VOL . 15, ^ . " ^ ''.t •' r-—^ QUESNEL, BRITLSII COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1922 ,-tf.'...'.f>.jjgij.i The ctjulnoclial storms have heei witli us the past ten days, with lots of wind aud rain, Holy Comuumion will ho cclehra t^d in St, John's Church at b a. m tomorrow nioriiing-, - - ^ IL T . Stone loft on the last train for the coast, where he expects to spend the wiuter'moulhs, D. M. Tyndall, of Kamloops,who was a guest here of A. J. Elliott, left for his home last Sunday, VV, Couldwell jr. and his sister— Miss Jennie, retin'ned to Quesnel oy Saturday last, after spending a cou- ple of weeks at the coast, 4 Among- the outsiders who attend- ed the cenotaph unveiling ceremony last Sunday were District Engineer Mackay and Mrs, Mackay, of 150- mile House. \ Jock Luiidy left last Sunday for Vancouver, to resume his studies at the University of B. C. His many friends^here hope to see him return .next sutnmer. Chief Constable Greenwood was in Clinton fhe latter part -of-last •,:.week, in connection with-the prose .'Million of a forgery case before His Monor Judge Calder, ^ Mr. and Mrs. PaKk Finnerty qnd chirdren'ieft 6n'Slufd.-iy jjioruing for '?Pew Westminster, to reside. A large number of their friends were at the station to say good-bye. J. p. L">avies, of 150mile Mouse, and l-L F, Shaw, of Williams Lake, former members of the cenotaph memorial comniiltee, attended the unveiling ceremony here on Sunday last. Feel chilly? Better have Cowan Hardware Co. repair lhat broken window before it gets real cold. They have Vvindow glass in most sizes, or will cut it for you to suit. They also do glazing and r^epairing. J. E. .Miller, of .Mud Lake ranch, .Soda Cteek, was a business visitor in town this week. jack has just returned from Spanish Creek, and reports that the cnn-ipany at Cedar Creek are striking richer ground on their claims each day. The ladies of Ste. Mary's Guild, in connection with -St, John's church, purpose holding a s;ilc of home cooking and fancy work on October 27th next, .\ny assistrmce from the membcr.s of- the chtuch vvill be ap- preciated. Further particul.'irs will be published later. \Vu call attention of our readers lo auction s;de notices of .Mr.W, E, Ekiws, appearing elsewhere in this issue. Owing lo Ibe short notice allowed for ad\-crtising, wc advise you lo make a note of tl-jc date of the Hicks Sale. This, in all prohii- .bility, will be the laigcst sale ever held iu lhe Carib.io. lu'crythinf; will g-o to tho highest bidder, .At a I'ocent meet ing of the con- gregation of St, .-\ndrew's church it was decided to commemora»« the harvest .';ca'ion by special services on Sunday, November 5ih, to be followcti b)' a .-supper and enteitain- mcnl fui Thanksgiving n.iy. at tbe Rex thoatie. Preceding Ihc supper and entertainment a bazaar will be held undor the auspices of tho Lad- ies' Aid, fuithcr details of which will a^'pear later. J. j. (DickJ^Roddis, of Castle Rock, w.-is a town visitor ou .Satur- day last, leaving for the south on Sunday's train. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Scott, who have b:?on residents of Quesnel for the past eighteen mnnihs, left for the .south last Simday. M r . .Scott was connected wiih the P. G. IC. en- gineering staff al .ibis point. ,A nmnbcr of social e\'cnts were held this week, in honor of Mr. anil Mrs. C. S. h'oot, who :ire leaving tochiy for Prince George to reside. On Tuesday they were the guests of honor at H "5011" ibi\-e al the home of .Mr. .aud Mr.s. ilulchcroft; On Wednesday lb?y were entortained ,'it a similar event'nl the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brady, and'last nij^bt also at tlie home of Mr. and Mis. C. L . Milborn. On Thurschiy night Mr. I'oot was the guest of honor at a smoker given by a number of his business .associates and friends, and was presented with ;i handsome gold nugget and an address sig^ned by all present. Mr. Foot has been a resident of Quosnel for tho past fif- teen years, and has made lo;tds of friends, all of whom are very sorry to see him leave During his resi- dence here he Ivjis been associated not only wi\h the business life of the community, hut has also taken a prominent part in sports, as well as in social activities. His time and talents were always freely av.Tilable for every worthy cause, and he oc- cupied a niche in fhe life of the town vvhich will be hard to fill. Mr. and Mrs. Foot will carry with them the best wishes of the whole comnnniiiy for future success and happiness. \SA\r Rex f ilea tre Notes The days of Custer and his fight? with lhe Indians are vividly portiay- ed in " Bob Hampton, of Placer," Manager Elliott's attraction at tbe P..ex for the coming week. Besides being a drama of western frontier ife, always an interesting subject, the cast in this instance i.s composed of such old favorites as Marjorie- Daw, James Kirkwood, Wesley Bar- ry, Noah Bepry and ether..<i. Usual nights; regular prices. Golden Wedding An- niversary Fifty years ago last h'riday, the 22iul inst., in Germany occurred Ihc ceremonv which united in marriage Praugot Edwurd Z^chicdrich, then a young man of tweiity-lw.i, and Augusta .Anna Fischer, two years lis junior. The go!di>u anniversary of this happy event was fittingly cel- ebrated at the cozy home of tho aged couple on .McLean street on Friday of last week, when their childeii and ile'-icendants living in tliis disliicl, together with a number of personal friends, joined with them in fittingly commemorating the event. Four children we're borii^to Mr, and Mrs. Zschiedrich — Paul, cif Kersley, Charles, of Dragon Lake, ilia, of Leipzig, Germany, and John ol Vancouver, and there .are now 19 grandchildren and 2 groat grand- children. Their sons having omi- giafod to Canad.i, Mr. and ,Mrs, /schicdrich followed fhem, coming to Quo^nol some eight years ago, In addition lo c<mmicmorating the event on the anniversary day, Mr. md .Mrs. Zschiedrich entertained a- bout thirty lady friends on the after- noon of tho 1.3th, when they wore tho recipients of hearty coiigr.ilula- tions from all on reaching such an iuleresling milo.stone in thrir mai- riijd life, IHoy were also recipient'- of miiny handsome gilts in honor of Iho interesting occasion, Thc Observer joins in extending congrat-iilalions lo Mr. and Mr,«. Zschifcdrich, and trusts they will be able to celebrate their difunond an- niversary when th? time arrives, On .Sund.-!}' last Quesnel and district turned out en masse to attend the above ceremony, and thus in some manner show their appreciation of the sacrilicc made, by the men in whose honor Ihe above memorial was erected. The unveiling ceremony v.-as c.irried out in a fitting and digni fied manner. Promptly at -T p. m. the ceremony was announced by the tolling of tlie__cliurch bell, and tha arrival of returned men, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, who look np po.silioiis as guards of honor. The choii in attendance Ihen rendered " O Canada," during the singing of which .Vlesdames J. F. Boyd and S. L. Hilborn released fhe Union Jack cover ing the f;ice of the memorial. A.prayer was then offered up by Rev. J A. Petrie, after which Major Gook made an address ou the general idea of the monument, and enlriisled it to the school board, on whose ground it is erected, and especially charging the younger generation to treal it with respect and niaintain the traditions for which it stood. The speaker then faced Ihe cenotaph, and in a clear voice called the names inscribed thereon, as listed below. Kipling's " Recessional." was then sung, after which J. .A, Fi-^ser, chairman of th-? school board, gave an address, pay- ing a tribute to the men of Carib.;o who gave their all that others might live. He congratuUfed the memorial committee on their efforts, which had resulted in such a credit ible monument — one of 'which the district might well be proud. J. .^I.f'Yorston, the district's representative in the Legislature,. aUo made a short address, speaking of the lessons to be learnt from Ihe late war, and the incentive to bringing into everyday life lhe spirit of sacrifice as illustrated by those who had laid down their lives for king and country. Rev. H. B. .Allen then offered up the benediction, patrol leader Jack Ratledge .sounded the " Last Post," and the singing of the national antheiu brought the^ceremiony to a close. -The booniing'oC'minute gum^duririg the .sei^'ice 'mi.ist'li^ve reminded the returned men of the days-when burial services were conducted in and behind the line.s while on active Sfrvice. Several wreaths were laid upon tha monument, including one from th« local branch of the G.W.V,.A. We congratulate tbe Boy Scouts and Girl Guides on ihelr smartness and splendid showing. Considering the short lime they have been organized, their drill nnd deportment were fav- orably commented upon, R. R. Carv.r was director of ceremonies, and the smoothness with which the whole program was carried out is a tribute to his ability, and the time and effort he devoted to the preparations. The following are the names eingraved on the.cenotaph of those.men from this district who made the supreme sacrifice, and in whose honor the memorial is erected ; n.\KER, G. O.AKKK, W. BAKER, R. BEATTV, C. J. POVn, A. A. novo, C. F, nox, G, M. RRF.NN.AN, I'. CAJ.LA.VAN, 11. CAMliROV, E. '.orriNS, B. IKAIG, .1. D. CARLSO.V, B. OAVIS, R. DAVInso.v, .1. nEHANIlV, O. Ol'.NN, A, R. UURSTO.V, J. nUCKWORTH, A. DHNTON, H. F. F.I.LIS, J . II, ENGLISH, E. F.