Volume 36 / Issue 1 The Newsletter for Disc Sports Enthusiasts Winter 2011 THE FLOATER 1 BRIAN GUSTAFSON OVERALL…A PRETTY GOOD YEAR BRIAN GUSTAFSON, PDGA #26647, MFA #1444 The 2011 Overalls were held on June 24–26 2011. The series of seven disc events began Friday evening with the Accuracy event held at Highlands Park in Edina. Accuracy consists of 1 target and 7 differ- ent throwing stations. Each sta- tion gives the thrower 4 throws. Rico Schneider won in a playoff. The Maximum Time Aloft (MTA) event was held Saturday morning, and was won by an incredible throw of 10.1 seconds with the required one handed catch by Jon Drummond. J.D. also won the Distance Throw with his Nuke flying out 600 feet. For reference you can see in the photo, (left) the disc he threw and the bleachers behind him over his left shoulder where that disc landed. Wow, what a thrill to watch! There was a Guts demonstra- tion given by Guts Specialist Bruce Richardson and Brian Vander Maazen as well as an Ultimate pick-up game. Saturday afternoon was devoted to Double Disc Court and the strategy involved. Bright and early Sunday morning was the Disc Golf event with 1 round of 18 at Bryant Lake DGC. Jon Drummond won the event carding a 46 for the round. After a quick lunch break it was off to Normandale Park for the Discathon event, sort of like throwing an obstacle course with Frisbees. There are tests of skill, Trick shots, rollers, mandos all of which are timed. Rico Schneider won this event. The last event of the Overalls was the Freestyle event. There were several groups that performed their routines, but nobody could match that of Rico Schneider and Paul Smith – some World 2011 Minnesota Overall Flying Disc Championships

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Volume36/ Issue1 • TheNewsletterforDiscSportsEnthusiasts • Winter2011

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Brian Gustafson,PDGa #26647, Mfa #1444

The 2011 Overalls were held on June 24–26 2011. The series of seven disc

events began Friday evening with the Accuracy event held at Highlands Park in Edina.

Accuracy consists of 1 target and 7 differ-ent throwing stations. Each sta-tion gives the thrower 4 throws. Rico Schneider won in a playoff.

The Maximum Time Aloft (MTA) event was held Saturday morning, and was won by an incredible throw of 10.1 seconds with the required one handed catch by Jon Drummond.

J.D. also won the Distance Throw with his Nuke flying out 600 feet. For reference you can see in the photo, (left) the disc he threw and the bleachers behind him over his left shoulder where that disc landed. Wow, what a thrill to watch!

There was a Guts demonstra-

tion given by Guts Specialist Bruce Richardson and Brian Vander Maazen as well as an Ultimate pick-up game.

Saturday afternoon was devoted to Double Disc Court and the strategy involved.

Bright and early Sunday morning was the Disc Golf event with 1 round of 18 at Bryant Lake DGC. Jon Drummond won the event carding a 46 for the round.

After a quick lunch break it was off to Normandale Park for the Discathon event, sort of like throwing an obstacle course with Frisbees. There are tests of skill, Trick shots, rollers, mandos all of which are timed. Rico Schneider won this event.

The last event of the Overalls was the Freestyle event. There were several groups that performed their routines, but nobody could match that of Rico Schneider and Paul Smith – some World


2011 Mider Cup-a recapJake Brown,PDGa #40747

I was six holes in and realized I was almost shooting dead. Kelly Greenhoe (Westside) was absolutely crushing me as he was already six points up! I knew that my match was over and couldn’t help but wonder how the rest of my Northside team was fairing. After KG finished it two holes later with a sick deuce, I didn’t know what to expect. After the second match, we all rallied in the garage of the shop at Blue Ribbon Pines. Scores were coming in hot and it was a frenzy of chat-ter, heckling, and sampling some deli-cious homebrew sampling. Ben Peterson West Zone Coordinator & Mider Cup TD announced the official scores after

