. .f ' • f . : ' r .• .. . . ) . , ........ VOL·. 5. / :- \ -.:...... I \t , .. ,. ASBANTE!l. . ' . · ----- "(:'hambtr.t'J ..._ . A pn tliamcr:tar1. paper. purporting to bA a f"P " r.t front. Lit ! UI ,.. nnnl ·G ••Yt'rnnr \'\!innie'tt rl')o pt!CI hi:J jttu rnt•y from . Cn pe Con al C,a •• to As hu ntee, ha\"inJ,: JU St hc t>u lait.l of Co rnmtw .s . wu are ·' cnoltled 10 . ')lrrs e nl out · rt>ucjers w i1h ol' nn inlere sti ug I< i oJ c,u' thu coodit inn of au A fricnn nution. The · ouj .. ct nf G ove rn or 1\\ l. llluit :\\ '11 j r. urn"y .w as to \' i& it tho ki ng of nod .pcr :: ua de him, if po' ss\ blu 1 to Ul•nudon lh u IIIICI'!IIt pr n(:l i C6 or humttn 8/ICti· fi ,.,.. How · hu Pped 111 his under• lltl\f'il hy urd t' r uf 1hc J!OV<'rnmtt-nt, \\Ill u( 1t : rwu1tlg appt>or. The nn rratwn of 1 -u · hid1 i:J in lht" .(u rrn of a j• •ur - u ·d ,. c-om menc es by stat i o:; that the .. f' Ohtli :. lt>cl, bel'idPs the . ,g .. ver nOf 1 uf C:ap•u•1 PtiWEII . 11 . ul ltl rl y e1ght of hi:t ln t! O Q o f ltof, Ot ; H. cv . Fre e m,n of ahe \\' ·o :t lt>yon 6Htu: ny So ci l' l), wlt" o nl'l•·d un d ulJoul Ofl t) httncin •d u ud fi f y ffi t> 0 1 con• J, bl ' ng 0 r I h c Laud I h ll l ll lltO rl' -lJt •a f t' rill Ctl r n er 1:1 of l ul rtr a ue-ullocr l! th t' r Of t" ·o ' 0 .., e . o hunorcd pt!rrw o tl , Th o ro ute t !l ro ugh n toug h co untry, ond the :111 ce ta : .t v cl ll!d Jat· ly llpp eur s to havtll>c e u I r o m lw c h •e ro tNC. ' OtY 11va md e:1 . Th11 went)l e r Wn!t uuforlun.t. e ly ra m y, cr 1d tl ut reloro t' lln&J li" g 1.t night 11111 St ha,·o any1bing llul p lc: tt:H lnt . \V p 11 pr \.!l l!n l!lo ry t •US C' n uliun :!, u Cf l.! r the fo li o \\ con dc u:lt!O auu cu u'u c c l ea tl l'llljl of t'XI r acls fr u ru Go" '' l' ll ll r \V .uut cll 1 d cl en• ly .. Wi l ltCJi jO UIIICll - r Sr utt l' d (r oll' C11p•· C ·•ast Cnsp e fi n the af te iU vU II of I'J 111 t " da y, :,qJt ('ln hcr ' ( •nd tttttl'l'c .J !••· a ll u ui , h. 111 Yu rci '{ IUn:r .. h . .. . . ·r .\e x1 Juy, ot Li 15 11 . :11., 1\l l t1•y . unci tr :11c:1 cd l1l ,!YOI f' rl .: C C U Ill ol I S lu tJ tJ I' t) \\ II h S ti l;, C • d I 0 11 I ( 'I' C tl t• 1 1 lm s . < Ill J I; I n . a i JJ I :j II r. t h d I' I u II \ <J I II n II j I.J d 11 a 11 a . A l U . I J 11 111. \\' u li '"l' l' t.' c1 t u 1 It 1 , e c .. ,.,. ,, a .. t nr tho •·f· u u, und ul- l t-' 1' r r-t rn · lt •ug ,,u tl I; I\ 1 111;; th e sv cit a rhl peup c :- 111110 , u wo pr o• t·•·ed t: J to ,\ 1\ r .fu l 11 v ll r,, uu •. l 111 1 cs I ... · Jr o m ; u ... r u 11 1L, uri )' 11! 1111. ' 11 . Cii i iiU t• UI IU Wclt.:<l lllt: lll d lJy fi g I& u I t! w II h J 1111 -It e I s • 1 waS rll u el l f.: rH tilled \\ 11 h t h 11 I fl l" l l d I y u 11 J luy ct ·l _ () \:"f'U " IIl ll,) flo tllUnl:c :s lt · cl hy t hu p\·o plt' . \Vhllu we Jl ' ll l t'd ll t! fl u rt IIIIIC Ill lh l :t \ l ll aoe l hu ht: ut.l e ' 1 111111 tu rn t ·, 11 110 I" C:t lllt rue sotllc J•Dl lll WIIIC . ln pla c.:O III 'C 1 :1 U 8 11Htll C ltr t5fll\ll of th e uu dcr 1h t' t: uru ••I li111 \\ r sl e- ) au and l \'\ U!\ ru ub::sc rv c tt s tu ul l chup t' l l ll the of l' r t!CI Ic ll1 1 t llld IIC ilo ly tlJ tJ y . t. e p ,. r s . 111 rd J a lhJ u 1 ::1 ol 1 11 h 1 tl e l> a 11 J u 1 At 45 ru•uu tcll lll tcr ll < JU II we Jt·u dtt- u U•w kw a, u a. tJ tu uk qua r 1c rt1 10 1' th o ' U I{! iil In th t! bch o_ vl ftOU :: U OCCU J•IC"d uy tiJ c (\ t·::iley nn l\J.¥1i tu lli t&Y llcrtl l Wtlll by Ot u-a Fuuq ci Hc f, u uJ lkfi t! UC Cl'_21 r o r P u yulrt: C ..... - IIIl'II!IOII td huu tJ r nlJ ly Lh l\vdu ch 111 h•:s uccouut of KuUtB ll l in 18 17. Hu ( Ot u) lrum Abukrumpa l tho PltlC C ul his rt: !!t ltlts r. c,e, d1$ la nt ol>uut ten lrHm Uunkwn 1 '1l c- coml'or.u :d l>y mnoy ol hi s c:np uuus uud .. _ p l e, to meet Ill\', oud l>1d mu wt:lcomc to thnt pa rt of tbe Funti cuuutry wlucn 1:1 u nd cr hll cuuleol. After rt:all•n;; u h ttle lrorn the lu- ugu cs ol _flY journey, 1 s pe nt son.e llutu tn conv crs at \on Wtlh Otu uud hrs coptalll:t. ShoJtly af ter our nrrival I rcccavcd from Otu a C4111dl s ting of two sheep, somo yam11 and · bu n che• of pltaotain, wtth \\ ' hlclt.lu.r of feeling and attachrntsnt llcft much . gralaticd, . IJunk\Va i11 well on hegh ground, near to a gooJ aupply of at all . eeuons qf tho yeur, and aorroundt:d by fine pldntattous of pl u nlllln aud bttnl\nu . It t:t 011ts uf I he- Of thts l<'uuta k.t uu1 &, or anc.J has a P"JilJiauou ol a uout tluul:s .- 'fhtS \V .,,ley••' IS. ol rcceut li•bment ; IJUt &t coutein• tharty et;llt chel · · aud well. On the three day• paned through • 1 uumb-=r of P''puluu&S ; •tovpmg t;unday, and au eodi ng chv111e urvace ' ut u place whure thne wu a tbapel and WJ•itoO" houfte. . October 4, · WtdnudQy .-A& 6 · a.rn. we . crouiog raver, and 111 ttbout an hour, tbu pa .. "d uver by te\"eral ylJ a l•r1• c;,a.uo", we be1ao . our journe1 io tlae teruto r ie• of tho kinK o( · Tbe uf tb" l'rab, .,, it• or· dioarr beiabt, miy bo yard• •' lbe .. 'I • • , t '• Q ''•' •· ... · . ./. _11 . J. . .. ·. ' . ' I ,. .: .. , 4 r .. . .. I i • • ) .. lUi¥ A .' . ""• T 5 ·.· .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . ' '• .. ... ......... . "'• + I .. . ·( =-· ·- :s . . - ·. t . . . . ' . ·. . ,/ '. . No ·. 61. ' ·s · . , '<!# . .. •, ' .. .r \ . .. I .. !. ' ·. nod from one ·extreme bnnk to· the . c i.'itdlfl ROd 8 l.o.iy o( cro op ... ob ll ur · JOO yurJ:t. The r.rngrus of the 1 or.J er, 6p.m. t tl e .. ny '\ in_ (Jue mi n ed to his at a . time wheu the etormJ oceRn or the rude lorest tract th-e ouly link o( current to(H• mNJ to ubnut rUi le s i.n nn 1 the wh ol»1 tl·e ·· uny •he et l! nw st n• ho' ur. The furc>s scen r ry ('I a the bq nl< in'"" to wn, the J"l l'u ln•ion Qf rivP.r. is. ll f i!J fr.om • he tt _ wc lletl . hY iu by d) t- eiegant a,;._d varied · bl"n lie ·· •rt · e:J . \Ve fo ug, or o.:tcuned t-fa e _l'l ud.e _ .ot do tl r. · C'-' :11 stnl \ red to tuk'e b rou lt fa . ,: . . KL kiwiri .!lee fir::ll o tt oc cou_ nl "'Y fro ·u •h .. II · ' tt.. l I 1 •. uJIIit Utlt c•f nhout. '.l5.000 to Ujl'' u rJs ol 8) ,000. "' 11ge na wo rt'n c 1c n t or cro ss tng th a . . · . . . . Pruh . Enrly in the j we W\!Tc,: over• · ' '' ery . Ill liS from tnken i-n lh t? furest by HJtlY ra in . o1her fi iii JVtl · t •l \\1 11 d.ut I hnvd 111 thtlf pnrt · I I . y ' CO ut Afr• ra; the ur e very l•rontl etqut:nt . _Y' w len '"o a. rnv ed nt. the st n• dl v II• nut l .-lt ah, or_u n'l i1 e uu •J "itfl many loeau 1ilul lage ol r_ \11 sn h1 al p. Ill 1 we i hnn)'tHl•fr er s, 11 {1 6 rcl111e? a grot d ul ti ltaole fr o• u 1l:e and great y w• th fh li h•uour po -'erlul ra)ij ul the the ho ur H!S into . of Walk in!! n pvc .r Q t hu A .r -: , 1111 p uh lt; O il th P grouurl fl , or . mlld 1 ly c1nJ ro na . I he V1Nn:f u i:t 50 111 lt um .oho ut 21 l t! cl hy 12 10 11 mttll that co mlottalll o q ua rtru could not 00 1.> t.y 9 i th t> y or e t> 11 :1rc ly o1• e 11 to tbe strc:er obtnined r r tl Jl I I J f I II) fronr, but lbit< Ci l blwve ile levt:l , Iron) 1 to 6 1 . . 0 10 . c·op c ; · au m a u.y 0 110 ft!t! t,by au o:ll"va·ed Ovo1 ol clay pvhPbe t.l so dte.:s• .. me_ n, currtcr:J wca:o w 11 h red t1Ch r" ; tltcy are t: Att • ed from '"" uU ·I gP. d to hn · ou ac 111 the etp e o : ur by st Pp s mnr le uf cl u y, uuJ \•uhs lteJ l1kd the"' on the ,wet ground h wa :t ••ren t CU II'iO of "" 'Tlt n wulld consiat p( wnul c .. w01k plos1err w itl• that it did uut rutn du iug tho cluy olld \\ i lh white cl ll y : the hollst:s n re night ; for had 11 uth t• rw1se, the all with J1ttlm a n•l It S tl ttl PRY t' ll would huYe suffae J _ __... nl the ro n f:t ex1e 111l rur uv t: r the WI\ tlte fro ut Ttl l Sundtty, Oc t oh cr U, : hrou gh the hu 'en •ent ol th d r uit-t:• l f1 .1 ur !" 1 wloi c h l:t g,e ne ru lly couutry occup i td l,y the nnd covt: re.J '"''h ruJ t:1 carvw gs uf YI HIOU:t furms, huve nuw in 11 alat e of ru i n. Th o iuhau ltllll ld u ro &lu :ir p o i i Dh J'I'O III deu dft: c ll! of !>O pn nrl th n: pr ovi :uores could Wt .h ddli .: u ll y h s utJ uml . ra l u. '1 bla mo d" uf t:IVt:d h) th t! llltt! t:I S n p t! cUII ur of be prucurec! iu ex cl a: wg e Cu r gold du ::! Each ul tht'::i t: o1 ie n ro o1us 1:1 cou c. ec · etl w 11 h u On Mo ncl ny mor ni ng. Octob t: r 9, renc hed ' llllll ther ul ro oruH lt hic d u. I] IJ •Ie cvucc aled from Kn•:Ji, nlJol:l li ve ue tlt•s f ro m K u ru3 :. i, f'Uh h c 'VI t! \\', \\l ,idl COII!il i tult: t lte clwelhuf::.Of the th, c apllul "r Ashun lcC. •lJ cre I W U:! WU h t>J Jl tl '! l' lc , 1111 ·1 l h t: rt! 111 -ty- ht: CU IIII tl C I Iiol With t'3C h on uy tho who W t' tt.: ijC II' I uh ii C r o •• w, iu lhe UI. WII tf UUV\'t! J cs ctib t: d, from 50 IO 2P<) 10 couduct U .i i nlo the. t u W•I. At uu u n .J \· f! · 1u.n o nl llttd y ol!er tlte hR rl closec', · proce.t'dt H .I i11 full pr "pu ra :to u for our 1. ·urt') ; nud Itt ll uf nuout n lutlo fr om the rt:putre.J •o ''"' W ::i ltl } 1111 wh ere wu "' "" "' t: IIJntl c loy n l' ar ry . o( "'' !h f.!U J hu11 ll ··• · M r , .• l, iu Ku· !Sivo rd . .. ul vtli t: e:- , arr vc: tl W1lh the l• u1g ' ,; •u.sei 1 for tJ'l!ing our ij ' Hy . ' tG r t:-a f! y ow I hntlltcel i in u. ·ree&ed W1ol1 d16 mn ' After .(or n ' !i loort ti me, we pr Ol'et>,Je .l . _n l'r io ''lt1 d1 l ll tt l-.1 11,; th u u ppeurn 11 C6 1('1 t_he t'Uir oJ ,c ·. c o f tlt t! 1-i o :. l 111 11! 1lt•·u lur ''' · "" "' ' ." \ ;t;, l o! ll.l t: ll 11\ 111 o r. h·r· C•t l \l' ••Cl' :o!' l • .., ; . 11 l' '•rlv 11 1 ,ud 1 t: ll tl ce , c .., u trol, .tJu: u e.\V a:)lu ...u l r x- .. ll•ul·•·tHII , 11 f ,J u r l. or:.:o.: u 11 .r.,. :i ln:-. l1iwtctl, lllltl i1 :1 jllt: ll y CO l(:r••ti t w u h 1h u tl Vt:r frellh ,, f C lll c lt JW .t!l ijJ , ra""' u 1 ,., r• •I ·II'SI 11 c. lu 1 111ol t ol, u:. 1 11.!' green 11t l ilt;' b: III)IIO · Irce:o, I .\Vaeo ltalt lur 1t ( .. w ll11 11 Uit:. ·, llll•lo•r 1l.u ,,f u ln t " t' 1 l( lll lly l. tlcJc ::- •.:•1 an d t:" CII t' ol Ul l lltl nppt! I HOUCe · du' to 1- in ,:: 11 li 11 Jc: tot llit: .\ Vn ·l t: ) ll " neut coltt. gP, ll l l•r o tiro" to l•r. t' p nre t•• H; n : l\ 'u , 11 . -.' Al ••·r n hu ll • Chl tll y W llll l ht.1 teak or e. •lolnl wood "r ot nl ou UI t.• c:n •y ll .l hll 't'S 1 cl un ug w h• ch C11 11111 ry, c• ""' '" ''' t:; 1111 rh t: s ecou!.l t:Ju. 1r 11 lur ,; e h ull 11 la rJ,: e r, ( thtl l\ • ujo! ':t (ir ed u ll ul ull :u •d . lwu u•ry c uur t:l y. surrou «l c: J hy u .. h,lul I•Od h 1 uu tl r col II I'J V I! tl · o •t tH Ve 11.111olu , no•t ou . tl•e flrdt tlour u 1 111' wit ru tht: lil r•.; aud tu:e c hlo J's ro •l tn 11 11 •1 n ::til l dl ch ' l'e l or pr da l' hing ·r oo m; iu " t!rtt tll" l l ell tt llll t! r 11-c • laq;" tl t c: hout l g lt tiO Ull t' l·f chu liue .:: ' auJ lltO :sL t 1J ·t hu CUS 'OI Il ol lh t: C'" ' ' 'lr Y 1•11 tltn r c CI! jll ill , uf " l't: 'l :s Ill tv wn, 1:1 u l •t ll e gurJ e u, pl11 o te .1 ol •IJ , Iin1· t i"'" Th t-.\ , ·Y il h l l• rir \\ nh oru1• g.\. ·, lr111 t: , ur t' ttch lruu, uu •t . 