0 i I r 4L If r I I I r r I THE OICHMiND C L MAX < r j VOLUME 32 RICHMOND i MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 11 1905 NUMBER = 2L r 7F ffiffiF7R r i1U +Fi i 1F Store IN TOWN 4BU FOR ICASH1 mi i We handle Groceries Queensware Hardware l Woodenware Porcelain and Graniteware 2 Harness Farm Impliments Wagons Buggies it Road Carts etc ah In fact most every article used on farm or in kitchen Ret e mbour CASH PRICE makes goods very low when Sx I compared with the credit system ffi iWE SELL THE t4 urg Cnllca Plow i the most substantial and easiest running plow 4 in the world Examine and give us your order Fencing Wire Roofingetc RVS Country MeaL CheapF 7t Poultry Eggs Hides f and Furs i Colyer Bros + Phone 237 Main Street 71 RICHMOND KY F FrI 3H 7 DR MOFFETFS Cures Cholera Infantum Diarrhoea Dysentery and the Bowel Troubles of Children of Jtny Age Aids Digestion > Regulates the Bowels Strength ens the Child and MAKES TEETHING PQWDEE WHI TEETHING EASY Costs Only 25c at Druggists or mail 25c to C J MOFFETT H D St Louis Mo Mother I Hesitate no longer but savo the health and life of tour child as thousands have done by giving these powders TEETHINA Is easily given and quickly counteracts and over ¬ comes the effects of the summers heat upon teething children G Twenty = five Years- Experience I j- j We use this method to bring before the public OUT liiititof j jGrocerles including such brands as the celebrated Ferndale Canned Goods of all kinds White Star brands J 1mJ j1 oJit China and Glassware Wood and Willow wave We also carry a full line of J FieldSedst Feed and Seed Oats Salt J Lime and Cement < All Orders Promptly FilledJ L From time to time we will n J this space that will be worthy of notice and in f order to secure the best rood the market affords- at right prices you should read our advertise twent weekly Covinton Arnold Bro f Main Street c 71 W4 ftNERVIGOR RESTORATIVECURE5 t NERVOUS DEBILITY pbrtkametalend cenooil magnetism the true type or perfect mxnmxxl 1o a ttilt the first roiulslta eoodbealtlir Heats whkb Rlre aevelopaent ana ate wOrthfl yr Heure near ProitraUon SIepne and other tnraUmui to Overwork emekln drug bbltt and otturauaa- Yakearlth healtfiy blood and repair wacud tuarres lraSLOOehot 81rrorBOOpoitpaWTrtSli AIfIIH acte to retnntL I C not or wncnud PCFrCR MCBrCAL ASSOCIATION CHICAGO U S AY For sale byEC Wines New toal Filet I have opened up a coal business gain at the same plane opposite Ice Plant where I have been located for six years the past year with the Hilt Hill t oat Co I will handle Borne u the best grades of Jellico coal also e Brush Creek coal and I respectfully KiliHt as art of the patronage of the t e pIe III Richmond mid Madison coun sy and shall endeavor to make my prices very attractive and will please yon In the quality of coal Get my wfnLrnuppltelephof I itug9 star H FBASKKB I tI ROY4LThe Baking Powder Made df Cream of Tartar and Free From Alum or Phosphatic Acid Royal Baking Powder renders bread biscuit cake and all flour foods fin rand more healthful k Baking powders made from alum phosphates and other harsh caustic acids are lower in price but they are injurious to the stomach I The injurious effect of alum on the mucous coat of the and beyond dispute it is both an irritant and an astringent The use of alum in any article of food or article used in the preparation of food should be prohibited JOHN C WISE MD Medical Inspector U S Navy t THE BOLEN FUNERAL The Princess Theater Was Too Small To Hold the Crowd Mlddlesboro Ky Oct 7As the re suit of the assassination of Jack no len on Wednesday evening the cltl zens of Middlesboro and Bell county are up in arms The funeral services were held in the Princess theater The intention was to hold them in the Baptist church but the crowd demand ed a larger place Throe hundred or more members of the Odd Fellows and Junior Order of American Mechan- Ics ¬ of which orders Bolen wai a mem ¬ ber augmented by visiting lodge men attended in a body and the public schools wero dismissed Over GOO school children marched to the funeral in a body The spacious theater was Inadequate to hold the EXTORTIONATE crowdI c 1 Petition That Commonwealth BeMade a Party To Complaint Frankfort Ky Oct 7 Attorneys William Lindsay and Bennett H Young representing the state of Ken ¬ Bgckbam commission a petition that the com- monwealth be made a party to tho general complaint of discrimination and extortionate rates preferred by numerous shippers throughout the state against all railroad companies operating lines therein and asking that from this time the complaint bo allowed to be prosecuted In the name of the people The petition wilL bJ I heard and passed upon at a meeting of the commission to be held here beginning October 12 next FRANK pALL INDICTED Charged With the Assassination of Jack Bolen at Middlesboro