VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 DLENUMBER 394 Proceedings JL. OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY EDITED BY William Adams Dale Alspach J. Marshall Ash Maurice Auslander Albert Baernstein Eric Bedford Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric Friedlander Theodore W. Gamelin James Glimm, Coordinating Editor for Applied Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics Roe Goodman Thomas Goodwillie Lawrence Gray Dennis A. Hejhal Palle E. T. Jorgensen Jeffry N. Kahn Barbara Lee Keyfitz, Coordinating Editor for ODE, PDE, Global Analysis, and Dynamical Systems Irwin Kra, Managing Editor Peter Li, Coordinating Editor for Lie Groups, Topology, and Geometry Wei Y. Loh Joseph S. B. Mitchell M. Susan Montgomery, Coordinating Editor for Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics Charles Pugh David Sharp Hal L. Smith Ronald M. Solomon Ronald Stern Franklin D. Tall John Trangenstein James West PROVIDENCE.RHODE ISLAND USA ISSN0002-9939

VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

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Page 1: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric



ProceedingsJL. OF THE


EDITED BYWilliam AdamsDale Alspach

J. Marshall AshMaurice Auslander

Albert BaernsteinEric BedfordAndreas R. BlassAndrew M. Bruckner

Christopher CrokeClifford J. Earle, Jr.,

Coordinating Editor forAnalysis and Operator Theory

Eric FriedlanderTheodore W. GamelinJames Glimm, Coordinating

Editor for AppliedMathematics, Probability,and Statistics

Roe GoodmanThomas GoodwillieLawrence Gray

Dennis A. Hejhal

Palle E. T. Jorgensen

Jeffry N. KahnBarbara Lee Keyfitz,

Coordinating Editor for ODE,PDE, Global Analysis, andDynamical Systems

Irwin Kra, Managing Editor

Peter Li, Coordinating Editor

for Lie Groups, Topology,and Geometry

Wei Y. LohJoseph S. B. MitchellM. Susan Montgomery,

Coordinating Editor for

Algebra, Number Theory,and Combinatorics

Charles PughDavid SharpHal L. SmithRonald M. SolomonRonald SternFranklin D. TallJohn Trangenstein

James West


ISSN 0002-9939

Page 2: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

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Page 3: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

INDEX TO VOLUME 114'Starred items are

"Shorter Notes."

Aaronson, Jon, Denker, Manfred, and Fisher, Albert M. Second order ergodic theorems for ergodic

transformations of infinite measure spaces, 115.

Abdel-Gawad, H. R. and Thomas, D. K. The Fekete-Szegö problem for strongly close-to-convex

functions, 345.Adams, David R. and Frazier, Michael. Composition operators on potential spaces, 155.

Alzati, Alberto. A new Castelnuovo bound for two codimensional subvarieties ofPr, 607.

Anoussis, M. Interpolating operators in nest algebras, 707.

Arendt, W. and Batty, C. J. K. Domination and ergodicity for positive semigroups, 743.

Arteaga, Carlos. Centralizers of expanding maps on the circle, 263.

Ashbaugh, Mark S. and Svirsky, Roman. Periodic potentials with minimal energy bands, 69.

Asmar, Nakhlé H. and Nair, Radhakrishnan. Certain averages on the ñ-adic numbers, 21.

Bagby, Thomas and Gauthier, P. M. An arc of finite 2-measure that is not rationally convex, 1033.

Ball, Joseph A. and Fanney, Thomas R. Uniform limits of sequences of polynomials and their

derivatives, 749.

Ballester-Bolinches, A. and Ezquerro, Luis M. On the Deskins index complex of a maximal sub-

group of a finite group, 325.Bandt, Christoph and Graf, Siegfried. Self-similar sets 1. A characterization of self-similar fractals

with positive Hausdorff measure, 995.

Bates, Larry and Sniatycki, Jedrzej. On the period-energy relation, 877.

Bates, S. M. On the image size of singular maps. I, 699.

Batty, C. J. K. See Arendt, W.

Beidleman, James C. and Smith, Howard. On supersolubility in some groups with finitely generated

fitting radical, 319.Bellamy, David P. and Lewis, Wayne. An orientation reversing homeomorphism of the plane with

invariant pseudo-arc, 1145.

Belzner, Th., Burgess, W. D., Fuller, K. R., and Schulz, R. Examples of ungradable algebras, 1.

Benke, George. On the minimum modulus of trigonometric polynomials, 757.

Berend, Daniel. A note on the LP analogue of the "zero-two"

law, 95.'Bergweiler, Walter. On the existence offixpoints of composite meromorphic functions, 879.

Berti, Patrizia, Regazzini, Eugenio, and Rigo, Pietro. Finitely additive Radon-Nikodym theorem

and concentration function of a probability with respect to a probability, 1069.

Biles, Daniel C. and Spraker, John S. A study of almost-everywhere singleton-valued Filippovs, 469.

Binding, Paul and Ye, Qiang. Some general local variational principles, 107.

Bochnak, J. and Kucharz, W. Complex cycles on real algebraic models of a smooth manifold, 1097.

Borbély, Albert. A note on the Dirichlet problem at infinity for manifolds of negative curvature, 865.

Borwein, David. The nonlocal nature of the summability of Fourier series by certain absolute Riesz

methods, 89.Brazel, Neal, Lawless, Fiona, and Wood, Alastair. Exponential asymptotics for an eigenvalue of a

problem involving parabolic cylinder functions, 1025.

Bresar, Matej. On a generalization of the notion of centralizing mappings, 641.

Broto, Carlos. Thorn modules and mod p spherical fibrations, 1131.

Biihring, Wolfgang. Generalized hypergeometric functions at unit argument, 145.

