will these items come from? From YOU! If you have an idea, an issue, a suggestion or a concern that you would like the Think Tank to address and per- haps pass along to corporate, contact one of these current Think Tank Think Tank Think Tank Think Tank members: Gabrielle Godling Gabrielle Godling Gabrielle Godling Gabrielle Godling Dennis & Merlie Kluver Dennis & Merlie Kluver Dennis & Merlie Kluver Dennis & Merlie Kluver Bill & Caroline Lohmeyer Bill & Caroline Lohmeyer Bill & Caroline Lohmeyer Bill & Caroline Lohmeyer Marijke Long Marijke Long Marijke Long Marijke Long Dr. Enrique Martinez Dr. Enrique Martinez Dr. Enrique Martinez Dr. Enrique Martinez Izzy Matos Izzy Matos Izzy Matos Izzy Matos Mark Parsekian Mark Parsekian Mark Parsekian Mark Parsekian The Think Tank is a TEAM in the best sense of the word. They work together without concern for organizational “lines.” As Bruce Higgins Bruce Higgins Bruce Higgins Bruce Higgins said in Boston, “The Think Tank coordinates Continued on page 2 STEMTech keeps coming up with innovative ways to en- hance communication between field leaders, distributors and corporate. As if having a top- notch website, online recruiting and training, a user-friendly Back Office and information- filled weekly conference calls wasn’t enough, enter the STEM- STEM- STEM- STEM- Tech Think Tank! Tech Think Tank! Tech Think Tank! Tech Think Tank! The Think Tank’s purpose is to add another very effective vehicle for communication be- tween the field and corporate. The Think Tank meets in person three times each year, and in conference calls twice monthly, working on “mastermind” activi- ties where issues are ad- dressed, ideas are discussed, and recommendations are drafted for presentation to cor- porate executives. These in- tense sessions are led by George Antarr, VP/North Amer- ica, who carries the group’s work output to the San Clemente executive teram. “The best way I can de- scribe the Think Tank’s function is this,” George says. “Think of them as your ‘congressmen’ or representatives from the field. It’s their job to listen to you, then meet to discuss your is- sues and effect positive change that will benefit all STEMTech distributors.” At any one time the TOP TOP TOP TOP SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN STEMTech distributors comprise the Think Tank. To become one of these TOP SEVEN, a distribu- tor must be: A STEMTech mem- ber in good stand- ing, with at least one year as a distributor, AND “Car-qualified” for six months or more (See qualifications for the BMW Bonus Pro- gram) , AND Producer of one of the top seven volumes on his/ her first three levels of Auto- Ship. As volume numbers fluctuate, some positions in the Top Seven change, so some of the members of the Think Tank change, as well. While the Think Tank now and in the future will have seven members, the first Think Tank had nine participants. At their meeting in Boston during the summer, thirty thirty thirty thirty-seven seven seven seven items were on the agenda for the weekend’s mastermind event. Tackling these issues over a 20-hour period were Izzy Matos, Bill & Caroline Lohmeyer, Mark Parsekian, Bruce Higgins, Anna Gallman, Edward Soltys, Kevin Porter and Marijke Long. In February, the seven cur- rent Think Tank members will gather at an as-yet-undisclosed spot to address another full slate of agenda items. Where STEMTECH’S THINK TANK INSIDE THIS ISSUE: RAY’S MESSAGE ASK CHRISTIAN 2 AUGUST RANK ADVANCEMENTS 3 FROM THE FIELD TOP TEN 4 GEORGE: YOUR CAREER PHASES JOHN: UK IN OPERATION! 5 SEPTEMBER RANK ADVANCEMENTS 6 DR. DONNA: ABOUT INFLAMMATION FROM SAN CLEMENTE 7 RENEWAL 8 Editor Bonnie Goldfein HealthLink is a copyrighted publication of STEMTech HealthSciences, Inc. For permis- sion to reprint articles from this newsletter, STEMTech Distribu- tors may contact the Editor at STEMTech Corporate Offices, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673, or contact via e-mail at [email protected]. OCTOBER, 2007 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTH L INK RETAIL TOLL RETAIL TOLL RETAIL TOLL RETAIL TOLL-FREE LINE: 1 FREE LINE: 1 FREE LINE: 1 FREE LINE: 1-888 888 888 888-STEMTEC (1 STEMTEC (1 STEMTEC (1 STEMTEC (1-888 888 888 888-783 783 783 783-6832) 6832) 6832) 6832) HEALTH EALTH EALTH EALTHLINK INK INK INK The first Think Tank members took a break from their 20 hours of brainstorming to enjoy a pleasant sailing adventure off the coast of Massachusetts.

VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence

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Page 1: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence

will these items come from? From YOU! If you have an idea, an issue, a suggestion or a concern that you would like the Think Tank to address and per-haps pass along to corporate, contact one of these current Think Tank Think Tank Think Tank Think Tank members:

• Gabrielle GodlingGabrielle GodlingGabrielle GodlingGabrielle Godling

• Dennis & Merlie KluverDennis & Merlie KluverDennis & Merlie KluverDennis & Merlie Kluver

• Bill & Caroline LohmeyerBill & Caroline LohmeyerBill & Caroline LohmeyerBill & Caroline Lohmeyer

• Marijke LongMarijke LongMarijke LongMarijke Long

• Dr. Enrique MartinezDr. Enrique MartinezDr. Enrique MartinezDr. Enrique Martinez

• Izzy MatosIzzy MatosIzzy MatosIzzy Matos

• Mark ParsekianMark ParsekianMark ParsekianMark Parsekian

The Think Tank is a TEAM in the best sense of the word. They work together without concern for organizational “lines.” As Bruce Higgins Bruce Higgins Bruce Higgins Bruce Higgins said in Boston, “The Think Tank coordinates

Continued on page 2

STEMTech keeps coming up with innovative ways to en-hance communication between field leaders, distributors and corporate. As if having a top-notch website, online recruiting and training, a user-friendly Back Office and information-filled weekly conference calls wasn’t enough, enter the STEM-STEM-STEM-STEM-Tech Think Tank!Tech Think Tank!Tech Think Tank!Tech Think Tank!

The Think Tank’s purpose is to add another very effective vehicle for communication be-tween the field and corporate. The Think Tank meets in person three times each year, and in conference calls twice monthly, working on “mastermind” activi-ties where issues are ad-dressed, ideas are discussed, and recommendations are drafted for presentation to cor-porate executives. These in-tense sessions are led by George Antarr, VP/North Amer-ica, who carries the group’s work output to the San Clemente executive teram.

“The best way I can de-scribe the Think Tank’s function is this,” George says. “Think of them as your ‘congressmen’ or representatives from the field. It’s their job to listen to you, then meet to discuss your is-sues and effect positive change that will benefit all STEMTech distributors.”

At any one time the TOP TOP TOP TOP SEVENSEVENSEVENSEVEN STEMTech distributors comprise the Think Tank. To

become one of these TOP SEVEN, a distribu-tor must be:

• A STEMTech mem-ber in good stand-ing, with at least one year as a distributor, AND

• “Car-qualified” for six months or more (See qualifications for the BMW Bonus Pro-gram) , AND

• Producer of one of the top seven volumes on his/her first three levels of Auto-Ship.

As volume numbers fluctuate, some positions in the Top Seven change, so some of the members of the Think Tank change, as well.

While the Think Tank now and in the future will have seven members, the first Think Tank had nine participants. At their meeting in Boston during the summer, thirtythirtythirtythirty----seven seven seven seven items were on the agenda for the weekend’s mastermind event. Tackling these issues over a 20-hour period were Izzy Matos, Bill & Caroline Lohmeyer, Mark Parsekian, Bruce Higgins, Anna Gallman, Edward Soltys, Kevin Porter and Marijke Long.