the first two matches and gave us our tee times for the final match. With a 4 stroke lead over the defending cham-pions Eastside, the North was feeling pretty confident that this year’s title was in the bag. It was time to head back to the course but not after the East Zone Coordinator, Allen Bye and I exchanged a few jabs.A few hours later everyone was slowly moving back towards the garage to tally the final scores. Ben P was keeping the security around the score board super tight and no one knew who had the lead. Finally after a half hour, the scores were tallied and it was time for the ceremony. Ben P. stood on the edge of the deck and began to speak, “Coming in first place…with a whopping 12 point lead…THE NORTH wins the Mider Cup!” The Northside team erupted with screams and high-five’s! It was the first time the North has touched the trophy since 2006! However, that was not the biggest story of the day. At lunch the Westside was trailing the East by 17 points. But they weren’t out of it yet. With great determi-nation, each and every man, woman, and jr pushed their hardest to close the gap. The West ended up scoring an incredible 30 points, but alas it was not enough. They were reminded of an all too familiar feeling that has plagued the team for the past 730 days. They lost to the East, by 1 point, for the third year in a row.

All in all it was the best Mider Cup in recent memory. Possibly, for the first time in history, every zone showed up with a complete roster. My hat goes off to all the zone coordinators for the amount of dedication and hard work they put into building their teams, and to the players for making it possible. The North depart-ed East Bethel that beautiful October day victorious, but one question lingered in the back of their minds. Where will the Mider Cup be held next year?

As the North Zone Coordinator, it is my pleasure and honor to choose a course in the North zone to host the next Mider Cup. I have been milling it over these past few months and would like to wait and reveal my choice mid summer, but considering that the other three zones will need as much help as they can get I am happy to announce that the 2012 Mider Cup will be held at the Hidden Lake DGC in St. Augusta, MN! If you want the Mider Cup, you better bring

2 M i n n e s o ta f r i s B e e a s s o c i at i o n

AdvertiseintheFloaterAd Rates:Quarter-Page: $30Half-Page: $50Full-Page: $80

Foradvertisinginfo:contact Richard Rasch at 612-208-5992 oremail: [email protected]

V o l u m e 3 6 / I s s u e 1

The world’s longest running disc clubnewsletter published by:

The Minnesota Frisbee AssociationP.O. Box 68145 St. Paul, MN 55418

Editor: Richard RaschContributing Writers This IssueBrian Gustafson, Todd Erickson,Jake Schramm, Ben Peterson &

Jake Brown



President: Jake [email protected] • 952-406-1686

Vice President: Ben [email protected] • 320-296-4207

Secretary: Chris [email protected] • 612-508-3822

Treasurer: Carl [email protected]


East Zone: Scott [email protected] • 651-431-8921

North Zone: Jake [email protected] • 612-432-9742

South Zone: Brian [email protected] • 507-363-1163

West Zone: Brandon [email protected] • 612-834-0524


PDGA State Coordinator: Mike Snelson651-484-5035 • [email protected]

Course Development: Chuck [email protected]

Floater: Richard [email protected] • 612-208-5992

Marketing & Communications: Derek Tonn507-227-3338 • [email protected]

MDS: Tom Marcus612-990-6638

Membership: Ben [email protected] • 612-432-9742

Merchandise & Bag Tag:Ben Peterson • [email protected] • 320-296-4207

Carl Peach • [email protected]

Mider Cup: Jake [email protected] • 612-432-9742

MN Majestic: John Solberg612-558-7230 • [email protected]

Overalls: Brian [email protected] • 507-363-1163

Scheduling:Derek Tonn • contact info above

Jake Schramm • contact info aboveBrad Junilla • [email protected] • 952-212-4931

Statistics: Jake Schrammcontact info above

Class jammin’!

Rick “Rico” Schneider was awarded the 2011 title of Minnesota State Flying Disc Champion and took home the coveted Challis Chalice.