6 ,J u•ul uc cujll t! tl tltrcu 0 cwo IKII t: r llt:e n l ll truc.Ju cc.l lroru ll la rg" t-l)U il f t- , 111 11 1 f• Jr tl• O .J u Ct1III III U II :! Ill loe h c: hl lltl l ll d lt 0 .t 3t! II. t!JIUCI OU:'i COUrt• tJCBd :< , t: Xlt: eul111 g 6 JO )il rt l:t , 11 11 cl u\ 1 ,. u, 10 )•u r rl , l'l,ell t• : .J ,.; ,,h th t: :.u u r nut! tWrruu c. tJ. 111 J t: j'df. Un cl t: r t:uc h lttr ge ur 11 tJ , rla - iin v \:•I I y vf uud nrtl s lltt: I.J ·• rk yl Jl,e tire s Ul"' rc•u i: uce, :: u. cOII :ftru cle J, uud Y. t: t liO :t i J/t vJ are J ulttHll 30 ya r tl:t frvlll .- ach thr uu.: ltOI;I .:1\IU:t . ns IU uflu rtl ru ulll W II IJUUI UliY lll l!viiVc llit!llCt! 1 11111 \V .ol e l1 ue 1 n CIJJe ( 11 ,. u 1e J un 11 l llliiVc J,H I IJ"' "huh: CJ( ILtU Of chu r, cl eco rn l t:•l " i• h 11 f l or 1 u 3 , t1 c f; Ua nt ol llll hJ I'-" :-tl vo: r, 'r £; ultl, .. to h• , ra1 k, wuh a r\ -4 l down iu th•J oi rr 11pncious llo l l in 1f•u na r1'u W a op e: 1r ll' ::i l• " ol' le iu tl u: Cl•OI u f tlw ,,r1 ur ull tllu to 1:1 !IIIJ eX Ci te lur,.Ht 0UIId 1 llll•l ru ig ltt :it'C h illlcl . ij ,III•' IIJ Il l! We: tll tlll ol tl tt : ll /\)' 1 ° 11 1tJ t,h i:1 1111 10 1-:u• ttllol fl r,·o· ol" ' fl ro cu :tto·lll, r.f rnpt!llll t•S!o lth:t lt ll l t'. ll l, 111 th e w bur- •ry 0 11 .:ucf 1 w:r v c: th t! fl j. hl ltu ll •l io uk t! tl tt .. rb tu <: OU lll lf t:s lu lu lh t: tult• rw r ol i\l ricn e x .. Ol rt'C og ui :iou . A lca · \\'c I 111J pussu t.l o!uu .: l tl lt lllllt{ tu ll)uu :<u t.•tl i of uot ul ut e cl paguu :t 1 . the 11h1t UI 1111.1 liu e, \\ tl j omu l t he C ll l ll lu lo :S blltl e ••U Vt' ll ic i: CH' S ul CI YI IISt' U lht: !I •JrrOutt cfc J hy uhout (JJ h •a ul 1l1e tru e (i ud 1 l cuulu not Lul tha uk .. u, IC t< Jt 'Y u uol lcellllt!'Y un II IJ g rt: u . t tr i u111 ph ; bus J! t\J d huuclled fi \\ llllol (' Q lJt!t ur I•W t"t' . Sc: Y t: rul II CIIIt:VCU lly <.: ltr iSII:llo ll y uutl CIVI II :111tton . 1 Ullcltc dl.•t' , uf vd re 1 , .,.. b 1 ·d r1 · 1 ( :J II I . .1 o e co ne rr t Ill our n e.r o c:: rt w l Cl1 $l omJt:: d ltl ll l nn tl :!U II e I ro ut i.LOtill. JOHN TliO.\lA :-5 1 0 . S P, by lthc g race of Go.J and fuvor of the .IJ puslolic comruunic1Hion bet"eeo even the neareet acsule· roeots. Ju 61most t- Very' cove aod barllor of tbtt l•e ei t her built or to he · e re c t• tl 1 Te mples for the worship of Goo, anti pi HC t! t.l re .i deut Clergymen io p'reviouaiJ o •ol y !Jicest>d \\>i_ 1h its. : II ow mun i 6cen1IJ he not pro vt de ll lor thu education of the fernnltt r lli !Jn:n of tl •e tty the et tnulishment of abe Commu .'li·y of th" l.utliee of the Presentation onler \\b " hUVd courcrr e\1 on luuel lJ ,. yt ucl _u ll I u"1un pru ise; aud who, ceoohiog " m uuy ut•IO j • ll .uict", sball csbine os tttars fer all elert ·i ·y . '' (I ) At ch e t.Xp t: use of sevual tbou.,ond l' l>u l•o ltu d1 n c, o f() r tht'se L1dits , "hicb, you :ue a" nrc, 111 the fira oi 18Hi. We. ue xt tioJ tum hui!ding another Coa. \' C IIt unJ iu lr'Jduci••g into tbe country the S iotera ol to 1he dick, con sole 1 be atD •ctetJ 1 in1-truc t the ch ol d• en ol the muhlle clasetd, ontJ pe1:or111, 10 n \\O ro!, t l; e du ties of to tmCf eriog lmmul ll ty . uced uot remiud you l h :a vanou s ve) Oj; t"S 1 ho A ll untic-ol ttHl Ill tl;e tltj?th Of \YIII er, Ulld., bef o JrO \VllS lJrj,JgetJ uver hy •n'om, to secUJe lite grouud, ull 01 he t-ucceec.J n l in lJringwg bcfuro tile min• sterd of •be Cro"ll the of the loyal t;c:t he.. lie ol N c: wfouu•J Ia oll, uud ohtainetJ I rom our • Q •te'e n whoso shed a lus t re on her 'J luone, n grant of the !ite of tll\lt !!IUJ' t! l h .IOU:I eJ fi ·:e Wh ic h DOW CfOWU! )'OUr r ity ;-you "l10 uoiJly co •opeutecJ wi1 b him in 1bo er.t : t.·ll ou of thi», temple rai:<ed to th• glo1y ol Gr l" o duriug the laat an th" Ur llilfh the eu(1 er-hucnan luuouu he cu •! u: c.', u ll ul ld1g tl1 he 6UIIK uutl "r 1he111, ooJ '' . tll,c: Zt:ul . uf t hy 0 him.''l SZ) ll :t luhoutc!l bro ui:IH b irn 10 11 premature gr.tve. lu h id lu:Jt wi ll ant.l te suunt:utiJe looked not tu 11., ::-b und hlon.J 1 but lt:ft ttll he for lbtt cutn• a11ll or the Ctttl)et.lrol, thJ erec• ·'ion of Couveuttt, fur tbe poor, fo( furtberiog edu. "'' lion, nnc.l Jlflllciplllly fur the estd•llshment anJ .. :tl iJIII Ort Ol a hou&u lor fe·male OrphaDt'1 uod1;r the cu re or the Ol:olt-U ol Mercy,-an inva lunule iUIIi• tu:ioo, especially 111 thi:s cum •·UliiiY 1 lhe greatt :r puruon uf our people aro continually ' e.t-. to aha hviog u" ucl tfyiug, be ll aJ but 1)6 &be glory (If <.iuO I he gooJ of hi p8 o) ple ; b UU bill lull 1igfl wu:; n Jlrayer fur t l. e peup b., luvl.' •o well. Su' cb tht!n ad til e Ur ih np b:tva been on tu :-ur ce t- J; n nd n lJo our cvn'i• aut wub U.viUd 8Sl11Slc UICt'a to carry out h i... viou• ) l ll te UIIOOP. 'l'o you th e ut Bretbreo of ttio )ook with cor•fi,Jence to aui:H io our orc:uou• unc.J crtukiug; cu .• fiJe in yo r zeal lbut the I•OrliOI'l of Uld lll.li:k CUID tlllt leJ lO · our care in your rt:::ill eCIIVe Ji : lrlCtil ·Shall fe el With tbe WOrd Of <.i oo ; 1hut th" aervrc ts lf of Rei •ion IJe performed \V lUI all due au!e ruiiii,Y ; I hut l emverDtlC" lJe en• ; ttud thnt you use all yo ur iuflueoc.t:, by worc.J uull example, tu , Ji mural and iutiustrauu• uuhit:s tt 111oug your . peop le. ..\bo9e nli, your u ll t! UIIOII puru c:u lncly &.ltrectdd to tbe etluctttioQ uf 1 ho yuutll co&umn ttHI to your cnre; tb ru lheJ tun)' n: c«!tYl', notnlone u litt:rttry nnJ rehgioue, buc llku 1\ idd uu u•du::; u wl < ed . ucauon .; anJ es&•eciaiiJ &b 1\ tbo fc ctu ltlren be jn:.uuc1etJ iu tbozse wh r cU qua lify\tlu:ul here.tfter for t he hi Hh an 1 t huly m b ,.auu receint trorn tf ., o, 11 (or Ju vu r 18 deceetr'ol l(llll bd .. uty i• '' a•n ; th o \VOIII:tll tlmt le nt e th the ,L6rd aball be her ot . tlle frtut ol her haoe.JI aQc! h: t ll r: r wo1 k:J p ru 1:1" her." (! !) In tho itntDedi uto of •. we 1111all toke tbi• · eultjccC uu tl t!r uur uwu care, an l.l we have oo duubC but that,. hy tho etlucnti on atl urdu ll · to abc, yuu1h uy tl1 t1 O •Jthau Asy lum ouc.l C"tl:olio 1he l':J)S or lhe tUII. 'J' IJP. Cl111ir \\3::i riclr· ly cJ econsteu with gultl; n111l thu piny ul oruouJ t: lll:t · lh 11 l \\ t re nl out r )\ "1 11 u n •l •bo•c <.tf hiat r-uius m Hg uilict·nt . ... Th t: lurn1•8 of goltl tulu111iu_g 1 u "r isl::i ol tllu k ior.:',. utt eu tlnlll8 uutl llttttt- .9 o f. p ,., 1r mcipu l c hi t:l :t wo : rc · :' 0 la rg e, that \hey 1uuu l. a vu becu quuu lutiguu,.; {otmd laru!.. t i juilhful, Cltrg :J and of N lw lound- lnnd, Htalth ond 1JwtdiJ:.L iou in 1/ie Lo rd: · - cictluol::t , on•l 1110 hl\ •1\luulJitS iuatruetion• of otbe l'r l1 :1tH H ut i ou N un:s uuJ . ti 1a1ers of · !\lercr to teauult: po ru un o.r our yuuui( Relig ion, n1 ure, umJ wall Ovuritb, uncJ that tbe ltcue. ,•o l_,ut iut c nuoud ol &bu ." btch a'up.. ., pur •a cu bll)' u.f Wtll lns fully tu til ts 'Tbu k rua: of is nbout eix fee t h i·•h - :> I cs Juut·, 1t11d tllroug tuuh. oud lll'l lt:R fl! 10 ul •u ut lrom fill)'•two hJ fiuy . .. ix Ytlll rd ugu. Ho u 111 11 11 ll 111an or mild unci plt' ;lS IIl f; COUUI 8 11Uil Ct! 1 llll tl ') lit e htU (rum 00)' of tht.U>U lll utc i &::J of UhiiVy te . II •CIIJ Wl ii ch 8rt, ttO lO th6 .t u•te ObU I C t.11 r u"s 0 I 1\ Europe lin. \Ve 1Jccup1"d ouout a·n b<'ur in moving in 1 1ro· ceas1on frc,m undt r tbe ba oyun· .r r, l', tiourt: ·Nu h. ul relletl on en1eriog tu\\ o, o.Jt:t " of out ll 111ile and a '111 lt1•g th, t! IHI uf I liue tor111e1J fot our rtc e plloto ; uf c"r Wllldt Wl' · an e ligihlo &lluuuou 111 1111 lfllllC& ttt II Uille cllttluuce f,um tJ,e 1111tl tl1er e our sttutt11. oecordu•,: lJ the ••I tl11t cuuucry, to r t: cetve ttHJ• I•I ituciullry l!ulut e ut th.s k111,_; &fltJ bte 10 At a. )$. V·'"· lht Y: commenced movmg portte. iu l'roc e a.tiiOil, aud oc- cuviec! tho groun..J belore U:t lrotn fiy., 10 tt:ll dee ' l' unul 6 p. ar. a periodo0f lt\o hour• ter s. · . ' whom we firal laluted tbe ma;ket. Jllace fir•l , in bulu, tile G!t!Dilldl .s•..:b ctuef wua l' rect:detJ II) htd 1)1 ruti.s r: hidl i ol d\ uti td u411l : 'f ur ns, rolt, >w.sd , by a body of t!OitUtr• . orm:t, amf ab•de•l b7 a ·l .. t;Je 1 l'ttostt' ol the higllelt rauk illoi'J)&d lJefore me, autl tJciuced to tbe rude mu•ie, b) WK)' ol •11ti w fao.. uon at l'retnJ me, Med &beir 1outJ •uKtowarft• nae . Wlte" u•• kanl -' caiue. oppoaale· mo. bo -,., aud lht>u •t'Oroacbed 111e, aad 1 roo btta eord••ll)' l.t7 &he Afaor ,.,, ecratr D I! ARt.Y Ut: Lo \· r.c lltu :Truu :' rc ANU CaliLDR £N 11'1 J t:· v·, Lllt.ts ·r -Ti ru Alnugt 11 y 1e11JUVc cl I rout the li dtcJ of bts ll&:t lllll hlul s erv•1nl c11tr !sue Pu s tur,tbo J\ hcuu :.L l"Lta . !l;\0,, tho hunh t: n ul the l!:JIIiicop ncy, " cu u Ju r evtu a1Jouloh:r t' 0 1 ' (I) ltu:s lullt m ou -4Jd 1 tour! we fl utul tit lvro Gu u wuh yo ur th e .h••t:l'b" nl ouJ H ol ) (Htr su u1 11 '' We tft' u \\b t: "n \\6 COII ICI! IIIIJ I Ill" thu 0\\>IUI lo UJ 011 U(l, oucJ our own 'weukntu on&l .mwortbtnt' 8$, we tares ttHJ• fi t! ll nt tlus. gr eat accouul we l:t :r"all,:r to to our ,l it:ttvenl1 l\lallter wt.b hue tiJII' oi ut cd u:t oue uf the ot ht!i Hb usuholu-hu coufttlmg in tl.te mercy of'"'Oop, wbo a•vewractt to lie hutpblea wo lJupe, ltcve r eull lin:tlfreu, .\Wi tb , Y""r cu-operatiun, uuu our ·fa hhlul t. Op l• wtll l•• •uu at utl t11t1ee to tho VOICe ul the ft fa••or, uuu wulk in tht1 "'-''¥ oC . We bavo a 'areal' be(ore Ut in tl1e Apos• fOliC lliiU 11Ullll1 lh : talh Ol l' . rcH.I t"ftl : dvr. You l: f l•ectally "ho b111 tir•t , arr1YUI oo , a.now •hal b 1.1 cJun• lut cht: ad• fi Ul\!tiiUtlUt ol 1\uhg•ou• . l,.elus fcu.a.l .. tt,c AJJdllllitt ul the · tbct ,rear1f ul · lu• u,iuaatrt wt:rct j fJleOL , " IU jour"e.)'l.'l,. Otten, lO the l! lJUUtl a ltd V&a i tafUhit:ISIIjt · (a.) j ' in •i"\lllfl auati tu thtt C:utu-. You" ero n ware, that much yet r.t:mllinll to • lie. flo•l., to n tiJc: r thu CllthetJral of the &Ja• jts•y ul thu Mo;, t H ic; h, c.Juy auc.l o1 ghl nt brouo·J tri & llu -thu A h ttr attS tl) be auc.J to lJ" tuteuetl •be ne'H Uuor111g tt uu S t: uld to ht:t ltaiU tiow t... i ful org uo tu.luptell lor the vu;tiltld:l ol , ..., etl•lice &0 b.,. pr uc: ur:tt.l : • . "\\ ' ll lfn yuu luok pround uu the l!uuelurc till II lmturttd ol your OWU hOUdell aml COU• trost tht!1u Wltll llee uu.k.st.loess of the buueo o( G t. D, ). uu chou l ei t t: ur ltl$l. llu wuulti. w ,tit• ·. hh : uuc.:cs I rum ,tou, o•· h., tlu hi• cboaeu vcu, le ot ohJ •• IJbcttud" hie liuu11o \Ya• tuu.l th t>y UluJ o luc•\d ev11cy 111 11U · tu h11 ; o"ca· . ' huuk.' ' \f ) (.;uuYeu' aiiO lO h., 1Ju1lt : , uoc.l Leg•ohuuro DlUu .ficeurlj . vott:d (or . lh" tllt ll, hOL ODI)' a IJw.:!lwg ... llotJ""..s . lt.r lha Ltu1its•, but .aihool• rut JUOQ Chlhmua lo bo ertctt:cJ 1 l )'0" Will liiiH uruch .ruorehodeed will Lte :nquarc:d tu co•u• . : JlhHct 11. · lt ts Iiiio utoea,ury tb. buaha a l{ou•• tor . u•e tit• hop ud C 1 1ern, "uact.ed to &he ; and na cbcau erec11uu• 'ale to be ot lttuoe, apU 11 ut bf\ : UIIt:Cc 'Lrtt lO 1 lf1.0 , lfftC euetaco tu waacb tbt:y Will bo auacued, ,.. 111e1 ••• IUlcucJetJ .U'! l lor lh• . jlrdeD\ to l.a•t for a uti \u t>-1 HJo luaure -.bude• 111 ICHUe o C ) uur clultlteu 1 aud ltaudcbalaltea,. we 1t.ali' bate . co teal I Uf.luU ) ou 1 Lo bru.tJ otttrin1• to abe 'l'abH. .. ' . .. l 2, 15. ' (1) o.,,. J 13. (2) r- 1 .ca. (4J An•"•• t, · . . (I) ... Trid. Se .. 6, .c: 1. , (3) il q"'· H\ · I. . ·J : . . · . ·' :I '.

