring 672

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Regulation of Combinations 532

North Zone Study Group Meeting on Revised Schedule VI 1045

One Day Programme on Respositioning the Profession in Changing Business Environment 119

One Day Seminar on Banking Sector in India – Challenges & Opportunities & Meeting of Company Secretaries in Practice 671

One Day Seminar on Capital Markets – Growth Drivers during ICSI Capital Markets Week 801

One day Seminar on Innovations and intellectual Properties – Catalyst to Growth 1465, 1466

One Day Seminar on Value Creating Through Corporate Restructuring 531

Orientation Programme – How to Conduct Career Awareness Programmes 1334

Orientation Programme for Regional Council Members and Chapters’ Chairmen of NIRC 532

Participation in Airtel Delhi Marathon 2012 – Great Delhi Run (6 Km.) 1467

Press Conference 1334

Programme on Professionl of CS-Way Forward and an Interaction Programme with newly Elected President and Vice President of the Institue 404

Programme on Union Budget 2012-2013 532, 670


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Puja Ceremony on Renovation of ICSI-NIRC Building 531

Punjab State Conference on Corporate Growth – Creating Opportunities through Professional Value Addition 118

Rajasthan State Conference on Managing Knowledge Dynamics & Creating Professional Avenues 243

Rajasthan State Conference 120

Republic Day Celeberations 406

Seminar on Banking Sector in India – Challenges & Opportunities 670

Seminar on Corporate Financial Restructuring – Innovations and Opportunities 1203

Seminar on Foreign Exchange Management – Emerging Issues and Recent Developments 242

Seminar on Rise & Shine – Sky is the Limit 242

Seminar on Shaping Values for Effective Corporate Governance 799

South Zone Study Circle Meeting on CS Role in Segment wise Registration and Licensing 1467

South Zone Study Group Meeting on an Overview of New RBI Guidelines on FDI in Retail Sector 406

South Zone Study Group Meeting on an Overview of New RBI Guidelines on ECB and Role of Banks in Compliance 531

South Zone Study Group Meeting on an Overview of Takeover Code 119

South Zone Study Group Meeting on Discussion on Practical Implication of Revised Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 672

South Zone Study Group Meeting on Indirect Taxation – Role of CS 1045

South Zone Study Group Meeting on Role of CS in Managing SME IPO through BSE SME Stock Exchange 802

South Zone Study Group Meeting on Service Tax under Negative List Regime 1202

South Zone Study Group Meeting on XBRL – Revised Schedule VI 1334

South Zone Study Group Meeting 940

Special Talk on Emerging Opportunities for CS in Global Arena 1334

Sports Meet for Members 1202

Study Circle Meeting at Vaishali 531

Study Circle Meeting on Analysis of New Cost Accounting Record Rules and Cosg Audi Report Rules 119

Study Circle Meeting on Corporate Sickness & Revival 1334

Study Circle Meeting on Issue of Securities – Recent Supreme Court Judgment & Its Implications 1466

Study Circle Meeting on Labour Law Compliance Management 1622

Study Circle Meeting on Practical Aspects of Intellectual Property Laws 801

Study Circle Meeting on Related Party Transactions 1045

Study Circle Meeting on Risk Management of Directors and Key Management Personnel 405

Study Circle Meeting on SME Listing 940

Study Circle Meeting on Transfer Pricing 671

Study Circle Meeting to Discuss Recent Supreme Court Judgement on International Taxation (Vodafone Case Study) 531

Study Circle Meeting 1203

Two Day Capacity Building Workshop for Practising Company Secretaries 1202

Two Day Participative Workshop on Revised Schedule VI & XBRL 1045

Two-day Capacty Building Workshop for PCS 243

Vaishali Study Circle Meeting on Practical Aspects of Delhi VAT and its Implications 1334

Vaishali Study Circle Meeting on Compliance under Listing Agreements and Amendments 1466

Vaishali Study Circle Meeting on Latest Developments in Service Tax 1622

Vaishali Study Circle Meeting on Practical Approach to Revised Schedule VI 1045

Vaishali Study Circle Meeting 1202

Vaishali Study Circle 802

Valedictory Function of 168th Management Skills Orientation Programme 1622

West Zone Study Circle Meeting on Analysis of Schedule VI of Companies Act, 1956 & Accounting Standard 1466

West Zone Study Circle Meeting on Evolving Concepts in Tax Law 1334

West Zone Study Circle Meeting on External Commercial Borrowings 1622

West Zone Study Group Meeting on an Overview of FDI Policy 1045

West Zone Study Group Meeting on an Overview of GST 243

West Zone Study Group Meeting on an Overview of IFRS 531

West Zone Study Group Meeting on an Overview with Opportunities of Professionals in Service Tax 405

West Zone Study Group Meeting on Comparative Analysis of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 671

