' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,- 1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE -Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie _ . Churches Tomorrow. OUTPOURING OF SONGS OF PRAISE Cantata""From Sepulchcr to Throne" at tbe'flettaodlst Episcopal—Presbyter- -'' Ian; Episcopal and Catholic,Music Never hi the history of tlie city have the church-going people of Summit generally observed and corn- ruled events hi the life of Christ his last-week ou earth, .than •lii^t-easoii, which will culminate t(t- inorrow,. KaHter Sunday, with special uiLif-ic'iil services ' in ull the cliurehes; with sermons by. the pastors .uppro- [>risle to theoccasion in celebration of ' the resurrection .of Cbrfct. The programs of the service** in the -everul churches will be found below: Methodist Episcopal \ - The week of services wbich have tetn held in the Methodist Episcopal church will clone with a service to- uight, at which the pastor, Dr. Tuttle, will speiik of "The Watch at Jhe Tomb," which will most fittingly pre- pare for the fuller appreciation of the iiieauing of Easter.. At the morning servfce.nt 11 o'clock toniornv, Dr. Tuttle will prenehhlfr Easter serniou, the subject of which will be <( Easter Meditation." The evening service will be chielly • lioral, with a rendering of Shepard'H Hymn—-'An,! Now. O Father Gloria in Excels!*— Eyre Num.- Diniittis—Chant —"The StrifeMl'er'' —Hallelujahphorus..Hnii<lfl Prelude—"Mprfhe Nuptiale. Faulkes J'rocosioiml—"JesiiM Christ is l{j. e n jrl cro 3lnj:niHcnt and Mine PJmiitis.. W J-fyiiiu—**JeMi« Lives ! " Anthem—"Wheuthe Sabbath was —"The Strife is o'er" Postlude—"Sortie" ;_.; Km-hs . • • - . . . - s First Baptist "Christ the Lord is.Kisen Today" Mozart Anthem—"Christ Our Passover" '• .~*-'hanpell •;I)ream of Paradise. _.. .Anonymous Solo—'.•Xou-ou.the.First Day" of the Week'' ;< -." Auouymous "Jesus Christ is Risen Today "'.Morgan "Anftuls Itol! the Rock A way'.'.Dykes St. Teresa's .MoUNINO—K.J-Hl o't'r.drK. I.eHache LECTURE ON ECUADOR By Hon. Joseph Lee, U. to Ecuador. S. 'Minister _ —^ -'hrist is Itisen" .Leonard's MBHS in F. • Berfedictus' \ .- Ollertory—"Regiua Coel'l" ANNUAL METHODIST CONFERENCE. canlatu, "From Sepuleher to Tlinme," by the quartet -choir of tlie church, consisting of Mrs. H. S. Voting, s6prano; Miss Moister, con- tralto; W. H. Taylor, tenor; aud D. A. Voung. u , baritone. The fingers will be assisted by I^ouin Si-limidt, violinist, of the New York Philharmonic Society, mid Max D'rage, if the 1'itlsuurg Orchestra. Wegi\"e below the programs for both *tr vices: .MDKNINd. ._ Prelude—Allegro.. Mel.vil Hnuu 159.. '. Wade haver * *__ Amhem—"They h'ave taken away my l.nrd" Stain er i'*alier—Gloria P a t r i Ofltriory (Tenor' solo)—"The Anueln' Kaster Song Brewer H.viuii ].VJ , .... , Wesley Struutm—"Easter Meditation*' Hymn 17!t Bridges Prayer " ' . Onran Postlude—Alleluja; .. .. Hamma '. KVENINCl. . i'rthnle Trio from "DIeMeiBtersinger" —Wagner Anthem—'-Who Shall Itbll Away tire Will Meet In Morrlslown.Next Wednesday —Fiftieth Anniversary. , The Newark Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet hi annual neuron at Morrint«wn on Aprils. The sessions will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church or Morristowu.or which the'Hev. ltalph B. Urmy pastor. About 250 dele- Kates are-expected, and the Morris- town people are preparing to extend an hospitable welcomeT The principal fearture will be the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the conference. ..:., On Wednesday, April :t, at Hi o'clock, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wiir be observed, followed'by roll-call and organization. In the. evening the anniversary services of the Centenary Fund" and the Preachers' Aid Sooiety"will be held. An address will be delivered by the Kev. K. J. Cooke. On Thursday morning Bishop Uood- sell will conduct the openiug services and there will follow a business ses- sion: "In the evening will be'held the semi-centennial celebration of the An aildivss to the Nationul t;c<iRjiiiih- ic Sucjcty' NovfinluT ;'.<*']:ni(I. Tho Ilt'imblic of Ecuador lies at e northwestern cornt'i' of the South American coinincnl, between - Colom- bia" and Peru. As Its name implies? it is .situated upon the Equator. Ecuador [lossesses an area of -i'2'J,- •tmri square miles, including thoCaln- pjifjos Achipelsif-o. " : It is" nearly twice thesizc! of France and as large as. Texas, Now York, . Pennsylvania, and Xebniska combined. The popu- lation is i.fiu'o.tmO, Although, the (•(Hintry is comiirist'd between^ one de- •frict' north and fuiir decrees wmtli latitude, almost every variation of ell-' male is obtainable, from the torrid lands'(if therniiBt to the chilly plains, at an elevation of .12,nm> feet, at ihc fd(»t of" the snow-clad peaks of 'tho Amies, \ . *. '•..'_. ltolh the .eastern and westernranpr- os of the Andes traverse the Repub- lic. Between these ranges He exten- sive, high valleys yield ing tho pro- ducts of the Temperate Zone. To the west of the CoVdllU'ia stretch the low tropical lands on the" pacific, and to the east the country gradually de- scends to the lowAmazon Valley and the frontiers.of Brazil.'' (iuayaquil, the principal seaport of the Republic, is situated on the Riv- er (iuayas, the "most Important stream in South America emptying Into tho Pacific, about sixty miles above Its mouth. It lias a population of TiO.OdO. It "is the emporium .of Ecuador. All Imports and exports pass through Guayaquil. The houses' are built of wood, owing to i,he. lack of other ma- terial. They are. constructed In the southern style, with balconies, pro- truding over the-sidewalks mid rest- ing- upon w<jpijeir pillars, thus form- ing piazzas which afford protection against, sun ami- rain. • As (Ires under the circumstances dangerous, (lur more extensive fir* that-during our civil war Knglaiu! was supplied with cotton from Ecu:i dor. Of course, every variety of trop- ical fruit. Is .produced and' flu* for house and ship building. ThP 1 ilaily papers of The Xadon, Teleprafo. Crito del I'uc- lilo. and Tiempo. are well patronize.!, well published, and of' much Influence A satisfactory', daily .teU^raphlc *er- (Continued tin Piige Six) Sicamboaj Not Fulton's.' A-t'thtMiieetnyyif the Peniisyiviiiiiu and New Jersey Libmry As-soeiution In Atlantic City, A. M. Hilton, of. thnt city, advocate*! the value of au- thentic historical work.. A.-* mi in- stance of a popular and ghirint: error, he declared that -'the praise bestowed on Hpbert Fulton" as the inventor nT the.steambnat should have been given to John Fitch. « Jer^cyman.''wiiji operated a steamboat.uir the Delaware river years before Fulton sought t«i u-e Hteain as a motive 1 Y. M. C. A. PARAGRAPHS. * - hlg Meetings For'Hcn and-Boys Examination. BlMC . -Juliii D. Morgiu.i will >pcnk to the boys at *J.l"i o'clock tomorrow afti-r- noon, mid A. K. Hiekok will sing. l-Ai-ry. hoyft in Stinimit i- conltally in- viieil. EIGHTH ANNUAL DINNER Members t H. C. A. Enjoyed Event last Saturday Night J'hillp Wt>it>r«Mik rt']ireM'ntalive from State education lour thi yt'iir. purty will .sail from -New York Monday, April 1, bythf < Ud I.int', for old 1'oiirt Comfort, rt-lun hiK by the wny of will l>v the nnlr Summit ..»- tl HELD AT THE NEW PARK HOUSE ..' Proctor's Newark Theater. \ At ProctorV Xewark Theater during the week of April 1, a pleasing pro- pram or vaiHlevillian heailliners. liave been arranged. . Among the list will be found mieli.sterling nerlnrmers an \V. J. O'Hearn who will preneut his beautiful Irish classic "A Koinanee of Klllarney. tiillette umhlifs wonder- fully trained musical dogs-with-four fuuny inotikeyH will be "warm faVoHten .with the Indies and. little folks. The Willis-family will <li»|ieiit:e'cla!*sie and popular muHlcr Charles Kenna will be henrd in hfw ballyhoo monologue "The Fakir.", (.anlner and Madden will appear In a newcomedy nketcli and ninny ntherw. . . • Bare Easter Odors. ' • For Easter you want geniiiiu- tlonil odorri. Thone we Imve Hrc that kind. ^Sunday, April 7. will lit- a l.ig day a tlif A_i^*?;intii>n. There will be tw biy nict'tliij;-; one for men mrl one fo boy-.. I Jot IV meeting'* will drcs-ed by }•'.. C. Mercer, Su.pfnuten dent.of Ihc MeAuley Mi.-sjoii of Ne> York city. Mr. Mercer T-" a -man tliu every boy in'id matt in Stinmti't will I cltid to hear. r \s'i^youut; man In possessed wt'Ulth: . ..vtrucat (on, - -n socijil prestige; but :ifler gradual hit; from the I'nivcrsity of Virginia-hm taking )>o*t graduate work :it Prince ton, he licciunt- u drunken ont-cat-t With' liis own father'* tloor elu-til up ou hint.- Two years jui.d a half ago, he wan won to Christ, and is eacuest.worker, not only ot street, hut in the up-tmvn churches «f New-York and in the l»i| of the county. r The Hlble chins exnuiiimtuniM will be held on the evenUig of Monday, April' _-, under the rules of the Intermitiotial Coumiittee, win; prepare the ('iifsti papers, uud to whom the papers go for llna'l correction. - ' • , all the subtile' delicacy tl)PUt!>clvt>H' and are are particularly has perhaps a department than any city-of its'.size, and ./tinple reser- voirs town. of writer oil :i hill It p .is Improbable Stone?' 1 Hymn 1<« .... ,; I'myer John of Damascus y ''"iitralUi SoIo-"H6Hannuh"..tiranier Lesson I'flertnry—Andaute C'nntnblle - ; —• •-..- (Organ, 'cello and violin.) A'liirfcM. by VfitttoT HaMer <'antata-— "From Sepuleher to Thnme"., ..... ,.....'.... ... Shepard liet'ilatLve.{Baritone)— "In the end of theSabbirth" ^ iliuritone) —!'Fear not ye", ji't—'-Angels rollthe rock away" 1'tdtative (Soprano)— "Now IH Christ ri" Air i. < (iprmi( l )_"]iehold l I show you » niv'stery" ' 'fuarttt—"Si ybJteKib^ Jiuartet—••BlesBed are they Hi CnmmandmentH," I7JC7TT.'.": 7.T.".""M that.dJ? ....... Cirieg and violin) y _ Presbyterian ''";.. MtutMM; 11 X.-M, Trinmphale ..?.. Dubois T t I)eum... >T - Buck t* I'liHuuI Victim BriiiK'":\Vest tliiiii. . J T-;-rr;r"'AHlVfonl '•'"•ariimh to the Princeof Light. ^ . - - . —Blumenscheiii n "ill ;•'".• hymiiN 1 will be sung by the 1 and mi Knster sermon f I'ri'iiehed by the pastor. 1 KVKMNij S I 1 . M. fi 1 Ir.iin Sonata in ti.. y I hou that Jijteuea.L riuu.s Moru igar Stfiiner t . o V Vfnlure clad.. iiv r H -,r i. ...Sci\necker V, eiirrettlmi . ...Sci\necker •j iitw Hiaveii and a new KarthYUatil itIli;i conference. r A roll-call of (he surviving lueuibern. will lie read. Sir. Landoti will deliver an nddress on "Iteminis- ceuces of Ministers of the Conference," and George J. Ferry will address the conference on '•Itemtuiseeueen of Lay- men." The Kev..'John F. Dodd, the secretary, will read an historical nummary of the conference. Iljuhop O'oodsell will deliver an address on "Facing the Future." Friday will-be known aB^'Iiaymen'-s Day." . Upon invitation of the Kev. K. A. Noble,- president'of Centenary Collegiate Institute nt. Hnckelts!oAv.i),' the'aiembers of the conference will go by special trail), in the .afternoon, to that institution. " Conference Sunday will be marked by the usual sermon • by the bishop and other special meetings. .Dr. Tut- tle will deliver the annual missionary, sermon in the afternoon. »•,.. Among the interesting features -of the se^steu of the'Newark Conference to be held at.Morristown' will be the anniversaries of the, \Vonian'-rt Home Foreign —Missionary—fcHteietie.T jmilivcrfliry _o.f the Woman's Home Missionary Society will be held ^C|)rll;!, at -.'•)() |).ni., with an address by the-Key. diaries. .Edward Ijocke, ~D~D.~, \if~~ TraF0ain_-4iuiee clriirctir behind the that Guaya- quil will- ever aga"ln be visited by such disastrous conilsigratintis , as In the past. Guayaquil. The hospitals; of Guayaquil are - as complete as any.In .South America. The, great new '• General Hospital, with its. modern- ajipHaiiccK, .compares most favorably with Ancou Hosjiital at Panama. Altliough the t'athedrat. the churches., the great municipal, buildings, ami theatres nre built of wood, tliev are imposing and are dec- orated fn perfect, taste. The Vnton Club «/ Guayaquil Is. .with the excep- tion of the Hr.ngkoiiK Club, the best I have ever seen hi the tropics. 1'n- dor the bright liglit "of the moon, these biiildincR-. -appear to he con- structed of rare marbles. Tlie.public TUey the 1 the breath of spring. More e^juini'tV odors it is inipofnible to' create. We clioose.all of our perfinneM with utmost discrimination and ni-vt-r before have been able tooljfer yon sucli an lulMjnatf Helection HS in our px efi ** n ' ftock. bt> pNvscd to have, you call 11 some of them. , '- - ^—,ti>Ht ROGERS' PHARMACY, THE HOME OF VIXOL. -SPRINGFIELD "AVENUE— Atljoiuing tbe-Snmuiit tS.UMMIT. The Old HaUs' Conventioo. The Unlit?*! Auxiliary of tin- Y. M. I'. -\. are planning to'give "'I he Old Maids'Convention' 1 in Coloniiil Halt on Thursday and Friday evenings, the lHth and 11th of April, and H matiuet.- performanee on Saturday afternoon. Ail l'lh Tik H April lL'lh. tion rooms y Tickets arvHyw on tore, ami nl llie FOR RENT OR SALE. H0TCHK1S5 - JOBS OCX, Real Estate & Insurance, Opposite Station." PLACE,—sunnnv>N. J. squares, are' beautifully kept ed with rare specimen* of veget a tinir~of-'Ecuador. . and fill- the rich - - with iJrooklyn/wheu several young woman will be consecrated fordeaconesswork. Tlie anniversary of the 'Women'* Foreign Missionary Society will.- tie held on April 4,'.nl.li.UO p. m. Au7' dresses oii~''ThtJ-China Ccnteiminl," by"tlie"ReV. Homer C. Stuutz, D. I).,' and Mi-.* Kiukiuiig, Jennie China. V.' Hlights, of "Grand ?Iopul" at New Amsterdam KIHW i Krlaugcr ga*"V*& their lnte>t musical pri)ductlou, "The 1 (inmd >fu>:ii.lj tt - it-s New York premiere at the New Amsterdam Theater last Mefnla.v eVeniug,.where it scored »-Jjit, lopcat-. ing ii« I'Jiica^o, iit. J<ouis, Cincfiinati and llostim successes. The new is udmirably cast and staged. p The is u d y story is comic, the Jyrk-s wittyami tlie music remarkably nieliidtotis and catchy. . z- ~-i^-...... CaWary " ! ' rtll i''^"<inindChoeur' - r "^*1-i«»ul—"Jt's.iiH* Christ -1H "When .the Hubbatli wan •• ' '.;7 .......Foster tl] e tauib'H High- Feast" X OlorlouH Lord of Hyr -Rahway Valley Rallroy -lime Table. Thetrain schedule on the Kwhway Valley Kail road is as foNuws: Lcitvt- Hnuiuilt foxAldiue, Kllzajieth and New ' v ' 1 "" ' ' KUza- •>4t»,'47-14MUi(UU.:Jit p.m. Leave Mi/a; belli-f«.r- ^uiiimit ii w, T."»l7^.4H, n.ip n'iii.Tl.<'-i< JlWy, *5.4S, and" •;."»:; p.m. X.eaVe Aldine about.s minutes later. On Sunday leave Suiuliilt 7.r»4, !'.4*» On Sunday leave a-iii- K»», 4.U0 p.ui. y lfl, 10.45 a.m., 'J.l i u l i i l t 7 . , Leave KIiz»l>et|i i aud 5.0S Read tbe Want ade7foVbart'aiDe. ' Thi*' htirhor is. always busy shlppinfr. ~ Two- steaiuera ..each sail for P.'iiuni.a and two arrive from the Isthmus. Fleets of tugboats, lighters,'cano/'s, and balsas- cover tho water. The cr.noes, laden deep--.with fi'uit ami country prodnce. come down river on the swift tide? and return .on the* turn .of the tide with soare.e-ly the necessity . of moving a''paddle, -i Tlio halsaK are used to n prent, extent, -They-ire a. maritime enntrivanen In- vented by tho undent Peruvians and ina(le~"<)t^five;~seyeli Uliil Illiio .1 LUlllCK of an exceediiif-ly light tree'called balsa; in sizes as -'required. Lar^e bal- sas t:<> with .••af^-ty to sea as far .as' with vines, so .Ilifnily"'that they any sea. The whole stnic.tiire. itself to the wa.ves% and no water rises bfftwecn tlifl IO^K—IJousos aro generally, built upon fhem and form homes .fur a litemlly "lloi'tliiK po|iula- -y sc:i>on I.ISIK from Juno to . The wcitlher Is very j and TTic .night's and inornlnp-" an* oft*'ii, cold. Tin- nicun'. .trnijiera- ture (>T (Iuay;Hiuil is :ibout 7S - do- KINDERGARTEN. J. L. HOOD, . :: '.. First National Bank Building. and are fastened enn rldo al/nost YOIK ^^SS, your nfHet* or fiu-tory in tlie most siltiefnetpry\_. niiiiiner- .ami -our. eliaru'cs HTf ph'tt"in»;ly niodfnite for all Hiirlj work. We carry in f (oi'kH-tjne line Of - - '~* -.- .-liLKCTIilCAL .Sl'I'I'LIK^ An _HI_x t u_r e_w o r k_a_Sp e c lal t} K. SMITH, Electrical Contracting-Fixiurrs; Electric Liglils l!dls^<- Hamilton W. • MdMe, I.L.D., Presided- Lllst or Speakers One Hundred and Ktrtv Acceptances ' ' . The .Men'.- our.eity Hmi-t\ .'amiual dinner t.f. the ('linr-tian A>M)iintioit of wiif. held" at tlif New Park iu-t Saturday t-veuinn, ' »m\ Idjietlier ti larger nuiiibi-r of • tieht fill/ens-lhau any pre- Vi'iiis iliniier?- ' The '.. number |,, IM' Usually U*t'ii limits] to-l^>; hut Mr*, i-h-tiyc-r i>t tin* Ne.w Park Houce waw prt'Viiiltti •|ii;(»u~to-|ny-t'»>vern for HO, this year. Kvt-n with the iner«oe it'. wat. iurt>_!-ar.v to rt-fuM- n liirm.* tiuniliiT, who wi're Inu* in F-fiiiliiiK iheir accepl- u'ho had I it-en in the habit of attending the annual dinner*, hnd no fvat of the Mieif.^M of thiN.nnt', be- oiit', that the high standard wonM in* iiiiiintiiineit. For sevt-ral yeais it liii^.-et-med that Ingli water murk hml been reiiche<l; iiutthiJ. year's dinntTriii tht'charnettT mid iiumbtT or tlie men prt-MMit, the spli'iididjiiIdrt'i'ffH, the excel lent menu provided l.y Alii.. Cleaver,, mid the spirit of good fellowship, wan the I'i'st yet. - l-;t has tiftii truly remarked, that ese.dinner'- art* really the only social Kalherings of the crested in the rclk mt-n deeply where men of nil dviuniiinntiouH ean 'oini- together in 'tin-" intert^t of 'thin onderful Christian urbanization, wlik'li nut only II power for Vo*'d In Summit: hut is molding the liven (if niiiiK nii;n ttie worldovt-r. SfUtlcd at the KUt'stf''lal.U-, were lHt|iiit'ui WrlKlit Mabje, I.L.I)., Hon. Henry H. 1*'.^ MarKnrluiKl, oT ViisiiiiiKion, !).<'., ('miiitiJMijoiitT «if lie I>MrJel of Ciduinhiii, the IU-v. Snimu-1 II. Martin, D.l>., piiKtorof the ii\ci.ue Keformi'd Vhureh of ^Wllliom- I). Murniy, KMI- ire Prf-iHT-nl of the JijttTimtiiinal i V..M. C, AT," ^imifH It. . Prenicltriit of the Sumtnit l-rtdt-rlek W, Day,-. \'i«f- f the Summit Association, he Hev. Minol C. ..MorK»n, the Kev. W. Warren (Jiles, L. K Hawkins, Stnlf Stcrt-tary, ChnrU-s |{. Scott, S.tiite.Seercl«ry for lmy>' work;- Acting Mayor (.ieortrt* -I 1 '. 'Vrcclaud, Couu<-il- nan Ituford Franklin and olhern. Tlit-iiiemi cards which weredonatcd. •y William Darling «»r ' tin- tlrm uf. 1. K. Ureter were in the liewt form of lie hitfh f,'rude IIKXIITII iirlntcr'n-nrt. *oKi*tlier_w_itU the mi'iniL-ants, at i-aoh w»t n - w't-11 .. printed rand in-- littleToldef, "called "FactM in about the AsMieiallon. 'lie facts were Kivt-'ii under three end*; vi/;\'Ah( 1 »iiilhe' \Vurk r ' f "About, lit, Kquijimtnt," and "Ahoul the en tit*, Mahie presidi-d and iu'ted »s. -\n usiml, with liin . nnd_ deiicatf tourhts of, t'tnirh- t'Vfrynui- fi-i.l—bJa wit h«* of the Cordlll«rn. roy- ami snow who.^e i]a& On rVar SUIIMIHT iljiys, Chimborazn may Ii'* s^rn. rising I'lJiOa feet above the lo'ui: chain **r+'d with U'rx zlhii;' winielH's-; IK intercepted by binck lines foniMMl- upon "which ilui snow cannot L-athr-r. ' (luaynmiir eNporlK one-ihird of ih" ujv(irifr.s_suiUib'-- °f cocoa. Ii Is raised alfjrrj^'Thf CJiiawis Hlvr-r and its tril*u- tari'-s "and is the principal staple- of CriinviUiuM. Ivory nuts, from whici liniie lniitons of coninience. are Iliad/-, anv-i-xi'prted itr enormous quariTlttr™ I'ai'amn hats, P 1 *) called, hecniiKP tlfy are. .dlMributed ,to the Tniteil Stat.-^ taiHt-iJilurrtpo—l*fej-V.ty_ of the Isibini's of Panaiiia. me mnnVifiictured in ih" Province of Mnnabi. .Tho lowlah'ls of tho coast also produce ' cinchona bark, from which we obtain quinlii" (Countess' of Clilnohon), rice, sugar, tobacco, rubber, ...ropnl vnnllla, Barsaparllla, fialt. petroleum, and cotton. It Is Interesting to noto A-INS! "Adiance to buy at wholcsale'priprs. ... A 1 bonified reduction of*33"l-3 per cent, on all caps ;CAPS FOR-ALL KUNPS QF WEATHER. $'2.50 Caps reduced to $1:62. .- * " 2.00- " lt " I.34 - ••*..•' |.50 4t " "-LOO" . - " GAUNTLET GLOVES FOR LADIES ^-GENTLEMEN 3.00")Gloves reclijced to~2. ; .00 •• - '" 2.75 '"- |V .- ' "••'•"I-87 2.50 ; " " " 1.67-7^^ k 2 00 ' 4 " " 1.34 —.- , L50-' 4t " '". " 1*00 A wise person wilLtake advantage 7 of a REAL BARGAIN. rage, hurt. lie. |.aid a hi^li tnhutc fo the liitt* Mayor, fi'corfjt* \Vile<ix, whom lie *n'nl had lie en n'mt-mljer mid wiinn •fririid uf Ihc-a^ociiitioii- fur- ycurs,- its- wt-ll HS itnt* nf !(•• largest rmitrihuterH. He ulj-o' culled uttfiiUoti tu tht* fact thiil thi'&IJev'NUr. White who has ti^iiitlly lit-cn prt-tlit ;it the wiirljiiiiililc to jittt'iTd. After rmliiiK-MJiiit- <•! the «-li:tn_i:cf lliJit had tJiktn" I'luif •tiirim: the year* he in- ~ Tr ; tro'Iui't-il Ihe IJcv. Ii:uiit-I II. M:irtiii, •* i J'-J^^ hti'nfttT rinisldt-rulilt' huinor,— J-'lifSvv :i tiiJItru tI'H-It-111 addrt'-s i.n. the ; v.ihii' nf the :i«*oeiuli<>ut :i- a- meiilis (>f * • ' pri-vfuii'iii. lit* >'pi>kf nl the niiTiTTTrrw— _ J ; <i1 >l>'H:tr- tjutt »re -]>t*nt t-jtcli year to •li'tinvn-t and i'imi»h rrlniuiul-+ u* say : iMlltini: uf Hie -<irrti\v :ind shtiinc ^ J fiiu-t-d hy their iTiino; and (Siinpared .- '• j it withvjtlit- tt-hitivfly -mul] amo(int r * J tl'iut i- -j'Cii'tfor Hie urt-al work of the ' * lii.-ui'iiiiiiiii. in j'R-vvntiiif; crimt 1 . Anil, •—.nut itiily-in prt'vt-iit'iiiK criint 1 ; hut in *.'•': tiujld-uii; i*f mituly ('liri-lian character. 4 I Mr. .Mullit- next iutrodiictt) * [ Wilii;im I >. Murray, vii(-|ire^idenl of tlif liiteriiatioijiil ('K'ninittct' ^ ' . -M. J ! ('. A . \s ht» spolit- OIJ Hit- -tihjtv't "Our -.•J. Lliiv-. \ 1'ti liian'v who have thon^-U^-. uf the.'I•*•>'?•'_ Wi-rk a-lifiiiK 011 i_y of . #"T~t-ct'iuhiry ini] ortahctr, Mr—Murray'H •laddrf>- « a - a' eoiiiplvte rt-Vflatiou. flit- -liowt-d . mtJiunte iic«'|iuiintaiice J J with hi?-Mil'jtvt, and a profound ttiul' J.-lt-itriiv.-t convict uui tliat. the boy a' work I i^ not only, m>t of Weuudary import- ' * ' uucV.' but -that it is--of tir>t iuiporlahcc; (Contiuntd on Page Foar.} . ,.

VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie

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Page 1: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie

' • f

VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,- 1!)(>7. YKAlt


-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie_ . Churches Tomorrow.


Cantata""From Sepulchcr to Throne" at

tbe'flettaodlst Episcopal—Presbyter-

- ' ' Ian; Episcopal and Catholic,Music

Never hi the history of tlie city havethe church-going people of Summit

generally observed and corn-ruled events hi the life of Christ

his last-week ou earth, .than•lii^t-easoii, which will culminate t(t-inorrow,. KaHter Sunday, with specialuiLif-ic'iil services ' in ull the cliurehes;with sermons by. the pastors .uppro-[>risle to the occasion in celebration of

' the resurrection .of Cbrfct.

The programs of the service** in the-everul churches will be found below:

Methodist Episcopal \ -The week of services wbich have

tetn held in the Methodist Episcopalchurch will clone with a service to-uight, at which the pastor, Dr. Tuttle,will speiik of "The Watch at JheTomb," which will most fittingly pre-pare for the fuller appreciation of theiiieauing of Easter.. •

At the morning servfce.nt 11 o'clocktoniornv, Dr. Tuttle will prenehhlfrEaster serniou, the subject of whichwill be <(Easter Meditation."

The evening service will be chielly• lioral, with a rendering of Shepard'H

Hymn—-'An,! Now. O FatherGloria in Excels!*— EyreNum.- Diniittis—Chant

—"The StrifeMl'er''—Hallelujahphorus..Hnii<lfl

Prelude—"Mprfhe Nuptiale. FaulkesJ'rocosioiml—"JesiiM Christ is l{j.en

jr l cro3lnj:niHcnt and Mine PJmiitis.. WJ-fyiiiu—**JeMi« Lives ! "Anthem—"Wheuthe Sabbath was

—"The Strife is o'er"Postlude—"Sortie" ; _ . ; Km-hs

• . • • • - . . . - s

First Baptist"Christ the Lord is.Kisen Today"

— MozartAnthem—"Christ Our Passover"

'• • .~*- 'hanpell•;I)ream of Paradise. _ . . .AnonymousSolo—'.•Xou-ou.the.First Day" of the

Week'' ;< -." Auouymous"Jesus Christ is Risen Today "'.Morgan"Anftuls Itol! the Rock A way'.'.Dykes

St. Teresa's.MoUNINO—K.J-Hl o ' t ' r .drK.



to Ecuador.

S. 'Minister

_ —^ -'hrist is Itisen".Leonard's MBHS in F. •Berfedictus' \ .-Ollertory—"Regiua Coel'l"


canlatu, "From Sepuleher toTlinme," by the quartet -choir of tliechurch, consisting of Mrs. H. S.Voting, s6prano; Miss Moister, con-tralto; W. H. Taylor, tenor; aud D. A.Voung.u, baritone.

The fingers will be assisted by I^ouinSi-limidt, violinist, of the New YorkPhilharmonic Society, mid Max D'rage,if the 1'itlsuurg Orchestra.