VOL·. 5. . No·. 61.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18500731.pdf · ~en of ~ood feeling and attachrntsnt llcft much. gralaticd, . IJunk\Va i11 well Bl~ualell on

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Page 1: VOL·. 5. . No·. 61.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18500731.pdf · ~en of ~ood feeling and attachrntsnt llcft much. gralaticd, . IJunk\Va i11 well Bl~ualell on

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VOL·. 5. / :-\ -.:......I \t ,

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ASBANTE!l. . ' . ·-----

~Fro.in. "(:'hambtr.t'J l~tlinburgh ~ournnl.J ..._

. A pntliamcr:tar1. paper. purporting to bA a

f"P" r.t front. Lit!UI ,.. nnnl ·G ••Yt'rnnr \'\!innie'tt rl')o pt!CI in~ hi:J jttu rnt•y from . Cn pe Con al C,a •• ~ l e to Ashuntee, ha\"inJ,: JUSt hc t>u lait.l b~fote·

, th ~ ·Hou-~e of C o rnmtw .s . wu are ·' cnoltled 10 . ')lrrse nl out· rt>ucjers w i1h ,.t~umo , partic~lar•

ol' nn inleresti ug I< ioJ c, u ' thu coodit inn of au A fr icn n nution. The · ouj .. c t nf G ove rn or 1\\l. llluit:\\ '11 j r. urn" y .w as to \' i&it tho k ing of A~ hantt·t>-, nod .pc r::ua de him, if po'ss\ blu 1 to Ul•nudon lhu IIIICI'!IIt p r n(:l iC6 or humttn 8/ICti·

fi ,.,.. How · hu Pped 111 his mi~lf inn 1 under• lltl\f'il hy urd t' r uf 1hc Bri • i~h J!OV<'rnmtt-nt, \\Ill u(1t: rwu1tlg appt>or. The nn rratwn of

1 prpt.:e~d iug~ , -u·hid1 i:J in lht" .(urrn of a j ••ur­u·d ,. c-ommences by stat io:; t ha t the t .ruv~l .. h•·~ pa ~lY f' Ohtli :.lt>cl, bel'idPs the.,g .. vernOf 1 uf C:ap•u•1 PtiWEII . c :>nnnllud i n~ 11 . d~tat· hmeot ul ltl rl y e1ght of hi:t ln t! O 8~ Q ~liard o f ltof ,Ot ; 1h~ H.cv. ~lr : Free m,n of ahe \\'·o :t lt>yon ~Jt s~ 6Htu:ny Soci l'l), wlt"o nl'l•·d n ~ t:ccrel !l ty~ und ulJoul Ofl t) httncin•d uud fif y ffi t> 0 1 con• J, b l 'ng 0 r I h c Laud I h ll lll lltO rl' -lJt•a f t' rill Ctl r n er1:1 o f lulrtr a ue-ullocr l! th t' r UiJ\\"u rd:~ Of t"·o

