Contemporary | Culture | Contemporaine Volume 1 No.1 MA 2011 Citizen:

Volume 1 No. 1

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Page 1: Volume 1 No. 1

Contemporary | Culture | Contemporaine

Volume 1 No.1

MA 2011

C i t i z e n :

Page 2: Volume 1 No. 1

‘Sorts Mill Goudy’ by Barry Schwartz


'Acid' by Stephan Baum,


‘Latin Modern’ by Donald E. Knuthhttp://www.gust.org.pl/


Published by:

Milosz Jurkiewicz

Translation work by:

Joëlle Shaw


Citizen: magazine is licensed

under the Creative Commons

Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

Unported License.

Contact information:



[email protected]

Montréal, Québec, Canada2

Page 3: Volume 1 No. 1

This will kill that.Hugo


Page 4: Volume 1 No. 1

Note from the editor



hail our blogosphere

comrades, our facetu-

bian brethren, our icolleagues,

our instant-associates and our

chatting-partners for democra-

tizing the processes that render

us capable of such dynamic and

versatile forms of communica-

tivity. Indeed, the promise of

cyberspace to reveal new truths

seems to have either plunged us

into a deeper sleep, or a utopian

awakening. What’s interesting

however, are the narratives that

are produced within this new vir-

tual amalgamation of spaces. Al-

H though our current rate of pro-

duction is very liberated, what

we effectively have is a generic1

junkspace2 of content.

Here, at Citizen, we wish

to curate and exhibit practition-

ners and theorists, that further

the betterment of discources

inhabiting this space. Herein we

wish to catch a fleeting glimpse

of what this new accesibility,

compatibility, and velocity can


1- http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/4.07/koolhaas.html2- http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.06/koolhaas_pr.html


Page 5: Volume 1 No. 1

Mot du rédacteur en chef


AZINE, nous tenons à

saluer nos camarades de la

blogosphère, nos confrères

facetubiens, nos i-collègues, nos

associés-instantanés et nos cor-

respondants clavardeurs qui

contribuent à la démocratisation

des outils qui rendent possibles

des formes communicationnelles

aussi dynamiques et polyvalen-

tes. Le cyberespace promettait

de nous faire découvrir une ré-

alité transcendante, mais le réveil

utopique que l’on attendait sem-

ble parfois avoir été remplacé par

un sommeil profond. Or, c’est

justement l’imprévisibilité de ce

I médium qui fait sa force et c’est

en cette capacité qu’il a de nous

surprendre que nous avons foi.

Ce qui nous intéresse, ce sont les

récits qui sont créés au sein de

ce nouvel espace virtuel, à la fois

fragmenté et uni. Bien que notre

rythme de production actuel soit

plutôt souple, ce que nous avons

construit est en réalité un grand

bazar générique1.

Ici, chez Citizen, nous

désirons organiser et mettre à

l’honneur les pratiques et les ex-

perts qui font progresser les dis-

cours qui parcourent le cybere-

space. Notre projet : vous faire 1Ibid

goûter à tout ce que cette accessi-

bilité, cette compatibilité et cette

vélocité ont de meilleur à offrir.


Page 6: Volume 1 No. 1


Collaborators &



Page 7: Volume 1 No. 1

CITIZEN: MAGAZINE WAS CREATED with the hope of producing,

and distributing, knowledge worthy of a conscientious audience.

Furthermore, it serves as a bilingual (French & English) platform for

active writers, artists, designers, photographers, fashion designers,

philosophers, etc., to extend their respective passions, interests, and

practises into formal and accountable chronicles on contemporary

architecture, fashion, art, politics, film, sound, fiction, poetry, etc.

Like many little magazines, Citizen: has a very linear, acces-

sible, and popular format: the digital book. This renders it capable

of optimized compatibility and accesibility. Unlike many magazines,

this one is a non-periodical. Furthermore, the integrated format al-

lows for direct links to be embedded in the magazine: which will al-

low for interactive and dynamic readings.

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for participating,



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