West Zone Study Group Meeting on Concept of Takeover Code 119


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West Zone Study Group Meeting on Direct Tax and Budget 2012 802

West Zone Study Group Meeting on EOSP 940

West Zone Study Group Meeting on Key IPO Regulations 1202

Bhilwara Chapter

National Seminar on Role of Infrastructure Development in Economic Growth 940

Chandigarh Chapter

29th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 1622

Career Awareness Programmes 1623

Full Day seminar on Economic Reforms 406

Investor Awareness Programme on New Trends and Products in Capital Market 1623

Recent Changes in Customs Act 1205

Seminar on Budget 2012 672

Seminar on Companies Bill, 2011 407

Seminar on Corporate Governance and Risk Management 803

Seminar on Service Tax 802

Study Circle Meeting on General Provisions of Employees Provident Fund 802

Study Circle Meeting on Latest Updation in VAT 1205

Study Circle Meeting on Peer Review – An Overview 672

Times Education Boutique 2012 941

Faridabad Chapter

Career Awareness Programmes 120

Cricket Match 120

Gurgaon Chapter

Career Awareness Programmes 532, 803

Career Awareness Week 1335

Corporate Governance Week 1335

Cricket Match 1468

Deepawali Get Together 1624

Gurgaon Ki Awaz 534

Half Day Seminar – XBARL Concepts & Application for Professionals 1467

Half Day Seminar o Finance Bill – 2012 & Union Budget 2012-13 672

Half-day Seminar on Consolidated FDI Policy & Important Changes 804

Half-day Seminar 1335

Holi Sneh Milan and Get Together 533

Inaugural Session of 9th MSOP 1468

Inauguration of 7th MSOP 1047

Interaction Meeting on Stamp Duty Payment on Issue of Securities & Related Issues 1046

Investor Awareness Progamme 1623

Investor Awareness Programmes 533

Study Circle Meeting on Controlling Professional Life through Science & Spirituality 533

Study Circle Meeting on Living in Balance through Yoga Science 1046

Study Circle Meeting on Oppression & Mismanagement 804

Study Circle Meeting on Professional Code of Conduct & Ethics : CS 533

Study Circle Meeting on Related Party Transactions & Legal Issues 803

Study Circle Meeting on Revised Schedule VI and its Relevance for CS 674

Study Circle Meeting on Vodafone Case and its Impact 533

Study Circle Meeting 674, 1335, 1467

Valedictory Session of 7th MSOP 1205

Valedictory Session of 8th MSOP 1468

Valedictory Session of 9th MSOP 1623

Jaipur Chapter

Career Awareness Programmes 244, 407,805, 1047

Full Day Seminar on XBRL 1205

Full Day Seminar 805

Holi Sneh Milan & CSBF Cultural Evening 534

Independence Day Celebration 1205

Professional Development Programme 805, 1047

Republic Day Celeberations 407

Seminar on Budget – 2012 and Contemporary Corporate Challenges 534

Study Circle Meeting 805, 1047

Times Education Expo – 2012 805

Jalandhar Chapter

Career Awareness Programs 1336

Jodhpur Chapter

Career Guidance Camp at Cairn India Enterprise Centre 121

Half Day Seminar on the Profession of Company Secretaries – Challenges & Opportunities – Way Forward 535

Internatioanl Women’s Day – Save Girl Child – Save Generations 535

Panel Discussion on the Provisions of the New Companies Bill, 2011 120

Visit of NIRC Chairman to Jodhpur Chapter Office 121

Kanpur Chapter

Career Awareness Programmes 245, 1336


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Investor Awareness Programmes 244

Study Circle Meeting on Recent Developments in Corporate Laws 245

Study Circle Meeting on Union Budget 2012-13 536

Meerut Chapter

Study Circle Meeting on Cyber Security 1047

Visit of Past President, the ICSI to Chapter Office 1336

Modinagar Chapter

Independence Day Celebration 1206

Study Circle Meeting on Recent Changes in Cost Accounting Rules 1047

Study Circle Meeting on Role of Company Secretaries in Transfer Pricing 1336


10th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 408

12th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 941

13th MSOP 1469

37th Southern India Regional Conference of Company Secretaries 1048

Discussion Meeting on Peer Review – An Overview 121

Discussion Meeting on Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment) Amendment Rules, 2011 121