' 0 .., e . o hunorcd pt!rrw otl , Tho r o ute w :~ s t!l r ough n toug h c ountry, ond the d a :~ :111 c e ta:.t vclll!d Jat· ly ll ppeurs to havtll>ce u I ro m lwc h•e ro tNC.' OtY 11va m d e:1. Th11 went)l e r Wn!t uuforlun.t. e ly ra my, cr1d tlutreloro t' lln&Jli" g ou~ 1. t night 11111 S t ha ,·o u ~:c u a ny1bing llul p lc: tt:Hlnt. \Vp 11

t' llc:~u p r \.!l l!n l!lo ry t•US C' n ul iun :!, w~ u Cfl.! r th e fo lio \\ Ill~ c ondcu:lt!O auu cu u'uc c l ea tl l'llljl of t'XI r acl s fr u ru Go"' ' l'll ll r \V .u utcll 1d clen• ly .. Wi lltCJi j O UIIICll -


Sr uttl' d ( r oll' C11p•· C ·•ast Cnspe fi n the af t e iUvU II o f I'J111 t "da y , :,qJt ('ln hcr ' ~l,! , ( f~4 1:l ) •nd ttttt l' l'c .J !••· all u ui , h . 111 Y urci '{IUn:r .. h . .. . . ·r .\e x1 Juy, ot Li 15 11 . :11., 1\ll n · · u" ~ " tl vurJ~" 'l' t1• y . unci tr:11c:1 cd I I II ~ I U :! h-- a ~ 11c: l1l,!YOI

f' rl .: C C U Ill ol I ~· S l u tJ tJ I' t) \\ I I h S ti l;, C • d I 0 11 I ('I' C tl

t• 11 lm s . <Ill J I; I ~ n . a i JJ I :j II r . t h d I' I u II \ <J I II n II j I.J d 11 a 11 a . A l U . I J 11 111. \\' u li '"l' l' t.' c1 t u 1 It 1, e c .. ,.,. ,, a .. t nr tho va : ta~ ~ · •·f· ,\ ~ • <~ } uu, und ul ­l t-' 1' r r-t rn· lt •ug I • U t S t' h· e;·:~ , ,,u tl I; I \ 1111;; th e s v l·

cit er r~ a rhl peup c :- 111110 , 1 11 11~ u r c~•, w o p r o•

t·•·edt: J to ,\ 1\ r .fu l 11 v ll r,, uu st. Y ~:r •. l 111 1 cs I ...

· < · J~- ~ t a u t Jr o m A~ :> ny iJ~ ; u ... r u 11 cutt'n n~ 1L,

~ uri )' 11! 1111.' 11 . C ii iiiU t •UI IU W clt.:<l lllt: lll d lJy fi g I& ~Il l u I t! w II h J 1111 -It e I s • 1 waS rll u ell f.: rH t ille d \\ 11 h t h 11 I fl l" l l d I y u 11 J luy ct·l _()\:"f'U" IIl

ll,) flo tllUn l:c :slt· cl hy t hu p\·o plt' . \Vhllu we Jl' ll l t'd ll t! fl u rt IIII IC Ill lh l:t \ l lla o e lhu ht: ut.l

e ' 1111111 ca t~l t~ tu v1 ~ 1t rn t·, 11 110 I" C:t lllt rue sotllc J•Dl lll WIIIC . ln lhl ~ pl ac.:O IIH· I' C 1:1 U 8 11Htll

C ltr t5 f l l\ ll s oc ~c · ty o f th e {~ i tvc =:~, u udcr 1ht' t: ur u ••I li111 \\ r sl e- ) a u · u11 ~ :-l u11Ura: s ; and l \'\ U!\ pll· HS ~· d ru ub::sc rv c tt s tu ul l chup t' l lll t h e CoUf ~" of l' r t!CI Icll1 1 tllld IIC ilo ly fi. l l~ ll t:J , C hll tlJ tJ y . t. e p ,. r s . 111 rd J a lhJ u 1 ::1 o l ~ 111 ~ h 1 tl e l> a 11 J u 1

IIU~ IVt: L l~tt:.l l u u~. A t 4 5 ru•uu tcll lll tcr ll <JU II we Jt·udtt-u U•w kw a , ua. tJ tuuk qua r 1c rt1 101' tho

' U I{! iil In th t! bcho_vl ftOU :: U OCCU J•IC"d uy tiJ c (\ t·::iley nn l\J.¥1i tu llit&Y SeJ~: 1dy. llcrtl l Wtlll

rt:t: t: 1 ~ <-d by O tu-a F u u q ciHc f, u uJ lkfi t! UC

Cl'_21 r o r P uyulrt: C.....- IIIl'II!I OII t d ~ 0 huu tJr nlJ ly - 1~ Lh l\vd u ch 111 h•:s u c c o u u t of h1:~ ~ri.t£Yiu KuUtBll l in 18 17. Hu ( Ot u) le.1d ..Cu&u e o~~r lrum Abukrumpal tho PltlCC ul his rt:!!t ltlts r.c,e,

d1$la nt ol>uut ten rni l c~t lrHm Uunkwn 1'1lc­coml'or.u:d l>y mnoy ol hi s c:npuuus uud p~o ..

_ p l e, to meet Ill\', oud l>1d mu wt:lcomc to thnt pa rt of tbe Funti cuuutry wlucn 1:1 u ndc r hll cuuleol. After rt:all•n;; u h ttle lrorn the lu­ugucs ol _flY j ourney, 1 s pe nt son.e llutu tn convcrsat \on Wtlh Otu uud hrs coptalll:t.

• ShoJtly after our nrrival I rcccavcd from O tu a prc::~ ent, C4111dl sting of two sheep, somo yam11 and ·bu nche• of pltaotain, wtth \\' hlclt.lu.r ~e n of ~ood feeling and attachrntsnt llcft much. gralaticd, . IJunk\Va i11 well Bl~ualell on hegh ground, near to a gooJ aupply of ~uler at all

.eeuons qf tho yeur, and aorroundt:d by fine pldntattous of plu nlllln aud bttnl\nu . It t:t 011ts uf I he- htr~e•l Of thts l<'uuta k.t uu1&, or valla~t· IJ 1 anc.J has a P"JilJiauou ol a uout J ~OU tluul:s . ­

'fhtS \V .,,ley••' .-c~\!0;1 lu~ru IS. ol rcceut t:al t ul> ~ li•bment ; IJUt &t coutein• tharty et;llt chel ·

·or~n, ·aud promi:~e11 well. • On the e~lluin~: three day• paned through

• 1 uumb-=r of P''puluu&S villugt:~t ; •tovpmg ~ t;unday, and aueod ing chv111e urvace' ut u place whure thne wu a tbapel and WJ•itoO"

houfte. .

• October 4,· WtdnudQy .-A& 6 · a.rn. we comuaenc~d .crouiog th~ raver, and 111 ttbout an hour, tbu ptsop~aviovi'f pa .. "d uver by te\"eral t~•tt• ylJ a l•r1• c;,a.uo", we be1ao

. our journe1 io tlae terutor ie• of tho kinK o( ~llb•uu:e. · Tbe ~tdtb uf tb" l'rab, .,, it• or· dioarr beiabt, miy bo abo~O yard• •' lbe

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'• ~ Q ''•' •· ... ~· · . ./. _11 . J. . .. ·. ' . ' I ,. .: .. , 4 r .. . .. • •

I i • • ) .. lUi¥ A .'.""• T 5 ·.· .. ..

. . . . . . .. . . . ' '• .. ... ......... .

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. No·. 61. ' ·s ·

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r~r-ry. nod from one ·extreme bnnk to· the . ci.'itdlfl ROd 8 lu~e l.o.iy o( croo p ... PilF8~J o{~Ar obllur · JOO yurJ:t. The r.rngrus of the 1 or.Jer, auu - t~t 6p.m. ttle ~:er~m .. ny clui~t.l.

' \ in_ (Jue min ed to his eba"r~e at a .time wheu the etormJ

oceRn or the rude lorest tract ~u th-e ouly link o(

current to(H• mNJ to h~ ubnut h~o rUi le s i.n nn 1 • Ouri n~ the whol»1 ~t tl·e·· uny •he et l!nw st n • ho'ur. The furc>s• scenr ry ('I a the bqnl< o l'lho~ .s:i i i' tA e~: t-tlre,atl t!J in'"" to wn, the J"l l'u ln •ion Qf rivP.r. is. exqui,.itlt~f'suhfl llf i!J o~ fr.om •he ~:hich Wll~ tt_wclletl .hY (ltr~''f!t'r& ~ullul iu by d)t-eiegant a,;._d varied · bl"n lie ·· •rt·e:J . \Ve fo ug, o r o.:tcuned of~t>r t-fae_l'lud.e _.ot do tl r.·C'-' :11 y ~t m stnl\ red to tuk'e b rou lt fa. ,: . . K Lkiwiri .!lee fir::ll c u,u~ul, , o tt occou_nl ~f "'Y \·.~:- ••~ fro·u •h .. u ~ uu l

II · ' tt.. l I

1 • . uJIIitUtl t c•f nhout. '.l5.000 to Ujl'' urJs ol 8) ,000.

"' 11ge na wo rt'n c 1c n t or cross tng tha . . · . . . . Pruh . Enrly in the j o~nin:,c we W\!Tc,: over• · ' Knmn~i ·~ ' 'ery. d • tf~rrnt Ill liS o ,JI'e~rnnc~ from tnken i-n lh t? furest by HJtlY ra in . anc~ u•~Y o1her fi iii JVtl · t •l \\1 11 d . u t I hnvd ~eun 111 t h tlf pnrt

· I I . y ' CO?· ut Afr•ra; the lltrPe r ~ ure ~et.erully very l•rontl etqut:nt._Y' w le n '"o a.rnv e d nt. t he stn •dl v II• nutl .-lt ah, i'~~tc.l or_un'li1euu•J "itfl many loeau1ilul lage ol r_\11sn h1 al ~· p . Ill 1 \~O \Vet·~ we i hnn)'tHl•frers, 11 {16 rcl111e? a grotd ul ti ltaole fro•u 1l:e lhr~ugh 1 and great y lllli~U c~ d w• th fh li h•uour po-'erlul ra)ij ul the ~un; the hourH!S l ook iu~ into .of Walk in!! n CO,U :Jid c r~bJc. !li :~ t O II t'O pvc.r Q thu ~c re~ts A.r-:, 1111 puhlt; rullll l~ Oil th P grouurl fl , or. mlld 1ly c1nJ ru ~~ed ro na . I he V1Nn:fu i:t 5 0 v~rytn g 111 d uneo ::-lttn~ ltum .ohout 21 l t!cl hy 12 10

11mttll that c omlottalll o q ua rtru could not 00 1.> tc ~t t.y 9 i tht> y ore t> 11 :1rc ly o1•e 11 to tbe strc:e r obtnined r r tl Jl I I J f I II) fronr, but lbit<Cil blwve ile levt:l , Iron) 1 to 6

1 . . 0 10. c·op c ; ·au ma u.y 0 110 ft!t! t,by au o:ll"va·ed Ovo1 cu&lll i:~ t i ng ol clay pv hPb e t.l

so dte.:s• ho~mocl< .. me_n, anc~ currtcr:J wca:o w 11 h red t1Ch r" ; tltcy are t:Att •ed from '"" ~olrc t>t tiH• t c: lu~o uU · IgP.d to hn·oua c 111 the etpe o :ur by stPps mnrle uf clu y, uuJ \•uhslteJ l1kd the"' on the ,wet ground h w a :t ••ren t C U II'iO of "" 'Tltn wulld consiat p ( wnulc .. w01k plos1err w itl• th_au!~luloc:u that it did uut rutn du •iug tho cluy olld "'"~lu·d \\ i lh whi te cllly : t he hollst:s n re night ; for had 11 lH'l'~l ut h t• rw1se, the p~oplo a ll tbtt~clleJ with J1ttlm l ea ~e,., a n•l ItS tl ttl PRYt'll would huYe suffaeJ ~ re ally . ' _ __... nl the ron f:t ex1e111l rur uv t: r the WI\ II :~, tlte fro ut

Ttll Sundtty, Oc tohc r U, pn~d :hroug h the h u'en•ent ol thd ruit-t:• l f1 .1ur!" 1 wloic h l:t g,enerully couutry fon~H~r ly occupitd l,y the At~:t 111 ,. , nnd covt:re.J '" ' ' h ruJ t:1 carv w gs uf YIHIOU:t furms, huve n u w in 11 alate o f ru in. Tho iuhau ltllll l d uro &lu: ir b~autltul p o i i Dh l'rec~e rvt:d J'I'OIII deu dft:c ll! of !>O pnnrl thn: provi:uores c ou ld Wt .h ddli .: u lly ~o h sutJ uml .ra lu. '1 bla m od" uf btul cl i ~•.r t:IVt:d

• h) th t! llltt! t:IS n p t!cUIIur ll~jlt'C I of cl lt! Crluluet~ tl. be prucurec! iu ex cla:wge Cu r gold du ::! l · Each ul tht'::i t: o1ien roo1us 1:1 cou c. ec·etl w 11 h u

On Monclny morni ng. Octob t: r 9, r e n c hed ' llllll the r ul rooruH ltl·hic d u. I] IJ •Ie cvuccaled from Kn•:J i , nlJo l:l li ve ue tl t•s JJ~Iaut fro m K u ru3 :. i, f'Uh h c 'VIt! \\', \\l,id l COII!il itult: t lte clwelhuf::.Of the

th, capllul "r A s h u n lcC. •lJ c re I W U:! WU h t>J Jl tl '! l' lc , 1111 ·1 l h t:rt! 111-ty- ht: CU IIIItlCI Iiol With t'3C h

on uy tho K:u~'s IIICSSt!ll;,:c· r~l w ho W t' tt.: ijC II' I u h iiC ro •• w, iu lhe UI .WIIt f UUV\ ' t! J csctib t:d, from 50 IO 2P<) •lllll iHC~.