In February, the seven cur-rent Think Tank members will gather at an as-yet-undisclosed spot to address another full slate of agenda items. Where

S T E M T E C H ’ S T H I N K T A N K I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

R A Y ’ S M E S S A G E








G E O R G E : Y O U R C A R E E R P H A S E S

J O H N : U K I N O P E R A T I O N !




D R . D O N N A : A B O U T I N F L A M M A T I O N



R E N E W A L 8


Bonnie Goldfein

HealthLink is a copyrighted publication o f STEMTech HealthSciences, Inc. For permis-sion to reprint articles from this newsletter, STEMTech Distribu-tors may contact the Editor at STEMTech Corporate Offices, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673, or c o n t a c t v i a e - m a i l a t [email protected].

O C T O B E R , 2 0 0 7

V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 3


RETAIL TOLLRETAIL TOLLRETAIL TOLLRETAIL TOLL----FREE LINE: 1FREE LINE: 1FREE LINE: 1FREE LINE: 1----888888888888----STEMTEC (1STEMTEC (1STEMTEC (1STEMTEC (1----888888888888----783783783783----6832)6832)6832)6832)


The first Think Tank members took a break from their 20 hours of brainstorming to enjoy a pleasant sailing adventure off the coast of Massachusetts.

Page 2: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence

Page 2 H E A L T H L I N K


leadership at the top, and is the perfect sounding board for ideas. Incredible dynamics come out of these meetings.” Gabrielle Godling Gabrielle Godling Gabrielle Godling Gabrielle Godling agrees, add-ing, “It’s an honor beyond words to be part of this group, to be able to contribute ideas that make our fabulous com-pany even better.”

You are encouraged to share your ideas with ANY of the Think Tank members, those in your upline, as well as other Think Tank Leaders whom you have come to know and respect. Keep in mind the old saying, “Two heads are better than one.” When you put youryouryouryour head together with Think Tank members, and they put their their their their heads together in the next mastermind ses-sion, just think what the re-sults can be! We know that our distributor base is bursting at the seams with talented, experienced business builders who have valuable contribu-tions to make to our com-pany’s growth and develop-ment. So contact a Think Tank member soon and share your good ideas!

“ F A L L B A C K ” I N A U T U M N ? N O T A T S T E M T E C H !

new support tool brings you training, information and recognition, with new fea-tures being added daily. Check it out today at www.teamstemtech.com. Membership is free!

Our international expan-sion plans are now in full motion. The United Kingdom is officially open for business, as is South Africa. We are preparing to open our first Asian offices, in Malaysia, soon. Spread the word to people you know with con-tacts in these markets.

Each month we are see-ing more STEMTech-wrapped BMW’s on the road. Ian Da-

With the Director Leader-ship Conference now behind us, everyone is focused on carrying that momentum into the fall growth season. That growth is led by our Think Tank group of seven, profiled in this month’s Cover Story. These top field leaders are a valuable asset to every-one, as they are the main communication link between the field and the home of-fice. I encourage everyone to get to know each of the Think Tank members and pass your ideas along to them.

The new STEMTech Team website announced at the conference is now “live.” This

vies, Marijke Long and Sharon Soyka have now joined the ranks of BMW qualifiers, bringing our STEM-Tech BMW Club to eleven distributorships. Congratula-tions, and Happy Car Shop-ping! As each member of this exclusive BMW Club will tell you, building a strong founda-tion of people on AutoShip is the key to a brand new BMW, with the lease payments on STEMTech!

Our Top Ten keeps pro-viding interesting insights into the building going on across North America. The “Fab Five” states once again hold onto the top five slots,

with the second five slots showing more change each month. Lately, it seems that our three top Cana-dian prov-inces are “taking turns” in the Top Ten. Will we see TWO prov-inces on next month’s list? Will any-one new break into the “Fab Five”? It all depends on you… Work hard to build your volume, and make your state, province or territory a Top Ten finisher every month!

by Ray C. Carter, Jr.

Thinking about what you’ll be doing next April?Thinking about what you’ll be doing next April?Thinking about what you’ll be doing next April?Thinking about what you’ll be doing next April?

Here’s hoping you’ll be joining us for Here’s hoping you’ll be joining us for Here’s hoping you’ll be joining us for Here’s hoping you’ll be joining us for

STEMTech’s Second Annual ConventionSTEMTech’s Second Annual ConventionSTEMTech’s Second Annual ConventionSTEMTech’s Second Annual Convention

Hyatt Regency Orange County April 25Hyatt Regency Orange County April 25Hyatt Regency Orange County April 25Hyatt Regency Orange County April 25----27, 2008 27, 2008 27, 2008 27, 2008 BE THERE!BE THERE!BE THERE!BE THERE!


carotenoids and B12. They both have polysaccharides that support immune func-tions. Nevertheless, in spite of their similarities, Spirulina and AFA remain very different products. Spirulina is an excep-tional source of iodine, to which some people have allergies; AFA is a negligible source of iodine. While Spirulina is a great source of omega-6 fatty acids, AFA is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are well known. But most importantly, when talking about compari-sons between Spirulina and StemEnhance, we must re-member: Spirulina does not

contain the L-selectin blocker found in AFA and, therefore, does not have any effect on stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence be-tween Spirulina and Stem- Enhance, it is important to remember that they are two different products. Only StemEnhance supports stem cell function in the body.

What is the difference What is the difference What is the difference What is the difference between Spirulina and between Spirulina and between Spirulina and between Spirulina and StemEnhance?StemEnhance?StemEnhance?StemEnhance?

First, let’s address the differ-ence between Spirulina and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). Spirulina and AFA are both blue-green algae and have a lot in common. They both contain phycocyanin, a natural compound with dem-onstrated anti-inflammatory properties. Both are a good source of chlorophyll, a good blood purifier and detoxifier. Due to its similarity to hemo-globin, there is evidence that chlorophyll might help in-crease hemoglobin in the blood. Both Spirulina and AFA are good sources of min-erals and vitamins, including

by Christian Drapeau

Page 3: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence

Page 3 V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 3

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O A U G U S T A D V A N C E M E N T S !


New DiamondsNew DiamondsNew DiamondsNew Diamonds Sage DailySage DailySage DailySage Daily

Ann M. & Dwight QuascknickAnn M. & Dwight QuascknickAnn M. & Dwight QuascknickAnn M. & Dwight Quascknick

New Ruby DirectorsNew Ruby DirectorsNew Ruby DirectorsNew Ruby Directors Patricia PastorPatricia PastorPatricia PastorPatricia Pastor

Kathryn Upchurch & Marcey HammKathryn Upchurch & Marcey HammKathryn Upchurch & Marcey HammKathryn Upchurch & Marcey Hamm

New Sapphire DirectorsNew Sapphire DirectorsNew Sapphire DirectorsNew Sapphire Directors Anne BondAnne BondAnne BondAnne Bond D & L TrustD & L TrustD & L TrustD & L Trust

M. D. Dziabis M. D. Dziabis M. D. Dziabis M. D. Dziabis Health Restoration Clinic

Paul GionetPaul GionetPaul GionetPaul Gionet Dwight HostetlerDwight HostetlerDwight HostetlerDwight Hostetler Carmen PrevatteCarmen PrevatteCarmen PrevatteCarmen Prevatte Mona J. SolidayMona J. SolidayMona J. SolidayMona J. Soliday

Jimmy Joe StanfordJimmy Joe StanfordJimmy Joe StanfordJimmy Joe Stanford Ted Theodoropoulos Ted Theodoropoulos Ted Theodoropoulos Ted Theodoropoulos