\RI,AV, F. FOWI.ER, AV. L , FRVEK, C. GKAIIAAI, j. GTBSG.V, A. GlimS, A\ .^t. Gl,V, .1. HANSON, C. HAGRN, .1. 1". IIENNIMCIV, P. IIII.HORN, W, HCNrF.R, A. r IPNARUV, W, JENSEN. G. .rO.NES, H. H. KENNV, N. C. KITCHEN, D. KNON, F. V, MCI.EE.SE, J, NJAVANT, A. .MURl'HV. J. MIUin.ErON, E. Mi^rR, J. MI'RRAV, N. F. MURIxWV. H. NliVI-X-, A. ru-Ki'p, A. J. I-OKE, N. A. PROFFITT, J. REAUKR, W. RICHARDS, .1, W, RITCHIE, R, ROSS, T. s.vcciER, n. n. SHANI), A. SNIOER, I! r, SMITH, F. S.VKKEN, A. AV, STONER, H . K. TANFIELO, F. L. TRfEMAN, .1. AVAR LOW, F, N. AVKETMAN, AV. AVI L E V , R. k. London, Sept. 27tb—^^Rritisb gu.r.s are trained on'tlie 'Turks, and a clash is expected as soon as the IS - hour ultimatum e.vpircs, Civilians ha\p beerj oriierod to leave Ihe zone e operations, \'ancouver — Silent HS cl;ims, but under "mobiliz.-ition orders," a par ty ofTiou-cofiimissioned otTiceis ;IIK! mcr\ of tho Cunadiaii Miichiiie ('run corps stationed al b'scpiimall, passi d thnuij^h bei-f bist'-nij^bt, in lull m-'o cliiiig order. ll Is u^;,tbered lhat tbe troops have been hastily summoned lo Winnipeg, under secret orders but il is believed they are destined for Ihe Near East. .A special meeting of the Ladles .Auxiliary, G. \ V . V. .A., will bo hei in the hall on Wednesday afternoon next, al .'> 00 o'clock. As there import.'int business lo be transactec it i.s hoped that all Ihe members wi' be present. Tenders Wanted Tende^r^ will be received at the local Government Office trp lo the 14th of October,-1 922, for the sup- ply of 2o cords of Dry Fir Wood, and SO^cords of Green Fir W'ood, to he delivered and stacked in the gov ernment yard, Wood to be dcllv ered by the 31st of December, 1022. E. C. LUNN, Government Agent. Quesnel, B. C, 1.3th Sept. 1 922. 6 9 R E A D E R S RANCH 'FOR' S.-H-R A|?ply at this ofllice. W ANTED—Horses to winter. For particulars enquire at this office. i FOR SALU— Baby carriage, white reed work, high wheels. Apply to E. L, Hilborn. FOR RENT House, situated in down town disttict. For particu lars apply to Chailes Leonard. FOR RENT— Bedroom, in a hems centrally situated, either with or without board. Apply at this office. Hen-istltching and Picot Edging. Mail orders promptly attended to. The Crescent Lfidies" Furnishing.*;, Prince George, B.C. Bi'.VG.VLOW, with stone foundation and lot I-)!-'X 122, for s;do. Situated in Noitb Quesnel. Well on prop eriy. .Apply this office. Serious Auto Accident .A bad accident, with painful ^nd serious injuries t« scveial persons, occurred on the afternoon of Satur- day, the 10th in-jt. W. Lowdcn, of Que.snel I'orks, who with .Mrs. Low- den ami their baby wera guests at thc home of Mr. and .Mrs. .A.F.Cur- tis here, had taken the two ladie.'< and .Mrs.NV. 1>, .Anderson for a joy rido up the Barkerville road. The two childreta of Mr."*. Curtis, Buster nnd fi onice, were also in the prirty. All went well wilh the party until they were descending Lnrond's hill, some ten miles out of town, on the rt>t<irn Irip, when the brakes went out of commission, There is a ra ther sharp (urn at the foot of the hill and when the car reached this its speed was so great that the left front wheel could not stand the stiain -of of the turn and collapsed. The car cr.ishcd through a fence and over an embankment, and all the occupants were injured except the three child- ren: Mr.s.'Curtis' leg was broken at the hip, Mrs. .Xiiderson had bolh bones in bor lofl arm brokfii, while .Mrs, Lowden received several severe cuts. In addition all the ladies were more or less bruised. Mr. Lowden sustained a nasty flesh wound in one of his legs from a piece of fencing. First aid was given the injured by Bob White, who was en rotile to Cottonwood, and they were brought to tho local hospital, where their in- juries were attended to by Dr. G. R. Baker. .At lhe present time all the injured are making steady pro- gress towards recovery. LOST—Between the Cariboo Ho- tel and sample room, wiitiiig case csntaiii'mg valuable business papers, etc., but only of value to owner. Will finder please return same to, or communicate Avith, W, J. Pearson, Crririboo I lolel. Residents of the Nazko V'rilUy re- cently petitioned tor a school district to he formed there, and affer an in- spection by Mr, Gower the request was granted, and a new district ga- zetted unaler the name of the Baker Creek School District, A board of trustees composed of Jas. Tibbals, juliu* Quanstrom and Mrs. Edward Quanstrrim has been elected, with the former as chairnian and the lat- ter as secretary-treasurer. A school building has been erected and com- pletely equipped, and it was expect- ed the school w.'uld open last Mon day. There are eleven children of school ago il) tbe district. Important Sale by Public Auction rjflLY iiiatruiHci by Mr. Fred'k Mny, ^ Av 'ho In forced throuRh ill health to leave the country, I will olVer for sale, nt hia reaidenc9 on P'roiit Street, thret doorB north of Roman Catholic Churoh, on Salurday, October M l h next cnnimpncinK nt L.'^Op.m., nil hia house- hold ell'octr., tractor, etc., etc., nhief of which are : - - ' Dinins: t.'ibl'?, ohairf, rockers, kitchen cabinet, drep.-iup table, double beds and mattressei, sinRle bed." and niattrppsesi. Standard kitchen rnnpre PIKI Air Tiphf heaters, wash tubs, wrinner?, linoleum, ruRs, crucker.v, and other incidentals iiRunlly found in a well appointed house, toEfethsr with ONE FORDSON TRACTOR (almost new) 2 stftel dvuma, about 8 n^nllons of cylin- der oil, in drum, 10x12.tent, anvil, plwrn- ber'p fittinps, ynrious tools in varied quantiliep, ere, etc. TERMS nrft onih, except on tractor, Thi.' will be announced at time of sale, LOOK FOR THK RKD FI,AG. W. E. BKINS, Auctioneer. 5 ..$2.00 PER ANNUM NOTICE! .A meeling of Liberals of Quesnel Mtid dislrict will be held in the Car- iboo Hotel sample room on Satur- day afternoon, Oclober 2Lst next, at 2 On o'clock.. Ihisini'ss: rCIeriioji of officers. Mr. J. M. Vor.ston, the local mem- ber, will be present lo discuss quos- ions i-clallve lo tlie cli.'.lrlct, and b.u ,vill bi' pleased lo receive any rocom- nir-nda tions, /Ml Libcuals ,'ire invited fo alfe.iid. JOHN \\o\:\\ 8-10 / President. Mrs. Herb Hill, cvf .Mcxandria, re- turned homo bisl Sunday, .after being rhe guest of her niotlier-iii-law, Mrs. J. Frank Hilli for a week. NOTICE! T' END Efts are invited for the removal of the present fence around the Quesnol c.enietery, and tho erection of a new picket fonc» to include ah area about the same size as Ihc present cem- etery, accorilinp to a plan which may bo seen on aiiiiiication to'the Secretary of' the Board of Trad«. Two jrat.os are al- so lo bo t^reuted in Ibe said fence, to be swung on pivoLs so that they can be re- movp.J in Aviiiler time. The job to be completed in a Avoi'k- mnnlike manner, and all debris cleaned up. Tondi'r.^ to be marked "Cemetery Fence." nnd to be forwrirded to the Serrelarv of Quy.mei Board of Trade not biter* than October istb, 1922. The lowest or any tender not necci- sari'y accepted. D. P. LOCKHART. Perretary Que.'jsel Bd. of Trado. Que.snel, B.C.. Sept. 2Sth, 1922. W. E. Ekins Auctioneer Important Notice of Sale OF Farm Lands, Quesnel ToVn- si te Pr6 per ty, Househ ol cl Ef- fectp, full line of Blacksmith and Carpenters' Tools, Farm Machinery, etc., etc. D ULT instructed by the Executrix of tho lat« .Jas.-W. "Mick.?, I Avill offer for sale at the Hicks home on McLean street, on Saturday, October 7th next commencine: at I..30 p.m.,' all that real and per.?onal property chiefly compriB- \ng :— S E .L4 of Lot 39i9, situate at Dragon Lake, 160 seres more or les.s, with ap- proximat«ly 10 acres cleared, 20 acrea ald?r bottom in second growth, balance ivild. Equity in Lot 560?, Cottonw(;>od Can- yon, containini,' 67 acres rtiore «r lesa of bottom iHnd (next to Harry Hansen), puT'diaee price of which wa.-; .?t87.50, and on Avhich $100.S2 and taxes have been psid to d^te. Lots 12 and I.?, Block 7, Quesnel (OAvn- site, Avith 4-roomert cottage, stnble and work!»hop, and other buildings. Good well of wator thereon. -.^^^ 6-hole Rival Range, with Avarminsr closet and boiler; 2 double iron beds and mattresses; single bed and mattress; davenport convertible couch ; kitchen caliiiu't; Singer t readl«? ."ewing machine; Edi.son phonograph ; dressing: table ; a chest of drawws: c.irpets«iid linoleum; gbi.?3 snd orocVeryv.'nre ; chairs, rock- ers, tables, and other household uteiia- il.s ; nl?o Bl.Tcksmitb's bellowj, visee, flnvil?, and a full lin<=' of tools blacksrnith'.s and carpent9r'.= ; bugtry, 2 .•saddles, set of single nnd double drivinfr harnes.s, set of work harnes.''. runninK,Ecar of bob sleigh and jumper, stocks and dies, 6-foot bath tub. cruid stone?, cBrpeater tool ohe«tfl, large ([uantity of farm np- plianceii, ineludiuK truck. ploAv. db-ic. harrow, tools, ett.. ole. etc. TERMS on pninller ?rtirl9.«i tirs cash. On lund salea libera! termp can be ar- ranged, covered by nn agreement of sola bearine IntereBt fit fi per cent, per an- num. Further partisularc cnn he had from Mrs. Hick.s. or tho aurtioneer. LOOK FOR THE RED FLAG. V/. E. EKIN.S, Auctioneer. Weatlier .Report I'hc followiiif,', arc the wcrkly rcadiiigo ot tlu; covorntiiful nlalioii here for tho pant two AvcokHt— SepLlG ' 17 ' 18 ' 19 ' 2 (1 21 ' 22 ' 23 24 ' 25 ' 26 ' 27 ' 29 ' 29 wax, 79 nhi.vo Min, .32 above r 4 . 3. Rv3 79 77 7.T 70 69 70 77 78 7.^ 60 67 61 4 I I 4 36 40 40 48 40 40 .39 H7 64 49 4.'') 49 44 ( 4 4 I

