www.waqfenau.us Volume 4 Issue 2 Apr-Jun 2015 Masjid Bait-ul-Wahid, Clifton New Jersey

Volume 4 Issue 2 Apr-Jun 2015waqfenau.us/newsletter/WaqfeNau-Newsletter-Vol4_Issue_2-Apr_June... · Volume 4 Issue 2 Apr-Jun ... periodicals of the Jamā‘at and the books of the

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www.waqfenau.us Volume 4 Issue 2

Apr-Jun 2015

Masjid Bait-ul-Wahid, Clifton New Jersey

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Nawa`e Waqfe Nau

Online Waqfe Nau Classes



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In This Issue

Al-Quran 4

Hadith 5

Friday Sermon 6-8

Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) 9

South West Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 10

Chicago Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 11

PA/NJ Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 12-14

Rochester & MD/VA Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema Report 15

Personal Experiences 16

Poem 17

First National Waqifaat Camp 2015 18

9th Boys Jamia Orientation Camp 2015 19

Upcoming Events 20

Ameer Jama`at

USA Dr. Ahsanullah


Na’ib Ameer & Missionary In-

Charge Maulana

Naseem Mahdi

National Secretary

Waqfe Nau Hafiz Samiullah


Chief Editor Imran Jattala

Editors Mansoor Ahmad

Madiha Qureshi

Hammad Malik

A Quarterly Publication of National Waqfe Nau Department - USA

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 4


Chapter 2 Verse 186

The month of Ramadan is

that in which the Quran

was sent down as a guid-

ance for mankind with

clear proofs of guidance

and discrimination. There-

fore, whosoever of you is

present at home in this

month, let him fast

therein. But whoso is sick

or is on a journey, shall

fast the same number of

other days. Allah desires

to give you facility and He

desires not hardship for

you, and that you may

complete the number, and

that you may exalt Allah

for His having guided you

and that you may be


Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA


Page 5

Allah Sees Hearts

Narrated by Hadrat Abu Hurairah, Al-

lah be pleased with him: Said the

Prophet of Allah (peace be on him and

blessings of Allah):

“AllAh does not see towArds your

shapes and your wealth but He sees to-

wArds your heArts And your Actions.”

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary

Speaking about the ban imposed by the government of Pun-

jab, Pakistan, on the publication of the Daily Alfadl, various

periodicals of the Jamā‘at and the books of the Promised

Messiah (as) , Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: Peo-

ple are writing letters to me and sending faxes expressing

their sadness and worry over the ban.

We ought to remember that this is not the first time such a

thing has happened. Ever since the Jamā‘at was established,

such things have been happening and will continue to hap-

pen in the future as well. These bans have never caused any

harm to the Jamā‘at in the past, nor will they be able to do

so in the future. However, like always, such actions of our

opponents should only encourage us to increase in faith and

make our relationship with the Promised Messiah (as) even

stronger, just as a fertilizer helps a crop grow and flourish.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: If in the past we

have paid less attention to the study of the literature pro-

duced by the Promised Messiah (as), we should now pay

more attention to it. God has sent the Promised Messiah

with the treasures of knowledge and has given him the

promise of victory. We have always witnessed that the

Jamā‘at progressed even further when it faced opposition

and persecution. The more we are persecuted the greater

is the grace of Allāh upon us; hence, this time too we will

emerge better than before. Therefore, we must not worry.

There was a time when we thought that a ban on the publi-

cation of literature may harm the progress of Jamā‘at but

now by the grace of Allāh these treasures of knowledge are

spread in the air across the world, which can emerge be-

fore us just by pressing a single button. Our job now is to

obtain maximum benefit from the literature and theological

knowledge gifted to us by the Promised Messiah (as). Hu-

zoor (May Allāh be his Helper) quoted excerpts from the

Friday Sermon: Promised Messiah (a.s.): The exalted status of The Prophet (saw)

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

on May 15, 2015

writings of the Promised Messiah regarding the exalted

status of the Almighty God and the Holy Prophet (saw) .