Native Marketing Group Richard WoodlingRichard WoodlingRichard WoodlingRichard Woodling

New Executive DirectorsNew Executive DirectorsNew Executive DirectorsNew Executive Directors

Luz Iraida AndujarLuz Iraida AndujarLuz Iraida AndujarLuz Iraida Andujar----RosadoRosadoRosadoRosado Reynaldo AyalaReynaldo AyalaReynaldo AyalaReynaldo Ayala

Richard A. BinghamRichard A. BinghamRichard A. BinghamRichard A. Bingham Marianna BlackMarianna BlackMarianna BlackMarianna Black David CameronDavid CameronDavid CameronDavid Cameron Richard CoverRichard CoverRichard CoverRichard Cover

Jonathan DemissieJonathan DemissieJonathan DemissieJonathan Demissie Efrain DiazEfrain DiazEfrain DiazEfrain Diaz

Deborah DunfordDeborah DunfordDeborah DunfordDeborah Dunford Esther FeatherEsther FeatherEsther FeatherEsther Feather

Laura GibbsLaura GibbsLaura GibbsLaura Gibbs Salvador Gutierrez, Jr.Salvador Gutierrez, Jr.Salvador Gutierrez, Jr.Salvador Gutierrez, Jr.

Roslyn HayingRoslyn HayingRoslyn HayingRoslyn Haying Joyce JohnsonJoyce JohnsonJoyce JohnsonJoyce Johnson Thomas KingThomas KingThomas KingThomas King Colleen KunzColleen KunzColleen KunzColleen Kunz

JeanJeanJeanJean----Paul LavoiePaul LavoiePaul LavoiePaul Lavoie Lowell & Judy MasonLowell & Judy MasonLowell & Judy MasonLowell & Judy Mason

Sophia Z. MeraySophia Z. MeraySophia Z. MeraySophia Z. Meray Ray MikelonisRay MikelonisRay MikelonisRay Mikelonis Nancy TengNancy TengNancy TengNancy Teng

Everett UlrichEverett UlrichEverett UlrichEverett Ulrich

New Senior DirectorsNew Senior DirectorsNew Senior DirectorsNew Senior Directors David AdamsDavid AdamsDavid AdamsDavid Adams Nancy AdamsNancy AdamsNancy AdamsNancy Adams

Denise AdderleyDenise AdderleyDenise AdderleyDenise Adderley Catherine AsayCatherine AsayCatherine AsayCatherine Asay Charlotte Bates Charlotte Bates Charlotte Bates Charlotte Bates

Bates-Swope Enterprises Bob BeebeBob BeebeBob BeebeBob Beebe Noelle BellNoelle BellNoelle BellNoelle Bell

Lea BellLea BellLea BellLea Bell Max BlocherMax BlocherMax BlocherMax Blocher Fikru BogaleFikru BogaleFikru BogaleFikru Bogale

Jo BryanJo BryanJo BryanJo Bryan James BryantJames BryantJames BryantJames Bryant

Glasford CampbellGlasford CampbellGlasford CampbellGlasford Campbell Kok Lang ChooKok Lang ChooKok Lang ChooKok Lang Choo Myrna ChudykMyrna ChudykMyrna ChudykMyrna Chudyk

Roy ComerRoy ComerRoy ComerRoy Comer Frank G. CongletonFrank G. CongletonFrank G. CongletonFrank G. Congleton George CurcurutoGeorge CurcurutoGeorge CurcurutoGeorge Curcuruto

Wendy FisherWendy FisherWendy FisherWendy Fisher Marilyn GangMarilyn GangMarilyn GangMarilyn Gang Allan GertkenAllan GertkenAllan GertkenAllan Gertken

Shirley J. GibsonShirley J. GibsonShirley J. GibsonShirley J. Gibson Barbara GrimmettBarbara GrimmettBarbara GrimmettBarbara Grimmett

Carol GunnelsCarol GunnelsCarol GunnelsCarol Gunnels Dave HaringDave HaringDave HaringDave Haring

Don HerefordDon HerefordDon HerefordDon Hereford Priscilla J. HopkinsPriscilla J. HopkinsPriscilla J. HopkinsPriscilla J. Hopkins

Robyn HopkinsRobyn HopkinsRobyn HopkinsRobyn Hopkins Arianova HurtadoArianova HurtadoArianova HurtadoArianova Hurtado Jose Luis JiminezJose Luis JiminezJose Luis JiminezJose Luis Jiminez

Yvonne KeaneYvonne KeaneYvonne KeaneYvonne Keane----DawesDawesDawesDawes Siriphan KnattongcomeSiriphan KnattongcomeSiriphan KnattongcomeSiriphan Knattongcome

Cecelia LarsonCecelia LarsonCecelia LarsonCecelia Larson MeiMeiMeiMei----Shu LinShu LinShu LinShu Lin Jan MillerJan MillerJan MillerJan Miller

Gerald MoellerGerald MoellerGerald MoellerGerald Moeller Bill MoreBill MoreBill MoreBill More

Carol I. NicholsCarol I. NicholsCarol I. NicholsCarol I. Nichols Ray OostdykRay OostdykRay OostdykRay Oostdyk

John PounderJohn PounderJohn PounderJohn Pounder Pierre RiopelPierre RiopelPierre RiopelPierre Riopel

Cathy Jo SawyerCathy Jo SawyerCathy Jo SawyerCathy Jo Sawyer Elizabeth ScheskieElizabeth ScheskieElizabeth ScheskieElizabeth Scheskie

Chester &Celesta ShrockChester &Celesta ShrockChester &Celesta ShrockChester &Celesta Shrock Ryan J. SoykaRyan J. SoykaRyan J. SoykaRyan J. Soyka Warren TengWarren TengWarren TengWarren Teng

Gee Gee TharpGee Gee TharpGee Gee TharpGee Gee Tharp Andrew TingAndrew TingAndrew TingAndrew Ting

Wilfred WagnerWilfred WagnerWilfred WagnerWilfred Wagner Jane WanderseeJane WanderseeJane WanderseeJane Wandersee

Victor WashingtonVictor WashingtonVictor WashingtonVictor Washington Yvonne WeatherbeeYvonne WeatherbeeYvonne WeatherbeeYvonne Weatherbee

Stephen WindscheffelStephen WindscheffelStephen WindscheffelStephen Windscheffel Zsuzsana ZilahyZsuzsana ZilahyZsuzsana ZilahyZsuzsana Zilahy

New DirectorsNew DirectorsNew DirectorsNew Directors Joan AmendolaJoan AmendolaJoan AmendolaJoan Amendola Vanperch AyasitVanperch AyasitVanperch AyasitVanperch Ayasit

Diane & Paul BeargieDiane & Paul BeargieDiane & Paul BeargieDiane & Paul Beargie Robert BlocherRobert BlocherRobert BlocherRobert Blocher

Susan BoeckmanSusan BoeckmanSusan BoeckmanSusan Boeckman Marlyce BraatenMarlyce BraatenMarlyce BraatenMarlyce Braaten

Elsie BraunElsie BraunElsie BraunElsie Braun Jackie BriseboisJackie BriseboisJackie BriseboisJackie Brisebois

Zelotis BrownZelotis BrownZelotis BrownZelotis Brown----ShepherdShepherdShepherdShepherd Elisabeth BurkElisabeth BurkElisabeth BurkElisabeth Burk

Billie BurkeBillie BurkeBillie BurkeBillie Burke Nancy BurksNancy BurksNancy BurksNancy Burks