Foundation Day Lecture 1206

Half-day Seminar on Demystifying the Takeover Code 942

Half-day Seminar on Limited Liability Partnership 1468

Half-day Seminar on Recent Trends in FDI 676

Half-day Seminar on Revised Schedule VI 1206

Half-day Seminar on Service Tax – Recent Developments 1206

Inaugutation of the Chennai West Study Circle 407

Independence Day Celebration 1337

Interaction of President and the Vice President, The ICSI with Members 675

Joint Programme on Role of Company Secretaries in Corporates and Practice 1338

Joint Workshop on Corporate Governance 1338

Management Skill and Orientation Programme (MSOP) 676

One Day Programme on Capital Markets – Growth Drivers 806

One Day Seminar on Corporate Governance 1337

One Day Seminar on Mergers & Amalgamations 674

One Day Seminar on Recent Developments in Corporate Laws 245

One Day Seminar on Revised Schedule VI & XBRL Concepts, Terminology & Practical Demonstration on Preparation of Instance Document 1337

Participation in Live Phone-in Programme at Doordarshan 1337

Post Budget 2012-13 : Analysis of Direct & Indirect Taxes 675

Programme on Listing Guidelines [an update] & MSE Mmebership for Professionals 408

Programme on Necessity for an Effective Dispute Resolution Mechanism 407

Republic Day Celeberation 408

Second Career Awareness Week – 2011 246

Signing of MOU with the Madras Stock Exchange 675

Study Circle Meeting on Drafting of Lease Deed 1624

Study Circle Meeting on e-voting – Investors’ Empowerment 245

Study Circle Meeting on GAAR (General Anti Avoidance Rules) 1206

Study Circle Meeting on Guidance Notes on Service Tax 807

Study Circle Meeting on New Vistas under Domestic Arbitration 675

Study Circle Meeting on NGO – Formation, Tax and Accounting Aspects 1469

Study Circle Meeting on Salaries – Tax Planning 942

Study Circle Meeting on Salient Features of SARFAESI Act 805

Talk on Work-Life Balance 1469

Valedictory Session of 11th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 807

Valedictory Session of 12th MSOP 1049

World Environment Day Celebrations 941

Bangalore Chapter

6th SIRC Conference of PCS on CS – March Towards Mark of Excellence 122

7th Management Skills Orientation Programme 123

9th Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 942

10th MSOP 1469

10th Study Circle Meet of Bannerghatta Study Circle 1049

30th Annual General Meeting 1050

Annual Day Celebration 2012 1339

Bannerghatta Study Circle on Bettering the Best 1624

Bhoomi Pooja and Stone Laying Ceremony for the New Premises of the Bangalore Chapter 246

Blood Donation Camp 1624

Capital Markets Week 809

Career Awareness Programme 408


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Career Awareness Programmes 123, 246, 536, 1050, 1207, 1470, 1536

Chickballapur Udyoga Mela 2012 1206

Half Day Open House Session on Practical Issues Relating to Service tax with an Update on the Recent Amendments 1050

Half Day Seminar in Revised Schedule VI 409

Half Day Seminar on Advanced Project Financing – Structuring, Bankability and Contractual Aspects 409

Half Day Seminar on Critical Analysis on Transfer and Transmission of Shares 247

Half-day Programme on Morphing with MAP for Professional Excellence 942

ICSI President’s Meet with FKCCI President and Vice President 808

ICSI President’s Meet with the Members 808

ICSI President’s visit to Alliance University 809

Inauguration of Second ICSI Corporate Governance Week followed by One Day Programme on Good Governance for Sustainability 1339

India Corporate and Investor Meet 536

Indoor/Outdoor Games 1207

Interaction with Chairman, CLB 1207

Live Interview on All India Radio 809

Meeting of Practising Company Secretaries 246

One Day Seminar on Cross Border Transactions – Opportunities and Challenges 807

Participation in Career Fair 811

Peer Review Training Programme 809

Press Meet 808

Seminar on Mergers and Acquisitions 811

Study Circle Meeting on Dividend – Interim Dividend – Deemed Dividend 1050

Study Circle Meeting on Practical Issues Relating to Appointment, Reappointment and Change of Auditors under the Companies Act, 1956 1624

Cochin Chapter

Half-day Joint Programme on Service Tax 1207

Joint Professional Development Programme on Capital Market with ICAI and Cochin Stock Exchange Ltd. 1050

Professional Development Programme 1207

Seminar on Taxation Impacts on Union Budget 2012 676

Coimbatore Chapter

Annual General Meeting 1050

Bhoomi Pujan and Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony 1208

Career Awareness Programme 470, 1208, 1340

Independence Day Celebration 1341

Joint Programme on an Overview of Derivative of Capital Market 1470

Joint Programme on Union Budget 2012 677

Joint Study Circle Meeting 677

Second Corporate Governance Week of ICSI 1341

Study Circle Meeting on Guidelines for issue of Commercial Paper 1341

Study Circle Meeting on Issues in TN VAT 677

Hyderabad Chapter

1st Southern India Regional Conference of Women Company Secretaries 247

5th Residential Programme on Personality & Professionalism 247

6th MSOP 1470

42nd World Earth Day – Company Secretaries Celebrations 811

Annual Fellowship Meet 411

CSBF Cultural Evening 247

Discussion on SEBI v. Sahara Case 1471

First Andhra Pradesh State Company Secretaries Conclave – Role of Family Business in Corporate Sector 409