Owingsville Ky Oct 7At Pine ville Bell county Frank Ball promi nent citizen was indicted for assas sination of Jack Bolen who was mur- dered at Middlesboro Wednesday night while sitting in a barber chair The assassin fired through the window Ball and Bolan had had trouble and Bal had drawn a revolver on Bolan Ball had been indicted for this two days before the assassination Excite- ment is great in that section and troops may be asked for Robert Ball frother of the murdered man was ar- rested on complicity charge Inhales Flames May Die CovIngton Ky Oct 7Mrs Wil ¬ liam Rose 55 310 Foote avenue Belle vue was fatally burned at the home of her son Thomas Rose when gasoline exploded Mrs Vansant a neighbor heard her screams and smothered tho flames Dr Robertson thinks Mrs Rose inhaled the flames and her re- covery is doubtful Dan Gregory Gets a Parole Frankfort Ky Oct 7The state prison commission granted a parole to Dan Gregory colored an inmate of the prison here Gregory was sent up from Jessamine county In November 1904 to serve two years upon conic tlon of breaking into an outhouse I Graceful A Ifrom The scent of the violet or roseiss i precious as the lovely flowerS tW s oBowers ghcsthepleasure I permanent blessing The fragraBce of a beautiful woman suggests purity health and she is t of civilization an index alwa Sof taste and an unerring badge of gentility BRADFIBLD Regtilatprin permits of no wrinkles cheeks < rl tortundncrves andahapelessfiguresIt ss Natures rem yThe st BOfflcthingelse and it rjusU pl but the meustnal or tts A ceived and 1imanrliisf lq Try our Regulator all r Our treattsscon II fMK MMFWU lC6U6MW n II I News in Kentucky 1 i BANKERS OF KENTUCKY Elect Officers For the Ensuing Year OrganizationI i Louisville Ky Oct GBrlet speeches relating to the unparalleled prosperity of Kentucky were the fea- ture ¬ of the second and last day of the bankers convention in this city Os- car Fenlejv president of the Bank of Kentucky In Louisville was elected president Other officers elected were as follows Vice Presidents Con ¬ CIT 11 1 Fugate Adairville Fourth J M Knott Leba- non Fifth Henry C Walbeck Louis- ville Sixth W E Elliston Latonia Seventh George Alexander Paris Eighth R R Burnam Richmond Ninth J N Kehoe Maysvllle Tenth J S Head Jackson Eleventh John W Slier Wllllamsburg secretary treasurerI tive committee Samuel Cassiday Lou Isville E L Lee Covington T H Dees Murray Ky W R FLETCHER MUST HANG He Was Convicted of Abusing Mary Glader a German Girl Russellvllle Ky Oct GThe Jury Jn the case of W R Fletcher a white man charged with abusing Mary Gla ¬ der a German girl returned a ver ¬ dict of guilty and fixed the punish ¬ ment at death Women pinned flowers to the jurors coats and made other demonstrations of delight Fletcher Is t 2 years old father of five children and three times a grandfather His three daughters were by his side when the verdict was read and wept bitter ly but Fletcher while very pale did not shed a tear Guy Lyon charged with the samo crime as Fletcher Is now on trial The proof against Lyon is stronger than that against the other two consequently It Is safe to say he like Sacra and Fletcher will receive the death penalty- KENTUCKY PYTHIAN KNIGHTS The Grand Lodge Voted To Sell Home For Widows and Orphans Hopkinsville Ky Oct GAfter an exciting discussion that lasted until midnight the grand lodge Knights of Pythias of Kentucky decided by a voto of 112 to 97 to dispose of the RichardsonGibson property near Lex ¬ ington which had been purchased as a home for the widows and orphans of deceased Knights The grand lodge then by a vote of 133 to 96 decided to sell the property and reinvest the funds The grand lodge decided to fix the minimum initiation fee at 10 It has been 15 The next meeting will be held in Louisville ASSASSIN SHOOTS TEACHER The Victim Had Just Returned Home From Church HIckman Ky Oct GArter he had returned from church Emmet W Roach a prominent citizen and teach ¬ er of this county was shot from am- bush ¬ Roach lived 30 minutes and gave the name of his assassin which has not yet been mado public Kentucky Claims Are Allowed Washington Oct GThe war de partment has notified Capt C C Cal houn that the following Kentucky claims of 135 each have been allow ¬ ed for losses sustained unlawfully by conf deratesEA Henshey Battle town Nicholas Hadden Mt Sterling J F Williams Winchester To Repair the Henry Clay Monument Lexington Ky Oct C Lexington lodgu of Masons No1 of which Hen- ry ¬ Cay was once master has decided to call upon Masons throughout Ken- tucky ¬ to unite In an appeal to the legislature for an appropriation to r pair tho headless monument to statesman Man Found Dead In a Field Georgetown Ky Oct GA tall man weighing about 175 pounds and GO years old was found lying In a field near Elkhorn river where the bridge crosses on the