J. Carroll CarlsonJ. Carroll CarlsonJ. Carroll CarlsonJ. Carroll Carlson Khomnak ChatchaiyanKhomnak ChatchaiyanKhomnak ChatchaiyanKhomnak Chatchaiyan

Sara CristSara CristSara CristSara Crist Dotty May DanielsDotty May DanielsDotty May DanielsDotty May Daniels

Donna DavisDonna DavisDonna DavisDonna Davis Cristina DeganoCristina DeganoCristina DeganoCristina Degano

Jay DooreckJay DooreckJay DooreckJay Dooreck Collin L. DoverCollin L. DoverCollin L. DoverCollin L. Dover

Lorna & Edgar EasonLorna & Edgar EasonLorna & Edgar EasonLorna & Edgar Eason Lou EptonLou EptonLou EptonLou Epton

Clifford Dwight EsselstynClifford Dwight EsselstynClifford Dwight EsselstynClifford Dwight Esselstyn Douglas EvansDouglas EvansDouglas EvansDouglas Evans Mary EvensonMary EvensonMary EvensonMary Evenson

Antonio FloresAntonio FloresAntonio FloresAntonio Flores----MelendezMelendezMelendezMelendez Robin FrancisRobin FrancisRobin FrancisRobin Francis Melissa FullerMelissa FullerMelissa FullerMelissa Fuller Howard GibbsHoward GibbsHoward GibbsHoward Gibbs Roger GosselinRoger GosselinRoger GosselinRoger Gosselin Myrtle HalleyMyrtle HalleyMyrtle HalleyMyrtle Halley

Charles E. Headings Charles E. Headings Charles E. Headings Charles E. Headings Antonio HidalgoAntonio HidalgoAntonio HidalgoAntonio Hidalgo Linda HoggardLinda HoggardLinda HoggardLinda Hoggard Vicky HolbrookVicky HolbrookVicky HolbrookVicky Holbrook

Hutterville Hutterian BrethrenHutterville Hutterian BrethrenHutterville Hutterian BrethrenHutterville Hutterian Brethren Dr. Philip HuylerDr. Philip HuylerDr. Philip HuylerDr. Philip Huyler Margaret IngsMargaret IngsMargaret IngsMargaret Ings Grace JamesGrace JamesGrace JamesGrace James

Johanne BurnsJohanne BurnsJohanne BurnsJohanne Burns Barry L. JonesBarry L. JonesBarry L. JonesBarry L. Jones

Cliff KammerdienerCliff KammerdienerCliff KammerdienerCliff Kammerdiener M.E. Sommer KaneM.E. Sommer KaneM.E. Sommer KaneM.E. Sommer Kane Daryl Ray KauffmanDaryl Ray KauffmanDaryl Ray KauffmanDaryl Ray Kauffman

Lorna KellarLorna KellarLorna KellarLorna Kellar Orval A. KempfOrval A. KempfOrval A. KempfOrval A. Kempf Samira KhatibSamira KhatibSamira KhatibSamira Khatib

Jane KinnischtzkeJane KinnischtzkeJane KinnischtzkeJane Kinnischtzke Norma KlingensmithNorma KlingensmithNorma KlingensmithNorma Klingensmith

New DirectorsNew DirectorsNew DirectorsNew Directors M. Fatima LimaM. Fatima LimaM. Fatima LimaM. Fatima Lima

Dale LoewenDale LoewenDale LoewenDale Loewen Paul MacFarlandPaul MacFarlandPaul MacFarlandPaul MacFarland Barbara McIntyreBarbara McIntyreBarbara McIntyreBarbara McIntyre

Peter MetcalfPeter MetcalfPeter MetcalfPeter Metcalf Stephen P. MillerStephen P. MillerStephen P. MillerStephen P. Miller

Jerry MitchellJerry MitchellJerry MitchellJerry Mitchell Verson MorrisVerson MorrisVerson MorrisVerson Morris Angela OlsonAngela OlsonAngela OlsonAngela Olson

Arlene OostdykArlene OostdykArlene OostdykArlene Oostdyk Kenneth OrmonKenneth OrmonKenneth OrmonKenneth Ormon

Elena Maria OtazioElena Maria OtazioElena Maria OtazioElena Maria Otazio----SanchezSanchezSanchezSanchez Zela R. PadonZela R. PadonZela R. PadonZela R. Padon

Bradley E. ParsonsBradley E. ParsonsBradley E. ParsonsBradley E. Parsons Brigitte PeillexBrigitte PeillexBrigitte PeillexBrigitte Peillex

Donna PetersonDonna PetersonDonna PetersonDonna Peterson Anna PintAnna PintAnna PintAnna Pint

Heather PonderHeather PonderHeather PonderHeather Ponder John PontingJohn PontingJohn PontingJohn Ponting Rosa PrestonRosa PrestonRosa PrestonRosa Preston

Robert RichardsRobert RichardsRobert RichardsRobert Richards Ruben Rios MartinezRuben Rios MartinezRuben Rios MartinezRuben Rios Martinez

Jim RisingerJim RisingerJim RisingerJim Risinger Angel Rafael Rivera CustodioAngel Rafael Rivera CustodioAngel Rafael Rivera CustodioAngel Rafael Rivera Custodio

Joseph RusnakJoseph RusnakJoseph RusnakJoseph Rusnak Chriss RyherdChriss RyherdChriss RyherdChriss Ryherd

Jan Scanlan ColesJan Scanlan ColesJan Scanlan ColesJan Scanlan Coles Fawn SimensenFawn SimensenFawn SimensenFawn Simensen K.R. SimmondsK.R. SimmondsK.R. SimmondsK.R. Simmonds

Tim SparksTim SparksTim SparksTim Sparks Sam StalschussSam StalschussSam StalschussSam Stalschuss

Janet M. Tanski, N.D., Ph.DJanet M. Tanski, N.D., Ph.DJanet M. Tanski, N.D., Ph.DJanet M. Tanski, N.D., Ph.D Una ToibinUna ToibinUna ToibinUna Toibin----HamiltonHamiltonHamiltonHamilton

Dick TriggDick TriggDick TriggDick Trigg Gina WagnerGina WagnerGina WagnerGina Wagner

Jacqueline WalkerJacqueline WalkerJacqueline WalkerJacqueline Walker Pauline WaynePauline WaynePauline WaynePauline Wayne Tom WeigandTom WeigandTom WeigandTom Weigand

Zach & Josh WestZach & Josh WestZach & Josh WestZach & Josh West Dawn WeverstadDawn WeverstadDawn WeverstadDawn Weverstad

Sandra WilsonSandra WilsonSandra WilsonSandra Wilson Dennis WittnerDennis WittnerDennis WittnerDennis Wittner Haeyoon WooHaeyoon WooHaeyoon WooHaeyoon Woo Judith WrayJudith WrayJudith WrayJudith Wray

Dorothy ZaeskeDorothy ZaeskeDorothy ZaeskeDorothy Zaeske

This spot is reserved for YOU in an This spot is reserved for YOU in an This spot is reserved for YOU in an This spot is reserved for YOU in an upcoming issue of HealthLink!upcoming issue of HealthLink!upcoming issue of HealthLink!upcoming issue of HealthLink!

Page 4: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence

Page 4 V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 3

My family and I started taking StemEnhance at the beginning of August, 2006. At the time we had numerous health challenges. As we all experienced improvements in our health, I began to build a business with STEMTech. Within the very first week, I was a Director. At the end of the seventh week, I was a Triple Diamond!