Full Day Seminar on Revised Schedule VI, CARR & CARO 679

Half-day Seminar 1625

Half-day Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights 679

Half-day Workshop on Practical Issues on Revised Schedule – VI and XBRL Filing 1341

Health & Fitness Series 1625

Health Programme on Ayurveda for Every One 943

ICSI President’s Meet 677

Independence Day Celebrations 1342

Interactive Meeting on Assessment Procedures under Income Tax & VAT 125

Interactive talk on Recent MCA Updates, Revised forms, Delegation of Powers to RD 1625

Investor Awareness Programme 678

Lectures on the topic CS – Key Governance, Risk and Compliance Professional 1341

Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP) 678

Meeting on Clause by Clause Analysis of Finance Bill, 2012 678

Panel Discussion on Vodafone Verdict 677

Press Meet 677

Programme on Living Values 1343

Programme on Our Earth – Climate Change – Challenges and Opportunities for Industry and Professionals 812


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Programme on the occasion of Capital Markets Week on recent trends in Indian Capital Markets and recent changes in Capital Market Laws 812

Republic Day Celebrations 410

Seminar on Good Governance for Sustainability 1342

Seminar on SME Exchange & Listing 812

Special Meeting on Message of Swami Vivekanada 409

Special Meeting on Role of Libraries in Knowledge Socieities 124

Study Circle Meeting on Cartels under Competition Law – Need for Governance 1208

Study Circle Meeting on Corporates and Criminal Liability 1341

Study Circle Meeting 678, 1051

Study Circle on Role Model Series 410

Talk on Brand CS & Brand You – Opportunities Unlimited 1209

Workshop o Limited Liability Partnerships – Appropriate Vehicle for SMEs 124

Workshop on Advanced Communication Strategies and Techniques 1050

Workshop on Practical Insight on XBRL 124

World Environment Day Celebrations 1051

Kochi Chapter

International Women’s Day – Programme on Women on Top Seats 536

Seminar on Foreign Credits and MCA Updates 537

Madurai Chapter

Annual General Meeting 1209

Capital Market Week – 2012 943

Career Awareness Programme 679, 1209, 1471

India Corporate and Investor Meet 411

Joint Programme on Current Corporate Affairs 1472

Joint Programme with ICSI-CCGRT 679

One Day Seminar on Revised Schedule VI and XBRL and CARR & CARO (Cost Accountants’ Role) 1209

One Day Seminar on XBRL Programme 411

Second Corporate Governance Week Celebrations 1343

Two day Workshop on Labour Laws & Indirect Taxes 679

Mangalore Chapter

Career Awareness Programmes 1343

Celebration of Second ICSI Corporate Governance Week 1343

Full Day Programme 125,680, 943, 1472

Investor Awareness Programme 537

Mysore Chapter

Career Awareness Programme 681

Career Awareness Programmes 248

Career Awareness Programmes 682

Foundation Day Celebrations 681

Green Initiative – Planting of Saplings 681

Inauguration of the Chapter’s new Building by Hon’ble Minister of Corporate Affairs 248

Interactive Meeting on Peer Review 411

Interactive Meeting with Central Council Member 247

Interactive Session with Members and Students 248

Investor Awareness Programmes 681

Meeting of Chapter Members with the President and the Secretary, ICSI 248

National Seminar on the Impact of Economic Recession on Small Scale Industries 411

Press Conference 248

Puja at the New Building 248

Republic Day Celebrations 411

Seminar on Capital Market Issues 248

Seminar on Union Budget 681

Thanks giving Programmes 248

Two-day Workshop on Foreign Exchange 681

Salem Chapter

Awareness Programme on Funding Options for MSMEs 682

Capital Market Week 813

Investor Awareness Programmes 813

Seminar on Securities Market and the Common Man 682

Thiruvananthapuram Chapter

Activities on 11.06.2012 Meeting with Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala 944

Exclusive Interview with Jaihind TV 945

Meeting with President of Trivandrum Management Association (TRIMA) 945

Meeting with President, Trivandrum Chamber of Commerce 945

Meeting with Secretary, Housing and Taxes, Government of Kerala 944

Meeting with the Members and Students of the Chapter 945

Press Conference 945

Telephonic Discussion with the Hon’ble Finance Minister of Kerala 944


Annual Regional Conference 2012 1209

Borivali Study Circle Meeting 946

Conclave on Corporate Restructuring 946

Dadar Study Circle Meeting 946


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Full Day Seminar on Emerging Business Roles 1051

Full Day Seminar on Revised Schedule VI & XBRL Concepts, Terminology & Practical Demonstration on Preparation of Instance Document 1473