Cincinnati pike He was covered with blood A pistol l- afat y his side with one cartridge ex ¬ ploded ICovlhgtonlloneel Dies Covington Ky Oct 6 Mrs Pau ¬ line Hauser 70 died In StElizabeth h hospital of senility Mrs Hauser was one of the oldest residents of Coving I tonlwd with her husband Abraham USt r who survives her kept a yearP s ouded Up By the Police Lexington Ky Oct CrThe police department In charge of the ground during the trotting meeting arrested nine men < ra susplejaa and Jogked them bp at teadgnartewan a of mferatic until their Iden chareJ b e rbl1hed j CHILD SUICIDES GROW BERLIN CRITICS SAY HARD WORK IS CAUSE Socialists Clergymen and School Crit ¬ ics Attempt to Get at Reason for SelfSacrifice of Life Conditions Alarming Berlin Several distressing instances of childrens suicides have occurred since the autumn school term began This has brought on a discussion of the conditions of school and home life and endeavors are being made to trace the causes of that increasing feeble ¬ ness of the desire to live which is is affirmed the 11000 suicides of 1903 In ¬ dicate The statistics of childrens self murder in Saxony show that although only seven persons under 14committed suicide in 19011902 the number rose to 21 In 1903 The suicides of adults in Saxony increased in the same time from 1SS8 to 1427 The causes of suicide in Germany are regarded as being exceedingly sub¬ tie and in the current discussions the personal views on the subject have generally been decided by the observ ¬ ers opinions on other questions The socialists account for the sui ¬ cides by economic reasons which they say result in making it harder to get subsistence darken life generally and throw shadows over the lives of the childrenThe view is that the absence of faith the Increase of irrellgion and the growth of sensual materialism ex ¬ plain the weakening desire for life and that a revival of spiritual aims would lessen suicides by increasing the seren ity of living Critics of the school systems assert that children are forced too much that they are overatimulated and are given t sks which are impos ble for accom- plishment for those slightly below the standard of capacity and that punIsh- ments ¬ the fear of reproofs and Injury to selfpride push the child toward sui ¬ cide of which he often hears his eld ¬ ers refer to as a refuge An instance is given of a 12yearold boy who had failed to do a Latin ex¬ ercise properly and was sent home to his father The boy the moment he entered his fathers room shot himself In identical circumstances another boy threw himself out of a window The total number of childrens sui ¬ cides In Germany during 18 years was 747 just under 42 amually ARMOR STANDS TEST Trials at Indian Head Show Plates for the Tennessee Type of Ships Have Great Resistance Washington Rear Admiral Mason chief of the bureau of ordnance gave out this statement In regard to the armor tests made at the Indian Head proving groundsAn test took place In continuation of the series of experi ¬ ments begun last March to determine the resisting power of the Tennessee class of armored cruisers under the at tack of projectiles loaded with various kinds of explosives The six and eight Inch were used in the test the- striking velocity of the projectiles be- ing those corresponding to ranges from 3000 to 5000 yards The target was a structure built in exact imitation of the side of the Tennessee with all decks bulkheads etc complete The results were on the whole ex¬ tremely satisfactory as regards the de ¬ sign of the ship The damage done by the bursting shells was localized with ¬ in the compartment where the explo ¬ sion took place and while the damage to both personnel and material within tho comprtment would undoubtedly have been very great the ship as a whole would have been intact at the conclusion of the firing As a final test a 12inch shell was ex ¬ ploded within a closed compartment just above the armored deck The local ef- fect ¬ of this was considerable but the armored deck was not penetrated DISASTER IN IRRIGATION Engineer Wisner Predicts Destruc ¬ tion of Land in Southern Cali ¬ fornia in Twenty Years Detroit Disastrous results from Irri ¬ gation in the Imperial valley of southern California were predicted by George Y Wisner of Detroit an engineer of na- tional ¬ reputation and member of the In ¬ ternational water ways commission Mr Wisner was speaking before the De ¬ troit Engineering society Within 20 years thousands of peo- ple ¬ who have taken up government land In the Imperial valley will be driven out by water their homes and fields forming the bottom of an Immense in ¬ land sea he said The cause of the coming catastrophe will be poor en ¬ gineering in diverting the course of thy Colorado river for Irrigation The stream has cut into the banks of its new course to such an extent that