How did this happen so fast? I didn’t do this by my-self, let me tell you. I have an outstanding upline, all of whom are successful, and I patterned my business strat-egy after theirs, building strong and fast. I worked closely with these fantastic people: Ralph Weber (who introduced StemEnhance to me), Steve “Murf” Murphy, Jerry Lindsey, and many oth-ers. It was Jerry who sug-gested to me in September that I should work hard to achieve Triple Diamond be-

fore Christian’s first visit to St. Cloud, scheduled for the end of October. At the time, I had two Business Builders in my group, so I asked Jerry what I needed for Triple Dia-mond. When he said, “50,000 in volume and seven Directors,” I thought he was crazy to think I could make it.

Nevertheless, I gave the “crazy” idea some thought, prayed about it, then went to work. I decided that I could and would do it! I started with two home meetings a week and three 3-way phone calls each day. The momen-tum was just incredible! With Murf’s help, I signed up my first 25 people, and I was on the phone with Ralph, asking questions just about every day. This was a real TEAM effort. I learned long ago that there is no “I” in TEAM. My experience with STEMTech is proof that a business grows much faster if you work as a

team. I am so lucky to have had the best team anywhere supporting me!

As my business has grown and developed, I real-ize that I am often drawing on my experiences as a Cosme-tology Educator and hair-dresser to deal most effec-tively with people. One thing I learned early on is never to prejudge a person. You can-not succeed in relationships with people if you look only on the outside. You need to get to know individuals and develop a relationship with them. As I get to know peo-ple these days, I learn about their health challenges and the challenges of other peo-ple they know. Then it is up to me to help them make a change in their lives with StemEnhance and perhaps a STEMTech business.

I truly believe that anyone with a beating heart qualifies as a candidate for Stem-


Enhance. I know what it has done for me and for so many others, so it is natural for me to want to share it with everyone I meet. Often I begin by asking peo-ple if they’ve heard the latest news… that two scien-tists have discovered how to release adult stem cells from the bone marrow to support the body’s natural renewal system. Oh, sometimes people don’t understand the power of StemEnhance at first; but that’s where education comes in. I just keep informing them, and soon they “get it.” I do this everyday, everywhere, and my business grows and grows!

by Triple Diamond Kathy Hansen

T O P T E N S T A T E S , T E R R I T O R I E S & P R O V I N C E S

CongratulationsCongratulationsCongratulationsCongratulations to the States of Cali-fornia, Florida, Texas, Minnesota and Washington… who seem to have a hold on the Top Five spots. Watch the Canadian provinces: Manitoba, Ontario and Alberta have been taking turns in the Top Ten. Will we see TWO provinces on next month’s list?

Previous month’s ranking shown in parentheses.

First PlaceFirst PlaceFirst PlaceFirst Place California California California California (1)

Second PlaceSecond PlaceSecond PlaceSecond Place Florida Florida Florida Florida (2)

Third PlaceThird PlaceThird PlaceThird Place Texas Texas Texas Texas (3)

Fourth PlaceFourth PlaceFourth PlaceFourth Place Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota (4)

Fifth PlaceFifth PlaceFifth PlaceFifth Place Washington Washington Washington Washington (5)

Sixth PlaceSixth PlaceSixth PlaceSixth Place Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico (8)

Seventh PlaceSeventh PlaceSeventh PlaceSeventh Place New York New York New York New York (6)

Eighth PlaceEighth PlaceEighth PlaceEighth Place Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri (9)

Ninth PlaceNinth PlaceNinth PlaceNinth Place Arizona Arizona Arizona Arizona (7)

Tenth PlaceTenth PlaceTenth PlaceTenth Place Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario (-)


First PlaceFirst PlaceFirst PlaceFirst Place California California California California (1)

Second PlaceSecond PlaceSecond PlaceSecond Place Florida Florida Florida Florida (2)

Third PlaceThird PlaceThird PlaceThird Place Texas Texas Texas Texas (3)

Fourth PlaceFourth PlaceFourth PlaceFourth Place Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota (4)

Fifth PlaceFifth PlaceFifth PlaceFifth Place Washington Washington Washington Washington (5)

Sixth PlaceSixth PlaceSixth PlaceSixth Place New York New York New York New York (7)

Seventh PlaceSeventh PlaceSeventh PlaceSeventh Place Missouri Missouri Missouri Missouri (8)

Eighth PlaceEighth PlaceEighth PlaceEighth Place Arizona Arizona Arizona Arizona (9)

Ninth PlaceNinth PlaceNinth PlaceNinth Place Manitoba Manitoba Manitoba Manitoba (-)

Tenth PlaceTenth PlaceTenth PlaceTenth Place Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico (6)


Page 5: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence

Page 5 V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 3

W h a t h a p p e n s when you put all of your ener-gies into acting as a man-ager? Very quickly your top producers also move into Phase Two, duplicating what they see in you. The result? You find yourself moving into Phase Three, which is the Overseer PhaseOverseer PhaseOverseer PhaseOverseer Phase.

As an overseer, you may feel really important. You c e r t a i n l y c a n n o t b e expected to get your hands dirty in the trenches, as you need to oversee the manag-ers who are managing their producers, right? The trouble is that, because distributors do what you do, both you and they very quickly move into Phase Four, where you all become Overseers of the Overseers of the Overseers of the Overseers of the OverseersOverseersOverseersOverseers. Now you are over-seeing the overseers as they manage the managers of the producers. From this “lofty” position, you are likely to begin hear ing cr i tical (negative) comments about the other managers, the com-pany, your organization’s upline… just about anyone.

You and those following your example may feel con-fused at this point. As an Overseer of Overseers, each of you may have large num-

This month I want to share some insight about the Four Phases of aFour Phases of aFour Phases of aFour Phases of a STEMTech STEMTech STEMTech STEMTech CareerCareerCareerCareer, and to let you know why it is critical that you never stop doing Phase One. This information is important for everyone, but it's espe-c i a l l y c r u c i a l f o r those of you who have been in network marketing for awhi le . I f i t seems that you have hit a plateau in building your business, you c a n g e t " u n s t u c k " as soon as you understand career phases.

The First Phase in your career as a network market-ing business builder is the Production PhaseProduction PhaseProduction PhaseProduction Phase, in which you enroll product users and business builders. Many distributors enroll a few peo-ple and then quickly move into Phase Two, the Manag-Manag-Manag-Manag-ing Phaseing Phaseing Phaseing Phase. In this phase they spend most of their time managing their new enrol-lees, rather than continuing to look for new distributors and continuing to assist peo-ple with their health. The problem with being a full-time manager is that the people you have sponsored will do what you do, not what you tell them to do.

bers in your group, but your commission checks are be-ginning to stagnate or even to decrease. No longer can you see those steadily increasing numbers each month. “What’s going on?!” you may wonder.

While periodic hills and valleys in commission check amounts can happen at any-time to anyone (whether you are fulltime or part-time) and may happen for many rea-sons, let’s go over one of the two causes of these fluctua-tions that are absolutely within your control to ad-dress. The first cause: It’s very simple… Your business building momentum will screech to a halt if you decide to leave your Production Phase behind and focus only on managing and/or oversee-ing. And remember… Every-thing that youyouyouyou do is watched and duplicated by people in your organization, so their check amounts can begin to diminish, too, if they leave behind Phase One.

So it is obvious: NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER LEAVE PHASE ONE BEHIND! LEAVE PHASE ONE BEHIND! LEAVE PHASE ONE BEHIND! LEAVE PHASE ONE BEHIND! As your organization grows, you will, of course, ADDADDADDADD Phases Two, Three and Four to your repertoire, managing


and overseeing where needed. But you will succeed in maintaining and increasing your com-m i s s i o n income if you con-tinue to work each day on y o u r P h a s e One build-ing strate-gies:

• Taking people through the Proven 4Proven 4Proven 4Proven 4----Step SystemStep SystemStep SystemStep System

• Bringing new guests to the live Step 3 conference calls

• Bringing new people to your local home or hotel meetings.