Full Day Seminar on SEBI Regulations, Listing Agreement and E-Voting 1473

Full Day Seminar on Secretarial Audit and Secretarial Standards 1473

Half-day Seminar on Emerging Regulations Increasing Role 1051

Health Check-up Camp 946

Kandivali Study Circle Meeting 1473

Kandivali Study Circle of ICSI-WIRC Study Circle Meeting on IFRS & Related Matters 412

Ladies Special Programme 539

New Developments in Corporate Taxation 1051

Seminar on Buy-back of Shares and De-Listing of Shares 1472

Seminar on Chainging Regulatory Landscape : Challenges & Opportunities 412

Seminar on Critical Aspects of the Companies Act 683

Seminar on Cross Border Transactions 539

Seminar on Due Diligence 539

Seminar on Foreign Direct Investment, ECB, FCCBs & Private Equity Funding 946

Seminar on Fund Raising & Valuation 412

Seminar on Insider Trading Regulations, New Takeover Code & Issue of Preference Shares 539

Seminar on Joint Venture, Foreign Collaboration & Overseas Acquisition 946

Seminar on Mergers & Amalgamation, Takeover and Debt Restructuring 683

Seminar on Project Finance, Loan Syndication & Private Equity 1472

Seminar on Revised Schedule VI & XBRL, Concepts, Terminology & Practical Demonstration on Prepartion of Instance Document 1344

Seminar on SEBI Regulations, Listing Agreement and E-Voting 1344

Seminar on Secretarial Audit & Peer Review Aspects 539

Seminar on Secretarial Audit and Secretarial Standards 1344

Seminar on SME Listing – A Big Opportunity 946

Seminar on Statutory Compliance 683

Seminar on Takeover Code 249

Seminar on XBRL & Revised Schedule VI – Redefining Financial Reporting for Corporates (including Live Demo on XBRL) 1472

Series of Investor Awareness Programmes under the aegis of MCA 249

Study Circle Meeting – Towards Financial Independence 1473

Study Circle Meeting on Buy Back of Shares 539

Study Circle Meeting on Compliances required under the Listing Agreement 1052

Study Circle Meeting on FEMA Update on Inbound and Outbound Transactions and Compounding Offences 683

Study Circle Meeting on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 1051

Study Circle Meeting on Guide to SME IPO 683

Study Circle Meeting on High Court Procedure in Scheme of Arrangement 539

Study Circle Meeting on Insider Trading 539

Study Circle Meeting on Investments in Gold 412

Study Circle Meeting on Managerial Remuneration and Appointment 1473

Study Circle Meeting on Prospects of Company Secretary in Employment & In Practice under Changing Scenario & Opportunity & Scope of LLP Among Memebers of ICSI/ICAI/ICWAI 412

Study Circle Meeting on Recent Updates in Corporate Laws 412

Study Circle Meeting on Taxation Aspects in Mergers and Acquisitions 1473

Study Circle Meeting on Update on SEBI Takeover Code 126

Study Circle Meeting 946

Study Circle Public Meeting on Union Budget 2012-2013 540

Talk on Commodity Trading and its Regulation 249

Two-day Workshop on Understanding Financial Statements & Important Aspects of Annual Report Preparation 539

Ahmedabad Chapter

5th Management Skill Orientation Programme (MSOP) 815

Capital Markets Week Mega Event 814

Career Awareness Programme (CAP) 947, 1474

Full Day National Seminar on Capital Market, Corporate Governance and Credit Rating 1210

Independence Day Celebration 1209

Peer Review Training 814

Press Conference 814

Study Circle and Lecture Meet 947, 1474

Study Circle Meetings 814, 1052

Two-day Residential Seminar on Spread Your Wings 683

Bhopal Chapter

Career Awareness Programme 1625


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First Madhya Pradesh State Annual Conference 1474

Full Day Seminar on Emerging Business Roles 1052

Inauguration of Renovated Premises of the Chapter 1474

Indore Chapter

Full Day Seminar 540

Half Day Seminar on Cost Audit Report, Revised Schedule VI & XBRL Concepts 1475

Study Circle Meeting on Analysis of Forms 23AC and ACA under Revised Schedule VI 1474

Nashik Chapter

Half-day Seminar on routine Company Law Compliances 1210

Recent Changes in Service Tax 1210

Pune Chapter

8th MSOP 413

11th MSOP 1475

39th Foundation Day 413

Career Awareness Programmes 250, 413, 684, 1344

Career Fair 1626

Celeberations for Members 249

Corporate Governance Week 1345

Full Day Seminar Jointly with the Kolhapur Chapter of ICSI 541

Full day Seminar on Listing of SME and ICRA Corporate Governance Rating 1210

Full Day Seminar on Supreme Court Judgement in Sahara Estate Corp Ltd. & Latest Amendments to Schedule XII 1475