nearly all of the Colorado river flows down Into the valley Tho engineers realize the danger but after many frantic efforts have failed to change the course back to Its old bed Not for 20 years will the evapora ¬ tion down there be equal to the inflow Into the valley By that time a million acres of the valley which Is CO to 265 feet below sea level will be covered by an inland sea- Triplets I Born to Girl Wife Triplets whose combined weight is 25 pounds were born to Mrs Mary Wright of Marshalltown III who weighs but 105 pounds herself and is only 17 years old The birth of three babies of such weight to such a young and small woman is said to be without precedent iamedlcalannals MURDER MAY RESULT Bye oUnknown Covington Ky Oct 9Harry RIch 18 of Ve9f 16th street js at his home n an unconscious condition and may lIe from stab wounds received About J oclock his parents attempted to irouso him and falling to do so be ¬ came alarmed An Investigation dis covered that he was suffering from a gad wound over the right eye Dr Ben Eckman was summoned and art jr attempting to arouse found lis condition more serious that at first anticipated He located a stab wound > n top of thehead and shoulder and bruises about the body as Jf from kicks His wearing apparel was re ¬ duced to shreds How he got home 1and who assaulted him could not ba ascertained at the time His condition grew worse and anotherphysician was called who found the patient had set Cored paralysis of the ieft side with brains was ¬ snit was committed onjthe Lraclngtoa pike near the lime kila mUe from Covington about 2 ockxjc In the more ¬ ing and that the ettnt Uichvs as witoat it kaowtt Vr ttfi jHJihofilJa < i FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula in adults poorblood These diseases thrive on lean ¬ ness Fat is the best means of overcoming them cod liver oil makes tho best and healthiest fat and SCOTTSEMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil Heres a natural order of things that shows why Srotts Emulsion is of so much cruise in all wises of i clfI1JlIlllllIIISUlllptioll More fit IHMIV wight mote nonrish niLitt tluiCri why Spin far five sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street New York SOc indSOO a u All drugglw BEES HIVE IN A CHIMNEY 1 Wealthy Mans Home Is Chosen by an Army of Insects as Place for Making Honey sootfollowed from the gas grate Into the drawing room dumfounded the family of Lemuel J Eelby who occupy a handsome home at Angeleno Heights stopthe from ruin showed that a large colony of theEelby It being convenient to an unlimited sup ¬ ply of choice flowers that beautify that thelast ceasingthe into the house SUPjthat overcome and the last of the sweet stream to enter the drawing room was spooned up and served on the table The Poetry of Peace There are daily indlCBtioni that Rus- sIa would now welcome an alliance with Japan Peril Ia monster of such yellow mien that to be hated needs but to be seen but seen too oft endurethen Did a Great Work James Carey Walker of Baltimore a blind student for the ministry lUll performed a remarkable feat of reduc- Ing ¬ to the point system 11 chapters of the book of St John and Hadley and Aliens Greek grammar in Greek f Doublebreasted SUITSFor says Dam Fashion Right again as usualand right here are the suits snappy in their stylishsmartness We cant b gin to show their unusual look of neatness and distinction ina rough sketch like thisyou will get a better idea from a mere glance in our window the next time you pass Slip theyfit SCHLOSS Everything else thats smart for Fall here Suits and Over ¬ coats JO to 25 4n d Skirt Parlors are tilled up with beautiful new Cloaks and Skirts for lakes misses and children We are showingthe prettiest Cloaks for ladies The newest things in Cloaks and Wraps sor children The most uptodato Skirts over shown in the city Our styles are the newest Our qualities the best Our prices the lowest Try us on ladies and mans fine shoes Our La rrance shoe for ladle suits every lady that wears it uptodatefootwoor qualitiesWe let us shoe them up this fall and wo will save jou a snug little sum on your fall shoes Get our LOW CASH IKI E on all merchandise before you purchase this fall We can save you moneyon every article you buy We sell ev rjthing Wo buy in largo quantities for cash and undersell nil competition Blankets and Comforts piled mountain high Get our prices and tee how much lower we are than others w We are for the eel brated HAWKS HATS for men If you dont wear a Hawes lint you dont got the best for your money Try o- neWD0OIdhameo Richmond Kentucky The National Daily Review and The Climax Both One Year 1150 r I 1qiM I9 ii4 jIJjU1Hj pTI 4uIU 13 I 1 1 1Viy Enure Stock of Goods Must be Sold by January 1st I REBARULESSj- J MW MMMNI III iui 4 UI puuI I r7f YIAlI IT 111111111 a D q r 1- I I c t fJeI exI