VOL QUESNEL, BRITLSII COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 ... Observer.pdf · The ladies of Ste. Mary's Guild, in connection with -St, John's church, purpose holding a s;ilc of home

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Page 1: VOL QUESNEL, BRITLSII COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 ... Observer.pdf · The ladies of Ste. Mary's Guild, in connection with -St, John's church, purpose holding a s;ilc of home

VOL . 15, ^ . " ^ ''.t •' • r-—^

Q U E S N E L , BRITLSII COLUMBIA, S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 30, 1922 ,-tf.'...'.f>.jjgij.i

The ctjulnoclial storms have heei witli us the past ten days, with lots of wind aud rain,

Holy Comuumion will ho cclehra t^d in St, John's Church at b a. m tomorrow nioriiing-,

- • - ^ I L T . Stone loft on the last train

for the coast, where he expects to spend the wiuter'moulhs,

D . M . Tyndal l , of Kamloops,who was a guest here of A . J . Elliott, left for his home last Sunday,

VV, Couldwell jr. and his sister— Miss Jennie, retin'ned to Quesnel oy Saturday last, after spending a cou­ple of weeks at the coast,


Among- the outsiders who attend­ed the cenotaph unveiling ceremony last Sunday were District Engineer Mackay and Mrs, Mackay, of 150-

m i l e House.


Jock Luiidy left last Sunday for Vancouver, to resume his studies at the University of B . C . His many friends^here hope to see him return

.next sutnmer.

Chief Constable Greenwood was in Clinton fhe latter part -of-last

•,:.week, in connection with-the prose .'Million of a forgery case before His M o n o r Judge Calder,

^ —

M r . and Mrs . PaKk Finnerty qnd chirdren'ieft 6n'Slufd.-iy jjioruing for '?Pew Westminster, to reside. A large number of their friends were at the station to say good-bye.

J . p. L">avies, of 150mile Mouse, and l-L F , Shaw, of Will iams Lake, former members of the cenotaph memorial comniiltee, attended the unveiling ceremony here on Sunday last.

Feel chilly? Better have Cowan Hardware C o . repair lhat broken window before it gets real cold. They have Vvindow glass in most sizes, or will cut it for you to suit. They also do glazing and r^epairing.

J . E . .Miller, of .Mud Lake ranch, .Soda Cteek, was a business visitor in town this week. jack has just returned from Spanish Creek, and reports that the cnn-ipany at Cedar Creek are striking richer ground on their claims each day.

The ladies of Ste. Mary's Guild, in connection with -St, John's church, purpose holding a s;ilc of home cooking and fancy work on October 27th next, .\ny assistrmce from the membcr.s of- the chtuch vvill be ap­preciated. Further particul.'irs will be published later.

\ V u call attention of our readers lo auction s;de notices of . M r . W , E , Ekiws, appearing elsewhere in this issue. Owing lo Ibe short notice allowed for ad\-crtising, wc advise you lo make a note of tl-jc date of the Hicks Sale. This , in all prohii-.bility, will be the laigcst sale ever held iu lhe Carib.io. lu'crythinf; will g-o to tho highest bidder,

.At a I'ocent meet ing of the con­gregation of St, .-\ndrew's church it was decided to c o m m e m o r a » « the harvest .';ca'ion by special services on Sunday, November 5ih, to be followcti b)' a .-supper and enteitain-mcnl fui Thanksgiving n.iy. at tbe Rex thoatie. Preceding Ihc supper and entertainment a bazaar will be held undor the auspices of tho Lad­ies' A id , fuithcr details of which will a 'pear later.

J . j . (DickJ^Roddis , of Castle Rock, w.-is a town visitor ou .Satur­day last, leaving for the south on Sunday's train.

M r . and Mrs . B. P. Scott, who have b:?on residents of Quesnel for the past eighteen mnnihs, left for the .south last Simday. Mr . .Scott was connected wiih the P. G. IC. en­gineering staff al .ibis point.

,A nmnbcr of social e\'cnts were held this week, in honor of Mr. anil Mrs . C. S. h'oot, who :ire leaving tochiy for Prince George to reside. O n Tuesday they were the guests of honor at H "5011" ibi\-e al the home of .Mr. .aud Mr.s. i lulchcroft; On Wednesday lb?y were entortained ,'it a similar event'nl the home of M r . and Mrs . Brady, and'last nij^bt also at tlie home of Mr. and Mis. C . L . Milborn. On Thurschiy night Mr . I'oot was the guest of honor at a smoker given by a number of his business .associates and friends, and was presented with ;i handsome gold nugget and an address sig^ned by all present. M r . Foot has been a resident of Quosnel for tho past fif­teen years, and has made lo;tds of friends, all of whom are very sorry to see him leave During his resi­dence here he Ivjis been associated not only wi\h the business life of the community, hut has also taken a prominent part in sports, as well as in social activities. His time and talents were always freely av.Tilable for every worthy cause, and he oc­cupied a niche in fhe life of the town vvhich will be hard to fill. Mr . and Mrs. Foot will carry with them the best wishes of the whole comnnniiiy for future success and happiness.

\ S A \ r

Rex f ilea tre Notes The days of Custer and his fight?

with lhe Indians are vividly portiay-ed in " Bob Hampton, of Placer," Manager Elliott's attraction at tbe P..ex for the coming week. Besides being a drama of western frontier ife, always an interesting subject,

the cast in this instance i.s composed of such old favorites as Marjorie-Daw, James Kirkwood, Wesley Bar­ry, Noah Bepry and ether..<i. Usual nights; regular prices.

Golden Wedding A n ­niversary

Fifty years ago last h'riday, the 22iul inst., in Germany occurred Ihc ceremonv which united in marriage Praugot Edwurd Z^chicdrich, then a young man of tweiity-lw.i, and Augusta .Anna Fischer, two years lis junior. The go!di>u anniversary

of this happy event was fittingly cel­ebrated at the cozy home of tho aged couple on .McLean street on Friday of last week, when their childeii and ile'-icendants living in tliis dis l i ic l , together with a number of personal friends, joined with them in fittingly commemorating the event.

