This is just about the biggest thing that has happened at Pwani! This is not only the relaunch and total facelift of our flagstrip brand, this is a world first! No other company has packed so much into so little within the cooking oil category with so many genuine consumer benefits; this is truly an exciting time. We are the first to have a measuring cap built in, the first to have a transparent cap and view strip on the can, the container is friendly & elegant, soft pimples inside the handle to make it easy to grip and non slip. The new Fresh Fri is so elegant and with the new set of ‘Category breaking’ labels, it just leaves all of our competitors miles behind. The new pack is attractive & innovative. This will change the way consumers buy cooking oil because Pwani is giving our consumers an experience that they have never had before. It is only the beginning, there is much more to come across all the categories we are involved in. For everyone at Pwani this is a very exciting time -being part of an organisation that is changing the way our consumers interact with our brands! Watch this space for more to come! A WORLD FIRST Neelma - Editor BUSINESS REDEFINING PWANI PUBLICATION - VOL 17 | A PUBLICATION OF PWANI This edition is brought to you by Fresh Fri Editor’s Note With the rebirth and launch of Fresh Fri this month, I thought that it would be appropriate for this issue to focus on innovation. So as you read through the magazine, recall that constant improvements are important, and sometimes the best things take time to realize. Innovation may not just involve looking forward, but also looking back, or as Isaac Newton might have said, not just looking down, but up. A wise person once told me that innovation isn’t just about doing things that are new or different; it’s about doing things that are in the eye of the beholder (the user, patron, or customer); meeting a need that may not have been appreciated before. Innovations are the things that truly alter and improve how we do things; they may even shift our proverbial paradigms. Pete - CEO

Volume 17

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A World First

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Page 1: Volume 17


Welcome to Pwani life!


This is just about the biggest thing that has happened at Pwani! This is not only the relaunch and total facelift of our flagstrip brand, this is a world first!

No other company has packed so much into so little within the cooking oil category with so many genuine consumer benefits; this is truly an exciting time. We are the first to have a measuring cap built in, the first to have a transparent cap and view strip on the can, the container is friendly & elegant, soft pimples inside the handle to make it easy to grip and non slip.

The new Fresh Fri is so elegant and with the new set of ‘Category breaking’ labels, it just leaves all of our competitors miles behind.

The new pack is attractive & innovative. This will change the way consumers buy cooking oil because Pwani is giving our consumers an experience that they have never had before.

It is only the beginning, there is much more to come across all the categories we are involved in.

For everyone at Pwani this is a very exciting time -being part of an organisation that is changing the way our consumers interact with our brands!

Watch this space for more to come!

A WORLD FIRSTNeelma - Editor




This edition is brought to you by Fresh Fri

Editor’s Note

With the rebirth and launch of Fresh Fri this month, I thought that it would be appropriate for this issue to focus on innovation. So as you read through the magazine, recall that constant improvements are important, and sometimes the best things take time to realize. Innovation may not just involve looking forward, but also looking back, or as Isaac Newton might have said, not just looking down, but up.

A wise person once told me that innovation isn’t just about doing things that are new or different; it’s about doing things that are in the eye of the beholder (the user, patron, or customer); meeting a need that may not have been appreciated before. Innovations are the things that truly alter and improve how we do things; they may even shift our proverbial paradigms.

Pete - CEO

Page 2: Volume 17

Soap wrappers are a vital item in soap manufacturing. Most of our suppliers supply the wrappers with gross weight, i.e. the weight of the wrapper plus the Core which is a waste after the end of production. A few clerks at Jomvu, took the initiative to raise this issue with Mr Rakam Kamar, Senior Manager Supply Chain. The solution was to collect the Cores and return them to the suppliers who in turn would raise a credit note, thus saving Pwani money! It is now one month since the idea was implemented and 90kg of the core has been collected waiting to be lifted back to the supplier – perhaps a project that can also be implemented in Kikambala.

Note that a 1kg of core is Ksh350 that means that during the peek of production we can save over ksh31,500 per month.