VOLUME RICHMOND 11 i1U ffiffiF7R ROY4LThe SUITSFor Store minyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c0t9x/data/0486.pdf · including such brands as the celebrated Ferndale 1mJ Canned Goods of all

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Page 1: VOLUME RICHMOND 11 i1U ffiffiF7R ROY4LThe SUITSFor Store minyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7sqv3c0t9x/data/0486.pdf · including such brands as the celebrated Ferndale 1mJ Canned Goods of all

0 i I r 4LIf




r r


r j




r7F ffiffiF7Rr i1U+Fi



ICASH1mii We handle Groceries Queensware Hardware lWoodenware Porcelain and Graniteware

2 Harness Farm Impliments Wagons Buggies

it Road Carts etc ah In fact most every articleused on farm or in kitchen

Ret embour CASH PRICE makesgoods very low when Sx

I compared with the credit system ffi


t4urg Cnllca Plow i

the most substantial and easiest running plow 4in the world Examine and give us your order

Fencing Wire Roofingetc

RVSCountry MeaL CheapF7t

Poultry Eggs Hides fand Furs

i Colyer Bros+ Phone 237 Main Street 71


F FrI 3H 7DR MOFFETFS Cures Cholera Infantum

Diarrhoea Dysentery and theBowel Troubles of Children ofJtny Age Aids Digestion

> Regulates the Bowels Strengthens the Child and MAKES

TEETHING PQWDEE WHI TEETHING EASYCosts Only 25c at Druggists or mail 25c to C J MOFFETT H D St Louis Mo

Mother I Hesitate no longer but savo the health and life oftour child as thousands have done by giving these powdersTEETHINA Is easily given and quickly counteracts and over¬comes the effects of the summers heat upon teething children


Twenty =five Years-

ExperienceI j-

jWe use this method to bring before the public

OUT liiititof

j jGrocerlesincluding such brands as the celebrated FerndaleCanned Goods of all kinds White Star brands J1mJ j1

oJit China and Glassware Wood and Willow wave

We also carry a full line of JFieldSedst Feed and Seed Oats Salt

J Lime and Cement< All Orders Promptly FilledJL From time to time we will n Jthis space that will be worthy of notice and in forder to secure the best rood the market affords-

at right prices you should read our advertisetwent weekly

Covinton Arnold Bro fMain Streetc

71 W4



pbrtkametalendcenooil magnetism the true type or perfect mxnmxxl

1o a ttilt the first roiulslta eoodbealtlirHeats whkb Rlreaevelopaent ana ate wOrthfl yrHeurenear ProitraUon SIepne and other tnraUmuito Overwork emekln drug bbltt and otturauaa-Yakearlth healtfiy blood and repair wacud tuarres

lraSLOOehot 81rrorBOOpoitpaWTrtSli AIfIIHacte to retnntL I C not or wncnudPCFrCR MCBrCAL ASSOCIATION CHICAGO U S AY

For sale byEC Wines

New toal Filet

I have opened up a coal businessgain at the same plane opposite IcePlant where I have been located forsix years the past year with the HiltHill t oat Co I will handle Borne uthe best grades of Jellico coal also eBrush Creek coal and I respectfullyKiliHt as art of the patronage of thet e pIe III Richmond mid Madison counsy and shall endeavor to make myprices very attractive and will pleaseyon In the quality of coal Get my

wfnLrnuppltelephof I

itug9 star H FBASKKB I


ROY4LTheBaking Powder

Made df Cream of Tartar andFree From Alum or Phosphatic Acid

Royal Baking Powder renders bread biscuit cakeand all flour foods fin rand more healthful

kBaking powders made from alum phosphates and other

harsh caustic acids are lower in price but they are injurious tothe stomach

I The injurious effect of alum on the mucous coat of theand beyond dispute it is both an irritant

and an astringent The use of alum in any article of food orarticle used in the preparation of food should be prohibited

JOHN C WISE MD Medical Inspector U S Navy



The Princess Theater Was Too SmallTo Hold the Crowd

Mlddlesboro Ky Oct 7As the resuit of the assassination of Jack nolen on Wednesday evening the cltlzens of Middlesboro and Bell countyare up in arms The funeral serviceswere held in the Princess theaterThe intention was to hold them in theBaptist church but the crowd demanded a larger place Throe hundred ormore members of the Odd Fellowsand Junior Order of American Mechan-Ics


of which orders Bolen wai a mem ¬

ber augmented by visiting lodge menattended in a body and the publicschools wero dismissed Over GOO

school children marched to the funeralin a body The spacious theater wasInadequate to hold the



Petition That Commonwealth BeMadea Party To Complaint

Frankfort Ky Oct 7 AttorneysWilliam Lindsay and Bennett HYoung representing the state of Ken¬Bgckbamcommission a petition that the com-monwealth be made a party to thogeneral complaint of discriminationand extortionate rates preferred bynumerous shippers throughout thestate against all railroad companiesoperating lines therein and askingthat from this time the complaint boallowed to be prosecuted In the nameof the people The petition wilL bJ I

heard and passed upon at a meetingof the commission to be held herebeginning October 12 next