Wegi\"e below the programs for both*tr vices:

.MDKNINd. ._

Prelude—Allegro.. Mel.vil

Hnuu 159.. '. Wadehaver * *__Amhem—"They h'ave taken away my

l.nrd" Stain eri'*alier—Gloria PatriOfltriory (Tenor' solo)—"The Anueln'

Kaster Song BrewerH.viuii ].VJ , . . . . , WesleyStruutm—"Easter Meditation*'Hymn 17!t BridgesPrayer " ' .Onran Postlude—Alleluja;.. . .Hamma

'. KVENINCl. .

i'rthnle Trio from "DIeMeiBtersinger"—Wagner

Anthem—'-Who Shall Itbll Away tire

Will Meet In Morrlslown.Next Wednesday—Fiftieth Anniversary.

, The Newark Conference of theMethodist Episcopal church will meethi annual neuron at Morrint«wn onAprils. The sessions will be held inthe Methodist Episcopal church orMorristowu.or which the'Hev. ltalphB. Urmy i» pastor. About 250 dele-Kates are-expected, and the Morris-town people are preparing to extendan hospitable welcomeT

The principal fearture will be thecelebration of the fiftieth anniversaryof the conference. . . : . ,

On Wednesday, April :t, at Hio'clock, the Sacrament of the Lord'sSupper wiir be observed, followed'byroll-call and organization. In the.evening the anniversary services ofthe Centenary Fund" and thePreachers' Aid Sooiety"will be held.An address will be delivered by theKev. K. J. Cooke.

On Thursday morning Bishop Uood-sell will conduct the openiug servicesand there will follow a business ses-sion: "In the evening will be'held thesemi-centennial celebration of the

An aildivss to the Nationul t;c<iRjiiiih-

ic Sucjcty' NovfinluT ;'.<*']:ni(I.

Tho Ilt'imblic of Ecuador lies ate northwestern cornt'i' of the South

American coinincnl, between - Colom-bia" and Peru. As Its name implies?it is .situated upon the Equator.

Ecuador [lossesses an area of -i'2'J,-•tmri square miles, including thoCaln-pjifjos Achipelsif-o. ": It is" nearlytwice thesizc! of France and as largeas. Texas, Now York, . Pennsylvania,and Xebniska combined. The popu-lation is i.fiu'o.tmO, Although, the(•(Hintry is comiirist'd between^ one de-•frict' north and fuiir decrees wmtlilatitude, almost every variation of ell-'male is obtainable, from the torridlands'(if therniiBt to the chilly plains,at an elevation of .12,nm> feet, at ihcfd(»t of" the snow-clad peaks of 'thoAmies, • \ . *. '• . . '_.

ltolh the .eastern and western ran pr-os of the Andes traverse the Repub-lic. Between these ranges He exten-sive, high valleys yield ing tho pro-ducts of the Temperate Zone. To thewest of the CoVdllU'ia stretch the lowtropical lands on the" pacific, and tothe east the country gradually de-scends to the low Amazon Valley andthe frontiers.of Brazil.' '

(iuayaquil, • the principal seaport ofthe Republic, is situated on the Riv-er (iuayas, the "most Important streamin South America emptying Into thoPacific, about sixty miles above Itsmouth. It lias a population of TiO.OdO.It "is the emporium .of Ecuador. AllImports and exports pass throughGuayaquil. The houses' are built ofwood, owing to i,he. lack of other ma-terial. They are. constructed In thesouthern style, with balconies, pro-truding over the-sidewalks mid rest-ing- upon w<jpijeir pillars, thus form-ing piazzas which afford protectionagainst, sun ami- rain. • As (Ires underthe circumstancesdangerous, (lurmore extensive fir*

that-during our civil war Knglaiu!was supplied with cotton from Ecu:idor. Of course, every variety of trop-ical fruit. Is .produced and' flu*for house and ship building.

ThP1 ilaily papers ofThe Xadon, Teleprafo. Crito del I'uc-lilo. and Tiempo. are well patronize.!,well published, and of' much InfluenceA satisfactory', daily .teU^raphlc *er-

(Continued tin Piige Six)

Sicamboaj Not Fulton's.'A-t'thtMiieetnyyif the Peniisyiviiiiiu

and New Jersey Libmry As-soeiutionIn Atlantic City, A. M. Hilton, of.thnt city, advocate*! the value of au-thentic • historical work.. A.-* mi in-stance of a popular and ghirint: error,he declared that -'the praise bestowedon Hpbert Fulton" as the inventor nTthe.steambnat should have been givento John Fitch. « Jer^cyman.''wiijioperated a steamboat.uir the Delawareriver years before Fulton sought t«i u-eHteain as a motive 1

Y. M. C. A. PARAGRAPHS.* - •

hlg Meetings For'Hcn and-Boys


. -Juliii D. Morgiu.i will >pcnk to t h e

boys at *J.l"i o'clock tomorrow afti-r-

noon, mid A. K. H i e k o k will s ing .

l-Ai-ry. hoyftin S t in imi t i- conl ta l ly in-



Members t H. C. A. EnjoyedEvent las t Saturday Night

J'hillp Wt>it>r«Mik

rt']ireM'ntalive from

State education lour thi yt'iir.

purty will .sail from -New YorkMonday, April 1, bythf < UdI.int', for old 1'oiirt Comfort, rt-lunhiK by the wny of

will l>v the nnlr


..' Proctor's Newark Theater. \At ProctorV Xewark Theater during

the week of April 1, a pleasing pro-pram or vaiHlevillian heailliners. liavebeen arranged. . Among the list willbe found mieli.sterling nerlnrmers an\V. J. O'Hearn who will preneut hisbeautiful Irish classic "A Koinanee ofKlllarney. tiillette umhlifs wonder-fully trained musical dogs-with-fourfuuny inotikeyH will be "warm faVoHten.with the Indies and. little folks. TheWillis-family will <li»|ieiit:e'cla!*sie andpopular muHlcr Charles Kenna willbe henrd in hfw ballyhoo monologue"The Fakir.", ( .anlner and Maddenwill appear In a new comedy nketcliand ninny ntherw. . • . •

BareEaster Odors.

' • For Easter you want geniiiiu- tlonilodorri. Thone we Imve Hrc that kind.

^Sunday, April 7. will lit- a l.ig day a

tlif A_i *?;intii>n. There will be tw

biy nict'tliij;-; one for men mrl one fo

boy-.. I Jot IV meeting'* will

drcs-ed by }•'.. C. Mercer, Su.pfnuten

dent.of Ihc MeAuley Mi.-sjoii of Ne>

York city. Mr. Mercer T-" a -man tliu

every boy in'id matt in Stinmti't will I

cltid to hear. r \ s ' i ^ y o u u t ; man In

possessed wt'Ulth: . ..vtrucat (on, - -n

socijil prestige; but :ifler gradual hit;

from the I'nivcrsity of Virginia-hm

taking )>o*t graduate work :it Prince

ton, he licciunt- u drunken ont-cat-t

With' liis own father'* tloor elu-til up

ou hint.- Two years jui.d a half ago, he

wan won to Christ, and is

eacuest.worker, not only ot

street, hut in the up-tmvn churches «fNew-York and in the l»i|of the county.

r The Hlble chins exnuiiimtuniM will beheld on the evenUig of Monday, April'_-, under the rules of the IntermitiotialCoumiittee, win; prepare the ('iifstipapers, uud to whom the papers go forllna'l correction. - ' • ,

all the subtile' delicacytl)PUt!>clvt>H' and a re

are particularlyhas perhaps a

department thanany city-of its'.size, and ./tinple reser-voirstown.

of writer oil :i hillItp .is Improbable

Stone?'1Hymn 1<«....,;I'myer

John of Damascusy

''"iitralUi SoIo-"H6Hannuh".. t iranierLesson

I'flertnry—Andaute C'nntnblle -; —• •-..-(Organ, 'cello and violin.)

A'liirfcM. by VfitttoTHaMer < 'antata-— "From Sepuleher to

Thnme"., . . . . . ,.....'.... . . .Shepardliet'ilatLve.{Baritone)— " In the end of

theSabbirth"^ iliuritone) —!'Fear not ye" ,j i ' t — ' - A n g e l s ro l l the rock away"1'tdtative (Soprano)— "Now IH Christ

r i "Air i.<(iprmi( l)_"]iehold l I show you

» niv'stery" ''fuarttt—"Si

y b J t e K i b ^Jiuartet—••BlesBed are they

Hi CnmmandmentH,"I7JC7TT.'.": 7.T.".""M


. . . . . . .C i r iegand violin)

y_ Presbyterian ' ' " ; . .MtutMM; 11 X.-M,

Trinmphale . . ? . . DuboisT t I)eum... >T- Buckt* I'liHuuI Victim BriiiK'":\Vest

tliiiii. .JT-;-rr;r"'AHlVfonl'•'"•ariimh to the Princeof Light.^ . - - . —Blumenscheiii




hymiiN1 will be sung by the1 and mi Knster sermon

f I'ri'iiehed by the pastor.1 KVKMNij S I1. M. •

fi1 Ir.iin Sonata in t i . .y I hou that Jijteuea.L

riuu.s Moru


t . o VVfnlure clad..iiv r H-,r i. ...Sci\neckerV, eiirrettlmi. ...Sci\necker

•j iitw Hiaveii and a new KarthYUatil

• i t I l i ; i

conference. rA roll-call of (he survivinglueuibern. will lie read. Sir. Landotiwill deliver an nddress on "Iteminis-ceuces of Ministers of the Conference,"and George J. Ferry will address theconference on '•Itemtuiseeueen of Lay-men." The Kev..'John F. Dodd, thesecretary, will read an historicalnummary of the conference. IljuhopO'oodsell will deliver an address on"Facing the Future."

Friday will-be known aB^'Iiaymen'-sDay." . Upon invitation of the Kev.K. A. Noble,- president'of CentenaryCollegiate Institute nt. Hnckelts!oAv.i),'the'aiembers of the conference will goby special trail), in the .afternoon, tothat institution." Conference Sunday will be markedby the usual sermon • by the bishopand other special meetings. .Dr. Tut-tle will deliver the annual missionary,sermon in the afternoon. »•,..

Among the interesting features -ofthe se^steu of the'Newark Conferenceto be held at.Morristown' will be theanniversaries of the, \Vonian'-rt Home

Foreign —Missionary—fcHteietie.Tjmilivcrfliry _o.f the Woman's

Home Missionary Society will be held^C|)rll;!, at -.'•)() |).ni., with an addressby the-Key. diaries. .Edward Ijocke,~D~D.~, \if~~ TraF0ain_-4iuiee clriirctir

behind thethat Guaya-

quil will- ever aga"ln be visited bysuch disastrous conilsigratintis , as Inthe past.

Guayaquil.The hospitals; of Guayaquil are - as

complete as any.In .South America.The, great new ' • General Hospital,with its. modern- ajipHaiiccK, .comparesmost favorably with Ancou Hosjiitalat Panama. Altliough the t'athedrat.the churches., the great municipal,buildings, ami theatres nre built ofwood, tliev are imposing and are dec-orated fn perfect, taste. The VntonClub «/ Guayaquil Is. .with the excep-tion of the Hr.ngkoiiK Club, the bestI have ever seen hi the tropics. 1'n-dor the bright liglit "of the moon,these biiildincR-. -appear to he con-structed of rare marbles. Tlie.public

TUeythe 1the breath of spring. More e^juini'tVodors it is inipofnible to' create. Weclioose.all of our perfinneM with utmostdiscrimination and ni-vt-r before havebeen able to oljfer yon sucli an lulMjnatfHelection HS in our pxefi**n' ftock.bt> pNvscd to have, you call 11some of them. , '- - ——




Atljoiuing tbe-SnmuiittS.UMMIT.

The Old HaUs' Conventioo.The Unlit?*! Auxiliary of tin- Y. M.

I'. -\. are planning to'give "'I he OldMaids'Convention'1 in Coloniiil Halton Thursday and Friday evenings, thelHth and 11th of April, and H matiuet.-performanee on Saturday afternoon.A i l l ' lh T i k HApril lL'lh.

tion rooms

yTickets arvHyw on

tore, ami nl llie



Real Estate & Insurance,Opposite Station."

PLACE,—sunnnv>N. J.

squares, are' beautifully kepted with rare specimen* ofveget a tinir~of-'Ecuador. .

and fill-the rich

- -with

iJrooklyn/wheu several young womanwill be consecrated fordeaconesswork.Tlie anniversary of the 'Women'*Foreign Missionary Society will.- tieheld on April 4,'.nl.li.UO p. m. Au7'dresses oii~''ThtJ-China Ccnteiminl,"by"tlie"ReV. Homer C. Stuutz, D. I).,'

and Mi-.*Kiukiuiig,Jennie

China.V.' H lights, of

"Grand ?Iopul" at New AmsterdamKIHW i Krlaugcr ga*"V*& their lnte>t

musical pri)ductlou, "The1 (inmd>fu>:ii.ljtt- it-s New York premiere at theNew Amsterdam Theater last Mefnla.veVeniug,.where it scored »-Jjit, lopcat-.ing ii« I'Jiica^o, iit. J<ouis, Cincfiinatiand llostim successes. The newis udmirably cast and staged.

pTheis u d y

story is comic, the Jyrk-s wittyami tliemusic remarkably nieliidtotis andcatchy. . z- ~-i^-......

CaWary "

! ' r t l l i ' ' ^ "< in indChoeur '

- r"^*1-i«»ul—"Jt's.iiH* Christ -1H

"When .the Hubbatli wan•• ' '.;7 .......Foster

t l ]e tauib'H High- Feast"X OlorlouH Lord of


-Rahway Valley Rallroy -lime Table.

Thetrain schedule on the KwhwayValley Kail road is as foNuws: Lcitvt-Hnuiuilt foxAldiue, Kllzajieth and New

' • v ' 1 " " ' ' KUza-•>4t»,'47-14MUi(UU.:Jit p.m. Leave Mi/a;belli-f«.r- ^uiiimit ii w, T."»l7 .4H, n . i pn'iii.Tl.<'-i< JlWy, *5.4S, and" •;."»:; p .m .X.eaVe Aldine about.s minutes later.On Sunday leave Suiuliilt 7.r»4, !'.4*»On Sunday leavea-iii- K»», 4.U0 p.ui.y lfl, 10.45 a.m., 'J.l

i u l i i l t 7 . ,Leave KIiz»l>et|i

i aud 5.0S

Read tbe Want ade7foVbart'aiDe.

' Thi*' htirhor is. always busyshlppinfr. ~ Two- steaiuera ..each •sail for P.'iiuni.a and two arrive fromthe Isthmus. Fleets of tugboats,lighters,'cano/'s, and balsas- cover thowater. The cr.noes, laden deep--.withfi'uit ami country prodnce. come downriver on the swift tide? and return .onthe* turn .of the tide with soare.e-ly thenecessity . of moving a''paddle, -i TliohalsaK are used to n prent, extent,-They-ire a. maritime enntrivanen In-vented by tho undent Peruvians andina(le~"<)t^five;~seyeli Uliil Illiio .1 LUlllCKof an exceediiif-ly light tree'calledbalsa; in sizes as -'required. • Lar^e bal-sas t:<> with .••af -ty to sea as far .as'

with vines,so .Ilifnily"'that theyany sea. The whole stnic.tiire.itself to the wa.ves% and no waterrises bfftwecn tlifl IO^K—IJousos arogenerally, built upon fhem and formhomes .fur a litemlly "lloi'tliiK po|iula-

-y sc:i>on I.ISIK from Juno to. The wcitlher Is very

j and TTic .night's and inornlnp-"an* oft*'ii, cold. Tin- nicun'. .trnijiera-ture (>T (Iuay;Hiuil is :ibout 7S - do-


J. L. HOOD, . :: '.. First National Bank Building.

and are fastenedenn rldo al/nost

Y O I K ^ ^ S S ,your nfHet* or fiu-tory in tlie most

siltiefnetpry\_. niiiiiner- .ami -our.

eliaru'cs HTf ph'tt"in»;ly niodfnite

for all Hiirlj work. We carry in

f (oi'kH-tjne line Of - - ' ~* -.-

.-liLKCTIilCAL .Sl'I'I'LIK^ •


_HI_x t u_r e_w o r k_a_Sp e c lal t}

K. SMITH,Electrical Contracting-Fixiurrs; Electric Liglils l!dls^<-

Hamilton W. • MdMe, I.L.D., Presided-

Lllst or Speakers One Hundred and

Ktrtv Acceptances ' ' .



. 'amiual dinner t.f. the

('linr-tian A>M)iintioit of

wiif. held" at tlif New Park

iu-t Saturday t-veuinn,' »m\

Idjietlier ti larger nuiiibi-r of •

tieht fill/ens-lhau any pre-

Vi'iiis iliniier?- ' The '.. number | , , I M '

Usually U*t'ii l imits] to-l^>; hut Mr*,

i-h-tiyc-r i>t tin* Ne.w Park Houce waw

prt'Viiiltti •|ii;(»u~to-|ny-t'»>vern for HO,

this year. Kvt-n with the iner«oe it'.

wat. iurt>_!-ar.v to rt-fuM- n liirm.* tiuniliiT,

who wi're Inu* in F-fiiiliiiK iheir accepl-

u'ho had I it-en in the habit ofattending the annual dinner*, hnd nofvat of the Mieif. M of thiN.nnt', be-oiit',

that the high standard wonMin* iiiiiintiiineit.

For sevt-ral yeais it liii^.-et-med that

Ingli water murk hml been reiiche<l;

iiutthiJ. year's dinntTriii tht'charnettT

mid iiumbtT or tlie men prt-MMit, the

spli'iididjiiIdrt'i'ffH, the excel lent menu

provided l.y Alii.. Cleaver,, mid the

spirit of good fellowship, wan the I'i'st

yet. -

l-;t has tiftii truly remarked, that

ese.dinner'- art* really the only social

Kalherings of the

crested in the rclkmt-n deeply

where men of nil dviuniiinntiouH ean'oini- together in 'tin-" intert^t of 'thin

onderful Christian urbanization,wlik'li \» nut only II power for Vo*'d InSummit: hut is molding the liven (if

niiiiK nii;n ttie worldovt-r.

SfUtlcd at the KUt'stf''lal.U-, were

lHt|iiit'ui WrlKlit Mabje, I.L.I).,

Hon. Henry H. 1*'. MarKnrluiKl, oT

ViisiiiiiKion, !).<'., ('miiitiJMijoiitT «if

lie I>MrJel of Ciduinhiii, the IU-v.

Snimu-1 II . Martin, D.l>., piiKtorof the

ii\ci.ue Keformi'd Vhureh of

^Wlll iom- I). Murniy, K M I -

ire Prf-iHT-nl of the JijttTimtiiinal

i V . .M. C, AT," imifH It.

. Prenicltriit of the Sumtnit

l-rtdt-rlek W, Day,-. \'i«f-

f the Summit Association,

he Hev. Minol C. ..MorK»n, the Kev.

W. Warren (Jiles, L. K Hawkins,

Stnlf Stcrt-tary, ChnrU-s |{. Scott,

S.tiite.Seercl«ry for lmy>' work;- Acting

Mayor (.ieortrt* -I1'. 'Vrcclaud, Couu<-il-

nan Ituford Franklin and olhern.

Tlit-iiiemi cards which weredonatcd.

•y William Darling «»r ' tin- tlrm uf.

1. K. Ure te r were in the liewt form of

lie hitfh f,'rude IIKXIITII iirlntcr'n-nrt.

*oKi*tlier_w_itU the mi'iniL-ants, at i-aoh

w»t • n - w't-11 .. printed rand in--

littleToldef, "called "FactM in

about the AsMieiallon.

'lie facts were Kivt-'ii • under three

end*; vi/;\'Ah(1»iiilhe' \Vurkr 'f "About,

lit, Kquijimtnt," and "Ahoul the

en tit*,

Mahie presidi-d and iu'ted »s.-\n usiml, with liin .

nnd_ deiicatf tourhts of,t'tnirh- t'Vfrynui- fi-i.l—bJa


of the Cordlll«rn. roy-ami snow who.^e i]a&

On rVar SUIIMIHT iljiys, Chimboraznmay Ii'* s^rn. rising I'lJiOa feet abovethe lo'ui: chain**r+'d with U'rxzlhii;' winielH's-; IK intercepted bybinck lines foniMMl- upon "which iluisnow cannot L-athr-r. '

(luaynmiir eNporlK one-ihird of ih"

ujv(irifr.s_suiUib'-- °f cocoa. Ii Is raisedalfjrrj 'Thf CJiiawis Hlvr-r and its tril*u-tari'-s "and is the principal staple- ofCriinviUiuM. Ivory nuts, from whiciliniie lniitons of coninience. are Iliad/-,anv-i-xi'prted itr enormous quariTlttr™I'ai'amn hats, P1*) called, hecniiKP tlfyare. .dlMributed ,to the Tniteil Stat.-^taiHt-iJilurrtpo—l*fej-V.ty_ of the Isibini'sof Panaiiia. me mnnVifiictured in ih"Province of Mnnabi. .Tho lowlah'lsof tho coast also produce ' cinchonabark, from which we obtain quinlii"(Countess' of Clilnohon), rice,sugar, tobacco, rubber, ...ropnlvnnllla, Barsaparllla, fialt. petroleum,and cotton. It Is Interesting to noto

A-INS!"Adiance to buy at wholcsale'priprs. ... A1 bonifiedreduction of*33"l-3 per cent, on all caps

;CAPS FOR-ALL KUNPS QF WEATHER.$'2.50 Caps reduced to $1:62. .- * "

2.00- " lt " I.34 -• • * . . • ' | . 5 0 4t " " - L O O " . - "

G A U N T L E T G L O V E S F O R LADIES ^ - G E N T L E M E N3.00" )Gloves reclijced to~2. ; .00 ••

- ' " 2 . 7 5 ' " - |V.- ' "••'•"I-872.50 ; " " " 1.67-7^^ k2 00 '4 " " 1.34 —.-

, L 5 0 - ' 4t" '". " 1*00A wise person wilLtake advantage7of a REAL BARGAIN.


hurt. l ie. |.aid a hi^li tnhutc fo theliitt* Mayor, fi'corfjt* \Vile<ix, w h o m lie

*n'nl had lie en n 'mt -ml je r mid wi inn

•fririid uf Ihc-a^ocii i t ioi i - fur- ycurs,- its-wt-ll HS itnt* nf !(•• largest rmitrihuterH.

He ulj-o' culled uttfiiUoti • tu tht* fact

thiil thi '&IJev'NUr. W h i t e who h a s

ti^iiitlly lit-cn p r t - t l i t ;it the

wiirljiiiiililc to jittt'iTd. After

rmliiiK-MJiiit- <•! the «-li:tn_i:cf lliJit had

tJiktn" I 'luif •tiirim: t h e year* he in-

~Tr ; tro'Iui't-il Ihe IJcv. Ii:uiit-I I I . M:irtiii,

• * i J ' - J ^ ^ hti 'nfttT rinisldt-rulilt' huinor,—

J-'lifSvv :i tiiJItru tI'H-It-111 addr t ' - s i.n. t h e

• ; v.ihii' nf t h e :i«*oeiuli<>ut :i- a- meiilis (>f

* • ' pri-vfuii'iii. lit* >'pi>kf nl the niiTiTTTrrw—

_ J ; <i1 >l>'H:tr- tjutt »re -]>t*nt t-jtcli year to

•l i ' t invn-t and i'imi»h r r ln iu iu l -+ u* s ay

• : iMlltini: uf Hie -<irrti\v :ind shtiinc

^ J fiiu-t-d hy their i T i i n o ; and (Siinpared .-

' • j it withvjtlit- tt-hitivfly -mul ] amo( in t r

* J tl'iut i- -j'Cii'tfor Hie urt-al work of t h e '

* lii.-ui'iiiiiiiii. in j'R-vvntiiif; crimt1. Ani l ,

•—.nut itiily-in prt'vt-iit'iiiK criint1; hut in

*.'•': tiujld-uii; i*f mituly ( ' l i r i - l ian charac te r .

4 I Mr. .Mullit- next iutrodiictt)

* [ W ilii;im I >. Murray , vi i ( - | i re^idenl of

• tlif liiteriiatioijiil ( 'K'ninittct ' ^ ' . -M.

J ! ('. A . \s ht» spolit- OIJ Hit- -tihjtv't " O u r

-.•J. Lliiv-. \ 1'ti liian'v w h o have thon^-U^-.

• uf the.'I•*•>'?•'_ Wi-rk a-lifiiiK 011 i_y of .

#"T~t-ct'iuhiry ini] ortahctr, Mr—Murray'H

• l a d d r f > - « a - a' eoiiiplvte rt-Vflatiou.

• f l i t- -liowt-d . mtJiunte iic«'|iuiintaiice

J J with hi?-Mil'jtvt, and a profound ttiul'J.-lt-itriiv.-t convict uui tliat. the boy a' work• I i not only, m>t of Weuudary import- '* ' uucV.' but -that it is--of tir>t iuiporlahcc;

(Contiuntd on Page Foar.} . ,.

Page 2: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie





- — • . -- -if1 OFFICE nouns ({•{SS/1S*

Qt&co tloura: Sundays, 9.3o to 12 m&sit to 12 m.; 1 tos.3op. m.

. IJ.lt yDENTIST,• •- 001 co and rosldaace. ' ,

4Qi SprfafUeM A*e. Summit, N. JOrer Taylor's Drugstore.


VETERINARIAN.Graduate American Vot«rlnaryCol]ofc,Now York City. OQce anj Roaldoncs:

. \- 4O8 Mprlaffield Avenue,

Opposite Boulevard, - SUMMIT, N.J,



736-738 Broad St., NEWARK, N. J.

Monday .VTliur*J:iy P. M. liy'Appointment

OSTEOPATH:American Onteojutttilc Association[Gr t i j i tL t rN Y .. KoL,|ety..

52 Deforest Av., Summit.


. General Contractor. All.. kinds Jobbing done. . -

•107 PARK AVE-. SUnniT N. J.,••• . 44-fifll

ChTropodtst, .Manicuring, ScalpTreatment, Shampooing.

TatroiiH A( to ml cd ut their It<-'»Mt*ici.-)>xu[>-l t . OrriL-E HOUIL-*; i»to3.

485 Spingfleld AT., Summit/N. J.iyi-cni

We back every shoe that goes out"of this store with a uaran'tee of good-

_, neus resting on a reputation of nianvyears making1.

You know, that if a jhoe we•isn't right that we make it'right. Wecouldn't back poor shoes with such aguarantee. Wouldn't stay in* bust.ness loti£ if we did.

Have you seen our $ 3 , O 0 ' " ' e c '

Men's Shoes,in Calf, Box Call and Vicr-K.id-- 11.double or single sole ?




Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evenlnservice at 8 o'clock- Details of tomorrow'H service.-) in another ColumnSnnduy'flcLool ot 9.45 o. m. Wedneadayj evenfn^ -prayer - meeting ato'clock.

. EAST SUMMIT CHAPKL.y -school nt 2 p. ui. Epworth [service nt 7 p. tn. Preaching

by KenMTT' MacDowell, at T.W p. m.l l T

at 7.4."» p.m. Junior League—meetingWednesday at U.15 p.m. Class me«titif,' Friday at 7.U0 p.m., followed byBible Class at H p.m. -

FIKST HAITIST CHUKCH.The Rev. W. Warren Giles, pastor.

Preaching services at l la.ui . and 8 p.in. Christian Endeavor prayer meet-ing at 7 p.nl.;'mid-week service -onWednesday evening at H o'clock; Sun-day school.at 9.45 a.m., Theodore F.Van Dyke, superintendent.

.- .NEW HAPTIST CHUKCH.Evangelical Lutheran services _will be

held every first and third Sunday oftbe month, at U.15 p. m—- Germanpreaching first Sunday and 'English thethird Sunday. All cordially welcome

-CKNTItAL l*RESUYTEftIAN' CUUHQH.The Rev. Minot C. Morgan, paHtor.

Sabbath services: Public worship 11a.m. and 8 p.m.; Sabbath school. 9.45a.m.: meeting of. Christian EndeavorSociety, 7 p. in. <;uiid'week'service, Wed-nesday at S p.m.!

CALVAKV CHUKCH.Calvary chnrcb, the Rev. Walker

Gwynue, rector; the Rtjv. .Eugene N.Curtis, assistant. Sunday services. 7.U0and 11 a. in. Evensong with sermon 4.IJ0[».ui,.. On-'.H.rnt Sunday of~ inpntti-_!M5im. MatiiiH with" catechiziug.' Sunday

school 9.40H.IU. Wednesday 4." Q p.ni.;Fridaynud Siiufa days, 9 a.m.,.

CHRISTIAN .SCIENCE.' •Stir vices are held every Sunday at

IT'it. in. AIHO a ttMtlmoniat and ex-ieuiie meeting every. Wednesday

evening ut H.o'clock.' First NationalBank Huildiug. Room Xo. - . Suu-day Hcliuol ut JJ.IK) a. ni. Headingroom open dully from- li to iVexeeptingHunduyH. The nubile are cordiallyn.vited.-

• rXITAlllAX SKHVU'KS. ..Unitarian Hervices—odd- Fellow's

Hall, Huuday evenings, ut 7.4").SWEDISH CHUKCH,

The Swedish Evangelical LntheranSalem church. Morrirnivenue. Serviaeeevery Suuduy at li.'M p.m.

Service will lie held at Fountain Bap-let church, each Sunday at 11 a. in.iml S.:j<> p. in. ChriHtiuu Endeavoruieeting<at 4. p. nt. •










375 Springfield Aye., Summit:

OF WONDERFUL. ' O u r Hhuwiiii; of Kmter J*'welery

•which includes about everythinic whiclitbo Kt-'Ueriil '^ood -ilrf-->t'r. liuly or

.^eiitlmunn wonlii desire.'Kttch year tu-t't* inun1 or (Jift -reinem-

'lirunces fur tlie i'uHter neuron, we arebetter prepared tlian i'verLti). nieeileinand.


Represents the leading

Foreign and AmericanInsurance Co's.

Office Opposite Depot.

