Volume 2: Villages

Volume 2: Villages - Offaly

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Page 1: Volume 2: Villages - Offaly

Volume 2: Villages

Page 2: Volume 2: Villages - Offaly

Offaly County Development Plan 2021-2027: Draft Stage Village Plans


Table of Contents Ballinagar Village Plan ............................................................................................................................. 3

Ballycumber Village Plan ......................................................................................................................... 5

Belmont Village Plan ............................................................................................................................... 8

Bracknagh Village Plan .......................................................................................................................... 10

Cloghan Village Plan .............................................................................................................................. 12

Clonbullogue Village Plan ...................................................................................................................... 15

Cloneygowan Village Plan ..................................................................................................................... 18

Coolderry Village Plan ........................................................................................................................... 20

Geashill Village Plan .............................................................................................................................. 22

Killeigh Village Plan ............................................................................................................................... 25

Kinnitty Village Plan .............................................................................................................................. 28

Moneygall Village Plan .......................................................................................................................... 31

Mountbolus Village Plan ....................................................................................................................... 34

Mucklagh Village Plan ........................................................................................................................... 36

Pollagh / Lemanaghan Village Plan ....................................................................................................... 39

Rhode Village Plan ................................................................................................................................ 41

Riverstown Village Plan ......................................................................................................................... 44

Shannon Harbour Village Plan .............................................................................................................. 47

Shannonbridge Village Plan .................................................................................................................. 49

Shinrone Village Plan ............................................................................................................................ 52

Walsh Island Village Plan ...................................................................................................................... 55

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Offaly County Development Plan 2021-2027: Draft Stage Village Plans


Ballinagar Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Ballinagar is located between

Tullamore and Edenderry at the junction of the R402 and

the L2025. It is approximately 12km from Tullamore and

24km from Edenderry. The original settlement is likely to

have developed as a cluster at the fording point on the local

stream, and the road junction. Modern expansion to the

village has taken a linear form along the constituent roads.

Since 2000 there has been a number of residential housing

developments constructed, giving added depth to the


Population Census 2016: 453 (+ 7.9 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Roman Catholic Church, Community Hall, National School, Bring Centre, GAA

Grounds, Graveyard, Pub, Service Station, Ballinagar Group Water Scheme Office, Beauty Salon, Pre-

School and After-School Facility. Ballinagar is served by Bus Eireann’s No. 120 bus route from Dublin

to Tullamore.

Waste Water Treatment: Ballinagar Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Ballinagar Private Group Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the development of infill sites to create a compact, vibrant village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To maintain and expand the employment and service base in the village.

SO4 The former national school is identified as an Opportunity Site, which has the potential to deliver

positive social / economic benefits for the local community. Development proposals on this site

shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.2.4 of Volume 1 of this County

Development Plan.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO5 To seek the upgrade and incremental expansion of the public lighting and footpath network in

the village.

SO6 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency and road safety of the R402 (Restricted Regional

Route) through Ballinagar.

SO7 To improve recreational/community/social facilities in the village.

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Ballycumber Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Ballycumber is

located just north of the Brosna River on

the R436 between Ferbane and Clara.

Ballycumber marks the start of the Pilgrims

Road to Clonmacnoise and is on route

between Tullamore and Clonmacnoise.

The village extends along the constituent

roads and Ballycumber House and folly is

central to the village. There is an extensive

flood zone relating to the River Brosna

south of the village.

Population Census 2016: 208 (- 5 % since

Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: 3 no. Pubs, Coffee Shop/Deli, Shop/Post Office, Bring Centre, Veterinary

Practice, Accountancy Services, BLC (Ballycumber Leamonaghan Community) Developments (The

Barracks). The GAA Grounds and Community Centre are located outside the village settlement at

Corroe. The primary school and Roman Catholic Church are located in Boher. The village is served by

the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Served by Clara Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Clara / Ferbane Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To protect the amenity value and rural character of the village, including the Brosna River,

mature trees, hedgerows and stone boundary walls.

SO3 The Council recognises that the lands at Corroe, which encompasses the GAA Facility and

Community Centre, are an integral part of the Ballycumber community and the Council will

facilitate appropriate development at this location.

SO4 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO5 To maintain and expand the existing service provision in the village.

SO6 To support development and uses that establish Ballycumber as a destination on the proposed

Shannon Monastic Greenway; as a hub for the Pilgrims Road to Clonmacnoise; and as a tourist

stop-off point between Tullamore and Clonmacnoise.

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SO7 To encourage the re-development of the Opportunity Site which is a visually prominent site at

the entry into the village. Development proposals on this site shall be in accordance with the

requirements of Section 7.2.4 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

SO8 To improve recreational facilities in the village such as the provision of an additional public

amenity area.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO9 To continue public realm improvements in the village including the undergrounding of cables;

the upgrade and expansion of the public lighting and footpath network; and traffic calming


SO10 To provide a pedestrian / cycling link between the village and the riverside amenity area and to

improve and extend the river walk at this location, where feasible.

