Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Graeca, Part 1 (Vols. 1–18) Table of Contents http://www.logos.com/products/prepub/details/4345 Vol. Author/Title (Eng) Printed Volume (column ranges) PG 1 Clement of Rome, pt. 1 Dissertatio (9-30). Latin only Variorum Proeemia (31-198). Latin only Epistula I ad Corinthios (199-328). Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin Epistula II ad Corinthios (329-348) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin Epistolae duae ad Virgines (349-452) Syriac with Latin translation, with Latin introduction and notes Superiorum Epistolarum (453-460) Greek with Latin translation, with Latin notes Epistolae Decretales (461-540) Latin only Constitutiones Apostolicae (541-1156) Greek with Latin translation, Latin introduction and notes. Recognitiones S. Clementis (1157-1474) Latin only. Ordo Rerum (1475-1484) PG 2 Clement of Rome, pt. 2 Testimonia veterum de Clementinis (9-11) Greek text with Latin translation and notes Dissertatio proemialis Gallandii de Clementis (12-19) Latin only Homiliae Viginti Clementis Romani nunc primum integrae (20-24) Latin only Homiliae Viginiti (25-468) Greek text with Latin translation and notes Epitome Clementis (469-603) Greek text with Latin translation and notes Liturgia Sacnti Clementis Romani (604-616) Latin only Martyrium S. Clementis papae Romani (617-632) Greek text with Latin translation and notes Ephraim archiepiscopi Chersonis narration de miraculo quod in puero factum est a S. Clemente martyre (633-646) Greek

Vol. Author/Title (Eng) Printed Volume (column ranges)Fragmenta Operum Deperditorum S. Justini (1572-1604) Greek text with Latin translation and notes Indices. Index Graecorum Vocabulorum

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  • Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Graeca, Part 1 (Vols. 1–18)

    Table of Contents


    Vol. Author/Title (Eng) Printed Volume (column ranges)

    PG 1 Clement of Rome, pt. 1

    Dissertatio (9-30). Latin only

    Variorum Proeemia (31-198). Latin only

    Epistula I ad Corinthios (199-328). Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    Epistula II ad Corinthios (329-348) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    Epistolae duae ad Virgines (349-452) Syriac with Latin translation, with Latin introduction and notes

    Superiorum Epistolarum (453-460) Greek with Latin translation, with Latin notes

    Epistolae Decretales (461-540) Latin only

    Constitutiones Apostolicae (541-1156) Greek with Latin translation, Latin introduction and notes.

    Recognitiones S. Clementis (1157-1474) Latin only.

    Ordo Rerum (1475-1484)

    PG 2 Clement of Rome, pt. 2

    Testimonia veterum de Clementinis (9-11) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Dissertatio proemialis Gallandii de Clementis (12-19) Latin only

    Homiliae Viginti Clementis Romani nunc primum integrae (20-24) Latin only

    Homiliae Viginiti (25-468) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Epitome Clementis (469-603) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Liturgia Sacnti Clementis Romani (604-616) Latin only

    Martyrium S. Clementis papae Romani (617-632) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ephraim archiepiscopi Chersonis narration de miraculo quod in puero factum est a S. Clemente martyre (633-646) Greek

  • text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Barnabas Apostolus

    Prolegomena (647-726) Latin only; some Greek text and Latin translation

    Epistola Catholica S. Barnabae Apostoli (727-782) Greek text with Latin translation, some Latin only

    S. Matthias Apostolus

    Fragmenta (783-784) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Bartholomaeus Apostolus

    Sententia brevis (785-786) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Anacletus Papa

    Notitia (787-788) Latin only

    Epistolae et decreta (789-818) Latin only

    Sanctus Hermas vir Apostolicus

    Prooemia (819-891) Latin only, some Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Pastor (892-1011) Some Latin only, some Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Appendix ad S. Hermam (1012-1024) Latin only


    Testamenta XII Patriarcharum, Prooemia (1025-1037) Latin only

    Testamenta Duodecim Patriarcharum (1038-1150) Greek text with Latin translation

    Tabula Chronologica (1151-1159) Latin only

    Epistola ad Diognetum, Prooemia (1160-1167) Latin only

    Epistola ad Diognetum (1168-1186)

    Presbyterorum et Diaconorum Achaiae

    Veterum Testimonia (1187-1198) Some Latin only, some Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Gallandii Praefatio (1199-1217) Latin only

    Acta et Martyrium S. Andrae apostolic (1218-1248)

  • Index Analyticus (1249-1264) Latin only

    Index Verborum Notabiliorum (1265-1273) Greek headwords

    Ordo Rerum (1274-1277) Latin only

    Addenda (1277-1304) Greek and Latin text

    PG 3 Dionysius the Areopagite, pt. 1

    Prolegomena (9-118) Primarily Latin, some Greek with Latin translation

    De Caelesti Hierarchia (119-368) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    De Ecclesiastica Hierarchia (369-584) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    De Divinis Nominibus (585-996) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    De Mystica Theologia (997-1064) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    Epistolae (1065-1122) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    Liturgia Sancti Dionysii (1123-1152) Latin only

    Balthasaris Corderii Onomasticum Dionysianum (1153-1175) Greek head terms with Latin glosses and discussion

    Index Rerum (1176-1188) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1189-1192) Latin only

    PG 4 Dionysius the Areopagite, pt. 2

    Typographus Lectori (9-) Latin only

    Appendix ad S. Dionysium Aeropagitam (13-576) Greek text with Latin translation, introductions and notes in Latin.