Burgess, W. D. See Belzner, Th.

Cengiz, Bahaettin. On the duals of Lebesgue-Bochner LP spaces, 923.

Chao, J.-A. and Long, R.-L. Martingale transforms with unbounded multipliers, 831."Coghlan, Leslie, Itokawa, Yoe, and Kosecki, Roman. On the mean curvature estimates for bounded

submanifolds, 1173.Collingwood, David H. Orbits and characters associated to highest weight representations, 1157.

Colzani, Leonardo and Vignati, Marco. The Hilbert transform with exponential weights, 451.

Crow, Gregory D. On a conjecture ofNitsche, 1063.

Dang, T. Real isometries between JB*-triples, 971.

Denker, Manfred. See Aaronson, Jon

Page 4: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric


Dijkstra, J. J., van Mill, J., and Mogilski, J. An AR-map whose range is more infinite-dimensional

than its domain, 279.Dikranjan, Dikran N. and Shakhmatov, Dmitrii B. Compact-like totally dense subgroups of com-

pact groups, 1119.

Dillen, Franki. Ruled submanifolds of finite type, 795.Dimitric, Ivko. Quadric representation of a submanifold, 201.

Dixon, Martyn R. and Evans, M. J. On groups with a central automorphism of infinite order, 331.

Dobrowolski, Edward and Williams, Kenneth S. An upper bound for the sum ¿TJnta+i f(n) for a

certain class of functions f, 29.

Downey, Rodney and Knight, Julia F. Orderings with ath jump degree 0<Q>, 545.

Drewnowski, Lech, Florencio, Miguel, and Paúl, Pedro J. The space of Pettis integrable functionsis barrelled, 687.

Duke, W. On multiple Salié sums, 623.Dvurecenskij, Anatolij, Neubrunn, Tibor, and Pulmannová, Sylvia. Regular states and countable

additivity on quantum logics, 931.

Dwyer, W. G. and Kan, D. M. Centric maps and realization of diagrams in the homotopy category,

575.Dzinotyiweyi, Heneri A. M. Uniformly continuous and weakly almost periodic functions on some

topological semigroups, 571.

Dziubaúski, Jacek. Remark on commutative approximate identities on homogeneous groups, 1015.

Eklof, Paul C. A transfer theorem for nonstandard uniserials, 593.

Elbert, Árpád and Laforgia, Andrea. Asymptotic formulas for ultraspherical polynomials P„ \x)and their zeros for large values ofX, 371.

Espuelas, Alberto and Navarro, Gabriel. Blocks of small defect, 881.

Evans, M. J. See Dixon, Martyn R.

Evans, Ronald. A character sum for root system Gi, 627.

Ezquerro, Luis M. See Ballester-Bolinches, A.

Fanney, Thomas R. See Ball, Joseph A.

Feldman, David. Extreme doubly stochastic measures with full support, 919.

Ferry, John. An extension of a theorem ofKhavinson, 741.

Fisher, Albert M. See Aaronson, Jon

Florencio, Miguel. See Drewnowski, Lech

Forrest, Brian. Some Banach algebras without discontinuous derivations, 965.

Förster, K.-H. and Jahn, K. Extremal compressions of closed operators, 171.

Frazier, Michael. See Adams, David R.Fuller, K. R. See Belzner, Th.

Gauthier, P. M. See Bagby, Thomas

Ghatage, Pratibha G., Sun, Shunhua, and Zheng, Dechao. A remark on Bourgain algebras on the

disk, 395.Gieraltowska-Kedzierska, Maria and Van Vleck, F. S. Fréchet vs. Gâteaux differentiability of

Lipschitzian functions, 905.

Glasner, Eli. Regular PI metric flows are equicontinuous, 269.

Godun, B. V., Lin, Bor-Luh, and Troyanski, S. L. On the strongly extreme points of convex bodies

in separable Banach spaces, 673.

Goebel, Kazimierz and Wosko, Jacek. Making a hole in the space, 475.

Gorelishvili, Albert. Lattices with the Alexandrov properties, 1045.

Gossez, J. P. and Oman, P. A necessary and sufficient condition of nonresonance for a semilinear

Neumann problem, 433.Graf, Siegfried. See Bandt, ChristophGupta, C. K. and Gupta, N. D. Lifting primitivity of free nilpotent groups, 617.

Gupta, N. D. See Gupta, C. K.Hass, Joel. Genus two Heegaard splittings, 565.

Hatcher, Rhonda L. Special values of L-series, 337.

Hebda, James J. An example relevant to curvature pinching theorems for Riemannian foliations,195.

Herron, David A. and Koskela, Pekka. Uniform and Sobolev extension domains, 483.

Hida, Akihiko. On p-radical blocks of finite groups, 37.

Page 5: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric


Hindman, Neil, van Mill, Jan, and Simon, Petr. Increasing chains of ideals and orbit closures in

ßl, 1167.Ho, Yue-Chan P. The preservation of the semiprime Goldie property by strong semilattice sums,

613.Holden, Peter J. On the stable rank ofH°°, 79.

Hu, Zuosheng. Boundedness of solutions to functional integro-differential equations, 519.

Itokawa, Yoe. See Coghlan, Leslie

Jahn, K. See Förster, K.-H.

Jessup, Barry. New estimates for the collapse of the Milnor-Moore spectral sequence over a field,1115.

Jevtic, Miroljub. On the Carleson measure characterization of BMOA functions on the unit ball,

379.Ji-Fa, Jiang. A Liapunov function for three-dimensional feedback systems, 1009.

Jones, Roger L. A remark on singular integrals with complex homogeneity, 763.