We hope that more disc enthusiasts would give the Overalls a try and find that the people are friendly and the plastic is always spinning.

Thanks to the Sponsors of this event Cool Planet and Gotta Go Gotta Throw, and Minnesota Frisbee Association.

For more information on Disc Overalls visit the World Flying Disc Federation website at wfdf.org. For information on Minnesota Guts go to visit Facebook @ Minneapolis Guts Frisbee or gutsfrisbee.com

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your best, because you’re in our house now!

2011 Mider Cup Champion Team:

Open Division: Tim Schreder, Kyle Pinkman, Travis Mick, Reid Jenson, Jason Krebsbach

Masters: Tim Mackey, Alan Hansen Begg

Grandmasters: Rick Rentz

Open Women: Katy Pinkman

MA1-Advanced: Chris Hall, Ryan Angell, Jake Brown, Luke Kemna

Advanced Master: Ray Oberly Sr.

MA2-Intermediate: Dan Larva, Adam Peturka, Stephen Deason

Junior: Ray Oberly Jr.

2011 South Zone EventsBrian Gustafson

SMDGA Cup Team CompetitionThe South zone held their annual Team Competition for the SMDGA Cup on Sunday, September 18 in Albert Lea. This is a 6 hole match play event and south zone towns bring teams of 4 players.

This year there were 10 teams that com-peted at the Bancroft Bay course in Albert Lea. A big Thanks to the Flying Lea disc golf club in helping out this year as the Pow-wow in Mankato took over the whole Land of Memories course.

This year Austin team 2 took home the SMDGA Cup again with 52 points. Congratulations to Chris Schmidt and his team Jordan, Cody and Derek.

Of course it wouldn’t be Disc Golf if there wasn’t any controversy, turns out there was a tie for second place between Rochester and Albert Lea with both get-ting 47 points. I guess that Albert Lea owes Rochester a beer.

SMDGA Cup results :Austin 2 52 pointsAlbert Lea 47 Rochester 47Owatonna 44Austin 1 40New Ulm 36Winona 2 33Mankato 1 32Winona 1 22Mankato 2 7

2011 MFA ReportBy toDD erickson forMer Mfa Pres iDent

It was an honor to serve 5 years on the MFA Executive Board (EB)-3 years as the West Zone Coordinator and the last 2 years as the President. I want to thank all the people who served on the 2011 MFA Executive Board-officers, zone coordina-tors, and MFA Committees chairpersons.

The 2011 MFA EB was the best group I have had the privilege to serve with. The 2011 Zone Coordinators were abso-lutely outstanding-the best I've seen in my 5 years on the EB. Jacob “JB” Brown, Brian Gustafson, Allen Bye, Ben Peterson. Their contributions were greatly appreciated.

…to Chris Bratsch for his tireless work as the Treasurer. He also had the responsibil-ity of tracking bag tag sales and merchan-dise. Not so easy of a job. It was a pleasure to work with Chris.

…to Derek Tonn for his chairperson work on the two committees, Marketing and Communications, as well as the Scheduling Committee. The MFA web-site that was launched about two years ago and is a huge advancement for the club. In 2011, Derek improved the sched-uling process by allowing individuals to add their event/league to the MFA sched-ule. The MFA is lucky to have him as a resource.

…to Tim Mackey and Brian Gustafson for their leadership in Overalls.

…to Tim Gill for his outstanding work as the MN Majestic Chairperson for the

past 7 years. Under his leadership, the MN Majestic had a three year run as a National Tournament. Not too shabby.

…to Tom Marcus for the great work in increasing attendance with Minnesota Doubles Series events in the last two years. Tom was consistent and reliable force in all areas he was involved with.

…to Floater Editor Richard Rasch who was able to get out a Floater in December of 2010 to make sure the MFA still had the longest continuously running disc sports publication in the nation. Please help the Floater receives the content it needs to keep going.

