f 1 let 1 J y hi.' h v Vol. XV. No. JliS no.Nni.ru, ii. iM sati i:dav i:vi;M.(i, may ;su, w.w 0 OfM'fl OttUOMIPI ft" WOMfc lOf. ,"i .Li i. '.i I In i w. Ii ii III, lr TO A POTATO. 1UD UiUIil DUbbDlill EmbroidorissI Embroideries!! G-- lr 4 ta Direct trim the AN IM.MKN.sK ASSORTMENT NOW OPEN AT N. S. SACHS', 104 Fui t St.,': : : : Honolulu. We have just received au iimn nse invoice of Embroideries direct from the lactury, and can therefore offer Bi Bargaiiis in Eslpiiip, InseHiis and Fkuuc b; Swiss, Hamburg' & Nanbook EdgingB, In all wiclilis ami in the latest designs and inserting to match. M$! Piiiit tlSfsiiF, GlCllU & talis. Manufacturers. low jirices; in plain and broken plaids, -- Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts. IM.MEN.iE ASSORTMENT OF HemmedstStch Embroidery Flounces In skirt and lioloku lengths; Children's Skirt Length, Eiuluoiilery Flounces at exceptionally low prices. ALL-OVE- EMBROIDERIES 1 w ni ri: j oodn An immense assortment at very lancy hgurcd open plaids, stripes, etc., etc. India Limit's, Nansoc ks, plain and plaids ; Victoria Lawns, Per- sian Lawns, Mulls, Linen Lawns, Dotted Swisses in great variety. Jfeaflf you are in search t,f cool and pretty summer dress materials, call and see our mammoth assortment before making your purchases elsewhere. POPULAR MUiIMRY HOUSE, Fort fttreet, Honolulu. Telephones, No. 175.- - 9 W -- OFFER AT BED FEED CO. CALIFORNIA HAY, OATS, BRAN, OIL (JAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY. ROLLED BARLEY, MIDDLING GROUND BARLEY WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLO UK or Alia, Golden Gate & Salinas -- W FLOUR P. O. Box 145. 1- - r IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN (LIMITKII.) 'orria roB ialb Lime Ac Cement, FARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe Coming, all sixes. FERTILIZERS : WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, ALSO BUCK & OHLANDT'8 High Grade Chemical Cane Hanure. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, EYE GRASS And CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'a Corned Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. Bi Ml The undersigned having been appointed sole agents for the Hawaiian Islands For the Celebrated Baldwia LocomotiTBs From the works of Bnrbam, Parry, Williams & Co., Philadelphia. Pen, Are now prepared to elve estimates and receive erders for these engines, of Ite aud style. The Baldwin Locomotive Work are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number ot which have recently been received at these Inlands, and we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers with particulars of same. The superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes. Is not only known here but Is acknowledged throughout the United States. Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., Ld, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. ffm G. IRWIN & CO. (LIMITKIK) Wm. O. Irwin. . ..President A Manage CUus SpreckelH nt Walter M. Giffard Secretary & Treasurer Theo. C. Porter Auditor SUGAR FACTORS -- AND- Commission Agents. AGENTS OK TUB Of Mm FranelNP. C'al. STEAM CANDY FACTOHY AM) IIAKi;itV. r, tious, Practical IVufuci loner, J'aetry Cook A Iluker. fl Hotel hi, Hilar Telephoue U. Metropolitan GrccbriG, Provisions and Feed, Ilililfi mCJilk.y UU.O . f ' Mr 'i nn; r tntj.: SI MR, 'KINAU.' CLUR.ic. Ccii..iu,. ;r, Will leiui; Honolulu at 2 o'clock 1'. M. to. idling at Litli.iina, Maahna Hay and Mi.kena the tame day; Maliu-kima- , Kaw.iiliue and La iipalioc hoc the following day, arriving at llilo si in idiiighl. I.liAVKS HON'ul.t I.U. Friday June full I'm sday " lOth Friday' " iliib TucMliiy July 7th licttiruing haves lliln, touching at LrtilpuliiMlino same clay; Kawailiae, A M. ; .Maluikomi, 12 noon; .Makena, fi l. M. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 p. M. ; Laha-i- n i, 10 p. m. the following day; arriv- ing at Honolulu li A. ill. Wednesdays and Sal unlays. AK1UVKS AT HO.NDLI-I.II- Tuesday June 2nd Saturday " l.'lth Wednesday " L'ltli Saturday July 4tli TucmI y ,.. "" Mih Arrives on Tuesday in order lo connect with out-goin- g mails for San Francisco. gjQT No Freight will be received alter 12 lioiiti of day of sailing. r ' Srafi.'CLAUDIN 0AVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 o'clock v. m., tone lung at Kahu-lu- i, Iliicdo, liana, llamoa and Kipa-liul'- i. Keturuing will arrive at Hono- lulu every Sunday morning. gjS&" No Freight will be received niter 4 v. m. on day of sailing. Consignees must lie at the landings to receive tlieir freight, as wo will not hold ourselves responsible after sue freight lias been landed. While the; Company will use due diligence in handling live stock, we decline to as sume any responsibility in case of tin loss of same, and will not be rcsiionsibl for money or jewelry unless placed in Hie care ot Pursers. W. C. WILDER, President S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Sunt. 0 1 Barry's Tricopherous Established 1801. Infallible for roncwliiir. Invigorating and beautlfyine the hair, reniovlna curf. dandruff. and all affliction!! of the acnln. and curlnir mm. uoua oi ine sitm, disease or the glands, murckn .nu intcgraments, and relieving stings, cuts, ; ilses, sprains, etc. The affinity between the aeinhrnnoR wh:rh Mti.Tltutp tlto alrln Dn.l 11.. t fjuir which draws its sustenance from this triple f feuvelone is very clone. All diseases of the hair I alginate in the skin of the bead. If the pores 01 me scaip are cioggcci, or ir the blood and other naias do not circulate rrecly through the small vessels which feed the roots with moisture and impart life to the fibres, the result la aenrf dandruff, shsddinir Of the hair, trravnuaa Arvne.au ana harshness of the ligaments, and entire bald ness, as me case may be. Stimulate the skin to henltliful action with Barry's Tricopher- ous. and the toruid vessels, recoverhiff their activity, will annihilate the disease. In all iili tiun-- of the skin and of the substnts 01 iniic,'js aud integuments the process and the . arc the same. It Is noon the skin. tin. muscular fibre, and the glands that Hurry' rrlcoplierous has Its action, anil in all attections and injuries of these organs it is a sovereign remedy. Beware of Counterfeits. From the Oreatest. Living Prima Donna, Aludaiue Ailuliim MoNTRvmiic), July 3uih 1888 Messrs. Barclay & Co., New York. Dear tiir:i t;ke pie .sure In announcing to you that Hahky's KuntlliA WATKHisoueof the few arorles always to he fiminl on lnv dressing case, in my conception it is oncof the best or toilet waters, and for lite butli it is not only de- licious, but rofroshinir and Invigorating. I rccorr. awnc) Jt wiuiout rcBcr vo. .CLUSTER & CO., 1031 I Atfi-nto- . flni HUtsTACE, hq a sffson JQitoIicoGk DRAYMEN. ll oidi iN I r . ii--i il'i- - iiuuiilly ulieniled In. i iriilar ii li I li 'W j .ml lo ihe toriuy oc Shipping l ) mil I i to Hi.- i.lli.-- i I hin.f. A!T j. v. i W.iliO SinfJ i i.ilil il ll r In Mill al h'Mikl I I Ill I I. I . l .b. bi J.i-- . K- tV I:'!'- V, i i. it v:i:ii t. W older t .. I! i.( '1 .! W.l'h-i'- itM'l I,.; !.. i ., : U i.i d tiondi. no uV.tiii. I;::t i;'ii ir;i a iui' that I'm not to be thu :u li ,1. Ii i. n't lliut 1 care linvh for tlu'piulv. I'm tired nuil sleepy enoiu'u t'i!t;;vut home, but' liis iinnii went up over his head, lie yawned l'eiiiiuliy, mid said to himself: "1 luiet lie careful notto y.iwu at Mrs. Van Horn's ball, mid 1 will if I don't shake off 11i;m drowsiness. I've been los- ing too much sleep ol' late and" lie ynwm 1 again it ml again. The pa- per he had tab'n tip fell from his hands, and his anus dropped listlessly at his side. The hainV ome tie el ion v and gold clock on the mantel was sinking 10 when Mrs. lirowue yawned and opened her eyes to find herself lying fully dressed on the sofa in the dark. Sho rose slowly, groped her way unsteadily to the mantel in the darkness, found a match, lighted the gas and said to herself as slid did so: "How queer my head feel ! Just like it does after I've taken mi opiate. Mercy! if it isn't 10 o'clock! How could 1 have slept so long? And Gibson? I feel like A guilty wretch for doing it, but I was determined that ho just should not go to that party, and" "Louise!" "Whv, Gibson!" His voice sounded thick, and he had both lists thrust into his eyes and was rubbing them as he leaned back in his great easy chair. "What time is it, Louise?" "After 10, dear." "You've been asleep all the evening?" "Yes, have you?" "I I gncRj so, and why, it's time for the party!" "It's long past time. It would take yon an hour to dress." Browne sat for a moment staring blankly at his wife. She had dropped suddenly into a chair and was staring as blankly at him.- - "See here, Louise." "See here, Gibson." "Did you dare to" "Did you dare to" "Give nic an opiate?" "Give me im opiate?" "Yes, I did." "So did I." For n full minute they stared nt each other, and then bolh burst into a ringing laugh. "But don't you dare tell it to anybody, Gibson." "And don't you breathe a word of it, Louise." "I? Never fear." "I shall keep mum enough about it." Nevertheless 1 know all about it and so do yon. Zenas Dane in Yankee Blade. When a Mnn Appears a Fool. How foolish a man appears when he is ' arguing vith a railroad company about something that cannot be helped. For instance he has purchased a ticket to, say. New York, lie intends to travel at night comfortably in a lower berth on a Pullman palace sleeping cur. He steps jiiiiniiiy up to the window of the Pullman oiUce uud says, in an offhand way, "Give me a, lower berth on the 7:1.1 for New York," as ho lays down a five dollar bill. "Haven't a berth left, sir." "What?" It is impossible to describe the awful emphasis with which this monosyllable is thundered forth, but we have all heard it and know how it sounds. Then follows a long tirade by the traveler, who cannot understand why Some one is not to be turned out of the berth he has paid for to make room for the late comer; why there are not more berths in a car; why there are not more sleepers ou the train, and, above all, why the imperturbable clerk in the ticket office does not hold a conference on the instant with the superintendent of the uivision of the railroad to "fix it Bo that he can get a lierth." There are experiences of this kind for the clerics every day, especially during the busy season. This is the reason they are not disturbed each time the inevi- table too-lat- e man comes foaming up to the window. And tiienthe too-lut- e man who will not accept the inevitable always looks such a fool. Pittsburg Bulletin. Ail Acuflrmlc Jolte. Census Enumerator How many chil- dren have you? Lady Two. Lnumerator What is the age of the oldest? Lady I have no oldest. Enumerator Well, of the youngest then? Lady I have no youngest. Knumerator What then? Are they twins? Lady No. Lnumeraior I ask these questions of- ficially itmi niuht have a correct answer. Lady li. fore I was married I was a school teacher, a:i.l I taught pupiis that the snpi rluiive de.e.Teei-huiil- not be used in comparing two tilings. 1 practice what I taught. My older child is in and my younger one Jouiu.J of LJuca- - tioil. Vuet'lniitloii lii China, The Chinese, who reject scornfully neai iy every application of western liledic d science, are, aeeoi'dbtg to the governor of 11. mg Kong, firm believer In the advantage gained from vaccina- tion and submit to tin- - ordeal with a chcurfuluesa and philosophy which mu cluirai'teriMic of this wily oriental. I'm. tec lioii by wtreuinlioii is eip.-eiilj- in- quired in Hong Hon, i. win. iu (sir William i Vn u puiiits out, to the treijin i y with which n.,al!pin i. intro- duced by h earners coming In mi all p.uu of tlm w orld and to ii , liiiul pr,.M,li i.i ii wln illl ii.nou. a olilal.ii d a louling. Loldi'li Til iiila. 4 l 4 l t III I i ii ..it I illrw ). .'luu.u.- mil. ( I.,. !,,, . . i ii, ,u, n, HI .1 ( lie nail. s , i. I ,i ii , , j ; III 'l.i. 'i. i . i. ...I. I : Pi i;.,.. !i .i.i. I . . ; I. .t.i-- , '., w I , ..I ' I I I .'. .S. IV M EAST CORNER FOliT Thmmhlta imil noft pwrffction r( ihf klndl Thou fiiUliMry, fjuwilnrr. illuty ixliiil, Thjr no,. creamy milmtuiiee, Kuabiljia, IVUi(lil Ik ' Mid uliifle IbA milul. Wlikt tiimu'ii ft Ifuvly pmee 'tw thlnn to Ilnil Hero NlJe Ulidl in lbfrii.l nwiiu-y- et still Temptation imiKt Meh Hi.ffy ennii till, And ba (the enok jrr!lii(r) (.Innsin-- lined How fared tlm worlil before Ihy prBeni'eeamef How set a diutur for the Rtmlal Kroup, So wont arouml mr eager lioard to troop, WitbiHit thy laiiKhlnKfooeaml 'euRtoraed imme? Kay, bill me not to hiicIi reiioureee atoopr Tuo helpleaa 1 too bU;li and proud thy fume. Good Housekeeping' A GAME FPU TWO. Mr. and Mrs. Giliaon Browne, although incerely fond of each other, found ere they had been many months married that there were various things about which they did not agree. Hundreds of other young married conples have made the same discovery, and although i surprised and shocked them they ha ve been too wise to allow it to wreck the happiness of their married lives. Mr. aud Mrs. Browne were thus wise. They wasted no time in utmiguified and unprofitable wrangling over their differ- ences of opinion, but neither of thorn yieided one jot or tittle to the other. They simply kept silence on all topics on which they should disagree. Happily also for thorn their differences of opinion were in regard to the minor things of life, and, although it is the "little foxes that destroy the vines," their little differences did not destroy their worldly happiness, each of them being blessed with abundant good nat- ure in spite of the firmness of opiniou that made them decline to yield one to the other. Mrs. Gibson Browne was a high church Episcopalian, while Mr. Gibson Browne was inclined toward Unitarian-ism- , but Mrs. Browne did not become a Unitarian, nor did Gibson renonnce his faith and become an Episcopalian and yet they were happy as married folks go. Mrs. Browne was decidedly opposed to all operas in which there was a ballet, while Mr. Browne was fond of a ballet purely because of the artistic effect it gave to operatic scenes, and he went to the opera whenever he felt like doing so, and he did not annoy his wife by telling her anything about it. And when Mrs. Gibson wished to do anything she felt it was perfectly proper for her to, even though Gibson did not approve of it, she simply and quietly did it, and Gibson was none the wiser. There were times when Mr. aud Mrs. Gibson Browne exemplified the old ad- age, "Silence is golden." One morning at the breakfast table Mr. Browne said: "My dear, don't forget that the Van Horns give their party night." "I remember it," replied Mrs. Browne without lifting her eyes from her plate. ' "What dress shall you wear?" "I am not going," replied Mrs. Browne calmly. "Not goingr Mr. Browne drooDed bis knife and fork in surprise. "No, I am not." "Why not?" "I have my reasons, Gibson. Rest as- sured that they are good ones. And Id rather yon didn't go either." "But I think I shall go, my dear." ' "I'd rather you wouldn't." "I don't see why I shouldn't go." "Let the fact that I don't wish you to suffice for this once." For the first time in their married lives, Mr. aud Mrs. Browne engaged in a heated discussion. Mrs. Browne firm- ly refused to give her reason for remain- ing at home, and as firmly insisted on Mr. Browne remaining with her. There was, in fact, a good deal of firmness on both sides. Mrs. Browne did not resort to tears; she never did. Mr. Browne did not rage and fume and use ungentlema,nly lan guage; lie never did; but their voices grew harder and colder every moment, and as they rose from the table Mrs. Browne jBaid decidedly: You shall not go, Mr. Browne;" to which Mr. Browne replied . with equal decision: ' - "Indeed I shall go, Mrs. Browne." But he went down town in a more un comfortable frame of mind than he had ever experienced as a married man. Never before had he seen such a look of firmness on his wife's face, and he knew by thjs time that Mrs. Browne was a very determined woman. But he was dog gedly determined to resist her opposition He would go to the party. "I guess she 11 hardly hide my dress suit," he said. -- "Bnt hanged if I feel like putting it on and marching off be fore her very eyes. I'm afraid there'll be trouble if I do. But I shall go, all the same, if I I know what I'll dol Yes, sir; I'll do i aud we'll have a bis laugh over it afterward, although it wouldn't be much of a laughing matter if Mrs.' Browne knew I intended doing it. . But I'll do it, sure as guns!" And when Mr. Browne went home to tea the uext evening there was tucked away in his vest pocket a little phial con- taining a colorless liijuid be had just purchased at the druggist's. "She often puts a few drops of this in a glass of milk or of water, and takes it when the can't sleep or when she has a toothache," be said, "and it never fulls to send her right off to sleep. Now I'll ttmiiHgu to put a few drops of this in her tea t. She always lies down for little while after each meal, aud hn'l be asleep before ten minute ami 1 can drew aud be off without tlune keen eyes of her upon iin, and without any disagreeable arguing of the matter, for go 1 will." Browne found it easy enough to "doc- tor" the gluM of milk tint wife always drank at lh Urn table, and according Iter usual t UJlom Mrs. liiowue lay ilnwu ou euf Illime4llly after ten, am), un Browne bad pr"dn tl, ,U wu wou rui leei. mil nsiigcij if u.,u t ei iiii-m- i ov.-- r li, mii pruwn m ii wit in m bi ' y i lieir hs.kikK at In r and pn kina lu t .(It miUHiu u. Id met I...I I to.ttii.ii k io IS I'llll. 1111.0 EYtq Afteraooo Except Saaddys At th Otllce, Queen street, Honolulu ii. I. ARTHUR JOHNSTONE Editai DANIEL LOGAN Manage) FOR THK Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited ) ki k uu-no- -: Daily Bci.lktin, t year $fi 00 " 6 mouths 3 00 " " per month (de- livered) SO Weekly Bulletin (Summary, 1 year i . fit 00 foreign 6 00 M-Bo-th Telephone Jlo, 50. - Aa7Addre-- s all business communlca tious ''Manager Daily Bulletin." ("Address all matter for publica tion "Editor Daily Bulletin." P. . Box HO. Ilonolnlii. H. I 1 M. MONSABBAT tf Attorney at Law and Notary 1'unjic. Mercnant street, Honolulu. l-- ui T Alfred Magoon. O . . Attorney at Law and Notary ruouc. jno. 4Z Mercnant street, Hono- lulu. TIAVID DAYTON (Kewikl) XJ Will be in his private office from 12:30 to 1:30 p. M. Office: 91 King street, (up stairs) . H W. Schmidt & Sons, Importers & Commission Mer chants. Fort street, Honolulu. ,1-9- 1 HHACKTELD fe CO , Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono- - lulu, H. i. Ul ri W Macfarlane & Co.. vXe Importers and 'Commission Merchants, (jueen street, Uonolulu, li. 1. ' 5ONSALVES & CO., A Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Uonolulu, H. I. l- -I T OHN T. WATBBHOU8E. I Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise Queen street, Honolulu, a. i. i-- ai CA8TLK & COOKB, ' and Commission Mer chants, Importers and Dealers in Uen eral Merchandise. No 80 King street, 110U01U1U. i- -i WILDER & CO., in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. ewers ib Cooke L Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. . rpHElXL X Auction & Commission Houce pays the highest cash price for all kinds of Second-han- d Furniture, .Stoves, Etc. Furnished houses bought in their en- tirety. - 107-9- 1 DR. A. R. ROYAT Has removed to his new veterinary on King street, Honolulu. 97 tf REDWARD ft HOWELL Cnntraoton fe Hulllera. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; estimates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 76 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P.O. box 423. , T. B. WALKER, Contruotor and Builder. Brick, Stone and Wooden Building esti- mates Riven. Cemetary Work and Job- bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono- lulu. Bell Telephone 107. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, i i H. I. Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings; Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithing. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. CARPENTER & CONTRACTOR. Mi. JO. COO It. REMOVED from Alukea street to 177 Will contract tot building all kinds or wooden building ami uo all kiniia of loon. fTMJE patrons n the Oceanic H. H. Co. X are bnu by millled (bat herealtei uo round trip or mcui l.m ticket m III w U.ued for any ol the through lual' learners. Ilinw ticket III. however, be lueil as culuiiir)r for the locsi Australia" ami ZeulmnlU." ('M-nirr- s ho hold round trip tu keu and with to Inks the through uIM .'earner will I rhargrd u rttia lam ol lift. 1'erordur o' th IM-sni- h. H. t u. Wm. (i. IKI! At o.. New Gocid n c rived by every ji.u ket from Eastern States and Europe, Frchh Califoinm l'l-i- me by every hteiuuer. All orders fuitlifully attended to and GoocIh ih 'ivm-e- to nny purl of the city free of charge. Island orders ioliciled. 8ii.iliit-"i.ii- J Telephone's, io. 1PJ. Ohas. iuslaoe, King Street. Havini; leased the storct! in the brick building known as the "Lincoln Block," nearly oppoMtu the old stand, and having disposed of that, portion of my tt,ck daunigcd by the late fire, and being in receipt of A'cw.(ihiiIh per lust Hteniner, and more ou the wav, I am prepare-- to till all i.rciers as before. Thanking the public' for the liberal patnimioe on nie for the pant 'seven years, I hope by prompt attention to all onh-r- to merit a continuance of the same. At the u'W htau.l fhall he pleased lo bee all my old cus- tomers, and as many m w ones as may tind it to their advantage to call. orders Milii-iU.- and faithfully executed. 191 CHAS. HUSTACE. ROCK PRICES -- Telephone No. 92. E &. BRO., ' ' AND KING STREETS. P. O. Box 372. -- P. O. Box 297. Ill Fort Street, & BlackwclTn & J. T. Morton's Canned COOKE. mI'I'I'LIM. Inn isi' k Pluniliere' TnU, Telephone 210.- - -- jsfivsr- LEWIS & CO., HONOLULU, II. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions, By sleunic r of the O. S. n. c. fn,m California freidi Calafornia Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters mid Fresh California FruiU. Fish. Came. Veiretahlea. etc., etc. A coinplcic line i.f ( iut,e cv HotllcU tun ils always 01. baud. Alsn, just received a fresh line of Oerniau Pale mid Pult.ii ,M,als aud liwiiled Preserved FruiU, Lewbi 4 Co.'ii Malteae Brand Sucar Cured lluus and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes mid Cr-a- ni Wit- at Flake.-- , Sicily LeinoiiB and California Riveraide Orauoes, Oiei;(,n lint bank l',,l itues, Etc., Etc., Etc. Katisfaclion guaranteed. i ;i i CAM U: & Shipping & Commission Merchants, ', VI I !. .v INSUKAM'K A UK NTH, l,kAl.KS IU Builders and Gial Hdraware, Agricoitural lmplement&9 I . r I loiv Cipi nii i. ', in... M.i. HOL'SH I'tMt.NISIIINfj GOODS UlK lieu I i. ...-i- l. , '..i.,U, UiU, Vaini.hu., uiu lj.Hi Uii ti.M. rut M Tt'hliiiiliMi, itU tiMrfL ru:!'j j Violin . l.'lillilllMlb, Moat Company l JilMj blKr tr, C. . WAtUH, . . Minijtr, ifcll hAVV I 'll ft DC A I 1 .... ,:, i. i .., .... i.i , I" ' 11 ' . " " I,..- li-- i- ll, I 1.1.4 11. b I In;.. U, " " Mlw.l L. 1., i.hi t beil 414 j j.j, j Ud KUNt hliM "lily llllee d. bit iU "it M Uklti utM 4tiMiUsui U Uacil AgeuU).