New York Office*:';- ••_LifeBTd. •

141 Broadway, "Summit' '-it.N. Y. 4<»3;iCortlundr.

•Tel •I

New Fire Proof StorageWAREHOUSE"


KJflcHEMZIE ^ ERB,Interior Decorating

&~tleneral ^afnting


Wall Paper, Window Shades Painte,

RAILROAD BILLS PASSMeasure Providing Railroad Com-

mission Put- Through, House.


House Acts Favorably on Measure toPermit PrizeBill Through



[Special ConTrout on. Marvh 2S.—Then? was scarce-

ly an idle moment at this week's ses-sions of the legislature. Both housesworkedI as If determined to clear "upthe mass of business that bad accumu-lated, and tbe committees of eachbranch irave many-hours-to hearingsph'important Mils'that have l>een pre-sented in the legislature.

Attorney General Attacked.As-ifiiiblynKin Tumulty Monday night

bitterly arraigned Attorney General It.H. McCarter fur. actively enKagingrliithe pnlvtic* of law In tbe interests ofcoritorutious. - Mr. Tumulty spoke inadvocacy of house bill No.' 40. designedto protilbit tile attorney general of the.state from accepting retainers as theIe;al 'representative of corporationswhose interests might be antagonisticto'those of the state during his termof otuVe. 'Republican Leader-Barberopened an attack ujwin, tbe Hudson as-semblyman, in which he declared thathuman nuture is just tbe same today asIn the days nf oM, when I>emostht>iH\s

ctaiimil tii;it the public was everready t>/applaud denunciation and- in-vective.- He sturdily defended tbe char-acter .aiul. ability of Attorney GeneralMcCurter aud held that the exereise ofhis otlirial position could In nowise af-fect his i-ouiluc-t of his office in tbe In-terest of tlw state and. that tbe presentIncumbent of (Jie office was above sus-picion hi thru rfsptvt.

Alexander of Hudson, said, all per-sonal questions-cotiliOn; cast aside intills mailer since it Involved a.sim-ple principle. The justice of the su-premo court, the chancellor, .and. vicechancellor, he said, are not permittedto practice law. their salaries are no

*Ki?r tliau that of the attorney gen-ii, ami no better lawyer is required

for the latter office than for the placeson the bench." 1'ake.' Itepublican, of

•ro'ii. ami" Sullivan. l>em<HTat, ofHudson, sibtkc iu favor of the bill,which was passed by a vole of Z'2 to111. evt-ry I>tMii'KT.it votius for It andl-'abe jitiiitng them;-; ',

The spring elect Itid-hillr house No.2*J.%, was ptfssf*! by Hue liou>e Tnosilay


D. K., aged 39, employed as engineer in an Ohiofactory, was caught in a broken belt while at workand whirled around a shaft to death.

Two dayst before, he had insured for $1,000, inThe PrudentiaF. ^THe Company paid the beneficiary$1,000, for which it had received but $32.86 inpremiums.




High Grade Lehiglr and. Cumberland, Coal.

OFFICE:— ~~ ~Z "•' •

Post Office Building.'

Bond mo.k>lrftki'U'!i or nt:otaotiiivtiiUunIotfnjoreport on rau<ntal>IHtv. t"cr free book,

I nAUc-

pposltorO. S. Patent OfficeWASHINGTON D. C.

afternoon after boiui; defeated by avote of 'ti to '«S iu the morning. Whenthe nu-asiirv was-resurrected in theaftorh'Mtn. it was passed by a vote of31 to US.'

(.(Ovonmr Stokes' liasli>re Strong as a nuMiilierpftlie stateIxmri'l of assc>s<>rsT -A^OIr. ,i>was a-former senal»«f*nis apiK>inttnentwas itnnfcdint^ly'con tinned by tbe sen-tite. lty i fcmic this action GovernorStokes, "revived the pledge of Mr.Stnms that lie will retire from politics.This lias pleased the opponents of Mr.Strong in Middlesex, aud lliey willnow miitf witli tbi? rosulars.- - •

The-bill hy Mr. Halm wlil.li permitsprize tights iu this state In duly organ-ized clubs now in existeiuv \va«v'pussodin the limise. l-liqht ounce slaves c-anonly -U* ustM and a lEmitod nnml-er ofrounds provided for.

Railroad Commission BiJIs.Tlie-" liiMisf passed the Wricht rail-

road ciniiinissii.n hilt for the re^uhLt-of rallrn;iils. The vole was mM to

2-1. all tlie .l)eui>H-rats votiUR for tbe)I1I "as.'welliis a tnnnter of RepubtlcV

nns. .The- act ctvate's a railroad com-mission, to lie tMoytotJ • by the .people,,which wilMu'ive much power over rall-

'Uie. ii>mmlssion.cr$-can enterany railroad yard or olllee. compel theproduction of any book or record, can

"rates und-do almost the workof railroad tlirtH.-tors. Tbe house hasalso—1 ci-t^ed^t hrrc—i>f-tho^To^m] HTaTFbllH. Those were also carried1 thnniKh>y a PiMiiocmtic vote. Oiie of them,

nouse No. tM^_iu:ikes It a jH-nalty ofa railmail t.o cbarjre more

than the rate'. HsiM for fr»'Isbt l»y the.Torrrrm'isi.iu. uinl a- second on*t*nsL* al-lows the eoiunTission" to' seet. the an-,nuluient "6'f~fh"l' r;NjE|.ud-i-!(art»T. Au-otluT liill Is house•1Ni?.'...'?ri,r \niic7imakes - m.iiidatory the placing «f-

aiul sidings n,«:ir pni|>erllesof'.sipptli-auts. a iK>nalty-of-Sl.l^1>1 1H>HHIprovided for nonc-mipIianVe with this

'provisi-Vu:'' A tlilrd l>ill, hofist? No. 313;provides for tli»' appointing of a • re-ceiver f..r a r:4in»ad lty the chancellor,upon c.i>iii|>l.-iiiit of tlie roil£>>ail eoin;mission (Iiat [is orders 'h;cv<* KN-II «le-fted. Tlicrm was c>ns:d,>r.il'le «jol>;iteon tho- liill-*.—-— . ;

Direct Primaries. . • ••• Tin' si-iiate pa's^sl iviliy*s-tlh»vt pri-mary me:i>ur.\ which makfs Uw\,wardinst'eail of tltl* •flstriet^thii_._uiiii forc'hvMins d.-I.'i;;ite~ to con.vent!<'ns, <hy avoti' Ml" 11 to S. The debate on (lu> l.illcontltinotl for aliiu»s(,jhr;ee hotvrs., •

(iMvrimr Sil'ikf-* bus" si-ncl h'Mi-cI'il! No. 2tH.T..v ytr. TutMitir-'-pr&icii-iiii-.

• Cn>rizos ttie city clerks iu lirst class; cities to hire siich assistants as may be! needed and to rH'tho-sukiries of clerks1 so hir<"d. Another section of the newi l:nv inakos iiiaud;it«try oa' t'he boards ofj finance' to provide the moneys for the"I piiynicnts of. salaries of cVrks so ap-| pointed."1

j _<irnfi*iinr Stakes M'lit a message tobotli holies ctMiciTniiii ttie ct»ncurrenti-i>w.thitinii ^iiir^.^tinj: that tlie . U'gi^la-turi' MiaII. not mljouhi sine ditViutil allMlU pat-iM"- sjtati—^ln^• '-N'•>•a~l^—thi*~nnv,»ru ir's ha(i1*~"aT"*TSist live days.

. ' • . • • / - • , ' " • . • : " " »


overnor '.stokes pnowea trie, lm^ossi-hllity and Iiiipracticnbility of hlft sign-

= u majority of "the bills pustsed" iulive liii'ys. The povcrno'r salt! he was

rferity willing to give more than theusiiiil li'iiirs regnrdi-d as a working dayto tin-. rousfiU'ratiuii of nil ineiisuresI»:issvd by tin* regisljitur*',' but he de-•laii'il lie rnnuiit perform physical im-K.ssiliilitirs. -At the j?nd of tlie ses-Jon last yenr,. the gnvernofsaid. Ire•ccrivod J»iO bills .liml stated the Inteli^rnl reading of tlint iiilinlK.*r of -bills

wuiild at least i«kc n iiKuitli. Afti'iiwins the insuniclent time Jive, days

would give fin- tlje codsiileration of theMils tlie governor said:. "Such metisnvt't as 1 bad lioen unalile to considerit the pxpirntinn <»f tbnt periodshould he cniup«!lL'd lo return-to youYiTiTimtTTi'y ap"in-i>val. I could not l»?r-nit them to become la>vs by default,rrt-oulil suggest."Therefore, that if tinf^slature-wnnts. to -preserve its righto consider vetoes It ninke such a r r a n tnci\t, an will eimlilo tlie executive andhe lawmaklng !xnly to work togethervilli mutual convenience to this eml:".

Following'this messnge n concurrentcsidutlon w;is ji<]opt<'il to have anitlco from tin* house undhe senate cojiiVr with thegrtv-ernor asn the date of sine die luljournmeut.

For Sund^yoaaeball.As«(pmBl.vniaw'Aiexuudrr**of Itiulson

siv:ured thiKlWonsIilerutidu of tbe votiby wUidi the Daab Sunday bnseluillhjJKu-as defeated lnst week,

i t came up for final passageI»:i:ih wiid severiil members who hailpreviously voted agn instil lie. mensuribad giiliifnl n new idea of It aiul nolonn-r oppnerdit. The hMI passt'd by"ii'votf-^i'":!^ "to i;i."

Tlio senate pn-wd the llDliso bill ox-t.Mnling to veterans of tin* S]iaulsh-Anierican war the tenure of oilice act,vrliifh nnw applies to> civil war vet-ennis. ""•• . .

Iu executive session .Moiulay nighlI IK* sennit* received from GovernorSt.ikes the toljowiug appointments:County jnd^e nf Ocean. Mujor Leonllorry, who.jit ]>rescnl lives in Tucker-ton, but will move to Tqins_Itjyor, thecounty seat,of Qcenn.-ami,.hia—sclei'fion. with the ronppolntnieiit of Prost(t-utof TliiLodore J. K. Hrown. who wasnaineil last week, Is believed to haveclawed the iiolint-al atmosphere in thatcounty; I'alisades'interstate park-cbtu-iiiis.i;iuu._Katlian; t\; Biirnett;. somersetcounty tax board. I*. X. I>, vnu Doren,,\ewtou .11. Smalley and Stewart A.Kenny;, state- boahl of education,""T.D'Oonnor ".T-iliinnr— diaries- E.~ Sucdamand .Kdwiird Ituss. '. The liist-uamcilwere confirmed under .a-^suspension oftbe rules, together with lhe.se. memher*.. Of .t.ho Sussex county, tax boardnamed lust work:'Henry (—Iliinr.rick .1." Dolan and -Andrew J. van

Itla'rcoin. _ -. —. . Civil Service Pastes.

The sounte pnssoil^HioTColliy civilservice bill hy a- vole of IS to y, SeniPtors I"<j'IIn^liuysen, tjhinu and Hand

Krvlinghuyse.ii led the'oitijck ou-MHurHMil..tiaiuiinjijiiat.lt wiis uiTcaifetfTorand .would _\onr to'put Into cffpfti—iwtMUrtr Colbydenied Ibis, saying that the cost wouldnot exceed ?.".ri.«*Kl. lie cliilmeU. tlmlto eliminate politics from public oilicewould be worth that amount and more.*.Vv-niiiendcd in the senate the Colbyhill-applies only to the state service

"'to lirst cl:is"s cltics_aiul firjit'clrtsscomities (Newark und Jersey Clty^iudHudson and Essex counties). In theseplaces pliysleiinis. tencliers niul Inlwn--ers in puhlii- position are-elliiiiiiiltedjfrom tlie/t"ivjl;fitn-ire reirulatlons. Themeasure goes' to; the bouse, where itwill nr/>bal»ly l>i> jmssed. altnouph asimilar ;neasiire is now iK'uding there.t The house detected the_ two-iupil:ii.-a-cnl" bill, a inensure which has been

ii up regularly for a nuiubor_uf.. It was shown tllilt tJ S bill as

ifrawn wontil IK* a det.rfnient ratlierthan a-benMit t«> the traveling pul'Iic.arid it lecetveii only six votes.

^ III** Jiiiis^pa^vf-d bywere tin* follnM-ii^^Vxtablishment of'a consumptiveum a t I-akcwood; forhlddjni:ployment of boys under lir^ty

i»roliM-tini; oysters Iuwoodecrk

the housethe es-anitari-

i\n> Ctn-Iu bak-

nnritanbar; coniinin rthe months of. October. November'Peooinber: extendln-j-ttn? ju\m,>n forcati'Iifiii: trout: rt'.iulrjni* nonresldeutsto take out a license for calculus"trout.

HIVEfNow Jersey's

Shopping Centre. NEWARK.

uslinwear.S U P E R B COLLECTION—Handsomely trimmed, novel' de-

signs; some extremely simple, others most elaborate with richembroideries, dainty lace and attractively, combined with rib-bon—at prices just as interesting as the garments!


Three imilfour pieces, noue morebeuntiful; trimmed with,"EriKlish orblind embroideries; also pretty luce;nil ribbon finish; $5.98 to 166.


Sheer iminsopk, fine cambric aiulheavy mnalin. low ronud ueck. withluce ami embroidery; mir-ilice andhigh neck, with good embroideryand tucking; 50c to 37.95


KiiiiiRpotc mid cambric front audbuck yoke of ullover effect, >\TIthpretty luce and embroidery insert-ing:* und panels, remarkable variety

, 2Sc.to 12.98

CHEMISESSheer nuiusook, prettily.triinme.!

front und back with embroidery itmlluce, combined with ribbon, rutlle.ut bottom, lace triuimed:' 59cto 24.98


• Nainsook, cmnbriu and heavyinnaliii, elubonitely or simply trim-med with pretty lace, K<x>d embioiiKery. hematitched rtiflle, al.«o pliiiuheni and tucks; 25c to -22-°5

, SKIRTS : .

Beautiful oreutions of lace muiembroidery in very liuudsome ile-8ij;na, deep flounce of entire Jjice,some in novel -detritus, mimy witliextra deep embroidery: 98c to $6"

And Exquisite Hand-Made French Muslinwear.FRENCH NIGHT GQWNS .

ami low round neck,i ,escalloped embroided tun] luce trim-uied; novel designs; $2.76 to 39.95


Endless variety" beimtifnlly lmiideiubtoidered . ..aud- eaealloped -aouie.combined with "Val luce; otberahave luL'^trinimed or band, esciil-loped'ruflle, »t bottom:._." . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,..-. $1.50 to 15.98"


Nainsook full front, bund em-broidered, baud eacnlloped neck'undnrmholes,; some. hiiniL embrpidered

ilT7^TT$n50 1 0 8pto 10.98,


Nainsook trimmed with circularflouncen, many novelties, baud eiirbroideretl and luce t r immed: . . . . : . .. . . „ ; •. $1.98 to 16.50


.- Nainsook and percale; -.nouie.-. withtwo bund eacitliojjfitl imtl einbroitleilllbnuces: othera with one""deep"'I'tf-culnr flounce embroidered -itud - !»>**'"Uiimued; . . .."..'. $2.98-to.48.(10.


Night (jowns.biuul pmitro'id'ereyi and

$la.-98 to 63.00

Daily Wagon Deliveries to Summit and Vicinity.Soutli-bDund TroHeyCacsirom Lackawanna -Station-Fass-Our-Dom-

—t __ ._. ^. . .~. . . .. _ -

' ;- T. B. MILLER COMPANYSuccessorto George \/ r Muchmore

Lumbeis^Coal, atuLJVtasoris1 MaterialsSasli, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Trim, Etc^f Pl«,iu. aud'

.••;• Fuucy Brick; D'raiu Tile. Estimates Furuished ou allkiuds of Buildiug Materials.- Best Grades Scrantou,

"i, American and English Cannel Coal. • " . . • *

Branch Office, Opp. Dep:t; . Yard, Park Avenue, Summit,TELEPHOXE CALX, 29



Tol. Connection. 69 UNION PLACE.

. . . . j U r ^ D f i l l \ Progressive, up- to. - Tc «|IW|11 n t K H L I / , Contains all the news fit

to print. ..If you want to keep lnformed-as to local happeniuga voncan do than read it."- Subscribe now;. '.$1.50 per year.

Page 3: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie

, S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H ;"]*), WOT.

Sett*:r' CiSar. Values at Lower PricesThan Ever SoldrEefor.e

• •

& Dtrect'deallng Plan That Cuts Out-• Sour Profits and Much Expense •

of the wayjhe National Cigar' Stands save the smoker money ~Here's a full, plump Perfecto, made by hand of selected sccd-and^Ha^na leaf. It is just such a cigar as is sold in the

average cigar store at 3 for 25 cent.s ; a fragrant, mild, smooth combination t^plenscs more smokers thanlny other" clasps ofcigars known to the trade. This is its name and label—both will be famous- ' • *

Its price, (in Perfecto or Bouquet tUe) is.


This 3 for 25-cent quality at 6 cents is a good example of the result reached by this combination of 2,000 drug store cigarstands into a#single, compact, powerful buying concern. It cuts out profits and expenses that have heretofore nearly doubledthe cost of cigars. National CigarStands now give the same qualities often at /w#" what they used to cost, always lor less.O t i d i n g C a s t l e s a fine clear Havana cigar of

usual 10 ccnte quality .' . ' . . .

• L o r d C a r v e r i highest, type of" popular Havana-.1 a "-'; nlled, Sumatra-wrapped cigar, the best ever

. 6 c

at... ; ' . . . .3 for- 2 5 cAd&dt a first-class domestic cigar, presenting superior

.workmanship ,'.,7 fOP 25cC u b a - R o m a t rich', choice Cuban-grown leaf,"quality

- seldom seen at S for 25 cents . , £ c

Idttl ittt splendid clear Havana, of perfect work-manship 3 for 25c

Flo** d e M a d r i d i very choice quality of chir _jHavana in fine sizes. 17 shapes.'.is'a snmpleof which take the Perfecto Grande^ a 3 iorCO-ccntjcigar at , 2 for 25c

E l Cixx'VQjali superb imported Havana line, finesttobacco and workmanship to be had at anyprice. Ninesizts. Note especially the Pane-tela chica l O c

LUM & SHIPMANSuccessors to


Builders and Contractors,AndGeneral-Jobbing Carpenters.


Phone No. 236. _?

"SEAMAN L WRIGHT.- Buildingiontractor. j12-14 Bank St., - —^Snmmit,.N, j ;E Furnished. " '

• « H . 1 M

in nil brniicileiTUnrpenterWork.v , •' . . .

OF WILLIAM F. I1AILEY.* -!.>•K d. rursuaut to tli<>onItT<>f G^rc i 1

TTTarrot. Surroi;nt«' <>f the County of- I'm-m.iiiiult* on ttm ni> plication <>f tin* uiKloMirnt'il.vxt 'eutr ix of tin 1<1 ilrcL'nst'tl. untioi- is lu*ivt>yiiivcii to tho credito!>'•'•( wild deoi-a^vil t-» i'X-_lilblt to tho Hiibscriln'r u n d e r n a t h oriifllrimi-tlon t h e i r c la ims nml thMniuuL*^iK.iin*l tlii-

j t n t j n n l J . ( l L T . r v i t mfrom Uif twt'iity-tlftli iliiy of .January. r » i . <irthey will be fon 'ver l iartvd from pro^-f i i t im:nr r e c o w i l i i c tin.- s a m e ficulti*<t tin* Mili-erit.-e r ' ISAUKLLA I!. ItAILEY.l*-2G K.\fiMrtri.\.

SHKltlFF'K SALK-Iti 'Clmlu-.Ty \,t N.-wJersey. ISi-twt'i'ii Mary Oiikl.-y. nun-

I'liihiatit, imiLAtiolphu- Sihliu-r ••( ux.. »K-fcndiuit*. Fi fn. (.irwiN* of mnrtirac'il |.r«-iu-I H P ! + ; • : '• • . - - • • • : _ • - • " . . • • - : - .-• - - : - • •

Ily v i r tue of tho aliove ^Ijitfil wri t <>t fl>*rlfnciiis to nu> llri'cttMi. I cliali fxi'ii-i* fur ;»1<-

"Iiy |iul)Hi' vPHihi*Mittli('Sticriir**ofllr;i-. in tli"i-lty ofiKHzubiith. N. J. . <mWEDSKSDAY. THE KKVF.NTKKTII DAY

• OF AP1EIU VM7-.111 tilt' ii[t.TllT»".|l-nf v;ii,l il»y,nt two

all U y t ^ va m i f i r c in l t i ' r t h c r t ' l n a l t c r i r jCTIIILMI, s i t u a t e l y i n c ft tu t Itt'l i n ; .iii t l it y <>fH u m m t t r t n t h o c n i i n t y u r t * n i " H a m i " S l a t " ."f


Practical -~~. Plumber,

3tsarnand__Gas Fitter,

•i'i a:Miafit-et iron worker : : . :

promptly at'tcnded~tocheerfully given.

..22 Manic Street, " Summit.


, Make 515toS?0aWeek

• • '•yceninirordersforfmrfnmoiiBTc«i, Colfecs,luidaff Powder, E«-I r «Unni l Spites. Handsome p rc -fems or coupons with every pur-' U v e ; charges paid. Forfullpar-

-iiemars about Jh l j "ad" addressTht Great Aanrfctn Te* Co.. —

S-3 ' Vti ty St., New York.'N. Y

N c w . J o r t ) :Jtcit i imliurut a iiftint in thpfii-itfr.lv lin«' of

a I'mnlii: ••treft known a-*(il*'tnvo<t*l i'J:n-i*.ili--taut t l i rec liuiilln-il ft'ft ^mtl i ' - r lv fn-m-th . 'coriiiT riirmt.'d liy Ui*1 intcrsi'i.-tnni >'f tin1

' souther ly ciilt' of S|>rlni;ll''M nV'-lnn* :itiJ Un*'easterly i<U- of Cilifiiwooti |ila<if1:tln'in-*'s">iiihflKlity-(i>ur<l«;i;re<'s l o r t h - l l w m i n u t t - t-a-tef«hty•'•**• von ii-i't (iinl''l(*litfi*n |iHii'lrt'<Uh»of

f th t h T l l l l t" -ai'lj.ef«hty* von i i t ( (A foot: thciK't> stiuthi'tTy iintl lC i l l plnc»> 'Mf.ty-ffft: thfiH.-

l i h h t l H i ift 'i 'tunil twenty oii ' '-liiiinlii"lth-, ' , ' \ " itin1. eaHUsriy Mile'"fVniriu nf siii'i 4il»n\vi'mip lace ; tiiem-i* nor ther ly al 'mi; tie- • I ; I -NT1Vline df-nli|,(;|r«tn\-'iiiinitiic.'. K.)(n<'tiriFurnnId s t ree t . Ilftr d-et t<> ill

' A k i a l i t t i e ' r i ch t . title :wnl int.-r.--t --f Hil.ftrti.1-i'f t in- l l r - t curt in ;ui<l tn -;ti<MiwooiLijti.t!ii-In,.rrLlllI. " I tin* |>r.'mi-'••;- ;i

Subject to the c'lMivt-niirii-* ini'l" r---rii'.-!i"ii-ci.iitallK'il 111 the il I "f -iit'l l-r..|,.-m- (r-'inL O U I M ' ( t . ( i fc r to t h e ,-iiM .Ii-lin ]idated MIIITII 2-J. \'."». und r nl.-<L i r r j i l i - ;..niuf i.ttfi. ' Clerk . . ( - r n i . t n I'-miif. —i*tU<^.-^mii ' l ilay i'f 3Iny. l'.«>l, hi I ki'ii i>i(i.''>—.

'I'll" ITi'IllI

Joseph YorK Jr-431 Springfield Avenue.

Rubber Garden Hose 9c lo 17c per ft.Lawn Mo*era . SJ.OO to $10 25.Garden Rakes - 20c to 75c.

W i r e c l o t h , { m i n t e d P e a r l

an i l Tifi j ierial •Bronze ; •••-•-

Poultry Netting,Fountains,':


Hardware /-•• . • ' . ••- - - a n d ' - , - : - . . . _ , . ^

_ Housefurnishirigs^

The Hernhl ntltce 1H open .fnun 7.JHa.iii., to (I p. in., every wacktiiK <liiyext;t'])l Siiturday, wiien' H 'closet* at1- noon * -


t-d liy t i n ' I*'>iii NX Hi C ' lHi i r l l <•[ t l i u , (,'it)l l i n i i i i t fr*'in * I ' . in . t<> H.:w> p . m . . o n

TriSDAY, Al'iUI; I'rui: iwa. "l»-iii-d »t tin- lii'-t naiiiL'il hour , at a [nili•"tilii: <<l til '1 Mild CnMillliin Cnuiicil to IK

I Ii.-Mat HIM m i d tliiu*-Jit-tin* City Hull. In thtCity nf S u m m i t :• K<>r tin* (•(>tii*tnnitlon nf a 4-f'***t ff'tiH'iii-irlfWftlk I'll till' Wi'ft -Itli* nf Ilnlilirt llVfllllttr«>iii Whittn'dh'opliii ' t ' t i> HiilL'i' rnad. •_

T h e w o r k ("• ' t i^ist- - l i i ^ r i in i l ^ l i I i i iE . l iU . i i in-th.' |ini-

l t t I m i t t t m i l t jlt'''""filillJt-J* w l t l l t i l l - [itillM Illlil • ipoctlt l i . - r t - r . i r . . n llt.> ill t l m •.•ni'.'» " f tU'i C i t y K n -liiii'rr.1 * ' •'• "

I Th.' ai>|>i'i\iniiit<- iiiiiuiilly "f .wnfk to In;i< l " i i f I - : . '

:I.**"'I Miinir t- ft-i-t tif (.•••nit-lit i l i l f w i i l k i tuft\ wi.l.-.- ' - ' .I : u i l i ^ t nt (•••nifiit f i i r l ' . i n ' - i i n i l i n r i i l l t c r i i i l i n i :i m i ' l I - V . - H U L ' i . f sM. -wi i lk !<•!- I t - i - m i r i ' wi<Itli .

N o l.i.l wi l l t»- <-<iii*ji|.T'-i| i i i i l t ' - . I I I I K I C " i i. p r i r i m - a n i l i i n l * - 1 r i i r i i N l n ' i t !>>• t in - C i t y K n -

[- t ' i i v . ' | i . | , . . . in-.ij...[-|y i - i n l ' T - f l w i t l i t l i . - m u n i -,v<>ftln' l i i t]i | i-r i i t i ' l "f 111" iiM|>r"\ '-rn>-Nt. a m i• i l i n c t . ' i l t o t in - C i u i i i ' i i . n C ' - D I M - I I "J H K - C i t y1

l.KUOY A. (ilHUY. S..1V...Mar. ltit-l K1>.1 MVI SH.

i.will i ' i i '-- In w

423 Seringfiejil AvcA Iiir^e store tuuT n"'Iin'P.

of Confections und other yo

"••Our Wilson-: iiiukfliveries daily. . '

:.£l\ "flavor!*Water Ices. •"•

U*e - .Cr-utJi KII>1 '

Caramels? H -iifcialty.i;ivV-»b«rr« trial. . (

s Sundays

We will do tillPLtTIUINQ REPAIRS, ' in 'tbe way they «lion]<l lit? tloii*-.

If yoii are building, let IIH (inure nnthe Plmiihiiitf, onr t-Htiiimtf will

HENRY KLOCKS1N,Plumbing, Tinning and Metal Working

. Uolon Plafe, Summit, N. J.

Advertise in 4h'e HERALD.

w- l l ( i - in I uAll w i . i k r r f i - i r i ' i l t o in tlii-i i i - . t i . - - m u - t !,.•

v j n i i ' l ' - t i ' . l o n . . r f . ' f . . | . . ( t i - ' l l i - l . l i iy r - r . l u l v ,I v.->',. l l j . l . l c r s i n u - l - i ifv t h a t t h ' - v wi l l

l.iii ' l t l i . I H - . ' I M - - - t . . . , ' . , i i i i J j ^ i x _ i i i i i r W o i t r 1 i r—i i i< l t i••" T h > - p l a n - ; i in i l —i iriffitJ*«i»- i.r t i n ' r.-iirk

••fin I x - u i i l n . - l ;it ih>* - . m - ' - i . f t h e C i t j : J l n - .i ; l i i ""T . u t tli-- " "iiy II.i11. . S u m r n i t .

Sul r l | . r ' > f " = : i ) ^ i i t u - t I.I- )i'-i-i>n|('iini"<t >iv Hi '-— m - i - n t in w r i t ink* "f tw<. - . i i n ' t i ' - o r ii - u p ' t y' • - •n i l •any ' in i i l i ! ! ' • ' ! t " ' [ . . t u i - i n . ' - s i n ;t i .- S t / i t i -

- . • [ N - w . l i . - i - ) . . . r :i f - r t l i l ' - d '-I k . . r '•iA-tifi>r s i i - r i---nt "f tli-- —a -—•( -». I a n n > u n t "f'\i-- I . i i j . wU" - t n i i ' . ;>t t l i - - l i n n - of | . u t -

T T r i i f • !> ' - , i i - . > | i i a i n y u - r r r t h " t r ~ n ^ "i t y m tli<- in i n t <-f -U"li r r " | " . - ; i | .

t - t u t l t l i - n i - . - l v " - - t l m t i f t i n - ' n j j i t r ; « ' - T >•••i l - i l t o t i l " t ' T V,-li*' 'I j " T - ' i T | s I l l i l k i l l l J t l i . r

I T - ' I ' — a t . t h . - y w i l l . iri:">ii i i t ' f f i n f - t t n v a n l ' - i l ,.1 • ' i i n - l i i - I ; I t l i . - i t - - u n - t y f o r t i n - I i i i t J i f u l .