As an Overseer of Overse-ers, there is another way your check could stagnate or might even go backward, usually after you’ve had a good deal of success. I’ll lay out that situation for you next month. (You can get a head-start on next month’s column by reading about Phase Four now in the member section of our help-f u l n e w t r a i n i n g s i t e , www.teamstemtech.com.)

by George Antarr, VP/North American Markets

We opened our global arms and welcomed STEMTech STEMTech STEMTech STEMTech UK UK UK UK to the STEMTech family in October. Our tal-ented VP/European Markets, Andy Good-win, had worked tirelessly to ensure that everything was “just right” when our London o f f i ces opened for business. As I explained last month, some operations are unique to each new STEM-

Tech country, but many op-erations remain the same everywhere. One system

that supports us in the UK and wherever we go is our ExigoExigoExigoExigo s o f t w a r e . Thanks to this powerful com-puter system, a distributor in t h e U n i t e d

States can order StemEn-hance for a UK customer

and have the order drop-shipped on the Britisher’s doorstep. And, using the same Exigo system, a new British distributor can place his AutoShip order in Chel-sey, and the order will be shipped to him from the London warehouse that is fully stocked with StemEn-hance and STEMTech sales aids. The entire London staff has been trained to provide the same excellent service that North American

S T E M T e c h distributors have come to expect, t o o , o f course! Who do YOU know “across the pond”? Make contact today!

U N I T E D K I N G D O M … I N O P E R A T I O N ! by John W. Meyer VP/Operations

STEMTech UK, LtdSTEMTech UK, LtdSTEMTech UK, LtdSTEMTech UK, Ltd 3 More London Riverside3 More London Riverside3 More London Riverside3 More London Riverside London, SE1 2RE UKLondon, SE1 2RE UKLondon, SE1 2RE UKLondon, SE1 2RE UK

Phone 440 203 283Phone 440 203 283Phone 440 203 283Phone 440 203 283----4444444444444444 FAX 440 203 283FAX 440 203 283FAX 440 203 283FAX 440 203 283----4569456945694569

Use last month’s health link J Meyer Photo

Page 6: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence

Page 6 H E A L T H L I N K Page 6 V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 3

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O S E P T E M B E R A D V A N C E M E N T S !


New DiamondNew DiamondNew DiamondNew Diamond Melanie FisherMelanie FisherMelanie FisherMelanie Fisher

New Ruby DirectorsNew Ruby DirectorsNew Ruby DirectorsNew Ruby Directors Christopher CronChristopher CronChristopher CronChristopher Cron

Allen CurleyAllen CurleyAllen CurleyAllen Curley

Jerry LindseyJerry LindseyJerry LindseyJerry Lindsey

Jimmy Joe StanfordJimmy Joe StanfordJimmy Joe StanfordJimmy Joe Stanford

New Sapphire DirectorsNew Sapphire DirectorsNew Sapphire DirectorsNew Sapphire Directors Richard A. BinghamRichard A. BinghamRichard A. BinghamRichard A. Bingham

Carolyn HallCarolyn HallCarolyn HallCarolyn Hall

DeWayne Flint DeWayne Flint DeWayne Flint DeWayne Flint Overseer House of Flint

Ellis D. PottorffEllis D. PottorffEllis D. PottorffEllis D. Pottorff

New Executive DirectorsNew Executive DirectorsNew Executive DirectorsNew Executive Directors

Bob BeebeBob BeebeBob BeebeBob Beebe

Max BlocherMax BlocherMax BlocherMax Blocher

Lloyd BloomfieldLloyd BloomfieldLloyd BloomfieldLloyd Bloomfield

Malik BrownMalik BrownMalik BrownMalik Brown

Barbara A. BugarBarbara A. BugarBarbara A. BugarBarbara A. Bugar

George CurcurutoGeorge CurcurutoGeorge CurcurutoGeorge Curcuruto

Wendy FisherWendy FisherWendy FisherWendy Fisher

JuanJuanJuanJuan----Antonio GarzaAntonio GarzaAntonio GarzaAntonio Garza----QuintanillaQuintanillaQuintanillaQuintanilla

Olympia Kallman Olympia Kallman Olympia Kallman Olympia Kallman Perfect HealthSolutions

Ronald LynchRonald LynchRonald LynchRonald Lynch

Kenneth OrmonKenneth OrmonKenneth OrmonKenneth Ormon

Marilyn Patrick Marilyn Patrick Marilyn Patrick Marilyn Patrick Life Enhancing TechnologiesLife Enhancing TechnologiesLife Enhancing TechnologiesLife Enhancing Technologies

Ann PintAnn PintAnn PintAnn Pint

Lucia ReimannLucia ReimannLucia ReimannLucia Reimann

Tamea SandersTamea SandersTamea SandersTamea Sanders

Gilles St. LaurentGilles St. LaurentGilles St. LaurentGilles St. Laurent

Shari WeidrichShari WeidrichShari WeidrichShari Weidrich

Orlando ZuvireOrlando ZuvireOrlando ZuvireOrlando Zuvire----ViznadoViznadoViznadoViznado

New Senior DirectorsNew Senior DirectorsNew Senior DirectorsNew Senior Directors Kathy AndersonKathy AndersonKathy AndersonKathy Anderson

Susan BoeckmanSusan BoeckmanSusan BoeckmanSusan Boeckman Eunice M. Brown, N.D.Eunice M. Brown, N.D.Eunice M. Brown, N.D.Eunice M. Brown, N.D.

Billie BurkeBillie BurkeBillie BurkeBillie Burke Betty R. & Bob CaseyBetty R. & Bob CaseyBetty R. & Bob CaseyBetty R. & Bob Casey

Sharon CastoldiSharon CastoldiSharon CastoldiSharon Castoldi Monique CustersMonique CustersMonique CustersMonique Custers Dotty May DanielsDotty May DanielsDotty May DanielsDotty May Daniels Dianne DawsonDianne DawsonDianne DawsonDianne Dawson Jake DoerksenJake DoerksenJake DoerksenJake Doerksen Arlene EastlundArlene EastlundArlene EastlundArlene Eastlund Joan ElizabethJoan ElizabethJoan ElizabethJoan Elizabeth

Lou EptonLou EptonLou EptonLou Epton Clifford Dwight EsselstynClifford Dwight EsselstynClifford Dwight EsselstynClifford Dwight Esselstyn

Jenean FranklinJenean FranklinJenean FranklinJenean Franklin Michele GauthierMichele GauthierMichele GauthierMichele Gauthier

Don George Don George Don George Don George Word for Today Mary GordonMary GordonMary GordonMary Gordon Susan HerlihySusan HerlihySusan HerlihySusan Herlihy

Alexandria HerlihyAlexandria HerlihyAlexandria HerlihyAlexandria Herlihy John HoferJohn HoferJohn HoferJohn Hofer

Vicky HolbrookVicky HolbrookVicky HolbrookVicky Holbrook Michel ImbeauMichel ImbeauMichel ImbeauMichel Imbeau Margaret IngsMargaret IngsMargaret IngsMargaret Ings

Francois JacquesFrancois JacquesFrancois JacquesFrancois Jacques Greg JensGreg JensGreg JensGreg Jens

Jeremiah JensJeremiah JensJeremiah JensJeremiah Jens Erika KoehlerErika KoehlerErika KoehlerErika Koehler Larry KriegerLarry KriegerLarry KriegerLarry Krieger Loren KyleLoren KyleLoren KyleLoren Kyle