Vol. sati · We have just received au iimn nse invoice of Embroideries direct from the lactury, and can therefore offer Bi Bargaiiis in Eslpiiip, InseHiis and Fkuuc b; Swiss, Hamburg

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    1 let1 J y hi.' h vVol. XV. No. JliS no.Nni.ru, ii. iM sati i:dav i:vi;M.(i, may ;su, w.w 0 OfM'flOttUOMIPIft" WOMfclOf.

    ,"i .Li i. '.i I In i w. Ii ii III, lrTO A POTATO.1UD UiUIil DUbbDlill EmbroidorissI Embroideries!! G--lr 4 ta


    N. S. SACHS',104 Fui t St.,': : : : Honolulu.

    We have just received au iimn nse invoice of Embroideries direct from thelactury, and can therefore offer

    Bi Bargaiiis in Eslpiiip, InseHiis andFkuuc b; Swiss, Hamburg' & Nanbook EdgingB,

    In all wiclilis ami in the latest designs and inserting to match.

    M$! Piiiit tlSfsiiF, GlCllU & talis.


    low jirices; in plain and broken plaids,

    -- Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts.


    HemmedstStch Embroidery FlouncesIn skirt and lioloku lengths;

    Children's Skirt Length, Eiuluoiilery Flounces at exceptionally low prices.ALL-OVE- EMBROIDERIES 1

    w ni ri: j oodnAn immense assortment at very

    lancy hgurcd open plaids, stripes, etc., etc.India Limit's, Nansoc ks, plain and plaids ; Victoria Lawns, Per-sian Lawns, Mulls, Linen Lawns, Dotted Swisses in great variety.

    Jfeaflf you are in search t,f cool and pretty summer dress materials, calland see our mammoth assortment before making your purchases elsewhere.

    POPULAR MUiIMRY HOUSE,Fort fttreet, Honolulu.

    Telephones, No. 175.- -

    9 W-- OFFER AT BED




    FLO UK or Alia, Golden Gate & Salinas --W FLOUR

    P. O. Box 145.

    1- - r



    'orria roB ialb

    Lime Ac Cement,FARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S



    Felt Steam Pipe Coming, all sixes.





    High Grade Chemical Cane Hanure.



    Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'a Corned

    Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


    BiMlThe undersigned having been appointed

    sole agents for the HawaiianIslands

    For the Celebrated

    Baldwia LocomotiTBs

    From the works of

    Bnrbam, Parry, Williams & Co.,

    Philadelphia. Pen,Are now prepared to elve estimates andreceive erders for these engines, ofIte aud style.

    The Baldwin Locomotive Workare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

    For Plantation Purposes,

    A number ot which have recently beenreceived at these Inlands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents and managers with particularsof same.

    The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes. Is not only knownhere but Is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

    Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., Ld,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

    ffm G. IRWIN & CO.(LIMITKIK)

    Wm. O. Irwin. . ..President A ManageCUus SpreckelH ntWalter M. Giffard

    Secretary & TreasurerTheo. C. Porter Auditor


    Commission Agents.AGENTS OK TUB

    Of Mm FranelNP. C'al.


    AM) IIAKi;itV.r, tious,

    Practical IVufuci loner, J'aetry Cook AIluker.

    fl Hotel hi, Hilar Telephoue U.


    GrccbriG, Provisions and Feed,

    Ilililfi mCJilk.y UU.O

    . f 'Mr

    'i nn; r tntj.:SI MR, 'KINAU.'

    CLUR.ic. Ccii..iu,. ;r,

    Will leiui; Honolulu at 2 o'clock 1'. M.to. idling at Litli.iina, Maahna Hayand Mi.kena the tame day; Maliu-kima- ,

    Kaw.iiliue and La iipalioc hoc thefollowing day, arriving at llilo siin idiiighl.

    I.liAVKS HON'ul.t I.U.

    Friday June fullI'm sday " lOthFriday' " iliibTucMliiy July 7th

    licttiruing haves lliln, touching atLrtilpuliiMlino same clay; Kawailiae,A M. ; .Maluikomi, 12 noon; .Makena,fi l. M. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 p. M. ; Laha-i- n

    i, 10 p. m. the following day; arriv-ing at Honolulu li A. ill. Wednesdaysand Sal unlays.


    Tuesday June 2ndSaturday " l.'lthWednesday " L'ltliSaturday July 4tliTucmI y ,.. "" Mih

    Arrives on Tuesday in order loconnect with out-goin- g mails for SanFrancisco.

    gjQT No Freight will be receivedalter 12 lioiiti of day of sailing.

    r 'Srafi.'CLAUDIN0AVIES, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock v. m., tone lung at Kahu-lu- i,

    Iliicdo, liana, llamoa and Kipa-liul'- i.Keturuing will arrive at Hono-

    lulu every Sunday morning.gjS&" No Freight will be received

    niter 4 v. m. on day of sailing.Consignees must lie at the landings

    to receive tlieir freight, as wo will nothold ourselves responsible after suefreight lias been landed. While the;Company will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to assume any responsibility in case of tinloss of same, and will not be rcsiionsiblfor money or jewelry unless placed inHie care ot Pursers.

    W. C. WILDER, PresidentS. B. ROSE, Secretary.

    CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Sunt.0 1

    Barry's TricopherousEstablished 1801.

    Infallible for roncwliiir. Invigorating andbeautlfyine the hair, reniovlna curf. dandruff.and all affliction!! of the acnln. and curlnir mm.uoua oi ine sitm, disease or the glands, murckn.nu intcgraments, and relieving stings, cuts,

    ; ilses, sprains, etc. The affinity between theaeinhrnnoR wh:rh Mti.Tltutp tlto alrln Dn.l 11..

    t fjuir which draws its sustenance from this triplef feuvelone is very clone. All diseases of the hairI alginate in the skin of the bead. If the pores

    01 me scaip are cioggcci, or ir the blood and othernaias do not circulate rrecly through the smallvessels which feed the roots with moisture andimpart life to the fibres, the result la aenrfdandruff, shsddinir Of the hair, trravnuaa Arvne.auana harshness of the ligaments, and entire baldness, as me case may be. Stimulate the skin tohenltliful action with Barry's Tricopher-ous. and the toruid vessels, recoverhiff theiractivity, will annihilate the disease. In alliili tiun-- of the skin and of the substnts 01iniic,'js aud integuments the process and the

    . arc the same. It Is noon the skin. tin.muscular fibre, and the glands that Hurry'rrlcoplierous has Its action, anilin all attections and injuries of these organs itis a sovereign remedy.