    Scriptores Varii Vitae S. Dionysii Areopagitae (577-1088) Greek with Latin translation, notes in Latin

    Index Rerum Memorabilium (1089-1096) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1097-1100) Latin only

    PG 5 Ignatius of Antioch

    Prolegomena (9-624) Some Greek with Latin translation (and even some with Latin versions), others Latin only.

    Sancti Ignatii Epistolae Genuinae (625-728) Greek with Latin

  • translation, Latin introductions and notes

    S. Ignatii Epistolae Interpolate (729-872) Greek with Latin translation and notes.

    S. Ignatii Epistolae Supposititiae (873-968) Greek with Latin translation, some Latin translation of Syriac.

    Liturgia Sancti Ignatii (969-978). Latin only.

    Martyrium Sancti Hieromartyris Ignatii Theophorii (979-995) Greek with Latin translation and notes


    Prolegomena (996-1004). Latin only

    Epistola ad Philippenses (1005-1024) Greek with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmenta E Responsionum Capitulus S. Polycarpo Adscriptis (1025-1028). Latin only

    Ecclesiae Smyrnensis de Martyrio Sancti Polycarpi Epistola Circularis (1029-1046) Greek with Latin translation and notes

    Evaristus Papa

    Epistolae (1047-1057) Latin only

    Alexander I Papa

    Epistolae (1058-1073) Latin only

    Sixtus I Papa

    Epistolae (1074-1080) Latin only

    Telesphorus Papa

    Epistolae (1081-1087) Latin only

    Hyginus Papa

    Epistolae (1088-1092) Latin only

    Pius I Papa

    Dissertatio de Vita et Scriptis S. Pii I Papae (1093-1119) Latin only

    Epistolae (1120-1129) Latin only

    Anicetus I Papa

    Epistola ad Galliae Episcopos (1130-1133) Latin only

    Soter Papa

    Epistolae (1134-1139) Latin only

  • Eleutherus Papa

    Epistolae (1140-1144) Latin only

    Melito of Sardis

    Notitia et Fragmenta (1145-1231) Latin only

    Spuria (1232-1250) Latin Only


    Notitia (1251-1254) Latin only

    Fragmenta (1255-1262) Greek text with Latin translation and notes


    Notitia (1263-1265) Latin only

    Fragmentum (1266-1266) Greek text with Latin translations and notes

    Aristides Apologista et Philosophus Christianus

    Notitia (1267-1268) Latin only

    Agrippa Castor

    Notitia (1269-1271) Greek text with Latin translations and notes

    Aristo Pellaeus

    Notitia (1272-1277) Latin only

    Fragmenta (1278-1286) Greek text with Latin translations and notes

    Claudius Apollinaris, Episcopus Hierapolitan,


    Notitia (1286-1294) Latin only

    Fragmenta (1294-1302) Greek text with Latin translations and notes


    Notitia (1303-1307) Latin only

    Fragmenta (1308-1327) Greek text with Latin translation and notes


    Notitia (1327-1328) Latin only

  • Paucula Quaedam (1329-1331) Greek text with Latin translation and notes


    Notitia (1332-1332) Latin only

    Fragmenta (1333-1337) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Maximus Hierosolymorum Episcopus

    Notitia (1338-1339) Latin only

    Fragmentum (1340-1355) Greek text with Latin translation

    Polycrates Ephesiorum Episcopus

    Notitia (1356-1357) Latin only

    Fragmenta (1358-1361) Greek text with Latin translation

    Acta Sancti Timothei (1362-1365) Latin only

    Theophilus Caesareae Palestinae Episcopus

    Notitia (1366-1369) Latin only

    Fragmentum (1370-1371) Greek text with Latin translation and notes.

    Serapion Episcopus Antiochenus

    Notitia (1372-1373) Latin only

    Fragmenta (1374-1375) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Apollonius of Ephesus

    Notitia (1376-1380) Latin only

    Apolonii Fragmenta (1381-1385) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Anonymous 2nd



    Reliquae (1386-1401) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ecclesiarum Viennensis et Lugdunensis Epistola de Martyrio S. Pothini Episcopi et Aliorum Plurimorum, Prooemia(1402-

    1405) Latin only

  • Fragmentum Epistolae Ss. Martyrium Lugdunensium (1406-1409) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ecclesiarum Viennensis et Lugdunensis Epistola de Martyrio S. Pothini Episcopi et Aliorum Plurimorum (1410-1453) Greek

    text with Latin translation and notes

    Appendix (1454-1474) Latin only

    S. Victor I, Papa

    Notitia (1475-1475) Latin only

    Commentarius Chronologico-Historicus (1476-1483) Latin only

    Epistolae (1484-1489) Latin only

    Archaeus Episcopus Africanus

    Fragmentum (1489-1490) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1491-1504) Latin only

    PG 6 Justin Martyr

    Praefatio (9-226) Latin only

    Sancti Justini Philosophi et Martyris Opera Quae Exstant Omnia, Analysis (227-228) Latin only

    Oratio ad Graecos (229-240) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Cohortatio ad Graecos (240-240) Latin only

    Cohortatio ad Graecos (241-311) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Libri de Monarchia (311-311) Latin only

    De Monarchia (312-326) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Primae Apologiae (326-326) Latin only