T n r . - o f - ; i i< l w o r k . 111J• I t l m l . i f t i n -i — i - v n i n - p i - , i - o n - • ' • l m r o r ' f [ n - < - t o >>xi<i-ut i -

- u - l i tniLt:~! l i**.* ;-»' i l l !•'••>• ' " " " • r i | v " f

Sin-uni t nny irfTl-' i 'Ti '- '1 i" ' tw.-.-n t l i . - K U I I I « i n\vjii>-ti Ii<> o f . i ln-v w.nil.t I I I I V I - I..-.-H••'.Mitith-il

• n i ' f i i i •fttitu.li-ti.-n^TT t in- c"i i t l .1 i '1 t . i i rn l t l i i i t- ^ v ' i i t J j j j j , . Uit j-xif-^'HM in i t n i ; iy (.•<• ol.l i.-.-.l t . ,1 | .IV t l i - P I T - H I or J..-1-oii- l.y w l f . j n - t i i : I i i-f>]l-

f i ; i ' - t -h . i l l I x . - i i t . - ' l . u .T l i " O'Minm'n Cnui i r - i l« f t h f C i i y o f Sr in in i l t

. i . - - .T \ . - to t l u - m - h ' - - t l . " r l c ' i t to ii'-i-''i>t mi-ji-.-t nny i . r i ' po- . i ! - f..r t l i -- n l - .M- i v u l . ' , a-t l i ' -y r imy if.-t-til l - - t lor t in - i n t - i - ^ l - nf t l i -

: c - i i y . • •i> I J i r l i ] . . , - ^ ;U)'\ s i l l . - l i i " - I t r - l . ' T - 1 - V l i o t i l l ' " i |; f l i n t t i n - I I . , r l " . i n l - t . . ).<> l - ' i v . - n f..r t i n -1 fn l t l i fn l f x - i - n i j t ' i i i i n i l ' f i - i f o i i n a t u - ' ' of sui<). rmliliir wop< - I K I H l i f t In- iii 'pr<iv*' 't a - t o i n f -| Ilr.-ii-N.-y l iv t l i - O u i i n m t i C ' . u n ^ i l . a m i n o . - i . f ) ,} t i m - t •.fiiLli IF.- l.iii.Mrij.-fm I j c ' - i ty o r r . - ' -o i i i . -

•-fT.-ctlv- i n i . | . . - r i i t i \ t - u n t i l - m - h ' " U n l i - •*'<UpproViKi. - r • •

AniMint of l'on'1. S*'". •liy 'lircc-tlotl nf t i l " O'MIIDoN Clll icll /.if t i l -

City of Summit, j . ElAv. I.0WF-• • ^~--^^ ' City t > r k .

WM. H. LOGAN. L—:%,-

JEHHyfiCHState ShaUers Insanity De'ens

•of Giri Poisoner.


Prosecution Will Insist on a Firat Degree Verdict In. Cafe of Fifteen-yearold Defendant, but Does Not De*irthe. Death Penalty.' . i

Mari-h ->. — TIHTlirif in tin,* Hint n

( ' j in i i c l . N. Y.,w e r e t l t \ i ln | . i j ] t i i tJi-iinii- I t u r i l i . t inscii tT, ulii.-li wiH. l t ' iu l tlit* M a t i ' j h ) in*.ist tllllt till- i l l i l i l I t c f n t l l u l Kllill.VliHMlllT ill Iln'-'1 Ilrst_ (IfKI'f**- I'l'l'lll l i is ilciiuiiiil n'uty .'\iv i iuuli! t o d a y m111*.1 J u r y of CaruiiT!) \ y h k l i Is s i t l l n n litl>i> i W .

Till' HttoiiH'.vs for llu' stjiti1.Miti-lii-d .iTftiT n iiiifttnl -criw*. fXtuux-iiiiticni of the tiilly nlifiili-t tin* di'ft'iIntends to lui'iliiif tlmt .k-iinlr IlurlK-vini''"innv; Kurt liVr7"tn"i'y~il»'ic¥nii intil Hint llic dclt'iiso oa'nnol present nnI'vlilciU'e t-lllllricutly t-troil^ tp^jloinnt:i*l rate tlKifvlic « nn Insnno c>ii Sept. 'JIjlt-.t..lv.Ufli.^lif fi'il n stuyrlinino pulsniiM( (H'iicfi ri»'f'vo'-yi'at'-itMTtVilJitir ^t ifship, win••.-)•• nur-if sln» was . „, . . . ,. : . . What S U t t Expec t i .

i l iat t i ' l i t l i i i : tills p n l l y the ppusPfitinu <if i-ntir^i' ilnt'H tiot 'ant]f'}|i:it(* thntin- jury M;UU1IL.-rntiiliMiiu tlu1.'j;lrl tih'iith oti ••'ju'i'oiinr _nf lior 1oii(lt>r »K«but It duos i>\pe<-t Kiii'li.n vonld-t wit Ia r(>ci>imn(Miil:iti(.m or nirrey, wbSrluiiuld innkc It puss'lblt- tu liicniVMnther lu n pontil limtItntlnn (<<r life, Tlijury 1m* tin** iiuwer' tu' inaLi- «mli :

. ' " W e shall most rcrtaini.r nl»andon nltho Ititentluiis wo liiul nt tlio bofrlnnltif(if tliis ttliil ." Mi!il-.lMfitrlct*Att»rni'-\V. ' I ' ' ;B of I'nt mi in county, "Tin* il<*fon^c Till*; tmt prnvfd, the iin-nnlfy nllic .di-roiidJint. .1 en nit' Ititrcli h'»itn<imw, nml vvi' liclii'vp sniio Avhi'ii- nhi('oiiiiu)tU'd this nnirdiT. r

"The prnsoriitlim waN K'vfn to undcist inid ih.al tli*» dcfoiific* liiul n niiuiher of alienists who wmild In* n.Mc' to(Icinonstiiit. ' Hit1 (tirl's lunacy. .Nowthey roinc forward with only one innnand a lot of nHiiT I'vldiMire wlih-h Is mweak ii** lo be prartirHjIy valuclp*»« oof sm-ti a iiatnre Unit it ciui bi> rebulled offhand. .

"\V(! slmll prolialilv mi l JIR niiiuy. :i-five or six u'Hiiessos In relniltal. TheiWe sliali ft sit fur :t verdlet of murderIn the first decree and leave It to, t inpnod wiiKe^or' •tilt' Jury whether ihNclr] should be turned loose on thi.* rotnintinlty iiL'tiin." .

BOLD DAYLIGHT' ROBBERY".'Negro Chloroforms Woman and Wnlkl

OH With Her Money.

Asl.ury Park. N. .).,-Mnrrh 2S.--Hlirfnnd daylight In ttie nmst pronilnenstreet In Aslmry Park untl In tin- postcilice liulldliiK. whirli 1H croxvdpd »ei-ery hour of. tin* day, Mr^. Perry IIW-ll cox"" Was rhlorofornied ntld rohticd.

As related by..Mrs.* Wllcox, who \* Jtypr-writcr and clerk for S. \V. Hnye<*a^t'iit for tht- .Metropolitan Life ItiMirnine coinpnny, a IK-^I-O entered the ofHee "Just as she wils prepnritiK 111*bank book for a ileiio^lt of n couslderitbio iiinouilt. When told that tin.- bos'-was absent -ilie intruder wont out. binrcliiriiml live niliiiiteH Inter ns MrsWllcox wns jiboiit ,to ^eave for tinl<ank. IIr ^rasjied lit'-r nlxmt tho throiitmid after choking her to Kileiico wounda towej saturated with chloroformnbout her neck. Wlicn" nlie been'mc nn

iiscUttis the rtdiber nlwlrnett'tl. rurrein*y from the bank book ntuountin^to $lTil and disappeared. An hourlater Mrs,. WIlcox wnsfoiind by Sul>.-

eiit Wilson lylttB* filer down-wind Inthe olllce. .

PENNSY TRAIN DERAILED.Keystone Limited Leave* Track, Rait*

Having Been Tampered With,pittsliui-^. .March""I**—Kyldently—lii

reventre for- -fain-led_. .wnmcK. iminwrcrkplM "(lenillud.lluLimited tiih-the-ireniisylviiiiln rallriimt"one i?i|ip7ne lialf miles enst of Wllnierilnp. Se.vcral li'jtlniiipii Were slightlyMjiircil,' but none futility-.ThP. flsll' jilliteM had beeii ivincivrd, tn-

j jol lW with ilii* Kjiikes, at a rail con-nt-ctfoii ami the mil pnslied Inward by

have.been searehlllj:. Tllf pilenoiiienal lurk the Pennsylvania nun Ihas been Inn In;:, the wreck at S l ' ' " a i !^Ijilii'ti Ivisl I ' r i i l ay n n d n I .MIinTa:joint beini. ' . l i ' . l i ib le ins tanee-J , (.niiiinl e ^ illld il 'Wii>~a.verltj]J>le mlf j i r l e thiit

n score**rf—j-ui^ins w e r e t int kllb-d i»ili,ls l a t e s t iH-i-iib-Yit n '«-ht(f .Jo t h e i'a. •1H» | o c i n n n l i \ f , t w o ni:iil *.'n (MT1 J< "*< < > 1111 -iiiitl"ii e a r an>l a J l ee | j i ; r left t Mr" t r a ' l . "ind pliiirL'iit a lnn^ ' t h n ru;u !(•*•-1 f><ricarly a Imtnlred \ nn+»: -

a ijlTR ftTW r G ift- J100,000^-\ e w V m l . . M : t r i l i I 'S r l n \ e U H n l

[ I n . l ; ; e . i - l i i i i nn i ' lU " f till* b l l l l d l l l f r i.<<

i i i t t e e , n f ' t i l e Y m i i i ^ M e n ' s f l u - t a l l

i s s i ' i I a l h - l i . t u l i l t l i u n i i ' ! i i b e r * i o f , . 1

u f e r i i a i N t i n J ( ( H i n i i l l t e e t l i a t h e

n i t l i o r l z e d i i . a n i | i ' t u i r e t h a t - M r s . 1

•ell S l l p e 'fiViri* a i l i l i - . l .•? IIM J.( H'O 'in'

: i f t o f J J . ' M . I U M I t h r e e u r r l . s a - j o

lULt t h e e n l l l l ' t l l f d ' IHIU ' l l l l tS W O l l l d

arriages andons


For tale or to nut lor.lhe«ea«on. 'e

• '" Also a!) atylcB ol winter ctrrltgit.

Carriage RepairingIn it'll It-. l>ntiifti>-.

Automobile Repainting

!. AV.. .J^JH

CARRIAGE" MAMTACTi'IlEH," .Sprlnjfled A*couc, Snmmll, N. J .


Beef, Veal,.Mutton, Lamb and Pork

Oysters, Clarrts and Fish.Game And Vfj,'e'.abicpic

Two DeliverjeB „!! Day toShort HillH.

AYE.- Mifitic is)

., 1 . <


Carriage Blacksmith andHorse-shoer.

Itrnitired. Pu'ii.teil.iiud Kubbt-r Tired.



Chas. B. Chrystal,



PANIIS, OILS AND WALL PAPER.Work Solicited. Estimates Furnished. .


HICKS BROS.Real Estate,


--._:.• and Loans.

Opposite Station,SUMMIT, N. j .




William AhlRrlm. .Horace B. (Juerin.

im ® Guerin,Practical Sanitary Plumbing,

Steam and Hot -Water" Ilcalipg;Tin, Cojiper and Sheet




474 Springfield Ave., Summit.•; "TELEPHONE V,tt It.

The SummMipress Co • •"•.-. O f f i c e 7 6 . R a i l i


imiTdleil carefnlljr*

XurnitnriiJ11i>v<ifl"~to itll parlw nf city orcountry, by .exiifrietn-rti men, n t

)nily ''I'lprcHu between New York,Newark and Summit.

-;—Firwt ('!«•»!« (.'tili ami

in l.uililiiTL' an eiuht story h^ for tlie colnuilltee

New York Central rndicted.N e w V'-ik. Mi i i ' l i L'S.- Tlir i ' i - Iml l r l

n c i i t s fo r tuiiif-liiiiUlih'C. in Hi*' >»**1"nil

N'ew York * 'ential ltallj;oad eoinpninnd twi> o,r its nftliers by th11 cntndi lry tliiit Inti liff.n Jnvfstl ' . ' iKin' . ' th-1

Vteck " f Hi" I l r eWhte r t-Xpri 'S- on Iln'l irr leiu i l ivi- inl i on F e b . H*. l a s t . wlie:t

tlin-t* i-ei>oii*i w f r c liltlfil.

Stationery, Cigars and;.loys **v

• * • • •

394 Springfield, AvenuctPhone 274,R. Summit, N. J.

Page 4: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie


The Summit HeraldOfficial pjpor of City tad County.

'jobn UJ.ailtt, £&ttorand Drop

Republican Newspaper devnUttl t« thIat<»n"ttHof tliA'Clty. County nnd.ytati:Irtiued «v«rr Haiunlar-radrnlnir-froia tlioffleo.No.si. Union Place,••

r80B30RirTI0X9.-One year,

Hlx mnnthfl.h



OQ «al« at allthp local new»*land»aitd»t thpublication office.

Entered at th*« I\>st OfTlct*. Summit'. N. J.. aawcond-class mail matter. . •

HATUItDAY. M.VIU'H an. 1»;.

A judgment has been ren<k'red in the^SiipremcCourt for

•^t^iUllT^l^C-iitfjUJi^t-tlut-i-Nijiiiivivania Railroad Company forfailure'to.i>ay One-half of oneper cent. <»f the. 4;i«j: levied,un<lerthe Perkins' -Alain Stem Taxa c t _ An order

made hy .t<> this effect

y d^e Ilcod 'onthe- —application of Attorni*}General McCarter. ". • •

It . iiirliidt's th.f total main'—y«',ir.-with in

"terest. T l i e • PennsylvaniaRairroa<l Company alleges that

__jt paid ' i t s taxes in advanceand that tlie payment last y ra rof fc'-'its, l-'s slum Id he allowed as

, an offset •on this year 's taxes.•Judge Kred refused to allow

the claim. The railroad com-pany will appeal.

THK term of Secretary ofState Dickinson, will expire on.April 1. and Governor Stokeswill re-appoint his successor onthat date. . Among the namesconsidered for the position be-sides Colonel Dickinson, is Kd-ward-W. (Jray, private secre-tary to the Governor, and for-mer resident of this city. Mr.Gray is well qualified for. theposition, bright.Vngert't^* andpopular with tlie State officialsand would till the positiona5*<:ept.a.bly... His^X'iany friemlsJn Summit would be glad to seehim thus honored: He is abrother.of Dr. .1, \ \ \ Gray of

. this citv. " ' ;- .

TIIK ditTerent clubs and wom-an ' s organizatiohs-of the city.literary and otherwise, are liv-ing examples of what womanis doing to broaden the mkiuof her sex. and in bron^reuingtouch other lives, arm!" causethem at least ly 'Torm someconception of vvTial their mis-sion is in iJfe world.

fiM'tunate is tlie boy or-frl". the young " man or the

young lady \vljo i s . g iven the. opportunity t oa t tend school in

out ' l i t t le city. Its . eiluca-* tional advantages surpass any

town of like size in tin; State. .

Ifrtlie railroads are not 'care*>ftil. soiue of the State legisla-tures inay;££trl:~out. injunctionsagainst t h e i r discontinuingtheiI*improvement^ .


NEED VINOEthe modern strength ^creator

— and bodybuilder•.Many people ritflil here, in this vl-

—a;iuity are all run down mid. hardly-Tltrte to tlnii; almul—don't know what

"Surh"'V'*^Mi!tf 'i*-'*-'*' Viiiiil, ou r codliver |»re|>:tralTM*n w i t h o u t oi l , w h i c h

•coutahi- ' in u h igh ly 'rtiiiform'a l l of-the med ic ina l a n d

EIGHTH ANNUAL DINNER(Continued from Pajfe One.)

and nothing hi tlie way of time, boy*.money, '«r men, -iufwi good for tlieboys who are to be the men In thnext generation.,

k Commissioner' * MacFarland. wotlieit-introduced/ ana «poke on "ThAssociation an an Investment." HKald, 'after making a few humorouTemarks about New Jersey, Hummitand BummitfteH, that he would" noiInsult the judgment of the 'menp_reHentt_by trying to convince then;that the association otleretl a splendidHeld' for the investment of money. Jia few HentenceH, quoting from weveraprominent men, and Krajittlcnlly tellIng of the Hpleudfd work of theaHHociatlon, he di.HiiilnHed that Hide of It; tak-

hig it for granted that all believed Itto he wor thy ' of the most loyallnaticiul support. ..

— H e then Mpoke for twenty minutes,on the opportunity for the Investment>f a life. His conimauding presenceand eloquence carried conviction, andheld the deepest'attention of everyonefrom. Htart to llnifh. It IIBM seldombeen our-go(M) fortune to llnten to HUCIIan appeal to nervice. He spoke; of the

of men who arc giving their<o. thlH work, both as paid and

voluntary~tfllcern. He paid highribute to John K. Mott, the (.teucr'a.1

Secretary of the Foreign .Work i

inent of the International Committee,>f wlioni President . Koosevelt said,hat he 1M n statesman of the first ra~iik,hlnking. in continents: a m a n who

would 1111 uhnoHt any position ac-.'eptaldy, H e , ulso Hpoke of lirock-uun aiid others who are giving their

liven In this work for boys and men.Che applause was unaninioUHnud pro-longed.

These speeches will not HOOII be for-gotten: nor will the men noon forgethe admirable speech with which 'Mr.Iiibie closed the program. I t s eemedfitting climax for all t h a t had come

)efore. To t ry to report ft in fullvould Ite to ilo It injustice. H e .saidhat the highest call was the call toervk-e; tha t no Institution ororganlza-

be of the highest value.vlthoiit u deep religious motive backf it; that our real public- men wereot necessarily those we send down to

1'renlou or to Washington , •hutjither those who ure lenders in mould-ng'tlie life of the people inora l ly ;andhose men w,hO'%nnVoT7or something,nd are leading- the people upiigher,standards of living. \Vei*fTeniil to understand this fact, uu<f speakfour tuil'lie nieii ns'fho>f who holdloliticul positions'.

Mr. Mabiesaid itXouTdt) ruise abouL-^VHH) by Niibscriptionhis year,. lyrff urged all to stahd byho dicwvfiir* with their t ime and their

wheir they go by thy littleon the corner of Springlleld

nd Highland avenueH each morning,:» thjuk-of it as a synilml of u greatvorld wide work, tha t is liftinghousand* of young men and boys ' toteller plains of living.Tlie coiiimitti'e.iire to he congratu-

ited; and it is lioped that they willoiititiue to hold lliese dinners inuture years , uniting the men from thylap_ti?.t, Kpiscopul, Melhodht and'ro-hylerian churches, who come to-e the rwi th tlie common desire of do-ig good fji the communi ty . * .

No one, who listened to these[icculifH, i-ould doubt the'propriety-ofolding. the. <lfinier.oirthe Sat u n l a yight jusf before Holy. Wee'k^ ; i_^*T1IOM' who accepted invitationsvere as follows: _ : ' *.,

A. A; ro t t e r , h\ I). 1'hiyuer, (teor^etahmiiun, A, H. Kahi imnn, W. .11*.eld, Dr. 11. XV'. Uymiin, Dr. J . K.owe, Fred Hitter, \ \ \ ('.' Kenwick,^-K.UobertsonV J; H.~Shnfer,- J . <*.


t'lt'ini'iits'iif Itvor nil-

tually taken from'fri'-J; n«l>' liver-,hut frmii uhii-h the n-t'le—» nil iseliminated and ionic iron added." ~

We .ask every in mi. woman andchild in Uii- vicinity. \vln_»i> run down,tired titid debilitated to try Vlnui onour oiler\ \ \ H. ll

ymoney if it fail*.

.XV. Stephens, \V. V. Stephens,*harle> Siebert, J . S. Sickles, Aty-. I \ha pier j—Jj'oul* --Hand re i se r ,—C.J1 .tiger. . John F t -Thompson , MT~ S.Iminp>on-,. Henry It, ; T w o m h l j \hurlos N . Thomas, K . ' -('. Treat,

C. («. Taylor,* 11. K. I 'uderwood, K. 'S ,"wiey; • George ~Fr-Vree lnud , '~Tr~F."iiu,Dyke, Mr. Vim Nuis , 'F . t". Vc^s,

1,. Whi te , J . \V. Weeks, (;. W.Vhiting, A. Wilson, H. It . 'Wii l l lng.

L*. Warner , John Wootfen, D . ' L .('. Ui'iiLien YOUUKS, J . J-

lieu, 11. P. Aiidornuii, K. S. llaucraft,, • I>.' Itiu'hvler, Theodore L. Heck,

v. ('. Hexnnrd, H.'T. Hetts, JoniithanA. «.""Hn«!li. N . M. Hullard,

)r. John Hurling, J . J . .Hurl ing. H . S.Jurling, John ilrcwer, C J . Cumin,

M.Cady , F. (J.OUek, l -^A. Clark,w.ciift , F . \v._<;iint"'n.*.M. ci»V-

lorn. ('. 11. Chrystal, J. (>. Vhrystjil,I. A. Co /euvMI- H. Coriell, 1-. 11.

igton,. V. XV. I>ny, S. XV. Day,olm Darby. "WHHiiim Darling," ' N .)e Selilinn. '-'eorj;e W. Doaue, Joh'n1. l iners, JttineH-iKly, Mr'r^Klnier,

N. Fltifli, 'lV-l*7^-F.tfrry, H. J.. .v..i...•..-, II. K-KowlerJ J..JI. Fqy.cUufonl Frai/kllb,./. 11. (iltiliiKhcri;the"•Key. W. XV. (Jiles, W. A.lirnyt

(iraydon, ('. A. tJreene, theI. Haven,'. D. P., A. H.. \ . K. Hickok, A. F, Hill,

(.i^orge, F. Hilt m-,John D. HO.K!;.< It. Hopkins. A. M.JOIU'H, H .A. Jacnbsi'lV (.'. S".' Jpues.\V. X. June*, S. \V. Kent, S. C«. Keut,

SamuelItev. W.Ha^ingeI.. K.

>V. O.' Keut, John Klssock, WalteKimball, \V. H. King, H. F. KirkJ. (r. Knight. C. T. Kilborue, A. FLibby, J , W. LUCSH, J. K. hyou, J. JLane, T. I*. Leeming, Dr. LeeperF. H. Llttell, .William .I.yall, XV.Loaue, It. S.- Loaue, J. M. LaltueH. XV. Ma,bUi.H. if. F, MacFarlaud,tiieKev. I). H. Martin, D.D., ,\V. UMurAiy, the Itev. M..C, Morgan, F.XMarcley, H.H. Morgan, J. p . MorganGeorge V. Muchmore, Henry Muchmore, John-D^MHIf*, John MllllganJ. I*. Murray! Pr. A^ 1 . Mclutoshli. L. Maltble.tlie Kev. J. U Miller,O. *H; Merrill, John McClay,' E. p.North, C. K-. XJcolK I*. N. NeefUH,XV. V. I'atterson. K. C* Plerwon, XV. 9.Porter, jmd XV. D. Porter.



ICritchell, who caught the last gamefor Dnvnc- last sea^m, will get a trialwith Nfwark thi.H .spring.

Lorgorrea is the latestnud meauH anlow of wordw. At last we

know what ailed Tom my Morehead.—Dover Advance. %

Mack, drafted, from Jerwey City, i»doing _ well with the Philadelphia

ttottalH. Mack wan fora time WithPhlllipshurg in the LackawanoaLeague in liK)-">. .

Rumor haHlfilmt Harry O'Hagan,of ValJHburg, forujer first bawemau forNewark will cover the iuittal sack anduct as eaptuiu for the Eiizabethteaui of,he Atlantic League thin seauoti.

Manager Murphy has nighed an-other in-Ilekler, O'Mara,. He has)layed with the Merldeu, Conn., StateLeugue, and with the .Tri-State--*Leanue. He comes to Kuinuiit witlr agood recommendation.

. Manager Murphy's oiler, to "Hilly"

Gilbert, the much sought-for ex-iuid-way pillow guardian of the New YorkNationals, wan turned ,down by thealter, who Mtated.thii't he uow hadeveral belter ot(er.s under consldera>i o n . •

who played papf"of lahtwith Summit, haw^Jeen digued

by Manager Iturke,"pfiire" KUzabeth.Stars; IJyster, wpttdhl the-slah.workTor Morristo\y^ufund .Hilly Host*, theTrenton .cijit<?ner, hus been uigiml aw umtter

to the baseball girl, for she'Hfrit the "proper curves," you know;wellrouiHled.oufnnd'neat.'-shehnfr.tlre

: do we here refer iiu'toher feet; siTe-always ''makes a hit" toboot, and, what in very ;iiice, nhe'seady at the proper Unit1 to "riiake aaeriflce.'"—Dover Advance.

Jimmy Montross, who pitched ii>urt of last season for the Washington

A. nine of Newark, has applied to, \ . . 1 \ K'oukle for a job on the Newark:\tlanth>. I^eague telVTii.' MontrosM[ilayed hi this city "with the AedliaiiHu July:!!). l'MH. HeiiKide the visitors'nly hit oil Itamsey. Suninill wonhe game by a score of 'J. to 0. . .

The baseball meeting held in I'Juln-leld last Saturday night for the' pur-ose of organlziiiK and placing u teamII tlie Luckuwautiu . J^eague did notneot the_ e,x|iectntlon« of "Dave")riscoll, who had given assurancehat Plaiulleld wduid take>tliL> fran-

Drist'oll's proposition' WHSurned (town. He.then visited West-eliir where a meeting of several base-all enthusiasts was being held, and[ was decided that a team could her^aui/ed nnil put in tlie league. Tlie

iieeting-heUltliere;"'i^M said, showedlie old-time spirit for the. renewal ofascball. The proposition to enter the,•inckawau'iiu League was consideredhe only-thing-to dn. Ily playiiigiu

\V. '

C a t h o l i c . . . . . . -.EplscopalP b i dyV. M. C. A... .,. SMethodiat.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

L. H.8.•4—8939 837

II 881[0 fcS17, 813

ibrccfllan Tournament.

Following are recent reMiiltsiu the

three-mail tournament riow Iii 'pro-

gress on Young's Park avenue alleyR:

H. OriiiHbee. T-. ' .TT.-. .7.-141Macdouald.''..«.'.-.. .t 145

Results of Milk Inspection, City-of SummitJfuiue"

Tlit* N-H- FarmW. A. Havre

. .Total.. 440HaiiHeu..... ...*. 116Fanning ^ 1 3Hohau "".177

. Total 416

Salmon. 184_(tender ..164H. Ormnbee . . . . . . . . . . ; . . , . .146

. T o t a l . . . : . . . : . - . . . . :•'..*•. 404Young; . . ' . .•..-'01M e w s . . ; : . . ; lfi!>Uiviere 130

Total.; ' ',..*.'.500

Sjilmon -....". '. 16-1)Bender ISOH. Ormsbee .7"... lfll

Total .' " . . . : . . . . ..502Fowle.'.... .•.77T."...1 194Maunlon HiJFitzpatrick , 137

F.SI. BuddKlorhnm FarmsII, M.UlcklMioa.'....-..J. M. HannH. H. Ortinnti, J rF. L/ Bauinan..«"A. M. Drake :....;..A. F. DuL'hnmii


Mail I son .,^ uin 111 it

Cltattiam'JInillsonCliatlmuiSuniniitstirllnirXonc HillMunitultChatham

•ButterFa Is

' 4.14.2

• - > - 4 .


" ' 3.C4 1

is .1.]4.1


14.1T13.C3 .


12.9614.01la. i»J3.3J



Ilact-t'U. ft.


N O T E — A v e r a K * Kooil niilk will cputaln a t least 3.5 per cent. Jwit-ter fats13 percei i t : tiiilk solids. Good clean milk properly handled contains ntn .than 30.000 to 35.000 Bacteria per cubic centimeter. Milk coiitalnius less" t10.000 Bacteria is very, clean, pn re nil Ik.

> Uk k fte y, , p , .

Tlie>e samples ofjiiUk are taken from t ime to t ime by ah office; df the Boanlof Health "for eiaiuinafiou. . .. -

Total . ' . .

Young; —•;--.—Mews . . . . . . . . . . .Riviere



Tota l . . . • 49(1Fowle .'213Mannlon , . . . ' .144•'Uzpatrlck .." ., K«»

Total 4WJ

Where Disease- Lurks.You nover Iiear of i>lncues in a country

wliere-uooil plumbing id-the rule. Epidem-ics rave In countries and closolr poimlnted.ftuctfous where no'plutublng'Gr itoo-r'pluiiib-iue exists. . Good pliimblntr In your houseI»n surer rirevontlve.acainwIllness of mostsortft tltun nil the (Jrugsln the world/ W e dogood plumbing atfair prices,,


Tin & CoppetJVVork


387 Springfield Avenue, \ "/ •

Telephone 2 7 1 , Summit , IS. J

TKAJr KTAXDINC1.. . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ — . — ^ ^ - j -

tender, Urown, I i .Ornisbee. lo 4Oraisbee, Macdoiiald.Frasef 15 .0Young, .MewH, Klvler.e.. .*.. .18 7Jones, JJullard, I l a u u K <>Fowle, Craiie, Cavanaugh.. .U) i»ieorge, George. CuHblug (> I»

Mayiilon, Ahern, M'amiiotr*:^ Ii*Hansen.^.0-I"»



•"-t was aomewliat auiused as. well .as.urprised," said^a_\vhole.-'ale dealer of

Newark recently, " to read hi "a* NewYork paper tha t the canny shop|ier /iin tha t city ntufd away from the storesu Wednesday and .Saturday mornings

jecause on these par t icular days fortome unknown rea.sou they' areroltdIM! with shoppers front

Jersev. The wtatenieut

.vould be'glveu good jiaiue".". The o'lilniuie of_ba>ebnll kirowu.as Itecreatitm'ark, the handM)ine-»t-grounds In .the

state, for tjie g*ame; can besecured forhet-'oming season. A-piiblic meet ingian been .called for tonight, at Ciale'ri_'lub House on Kim fstreet.atSo'ctock,rhi ' i rn perninnent"organtzutioh~wIIIe ctlected; • \^ ' .