    Beware of Counterfeits.From the Oreatest. Living Prima Donna,

    Aludaiue AiluliimMoNTRvmiic), July 3uih 1888

    Messrs. Barclay & Co., New York.Dear tiir:i t;ke pie .sure In announcing toyou that Hahky's KuntlliA WATKHisoueof the

    few arorles always to he fiminl on lnv dressingcase, in my conception it is oncof the best ortoilet waters, and for lite butli it is not only de-licious, but rofroshinir and Invigorating. Irccorr. awnc) Jt wiuiout rcBcr vo.

    .CLUSTER & CO.,1031 I Atfi-nto- . flni


    hq a sffson JQitoIicoGk

    DRAYMEN.ll oidi iN I r . ii--i il'i- - iiuuiilly ulieniled

    In. i iriilar ii li I li 'Wj .ml lo ihe

    toriuy oc Shippingl ) mil I i to Hi.- i.lli.-- i I hin.f.

    A!T j. v. i W.iliO SinfJ

    i i.ilil il ll r In Mill al h'Mikl I I

    Ill I I. I . l .b. bi J.i-- . K-

    tV I:'!'- V, i i. it v:i:ii t.W older t .. I! i.( '1 .! W.l'h-i'-itM'l I,.; !.. i ., : U i.i d tiondi.no uV.tiii. I;::t i;'ii ir;i a iui' that I'mnot to be thu :u li ,1. Ii i. n't lliut 1 carelinvh for tlu'piulv. I'm tired nuil sleepyenoiu'u t'i!t;;vut home, but'

    liis iinnii went up over his head, lieyawned l'eiiiiuliy, mid said to himself:

    "1 luiet lie careful notto y.iwu at Mrs.Van Horn's ball, mid 1 will if I don'tshake off 11i;m drowsiness. I've been los-ing too much sleep ol' late and"

    lie ynwm 1 again it ml again. The pa-per he had tab'n tip fell from his hands,and his anus dropped listlessly at hisside.

    The hainV ome tie el ion v and goldclock on the mantel was sinking 10when Mrs. lirowue yawned and openedher eyes to find herself lying fully dressedon the sofa in the dark. Sho rose slowly,groped her way unsteadily to the mantelin the darkness, found a match, lightedthe gas and said to herself as slid did so:

    "How queer my head feel ! Just likeit does after I've taken mi opiate. Mercy!if it isn't 10 o'clock! How could 1 haveslept so long? And Gibson? I feel likeA guilty wretch for doing it, but I wasdetermined that ho just should not go tothat party, and"

    "Louise!""Whv, Gibson!"His voice sounded thick, and he had

    both lists thrust into his eyes and wasrubbing them as he leaned back in hisgreat easy chair.

    "What time is it, Louise?""After 10, dear.""You've been asleep all the evening?""Yes, have you?""I I gncRj so, and why, it's time

    for the party!""It's long past time. It would take

    yon an hour to dress."Browne sat for a moment staring

    blankly at his wife. She had droppedsuddenly into a chair and was staring asblankly at him.- -

    "See here, Louise.""See here, Gibson.""Did you dare to""Did you dare to""Give nic an opiate?""Give me im opiate?""Yes, I did.""So did I."For n full minute they stared nt each

    other, and then bolh burst into a ringinglaugh.

    "But don't you dare tell it to anybody,Gibson."

    "And don't you breathe a word of it,Louise."

    "I? Never fear.""I shall keep mum enough about it."Nevertheless 1 know all about it and

    so do yon. Zenas Dane in Yankee Blade.

    When a Mnn Appears a Fool.How foolish a man appears when he

    is ' arguing vith a railroad companyabout something that cannot be helped.For instance he has purchased a ticketto, say. New York, lie intends to travelat night comfortably in a lower berthon a Pullman palace sleeping cur. Hesteps jiiiiniiiy up to the window of thePullman oiUce uud says, in an offhandway, "Give me a, lower berth on the 7:1.1for New York," as ho lays down a fivedollar bill. "Haven't a berth left, sir.""What?" It is impossible to describethe awful emphasis with which thismonosyllable is thundered forth, but wehave all heard it and know how itsounds.

    Then follows a long tirade by thetraveler, who cannot understand whySome one is not to be turned out of theberth he has paid for to make room forthe late comer; why there are not moreberths in a car; why there are not moresleepers ou the train, and, above all,why the imperturbable clerk in theticket office does not hold a conferenceon the instant with the superintendentof the uivision of the railroadto "fix it Bo that he can get a lierth."There are experiences of this kind forthe clerics every day, especially duringthe busy season. This is the reason theyare not disturbed each time the inevi-table too-lat- e man comes foaming up tothe window. And tiienthe too-lut- e manwho will not accept the inevitablealways looks such a fool. PittsburgBulletin.

    Ail Acuflrmlc Jolte.Census Enumerator How many chil-

    dren have you?Lady Two.Lnumerator What is the age of the

    oldest?Lady I have no oldest.Enumerator Well, of the youngest

    then?Lady I have no youngest.Knumerator What then? Are they

    twins?Lady No.Lnumeraior I ask these questions of-

    ficially itmi niuht have a correct answer.Lady li. fore I was married I was a

    school teacher, a:i.l I taught pupiis thatthe snpi rluiive de.e.Teei-huiil- not be usedin comparing two tilings. 1 practicewhat I taught. My older child is in andmy younger one Jouiu.J of LJuca- -tioil.

    Vuet'lniitloii lii China,The Chinese, who reject scornfully

    neai iy every application of westernliledic d science, are, aeeoi'dbtg to thegovernor of 11. mg Kong, firm believerIn the advantage gained from vaccina-tion and submit to tin- - ordeal with achcurfuluesa and philosophy which mucluirai'teriMic of this wily oriental. I'm.tec lioii by wtreuinlioii is eip.-eiilj- in-quired in Hong Hon, i. win. iu (sirWilliam i Vn u puiiits out, to thetreijin i y with which n.,al!pin i. intro-duced by h earners coming In mi all p.uuof tlm w orld and to ii , liiiul pr,.M,li i.i iiwln illl ii.nou. a olilal.ii d a louling.Loldi'li Til iiila.

    4 l 4 l t III I i ii ..it I illrw). .'luu.u.- mil. ( I.,. !,,, . . i ii, ,u, n,

    HI .1 ( lie nail. s , i. I ,i ii , , j ; III'l.i. 'i. i . i. ...I. I : Pi i;.,.. !i .i.i.

    I . . ; I. .t.i-- , '., wI , ..I ' I I I .'. .S. IV M


    Thmmhlta imil noft pwrffction r( ihf klndlThou fiiUliMry, fjuwilnrr. illuty ixliiil,Thjr no,. creamy milmtuiiee, Kuabiljia,

    IVUi(lil Ik ' Mid uliifle IbA milul.Wlikt tiimu'ii ft Ifuvly pmee 'tw thlnn to Ilnil

    Hero NlJe Ulidl in lbfrii.l nwiiu-y- et stillTemptation imiKt Meh Hi.ffy ennii till,

    And ba (the enok jrr!lii(r) (.Innsin-- lined

    How fared tlm worlil before Ihy prBeni'eeamefHow set a diutur for the Rtmlal Kroup,So wont arouml mr eager lioard to troop,

    WitbiHit thy laiiKhlnKfooeaml 'euRtoraed imme?Kay, bill me not to hiicIi reiioureee atoopr

    Tuo helpleaa 1 too bU;li and proud thy fume.Good Housekeeping'


    Mr. and Mrs. Giliaon Browne, althoughincerely fond of each other, found ere

    they had been many months marriedthat there were various things aboutwhich they did not agree.

    Hundreds of other young marriedconples have made the same discovery,and although i surprised and shockedthem they ha ve been too wise to allow itto wreck the happiness of their marriedlives.

    Mr. aud Mrs. Browne were thus wise.They wasted no time in utmiguified andunprofitable wrangling over their differ-ences of opinion, but neither of thornyieided one jot or tittle to the other.They simply kept silence on all topics onwhich they should disagree.

    Happily also for thorn their differencesof opinion were in regard to the minorthings of life, and, although it is the"little foxes that destroy the vines,"their little differences did not destroytheir worldly happiness, each of thembeing blessed with abundant good nat-ure in spite of the firmness of opiniouthat made them decline to yield one tothe other.

    Mrs. Gibson Browne was a highchurch Episcopalian, while Mr. GibsonBrowne was inclined toward Unitarian-ism- ,

    but Mrs. Browne did not become aUnitarian, nor did Gibson renonnce hisfaith and become an Episcopalian andyet they were happy as married folks go.

    Mrs. Browne was decidedly opposedto all operas in which there was a ballet,while Mr. Browne was fond of a balletpurely because of the artistic effect itgave to operatic scenes, and he went tothe opera whenever he felt like doing so,and he did not annoy his wife by tellingher anything about it.

    And when Mrs. Gibson wished to doanything she felt it was perfectly properfor her to, even though Gibson did notapprove of it, she simply and quietly didit, and Gibson was none the wiser.There were times when Mr. aud Mrs.Gibson Browne exemplified the old ad-age, "Silence is golden."

    One morning at the breakfast tableMr. Browne said:

    "My dear, don't forget that the VanHorns give their party night."

    "I remember it," replied Mrs. Brownewithout lifting her eyes from her plate.

    ' "What dress shall you wear?""I am not going," replied Mrs. Browne

    calmly."Not goingr Mr. Browne drooDed

    bis knife and fork in surprise."No, I am not.""Why not?""I have my reasons, Gibson. Rest as-

    sured that they are good ones. And Idrather yon didn't go either."

    "But I think I shall go, my dear."' "I'd rather you wouldn't.""I don't see why I shouldn't go.""Let the fact that I don't wish you to

    suffice for this once."For the first time in their married

    lives, Mr. aud Mrs. Browne engaged ina heated discussion. Mrs. Browne firm-ly refused to give her reason for remain-ing at home, and as firmly insisted onMr. Browne remaining with her. Therewas, in fact, a good deal of firmness onboth sides.

    Mrs. Browne did not resort to tears;she never did. Mr. Browne did not rageand fume and use ungentlema,nly language; lie never did; but their voices grewharder and colder every moment, and asthey rose from the table Mrs. BrownejBaid decidedly:

    You shall not go, Mr. Browne;" towhich Mr. Browne replied . with equaldecision: ' -

    "Indeed I shall go, Mrs. Browne."But he went down town in a more un

    comfortable frame of mind than he hadever experienced as a married man.Never before had he seen such a look offirmness on his wife's face, and he knewby thjs time that Mrs. Browne was a verydetermined woman. But he was doggedly determined to resist her oppositionHe would go to the party.

    "I guess she 11 hardly hide my dresssuit," he said. --"Bnt hanged if I feellike putting it on and marching off before her very eyes. I'm afraid there'llbe trouble if I do. But I shall go, allthe same, if I I know what I'll dolYes, sir; I'll do i aud we'll have a bislaugh over it afterward, although itwouldn't be much of a laughing matterif Mrs.' Browne knew I intended doingit. . But I'll do it, sure as guns!"

    And when Mr. Browne went home totea the uext evening there was tuckedaway in his vest pocket a little phial con-taining a colorless liijuid be had justpurchased at the druggist's.

    "She often puts a few drops of this ina glass of milk or of water, and takes itwhen the can't sleep or when she has atoothache," be said, "and it never fullsto send her right off to sleep. Now I'llttmiiHgu to put a few drops of this in hertea t. She always lies down for

    little while after each meal, aud hn'lbe asleep before ten minuteami 1 can drew aud be off without tlunekeen eyes of her upon iin, and withoutany disagreeable arguing of the matter,for go 1 will."

    Browne found it easy enough to "doc-tor" the gluM of milk tint wife alwaysdrank at lh Urn table, and accordingIter usual t UJlom Mrs. liiowue lay ilnwuou euf Illime4llly after ten, am), unBrowne bad pr"dn tl, ,U wu wou rui

    leei.mil nsiigcij if u.,u t ei iiii-m- i ov.-- r

    li, mii pruwn m ii wit in m bi ' yi lieir hs.kikK at In r and pn kina lu t .(ItmiUHiu u. Id met I...I I to.ttii.ii k io

    IS I'llll. 1111.0

    EYtq Afteraooo Except Saaddys

    At th Otllce, Queen street, Honoluluii. I.



    Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limited )

    ki k uu-no- -:Daily Bci.lktin, t year $fi 00

    " 6 mouths 3 00" " per month (de-

    livered) SO

    Weekly Bulletin (Summary, 1year

    i .fit 00

    foreign 6 00

    M-Bo-th Telephone Jlo, 50. -

    Aa7Addre-- s all business communlcatious ''Manager Daily Bulletin."

    ("Address all matter for publication "Editor Daily Bulletin."P. . Box HO. Ilonolnlii. H. I

    1 M. MONSABBATtf Attorney at Law and Notary1'unjic. Mercnant street, Honolulu. l-- ui

    T Alfred Magoon.O . . Attorney at Law and Notaryruouc. jno. 4Z Mercnant street, Hono-lulu.

    TIAVID DAYTON (Kewikl)XJ Will be in his private office from12:30 to 1:30 p. M. Office: 91 Kingstreet, (up stairs) .

    H W. Schmidt & Sons,Importers & Commission Merchants. Fort street, Honolulu. ,1-9- 1

    HHACKTELD fe CO ,Commission Agents.Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono- -lulu, H. i. Ul

    ri W Macfarlane & Co..vXe Importers and 'CommissionMerchants, (jueen street, Uonolulu,li. 1. '

    5ONSALVES & CO.,A Wholesale Grocers and Wine

    Merchants. Beaver Block, Uonolulu,H. I. l- -I

    T OHN T. WATBBHOU8E.I Importer and Dealer in General

    Merchandise Queen street, Honolulu,a. i. i-- ai

    CA8TLK & COOKB,'

    and Commission Merchants, Importers and Dealers in Ueneral Merchandise. No 80 King street,110U01U1U. i- -i

    WILDER & CO.,in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

    ewers ib CookeL Importers and Dealers in Lum-ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu. .

    rpHElXLX Auction & Commission Houce

    pays the highest cash price for all kindsof Second-han- d Furniture, .Stoves, Etc.Furnished houses bought in their en-tirety. - 107-9- 1

    DR. A. R. ROYATHas removed to his new veterinary

    on King street, Honolulu. 97 tf


    Cnntraoton fe Hulllera.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;estimates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 76 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P.O. box 423. ,

    T. B. WALKER,

    Contruotor and Builder.Brick, Stone and Wooden Building esti-mates Riven. Cemetary Work and Job-bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono-lulu. Bell Telephone 107.

    HONOLULU IRON WORKS,Honolulu, i i H. I.

    Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings;Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Blacksmithing. Job Work ex-ecuted at short notice.


    Mi. JO. COO It.REMOVED from Alukea street to 177Will contract totbuilding all kinds or wooden buildingami uo all kiniia of loon.

    fTMJE patrons n the Oceanic H. H. Co.X are bnu by millled (bat herealtei

    uo round trip or mcui l.m ticket m IIIw U.ued for any ol the through lual'learners. Ilinw ticket III. however,

    be lueil as culuiiir)r for the locsiAustralia" ami ZeulmnlU."

    ('M-nirr- s ho hold round trip tu keuand with to Inks the through uIM.'earner will I rhargrd u rttia lam ollift.

    1'erordur o' th IM-sni- h. H. t u.Wm. (i. IKI! A t o..