Jun, Sook Heui. Curvature estimates for minimal surfaces, 527.

Kan, D. M. See Dwyer, W. G.

Karadzhov, Georgi E. Spectral asymptotics for Toeplitz matrices generated by the Poisson-Charlier

polynomials, 129.Katsoulis, E. G. and Power, S. C. Compact perturbations of certain CSL algebras, 1041.

Kewei, Zhang. Remarks on quasiconvexity and stability of equilibria for variational integrals, 927.

Kimura, Takashi. Dimensions of topological groups containing the bouquet of two circles, 1109.

Knight, Julia F. See Downey, Rodney

Kosaki, Hideki. An inequality of Araki-Lieb-Thirring {von Neumann algebra case), 477.

Kosecki, Roman. See Coghlan, Leslie

Koskela, Pekka. See Herron, David A.

Kucharz, W. See Bochnak, J.

Kuyk, Willem. See Smits, Lieven

Ladas, G., Qian, C, and Yan, J. A comparison result for the oscillation of delay differential equa-

tions, 939.Laflamme, Claude. Zapping small filters, 535.Laforgia, Andrea. See Elbert, ÁrpádLandsburg, Steven E. Patching and analytic isomorphisms, 637.

Lasser, R. Fourier summation with kernels defined by Jacobi polynomials, 677.

Law, Peter R. Pseudo-Riemannian metrics and Hirzebruch signature, 791.

Lawless, Fiona. See Brazel, Neal

Lawrence, L. Brian. Lindelóf spaces concentrated on Bernstein subsets of the real line, 211.

Lee, Dong Hoon and Wu, Ta-Sun. Rationality of representations of linear Lie groups, 847.

Lee, Jungseob. The second central moment of additive functions, 887.

Leinenkugel, Cornel. A Daniell-Stone approach to the general Denjoy integral, 39.

Leung, Pui-Fai. An estimate on the Ricci curvature of a submanifold and some applications, 1051.

Lewis, Wayne. See Bellamy, David P.

Lin, Bor-Luh. See Godun, B. V.

Lin, Zongzhu. Representations of Chevalley groups arising from admissible lattices, 651.

Liu, Liquan. On coefficient inequalities for meromorphic univalent functions, 413.

Lockhart, Jody Meyer. The conjugacy problem for graph products with infinite cyclic edge groups,603.

Long, R.-L. See Chao, J.-A.

Markus, Lawrence. Generic heat diffusion is scalar controllable, 261.

Martin, Reiner. On the ideal structure of the Nevanlinna class, 135.

Mathieu, Martin. Posner's second theorem deduced from the first, 601.

Mathsen, Ronald M. and Ubhaya, Vasant A. Generalized convex functions and best Lp approxi-

mation, 733.

Matumoto, Takao. Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of ribbon knot complement, 873.

Mayet, R. Orthosymmetric ortholattices, 295.

McAfee, R. Preston and Reny, Philip J. A Stone- Weierstrass Theorem without closure under suprema,

61.McCleary, John and McLaughlin, Dennis A. Morava K-theory and the free loop space, 243.

Page 6: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric


McLaughlin, Dennis A. See McCleary, John

Mignone, Robert. Closure sets of functions and a hierarchy of filters, 799.

van Mill, J. See Dijkstra, J. J.van Mill, Jan. See Hindman, Neil

Milnes, Paul and Pym, John. Haar measure for compact right topological groups, 387.

Miyazawa, Yasuyuki. Symmetry of dichromatic links, 1087.

Mogilski, J. See Dijkstra, J. J.Monks, Kenneth G. h^-torsion bounds in the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra, 5.

Morishita, Kazuhiko. The minimal support for a continuous functional on a function space, 585.

Murray, Michael and Rice, John. A geometric realisation of the Lepowsky Bernstein Gelfand Gelfand

resolution, 553.

Myjak, J. and Sampalmieri, R. On the porosity of the set of w-nonexpansive mappings without fixed

points, 357.Nadler, Sam B., Jr. e-selections, 287.

Nair, Radhakrishnan. See Asmar, Nakhlé H.

Navarro, Gabriel. See Espuelas, Alberto

Nelis, Peter. The Schur group conjecture for the ring of integers of a number field, 307.

Neubrunn, Tibor. See Dvurecenskij, Anatolij

Noakes, Lyle. Invariant subspaces and perturbations, 365.

Octavio, Alfredo. On the joint spectrum and H°° -functional calculus for pairs of commuting con-

tractions, 497.

Oman, P. See Gossez, J. P.

Osofsky, Barbara L. Chain conditions on essential submodules, 11.

Papadimitrakis, M. On convexity of level curves of harmonic functions in the hyperbolic plane, 695.

Park, Kyewon Koh. GL(2, Z) action on a two torus, 955.

Paterson, Alan L. T. Nuclear C-algebras have amenable unitary groups, 719.

Paúl, Pedro J. See Drewnowski, Lech

Pego, Robert L. Stabilization in a gradient system with a conservation law, 1017.

Perko, L. M. Bifurcation of limit cycles : geometric theory, 225.

Peterson, Allan and Ridenhour, Jerry. A disconjugacy criterion ofW. T. Reid for difference equa-

tions, 459.

Pfeffer, Washek F. A Riemann type definition of a variational integral, 99.

Pichorides, S. K. A remark on the constants of the Littlewood-Paley inequality, 787.

Pineiro, C. and Rodriguez-Piazza, L. Banach spaces in which every compact lies inside the range

of a vector measure, 505.

Pitts, David R. A note on the connectedness problem for nest algebras, 181.

Pollicott, Mark. Agmon 's

complex tauberian theorem and closed orbits for hyperbolic and geodesic

flows, 1105.Poor, Cris. Fay's trisecant formula and cross-ratios, 667.

