^ -I—- mi -J fe- tSSEX COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMPANY VOL. LXXYI, NO. 1 K VI EDITION SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S1.S0 PER YEAR 1 v:, PUBLISHED AT KEESbVILLE, N. ¥., FK1DAY, OCTOBER 2, l»14 ..- :..:..ID :ii WHOLE NO. 3901 Wyt #pecialtp £&m M I MuxtrnWrnrnx^MiMUM asCbOsTt* BURUNGTON, VERMONT Headquarters in Vermont for the Royal Society Package Outfit •tore it the only outlet for these foods in this city. Also carry- ing * complete line in every shade and color of the well known Celeste. Rope and India Flosses. For the Latest Ideas in Embroidery See Our Windows Tel. 330 No. 2 4 Church S t FORMER CONGRESSMAN WEVC*? ANSWER* DEATH'S SUMMONS^ M it H6bi s fWf ACM eft r T o *** *is*-£i i^HttftftnTANO GLYNN WIN THE POLANDER MURDER* DEPUTY : GATHER AT TICOMOftftOGAJ GUBERNATORIAL NOMINATIONS, SHERIFF JAMES AT MINEVILLE kiaos* Northers Now York PoNM»f*nf*o4 >«o^«U of tjto Cbarcbes la ete* v aa**ili«a!# to HvAswsy Rocs; Booker. A#o* «7. Sao* J PlollabMre, District to So Coawesv 1 Merritt Corrios Essex by 430; 4 combe to PaeuateAia. J od There Next Monday, j E morse* by 213. Jobs M. Woror. hanker ss4 Coraior| The AAAAAI Preachers isotitoto of New York City* District Attorney. UMaSToooa&AS. d i e d Sunday miter A tbo Methodist chercbes of the i^ta- Charles 8. Wbitama And Governor work. Ulaeas with aaeamoaiA, At his harg district will so Sold is Ticea>; Martin R Glyoa won too ruber- is PlAttAbuffs. Atod 47 years, jdetoaa Moaejhy ssd ToeeaAy. Octeber, oaurtel aomlaatioa of the Repabiicaa SfOAidont of too Merehaat's,* And d. A* tbo Tteosdofoss caares^AAd Democratic parties roopecUvoly lie NAUOOAI book of that eky And had jit nndorsotos estaasire rasalrs. tao At the dirstt arlmArieo. Monday. Fred of tbo ooavontlon will t o jerk* M. Unvonaort won oat ovor Wm. tbo Coasrosatsooal ceyeh JBelser for the Pnurresalre aomlaatlna. Tno aroaoAta fellows: j Jaaiec W. Wadsvorth. Jr.. woa tao MoadAy KteoiAA—Uevotkjaal sec .urinalion for I* 8. 8enAtar. vice.—Rev. N. M. Loarnod f No defiait* returns novo been ro- Addroao—Mr. Aadersoa. Raft- £*t*-;rt4vod tor tao elates oo tbo Reeobii of, Saloon LoAsao. jean And Democratic aiAte tickets be- TaoAilAy Moral**: —Tbo Qalet liar,low tbo ooVe of sovernor. And tbo sac —Rev. T. G. Thoeaaeoe. Diss. Baa*. Iceasfal oAadatatoA And tbolr alaralftioA Is tbe Cherch data* Its tori4sa*Ve*ay not no cortAiaiy kaown for ser- for yaars a aroaiiaoat Saaro ia tbo baAinoAA and noittkai Ufo of j bold ia nortbora New York . Mr. Wearer wna A Melon* roaabU- CAA. served ia tao Civil WAT And wan A member of tao STth and SSfh aroma. For year* bo WAA tno party ia tain Mo Cliatoa oaaaty. ! Mr. Wovor waa a mimbrr of tao Q A. R. Beaodici Pool; for saaay y a voatrymAa of Trinity cbarcb: servod an a dirortior of tao Board of Traateoa of tbo Piottabar* Rtato Nor- mal acbooL Mo was a cbartor mom- ber of PlAtUbarc lodce F. A A. M. And to Piattaear* cbaater JEALOUS ADMIRER SHOOTS WOMAN ME WOOED AND COST. Lyaaeaville Lover tbea Trios to mmmmmmm^mmmmmmtm r i - - ••••»———^— * m * So*C»Wt b y C o t U s * h4 * TbfOat NEWS IN THE TABLOID FORM {GOVERNOR DESIGNATES OCT. S | •*" Mar ° % * FROM NORTHERN NEW YORK- AS FIRE PREVENTION DAY.! Becaaae of tbe Jroioasy of nor for- ____ jser ndmtrer. Mrs. Portey Wood, of TH of Local and Oanoral twtoroat—' Uraoa its Oaoorvnaoo an a General ^ Jobnabary a yoaaa wife of two Cloaa-aa Day: tfinoli Are to ! ****** lies tn a dyina eoadiitoa at tno farm boose near Lyadoavtllo. Vu of Jrwa Flower wttb two ballot woaads lis nor body, one near UM | tbe otbor la tbo net of tao i HoosA RAIL IS roars aid, wno sbot in pnby Faraaraaaa Coaaooasd From Garrottt Ctiroaloles. Partndtes are snat la no asaattfal At SarA&ac LabsX | Giezis False workers will v> the residents of tbat i Day: tck»ot« Are to Mood Fire Drills. It takoa tao wnaat croa of to any for tno Ere waato of tbo try. as too not asin to taa naUoa ly osTsets tb< Tno Ere wa Folks object to every avl WerkV-Rev. G. M. Moody. lend dAys. _ tiloraislon lad by Rov. U J. At-} Governor