SO11 To investigate the feasibility of providing a footpath along the ‘loop road’ north of the village.

SO12 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency and road safety of the R436 (Restricted Regional

Route) through Ballycumber.

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Belmont Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Belmont is located

approximately 5km west of Ferbane and

3.7km north of Cloghan. The village core is

centred on a crossroads with linear expansion

along the constituent roads. The River Brosna

and the Grand Canal are situated

approximately 1km south of the village. High

Street is located approximately 1.5km west of

the village, where the Roman Catholic Church,

Community Centre and National School are


Population Census 2016: 200 (- 4.30 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Shop, 2 no. Pubs, Bring Centre, Belmont Firewood Factory, ESB Fisheries

Conservation. The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Pumped to Ferbane Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Moyclare Rural Water Supply Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the consolidation of the village core particularly through the development of infill

sites to create a compact, vibrant village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To maintain and expand the existing service and employment provision in the village

commensurate with the size of the village.

SO4 To promote physical and economic linkages between the village and the proposed Grand Canal

Greenway and the River Brosna. This includes investigating the feasibility of providing a

footpath / cycle link between the village and the Grand Canal, the River Brosna, Belmont Mills

and Belmont House Stud.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO5 To seek the improvement, consolidation and expansion of the public lighting and footpath

network in the village, including a footpath / cycle link to High Street, where feasible.

SO6 To improve public amenities in the village, such as the provision of a communal open space area.

SO7 To further enhance the public realm in the village through the enhancement of existing public

open spaces and the provision of a focal feature in the village.

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Bracknagh Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Bracknagh is located at the T‐

junction of the R442 and R419 roads. The River Figile

is located to the north, south and west of the village.

The settlement has expanded in a linear fashion along

the R419 where two housing estates by Offaly County

Council and Bord na Móna are located. Bracknagh is

located approximately 15km south of Edenderry, 6km

south of Clonbullogue, 8km northeast of

Portarlington, and 7km west of Rathangan, County


Population Census 2016: 212 (+ 1.4% since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Community Hall, Roman Catholic Church, National School, Shop / Post Office /

Pub, Bring Centre, Graveyard. The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Bracknagh Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Bracknagh Private Group Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To promote the consolidation of the village by encouraging the development of infill sites to

create a compact, vibrant village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To retain and improve the retail offering in the village to serve the local population.

SO4 To facilitate the expansion of the employment and service base in the village.

SO5 To provide a village green / public amenity area in the centre of the village on land zoned ‘Open

Space, Amenity & Recreation’.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO6 To facilitate the provision of gateway features and natural edges on the key approaches into the


SO7 To examine the feasibility of providing a formal car parking / set-down area for the school.

SO8 To seek the upgrade and incremental expansion of the footpath and public lighting network in

the village, where feasible.

SO9 To promote traffic calming and road safety measures in the village.

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Cloghan Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Cloghan is located at the

junction of the N62, R356 and R357 on the Birr

to Athlone road corridor. It is approximately

29km from Tullamore, 15km from Birr and

29km from Athlone. The village has an

interesting radial settlement pattern. The

original settlement is likely to have developed

as a small cluster at the junction with

subsequent expansion generally along the

constituent roads. Some of the more recent

housing development is quite suburban in style.

Due to its strategic location, the village experiences high volumes of passing traffic. This strategic

location should be exploited in the future development of the village.

Population Census 2016: 601 (-1.8 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Slí na Sláinte Walking Route, Roman Catholic Church, National School, Health

Centre, Bring Centre, GAA Grounds, Playground, Garda Station, Community Hall, Service Station / Post

Office, Butcher, Pub, Hair Salon, Crèche / Pre-School, Veterinary Clinic, Car Sales, Tractor Sales and a

number of other independent businesses. The village is served by the Local Link bus services and Bus

Eireann Route No. 72 (Limerick to Athlone).

Waste Water Treatment: Cloghan Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Banagher Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the re-use of vacant buildings, the development of infill sites and the

refurbishment of derelict buildings to create a compact, vibrant village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To facilitate the expansion of the employment and service base in the village. The re-use of

existing vacant buildings in the village centre will be particularly encouraged.

SO4 To exploit Cloghan’s strategic location on a key nodal point for employment generating uses.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO5 To continue public realm improvements in the village including signage, public seating, hard and

soft landscaping and improvements to the road and footpath network.

SO6 To seek the upgrade, consolidation and incremental expansion of the public lighting and

footpath network in the village.

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SO7 To provide a bus shelter in the village.

SO8 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency, road safety and amenity of the R356 and R357

(Restricted Regional Routes) and the N62 through Cloghan.

SO9 To upgrade the junction of the N62 and the R356.

SO10 To investigate the feasibility of providing a bypass for Cloghan, taking into account

environmental sensitivities as identified in the SEA Environmental Report and the policies and

objectives of this County Development Plan relating to sustainable mobility. The bypass route

on the map is indicative only. Any future proposals for roads corridors shall be consistent with

the other provisions contained in this County Development Plan including Section 8.5.4 Corridor

and Route Selection Process. To protect from development any reservation bands / corridors

for this bypass so as to avoid compromising the construction of the road.