10 couduct U .i inlo the. tu W•I. At uuu n .J \·f! · • 1u.nonl llttd y ol!er tlte l t roce,.~ion hRrl closec', ·proce.t'dtH.I i11 full pr" pura:to u for our 1.· u rt') ; nud Itt ll lll:~ l au cc u f nuout n lutlo from the w ~ rt:put re.J •o ' ' " ' W • ::i ltl} 1111 ~11::-IIIOII,II ocu:ttl , where

w u " ' """ ' ·cu•ul orl~ol> t: _ ar ru ~tgcmtu.: :~ IIJntl c loy •h~ t .~ wu , n l'arry .o( tu ~· ~ e- t' ll :! t'I' ~J , "''! h f.!U J hu11 ll··• · M r , lld l~ r .• l, tit~ n11 s~iou ur y &~t!lllent iu Ku· J l~> cl !Sivo rd ... u l vtli t: e:- , arr •vc: tl W1lh the l• u1g ',; •u.sei1 for c u • · YtiiJell~ 'l"tu t cr:~ tJ'l!ing our ij 'Hy. cornp limt> n t~ . ' tG rt:-a f!y ow I hntlltceli inu.·ree&ed W1ol1 d16 m nn·

' Af te r h u h 111~ .(or n '!i loort ti me, w e prOl'et>,Je.l . _nl'r io ''lt1d 1 lll tt l-.111,; r~c ~: c ve •lt~t\11 thu u ppeurn11 C6

1('1 t_he t'UiroJ,c·.c o f tlt t! 1-io:.l ~ 'J t:c r , 111 11! 1lt•· u lur m· ''' · """'' ." \ ;t;, l J~UIItltt: r o! u ncn· ,ftz:·~l ll.l t: ll 1111d~r 11\ 111 or.h·r· C•t l \l'••Cl' :o!' l • .., ; . Pr•· t'~: llt ly 11 l''•rlv 111 ,ud1 t: lltl ce , c..,u trol , .tJu: u e.\V a:)lu ...ul U:Jt ld 111~ r x­,b~ l~ i · ~:: .. :~ ll•u l · •·tHII , ''~" ' 11 f ,J u r l.or:.:o.: u 11 .r.,.:i ln:-. l1iwtctl, lllltl i1:1 jllt: lly COl(:r••ti t w u h 1h u tl Vt:r f rellh ~ ·'s ' ;: "~ ,,f Clll c lt JW . t!l ijJ, ra""' u1 ,., r • •I ·II 'SI 11 c. l u 1111ol tol, u:.111.!' g reen 11t l ilt;' b:III)IIO· Irce:o, I .\Vaeo ltalt lur 1t ( .. w ll11 11 Uit:.·, llll• lo•r 1l.u ~lath: ,,f u lnt " t' 1 l ( lll l ly l.tlcJc ::- •.:•1 and t:"CII t'ol Ul l lltl nppt!IHOUCe · bhu~· au• t rt:u ; ,~ du' e : rt~ cl , to g · v~ t11 ~ 1- in ,:: 11 li11Jc: tot l l i t: .\Vn·l t: ) ll" ,\t' "~'"" "~' ''u~e-n' neut coltt.gP, ll l l•ro tiro" to l•r.t' pnre t•• H; n : l\'u , 11 .-.' Al ••·r n hu ll• C h ltll y W llll l ht.1 teak o r e.•lo•lnl wood "r tht~ hrrc l~ tl tday ot nlou UI t.• c:n •y ll.l hll ' t' S 1 cl un ug w h•c h C11 11111 ry, c•" " ''"' ' ' t:; 1111 rht: s ecou!.l t:Ju.1r 11 lur,;e h ull 11 la rJ,: e IJ ••r r ~·. r, ( thtl l\ •ujo! ':t till l o i i C r~ (ired u llulull:· :u •d .lwu u•ry llcol ruu ll t~, c uurt:ly. surrou •«l c:J hy u .. h,lul I•Od h

1uutl r col y ·~·ds 1h~f un t, ,~ ., III'JVI! tl· o•t t H ~ pu· wu:; Ve 11.111olu , no•t ou. tl•e flrdt tlour u !'l • •r ~-

1111' Hl ttrk t:t ·p l.n·~. wit ru tht: lil r•.; aud tu:e c hlo J's r o•ltn 11 11•1 n ::til l d l ch ' l'e l o r prda l' h ing ·room; iu " t!rtt tll" l lell t t llll t! r 11-c • laq ; " u u. l1 1 cl~ . 1 ,. , 11 reu ro l i "~ tl t c: hout l l uo~11 g l t tiO Ull t' l·f chu liue.::' auJ lltO :sL

t 1J · thu •CUS ' O IIl o l l h t: C'" ' ' 'lrY 1•11 t ltn r c CI! jll ill , u f " l't: 'l cu r~:e :s Ill l h~ tv wn, 1:1 u l •t lle gurJe u, pl11o te.1 ~lrni•J! t- r;, ol •IJ, Iin1·ti"'" T h t-.\ , ·Yil h ll•rir II U II)~•UJ \\ n h oru1•g.\.·, lr111t: , urt' ttch lruu, uu •t . 6 ,J trt: t:rl~{ • be c·a i • • u •n~ u•u l u l lt· Jnh ut~. uccu jll t! tl tlt r cu , 1dt-:~ 0 cwo IKIIt: r IHY I II~ llt:en rt:c ~:: u t ly lll truc.Jucc.l lroru ll la r g " t-l)U il f t- , 111 111 f•Jr tl• O.J u Ct1II I III U •II :! f1 11 ~ Ill loe c·u~o~:t ) .aii •J h c: hl lltl l lld lt0 .t3t! II. t!JIUCI OU:'i COUrt•

tJCBd :< , t: Xlt:eul111g ~hcJ Ul 6 JO )il rt l:t , 11 11cl u \ 1,.u, 10 )•ur rl , l'l,ell t•:.J ,.; ,, h tht: :.uur ~optreu , nut! tWrruu c.tJ. yu rt!:~ 111 J t: j'df. U ncl t: r t:uc h lttr ge u r11tJ, t·rla-iinv \: •I I y rouu•~· con :ll:-11 110 vf ~t:HVU• • l:.' uud WUt k lllt! ll '~ w ~' nrtls lltt: I.J ·•rk yl Jl,e l i 11 ~ , tire u •~thrt• ll s ~c 111 ~:' Ul"' rc•u i: uce, ::u . ~ •n•t• ! ) cOII:ftruc leJ, uud Y.t:t liO :tiJ/t•

vJareJ ulttHll 30 ya r tl:t frvlll .-ach ocv~r thruu.:ltOI;I .:1 \IU:t . ns IU uflu rtl ruu lll W II IJUUI UliY lll l!viiVc llit!llCt!1

11111 \V .ole l1ue1

n CIJJe ( W·• ~ 11 ,.u1eJ un 11 l llliiVc J,H cpa :rr~t· r:.lu r I IJ"' "huh: CJ( til~: ILtU rou~ i:~tu lg Of

chu •r, clecornl t:•l " i• h ro u ru! ~t. cudctl ll u tl :t 11 f lor1u 3 , t1 c f; Uant o l llllhJ I'-"

:-tl vo:r , 'r £; ultl, ~trcurda .. ~ to h• , ra1 k , wuh a • r\ -4 l ~lt down iu th•J oi rr 11pncious llol l in 1f•u n a r1'u W ttt•uc~ I~ a ope:1r (1111•10~ ll'::i l•"ol'le iu tlu: Cl•OI u f t lw l! ~· c~oi 11 ••, ,,r1 ur ull tllu to 1:1 !III J eX Ci te• lur,.Ht 0UIId 1 llll•l W~ ru ig ltt :it'C h illlcl . ij ,III•' IIJ Il l! We: tll t ll l o l t ltt: ll /\)' 1 °11 1tJ l:u llt~ lllt t l ua eJ t,hi:1 111110 1-:u• \•n ~dctl, ttllol fl r,·o·ol"'fl ro t h~ c u :tto·lll, r.f t l • ~ cuuu~ rnpt!llll t•S ! o lth:t lt ll l t'. ll l , Jl ln • • t~ • • 111 the UJJt.I ~J t w bur­•ry 011 .:ucf1 vrc;..~ J u ll .", w:rvc: tht! fl j. hl ltu ll•l io •uk t!tl tt .. r b tu <:OU lll l ft:s l u lu lh t: tult• rwr o l i\l r icn ex .. Ol frhll ol ~y rt'Cogui :iou . Alca ·\\'c I111J pussu t.l o!uu .: l tl lt lllllt{ tu ll)uu:<u t.•tl i o f uotulut ecl paguu:t


. the 11h1tUI l hr~e·lc.• Url lt 'l t.. l 1111.1 liue , \\ tl jomul the k 1 11 ~ Clll ll lu l o:S blltl e ••UVt' ll ic i :CH' S u l CIYI IISt' U ftl~ 1111 11 1 lht: !I •JrrOuttcfcJ hy uhout t.~'~uty oOi ~· c r~ (JJ h•a ll un~t:· .- ur~ l lll' ul 1l1e true (iud 1 l c u u lu not Lul thauk ~·l·l~uocla l 11 r~ tl iiU J 1t l.'c r t~f lt lt:~:c l ~ .. u , wi • l ~ t ltci r •IC t< Jt 'Y u uol lce llllt!'Y u n II•IJ g rt:u. t tr i u111 p h ; bus J!t\Jd h uucl le d fi \\ orcl :~ llllol (' Q lJt•!t ur I•Wt"t' . Sc: Yt: rul IICIIIt:VCU lly <.: ltr iSII:l loll y uutl CIVI II:111tton . 1

vc~y l u rg~: Ullcltc dl.•t' , ~u ii•C CUI ' ~' '"'iu ~ uf td!~ vd re1 ,.,.. b 1 ·d r1 · 1 ( :J II I

. .1 o e cone rr t Ill our ne.r • o • c:: rtw l Cl1 •Ju r:~, $lomJt:: d l t l ll l nntl Ill~ :!U II e I rout

i.LOtill. JOHN TliO.\lA :-51 0 . S P, by lthc g race of Go.J

and fuvor of the .IJpuslolic ~te, lJisliop~w·

comruunic1Hion bet"eeo even the neareet acsule· roeots. Ju 61most t-Very' cove aod barllor of tbtt blt~ ucl l•e ei ther built ltirn~lf, or cau~etl to he · e re c t• tl 1 T e mples for the worship of Goo, anti piHC t!t.l re.ideut Clergymen io l~alities p'reviouaiJ o •oly !Jicest>d \\>i_1h ~usuul vi~ its. : II ow muni6cen1IJ hn~ he not provtdell lor thu educat ion of the fernnltt r lli!Jn:n of tl •e pcol-'lt~ tty the ettnulishment of abe Commu.'li ·y of th" l.utliee of the Presentation onler \\b" hUVd courcrre\1 lu~ hefits on N~!wlounch luuel lJ ,. yt ucl _u ll I u"1un pruise; aud who, ceoohiog " m uuy ut•IO j •ll.uict", sball csbine os tttars fer all elert·i·y . '' (I ) At ch e t.Xpt:use of sevual tbou.,ond l'l>u n.J~ l•o ltu d 1 n c, o Yell ~ f()r tht'se L1dits, "hicb, you :ue a" nrc, pen:~hed 111 the cula111 1 IOU~ fira oi 18Hi. We. u e xt tioJ tum hui!ding another Coa. \' CIIt unJ iu l r'Jduci••g into tbe country the S iotera ol ~l crcy, to v• ~ it 1he dick, console 1be atD•ctetJ1

in1-truc t the ch old •en ol the muhlle clasetd, ontJ pe1:or111, 10 n \\O ro! , t l;e du ties of miui:~h:rwg .~ogel• to tmCferiog lmmulll ty. w~ uced uot remiud you

l h :a vanous ve) Oj;t"S ocro::~e 1 ho A lluntic-ol ttHl Ill tl;e tltj?th Of \YIII er, Ulld., befoJrO j~ \VllS lJrj,JgetJ uver hy •n'om, to secUJe lite Cntht~drtll grouud, ull 01 l ~ugth he t-ucceec.J n l in lJringwg bcfuro tile m in•sterd of •be Cro"ll the ju~t cl11im~t of the loyal t;c:t he.. lie Jlt! ~" lJie ol N c: wfouu•J Ia oll, uud ohtainetJ I rom our lJ~:lov.ec.l • Q •te'en ~lctorin, whoso vinu~• shed a lustre on her 'J luone, n grant of the !ite of tll\lt !!IUJ' t! l h .IOU:I eJ fi ·:e Wh ic h DOW CfOWU! )'OUr r ity ;-you "l10 uoiJly co •opeutecJ wi1b him in 1bo er.t:t.·ll ou of thi», tb~ grcntes~ temple rai:<ed to th• glo1y ol Grl"o duriug the laat c~: lltury and.a·~ualf an th" Ur llilfh ~ '"l'irt'i k~1ow the eu(1er-hucnan luuouu he cu •! u : c.' , u ll ul ld1gtl1 he 6UIIK uutl"r 1he111, ooJ ''. tll,c: Zt:ul .uf t hy hou~e, 0 Lor~me·l him.''lSZ) ll •:t luhoutc!l broui:IH b irn 10 11 premature gr.tve. lu h id lu:Jt will ant.l tesuunt:utiJe looked not tu 11.,::-b und hlon.J 1 but lt:ft ttll he po~;e:)'"J for lbtt cutn• fJI~ IIun a11ll ~tdornrneoc or the Ctttl)et.lrol, thJ erec•