Four children we're borii^to Mr, and Mrs . Zschiedrich — Paul, cif Kersley, Charles, of Dragon Lake, ilia, of Leipzig, Germany, and John

ol Vancouver, and there .are now 19 grandchildren and 2 groat grand-children. Their sons having omi-giafod to Canad.i, M r . and ,Mrs, / schicdrich followed fhem, coming to Quo^nol some eight years ago,

In addition lo c<mmicmorating the event on the anniversary day, Mr. md .Mrs. Zschiedrich entertained a-bout thirty lady friends on the after­noon of tho 1.3th, when they wore tho recipients of hearty coiigr.ilula-tions from all on reaching such an iuleresling milo.stone in thrir mai-riijd life, IHoy were also recipient'-of miiny handsome gilts in honor of Iho interesting occasion,

Thc Observer joins in extending congrat-iilalions lo Mr. and Mr,«. Zschifcdrich, and trusts they will be able to celebrate their difunond an­niversary when th? time arrives,

On .Sund.-!}' last Quesnel and district turned out en masse to attend the above ceremony, and thus in some manner show their appreciation of the sacrilicc made, by the men in whose honor Ihe above memorial was erected. The unveiling ceremony v.-as c.irried out in a fitting and digni fied manner. Promptly at -T p. m. the ceremony was announced by the tolling of tlie__cliurch bell, and tha arrival of returned men, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, who look np po.silioiis as guards of honor. The choii in attendance Ihen rendered " O Canada," during the singing of which .Vlesdames J . F. Boyd and S. L . Hilborn released fhe Union Jack cover ing the f;ice of the memorial. A.prayer was then offered up by Rev. J A. Petrie, after which Major Gook made an address ou the general idea of the monument, and enlriisled it to the school board, on whose ground it is erected, and especially charging the younger generation to treal it with respect and niaintain the traditions for which it stood. The speaker then faced Ihe cenotaph, and in a clear voice called the names inscribed thereon, as listed below. Kipling's " Recessional." was then sung, after which J . .A, Fi-^ser, chairman of th-? school board, gave an address, pay­ing a tribute to the men of Carib.;o who gave their all that others might live. He congratuUfed the memorial committee on their efforts, which had resulted in such a credit ible monument — one of 'which the district might well be proud. J . .^I.f'Yorston, the district's representative in the Legislature,. aUo made a short address, speaking of the lessons to be learnt from Ihe late war, and the incentive to bringing into everyday life lhe spirit of sacrifice as illustrated by those who had laid down their lives for king and country. Rev. H . B. .Allen then offered up the benediction, patrol leader Jack Ratledge .sounded the " Last Post," and the singing of the national antheiu brought the^ceremiony to a close.

• -The booniing'oC'minute gum^duririg the .sei^'ice 'mi.ist'li^ve reminded the returned men of the days-when burial services were conducted in and behind the line.s while on active Sfrvice.

Several wreaths were laid upon tha monument, including one from th« local branch of the G . W . V , . A . W e congratulate tbe Boy Scouts and Girl Guides on ihelr smartness and splendid showing. Considering the short lime they have been organized, their drill nnd deportment were fav­orably commented upon,

R. R. C a r v . r was director of ceremonies, and the smoothness with which the whole program was carried out is a tribute to his ability, and the time and effort he devoted to the preparations.

The following are the names eingraved on the.cenotaph of those.men from this district who made the supreme sacrifice, and in whose honor the memorial is erected ; —

n. \KER, G. O.AKKK, W. BAKER, R. BEATTV, C. J . POVn, A. A. novo, C. F, nox, G, M. RRF.NN.AN, I'. CAJ.LA.VAN, 11. CAMliROV, E . ' .orriNS, B. IKAIG, .1. D. CARLSO.V, B. OAVIS, R. DAVInso.v, .1. nEHANIlV, O. Ol'.NN, A,


UURSTO.V, J . n U C K W O R T H , A. DHNTON, H . F. F.I.LIS, J . II, ENGLISH, E . F.\RI,AV, F. FOWI.ER, AV. L , F R V E K , C. GKAIIAAI, j . GTBSG.V, A. Gl imS, A\ . t. Gl ,V , .1. HANSON, C. HAGRN, .1. 1". IIENNIMCIV, P. IIII.HORN, W, HCNrF.R, A.

r IPNARUV, W, JENSEN. G . .rO.NES, H . H. KENNV, N. C. KITCHEN, D. KNON, F . V, MCI.EE.SE, J , NJAVANT, A. .MURl'HV. J . M I U i n . E r O N , E . Mi^rR, J . MI'RRAV, N. F. MURIxWV. H . NliVI-X-, A. r u - K i ' p , A. J . I-OKE, N. A.


k. e »

London, Sept. 27tb—^^Rritisb gu.r.s are trained on'tlie 'Turks, and a clash is expected as soon as the IS - hour ultimatum e.vpircs, Civilians ha\p beerj oriierod to leave Ihe zone e operations,

\'ancouver — Silent HS cl;ims, but under "mobiliz.-ition orders," a par ty ofTiou-cofiimissioned otTiceis ;IIK! mcr\ of tho Cunadiaii Miichiiie ('run corps stationed al b'scpiimall, passi d thnuij^h bei-f bist'-nij^bt, in lull m-'o cliiiig order. ll Is u^;,tbered lhat tbe troops have been hastily summoned lo Winnipeg, under secret orders but il is believed they are destined for Ihe Near East.

.A special meeting of the Ladles .Auxiliary, G . \ V . V . .A., will bo hei in the hall on Wednesday afternoon next, al .'> 00 o'clock. As there import.'int business lo be transactec it i.s hoped that all Ihe members wi' be present.

Tenders Wanted Tende^r^ will be received at the

local Government Office trp lo the 14th of October,-1 922, for the sup­ply of 2o cords of Dry Fir W o o d , and SO^cords of Green Fir W'ood, to he delivered and stacked in the gov ernment yard, W o o d to be dcllv ered by the 31st of December, 1022.

E . C . L U N N , Government Agent.

Quesnel, B. C, 1.3th Sept. 1 922. 6 9


R A N C H ' F O R ' S.-H-R A|?ply at this


W A N T E D — H o r s e s to winter. For particulars enquire at this office.

i F O R S A L U — Baby carriage, white reed work, high wheels. Apply to E. L , Hilborn.

F O R R E N T — House, situated in down town disttict. For particu lars apply to Chailes Leonard.

F O R R E N T — Bedroom, in a hems centrally situated, either with or without board. Apply at this office.

Hen-istltching and Picot Edg ing . Mail orders promptly attended to. The Crescent Lfidies" Furnishing.*;, Prince George, B . C .

Bi ' .VG.VLOW, with stone foundation and lot I-)!-'X 122, for s;do. Situated in Noitb Quesnel. Wel l on prop eriy. .Apply this office.

Serious Auto Accident

.A bad accident, with painful ^nd serious injuries t« scveial persons, occurred on the afternoon of Satur­day, the 10th in-jt. W . Lowdcn, of Que.snel I'orks, who with .Mrs. Low-den ami their baby wera guests at thc home of Mr . and .Mrs. . A . F . C u r ­tis here, had taken the two ladie.'< and .Mrs.NV. 1>, .Anderson for a joy rido up the Barkerville road. The two childreta of Mr."*. Curtis, Buster nnd fi onice, were also in the prirty. All went well wilh the party until they were descending Lnrond's hill, some ten miles out of town, on the rt>t<irn Irip, when the brakes went out of commission, There is a ra ther sharp (urn at the foot of the hill and when the car reached this its speed was so great that the left front wheel could not stand the stiain -of of the turn and collapsed. The car cr.ishcd through a fence and over an embankment, and all the occupants were injured except the three child­ren: Mr.s.'Curtis' leg was broken at the hip, Mrs. .Xiiderson had bolh bones in bor lofl arm brokfii , while

.Mrs, Lowden received several severe cuts. In addition all the ladies were more or less bruised. M r . Lowden sustained a nasty flesh wound in one of his legs from a piece of fencing.

First aid was given the injured by Bob White , who was en rotile to Cottonwood, and they were brought to tho local hospital, where their in­juries were attended to by Dr . G . R. Baker. .At lhe present time all the injured are making steady pro­gress towards recovery.

L O S T — B e t w e e n the Cariboo Ho­tel and sample room, wiitiiig case csntaiii'mg valuable business papers, etc., but only of value to owner. Wil l finder please return same to, or communicate Avith, W , J . Pearson, Crririboo I lolel.

Residents of the Nazko V'rilUy re­cently petitioned tor a school district to he formed there, and affer an in­spection by M r , Gower the request was granted, and a new district ga­zetted unaler the name of the Baker Creek School District, A board of trustees composed of Jas. Tibbals, juliu* Quanstrom and Mrs. Edward Quanstrrim has been elected, with the former as chairnian and the lat­ter as secretary-treasurer. A school building has been erected and com­pletely equipped, and it was expect­ed the school w.'uld open last Mon day. There are eleven children of school ago il) tbe district.

Important Sale by Public Auction

r j f lLY iiiatruiHci by Mr. Fred'k Mny, ^ Av'ho In forced throuRh ill health to leave the country, I will olVer for sale, nt hia reaidenc9 on P'roiit Street, thret doorB north of Roman Catholic Churoh, on

S a l u r d a y , O c t o b e r M l h next

cnnimpncinK nt L.'^Op.m., nil hia house­hold ell'octr., tractor, etc., etc., nhief of which are : - - '

Dinins: t.'ibl'?, ohairf, rockers, kitchen cabinet, drep.-iup table, double beds and mattressei, sinRle bed." and niattrppsesi. Standard kitchen rnnpre PIKI Air Tiphf heaters, wash tubs, wrinner?, linoleum, ruRs, crucker.v, and other incidentals iiRunlly found in a well appointed house, toEfethsr with


2 stftel dvuma, about 8 n nllons of cylin­der oil, in drum, 10x12.tent, anvil, plwrn-ber'p fittinps, ynrious tools in varied quantiliep, ere, etc.