Kenya’s David Rudisha lit up the Olympic Games with a sensational victory in the 800 metres, breaking his own world record in the process.

As London 2012 chairman and former Olympic 800m silver medallist Seb Coe looked on, Rudisha made the most of ideal conditions, storming through the first lap in 49.28 seconds and powering to the gold medal in one minute 40.91 seconds.That took exactly one tenth of a second off his previous record!

Rudisha showed supreme physical and mental confidence to run in an Olympic final. Instead of just doing enough to win the race he wanted to do something extraordinary and go for the world record as well – a lesson us at Pwani should learn! We, like Rudisha are proud to be Kenyan and ready to go the extra mile to break records and make history in innovation!

What a proud Kenyan moment!

Cost SavingBy Lucas OumaINITIATIVE

Proud to be Kenyan!

Kenya’s David Rudisha sets

new 800m world record

Welcome to Pwani life!



Wrapper on core

Used Cores

Page 3: Volume 17


Welcome to Pwani life!

In an intensive knowledge economy - in which high quality and timely information is a requirement - information technology, if compared to other innovations, has not only been essential for organisational operations but it has equally been indispensable for other innovations such as business process reengineering and supply chain management . For an organization to survive nowadays, it has become incumbent on it, more than ever, not only to be reactive and innovative but also to be able to effectively and efficiently manage its value added network. Accordingly, managers have been more and more alert to the indispensability of enterprise wide integration, business process improvement, and reliable and timely data transfer within and outside the organisation. Moreover, with the advent of internet technologies and online shopping, businesses need an integrative structure which would help them close the loop between back-office and front-office processes, from order execution to order fulfillment. All these business pressures, and others, have led to the development of ERP systems.


An organisational innovation is “the adoption of an idea or behaviour- whether a product, device, system, process, policy, program or service- that is new to the adopting organisation”. An ERP Implementation process includes the installation and development but also the adaptation, acceTptance, usage, and incorporation of the same. IT systems and technologies are not an innovation in themselves. It is indeed, these sets of processes, human behaviours and business and human resources involved in an ERP implementation process represents the innovations rather than the system itself.

- “ERP is a people system made possible by computer software and hardware” -

Making an ERP system work is the responsibility of all the employees. It involves virtually every department and every person within the company. The company management is not responsible for the day-to-day operation of the ERP system. Their main job is to create an organizational environment in which ERP can thrive - give ERP the full backing of the management.

ERP is not a silver bullet or a cure-all. While, a properly implemented, operated and maintained ERP system can dramatically improve productivity, automate tasks, reduce wastage and improve profits; the system needs people to operate, use and maintain it. Assuming that the ERP tools will take care of everything can be a recipe for disaster. There are many business activities that need human intervention and judgment. While the ERP tools make these jobs easier, there is no substitute for human intelligence and decision-making.

ERP is a people system made possible by computer software and hardware, made only for the people. So even though ERP is a nice Invention of Innovation, it still needs dedicated support through Human Intervention so that Innovation can yield results.

Welcome to Pwani life!


by S. Venkata Subramaniam (Sai)

Page 4: Volume 17


Doesn’t it feel great when new things are happening at your

workplace? And especially when you arepart of them? That is

why we now have the Idea Bank Initiative in Pwani to ensure that

each one of us takes part in the making of Pwani a better, exciting

place to work in. We want to make you a part of Pwani.

Let’s put on our thinking hats and think outside the box. It is

challenging, yes, but exciting! Moreover, we very well know that

the ‘I’ in PWANI stands for ‘Initiative’ – which is being recognized.

Imagine a better Pwani, and you being the driver of it?!

So…what are you waiting for? Our current theme is ‘Cost

Cutting’. How can we help Pwani be more efficient in its

processes? Do you have what it takes?! Pick up the forms

(available on soft copy- Intranet; hard copy- from the Reception

Desks, fill them in (with as many great ideas as you can think

of ) and drop off in the drop off boxes at the various locations

(HO Reception, Jomvu Maintenance Area, Jomvu CREs Office,

Kikambala Reception, Kikambala Soap Plant) near you! Then…

watch out for your name to be mentioned as the ‘Driver of

Pwani!’ Do YOU have what it takes?! Let’s turn ideas into actions!