Glyaa defsatod Joba A. weiL Ilien&oasy for tbe Deaoerttk aomimv Tbo Coantry Cbarcb. ji oa for governor witb osae. Tno eo- A* s S^cisi And SducationAl '•%•>-! imate of TnmmAny HsU tbat tbo sov- ter—Rev. G. H PetUnaiU. (ornor woald wia by 7Sgt*> ia New As tbe Ceater of RpirittisJ 1 to— f York will not tall tar abort of being Rev. L. E. Darker. Uorrect- Ho Also loads upstate. General discaasian. j District Aitomey WbitmAa bnd A General Cbarcb Pabtldly—Rev. F ( raaaway race ngainst MArvey U Hia \Y. TerreH. - i HAM and Job E. fjlodaoA tor IMosiatl- l>«sctissioo—Rev J. U aOlinwaod. cms gnboraatorial bonoi*, sboviag Tbe Pastor In tbe Homos of tbe surprisiag atrongtb botb a# sad down People Rov. W. M. WasbbSra. j state, Taesday Afteraooa:--4)evotiot*ft. ^ I la Esasa Coaaty. oa Fnalts of Ministers— f Cssez coaaty comaieto ofBcisi re- Rev. J. K. IHscassion—Rer. P. VL SbAdduclt. Tno Mlaiatora and Cbarcb —Rev. M. H. Saitb. DleiaaHoa Rrr J. C. Review. Tbo Saannso JASSOA A Perry. Tbo Modern Palpit—Rer J '•t Frencb kariBf tbe Wsrroa oaaaty tabarcnloaii' coantry koeaitAl tocatod la tbolr district J Tbe Cbamaiaia Ran*? Comaany will ( akoniy commoaco oaoratmaa aa a Uag docaaratlaa la a lav^aanitioa d e a - ! ^ ° « ^ Tnere M oaly a vary aiigbt j years lombartag Jab near PtorcoRoMJignatlng Octoaor » as Fwo Pwveatloa> ctolK * lkat MfS * ^ 0O * wttl rwMr#c l The Chnteongay potaso market io|day. Tao Governor argos tbo osoorr-j* il » <m ** oaea for bnslsiat Tbo ^Maraaios" AACO of tbo day AS A awaoral cloan-aa! tM^bAbly I tarns giro tbe total vote tor Repabii- Icaa candidates as foliows: ! For swvornor: Hedges. 3 V.. Hia Imaau s^S: Wbitmnn. lot. Hlamaas phaTAllty. S04. ¥m Ueateaaat Governor: Heacock. \*A; Scboeaock. IS*: Stdway. lbf. W.Ueacock's siarality. TO*. For CaUsd States Senator: HilL STw; WAdswortb. ^4; Colder *:» a jtoiom rage tbo simira bo bwod.1 Taeaaojr oveataa—usrwi»«ros»s « ^ ^WAdswortbs alarAlity. 17C nadXld * Stia to Cnlodoaia c^nty JnR to SL .ico by tbe pastor. Rov. C E. T ~| F ~ * « * ~ ^ * ^ C TEr." coot e 7 a !L wf Jobnabary wttb two knife woaads to ma**- tmnleto. KT; Stevens, »t; Merritt i ? ^ W , b t l ^ l e X w b i s c b to bis despAir be to, Addreoo^Rev. Rdgnr Btobw. * I^«t Morritt. plarality. Oo ^ ^ ! Rirted npoa bunseif nfter nnoottog tbe gea^ai secretary of tlsO Board of Ran-. For State Senator Stevea«. iM; way acaaois of tbo M. C rill s o i tbe first day At SS Tbe Rev. Staooy R. Bottom has tbe First BApUat Mtot Aikw Dyke. WAX. witb Sro drills In tao taj tbat After trying to welL doapHe tao fnct *>PT. CMEESEMAN RREAKS wetu aoaptte tae no, R|CMT Afm% CRANKING AUTO of taipectJoa of paafic of State Fire Marmaal af tao tbo Rev. and Mrs. Otto Dyte. af Lake PIA- tctor. K. J. to Flro bis taroat bo rivor. by of tbo cid baa gone to teach. Lake Placid citissas are procaottng'stsie wRb tbo the construction of paved streets to meaas for tbe that village And n bontovard to SATA-' wttb Hoaasto! Mrs. Wood for tbo par-1 Mr. ami Mrs of tbo to tbe af Rres. f PLATTSBURG DRIVER INJURED IN RRATTLERORO HORSE RACE Lake, mm a driver of race nac Lake. No trace LAS yet chel Moore. IS missing from bar for more than a Raymond Sister of the meeting of tbe ttry last week was didate tor tbe mtototry. John A. Dix of TnosAseo, formarjrAco at governor of tbo ataas af New York,' ternooa. was drawn as n fnror for tbo October' i 9 tae Srat term of Waahiagtoa cownty eaart. {tbo fair St. James Roams Catbottc cbarcb jy of CAdyviile to botog oatorged, aa as-Jaa t*-LBion. twenty seroa by f*^t. being now The Rev. William H. Giles, for tao j mm wna ttorov a more j>a*t four resrs Methodist from the ministry to at r*2*noTiA John N CAritole, H^hway*. has sis for tbe the Tapper LAke-Moody way in Franklin K. Ashlev Smitb. U oris;inAted t a o grapes, is dead at bis Port. He and The Rev. g. J lain at fcy Mrs. Jaoetooa, kr§ to rear. 1^75 At taw ra Loais Peck. St yoara aid. awe af taw ^ promrreat -f Pfceips, died at a Sisaay i tiperatioa tLat day. DweaL noaray to get milk. Whoa bat a swat iway sbo mot RnIL ^ witb tbe words -Weir Myrtle, yoa sre married now.