    Apologia Prima pro Christianis (328-440) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Apologiae Secundae (440-441)

    Apologia Secunda pro Christianis (441-469) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Dialogi cum Tryphone Judaeo (469-470) Latin only

    Dialogus cum Tryphone Judaeo (471-800) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

  • Tatian

    Analysis Orationis Tatiani Adversus Graecos (801-802) Latin only

    Oratio Adversus Graecos (803-887) Greek text with Latin translation and notes


    Analysis Apologiae Athenagorae (888-888) Latin only

    Legatio pro Christianis (889-972) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Libri Athenagore De Resurrectione Mortuorum (973-973) Latin only

    De Resurrectione Mortuorum (974-1023) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Theophilus of Antioch

    Ad Autolycum Libri Tres, Analysis Libri Primi (1023-1023) Latin only

    Ad Autolycum Libri Primi (1024-1045) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Libri Secundi (1046-1047) Latin only

    Ad Autolycum Libri Secundi (1047-1120) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Analysis Libri Terth (1120-1121) Latin only

    Ad Autolycum Libri Terth (1121-1167) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Hermias philosophus

    Gentilium Philosophorum Irrisio (1168-1180) Greek text with Latin translation, notes and introduction.

    Appendix Pars Prima, S. Justini Opera Spuria

    Epistola ad Zenam et Serenum (1181-1203) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Admonitio in Expositionem Rectae Confessionis (1204-1206) Latin only

    Exposition Rectae Confessionis (1207-1240) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Admonitio in Quaestiones et Responsiones ad Orthodoxos (1241-1245) Latin only

  • Index Quaestiones (1246-1249) Latin only

    Responsiones ad Orthodoxos (1250-1400) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Admonitio in Sequentes Quaestiones Christianorum ad Graecos et Graecorum ad Christianos (1401-1401) Latin only

    Quaestiones Christianae ad Graecos (1402-1490) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Admonitio in Confutationem quorumdam Aristotelis Dogmatum (1490-1491) Latin only

    Quorumdam Aristotelis Dogmatum Confutatio (1492-1563) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Appendicis Pars II: Acti Martyrii S. Justini


    Admonitio in Partem II Appenicis (1564-1565) Latin only

    Acta Martyrii S. Justini (1565-1571) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmenta Operum Deperditorum S. Justini (1572-1604) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Indices. Index Graecorum Vocabulorum (1605-1610) Greek headwords

    Index Rerum (1611-1699) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1700-1708) Latin only

    Joannis Henrici Nolte Conjecturae et Emendationes (1709-1827) Primarily Latin with some Greek

    Index (1828-1832) Latin only

    PG 7 Irenaeus

    Praefatio (9-23) Latin only

    Dissertationes Praeviae in Irenaei Libros, Dissertatio Prima (24-173) Latin only

    Dissertatio Secunda (174-242) Latin only

    Dissertatio Tertia (242-381) Latin only

    Comentatio de Authentia Liborum Irenaei Adversus Haeresis (382-404) Latin only

    Excerpta ex Prologomenis Adolphi Stieren (405-419) Latin only

    Selecta Veterum Testimonia de Irenaeo Ejusque Scriptus (420-430) Greek text with Latin translations

  • Ad Libros Contra Haeresis Prologos (431-432) Latin only

    Contra Haereses Libri Quinquie Analysis Libri Primi (433-436) Latin only, with one illustration

    Contra Haereses Liber Prius (457-706) Greek text with Latin translation and notes, though some portions are Latin only

    Contra Haeresis Analysis Libri Secundi (707-707) Latin only

    Contra Haeresis Liber Secundus (708-841) Latin text with notes; some Greek fragments

    Contra Haeresis Analysis Libri Tertii (841-843) Latin only

    Contra Haeresis Liber Tertius (843-971) Latin text with notes, some Greek fragments

    Contra Haeresis Analysis Libri Quarti (972-973) Latin only

    Contra Haeresis Liber Quartus (974-1117) Latin text with notes, possibly some Greek fragments

    Contra Haeresis Analysis Libri Quinti (1118-1119) Latin only

    Contra Haeresis Liber Quintus (1120-1223) Latin text with notes, some Greek fragments

    De Sequentibus Fragmentis Admonitio (1224-1225) Latin only

    Fragmenta Deperditorum Operum S. Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis et Martyris (1226-1263) Greek text with Latin

    translation and notes

    Appendix ad Irenaei Libros Contra Haereses Continens Gnosticorum Quorum Meminit S. Martyr Fragmenta (1264-

    1321) Latin text with notes, Greek text with Latin notes

    Prolegomena Variorum in Irenae Libros, Desideratus Erasmus (1322-1363) Latin only

    Variorum Notae in Libros S. Irenaei Contra Haeresis, Liber Primum (1364-1525) Latin only

    Variorum Notae in Librum Secundum Sancti Irenaei (1525-1600) Latin only

    Variorum Notae in Librum Tertium Sancti Irenaei (1600-1637) Latin only

    Variorum Notae in Librum Quartum Sancti Irenaei (1638-1781) Latin only

    Variorum Notae in Librum Quintum Sancti Irenaei (1782-1846) Latin only

    Variorum Notae in Fragmenta Sancti Irenaei (1847-1877) Latin only

    Glossarium Graecum (1878-1883) Greek headwords with Latin glosses/definitions

  • Glossarium Latinum (1884-1901) Latin headwords with Latin glosses/definitions

    Index Rerum et Sententiarium (1902-1987) Latin only

    Index Rerum Praecipuarum (1988-2005) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (2006-2015) Latin only