·' ion of Couveuttt, fur tbe poor, fo( furtberiog edu. " '' lion, nnc.l Jlflllciplllly fur the estd•llshment anJ . . :tliJIIIOrt Ol a hou&u lor fe·male OrphaDt'1 uod1;r the cure or the Ol:olt-U ol Mercy,-an inva lunule iUIIi• tu:ioo, especially 111 thi:s cum••·UliiiY 1 ~here lhe greatt: r puruon uf our people aro continually 'e.t-. JIOII~d to aha c.!~nger:s · o~·~eev. 'l'b~•. hviog u"ucl tfyiug, be llaJ but 1)6 lnb~·ht, &be glory (If <.iuO IU~cl I he gooJ of hi p8o)ple ; b UU bill lull 1igfl wu:; n Jlrayer fur tl.e p eu p b., luvl.' •o well. Su'cb tht!n ad tile Urihnp w~ b:tva been C.ill~d on tu :-ur cet-J; nnd n ~hnll lJo our cvn'i•aut enJ~,.£­wub ~b ~: U.viUd 8Sl11SlcUICt'a to carry out h i ... viou• ) lll te UIIOOP.

'l'o you theut v~nernl . lu Bretbreo of ttio Cl~:gy, w~ ) ook with cor•fi,Jence to aui:H io our orc:uou• unc.J crtukiug; w~ cu .• fiJe in yo r zeal lbut the I•OrliOI'l of Uld lll.li:k CUIDtlllt leJ lO ·our care in your rt:::illeCIIVe Ji: lrlCtil ·Shall U~ feel With tbe WOrd Of <.ioo ; 1hut th" aervrc tslf of Rei •ion IJe performed \V lUI all due au!e ruiiii,Y ; I hut l emverDtlC" lJe en• ~: ourugt'J ; ttud thnt you use all your iuflueoc.t:, by worc.J uull example, tu ,Ji tfu:~e mural and iutiustrauu• uuhit:s tt 111oug your . people. ..\bo9e nli, le~ your u llt! UIIOII ~ pur uc:ulncly &.ltrectdd to tbe etluctttioQ uf 1 ho yuutll co&umn ttHI to your cnre; tbru lheJ tun)' n: c«!tYl', notnlone u litt:rttry nnJ rehgioue, buc llku 1\ idd uu u•du::;u wl <ed.ucauon.; anJ es&•eciaiiJ &b 1\ tbo fc mul~ ctultlren be jn:.uuc1etJ iu tbozse Jut~~:s whrcU olou~ · cun qualify\ t lu:ul here.tfter for the hiHh an1t huly m b ,.auu ev~;rymother receint trorn tf.,o, 11 (or Ju vu r 18 deceetr'o l l(llll bd .. uty i• ' 'a•n ; tho \VOIII:tll tlmt le nteth the ,L6rd aball be prut~c·l ; ~:; lvt! her ot . tlle frtut ol her haoe.JI aQc! h: t ll r: r wo1 k:J p ru1:1" her." (!!) In tho itntDediuto J •~ 1 r1cl of ~ •. ~utu.':~ we 1111all toke tbi• · eultjccC uutl t!r uur uwu p~culutr care, an l.l we have oo duubC but that,. hy tho etlucnt ion atlurdull · to abc, tn:~·lft yuu1h uy tl1 t1 O •Jthau Asy lum ouc.l .'otb~r C"tl:olio

1he l':J)S or l he tUII. 'J' IJP. k1to~ 1d Cl111ir \\3::i r iclr· ly cJec onsteu with gu ltl; n111l thu tl i ~ piny u l ~.;o ldt· n o r uouJ t:lll:t ·lh11 l \\ t re nl out lilt~ r)\"1 11 ~rrtioll un •l •bo•c <.tf hiat r-uius Wt'tOr '~"~ ' m Hg u ilict·n t . ... Tht: lurn1•8 of goltl tulu111iu_g 1 u "r isl::i o l tllu k ior.:',. utteu tlnlll8 uutl llttttt-.9 o f.p ,., 1rmcipu l chi t:l :t wo: rc

· :'0 large , that \hey 1uuu l.avu becu quuu lutiguu•,.; {otmdlaru!.. t i To.all lh~ juilhful, Cltrg:J and La ~ly of Nlwlound­

lnnd, H talth ond 1JwtdiJ:.Liou in 1/ie L ord:· -

cictluol::t , on•l 1110 hl\•1\luulJitS iuatruetion• ofotbe l'rl1 :1tHHutiou N un:s uuJ . ti1a1ers of · !\lercr to tb~\ teauult: poruun o.r our yuuui( tloc~, Religion, ~itec~ n1ure, umJ lmlu t~try wall Ovuritb, uncJ that tbe ltcue. ,•o l_,ut iutc nuoud ol &bu Uov~:ru iul!nt ." btch a'up.. . , p ur •a cubll)' u.f th~l!d Sctw~:~,_ Wtll lns fully reah~..:d. -tu til ts we.ut: r~.

'Tbu k rua: of -A~ho ntee is nbout eix feet hi·•h • - :> I

csJuut·, 1t11d tllroug tuuh. oud lll'l lt:R fl! 10 ~o ul•uut lrom fill)'•two hJ fiuy . .. ix Ytlll rd o~ ugu. H o i :~ u 111 11 11 ll 111an or mild unci plt';lS IIlf; COUUI8 11UilCt!1 llll tl

') •lite htU (rum 00)' of tht.U>U lllutci&::J of UhiiVy te . II•C IIJ Wliich 8rt, ttO U~Jgut~tinte lO th6 .tu•te ObU

I Ct.11 ru"s 0 I 1\• Europe lin. • \Ve 1Jccup1"d ouout a·n b<'ur in moving in 11ro·

ceas1on frc,m undtr tbe ba oyun·.r r,l', tiourt: ·Nu h.ul relletl on en1eriog th~ tu\\ o, o.Jt:t " ~puce of

out ll 111ile and a h~tlf '111 lt1•g th, t~lhe t! IHI uf I • ~ liue tor111e1J fot our rtce plloto ; ufc"r Wllldt Wl' ·

rvr.~~c1ed · tu an eligihlo &lluuuou 111 1111 n~1c.n lfllllC&

ttt II Uille cllttluuce f,um tJ,e marke t·pii! C~, 1111tl tl1ere tu~o k our sttutt11. oecordu•,: lJ the o: II IJU t~lle ••I tl11t cuuucry, to r t:cetve tht~ ttHJ•I•Iituciullry l!ulut e ut th.s k111,_; &fltJ bte c:bi~fe 10 re~~ru. At a. )$. V·'"· lhtY: commenced movmg portte. iu l'rocea.tiiOil, aud oc­cuviec! tho groun..J belore U:t lrotn fiy., 10 tt:ll dee'l' unul 6 p.ar. a periodo0f lt\o hour• aod, thr~:u qu~r~ ters. · .

' Tboa~ whom we firal laluted i~ tbe ma;ket. Jllace fJ~tled u~ fir•l ,in bulu, mnilltt~iuwg tile G!t!Dilldl reaula~lly ~ .s•..:b ctuef wua l'rect:detJ II) htd ~~~~·l 1)1 ruti.s &uut~c 1 co~alaung r:hidli ol d \ uti td u411l :'fur ns, rolt,>w.sd ,by a body of t!OitUtr• . uou~:~r orm:t, amf ab•de•l b7 a · l .. t;Je umlJr~·IIH· 1 l'ttostt' ol the higllelt rauk illoi'J)&d lJefore me, autl tJciuced to tbe rude mu•ie, b) WK)' ol tt:•li!yt~~g th~tr •11tiwfao.. uon at l'retnJ me, Med &beir 1outJ •uK•towarft• nae.

• Wlte" u•• kanl -'caiue. oppoaale· mo. bo -,., ~aoced, aud lht>u •t'Oroacbed 111e, aad 1 roo btta eord••ll)' l.t7 &he bao~. . Afaor ,.,, kau~&, ecratr

D I! ARt.Y Ut:Lo \·r.c lltu:Truu:'rc ANU CaliLDR £ N 11'1

J t:· v·, Lllt.ts·r -Tiru Alnugt11 y h u~111g 1e11JUVccl I rout the lidtcJ of bts l ~t twur!S ll&:t lll llhlul s erv•1nl c11tr !su e Pus tur,tbo Jt tf_! IIIR~Sv. J\hcuu:.L i\N 'l'Uu:~ r l"Lta.!l;\0,, tho hunht:n ul the l!:JIIiicopncy, " cuu \\UI~ h l) Jur evt u •\n~;~:llc a1Jouloh:rt' 0

1' (I) ltu:s lulltm

ou -4Jd 1 tour! we fl utul chur~cc! tit lvro Guu wuh your ~tllvotiou ''a~ the .h••t:l'b"nl ouJ H ~l.op ol ) (Ht r suu1 11 ' ' (~. ) We c\efo.uo"'!~cl'" tft'u \\bt:"n \\6 COII ICI! IIIIJIIll" thu 0\\>IUI l ~tiJIOflt'l llll t iY loUJ 011 U(l, oucJ our own 'weukntu on&l • .mwortbtnt'8$, we tares ttHJ•

fi t!ll nt tlus. g reat accouul we ~hulliH\Ve l:t:r"all,:r to tt!llcl ~.: r to our ,lit:ttvenl1 l\lallter wt.b hue tiJII'o iutcd u:t oue uf the ~tew_a.Ja ot ht!i H busuholu-hu• ~ttilr coufttlmg in tl.te mercy of'"'Oop, wbo a•vewractt to lie hutpblea wo lJupe, ltcvereull lin:tlfreu, .\Witb ,

Y""r cu-operatiun, uuu our ·fahhlul f»t.Opl• wtll l•• •uu at utl t11t1ee to tho VOICe ul theft fa••or, uuu wulk in tht1 "'-''¥ oC •alr~tloo.• .

We bavo a 'areal' exanavl~ be(ore Ut in tl1e Apos• fOliC hi~ lliiU 11Ullll1 lh: talh Ol O&~r l'.rcH.I t"ftl: dvr. You l:f l•ectally "ho re:ru~u•l.~r b111 tir•t , arr1YUI oo , t•)~hurtJII 1 a.now •hal It~ b 1.1• cJun• lut cht: ad• f iUl\!tiiUtlUt ol 1\uhg•ou • . l,.elus ~t. fcu.a.l .. tt,c AJJdllllitt ul the · ~Jt•~lc•, tbct ,rear1f ul · lu• u,iuaatrt wt:rct

j fJleOL, " IU j our"e.)'l.'l,. Otten, lO ln:tll~ ~~ the WI&Lf~tl • ~H Ill l ! lJUUtl a ltd V&aitafUhit:ISIIjt ·(a.) j ' in • i"\lllfl auati l'r~acl~utJ tu thtt ~t"eolutts ftuc~ C:utu-.