Full Day Seminar 540

Half-day Seminar on Charitable Institutions and FDI in India 947

Half-day Seminar on Information Technology & Cyber Laws 815

Investor Awareness Programme (IAP) 249, 815, 1344

Management Skills Orientation Programme 1344

Meeting with Chairman CII, Western Region 1626

Meeting with the Commissioner of Agriculture, Pune 1626

Meeting with the Director General, MCCIA, Pune 1626

Members Meet with the President 1626

Open Forum Discussion on Reference on e-forms 249

Participation in Career Fair – Sakal Edugain 2012 947

Participation in Career Fair – Times Exhibition Fair 816

Participation in Pune Bus Day 1625

Press Conference at Pune 1626

Programme in honour of RoC, Maharashtra, Pune 816

Programme to Welcome the RoC, Pune 947

Sports Event 2012 413

Study Circle Meeting 540, 541, 684

Study Circle Meeting on an Overview of Corporate Restructuring – Legal Provisions 947

Study Circle Meeting on ESOP 947

Study Circle Meeting on Implementation of e-Voting Facility 249

Study Circle Meeting on Important Aspects of the Finalization of the Financial Statements 1344

Study Circle Meeting on Role of Company Secretary as Compliance Officer 1345

Two Days Conference on Merger & Amalgamation – Creating Growth Opportunities 1344

Two days Conference on Mergers & Amalgamation – Creating Growth Opportunities 1210

Two Days Residential Workshop 540

Two-day Non Residential Workshop on Bank Due Diligence Report 684

Workshop on FEMA 249

Raipur Chapter

Discussion on Compliance Certificate & Recent Case Laws 126

Shifting of Chapter Office 413

Study Circle Meeting on Income Tax Assessment Procedure 541

Study Circle Meeting on Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 1345

Study Circle Meeting on XBRL – Practical Aspects 250

Study Circle Meeting 947

Workshop on Stress Management & Health Regime 541

Surat Chapter

Half-day Seminar and Meet with the President and the Vice President of the ICSI 816

Vadodara Chapter

Discussion on Contemporary Issues with President and Vice-President 948

Press Meet 948


10th Residential MSOP 132

13th Residential Management Skills Orientation Programme (R-MSOP) 1054

Conference on Corporate Governance – A Way Forward 686

Foundation Day Lecture 949

Full day Programme on FEMA, Anti-Money Laundering and KYC Guidelines 1211

Full Day Seminar at Sangli 415

Investor Awareness Programme 415


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Knowledge Upgrading Program on Understanding FEMA 1629

Knowledge Upgrading Programme on Understanding FEMA 1476

Programme on Communication and Conversational English 686

Programme on Compliance of Listing Agreement 686

Programme on Compliance of Listing Agreement, Postal Ballot through e-voting & Prevention of Insider Trading 1055

Programme on Conduct of Annual General Meetings and Board Meetings 1348

Programme on Corporate and Company Law Updates 415

Programme on Corporate Governance 415

Programme on Drafting, Advocacy Skills and Opinion Writing 414

Programme on Ethics for Enduring Happiness 1346

Programme on Labour Laws and Compliances 1628

Programme on Legal Aspects of Business 1629

Programme on Legal Aspects of Supply Chain Management 686

Programme on New Takeover Code 127

Programme on Project Finance 1348

Programme on Revised Schedule VI 1476, 1629

Programme on Risk Management 250

Programme on Select Practices under MCA 1627

Programme on Service Tax and VAT 414

Programme on Transfer Pricing 1476, 1628

Programme on Turnaround Management and Competition Law 685

Programme on Understanding Tax Laws 1348

Programme on Valuation 250

Programme on Working Capital Finance 1211

Programme on Writing Skills 1346

Programmes on the New Companies Bill, 2011 250

Report on 2nd ICSI Corporate Governance Week 1350

Second Corporate Governance Week of ICSI 1346

Seminar on Corporate Governance & Investors 950

Skill Development Programme on Writing Skills 1476

Three day Workshop on One Stop Professional Advisory Services for MSMEs by PCS 685

Three Day Workshop on Risk, Regulation and Complaince (with special focus on Banking) 1627

Two Days Residential Programme on Labour Laws and Compliances 1212

Two Days Residential Programme on Revised Schedule VI and Transfer Pricing 1053

Week-end Programme on Corporate Restructuring through Mergers, Amalgamations and Takeovers 415

Workshop on Corporate Restructuring, Debt Recovery & CDR 687

Workshop on Integrity at Work 686


Financial Management (Second Edition : 2011) by Rajiv Srivastva & Anil Misra 136

India Means Business by Kshama V. Kaushik & Kaushik Dutta 423

Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring – Strategies and Practices by Rabi Narayan Kar 275