Welcome to Pwani life!With the launch of the EX-MAS SYSTEM developed and installed by Pwani’s ICT Team, all the above challenges have been dealt with thoroughly.

Our master user Priscah is in charge of the Treo management and she has done a tremendous job in ensuring that our Treo’s reconcilliations are done in good time and right now our Treo reconciliation is up to date.

Our Entry controller Patrick Osimba ensures that all the CRE’s(Customer Relations Executives) get a daily update on the entries not returned as a reminder for follow –up.

Being a sales person is exciting and adventurous.

By virtue of being Pwani staff we qualify as sales representatives for Pwani wherever we go ,and in whatever we do.

In Export sales we had in the recent past experienced challenges in the following areas;• Documentation• Treomanagement• Keepingtrackonthe entries to be returned

Now the CRE’S Justus, Beatrice and I, work together as a team to make it happen and get the entries back on time.



by Barnice Mumbua


by Naifin Taib

Page 5: Volume 17


Welcome to Pwani life!

Peter Beard, CEO shares the beauty of Fresh Fri 250ml pack with Zuhura Ogada, Commercial Manager,Nation Media Group

Keen and attentive CC’s staff.

The marketing team at the media launch.

The last three weeks have been a hallmark

in the history of Pwani. We have re-

launched Fresh Fri to all our partners,

customers and staff.

Our Directors went on a road trip to

launch the newborn to all our distributors

countrywide. We took Fresh Fri to

their doorsteps. They later visited all

supermarkets (both large ans small);

We then came to share the dream with

Pwani staff at The Nyali Cinemax. This ran

concurent with a launch to our CHannel

Champion staff from Kenya, Uganda and

Tanzania. We also took the CC’s staff

through a training on how to sell our

products as ‘Value proposition’ meaning

- when you buy Pwani, you buy a lot of


The culminationation of launches came

with a media launch where all Kenya’s

leading media houses were present. The

coverage we have had on TV, newspapers

and Radio is fair evidence of the feel they

have of Pwani Life!


Coast CC’s admire the pack.

CC’s staff during the training session listening to Rajul Malde,

Director - Strategy and Business Planning.

Welcome to Pwani life!


Bharat Rao, Director of Marketing and Category Development

proudly showing off our new Fresh Fri

Life’s fullof flavour! Pwani New Adverts have hit TV screens and

online platforms. It is barely two weeks old and

all around is talk about Pwani. We are confident

that our products are not just the norm, they

are products of value to our consumers.

by Anthony Odeo

by Anthony Odeo

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Welcome to Pwani life!


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Welcome to Pwani life!


This is a steam which has been fade in

process equipment rather it has lost its

Enthalpy (total heat) hence it turns to


Objective of this condensate

Return system:

1. Return all clean uncontaminated

condensate back to feed water


2. It saves cost of boiler water

and treatment chemicals

3. Saves energy (fuel which can be

wood or fuel oil used for generating

steam in that the condensate is at a

higher temp. hence little energy would

be used to generate steam.

4. To reduce scale formation &

other boiler water related

problems like foaming & carry

over because condensate is like

a distilled, it is clean & pure

without suspended

oxygen owing to its temp.

5. To improve solid fuel boilers efficiency.

This is a unique promotion which started on 25th/June/2012 which was initiated by the Domestic Sales Team.The sales Executive in Kisii Fred Otieno assisted in identifying the outlets working together with Ouru Power our Channel Champion in Kisii. This is an activation planned to run for three months.


1. The team at work2. L-R: Orwa,Otieno.Aziz & Ochieng

Result of the ProjectIt is a successful project because on

8th of July 9, 2012, we supplied 15cubic

metres of condensate to boilers & we

expect more.The condensate passes

through a meter to show amount of

condensate supplied to the boiler.