Porter, Jack R. and Woods, R. Grant. Normal spaces with prescribed Stone-Cech remainders, 857.

Postol, Michael S. Homotopy and topological actions on spaces with few homotopy groups, 251.

Power, S. C. See Katsoulis, E. G.Prado, Humberto. Reflection positivity for unitary representations of Lie groups, 723.

Pulmannová, Sylvia. See Dvurecenskij, Anatolij

Pym, John. See Milnes, Paul

Qian, C. See Ladas, G.Randol, Burton. Some remarks on the stability of a property related to the mean value theorem for

harmonic functions, 175.

Rassias, Themistocles M. and Semrl, Peter. On the behavior of mappings which do not satisfy

Hyers-Ulam stability, 989.Regazzini, Eugenio. See Berti, Patrizia

Reny, Philip J. See McAfee, R. Preston

Ribarska, N. K. The dual of a Gâteaux smooth Banach space is weak star fragmentable, 1003.

Rice, John. See Murray, Michael

Ridenhour, Jerry. See Peterson, Allan

Rigo, Pietro. See Berti, Patrizia

Rindler, Harald. On weak containment properties, 561.

Page 7: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric


Robinson, E. Arthur, Jr. The maximal abelian sub-extension determines weak mixing for groupextensions, 443.

Rodriguez-Piazza, L. See Pineiro, C.

Ruess, W. M. and Summers, W. H. Ergodic theorems for semigroups of operators, 423.

Saeki, Sadahiro. The Vitali-Hahn-Saks theorem and measuroids, 775.

Saff, E. B. and Totik, Vilmos. What parts of a measure's support attract zeros of the corresponding

orthogonal polynomials?, 185.

Sampalmieri, R. See Myjak, J.Schulz, R. See Belzner, Th.

Semrl, Peter. See Rassias, Themistocles M.

Sethuraman, B. A. Indecomposable division algebras, 661.

Shakhmatov, Dmitrii B. See Dikranjan, Dikran N.

Shaw, Sen-Yen. Uniform convergence of ergodic limits and approximate solutions, 405.

Sheu, Shey Shiung. Continuity of multidimensional Brownian local times, 821.

Shimizu, Makoto. On an extension of Minty's theorem, 949.

Simon, Barry. The Neumann Laplacian of a jelly roll, 783.

Simon, Petr. See Hindman, Neil

Smith, Howard. See Beidleman, James C.

Smith, Michel. Layers of components of ß([0,1] x N) are indecomposable, 1151.

Smits, Lieven and Kuyk, Willem. Winding number and the number of real zeros of a function, 981.

Sniatycki, Jedrzej. See Bates, Larry

Soni, K. and Soni, R. P. An approximation connected with the exponential function, 909.

Soni, R. P. See Soni, KSpraker, John S. See Biles, Daniel C.

Stacey, P. J. A family of type III extensions of the trace on the Choi algebra, 683.

Stanojevic, Vera B. Convergence and integrability of trigonometric series with coefficients of bounded

variation of order {m,p), 711.

Starbird, Michael and Starbird, Thomas. Required redundancy in the representation of reals, 769.

Starbird, Thomas. See Starbird, Michael

Stark, Christopher W. Group completions and orbifolds of variable negative curvature, 191.

Stellmacher, Bernd. Errata to "An analogue to Glauberman 's

Z J-theorem"', 588.

Summers, W. H. See Ruess, W. M.

Sun, Shunhua. See Ghatage, Pratibha G.

Svirsky, Roman. See Ashbaugh, Mark S.

Tan, Kok-Keong and Xu, Hong-Kun. The nonlinear ergodic theorem for asymptotically nonexpan-

sive mappings in Banach spaces, 399.

Terrier, Véronique. Decidability of the existential theory of the set of natural numbers with order,

divisibility, power functions, power predicates, and constants, 809.

Tertikas, Achilles. Stability and instability of positive solutions of semipositone problems, 1035.

Thomas, D. K. See Abdel-Gawad, H. R.Todorov, Todor. Pointwise kernels of Schwartz distributions, 817.

Tominaga, A. A note on a fixed point theorem ofOkhezin, 1139.

Totik, Vilmos. Orthogonal polynomials with ratio asymptotics, 491.

Totik, Vilmos. See Saff, E. B.Troyanski, S. L. See Godun, B. V.

Ubhaya, Vasant A. See Mathsen, Ronald M.

Ullman, Daniel. The self-joinings of rank two mixing transformations, 53.

Van Vleck, F. S. See Gieraltowska-Kedzierska, Maria

Vignati, Marco. See Colzani, Leonardo

Wehlau, David L. A proof of the Popov conjecture for tori, 839.

Wen, Lan. The Ci closing lemma for endomorphisms with finitely many singularities, 217.

Williams, Kenneth S. See Dobrowolski, Edward

Wilson, J. M. and Zwick, D. Best approximation by subharmonic functions, 897.

Wisniewski, Andrzej. Measurable linear functional and operators on Fréchet spaces, 1079.

Wolff, Thomas H. Note on counterexamples in strong unique continuation problems, 351.

Wong, Robert S. Y. Finite invariant measures onflows, 167.

Wood, Alastair. See Brazel, Neal

Page 8: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric


Woods, R. Grant. See Porter, Jack R.

Wosko, Jacek. See Goebel, Kazimierz

Wu, Ta-Sun. See Lee, Dong Hoon

Wu, Ying-Qing. A generalization of the handle addition theorem, 237.

Wujie, Shi. A characterization of Suzuki's simple groups, 589.