The Promised Messiah (as)said: May peace and blessings be

upon the Best of the Prophets, Muhammad , the chosen one,

and upon his family and companions, through whom God led

a misguided world to the right path. He was the kind and

beneficent being who guided the misguided world to the

right path. He was the benevolent and compassionate one

who helped the world get rid of idolatry and idols. He was

the light and the enlightened one who spread the light of

Allāh’s Unity in the world. He was the noble being who

showed such miracles as proved to be the water of life for

the dead. He was the kind- hearted and benevolent one who

worried and took pains for the sake of the Ummah.

Shedding light on the excellent morals of the Holy Prophet ,

the Promised Messiah (as) said. The Holy Prophet (saw),

experienced in utmost perfection both kinds of situations:

the time of trial and misfortune and the time of victory and

dominance. He experienced these two conditions in such an

order as manifested his excellent morals to be as brilliant as

the sun. God caused the excellent morals, such as generos-

ity, magnanimity, piety, contentment, bravery, courage and

love for God to be demonstrated in the person of the Seal of

the Prophets in such a manner as were never demonstrated

before in the world, nor will they ever be demonstrated in

that manner in the future.

The Promised Messiah (as) said: The Man who in his being

and his attributes and in his actions, and through his spiritual

and holy faculties, set an example of perfection in knowledge

and action and in sincerity and steadfastness and was called

the Perfect Man and was accompanied by the perfect bless-

ings was no other than the one who is the Blessed Prophet

(saw), the Seal of the Prophets, the Imam of the righteous,

the Seal of the messengers, the Pride of the Prophets, the

Holy Prophet (saw).

Illustrating the favours of the Holy Prophet (saw), upon the

Ummah the Promised Messiah (as) said: God sent for us a

prophet who is benevolent and who reached the pinnacle of

excellence in all the good works and who is the Seal of all

the Prophets and messengers. I, therefore, pray: ‘O Allāh!

May thy peace and blessings be upon the Holy Prophet (saw)

and upon his holy family who were righteous and upon his

companions who were righteous and became his helpers and

were, therefore, helped!’ The Promised Messiah (as) said:

The one who fails to follow even an iota of the Holy Qur’ān

is no longer a believer, and the one who fails to follow even

an iota of the commandments given by the Holy Prophet

(saw) shall fall into the abyss of misguidance.

Page 6

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued...

Again, the Promised Messiah (as) said: For mankind there is

now no book in the world but the Holy Qur’ān, and no

prophet and intercessor but Muhammad , the Prophet of

Allāh. You should, therefore, try to truly love that glorious

prophet and avoid giving preference to anyone else over

him, so that in heaven you are considered to be among

those who have been granted salvation. There is neither a

Prophet comparable to the Holy Prophet (saw) under the

heavens nor is there a Book comparable to the Holy

Qur’ān. God did not will for anyone to live forever but this

esteemed Prophet will live forever’.

Next, Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) announced the sad

demise of Muhammad Musa Sahib, a dervish of Qādiān,

India, and of Sahibzadi Amatur Rafiq Sahiba, daughter of

Hazrat Mir Muhammad Ismail Sahib and wife of Syed Haz-

ratullah Pasha Sahib. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper)

spoke of the services of the deceased for the Jamā‘at and

announced that he would lead their funeral prayer in absen-

tia after the Jumu‘a Prayer.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) gave a faith-inspiring

discourse, with reference to May 27th, on the establish-

ment, importance and blessings of the Institution of Khilā-

fat and the progress the Jamā‘at has made under this

blessed institution. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) ad-

vised the Jamā‘at to show perfect submission and obedi-

ence to the Khalīfatul-Masīh and adhere firmly to the Insti-

tution of Khilāfat.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) quoted and explained a

hadith of the Holy Prophet (saw) regarding the blessings

and continuity of the Institution of Khilāfat until the Last

Day, and said: God included us among those who believe

in His beloved about whom the Holy Prophet (saw) said

that he would bring Faith back to the earth even if it had

ascended to the Pleiades. Another grace that the Almighty

God has showered upon those who adhered to the Insti-

tution of Khilāfat is that they were enabled to take Bai‘at

of all the Khalīfas of the Promised Messiah (as). Every

Ahmadī firmly believes that it was none other than the

Promised Messiah who brought Faith back to the earth

from the Pleiades. Therefore, it is now the duty of every

Ahmadī to inculcate faith and adhere to it to the best of

his ability. We should have a firm relationship with the

Institution of Khilāfat that has succeeded and followed in

the footsteps of the Promised Messiah (as) and become a

true image of Faith to spread the message and establish

the Unity of Allāh in every part of the world.