Taxmann’s Company Law and Practice (Sixteenth Edition) by A.K. Majumdar & Taxman’s Company Law and Practice (Sixteenth Edition) by A.K. Majumdar & Dr. G.K. Kapoor 136


Congratulations 144, 280, 424, 552, 696, 824, 960, 1232, 1488, 1632

– Corrigendum 552, 824

CSBF List 115, 239, 399

Elevation 696, 960, 1232

Obituary/Obituaries 277, 280, 424, 552, 824, 960, 1072, 1232, 1488, 1632

On the Move 144, 280


Appointment Advertisements

Career Opportunities – ICSI 135, 288

KRYFS Power Components Limited 1215

Nagese India Private Limited 1215

Rinku Sobti Fashions Pvt. Ltd. 1215

Other Advertisements

Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd. 757

CENTAX Publications Pvt. Ltd. 542

Central Depository Services (India) Limited 140, 359, 563

Corporate Progressionals 4th Cover of January 2012

Hind Syntex Ltd 696

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited 1487

Institute of Actuaries of India 517

Madras Stock Exchange Limited 223

MCX Stock Exchange Limited 1294, 1295

ONGC 1199

TAXMANN 68, 141, 273, 515, 822, 955, 1573

Vitasia Management Services Private Limited 821

VLS Finance Ltd. 1229

XBRL 1227, 1351, 3rd Cov. of Oct. 2012


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XRBL – Webtel Electrosoft (P) Ltd. 3rd Cov. of Nov. 2012, 1485


10th Edition – 41 Years of Chartered secretary on Your Finger Tips (1971-2012 July) 4th Cov. of Nov. 2012, 4th Cov. of Dec. 2012

11th ICSI National Award for Corporate Governance 2011 12

13th National Conference of Practising Company Secretaries 546, 690

40 Years of Chartered secretary on Your Finger Tips (1971-2011 July) 4th Cov. of Feb and March 2012

40th National Convention of Company Secretaries 1058, 1217

7th International Professional Development Fellowship Programme – 2012 – Extended Tour to Dubai 562

An Appeal 398

Application for Restoration of Membership 230, 789, 1186, 1601

Application for the Issue/Renewal/Restoration of Certificate of Practice 231, 653, 1191, 1600

Attention Members 261, 393, 423, 437, 549, 551, 684, 689, 757, 816, 823, 948, 1056, 1069, 1227, 1293, 1317, 1485, 1583, 1617

Calander -2012 5

CG & CSR: Watch 14, 150, 286, 432, 566, 704, 832, 1082, 1240, 1486, 1364

Chartered Secretary – Advertisement Tariff 548, 1630

Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund – How to becme the Life Member 143

Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund – How to become the LIFE Member 143, 2nd Cover April, 2012

Company secretaries Benevolent Fund 3rd Cover of Jan., 2nd Cov. of March, May, June, Sep., Oct. & Dec. 276, 399, 657, 696, 923, 938, 1042, 1198 1231, 1486, 2nd Cov. of Sept., 2nd Cov. of Oct., 2012, 1460, 1593

Compulsory attendance of PDP 238

Compulsory Attendence of Professional Developments Programs by the Members of ICSI – Two Day Program on Corporate and Company Law Updates 133

Contractual Engagement at MCA-21 for XBRL WORKS 274

Corporate Governance – A Way Forward 252

Corporate Secretaries International Association 1070

CS QUIZ – Prize Query 144, 280, 552, 689, 824, 960, 1072,1232, 1352, 1488, 1632

Empanelment as a Reviewer 238

Exposure Draft on Proposed New Syllabus for Executive & Professional Programmes of the CS Court 277

Form BB 116, 230

Form D 117, 231

From the Editor 1

Guidelines for Identifying Star/Icon Members of the Institute 1230

Guidelines for Setting up and Conversion of PCS into LLPs 933

ICSI – First All Regional Councils Joint Program in Northern Region & Punjab State Conference 1631

ICSI Announces Annual Membership Scheme 2012-2013 418, 951

ICSI Announces Program on Compliance of Listing Agreement Followed by Workshop on Integrity at Work 253

ICSI Announces Program on Labour Laws and Compliances 1349

ICSI Announces Three Day Workshop on Corporate Restructuring, Debt Recovery & CDR 416

ICSI Announces Two Day Program on Corporate Restructuring Through Mergers & Amalgamations And Takeovers 251

ICSI celeberates Capital Markets Week 550

ICSI in collaboration with Indian Institute of Banking and Finance Organises Three Days Workshop on “Risk, Regulation and Compliance” (With special focus on Banking) 1213

ICSI Jointy with Indian Institute of Materials Management, National Headquarters, Program on Legal Aspects of Supply Chain Management 254