    Addenda (2016-2020) Latin only

    PG 8 Clement of Alexandria

    Notitia Historico-Litteraria in Clementem Alexandrinum (9-26) Latin only

    Lectori S. (27-34) Latin only

    Veterum Testimonia (35-49) Greek text with Latin translations and notes

    Cohortatio ad Gentes (50-216) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Paedagogus (217-684) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Stromatum Liber Primus (685-929) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Stromatum Liber Secundus (930-1097) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Stromatum Liber Tertius (1098-1213) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Stromatum Liber Quartus (1214-1382) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ordo Rerum (1383-1388) Latin only

    PG 9 Clement of Alexandria

    Stromatum Liber Quintus (9-206) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Stromatum Liber Sextus (207-401) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Stromatum Liber Septimus (402-557) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Stromatum Liber Octavus (558-602) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Liber Quis Dives Salvetur (603-651) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Excerpta ex Scriptis Theodoti et Doctrina Quae Orientalis Vocatur ad Valentini Tempora Spectantia (652-697) Greek

    text with Latin translation and notes

  • Ex Scripturis Propheticis Eclogae (698-728) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmenta (729-776) Latin only

    Scholia Vetera (777-794) Greek text with Latin notes

    Domni Nicolai Le Nourry, Dissertationes Admonitio (795-796) Latin only

    Dissertatio Prima (797-999) Latin only

    Dissertatio Secunda (1000-1436) Latin only

    Dissertatio Tertia (1437-1484) Latin only

    Admonitio in Subsequentis Chronographias (1485-1485)

    Chronographia Clementis Alexandrini (1486-1495) Latin only

    Index Graecitatis (1496-1549) Greek headwords

    Index Auctorum (1550-1559) Latin only

    Index Rerum (1560-1621) Latin only

    Index Verborum, Sententarium et Rerum quae in Triplici Dissertatione d. le Nourry Contentur (1622-1681) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1682-1696) Latin only

    PG 10 S. Zephirinus Pontifex Romanus

    Notitia ex Libro Pontificali Damasi Papae (9-10) Latin only

    Notitia Altera (11-11) Latin only

    Epistolae (12-17) Latin only

    Caius Presbyter Romanus

    Notitia (18-24) Latin only

    Fragmenta ex Dialogo sive Disputatione adversus Proclum sectae Cataphrygarum patronum (25-25) Greek text with

    Latin translation and notes

    Fragmenta ex Parvo Labyrintho sive ex libro Adversus Artimonis haeresim (26-33) Greek text with Latin translation

    and notes

    Fragmentum acephalum de Canone sacrarum Scripturarum (34-35) Latin only

    Julius Africanus

    Notitia (36-45) Latin only

    Notita Altera (46-50) Latin only

  • Epistola ad Origenem de Historia Suzannae et Origenis ad Africanum Responsum (51-63) Greek text with Latin

    translation and introduction

    Fragmenta ex Quinque libris Chronographiae (64-93) Greek text with Latin translation and introduction

    Passio S. Symphorosae et Septem Filiorum Ejus, Admonitio (94-95) Latin only

    Passio S. Symphorosae et Septem Filiorum Ejus (96-97) Latin only

    Africani Narratio de is Quae Christo Nato in Persia Acciderunt (98-108) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Callistus I Pontifex Romanus et Martyr

    Notitia (109-110) Latin only

    Notitia Altera (111-111) Latin only

    Acta S. Callisti Papae Martyris Romae (112-120) Latin only

    Epistolae (121-131) Latin only

    S. Urbanus I Pontifex Romanus

    Notitia ex Libro Pontificali Damasi Papae (132-133) Latin only

    Notitia Altera (134-134) Latin only

    Epistola ad Omnes Christianos (135-141) Latin only

    Asterius Urbanus

    Notitia (142-144) Latin only

    Fragmenta ex Libris III Contra Montanistas ad Abercium Marcellum (145-155) Greek text with Latin translation and


    Pontianus Papa

    Notitia (156-156) Latin only

    Notitia Altera (157-158) Latin only

    Epistolae (159-165) Latin only

    Anterus Papa

    Notitia (166-166) Latin only

    Notitia Altera (167-167) Latin only

    Epistola (168-174) Latin only

  • S. Fabianus Papa

    Notitia (175-177) Latin only

    Notitia Altera (177-183) Latin only

    Epistolae (184-201) Latin only

    S. Alexander Hierosolymitanus Episcopus

    et Martyr

    Notitia (202-203)

    Fragmenta Epistolarum (204-206) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Sanctus Anatolius Alexandrinus Laodicensis in

    Syria Episcopus

    Notitia (207-209) Latin only

    Canon Paschalis (210-221) Greek text with Latin translation and notes; some Latin only

    Aegidii Bucherii (222-231) Latin only

    Fragmenta (232-235) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Theognostus Alexandrinus

    Notitia (236-238) Latin only

    Theognosti Fragmenta (239-241) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Pierius Catechista Alexandrius

    Notitia (242-243) Latin only

    Fragmenta (243-246) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Malchio Ecclesiae Antiochenae Presbyter

    Notitia (247-249) Latin only

    Epistola (250-260) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Hippolytus Portuensis Episcopus Martyr et