Page 7

Friday Sermon: The Blessings of Khilafat Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA,

the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

on May 29, 2015

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: Speaking about

Qudrat-e-Thāniyah, the Second Manifestation of Divine

Power, the Promised Messiah said: ‘It is essential for you

to also witness the Second Manifestation of Divine Power

as its coming is good for you, for it will last forever and

will not be cut off until the Last Day’.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: We all are aware

that the term, ‘First Manifestation of Divine Power’, refers

to the Promised Messiah himself and the term, ‘Second

Manifestation of Divine Power’, refers to the Institution of

Khilāfat. To establish Faith in the world, God sent the

Promised Messiah , and then He showed the ‘Second

Beautiful Exterior of the Europe's largest mosque

Baitul Futuh Mosque — UK

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued...

Manifestation of His Power’. Therefore, Faith cannot make

progress; neither can the Jamā‘at remain united without


Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: God frustrated the

plans of the mischiefmakers who tried to hinder the estab-

lishment of the Second Manifestation of Divine Power by

creating hurdles in the path of the election of the Khalīfa,

for God had promised that He would cause the Institution

of Khilāfat to remain firmly established until the Last Day.

The mischief-makers said that the Jamā‘at will soon come

to an end; however, we witness that God has caused the

Jamā‘at to make progress despite untoward circumstances.

The work of Tablīgh too has now expanded a great deal

and we are witnesses to the fresh fruits it bears every day.

On the other hand, those who separated themselves from

the Institution of Khilāfat saw the disintegration of their

own centre and many who were possessed of good nature

from among them are joining the Jamā‘at now and gather-

ing under the banner of the Institution of Khilāfat.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: It is under the

blessed supervision of the Institution of Khilāfat that the

propagation of Faith continues in the world today. It is the

Ahmadiyya Jamā‘at alone that is showing the true image of

Islam to the world. This is the reason why God Himself is

proving the truth of the Institution of Khilāfat to the world.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) related a few faith-

inspiring incidents in this regard and said: Those who will

stay firm in their faith will witness Allāh’s signs and Allāh’s

help being granted to them.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: By the grace of

Allāh, the blessings of the Institution of Khilāfat, which God

Himself has established, shall continue to benefit the world,

but those who will not fulfil their pledge of giving prece-

dence to faith over worldly matters shall not be able to avail

the benefit. The Divine promise of change of fear into peace

is for those who will worship Him and will not hold part-

ners with Him. To misstate the facts and telling lies is also a

kind of shirk (holding partners with Allāh). Therefore, those

who are guilty of these vices cannot truly benefit from the

blessings of Khilāfat.

Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper) said: The office-bearers

of the Jamā‘at have been blessed and enabled to serve the

Jamā‘at only because of their association with the Institu-

tion of Khilāfat. Therefore, should they feel any element of

pride and self-importance, they should do Istighfar. Also,

the Jamā‘at scholars are responsible to educate the new

Ahmadīs about how they can establish a true relationship

with the Institution of Khilāfat. For this purpose the office-

bearers of the Jamā‘at need to improve their own religious

knowledge and increase in faithfulness, devotion and piety

as well as strengthen their relationship with the Institution

of Khilāfat. The office-bearers, missionaries, and scholarly

people of the Jamā‘at should, become helpers and support-

ers of the Institution of Khilāfat, act in accordance with the

directives of the Khalīfa and urge others as well to do so.