Charged With the Assassination ofJack Bolen at Middlesboro

Owingsville Ky Oct 7At Pineville Bell county Frank Ball prominent citizen was indicted for assassination of Jack Bolen who was mur-dered at Middlesboro Wednesday nightwhile sitting in a barber chair Theassassin fired through the windowBall and Bolan had had trouble andBal had drawn a revolver on BolanBall had been indicted for this twodays before the assassination Excite-ment is great in that section andtroops may be asked for Robert Ballfrother of the murdered man was ar-

rested on complicity charge

Inhales Flames May DieCovIngton Ky Oct 7Mrs Wil ¬

liam Rose 55 310 Foote avenue Bellevue was fatally burned at the home ofher son Thomas Rose when gasolineexploded Mrs Vansant a neighborheard her screams and smothered thoflames Dr Robertson thinks MrsRose inhaled the flames and her re-covery is doubtful

Dan Gregory Gets a ParoleFrankfort Ky Oct 7The state

prison commission granted a paroleto Dan Gregory colored an inmate ofthe prison here Gregory was sent upfrom Jessamine county In November1904 to serve two years upon conictlon of breaking into an outhouse


GracefulA IfromThe scent of the violet or roseiss i

precious as the lovely flowerS tWs

oBowersghcsthepleasure I

permanent blessing The fragraBceof a beautiful woman suggests purityhealth and she is t

of civilization an index alwa Softaste and an unerring badge of gentility

BRADFIBLDRegtilatprinpermits of no wrinkles cheeks <rltortundncrves andahapelessfiguresIt ss

Natures rem yThe stBOfflcthingelse and it rjusU plbut the meustnal or tts Aceived and 1imanrliisf lqTry our Regulator all rOur treattsscon II




News in Kentucky1


Elect Officers For the Ensuing Year


Louisville Ky Oct GBrletspeeches relating to the unparalleledprosperity of Kentucky were the fea-ture


of the second and last day of thebankers convention in this city Os-car Fenlejv president of the Bank ofKentucky In Louisville was electedpresident Other officers elected wereas follows Vice Presidents Con ¬CIT11 1 FugateAdairville Fourth J M Knott Leba-non Fifth Henry C Walbeck Louis-ville Sixth W E Elliston LatoniaSeventh George Alexander ParisEighth R R Burnam RichmondNinth J N Kehoe Maysvllle TenthJ S Head Jackson Eleventh JohnW Slier Wllllamsburg secretary

treasurerItive committee Samuel Cassiday LouIsville E L Lee Covington T HDees Murray Ky


He Was Convicted of Abusing MaryGlader a German Girl

Russellvllle Ky Oct GThe JuryJn the case of W R Fletcher a whiteman charged with abusing Mary Gla ¬

der a German girl returned a ver¬

dict of guilty and fixed the punish ¬

ment at death Women pinned flowersto the jurors coats and made otherdemonstrations of delight FletcherIs t 2 years old father of five childrenand three times a grandfather Histhree daughters were by his side whenthe verdict was read and wept bitterly but Fletcher while very pale didnot shed a tear Guy Lyon chargedwith the samo crime as Fletcher Isnow on trial The proof against Lyonis stronger than that against the othertwo consequently It Is safe to say helike Sacra and Fletcher will receivethe death penalty-


The Grand Lodge Voted To Sell HomeFor Widows and Orphans

Hopkinsville Ky Oct GAfter anexciting discussion that lasted untilmidnight the grand lodge Knights ofPythias of Kentucky decided by avoto of 112 to 97 to dispose of theRichardsonGibson property near Lex¬

ington which had been purchased asa home for the widows and orphansof deceased Knights The grand lodgethen by a vote of 133 to 96 decidedto sell the property and reinvest thefunds The grand lodge decided to fixthe minimum initiation fee at 10 Ithas been 15 The next meeting willbe held in Louisville


The Victim Had Just Returned HomeFrom Church

HIckman Ky Oct GArter he hadreturned from church Emmet WRoach a prominent citizen and teach¬

er of this county was shot from am-


Roach lived 30 minutes andgave the name of his assassin whichhas not yet been mado public

Kentucky Claims Are AllowedWashington Oct GThe war de

partment has notified Capt C C Calhoun that the following Kentuckyclaims of 135 each have been allow ¬

ed for losses sustained unlawfully byconf deratesEA Henshey Battletown Nicholas Hadden Mt SterlingJ F Williams Winchester