TERMS nrft onih, except on tractor, Thi.' will be announced at time of sale,


W. E . B K I N S , Auctioneer. 5

..$2.00 P E R A N N U M

N O T I C E ! .A meeling of Liberals of Quesnel

Mtid dislrict will be held in the Car­iboo Hotel sample room on Satur­day afternoon, Oclober 2Lst next, at 2 On o'clock..

Ihisini'ss: rCIeriioji of officers. M r . J . M . Vor.ston, the local mem­

ber, will be present lo discuss quos-ions i-clallve lo tlie cli.'.lrlct, and b.u

,vill bi' pleased lo receive any rocom-nir-nda tions,

/Ml Libcuals ,'ire invited fo alfe.iid. J O H N \\o\:\\

8-10 / President.

Mrs . Herb Hi l l , cvf .Mcxandria, re­turned homo bisl Sunday, .after being rhe guest of her niotlier-iii-law, Mrs . J. Frank Hill i for a week.

N O T I C E !

T' E N D Efts are invited for the removal of the present fence around the

Quesnol c.enietery, and tho erection of a new picket fonc» to include ah area about the same size as Ihc present cem­etery, accorilinp to a plan which may bo seen on aiiiiiication to'the Secretary of' the Board of Trad«. Two jrat.os are al­so lo bo t reuted in Ibe said fence, to be swung on pivoLs so that they can be re-movp.J in Aviiiler time.

The job to be completed in a Avoi'k-mnnlike manner, and all debris cleaned up.

Tondi'r. to be marked "Cemetery Fence." nnd to be forwrirded to the Serrelarv of Quy.mei Board of Trade not biter* than October istb, 1922.

The lowest or any tender not necci-sari'y accepted.

D. P. LOCKHART. Perretary Que.'jsel Bd. of Trado.

Que.snel, B.C.. Sept. 2Sth, 1922.

W . E . Ekins Auctioneer

Important Notice of Sale


Farm Lands, Quesnel ToVn-si te Pr6 per ty, Househ ol cl Ef-fectp, full line of Blacksmith and Carpenters' Tools, Farm Machinery, etc., etc.

DULT instructed by the Executrix of tho lat« .Jas.-W. "Mick.?, I Avill offer

for sale at the Hicks home on McLean street, on

S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 7th next

commencine: at I..30 p.m.,' all that real and per.?onal property chiefly compriB-\ng :—

S E .L4 of Lot 39i9, situate at Dragon Lake, 160 seres more or les.s, with ap-proximat«ly 10 acres cleared, 20 acrea ald?r bottom in second growth, balance ivild.

Equity in Lot 560?, Cottonw(;>od Can­yon, containini,' 67 acres rtiore «r lesa of bottom iHnd (next to Harry Hansen), puT'diaee price of which wa.-; .?t87.50, and on Avhich $100.S2 and taxes have been psid to d te.

Lots 12 and I.?, Block 7, Quesnel (OAvn-site, Avith 4-roomert cottage, stnble and work!»hop, and other buildings. Good well of wator thereon. -. ^^

6-hole Rival Range, with Avarminsr closet and boiler; 2 double iron beds and mattresses; single bed and mattress; davenport convertible couch ; kitchen caliiiu't; Singer t readl«? ."ewing machine; Edi.son phonograph ; dressing: table ; a chest of drawws: c.irpets«iid linoleum; gbi.?3 snd orocVeryv.'nre ; chairs, rock­ers, tables, and other household uteiia-il.s ; nl?o

Bl.Tcksmitb's bellowj, visee, flnvil?, and a full lin<=' of tools — blacksrnith'.s and carpent9r'.= ; bugtry, 2 .•saddles, set of single nnd double drivinfr harnes.s, set of work harnes.''. runninK,Ecar of bob sleigh and jumper, stocks and dies, 6-foot bath tub. cruid stone?, cBrpeater tool ohe«tfl, large ([uantity of farm np-plianceii, ineludiuK truck. ploAv. db-ic. harrow, tools, ett.. ole. etc.

TERMS on pninller ?rtirl9.«i tirs cash. On lund salea libera! termp can be ar­ranged, covered by nn agreement of sola bearine IntereBt fit fi per cent, per an­num.

Further partisularc cnn he had from Mrs. Hick.s. or tho aurtioneer.


Weatlier .Report I'hc followiiif,', arc the wcrkly rcadiiigo

ot tlu; covorntiiful nlalioii here for tho pant two AvcokHt—

SepLlG ' 17 ' 18 ' 19 ' 2(1

21 ' 22 ' 23 • 24 ' 25 ' 26 ' 27 ' 29 ' 29

wax, 79 nhi.vo Min, .32 above r 4 . 3.

Rv3 79 77 7.T 70 69 70 77 78 7. 60 67 61

4 I

I 4

36 40 40 48 40 40 .39 H7 64 49 4.'') 49 44

( 4

4 I

Page 2: VOL QUESNEL, BRITLSII COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 ... Observer.pdf · The ladies of Ste. Mary's Guild, in connection with -St, John's church, purpose holding a s;ilc of home


Dttvoted to tha interests of the C»rfbbb District and »o pablishbg the facts rdative to tfie British Co-hunbik iT3t€rtor.

SubseriptioD price, - $2.00 per year (Payable strictly in advance)

Land Notic«», nln« insertions, $10,(W Water Notices, 30 days/ - - 15.0© Goil Naticee, five iosortions, 7.56

~Di«p!ay, per inch, per iusertion, .50 (Contract rat'ss on :ipplication)

Legal Notices, par line, - - .10 Reading Notices, per line - .20

Legal advertisements must he i» by VVednesdiiy of each week to ensure publieation in the iasue of same week. In all ease* cash must accompany the advci*tl83ment.

Address ail communifcations aut. make all cheques payable to


curities the money is safe, and the interest return sure and profitable. The minister makes a generoifs concession

eHXJROH SmVICES Ciioreh of St, John tho Divine

R G V , I-I . B , Allen, Rector.

^ Matins, at 1 1.00 a.ni. to home investors, as a large | Evensong, at 7..30 p.m.

'Baptisms, etc. : 2'i hours' notice i.s asked, whercpossible.

The Rector would be g'ratcful if cases of .sickness are reported lo him at once. .

issue of Dominion bonds were floated in New York in Apri l last at 5 per cent.

It is hoped, and anticipat­ed, that there will be a large percentage of re - iiivesLors from the ranks of the small investors who purchased the government bonds for the first time in 1917.

Box 28. Quesnel, B. C.


The Federal Minister of Finance is offering, on very a t trac t i ve te r m s, to e X eh a n ge Victory Bonds maturing on the 1st of next December for new bonds bearing the same rate of interest, and running for a further period of either five or ten years. As an ex-

• tra inducement a bonus of a full-month's interest is given to those accepting the offer, which is open until Septeir.-ber 30th.

The Minister's proposals carry us back to the grim war days of 1917, when these bonds were first put out: Under the impetus of the pa­triotic appeal, and the inten­sive campaign of the first victory loan organization, the issue 'Was successful to a de­gree that the most optomis-tic had not dared to antici­pate. Literally, hundreds of thousands 0 1 Canadians be­came, for the first time, in­vestors in bonds - a result of tremendous importance to the country as well as to the investors themselves. Accu­mulated savings v;ere inves­ted, and surplus carningofor many months ahead were pledged, calling for a very practical response to the ap­peal of the Minister of Fin­ance at that time to "save and serve."

The 1922 maturity was par­ticularly favored by small investors, and, even as it was important to Canada at tliat time that thoy should have invested in fhe bonds, so is it desirable now frcm a nati­onal as v>'ell as a personal standpoint that their invest­ment should continue. It would indeed be regrettable i f any considerable number of the holders of bonds sub­scribed to under these cir­cumstances should pass over the miiiistci's offer wilh thu idea of using the money at maturity for less sound in­vestments or unnecessary ex­penditure.

I n v e s t e d i n D o m i n i o n se -

C O N S I S T E N C Y .



St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,—

Rev. j . A. Pelria, B . A . , B . D .

Sunday School at 11 a.m. Eveningf .Service at 7.,30. Service at Awstralian 'Ranch .sec­

ond last Sunday of tfach month, at 2 p.m.


PI.IKCHAKF; L A N U . . In G.'iribon I,and Distriet, Recordinj.;-

l)i.?trirt of Cariboo, aud .situate on north sliore Quesnel Lako. Tako notice that Frederick We.slGy

Shaver, of 1, 0-mile House, l.L. C , occu­pation nicchnnic, intends to apply fur permission to [lurchnse the following; de.5cribed lands:--

Ommencing yt <T post pKinted on the north shore Quesnel L.tkc, about 40 irhains uori h of N W corner Lot P.^RO,

I tbenoo northerly -20 cbainp. theure 20

The one perfect combina­tion in consistency, according to an authority, is the com­bination of ignorance and ar­rogance. This combination

, , , 1, • ! thenco norLueriv io cMamr-. int.-ine has VvOrked incessantly mj chains e .-.t, thence 20 chains Fouih,

. . , I Ihence 20 chains we^t, and containiutr Russia since the BolshevnCl I 40 acres, more or l9S3.

Vpfl ron tro l at M o s c o w ^ Dated 1st Spptc.mber, 1922. seuea coniioi ac Mosco^^.^ F R E O E P . I C K WE.^^LRV S H A V E P . .