    Ecclesiae Doctor

    Prolegomena (261-270) Latin only

    Dissertatio de Vita et Scriptis Sancti Hippolyti (271-394) Laitn only

  • Constantini Ruggerii Dissertatio Posthuma (395-399) Latin only

    Dissertatio de Portuensi S. Hippolyti Sede (400-545) Latin only

    Acta Latina (546-547) Latin only

    Acta Graeca (548-551) Latin only

    Martyrium Sanctorum Cyriaci, Hippolyti, Maximi, Chryses et Aliorum (552-569) Greek text with Latin translation and


    Veterum Testimonia de S. Hippolyto Episcopo et Martyre (570-582) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Opera et Fragmenta Pars I — Exegetica (583-583) Latin only

    In Hexaemeron (584-584) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Genesin (585-605) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Numeros (605-606) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Reges (606-607) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Psalmos (608-615) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Proverbia (616-627) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Canticum Canticorum (628-630) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Isaiam Prophetam (630-631) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Jeremiam et Ezechielem (632-633) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Danielem (633-669) Greek text with Latin translation, introduction and notes

    Scholia in Danielem (669-701) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmenta Dubia in Pentateuchum (702-711) Latin only

    Fragmenta Dubia In Psalmos (712-725) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Hippolyti Operum Pars II — Dogmata et Historica (725-725) Latin only

    Demonstratio de Christo et Antichristo (726-787) Greek text

  • with Latin translation and notes

    Demonstratio Adversus Judaeos (788-794) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Adversus Graecos (795-802) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Contra Haeresin Noeti Cujusdam (803-829) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Contra Beronem et Helioconem (830-851) Greek text with Latin translation and notes, some Latin only

    Sermo in Sancta Theophania (852-861) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Sermonum Sive Homilarium Fragmenta (862-869) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    De Charismatibus Apostolica Traditio (870-870) Latin only

    Narratio de Virgine Corinthiaca et de Quodam Magistriano (871-874) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Canon Paschalis (875-884) Images and tables in Greek and Latin

    In Canonem Paschalem Bucherii Animadversiones (885-901) Latin only

    Appendix ad Sancti Hippolyti Operum Partem II Dubia Ac Supposititia Complectens (902-903) Latin only

    Spuria, De Consummatione Mundi (904-951) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Hippolyti de Duodecim Apostolis (952-953) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ejusdem Hippolyti de LXX Apostolis (954-957) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Capita Canonum Abulidis Sive Hippolyti (958-959) Latin only

    Canones Ecclesiae Alexandrinae (960-961) Latin only

    Anonymi Cujusdam Chronicon (962-962) Latin only

    S. Gregorius Neocaesariensis Episcopus

    Cognomento Thaumaturgis

    Notitia Historico-Litteraria (963-973) Latin only

    Veterum Testimonia (974-982) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Operum Pars I (983-983) Title page to part 1 of works

    Expositio Fidei (984-987) Greek text with Latin translation

  • Metaphrasis in Ecclesiasten Salomonis (988-1018) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Epistola Canonica (1019-1048) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Oratio Prosphonetica ac Panegyrica in Origenem (1049-1103) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fidei Expositio Quae Fides secundum partem dicta est (1104-1123) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ejusdem Expositionis Fidei (1123-1123) Greek text only

    Fragmentum ex sermon de Trinitate (1124-1126) Latin text only

    De Fide Capitula Duodecim (1127-1136) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ad Tatianum De Anima Per Capita Disputatio (1137-1145) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Homilae Quator (1146-1189) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmentum In Evangelii secundum Mattaeum cap. VI vers. 22, 23 (1190-1190) Greek text with Latin translation and


    Sermo in Omnes Sanctos (1191-1206) Latin introduction, Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Leonis Allatii Diatriba de Thoedoris et Eorum Scriptis (1206-1232) Latin only

    S. Dionysius Alexandrinus Episcopus

    Notitia Historico-Litteraria (1233-1236) Latin only

    Ex libris II de Promissionibus (1237-1249) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Libris de Natura (1250-1269) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Libris Adversus Sabellium (1270-1271) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Epistola ad Basilidem Episcopum (1272-1290) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Epistolae (1291-1343) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Macraius Magnes

    Dissertatio Historico-Theologica (1344-1405) Latin only

    S. Archelaus Mesopotamiae

  • Episcopus

    Notitia Historico-Litteraria (1406-1421) Latin only

    Verterum Testimonia (1422-1428) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Acta Disputationis S. Archelai (1429-1524) Greek text with Latin translation and notes; some Latin only

    Fragmentum Actorum Ejusdem Disputationis (1525-1528) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Pamphilus Ecclesiae Caesariensis Presbyter et


    Notitia (1529-1533) Latin only

    Acta Passionis S. Pamphili Martyris (1534-1549) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Expositio Capitum Actuum Apostolorum (1550-1558) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Apologia Pro Origene (1558-1558)

    S. Phileas Thmueos Episcopus et Martyr

    Notitia (1559-1560) Latin only

    Excerptum Ex Epistola ad Thmuitas (1561-1565) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Epistola ad Meletium Lycopolitanum Episcopum (1566-1567) Latin only