Xu, Hong-Kun. See Tan, Kok-Keong

Yan, J. See Ladas, G.Ye, Qiang. See Binding, PaulZheng, Dechao. See Ghatage, Pratibha G.Zwick, D. See Wilson, J. M.

Page 9: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

VOLUME 114 1992

ProceedingsJL. OF THE


EDITED BYWilliam AdamsDale AlspachJ. Marshall AshMaurice Auslander

Albert BaernsteinEric BedfordAndreas R. BlassAndrew M. Bruckner

Christopher CrokeClifford J. Earle, Jr.,

Coordinating Editor forAnalysis and Operator Theory

Eric FriedlanderTheodore W. Gamelin

James Glimm, CoordinatingEditor for AppliedMathematics, Probability,and Statistics

Roe GoodmanThomas GoodwillieLawrence Gray

Dennis A. HejhalPalle E. T. Jorgensen

Jeffry N. KahnBarbara Lee Keyfitz,

Coordinating Editor for ODE,PDE, Global Analysis, andDynamical Systems

Irwin Kra, Managing Editor

Peter Li, Coordinating Editorfor Lie Groups, Topology,

and GeometryWei Y. LohJoseph S. B. MitchellM. Susan Montgomery,

Coordinating Editor for

Algebra, Number Theory,

and Combinatorics

Charles PughDavid SharpHal L. SmithRonald M. SolomonRonald SternFranklin D. TallJohn Trangenstein

James West


ISSN 0002-9939

Page 10: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

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Page 11: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric



Vol. 114, No. 1 January 1992 Whole No. 391


Examples of ungradable algebras. By Th. Belzner, W. D. Burgess, K. R. Fuller, and

R. Schulz. 1

/¡o-torsion bounds in the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra. By Kenneth G. Monks . 5

Chain conditions on essential submodules. By Barbara L. Osofsky . 11

Certain averages on the a-adic numbers. By Nakhlé H. Asmar and Radhakrishnan

Nair . 21

An upper bound for the sum J2ntS+i f(n) for a certain class of functions /. By Edward

Dobrowolski and Kenneth S. Williams. 29

On p-radical blocks of finite groups. By Akihiko Hida . 37


A Daniell-Stone approach to the general Denjoy integral. By Cornel Leinenkugel ... 39

The self-joinings of rank two mixing transformations. By Daniel Ullman. 53

A Stone-Weierstrass Theorem without closure under suprema. By R. Preston McAfee

and Philip J. Reny. 61

Periodic potentials with minimal energy bands. By Mark S. Ashbaugh and Roman

Svirsky . 69

On the stable rank of H°°. By Peter J. Holden . 79

The nonlocal nature of the summability of Fourier series by certain absolute Riesz methods.

By David Borwein . 89

A note on the LP analogue of the "zero-two" law. By Daniel Berend. 95

A Riemann type definition of a variational integral. By Washek F. Pfeffer . 99

Some general local variational principles. By Paul Binding and Qiang Ye. 107

Second order ergodic theorems for ergodic transformations of infinite measure spaces. By

Jon Aaronson, Manfred Denker, and Albert M. Fisher. 115

Spectral asymptotics for Toeplitz matrices generated by the Poisson-Charlier polynomials.By Georgi E. Karadzhov . 129

On the ideal structure of the Nevanlinna class. By Reiner Martin . 135

Generalized hypergeometric functions at unit argument. By Wolfgang Bühring. 145

Composition operators on potential spaces. By David R. Adams and Michael Frazier 155

Finite invariant measures on flows. By Robert S. Y. Wong. 167

Extremal compressions of closed operators. By K.-H. Förster and K. Jahn. 171

Some remarks on the stability of a property related to the mean value theorem for harmonic

functions. By Burton Randol . 175

A note on the connectedness problem for nest algebras. By David R. Pitts. 181

What parts of a measure's support attract zeros of the corresponding orthogonal polynomials?By E. B. Saff and Vilmos Totik. 185


Group completions and orbifolds of variable negative curvature. By Christopher W.

Stark. 191

An example relevant to curvature pinching theorems for Riemannian foliations. By James

J. Hebda. 195

Quadric representation of a submanifold. By Ivko Dimitric. 201

Page 12: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric


Lindelöf spaces concentrated on Bernstein subsets of the real line. By L. Brian Lawrence 211

The C1 closing lemma for endomorphisms with finitely many singularities. By Lan Wen 217

Bifurcation of limit cycles: geometric theory. By L. M. Perko. 225

A generalization of the handle addition theorem. By Ying-Qing Wu. 237

Morava AVtheory and the free loop space. By John McCleary and Dennis A.

McLaughlin . 243

Homotopy and topological actions on spaces with few homotopy groups. By Michael S.

Postol. 251

Generic heat diffusion is scalar controllable. By Lawrence Markus. 261

Centralizers of expanding maps on the circle. By Carlos Arteaga. 263

Regular PI metric flows are equicontinuous. By Eli Glasner. 269

An AR-map whose range is more infinite-dimensional than its domain. By J. J. Dijkstra,

J. van Mill, and J. Mogilski. 279

^selections. By Sam B. Nadler, Jr. 287

Vol. 114, No. 2 February 1992 Whole No. 392


Orthosymmetric ortholattices. By R. Mayet. 295

The Schur group conjecture for the ring of integers of a number field. By Peter Nelis . 307

On supersolubility in some groups with finitely generated fitting radical.

By James C. Beidleman and Howard Smith. 319

On the Deskins index complex of a maximal subgroup of a finite group.By A. Ballester-Bolinches and Luis M. Ezquerro. 325

On groups with a central automorphism of infinite order.