May Allāh enable us to do this! Āmīn


Friday Sermon synopsis by:

Ch. Hameedullah, Wakīl A‘lā,

Tahrīk Jadīd Anjuman Ahmadiyya Pakistan

Dated: June 4, 2015

Page 8

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Page 9

Writings of the Promised Messiah (as)

The Holy Prophet (saw)

When we examine with fairness and justice all the prophets of the past, we find

that Muhammad, the Holy Prophet of Islam, stands out as the most valiant

among them, the one who fully possessed all the qualities of life and was the one

most endeared to God. (Sirajul Muneer: Roohani Khaza’in, Vol. 12, p.82)

A strange phenomenal event took place in the deserts of Arabia, when hundreds

of thousands of dead became alive within a few days, and those who had been

corrupted through generations took on Divine color. The blind began to see and

the tongues of the dumb began to flow with Divine wisdom. Such a revolution

took place in the world as no eye had seen or no ear had heard of before. Do

you realize what this was? All this was brought about by prayers during the dark-

ness of night of one who had been wholly lost in God. This created an uproar in

the world and manifested such wonders as seemed impossible at the hads of that

unlettered helpless person. O Allah! Send down blessings and peace on him and

on his followers in proportion to his concern and suffering for the Muslim Um-

mah (the people of Islam) and shower upon him the light of Thy mercy for ever.

(Baarakatud Dua: Roohani Khaza’in, Vol. 6, pp.10-11)

For all of the children of Adam there is now no Messenger and intercessor other

that the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the chosen one, may peace and blessings of

Allah be upon him. So you should endeavor to cultivate true love for this magnifi-

cent and majestic prophet and not place anyone else above him in any manner

so that you may be counted in Heaven among those who have attained salva-

tion. Remember, salvation is not something which is attainable only after death.

Indeed true salvation is the one which manifests its light in this very world. Who is

the one who is delivered? He indeed who believes that God is truth and that the

Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is the intercessor

between God and mankind.. So also he believes that under the firmament of

Heaven there is no prophet equal to him that there is no book of the status of

the Quran. And for none else God ordained that he should live for ever with his

message and his law, but this noble Prophet lives for ever.

(Kishti Nuh: Roohani Khaza’in Vol. 19, p.13)

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Page 10

South West Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema April 19th 2015 — Bait ul Hameed Mosque Chino CA

By Ismail Dar, Regional Secretary—SW Region

The program started with Tilawat at 10:45 followed by translation and

Qaseedah. South West Regional Secretary Ismail Dar Sahib who went

over the program and started with a welcome speech that anyone who is

a part of this Waqfe Nau Scheme is very special and being special comes

with a lot of responsibility and dedication. The parents play a big role in

bringing up and training to become a role model for others.

Opening remarks were delivered by Naib Ameer Dr. Hamid Rehman Sahib

who reminded all the Waqfeen about their responsibilities being a Waqfe

Nau. He mentioned and reminded everyone about the sacrifice made by

their parents to prepare them to spread Islam and Ahmadiyyat through

this Waqfe Nau Scheme established by Hazrat Khalifa tul Massih the 4th.

He emphasized also the need for all the Waqfeen to serve Jamaat in vari-

ous capacities all over the world.

Imran Jattala Sahib also gave a welcome speech on Hafiz Samiullah Sahib’s

behalf who was unable to come. He took the time to explain also to all the Waqfeen for online testing and how they can

take advantage of this. He mentioned about the benefits of his weekly class and

how everyone can stay on course by attending it that follows the Waqfe Nau Syl-

labus. He did also gave a message to all the Waqfeen to convey that anyone who

was absent to make sure they are here next time and we missed them.

After these brief speeches and Dua the competitions started in the presence of

Naib Ameer Sahib who was gracious to stay for the whole program. He also gave

out Chocolates to all the Waqfeen after their presentations. On boys side the

program was administered by Nasir Noor Sahib. The girls competitions were held

separately under the supervision of Mrs. Imran Jattala Sahib. All the competitions

were completed by 3:00 PM. The total attendance with boys about 29 and girls

were about 55. All the attendees were from four different Jamaat’s which in-

cluded LA West, LA Inland Empire, LA East and Las Vegas Jamaat.

After Zuhar prayer a group picture of all Waqfeen and younger girls was taken

with Naib Ameer Sahib and Imran Jattala Sahib who later also presented prizes to all the Waqfeen. The whole program

for boys and girls was concluded around 3:00 PM.