So this is the first time we’re harvesting

clean uncontaminated condensate from

main boiler headers steam distribution

headers, refinery spurged steam headers

& main steam supply condensate

drain legs.

N/B-source of contamination like tank

farm, steam jackets & heat exchangers,

their condensate is channeled to another

tank awaiting permanent solution to

that faulty steam equipment.

The team behind the project;

1. Mr. Emanuel Orwa-Boiler &

steam technician

2. Mr. Samuel Otieno-Senior welder

3. Mr. Isaiah-Senior welder

4. Mr. Michael Ochieng-helper

5. Aziz Wanyera -helper

Well done team!



This distributor has subcontracted distribution outlets in different regions.These distributors are; AREA OUTLET1 KISII OPL2 RONGO MAGANDA DISCOUNT3 HOMABAY VIDEYA4 MIGORI MIGORI GENERAL5 AWENDO GANGO STORES

Each of these outlets has 5 bicycle sales representatives who take Pwani products from the outlets to the interior parts and villages where, conventional distribution methods have not been tried yet. This unique method aims to expand Pwani’s reach in Kisii and it’s suburbs.

Our team in this region is doing a greate job.


By Dickson Elber



By Barnice Mumbua

Page 8: Volume 17


RB: Elizabeth you are the voice behind Pwani ‘literally speaking.’ All calls in and out of the company are channeled through you. All our customers, distributors, critics etc get to the rest of our team through you! This means you play a key role in this organization. Tell us more about your duties.

Liz: My day starts at 7.30 am. I begin by checking and confirming that all lines are in working condition, incase of a faulty line, I report this to our service provider who would immediately rectify the situation before the day picks up. I am also responsible for distribution of letters and parcels.

RB: You are one of our long-serving team members, spanning ten years - How has the journey been?

Liz: Like any other journey, there are times when the road is smooth and times when it is really rough, but as you move along, you get to know your way around. It has taken a lot of hardwork, dedication and diligence to get this far. I have also learnt to embrace positive criticism as I believe that’s the only way to grow.

RB: ‘Change is the only constant’ - a slogan commonly used at Pwani. Being here for 10 years means you have experienced the changes first hand. Will you in your own words, share with us the transition?

Liz: Initially the rate at which things happened was scary and I was a little bit insecure. I saw many of my colleagues move on and the future seemed so uncertain. I decided to look at it positively. Embrace the change and be part of it! I also love the face-lift our offices were given. The office environment is very important as this is where we spend most hours of a day. We the staff have been given a voice and I think that is encouraging.

RB: As a consumer of some of our products, what’s your opinion of the re-birth of Fresh Fri?

Liz: Fresh Fri’s new jerican is the biggest thing that has ever happened at Pwani. I love the packaging! It’s very attractive and stands out. It’s very different from what we are used to and i think the label looks

Elizabeth OsimboReceptionist/Switcboard


By Brenda Achieng

refreshing. The spout is also quite a ‘stand-out’ it meets all my needs, no more messy kitchen surfaces as that takes care of the dripping. I believe it will touch every woman’s heart. I also use Diva Soap. I use both Diva Milky nuts and Diva Sunshine fruit. My son prefers Milky nuts and I love Sunshine fruit so it’s a win-win situation at home as we all get to stick to our preference!

RB: Tell us one thing that we don’t know about Liz.

Liz: I am a qualified Secretary with knowledge of shorthand. I am also computer literate and from what my friends, neighbours, colleagues and family say, I have a warm personality - I believe them!

RB: Finally, a word of advice to the team members at Pwani.

Liz: Let’s work together as a team because at the end of the day we are working towards the same goal!


Knowing You,Knowing Me.

Welcome to Pwani life!

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Welcome to Pwani life!

Naivas GrandOpening

Welcome to Pwani Life!

Pwani partnered with Naivas on their grand opening of ‘Mombasa Supercentre’ - the 20th store of the gradually growing retail chain. As part of the exercise, we shared a roadshow around the city and major estates. We take this opportunity to welcome Naivas as they begin a journey at the coast. We wish them well in all they do in Mombasa.