Not for an instant has the! - ^ - Z^'*^^;^; arrogance of the Latin crew; cvi.^wfc,>.vwv.. v . . V . - i - \ / f • InCHriboo. For infor-

abated, and never have they, M m m g iSl^J^l l i lScSsfui permitted the slightest ray ' ; -development of placer " . . iand drcdofiug- proposilion.-?. e.-pecialiy of l ight to enter their minds, j with respect lo the recovery of black

. - .sand and platinum values, apply to

If they did not formally ad- _ • opt as'a motto of their rule, ^' ^ ^ i - ^ ^ ' " ^

• 1 T JJ i l BL.^CK SAWD PETE Ignorance is bliss, tnev;

, , . , I i Q L I E S N E L . - . . B. C .

have acted it throuehout a l - ^ ^ . . ™ ^ ^ I —

most five terrible years, and; v they believe it still. A t the outset of their terroristic i

w. E E K I N S Auctioneer and

Appraiser reign they made war on in-1 Q y g s N E L , - B . C. telligence with intent to de- Address commumc&tionr. c-o observer.

1 •! mi _ 11 i.1 : stroy it. They adhere to the | policy, although it has beeni deinoiistrated that the brav/n, in Russk is of no benefit even | to itself without it is directed! by brains. - E x .

. H . D A V i W a I ch make r an d


I F r o n t Street Q U E S N E L , B . C ,

u a D IS m m (a Li

m ® [»]• m g] m m


13 m




a n m

m (HI

m m m

m (il m

ust a i n u t e ! Before buying your winter needs in Macki-

nav/s from mail order houses, compare these prices and values with those illustrated in your catalogues:--

1 0 0 per cent, all-wool Men's Mackinaw Coats,-34-oz., double breasted, Norfolk style, each, $9 25

Men's Stag or Jumper Mackinaw Shirts, all wool, extra heavy, - - - -' 9 00

Men's Breeches, all wool, to match the Jumper

_ Shirts, per pair, - - - 6 50

Boys' heavy all-wool Mackinaw Coats, - 6 50

Youths'Coats, same material, - - 7 00




m 9 H H m


T H I S W E E K ' S S P E C I A L Quaker Brand Puffed Wheat, - 2 Cartons for 35c

D E L i V E R Y _ ^ ^ T h e last Town Delivery leaves at 5.00 o'clock •p.m. sharp. , "

J O H N A . E R A S E R & C O M P A N Y , L I M I T E D



a m m a a a, a







V/ork Promptly y\ttended To

Q U E S N E L , B O X 1479 B. C.


Letter Heads •Bill Heads

Note Heads jJnvelopes

:V[emo Heads Or anything in the Job Printing line,

let us give you prices. We

Guarantee Satisfaction

TRANSFER AND AUTO LIYERY Draying, House Moving, Contracting.

Wood, l i ay and Grain. Driving Horses for Hire.

A G E i V T S F O R "

Dodge Bros, and Chevrolet Motor Can and Trucks.

Republic Motor Trucks.

GARAGE & BLACKSMITH SHOP:; Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting

Batteries Charged and Repaired. I Lubricating" Oils and Gasoline.

Blacksmith Coal, Iron, Steel. Automobile Parts.

t Ofnce and Garage,

Skilled Mechanics at your service. ;:

1 •

Carson Street ;|


OxyYfeMlDgGl ail Metals Auto Repairing

A r> T - I ' l ' W I L L I A M S . V o l . r imer L A K F , B . C .

W . G . M c K E E N B A R R I S T K R , S O L I C I T O R A N D


Willirims Lake, - B . C.


A S S A Y E R ! V. WIDDOWSON, A.«s;iy6r nnd ;hon:ist. Box FllOS, Nelson, B.C.

r.: Gold, Silver, Copper «r Le.ari, iM .ii.) fHch. (Iold - Silver, ?1.7.^. fiold-Silv'M- with Copper or r,pad, ?:t.00. Sil­ver-Lo;uI, .?2.00. Silver-[,cad-/inc, $:i t'harfTt'.i for olher melid.=), etc., on ap­plication. ^

Ch,Tr;,'f $L2.T ea

A S S A _ Y E R ! \:\ p.. wit t.EMAR, M.C.I.M.M.

Assiiyvr by exauiinBtiou

S M I T H E R S , B . C . Rates un ;ipi'lioalion. Mino cxumimv



r . E . W I N D T

Meat Market

Fish and all Fruits in Season |

Shop: In Rex Theatre,Building

'el e phone No. la Q U E S N E L

Page 3: VOL QUESNEL, BRITLSII COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 ... Observer.pdf · The ladies of Ste. Mary's Guild, in connection with -St, John's church, purpose holding a s;ilc of home

R u f u s R . E a r I e , K . G . •;' B A R R I S T E R , S O L I C I T O R ,

• N O T A R Y P U B L I C

A S H C R O F ^ T , B ; C . MeiTiber of't.he Ears of the Prairie

Provinces and Britiah Coliinihia. Special attention given to buainess of

clients from outside pointy. Qfflcial Administrator for Lillooet E l ­

ectoral Diatrict. .

A Scenic Lariat

ounaer 9 »

The Fastest Boat on the River

E . J . G O O K

' B .C. Ijand Surveyor

P.O. Box 1489 Q U E S N E L , B.C.

Alfred S. Vaughan r . R E A L E S T A T E \

•^FIRE - I N S U R A N C E - L I F E

vV N O T A R Y P U B L I C , E T C .

Front St., - Quesnel



A uQft'circular motor tour, G.oOO

mile.s long-, will olVer, perhap.s, the

greatest variety of natural scenery

accessible hy any motor route in the'

world, and will be open for travel it .

i.s e.xpcctad'by the end of the com-j

ing suuimer. This great loop, that

American motori.st,s on the Pacific

coa.st are advertisinj^ as the Scenic

Lariat, will touch filteen national;

parh.c, including three Canadian!

parks il) the Rockies — ^Vaterton j

Lake.«^, Banff and Kootenay. C)uly :

one last link in the chain, a few miles

now in lenjrth, remairi.»; to be Com­

pleted. This is the .section from the'

\'ermili(m summit down to the Col- j

umbia X'alle}', on v.-hich the en;;iin- ;

eeririg force of the Canadian Nation- j

al p.-irks are MOW engaged.

The new road will

the 'Rocky mountain ningc by w;iy

of the Vermilion Summit, pa.s.'iinj,--

through Banfl'with a detour to Lake

Louise, thence down through Root-1 Q, .^,^, , . , J J , " ,e,i,ience, Harlow

enaypatk to.tbe Columbia Valley, I Coltaqe. Front street, Que.snel, will

The Motor Boat

Ilave your freight and ex­press addressed in care of the Motor Boat " f-lounder" and you will have no trouble and no delay in securing the shipment. Good.« secured from railway on arrival at Prince George, and brought to Quesnel on hrst boat.








swmg acro.^s G. ST Auto Livery

be given pronipt attentu^n.

Front St. Q U E S N E L . B . C

Rupert ¥/. Haggen Dominion and. B. C.

Land Surveyor " Hydraulic Engineer

Offices at Quesnel, William.s Lake and Quesnel Dam.

and following the Columbia to the international boundary, thence b}-| ?!!^?5??!^?'^?5f=!!H!t;ff^W(?»^^

good motor roads to Spokane. |Dairy Fami f OT SalC Pendleton it links up with Ihe Co l - »

uml^ia highway from Portland, Ore- "Dunedin," situated on east side of gon, and then drops down past the Dragon Lake, ,5 miles from-Qu«snel . A

, , , , , , I barpfain for anyone v.'ho wiints good eastern entrance ol Crater Lake na-1 farming land. For particulars apply at tional park to San Francisco and to ! 'his o(7ice. or to the owner, D. Id. An-

' deraon, who wishes any prospective Los Angeles.

Travel l ing westward from Los buyer to fully {n.-'pect the property.

Minimum price of flrst-cla-^a ]e.nA reduced lo $5 an acre; second-class to $2.50 an acre.

Pre-emption now conilned to sur­veyed landa onij-.

.iJ Recorc'ticWtll be granted covering only •^-land suttablf^ for .igriculturr.l purposes

and wliich Is non-liriibor lan-l, 'ivPartnershln pre-emptions aboliahe^, but parties of not more than four may arrantfe for atljucent pre-eitiptioniS wltli joint resldunce. but each maliit:s

•- nec«f;aary liTii)i-oveiiieril.» on re.si-eotlve Claims.

Pre-emptors must occupy cia'ims for Ave yeai-H and make Improvementa tp value 0* $10 per acre, ir.,-ilucTingr clear­ing and cultivation of at iea;?t 5 aorea, before receiving Crown Grant.

V\'hero pro-emptor in occupation n.ot lesa than 3 years, and ha.s made pi'S-portloiiate improvementa, he rn.iy, t>$' cause of ll!-healtli, or otlier cauae, tje p-antod intermediate certificate of im­provement and transfer his claim.