- Mrs. Waad replied "Yes. air. I Am.** Drawing a reoolvar (bar former friend aware to ~nx W. W. Browser Thrown SO Feet When bring two j Horse wi Front Fell and He ran |terrible pain Into Wreck. I blood. Mrs. Wood ran to tbe Fl 1 W. W. Browser of I*I-"-A-~ Jfceemm where attatnats were made to driving la a Af locate tao baflets by of the 1M pace at Goo, Pntcnea, drives feU tkird drivea by W. W. plamlity. TeT Emersoaa SIX. For Coaaty Trwasaror: lx>w, 22?: Waltoco, 7U: <arrl]!e 41; Pond. sag. tWnltores plarality. S4?. _ _ j For Democratic l t nrty State Corn- Head of Port H*n*r *lnat PAioJolly saRloamaa: Hayea, ait; Merrtom. la* lajarod to Trytoa to parry wa { •« Clinton County. ttif CMt . m +* f Dr. A. W Fairbanks WAS tbo anan> 1 of tbo W S A Co. Fertiliser Plnat.Jpj^^ M bio rigbt ioraarm wbilo craak , tag bio note Friday. Retnrning (ran |^r Yormoat. and botog tote for tbe steam' farry. bo nttomptod to retam by tbe Fort FTAnklta forry; bat, waoa a mfi^jpimrallty for Joba B. Ftok Stov tbe defeated by €14 of tao C. V. Rood edata reall bis radiator the immediately iiotiaed of tbo Caaries Gsrvey woat to sooompanied by Dr. C. B. Wi Lewis OMoaesnaa, Jr.. tbo G. R. PRESIDENT IRISH QUITS \ mmm fVcry saaking Aa estra trip for FAIR ASSOC IN A HUFF.; UHr a , f M r„^natinri Tbe party, to | clnding Mr Obiocts to Sate of Liooor and Ron-' niag of Shady Concessions at Pottersvtlie Fair, WMt by a plarality of 14*. ^Stevens lost Bases by tl*. and saa roUod ap a plarattty of asarly ToS to Warrea oaaaty. Merritt carried St Lawrenco coaaty by a plarality af led. Toay Guyoun, Arrostod for Dioordoriy Conduct Wediiesday. Stabs OnV cor and Makes a Getaway. , Uopaty Bbcrilt WiUtom H. James.; 4» ytars old. died at tbo Witberbee. SbatmAn A Company bospitsi. Mine-' vlUe. Wedaeajday morning tTwm in%ictod by Toay Gayaan, A : bom be bad nrreatod At o'clock fast aioratog. j Officer James, received a telephone call notifying him tbnt Gaygas WAS rAtsing A row At the home of LemUk Ynston. tsotog touuedtotely to tao scone of troaale shoot a half mile' from bis borne be arrested Gaygas and wna taking aim to tbe Jail when the, totter, who wna bold only by a twist-' or. attached to his right wrjsi. snaa>| ngtog to draw bin knife (ram bis pock- et witb his free toft band, ataabod tbe oAAcer ovor tbo livt^y. drawing the j knife dtogoaally up to and penetrating tbe rigbt tang. Throwing tbe bloody) knife sside Gaygas made a thrilling j dash for freedom. The officer palled j has revolver oaick as a nasb and fired; foar swots At tbe fleeing prisoner bat j witb no resnlt. Witb bin Ufo blood ooatog from the terrible woond James to crawl a baadred yards toi tbo store of Rosenthal and Kobe! where be nroaoed tao family by knock- tag on the door. They promptly notl- Sed tbe natnorities and an nmbalanoe wna seat to carry tbe woanded man to ihe hospital, whore bo died at ' o'clock from internal Imaunihsm^ Sheriff WiUtom A. Knowltoa who si bis homo At Crown Point wna tao scewe at aboat 1 XS o'clock. After sweariaa to A torge nambor of to tbo W MiaeviUe to enptare tbe bnd nil of n two hoar's lead oa his Careful searches were Also to And among tbe homos of the Polish* residents of these places. And men ststioaed ntong the roads and np to tbe preeent Gay- la etadteg bis par- seam to think they saw n nemoa naawering his des- atee known as n r F. D. ABERNETHY HEAD OF CHURCH STREET Burlington, Vermont Follow inj the 4 AUTUMN OPENING DAYS oaygw Tony Haywrle that asfttoa I looked l o b e Ho to S fact. It ITS to height eight U ije'ef tao Potteravitlo Faar ,^ iKvmmed^toaor to be aotd OISTRICT EPWORT HI LEAGUE CONVENTION AT PORT HENRY. «^snhmg. la leaving this Tillage iwrjYoamg People of M. E. Charchos, tbe dock, Mr. Gnrvoys car made the Puatahura District, to Attend An- high dive trots state road -pnlisalet.J n4ja j GatHoring; Good Progranv No. IZT I Tbo Ptottaaarg District Eawortb will he held at tbe al Cbarcb. Port MANCHESTER MAN A VICTIM IHeary. October ? and Mb. Tno tet- OF PECULIAR AUTO ACCIDENT, lu^m^ M tbo progrnm for the two Chiraaaoan Fatally Hart Wi ones day. M l p m. When New Tiro Tube oa Roar jDevwttoaal Service, Her. C. M. t>wto. Wheel Barata. 