You" ero n ware, that much yet r.t:mllinll to • lie. flo•l., to n tiJc:r thu CllthetJral wo~thy of the &Ja• j t s•y ul thu Mo;,t H ic;h, c.Juy auc.l o1ghl n tbrouo·J tri &llu Tuhcruacl~ ; -thu A h ttr attS tl) be drect~<J; .h~ \\a l l :~ auc.J c~ei111K8 to lJ" tuteuetl •be p~r~uo. ne'H Uuor111g tt uu S t:uld to ht:t ltaiU tiow t...i po~nr_; ful orguo tu.luptell lor the vu;tiltld:l ol , .. ., etl•lice &0 b.,. pruc:ur:tt.l: • ."\\' lllfn yuu luok pround uu the l!uuelurc till II lmturttd ol your OWU hOUdell aml COU•

trost tht!1u Wltll llee uu.k.st.loess of the buueo o( Gt.D, ) .uu chou lei tt:ur ltl$l. llu wuulti. w it~LI!IW. ,tit• ·. hh:uuc.:cs I rum ,tou, o•· h., tlu ~Rto~o~cJ hi• cboaeu vcu, le ot ohJ •• IJbcttud" hie liuu11o \Ya• de~latee tuu.l tht>y UluJ o luc•\d ev11cy 11111U · tu h11 ;o"ca· .

'huuk.' ' \ f ) -'l'h8Yrt~lleDtl\liUU (.;uuYeu' i~ aiiO lO h., 1Ju1lt : ,uoc.l &huu~h ~~·o Leg•ohuuro DlUu.ficeurlj . vott:d .t;~~UV (or .lh" ts1.1tti~f:, tll tll, ~·beD hOL ODI)' a IJw.:!lwg ... llotJ""..s . lt.r lha Ltu1its•, but .aihool• rut JUOQ Chlhmua ~tB lo bo ertctt:cJ1l )'0" Will ltef~ire liiiH uruch .ruorehodeed will Lte :nquarc:d tu co•u• . : JlhHct 11. · lt ts Iiiio utoea,ury tb. buaha a l{ou•• tor . u•e tit• hop ~ ud C11ern, "uact.ed to &he Uciihe,d~•' ; and na cbcau erec11uu• 'a le to be ot lttuoe, apU <~l 11

•t)'J~ ut bf\:UIIt:Cc'Lrtt C:Urt~11p011~ilf. lO 1 lf1.0 , lfftC euetaco tu waacb tbt:y Will bo auacued, ,.. 111e1 ••• IUlcucJetJ .U'!l lor lh• . jlrdeD\ J.,lltf~I~U alow,·~~ to l.a•t for ·~e• a uti \u t>-1 HJo luaure -.bude• 111 ICHUe o C ) uur clultlteu 1aud ltaudcbalaltea,. we 1t.ali' bate . co teal I Uf.luU ) ou 1Lo bru.tJ otttrin1• to abe 'l'abH. .. ~ ' . ..

<~) l .t'et~r 2, 15. ' (1) o.,,. J ~- 13. (2) r-1

• .ca. (4J An•"•• t, '· ·

. . (I) ~oc ... Trid. Se .. 6, .c: 1. ,

(3) il q"'· H\ ~i ~1. · I. . ·J


. .

· . ·'



Page 2: VOL·. 5. . No·. 61.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18500731.pdf · ~en of ~ood feeling and attachrntsnt llcft much. gralaticd, . IJunk\Va i11 well Bl~ualell on

• I.J.




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i · .. . . , • • r. . ' .

-. • • •• ' ) J ( ... ,, .

~ • • .. 4

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Jl&ele, Jike the I~n6li_l~~of.old 1• g.old, a~nd 'silver, an,.d ~rass'! (I )--the wealthy to._ _con";

• . i.~lite. BCC??~di\ot~ t.~ t t\~ir . MPan.i,' a·n~ t.h"e • p'on~ · .. to . Cirt\p ~hear ma.~e- mt ~ .~fi~ T .re.as.ury .?f, · ~:~"

'-I... . _Sanc;a~"~Y·, h_. ,._ -~?r ,Hltttnta_u~ . ~'O carry out· t~_!' .~U'tl~mgs •. u _lon,_g _a~ God gav_?! _ulJ t'l,rengt~ alld means, aecoracng to . th~ plans of o.~:ir. . Jnie · b.elowe~ l;>ilalor. · ';Nle mean1~t (or the <'_ut• lay we look for.Jrom r~rl'e sou'rc'f'~ ·· v.iz: : . lo~t, the 'Collecliou· at thA: doors on ~undbys and

'llnlidaye, evety fnrthing . 9 . '\~hich ii n'ppro· priatea ~0 this holy purp~e. and . the .. pt:,nny

.. 'o~et:k collec'ti'oll; 2_nd,·.tfiu· cont.ri~utions of 'the Sealers e·very epring ; Qu~. - donutlon9 nnd 'beque.ets; ,Jtod U~dcr t_hi!t · ~eu·~. ~Yery shaJii'ng We' can· fpare ,ourselves · from t}le · f'~penteB

\ -'.· o(t.he ~~~·~sion year by /ear·, 6~811 .be i ~cl~dt:d. Ev~l'Y ' Y~"r we a)ull oauso to ~e · t•ubltshe4 an Account of the sum's rer.eiv~d under lhotl'e thr~e hea~s: nod like\~i'so or the e~~f'n_ditute t and you ~tholJ , thE'n bti ab)o. IQ eco what pro .. gr£'8~ is' mad~ ati'd ~vhat ·\viii be rc-q~ir.ed .to

,. b~in~ the bu'ildir.'gs l'o a comr.ldion. · :. :\ ... There is, JtO~ve·ver, . · ol)e ~ubj<>ct w.hich:we

.. ' ~ ...

~ .... ·. ' . ' .

.. ·. : 'f H~ . ?\f~R~ING COU~IER,

Paul'~ c:.f)u~ehyard. Th~ ri¢ht bon. b,rone,t ·Tho ftnxieay e.xh\llited 10 learn the .conleol_s o wa\J,Jleo .comtJif'ie.ly insen.sible. Sir ,Jarpe_a 1he bulletin "Jlll eo ~re)t, ahcu wJ1en the sene C_lir,k . o~ ·dis_ covcr_i~ll . llre acc.hle•_•t;,h. a•. !ene_d. .Vas set>n· leaving tbe mansion ·ft,ith it, a i- eo'

. r.tish of ihe crowcl to lhe galee took vrac aoc ' forw!lr~' lo rende.r · 1_1 the. ftll~''\f;lnc:e .. m hll pol i'cenuin iu ·iltlendance was iorn'J•ellell 10 r ,J Jr po1'·er ·; and .Co.rnm>(fore Ede,n·,;'!Vho "'"·• tire aJouc.J, foi: ·the 'infc,mnrion ol tl' 1•arties preset a. . first to rf;'cogn i~to · '~ir" .Roberl, ~allo'ped· olf ltJ ·• " J;\a _Q_~If l'~.st' aix -~·c)~-"' the:. t.«;>lrowing:bulhi,'n. ~ive \ he first _infurm,lion .t. tn~ · _r,ghc' h<;J).l." .waa ·l'l!SIIP.rl .:- ·· , b'aroneL•s 'residt>nce · lll.ld <'n~ur 10 lesseo · " Sir Rbhert fleer is much e:~bnuete•J,,· anrt, alto .. the shocJt to , fhe f~ mily 00 f~Ct{~iO£ the · i~~ ~ther, tlO~ ·SO .~eiJ U , h_e WQII jn lh_e 1ellrly part of _l _elli&:en~e. Ar_lot,ht>.r _ JZfl_nale~~n ._gai~,P~.d ~- · ; ~/fi4Y1• . :- . • " . . .. _. · to· St. GPorge'tl Hollpltal, and r~ttll'.,ed. ·~mb .- -~u y ~· 1.8a0, ~,,~ va~[ II.X p.m_. . . . ·t dlotoly wiah one of the medical as~tllnla and. ~fter thta ~ ~~~· .ffiearucttoos were J:.t~en .to edma a caLriolt-t to reo)ov~ C;;ir Roh.rt. ··Mr.J ",9verenn ·"'"'""· the-g~ttea exc!!," t~e H~:o bOJt of

.. • .' . . · G lbrn h•~r, lhHt fight revereml prela•e.h.11vmer IJ_,en ~~P~"n,zae JUst. pr~vau~sly 0~,~ervang an ope.n. r'ae'ha (ur '11hbrtly Jtl'evious, by Sir Roberl'd. dt:'sire, ao

. cor.rto:.!o O,PJlroocllln~t . 111 whr~h Wf're l':"o 1.~· adtJ1inisJP.r ,to h,i 111 r.he ijoly ·sacrnrn~u•. · . · ~if!ta,. ~lr~t-Lucae, of Bryaostonp sq.unr.,, and 1 'h"oi ·Hieltot• o( G,brnltar arrivet..l ebortlr hefore i~t• r c.Juu~h1c1, had expltl ued to tho inmates eig'ht o•cfot>k, anti \Vaa tulrnitred ra thd ~ret~t~nce' o't t)1n serious n~ture of ho acci.denl, up-o · · ah" ,riit.~t · !ion. bar~11-e1, wiah wt.ou! ·~e rem~jne•l \Vhich i\Jr11 • ucns at ·once insisted u pon for nearly no hour: Str !}"bora at th1s ume_ ~ecu'!'.e nli rhtin:n. nntl" a ·0 r.r h r carriage at Mr · very 1~1uch \Vt?ra.e, IIOt l oil tbe rp~mb~r:tof ~us (ar_July

~ '"'t••. 1 • • p · #o • • , \f.:re JntrOtfQceu tO !Oke l\ i11~1 lt:BVC of lltctr revertd ~·u·l~enzae tt d1s posa fo the remo~ al of tl~e. r~iuti~e. \\'s l•elleye f...atly Peel "'"8 rr.duced to r_•~ht ,hou ~uronel. . Rober_t had •. at ~h·~ auch n s rnte of mi~1d, fro111 t'~ceu i1c g• jet unci t•.mo, shown sya:npton! oJ retu_rnmg ·an1mataon, wolct.in)!, lh3t,. it \Uut not 1hought uo!vi ~nltle to uc· and Sir Jnmlls Clark· lB.Yiug exjlree•Pd.hia opi. q_unint llt'r )nJl.sliiv wi•h tlae 111·rruuch.in!; t1i l'eolu · nion that his · remov~l might .be tofl~cted, tbe uoo o{ her ~elovet.l . ltullb:m •l. ltSI tl.e tJhock mi~hl ri~ht'f}on : barone t W~A lt'hrd into, the ~arriago. JlrOY8-(reater ~b·11n ebe t'OUitJ l.Je~r. And supported uy the two ~P. n.ll ~mcn who had . At a rew mmu~e11 past 11.: 11 o ctoc~ all hop~ wos -•'k. a fii .· . d tt d d b h d ' I dlllpellt!d hy tile 18~U t1 CJf I be foliO\\IOg hulletm :-

. · .

· . . . . .. • , 1 . .

. ... . ' . ... . ., ,.,; . ro al duk~. w( o_t_Jo Uuckirlgharn ' Pa)a~oj,g, a~nou.t.)ce· . .. ... ,

. melanchdly tell igenoe . 1~ the 'Qbeen· aod iho ." ;Prmce. · ~i.e ? . 1.' ~igl•9~e~ · t~r_ie~ce · A!~~~· a.t• lend;ed ·_bY, . IJUtH'ry iti ~41\'08; a.~c~etJ.i!'leJy JlrO•, ceded t..r~ttg~·.hotne 1.o poy t1. y,ittit .e.f coo .. dole . lu h~r .~tuyal l~i~~l'\~8~ the . /?ucll~as \>f . ·· .