SO11 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

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Clonbullogue Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Clonbullogue is an attractive

settlement located around the junction of the R401

and R442 roads, adjoining the Figile River. The village

is situated approximately 7km south of Edenderry,

10km northeast of Portarlington and 5km northwest

of Rathangan. The area around the triangular village

green has retained its character as a traditional‐style

village centre. Subsequent expansion has primarily

occurred on a north-south axis along the R401. The

village is affected by flood zones.

Population Census 2016: 439 (+ 4 % since Census


Services and Facilities: Roman Catholic Church, National School, Community Hall, Tidy Towns /

Community Local Employment Centre, GAA Grounds, Takeaway, Pub, Shop / Post Office, Health Centre

/ Community Play School. The Bring Centre is outside the settlement boundary. The Slí na Slainte

walking route is located in the village.

Waste Water Treatment: Clonbullogue Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Clonbullogue Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To require new development to take cognisance of and to reinforce the existing rural character

of the village in terms of scale, layout, detailed design and landscaping.

SO3 To encourage the development of infill sites to create a compact, vibrant village.

SO4 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO5 To facilitate the expansion of the employment and service base in the village.

SO6 To promote Clonbullogue as a destination on the proposed ‘Landscapes of Power’ cycling route

contained in Figure 6.14 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan and to encourage uses

and development that achieve this objective.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO7 To seek improvements to the public realm including undergrounding of cables; upgrading of the

existing footpath and public lighting network; and improvements to the village green.

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SO8 To improve pedestrian linkages in the village including investigating pedestrian linkages to Figile

Manor and the Sli na Slainte walking route over the Figile River.

SO9 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

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Cloneygowan Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Cloneygowan is located on the

R420 approximately 19km southeast of Tullamore

and 6km north of Portarlington. The Dublin-Galway

railway line lies to the north of the village, which has

acted as a development constraint and has resulted

in a linear settlement on an east-west axis with the

village core centred around the fairgreen.

Population Census 2016: 198 (+ 4.2% since Census


Services and Facilities: National School, Community Hall, Shop, Pub, Health Centre, Playschool, Bring


Waste Water Treatment: Cloneygowan Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Killeigh / Cloneygowan Private Group Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To foster the creation of a more consolidated and coherent settlement to reinforce a sense of

place, with adequate critical mass to maintain/improve local service provision.

SO3 To facilitate the completion of unfinished developments in the village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO4 To facilitate the expansion of the employment and service base in the village. The re-use of

existing vacant buildings in the village centre will be particularly encouraged.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO5 To provide public realm improvements in the village including signage, public seating, traffic

calming measures, improvements to the village green and upgrading of the existing footpath

and public lighting network.

SO6 To improve public amenities / recreational facilities in the village. The village fairgreen has the

potential to accommodate a range of recreational uses for the benefit of the local community.

SO7 To seek the consolidation and expansion of the public lighting and footpath network in the


SO8 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

SO9 To protect from development, the proposed bypass reservation band / corridor so as to avoid

compromising the construction of the road.

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Coolderry Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Coolderry is a small village

nestled in the foothills of the Slieve Bloom

Mountains. It is located approximately 8km

north of Roscrea and 11km south of Birr, on a

local road. There are a number of community

facilities in the village, however the village lacks

a retail or commercial core.

Population: 85 (estimate)

Services and Facilities: National School, Roman

Catholic Church, Community Hall, GAA Grounds,

Bring Centre, Car Park. The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Coolderry Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Coolderry Public Water Supply Scheme

Broadband: State Intervention Area under the National Broadband Plan

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO2 To establish a retail core in the village by encouraging the development of small-scale retail /

commercial services to serve the local population.

SO3 To investigate the feasibility of providing a playground in the village.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO4 To seek the consolidation, expansion and upgrade of the footpath network in the village.

SO5 To promote pollinator projects and pollinator friendly planting in the village.

SO6 To improve the visual interface of the wastewater treatment plant.

SO7 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

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Geashill Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Geashill is an attractive,

planned village located at the crossroads formed

by the R420 (Tullamore– Portarlington road) and

the Ballinagar‐Kilcavan road. It is located

approximately 12km east of Tullamore and 14km

west of Portarlington. The village is centred

around a village green and has a strong presence

of mature trees. It is the collection of individual

elements of architecture, open space and trees

that together give Geashill its character. The

village centre is designated as an Architectural

Conservation Area (ACA) due to its distinctive

architectural, historical, archaeological and social interest. The village is largely residential. There is

an absence of shop fronts in the streetscape which might be expected in a settlement of this size.

Population Census 2016: 395 (+ 5.30 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: National School, Church of Ireland Church, Community Hall, Service Station and

2 no. pubs. The GAA grounds are located outside the settlement and connected to the village by a

walking and cycling track. The Glebe Walk is a walking loop in the village. Planning permission has

been granted for a playground in the village (Ref: 18379).