To Repair the Henry Clay MonumentLexington Ky Oct C Lexington

lodgu of Masons No1 of which Hen-ry


Cay was once master has decidedto call upon Masons throughout Ken-tucky


to unite In an appeal to thelegislature for an appropriation to rpair tho headless monument tostatesman

Man Found Dead In a FieldGeorgetown Ky Oct GA tall

man weighing about 175 pounds andGO years old was found lying In a fieldnear Elkhorn river where the bridgecrosses on the Cincinnati pike Hewas covered with blood A pistol l-


his side with one cartridge ex¬


ICovlhgtonlloneel DiesCovington Ky Oct 6 Mrs Pau ¬

line Hauser 70 died In StElizabeth hhospital of senility Mrs Hauser wasone of the oldest residents of Coving I

tonlwd with her husband AbrahamUSt r who survives her kept ayearP s

ouded Up By the PoliceLexington Ky Oct CrThe police

department In charge of the groundduring the trotting meeting arrestednine men <ra susplejaa and Jogkedthem bp at teadgnartewan aof mferatic until their Iden chareJb e

rbl1hed j



Socialists Clergymen and School Crit ¬

ics Attempt to Get at Reasonfor SelfSacrifice of Life

Conditions Alarming

Berlin Several distressing instancesof childrens suicides have occurredsince the autumn school term beganThis has brought on a discussion ofthe conditions of school and home lifeand endeavors are being made to tracethe causes of that increasing feeble¬

ness of the desire to live which is isaffirmed the 11000 suicides of 1903 In ¬

dicate The statistics of childrens selfmurder in Saxony show that althoughonly seven persons under 14committedsuicide in 19011902 the number roseto 21 In 1903 The suicides of adultsin Saxony increased in the same timefrom 1SS8 to 1427

The causes of suicide in Germanyare regarded as being exceedingly sub¬

tie and in the current discussions thepersonal views on the subject havegenerally been decided by the observ ¬

ers opinions on other questionsThe socialists account for the sui ¬

cides by economic reasons which theysay result in making it harder to getsubsistence darken life generally andthrow shadows over the lives of thechildrenThe

view is that the absenceof faith the Increase of irrellgion andthe growth of sensual materialism ex ¬

plain the weakening desire for life andthat a revival of spiritual aims wouldlessen suicides by increasing the serenity of living

Critics of the school systems assertthat children are forced too much thatthey are overatimulated and are givent sks which are impos ble for accom-plishment for those slightly below thestandard of capacity and that punIsh-ments


the fear of reproofs and Injuryto selfpride push the child toward sui ¬

cide of which he often hears his eld ¬

ers refer to as a refugeAn instance is given of a 12yearold

boy who had failed to do a Latin ex¬

ercise properly and was sent home tohis father The boy the moment heentered his fathers room shot himselfIn identical circumstances anotherboy threw himself out of a window

The total number of childrens sui ¬

cides In Germany during 18 years was747 just under 42 amually


Trials at Indian Head Show Platesfor the Tennessee Type of Ships

Have Great Resistance

Washington Rear Admiral Masonchief of the bureau of ordnance gave outthis statement In regard to the armortests made at the Indian Head provinggroundsAn

test took place Incontinuation of the series of experi ¬

ments begun last March to determinethe resisting power of the Tennesseeclass of armored cruisers under the attack of projectiles loaded with variouskinds of explosives The six and eightInch were used in the test the-striking velocity of the projectiles be-ing those corresponding to ranges from3000 to 5000 yards The target was astructure built in exact imitation of theside of the Tennessee with all decksbulkheads etc complete

The results were on the whole ex¬

tremely satisfactory as regards the de ¬

sign of the ship The damage done bythe bursting shells was localized with ¬

in the compartment where the explo¬

sion took place and while the damageto both personnel and material withintho comprtment would undoubtedlyhave been very great the ship as awhole would have been intact at theconclusion of the firing

As a final test a 12inch shell was ex¬

ploded within a closed compartment justabove the armored deck The local ef-


of this was considerable but thearmored deck was not penetrated


Engineer Wisner Predicts Destruc¬

tion of Land in Southern Cali ¬

fornia in Twenty Years

Detroit Disastrous results from Irri ¬

gation in the Imperial valley of southernCalifornia were predicted by GeorgeY Wisner of Detroit an engineer of na-tional


reputation and member of the In ¬

ternational water ways commissionMr Wisner was speaking before the De¬

troit Engineering societyWithin 20 years thousands of peo-


who have taken up government landIn the Imperial valley will be drivenout by water their homes and fieldsforming the bottom of an Immense in ¬

land sea he said The cause of thecoming catastrophe will be poor en¬

gineering in diverting the course of thyColorado river for Irrigation Thestream has cut into the banks of its newcourse to such an extent that nearly allof the Colorado river flows down Intothe valley Tho engineers realize thedanger but after many frantic effortshave failed to change the course backto Its old bed