    S. Theonas Episcopus Alexandrinus

    Notitia (1568-1569) Latin only

    Epistola ad Lucianum Cubiculariorum Praepositum (1570-1574) Latin only


    Monitum (1575-1576) Latin only

    Dionysii Alexandrini Commentarium in Principum Ecclesiastae (1577-1588) Greek text with Latin translation

    and notes

    Dionysii Alexandrini Interpretatio (1589-1602) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Actorum Sacnti Hippolyti Versio Nova (1603-1608) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1609-1620) Latin only

  • PG 11 Origen

    Ordo Rerum (7-8) Latin only

    Clementi XII Pontifici Maximo (9-12) Latin only

    Praefatio (13-35) Latin only

    In Origenis Epistolas Admonitio Generalis (36-37) Latin only

    In Epistolam Africani ad Origenem et Origenis ad Africanum Responsum, Admonitio (38-41) Latin only

    Africani de Historia Susannae Epistola ad Origenem (42-47) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Epistola ad Africanum (48-86) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Epistola ad Gregorium (87-91) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Monitum ad Libros de Resurrectione (92-99) Latin only

    Fragmentum ex Origenis Libris Stromatum (100-107) Latin only

    In Libros ΠΕΡΙ ΑΡΧΩΝ Admonitio (108-111) Latin only

    Rufini Presbyteri Prologus in Libros ΠΕΡΙ ΑΡΧΩΝ Origenis Presbyteri (112-114) Latin only

    Origenis ΠΕΡΙ ΑΡΧΩΝ Libri Quatuor Interprete Rufino Aquileiensi Presbytero (115-413) Latin only, some Greek text

    with Latin translation.

    Monitum ad Origenis de Oratione Libellum (414-414) Latin only

    Origenis de Oratione (415-561) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Exhortationem ad Martyrium (562-637) Greek text with Latin translation and notes; Latin introduction

    In Origenis Libros Octo Contra Celsum, Admonitio (638-642) Latin only

    Contra Celsum Libri Octo Praefatio (643-650) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Primus (651-791) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Secundus (792-919) Greek text

  • with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Tertius (920-1027) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Quartus (1028-1180) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Quintus (1181-1287) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Sextus (1288-1421) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Septimus (1422-1520) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Contra Celsum Liber Octavus (1521-1631) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Eruditi Angli Notae in Origeni Libellum de Oratione (1632-1688) Latin only

    Joannis Croii Observationes (1689-1710) Greek text with Latin translation and notes (some note sections are extensive

    and include Hebrew)

    Dialogus de Recta in Deum Fide. Admonitio (1711-1714) Latin only

    Adamantii Dialogus de Recta in Deum Fide (1714-1884) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Index Analyticus in Tomum I (1885-1932) Latin only

    PG 12 Origen

    Praefatio ad operum Origenis tomum II (9-41) Latin only

    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Genesim (42-45) Latin only

    Ex Praefatione Liborum Origenis in Genesim (45-45) Latin only

    E Tomo I Commentariorum in Genesim (46-46) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origenis Commentariis in Genesim (47-49) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    E Tomo III Commentariorum in Genesim (50-91) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origene Selecta in Genesim (92-145) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis in Genesim Homiliae Interprete Rufino (146-261) Latin only

    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Exodum (263-263) Latin only

  • Ex Origenis Commentariis in Exodum (264-281) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origene Selecta in Exodum (282-297) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis in Exodum (Homiliae) (298-395) Latin only

    Monitum ad Origenis Exegetica in Leviticum (395-396) Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Leviticum (397-405) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis in Leviticum (Homiliae) (405-573) Latin only

    Monitum ad Origenis Exegetica in Numeros (574-575) Latin only

    Origenis Selecta in Numeros (576-583) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis in Numeros Homiliae (584-805) Latin only

    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Deuteronomium (805-805) Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Deuteronomium (806-818) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Monitum ad Origenis Exegetica In Librum Jesu Nave (818-818) Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Jesum Nave (819-824) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Prologus Rufini Presbyteri ad Chromatium Episcopum in Tractatum Origenis Super Librum Jesu Nave (824-825) Latin


    Origenis Homiliae in Librum Jesu Nave (826-947) Latin only

    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Librum Judicum (948-948) Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Judices (949-950) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis in Librum Judicum Homiliae (951-989) Latin only

    Ruth (990-990) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΧΑ in Libros Regum (991-991) Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Librum primum Regnorum (992-995) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Homiliae in Librum Regnorum (996-1028) Latin only; some Greek text with Latin translation and notes

  • Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Job (1029-1029) Latin only

    Fragmentum Homiliae de Libro Sancti Job (1130-1130) Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Job (1031-1049) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Psalmos (1050-1053) Latin only

    Ex Origenis Commentariis in Psalmos (1054-1685) Greek text with Latin translation and notes; some Latin only

    Index Analyticus in Tomum II (1686-1703) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1704-1708) Latin only

    PG 13 Origen

    Praefatio ad Origenis Operum tomum III (9-17) Latin only

    Origenis Fragmenta ex Libro de Proverbiis Salomonis (18-34) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    E Parvo Tomo in Canticum Quem Juvenis Scripserat Origenes (35-36) Greek text with Latin translation

    Origenis in Canticum Canticorum Homiliae (37-58) Latin only

    Montium (59-61) Latin only

    Origenis in Canticum Canticorum Prologus Inteprete Rufino (62-83) Latin only

    Origenis in Canticum Canticorum (84-197) Latin only

    Series Procopianorum Excerptiorum ex Origene in Canticum Canticorum (198-215) Greek text with Latin translation and