1 Crown Potot of MsachesterJ Addreas of Wolcome V U w a s probably totally tojnred to a R m p a a a e • ... % Ho bad last Rosa, Mrs L. E Bsrker. Mortok to a dark or gray salt and wore a der- by bat. His voire to soft like that of a wamss Tbo local oaVtoto of the Ustborbee. Fherman and Company and Fberilf Knowttaa are making every aftort to appreaond the fagitive aad together have tonaad notice aaTer- Ing $50* tor kto enptare. Mr. James who waa to tbo employ of tao Witberbee. Sherman A Com paay as oaVwr. WAS fearless to the performance of bis daty. Ho leaves A widow and twa smsn sows. Coroner Dr. A. 8. Rood, of Moriah. presided at tbe toawest bold day afternoon, and directed Dr of Ticoaderogn, to ortam examtoatioa to tbo enact aatare of the tajariea tomes* snath District Attar- F. M. LnDako was (tortlcular attention is directed to our Ready-to-Wear Department which emphasizes NEW STYLES. NEW COLORINGS, NEW MATERIALS endorsed by followers of fashion's most approved styles, TasWwed audi Seo*iTailored Suits—Flaring redtnfote, th ee quarter length and short coat style suits of gabardine, cor- duroy, velvet and brosddofh, $20.00, $22.00, S25.00. $27.50. One-Piece Dresses of fine serge, plsjn snd pieated skirts with Russian tunics and yoke tops. Many with the new basque effect. Fashionable colors and black, $12 50, $15.00 and $25.00. and some Afternoon Gowns of Silk in a variety of weaves, colorings and styles from $20.00 upwards. Women's Separate Coats and Wraps The vogue of the separate cost is greater than ever, its popularity due to several causes; o i e being its adaptability for wear over separate dresses and skirts. Fall Coats of Scotch and Irish tweed, very mannish in appearance si moderate prices ' New Fall Blouses for vesr %'ith the tailored suit or separate skirt, -developed on the newest lines: comparatively low prices. * Knitted Sweaters sre beingfeaturedfor cold weather. Sweaters have gained a degree o< perfection hardly imagined possible a few years ago. Soft Angora and Camel's hair wool in white and colors are especially strong as well as the heavier SPORTS* SWEATERS. In fact every kind of sweater is represented ranging in price frem $2 00 to $24.00 each. 4M I? frr-il ..-••* r v ..'' --i if AUSABLE FORKS CHEF RUN DOWN BY AUTO IN MALONE. ARRESTS PLATTSBURG GUZMAN FOR VIOLATING SULLIVAN LAW G. M. H ami Hon Hit by Car, Driven by W m. Robarge, Fractures Limb and ~ i is Otherwise Hurt. 'WaHo cross!** Elsi street, BOAT MeaMriAl Park. BUloao, too otter alA^L G. aL HsjaiHoa. U y o a r s aidU of Aasaalo Forks, easployed aa diet At t o o Howard Hoase, MAloao, STAS by A CAT driren by Wttttam e, HAmiltoa WAS tarowa aearily to the street and «raae4 for seversi feet by taa aoaiy laarbino BystAadera a i m trosm b i s p « i l o a s poaV Use iajared maa taat ae od a tractor* of tbo rigbt lea bet tao knee aad aJs>, to tasioas of tbo bead. HAmiltoa will be laid ss> for twa VERIdONT MAN VICTIM OF SERIOUS HUNTING ACCIDENT. ITEMS OF VERMONT NEWS FROM SCISSORED SOURCsTa* Matters of Passing Interest to Readera, Generally—And the Gleanings Ara AM Boiled Down. The HAriey ferkxns steAm saw mill totally destroyed at East Pitts- lord tbo other ereain* RvtlAad city Aldexvjea retaao to ex- tend tbo ornamental liabtioar system on West and Grow sfrvft*. Just AS it WAS tboaaht tbe epidemic of infbntlle paralysis was sabsldfta*; ia Barton two aew cases deTetoaod. The Ht. Hex. lHr. Kiasman. bishop of DelAWAre. has beam maa-tn*; Tisitar ia Vermaat oa bis way borne died s Mrs. Mrs. EUsa Sonaers, S3 tbo other day at ber V. J. Xortoa, At Fair HATOA Oeaoty S*^rlff Bisbofi Corralo Fiery Freftcbaia* Who Waa Plaoniag to Stir Oa dis- of Part 4i Patrick DoaaeSy. €i yean aid. died fktno. to tbe Rotlaad boase of for I ff I** ^JT^* T* ^ f ' i ','"' \ ^y^'i *KT m>ClO SCHOOC 9MM. Yttfta.SC »i i V' 3 » * fi 3 *r- ) r- > -J l ii'" swasp 4. k. 4 r- i t. i I* P # ri~ r * . •'V ,w *