. Y. }l. Ct B. Uapuc.

Ui e a hi > v e lea gue .seriea u< avenue alleys on Fri1

ay nishl, March --, thelive captured thiee- straight"roin the Y. M, f. A. representatives,

victors, Mews was'hiKh manivith the tine score of i>r>.' He

—Bfrlmoni^h for tlie Y. M. (.'. A . with » totalf 2(hl, while H . Orm.sliL'e averagedilgli with 1701. The.score.-:


on Duhu.lender


Klvot"*hav... ...7

..« 17S... ..'.nir



l.VS 1,127

I l ' I l l t O H l l .

Slti.--;—M_»7' 7>i7v, M . C : A .

•.V.'.lol • l^l i:;s. . . ' n.»7 v\-2 Km

: . . . ^ N » -i.-« jui' I t i ' i l» i l 1.'17

: . . l o ! » 1 7 ^ • ISO

Total..... IS It*

lie more remarkable to me InasmuchJ have been told by New York 'de-

>artuient store managers thut theirbusiness from New Jersey has in-creased less than from other suburbansections while wholesalers report greatKnitiH, showing thut the people of NewJersey are more :iud more doing theirtrading at home. • r r "

"A»^a matter of fact twenty yearsexperience hi my particular line ofbusiness ha* nhowii me that whileformerly the people In the northernpart of this .State did do n.iuch of theirshopping in New York, they do not(ID M> now. Jersey's cities are amplyequipped with stores, itnd given thesefeminine phyuhology largely account*for thereat. It is very largely due totlrefautiRat no woman Tikentocoiillneher Hhopping to occasional cut anddried trips to New York city, butrather prefer^ to-do it whenever *hefeels llkeit.at a uioiiieut'sn'otiL-e. Thatlias, accounted for the change. Ol>servntion of the. number of womencoming into our towns on the trolley.caw will ,Hho\v-ibaL;th.lK<iS:.aftgrow-UJghabit.-' Indeed the troliey ha* playeda.lurjie part in reversing the old orderof ullairs under which, a shopper >vasforced to go- to New York. Peoplelivingjujliesuburbiijn tiilhStateniuclLprefer a short fide to one 'of their hometownM-to-whntifi~practtcnlly~a~jIay'Hluid^fatlgiie." TheiTTtoii the conditionsfor Hhopplnir in New Jersey have im-proved very much in the past fewye»rs. _ In atiy <me of our. towns youcan nTidT^a^^iopTTlImT^e^uRrTIHup-to-date -and just as reasouaLle intheir prices, if not always HI lar^e, a«those in Manhattan, aiid I «-iin'asHiireNew Yorkers that they can visit theirstores -on \V-edJiesday~nnd" Saturday,"or any other day, u^iliout-juiy_ dangerof bting crushed to death "by NewJersey shoppers':'

"Instead of supplying—N*w- Yorkw.lth fhopperH, New Jersev supplies itwith the articles which they buy.Particularly this is true of silk f»oods,of.which New Jersey produces enoughoyery year to give every woman in NewYork" 1 di/n't'-know lunWinany silkdre>-ses. So you see the old state ofuIItiIrs has been practically reversed.Instead of furuishniK New "York withthe purchasers. New Jersey no.wfurnishes that. State.'with a -htrge-^parifof the-'noods' which are jiurchuse<l(while New Jersey women are gettingmore and inure Into the habit-of doingtheir shopping at homer1' ' ' *


Olioice M e a t S ;

Dealer in • Poultry, Game, Fish


Chestnut Avenue, Summit, N, j .

A,cciicnt at Niagara Falls."''Those 'resident* "of Sumuii t w.hoT

^ luMi^ i s i t h ig Niagara. Falls, .have HOm u c h enjoyed the excit ing trolley ridethrough the great-gorge niid to Lewis-ton and 'return, yet always with asecret fear of rocks dropping upon thetrain from the lilgh~clHls overhead,will be pained to learn, tliat one daylast week an Icicle of enormous sizeami.'weight autldently fell upou^oueofHie jiaHrtiu^ citrs, klllluu the;conductorand severely-wound ins- some.of the


You cau sec them iu.our window;. -We'..wiu, lit you-in. the-' . s t o r e . ' " "" ' ~v.-r •• • " . ' - " , - •_ | - V'. . . ' . . — • .

HAiJLTS SHOE STORE,393-Spring!ield-AvenuerrSummitrN7-Jr——

Nothing like it-What?

in various designs to suitJS-^^yu8^1 0 0 ' room atthe reach of all. ^ <

t-tho re-

Page 5: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie



faragraphic Portrayal of LocalInteresting. Happenings


m,Btf0fi.cw!^ilH!?fe!5e..Past. * " *JBJ Some of ttnTTliiflgrs W c U Will

T«t Place In- That Coming

,.,,,,nit and New York directoriescorrected

on tlie little• Derib." Campbell's Pharmacy,'for Hnyler'fl.-j.etterCough Cure CUKES.

CJeaevie Browne left yenter-ieud Koater with her niotlfer

iaAtlautle^City/ S

Mr aadMw. Parker* W. Page haverom Florida, where theytjinr

(reattlie past mouth.

Kail i-'itterCr^jlhe.baker, IIQH pur-

thatd »i« AJilhouy Comstockhoiise,ii?raukliu place. •• _ •_ _^

jlis Margaret. Browne aud MIHH

teet at tbe Hotel Deuuln,. Atlantic

1'ity- . '. _j •' ., _'* * " ' . .

{jototlieartatbreof B. P. Holmes,tft SpriuR'Ield. avenue, and see thebud colored picture!* by the celebratedi.Vno.Naturalist, Herbert K.- Job.

Mr. anil Mrs. A. A. Heuuing,jlmis avenue, expect to remove fromJamtnit on Monday for tilt CaUkli:d will reside at Tauuersvllle, N. Y

The HotchkisH-Job.s Co., report th•taisls of Mrs. Helms' house, _Hughes place, to H. M.-Dade, of Sumnit avenue; al«*r.L. A. Oak'n place, &Pirk avenue, to Mrs. Flytinof-Brook"Ira. ' "

seriedpf Sliaisespeariaii Tab leaux!\\ by Mi**** El izabeth Fiaher, o

5ttift«elu, Pa., will be g iven a t Keni;§gyniua*iuiu, T h u r s d a y evening.

Arril l:>, at s.30 o'clock,, for. the bene ;

:iol the Artliur H o m e . Tickets") i ;u'e at Kogers' drug s tore .

There will Lie a mee t ing of thTirioutj.chapters of the L a Hue Horue*Nature Lovers' League, in the Suuitiil; :M building, Springfield ' a v e n u eAj-riJ 10,-from - until 5 p .^m. Almembers and others Interested itutuiearecordially invite<I to a t t e n d

la the absence of Dr. T u t t l e o f t h eJ!tt!iodi.»t •Kpiricop'nI.churcii'uextKuuitj, April 7, in order to preach at t h enauil sosion of the N e w a r k Conftrenteiu Morrfrtown, h is pulp i t wilttneupied ut liotli n ior t i lug and eveti:e .-mice* by the • H e w • \V. C'j'ltoiniell, who has been called to'•"awl the. Itev. Dr. Ferr i s in t h e[Horateofrit. I 'aul 's c h u r c h , Newark, .<-eof tlie mo-it ini iueut lal chu rches of

denomination In this sect ion.

- , f X ^ r 0 o ? « ' * c n I 1 Q« Macdon-aid, the florist. -

Mrs.. K. K, Norton i* HjiemliuK Hometime in Asiivllle, North Carolina.

Mr*. F. J. Ctrady ha« been upendinga few days with her mother InAtlnnticCity. .

Alexander Cadon.'Jr., has returnedfrom a trip to Florida.

.. , t .The Board of Hea(tji has removed its

o'fllce from'the Toy lor building to theCity Hail.. Mrs. William Darrow.Jr., of Hobart

avenue,- IN npeiidhig a few weekH inNew York city. ".

Mrs. M. J. KVBIIH and her daughter,Miss Emus, are apendiiiKSonietiuie InWashington, D. C. , ,"

Willard B, Halsey, of Cornell tfni-verflity, Is spending IIIH Easter vaca-tion at hin home on Franklin place.

The Summit publlcBchpolsclo.Hed onThursday for the Easter vacation ofone week, and will re-opeu April 18.

Miss Anna Thompson, of-the Buin-mlt'Higli School, expects to spend theEaster vacation at Washington, D. C.

The results of the milk inspection bythe Board of. Health made on March18, will be found hi another column.

At a ineeting-of the Summit High.School Athletic Association, A Ian K IB-sock was elected captain of the base-

' A s s e m b l y m a n Peter THIm.au l i a s

been seriously - ill a t tys holiSe orneuralgia of the .s tomach. . •. ' .

, T h e ' N e w Jersey Editorial Associa-tion i« planing to hold'ltrt fifty-lintannual session in Long .Branch, June14 to 17. "-..*.'• ;. . _.

John O. Pre<*cott, of,this- city, l»ifl_been granted letters of patent by thel-Vt$i-Ptttent-<>fllce on a mechanismfor making BOUIKJ records.

The infant son ofi-very

monia. His fatlJeTex'his recovery and wishes

Itev- W.h pneu-

Csse'* hope of10 thankhin


CraiiHtouti, trustee, hat•=wil the Hotel Beechwood -for oneMrtu Curtis ib Bailey. Mr. CurtlH i>'•••milie Holland House, New Y-ork,'--I-Mr. llailey of-the Union Club,^*ark, nml for two years wns associ-!'e<l wlih-his brother in conducting the&tel Heeehwood prior to the leasingi-'41ie-kotel. to H. K. Armstrong.

yI'jctical and experienced hotel men,[:* quests-can be assured that ' the

be well and succes.s-

Methodist. Epiricopal cli'urcii' arelS-tiiBaKeajh.prep'uratibu^brlliff!i !»upjier to lie given mi April 10,i |>nniiines luiie an nftalr of muchi of theclilff nhjp.-ts r*f

is to provide an opportunityh r T the members

for- good-^ !init interciiange of ideaiiiR tu the adyauccinent of theJJLUIU. church. In addition to'•niiepasyiiid dutlook iiito the

*. inspiration aiid entertainment'* 'irnuuht l,y Npeakern of note

iiHine> will be- announced

t IlnirMlny , afternooir tim. .Wo--"" '!lirl>tinn Temperance I'liion

to the East Summit school aMltn Frances Willard. TheIntcrsperNed with music.wasly carriejl-out, and includedi l l t ; : K ' ' K Wil-

. .T h c



Cow-back Kidc,", "Her School Life/ '^sny, "4ler Youth;"dialogue, • "Frances

' [ P l " K l s a Kll |v3ell, Arthure"s»y, "Her Life Work," Hn'/cl'UUs.ic- " T l i e Wind;" The

iriSCunnoI|y, after which

^ i . . l o a i i d beft and tlie?Jj ;*">ii ofMlH* Wlllard's pictureM ' ee(r'o<>k.Smith, QfMoutclair,

w e t Dorothy Brush.

book* at #1.03."

ball teajii andrGirard Kent manager..TheJuuiorX. 'M. _c> A . basketball

team will wind up its season, on Aprilwith the IMainfield Juniors^ Thus

far the local boys have played fifteeugames, only three of which werejowt.

. The regular meeting or the Ladies'Aid Society of the Methodist Episco-pal church will be held at the home ofMrw. J. E. Howe, on the Boulevard, onTuesday, April '2, at 3.U0 o'clock, p:m.

A saleofhome-madecakeand candywill be held on Saturday afternoon,April G, from 2 till -I .o'clock, in- theSuuday school room of the Methodistchurch/' Thesulelsundertheauspjc-.esof the Y. W. F: M.S.

Miss Mary Klssock, who in now inher junior year, at Smith College, inNorth Hampton, Mass., has comehome for the Easter holiday vacation,also' Miss Winifred T. Hami of thefreshman class in the same Institution.

In another column will be found theeast, of j character for the production,of"Crawford's Claim,"utColoniul Hallon Thursday even ing,* April!), i t is forthe benefit of the baseball fund.Don't fail to go;'uml get your ticketsearly. . '

Miss Mary Winifred Edwards liassuffered another loss in the death ofher mother. Mrs. Edwurdn dfed <JfpuAiimoula at Hamilton, Out., .on.Sunday evening. Miss Edwards will-return to S.ummit after the Eitster va-cation. " • '

Walter Brothers have improvedtheir store on Springfield avenue byputting in an entire newt" front withlarge plate glass windows. . _

Tne marriage is reported of. FrankL. McMaue'aud Miss Auuetta JDeau,daughter of Isaac Dean, which oc-curred on the l(Hh hist.

Hereafter Wood Friday will be. alegal holiday in this State. Thelegislature has passed a bill to-thateffect'and it will undoubtedly be"signed by the Governor. •

C. C-Henry has secured the servicesof U. J. Murphy OH manager ofColonial Hall, who will, back onlylirst class shows. He has alreadybooked the well known Len Spencer'sMinistrels for A[)ril IS.

Unitarian services will be continuedat Odd Fellows' Hall,.SpriugIleId ave-nue and Maple- street., Tomorrowreveuiiig at J.45, the Kew Walter ReidHuntrof Orange-will-preach-on—thesubject, "The Eternal Hope,"

The Newark Public Library is togive a Forestry Exhibit in the largeexhibition rooms of the library build-ing" during the jlr«t week of. April.This exhibit promises to be of unusualinterest aud will attract wide" publicattention. -

many friends for their kind M>lk'ilu«leat this trying time. .

W. V. Efy of Flo rant Park, is* one ofthe most experienced fruit grower^ In"tins nectiou of the State. In nuotht'rcolumn he advertises some Ifiie applesfor sale. Drop n ' m " l > a n ' a n t ' 3*1)tir

order-\viir receive prompt attention,aud hi* stni'li wiUglve satisfaction.

Morrlstown had a large lire earlySunday morning which destroyed $40,-000 worth of property. Several build-ings we're on (Ire at one time. Themachine shop of Willis H. Duttoti.McKee's stables, the barn and HIUHISof the MaiiHion House Hotel, wereamong the buildings destroyed. Onehorwe was burned, alm> three auto*

G valued at iH.Ono -- '•> - L. .

Anotbcr Tnrcc Act Drama for Benefit ofr tac Baseball TuW.

Next Thursday evening' ha«r"b


I^OK'HALKfnfty yoiinc liriaa

n1111 M>>!iiit:t<ii : i i " im« ' .nnn in i l t . •

**}t a.H t h e d j a e for t h e lirof "(.'raw-fortl's C'luini,"-'

t.production,a three not

The Woman's Home MissionarySociety of the Methodist Episcopalchurch, will meet at the home of MTM.W. W. Carman, ah Hobart avenue, onFriday, April 5, at IU0' p. m. All theladies of the'congregation are cordiallyinvited to be present. .

—The-blll•limiting the allowance formunicipal clerks on account of elec-tions to $10 for each polling district in-troduced by Senator Ackeruian, haspassed the Sen ate. . It wan particularlyfor the benefit of Elizabeth, where theCity Clerk charged as high as $>0 forhi* servii-ps for each election district-

An entertainment will be given inthe Presbyterian church. New Provi-dence, on Apr.il 10, under tlie aus-pices of the Men's Club, a churchorganization, nnd the program will beof a sacred character. A.inong theartluts appearing will he CharlesKuneu, the boy. violinist; NicholasVesarlni, violin; mandolin and guitar,and Miss Alma Southard, elocutionist,of Summit. • ' • «

Last Wednesday's meeting of they gFortnightlrClubLwas-iTrcharge-.ofthc- J Ia l l^vCurrent . Event Department. MissIlullis/, formerly a Public .Schoolteacher in Summit,, tohl -the club ofher Interesting work iu "Tlie Travel-era* Aid Society." The necessity fortills work wan fully demonstrated by

,her graphic account of-the society'sexperience in helping the inexperiencedtravelers. ' -

(Iruuia with- prologue, to be given, byW a i talent fur ttielienefir«f Ihe ba-e-ball fund of the'Summit A. A.

Tho-m who will take part In the pro-duction have been'diligently learning-their lines and rehearsing for the..pastmonth or more, under the direction of.Councilman (ieorge (.». Falkeuburg,who had charge of the rehearsing of"Tlieliohlen Gulch" given last monthfor the «ame good cause, and theannouncement that-tlie-dttte ha.i beeel pmvts ctuiclusively that the pur-'ticlpants have been thoroughly drilledfor their parts. • •

Previous to.tlie giving of the..'M.»oldeii.(•illcli,".the IIKKAI.D voiced tlie opiu-iun that the production would be out.*of the best ever given "by amateurs inthe city, aud from the unstinted wordsof praise giveu the participants onevery hand after tbe play had beenrendered, proved that the opinion was'not given amiss, and the production of"Crawford/** Claim" will undoubtedlyprove equally as good. If nof more so,if experience in the former play t'otinl.*-for anything. . . .

On the former occasion, -Colonial

N)lt >M,Y.,• ' •* l r . * -* .MS



W'.ILw- f • I.

r u ; .W. K (JltKKS. Minimi!. S..I.

l-'SIl I' >!:•'.• [ • • • r t > -

• n*r


I i i

r. niarri-utt i f i i t . |»

inii't linlu-tri'

ill—> rar" "f -hrul'

i t [ ' i i : I t .trivtlr t<-mi -'i)iiil>T->triu<!-

i*Mi writtnt; ita.•<>f SUMMIT Hmiiinit. N. J. .'4

\\TANTEI):a.T T inii>rovi'iii''ii,t

;!•«. . with *a_ . _ Aii.lr--.. Tl..

Itroaiwur.'NVw \-nk.


• > at a o.»ii-.MKlllll>l<t'(l With til** IAjax tircx'iiuamiit*1

nt'i'ii .it tin- Summit

nitilt> nvjurtionllin'-t kfn.l ,it ;>

1 r->r.«'»> mil--

in pnv>l'. : t t i !May h -

ANTED: u s.tl»r( > v > > r . > i 1 i ] ' ( i > ( l i < >

himself ul

! ! •

i k -

EMEH8ON C. SIC fADDEN. Miort HilK. S .1 •

It is a good bill mid should become ulaw. " ' -

George 1). Coauey, who has forseveral years pust-been the representa-tive in Ohio,__\vlth '.Headquarters atCincinnati, of the bond department ufWilliiim A. Head i t l ' u , , in NasauuHtrcet, New York, has now been as-signed to the State or Missouri, withheadquarters in St. Louis, and Jias al-ready^ removed to that city, where hewill reside hereafter. • • »

The regular- monthly aud socialls'lness meeting of the Ki Vvorth

League of the Methodist Kpiscopalchurch will he held at the 'home ofMrs. William CJrdw, :M Boulevard, onTuesday evening, April 2, iUHtead. i*fon Monday evunlug, April 1.'

The Itev. Dr. Houghton, rector oftlie "Little Church Around the Cor-ner,'- New York city, who was thespecial preacher at Calvary church onTuesday night, was, the" house guestof Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Jacobsen, of(KJNew Knglaud avenue.

One of .the/. last, tributes, which wecan pay tiTour beloved dead it)-to-.seethat their last resting place Is fittinglymarked; We owe it to them as. wellas to ourselves to place an endurijigiuontiment over their^graves,... JolmJ. McCIure" it.Son can HIIOW VOU some.

Joseph York, formerly of thin-city,who has lived in -Mqrristown -fornearly forty years, omfwns an alder-man there for neveral years, has justdiscovered that he is pot an American-citizen. Having come to this countryfrom England when lit years old andnever. took out citizenship papers.The diweovtry wan made while return-ing from u trip to England.

General*Pa&tjenger Agent, (ieorge A.Culleu of the Lackawanua It. H.,stated' today that the report concern-ng the alleged intention of that com-pany to operate its trains from Ho-boken without respect to boat con-nections was erroueotts -and that nochange hi the present arrangement,whereby trains in all cases await thearrival of. their scheduled bout* fromNew York, Is contemplated..


•4*«ft«uftnt to •tt-ettbe

I toItev

theWarrenresignation of the Itev. W.

Giles, pastor, the congregation of theFirst llaptisj church of Summit,assembled in the chapel of the church'on Wednesday evening, February 5,1007, in accepting the" resignation, ap-pointed the following committee todraft resolutions expressing the re-gard of the church aud congregationfor Mr. Giles, to wit: C. N. Thomas,John t». Mills, Theodore P. Van Dyke.W. I). Newton and J. M. Laltue.-y'The.eommltlee begs leave ,t« report

niany, after hearing ^hat a hit theproduction, made; expressed dissatrs-factiou with themselves fornoUgoing,aud it Is safe to Hay that those personswill be iu the audience on Thursdaynight, and it goes without saying thatthose" who witnessed, .the "Golden,Gulch" will ilot be among the ub-oeutees.aud this combination ought tohave tbe eflect of crowding the hall tooverflowing. Anyway, we bespeak acrowded house for Thursday evening.

The play will be repeated on Tues-day evening, AprilO, ami If by chanceany should iiiiss-the Ilfwt night, theywill stjll have nn opportunity of wit-nessing tlit.' production., Don't forget the dates for* giving of•'Crawford's Claim"—April 4 and li-the place—Colonial Hall; prices, ofndiuission—oOc aud 7">c; aud don'tforget to go under any circumstance",or you'll regret- it.

Music will be rendered by .Prof.Havey's orchestra, ami those, who likeit, can have a dance"* after the per-formances. '.—Tlii> rant uri'huTaeters": '

TO LET-VuniMn».| R.-.i,l,-rColmtlal hmi^''. Iln>> Imrii. i

«n;.> iffoiiiiil-, inrilV. summit II-.

fmprni-t>im>nt.M. aAddrtM.t HEALTH «ar -tatnr.

1:U'ItMSIIF.I> • HOOMnnoii or ovmiiriK




t'd u-i'. Tt«rm-« V.TV r>*a»iiiFIKST NATIONAL,ItASK.

O O 3 I S TO LKT-.SuIt.-iM*»fumity; lit pMit fnun thn lstLAIESO.V, 4.". Kussoli'Hae*.

r.»r-i ot


SALE—Trt'o EnclNh IJull t.*rn-r.-. i* „ iinMith--oM,. A[>iil>- t.> IXJWEItS IIAi:-NKSS STOKE. <u ai'rliitfll..KI A i r i n g . "*•>.

TAKEN FKOM CAI.VAKV "CUrKi'l! y i :Humlav.: aturch Ji., Iji.li.'-' t'liil-r-Hjf

natiiml wnod Inuiiil.-, mark.-.l In-ido "w,in ' . .T." fn.L'liictJ-tittyii'i>f -imiilar arii-.tr-marked "Mi'Crury."'- II th«" i">r-u .

; tli-* latt.'r will ciMiiniuiiii-.it>> with th -Soxtoii. Mr. i'oo)<. nn L-xchiing" can l>o IM-ll'Ot *.'<*!, • J4

appropriate and economical

Easter day.will be at the usual hours,7.,'tO arnd-1.1 n,m.( nud 4.JJ0 p.m. TIIT^j1«jj;<.rvifi»-_wlll hn n-t . i iHiin^tln^-t 'hi l--Iren's, when their ollerlrign for niis-

Hfounry work .wUi'be p.resenfed, ..andthey ulH-'t'uch receive • I heir tiubtiulgift of a potted plant in token of theesurrection. " " , '

—Thenluu who went out to milk mid

A lire iti a pile of'old ties betweenthe new residence now in course ofconstruction for Cbl. Allan U. Wallace,and the hou.se belonging to ex-Coirri*-eilman Charles E. Klnuey on Wood--hiutl'avenue, was responsible for the.calling out of Union Hose Companyjust, before: -1:!-_o'clock... .Wednesday,morning. No damage than to tliat ofthe ties renulted. Tlit'bluze was HOOIIp u t o u t . . • . _ • - * •

William C. Carl'wifl give a freeEaster orguir concert"on.^romlay'ev'e-niiig.,..April-1,, ut S.I5 o'clock, iii~ theOld First Presbyterian church, FifthTi*veiuie"iiiid Twelfth street. New York

jut down on it hotiUIer in theif the (Kisture and w.aited for the cow<i backup, WHS a brother to the iiian

who'kept a store and" wouldn't adver-se because he reusoned-that Hie pur-liUMing public would buck up to hisilac.e of business, when it wjinteil

something; ,. . I' ^ -^—r-

The last s'erie** of three, dunces -f+»rhej'ouMgcr.KOciety people of the cityvill be given at the Kent Place gyni-lusiuni.on Kaster Mondny evening,April 1. The patronesses have «Ie-Idcd that this shall, be a tnasqucruile

lance, ">•<• have rc<|iiested that at leasti doiuino be worn. Thp patronessesire: Mrs. W. F."Adam, Mrs. HenryU-sW. Mrs. J . \V. Cromwell, Jr., Mr.-.Vfllinni Ji. Deming, Mrs. W. II. ULV

Korest, Mrs. Ituford. Franklin, Mrs.Marshall Geer, Mrs. L. Ap. It.lJone**,VI rw. Charles T. Jen ks.iMrn. L. KiiiVry"\iLtclienbach, M<s. Charles K. Kim-all, Mrs. Walter O.' Llbby, Mrs.•arker W. Page. Mrs. T. Anhleypark's,' Mrs. Norman Hcbultz, :

ulmund .Schwnrt?,

city, assisted bylochlan,'tlie' famotLH boy wopruno;

s'o; and Henry K7Woodstock, accompanist. Thin con-cert terminates, the spring series andwil W»e free tolhepubUc;-.—• ; -

uimu ? ^ ^'op-plug, Mrs. William T.'.Wisner aud

W b i ^ Wi i t t idne

Iv :

. Wortbiug^ou

.The Itev, Christopher G. Hazard,of Cntskill, N*" r7',"wl»i has fur somany years been one of the Augustsupplies of the Central Presbyterianchurch*,'hits just been .dected-hy tliealliance of the Ite(oD"ied. Cjiure-li ofAinericil, to take charge of the Ame'ri*.

. i • • •

can church at The Hague, during thecoining summer months, so long asthe .-L'esions will ._coiilliiiie__o.LtheWorld's Peace Coiifurt'itce, which, ac-curdiug to .their lust udjnurunieiit,meet at The Hague again this year.

The Itev. Warren Giles, will'preachhis farewell sernions" lit*" |uu*tor of-'theBaptist cliurch tomorrow^ Alorning.Hiibject, , ''lumiortnlity brought tolight- by Christ." Kvendn: subject.''The Message of tliellour." Theeve-

worsltjp will be preceded by theservice of "prayer conducted by

the C. K. .Society. Th.IsJneeting willbe led by 'Mr. Giles, subject, "HomeMissions, The Progress of the Afro-American." Pals. 110:10-19. • Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p. m.,conducted by one of the deacons. Hun-dny'scliool it Air a. in, Theodore Van-Dyke Superintendent, -topic, ' ' ,"- le.-ison" 1 Cor." lo:1^21,.5o-59.

,Whereas the *iev.\V. Wn'rren Gilesiiffirnig" served the First lluptist churchof Summit, during a-period of nearlynine year's with unwearied fedeiity.and

Whereas his-niin-fNtry among us hasso commended.him to the allection ofall denoruiuatioYiH and all classes juthis city, that his leaving is regardeddan distinct loss to the community,witnessed by expressions of regret inthe various social and other organiza-tions in many of which he held olllciulpositions, and. • Whereas in addition to the labors ofa faithful evangelical ministry, helabored mont fuithfully in the erectionof our present beautiful church edjlice:anil

Wlierean during the nine'years ofhis r.esidelico in 'Summit, ministeringpractically', to 'tha same, congregation,lie has "endeared himself to us byhis sterling character," eloquent pre-sentation of scriptural truttrrunfailingcourtesy in social relations, ai|d tendersympathy innorrow and bereavement;_ IteyoLved, that weregard his resigna-tion n's an unwelcome surprise, accept-ing""!! most "reluctantly; only becauseof IIIH iusiHtaiice; that wo. convey tohim in-thlH resolution nn expression ofthat love which has grown stronger.

llUht-xif-^ycartt^juid we he-

Herbert Stunton, mi esca|>eil— John Daly

Sidney Woodward, a fuMe frfeml—H.J. Murpiiy

Mike Moore, a.Toml»« ITa'Vvyer—.. . i. ' — Hulph J. Malay

Kill- Mrilliguu; a geniou»—Hurry M.. / - .—Ilaldwln

Joyliowurs, a broken down actor—/ —Milton Porter

Uella Woodward, Sidney's wife—L —Miss Helen MalayDKAMA.

Itudd Hunkeni. a western sport—. —John I)aly

Manuel Lopez, alias dipt . Grip—- , — It; J. Murphy.

"Deacon" Crawford, whoowns thechiiiti George G-. Kalkenbiirg

Jack Davis, who drove the extra— .—J. Howard Senior

Mike Moore, always on u cane— \• —Halph J.Malay

}Jili Mulligan, lieutenant to-Lopez——Harry M. Italdwiu

Ling-Ling, a giddy Celestiul— -- -=, ' — —Frank Itraisted

Joe Howers, always a friend——Milton Porter

Jim Sawyer, the Sheriil'—AndrewWilson

Nugget Nell; tiiepct of-poker "Hat—.. ' ' - . — Mis* Ethel Geraty

Abigail Green leu f, so' gushing^-MMDorothy Daly

Hella Woodward.. .Miss Helen Malay

irANTF.l l TO HEN']'.T ? ilrst .if n«xt Stl-iiffii

fn>in ntif t.) thn"tirfUf.'',' all fiKMlurnnllie liod-rix'ti'is. Innorc; lium. tn KIMV

1>A V. :ti: W

f i


v i . f f i i i l » T i-r - ; t r l i . T . f . : > .y-in>. nit iinrurtn-h-.!

imiintvoint>nto:-eii:ht^''>''*iorffet nnl-T. at 1-a-t ;m-.nil.-t l.natiun. A.Mn-.-

.-t- .«T^n-.-t. .VMV y.,rk..


tn ll.mtUAKS.