    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Isaiam (216-219) Latin only

    Origenis Homiliae in Visiones Isaiae (220-253) Latin only

    Monitum ad Origenis Homilias in Jeremiam (254-514) Greek text with Latin translation and notes; some Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Jeremiam (514-605) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origene Selecta in Threnos (606-661) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Monitum ad Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΑ in Ezechielem (661-662) Latin only

    Ex Origenis Commentariis in Ezechiel (663-665) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

  • Origenis in Ezechielem (Homiliae) (666-767) Latin only

    Ex Origene Selecta in Ezechielem (768-825) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    E Commentariis in Osee (826-828) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Commentaria in Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum (e tom. I, II, VII, X-XVII) (829-1599) Greek text with Latin

    translation and notes; some Latin only

    Series Veteris Interpretationis Commentariorum Origenis in Matthaeum (1600-1799) Latin only

    Sancti Hieronymi Prologus in Explanationem S. Lucae ab Origene (1800-1801) Latin only

    Origenis in Lucam Homiliae (1802-1901) Latin only

    Fragmenta Origenis ex Macarii Chrysocephali Orationibus in Lucam (1901-1909) Greek text with Latin translation and


    Variae Lectiones in Tomos XI et XII Commentariorum Origenis in Matthaeum (1910-1945) Latin only

    Index Analyticus in Tomum III (1946-1984) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1985-1988) Latin only

    PG 14 Origen

    Ordo Rerum (3-4) Latin only

    Praefatio (9-12) Latin only

    Monitum ad Commentaria Origenis in Joannem (13-20) Latin only

    Origenis commentariorum in Evangelium Joannis (21-829) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origenis Homiliis in Acta Apostolorum (830-832) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Rufini Presbyteri ad Heraclium Prefatio in Explanationem Origenis super Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos (832-832) Latin


    Origenis Commentariorum in Epistolam S. Pauli ad Romanos Praefatio (833-837) Latin only

    Origenis Commentarium in Epistolam B. Pauli ad Romanos (838-1293) Latin only

    Ex Libris Origenis in Epistolam ad Galatas (1294) Latin only

    Ex Libro Tertio Origenis in Epistolam ad Ephesios (1297-1297) Latin only

  • Ex Libro Tertio Origenis in Epistolam ad Colossenses (1298-1298) Latin only

    Ex Libro Tertio Origenis ΕΞΗΓΗΤΙΚΩΝ in Epistolam ad Thessalonicenses Primam (1298-1303) Latin only

    Ex Libro Origenes in Epistolam ad Titum (1304-1306) Latin only

    Ex Commentario Origenis in Epistolam ad Philemonem (1306-1307) Latin only

    Ex Libris Origenis in Epistolam ad Hebraeos (1308-1308) Latin only

    Ex Origenis Homiliis in Epistolam ad Hebraeos (1308-1309) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Philocalia (1310-1315) Greek only

    Index Analyticus (1316-1384) Latin only

    PG 15 Origen

    Hexaplorum Quae Supersunt, Preliminaria (9-140)

    Hexaplorum Quae Supersunt (141-1442) Six columns, spanning pages. Hebrew, Greek translation of Hebrew,

    Aquila’s Greek, Symmachus’ Greek, LXX, Theodotion’s Greek;

    plus translations (in Latin) of all six columns. Verses left blank

    where no material available. Notes in Latin. This volume

    appears to contain material for Genesis 1-First Kingdoms 31

    (so First Samuel)

    Ordo Rerum (1443-1444) Latin only

    PG 16a Origen

    Hexaplorum Quae Supersunt (11-1266) Six columns, spanning pages. Hebrew, Greek translation of Hebrew,

    Aquila’s Greek, Symmachus’ Greek, LXX, Theodotion’s Greek;

    plus translations (in Latin) of all six columns. Verses left blank

    where no material available. Notes in Latin. This volume

    appears to contain material for Second Kingdoms 1(2Sa 1)-

    Psalm 150

    Ordo Rerum (1267-1268) Latin only

    PG 16b Origen

    Hexaplorum Quae Supersunt (1279-2298) Six columns, spanning pages. Hebrew, Greek translation of Hebrew,

    Aquila’s Greek, Symmachus’ Greek, LXX, Theodotion’s Greek;

    plus translations (in Latin) of all six columns. Verses left blank

    where no material available. Notes in Latin. This volume

    appears to contain material for Proverbs 1-Lamentations 5

    Codex Syriaco-Hexaplaris Ambrosiano Mediolanensis,

  • Prophetia Jeremiae Secundum Versionem LXX Viralem (2299-

    2394) Latin text with notes

    PG 16c Origen

    Hexaplorum Quae Supersunt (2399-2600) Six columns, spanning pages. Hebrew, Greek translation of Hebrew,

    Aquila’s Greek, Symmachus’ Greek, LXX, Theodotion’s Greek;

    plus translations (in Latin) of all six columns. Verses left blank

    where no material available. Notes in Latin. This section

    contains material for Ezekiel

    Codex Syriaco-Hexaplaris Ambrosiano Mediolanensis, Prophetia Hezecielis Secundum Versionem LXX Viralem

    (2600-2765) Latin text with notes

    In Daniel Monitum (2799-2766) Latin only

    Daniel Secundum Septuaginta, ex Tetraplis Origenis (2767-2928) Some Latin only, Some Greek text with Latin

    translation and notes

    In Prophetas Minores (2929-3008) Some Hebrew, some Greek text with Latin translation.