VOL. LXXYI, NO. 1 ..- :..:..ID :ii 4M M I Wyt #pecialtpnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1914-10-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · UMaSToooa&AS. died Sunday miter A tbo Methodist chercbes

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Page 1: VOL. LXXYI, NO. 1 ..- :..:..ID :ii 4M M I Wyt #pecialtpnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1914-10-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · UMaSToooa&AS. died Sunday miter A tbo Methodist chercbes

^ - I — -

mi -J fe-






PUBLISHED AT KEESbVILLE, N. ¥., FK1DAY, OCTOBER 2, l » 1 4 ..- :..:..ID :ii

WHOLE NO. 3 9 0 1

Wyt #pecialtp£&m M I

MuxtrnWrnrnx^MiMUM asCbOsTt*


Headquarters in Vermont for the Royal Society Package Outfit

•tore it the only outlet for these foods in this city. Also carry-ing * complete line in every shade and color of the well known Celeste. Rope and India Flosses.

For the Latest Ideas in Embroidery See Our


Tel. 330 No. 24 Church S t


M i t H6bi s f W f ACM eft rTo * * * *is*-£i i ^ H t t f t f t n T A N O GLYNN WIN THE POLANDER MURDER* DEPUTY :


kiaos* Northers Now York PoNM»f*nf*o4 >«o^«U of tjto Cbarcbes la e t e * vaa**ili«a!# to HvAswsy Rocs; Booker. A#o* «7. Sao* J PlollabMre, District to So Coawesv 1 Merritt Corrios Essex by 430;

4 combe to PaeuateAia. J od There Next Monday, j E morse* by 213. Jobs M. Woror. hanker s s 4 Coraior| The AAAAAI Preachers isotitoto of New York City* District Attorney.

UMaSToooa&AS. died Sunday miter A tbo Methodist chercbes of the i ^ t a - Charles 8. Wbitama And Governor w o r k . Ulaeas with aaeamoaiA, At his harg district will s o Sold i s Ticea>; Martin R Glyoa won too ruber-

i s PlAttAbuffs. Atod 47 years, jdetoaa Moaejhy s s d ToeeaAy. Octeber, oaurte l aomlaatioa of the Repabiicaa SfOAidont of too Merehaat's ,* And d. A* tbo Tteosdofoss caares^AAd Democratic parties roopecUvoly l i e

NAUOOAI book of that eky And had j i t nndorsotos e s taas i re rasalrs. tao At the dirstt arlmArieo. Monday. Fred of tbo ooavontlon will t o j e r k * M. Unvonaort won oat ovor Wm.

tbo Coasrosatsooal ceyeh JBelser for the Pnurresalre aomlaatlna. Tno aroaoAta fellows: j Jaaiec W. Wadsvorth. Jr.. woa tao

MoadAy KteoiAA—Uevotkjaal sec . u r i n a l i o n for I* 8. 8enAtar. vice.—Rev. N. M. Loarnod f No defiait* returns novo been ro-

Addroao—Mr. Aadersoa. Raft- £*t*-;rt4vod tor tao e la te s o o tbo Reeobii of, Saloon LoAsao. jean And Democratic aiAte t ickets be-

TaoAilAy Moral**: —Tbo Qalet l i a r , l o w tbo o o V e of sovernor. And tbo sac —Rev. T. G. Thoeaaeoe. Diss. Baa*. Iceasfal oAadatatoA And tbolr alaralftioA

Is tbe Cherch data* Its tori4sa*Ve*ay not no cortAiaiy kaown for ser-

for yaars a aroaiiaoat Saaro ia tbo baAinoAA and noittkai Ufo of j bold ia nortbora New York .

Mr. Wearer wna A Melon* roaabU-CAA. served ia t a o Civil WAT And wan A member of tao STth and SSfh aroma. For year* bo WAA tno

party ia tain

Mo Cliatoa oaaaty.

! Mr. Wovor waa a mimbrr of tao Q A. R. Beaodici Pool; for saaay y a voatrymAa of Trinity cbarcb: servod an a dirortior of tao Board of Traateoa of tbo Piottabar* Rtato Nor­mal acbooL Mo was a cbartor mom-ber of PlAtUbarc lodce F. A A. M. And

to Piattaear* cbaater


Lyaaeaville Lover tbea Trios to mmmmmmm^mmmmmmtm r i - - • • • • » — — — ^ — * m* So*C»Wt by C o t U s * h 4 * TbfOat


• • _ _ _ _ j s e r ndmtrer. Mrs. Portey Wood, of

TH of Local and Oanoral twtoroat—' Uraoa its Oaoorvnaoo an a General ^ Jobnabary a yoaaa wife of two Cloaa-aa Day: t f i n o l i Are to ! ****** l ies tn a d y i n a eoadiitoa at tno

farm boose near Lyadoavtllo. V u of Jrwa Flower wttb two ballot woaads

l i s nor body, one near UM | tbe otbor la tbo net of tao i HoosA RAIL IS roars aid, wno sbot in

pnby Faraaraaaa Coaaooasd From Garrottt Ctiroaloles.

Partndtes are snat l a no asaattfal At SarA&ac LabsX |

Giezis False workers will v> the residents of tbat

i Day: tck»ot« Are to Mood Fire Drills.