Stnu-I Il.-p.-uirni' wacmi lijuu.-r* f.ir.-alI'.'r lotu!. A

»U|HT(llt<-ll<!l-piily ..r a-t.lr--.iit, Kittuinlt. S. J.

I. A

H i r e • Mti l l , l \ - —

in- tvitli linanl.t of April. A-l.lr"

t)l*N<i' i.'o].ir.'il

" E . H. \V..

- will !i'itr<

vjti'-aiitH-•• H..

man wi-lc- fo-itt.ni1 IMP1 Suiniiiii fl.-ni'.'J.

' s . nil,. rni ' i l iitintiitu_writii ' i ;LACKAWANNA • KXI'ICKss i ' i ) . . : i n t

SOUr n i

fr-nii AprilS l l M

Itf.NT-fnfnnil-ii.;.!nthm i l l

l . - t . A I I J . 1 V t i i

IE-Ml--Ma M.

H...I-I X v l ] !"M. V,.


v o l i i r i l u i tHiiiiunit. N. .1.

ht £)!': FOIEI>T Vvfixt'i-:!

j ' O K1

m i d


l i l i i i ; r i m Hliirf!i I'oiiltry Hi^

>t..,:k: l.i.-il \.- . - t t iui : : !"• »)i-

DUOS.. i: .iltii ,r

Jll JjAJX-r-nii"" l:.»-kawav. al! «!i--.•nirnl.* IIT Klii'iidr.'nni A C.i.. rul,|...r tlr--

iu first <'ln.ssHliii|ii';iilso •j--.'itt''il u;i|'- ' i

Whlto. Inrj.''' sl7i> -"l.-W.-illay Inn. Prh't! fimi r'il.lr.'s^ FA1TOUTE

N. J. .

. ami^A. .1. A. II

N. .1.

*.r.i M'.rrl-

l i l t

i IXT/ IE<H.tu n.U'1 nnU. A-l-lri—«. ('h-.rlJ. L'arlMtn. :,'j lU-rrta avenue. Summit.

K SALE-Th.* r:i-t J-.ttiiicmar.' T..|.—>1:IIIHI» Itulili.-r Tin* riiiuit...iit, -iitlr-

• iiipl.-tc; w.mid lak.-at :<u<l w.irk I L T —tyjii.'Vn. T.-i'-*cj- T i

•«onl . ' Cnrli.-j. .Nn. \m~,. -Irf . l t.y l h - )ii>.Mtiiitt*1'hil**t(i. who is an n i mlilnn.l t . . Hi*, (ir .- i i i .hiv Itir<i. S.. . sHi** (in.<at A l l ' T t . m . •i'rj',..-l!-tvrly Diiti-llfiid-'i'. with n .• y.';>/'... 1-1• inl of -J.Mj. Call mi.I >.•LAI'NIUIV. l 'hon- l'r.» \V. SoW. i t . N. J.

•The April Woman's Home Companion,A diHtlnet .coiUribu^ion' to contem-

poraneous literature in the epic j ^"At . I'ilute'H JudBiiient Seat,1'

Hpeak for him wherever he may'po.theb i f f i t i t t h dcess in the service of that Chri.it who^efriitlifut Hcrvunt lie has ever shown

lf to be. • ' . ' - ..nboveT'Of-'olutlon "wii*"|]U^.**L'(1 liy"

an . ununimouM vote of the churchMarch "JO, IfH»7, a/nl the meeting WHMcharacterized by the niost kindly ex-prewsii)iif

NINA POMEROY WILLIS,Authprlzed Teacher of the HAEL-


Wwt^ KWnl Mffei't. . • _York Cjty. V.)'2C

Woman's . Home Companion^ An-other .important f*uture in tmn num-ber i.f a characteristic edftoriiil byKdwurd Kverett Hale, "Wome Kemlii-

APPLES and TUR. T-.rn or morn kiinl* •

J.'.VI Imrri'l, }i ttunb^l: om» thirlIfiirilor.'d contld vt**i<I liy innnr'n

1 KutliiK iKittiuIroUjl.i'. hiisliul. Atiif.rnol iiaMwin. *?[,'.»..•:

n|>|ll«<n lii.ao hrirp'l. Oii.'-ihlrl UiiB<t<-[t. •>n-third lbi>Iwli)H. .•[.-, Jt.i") lmrr.'l. fl.5-!..t)U.j!i-;l-.

«Ii«-'l-In 'n'lij-' ur'ifr. tli"""-*-nil wiuti'l mi' 1 l(f><.-|i|iiK wall, iltth-'.rr-1il wunk l( onlonx! In Htm'. l'!-n^

ttio iiT'liirn l>y tills ftili oril-'-niont .Purple*" Top vvlilt**-.(Hob" Turiilftt. ',; c-ni*

buahol. Vitllotv fl.mi t)U9h«l; nice tun ixiil arm(not Swc-l.-a. )• • ' • * . •

W T F^ELVrFiorham Park, N. Jr

Homerof theDavenporth A M an



ytitled '-The ATIII) Horse in Legendand Story,"^in wJiich Inglveua wealthof llrst-hutit] iiifoniialion nn jj.y_ery in-

i i ' b j T l help fillof home building IH t rente* I by

l L i I flj g y

.Henry—Horrlfitin- Lewis In nn. artfcle,diHite," which

in detail thin important- preliminaryin liome.icniiMtriietlon, AiruiTu«unllys'ircmw army of Jtction heuded byjiyitinielv Mhort story, ' "Mrn. tSurkett'sKnstcr lioiifivt," by Mary K. WllkhiHFreeman utid inchidhm JusupfilncDa-ktuu Ilacon'H serial, "The Do-mestic. AdvcntiirerH,"and Mhort stories

iple Hajjey, LuluMoody uiKF^Hiuision Hpfliij;

'intereM to the"April num-ber. • • • - . . - - - .' * •-"":'.

Formusical proxraiu of this church «eeauother coltitiiu. -

Ofiice Hours—S :in to I1-1—I to .",;

First National Bank, Edgar Place,- Summit,-N. J.


REMOVAL:'Dothirtg Wklguarneryf

Ladies' and Gent's Tailor,will remove from I.' Union pluce.to •

385 Springfield Avenue,(Jlnchmore Block).

and will open with an entire new stock,of Spring and Snuitner.Goods. Ladies'and gent's fit Roaranteed. TEL. 273 L.

"-flfE-«OfiAl(-SH0P."I -

K(M1;I1;S. Promr* and Oc'u-tu.ry C.-um-ni-s. l*liot<» Sirp-plio-s. lecture Frames. Ar-tists' .Materials. Houvcnir

.Postals. Eaton - Hurllmt

. Stationery. , Films amiPlates D.'.velopeJ, ' Printed

C U TFresh at trie

Cut Flowers, PalmSfJFfrtii, Elc-_' Weeding. Decorations a«J

Designs a

liorie Onlers KfCfiTroiupt Atti-iilioii.


76 Railroad


'Telephone 47 W


II Maple St., Summit.

POST & COGGESHALL,Successors to W. 5. Post

RlJason i^ BuilderJobbing Promptly Attended to.

Plastering, Brick, Stone. Tile ant!Cement Work- • ;

Orders by mail_wtU receive

(nmediate at tent ion . . . .

P. 0 . Box 1C5. Rtf^UeaceW

' SUMMIT N. .J .

want :iJi. art? profitable..

Page 6: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie


[HeadacheCan l)o curo y ya rcm(r<l>' -tlint willri'imno tho'canso.

Tho oftcucr you•*it<jp it with bi'ttilnclio

quicker trill it'n-turn.Generally, bciulnclio

comet from n <H*i-tiirbnl Htninacli . or

., almost invariably

lane's FamilyMedicine

(a tonio luxiitivfi) will cure lirfl<I-iwliO in f*!iort order bytin* howflu ntid r tin vitro rattiiL: tin-

It is a great blrfod medicinejmdjthcj'syprit^'laxativc of oldand young.

l i e M i u t t i ' r i ' f t i n - n T ' t ' l u ' n t l < i i ] i>r. . .*• C i t y <il S t i m m l t f o r • • t n j i l t - m -i n t t t n l i n f I f t u d ' i o f J n l u i A l l i l r i ' WM u i i ^ h i ' l i i i i T u n i t n u k r i ' i w i i o w n -

LECTURE ON ECUADOR. - (Continued from Page One.)

vice Is maintained with, tho rest ofthe world. It Is to be regretted thatour newspapers do not- dcyoto anequivalent amount of'.space to *cventsIn South 'America. '

Across, the, river' from Guayaquil IsD'tirnn, the terminus of/the Guayaquiland Quito Ittillroad^/ft comj>miy -Incorpontt(Ml_iin(le^'theJiaws~ of theState, of Ncw^rfersey. This railroadIntJlt by-American engincere, la completed foc/adtstance of HO mlles-amlrises to/a height of 12,000 feet, under

indow of Chiujborazo. Tlie roadIn \f\-fUt\ into -tho city of Quito,miles from the coast, and tracki;l[i£ laid >it J h e present time >t

tin; nitft <jf »*'mile Itenlay.

Ascending the Andes...Leaving Duraii .at 7 n/m.v the train•(icf 'ds over lint and^_gently risingmntry tn the footnTIlsrof the Andes

• • r s . '. • I . •'I'.i.lolin Anilr.-w Miin-hi - inn ' rami tin* uii-

k«"wii o w n e i s of th** lutui ln-ri ' lnalUT iU-n•TiUfd. • .

Tiltf '-ltntlff tlmt |>1H>imiltt<> .TIH TlllT l)il. lypf.n an B|i[i|fi-ntlun <>f Hi>- City nf S u m m i t ,

• jiwilf liy lil* Huiir.r. F ranc i s .1. Svviiy?..'.* i.rii-—~!-l!i<--.ht-llff.<'f tin1 Sitpp-tiu! Court of Ni'W

.[t-r-i-yithc HtliM'ily of Si immlt wl l l apn lx tothe -uhl Juili;*' «>» tit;* tWfiitl'-tli ilny nf Apri l .liliH'tt't'u l i i i i i i ln ' i mill w>vi'ii. iit t>*r»oVIoclt In

. t h e frin'nmiti.'ju tlnU'<»jiil Hnimc, in tlit; Oilyitf Kllznlii'th, fur tin- a|iiK>lritmctit of thK'it>li-*ltitt>n«ti'(l fri'djoldiTM ri'Nldcnt1* <»f t h eOi imty of Unioii. 'ns provlik-il hy law. to c s -

" amliii ' . apiiraiftf (itnf«sM'ss tin- prii'ii »>r valurnf t IM- \\K\\\ mill iii'-i'iin-iit t«j f i l ter upon tin-la nil- hrrMimTN'r il<-criln'il iiml tn Iiiy t l icre-In i t -c iv tT I'll1*' " r 1'IIWH for the juir|niMt of• lf«l«i><inc "f HeWiiiri' a n d at all t luu-n to mafn-

•-tiilnatHl (((ifnitt* »neli w w i T r>ij'« (>f I'il't'H;UH1 fi i l tT ti|>f>n tlit? Mild 1,'intl at all Him** fortliu I'urpof-c i>r fnsph'ction. repairs ami aihll-

.. ti'tn-* tliert'tn; tin* *uM tract of Innil helm:-Itimtc in. (he- nalil City of Summit, UnionOmiittj-. New JiTHex anil li>-ln« thirty fi'i't inwidth nr Dfti'i'tt fi't't on fnt-li. hjile of thy [ul-Intvintr <II'S<THM'I1 (.-enter lino:

Hi't'ljiiilnK In tJiH.i'iistril)* line nf Pustule'uvt-WUL- at n i>oliit (liHtnut northerly flv*' feet,nmro nr II>«H, fr»it>-tli«* fnt^rncctfon of wildUdf-wlth the division litii' iM'tWfcn tin* prop-erties now or Inti1 nf »»ld Juhti Andrew Muii-flifdtiuTnnil Kenneth I>. Cntnstouii.iuid run-ning th<>nce throiiuli tint lands now <>r' late ofthe M.iiil .lohu Andrew MuiiMlielinor 'Northllftyhlx deiyei-H eichtt'cn minutes east twolumdrcil aim fortyllvt! feet, more nrji'tw. tothe property of Frank A, DIllliiKhiim anilytlieiN. nml oniilnif tliero.

The hint known owner of wild land* Is th«said John Andrew Munr-helmer. whoso where-ubouts Is unknown and who N hulluved tol»t> l l e l ld . . ' 'Dafi l Miin-h n.th. 1WT.

- COlsltA S". WILMAMS.W-2fl . Attorney firr('ity nf Hunimlt.

v.tv estates, stretching for miles onJilier side of the track and equippedvyilh lines of miniature, railway, forhauling cane end with large sugarfactories. Leaving tlio plains, the•ascent Is gradual through dense tropi-cal forests plentifully watered bystreams 'and cascades which can sup-ply unlimited water power.

At an elevation of from 4,000 lo 5.-00<Jm feet tfiere rises a nmss_of colos-sal, bald, rounded hills, nljnoat shut-

out the" Hinllglit, and It appears.Impossible, that the railroad can pro-ceed further. The • mountains'- seem1

an unsurniountablo wall 9,000 or 10,*0.00 -feet high. But American- engi-neers have found a way nnd have accoinplishe.d one of tho most difficultfeats known in railroad constructionA migarlqaf peak Htands out In frontof tlie towering hills. 'Cut zigzag Inthe sheer face of the granite;switchback of four levels has solvedthe problem of rising to 9,000 feetThis level attained, the line advancesthrough volcanic country, • seameiwith ravines and. surrounded by sulphur-covered hills, until a similarcul-de-sac Is reached. ' Thin In turnIs surmounted by means of a similarswitchback loop with a grade of 7per _cent, "and we reach thlTl'ass ofPalmfyru', ori the roof of tho (worldat 12.00(Treet^ Wild wastes of shiftIng sand surround .the track. Stiffgrass, like rushes on the-fjea-shorc. Isthe only vegetation. Fossil-^.shellsare found here, and tho general'ap-pearance of the country is that.of thesea-coast.

Ing, we can see one of t,he mostglorious sights of the World—sunrise" Chimbonuo. The majestic, ginntjon jBtands out In the dawn, his mantle ofsnow washed~with-crfnison-nnd^gb!dr

roadwinds over gigantic '.hills,steep.'great

around" prccIp"Jct'.-«. -jdescents until we reach theplain of I-atacnnga, stretching.'to th'efoot of dread Cotopaxl.', The Uelds as well"as the broad

roads crossing"the wide valley's areInclosed by adobe walla surmountedby tlie broad-leaved -American' aloe.The _alot\ "sometimes . called the cen-tury plant. Is one of the most useful "and Important plants. In tho country.It Is an erroneous idea that J t flowersonly "once in" a hundred years",. "TheIndians' thatch their huts with Itsleaves. The ' l eaves ' when' lappedyield syrup; they can also be usedas soap, and the spines as plus. The

Is woven into sacks and fromit are made the coarso sandals wornby the common people. The tallflow or stalks nre used for beams andladders. The (lowers,, -boiled andsoaked In vinegar, make an agreeablepickle. . •.'

The cochineal Is found in abun-lanco upon the leaves of ,the plenti-ful cactus. Its name is derived-fromis supposed resemblance to a little>ig (cochinllio). It is used by tho In-Uiins for dyeing ponchos and shawls.,As wo apptoach tho city, of Lata-

ritnga the. country becomes moresterile. The plain, is covered with•blcariic wind and p'umicestone, Indi-•ating the . neighborhood, of Cotopaxl.

"F a On alrom tills point there is a grdescent until the present end of theroad Is reached at Cajabambn, 11,000feet above the level of tho sea andnt tho foot of mighty Chimborazo. Atthis place there are somoof the fewexisting remains of buildings erectedby t)ie ancient Incan. } They'ar6 builtof great masses* Of ~Ktone~rastciTifd " to^gether with eejiient.. The stone canbe broken, lint it Is impossible tomake any impression upon tho ' ce-ment. .Strange to relate, I found liv-ing liere a. former Rough Itlder, whomI.JKUI known-In.. Cuba-—lie is engag-ed in the purchase of hides for theNew York market.

It is necessary to spend the nightin this village and to set out f<y*Q(il-to early next morning by automobileor diligence. I have always found itmore satisfactory to travel:by d-ill-genco. In "this way baggago can ac-company- the traveler and .a longwait at tho Journey's end is avoided.

Tho wagons are drawn by teams offive or six mules. Sixty mulcH, withchanges, are used to reach Quito,furnished with a long-handled-' whipforMlu* leaders, the other.with a shortwhip for the wheelers. Tin- -aiiimuMnrc urged on with whistles and shoutswifhout Intermission, lu is. the mostthrilling.'oxeitingv and hair-rafslng Io-r

comotlun" 1 kuow.'.,TlH' mules' "arekept at full gallop down: the longsliipes'of the Andes. It Is often, asmuch as' they qau do to keep aheadof the coach.. However, I -ut-ver heardof. an accident. The-drivers nro Iiien]9iig trained, in the .litntliu'ss. and donot" kndw~wha, fear Is: " _

Formeilyf irefiire nTe~day~s of therailroad- and . carriage -'road. "UTToakten days im inulu hack from Guaya-

Tile"TJiouses~sird"churcKe's are but'lt orpumicestono thrown out by the moun-tain, which In'the past has-. causedmuch destruction to. tills part of thecountry. • ' .

There is a legend Hint the greatearthquake of HI!*S was predicted hy•j. priest seven years before it tookj>Iace.' The Carnielite nuns of Lata-ciinga* believed in the- prophecy andslept Iii tents in their garden for-sev*en years. The convent fell, but thonuns were saved. \

Latacuiiga is the starting point ofthe most romantic gold legend inEcuador. The lost treasure of the In-cas is supposed to be hidden in thoneighboring hills. One Valverde, aSpaniard, was informed of the secretby his sweetheart, an Inca maiden,and he became suddenly very rich.He left a description and guide of thehiding* place. This" document waspreserved In the archives of thfeityuntil It was" stolen. Many expedi-tion?^ have bren vmade in search ofthe Idst^-trcasure. but without sue-


12 'ACRESTORE Newark's Store Beautiful STREETS


TH E new frocks have come in for un end of julinh'jition—--ami, naturally we feel""a l>it puftVtl up l>ecause our selections have so pleased our most" particulin"

clientele: Tlie sho\vin^js_uiost_t*omprehensive aud for the most part exclusive. —Jfauv models shown here are seeimo where else—dun to our superior,

• and comnutnd of the best producers*. .. •.• . . - • • 'We asked your attention to-the.iuOre elaborate goWiis' during' o'peniug

Jnit it was really surprising how many people'turned to tlie more, practical tiling- >and hi)W liberally they lioii^lit i>f the .suits* we :iro specializing of which •mention

. is hero made-' , - . . _ _ . . • - • • .

Stylish Suits of Black or Blue Panama;in exlreinHy ^tyli^fi models, tiie jsrket« be>.ing aeuii-titted and tritniiml witb braid andfiincy, ve.nt eff»-'Tt!*. the «kirt nicely plaited:carefully tailoni: reumrkiibly acenrate in fit;^.nits thut we elseivlierehave seen nmrfeed $ItJ.-1<>;being ofterfd » t . . : . . . . . '

Cutaway Coat Suits Of finescrRe, in bltu'-kIilne, Hnd brown, with either, box or Bideplaited, skirts; smartly tailored; decidedlyHwell; pnits rightly valnedat- $35; offered hereat



ly- plaited'

Smart Suits of BronilclQth—In stripei".plitidH mid over-pltiid-; prettily triuimed witbtufTetit tind fanry bmids; Jackets in Eton andmid coiit effects; fkirts ueatly- plaited'-fairlyvalued nt *'2'1 50;liFte at) u feature ntonly .'

. Rich Suits of Broadcloth—In fancy- plaidsand checks nhd bine, hlnck ami brown Pana-ina and perire; made witb. tiffbt-fitting, seini--

. fitting and box cout»; plaited ekirts; - trimmedwith pl'iin or fancy brafil, tailored straps andHtitcbinir/ " Tivomodels ?nre to provenhir; mod-

Box Coat, Cutaway Coat and New Eton-Suits of Panama, imported pjalds and over- •plaids and plain^ cheviots; trimmed wttti ?

braid, taffeta and tailored atrape; lieantifnllylined with taffetta; akirta Vfide plaitVdMD striking models valne $39; offered here. ..

Suits.in Fancy Eton, Olbson and Three-Button Cutaway Coot and Vest Effects-Made of Voile over, silk and of fancy cheviotand Panama with-trimmlriRB of" braiil lihtl "taffetta; botb aiilsa plaited and trimmed skirts.to iait yonr taste; eleff'int 'suits; wonld .be considered moderately



BANKING BY MAIL!,A crmvlni; nu!iil»'r ur.pcmli.' |ri Nortliorn

-NJJW Jprsoy nrtt lookhte miuii n IJt'iKislt in'Li te IVlorrJ* C o u n t y fcJ n v 1 ti |r**DdiilciiH tlii« ln'Ht form of » rntiNcrvatrvt-1-InvpKtmoiit. Tliu rritu-iiial I,-* iiviiilnlil.- nt niltimes, nnd tho Income u-sflure<t. it in iuliii<t-ahlp to any a in mi nt from I-'(VLI Dollarn to fiveHutidrLMl I>"ltiirn.

1 l ie NIorriM O o i m t v HiiviiijTHIH tlio only KHVIIIKH Itank in N i

«TII New Ji-rsc'v niul one of tliu Htriinyt'Ht Inthi' Mnti\ Its* iKipiilurity Is iMiit-i'dtiil - luiv-Irit' »t iTt'si-nt itver Tt'n Thousatid Oni'lliiu-drod Iti-jiiiKitnrH. _ _ , . , .

Our syHtciii nf l l i i i i l c i i i i r 1>.v > I t i i lninkt-H It iirnctl'-ulilo fur you to deposit hen1

wliiTcwr you llvi'. intcri'Ht January int. \w~.4 I V r t o n t , u|i tu'fvHJii.du,'

Morris County Savings BankMorristown, N. j .PHILANDER B. PIERSON, President.


*S2.902,722.98. $285,<J83.-41.

WHI'I'IC 1*€» I'M, . - •

Interest begins the First of each no nth



Personal_Att«ntlon Day and Night.

- ir .140 it. .


377 Springli^ld Avc, Muchihoru ltlock.

v IVSHAETER.--Electrical Construction—;

-.-Electric Lighting, - - •/- r- :

^_ Electric Hells,' . . . - ; v-^- R e p a i r i n gPOST OFFICE BUILDING, Summil.NJ.

TKLKHIONE. w l *• -.-

Fresh daily from the.water.will hi* in stock 1"at our market.•••Also a full supply of

Rockaway and Blue Point

the Il.tne Is three days. 1 have,made,the journey wltli auliiiiiobile' andtrain In an hour.-*. • — •—

Murphy ®, O'Brien,376 Springfield Avenue.

. Telephone 65 R ^

' "--'A Land IVfade"f6r~Giant8.Th. ' r'niiiiiry Is on ;i rolossM sn i lo .

Il bi'in»« :i.-lauil niiiiU; for s l a n t s . Hl«liin tln> .air, the tojis of tlio rounilcdhills ar*> 1 nit* piijchworl; <»f tMiltiviiU1)!flfhN. ,\t' tli"1 foot »f' the hllln " llosniiHim Krt'tMi valleys.-' Tlu>n' Is almn-ilaiit watt-T and I'he dry p k u v s :iro

well InlfAiitjj] \1«11K t ' t l i-water Is ' .carr inl for IOITK i H jm e a n s of tunne l s out in flu* volcanicsuit, with arrMeit ojHMiiu^s at rvrl i l lninterval-;, The scarlet wool iioii'rhoR" i n n liy ilie Imliau lajiorers n i a k o H

.pitssi 101," tu picl; (hem out, In tho mar-w l o u s cli-ar afniouphcre, on' tho hillsnml in ihi* val leys at surpr is ing, ilis-kuiri1^; .

It is, iii'reiisacy t"o spend' tho nl^litat ilie city nf ''Amiiutn' (S.OftO foot).The town lie.-? in a ilecp cauldron. Tliorljnmie is tlclijihtful. -Hero' api>los.lilnnis, and peai'lies llnnrish as wollas the vegetables ami cerealsTeniporate Zono. -Abato- liascotton mills; produi'hiK ' the co.lrsewhite coHon < loth • -tiniyersally usedt'.v the Indlaji»_ for shirts ami wiilobas^y •trounor^- WuUr ppwor Is nbun-dant" and tho mills pay we'll. Amluvtil- Is also tho ht'adfiunrtors for thotrade from tliOJ>Oriento, or tho low-lands towards tho oast stretching totin* valley—cf-Ufo-Amaaon.^-A-llno••fora'rhllroiid lo tnp thls-di?trlct, rich ,Inrubber'am] pol/1. has boon surveyedand work will boplh soon^ '

in'tlie early moxn-

Prom this clty^we^ journey overrolling country to the "foot^of Coto1

pax! (IS.Siio feet). The ""mountain,presents a beautiful appearance, cj'adjin its robe of enow. ...Its. shape is thatof a regular truncated cone with aHat Miimnlt. Tlio crater IH unlnteii-Tiiptt'd In activity, anil volumes ofwhile and pray smol;e continually Is-sue trom it. tienerally tho smoke as-sumes the form of an enormous tree,with'trunk and branches, until a'cur-rent of air tears it away from thomountain arid-it' floula -away a. cloud,while, by night the smoke forms a pil-lar of fire. Near the snow-line-Is ahuRo mass of rock called the Inca'9head. According to legend, this wasthe original summit of the mountain,torn oft and hurled down by an erup-tlon-on the day the Inca, Ataphualpa,was executed by the Viceroy of Peru.

After crossing the hlgli pass ofChastiui, nbove the clouds: the road,lies through rich pastures and fertilefields. The green pastures of thobeautiful valley of Machacht spreadi round us, (lotted with countlessii'i-ils'of cattle and horses. Beautifultlllas srt In gardens ami groups of:rt'i'« nestle at the foot oft greatH I K • : — / ' ' •• ' A

a •

HfMtses-fl'ro closer1 to'goth'er as ' welear Quito, -the. capital. Xumlierlesandiaus. men and wumWi. carrying

liurdens or driving t.nlon mules, forpian emllesii procession. For tlie en-(ire ir-tiKth .of' ihV great Kcimilorinn

iirnmnyofTeretl here

Broad, fiew arid Halsey Streets,Telephone 3460-Newark. NEWARK Jj


TheJinlians carry cverj thing—ontheir bacUri. *lTlie~ linul is suppprtodby a stTup-ixasslug aciosx the fore-,head. ' 'Their strength -ilos-lu. the


they can—'unn.s,_


day. They are

nf the , rlrll Tevoral ••'-

A Snow-WBite.. City. . -Quito Is hiillt in a bowl-shaped val-

ley, at the foot.of Mount- i'lehinoha.The altitude, "of thy "cltyls OA'O'foetaliove the soa. The nioiintnin risesIii the lia<"!;gr<>iiiid lo a height,..of Ks-0M(» feet. The view whicii-pre^iints It-.self frmn the summit oCabls mountainfs one of the most superb and Impos-ing possible' to conceive. Twenty.snow-clad pcal;s rise before you, rang-ing from Iii.Otui to Ji!,uon Ti.t>t.' It Is11 uly a* Council of tlie Patriarchs ofthe Andes. - ' . '

,There are three onirances to theoITy—two from the south and .onefrom ihe north.. We enter from tleosouth by a picturesque brjdpo span-ning the Maehangara. ltivor. -•*.The direct rays of 'the_enu:iioria] sun

are whlto as lhue-lii;ht,, and tlio llrsti in press Ion of Quito Is that of asnow-white- city, relieved by roofs of

il tile^. In the street's, andplazas are thousands of people, con-tinually 'moving. Tlie majority ••arcIifdlans in scarlet or orange ponchoswide . wlili'e "cotton" trousers, ' andbroTid-brimmed-whi'ie felt hats. Thereare Indians from a hundrbd differentvillARef*,. • marked by the cut of thehair, .tho turn of n ljat, "or the. sliapoof a poncho. The streets-are throng-ed from mornjng' to evening .within tiles, horse?,' oxen, donkeys, 'andllamas With- loads' of, everytlon. ' .. '

. Ladles in .smart victorias, drawn, by |

Chilian or native horsesr drive to andfrom the shops filled with merchan-dise from Paris, N,e.w.,..Y.ox&.. London,Vienna, and Berlin. Handsome" offi-cers In full regimentals stroll alongthe Ktreets. Gentlemen in frockcoats and top-hats are everywhere.

Tije city Is traversed from east towest by two deep ravines, .throughwhich Pichlncha sends down Its tor-rents of melted Know, Tlie land up-on which the city Is built is inshapj,like tlio -inside of an oval bowl, ntthe bottom of which i s - thfe...Pla-;a.Mayor. 'The course of the streets itgenerally regular, running east andwest -and north and south. Thostreets are" paved with -cobbles..1". Thehouses, -of stone and brick, are mostly built In the Spanish-Moorish styl*?,'with' courtyards~"SvIthin," The roofaproject pyer__the_ side walk land afforilprotection from rain. Balconies...._oy-erhang .the streets from every *w»n<Iii\v." 'Tho'- ground floor on the; st'rctit4r;r?i—nn—cotmcctiun—wlth^—th(T~re3r~bItlic house nnd -Is usually occupied' byshops.- The entrance' is always.highenough-to" admit, a mounted horsemin

' t h e -Atx»»n

iire f,'all(Tles. supported by arches orplllaj-s. i'1'hi? living rooms open, upontlieso galleries-. Servant^ are • chea;iJHid-falthfut. - ' . - . .

There are several good hotelsQuito—ihe Royal I'alace,. Motor -:eParis, Hotel Americano, and thc~l\i;.r,.Vail.. • " .

The jieople of Quito are charuiin^,euurteous, "and hospitable.\ I do' njiknownny city of its size'which con-t.'ilns as many intelllpent^nd ctifrlva-ted peuplor^Tlrrlr HViFjiitalily is ;iro--verblal. I have continually receive:1presents of swci't-nnratsi butter, cake.-),venison, and uven tlsh. There" .ireno fish in o~r hear Quito. They niv.e-tbe brought, fronr i;uaya(mii :froien_lnlllocks of ice-'-'a journey of six days-*tLL ' l m ' ^ ljii'«'ii. I sha.ll always be In-debted .to piy "nun trims, cultivatedfriends of Quito for 'their constantkindness 10 me.