    Philosophumena sive Omnium Haeresium Refutato (3009-3434) Introductions Latin only; Greek text with Latin

    translation and notes.

    Adnotationes et Addenda (3455-3457) Latin only

    Indices in ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΟΥΜΕΝΑ (3458-3468) Latin and Greek headwords

    Ordo Rerum (3469-3470) Latin only

    PG 17 Origen

    Supplementum ad Origenis Exegetica, Monitum (9-11) Latin only

    Origenis adnotationes in Genesim (12-15) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis adnotationes in Exodum (16-17) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Leviticum (18-20) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Numeros (21-23) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Deuteronomium (24-35) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Jesum Filium Nave (36-37) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Judices (38-39) Greek text with

  • Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Librum I Regium (40-47) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Librum II Regum (48-52) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Adnotationes in Libru III Regum (53-57) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Enarrationes in Job (58-105) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Excerpta in Psalmos (106-149) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Fragmenta in Proverbia (150-160) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origenis Expositione in Proverbia Salomonis (161-252) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Scholia in Cantica Canticorum (253-287) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Origenis Fragmenta in Ezechielem (257-258) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origene in Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum (289-310) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origene in Evangelium Secundum Lucam (311-329) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ejusdem in Lucam (329-369) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Origene in Epistolam I Joannis Apostoli (370-370) Greek only

    Spuria. Anonymi in Job Commentarius (371-521) Latin only

    Apologia S. Pamphili pro Origene (522-632) Latin only

    Petri Danielis Huetii Episcopi Abrincensis Origeniana (633-1284) Latin only

    Excerptum ex Georgii Bulli, Defensione Fide Nicaenae (1285-1331) Latin only

    Ordo Rerum (1332-1340) Latin only

    PG 18 Methodius of Olympius

    Notitia Historico-Litteraria (9-17) Latin only

    Veterum Testimonia de S. Methodio Episcopo et Martyr (18-26) Greek text with Latin translation and notes, some

    excerpts Latin only

    Convivium decem virginum (27-220) Greek text with Latin

  • translation and notes

    Leonis Allatii in Symposium Decem Virginum S. Methodii Notae (221-239) Latin only

    Liber de libero arbitrio (240-265) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex Libro de Resurrectione (266-327) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmentum de Jonae historia (328-330) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ejusdem ex libro de creates excerpta (331-344) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmenta ex libris adversus Porphyrium (345-346) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex sermon de martybus (347-382) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Oratio in Ramos Palmarum (383-397) Greek text with Latin translation and notes)

    Ex Homilia de cruce et passione Christi (398-405) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Alia nonnulla fragmenta (406-408) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Alexander Lycopolitaus Episcopus

    Notitia (409-411) Latin only

    Tractatus de Placitis Manichaeorum (412-448) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Petrus Alexandrinus Episcopus et Martyr

    Notitia Historico Litteraria (449-451) Latin only

    Acta sincera S. Petri (452-466) Latin only

    Epistola Canonica (467-509) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Epistola ad Ecclesiam Alexandrinam (510-510) Latin only

    Ex libro de Deitate (510-511) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex homilia de adventu Salvatoris nostri (511-511) Latin only and Greek only

    De eo quod decimam quartam primi mensis lunae usque ad Hierosolymorum excidium recte statuerint Hebrai (512-519)

    Greek text with Latin translation and notes

  • De anima et corpora (520-521) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex doctrina Petri Alexandrini (521-521) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    In Mattaeum (521-522) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Ex sermon de theologia (522-522) Latin only

    S. Alexander Episcopus Alexandrinus

    Notitia (523-527) Latin only

    Lucae Holstenii Dissertationes duae de locis quibusdam concilii Nicaeni (528-546) Latin only

    Epistolae de Ariana haeresi deque Arii depositione (547-583) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Monitum in subsequentum sermonem (584-585) Latin only

    Sermo de anima et corpora deque Passione Domini (586-608) Syriac text with Latin translation and notes

    S. Eustathius Episcopus Antiochenus et Confessor

    Notitia (609-612) Latin only

    Dissertatio de Engastrimytho contra Origenem (613-673) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Allocutio ad imperatorem Constantinum in comcilio Nicaeno (674-675) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Fragmenta ex libris deperditis (676-697) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Liturgia Sancti Eustathii (698-703) Latin only

    Spuria (704-706) Latin only

    Commentarius in Hexaemeron (707-794) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Leonis Allatii in Eustathii Antiocheni Hexaemeron (795-1065) Latin only

    Titus Bostrensis Episcopus

    Notitia (1066-1068) Latin only

    Libri Tres Adversus Manichaeos (1069-1257) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Supplementa (1258-1263) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

  • Oratio in Ramos Palmarum (1264-1277) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Marcellus Ancyranus Episcopus

    Diatriba de causa Marcelli Ancyrani (1278-1298) Latin only

    Praefatio Christ. Henr. Georg. Rettberg (1299-1301) Latin only

    Eugenii Diaconi legatio ad S. Athanasium (1302-1306) Greek text with Latin translation and notes

    Thoedorus Heracleensis Episcopus

    Notitia (1507-1507)

    Interpretatio in Isaiam (1308-1378) Greek text with Latin translation

    Ordo Rerum (1379-1384)