Waste Water Treatment: Geashill Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Geashill Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village. New development in the village shall take its cue from both

the architecture and the urban design of Geashill.

SO2 To make provision for the sustainable growth of the village which will support existing services

and encourage the further expansion of the service base, whilst retaining its distinctive


SO3 To support the re-use of vacant and derelict buildings; the development of infill sites; and the

completion of the unfinished housing estate in the village to achieve a vibrant, compact village.

SO4 To preserve and protect the ACA in the village and to ensure that any new development within

or contiguous to the ACA is sympathetic to the special character of the ACA and that the design

is appropriate in terms of scale, height, plot density, layout, materials and finishes.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO5 To encourage the further development of retail and commercial services in the village.

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SO6 To promote Geashill as a destination on the proposed ‘Landscapes of Power’ cycling route

contained in Figure 6.14 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan and to encourage uses

and development that achieve this objective.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO7 To support the implementation of the ‘Geashill Public Realm Study 2012’.

SO8 To preserve and protect existing mature trees and stone walls which contribute to the

distinctive character of the village.

SO9 To support the provision of an amenity area / playground in the western part of the village and

points of interest along the Glebe Walk.

SO10 To continue to promote pollination in the village in the interests of climate adaption.

SO11 To investigate the feasibility of providing a bypass for Geashill, taking into account

environmental sensitivities as identified in the SEA Environmental Report and the policies and

objectives of this County Development Plan relating to sustainable mobility. Any future

proposals for roads corridors shall be consistent with the other provisions contained in this

County Development Plan including Section 8.5.4 Corridor and Route Selection Process. To

protect from development any reservation bands / corridors for this bypass so as to avoid

compromising the construction of the road.

SO12 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency and road safety of the R420 (Restricted Regional

Route) through Geashill.

SO13 To seek the consolidation, improvement and expansion of the existing public lighting and

footpath network.

SO14 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

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Killeigh Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Killiegh is an attractive village

situated at the crossroads of the N80 and local roads.

It is strategically positioned approximately 8km from

Tullamore and 26km from Portlaoise. The village is

centred around a village green at the crossroads and

has generally expanded in a linear fashion along the

constituent roads. The village is affected by a flood

zone which generally follows the watercourse

running through the village. There are also a number

of archaeological features in the village.

Population Census 2016: 212 (+ 7.60 % since Census


Services and Facilities: GAA Grounds, National School, Roman Catholic Church, Church of Ireland

Church, Shop, Pub, Hairdresser and Beauty Salon, Childcare Facilities, Car Sales. The Seven Blessed

Wells of Killeigh walking route is located in the village. Killeigh is served by Bus Eireann’s No. 73 bus

route from Waterford to Longford via Athlone.

Waste Water Treatment: Killeigh Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Killiegh / Cloneygowan Private Group Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 There are two Opportunity Sites identified in the village which have the potential to consolidate

the village core and provide for compact urban growth. Development proposals on these sites

shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.2.4 of Volume 1 of this County

Development Plan.

SO3 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO4 To maintain and expand the existing service provision in the village commensurate with

population growth.

SO5 To support the re-development of the Marca Hall as a community centre.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO6 To seek the upgrade, consolidation and expansion of the public lighting and footpath network

in the village.

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SO7 To improve public amenities / recreational facilities in the village, including exploring the

possibility of extending The Seven Blessed Wells of Killeigh walking route northwards along the


SO8 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency and road safety of the N80 through Killeigh.

SO9 To promote traffic calming measures and road safety in the village including investigating the

feasibility of providing a pedestrian crossing at the school.

SO10 To protect the Irish Water Eastern and Midlands Water Supply Project pipeline corridor from

inappropriate development that would prejudice the delivery of the project.

SO11 To investigate the feasibility of providing a bypass for Killeigh, taking into account environmental

sensitivities as identified in the SEA Environmental Report and the policies and objectives of this

County Development Plan relating to sustainable mobility. Any future proposals for roads

corridors shall be consistent with the other provisions contained in this County Development

Plan including Section 8.5.4 Corridor and Route Selection Process. To protect from development

any reservation bands / corridors for this bypass so as to avoid compromising the construction

of the road.

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Kinnitty Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Kinnitty is an attractive

village located at the foothills of the Slieve

Bloom Mountains, at the confluence of the

R421, R440 and three local roads. It is

approximately 25km from Tullamore and 13km

from Birr. The village is located in an Area of

High Amenity and is characterised by a

vernacular core, centred around the village

green with more recent ribbon development

along the constituent roads. Kinnitty is

strategically positioned to act as a tourism hub

for exploring the Slieve Bloom Mountains.