…to Mider Cup chairperson Bill Cary for his work with Ben Peterson and the other Zone Coordinators to make the 2011 Mider Cup successful. Congratulations to JB and the entire North zone team for winning the 2011 Mider Cup. Well done!!

…to Election Committee Chairperson Ted Haff along with Derek Tonn and Carl Peach for doing an excellent job handling the MFA annual elections.

…finally a huge thanks to the outstand-ing work of Jake Schramm over the past couple of years. In 2011, Jake served as chairperson for two labor-intensive com-mittees, Membership and the Statistics. Under his solid and steady leadership, the Statistics Committee was greatly improved over what was in place two years ago. and he did a great job with the Membership Committee by track-ing memberships and getting member-

ship packages sent out. He also served as Chairperson on the Course Development Committee and did a ton of preparation work to make sure we were set with the Fall Membership meeting by ordering plaques for the award presentation and making sure statistics and membership information was complete.

In conclusion, thanks to all of you who have done work in 2011 on behalf of disc sports-the MFA, tournament direc-tors, league directors, disc course design-ers, disc golf businesses, disc golf writ-ers, course maintenance volunteers, etc. There's a lot of work being done and I'm confident the MFA will continue to do its part to advance disc sports and of course I wish the 2012 MFA Executive Board the best of luck.

2012 MFA ReportJake schraMM, PDGa #27029, Mfa #1636

On behalf of the MFA, I want to thank all the people who worked to advance, promote, and protect disc sports in 2011.

The MFA accomplished many things in 2011, such as:

• We revamped the MST schedule and scoring system to encourage players to travel to multiple zones for competition.

• We provided a process for Tournament and League Directors to get their events listed on the MFA calendar.

• We awarded three $250 Course Development Grants across the state and extended the course development grants program into 2012


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Consider working with your local public park officials to plan course improve-ments in 2012 and submit a Course Development Grant proposal to the MFA for consideration. With our limited finan-cial and human resources, the MFA can only do so much, but by combining efforts with hundreds of volunteers across the state of Minnesota we can accomplish much more. The bulk of the work of advancing disc sports are done by the organizers & entrepreneurs of our sport...be those league & tournament directors, course designers & developers, people who maintain the courses, disc golf writ-ers, our disc golf retailers, etc. To all those I offer a big thank you and a plea to please keep up the great work!

I hope everyone will consider getting involved by supporting disc sports in some way. Let us know what you want to do and weíll do our best to help you with your efforts.


The following MFA members have won service awards for 2011.

Mover & ShakerJacob Brown-For actively promoting the MFA and disc activities, especially to non-players such as the media, parks directors and general public.

Links MasterSteve West-For special efforts to install new courses and upgrade existing ones.

Visible VolunteerMike Kurzhals-For volunteer efforts that benefited the disc golf community.

Quiet ContributorMike Snelson-For doing significant and important behind the scenes work for the MFA.

Promoter ExtraordinaireAmanda Henry- For generating signifi-cant revenues for the MFA through sales, solicitation of donations and/or getting sponsor money for events.


MDS winners:Tom Marcus & Christian Olson-Open

Mike Jindra & Gary Sell-Advanced

Nate Morton & Carl Peach-Intermediate

MST winners:Chris Meyer-Open

Mike Misakian-Masters

Tim Mackey-Grandmasters

Jeremiah Jones-Advanced

Chris Bratsch-Advanced Masters

Jeff Luiz-Intermediate

Becky Huff-Advanced Women

Rookie of the Year:Jason Anderson

Shooting Star:Jake Brown

High Flyer-Pro:Adrian Heil

High Flyer-Am:Nate Pukal

MST Results:Spring Rip It:MA1-Advanced: Day, BrandonMA2-Intermediate: Lister, NickMM1-Advanced Masters: Bratsch, ChrisMPM-Masters: Porter, ChrisMPO-Open: Drummond, JonMinnesota Spring Open:FPO-Open: Schreder, KatyFW1-Advanced: Sternke, JamieMA1-Advanced: deWeerdt, NickMA2-Intermediate: Hoekstra, JoshMM1-Advanced Masters: Bratsch, ChrisMPM-Masters: Novak, BruceMPO-Open: Leiviska, CaleBassett Creek Open:FW1-Advanced: Kline, EllenMA1-Advanced: Privette, MitchMA2-Intermediate: Iverson, KeeganMM1-Advanced Masters: Bratsch, ChrisMPM-Masters: Misakian, MikeMPO-Open: Walli, BrianNorth Valley Open:MA1-Advanced: Jones, JeremiahMA2-Intermediate: Voegele, Jared