    New Gocid n c rived by every ji.u ket from Eastern States and Europe,Frchh Califoinm l'l-i- me by every hteiuuer. All orders fuitlifully attendedto and GoocIh ih 'ivm-e- to nny purl of the city free of charge. Island ordersioliciled. 8ii.iliit-"i.ii- J

    Telephone's, io. 1PJ.

    Ohas. iuslaoe, King Street.

    Havini; leased the storct! in the brick building known as the"Lincoln Block," nearly oppoMtu the old stand, and having disposedof that, portion of my tt,ck daunigcd by the late fire, and beingin receipt of A'cw.(ihiiIh per lust Hteniner, and more ou the wav, Iam prepare-- to till all i.rciers as before. Thanking the public' forthe liberal patnimioe on nie for the pant 'seven years, Ihope by prompt attention to all onh-r- to merit a continuance of thesame. At the u'W htau.l fhall he pleased lo bee all my old cus-tomers, and as many m w ones as may tind it to their advantage tocall. orders Milii-iU.- and faithfully executed.

    191 CHAS. HUSTACE.


    --Telephone No. 92.

    E &. BRO.,''


    P. O. Box 372.

    -- P. O. Box 297.

    Ill Fort Street,

    & BlackwclTn & J. T. Morton's Canned


    mI'I'I'LIM.Inn isi' k Pluniliere' TnU,

    Telephone 210.- - --jsfivsr-


    Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,

    By sleunic r of the O. S. n. c. fn,m California freidi Calafornia RollButter, Frozen Oysters mid Fresh California FruiU. Fish. Came. Veiretahlea.etc., etc. A coinplcic line i.f ( iut,ecv HotllcU tun ils always 01. baud. Alsn, just received a fresh line of OerniauPale mid Pult.ii ,M,als aud liwiiled Preserved FruiU, Lewbi 4 Co.'ii MalteaeBrand Sucar Cured lluus and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream OatFlakes mid Cr-a- ni Wit- at Flake.--, Sicily LeinoiiB and California RiveraideOrauoes, Oiei;(,n lint bank l',,l itues, Etc., Etc., Etc. Katisfaclion guaranteed.

    i ;i i

    CAM U: &

    Shipping & Commission Merchants,', VI I !. .v INSUKAM'K A UK NTH,

    l,kAl.KS IU

    Builders and Gial Hdraware, Agricoitural lmplement&9I . r I loiv

    Cipi nii i. ', in... M.i.

    HOL'SH I'tMt.NISIIINfj GOODSUlK lieu I i. ...-i- l. , '..i.,U, UiU, Vaini.hu., uiu lj.Hi Uii

    ti.M. rut M Tt'hliiiiliMi,itU tiMrfL ru:!'j j Violin . l.'lillilllMlb,

    Moat Companyl JilMj blKr tr,

    C. . WAtUH, . . Minijtr,


    hAVV I 'll ft DC A I 1.... ,:, i. i .., .... i.i ,

    I" ' 11 ' . " " I,..- li-- i-ll, I 1.1.4 11. b I In;.. U,

    " "Mlw.l L. 1., i.hi t beil 414 j

    j.j, jUd KUNt hliM "lily llllee d. bit iU"it M Uklti utM 4tiMiUsuiU Uacil AgeuU).

  • lHfcUHWl I'..! -( i . t I Ut'itil

    BY AUTHORITY THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF H:W fOAK.llHtllldl t. Nrl l l()V i. ki.ii i...

    ley ;c3 Evory Djsirublo Form of Policy !n u.,...i .i.h.-M.ur.Mi..- ii THRfrE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOL'.ARS.

    I - Ni l ttii.tni..n Policy i the most liberal ever offered by any liuiitraiicc Company.

    T K.t full p.niu ulm apply loIt I f ! I ,


    Irrigation Mutice.

    Item rid Alien' fur tin ll:'nli .nI y I

    PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.K.rl Sf !"' . Honolulu.

    HtW COCOS JOS. TO H.KP.( v. i I'M Vim .mm( N, H XI: l:. xx

    S f I TlixX II . Oil. N M "XX

    t II x I i.i 'v -

    I; I i i, "i: x t

    Ami i . i;i x -- iliXIIK! I. IiI . x i i:

    Mil- I. xi. I'! r- -.I XI;;- - I 111

    K' ' XI' Si K .I'' -Hi x. kxm i n I it tHi x. n lit" I' ':i t ;

    Col I ti- Mill-ion Chkam ki i v i:- -.ST..'i:t Tnt'cK".

    ni: xi.r uv mipacific iiAiunvAKi: o.. i.'i-- .

    I hi- - Han ff .1 it' t'ln rrn-plni- lt .A Nerve-Foo- d in..! Tonic.

    Tlte Must tixe yct

    M KSu V A NTs 1).

    M'K-- I. is wanted t.. rVI.MiV'S Ailv tnW. (I. SMITH.

    127 :it 'f. Fort street.


    Hon. ii ri.r, II. I , M.. -- 7,

    Notice i Ihti-I.- liivfii i.i nil holders(.(water prilil'ip's that owinc. tin-

    JtoIdiii'iI .livudi.il i? ini.'1'tMiiy thattore be u- - in the uo of tvatur.

    Holder "f privileges and the pi'Micgenerally are thcreh.re repecil'ullrequested '.o aesist the Department1y exerci-i- i wiu-in- in tin- u-- v of jvater.

    The ii t j.'iitii.ii hours i.ie I1..111 7 to jt A. M. ,1111(1 lo li ..'clock I'. M.

    JOHN C. .V111TK,Supl. Honolulu Water Works.

    Approved :

    Invoices of Refrieer itors & Ice Chests.THE BKST IS THE MARKET J

    AGlICULlUfUL lttPlEMEST3- - "'"ek;RICE PLOWS KUpply now on hand;

    r .nal Harrow, Sti . l Tray Harmwn, Koiul ScniperH, ForgeH, Slore Truckn,lll.iwers & Drills, K.irry Step Ladders, Ice Cream Freezers, new patterns ;

    Kl'OVKS ICAXGIi-- Ac. TIJSWAMK,RIIRPI? Rfi'sP itli special coupliiigH; the most complete arrangementUUDDulV Q J iJ , yd invented. We are agi nts for one of the largest fuc-ton-

    in the I. idled States, and are in a position to make most favwrable terms.

    i.uiKir.vnxu OILS, V '.CUUM OILS,LAKH Ji SI'F.KM OILS, KKKOSKXE OILS, high test;

    lieliuille I'Mi.liiriiiii l'aeking, Flux I'ackiiig. Tucks Fucking,( "ollou Wasie, Manila xv. Sind Kope, Etc., Etc.

    CYCLONE Y1NDMILL !Art Rooms, : : Mcln ry Hall,

    i u ri i:i: ut iJii to oitin.n!

    C. X. Sl'KScKK,Minister of the 1 nt.-- i inr.

    121 tf

    T i I f :

    Plrdjreti to nrxtkrr ct vo a:y,But tttanlinhed lor 'hi henr'-- ' of uU

    SATrix'DAV, MAV :'., 1.U.

    Tho A.lverti-c- i has nothing hetterto filiil fault ith than the street

    cleaning not. stiangc to say,it done, but lieeau it is

    lone! That journal would prefer to

    -:- -LOON'Slet the dost remain until turned into, 4 ,M KKTINn of the I'.titi-- h lienevo-.- ..'''ill Societv xxill I..- I. eld at theri,iB -cait. is a ....watering ,,,,, ,. .Vhhv KVKMN.;.WE HAVE RECEIVED Ex "AUSTRALIA" THE FINEST


    LUBIN'S PERFUMESDirect from the makers, ever shown in this Kingdom.

    In Plain & Cut Class Containers.ALL SIZES ! --8loW ALL PRICES 1



    New Goodsji't icr.c rivi.i) s


    : : t Honolulu, II. I.

    i m

    " iK,...t.:lrB'ii i

    -- "Sff rt'ilr 1!i

    & Kitchen Utensils

    and Sheet Iron Work,

    IOD 'ort Street : : .



    t : i ;.M in.A vf...i iv.i "'

    N.iv: Co.VSteck.

    30 hfres ;$Itw.nn Stinn1 Co.-- "Stock; (tlkw.i...

    10 J2tnomtj-Su- i Vu

    'Stock,V:i Vnhi.

    1 15 Shares ofrPePi'l'? 'f: 10 Shiti9Sbivk:;SSu t;o-- .

    IZ 1 .000 3ah u'R r. ;iT( da UlBfLl

    ..3400 ' (ihbnRtttii: v tJUML

    110 ' CC'Mxi Slb'J.alilfciLfind

    i'l':,A jllh !."lU'V .fiid niv.. i'Titi.i'.i'.!

    T--' l :.!

    ThiArrstewnli-'IVi- ;

    4 t T wirri"7- - ..T--L


    .v,vri ti'nii'liT'. .t';l .!'. ;l.,!','l'' f'

    Vj4 i.i U,:,"i- -

    VSy I . i J,'

    :.'fgl8 m iiiUj mmCiui be pT.tew'C.r .'bx ilcir: nirmt-ii- te .m iWnikiki' i Mnfinm-'.- "' n,n i'ir.t'i"'ei"i.ot which is in Teemii.fl')''''e,,,T-H- - 'ill.,,inieeuihn' loin "?li I'ch'Mi'HU. Imir-- Ilimn Far i I a i o .'!

    "t tvtmiI of nnriva).',, i!v..,.M.,i xx iil , - r- - I.rel...' HomnVliv hT tmiiHiC, -- a'i;, .., .,.., ..,,! .e(".i.na

    ' i.j his iin U.kU



    Honolulu SteHlll I'l'illii.;;'! H.-- f HSIIHi- -I'.ade. Hiittoio;!..

    Mamiliieliii'es ni: kiinls i..: 'I innuiomn-- .Ilraek"!: . ,l' imioxx .iipp., ,Ml sites. Itooi-- . "lid i. ii kilns.. ktii.iwot l lini-l- i. 1 iinim'.'ciaiii hi i out :.S..XX il:;. All kllfO- - lot - Stxx'U'j''.lllI'ial. OIL'. hMl'l"il'U!tr 'Itll-- I ellHHll,

    Orders proiimm Mleimi ';.mwork jriiaruiileed - Kiiti mcotner (..laisistniliciti-.i- tM. I

    l f l.s. i ; !; a xv u.ori. I .tiiiiii'U uSt enior .mi': nn. i'i; : -

    UU.uing ill .Inn. h . 'l I'HI'I ii'iim - ifi.l Vy,i .. : 111 .

    12.'. lw i.ae e 4 l..-- e ' I'I Ul

    1 i ;li;t ;! L'l t. CHi(.IM ,.

    Ii I I kt'l


    I e in Iii .. .' P'l It II II.


    !,..,. I. I . . 1 It).

    A.riii"i i ! d.i 1. 'I I

    t tli it I 1 . tun . I.

    II!I I i,. !.,

    JOHN NOTT,lniloitr and Dealer in

    Steel i3 Iron Sanies, Stovds and mis

    tit , u i j. I' t' i.nniK, -- I IH v tui.1 ".ff fc

    ittji.- -. ttii li s i'tA'-:o- n.i;,. .. I.--,. ... .. "tiV 'I.i.

    Iff . -- ' ; Ktin. . a l"l - o jI "hi

    Ki.n i. -

    m Nn. LUn.MAHAAiNN-- i PtUf-$- 75iT'ilitfi "el I'ae'lii, llaxaiiau'....i. 0 ; oi J 1" lminc-- . Mi--Ih.i.-- .

    C0(S0Hr CL'l-$- tli0

    ICli.iiii.ii liat-e- . '4 Miie li?h. Ua--(lHIMII I'M-.i- .

    5 - KfcLIA STALLION 1T.UES.ii lw i. iii tor aii'iniiliy. hi"! Mile

    I'll ii. lw to all liaWiiiiall hn'.ltli.l-..- -. Itn- - .r...lll.e ot -l-alllnlli-on.l

    and U.l in lie eiiiinlrv,t..-- . oll-- l -- llllll li-ilihe emll

    n -- ion .f I'viciuv-Kiv- e Dollar,ami lilt' I'lX nielli ol fell lHllmi'll-tittu..- ..

    -( iplioii ami entranceIIHXlf.V 0 he dix Lied a- - lollow.-- :

    I p to .i I. the x inner.It inoie. up in .( lo --vcoinl lhire.It li..".-- . to 0 to third .hol'-- c,.'U'.. .'!'.

    tt. Hi-:- - AIHML0 PtAT-$- 30 added.

    Itltiniiiii Ka. e. 1 Mile l).ih. Ibl-X- Xullaii .1 rat' old- -.


    ill.KliiiuiiiK Ita.e. j Mile Heats. Best2 in liiinaiia.il lueil.

    ; KOM0LULU r'LAT-S!- 00.

    ;i Mini He I la-- -. Trolling ami I'ae- -in;t. Ite- -l 2 in to liiirim . .Mile

    Ileal.--, U-- ii lo all lioies that havenever heiileu il iniinili .



    Kliiiiiiiii liace. l.Milel)a-U- . FreeI'M all. inner lo heal the recordol - Hlfi'le A."' 1 : .

    10th Hicc KALAKAUA CUP; formerly HisM.j s. Cup 4100 adaad.

    Kimiiina. Kaee. Mile Dash.h red hnrses- imned by nieiil-hei- -.

    ot ihe .loekey l"lul). I'nu toIhe properly of tile one xviu- -

    llilli It Ixvietf,in S7 by "Poni Moi "

    Wim iu .'! by VVoiMler."Wim iu !s.Hi ov "V illifbniue."

    1 CUP-J- K'O and d,

    Iviiuniiei. Kact. V.t Mile Liah. Freet all.

    Utt AMI PARK PURSE -too.

    TroUiiiii ami I'aciug. Be.--t i! iu 5to Inline-- -. Mile Heals. Free inr

    lats facfr o:eais iTEAhship co cupJl'JO and U.

    liiimiiiii kaee. 5 Mile Dash. Freetor :iU 2 ye .r old- -.


    eep-l:i- S20. Trotling amil'aeilili. Mile Heals. I e- -t 2 ill ;!

    liainen. . i'l-.- lor nil. To liedriven by niemoeis- of the Jockeyi bib.

    I 3 D PLATE S 00.

    Ki.ioiitii llaee. '.. Mde Da.-l- i. lia--xxuuuij bred.

    '6!R Ratt-P- OV RAC5-S- 75 Ririi!p

    S frm H Ex. H. A. W dmnsnnaOJid..

    Il'.mnieii llaee. Mile Da-- h. Uhuii'is i. d mi'k r. Hawaiian bred.

    Mi ,...1.,, i ..Vlo. k n........... I riiiai. .bm- - al 11

    . v. and all e

    ri.r,il .., e .ll.-r- w r -- pe. Hied.il race, lo be run or I rulted miller

    t ut i ii I lie lliiwaiiau .l.'i kev lull.

    Ml l. - HIT Nireeie.l III -- lan .in..- -li " 1". k nmiii oil .lime in.