Population Census 2016: 381 (+ 6.10 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: National School, Health Centre, Community Centre, Bring Centre, Playground,

Garda Station, Roman Catholic Church, Church of Ireland Church, Drapery, 2 no. Pubs, 2 no. Shops,

Post Office, Guesthouse and Glamping and 2 no. Bed & Breakfasts. The GAA grounds are located

outside the settlement with a footpath linking to the village. The village is served by the Local Link bus


Waste Water Treatment: Kinnitty Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Kinnitty Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the re-use of vacant dwellings and commercial premises and the development of

infill sites to create a compact, vibrant village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To support developments that will establish Kinnitty as a cycling and outdoor recreation hub for

the Slieve Bloom Mountains and as a destination on the proposed ‘Lough Boora Parklands and

Drinagh Wetlands’ cycling route contained in Figure 6.14 of Volume 1 of this County

Development Plan.

SO4 To grow a visitor economy in the village by encouraging tourism-related uses, activities and

amenities that will contribute to the Slieve Bloom Mountains tourism product.

SO5 To encourage the further development of retail and commercial services in the village core. The

redevelopment of existing unused or derelict structures for commercial or residential purposes

will be particularly encouraged.

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Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO6 To continue to improve walking and cycling linkages to the Slieve Bloom Mountain Bike Trail and

Mountain Walks.

SO7 To create a sense of arrival at key approaches and arrival points in the village through

improvements to the public realm.

SO8 New development will be required to protect the setting of archaeological features, Protected

Structures and the Slieve Bloom Mountains.

SO9 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency, road safety and amenity of the R421 and R440

(Restricted Regional Routes) through Kinnitty.

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Moneygall Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Located close to the most

southern point in County Offaly, Moneygall is a

village on the old N7 Dublin‐Limerick Road, now

Regional Road R445. The village has essentially been

bypassed by the M7 motorway which lies to the

north of the village. The village has a long main

street running for approximately 450m. There are a

number of vacant buildings in the village,

concentrated in the village core. There have been

significant improvements to the community facilities

available in the village in recent years with the development of Moneygall FC Grounds, a Multi-Use

Games Area, Playground and Community Garden. The GAA grounds and Barack Obama Plaza are

located on the outskirts of the village in County Tipperary.

Population Census 2016: 313 (+ 1 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Health Centre, Community Garden, Multi-Use Games Area, Playground,

Moneygall FC Grounds, Roman Catholic Church, National School, Community Hall, Bring Centre, Garda

Station, 2 no. Pubs, Car Sales, Hair Salon, Funeral Directors. The trailhead for the ‘Rock of Loyer Loop’

walking route is located in the village. The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Moneygall Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Moneygall Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the re-use of vacant buildings, the development of infill sites and the completion

of unfinished developments to create a compact, vibrant village.

SO3 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO4 To facilitate the expansion of the employment, retail and service base in the village. The re-use

of existing vacant buildings in the village centre will be particularly encouraged.

SO5 To actively promote Moneygall as a destination for new business, for example in the distribution

and warehousing sector, given its strategic location on the M7 motorway.

SO6 To grow a visitor economy in the village by encouraging tourism-related uses, activities and


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SO7 To capitalise on further tourist related opportunities for the village through the synergy with

Barrack Obama Plaza, and to facilitate and develop uses, activities and public infrastructure to

support the Village becoming a ‘stop-off’ destination for visitors to the midlands and south

including visitors or tours on ‘Ireland’s Ancient East’ trail.

SO8 To support the local community in advancing the ‘Green Moneygall’ project.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO9 To maintain the existing community facilities in Moneygall and to support the provision of

additional facilities including a community gym / cafe / meeting place.

SO10 To promote public realm improvements in the village core including signage, pollination areas,

hard and soft landscaping, undergrounding of overhead wires and improvements to the road,

footpath and public lighting network.

SO11 To initiate a surface water drainage scheme in the village.

SO12 To seek the incremental expansion of the public lighting and footpath network in the village.

SO13 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency and road safety of the R445 (Restricted Regional

Route) through Moneygall.

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Mountbolus Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Mountbolus is a small village

located between Kilcormac and Tullamore, south of

the N52, with views of the Slieve Bloom mountains

southwards. It is approximately 15km from

Tullamore and 8km from Kilcormac. The main

street, L‐2014, lies on a gradient falling from east to

west. There is a village green in the centre of the

village at the junction of the L‐6026 and the L‐2014.

There are a number of vacant commercial buildings

along the Main Street.

Population Census 2016: 129 (estimate)

Services and Facilities: Roman Catholic Church, Community Hall, GAA Grounds, National School, Bring

Centre, Pub and Acquired Brain Injury Ireland. The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Mountbolus Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Mountbolus Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To require new development to take cognisance of and to reinforce the existing rural character

of the village in terms of scale, layout, detailed design and landscaping.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To encourage the further development of retail and commercial services in the village core. The

redevelopment of existing vacant or derelict buildings for commercial or residential purposes

will be particularly encouraged.

SO4 To improve public amenities in the village. An area around the Community Centre is set aside

as a public amenity area for the benefit of the local community.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO5 To support improvements to the public realm including landscaping and addressing the visual

clutter along Main Street caused by power, lighting and hanging basket poles.