Records witliout p(?rma;ient resi­dence may bo Issued, provided appli­cant make.i improvementa to e.xtont of $300 per annum and ret.-ords amne ea,3-h year. Failure to malte Improvements pr record same -vvlil operate ns forV feituro. Title cannot be obtained fp less than 5 y.^iira, and iinprovenaC.nt^ of 110.00 per acre. Including 6 anfSj cleared and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years ore required.

Pre-emtitor holding drown fi-r.iut may record another pre-ehiptlon. If ife re.quiraa lund in conjunction with hfa farm, without actual occupation, pro­vided statutory lmprovemsnt.='. made and resldenco maintained on Crovvfl granted land.

Unsurveyed areas, not e.<:ccedlnB 20 acres, may be lea-sed AH homesltea; title to be obtained after fulf\llins real-dentlal 'and improve.i-.ent conditiona.

For Krazinsj and indu.-;tMaI purposes areas ezct-edln? 640 acres may be loaRfid by one person or conipany.

Mill , factory or Industrial silos on timber land not exceedlhu 40 acrea may ba purchased; gondltlona include payment of stiur.paso.

Natural hay niofiiJowB Inacces.ilble by existing roads may bo purcha;<ed ^nditlonal upon construction of a road tp them. Rebate of one-half of cost of rdad, not exceeding half of purchase price, l8 made. P R E - E M P T O R S ' F R E E G R A N T S

A C T . Ths scope of thia Act 1B anlarsed to

Include all p-ir.sons JolnInK and aorv-mc with JIls Majesty's Force:). Tiie timo within which tliu heirs or d. vlnces of a decea.'icd pre-emptor may aptily for title under thin Act Li e-xtonU-vJ tiom for ono year from tlio death of fiiich por.son, aa formerly, until ouo ydjir aitor the conclusion of the pre.- ent waf. This prlvlleuc Is al.-jo made ro-troRotlya.

N'o foes rclatlnar to pre-cmptlona are dua or paynOle by Koldlers on pi'ft-oriiptldus rticQrdud aft6r June 3C, 151S. Tkx»a ar* I'emitled for flvo year^.

provision for reiurn of inouoys ac­crued, duo and been pnid niiica Aiicuf.l 4, 101<, on account of paym^iita, fees or taiea on uoldlors' pre-emiDtlons.

Intore.1t on avfreonic-nta to purclin.';'; tovjn or Olty lots hold by niemt)er« of Aijied Forcoa, or depoiulenlH, acquired dU'Wt or Indirect, remitted from en-llBtnl«nt to March 31, 1020,


Provision made for lonnnnof. of Cro-wn Sfrants to r.i;l)-!!iirfji,'iff>rH of Crown Landfl, actiulrlirct rights fr^ni puvohftJic'rfl v'Ho fallrfl to '•r)mplfto puroliRne. Invr-lvln.n forfoluir<>, on ful­fillment of con'Htloii.n of p*iroIifiHo. In-tcrobt and tuxhn. WIKM-O aiib purcliaH-«r3 do not claim '•-hole of or-iurin,,) j„ir. col, purotuiB* price duo nnd t'sixe.H niiy be diatrllJUtod proDoitloiiately over whole area; Appllcallona must made by May l. l520.

I pay the Freight...

Angeles the motorist may vi.sit the ; r i Q R S E , heavy wagon and sot of har-Yo.semite,' Grant and Sequoia parks, j ness for sale. Wagon almost new,

' • _ , r I i harnesg in good condition. A bargain pass on to tbe Grand Canyon of Col-1 f^r someone. For prices and other par-orado, and proceed north to the ' titulars apply to S. N. William & Co.,

,, , , , , • , I Quesnel, B .C. 47-50 \el lowstone park and the interna-1

tional boundary. Following a trail i ~ " '

to Cardston he may make a short

detour to Walerton Lakes, in the:

southern part of Alberta, and then;

return to Calgary via Lethbridge:

and the Macleod trail. |

Thousands of motorists, it is e.x-'

pected, will follow this scenic high-'

way. American moto'ists will want |

to see the glories of the Rockies, I

and Canadian motorisLs will want to

see Sunny California .md the won-!

ders of the Grand Canyon and the ;

Yellowstone. This v.ill mean an iii-j

ter-uational exchange of money as ;

important as many an industry, as

well as an increased international .

good will. C'auadian authoritie.s: ex-,

pect there will he 10,000 cars at;

Banff the fust year. If each car is

in the country ten days, and spends I

an average of only $10 per day. it '

can easily be seen what this wil! be ;

to the We t

Conversion of Victory Bonds

J will deliver a Heintzman & Co.

Piano Weber Piano Victroia Brimswick Phono-.

graph or Singer Sev^ing Ma-

chiiie direct from thc factory to your station at the same price you would pay in Vancouver or Ed­monton. Easy terms arranged.

Pitman's M U S I C Store PRINCE GEORGE, B.C.

T I M E L Y B A R G A . I N S

High quality Skookum Workmen's Shoes, $6.50. Dress Shoes for men, from $5.50 up. Wool Serge Pants and Blue Serge Pants, from

$4.00 to $8.00. Khaki Shirts, from $L50 up.

wm m

A car load of Hay just received. North-v/est No. 1 Oats and Wheat for sale. Royal Household Flour, at reasonable prices.

i i l B i l l l i t3Pl3Cl i n a n i s i i i i s i s s i i msmEmci

Y H E S E R V I C E S of this Bank are offered free of charge to those who wish to arrange the

conversion of Victory Bonds maturing on Dec. 1, 1922, to the new five- or ten-year bonds. Appli­cation should be made as early as possible, but not later than September 30th.

The .Manager of any of our Branches v.'ill be glad to

furnish full information upon request.




C. S. D O D W E L L , local representative, W I L L I A M S L A K E .

C H A S . A. P V N E , A . S. V A U G H A N , M mage, for Northern B . C . , Local Representative,

Q U E S N E L . P R I N C E G E O R G I


QRAZINQ. GrMing; Act, ISlO, for nystotnatlo

development of livestock industry pro-vlde.s for Kru;iltie- districts and r.inara admlnlHtratlon under CommiHsloner. Annual Krazlnar poruilt« issued \>a.°i>n\ on numbers ranged: priority for ostalj-flehed ownoru, ytock-owncrs may iorm Ae.'ioclatlonn for rango munntfo-r<iOnt. r'rcfl, or portlally freo, porwills JAr Bottlers, caniporu or traviiaioro, hp xi tdn htoA,


p' \i m n r* f% r\ fi n >

Successors to Inland Express Co.

Until further notice, auto stages will leave Quesnel for Williams Lake and Soda Creek each Tuesday, returning Thursday, and for Soda Ck. each Friday, returning* Saturday.

F. McLEOD, Agent •

The Mineral Province of Western Canada

T O END O F D E C E M B E R , 1921

Has produced Minerals valued as follows : Placer Gold, .$"6,1 TV,.10.3 ; Lode Gs ld , SlO.'?,-5 5 1 , ; Silver, $.5.5,-2.19,48"; : Load. :?i8.3.30,.:.7.o : Copper, S1 «i«,.39:'.,-L'^.S ; Other Metals (Zinc, Iron, etc.), .?21,8^4,.531 ; Coal and Coke, S32.5,4ti9..'jO.'^ : Building Stono, Brick. Cartlsnt, etc., $34,072,016; Miscellanaous Minaral."?, etc., $1,210,639 ; making its Mineral Production to the end of 1921 show an

Aggregate Value of $734,259,61 9

The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal, asd the f«es lewsr, than those of any other Province in the Domiaion, of any colony in the British Empire .

Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. ' ^ Absolute Titles are obtained by dsvelopiug sueh properties, thc security of which J.";

g-uaranteed by Crown Grants. Ful l information, together with Mining Reports and Map.= , may be obtained gratis by



vBTS mm


Is a satisfied customer. 'Hiey are cheaper than eoal oil, gfts or electmity, and give a brighter illtimination. They are absolu­tely safe, the gasoline beeig stored outside the buildhig.

Wrjte the unders ized :£or informa^tion a-nd for lltei?atui'e.


Page 4: VOL QUESNEL, BRITLSII COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 ... Observer.pdf · The ladies of Ste. Mary's Guild, in connection with -St, John's church, purpose holding a s;ilc of home

ffK^ C A R I B O O O B S E R V I J H


. 'Sept.. 18tl), 1922.

M r . and Mrs , A . B, Campbell , ol

Cedar Greek, were over for a few

days last week.

,;Mrs. Hooker and Miss Bell paid a, vi.«it of a few days to friends at Martin Creek and Black Creek.

Surveyor Gook, of Quesnel, witli a crew of five, spent last week sur­veying tbe road froni Horsefly to Quesnel Lake, which, if put Ihrough this fall, wili be of great benefit to

.the residents of this community.

' H . .A. Pegues returned on last» week's stage C 'om an extended visil to Vancouver,

Dan Grogan, one of the owner.'; of the best paying diggings at Cedar Creek, was a visitor in our village for a few days the past week,

M r s . .Meiss, postmistress of Har­per's Camp, paid a short visit to Wil l iams Lake and 150-mile Mouse last week.

Miss Bessie Wilkinson has gone

to Mission Junction, to attend High


.School re-opened on the 6ih, with M i s s Greta M c D o u g a l as teacher.