M. Fatima LimaM. Fatima LimaM. Fatima LimaM. Fatima Lima Sheri MarshallSheri MarshallSheri MarshallSheri Marshall Judith MellorJudith MellorJudith MellorJudith Mellor Sharon MeyerSharon MeyerSharon MeyerSharon Meyer Betty S. MillerBetty S. MillerBetty S. MillerBetty S. Miller Vernon MorrisVernon MorrisVernon MorrisVernon Morris Mary NovakMary NovakMary NovakMary Novak

Bradley E. ParsonsBradley E. ParsonsBradley E. ParsonsBradley E. Parsons Jacques PrunierJacques PrunierJacques PrunierJacques Prunier Marilyn PurdyMarilyn PurdyMarilyn PurdyMarilyn Purdy

Yolanda P. RodriguezYolanda P. RodriguezYolanda P. RodriguezYolanda P. Rodriguez Kenneth ShrockKenneth ShrockKenneth ShrockKenneth Shrock

Star StewartStar StewartStar StewartStar Stewart Betty StreeterBetty StreeterBetty StreeterBetty Streeter Steffen TaylorSteffen TaylorSteffen TaylorSteffen Taylor

Dorothy TedrowDorothy TedrowDorothy TedrowDorothy Tedrow Martin ThiessenMartin ThiessenMartin ThiessenMartin Thiessen

Peter UnrauPeter UnrauPeter UnrauPeter Unrau Judith WrayJudith WrayJudith WrayJudith Wray

New DirectorsNew DirectorsNew DirectorsNew Directors Blaine AdamsBlaine AdamsBlaine AdamsBlaine Adams Augusto AlvaAugusto AlvaAugusto AlvaAugusto Alva

Richard BandlerRichard BandlerRichard BandlerRichard Bandler Ana Maria BarraganAna Maria BarraganAna Maria BarraganAna Maria Barragan----GuerraGuerraGuerraGuerra

Charles BatesCharles BatesCharles BatesCharles Bates Sue BellassaiSue BellassaiSue BellassaiSue Bellassai

Juan Carlos BulnesJuan Carlos BulnesJuan Carlos BulnesJuan Carlos Bulnes----SilvaSilvaSilvaSilva Paul BuskagerPaul BuskagerPaul BuskagerPaul Buskager Patricia ButlerPatricia ButlerPatricia ButlerPatricia Butler

Polly CadyPolly CadyPolly CadyPolly Cady----KelseyKelseyKelseyKelsey Earl ChongEarl ChongEarl ChongEarl Chong

Christian CoffinetChristian CoffinetChristian CoffinetChristian Coffinet Janice CurleyJanice CurleyJanice CurleyJanice Curley----RoperRoperRoperRoper Bernadette DaCostaBernadette DaCostaBernadette DaCostaBernadette DaCosta Earlene DandridgeEarlene DandridgeEarlene DandridgeEarlene Dandridge Valmore DawkinsValmore DawkinsValmore DawkinsValmore Dawkins

Francoise DecellesFrancoise DecellesFrancoise DecellesFrancoise Decelles JeanJeanJeanJean----Claude DelageClaude DelageClaude DelageClaude Delage Raymond DonnellyRaymond DonnellyRaymond DonnellyRaymond Donnelly

William Douglas EsselstynWilliam Douglas EsselstynWilliam Douglas EsselstynWilliam Douglas Esselstyn Linda FairLinda FairLinda FairLinda Fair

Juan Carlos FernandezJuan Carlos FernandezJuan Carlos FernandezJuan Carlos Fernandez Barbra FoxBarbra FoxBarbra FoxBarbra Fox

Dana GarfieldDana GarfieldDana GarfieldDana Garfield Norma GitchelNorma GitchelNorma GitchelNorma Gitchel Geoff GoldieGeoff GoldieGeoff GoldieGeoff Goldie

Chuck GordonChuck GordonChuck GordonChuck Gordon Lynne GrahamLynne GrahamLynne GrahamLynne Graham Lisanne HaighLisanne HaighLisanne HaighLisanne Haigh Meredith Hawk Meredith Hawk Meredith Hawk Meredith Hawk

Overseer of A.L.F.E. Jim HickmanJim HickmanJim HickmanJim Hickman

Esmeralda HilarioEsmeralda HilarioEsmeralda HilarioEsmeralda Hilario Angela HiseAngela HiseAngela HiseAngela Hise

June IceJune IceJune IceJune Ice June JohnsonJune JohnsonJune JohnsonJune Johnson

Pat JudsonPat JudsonPat JudsonPat Judson Patty KaufmanPatty KaufmanPatty KaufmanPatty Kaufman

John KelleyJohn KelleyJohn KelleyJohn Kelley

New DirectorsNew DirectorsNew DirectorsNew Directors Elaine KrushelniskiElaine KrushelniskiElaine KrushelniskiElaine Krushelniski W. Duane LidstromW. Duane LidstromW. Duane LidstromW. Duane Lidstrom

Dan LovelaceDan LovelaceDan LovelaceDan Lovelace Mike MagarahanMike MagarahanMike MagarahanMike Magarahan Kimberly Matteo Kimberly Matteo Kimberly Matteo Kimberly Matteo

Unique Nutritionals Daniel MclayDaniel MclayDaniel MclayDaniel Mclay

JoJoJoJo----Anne MelmerAnne MelmerAnne MelmerAnne Melmer JoseJoseJoseJose----Luis MorenoLuis MorenoLuis MorenoLuis Moreno----TamezTamezTamezTamez

Barbara A. NoakesBarbara A. NoakesBarbara A. NoakesBarbara A. Noakes Barbara NobleBarbara NobleBarbara NobleBarbara Noble Steven NovakSteven NovakSteven NovakSteven Novak

Gerd & Hanna P. NoyaGerd & Hanna P. NoyaGerd & Hanna P. NoyaGerd & Hanna P. Noya Lew OlsonLew OlsonLew OlsonLew Olson

Wayne PackWayne PackWayne PackWayne Pack Vanessa PeraltaVanessa PeraltaVanessa PeraltaVanessa Peralta Vincent PhillipsVincent PhillipsVincent PhillipsVincent Phillips

Alan PriceAlan PriceAlan PriceAlan Price Emma RichterEmma RichterEmma RichterEmma Richter Rocky RiouxRocky RiouxRocky RiouxRocky Rioux

Christine RuckerChristine RuckerChristine RuckerChristine Rucker Windell ScammonWindell ScammonWindell ScammonWindell Scammon David SchlabachDavid SchlabachDavid SchlabachDavid Schlabach Clarence ShrockClarence ShrockClarence ShrockClarence Shrock Florence StevanFlorence StevanFlorence StevanFlorence Stevan Hector StevensHector StevensHector StevensHector Stevens Linda SummerLinda SummerLinda SummerLinda Summer Jane SvobodaJane SvobodaJane SvobodaJane Svoboda Howard TaylorHoward TaylorHoward TaylorHoward Taylor

David TimmonsDavid TimmonsDavid TimmonsDavid Timmons Cheryl ToyofukuCheryl ToyofukuCheryl ToyofukuCheryl Toyofuku

Dr. Craig TwentymanDr. Craig TwentymanDr. Craig TwentymanDr. Craig Twentyman Carey WashingtonCarey WashingtonCarey WashingtonCarey Washington

ShaktiShaktiShaktiShakti----Char WeaverChar WeaverChar WeaverChar Weaver M. Louella WrightsmanM. Louella WrightsmanM. Louella WrightsmanM. Louella Wrightsman

Glenn ZettlerGlenn ZettlerGlenn ZettlerGlenn Zettler Esther ZgraggenEsther ZgraggenEsther ZgraggenEsther Zgraggen Jeneen ZuckerJeneen ZuckerJeneen ZuckerJeneen Zucker

This spot is reserved for YOU in an This spot is reserved for YOU in an This spot is reserved for YOU in an This spot is reserved for YOU in an upcoming issue of HealthLink!upcoming issue of HealthLink!upcoming issue of HealthLink!upcoming issue of HealthLink!