By Martyn R. Dixon and M. J. Evans. 331

Special values of L-series. By Rhonda L. Hatcher. 337


The Fekete-Szegö problem for strongly close-to-convex functions.

By H. R. Abdel-Gawad and D. K. Thomas. 345

Note on counterexamples in strong unique continuation problems.By Thomas H. Wolff. 351

On the porosity of the set of w-nonexpansive mappings without fixed points.

By J. Myjak and R. Sampalmieri. 357

Invariant subspaces and perturbations. By Lyle Noakes. 365

Asymptotic formulas for ultraspherical polynomials P¡¡ \x) and their zeros for large values

of A. By Árpád Elbert and Andrea Laforgia. 371

On the Carleson measure characterization of BMOA functions on the unit ball.

By Mirouub Jevtic. 379

Haar measure for compact right topological groups. By Paul Milnes and John Pym . . 387

A remark on Bourgain algebras on the disk.

By Pratibha G. Ghatage, Shunhua Sun, and Dechao Zheng. 395

The nonlinear ergodic theorem for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces.

By Kok-Keong Tan and Hong-Kun Xu. 399

Uniform convergence of ergodic limits and approximate solutions. By Sen-Yen Shaw . . 405

On coefficient inequalities for meromorphic univalent functions. By Liquan Liu. 413

Ergodic theorems for semigroups of operators. By W. M. Ruess and W. H. Summers . . 423

A necessary and sufficient condition of nonresonance for a semilinear Neumann problem.

By J. P. Gossez and P. Omari. 433

Page 13: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

The maximal abelian sub-extension determines weak mixing for group extensions.

By E. Arthur Robinson, Jr. 443

The Hubert transform with exponential weights.

By Leonardo Colzani and Marco Vignati. 451

A disconjugacy criterion of W. T. Reid for difference equations.

By Allan Peterson and Jerry Ridenhour . 459

A study of almost-everywhere singleton-valued Filippovs.

By Daniel C. Biles and John S. Spraker. 469

Making a hole in the space. By Kazimierz Goebel and Jacek Wosko. 475

An inequality of Araki-Lieb-Thirring (von Neumann algebra case). By Hideki Kosaki . 477

Uniform and Sobolev extension domains. By David A. Herron and Pekka Koskela . 483

Orthogonal polynomials with ratio asymptotics. By Vilmos Totik. 491

On the joint spectrum and H°° -functional calculus for pairs of commuting contractions.

By Alfredo Octavio. 497

Banach spaces in which every compact lies inside the range of a vector measure.

By C. Pineiro and L. Rodríguez-Piazza. 505

Boundedness of solutions to functional integro-differential equations. By Zuosheng Hu 519


Curvature estimates for minimal surfaces. By Sook Heui Jun. 527


Zapping small filters. By Claude Laflamme. 535

Orderings with ath jump degree 0(Q'. By Rodney Downey and Julia F. Knight. 545


A geometric realisation of the Lepowsky Bernstein Gelfand Gelfand resolution.

By Michael Murray and John Rice . 553

On weak containment properties. By Harald Rindler. 561

Genus two Heegaard splittings. By Joel Hass. 565

Uniformly continuous and weakly almost periodic functions on some topological semigroups.

By Heneri A. M. Dzinotyiweyi . 571

Centric maps and realization of diagrams in the homotopy category.

By W. G. Dwyer and D. M. Kan. 575

The minimal support for a continuous functional on a function space.

By Kazuhiko Morishita . 585

Errata to "An

analogue to Glauberman's Z /-theorem". By Bernd Stellmacher. 588

Vol. 114, No. 3 March 1992 Whole No. 393


A characterization of Suzuki's simple groups. By Shi Wujie. 589

A transfer theorem for nonstandard uniserials. By Paul C. Eklof. 593

Posner's second theorem deduced from the first. By Martin Mathieu. 601

The conjugacy problem for graph products with infinite cyclic edge groups. By Jody

Meyer Lockhart. 603

A new Castelnuovo bound for two codimensional subvarieties of Pr. By Alberto Alzati 607

The preservation of the semiprime Goldie property by strong semilattice sums. By Yue-

Chan P. Ho. 613

Lifting primitivity of free nilpotent groups. By C. K. Gupta and N. D. Gupta. 617

Page 14: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

On multiple Salié sums. By W. Duke. 623

A character sum for root system Gi- By Ronald Evans. 627

Patching and analytic isomorphisms. By Steven E. Landsburg. 637

On a generalization of the notion of centralizing mappings. By Matej BreSar. 641

Representations of Chevalley groups arising from admissible lattices. By Zongzhu Lin . 651

Indecomposable division algebras. By B. A. Sethuraman. 661


Fay's trisecant formula and cross-ratios. By Cris Poor. 667

On the strongly extreme points of convex bodies in separable Banach spaces. By B. V.

Godun, Bor-Luh Lin, and S. L. Troyanski. 673

Fourier summation with kernels defined by Jacobi polynomials. By R. Lasser. 677

A family of type HI extensions of the trace on the Choi algebra. By P. J. Stacey. 683

The space of Pettis integrable functions is barrelled. By Lech Drewnowski, Miguel

Florencio, and Pedro J. Paúl. 687

On convexity of level curves of harmonic functions in the hyperbolic plane. By M.