    ',11 hot.,, itf epl-ilf- to .Ippe-- .HII ' t k ,. ' II" I IP "I 'He lll ili'lll me

    lulil - - tll'l Hie xxi- -e tbev xmI) lieai-.- i

    it- -.ll.ll,,-- . oil, I -- enlcl. :;" I. . . .V.I r! A "I l41'

    i.i .e. ii.-.- tie ..! e.tltf-- . 2 .'Ii, i -- -4 f eo li r.a.it:- - ........ . on.

    ii i:i:i:ta:iLi, t tftarr II. I. ' '.

    I'AlM l.i; !

    f f - '. illl hi ! ...I. .1 .;,llil- -L i.tf ' I MI5 I' til :.. Mirt. eull oilj i,'l . jit J. 1. It " ..Ill

    I 'Of l tlM i '..- -i t nn ..sr.to .

    I --a rr.it li a MitNt; !I M. i.f ilio 1'jiuirt .11

    , l.t.i;:i'V' loiii'1 . .t H .

    i::.vii :uill'.i s W 11.

    1.. .

    it1.. '1.

    t - li w, ktl. i'.U UjOU! flit.


    '" foohng SUEY,"

    AIT. KKAItMf:.1 an arrived from lio-to- n, inakliig next

    to the quickest i rip on record, hhe Inliiiiibig out her i aiif i In splemtid couili-tiu- ii

    and has hroiight for


    mvmi nnMO 11 Mil UUUUO

    Among which areWire Mats. mini Barrow?, PanAineiieiit (iron tray) Wheelbar-rows, lil Bellows, An-vils and Vises, Paper Bm;s, Oars,

    Mast Hoops, Manila and SisalKope, Bales Duck, KegsNails, Cases Yellow Metal, Felt-ing, Cotton Waste, Cases

    KEROSENE OILFresh and Good, Turpentine,Lard Oil. Cylinder ill, CometOil. Bhls. Ph'eh, R. sin, Tar, Re-frigerators and Ice chests,

    GalTiizei Water FifeBales Oakum, Wood Stirrups,

    Cases Hoe and x Handles,Hunt's Axes and Hatchets, Oil

    Stones, Hush Hooks, scythesand Snaths, Forges and Blow-

    ers, Charcoal irons, Clothespins,


    For which spare parts are kept In stock,Murliii Spikes. Shovels and Spades. Fod-der Cutters, Rowlocks, Cases Ox Bows,

    BLOCKSIron Ox Bows, Shoe Ink, Cases DoorLocks, Ox Yokes, Hammers, Towel andHat Racks, Road Scrapers, Shoe Black-ing, Hinges, stove Polish, Hoes, HayForks, Boat Nails. Planes, Sandpaper, alarge assortment of

    SHIP CHANDLERY,Carpet Tacks, Copper Tacks,Shoe Nails. Screws. Boat SailDrilling, Horse Cards, GalvanicBatteries. Soap and PumiceStone, Paint Brushes, YardBrooms, Rakes, Ktc, Etc.

    Also, coming in the new crop of

    HAWAIIAN SALT,from the SALT FARM at Kakaako, thefinest in the country; sold In lots fromOne Bag to Ten Tons.

    All of the above and many other arti-cles for sale by

    15 O. HALL. & SON,Corner King & Fort Stieets.

    niayl'.-3i- n


    U. J. ORDWAY hagPROFESSOR a STRING BAND, andis prepared to furnish First-Cla- ss Musicfor balls. Parties, Picnics. Receptionsand Entertainments of every description.

    Mutual 148114-t- f.


    NOTICE is hereby giveu that KwongYuen of Maunakea street,Honolulu, II. I., has this day trade anassignment of all Ids business to the un-dersigned for the benefit of his creditors.Persons having claims against the saidKwoiig Fook Yneu are requested to pre-sent their bills to the undersigned withinthirty (80) days from date, otherwisethey will forever be barred, and thoseowing the-sai- d Kwong Fook Yuen mustmake immediate payment to the under-signed


    Honolulu, Mav 23. lH'Jl. 122 3w

    end AWucuvu I - m

    IHKKKHY give thatxxill rot

    in itny ny for con-trae-'niivha-e- - of ol.lij;:it imi- - without

    my written order..1. DOW SETT.

    Honolulu. May L".i. 17 lw

    Sl'Ki 1 A L MKI'"liMi.

    1 SPD'lU. nt.'etin'r .'. the I'aeilirMar. I iv a re ( o.. ( I. ".I ). x ill he held

    at their . Mice on r K ) A . .1 ;.ne '.1 h. t(.,i(ci tlie -.

    .IAS. (.. SI'KN'CKIS.eereraiv.

    HonoNilii. Mav i2. 'l w

    JiiilliTlNt; XHTM L.

    .lune L'nii. at 7:Hn o'clock. Ki.'eti..tM.fotliceis mill treneral All -

    1(imi-i- i (if .nnKli 1.Nl,,,1.,iM ..,..,, t)1.17 4t i i ii.iii-.i.- .

    roii s ia;i alifi.rnia1K1NK snitalile

    for carriai;.' "f: I ""addle

    xx itn Mild Bii- -

    die. Deliverx Wa-foli- . Hoxx e -- ealc1 SMiv Truck. 1 Ithick Walnm OHinriiu:,luU, ,(i , .,:), S:,1.- mil mliivh urniture. Aji..yi.. will

    f',',,.,,,', I,,.,,',.,.

    - - ., ,.no - .lXCJi'liOSi: HI of "ii... l'nwaii.

    Inivinir made anall hi property in t'"-- 1 '" ""'signed, for the lieneli' otlii- - n- -:notice is liercl.v yi'ei. Lx the heloxvnamed A- - ii.e.' to aii creditor- - of Wim:( Imnil Tai lo pre-et- it their claim- - lo himat Hie" olliee ..f !l. ! o. kl.-l.- l V ( ... on orbefore Aurn-- t 1. i ' "'! ail

    said Wit.g ImliiTai are (iin-'ei- ito make immediate pavment lo the un-dersigned, c. iio-i- :.

    Assiirnee of H ina lo.lig I hi.Honoliiln. Mav . lsir'. 127 iit

    1T.N . 11V) !

    r?"llK Ilehtor- - t. tin- ealate of W.'S.if

    the ainottlii- - line Ic lie in are nol paidoefore Ihe f'tli ilax ot .lime next, at theolliee of Frank "Brown. W MerchantStreet, step- - will be laken lit the policeCourt fur th- - eolie.Mi f the samexx ithoilt further police.

    .1. F. A KFF.l.H.JIT.II'S I'dTINii.liliUM Fin Ki;.

    Assit'nees of the Ksiaie of s. Luce.May2s. ism. I2fi lot

    XK Fine Half-Hre- d .ler- -V r -- ey Coxx . very gentle

    1 s:1, ami lit tor family use. I'

    W. W. WlMrtflT.:j lxim; street

    i i; s in:T " l i K

    , d t,Mt.C;V"p. on App I" ..m i.i.i,ii ..in..

    ton rtAI.KKW 1'haeton and 1IN Second- - hand l'liae- -

    ton, 1 Fiiinily 'arriasre--ii.ii-- e an. i inn "' and.,11.. ii,.,.. ,,0. .1.1.. I.,.- - I:, i I.e.na.l'lie .(.-.- :. i ' " -- ' - '"p. ride or drive, l'or particulars cull at

    II iWAit x llAl.l.w Ai:l- C..'slbs It foi'l St.. opp .""pi eckel- -' I'loek.

    i ?L' rsA

    " (IK hi".'.' ic known -! 1. I,',. i... U, ii. el li ill)

    !"?- - ! bi iv aii. xxiili all its belont;-'lii- --Jtanch cotitains

    l.vl.O! re- - Ineie - onHi' b'aii.'h a Inr :nd valuable f.ur.--lf Koil MIllJ oiiit.. For lnrile r i iini

    Hpply to KAIll KIl tf Kim. Hhw

    t i ft'f . -IniporP -

    P. 1 ti ii; e.

    Pianos - i ii. f iiureM. xi I

    !, aH:. r

    co;:;;!1:11 l: lU.Ol.

    1 :...,:-- :VV ".... .

    Eousekssping Gocds

    new idea in tlie science of the sanitary

    couditions of towns, which should b.

    fhwhliiteil at the World's t'onere-- s i

    Auxiliary of Hie Coluinl.iaii Fair.

    Street spi inkling at best is an anti-

    quated necessary evil where effective

    street cleaning is impracticable.Medical science of tlte present day

    condemns the sprinkling of foul

    stroota. s beiiiir creative of noxiousthetvapors, highly prejudicial to pub- -

    lie beallh. If Uuuluhl had streetsthat would stand -- wecp.ng every (laywith a thorough washing down week-'- !

    ly, there would be no use for the

    sprinkling monstrosities that now

    cumber the thoroughfares and sow

    malaria through Hie town. As the

    streets stand, however, the best that

    can be done is to scrape up and re-

    move all the powdered garbage there-

    on, so that a very slight affusion ofmoisture will sullice to prevent the

    remaining tiliu from being blown into

    the stores. The sprinklers employed

    have much loo good u delivery. They

    are wasteful of precious water and

    excessively productive of mud.

    When the water is evaporating in

    the sun, the most rugged constitu-tion exposed to the exhalations can-

    not escape injury.



    The dinner given last Saturdaynitrht at the Hamilton Club, Brooklyn, N. Y.. to Lieut. John M. Ilaw-le-

    U. S. N., one of the heroes ofthe Samoan disaster, and to whosecool bravery and skililul seamanslrpas executive ollicer of the UnitedStales steamer X'ip-i- c is due the factthat she alone of ail the xvar vesselsthat encountered that fearful cyclonewas saved, was one of Ihe most ele-gant private diniieiis ever served atthis celelira'.ed club. The menucards were very unique. The facingof the menu was of celluloid, onwhich was artistically painted a ma-rine view representing the "Nipsic"in the oHing, and a boat's crew ofblue-jacke- ts putting off from theshore to her. There was primed under this the (late of the Samoan dis

    ' i : ii... Mmster and the title liirill. .Mlllll .11.Hawley, U. S. N., V. S. S. Nipsic,Hamilton Club, Iboeklyn, N. V.,February 18;1." The next cardbore a striking vignette of Lieuten- -ant Hawley in hiligue uiiiiorin, andupon the obverse of the la-- t cardcomprising; the menu was a strikingfigure bearing the inscription IMiriAbsent Guest." It. was a portraitOf King JIalaafa ot Samoa, the cause '

    .i . ..o.....: .1...Ol uie cuuecung ui me uuv...at namoa, ami vniose ciaiui was sit. -cessfully chauipioiicd by the UnitedStales. Alining the disliiigiu-lie- dgentleuien inx ited to inert Lu ut.

    llawlev there were present Oil.Thomas W, Knox, the Siberiantraveler and v, i iu r ; Saium I ll n" h -- ,editor of the S linlield li. plU'beaii ;F. .Mitchell Miliiine, eiillorot l: .ok-ly- il

    Life.; (apt. 1 O lm al.Ltint. in. r. W l.ii. , r. s. .., I .S. S. Vein eii' ; ( i.pl. J. A l i s.--'

    lifih I idled S, i, - a: I lii t( oat. -- .!;. II. . it' i.e.

    Jlubilt M. U.l.ox .it, I II. II linediet. - li. ill. moi. So I., Api i I . s;i I.

    r a 1 1 K.-- D i p.. in Ihe ilo . I... k i. ..I holll

    lux ii .. Mix. i ;.. 11.1. p UI..I' dI I. II " I in b I' i. ... . ..I III if

    ..III. e.



    LAMPS MID - FIXTURES.Crockcrv, EobbT Bosp, Lift aid Force Pomps,

    Wdter Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.

    Plumbing, Tin, C-p- par.1 Ml.

    nJrockery & Glassware !

    Til 150. H. DAV1ES & COQUEEN STREET.



    Dinner Sets, Dessert Sets,Breakfast Sets. Tea Sets.

    M usli Sets, Toilet Sets,Decanters, Glasses, Tumblers,

    Salad JJowIs, Vases, Ktc.


    thvvts It L-ff- Uc VttlcU

    r, lihoiili:. i. fin. . .! ; t t to- - lb

    I" ii.,.i.. o I .i i i."

    in p. i.i i ii . i, "im.i.iJj) a P. I I .... i i"

    I' I..

    - 7 ttock bft II kllc ' I . ,u.,.t 4 s d-- 'I

  • II II II.1 I. tl'.0AI1U RAILWAY & LAND CO 'S


    ROW Al AFTt'.M JV a. MM.


    T10ANIn thin v ohVrcd at rcil'iccd plices.

    Choice Oolotig Tea, .lib. boxes.I

    No. 1 Japan (uncolnred), .Mb. boxes." " " "(green),

    French Peas, $2.15 dn.en.


    A i.tf k a1l':itMi" in tli" I '! i'ciipiiii, a t xt i hoy, n il"! a 11 i Iat i I ill's cmm r nt kiim kiui nil' linoVfsli nliiv ii tfrii'inn. Ii ip nut liUi-l-that tin' liilil Will live long mi rleil''.

    TtIK Zither Cluli was piiii'l -i 11 it atnearly lull streuuth in the Sii mil;.I'liiii Cluli last niglit. This orgiitiiz-1-

    ii t will duiihtli'ss give a lineof itself nil the liilu-ii'ii- l stage

    before very long.

    I'ka hi ( 'll V ill 111 IhiiT llillV llV till'





    K. ami K. Boned Turkey, fO.lXJ perdozen .

    Libby's Lunch Tongue, 21b. tins, $0 20per do.en .

    Lihby's Ox Tongue, 21b. tins, 7 .50 ja rdozen .

    Libby's Chipped B- - f, $2 40 pet dozen.Spiced Pig's Feet, $2 00 per dozenEpicure Oysters, $2.75 per dozen .


    Boston Codfish Balls, $2.50 per dozen." Baked Beans, $2.10 per dozen.' Brown Bread, $1.!I5 per dozen.

    Humes Salmon, $1.75 per dozen.Table Apricots, $2.(10 per dozen.Anderson's Cranberry Sauce, $3 per


    Maple Syrup, puie, $5.25 per dozen.Brooms, $3.50 per dozen.


    Molasses, l. kegs, $4.25 per keg.Bear Brond Jellie, $2.75 per dozen.Morton's Jams, $1.75 per dozen.Lea 4 Perrins Wor. Sauce, $3.50 per

    dozen.Soap, Blueing, Matches, Spices, Po-

    tatoes, Hams, Etc , Etc.,


    126 3t







    FIRE and BURGLAR PROOF !IJF Nearly 1,000 in use on the Hawaiian Islands.


    C. O. BERGEH,General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.

    Helnuidt L.iIh I Co. of S.iu Franciscoadni'iin it Window of the l'ncific llai'l-war-

    Cn.'s store. In one coini r of tho111.4 is a pretty vigiieUe, "View ofl'euil llailior j the Oivuu."

    In 11 window of the i'aeilic llitrd-wui- eCo. are ou view some of the tro-

    phies for the 11th of Jui.e race meet-ing. They include the i'ri'sidelit'scup, the cup, the OceanicSteamship Co.'s cup, and the llosilachallenge cup.

    A notk from Mr. T. C. Wills, Pa-lial-states that lie is very ill wiili (lie

    grip, aud so lias not been utile toanswer any letter hy the Hall's mail,or to do uny business at all. Mrs.Wills is nloo very ill from the cft'ecUof the grip. Many people in Pnhal.iand the rest of Kan are ill from themalady. So much sickness has notbeen known for many years.