Not for 20 years will the evapora ¬

tion down there be equal to the inflowInto the valley By that time a millionacres of the valley which Is CO to 265feet below sea level will be covered byan inland sea-



Born to Girl WifeTriplets whose combined weight is

25 pounds were born to Mrs MaryWright of Marshalltown III whoweighs but 105 pounds herself and isonly 17 years old The birth of threebabies of such weight to such a youngand small woman is said to be withoutprecedent iamedlcalannals

MURDER MAY RESULTByeoUnknownCovington Ky Oct 9Harry RIch

18 of Ve9f 16th street js at his homen an unconscious condition and maylIe from stab wounds received AboutJ oclock his parents attempted toirouso him and falling to do so be¬

came alarmed An Investigation discovered that he was suffering from agad wound over the right eye DrBen Eckman was summoned and artjr attempting to arouse foundlis condition more serious that at firstanticipated He located a stab wound>n top of thehead and shoulder andbruises about the body as Jf fromkicks His wearing apparel was re ¬

duced to shreds How he got home1and who assaulted him could not ba

ascertained at the time His conditiongrew worse and anotherphysician wascalled who found the patient had setCored paralysis of the ieft side withbrainswas ¬

snit was committed onjthe Lraclngtoapike near the lime kila mUe fromCovington about 2 ockxjc In the more ¬

ing and that the ettnt Uichvs aswitoat it kaowtt Vr ttfi jHJihofilJa


FOR BOTHOne disease of thinness in

children is scrofula in adults

poorbloodThese diseases thrive on lean ¬

ness Fat is the best means ofovercoming them cod liver oilmakes tho best and healthiestfat and


is the easiest and most effectiveform of cod liver oil Heres anatural order of things thatshows why Srotts Emulsion isof so much cruise in all wises oficlfI1JlIlllllIIISUlllptioll Morefit IHMIV wight mote nonrishniLitt tluiCri why

Spin far five sample

SCOTT BOWNE Chemists409 415 Pearl Street New York

SOc indSOO a u All drugglw


Wealthy Mans Home Is Chosen byan Army of Insects as Place

for Making Honey

sootfollowedfrom the gas grate Into the drawingroom dumfounded the family of LemuelJ Eelby who occupy a handsome homeat Angeleno Heightsstopthefrom ruin showed that a large colony oftheEelbyIt being convenient to an unlimited sup ¬

ply of choice flowers that beautify thatthelastceasingtheinto the houseSUPjthatovercome and the last of the sweetstream to enter the drawing room wasspooned up and served on the table

The Poetry of PeaceThere are daily indlCBtioni that Rus-

sIa would now welcome an alliancewith Japan Peril Ia monster ofsuch yellow mien that to be hatedneeds but to be seen but seen too oft

endurethenDid a Great Work

James Carey Walker of Baltimorea blind student for the ministry lUllperformed a remarkable feat of reduc-Ing


to the point system 11 chaptersof the book of St John and Hadleyand Aliens Greek grammar in Greek



SUITSForsays Dam Fashion Right again asusualand right here are the suitssnappy in their stylishsmartnessWe cant b gin to show their unusuallook of neatness and distinction inarough sketch like thisyou will get abetter idea from a mere glance in ourwindow the next time you pass SliptheyfitSCHLOSSEverything else thats smart for Fallhere

Suits and Over ¬

coats JO to 25

4nd SkirtParlors are tilled up with beautiful new Cloaksand Skirts for lakes misses and children Weare showingthe prettiest Cloaks for ladies Thenewest things in Cloaks and Wraps sor childrenThe most uptodato Skirts over shown in thecity Our styles are the newest Our qualitiesthe best Our prices the lowest

Try us on ladies and mans fine shoes Our La rrance shoe for ladle suits every lady that wears ituptodatefootwoorqualitiesWelet us shoe them up this fall and wo will save jou a snug little sum on your fall shoes

Get our LOW CASH IKI E on all merchandise before you purchase this fall We can save youmoneyon every article you buy We sell ev rjthing Wo buy in largo quantities for cash and undersellnil competition Blankets and Comforts piled mountain high Get our prices and tee how muchlower we are than others


We are for the eel brated HAWKS HATS for men If you dont wear a Hawes lint you dontgot the best foryour money Try o-

neWD0OIdhameoRichmond Kentucky

The National Daily Reviewand The Climax Both One Year 1150

r I 1qiM I9ii4

jIJjU1HjpTI4uIU 13 I1


1Viy Enure Stock of Goods

Must be Sold by January 1st IREBARULESSj-


UI puuI Ir7fYIAlI IT 111111111 aD q r 1-

I Ic


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