Make dough! It’s as easy as pie…Make dough! It’s as easy as pie…Make dough! It’s as easy as pie…Make dough! It’s as easy as pie…


FALL GROWTH SEASON Get busy… WealthBuildersSystem is waiting for you!

Page 7: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 H EALTHL INK - Exigopreview-publish.exigo.com/.../Volume2-Issue3.pdf · stem cells. Spirulina remains a very good dietary sup-plement, but when considering the differ-ence


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by Dr. Donna Antarr, VP/Product Training & Development

The word inflammationinflammationinflammationinflammation comes from the Latin inflam-matio, which means “to set on fire.” The inflammatory process involves a complex biological cascade of molecu-lar and cellular signals that alter physiological responses. Most people associate in-flammation with skin that becomes red, painful and swollen after they get a bug bite or a splinter. Those are common symptoms of acute inflammation.

Inflammation is a normal process; without a healthy inflammatory response, wounds and tissues would not heal. So inflammation in the body is an important mechanism for health; but as with most physiological func-tions, it is vital that there is a balance. Inflammation that goes unchecked and be-comes chronic is one of the most troublesome processes in the body.

Chronic inflammation is abnormal and causes signifi-cant disruption of the normal functions of cells. It is espe-cially problematic because — unlike most people’s experi-ence with acute inflammation

— most chronic inflammation is silent, invisible and persis-tent. We can't see it and we can't feel it, but it does exist, and it causes a host of health-related problems that plague our society today. These include heart disease, diabetes, stroke, auto-immune dysfunction, Alz-heimer’s, arthritis, MS, Park-inson’s, asthma… to name just some of the ailments associated with chronic in-flammation.

One of the reasons that chronic inflammation is such a problem in the body is be-cause it appears to decrease the ability of the person’s own adult stem cells to do their job in the body. The reason is that diffuse (scattered) chronic inflamma-tion at the cellular level makes it difficult for your stem cells to know where to go because everywhere ap-pears to need their assis-tance.

Think of it this way: If the messengers that call the stem cells to come to the tissue in need were actually shouting out loud for the stem cells, this diffuse

chronic inflammation is like trying to get someone to hear you in the middle of a sta-dium full of people who are all shouting at the same time. If this background “noise” of inflammation can be dimin-ished, then the stem cells will be able to “hear” the sum-mons from tissues and can then follow the “voice” of the messenger to travel to where they are needed in the body .

What are some ways that we might decrease chronic inflammation? Some of the causes of chronic inflamma-tion is the persistent pres-ence of pathogens, environ-mental pollutants, negative genetic factors and lifestyle, among other things. While not all of these causes are within our control to address, some definitely are. Lifestyle is one: The type of lifestyle that creates inflammation includes poor sleep, lack of exercise, chronic stress and an inflammatory diet.

Inflammatory diets are heavy in saturated fats, trans fats (hydrogenated or par-tially hydrogenated oils), mar-garines, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, dairy products,

soda (diet and regular), well- cooked red meat, MSG, nuts (except almonds and wal-nuts), white and brown sugar, and white flours.

An anti-inflammatory diet inc lu des : Vegetables (especially dark leafy g r e e n s ) , fish and fish oils, flaxseeds, f l a x s e e d oil, fruit (especially pineapple, mango and papaya), oats, olive oil, StemEnhanceStemEnhanceStemEnhanceStemEnhance, bar-ley and brown seaweed.

We can significantly im-prove our quality of life by the way we treat our body. By doing our best to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle — and by taking StemEnhance — we are taking care of our natural renewal system, our own adult stem cells.

For all of our hard-working Business Builders and StemGem Leaders, here are some more Distributor Services tips to help you op-erate your business most efficiently: •WebsiteWebsiteWebsiteWebsite: Please be sure to read our enhanced Policies Policies Policies Policies & Procedures& Procedures& Procedures& Procedures, found on www.stemtechbiz.com.

•Back OfficeBack OfficeBack OfficeBack Office: With orders, always be sure to check in your Back Office for up-to-date tracking information. Please verify your payment information in your Back Office so you receive your orders on time. Check out

our new FAQ section on the Compensation Plan Compensation Plan Compensation Plan Compensation Plan in your Back Office. We add new Q&A’s frequently.

•RenewalRenewalRenewalRenewal: If it’s time to re-new your distributorship, you can fax or mail us the form on page 8, or or or or call us to renew by phone.

•It’s included! It’s included! It’s included! It’s included! When signing up a new Business Builder with the $299 FastStart Pak, remember that this Pak includes the Distributor Business Suite for new Business Builders on Auto-Ship. Do not order an addi-tional Business Suite.

•NoteNoteNoteNote: If you are placing an order for your downline, we need approval from that distributor. Approval may be verbal, faxed, emailed or a “snail-mailed” letter con-firming this arrangement.

•AutoShipAutoShipAutoShipAutoShip: When updating your shipping address in your Back Office, please also update your AutoShip manager. AutoShip cancel-lations must be submitted to us in writing at least 24 hours prior to processing. You can also edit or cancel your AutoShip if you com-plete changes at least 24 hours before processing.

Only StemEnhance, Stem-Pets, and Stem Equine are available through AutoShip. Order sales aids separately.

•Holiday orderingHoliday orderingHoliday orderingHoliday ordering: In No-vember and December, please place orders early, so holiday closures do not delay your deliveries.

•One more thingOne more thingOne more thingOne more thing: To help us help you, please be ready with your account number and issues when you call. If you leave a message, in-clude your ID and state your concern, so we can re-search if need be before we call you back.

F R O M S A N C L E M E N T E by Brianne Rogers and the Distributor Services Team


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S T E M T E C H H E A L T H S C I E N C E S , I N C .


How has the WealthBuildersSystem helped build your business today?


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STEMTECH DISTRIBUTOR RENEWAL FORM Send to: Distributor Services, STEMTech, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673 Send to: Distributor Services, STEMTech, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673 Send to: Distributor Services, STEMTech, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673 Send to: Distributor Services, STEMTech, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673 or FAX to: 949 542FAX to: 949 542FAX to: 949 542FAX to: 949 542----8617861786178617

Distributor ID Number __________________________________________ Today’s Date ____________________________________________ Name of Renewing Applicant ____________________________________________ SSN ____________________________ Name of Co-Applicant (opt.) _____________________________________________ SSN ____________________________ Company Name (opt.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Fax ____________________________ US $25 Payment Check enclosed Credit Card _________________________ Signature _____________________________

IS IT TIME TO RENEW YOUR DISTRIBUTORSHIP?IS IT TIME TO RENEW YOUR DISTRIBUTORSHIP?IS IT TIME TO RENEW YOUR DISTRIBUTORSHIP?IS IT TIME TO RENEW YOUR DISTRIBUTORSHIP? Each year on the anniversary date of your enrollment as a STEMTech distributor, you must RENEW your distributorship. The fee for Annual Renewal is US$25. If you have not arranged for an automatic renewal of your distributorship, it is your responsibility to remit your renewal fee to STEMTech on or before your anniversary date. You may renew by contacting Distributor Services and renewing by phone using a credit card. You may also renew your distributorship by using the form below and faxing or mailing it to Distributor Services, along with your payment.