It takoa tao wnaat croa of to any for tno Ere waato of tbo try. a s too not as in to taa naUoa ly osTsets tb< Tno Ere wa

Folks object to every

avl WerkV-Rev . G. M. Moody. l e n d dAys. _ t i loraislon l a d by Rov. U J. At-} Governor Glyaa defsatod Joba A.

weiL Ilien&oasy for tbe D e a o e r t t k aomimv Tbo Coantry Cbarcb. ji oa for governor witb osae. Tno eo-A* s S^cisi And SducationAl ' •%•>-! imate of TnmmAny HsU tbat tbo sov-

ter—Rev. G. H PetUnaiU. (ornor woald wia by 7Sgt*> ia New As tbe Ceater of RpirittisJ 1 to— f York will not tall tar abort of being

Rev. L. E. Darker. Uorrect- Ho Also loads upstate. General discaasian. j District Ai tomey WbitmAa bnd A General Cbarcb Pabtldly—Rev. F ( raaaway race ngainst MArvey U H i a

\Y. TerreH. - i HAM and Job E. fjlodaoA tor IMosiatl-l>«sctissioo—Rev J. U aOlinwaod. cms gnboraatorial bonoi*, s b o v i a g Tbe Pastor In tbe Homos of tbe surprisiag atrongtb botb a# s a d down

People Rov. W. M. WasbbSra. j state, Taesday Afteraooa:--4)evotiot*ft. ^ I la Esasa Coaaty.

o a Fnalts of Ministers— f Cssez coaaty comaieto ofBcisi re-

Rev. J. K. IHscassion—Rer. P. VL SbAdduclt. Tno Mlaiatora and Cbarcb

—Rev. M. H. S a i t b . DleiaaHoa Rrr J. C. Review. Tbo Saannso

JASSOA A Perry. Tbo Modern Palpit—Rer J


Frencb kariBf tbe Wsrroa oaaaty tabarcnloaii ' coantry koeaitAl tocatod la tbolr d is tr ic t J

Tbe Cbamaiaia Ran*? Comaany will (

akoniy commoaco oaoratmaa a a a Uag docaaratlaa la a lav^aani t ioa d e a - ! ^ ° « ^ Tnere M oaly a vary aiigbt j years lombartag Jab near PtorcoRoMJignatlng Octoaor » a s Fwo P w v e a t l o a > c t o l K * l k a t M f S * ^ 0 O * w t t l r w M r # c l

The Chnteongay potaso market io |day . T a o Governor argos tbo o s o o r r - j * i l » < m * * oaea for b n s l s i a t Tbo ^Maraaios" AACO of tbo day AS A awaoral cloan-aa! tM^bAbly

I tarns g iro tbe total vote tor Repabii-Icaa candidates a s foliows: ! For swvornor: Hedges. 3 V.. Hia Imaau s^S: Wbitmnn. l o t . H l a m a a s phaTAllty. S04.

¥m Uea teaaa t Governor: Heacock. \*A; Scboeaock. IS*: Stdway. lbf.

W . U e a c o c k ' s siarality. TO*. For CaUsd States Senator: HilL

STw; WAdswortb. ^ 4 ; Colder *:» a j to iom rage tbo s imira bo bwod.1 Taeaaojr oveataa—usrwi»«ros»s « ^ ^WAdswortbs alarAlity. 17C

n a d X l d * S t i a to Cnlodoaia c ^ n t y JnR to SL . i c o by tbe pastor. Rov. C E. T ~ | F ~ * « * ~ ^ * ^ C T E r . " coot e 7 a !L w f Jobnabary wttb two knife woaads to ma**- tmnleto. KT; Stevens, » t ; Merritt i ? ^ W , b t l ^ l e X w b i s c b to b i s despAir be to, Addreoo^Rev. Rdgnr Btobw. * I ^ « t Morri t t . plarality. O o ^ ^ !Rirted npoa bunseif nfter nnoottog tbe g e a ^ a i secretary of tlsO Board of Ran-. For State Senator Stevea«. i M ;

way acaaois of tbo M. C


s o i tbe first day At SS Tbe Rev. Staooy R.

Bottom has tbe First BApUat

Mtot Aikw Dyke.

WAX. witb Sro drills In tao t a j tbat After trying to

welL doapHe tao fnct * > P T . CMEESEMAN RREAKS wetu aoaptte tae n o , R | C M T Afm% CRANKING AUTO

of taipectJoa of paafic of State Fire Marmaal

af tao tbo Rev. and Mrs. Otto D y t e . af Lake PIA-

tctor. K. J . t o Flro

bis taroat bo rivor.

by of tbo

cid baa gone to teach.

Lake Placid c i t i ssas are procaottng'sts ie wRb tbo the construction of paved s treets to meaas for tbe that village And n bontovard to SATA-'


H o a a s t o ! Mrs. Wood for tbo par-1 Mr. ami Mrs

of tbo t o tbe

af Rres.



mm a driver of race

nac Lake. No trace LAS yet

chel Moore. IS missing from bar for more than a

Raymond Sister of the meeting of tbe ttry last week was didate tor tbe mtototry.