The lovely wealher of the past ten days has enabled Ibe larmers to har­vest their oats, v.-hichshave proved a fine yield.

A well illustrated report by W . S. McCatin on the Bridge River.area cf British Columbia has been published by Ihe'^Geological Survey. Descrip-j tions are give i of the gold - quartz veins of the C'adwallader and M c G i l ­livray Creel? "gold belts, and of tbe siIver-co,pper deposits, The report is accompanied by geological and topographical maps, A copy may be secured by applying to the Direc­tor, Geological Survey, Ottawa.

L A N D N O T S c i s ^

Pacific Great Edste'rn Railway Co.

^'NOTICR OF T K T B N T I O N -ro A r r i , r TO FuRCffA.sR L A N D .

In C.'irlboo Land District, R«cordinK' District of Cariboo, and situate ad­joining Lot Take notice that ILTUH . L Z.'(i-hiedrir:li,

of Kersle.v, H.C. occuparlon farmer, in­tends to apply for penni. jpion to purrb-ase the following de.scribcd l.'uuls; —

Commencing at a po.st phnted at the north we.st. corner of I.jOt 45.3L thence north 2U chaini. thonee east chains, thonci? .louth 20 chain.", Ihence weEit-20 chains, and containing 40 acres more or le. s.

Dated vSppt. 21st, 1922. HANS J. ZSCHin ;DRTCH,

8-16 ApplicanL


ITl Cariboo Land Districts, Recordinj,; ni.=;trict of C-iriboo, and .situate near HalfwHy House. Tak9 TKiticc thatvcp. the Enterprise

Cattle Conipany, Limited, of 141-niil'? Ilou.=e. Cariboo Rood, occupation farm-era, iTiteiul to-apply for pt-ruiission to iear-Q the foll'j-.viiiK described landy: —

CommencinE at a po.'t planlerj at the south pa3t corner nf Lot !U28. thence south 20 cli-'Mnr-', thence west SO olisin.';, Ihence norfb 20 chain.-, theuca east 80 chain.?, and containing 160 acres, more or less.

, . , .... , , , Dafedl-^th September. 1922. The slide at Mud Hill shifted a E N T . G R P R I S E G A T T L K CO.,

little last week, throwing tbe trestle I Per LiMiTi-:n ouf of commission. The train WHSI^"^'^ L . G O R D O X B R Y A N T , Ag^nt

thus unable to bring passengers and mnil farther than the D o g Prairie siding. The trestle was repaired, however, to allow lhe train to cnme into town early Sunday, and it' left the station at the usual hour thai mornir>g for the south. •.

. <J, E L

Dealer in second-hand Furniture, etc.

...Auctioneer and Api.")raiser. 7 U E S N E L , - B. C.

B a r l o w ^'dreet The Best FJace in tov/n Tor a Clean and

ail Appetizing' Meal ,

Open Daily Unti l Midnight .

Time Table for all Points Between Quosnel and Vancouver.

SOUTHBOUND. Leave Quesnel every Sunday at 10.00

'A.m., arrive Williams Lake at 2.00 p.m. Leave Williams f;ake Sundays and Wed­nesdays 8.00 p.m , arrive Squamishdock Mondays Hud Thursdny.s 2.30 p. m. Leave Squamish dock 3.00 p.m., arrive Van­couver 6.,30 p.m.

NORTHBOUND. Leavo Union Stcnniship Dock Tucs-

d.nyp !i?)(l Fridny,? O.L^ a.m., arrive at .' (lunniish dock l.tiiip.in. Lefive Rqunui-isli l.:.!i) i i .m. Arriv« nt Willianis L.TKC WednesfUiys and Saturdays 8 30 a. in. f/enve WillianiK L?il;c .Snturdays only ;U 10.30 a.m., arrive Qilc' iiol 3.:-i'0 p.m".

Kelnrn F;ire, ()ue.snel to Vancouver, Eood for Thirty Day?, ?n4.40.

One Wny r'aro, 919.2.5

For furlhor iriformnlion Hpl'ly ''• C. K. Iviiilwny, Vrjncouver, B.C., or Ag(Mit, Que.';nol. " 4t)-8


a r d w a r e G o .

Viost Everything in Hardware

For the Cold Weather


Continental L i r a i t d — T 0 ~ ^

. E a s l e r n C a n a c J a

Leave Ashcroft at 4.30 a.m. daily.

Leave Prince George at 4.30 p. m. daily, except Monday.

S O L I D STr':F.L T R A I N S .


STAKDAKI,- ) A N D T o n u s T SLCHri.vG - , C A R S .

T O V A N C O U V E R Leave Ashcroft at 1L07 p.m.


WON Proprietor

J/M ^ \

TO PRINCE R U P E R T Leave Prince George at 0.01

p.m. daily, except Monday.

Further ))art:cularR fro.ni any Agent Canadian Nation-al Railways.

1 f ;

i i


Air-tight Heaters, style No. 1850, all steel, with l ining: Size 18-inch ' ' . _ ^ 4 0 0 Size 21-inch . • •.. . 6.00 Size 23-inch.. • ^ _. 7.00

Air-tight Heaters, style No. 718, steel body, cast top wnth urn, nickel plated top and bottom rails, steel lining:

Size 18-inch $14.50 Size 21-inch 15.00 Size 22-inch 16.00 •Size 24-inch. 20.00

Air-tight Heaters, Style D, a superior air-tight, with all cast-iron linings, nicely decorated, and has door opening in front:

One style only, 22-inch „___.;?25.00 '

Fairy Queen, or Windsor Jubilee, the nicest little all cast-iron heater made, No. 17, takes'16-inch wood, price $22.50.

Box Stoves: 2D-inch, -$16.00; 28-inch, 19.00; 31-inch, 21.00. B. C. Camp Stoves, suitable .for cooking, as w^ell as heating: 24-inch, $11.00;

SO-inch, $12.00. Camp Comfort, a large steel-body heater, with cast front and door, suitable

for large buildings: 38-inch, $32,00; 50-inch, $36.00. Stove Pipes, Taper Pipes, Tee Pipes, .Elbows, Stove Boairds, etc., etc.

raware O U E S N E L -

C o .

f -




o l c l e r s o f F i v e Y e a r

I " a s

M i mim.

^ZCB- O u i , O u i , M a i n s e Corsets

T o u r [iov?n is indeed cl-.arming,

but one con ?cc fiirtlier than tlmt. cl-t^hp^'<'0 T o u r Corsets

ore rcr-ponii!ilc [or il'i ;4rnccf(;l, nnturni lines,

W c carry C / C k la G r a c e Corsets in nil

stymie? nnd 5i.i:es,

TKc^f arc made of prctt;s' vsf durnhlc material?, nnd tliostei?!:? wi l l not break or rii.^t. •

Z' I



I 1

Is m ^•2

Issued in 1917 and Maturing Ist December, 1922.



M R S . J . F . H I L L

m L O C A L A G I ' N T

/ J ^ H E M I N I S T E R O F F I N A N C E offers to hoMcrs A of these bonds y/ho desire to continue their

investment; in Dominion of C a n a d a securities thc privilege of exchanging the niaturing bond:; for new bonds bcarinf; ^\ per cent interest, payable half yearly, of cither of thc following classes: ~

(n) Five year bonds, dated 1st November , \Z>22, to in.:ilurc Ist November, 1927.

(b) T e n year bord'-s, dated Ist November, 192-. , to mature 1st November, 1932.

Vv^hi!c the nLTturing bonds will carry interest to 1st December, 1922, the nev.- l)onds will commence to earn interest frorn 1st November, 1922, G I V I N G A B O N U S O F A M I L L M O N T H ' S I N T E R E S T T O T . M O S E A V A I L I N G T H E M S E L V E S O F T H E C O N V E R S I O N P R I V I L E G E .

Th i s offer in made to holders of thc maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. T h c bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of thc same cbaractcr ar. those whjch arc maturing, except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to thc new issue.

Holders of the maturVng bonds who wish to avail tliemselves of this convcji"sion privHege should take their bonds" AS E A R L Y A S P O S S I B L E , B U T N O T L A T E R T H A N S E P T E M B E R 30fh, to n branch of any Chartered Bank in Cayiada f\nd receive in exchange an official receipt for the-bq^.ids svirrcndcrcd, c<i\ttaining an undcrt.-iking to deliver thc corresponding bpnds of thc new issue.

Holders of maturing .fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque fro/n Ottawa, will receive their December 1 intercut cheqilc as ^:sual. Holders of coupon bonds will dctflch and. retain the last unn»at:ured coupon before surrendering tipc bond itself for conversion purposes.

The surrendered 'bonds (viil be forwarded by batiks to the Minister of 'Finance.'at; Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bond.i of the n?w issue, in fully registered, or coypon registcrcil or cc^jpon bearer form carrying tntereifit payable 1st M a y a. d 1st November of each year of tli^. duration of thc loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st May,, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will be, sent to the banks for delivery immediately flfi.-cr tlpfe receipt of tv\)e surrendered bonds.

The bonds of the rnatjuring issue wliich are not converted under tlr^s pr<jjpo3e|l will be paid o<f in cash on Uie 1st P c c c n t W . 1922.

.FIELDING, M i n i s t e r of Pinaiic*?.*

Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 102%,