SO6 To seek the upgrade, consolidation and expansion of the public lighting and footpath network

in the village and the provision of cycle lanes where feasible.

SO7 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

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Mucklagh Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Mucklagh is located

alongside the old N52, now the L-2030-1,

approximately 5km southwest of Tullamore.

The original form reflected some sporadic

roadside development i.e. houses, farms etc.

but due to its proximity to Tullamore and the

demand it generated, the area was subject to

linear development along the old N52.

Measuring approximately 1.6km in length along

the now local road, the settlement at Mucklagh

is extremely long with very little depth and with

no real centre or core area. The village’s dispersed linear form should be consolidated in future growth

to bring some form to the settlement and to reinforce the sense of place.

Population Census 2016: 826 (+ 2 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Roman Catholic Church, Graveyard, Community Centre, GAA Grounds, Nursing

Home, National School, 2 no. Funeral Directors, Hair Salon, Pub, Shop, Pre-school and After-School

Waste Water Treatment: Mucklagh Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Rahan – Agall/Hollimshill Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To foster the creation of a more consolidated and coherent settlement to reinforce a sense of


SO3 To encourage the development of infill sites and re-use of vacant buildings to create a compact,

vibrant village.

SO4 An Opportunity Site is identified in the village which has the potential to consolidate the village

with a high quality scheme. Development proposals on this site shall be in accordance with the

requirements of Section 7.2.4 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

SO5 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO6 To encourage the further development of retail and commercial services in the village core to

expand the local service and employment base.

SO7 To enhance the public realm, to define the village core and to create a sense of place.

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Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO8 To improve public amenities / recreational facilities in the village.

SO9 To seek the upgrade and incremental expansion of the public lighting and footpath network in

the village.

SO10 To investigate the feasibility of providing a cycle lane and public lighting linking Mucklagh to

Charleville Road in Tullamore.

SO11 To promote traffic calming measures and road safety in the village.

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Pollagh / Lemanaghan Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context:

Pollagh is a dispersed linear settlement located

on the Grand Canal and north of the Lough

Boora Discovery Park in a remote part of the

county. It is 14km (via tow path) from

Tullamore or 22km by road. Pollagh and

Lemanaghan can be described as a bi‐nodal

settlement, as they function as one place.

Population Census 2016: 227 (- 9.6 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Community Shop and Youth Space, Men’s Shed, Shop, Pub, National School,

Roman Catholic Church, GAA Grounds, Community Centre, Bring Centre, Soccer Pitch. The village is

served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Lemanaghan Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Rahan-Agall/Hollimshill PWS

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To maintain and expand the local service provision in the village.

SO4 To promote Pollagh-Lemanaghan as a destination on the Grand Canal Greenway and the

proposed ‘Shannon Monastic Greenway’ and ‘Lough Boora Parklands and Drinagh Wetlands’

cycling routes contained in Figure 6.14 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan and to

support uses, infrastructure and development that achieve this objective.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO5 To improve pedestrian facilities in the village including footpath links between the Community

Shop and Bridge and between Pollagh and Lemanaghan.

SO6 To improve wayfinding in the village by providing road safety, directional and tourism signage.

SO7 To enhance biodiversity in the village.

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Rhode Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Rhode village is situated in the

north‐eastern corner of County Offaly at the junction

of the R400 and R441. Two prominent hills are

located close to the village, namely Croghan Hill and

Clonin Hill. Rhode is situated approximately 12km

west of Edenderry and approximately 8km south-

east of the M6 motorway. The village is likely to have

evolved from a small cluster at the crossroads

demonstrated by its vernacular style. Subsequent

expansion traditionally has taken the form of linear

development along the constituent roads including

an ESB and local authority housing development. More recent residential development in the north-

west quadrant of the village has assisted in consolidating the village.

Rhode Energy Park is strategically located on the outskirts of Rhode, just 7km from the M6 Dublin to

Galway motorway. The business park has been established on the site of a former ESB Power Station

and occupies approximately 5.3ha with 13 serviced sites. The area has a strong heritage in energy

production, and coupled with the strategic location, the park is considered suitable for Green Energy

as well as other complementary uses such as Green Enterprise, Food Processing, Manufacturing,

Logistics, Engineering and Research and Development (R&D).

Population Census 2016: 811 (+ 4.2 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Roman Catholic Church, Graveyard, Community Centre, Community

Employment Scheme, Rhode Community Pre-School, Health Centre, The Village Park, 3 no. Pubs, Shop

and Post Office, Florist, Service Station, Pharmacy, Hair Salons and Take Aways. The National School

and GAA Grounds are located outside the settlement boundary. The village is served by the Local Link

Bus Service and the Business Eireann No. 120 route (Dublin to Tullamore).

Waste Water Treatment: Rhode Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Rhode Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the development of infill sites to create a compact, vibrant village.

SO3 An Opportunity Site is identified in the village which has the potential to consolidate the village

core at a prominent corner site. Development proposals on this site shall be in accordance with

the requirements of Section 7.2.4 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

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Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO4 To facilitate the expansion of the employment and service base in the village.