John A. Dix of TnosAseo, formarjrAco a t governor of tbo ataas af N e w York,' ternooa. was drawn a s n fnror for tbo October' i 9 t a e Srat term of Waahiagtoa cownty eaart. {tbo fair

St. James Roams Catbottc cbarcb j y of CAdyviile to botog oatorged, a a as-Jaa t*-LBion. twenty seroa by f*^t. being now

The Rev. William H. Giles, for tao j mm wna ttorov a more j>a*t four r e s r s Methodist from the ministry t o at r*2*noTiA

John N CAritole, H^hway*. has sis for tbe the Tapper LAke-Moody way in Franklin

K. Ashlev Smitb. U oris;inAted tao grapes, is dead a t b i s Port. He and

The Rev. g. J lain at fcy Mrs. Jaoetooa, kr§ to rear. 1^75 At taw ra

Loais Peck. St yoara aid. awe a f taw ^ promrreat -f Pfceips, died at a

S i s a a y i tiperatioa tLat day.

DweaL noaray t o get

milk. Whoa bat a swat iway sbo mot RnIL ^

witb tbe words - W e i r Myrtle, yoa s r e married now. - Mrs. Waad replied "Yes. air. I Am.** Drawing a reoolvar

(bar former friend aware to ~nx

W. W. Browser Thrown SO Feet When bring t w o j Horse wi Front Fell and He ran | terrible pain

Into Wreck. I blood. Mrs. Wood ran to tbe Fl 1 W. W. Browser of I * I - " - A - ~ Jfceemm where attatnats were made t o

driving la a Af

locate tao baflets by

of the 1M pace at Goo, Pntcnea, dr ives

feU tkird

drivea by W. W.

plamlity. TeT Emersoaa SIX.

For Coaaty Trwasaror: lx>w, 22?: Waltoco, 7U: <arrl]!e 41; Pond. sag.

tWnltores plarality. S4?. _ _ j For Democratic l tnrty State Corn-

Head of Port H*n*r * lnat PAioJolly saRloamaa: Hayea, a i t ; Merrtom. l a * lajarod to Trytoa to parry wa { •« Clinton County.

t t i f CMt.m +* f Dr. A. W Fairbanks WAS tbo anan>

1 of tbo W S A Co. Fertiliser P l n a t . J p j ^ ^ M

bio rigbt ioraarm wbilo craak , tag bio note Friday. Retnrning ( r a n | ^ r Yormoat. and botog tote for tbe s t eam' farry. bo nttomptod to r e t a m by tbe Fort FTAnklta forry; bat, waoa a mfi^jpimrallty

for Joba B. Ftok

Stov tbe defeated

by €14

of tao C. V. Rood e d a t a

reall b i s radiator the immediately iiotiaed of tbo Caaries Gsrvey woat to sooompanied by Dr. C. B. Wi Lewis OMoaesnaa, Jr.. tbo G. R.

PRESIDENT IRISH QUITS \mmm fVcry saaking Aa es tra trip for FAIR A S S O C IN A H U F F . ; U H r a , f Mr„^natinri Tbe party, to |

clnding Mr Obiocts to Sate of Liooor and Ron-'

niag of Shady Concessions at Pottersvtlie Fair,

W M t by a plarality of 14*. ^ S t e v e n s lost Bases by t l * . and

saa roUod ap a plarattty of asarly ToS to Warrea oaaaty. Merritt carried St Lawrenco coaaty by a plarality af led.

Toay Guyoun, Arrostod for Dioordoriy Conduct Wediiesday. Stabs OnV

cor and Makes a Getaway. , Uopaty Bbcrilt WiUtom H. James.;

4» ytars old. died at tbo Witberbee. SbatmAn A Company bospitsi . Mine-' vlUe. Wedaeajday morning tTwm

in%ictod by Toay Gayaan, A :

bom be bad nrreatod At o'clock fas t aioratog. j

Officer James, received a telephone call notifying him tbnt Gaygas WAS rAtsing A row At the home of LemUk Ynston. tsotog touuedtotely to tao scone of troaale shoot a half mile ' from bis borne be arrested Gaygas and wna taking aim to tbe Jail when the , totter, who wna bold only by a twist-' or. attached to his r ight wrjsi. snaa>| ngtog to draw bin knife (ram bis pock­et witb his free toft band, ataabod tbe oAAcer ovor tbo livt^y. drawing the j knife dtogoaally up to and penetrating tbe rigbt tang. Throwing tbe bloody) knife ss ide Gaygas made a thrilling j dash for freedom. The officer palled j has revolver oaick as a nasb and fired; foar swots At tbe fleeing prisoner bat j witb no resnlt. Witb bin Ufo blood ooatog from the terrible woond James

to crawl a baadred yards to i tbo store of Rosenthal and Kobe! where be nroaoed tao family by knock-tag on the door. They promptly notl-Sed tbe natnorities and an nmbalanoe wna seat to carry tbe woanded man to ihe hospital, whore bo died at ' o'clock from internal I m a u n i h s m ^

Sheriff WiUtom A. Knowltoa who s i bis homo At Crown Point wna

t a o scewe at aboat 1 XS o'clock. After sweariaa to A torge nambor of

to tbo W

MiaeviUe to enptare tbe bnd nil of n two hoar's lead o a his

Careful searches were Also to And among tbe homos of the

Polish* residents of these places. And men ststioaed ntong the roads and

np to tbe preeent Gay-la etadteg bis par-

seam to think they saw n nemoa naawering his des-

atee known a s n r


Burlington, Vermont

Follow inj the 4


oaygw Tony Haywrle that asfttoa I looked l o b e Ho to S fact. I t


to height


U i j e ' e f tao Potteravitlo Faar , ^ iKvmmed^toaor to be aotd


«^snhmg. la leaving this Tillage iwrjYoamg People of M. E. Charchos, tbe dock, Mr. Gnrvoys car made the Puatahura District, to Attend An-high dive trots state road -pnlisalet .J n 4 j a j GatHoring; Good Progranv No. IZT I Tbo Ptottaaarg District Eawortb

will he held at tbe a l Cbarcb. Port

MANCHESTER MAN A VICTIM IHeary. October ? and Mb. Tno tet-OF PECULIAR AUTO ACCIDENT, lu^m^ M tbo progrnm for t h e two

Chiraaaoan Fatally Hart W i ones day. M l p m. When New Tiro Tube o a Roar jDevwttoaal Service, Her. C. M. t>wto.