The population uf Quito is compu-ted lo lie abuut-70,'.i(i". Being the"capital ol"| the Republic, the govern-ment luiililliifis and otlices are hereand also the presidential,'palace. Thehandsome government and municipalbuildings; tho' bishop's palace, andthe - cathedral surround the ''great

•ire many beautifuljrlaza.' There•churches; and convents In Qult.o. Thechurch of tho Jesuits is superb, withIts- Interior^a mass; of scarlet andreal gofd. , Sjngers from Europe are

on l*ni;e>'tven)

E . P : Burroughs & Son.



Springfield Avenue,11

SUBMIT, New Jersey.-Telephone —.——. --^_ __„ — -.259.

^homas-Baird—Sncc.es«or to Bairil A: GnrraVrant—

House Kainters, ^Paper Hangers,

anilDecorators.Eatimatca furnished and jobbing

promptly, attended to., Beat of workguaranteed. • ' •

' SO . 57 , -JHAXKLK' .SUMMIT;N. 1.

L^awaniia ExpressHolland & Wagner Proprietors

Furniture Moving and Storage.

cLiiic -"in.i Si.ij.j.JNi;.. lianos' Moved,1IOI«IL-I|. lUitiMnnd Shipped.

Frris!:t Deliver*:.! "an.I l ia^ace Chvckc'd,

. /Trucking of All Kinds.—"^


•>• Mail i:*.ri-lvt' IT. . ini t Attention.

John J. MeClure & SODSTONE ^




'ETC., CUT TO ORDER.Monumrntfi. Head&toncp, TnWiL.r;;

and General Cpmptery Work Done. H!n<Htone—KlllH.LIntelH.tftepP.ClilmiK-jCar?.Heftrth Ktonos. Coping. Pier Cap!-. Curt

d F l l " '

Yard-and ResidencCj 68BaiIroad k\t,.Tel. 171L. . SUMMIT. N.J. •_.

Advert'ifle your wants in the•HKIIALP.

— Summit fBuilding @ Loan^ Association

SeriesOpened n

^-WILLIAM S.. PORTER, .Secretary

Read the BowlingJews in The Herald.

Page 7: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie

. ' ' , • " I ' * J "


fcj,lignule Coal at fair prices,lu\ <vnnrautee the absolute clean-

| i n e s s ami full weight of


GOOD MORNING fhave you tried our Ice? If so,yon will not need us to toll ymithat it is iirmaiiyVays - " : ~

THE VERY* BEST ICEthat ciiu. be bought. ' Made fromdistilled citv-water.

Summit & Hadison Ice Company,.....—jo Hygiene Ice. *;«"""'" •• Coal and Wood

Office and Factory: Park and AsWood Aves., Summit; Tel. 15b.Branch Office: Railroad Ave., Madison, N. J.

LECTURE ON ECVADOR ican Investors' will put tho slcklo Into the field sowed by our Rr<*at Secretary of Stale, tlw? Hoii. Klihu Hoot

J_ ! ^ L — ? ! ? — * — - | " \Onn,m>V drt-iU IStftniir -anil"

attached to the choir. Here in the , ; " v i n 'J1*1 llt>1(l- t l r f > n t Urilain hnvini;'a InrjiiT tr;wU< lialanco to-lUT creditcapital, above tin* clouds 1R one of

the pret t iest ." theatres - i n South | I h r t l 1 Hii- -wimtry enjoys. .Hie . sueAmerica ' *: ' cess of the European, trader1 is due tu' Tho Cumim-rclo nnd Tlempo. the t l l s cl(1-''1' *i*W of.

leading newsiiapors, are progressive,well edlted^and intlucutial.

Tlii-y havo their particulariuus hi trade, iniii them1 can

yThe mean-temperature of the city »'••>'>* asivnalueil by a careful stud}Is about CO degrees . T h e t l je rmome- , " f }lwll\llvt's am} w a n l " - ;t tT scarcely over r l . s e s ^ b o v o 70 j l e - L America has t h e world, a s l u - r m a r

greos or sinks below 50. JElie ...morn1-• lUut. bin ir is in the line of. kelf-fii-


nterior Decorator and Painter.



• ~ : T* Estimate! and Samples "Furnished..': * . . ' . " " .-

Springffield Avenue, - ' ,- • - . / • - , York Building;Telephone J82, W . ' ' • Summit, N . J.

Lumber, Masons' Materials

pIngs anil evenings nre coql, the' mld-•dlo of the day warm. The climate Isdelightful—never hot, never cold—aperpetual early ' spring. • .Consump-tion and^pulmorinry d i s ea se atlcally tmknbwji. Many—marvelouscures have beeii accomplished iucases of consiinipftonswhen> hope hadbeen given up. There are many p£p_pie who would nay any "price to' bedelivered from the great white pla-Kiie., Quito seems to. t>e n cure.. Thedays and nights are* of twelve hours*duration1 the year-round. The differ-ence between sun and shade is 10 de-grees. This difference ' is felt ntonce by moving from sun to shade orvice versa. A Journey of four hoursfrom the city wiii~place ".the-travelerin the region of eternal frost, or Inthe space -of half a-' day he can de-scend to the deep and sultry "valleyswhich separate the-mighty chains of(he Andes. * This variation of tern-

rTnl ing-:—upon—eieva tioii-Two .drivers occupy thobox seat, oneand occurring between narrow limits,furnishes a. daily and diversified.sup-ply ot vegetable food, from the' ba-nana, pineapple, orange, an&"-• plan-tain, to wheat, Corn, potatoes, cabba-ges, salads, apples, pears, grapes andstrawberries. Hens lay so persist-ently that medicine has to be givento them to save their lives. ..As thoclimate Is cool and the houses un-heated, dally ami frequent exercisoon foot or on horseback.is absolutely,necessary. On leaving the city It Is"dlfllcnlt_ to afold the sun, as treesare scarce; but sunstroKe is unknown.Mosquitoes, snalCes", 'scorpions,- taran-rulas, arid rats are unheard of. Thereare no bugs or beetles.

The Ilora of Quito is beautiful andInexhaustible. Roses bloom all . theyear round; wild flowers cover thosides of courtyards ami-ruins; tulips,orchids, pinkn, and lilies bloom winterand 'summer, and geraniums run riotover walls and roofs.

.Commercial Prospects.

ti'tvst that she should stimulate, on-courage, ami develop tlK;lSo.uLh_.UiiiM'-Iran trade. .

Our properties are located In the-Drovliicu—i»t—LlIiinjoraldaKj -Kcuador,Jimitli^_AmerWa: theM.!o!d region re:

(Vrred to in Mr.. Leo's-lecture. .Thisterritory will 50011 be developed oh anextensive scale by Cold Dredges._. These properties, us far as kno>vu.are the richest in GOLD aud PLATI-NUM. The- almost unprecedentedfact thai the American aad EnglishGovernments published pamphlets re-garding Ecuador, containing Engi-neers'"reports upon these same- prop-,ertien, also their history. Confirmsthis statement.

The American Government publica-Him:4s.- Bulletin G\. Bureau of Ameri-can Kepubllcfl, Department ot State,Washington. D. C,

The English Government publica-tion is Foreign Office Report, Miscel-laneous Series, No. 2C2.*- - ' _^..J'NITEI) STATES GOLD DHEDGING

1 & 'RUBBER CO;. *2219 Land Title Building. •

Philadelphia,, Pa


Nutritious To The Last Crumb.

Fresh Rolls.Try nnr I'lif*; .tin,! ¥V

Miiilt- of the pure->t, ln-tt Houralike, ulwiivi* m»o»l — "jii*t l ike m o t h e runeil ti> intiitr, Don't; lie gui l ty of the-

"folly of linking h'reud when you canbuy it fiiaier timir you run luike. - (jetVo'egtlen's Home-Made Bread iinij

. -me time iintl temper. You will tindN ., it i* economy to buy brt'iul tlnit in pood

every, morning.Toii«y.

VIENNA BAKERY,L e i i v e y o u r -^ • '" 83 Summit Ave., Summit

News of

Paragraphic Photographs of the

World's Doings'

rn'sifli ' iit iCiniM'Vfii mivlscil r*r. Mar-vin of I»chiw'.'irt* lliiit ins t ruct ions h:ivtln't'ii si'iit to tin* pos tmas te r p^noral toiliii'ct the pi>stnwi-»lt'rs UtiotiKhiiiit tli>ri iuutry to exhibit In their ottloes plji-i-imls with photok't'iipiis «r tin- missingMiirvin lioy. wiili,n sriio.l 1lrscT.lijfijjn.t7fhim. Tin- ffuvi'ni'miMit u l lTidve.ul I t h eniil iHissllilo lii n«:>vrtiihilMEr if Hi*1 boy


Concerning GardensSent upon receipt —of two cent stamp.



Nurseries: SOUTH ORANGE,

. corner Irvington and Boyden" Avbnues.

Telephone 2001, Orange.

-.T< »




Noto flftt ninig " A m o i " and "No. 7 3 " befora «at«rlflt Stor*. 1

Hardly necessary for us to say anything about the liberal,straightforward way v/e have been treating tho public inthe PAST!. It's already well known ! Right here inNewark 47 years, meeting the wants of' every patron,carrying largest stocks,^ running the largest" store, in theState (floor space amounting to 6 acres), it's NATURALwe're recognized as leaders. " ' '

This Spring and ALL seasons to follow you'll not onlyfind all departments carrying the latest^ancl best, -butyou'll find, if ACCOMMODATION is-vanted^NO house willjtfflFer it more liberally—if you PREFER to pay money dowa^NO house-will do more for your cash !- • ••• . . •

All We Want is a Call—Our Splendid 47 year—Record-GUARANTEESJYou Good Service 1

'Ecuador Is n sound-money countryand has never issued paper money.AH-the Ecuailor'inTVs iftave demonstrat-ed Iu the past their good sensV; , inthis mutter,; the -.ictual currency,which is on gold hasls, is unlikelyto bo disturbed In the Future.

\ Ecuador has no foreign tlebt. Theonly foreign debt Incurred lias beenptiliNofT. This was the money bor-rowed, -during tho struct* -for Jnde-peridenccXTlie- only obligation of thogovornmeiit^at present is the intereston the bonds Issued for the construction of the Guayaquil and Quito Rail

joad;" Deyelcptneot always -followstho railroad.

Kcuador is tho principal producerof cocUa nnd Ivory-nuts ln\tho worldOn the coast, coffee, rubber^bananassugarcane, rice, cotton, and' tobaccogrow luxuriantly. Upon the plattauxof l l ie/Igh ('IstricVs arc- produce^•wlwuts corn, outs, beans,, potatoesand all the principal cereals of . thoTemperate Zone. ^supplies cattle, horses, * sheep, andpigs. There is abundant pasture allthe year. It is an agricultural coun-try.

Tho establishment of industries iswelcomed. The rivers on the-"cpastand the streams In tho mountains furnlsh ample and cheap water power'Some of tho industries which wouldgivt- results nre banana planting 'pathe'coast,"ivlTore-land and labor arecheap, the .crcp finding n. ready mar-ket; lard-reflnmK, as immenso quant!-'tk-s are Imported by .way of Panama

-awl-Capo—Horn .^o—supply —Ecuador,I'eru, and Chile; cotton nnd woolt'nmills .for-the"Ramo markets ;~cement

u pply—i»i hUc—eonatrueHorr

and Carriageslr.Ii'.k*"*.u) contribute to thli Sprlnr

It.p«ttorn»,. attracilvo

, ry modern device—allrumlhemodettto moat elabgr.

• t lowcft prices la

Carpcts;^nd Rugs!"""-ThetVi not «Bolh»r»howli>(C of floor 'ct> vert aft to ba#l thlioo> ofo«r». wb*a (

variety, bftply •"»< f»ouln«lr low price \{If the quMtloa t Aa (mmeo«o -carpetdcptftmrol' flot dlaplay ficllltfei andpleoty olobllaiog lall inisato "•howyou 'nund -whether you buy ornot J

Opening Leaders.Parlor

;;i.Verona plush, at . . . JO1.( ' ' « W r o o r a Suits,

V1 K'»*.tlen oak, at

j^ur, at: 7.50

Opening Leaders,$20.00 Sideboardi,

in golden « * , at

$12.00, Extension T.ablel. Q- C'A.. {golden oak, at O^OV'.'S,

$5.00 Ennmcled Beds,brass trimmed, at. . .

and railroad building;,, furnituro. faq-.torles, china olid glass worlcs.-distil-.jerleg. aiiil canning"' and prt'servingfactories—all these .industries VJlnd the necessary elements, ra\v>na-

tlu- beat—ciuftli

Blioes,furniture, a

i T p

lituor. For cement the country /pro-vides all the materials; also for/chi-na and glassware; ••-for Blioes,/ fineleather and Jiides; forKrent" variety of useful andwoods- J ' liere Is enough land 'oh thecoast available to suiiply the banana"mi'irki'l- of" tllo world. The fisherk'Saround-the Galupngos Islands, whichIH>IOIIK to Kc-iuidor, are wolfc- stocU-cdwith furtle and codfish. The climate.is mild, the sea Is calm, and there isabundant sal*. - •' Tliere iire^ ext*rq&ivo

.r*»:il dejinsKs in the province of ;Azu-ay nnd gold find silver in the prov-

s of l.oja. El Oro, and Ksmereldrs.-d—r;ich .country awaiting

i ) j L , u V , C j i J i p

tuul t ies for the capital and spi r i t of

AMOS H .VAN HORN, 1 Ltd.• iure you i 5» "No. 78" and fir it mm« "AMOS" befora aoterinf our «ior«.

MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. ,N.»r PI.3. St., Weitof,Brotd'St.

' ^ n fri iT e l a p h o n a , B 9 0

TIIP nepuhlfc has Ko«d rurrM*«-y,cheap labor, plenty of wafer power,;ilMimlant niw 'material of 'superiorijiilility, many rivers on tho .coast for

'u-ansnortntion, nnd a railroad into tholift'Tior. But llio dooni of trade can-not be openi'!..,unless tlie^morchanfsanil capitalists of .this country heedthe Invitation . n-Mih'entor the market?,in ' Ttlch they aro assured a prefer-rt_*'_I jilaco, -and lay the lines of mutu-al ' trnde relations'that will redoundtu the advantage of the countries con-cerned.

This Initiative must be found here,and It is certain that commercial In-,terests of-this country and_the_Amer-,

s i ; i i i


ijnnn—rn—1'nriMimMarvin's son.

l-'iom 11 siiuill tf i iomcut In n fourftimllr- liutise in a iii^il vSlliiRO to IDIH-IIVSH of. 11 l;irye mnl line uesiUftn-e InLUI:S<I;III>, It. I.: is the s£op \vhii:h MisS;ir:ili Kiiiin.'i Toinliiisou, ;i liliiid woui-1111. KIIOU will mkc. Why Is to \veil ex-(J.ivfi'mir L. F. r . Gnrviii , one. of Hittuo«st proininetit PeiniKTats In the s tu te .Tin' i ' \ -«oveni ' i r in sixty-six y e a r s old.Miss Totnlinsiin Is thir ty- throe y e a r sht?V junior..

Si ;u:itorp<>s.<' uf nuking tlt>> Ohio llepulillcmi

eouiinittPti t<>l«sue n cnll for prl-s to select d Mi'Mates to tlie

convi'iitiuii. Th i s will givetiuilty for choice liotween Secre-

y Tuft ami Senator Fon tke r ns(tliin's choice fur the Itppllblleun- presIdctilinl tioiiiiuiillou nt the hand* oftin- Uenubllciui nat ional cuninilt tce Inlims. _ . .V.IHIMI Kllnmie. n shoemaker of Alt«M>n:i. Vi\'.. h a s succeeded in producing:i ci"Hn]K>iihd wlili'h causes comiuoiicoiil jisiios when mixed with 11 mnallt|Uiintit.v «f coal to crea te u hent ofKfeattT lntiMisIty tlianl tljiit from thehighest gr:ideN(»f soft coi'tl wlien , fnn-ncil liy 11 foiccilxdnift . The cobbler 'sfiffrcet" wln'ii ""peffcrted i>rornlst'-s toinnke onufour. ' ;

Aliiert C I i i c r l i i - s ) e r - a i i f l T i ^mini, botli of S'cwnrk, N. T ^ Iiiul »iiiiiinw CHcnp<3 from urotvnlnp v on- the

-N>wHi'k nic'rttliiws while intislrt-at-liiint-ing. Thf l r dfi^s iippenrtnl to'reiiJV/ethe prLMllcnincut of "the men mid set upii howl. Some Itnlinns who wore ntwork hnlf n n i l l c itwny (>ir_n'ltulli'oaii

the loud, burking nnd


Only One Change of :Cars and Quick Time ••I

For Tickets, Pullman Reservations, and Pull {information Apply to . •

LACMWANNA AGENTS j• : O K vM>l>I<I«;?-i?* •


Thorburn's Flower and Garden SeedsS'S 11AK1WN HOHC5

Paints, Varnishes and Enamels all size Packages, inaddition to General Hardware and Housefurnishing5

nf. t o n l x l o tliP -work of B:Springfield Avenue, S^ijnniit,


The I'ort 'IJOIIKI? ~{Ia.l cfnint'll hitspulsed nn orillniince to the effect thatnll-.uulolioj.rfed- persona_.between ..ila1

n«t'f* of" twunlytlvr nnd forty-five yenrswhose turn tut nnd physlcnl propen^l-

l wl»> nrp inyt n.iu-

hoice GrpceriesTButter, Eggs, Coffee _: *. . ^ : v . -"" ...........anlTea Our Specialties.

H6AVARD H A L C BJUILDINQ, Cor.'SpHngfield A.ve. and Boulevard


m n r r l o d s h a l l h e u v ( | i i i n ' i l t o o b t a i n ii

l i i r i i i - - i - : i m ! - - " i . ' i l A ' i t h l l i s i x t y d a y s - o r

l i e s u t i j i " ! I n a tll i i1 n f f r o m $ 1 " t>> ? l ' f i .

— ' H i e fit|»'t—-I«t;_tl!!>•*•-SI'IHIH-rtu'liV — i•*-

1 : I I I I | < In J' i iTiii t i i i i h a r l i ' i r w i l l l i e h i v c - t -

l;i^ r!t'i"ll I'.V I t i r l l i i n l . IfOU*'1!'1*. ( . ' I ' lKTitl

c in i i i^ i -1 , f u r tin* is t l i ' iMJi in f j i i l a l . r n t i i -

I>II . i i i u l S<Ti ! i * i j i iy T u f ! i i i H l p i i r t y ,

> tu r I f t | r»ir I ' i i i t i t m i t . T h e , l u y c < ! l -

II 1^ f ; i r t b e i S n r j u i ^ ' ' o f i f i - o n i -

r . m l i t m \ \ h : i V > l i ' ] ^ s l i i i l l )><• t a U i - t i f o r

i-ir i H ' ( | l l l s i l i n n l',V t i n 1 I ' l i l t r x l S t . ' f t i 'H.

T i n ' i i t t ' i r i n - y s u f , \ t i r : i l i a t n I l u - ' f o f

S a n F i - a n < i - - n h a v e n i t l h l i i i u i i t h f l i

w r i t n f " c r n t r • f i l e d w i t h t l n v - l '" i i i i< ' i l

S t a t e s • £ i i p n - H i e c m i r t m n l ' s t a t e t l u i l

t l n - y a n - ' i i o w r i i i \ I o n 4 t«. j.|-nr"-fi-«t u t

MTU'V wl l ' I l ^ j - l i e t n ' i l l n i i ii i - h a t ^ i - o f o x -

S U t y l i v r i i n l i i l i i i ' - i i t . s I m v c

l i cc i i r c l u r n t ' f ^ i i ' p i i i t i s t I t i p ' f In m i m e *

t i f -u w i t h tiKivti a m i l i i i l i c i y .

/ i n i c i t . it.—iiuryi'itt a m i

I t f i i n i M I , t i ' J i c l i r l - ; 111 Hi"1 O n h V ; i y

a t A i n i - i [ ) i i r y , Mn**-s., a n * r tu i r - .*v i j

w i t l i p n i i ' t l ' ; l n ! i ! ; l ' * ! i ' r t ^ l i i r n i - i u i J p i i i i i**h-

in i - r i t , ,i(t, i i f ' ln- r j t l l i - u ' t - d t l m t w h e n t h e y

a u d i t , n" p u j i i l w l i i < | » * * r l n ^ " t nr-lifiol

tlii ' .v w o u l d - s n a p tin* l i p - i j \ C . l J i ' ' ' ifT-Jul'-L"

w i t h r u l i l i i T l i i i m N u n t i l t l n - y I»1»•» 1 --

On-hlia n-lease from JaTFJos'-pli It.niton. fuMiii-r I'lilt'cil Stan-* st-nator

frmu K a n s a s , i-luir^ivl I'ri'>i<I>'tit Itnuse-•oil n n d t l i c KU^iir t rus t wit|i,piT^f<:ut-IIR him. I lo says t\vo"ViHi*'r;«"1uatprt

ndiult tcd tliMr cnllt to Iiim nrnl t h a twhile he was •sent to J:ti! tli**y im- htishIn favor with tin* ailmlrltxtmtloii. -\

— • - . - f . : ' • . • . _ i _ . ~ - i Ji . '

Telephone 30 b.


410 •SpringfieId~Avenue7; Khone-lUHi- - SUMMIT,, N. J.

M i s r Paints, Oils, Varoislies"if- -• • ~" •" " "•• - .7—

Japalac, Etc. j

Alabastine, Wall Tints.

Garden Secds-and


Page 8: VOL. xviii, xa -a. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE LECTURE ON ...€¦ · ' • f VOL. xviii, xa -a. SATURDAY, MA1M-'HT3H,-1!)(>7. YKAlt JOYOUS EASTERTIDE-Special4Iusl,cal:Programs-intlie



News ofA Week

Paragraphic Photographs' of theDoings

StrJtip'iu'.v iii its ""pniviwliins for ' theregulation of corporations IH perlmpnIhe' ino-t -nn^ihle feature nf tile COM-itilutJon for tln;'*iip\v state of Okln-hoinu. itH provisions Include tlie ailnp-ticin of two cent piisscii^er fnres, efci*-trie lines not Included. • and the nboll-"linn of the'doctrine of the fetlou* NITV.nnt. Separate schools for- white anrt"netrro children are provided lu tillsprnvlMop. All otiier rm-eM than tie-Krites urv classed 111 "white." I'roHUd-ilon ix c-tnldNlu'd In Indian Territory'nnd the Indian re«f-rviit|ni)s in Okla-

-homn-for-tirr>nty-nnr»-rrTtp<,——— '••Sliindliii: under the tines and coats of

urms of (Jn-at Itrilalu and tlie 1'ititVilIStnteH.-,(nines Itivve. I'rllish'aniliasmi-ilor to tlie I lilted Stiiten, received uroyal welcome at tin* rlimnlier of <-oin-nierce In New Yuik. Tin* keynote ft

- Hie uicrlliik' us simiuled In the speechof wi-lioiiie and'Mr. Itr.vee'sreply \v:i*o n e of jrl.nvlni; optimism for the fii:tnrc of America and Knylaml mid "thefurther reuieiilin^ of tin* tie* of friend-ship ami inrdiiillty between* tlienii

Mutual friends buslril thernsclroHt Innn" rflort to reconcile -Mine. A ICintiinKinnejf rind her'huMmm!^'Julian. >>(<>>>".HIP artist..with fi view ti» having theprlmn doiiiia ftitlidrnw her-anlt for di-vorce, hepini u mouth a«o In Whiteriain.i, N. V.. mitl It Is reported tlmtthtTw wrre grounds for belief thut thejjtmnnnkerH nni.v be f-iicceHnful." .Mr.

•Story nttrllnitrH the trouble to Incoin-phtllilllty of temper.- ' '

Although the contracts for buildingfhe first section of tlic New CatskHlaqueduct tv*re not let, It wus'cloarly

The New'.Tcpe.v *<Muttf pnFseO i*onalorToIby'sMli tcYciliddiVti a Ktnte civMTti<-e <-otiwnis.«iou anil to utltllorlzcities to t-jstiil'iiNh civil service boards

The.Xc.tr York assembly pnwed' tliI'hiliyis hijl. which prpve.ntB a cnndldale's iiiiiiie from ^rp^H'Jiriitjt In inorthiiii one column on tlie offlrinl iinllot-

The entire 'tttidprcmihiatt' Inxly nI'rince'tnu 'university pHrailed • to tlihome of. former President <*lovelnndand presentetl him with frlovtnfr."AiKprnblj'innn T.'harltrt OhvctlotRon county.. N. J.'..wilLintritiluce a t>ilinnkhiK the penalty, far kidnaping tinprt«ontiient for life. ""' •

•Wllllnti] J. I»rynn,nnuonncr« that hehas not yet decided whether1 he will.hia ciindiiinfe for tlie president hi I rioinination iij-iilh.

• • • •

RAILROADS Tb* S°«™»»: n ' - » >*• *,,* ^ ^ '>.<l ' l .> celtln« ready

_ni iinisecmeGOVERNMENT,.,,,,,,,, ,n v

with tho l*nlull t'ac'lllc coin 1 dilutionnnd the prosecution will take the naiwjreiierjil. colir.-e as.that uf the Northeri

i company.


tDnt tno l>iif~ot fHe TlioinnsMeNaily company of pltt.sbnrff wouldI* iK<e|itt-tl. McNally's bid for theconstruction of fhtt first ten 'miles ufthe miitecliict l« ?4.12fl,4a:*—^ —- The president completed the mem-bership of the Immigration commissiontmtUorizcd by congress rit t h e l a s t RCS-Plon by the HpiMtlutuiejit of Cliar]e» I*.Neill. tht- eoinuiissloiier of Inbor; I*ro-fexstir J. \V. .lenkM of Cornell unlver-•I(y and WIIMaui It. Wheeler of Oak-land, Cnl, . .

The readjustment of the salaries ofletter carriers under the now law linnnot bee"- fully deternilneil, but It Isproposed* to allow thv iiinxlnnim rnte,?!K>0. to all carriers on routes twenty-four or more udlert In length! ns shownl»y ,tlie records if the departinontr'

Fire of unknown origin destroyed tliebrewery'of the I'nion JlrpwhiK coin-"puny mid tlie ( tenement hoimen ofThomilH •Wisiiinre, • Wfllliiin .Innes.<;e<>r(;e Keese mid \V. K. Shlssler atMlnersvlHe.' l\i.. eiitnlllnc :i loss of

Albert'K: Tower, the inlllionnire ironmuster of F<mi;lil;et>iis|e, ,\\ Y.. has ef-fected a lecon.•Illation ivltlr. his prettyyutiiiK"wife, and the two' are planningu second honeymoon trip- -together.Mrs. Tuwy.T was formerly .n telephoneoperator.* Announcenient WIIS ninile of,Ihe i-n-

tTKctin'iit nf Miss Kthel CIKHNWI Rock-efeller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: \ViIHam Jtockefeller nnd niece. of JohnI>. Itoekcfel'ler. to Miucellus HartleyI><tdjre. a yminfc New York millionaire.

Ccucrul -lohn A. Lewis, deacon ofthe Clnistlnn ra.thoile "cluirch und foryears the closest jterwnial-friend andadviser of .hdiil Alexander 1>OWW\ liasi.1 icy n inmiediis the new lender of /.InnIII the Mill of llie deceased first npuxlle.,_Ati-net "of union by~~\yliirh tlie.Con-

sulted Hretlitvu nnd Mrth-1'rotest.nut church, of fourteen

statef*....nr.e. formed, into one larfje. or:

. Knftizntlnn to lnv.known ns the I'liltedehurvlies was.consuimuatcd ln_Qu.'-1||t;<)-'

/• Tlie assembly iiussed. tho ' I'hlill|isbill, which prohibits- n cnmlUItitv'tnnmr from appyurlni; frrnwu'e than onerbhmm oil the olllchil ballot, ami Jilsu

__UiiLi*rentlcc bllllncorponitlnp the 5*0.-(iO,(H.KLHuwsell Snge foundation.^Fred nicer, u slxtoeii-yenr-oUl boy.

Who 1l.ve.«<_\vltlLJiJs_p[u:enb4_oiLii_f-iu:inunions the I.cs Cbetieaux Islands, bustieen awarduJ d CnrneKlo niedal andJl.riOOMn- cash- for rescniiiR his -mintfrom h-biirnhiK bulliliufr,' ..

_ -Had food, too much overlinie work-.without pay and low wnRes are causeswhich, threaten a strike of .Iwtuven],2t>0* nnd l.r-tH) tmimticn. pncliit'crs.firemen nnd ernneuicii oniidoytHi In t\\,•K'IMK the rauama canal.

The tarfiet scores .of _tlic Jlrltisii' navyliave Just-buy-ur4iubnaticd.^uml_a_coinparlsoii •wlth'tln-?«ct>ce» niiide by AHHT-U-an gunners In tartret .practici-.}ilv«lithe LUter tlu»'jidviintiTf;i* by nbout TOI-trtl)nt. - /• '

Jessie,. \\ I'.iv^Xteriier belon^in^ to(*hnrl«*s 1,1'iiuuui'ii1 of \7>" I'irty-sccoiKlstreet, HioolJyurs.ivc.t the 'entire I'nin-ily I'runi iisjibtxlatlou by iiaTkliu^jhifloudly* that Mrs. l.eliiiiaiin finally w;is

Peere'tnry T:ifl aiinnnnces tha i the_clKlrt hour Ifi.w rt-lutive to employer*.-nn river, and ha ihor works \\«v*' notcl ian^e the prc-. 'ut Tnuns of. work ofcapta ins , rooks, deck hands, pi lots iiinl

The as<temljly JndULtrycouiniittce reported favorably the I'rentice bill.which provides f»ir. » recount of^-theballots enst at the umyoralty electionin-New York city in 11H.W.