SO5 To actively promote Rhode as a destination for new employment opportunities, given its

strategic location proximate to the M6 motorway.

SO6 To support and promote the development of Rhode Green Energy Park for Green Energy as well

as other complementary uses such as Green Enterprise, Food Processing, Manufacturing,

Logistics, Engineering and Research and Development (R&D).

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO7 To seek the upgrade, consolidation and expansion of the footpath network in the village.

SO8 To investigate the feasibility of providing a footpath to the GAA grounds in Killure.

SO9 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

SO10 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency and road safety of the R400 (Restricted Regional

Route) through Rhode.

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Riverstown Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Riverstown is a

village arranged around the crossing point

of the N52 over the Little Brosna River,

2km southwest of Birr Town. The Little

Brosna River marks the county boundary

between County Tipperary and County

Offaly and the village is within the

administrative area of both Councils. This

Village Plan pertains to that portion of the

village within County Offaly, however the

bulk of the settlement and village core is

located in County Tipperary. It is

recognised that future growth (including local service provision) will predominantly occur within the

portion of the village located in County Tipperary. Riverstown acts as a gateway to County Offaly and

is characterised by stone walls, mature trees and hedgerows, the Little Brosna River and a five-arch

stone bridge.

Population: 39 (estimate)

Services and Facilities: Bar / Restaurant. The National School is located in County Tipperary

Waste Water Treatment: Pumping Station in County Tipperary and treated in Birr Waste Water

Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Ballindarra Public Group Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To require new development to take cognisance of and to reinforce the existing rural character

of the village in terms of scale, layout, detailed design and landscaping.

SO3 To maintain a development buffer between Birr and Riverstown.

SO4 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO5 To encourage local service provision in the village centre to serve the local population and

commensurate with the size of the village.

SO6 To support the examination of the proposed Birr to Portumna Greenway.

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Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO7 To facilitate the provision of a suitable gateway feature to signal the entry into County Offaly.

SO8 To support the extension of the existing footpath and public lighting network, including a

continuous footpath link to Birr, where feasible.

SO9 To protect the amenity value and rural character of the village, including the Little Brosna River,

mature trees, hedgerows, stone boundary walls and archaeological features.

SO10 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency and road safety of the N52 through Riverstown.

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Shannon Harbour Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Shannon Harbour is located at the

junction of the Grand Canal and the River Shannon in

West Offaly. Environmental and flood designations

apply to the village and restrict its development

potential. Shannon Harbour is a node on the county’s

greenway network and tourism is an important

contributor to the local economy.

Population: 52 (estimate)

Services and Facilities: 2 no. Pubs, Community Centre and Public Facilities, Bring Centre, Playground,

Waterways Ireland, Bed & Breakfast. The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Shannon Harbour Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Moyclare Rural Water Supply Scheme

Broadband: State Intervention Area under the National Broadband Plan. ‘Visit Offaly Free Wi-Fi’ is


Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To require new development to have regard to the rural character and environmental sensitivity

of the village and to avoid adverse impacts on the integrity of the Natura 2000 network.

SO3 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO4 To promote Shannon Harbour as a destination along the Grand Canal Greenway and to support

tourism-related uses.

SO5 The former Grand Canal Hotel is identified as an Opportunity Site in the village. This building

occupies a prominent position in the village and is in an advanced state of dis-repair. The Council

supports the sensitive restoration of this Protected Structure which would positively contribute

to the overall aesthetics of the village and the Shannon Harbour tourism product. Development

proposals on this site shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.4.5 of Volume

1 of this County Development Plan.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO6 To support the delivery of the proposed greenway network through Shannon Harbour linking to


SO7 To protect the amenity value of the Grand Canal and to work with Waterways Ireland and

private boat owners to improve the appearance of moored boats along the canal.

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Shannonbridge Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Shannonbridge is

situated at a bridging point of the River

Shannon in West Offaly on the border with

County Roscommon. It is approximately

10km south of Clonmacnoise at the

junction of the R357 and R444. The

settlement is predominately linear in

fashion and characterised by low density

development and a traditional main street.

Environmental and flood designations

restrict development to the north and

south along the River Shannon.

Historically, West Offaly Power has been a key employer in the area. Given its location on the River

Shannon and proximity to Clonmacnoise, tourism also makes a significant contribution to the local

economy. This tourism potential can be further developed by promoting Shannonbridge as a tourism

hub for exploring Clonmacnoise and a node on the county’s proposed greenway network.

Population Census 2016: 175 (- 15% since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Roman Catholic Church, Church of Ireland Church, Tourist Office, Playground,

Bring Centre, Health Centre, Post Office, 2 no. Shops, 3 no. Pubs, 2 no. Restaurants and 2 no. Bed &

Breakfasts, Public Facilities. The National School and GAA Grounds are located outside the settlement

boundary. The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Shannonbridge Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Moyclare Rural Water Supply Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the re-use of vacant dwellings and commercial premises to sustain life in the

village centre and to provide for compact growth.