    Mk. Lewis J. Levey li is concludedarrangements with Mr. John L. Sulli-van of the ''Honest Hearts and Will-ing Hands" company to give a spar-ring exhibition in Honolulu of sixrounds, to be advertised hereafter.Mr. Jack Ashton will stand up beforeI he champion. This sporting anildramatic combination expects to leaveHan Franc. sco for this port on June24th.


    A bilvku bonbonniere box has beenlost.

    It will pay you to buy a box of teaof C. B. Wells the best teas iu themarket.

    C. B. Wells is closing out hisgrocery business a rare chance isoffered to housekeepers. See adver-tisement of prices.

    Dk. Brodie has resumed practise athis office on Beretania street. Hisoffice hours are given in a card else-where.

    Mr. Jas. F. Morgan's sale of stocksand securities will take place at 12o'clock noon Monday. Ink'ndingiiivesKu-- will find a list of the slocksin the advertising columns.


    With a patriotism and love, worthythe remembrance of the dead, theGrand Army of the Republic willthis afternoon again decorate thegraves of the advance picket guardof the Pacific, who have died inpeace, after facing the "roar andmusic of battle." At three o'clockthis afternoon the procession willleave King street for the G. A. It.lot in Nuuanu cemetery. A detach-ment of officers and marines fromthe U. 8. S. Iroquois will accompanythe Geo. W. de Long Post. Dr. N.B. Emerson, Post Surgeon, will de-liver the annual address to the re-mainder of the picket guard. Atthe cemetery the following programwill be carried out:1 Reading of Order Adjutant2 "Comrades Our Duty of Today."3 Music Choir4 Prayer by the Post Chaplain.5 Opening Address. . .Tost Chaplain6 Decoration of Graves

    Officer of the Day7 "Comrades by this Service," etc.

    ...Chaplain8 Music Choir9 Selec ted Reading.!

    Mrs. Nellie Holbrook Blinu of Shu. Francisco.10 Annual Oration

    Post Surgeon N. B. Emerson11 Roll Call Adjutant12 Salute to the Dead

    Post and Escort13 Singing "America". Choir14 Benediction. Rev li. G. Beck with

    Preparatory to the exercises abovementioned the entire cemeterygrounds have been put in order forthe sad and solemn duties to be per-formed this afternoon. Flowers inprofusion have been prepared and themajority of graves will be decoratedduitng the day. "Love hath nomemory like that which bindeth it todeath."

    119 3m. I .IJJJ.i.1 ...

    M. A.M. r.M. I MLttv Honolulu. ..ft. h !.' 1 :4ft 4::tlltarrh,, Honauiiufl..7:'ii t.4'.i2:li( 6:il5tLeavn Monouliuli... :;u licm ai.M 8:."itArrivi Honolulu. ..n :;.' :. 4 :." fl;r.n

    I'KAHI. IITV l.fM'AI..

    Lv HmoluluA'rive Carl City 0:07U.ivt f'eer City.. li :;!Arrivi Honolulu...

    Saturdays only.Sunday excepted.

    Tidi'H. Hun and Xoim,HV C. J, I.VONN.

    s r rr. n r S 3 BDAY.

    n. tn. it. in. ii in. ii. til.Mon. ja 0 4u o in hi x.i o in o .vi s aiTues. 2'i li 411 4 411 II (Ml 0 20 ft I" 6 311 U S7Wed. j'Jil, 7 U ft Ml II 40 1 Ml ft In: 0 54

    p.m. 6 M

    TIllll'H. 8 40. 6 Soi 1 (kV 1 60 ft IN; 6 36 11 44

    Kit. 30' 7 SIN I S0: 2 o! ft IT 6 .17 ....Sut. 10 :to ft mil i .mi 3 :io A 17! ;I7 o inHun. :il'U jo lo ihiI :t ,riO: 4 :ioj a U :n l 117

    Lust iiinrter of moon SOtli nt Hh. 'itin. a. tn.rue time Nintil for the oi-- Is kIvoii ut lili.

    Om. Usee, (liiiiliiiixlit) of Greenwich time ortil. 2iu. JMsec. i. in. of Honolulu Observatorytlme. It is uivi'n by the bIciiiii whistle of theJlonolulti I'lituiiitf Mill, h tow doors utiovethe Custom House. The HHine whistle isHounded corrnotly at Honolulu tneiin noon.Observatory mi'i idiiiu, or lull. 31m. iHaeu. ofGreenwich time.

    r i Jss

    SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1891.

    ARRIVALS.Muy 29

    Stmr Kilauea II ou from OokulaMay 30

    Stmr Chuuline from MhiiIStmr las Mnkee from KauaiStmr Mokolii from MolokuiSchr Liholih from KauaiStmr C R Bishop from KoolauStmr Hawaii from Honoinu

    DtPARTURES.May 29

    Stmr J v Cummins for Koolau


    Stmr Claudlne 788 ska sugar, 27 gkstaro, 62- sks potatoes, 37 hogs, 35tons old Iron, 62 pkgs sundries.

    Stmr Jas Makee 20511 bugs sugar.fctuir Mokolii 18 head cattle, 1:0 barrels

    molasses and 100 pkgs sundries.


    From Maui and Hawaii, per stmrriaudiue. May 30 O Bolte. M Louisson.D Toomey, W Kerlowitz, C. B Makee, KCatton, J (.'lark, Mrs II Nunn. J Ruben-stei- n,

    Rev J P Jnahia, Rev T L (iulick,J B Tanner, J Muidock, A K Kealakai,2 Chinese and 48 deck.

    From Maui and Hawaii, per stmr WG Hall, May 29-F- roin Volcano : H TWeinple, M de Mott, Mis Blinri andMisses Goodall, Downs, Cornwall andPerkins, From whv ports: E W Miller.A T Atkinson, W F' Wilson. Miss Wood-ward, Rev A Pali, A MeDade, W F Rey-nolds, M D Monsarrat, Dr A Mourifz,Jos Heleluhe. Miss Greeuwcll. Mrs RZrigler, .1 Luhi, Rev S K Kamakahiki,Rev W M Kulniwaa, Miss Holonabele,Rev O W Waiau, K Akona and 54 daek


    The steamer W G II.ill brought yesterday from Hawaii 3752 bags sugar, 31bugs awa. 26 bHgs coffee, 26 head cattle,4 nldes, 2 horses and 67 pkgs sundries

    Tim ftfeainer Mokolii did not bring anybags of sugar this trip from Maui andMoloka , but brought 20 b irrels molas-ses, 26 head cattle 'and 100 pkgs sundriesShe ho brought 13 deck passengers.

    The steamer .las Makee brought 2650hugs sugar from Kauai this morningwhich were transhipped on the bark S 0Alien. She also brought 3 cabin aud 14deck passngers. .

    The steamer Cbiudine did not bringas much sugar as usual ; at any rate shebrought 788 bags sugar, 27 bags taro, 62bags potatoes, 37 hous, 35 tons old ironand (12 pkgs sundries; IU cabin and 48deck passengers came by her.

    The barkentine S G Wilder will bethrough discharging today, and will, beready to take in sugar next week.

    The schooner liali akala is having ageneral overhauling ou the Marine Rail-way.


    Arrived May 25, Tern John G Xorth,Ipsen, 17 days from San Francisco; Con-signees. V F Hart, R H Atkins, Halawaplantation. Kobala Sugar Co. HawaiianMercantile Co, K K Hind, Freitas,

    Planting Co, S G Wilder & Co.and Haw Railroad o. Carjio: grain,fertilizers, asstd groceries, telephoneposts and material

    27th, Stmr Kiiian from Honolulu audway ports: 28th, Kilauea Hour fromjjialiua.

    Wailed Stmr Kiiuiu for 1 1 i)o and wayporn; stmr Kllaueu Hou for Kahoolaweand Honolulu.

    i" i.it j m t Mir i.i' . n the t'i-t-if v i o mi'1! i:.;it',' It'll.

    I'll ... .1 h "I of (.'(hi. pililUpI'1", I'll. I in.'iiiV oilier finii '

    'i.l.'Wiii ' lb r M tv waHon. Sam. 11 I Parker, wlmie addresswas receivid with great applause.Then fi.llowi'd with a piopriateremark-- : Hon. I. W. 1'iia. Ibm.I'.. K. I.ilikalaui.l Ions. John Iticliard-sni- i

    , .1, 11. Waipui:.ini, and J. Iveki-p- i.The addresses made by the above

    gelil ieliicli n ele listen! d In Very atlen-tiel- yby Ihe audience and heartily

    cheered. In the iifieriionn a trrai.dluau was eivell by Her Majesty andover bmU natlM-- s partook of ihefestive hoard. In the evening a ballwas given which gave the lesiileiilsof Koua a chance to tip the lightfantastic.

    On Wednesday Her Majesty ar-ranged a program of tableaux, whichtook place in the evening with greatsuccess, the pictures arranged beingheartily applauded.

    On Thursday preparations weretnaile for departure on the Maltilauifur Wailuku. On the arrival of theMalulani Her Majesty invited thetourists on hoard to attend a bandconcert which was very much enjoy-ed. In conclusion it may be saidthat the oldest residents of Konahave said that as far back as theyremember, 110 sovereign has ever beenreceived as the present one, QueenI.iliuokalani.


    " I have been afflict-Biliousne-" ed with biliousness"and constipationConstipation,.. for firteen years;

    Stomach ;,' first ne and theaanother prepara- -Pains. " tion was suggested" tome and tried but" to no purpose. At last a friend" recommended August Flower. I" took it according to directions and" its effects were wonderful, relicv-- "

    ing me of those disagreeable" stoniach pains which I had been"troubled with so long. Words"cannot describe the admiration"in which I hold your August" Flower it has given me a new"lease of life, which before was a"burden. Such a medicine is a ben-- "

    efaction to humanity, and its good"qualities and"wonderful mer-- Jesse Barker,"its should be ...r"made known to ' : '"everyone suffer- - Kui;; joldt,"ing with dyspe-psia or biliousness Kansas, f)G. G. GKEEX, Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.X.J.


    The man who wants a windmillusually looks around and investigatesthe statements made by the dealersiu the respective mills. We are pleas-ed to recommend purchasers lo par-ties who have Acnnotors on theirplantations because we know what,the icstill will be. Thus far w; havenut had a bad report from any f themills we have sold here; in every in-stance we have received the samesatisfactory expressions. When weprocured the Agency of the Aerinotnrswe ditl not do so blindly; we felt thatif the machines were good enough forthe officials of the Union l'acilicRailway they were good enough forus. We saw biiudrids of places onthe line nt that road where wooden'mills were being replaced by the Aer-moto- r.

    We thought it a good indica-tion of which way the wind wasblowing and arranged accordingly.There is not a wiudmotnr in existencethai w i1! do the same amount of work,last as long, or that can he bought socheap as the Aermotor. It is ridicu-lous to say they will not last! Who-ever saw piece of steel that would notoutlast wood in any climate?

    The Aei'inotor has so many advan-tages over other windmills that itwould reiiiirt: all the space in thispaper to set forth half of them andas new features ate cropping up al-most every day we can iiardly keepup with ilieni even iu the manychanges in our ''11. Is." We have d

    then to condense all the goodfeatures ol the Aerniotors and expressthem iu tour words, "They are thebest," and anyone who has seen tinAi l motor ui. woi k will atree with us.

    Then., are so many good Uses towhich the Aerniotors may be put. thatthey ate becoming a nieci-sit- onevery r.ineh and plantation. In afew months the iiicstioii will not be"ln.w many acres nf cane have you,"or "how many bead of stock do youown'' but, Have you an Acrinolor?and the probability is that the answerwill he iu the allii illative. It's apu t iv sure sign that the Aeriimtorsgive satisfaction when persons returnto our store and buy a second one.

    'Ihe li.1waii.1n Hardware Company.Sole Agents, Fort street, oppositeSpreckels' Block.

    next door toM7 ;' llill'l still V. l.llllllv'S" jiit denial i e. n ill-7-

    ii AMl.ltsij. ,v I.C.MiV.


    'I', ill' Two Vie.' -ninuis mi I'liiielihow Ili. iwei ll Kil'g ami lie.

    l ' , III 9 .' pel lie ml h I I. ll.t ' I ' II i i . oi if

    mm l i:.

    t i i. . . Ihe W ... ii ... m ii.,i t. I liliij. uf luiile

    '1 this the i - ,,nnf i en ii I.e. I, whin i, . ... - W ill!ed. i he f..l... ii. ,i ;. . of i n-llii .1. in. s of ,'n. ii . .. ' . .11by it. us, in, Sin ' h ,v I o,of this place. Tin y haM in ., y othercM'.'lhllt Uui ii l.e- , le . these arewoi thy "f esiei nil nun' em :

    ('li mui.;hi..vin" ( oi ..ii 1;i mi hy,famous for its cures en re enhls,and as a prcvnliN for croup.Price .'id cents per bottle.

    ( ii miu.i;i '.!. 's Pain liin M fl gterul family I . in.'. ' and i ialivvaluable lor :"" tima mi. Pi tee oilcenls per ii.ittle.

    ClIAVItKlll ain's ( ol li ! in l liAMI I l 1 lillln!.. Kt Ml i 1 , ic in. ,t r

    liable known m.'.l.eine bowelcomplaints. Ii is cspici liy prizedby persons stibc.'t in col e." It hascured many cases of chronic tliitr-rlue- a.

    Price 2." and .rii cents perbottle.

    St. PATttit K's 1'n. i s. for disordersof the liver and bowels. A vigoiousbut gentle physic that, cleanses undrenovates the whole system. Price2."i cents per box.

    Ciiamiii:ui.ain's F.vk ami Skin ( t.For teller, riien in, scald-hea-

    eczema and chronic sore eyes.Price 2 i enu per box.

    These remedies ate for sale by alldealers in Medicine, llt-- .on, Smith& Co., Agents.



    Has purchased the Voleano Hmise andthe i'unaluu Hotel.

    Arrangements have been completedwith the Wildei's Steamship Co. andthe Inler-lslan- Steamship Co., sothat

    A Single Route Round TripTickut

    Can be obtained at the office of eitherSteamship Co. for FIFTY DOl.LAliSOjioO) which CoYKliS ALL EX-PENSES, including steamer ticket,reserved state room, nn al.-- , board andlodging at 11 do or Kau, transportationto and from the V. Icano by eithercarriage or horseback, und board,lodging, steam sulphur baths anilguide into the crater, at the Volcano.

    This ticket involvs an absence fromHonolulu of eight duvs and OIVESFIVE DAYS OX SltoKE, which canbe spent ill. any point the ticket bolderehoses, eilbei at. the Volcano, llilu, orI'unaluu.

    If the trip up to Ihe Voleano isniiidu the day the steamer arrives, andthe ret urn on the dav she leaves, itallows FOUR M HI'l's and THUi'EDAYS at the Volcano, or two daysand two nights longer than heretoforeallowed on this ticket.

    Double Rfiu d Tnp Tickets

    May also be obtained for SEVENTYDOLLAKS (.t70).

    This ticket includes all expensescovered by the other ticket and theholder may go by either (he llilo orKau route and return by Ihe other,and out of an absence of eleven daysfrom Honolulu ClYES NINE DAYSON SHOItE, whim may be spent atany point desiied by the holder.