ICSI Three Days Workshop on One Stop Professional Advisory Services to MSMEs 255

ICSI-CCGRT Annual Membership Scheme 134

Introduction of New Syllabus for the Foundation Programme of the Company Secretaryship Course 256

Invitations of Applications for Panel of Paper Setters & Examiners for the Company Secretaries Examinations 142

Live Show on CS Telecast on Lok Sabha TV 224

London Global Convention 2012 1077

Master of Business Administration Program 1477, 1593

New Initiatives under MCA21 System 280

New President & Vice President of ICSI 2nd Cover of Feb. 2012

New Publications of ICSI 137

Online Services available to Members 261, 393, 543, 783, 1228

Panel of Paper Setters/Examiners for PMQ Course in CG 545

Panel of Paper Setters/Examiners for the CS Exams. 544, 819


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Phone in Programme on AIR FM Rainbow on Career as a Company Secretary 388

Post Membership Qualification Course in Corporate Governance 2nd Cover Jan. 2012 & Feb. 2012, 3rd Cover Mar. 2012, 820

Post Membership Qualification Course in Corporate Governance 3rd Cover Feb, 2012

Publications Released during ICSI Capital Markets Week 3rd Cov. of June, 2012

Recognition of Company Secretaryship Qualifications as equivalent to PG Degree for pursuing Ph.D in Commerce, Management/Law Disciplines 144

Shifting of Office address of Assistant Commissioner, Service Tax, Mumber 144

Subscribe ICSI Knowledge Portal (ICSI-KP) 262,501

Subscribe ICSI Knowledge Portal (ICSI-KP) 420

The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2010 139

The Registration of News Papers (Central) Rules, 1956 (Form IV : Rule 8) 397

The Standing & Other Committees/Boards of the Council for the year 2012-2013 278

Three Day Annual Conference of Corporate Registers Forum 421

Tips (1971-2011 July) 4th Cov. of Feb. 2012, 3rd Cov. of Jan., Mar.,

Toll Free Helpline Service for Investors 139

Workshop on Integrity at Work in Financial Services Jointly with ICSI 417

Workshop on Research Methodology 419


Adukia Rajkumar S. 58, 1392 Agarwal Nitesh 185 Agarwal Sanjiv (Dr.) 1272 Agarwal Vikas 54 Agarwal Vivek 993 Anasingaraju Anagha 1100, 1375 Athvale Mahesh A. 1100, 1375 Bagdia Omprakash 601 Balakrishnan R. (Prof.) 334, 719 Balakrishnan S. 725 Balasubramanian N. 576 Bandyopadhyay Prabir 982 Beswala Golki 609, 738 Bhatia G.R. 469 Bhattacharya Pronamika 1134 Chandratre K.R. (Dr.) 154, 838, 1244, 1516 Chitale Kiran M. 302 Choudhary Manisha 175 Dani Om Prakash 22, 572, 1370 Datta Dilip Kumar (Dr.) 328 De Rupanjana 297 George Joffy (Dr.) 972

Gulati Bhawna 596 Israni S.D. (Dr.) 1383 Jain N.K. 438, 1498 Jain Paras Kumar 1268 Jain S.M. 728 Jain Shantimal 182 Joshi Vinay Kumar 185 Khare Vikas 446 Khilnani Komal 169 Khilnani L.H. 584, 872 Kothari Vinod 41 Krishnan R. 1368 Kumar Akshay (Prof.) 1555 Kumar Naresh 472, 1138 Kumar S. Krishna 860 Lodha Nidhi 41 Malhotra S.K. (Prof.) 855 Mathew Joby 998 Mishra Harsh 977 Mukhopadhyay Suhita 316 Narasimhan V.R. (Dr.) 1545 Padmanaban S. (Prof.) 591 Padmanabhan T K A 1106 Pandey T.N. 29, 292, 456, 1265, 1550 Parimala V. 49 Parthasarathy Sriraman 161, 731 Rajesh R. 847 Ramappa T. 1566 Rao Prahlada D.K. 459, 715 Rao Shashikala 481 Rao V.Durga 1093 Ravi K.S. 63 Ravichandran K.S. (Dr.) 1127 Reddy P. Kesavulu 166 Sadhale Vivek 54 Sahoo M.S. 1250, 1530 Saraswot Pranav (Dr.) 323 Sawant Rajendra 1144 Shah Pramod S. 33, 1119, 1402 Singh Aishwarya 1115 Singhania Jaya Ankur 865 Soni Pradeep 308 Sreedharan V. 605, 1379 Sridaran N. 988 Sridhar J. 1526 Sridharan R. 609, 738, 1256 Srinivasan M.S. 22, 572, 1370 Sriranjani R. 1256 Taneja Kapil Dev 454 Thiruvengadam B.C. 1088 Vijayvargia Sanjeev 1277 Viswanathan S. 1387 Vyas Rishikesh G. 708