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 11

Chicago Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema May 30th 2015 Glen Ellyn, Baitul-ul-Jamaay

Alhamdulillah on May 30th, 2015 the the Regional Waqfe-Nau ijtema took place at Bait-ul-Jamaay Glen Ellyn Mosque. Fol-lowing registration and breakfast the pro-gram started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and Urdu poem followed by the welcome note and program overview by the Regional Secretaries Mohammed Layeequddin Ahmed Sahib and Mohammad Azhar Ahmad Sahib. This was followed by an address by the National Waqfe-Nau Representative Muhammad Zaffarullah Khan Sahib. Then there was also another address which was done by Dr. Waheed Khan Sahib. Then, Dua was lead. A small session with the Waqfeen children under the age of five was conducted.

The second session started off with academic competitions for the ages of 5 to 16. Then lunch was served followed by Salaat. A group picture was conducted as well as being able to write letters to Huzoor (aba). All Waqfeen had a chance to play a few fun activities.

Then Final Session began with a short presentation on learning Urdu. The

Waqfeen were given awards and chocolates for the academic competitions. By Al-

lah’s grace and mercy our program ended successfully.

We had an attendance of 42 Waqfe-Nau boys, 29 Waqfe-Nau girls, a total of

113 members, and 7 out of 8 Jamaats participated. Our ijtema ended with Dua lead

by the National Waqfe-Nau Representative Muhammad Zaffarullah Khan Sahib.

Report by: Mohammed

Layeequddin Ahmed

Chicago Regional Waqfe Nau Secretary

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PA/NJ Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema May 30th 2015 Clifton, North Jersey, Masjid Baitul Wahid

The Combined Pennsylvania and New Jersey Regional

Waqfe Nau Ijtema was held on May 30, 2015 at Baitul

Wahid Mosque, in North Jersey. About 140-150 people

attended this Ijtema of which 89 were Waqifeen-e-Nau.

We were honored to have present National Waqfe Nau

Sec. Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib and Assistant Sec.

Waqfe Nau Hammad Malik Sahib . The first session began with Talawat by Hisham Ahmad

and Nazm by Zubair Obaidullah . Next, the welcoming

address was given by Regional Secretary of NJ, Mubashir

Mirza Sahib. Next, Opening address was given by Hafiz

Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib. In his opening speech, Hafiz

sahib said that religion was a strange and powerful thing,

there were people today who would die for it and there were people who would kill for it. He re-

cited Chapter Al-Baqarah verse 31 and said that when God Almighty mentioned His plan to create

human beings to the angels, they said that they were busy in glorification of God Almighty already

and what more could be achieved with the creation of mankind other than bloodshed. But God

Almighty told them that He knew what the angels didn’t know. Hafiz sahib mentioned Chapter Al-

Kahf verse 30 where God Almighty says about the humankind, “let him who will, believe, and let

him, who will, disbelieve.” Thus, the message was that God had bestowed mankind with free will

unlike angels and it was left for the humankind to make choices and exercise that free will. Hafiz sahib said that Ahmadiyya Muslim community was the true follower of Prophet Muhammad

(SAW). He said that there were many sad instances in the world where Muslims were killing other

Muslims, he gave the example of Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen, Iraqis killing Syrians and vice versa,

Muslims killing each other in Afghanistan. He asked if this was the way to truly follow in the foot-

steps of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – certainly not, he replied! So it was the job of the Ahmadiyya

Muslim community to show the world the beautiful face of Islam.

Hafiz sahib recited a Persian couplet by the Promised Messiah (AS) where the Promised Messiah

(AS) had said that love was a strangely powerful force, where a wound in the way of love or a ban-

dage treating a wound were both equally ac-

ceptable to a lover.

كردي ٰاثار نمايان عجب اي محبت

زخم و مرهم بره يار تو يكسان كرديShahadat (giving life) of one time vs Daily fulfill-

ment of the requirements of Shahadat (I bear

witness) of a Waaqfe Zindgi and the same is

for Waqfe Nau. Everyday Life, circumstances,

the hostile environment and the society and

culture we live in, presenting us with difficult options to choose from and EVERYTIME we

have to make the right decision day in and day

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 13

PA/NJ Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema Continued... out, this is Waqfe Zindgi and this is Waqfe Nau. Thus, Hafiz sahib said, we should be ready to ac-

cept good times and bad times in the pursuit of our mission to show the beautiful face of Islam to

the world if we were true lovers of God Almighty. After Hafiz Sahib’s address, Mansoor Ahmad Sa-