Welcome to Pwani life!


By Barnice Mumbua

Page 10: Volume 17


Welcome to Pwani life!

Coastal Fare From The ‘Home of Fresh Fri’Mahamri (Serves 3-4)Ingredients 2 cups plain flour 5 tbsp sugar 1 cup coconut milk 1 tsp cardamom, coarsely ground 1 tsp dried yeast 3 tbsp FRESH FRI for binding FRESH FRI for fryingMethod1. Mix all ingredients with coconut milk to make a soft dough2. Leave dough in a warm place for 4-5 hours to rise3. Knead dough and roll out into 15 cm diameter of 1 cm thickness4. Cut into triangles5. Leave to rise.6. Deep fry the above triangles in FRESH FRI7. Serve with bharazi(Pigeon Peas Curry)

Mbaazi (Pigeon Peas Curry) Serves 3-4Ingredients 500g pigeon peas soaked overnight 2 small chopped onions 1 cup thick coconut milk 1 tbsp FRESH FRI ½ cup grated raw mangoes 1 tbsp ginger-chilli paste 2-3 chopped green chillies Salt to taste 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander for garnishingMethod1. Pressure cook the pigeon peas with water and drain2. Heat oil and sauté onions until tender3. Add all seasoning- grated raw mangoes, ginger-chilli paste and chopped green chillies4. Add salt to taste and cook for 3 minutes. Add beans and cook well.5. Add coconut milk and cook until sauce becomes thick6. Garnish with corriander leaves7. Serve with Mahamri

Matoke Fritters (Raw Banana)Serves 3-4Ingredients 5-6 raw bananas (Matoke) FRESH FRI for frying Salt and red chilli powder

Method1. Cut the Matoke finger sized2. Fry the Matoke in FRESH FRI3. Sprinkle the fried Matoke with salt and red chilli powder4. Serve hot with KENYLON chilli sauce

Chilli Muhogo(Cassava Chips)Serves 3-4Ingredients Fresh muhogo (cassava). Cut into chips and boiled in salt water 2 tbsp FRESH FRI 8 large Spring onions- finely chopped 2 tsp garlic and ginger puree 4 tbsp Soya Sauce 4 tbsp ZESTA hot and sweet chilli sauce 4 tbsp ZESTA TOMATO sauce 2 fresh chopped coriander for garnishing 1 tsp lemon juice FRESH FRI for deep frying

Method1. Cut the muhogo into bite sized pieces. Deep fry the muhogo in FRESH FRI until golden brown and keep aside.2. Take a non stick pan; add the two tablespoons of FRESH FRI add spring onions, garlic and ginger puree. Sauté this for a few minutes making sure you do not overcook the onions. Once done, add the rest of the ingredients and cook for a few minutes.3. Add the muhogo to the sauce and gently stir, turn the heat off until you are ready to serve.4. Garnish with fresh corriander leaves.


By Aarti Malde

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Welcome to Pwani life!

Bash of a kindTwo weeks ago, Pwani had a bash of a kind. As a tradition, every year the company takes a day-off and goes partying. This year, we begun with a mid-morning movie treat at the Nyali

Cinemax, then proceeded for lunch at the beach. With the re-birth of our baby, ‘Fresh Fri‘, what more inspiration would one need to be happy, relax and bring out the best

version of themself. The photos below tell the story of the day. Enjoy Pwani Life!

Welcome to Pwani life!


By Anthony Odeo

Page 12: Volume 17


Welcome to Pwani life!Welcome to Pwani life!

- Police were called to a daycare centre where a three-year-old was resisting a rest. - Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now! - To write with a broken pencil is pointless. - The roundest knight at King Arthur’s table was Sir Cumference. - A thief fell and broke his leg in wet cement. He became a hardened criminal. - The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground.



Spot the difference and stand a chance to win a hamper!

Send in your answers to Mary at Head Office, Webster at Jomvu and Charity at Kikambala