Papadimitrakis. 695

On the image size of singular maps. I. By S. M. Bates. 699

Interpolating operators in nest algebras. By M. Anoussis. 707

Convergence and integrability of trigonometric series with coefficients of bounded variation

of order (m,p). By Vera B. Stanojevic. 711

Nuclear C*-algebras have amenable unitary groups. By Alan L. T. Paterson. 719

Reflection positivity for unitary representations of Lie groups. By Humberto Prado . . 723

Generalized convex functions and best Lp approximation. By Ronald M. Mathsen and

Vasant A. Ubhaya. 733

An extension of a theorem of Khavinson. By John Ferry. 741

Domination and ergodicity for positive semigroups. By W. Arendt and C. J. K. Batty 743

Uniform limits of sequences of polynomials and their derivatives. By Joseph A. Ball and

Thomas R. Fanney. 749

On the minimum modulus of trigonometric polynomials. By George Benke. 757

A remark on singular integrals with complex homogeneity. By Roger L. Jones. 763

Required redundancy in the representation of reals. By Michael Starbird and Thomas

Starbird . 769

The Vitali-Hahn-Saks theorem and measuroids. By Sadahiro Saeki. 775

The Neumann Laplacian of a jelly roll. By Barry Simon. 783

A remark on the constants of the Littlewood-Paley inequality. By S. K. Pichorides . . . 787


Pseudo-Riemannian metrics and Hirzebruch signature. By Peter R. Law. 791

Ruled submanifolds of finite type. By Franki Dillen. 795


Closure sets of functions and a hierarchy of filters. By Robert Mignone. 799

Decidability of the existential theory of the set of natural numbers with order, divisibility,

power functions, power predicates, and constants. By Véronique Terrier. 809

Pointwise kernels of Schwartz distributions. By Todor Todorov. 817


Continuity of multidimensional Brownian local times. By Shey Shiung Sheu. 821

Martingale transforms with unbounded multipliers. By J.-A. Chao and R.-L. Long .... 831

Page 15: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric


A proof of the Popov conjecture for tori. By David L. Wehlau. 839

Rationality of representations of linear Lie groups. By Dong Hoon Lee and Ta-Sun Wu 847

Normal spaces with prescribed Stone-Cech remainders. By Jack R. Porter and R. Grant

Woods. 857

A note on the Dirichlet problem at infinity for manifolds of negative curvature. By Albert

Borbély. 865

Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of ribbon knot complement. By Takao Matumoto . . 873

On the period-energy relation. By Larry Bates and Jedrzej Sniatycki. 877


On the existence of fixpoints of composite meromorphic functions. By Walter

Bergweiler. 879

Vol. 114, No. 4 April 1992 Whole No. 394


Blocks of small defect. By Alberto Espuelas and Gabriel Navarro. 881

The second central moment of additive functions. By Jungseob Lee. 887

Best approximation by subharmonic functions. By J. M. Wilson and D. Zwick. 897


Fréchet vs. Gâteaux differentiability of Lipschitzian functions. By Maria Gieraltowska-

Kedzierska and F. S. Van Vleck. 905

An approximation connected with the exponential function. By K. Soni and R. P. Soni 909

Extreme doubly stochastic measures with full support. By David Feldman. 919

On the duals of Lebesgue-Bochner LP spaces. By Bahaettin Cengiz. 923

Remarks on quasiconvexity and stability of equilibria for variational integrals. By Zhang

Kewei. 927

Regular states and countable additivity on quantum logics. By Anatolij Dvurecenskij,

Tibor Neubrunn, and Sylvia Pulmannová. 931

A comparison result for the oscillation of delay differential equations. By G. Ladas, C.

Qian, and J. Yan . 939

On an extension of Minty's theorem. By Makoto Shimizu. 949

GL(2, Z) action on a two torus. By Kyewon Koh Park . 955

Some Banach algebras without discontinuous derivations. By Brian Forrest. 965

Real isometries between /B'-triples. By T. Dang. 971

Winding number and the number of real zeros of a function. By Lieven Smits and Willem

Kuyk. 981

On the behavior of mappings which do not satisfy Hyers-Ulam stability. By Themistocles

M. Rassias and Peter Semrl. 989

Self-similar sets 7. A characterization of self-similar fractals with positive Hausdorff measure.

By Christoph Bandt and Siegfried Graf. 995

The dual of a Gâteaux smooth Banach space is weak star fragmentable. By N. K. Ribarska 1003

A Liapunov function for three-dimensional feedback systems. By Jiang Ji-Fa. 1009

Remark on commutative approximate identities on homogeneous groups. By Jacek

Dziubañski. 1015

Stabilization in a gradient system with a conservation law. By Robert L. Pego. 1017

Exponential asymptotics for an eigenvalue of a problem involving parabolic cylinder func-

tions. By Neal Brazel, Fiona Lawless, and Alastair Wood. 1025

Page 16: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

An arc of finite 2-measure that is not rationally convex. By Thomas Bagby and P. M.

Gauthier. 1033

Stability and instability of positive solutions of semipositone problems. By Achilles

Tertikas . 1035

Compact perturbations of certain CSL algebras. By E. G. Katsoulis and S. C. Power . 1041

Lattices with the Alexandrov properties. By Albert Gorelishvili. 1045


An estimate on the Ricci curvature of a submanifold and some applications. By Pui-Fai

Leung . 1051

On a conjecture of Nitsche. By Gregory D. Crow. 1063


Finitely additive Radon-Nikodym theorem and concentration function of a probability with

respect to a probability. By Patrizia Berti, Eugenio Regazzini, and Pietro Rigo 1069

Measurable linear functional and operators on Fréchet spaces. By Andrzej WiSniewski 1079


Symmetry of dichromatic links. By Yasuyuki Miyazawa. 1087

Complex cycles on real algebraic models of a smooth manifold. By J. Bochnak and W.

Kucharz. 1097

Agmon's complex tauberian theorem and closed orbits for hyperbolic and geodesic flows.