Wheel Barata. 1 Crown Potot of MsachesterJ Addreas of Wolcome

V U w a s probably totally tojnred to a R m p a a a e • . . . % Ho bad last Rosa, Mrs L. E Bsrker. Mortok

to a dark or gray salt and wore a der­by bat. His voire to soft l ike that of a w a m s s Tbo local oaVtoto of the Ustborbee. Fherman and Company and Fberilf Knowttaa are making every aftort to appreaond the fagitive aad together have tonaad notice aaTer-Ing $50* tor kto enptare.

Mr. James who waa to tbo employ of tao Witberbee. Sherman A Com paay a s oaVwr. WAS fearless to the performance of bis daty. Ho leaves A widow and t w a s m s n sows.

Coroner Dr. A. 8. Rood, of Moriah. presided at tbe toawest bold day afternoon, and directed Dr

of Ticoaderogn, t o ortam examtoatioa to

tbo enact aatare of the tajariea tomes* snath District Attar-

F. M. LnDako was

(tortlcular attention is directed to our

Ready-to-Wear Department which emphasizes


endorsed by followers of fashion's most approved styles,

TasWwed audi Seo*iTailored Suits—Flaring redtnfote, th ee quarter length and short coat style suits of gabardine, cor­duroy, velvet and brosddofh, $20.00, $22.00, S25.00. $27.50.

One-Piece Dresses of fine serge, plsjn snd pieated skirts with Russian tunics and yoke tops. Many with the new basque effect. Fashionable colors and black, $12 50, $15.00 and $25.00.

and some Afternoon Gowns of Silk in a variety of weaves, colorings and styles from $20.00 upwards.

Women's Separate Coats and Wraps The vogue of the separate cost is greater than ever, its

popularity due to several causes; oie being its adaptability for wear over separate dresses and skirts.

Fall Coats of Scotch and Irish tweed, very mannish in appearance si moderate prices

' New Fall Blouses for vesr %'ith the tailored suit or separate skirt, -developed on the newest lines: comparatively low prices. *

Knitted Sweaters sre being featured for cold weather. Sweaters have gained a degree o< perfection hardly imagined possible a few years ago.

Soft Angora and Camel's hair wool in white and colors are especially strong as well as the heavier SPORTS* SWEATERS. In fact every kind of sweater is represented ranging in price f rem $2 00 to $24.00 each.


I? frr-il

..-••* r v

..'' --i




G. M. H ami Hon Hit by Car, Driven by

W m. Robarge, Fractures Limb and ~ i

i s Otherwise Hurt.

' W a H o cross!** Elsi street, BOAT MeaMriAl Park. BUloao, too o t t e r alA^L G. aL HsjaiHoa. U yoars aidU of Aasaalo Forks, easployed aa d i e t At t o o Howard Hoase, MAloao, STAS

by A CAT driren by Wttttam e,

HAmiltoa WAS tarowa aeari ly to the street and « r a a e 4 for seversi feet by taa a o a i y laarbino BystAadera

a im trosm b i s p « i l o a s poaV

Use iajared maa taat a e od a tractor* of tbo rigbt lea bet tao knee aad aJs>, to tas ioas of tbo bead. HAmiltoa will be laid ss> for twa



Matters of Passing Interest to Readera, Generally—And the Gleanings Ara

AM Boiled Down. The HAriey ferkxns steAm s a w mill

totally destroyed at East Pitts-lord tbo other e r e a i n *

RvtlAad city Aldexvjea retaao to ex­tend tbo ornamental liabtioar sys tem on West and G r o w sfrvft*.

Just AS it WAS tboaaht tbe epidemic of infbntlle paralysis was sabsldfta*; i a Barton two aew cases deTetoaod.

The Ht. Hex. lHr. Kiasman. bishop of DelAWAre. has beam maa-tn*; Tisitar

ia Vermaat o a b is way borne

died s Mrs.

Mrs. EUsa Sonaers, S3 tbo other day a t ber V. J. Xortoa, At Fair HATOA

Oeaoty S*^rlff Bisbofi Corralo Fiery Freftcbaia* Who Waa Plaoniag

to Stir Oa dis-

of Part 4 i

Patrick DoaaeSy. € i y e a n aid. died fktno.

t o tbe Rotlaad boase of for

I ff I** ^ J T ^ * T * ^ f' i ','"'\ ̂ y ^ ' i *KT m>ClO SCHOOC 9MM.

Ytt f ta .SC

»i i

V ' • 3

• » * •

fi 3

*r-• )

r-> • - J

l i i '" swasp

4. k. 4


i t. i I *

P # r i ~

r * .

• ' V

,w *