MPM-Masters: Misakian, MikeMPO-Open: Brandt, RossBecker Cash Open: MA1-Advanced: Jones, JeremiahMA2-Intermediate: Phillips, TimMM1-Advanced Masters: Bratsch, ChrisMPM-Masters: Johnson, DanMPO-Open: Leiviska, CaleSMDGA Open:MA1-Advanced: Webster, JaredMA2-Intermediate: Luiz, JeffMM1-Advanced Masters: Prenot, BobMPM-Masters: Gustafson, BrianMPO-Open: Hoy, BobRiverside Open:FPO-Open: Schreder, KatyFW1-Advanced: Anderson, IlisiaMA1-Advanced: Hemminger, KyleMA2-Intermediate: Phillips, TimMPM-Masters: Misakian, MikeMPO-Open: Brandt, RossHibbing Open:FW1-Advanced: Cook, AliaMA1-Advanced: Hall, JeremyMA2-Intermediate: Robbins, JayMM1-Advanced Masters: Chase, TerryMPM-Masters: Hansen-Begg, AlanMPO-Open: Meyer, ChrisSpamtown Open:FJ1-Youth 1: Siebel, MelodyFW1-Advanced: Huff, BeckyMA1-Advanced: Naslund, WillMA2-Intermediate: Lammers, JustinMJ1-Youth 1: Larson, KodyMPM-Masters: Gustafson, BrianMPO-Open: Duncan, TannerLake Superior Open:FW1-Advanced: Morton, MaijaMA1-Advanced: Pukal, NateMA2-Intermediate: Hansmeyer, AdamMPM-Masters: Misakian, MikeMPO-Open: Brandt, RossMinnesota State Champs:FW1-Advanced: Sternke, JamieMA1-Advanced: Jones, JeremiahMA2-Intermediate: Theiler, PatMPM-Masters: Misakian, MikeMPO-Open: Pinkman, KyleMankato Open:FW1-Advanced: Sternke, JamieMA1-Advanced: Hoekstra, JoshMA2-Intermediate: Grunwald, TimMPM-Masters: Gustafson, BrianMPO-Open: Meyer, ChrisRobbins Island:MA1-Advanced: Stainiger, CraigMA2-Intermediate: Archbold, NickMM1-Advanced Masters: Erickson, Greg

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MPG-Grandmasters: Mackey, TimMPM-Masters: Weege, RobMPO-Open: Meyer, ChrisCedar Creek Open:FPO-Open: Schreder, KatyFW1-Advanced: Huff, BeckyMA1-Advanced: Benck, NickMA2-Intermediate: Luiz, JeffMPM-Masters: Heckenlaible, DougMPO-Open: Duncan, TannerOakwood Open:MA1-Advanced: Webster, JaredMA2-Intermediate: Omodt, AustinMPM-Masters: Claring, ChrisMPO-Open: Kroll, BenKaposia Open:MA1-Advanced: Johnson, RJMA2-Intermediate: Oberley, ChrisMM1-Advanced Masters: Sanders, RickMPM-Masters: Novak, BruceMPO-Open: Gerads, MikeMFA Fall Champs:MA1-Advanced: Ebertowski, ClayMA2-Intermediate: Soehren, GabeMM1-Advanced Masters: Tereau, TomMPM-Masters: Heckenlaible, DougMPO-Open: Lauritzen, BobMinneapolis Open:FW1-Advanced: Morton, MaijaMA1-Advanced: Jones, JeremiahMA2-Intermediate: Luiz, JeffMM1-Advanced Masters: Duda, DanielMPM-Masters: Parson, TerryMPO-Open: Brandt, RossBlue Ribbon Pines Open:MA1-Advanced: Peake, SethMA2-Intermediate: Soehren, GabeMM1-Advanced Masters: Tibbits, AriiqMPM-Masters: Novak, BruceMPO-Open: Pinkman, KyleBloomington Open:MA1-Advanced: Hall, ChrisMA2-Intermediate: Heggerstron, AnthonyMM1-Advanced Masters: Bruns, MichaelMPM-Masters: Novak, BruceMPO-Open: Leiviska, Cale