By Mark Pollicott. 1105

Dimensions of topological groups containing the bouquet of two circles. By Takashi

Kimura . 1109

New estimates for the collapse of the Milnor-Moore spectral sequence over a field. By

Barry Jessup. 1115

Compact-like totally dense subgroups of compact groups. By Dikran N. Dikranjan and

Dmitrii B. Shakhmatov. 1119

Thorn modules and modp spherical fibrations. By Carlos Broto. 1131

A note on a fixed point theorem of Okhezin. By A. Tominaga. 1139

An orientation reversing homeomorphism of the plane with invariant pseudo-arc. By David

P. Bellamy and Wayne Lewis . 1145

Layers of components of j8([0,1] x N) are indecomposable. By Michel Smith. 1151

Orbits and characters associated to highest weight representations. By David H.


Increasing chains of ideals and orbit closures in ßZ. By Neil Hindman, Jan van Mill,

and Petr Simon. 1167


On the mean curvature estimates for bounded submanifolds. By Leslie Coghlan, Yoe

Itokawa, and Roman Kosecki. 1173

Page 17: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

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Page 21: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric

CONTENTS—Continued from back cover


Finitely additive Radon-Nikodym theorem and concentration function of a probability with

respect to a probability. By Patrizia Berti, Eugenio Regazzini, and Pietro Rigo 1069

Measurable linear functionals and operators on Fréchet spaces. By Andrzej Wisniewski 1079


Symmetry of dichromatic links. By Yasuyuki Miyazawa. 1087

Complex cycles on real algebraic models of a smooth manifold. By J. Bochnak and W.

Kucharz . 1097

Agmon's complex tauberian theorem and closed orbits for hyperbolic and geodesic flows.

By Mark Pollicott. 1105

Dimensions of topological groups containing the bouquet of two circles. By Takashi

Kimura . 1109

New estimates for the collapse of the Milnor-Moore spectral sequence over a field. By

Barry Jessup. 1115

Compact-like totally dense subgroups of compact groups. By Dikran N. Dikranjan and

Dmitrii B. Shakhmatov. 1119

Thorn modules and mod;? spherical fibrations. By Carlos Broto. 1131

A note on a fixed point theorem of Okhezin. By A. Tominaga. 1139

An orientation reversing homeomorphism of the plane with invariant pseudo-arc. By David

P. Bellamy and Wayne Lewis . 1145

Layers of components of ß([0,1] x N) are indecomposable. By Michel Smith. 1151

Orbits and characters associated to highest weight representations. By David H.


Increasing chains of ideals and orbit closures in ßZ. By Neil Hindman, Jan van Mill,

and Petr Simon. 1167


On the mean curvature estimates for bounded submanifolds. By Leslie Coghlan, Yoe

Itokawa, and Roman Kosecki. 1173

Page 22: VOLUME 114 NUMBER 4 APRIL 1992 Proceedings · Andreas R. Blass Andrew M. Bruckner Christopher Croke Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Coordinating Editor for Analysis and Operator Theory Eric



Vol. 114, No. 4 April 1992 Whole No. 394


Blocks of small defect. By Alberto Espuelas and Gabriel Navarro. 881

The second central moment of additive functions. By Jungseob Lee. 887

Best approximation by subharmonic functions. By J. M. Wilson and D. Zwick. 897


Fréchet vs. Gâteaux differentiability of Lipschitzian functions. By Maria Gieraltowska-

Kedzierska and F. S. Van Vleck. 905

An approximation connected with the exponential function. By K. Soni and R. P. Soni 909

Extreme doubly stochastic measures with full support. By David Feldman . 919

On the duals of Lebesgue-Bochner LP spaces. By Bahaettin Cengiz. 923

Remarks on quasiconvexity and stability of equilibria for variational integrals. By Zhang

Kewei. 927

Regular states and countable additivity on quantum logics. By Anatolij Dvurecenskij,

Tibor Neubrunn, and Sylvia Pulmannová. 931

A comparison result for the oscillation of delay differential equations. By G. Ladas, C.

Qian, and J. Yan . 939

On an extension of Minty's theorem. By Makoto Shimizu. 949

GL(2, Z) action on a two torus. By Kyewon Koh Park . 955

Some Banach algebras without discontinuous derivations. By Brian Forrest. 965

Real isometries between JB*-\xxç\t%. By T. Dang. 971

Winding number and the number of real zeros of a function. By Lieven Smits and Willem

Kuyk. 981

On the behavior of mappings which do not satisfy Hyers-Ulam stability. By Themistocles

M. Rassias and Peter Semrl. 989

Self-similar sets 7. A characterization of self-similar fractals with positive Hausdorff measure.

By Christoph Bandt and Siegfried Graf. 995

The dual of a Gâteaux smooth Banach space is weak star fragmentable. By N. K. Ribarska 1003

A Liapunov function for three-dimensional feedback systems. By Jiang Ji-Fa. 1009

Remark on commutative approximate identities on homogeneous groups. By Jacek

Dziubañski. 1015

Stabilization in a gradient system with a conservation law. By Robert L. Pego. 1017

Exponential asymptotics for an eigenvalue of a problem involving parabolic cylinder func-

tions. By Neal Brazel, Fiona Lawless, and Alastair Wood. 1025

An arc of finite 2-measure that is not rationally convex. By Thomas Bagby and P. M.

Gauthier. 1033

Stability and instability of positive solutions of semipositone problems. By Achilles

Tertikas . 1035

Compact perturbations of certain CSL algebras. By E. G. Katsoulis and S. C. Power . 1041

Lattices with the Alexandrov properties. By Albert Gorelishvili. 1045


An estimate on the Ricci curvature of a submanifold and some applications. By Pui-Fai

Leung . 1051

On a conjecture of Nitsche. By Gregor'1' D. Crow. 1063

Continued on inside back cover