SO3 To require new development to have regard to the rural character and environmental sensitivity

of the village and to avoid adverse impacts on the integrity of the Natura 2000 network.

SO4 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO5 To explore the provision of a visitor centre in Shannonbridge for Clonmacnoise monastic site

and the monastic heritage of the county.

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SO6 To make provision for developments that establish Shannonbridge as a visitor base for

Clonmacnoise monastic site and as a destination along the proposed Shannon Monastic

Greenway and Shannon Blueway as contained in Figure 6.14 of Volume 1 of this County

Development Plan and to encourage uses and development that achieve this objective.

SO7 To support the development of camping and camper van infrastructure in the village.

SO8 The former national school is identified as an Opportunity Site, which has the potential to deliver

positive social, economic and community benefits for the local community. Development

proposals on this site shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.2.4 of Volume

1 of this County Development Plan.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO9 To support the delivery of the proposed greenway network around Shannonbridge and

developing physical linkages to Clonmacnoise.

SO10 To further enhance the public realm in the village.

SO11 To protect the carrying capacity, efficiency, road safety and amenity of the R357 (Restricted

Regional Route) through Shannonbridge.

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Shinrone Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Shinrone is located

approximately 13km south of Birr at the junction

between the R492 and R491. Shinrone is a linear

village with a long vernacular main street,

stretching along the R492. The village has a

number of Protected Structures and

archaeological features. The varied topography

contributes to the character of the village. A

tributary of the Little Brosna River runs through

the western part of the village. There are a

number of vacant buildings in the village,

concentrated in the village core. The Council will

actively promote the re-use of these buildings in order to bring vitality to the village centre.

Population Census 2016: 645 (+ 1.7 % since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: Roman Catholic Church, National School, Playround, GAA Grounds, Community

Hall, Bring Centre, Church of Ireland Church, Methodist Church, Health Centre, Garda Station, Post

Office, Nursing Home, Funeral Directors, 3 no. Pubs, Liffey Mills, Furniture Maker, Takeaway, Tyre

Centre, Service Station, Gym, Crèche / Pre-School, Hair Salon. The village is served by the Local Link

bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Shinrone Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Shinrone / Brosna Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband / National Broadband Plan State Intervention Area

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the re-use of vacant buildings and the development of infill sites to create a

compact, vibrant village.

SO3 New development shall have regard to the existing character and topography of the village and

will be required to protect the setting of archaeological features and Protected Structures.

SO4 Constrained Land Use zoning shall be developed in accordance with Section 12.6, Objective

LUZO-14 in Volume 1 of this County Development Plan.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO5 To maintain and expand the employment and service base in the village.

SO6 To encourage the further development of retail and commercial services in the village core. The

redevelopment of existing unused or derelict structures for commercial or residential purposes

will be particularly encouraged.

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Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO7 To continue public realm improvements in the village core such as upkeep of open spaces,

painting schemes, hard and soft landscaping and improvements to the road and footpath


SO8 To upgrade road junctions in the village at the Roman Catholic Church and Spain’s Pub.

SO9 To investigate the feasibility of providing a pedestrian link from the village to Sharavogue Bog

SAC and Cangort Bog NHA.

SO10 To seek the improvement and incremental expansion of the public lighting and footpath

network in the village.

SO11 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

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Walsh Island Village Plan

Settlement Description

Settlement Context: Walsh Island is a small settlement

located approximately 20km east of Tullamore and 12km

north of Portarlington. The settlement is served by local

roads and is approximately 1km west of the R400. The

village has a dispersed linear form which should be

consolidated in future growth.

Population Census 2016: 443 (- 3.3% since Census 2011)

Services and Facilities: National School, GAA Grounds,

Roman Catholic Church, Graveyard, Bring Centre, Pub.

The village is served by the Local Link bus service.

Waste Water Treatment: Walsh Island Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water Supply: Walsh Island Public Water Scheme

Broadband: High Speed Fibre Broadband

Settlement Objectives

Housing and Sustainable Communities Objectives

SO1 To ensure that future growth is balanced and sustainable and is appropriate to the scale, size

and character of the existing village.

SO2 To encourage the development of infill sites and re-use of vacant buildings to create a compact,

vibrant village.

Economic Development and Regeneration Objectives

SO3 To seek the expansion of the retail core in the village by encouraging the development of small-

scale retail / commercial services in the village centre.

SO4 To promote Walsh Island as a destination on the proposed ‘Landscapes of Power’ cycling route

contained in Figure 6.14 of Volume 1 of this County Development Plan and to encourage uses

and development that achieve this objective.

Healthy Place Making and Infrastructure Objectives

SO5 To improve social infrastructure and public amenities in the village and support the provision of

a community hub and village green amenity area.

SO6 To enhance the public realm to define the village core and create a sense of place.

SO7 To seek the improvement, consolidation and expansion of the footpath and public lighting

network in the village.

SO8 To protect groundwater resources within the Source Protection Zone.

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