Minnesota Doubles Series Results:Becker:MA1-Advanced: Brown, JacobMA1-Advanced: deWeerdt, NickMA2-Intermediate: Krone, JoeyMA2-Intermediate: Langness, ChadMPO-Open: Drummond, JonMPO-Open: Leiviska, Cale

Clearwater:MA1-Advanced: Glover, JeremyMA1-Advanced: Wilcox, JonMA2-Intermediate: Krone, JoeyMA2-Intermediate: Langness, ChadMPO-Open: Brandt, RossMPO-Open: Leiviska, CaleHam Lake:MA1-Advanced: Glover, JeremyMA1-Advanced: Wilcox, JonMA2-Intermediate: Krone, JoeyMA2-Intermediate: Langness, ChadMPO-Open: Hall, ChrisMPO-Open: Irrgang, AlexThe Valley:MA1-Advanced: Kemna, LukeMA1-Advanced: Phillips, TimMA2-Intermediate: Oberley Jr., RaymondMA2-Intermediate: Oberley, ChrisMPO-Open: Brandt, RossMPO-Open: Cook, ChrisBlue Ribbon Pines:MA1-Advanced: Jindra, MikeMA1-Advanced: Sell, GaryMA2-Intermediate: Bressler, BryanMPO-Open: Day, BrandonMPO-Open: Kapitan, KrisAcorn:MA1-Advanced: Jindra, MikeMA1-Advanced: Sell, GaryMA2-Intermediate: Morton, NathanMA2-Intermediate: Peach, CarlMPO-Open: Beto, DanMPO-Open: Kuitunen, EricRiverside:MA1-Advanced: Kemna, LukeMA1-Advanced: Phillips, TimMA2-Intermediate: Hatler, ChrisMA2-Intermediate: Pool, MickMPO-Open: Brandt, RossMPO-Open: Pinkman, KyleCedar Creek:MA1-Advanced: Jindra, MikeMA1-Advanced: Sell, GaryMA2-Intermediate: Bressler, BryanMA2-Intermediate: Wessel, LukeMPO-Open: Heil, AdrianMPO-Open: Kroll, BenWinona:MA1-Advanced: Jindra, MikeMA1-Advanced: Sell, GaryMA2-Intermediate: Schmidt Sr, TimMA2-Intermediate: Sorenson, JimMPO-Open: Prenot, BobMPO-Open: Webster, JaredTodd Park:MA1-Advanced: Castro, JordanMA1-Advanced: Wallace, Lance