•l*nlon men nltlJlnted with the iron•trades council of Sun Francisco havevo'ted to Mrike 'May 1, Over O.fKNimen are Involved. They demand inTeight bour-tlttrr-—

Superlotendenl V. C. Slovens <«f tin*•Mate department of public -worlra'hasdetlded to ' open the Erie', canal" on'Ai>ri_!J!tLiLi]U llie Ofcwego canal on Mav35. , ' • ' .....

Count I'odpQX!»kf ofPoland was >liut andk i l l e d lit (Joldlleld.

CASUALTIES. N > r ,,y ,f <; H l t i e s

nn. Kngllulr-itrniy1 ollluer and' wealthyN'ojue JJifner. who aci-used him of wteng his wife fn.Xew York. Ilines fol-owed the cimiit from the metropolis

over 7,(XXl tni]e.<-uf snow.--—_—-~ - •A-comniittee representing the.I'eun-

syIviima".~rflHrnnd' whicli .has - been In-vestigating'' the ca,uso of tlie ilernii-nient of the Chicago. Limited utStew-art,.I'a., declares that the. wreck wascaused by noino person or persons re-moving the bolls and tit? plates Joiningtwo ralla and turn Inc.one of them in-wnrd sd n.s to throw the train off thetrack. Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleve-land, iO., wns one of the passengers.He escaped with'slight injuries.

"Infcanely^jealoiiR-oMiis-wlfe,- AugustLlndhlad «bot and killed her at theirhome. 11.Tyson lane, Jersey City. N. J.,and then killed herself.

Jnraefl M. Varnum, former surrognteof New York county and brigadier g?n-trnl'lD the national guard of the itate,wa» almost iustnutly kilhtl In a colll-don botwfoli his 'automobile nnd a Co1-luniluiH avenue* ear .at Broadway audForty-sixth street in thnt city.

Kleven persons were injured, oneprobably fatally, and Engineer Gregorywas killed In the wreck of ft west-bound puNsenger train on the Clove-land, Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louisrailroad near Avon, iuu.

poasantsw p r e kn,0 l ! o r w o , i n , ) .

NOTES r,i in conflicts withOFINTEREST. troops In various partsof Moldavia. . Forty peasants wj-rekilled In a fig lit" with troops la the Mo-

district. ' Tlie insurgent.1' in thment to ]iiee<>.>< and lnirneil'soine

of their victims. A Di.vnl jiroelainatlonI.ssueil piitiiiiscs that notne taxes shallI.e alHiliMiicif iiuniedlately anil thaihert-after the farm lands shall be-vulti-vatcd hy the state or teased direct U>tliejieasants. • ' ' ' - - „

I-;nil»eror Will lam has several doj;swliieh he trained to rid himself ofliores. When a visitor u tays too Imif$the emperor elves n stealthy slfrnntnnd the IIO^M Imuiedjately Iwgln to runIn and ottivhetwi»en~tlie vlaltor'a Ieffs-Tlie latter, wliodot's not dare' to rt*:press t h e IIO^H,. promptly lukcs . h'if*leave.•.Tin* royal eradle has nlready heen

ehoseii for (lu* prospivtfve heir to. theSpanish throne. It wilj lie the oneused hy Alfonso XIII.. with Borne

t's will bo cejilucctLjUy JaGe. tluttoni'i' ndonu'd the -eoverlet of. FeriH-mind VII., the .prisoner of Valeuray.' Lord Kosi'her.v .'says (irvat Britainwill lievt'f tolerate a separate" Irlsliparltainent and that- i t is-a pity theKovtirnmeiit's. principal n"ieu arc \wj.y/hid speiH'lies leading the country pt<yni*-lluve, tliut' soiuethUy;._radlL'al~was In"tendeTIf;_ ^ - _ _ T _ / ,

'me Transvaal pariiament-bas passeda bill hai-riiiK AsiatU-s^-from1 i.-ouiintfinto that Vctionof Houi'irXfrlca.......

Metcalf, ac-O U R - / 1 < o i n l"" l l t ? f l b3' Speaker, _y Cannon, who arrived'

NEIGHBORS. , n J a n i n U . a . w U h fiupnrlr / left—curds nt HemlqOaTttfrsIlptise. Subsequently Governor Svf\>t-JcnliiimTeturned "the vlutt of tlio Amer-ican 5tatVsnien at their hotel. -The amvtTsutlon bBlweon tlie govoruor" andthe visitors ti» .Tuinalea wus most w\-dint."'A dlKpntch h.i-4 been received from1'iosldent /elaya of,jC4^iri]i;i)a stuthii;that his artuyof NicaninnaiKand Hon-iluran revohitlonlstyT-IwaVct-TipIpil 'I'e-guei^nlpa, the cnpltnl of Ilondiirns.President /ciayji_iii(LUe« startllnp ae-cusatlous ,'iC'iiinst tho-'H^nrtrrraiiH andSiilxiidoreniis. Hi- declares tuiit whenu1^ eiileivd '('Imluteea with bin troop-he 'found that tlie nllled foriScs hudhnn 'Ctl wounded Nicnrnt;iiaii prisonersund afterward mfffUnted tholr bodies.The flee I us; Piaslflettt-lUujlIlar^CmdtiurIlls escape cut off at W\ii »e;i const, haslied- to .Ainnlpa. This ' prolml>1y _ ends\\\f M-:ir. , : . : ^

I The'exejimive committee of tin- ("on-National party of (.'ubit--c;tlledor Maroon and presented !?•

him n.copy of Its platform, n»lvocatiu^u contliiiniiice of Ainerlcnu rontrtil InCuba.

• • • ' • • • * »

<'olonelUaiiiel M. Tay-n r w ^ " 1 < l r - 1 ' ' S" A-. died atOF NOTED A l lKUBt f l< G a ; H e ,.„„PEOPLE. n brotber inlaw of Ad

mlrnl- Evans nnd was connected wltUthe ordnance department;

Sirs. Kr^d B«I«BCO. wife of thecertn«r of the Alcatar liicofft-. in


J r u i o , jind known on. the Bta;-under'the nrtiut; of Juliet Crosby, dlisuddenly in tlmt city, and nn huiiInter M. I.. Mayer. >ir. Relasca's ptirtner. dleil from Die shock, Fred B lco is a brother of Dsivld .H'-'Msco,theiitjjeal iitiiua^iT of New York.

Siiii]tiel,,.\|J Sha\v, 'whtt for more thafifty years vvlis editor of the Freeman'

.Journal 'of Cooperstowu, N. Y., diethere: vIIv was eighty-four year'B~oI3I'mm IS-HJ to is."»l lie \v»s.one of th

'. ex-jirocnrator Reneral "of the ludy wymMl of Kiiusiii, dietBt St. reter.sburff.

General Markets,' 'New York, Miirch 27."

F I . O r n - 9 u l c t . bnf Mainly:p wlnlt-r pat

i t t . rWHKAT—Market rnU it nti'iidy <m ah

criro uf rn(n'' HIHIIIUVHI, j>rt'<li'Ilnnn noldfr..wt;itrn-r. llRht ofTrrlnKi* and tovfrn^: liu'-tiiiUluiia wcru narrow; Jim

MS-KiiMD-Wc: July. H ll-l>;uB(!ic. •HWTTKIl-Crwairtcry, ox Iran, por pmint)

O's'ii tc. (M**rcnntlle RxthstiRe offlcia"iuoiullon. rxtran, ^Oc.); tints. iiuJOc.; u»titids. i(in27i':; thlrd.H, Kal^c,; held, ex 1 raw

3t>c.: tlrstH. LTii O'1.; BfconJn, CIBMC.; thirdsI'Jnl'l'c; state dairy, ttibn. frash, lln^st

.; soutl to prlmtf, 'JSalTc.; common tu

• E'SOS—Stnt**, IVnnsylvonla and nearbynclerr.t.-d,.wlilt<\ fnncy. 2>.; fholep, l'0a21c.brown nnd mlx«-ii. extra. ISalHJc; llrata K

flr.it(i. lT*iulS»ic; dlrtleB. lCulii-'ic;

CUKKSK-FIrm; stfttr. full cream, col:mid whlif. Kinall. Scpii-nilicr, f«nc>.nmnll, OctubiT. licit, HuH'.ic.;

to,prime, l S i t l ^ c ; winter'made,bent; 12Vic; la rge . September,-fajieyv 15c, jOctolter, bt-st. HnH'.ic.; c«od to.' pVinit

ic . ; inferior,' ll'.&iiliHt.; iklihs. L',

TAI.LOW ~ Qulot; city, G*ic; country.liaTc. ,TOTATOKS — Strmly: Pr»n-iylvanl(\;

liolcf. [n-r buMliel. o.1a.'i5o.: NVw York an-lrr«l«-ru> tUt.. ISiiSOt*.; do., fnlr to cood", do..Ia4.">c.' . ' , '.U V E ' I ' O r L T n V — Dull and lower:

fowln. Hit Inc.; old rooaterii. IORIOHC. ;tstlnc rbicl[pn«. llnlBc.;. winter chick-

en*. l'2a:5e.'; Oiickn. 16al7o.DRKSSED POULTKY - Fi rm" and In

rood •Jctmind; fowls, cholrr. ]Bc: do..' fairo kood. HaHijo.; old roosters/lOe.; tioar-

by . roiiitinK flilckrn.i, ICalGc.; western.iio., do., 13alEc; turkeyB, nenrby. clioiceto. fancy. ISa20o.: dg.. western, do.. 17aSt.; diiL-ks. nearby, HalSc.; western, do..2nHi\; S'-ese, nearby, 10al2c: westrrn.

do.. ?allc. .

__In CrlcnaCn*' Gnlcb.. "What beeanie_.of that man .you ar-rested as a horse thief?" "...

"Lyncbeil," answered Pluto Pete.-"I mippost that ends the matter.""No, Some o' the boys bad their

doubtH, so we're goln* to call some wit-nesses an' Kit evidence that he reallywere the—gntity party."—WoslrfnfftorrStar.

PrrifDoe of Mind.

I t is n mistake to think that It IHonly tlie: FJngltshman who keeps bishead In n erltdn. - When a pnnsenfrerBtenraboat suddenly struck a rock offJIongkonK the other day, a number ofChinese .on board promptly startedlooting the po.nHenKer.V trunks.—Punch.

The Attrnrllon,Nell—Isn't tthe a peculiar glrl3 She

wouldn't look nt .h lm when be wasrich, but noi^, .after he'a lost nil hi.-money, she it crept K him. 'Belle—Well,you know how .crazy evtiry.-. woman ipto pet nnytbiii): tbnt's l


Public n"tfee N heri'by trlven tlmt it l» tlieintention of tint Common Council of tin* ( Ity>f Summit, under nnd by virtue of the pro-visions of nn act entitled''An net rolatlni: toiiid i>rovldftiK for tlie Rovernnient of cltleKittldnHt«tL> coiitnliitnc a pojuilution of lessban twelve tliousoTid InliabitautH," niinrovedMarch 31.1K>9. to order nnd cause to be con-tmeted a systoiu oridjinpfwers to be knownis East Summit laterals. No. i, . In tlie fol-nwlim t-treetM: Codnr avenue from Awhwonilivenue to (tlonsjile ovpiiue.J'onrl f-trcet fromtsbwood nvemn! to.l)alt.usD>l road^iialtusrol•oiul from Pem-1 (Street to GlcnafiJt' avenue,il.'iistde oyl'inu'frnin Cednr nvenin1 to Ital-iicrol r<2P<1 IlI1M from a -point about Kfl feetoutb orllnltiinrol road.sontluTly wsfect tni riunt—iif way -to tn> obtnliifd. TIUMIOOlipuiKh siif'l.rlulit of wnj1 nnd t)iroii(:h_lajids-d^i ln^le Short nnd willinm Coiinollr; fromCotmolli; fnmilen nvemio tolhiKliOH -plupt', nnd—In

Inches I'lnt-u from Jlallusrnl road Southerlyoofeet • , -Siiclj persniis ns' nmy oltj'ect to Mieh im-roveiin-iil' lielnif inndeorKiirli work beincone find [>erfnrnied nnV rcTiifHtod to pre-'lit tliflrolijevtions in writhiir at the ofllci'f the utidtirslcuL'd. CityCK-rk. la the Clti*Inll. In thivCity of Hunuiiit, on or I'L'foru H-.m.. Tuestliu*. Arrll letli.l'fR.

-—r— — J-£DW.-no\VR—. " . • . City Clerk;

SllKHlFF'S SALK-In Chanwry or New jW-noy. llrtwcci) t'ntlicr)no-M<irrlN«y. com-

•litlDBnt. nml (imce- H.- t VHrfrn.-K »!.. ilofpml-.Iiis. Fl. tn. torunloortnortcngiHl [iromlscs.

Hy vlrtu«i_ tit tii^Atx>\c»-«irtttHl writ of (Icrlftciosto nut illrwtcJ, I ttlmll CI|HP!.O for Palo hjlUbllc vcoilur'."n( Uio SlierlfTn dinei',' iu tlieIty ot Elizibctli, N, J.. on"VKHSESDAY, THE I-'IItST DAY OF MAY. 1907,

lit two o'clock In ttio Afternoon of fnlil day. alllum*> imcto or pnrcob ot Inntl mul 1'romlccn[itinto. iylnc i»iJr..bclnc In the towiiehlp ofiunimlt. lu tho oouuty uf I'ulon niiil Kutoot;i'\v Jersey',' ln-lng loin numlx-nxl rcfpocUvclywo. Tour HIHI «U, n» Iftlil down aixl <UMIngulnli><1 on n nwip cntltlc-.l "Mmi of i>n>|>t<riy otOIrsInry T. .Martin, in Suitmilt. L'nioti .•.iiiiliy. Nowe n r j , Mirvijo.] Si1lili*'»'"ir. is^V i,'y Meml Af(iylor." nfiiriil.sl Hi ttie-ofHr.- i't 'tin- Clork of'"iilou iMtiniy, Ni'w Jrrwy.on ltu> i'lli "f Nov.mUT.'i.w-:, iwiim|i iiinnbiT ifr). (OUP year.'snXPrt line.) • - . .

• . WIU.UM II. L.UVHKNCEi,-_^ . • j ShiTlJT.

AMKS .1. MlTil'llY. A.l'r,lfir.;uiil KPJiSH AJv. Ke.fl.-j.vio


Grass Seed and •• Fertilizer

F YOU \VANT a lovelylawn buy your '





' • • . O P ,


of bnninesa'Murch 22,

I'm AUI] IMecouiUK

I s.eic : («.".•»; 10Hanking Uoimf i'..ooo twUonJa oml JiIf.TtKnfffl........—....— M.0"3 00Duo from oilier Haiikn I V7S.M HI

l Cnsli Itdiif US i lon Iminl .v.'.'^r iW

U0M-2 S5

/ |i|tnl Stock.|( funJ :

IH] IToQln. \vtn

i f'AOOO 00M.UOO 00

.*ij.Q-lm> '.ri[>uo to otlier Iianks ;...:...':.".":.T^TIijillviilual licjrfjelij*. V

HUbJectt'i Clicch ........J:i7,^7:i CIDenimic] CerllOcnios

of Vt<\f*\t ....'. -JI.Ktt TTCcrtlilf.l i-.titckB -J.l'ir, :jo

75.113 GS

Store Will Close Every Evening Except Saturday at 5 30 p ffi


o o o o

Suite of New Jernt'j. |.'oiiiity of L'utoii, ^J ' • " ,JOHN N. MAY, lV«-l'lent. nii.l J. F. HAAS.

aelilcr, of Uio ubovu nonie-1 batik, beltie eever- J_lly duly sworn, oncll for blmet'lf, snya tlint Die 'fur<-e<>!ng Btai.-uicnt la true, to tbo beat or btaknow lodge and belief- -• >.

• JOHN N. MAY. President^J. F. HAA«, CaMiter.

yubncrlbfd nwX.£Sf.oiu..W beforo luo ibis 'JSt...iy of Mnrcli. u*7. *"" - . 'Kugcne C. Plirwin, Sotary Public, Sew Jersey.

• Correct—At t o t :JDUN N. FEKT,.J. F. TJJO3IJW»-,Wit. C. IIE.NWKK,

NO. 5O6l.K THE-CONDITION- - -"OF.THE - . " ' •

FIRST. NATIONAL BANK OF"'SUMMIT,At Summit. In tho Rtntoor New JetHey, at tlioclot>o of bUBliu-sfl, Mnrch -a, lOOT.

•-HESOI:RCES.x a flcoitniH i'iw.5ti.!i

U. 8. Hondo to necure circulation • IL'.SOOi T e m l u m a o n U.B. BopilB...._ , ' aoo 03Boiida, swjiirltlcB, etc 31,]ff7 11Uai)lctng>bous«,furnltureond Oxturea J.O0O 00Due from approve^ reservo ageuto.., ' 14:148Chocks and other caflb ltema 30Tioiea of otlior National Banks 400 00fract ional pnjxjr currency, nickels

and cent* • 1S7 if*Lawful mniiDyjesCrvo In Hank, viz :

Si>ecle f 15.723 . «L l l notes JOO 00

teilemptlon Fund with U. 8. Treau'r(5 |>or cent, of circulation)



Total.. ;LIAlilLlTlL-S.

apltAl stock |>ald In '. : . . f.W.000 00•iuri'lualund : W.ooo 0U

Jlvlded iiroOts. less ex]>ensce andtax CM jmfd .' ; , . . -JAOS 04

Nallotinl Banknotes outalanJfiig.... K'.MO 00Duo to other -Nntloanl Banks : 599 73Individual doi>oalta subject to check. -JOI.-Jgl WDenmnd cerilflcaU'H of Dc|x*lt 19.M0 SOCerilEed checks,r l,i:)S 80

Total '.fitaia of Now Jereny, L_«a__

OUniyof Uirfoli, ,I, IIOLKtsa PALUEII, Casliler of tho above-

named bank, do solemnly swonr that the aboveJtatement Is truo to tlio best of my kuowlodgoand belief. t

'• [ IIOLKIKS PALMEII, Caalller.Bubscrlbod anil eworu to before mo this -J lh

day ot March. VM7.Arthur \V, HlciB.Noinry rubllc for N. J .

\\\ 7..J. S- TALMHK.J , >V, H

Bnt dou't wait too long beforeyon select the uite of yonr^umij?little home.. . " \

Onr lists contHiii some very

EC. HOLMES"Re'a"! Estate Agency




: Here are four of our specialties: Coats and Suits ai$ 10, $ 15; $20 and $25. High-grade, h * 'cleverly designed apparel that easily ranks with the fin-est custom work. Clothing for particular men.

Men's Suits and Overcoats, $10.These suits a rea l i wool black Thibet and blue serge'- also

all wool cassimere, cheviot and mercerized worsteds in new-est pat terns. Sizes from :\'l to 4S chesti Top coats and rotr-ulation Spring overcoats,of tan or olive covert, black Tliitfetand oxford vicunas. Q u t i n the swellt-st models and equalto .coats-shown elsewhere r-at §r3-.50 and §15.00 . "Suitailored and trimmed. • • " --~^r- ; :

Hen's Suits and Overcoats, $15.ia our pride—o«r speeiiilty—and we positively gnnnijitee t>et-'

ter viitnes lit this price tliBii nny store in Newark. " Snits, overcoats andriiiticoiita—nil utrictly hand tailored giiruients—well made nml perfect"tit-tinj;. Clotbiu'g of high decree at-iaitiiiuaui cost., Thibet, unfininhed wor-sted, clay diagonal and eergea. .Wpnld be considered cbeap elsewiiere at•30.00.

Men's Suits and Overcoats, $20. Suite, Chesterfield and other atyle overcoats and' raincoats tliuMoob

dressy (something quite unnHna).} The finest of nil wool materials und allBtrictly baud made. Clothing that yon can pat on and feel well dressed—clothing that will distinguish the wearer aa a liian of jndjjuient and QCMItaate. A wide range of patterns andTjator to choose from. A'truly remark-able line.

Overcoats, $25.- Do yon appreciate "dfylisb, exclusive apparel? Have yon Veen accas-

tomed tO(payinK the tailor from $40 to f»0 for yonr ctotbeeV Our line o(f2r,.0Q units and oyercoatB is a positive revelation—a tribute to bi 'h art tail-oring, we may eay.. Impprted.worsteds.high Krariccasaimeres, iupcy wit^tnres and gennine tweeds. All strictly jonrueyman tailbred and" perfectfitting. - t )



i ' • &

Xew J*

Are You Ready to Glean Houseor Put Away Winter Clothing?, Pet ty 's Lighting Fluid kiHti till tronbl^oonie inxeL'tu Hbou'.

prevents all iiossibllity of bed Imga. It i»,tiot (iHnjferonn to tine,ouona—and tloesnot soil carpeto or furniture. IJpttle, ZOc—IIbottles.1 $1 .Petty'a Cedar Crystals, Biirinktef) tbrortKl' winter K<*nuentN.kee|i out {hv motli*.No bud odor. The cheapest nnd best tliiiiK to i_ne. CHII. 15C KIK] 30C.

beinj: iinn-noi-i-bottle?, SSc->;

Pharrnacy,. ** --Jt w*_ +*Prudential Building, *Open All Nigm^— ^ »*Petty: He Puts Up Prescriptions. .


i-eivt'd by tlit- Common Council of ttiv City•of'Summit from s p; m.-to~i».ao- ivm • on

•TUESDAV. APKIL •Jn.l. VM.ami 9iH>iii'tl at tin* In*t limnvd hour, at a pub-lic niut'tlndfif tltf »uiil Common Council to tH>IK'M at Hie wiiil Unit' at the City Hnll in tin-City of Summit:

*— tlit* constnic-tton of a *.f1Mit' ct'nnMitJk nli tliwsoiitliMi.U'ofllnllruaJavfiiut*

from airtiilc.stroiaioSi.riiik'Ilflilavcnui-.H i " work conshts hi funifthini: all ma-

terial, tools-anil labor tu^csstiry Int tli(. , , ro-.wriintl ffllclitnti-oniiilutiniror FHU\ work inacconlatiCL' trltlitlit> plans »ml siiufilk-titlonsHn*rcfor on Illf In-tlie i>nic« of tfw City ""nci-r, ' '. TJieaiiiinixihiiUf ii»;«»tlty ..f work t->lone i.s:-2.-!«>wiuiire-feel-(Tf-cT'n1cnt-sirtrmilkT;wide.

nansiiunn' fi'i't of otil Unk'cinc n-Inii], in--l:u ink'' '" era. UK aiKMeveline of vntirt'width of sftluwalk.

taji feet of •ih-lncli iinj 4-incli new Wui? ^toneeuro _ .

asfvet of oi'mentcurij.


U" l>t;Ie*-'tl '*>'tho* C"rniiioii Council nf Hi.- Citroibi immufromH p.m. to tuo |i.ni.'i>t>' "

.TUESDAY. APIUL an'il. i«ff.ami oiiciu'il at tlifIiiHtnamcMhonr.nl n i-ul-ic nicetlni: of the snIii Coi«nii'iii CrnnHlt.'I-.'

h f l i l a t t l i fsa ldt lnje at . the Citr Hull.'iiitk-•Citt ol Hunimlt:, r ( > r the fOiistructlon of n(.form WUUTWITTin Hfffli Mn'ftnnd Kent Mac*- Houlevnrd-

Ili« work tont*Istn in furnistilnc nil. ma-teriitl, tu(i\n nnd lulior necessary for il»l pn-p -er ami pfllcffiit (.•oinplctitii; of sni.l wcrt laiicconlniK>4> with tlic I'lansnntl hptTillrtttl-'ii*thurWor on Jllc hi thi* ofllL-t>- of tin* O:v-bi '

Uio aiiproxiiuat'e iiunntity of work U< l-iIs: • "

yimls_of t^siyivntlon I.H-IUW -iirfajr

No liitl will In; cnusfilcn'd unless^ropo.siil blank* furniwlieil li>J the tici-r.

Kiieh I'P'i'osul must bot'in-los.-d In n sealed•iivi-lniH' ijni|»Tly .-n.lnr-ed ivltli tli,. ,,;,nic•f tin' hltMrr umlof iln« iiJiiirm-ciiifiit and

- *• ' tlioC-oiimiun^Mnn-li of the" City

0 _^

v also headquarters for _ ~

Sheep Manure, Bloodand Bone Fertilizer;'1


5S U M M I T


Summit, N. J. 14 30

* •

>x\w> i\iwrillnu' asf M i n i n i t .IIIdtir.-rM wil l M a t

well a- in ticurcs,.Ml work roITrroil toU, tills noti-v nnist

^•iiii'tfli'ilniiorl^rorvttiu llrst .lay ..f J

I'liii ti J'l- " v

• The pliin* nml n^oeau lMit'SainliH-*l»t th ol

-. at the City Hull.xsl !

L > t e w " r k

f Hi,. wnrtcCitv l*n-

W t ! - i J t J m r K , i n . t v f n r t l i » - f a i i i i f t,, .r

*• r iu>rsons.iii,it or fffii^ tn ..xeeutii «.«.!.contrnet. tli.<r will ,,ay t l , U ^ n t * , ^ ,any .lirr.n'm-ivl...|w.'i-ii tli.« Minm to whi M. Y

h ^ y j ^ r , ,,!UV. '

\n o r iicr>iin_- l iylay thecontract

"TlioCoiiirjiini (.'oiuuilliifMi,:Xitv..f SuVhrtVlt

r.'ji'ctmiyPn.iH.sal.iror th- ut..^.. W l i r tl ' ns

tli«.y niny d.-oni l.n-lfwtlw Int.-r^t, of th«-ylt[ir.Ipi> mul-sur

that the hmi.l or l



1-y notinVd>vn fur tlif:ICL- of -.aid

t-uiwrnvei! as to suf-

s art1 ln

ffcienoy bv the Coiuinon C'nu\vlin\ui'r>\\'.^.i,~trnct 4.alfl>e lln.lli.i: u., tho Vty . " ' ™™;: ' !T l ' t : t I v . e , ( > r o ' l 0 n ' t i v (- ' l l"(Il s'K-li 1-ond K "otractt'lTfnp

Ammint o( bond, I500. .

WM. 8. LOQA>?;-CitVEnKlneer.

J. Ebw. noE.City Clerk.

35 cubic yards of excavation » f.'t-ttlpep. •

10 culiio yanlt of cnntTt'tofet't ]2-iiicii double si

. ;-'7u feet of 18-.lneh.double strenntlrvitnliflPp :. T2 rt'erTjr IH-inch oast inm viva withjolnts erossllic I).. \u ,\ \y. \\, ft.

No bid willlH! i-on side roil unlo>. mr-ropo^al blaiikHfurff^lted'hVtllL'' City

I proposal must b« enelo^ei] in nl i, '"eloin', n'mporly e n d o r w d with tin*.inim-

or th i 'b i< l ( ] ( . rand 'of t l io" Imrrovcint ' i i t . a ddir.-ct.Mlh. t l i t . 'Common Coi inc I loMln ' <-i!>'o f S u n i m l t .

I lMdvrs will s t i i tc t l i . ' I r n r i c - s In wj-iiim; •"tvt'll u s in ilcur-.'s.

Al iwi i rk rof f r rn l tu In lliNin'>ti''<> m"-' ! 'conii ' lci.-d on o r ln-fon* tln> Jlr^t iluy "f •'" v-I«i7. J t l .hk.rs muKt »v<>elty tlmt t lh-y^virljltiil Ui . ' in-f lves tn (•••uiMcte -iM iv--rk nsaiil tliiii-.

Tin1 p l ans nml f*|,tM-ini-Htion-i-.'f-ili"-^-'•*•i;:iii tic I'xjiinliH-.l nt tin- olllce i-f t l i "< i u

J-.ni;in.«'r. in t h e City Ilnll . S mit . - ....^uLiil.|irni»isal.s iniint be uccnmi'anit"! '')' " r"coiiht'iit in WfTtincof t w o s u n - t i f . - ' - r a -ur'1'*f-ii i j iaiiy iidullllf.l i n ' -do- I.Lisirt-* '••th.- Stiiti" ,,f- Xi : w .Ti-rx-r,' . . r -ii-fo't.'-i.Jli'il clK-ck- o r -c-a.-li fi.r :. r c r *--itt —- -t h e to ta l iiiiiount of the blil, wh'1 ••''•>••«t t h e 11 rut* .iLr-piittiiiL- in MI.-II I • '•l -osals qualify fid t o th.-lr r'^l'i'ii-i1 ' '11"1 ;!l

th«> a m o u n t ofi-iii-h i>n'i|>o*.iil. au.l biii'l ' I " 1 ; ".•-elves tha t fftlil> con t rac t bu.mviirdeii.-'j'."•::pi'if-oli or|.i>rMttis iunki iu; tlif |Ti>l"-'--''lt-ttT";"will UI><III it l.t ' iiiL'soaivank-d.b.H-nm'-l 'i- -,t h . ' I r s u r i ' i j T o r lh.> fai thful j.t-rforiii:*"-*'1 '•s-il'l work, and tlmt. If th.- rcr^lm I T i<'t-''i\.niiiit »r n-fu«« toux('(Mitf«iirli cunttii'1 '.(l1^will r ay toil ie City o[ Summit any •lUT'-t-n;->'i-twi'fti tlic Miuirt tn which tu-i.r lli.-> «•';liav.>_Ltiiiii entitled upon coim'lt'li"it " ' " ' ;..•ontna-t.nnd that which'tlit-City nf Sum»-in ay he ob|i|>i>t| (.1 (my th»> |MTS.>II or [• r- l-bV Whom KiK'li contract -hull In- exveut'-i.

1 lu> Cdiiimon Uniiietlottli*1' City ..f MIUH---• ri«IU iTTTu—ft r

C u n i l t t hto theinwelves tin- richt

reject nny prupPMilt for tli lbThey may d m r T i S T f ^ U

l i b o v i v :intero-ts ' - i •'•'•'


Amount of bond, fi.ooo, ,Bydireetlonof tlie Common CiiUUilj ° n

Cltyof hunimlt.

WM. 8. LOGAN, City Enclneer.