    By taking this li, ket AN ENl'llUCWEEK M Y HE' SI-E- l' AT THEVOLCANO, in a ci.nl bracing climate,with invigorai ing sulphur bathsat bund, and tie (iriKATKST VOL-CANO ON KAliTii in constant actionin the front yard nf the Hotel.

    lEPFurthcr inforni'ti'iii can beobtained Iroin either oi liic Steam-ship Companies.


    Honolulu, Mav 2a, 1SD1.12(i J w-- 22 3t

    FOR S.'VLH

    AT AUCTIONBy oitler of the Supreme Court will

    he sold

    On Vi:i)US!)AV, Juno 10,AT t iM'I.OCIl 0.

    At the Front Entrance nf AliiolaniHale, the following

    ru I ujj 1' n Loin,Belonging to Buckle e:

    1 Lot on I'.ii.m street, niakai ofCiilholie ( biireh remises, n cenllynccupied by F. 1 iritis, and contain-ing 2721 sipiaie feci, speciallydesirable for business site,

    2 Two Lots at I'awaa ou Waikikiload, between residence of ('ol. Jas.Boyd, and land .1 Air. '. A. ltr.,wn,cont lining about 10 acie inch,with Ir.'iitnge on Wail.iki Laid ofabout 1HH feel e.u ii.

    ffiFFor furl her purl ieulars applyto

    J. K. BhOWN,12.". td At (inv. S ii i vi v OMice,

    Spsciai nsp f

    THl 0. H DAVIES & CO,

    Will sell ill. Ing S I MM I '.i:v-- .

    l.ilge A ill' Ii 1.

    L'.CiiS, nl! J.'11.:,

    la iiliililtlii.K Etc,

    I I ', I. I h ' S I i

    ;t:t I oni..I ii w: . i

    Iii, ti ''l l li"- -II III. Mil .11 t U l.l"

    ,111 . I , I ... 1'Her Mtlje.l v H'ld s'H:f I' I'

    Itltl on till' linn ping ot tin I7li int.for II i.ikeii 1, in': v 1 a1 " p. m.the same day, wlieie i!ie ,.is nut bythe it It I lee N J n i 11 ' In receiveher. ( III Ifimlino II. Majisly andconsort 'i re en iei from 'lie boatill the (lid Hawaiian !V illm ilIII ll.it i I'H III t lie ol I loll. I ).II. N'aliili'i, wiiere she l'i eei eil liftsiilijeets.

    The reception was ipiite 11 orandaffair, nil the -- chool (.'..ihlren i;i thedistrict, IP ally ili'e.-se-d, wen. biieiiup nil tacli side of the mad andflowers were stiewed iu the road nilthe way to the house. On the lUlhinsf., Her .Majesty mid suite attend-ed church, wlieie numerous addresseswere made, Her .Mnjesi y being calledupon to make an address, which wasreceived with hearty cheers and ap-plause. In the I'Veiiino; a concertwas given which was very much ap-preciated by tin' (Jin i'ii.

    The steamer Waimaial havingarrived preparations w, tc made h ia trip along the Kona coast. Theparly went 011 boaid on Thurday,2lst instant, and the vcs-- el proc o. U tlalong the eoa-,- toiicliiipj at K awaloa, where a large luau was civeii uithe residenoe of the lale PrincessLikelike. After a fev addresses hav-ing been made the parly proceededto Keauhou. On arrival at that porta double canoe very hur.dsoinclydecorated with 11 iweis, fruit andIchu.is, etc., was sent out for theQueen and Consort. On b 'iird thecanoe everything was nicely aiiangeil.a table having been set 111 the oldHawaiian style, consisting of eat-ables prepared in the old ay.

    On lauding Her Majesty was re-ceived by a committee who escortedher to the resilience of Judge Iloa-pil- i,

    where she leeeivcd the people.At the landing was placed an archerected bearing the following motto:"Ua mail ke ea o ka aina i ka pono,"and all along the street werearranged banners with the followingmottoes :

    "U ola ka Moiwahine Ldiuokalanii ke Akua Aiana Loa, aloha uui."

    "Ke kanaka pono a hoopono katmikia 0 knu aupuiii."

    "Ke kalatiuu o Hawaii, e nolio ikou 110I10 alii."

    "E ke akua 0 ka lion ua e ln.o-maii-i kou makaainaiia."

    The reci pi ion a!. Kefitihoti wasvery line and the cuiimitiee incharge deserve a gi eat deal ol ce-d- it

    iu perfecting the arrangement.From the lauding to Judge lloa-pili- 's

    house a coeoanul lauai waserected and beautifully decoratedwith flowers, f nit ami iehuas. AlterHer Majesty had rested, a hookupuwas had, and ihe resents, re-ceived from ul tout one thousand na-tives who weie present, are toonumerous to mention. After thehookupu the parly sat down to agrand luau, given in the large lauaicreeled iu front of the Ji 'iisu. Inthe evening 1 ler Maje-t.- y and suiteattended a concert at the nativechurch which was greatly enjoyed.

    The next afternoon the partyboarded the Waiiuanalo and proceed-ed to Kailua. Ou arrival, a doubleciiiioe was sent out to convey HerMajesty anil consort ashore, the restfollowing in boats. The natives inthe double canoe were neatly dress-ed in white shirts and reil caps, andiu paddling the canoes would paddlethree times, then strike the canoeand paddle on the other side.

    On arnvtiiir at the wharf Her Maj-esty was received by a committeeappointed, the lending members be-ing J. K. Isahale and lion. J. II.WaipuHani. ' Her Majesty and con-sort then look seats in a carriage,when they were pulled up lo theresidence of His lale Majesty, byabout one hundred native men,women and children. On the roadarches were erected, bearing the fol-lowing mottoes :

    "K ola ka moi i ke Akua;" "lvtpono ka makia o kou aupuui."

    And over the gate at the entranceto yard was the motto: "Welcometo lliee, our beloved Q ;een."

    And over the front entrance to thehouse was the motto: "E kouiu i kohome me ka main."

    After Her Majesty had rested ahookupu was again held, the crowdbeing estimated at about nine hun-dred.

    On Saturday morning at 5 o'clockthe steamer W. O. Hall arrivedbringing mail and new-pape- rs andthe flay was devoted lo reading upHonolulu und foreign news. OnSunday morning al K) o'clock HerMajeslv and suite attended the Ca-tholic chinch, ami at 1 :3d the na-tive prolestant church. The servicesat both churches were viry impres-sive and the singing fu e.

    On Monday a visit whs made tothe two schools, Her Majesty beingveiy lunch impiessed at theperfect system and rapid advance-ment, made I'V the sclinl.ir-i- , the sing-ing iu particular being very line.

    On Tuesday mm i.ing Hon SandPinker sent the steamer Waiin n al.)to Keaiile'ii to brine; over ,o-- e e

    who wished In e ime. Thesteamer lelillin d al In a. In. lin ingbouts and a u und il el in ril-ed llial linie Weie alioi.t .","'1

    inelil'lliig the i anhn.i len d metier the do cl 1011 of I 'l d i' ( has.Iv.il okl. I Iu lamii, ji a r i'l's--w a formed o'l I ne l ei n :i 1. urn. IIII ll to Mie In 11 .tin ie lb M.j- -

    ll fei" d 1, en mi I alio il I ,ioo-k ll"l tt :i te I, I ,, jpi ntllij of I ..,,! in. I..

    (lei , I .0 ..I .1! f o t ' , I. e l:i I ofit. fl. nnl I ' f 1, .,I... - . '. H i M ... - (.

    nt. I i... ,e - h li

    M i

    lll 11,1 III IlK I,' v I in







    Stove and Range.AEK3IOTOUS,

    f mm Rope, Paiuta, Oils and Varnishes,BUY FROM US.

    We sell Better Goods at lowkb pricesthan any other dealers In Honolulu.jj

    ty No shell worn stock.(9 Our Goods are all New.

    HT New Goods by every steamer.

    WANT The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,Fort St opposite Spreckels' Bank.

    Hfi-t- i.

    All Night Hack IFRANK LTLLIS,

    IIlM'k IVo. 14,Hereby notirle his friends and the pub-li- e

    generally, that he can becalled at

    All Hours oi the Sight!ItJ-St- and at Club Stables. Tele-phon- es

    No. 477.Honolulu, April 20, 1891. ly


    Bell Telephoa SI.HOURS:

    8:30 to 10:30 a. n.-- &t 2 to 3 r. x.Sundays, 9 to lu a. m.

    Residence, School st. Bell Tel. 149.lll--


    Slioi'i Maunakea & Queen Sts.

    W All work dune with ncatut--i anddenpittch. (iive ine a call. 124 lilt


    Alligator Pears Ifag" Mend order to

    I.. TITINEH,m i iu llilo, lall.XOTIl'K TO MIU'l'KHW.

    Il nsfnr U li il.l ( r I A 114-l- nlui: ml1, I,, i.,l,.ii ly iiinur

    ' I lk. PL ." Mo limn. u. i,.!.! IInk. n I ) (In - k n. m ' I. i il."i- - p.. 1,

    W U.l't ii - ! ft. I II.j.u. w, i.vl it a

    A. J. SCIIIIEIBER,'Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler.

    Hotel St., under the Arlington.

    Makes a Specialty of Repairing FineWatches, Clucks, Music Boxes,

    Spectacles, Etc., Etc.Special attention given to Fine Complicaltd


    All Work Guaranteed to Give FullestSatisfaction.


    Dr. M. E. Grossman

    Has returned to Honolulu and haaresumed practise ut bis old office

    98 Hotel Street.OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 A. M. to 4 P. M.

    Ilia m



    .I "eler X. W'M clliiiitUr,KUKUI JEWELRY SPECIALTY.

    KliiU'NIrri'l, Honolulu, II. I.

    T I'H ileuliir ullrutli.il pht to allkllnU of ri'iuil a. I -- HI

    WENNER & CO.,. uuidi iuiiiiy irvrlirra

    i. m i (Mi l I iii;i;i',I "t.-- l l.l oil liii. l it hiirfi'. I i li Oi I Ipll'.ll . I Jem Ii) . M til lie.,Ij.lJ iiiiU litt I.U.I Hair, rU. !!



    First Sunday after Trinity.Cathedral services;Holy Communion, C :3() a. m.Morning prayer and Poly Com-

    munion (Choral) 11a. 111.Hawaiian evensong and sermon at

    3:30 p. m.Kvening Prayer and sermon, 7:30


    The Second Congregation of St.Andrew's Cathedral will hold ser-vices tomorrow as follows:

    Morning prayer with sermon, 9:15t. ui.

    Tc I )f 11 111 , Sullivan iu I).Jubilate, Taylor in F.Anthem, Come, Holy Spirit, by

    Atooi.H)iiiu Kl'i ami H'.i).I'.veiuong with sermon, I'i'A'I p. 111.Alitheiii, Incline Ihiuu I'.ur, by

    Hiiiiinel.Hymn l'J7 ami 1 7.Tim Kev, Alex. Milinio-li- , pas-

    tor. All are ioi.lit.lly invited to dllien m it- .

    1 r Ml If AI, I MoN III in 11.

    Till' kfivire lit (Villi ut I 1. lollCliiinh loinnrruH Mill he ut II it. 111.tini 7 ,:u p, iu,

    u llii' 1 vi 1,1111 hi rvn e Hill he In Id("f llii lloine Mirion h.n ilt.

    AHlok IUII.A It.' I. 1 U ill It In I I ui I"

    ll I I " k Hi Ho li.olnli,, J 11 .itl Ut. H i 7 " p Ml.


    TltK Myrtle junior crew had a boatpractise ill the hailmr last night.

    Mb. Whito'ii billiard hall on FortDirect is undergoing a pr-ci- ofrenovation,

    TliK Japuiicse iiiiinigraiita hy tin)Miiku Mru will he iletaiiud in iiuar-Hiitiu- n

    until Tliiiiaday,

    A Kui'i 11 Hca piiwiiier wI. ruiiiilil ilnwii liy tlio ti'inu r V. (i.Hull yculiT'Uy afteruiioii.

    F, !!! f I'"' J 1 "f June willcliiM nt 12 lunn, Kiiiluy, June 5,

    "I I laiixla) , June I

    'I'll KXK m i lii' d to ' M'"l 'l'"' 'III I 'I' ll lllllll-llll- f .iirlillnii; HII III!)Mimiiiu ut' 'l ihi i ' t i . k

    W'U. VSll'I'HIUI" i I t'l'til.il M l 111 lh' I'' ' ('"tut tll)lllMIIIIj I'll li.llllll' H llllln llll , InpiriklOK ui- "I le 11 (.U-i- IIIimoi m

    'I UK 1 t ' I M. I. niiu' 1 i t-- lotI'll 4 ' II l .it I Ill J l"UIM.II, Ir tin IHII.,', I 11 ?

    l MlllMMI A. , Mil I III' IlialM

    I IJ ' llllilnl' In W 'k !l.

    il. 'I llel lli , 'I ll"l.ne l.e , n ,, .1 n ne,

    ai , w lit l pi li . .1 In il..- 1. .11 If 1. n, ,i 'i . .i i ii.. i ii . I i.. ii

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    i It, I i .' S !'.!..( A " I ' ' I'. I II.- i . , Ml i Al.M l., VI .1 vi I ,



    ML felew Insurance GoLargest Stock, Largest atore, Lowest Prices,


    .A 'iction & Commission House,COHNF.R OF Nt'UANi; KING STREETS.

    W P. O. BOX 480 fJtT MUTUAL TEL. 90. &JPrompt Hctiiriia Al ad 11 on OoikIh Sold on oiiini!8sinn 1Steamer & Vrrnnrln Chair for sale nt theSingle & Double Bedroom S.ms for alc ..f tin- -Single & Double Sets II irnes-i- , sU:'iiirl'!t, Whip- -. U.i I . . &

    Saddles for sale ul. theBooks, by standard authors, only 50ts, for salt at theExtra Quality Safety Matches, 76cts a gross, for sale at tbeAll Makes of Second-han- d Sewing; Machines for ale al the

    The Equitable Lite AssuranceSociety of the United

    New Assurance Written in 1890 5 203,826 107 00Income 35.030.633 24Surplus (from which tlivi.li'tnl will ho made) 23,740,447 34


    An Investment Worth Avowing About!11

    Before insuring your life, or investing your money, ixumine the Twenty-Yea- rTontine Policies of The Kiptiuilile Life Aiui-;im:- Society of the U. S.

    Policies ti) u I it r i u g iu lS'.H realize return- to the owners, of atnouutsvarying from lit) to 17U per cent, of the money paid in, besides the advau-tag- e

    ot the Assurance during the whole period of twenty years.The f illowinif is one of many netual eases maturing this year:

    Endowment Policy No. i'A,'J2).Issued iu 1S71, at utie 27. Amount, 5,000.

    Premium, :J:t9.!)). Totiil IVtins. Paul, S4,"y.

    at End of Tontine Period in 1st) 1 :

    Cash Surrender Value, $8,449.45(Equal to HIG.IO for each $100 paid in premiums, which is equivalent toa return of all premium paid, with interest at 7$ per cent, per annum.)

    ( )r, in lieu of cash,

    A Paid-u- p Life Policy for $19,470

    (Kquul to $40'.80 for each $1 00 paid in premiums.)Or,

    A Life Annuity of $633.55.o

    ALEX. J. CARTWRiCHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance So-

    ciety of the U. S,

    Mat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stove,, Rugs,Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs,Minors, Hanging Lamps, handeliers,Feather Pillows, Ued Lounge, fofas,(Spring Hair Mattiasses, Wardrobes,

    Sold at tb" Lowest Cash Prices at thecorner of Nuuanu

    Store Open Katurday Imay


    :M find :MH Broadway, 'w Yofrk.