MA2-Intermediate: Cardenas, AndresMA2-Intermediate: Deason, StephenMPO-Open: Heil, AdrianMPO-Open: Kroll, BenBaylor/Crown:MA2-Intermediate: Krone, JoeyMA2-Intermediate: Langness, ChadMPO-Open: Marcus, TomMPO-Open: Olson, ChristianMillstream:MA2-Intermediate: Cardenas, AndresMA2-Intermediate: Deason, StephenMPO-Open: Marcus, TomMPO-Open: Olson, ChristianLand of Memories:MA2-Intermediate: Eberhart-Budensiek, BradMA2-Intermediate: Wilson, ChadMPO-Open: Horn, NateMPO-Open: Van Horn, MattBancroft Bay:MA1-Advanced: Beauseigneur, JoeMA1-Advanced: Lerum, JohnMA2-Intermediate: Bailey, CollinMA2-Intermediate: Schmidt Sr, TimMPO-Open: Marcus, TomMPO-Open: Olson, ChristianOakwood:MA2-Intermediate: Stewart, JoshMA2-Intermediate: Wilson, ChadMPO-Open: Oberley, ChrisMPO-Open: Roberts, SidCP Adams:MA2-Intermediate: Morton, NathanMA2-Intermediate: Peach, CarlMPO-Open: Polk, DannyMPO-Open: Ryther, ScottKaposia:MA2-Intermediate: Carlson, AlexMA2-Intermediate: Wilson, ChadMPO-Open: Kapitan, KrisMPO-Open: Ryther, ScottBear Cave: MA2-Intermediate: Massey, ClintMA2-Intermediate: Thompson, JakeMPO-Open: Brandt, RossMPO-Open: Schmidt, ChrisLions:MA2-Intermediate: Morton, NathanMA2-Intermediate: Peach, CarlMPO-Open: Anderson, JasonMPO-Open: Ryther, ScottState Champs:MA1-Advanced: Deason, StephenMA1-Advanced: Luiz, JeffMA2-Intermediate: Morton, NathanMA2-Intermediate: Peach, CarlMPO-Open: Brandt, RossMPO-Open: Pinkman, Kyle

P.O. Box 16394 St. Paul, MN 55116

M i n n e s o ta f r i s B e e a s s o c i at i o n6

TalkingDGOnlineBen Peterson, PDGa #27436, Mfa #1588

Where is league this week? Is there a tournament this weekend? Where are the courses in my area? What is the best disc to throw far? Do you have questions? Your local disc golf organizations have answers. If you are new to the area or just want to talk to other locals, online forums could be your answer offering an easy way to reach a large group of other disc enthusi-asts. The MFA discussion forums, yahoo groups and your local clubs are certainly talking shop.

The new official home page of the MFA is mfaonline.org. Find official announce-ments, meeting minutes, league & tour-nament schedules, as well as membership information. You can even create your own home page. You can also submit questions to the MFA executive board, follow Minnesota State Tour statistic updates, learn about your state club with a rich history and over 1800 historic mem-bers and check the buzz around the area. More than 460 website members are wait-ing for you to join in the conversation!

The official site is a wonderful resource,

but not the only place to find valu-able information or to chat with other disc golfers. Yahoo groups host two of Minnesota’s largest disc golf forums: Mfaonline and MNDG-Westside. Mfa-online has for years hosted statewide discussions and been used by members of the MFA. The MNDG–Westside is a group geared more toward players in the west metro of the Twin Cities. For league location updates, recreational rounds, and even doubles on the Westside, be sure to check often as it may just be the most active in the state.

Affiliate clubs in other nearby areas of Minnesota host their own websites:

• The Southern Minnesota Disc Golf Association, SMDGA, is a very active group that represents the southern half of the state. On their website, smdga.com you can learn about southern events, and ask questions on their forum.

• The St. Cloud area has its own scene, tour and site as well. At midtowncoffee.com, you can chat with other golfers in St. Cloud, learn about the Granite Country event series, and check out the area’s courses.

• Living in the east metro? Stay up to date with Eastside activities at lakewood-hillsdg.ning.com.

If you are strictly an amateur golfer, we have you covered too. Dgnuts.com is the best place to find the scoop on amateur events and chat with other ams and other new to the sport.

With so many places to find information about the Minnesota Disc Golf scene, you will be sure to find your place in our local community.

Official MFA Site:mfaonline.org

Affiliate Club Sites: South: smdga.com

St. Cloud: midtowncoffee.com

Yahoo Groups:

MFA: sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/mfa-online

Westside: sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/MNDG-Westside/

All Amateur: dgnuts.com