hib (Reg. Waqfe Nau PA) reviewed the program

and competition guidelines. Then, presentations for

children 4 years and under were held. All the chil-

dren under the age of 4 were invited one at a time

to make their presentation on anything from their

age syllabus. Each child was given a medal, Qaida

Yassarnal Quran and a chocolate for their presen-

tation. Next, the second session for academic competi-

tions for ages 5-17 years began. Educational competitions in all the age groups were

being held separately for boys and girls and were

done simultaneously. This year the competitions

were held either 1st half syllabus or 2nd half sylla-

bus for each age group depending on child’s cur-

rent age. All the competitions went smoothly.


Before the Lunch Waqifaat 18 and above were given 20 minutes time to do their presentations


After lunch and Salat, a group photograph was taken of the Waqifeen, fathers and honored guests

with Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib. Next, we began the afternoon session with a

speech/Power point on “Jamia Canada Trip 2015

experience/thoughts ” by Hamza Obaidullah. Then, a power point presentation was given by Asadullah Choudhary on Hazoor’s address of March

1st, 2015 at UK Waqfe Nau National Ijtema. Near the end, the prize distri-

bution ceremony was held and

prizes were given for various

competitions to the Waqifeen

by Hafiz Samiullah Sahib on the

men’s side and prizes were

distributed to the Waqifaat on

the women’s side by Hafiz Sa-

hib’s wife. This year we also

gave special prize and medal to two Waqfeen who completed

their professional degrees.

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Page 14

PA/NJ Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema Continued...

Assadullah Chaudhary completed his medical degree and Zaafar Ahmad finished his bachelor degree in Archi-

tecture. The ziafat team prepared the barbecue food for our ijtema attendees. Everyone liked the delicious


At the end, Hafiz Sahib invited all the Ziafat team who worked under Waseem Ahmad Mahmood Sahib (local

Waqfe Nau Sec.) and gave them medals for their hard work. The Ijtema program ended with Dua.

Report submitted by: By Mansoor Ahmad

PA Regional Waqfe Nau Secretary

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 15

MD/SVA Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema June 8, 2015 Maryland Masjid Baitul Rahman

We had our NE regional WN ijtema today May 2nd held at Buffal masjid. 4 wn boys and 4girls age

from 4y and up to 18 y participated. I travelled with 1wn boy and his father to Buffalo. 5 of the moth-

ers and 1of the father were also pre-

sent.Ijtema started around 10:30a with

tilawat and translation.

Religious knowledge competition took-

lace place among the boys and girls

according to their age group syllabus.

Ijtema ended around 12:30p with prize

distribution and Dua,followed by lunch and salat Zuhr/Asr.

Report by Tahir khokhar

Regional WN Sec

Rochester Regional WaqfeNau Ijtema May 2nd, 2015 at Buffal Masjid

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Trip to London by Danish Chaudhry, NY

My trip to London was life changing and extremely inspirational. My flight was great going to

London because the flight was practically empty. All the brothers from the majlis of Queens

had a whole row to themselves. When we got to Heathrow Airport, we met up with a couple

of the local khudam who helped us through the airport and transported us all to Baitul Futuh.

We then settled in right next to Tahir Hall and received our name tags with our majlis. After

that, we went to sleep and then woke up at 4:00 a.m. for Fajr Salat. We had to travel all the

way to Baitul Fazl where we had a chance to pray namaz behind our beloved Huzur, the

fifth Khalifa. Then after, we made our way back to Baitul Futuh to get ready for breakfast.

Soon after, all of the guests from USA and Canada had to get ready for Jumah. We arrived

in the Baitul Futuh hall at 12:00 sharp to get ready for Huzur’s Friday Sermon. The whole

masjid hall was packed with many people that were engaged in Huzur’s great words. We

then had the privilege to pray Salat behind Huzur once again. The Saturday that followed,

we had our mouliqat with Huzur. I was lucky enough to be in the front row only feet away

from the fifth Khalifa. We all had a chance to introduce ourselves and later had a question-

answer session with Huzur. After that, we had photographs taken in groups with Huzur. The

last day, we visited Hadeqatul Mahdi, Islamabad, and the Jamia there as well. The trip all

throughout was amazing. I also felt a strong connection of brotherhood when we were all

there throughout all the events that took place that weekend.

Visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada by Danial Mahmood

Recently I had the opportunity to go to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, and it was a wonderful ex-

perience. I was able to experience just a little of what life in Jamia was like and it intrigued

me. Our trip started on Friday April 3rd. We went to Baitul Islam Mosque for jummah prayer

and were able to meet many of the jamaat’s members. The sermon talked about not wasting

your life and to pursue goals and help the jamaat in times of need. Afterwards, we attended

an orientation specifically for those waqfe nau who had come from the USA. We were served

light refreshments, given itineraries for the trip, and then headed toward a local bowling alley

for about two hours with some jamia students. We returned to Peace Village in time for a din-

ner held in our honor that was attended by the Amir sahib of Canada, National Majlis Amila,

Principal and staff of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada. We were able to visit the actual classrooms

of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada on the second day. We were given a tour around the premises,

which included a gym. library and classrooms. We also met with all 7 years of Jamia students

while visiting them during their classes. While there, we also experienced a Jamia exhibition

tour where we learned of many things, including facts about the life of the Promised Messiah

(as). After our visit of the upper levels of Jamia, we were given an opportunity to go back to

our hostels and change and come back to play at the gym in Aiwan Tahir. We attended a

concluding session on the last day. There we had parting words and received many gifts and

headed back to the USA. The trip was an incredible learning experience as we all learned

what the life of a Jamia student really entails.

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Page 17


The most blessed month of all is Ramadan.

The doors of hell are closed in Ramadan.

The doors of paradise are open in Ramadan.

Satan is restrained by Allah in Ramadan.

Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan Mubarak!

To win the pleasure of Allah, we keep fasts in Ramadan.

We offer nawaafil, taraaveh, and tahajjad in Ramadan.

We spend a lot of time remembering Allah in Ramadan.

Also we recite Holy Quran more often in Ramadan.

Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan Mubarak!

Alms are given to the poor and needy in Ramadan.

We avoid all evil and do good deeds in Ramadan.

Many of us like to observe 'aitakaaf' in Ramadan.

Some pious people even see the 'lailatul qadar.'

Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan Mubarak!

We beg for the mercy of Allah in first ten days of Ramadan.

We plead for Allah's forgiveness in second ten days of


We seek refuge of Allah from hellfire in last ten days of


We get lots of chances to get blessings of Allah in Ramadan.

Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan Mubarak!

by Dania Ahmad (Austin, TX)

Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

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Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

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3rd QUARTER 2015 July 18 Sat. Eidul Fitr NATIONAL

July 24 – 31 1st Waqifaat`e Nau Training Camp, 2015 at NY EAST COAST

Aug 01 - 13 Jamia Orientation Course (JOC-2015)

JOC-2015 at Masjid Baitul Hadi, Central Jersey NATIONAL

Aug 14 Fri. Waqfe Nau Boys’ Program at Jalsa NATIONAL

Aug 14 Fri. Waqfe Nau Girls’ Program at Jalsa NATIONAL

Aug 15 Sat. Rededication Inspiration Workshop at Jalsa NATIONAL

Sep 05 Sat. Regional WN Ijtema at San Jose, CA NORTH WEST

Sep 06 Sun Regional WN Ijtema at LA Metro Area, CA SOUTH WEST

Sep 17 Sat. Regional WN Ijtema at NY Metro Area NY METRO Region

Sep. 24 Thu. Eidul Adh`hia NATIONAL

All Regional and Local Waqfe Nau Secretaries

We are looking for extra talented Waqfe Nau and their extra curricular ac-tivities or educational achievements. Please send us the picture of the Waqfe Nau with the details of his/her achievement at [email protected].


Please encourage Waqifeene Nau & Waqifaate Nau to submit content for this newsletter.

Editor’s Note

“Love For All Hatred For None”

Waqfe Nau USA Upcoming National and Regional Events



Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA

Update Waqfe Nau Tajneed with care & extreme responsibility.

2. Rededication for age 15 and above with the help of Parents, President Sahib &

Murrabi Sahib. For Waqifaat with the help of Lajna.

3. Gauging the progress of syllabus learning and online testing