    .j vrvuvii v l i8ti. v yo

    Aiiiounf f 1 Ahmmh, .Ihiimai 1. IN!M IO 1,027 40Less Conting.'iit Sinking Fund (reduced value of V' '

    Securities lec. 31 .' t 508,525 11

    I 0'4.4,7J7 35REVcNUC AtC'U T, v.,

    rremiums $28,8113,854 71Less deterred prcniiuins,

    January 1, 1SU0 1.035,045 .'!7 $27,228,209 34Interest and rents, etc. 5,371,235 38 , ";, ,Less interest accrued .

    January 1, 181)0 441,344 04 4,929,890 74 $32,158,H)008

    13g,l6,897 4.tDISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT.

    Losses by death, and Endowments ma-tured and discounted (including re-versionary additions to same) $7,078,272 48

    Dividends (including mortuary divi-dends), annuities, and purchased in-surances 0,201,271 54

    Total paid Policyholders. $13,279,544 02Taxes and reinsurances 290,257 97Commissions (including advanced and

    commuted commissions), brokerages,agency expenses, physicians' fees, &c. 5,400,001 19

    Ollico ami law expenses, rentals, sala-ries, advertising, printing, etc 1,082,002 80 $20,052,526 04

    112,564.371 39ASSETS.

    Cash on deposit, on hand, and in tran- -8it $ 0,348,924 40

    United Stales Bonds and other bondsand slocks (market value, $07,250,- -.8 74) 03,807,540 16

    Heal Estate 14,341,917 35Bonds and Mortgages, first lion on real

    estate (buildings thereon insured for$15,000,000 and the policies assignedto the Company as additional collat-eral security).:- - 19,440,083 13

    Temporary Loans (market value of se- -cnrities"lield as collateral, $5,391,511) 4,108,000 00

    Loans on existing policies (the Kcscrveon these policies, included in Liabili-ties, amount to over $2,000,000). . . . 431,108 71

    Quarterly and semi-annu- premiumson existing policies, due subsequentto January 1, 1891 1,858,327 00 ,

    Premiums on existing policies in courseof transmission and collection. (TheHeserve on these policies, includedin Liabilities, is estimated at $2,000,- -000) 1,431,828 15

    Agency balances 195,812 91Accrued Interest on investments, Janu- -

    ry 1, 1891 474,823 52 $112,504,371 39Market, value of securities over cost

    value on Company's books 3,383,438 58

    TOT IL. ASHKTS, Jan. 1, 185)1. U5,47,S09 97Appropriated as follows:

    Approved losses in course of payment. $013,040 54Kcported losses awaiting proof, etc ... 304,562 44Matured endowments, due and unpaid

    (claims not presented) 39,889 77Annuities due and unpaid fclaims not'

    presented) 22,901 83Heser ,'cd for reinsurance on existing

    policies (Actuaries' table 4 per cent.interest) 99,954,304 00

    Iteserved for premiums paid in advance 54,600 53

    tM O 1 .040.H50 1 1ttnrplu (Company's Standard) 1 4,8i8,400 SO

    Consisting ofEstimated contingent Tontine Surplus

    Fund $8,670,539 50Estimated General Surplus 0,227,911 30

    From the undivided surplus, as above, the Board of Trustees have de-clared a lleversionary dividend to participating policies in proportion to theircontribution to surplus, available on settlement of next annual premium.

    c7b. BEltGER,102 lm General Asront for Hawaiian IxlamN


    Tahiti Lemonade Works Go.

    .'. SARSAPARILLA..... & IRON.'.lemouHdo, Noda, OroHm otla, War--



    is Reserved Mutual 3CO. TKLK97

    If tug: !tr?t

    This Space





    Our New Wtore. h ort street.(Brewer Block),


    Dry & Fancy Goods, Gliiog, Hals, b'ns, Tiniiis, Elc,AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.


    II ) t II. .lo ! Drill.'. I I. On Ilia r.rth1 llDUaHllila of Kr ( In l, .tll.

    When a iras or oil well U located thufirst st. p is to liuild over it a derrick,which is a frame from (10 to till feet hu;h,huilt. of 2 ly 8 tim'HT in the form of asquare pyramid. In this U erected a"walking heaiii," or horizontal rockiiu;shaft, pivoU-- in the middle '.Ml feet loti,one end of which is connected to thecrank shaft of t!i engine; to the other issuspended the "drill'' or boring tool.

    The drill "Lit" consists of steel chis-el blade, obtuse, but sharp, about H inch-es wide, with a shaft about 6 inches indiameter, nbn-j- t 8 feet loin?, wti;;hiugnlmut 3")tl ponnTls. The lower or cuttingpart is of steel, the shaft is of iron. The"stem" is of iron rod of th same size usthe shaft of the bit into which it isscrewed, and is 83 feet long and weighsover 2,000 pounds.

    Iu the upper end of tho stem is a ringby which the whole is suspended by a 2inch nianilla rope. The drill is raisedabout ii feet for a stroke, the weightbeing about 2,tfl)0 pounds, and let fall onthe rocks beneath. The number ofstrikes average ubout 43 per minute.

    Tho hole is a inches in diameter at thestart, and the drill chop its way down asfar as possible sometimes from 100 to200 feet. When- water or sand preventsfurther progress by caving, it is neces-sary to case the hole with sections ofiron tubing having an insula diamelerof 51 inches, which are screwed togetherand driven down to the bottom of thehole.

    Then a smaller drill, fitting the insideof the casing, is again set to work as longas possible. When again obliged to stopthe casing is withdrawn and a "reamer"widening tool is put down and the lowerportion of thtthole js enlarged to 8 inches.Then the casing is again put down tothe bottom. In this way the work pro-gresses until the desired depth is reached.

    The drill is made with horizontalnotches throughout the entire length, asit often happens that the bit of stembreaks while in the pole. In snch casesa "grab hook" ia slipped over the end ofthe broken piece, and in this way re-covered.

    The "saud pump," which is used toclean the sand aud pulverized rock fromthe hole, is simply a tube twenty feetlong and five inches in diameter, thevalve being an iron or copper ball fourand one-hal- f inches in diameter. Thistube is let down, and when tilled is drawnout. The sand pnmp is used about everyrive feet, and a sample of the rock cut isput into bottles, numbered and laleledwith number of feet atid character ofr.ick. L. A. Felter in Indiana Farmer.

    Keeping Strict Amount with the Ulrln.There is a young man in this city as

    well known iu business circles as ho isto a laix'e number of young ladies. Inhis business ha is quiet, regular and in-dustrious, and particularly prides him-self upon the neatness and accuracywhich characterize his books of account.During the social season ho flits aboutfrom entertainment to entertainment,frequently attending the opera and play-houses, always having with him someone of about a score of girls to whom hepays more or Ipss attention. Whenasked recently why ho had so manygirls he said:

    "Oh! all girls talk, as they write, verymuch alike, but still there is more va-riety in twenty than in one. Besides, 1keep a regular set of books at home inwhich I enter every cent I spend on them,aud it affords me considerable amuse-ment. For Instance, I charge cost oftheatre tickets, llowrers, supper aud car-riage hire, and then credit it with theamount of pleasure I had, as 'Passabletime,' 'Enjoyed the evening hugely,' etc.The girls who afford ine the most enjoy-ment receive the greater number of in-vitations, sol think I may fairly say thatI seek relaxation and pleasure in the.same way that I attend to my business

    on svstem." Philadelphia Press.

    H. Hackfeld & Co.HAVE

    Just Received

    run IKON DARKS "cham.ottk" and"J. C. I'KI.IKIER," FROM 1KK--


    White Bros, Portland Cement,

    (full weight);

    Fire Bricks, Fire Clay,Eock Salt,Steel Hails, Fish Plates, Bolts and


    Sugar Coolers,Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,Fence Wire Staples, black and

    galvanized ;Stockholm Tar,Bugs, Bagging and Twine,Wrapping Pap. r, Piinting Paper,


    Slack & Broftiilom's fillers,

    Vienna Furniture aud Iron Gar-den Furmt ore,

    Pianos, etc.,

    GROCERIES- -M ii icn.l Waters,Liquors. elc.t'rockcry and (ilas-war- Demi-

    johns, elc, elc , etc. 7.") tf

    Special Notice to Bathers at

    Waikiki !

    'pilK pioprieior of Long liniuch PathsI b.gs In iiiinoiince o the public

    Hint (lit wonderful .Marine Toliogg iu, HtWaikiki. - I...W III Very successful npert-lioi- i,

    lift .idiiig the iiio-- l enjoyable andevlii'.ua iug exeicise lo sea bathers,and a spoil with. ml an equal iu I beuiuld for old and Vounir. W e.lne..l.i iand Thursday.' will be ieere.l Inure "

    .. . ial y lor In.ll. and rhiltlivu, A rideLive (,',; t'flils. For further

    l.ifoi mal on, u,ph toI . .1. HII liWtioK,

    101 if t'n..rlei.ir.

    FKUijt B. AULIiBACH,

    g, nl . Tuh" rk iciM li iliiHM'i.l lankl I iitiel, l fur I lie It nlilrl

    ul H Hi.it. Holm

    lllll. lui.M It Ii A I.. I o liepel, il.'l til t HI 1'U


    Australian Mail Service !

    HK NAV PItAM'IM O.The New aud Flue Al Sleel Steamship

    "MARIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

    be due at Honolulu iroin Sydneyand Auckland on or about

    June 4, 1891.And will leave for the above port with

    mails and passengers on orabout that date.

    Ikif For freight or passage, havings Mirior accommodations, apply to

    Wm 0. IK WIN & CO., I'd,Agents.

    For Sydnty and Auckland !

    The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

    "ALAMEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

    be due at Honolulu from anFrancisco on or about

    J -- ne 4, 1891.And will have prompt dispatch with

    malls and passengers lorthe above ports.

    2T For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply U

    Wm 0. IRWIM ft CO.. L'd,Agents.


    Tht Bii Lunoh in Town,Toa and Coffee at 111 Hours

    The Fluent Itrnd of

    flifraPQ mlW TctacciUliLUI U. IWAlwujn Oil

    II. J, fttll.TK l'rtilrur.


    HON I

    J. X. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, : :

    Engineers &Office & Works,

    Sideboards, WlmMiots. ftarnmocksBaby Cribs & ai ri.ges, Yard Uroomg,Crockery & Ulasswure, Towels,Clotlies Baskets, HI .iikets.Jledspreads,Brown & Blue Mottled Soup. Etc., Etc.

    I X L Auction & Commission House,and King streets.


    veniiijf. till 9 0VI01 k a1


    PHONES --m" Bell 373.3m

    '.Near fori

    New Embroideries,New Curtains,

    Children's & Infant's Wear.

    va lety all former seasons,' and low prices


    Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

    Assets, : : $115,947,809.97

    "Pacii we Stubborn Tilings."'

    At every age, on every premiumtable, and in every year, the ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.have been LAKOER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

    For particulars apply

    Oen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.'



    Hardware, Shipping

    Commission Merchants.UKALIM IU

    General Merchandise 1Plantation Agent.

    Ufa, Fir HarmsInsnrtnut Ag;.ti

    Ij HONOLULU, II. 1. 91

    (JUAM) M)U HA1.KI

    OATOVX of KmiiuIiik's mI lifiaiiat)yf ('tiuplntlti i( l.lin. ) for atf.Apply lu14 U J. . WALK KB,

    B. F. KIILE1!S & CO,)s f ou r ri'i ioirr.

    The attention of ladies is respectfully invited to our complete and elegantline of New Goods just received.

    New Hilts, New Umi, New Gloves, New Leces

    MJ. IS UrACTU K l ilts KSugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Eneiney,

    Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks, Sugar Cars,

    Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,Wrought & Cast Iron Work for House Builders,

    Water Wheels & Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc., Etc

    Diflusion Machinery in all its Branches.

    THF- -

    8. LKVY.

    3 L h ft


    mm: Man ac.eb.


    Iron Founders,Esplanade, Honolulu.


    V f --3 - 'K 1..-- . 9 As .tMTfiV VH T '

    New Trimmings,New Parasols,

    New Pineapple Tissue, Ladies',

    tW Our immense stock surpasses Incannot be equaled.


    MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

    Assets, $6,219,458.98.London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.

    Assets, $4,317,052.Thames & Mersey Marine 'ns. Co.,

    . (Limited.),Assets, $6, 1 24,057.

    New York Life Insurance Co.,Assets, $ 1 15,947,809,97.


    Ueueral Agent for Hawaiian Islands.urn

    C. BREWER & CO..

    General MercantileAMU

    Commission Agents.

    list or ofpickks:1', O, Jones, Jr. President A ManagerJ. O. Carter Tieuurer A Stern ury

    uikkctoks:lion. C. R. UUbop. . 0. Allen,

    II. Waterbouie.

    Atlas Assurance Goipo;

    H, W, ICHMIDT A SONS,Agouti (or tlm llwittliku I.ImihU.

    I -- VI

    mm Mm Gd.'s


    Arrive Honolulu. Leave HonoluluMay 20 Australia June 2June 9. . . . . .Zealandia Junel6June 23 Australia June 30Julv 7 Zealandia .....July 14July 21 Australia July 28Aug 4 Zealaudia ; Aug 11Aug 18 Australia Aug 25Sept 1 Zealaudia Sept 8Sept 15 Australia Sept 22Sept 29 Zealaudia Oct 6Oct 13 Australia Oct 20


    Arrive from Sau Arrive from theFrancisco. Colonies.

    Alameda. . . .June 4... . Mariposa.Mariposa. .July 2 .. . . MoiiowaiMoiiowai. .Julv 30.. . ..AlamedaAlameda Aug 27... . MariposaMariposa. .Sept 24 . . . MoiiowaiMoiiowai . .Oct 22 . . Al.inicda

    .Nov 19.. . .Mariposa

    CASTLE & COOKE,Lite, Fire & Marine

    insurance Agents IAdl'.NTS KOU

    Nt Lglund Siitu.il Life Ins. Co.,

    or nosrON,

    tna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,UNION

    Insurance Company,Klrr A Mrln.



    C. B. RIPLEY.ami iiiu rr.

    ui h. : If. miiii ft, sprecki ls' lllock.V ulna I ' . I. phone '.'Os.

    Nw Dttigiik ! Mud on Bai!djngiI ' plan, mill Ipecili. Ntloli forrt.lt .1. I lp. Ion of bull. ling. l'onlnl. lIi.iuii mi. I . ... III! iipel nil. let. Ii fioi,.j.i. II. u gUr . mIii II liip.lH .I. I allmnl I'liimiim plsii, pr ;'V 1

    Half Aifi ntM llunlluu Ilitiiil tor Ihr

    PI Li OfJ WATER WHEEL I0T Repairs of all kind, of Machinery done at reHW.in.luV rtt,,,lJMJ

    at hori notice.

    J. L. MKYKK,I'll A. riMCJA It

    House and Decorative Painter.PiiUT llaniiliiK a KrriaH).

    UK) I 'ltl l HI.. - I I oliol II I II.(UpiMi.iUl tluh hUM).d.oXIJ