-G'!t~•l! .. ~~~e. an~ . h111 J:l"Y~Il4aghneee.,rtnce·~orgn. 1.'· P.~"'co ~llum rAJu~uit:c.l o'utif, " quurer IJe~re 11 · o cluck, nn•l ·•h.en , reruroe~ to Huek inghnm l1aflrce · · un-;mled· by· Lle U[. CulQoel tl)e hoit. A. Gordon. J.ler ~~9Jal l;J i,J~ne_s.! abe R~c~4!·~·. ·o( .Qiouc:e.sl_!r rerunwell 119me '_twa~ 1cJnge~" wilb her atHactell relatives. . · · · . ~. ·

<?f nil rbe PP"ItB of.~ttorge :UI. rbe Ouke 'of Cam .. hrictge f•.robtl bly ·c..~ ispJay'ed throughout hi a~ lito mollt o't ~h~ qu.aliu';,a .· ~lu_cl; 'hi;r·ory·. ai,_rib'u\ett ro hj~ f~the.r. ·:SIR&lJie m ~·.:- Ulst.ea, ktn•i ond ufful>le in .lila m~o.'· ~~· warm tt,nd Englieh in hi:t hedrr, be ; JuvecJ 111 uas dorne;~~uc circle, and generally hkt!t,l w iahout i•: ~~~u. P uke of ~umt.dJ$ti• wiu;out ahy greut .or !''I'Jkmg power uf in tbll.et:l, was uui(ormly regnrJed ~jlh I he rett,pect ~Ue I~ Jii.a fDOk 1\lld the esteem.wh 1cb was ab" proper.• 1r1bu1e of llitt virtue. 'fhe. c~unir)' . utaj (n queutly have · lost g,renh~r tn.:u~ but II }:t !'Rrely that u die.u ngUltthell imllvidunl tie.; t1Ct: lld8 ao the 19011.1 Ot .thu lU~liUre 8~6 thi:t J'finco l1ns reuchecJ, lt~uv ing a chnrRcter ~to fre,e frotl} tl lome, anrl a n11rne ut-socitued •Wllh 110 lttt le of e itlu:r publac or l' t: ftlOI}al h<?~llliay, , · · · ·

-= 6 •

· · &pp~oach w~th 'the deep-eat affill!t'ton ; but it is. th~ d~tY . of a pareria to rt>f! reht:nd 1he vices of hia c'hildron, ·u.na \\<t, ure plac. d over you i.o 'ye'r(~.rm' tpe . samf) ' duly • . n,o ·mat~cr _hc:~v p~tin(ul at I"JlBY lle to us to do so. 1 ho ~I mi~h(y pr.oclsims .. that Ius name is holy

p~ e r am ,u5p. Gao 6 ~n He ; ~ 1, r me dlr~ •• Str Rohert P~el bus beeu ge1dng rapidly wurtfe

••1ucer ,rorp ~ l. . corge s 011Jllta1', waa rl· since sevtl11 o'dork. ve·n slowly h.,mo : ~ · c. TP.ri p.m. Jt.ly 2, 1~50.' ' ,

. P•nJ~ . J JJ LY JI.-The nt'w ele.clorttl JalV \till tl• :~ lru11ch•ee :~•x millionljl eleccor:~, or two-lh it rld of t h e wh olt;o body . Tht: A~ae cultly !las c~wtirmed


I·J ~· )


.. ·


'and terrible," (•2) ond •• cnmmanda us not lo \eke · his name in vain ... (3) The Ap,)etle Jil'iewise t~lls us that • • io' aho nttme ol J£su•

On Si r Robert's arrivaf in \tVhiteholl -gar. AI nine minutf.'s ollt:r .~· lt"ven o1clock Sir R ohrrl dE'i• 's, he \\'88 immediately aubje«?ted loa me.. bre~1hed l•i~ lust, in the &•resttncu uf n~orly ull t.i• dical ~xamiriation. · 'Sir Benjamin Brodie, Dr futnJlf, o( ~ h._orn Ius ha_d 1akt-o uu uffdctu.uat ea\'1\

h . ' Y n IIIUJOrll y uf. I ~7, its yule ol the prbviuua dray; l~lat every lcntlahg urt•cle 10 o paper ehuvltJ be ttlgnlld hy II. A OUIIw r . A lurge quu111i1y ol bo ll c·urlru.l~t:::l llave bel!n ::lt:i:&:!d oa abts huusts ul Perpig ... 111111 . , evory kh~e . Sholl b<.oW, o( 1~0!10 that oro ' in

B~n~n~ ·on eari.h, ar.d under . the eurt~a.'•( 4) How ~then cao we c~pOOl .thut a .. n wall lllc.<8~ u. cofnmuoity '~ h't-r.e •?e vice of Swc~r ... iog hy Hi!t adorable ~urne 1s ulc'u ! ~o prevalent ? w~ 'hesef'"ch you / then. doarly belovP.d cl)il. d'ren, by t.he bowel• of Je~us CuRasT to refrttin from thia a\Vful profuuotioo, nnd •' le1 the ns.me of tbe ~···rd be blessed 'for ever''15) Qrpnng you. And, p.c:verend Brethren, we cnarge you to mako utte of ev~ry mean• the <1hurch places at your daspnsnl, to punish th'ose who pcrse>vere '.in tlli11 w•ckedncst~ "that anger and indigndtion anq clomour and bias .. phemy bo put away frum yo u w'ilh nil malice ...... for beCilllSO of lhfltiO things cometh' the nnger o( Goo un rho chddrt'n of unbeh~f. "(G )

Sevm(tilr; 1.\fr ·c!esar H1twkin11, l\Jr Hudson, ouly llls_hott 111uo pre,vJoutily. . 1 tj J k . ( .1 lnte lllgeurs uf tl1e ltltllnucholy ~vent os 1m ctnll lt r .tc· so11, 1he um1 y flurgeon, \\'t!re m d 1 1 , 1 d

13 k. .. u 1 1 • • t1 :tt t: y .or won e to oc '"~"nm r " ace , ""c

very ~oo~ !n Mlcn~l}nce, and aftt~r D. careful hy elec•nc aelt!~r& ph 10 •evt~rul lnmily connectbns The ncrounts in the Cork }ll\per~ rQ.mpletrly re ..

fvte a : u~..t eJ·ort of an eltt!ut~i~~: lai ruru of tile vota .. to t rop iu Kerry. . · c~~nuuatto~ hncl b.cc:u m!ido,thoJoli.Jwmg bul· of tile r•ght a.uoournble lJarouet rt!e~a t.l ~ol iu tt.c

lclln WU8 it~sued- ../ courmy.

. \tVe recommend you, ahovo all thingA, ·peace and' charir y ; • • Ueu.r1y J>cloycd, ltH- us l<.'ve one anotper. fo r chari1v is ol Ga.o ..... . (or ir any ffiiiO qay. I love (i••p and hHtC has 'brethreu, bo is a llnr; h" thtl.l loveth . not his brbthh wht>n ho seelh Jlim. how can ht, o/v~ lion whom he eot: lh not : •! (7 \ l . .. ~ ' __,

Let us all then, H.e,·erend l3rethren and «iearly ~cloved ch1ldrer., .unite in supphr.~airH~ nod dp v1olencu to Hcoven, lt.at ~on may Kront us t hoae temporal and ~pir . tunl llh~'Scllngs of which wo saaud 10 need. R··m ember thai " the Lord i ~ fa r from •Ito w•clli>d, and he will heur tbe prayt!ta uf alu, just.·~ (B) . Know. ing I hen our uw.u u 'ow':'rllllni!~!t for •• we have 'one wicl,edly outf\ prov.·kt:d tL.ee to ' wra~h, th-erefore 0 Lord thoy art •nexo'ruol~"(9) lot Ull invoke the all·po\Ycrlul in •e'rct·~S)un ••I tha ~vcr illlronculu e i\lo•ht~r of Gvn, o ur Protec. trees, of St Juhn •h r. ll~tptist und o r:::; . Francis -tho Pa• rnru u( (he 1J10cess, 1 hal 1 h e y wuy preSE'flt U~t prnyf' rS ue(ore th~ thrcJIIO ul Grace·, tHH1 obaain forf'us , tbruugh JEaU~ t'HR IST our Lord , thoso fuvora uf wh ic b our ein'e render us 'un,,·o rtl,y'.

•• Tpe grnce of our ' Lono J E&Us CunuT, ac:'J the clrttrity of God, a ,,d the c'ummu111ca· don of tht1 Hoay Gh(ist he lt'llh you ttll i•( 1 u) .:.:..Amen. · ·

. . . ~JOliN THO~lAS. ~iv~n a~ 2l'.f E_pi$cr-pat · Rt<siderlc~ · · ·

t/ie ~"l~d day of July. Hl50. ·

(I) l!:xod. 25 3. (2) ·Pt~. 110. 10. (3) h~ 1l. 2~, 7. (4) Phil.:.!, tO. (5J P.d. 11:2. 2 (6) l!:i""e .~ " 6. \7JJolau4 7. 2u. (8) l'ruv. 15, ~9. '(U)::itttu.a,4·~-t1UJ 2 Cur. 13, Ja. ,.

1A'l'ES'f NEvVS' ' . . . . .. . . ~=:;:.,-:·==-=-==--.:.._--=


. (~brihtdjrom t'}-t London Traichman. Jui!J :J.)

" \Yhi!chn ii~J!a.~tlPns. Jurv ~g 7 p.m. " Sir Rolaon Peel latta 111et wi•h" Bt:Vtlru ecciolpnt

hv fhlliu~ from h ie~ hors.,. There is seve re 1njury or une shoulrlor, \ .. iah a fr.lc lure of ttie collar t.oue. Tberu is 'grellt rebBOil 10 ltOI'e 1hat lht:rG ia uo intetnal i•·jury.'' · .

Almost immPdintelv after tho accident, his Ro}·al li igh nes!t 'pd,;ce Albe rt, ~ccompanied by cno Prince of Prussia, arrivt;d at Sir 1~· burt's residence, il\ · \Vhir ehnll~:nrdl!r.l, \o mn~e inq•1iries aftP.r the i'ight hl)nouraule ba · ronet. Hts Hoyul' H iJZbn~:ua Prince Guorge called at t~even n c lock. and th~ Duke tllld

Vuchetts of C nmhradgo lfen1 to mAke in<JUiries. Vis c.'ouot Palm~rston wna one or the firsi

members of the nob.ili ty who ee~t ro nscerlatn rhe' sLq_•~ of Sir Robert; -enct 'to Inqu ire uiu:: r Lildy. Peel and ' tho (Rmily. · The uoble vis c ount received · n \_fri.ltcn rc~ly from Captai~ Pt'el. · ' 0

. Tho nn'Swer •o inquiries up to a late hour on ·sa:urdur evening wus that S•r Rouerl wu prpgressing as well ".II could be ('Xpected, und 1h111 he had some slumber. A j!rttat numbor o{ ahe nublli1y und gtmtrj called tn \V iutehalll garden:~· ·duriug the t'Vcuing• . The int f!ll if!en~o of the uccident caused a pe'~ p f!'eling c1f r~~ret among · all classee,..a ~d formr d. t~A allsorlling topiC .(lf.c\lnvera~lion ~ every d11 ecti un wht>ro the news apread.

1 he quee-n nnd Prince Albert 1~111 tp"hrq~re 11f1er IIJti ragh1 lion. hnr••net nt 1tll eurl~ hnur on :-i11nclny mornuqz: Th11 l>uka ""d. U uches:t Q: V11111· b• •"~e· 1111d thu Duchct;,c o l G 'oureater nl6u sen 1 10

Bt-Ce~tBill th tl d1U i t' o r lh., right 11011. b..runc t. T ile Uuke of We lhug un, who t11ul c .• u_,.a ou ~a1urat11y erf:nwg, JIUIII 1.1 !:leconcl ,.,l'if Oil Suu.tRy ll(ler noou , 10 mnke 1'111JIIirlf'8 uf•t:r ~If ltoburl. 'J)•Jrlll~ Sun­t.luy , \\ hilt:'llll iJ gnrtltirtS WUI~ crOIVtkJ \VI th 1ht! cumugt:! ol tht) uohiluy nool gen11y, c.11l1ug lo mnke inquuJP.IJ. •

titr R ohett r~e) haP, for many yenr! pa·u. tiJ rlen o lavourlle buy m\re. 'fh1ct ut. trnul huvwg IJe· como a~;et.l !),, Rotrert was 111rong1y aiiYllltld 10 olataJO a n1oru si1rt!~fuo1ecl hone, uu•f the' uuim"l · om wiJich loe wne 1hro"'n was pmchns"d l.Jy lh"

rli!hl hon. tu. ro.1e1, at Totulr~rtll'cS,oll. ly 11 le\\' Wtlek~t l! irl'e. It is noc o young IJUue laif hu~t IJeeu etcu.,d , llu t t"iglt t or ten )' tHtrl! old . .

The foUowing Lull.:tin, Ut1ller rhe hnnt.! o( Sir Jomes Hrodie, Wll8 isr-ue l et\·~·y (Jfl J\lundRy ; -

11 S~r tto hert f'~t~l 1~91 \~~~ ;, goual lll ll lll, nn I i~t on '"" w'f19,1e, btl-tlt!r t~u n y~tercJuy--Joty l , 1851>, hull pos t 5, o.na.'' I. ..,

t\ cun:~ultettJuo was l•eltl io aile eveir•g, hut no h••lltttlll wa:1 utl:!UIId .' J\t lt·n u'cl<'ck uuother con,

. au iJRtiun took ~luce. 'fbo lollowmg butlodn wa~ the rt!!Uit : -

" S iuce 7 o•ct,ck Sir Robl' rt Peel hns been very rPIII h~st, anti hitt COIIdlliou i$ lel'l Srt\lll lliCIO•JllliUI

• 1 it w111 i u tl"' ~orly Jlun uf tl1e clay," · w~ r~gret to &unuunt:e that on ncridf'r.t t ~A glf'301'0f hOJIIS W3 !,1 r'!ired 011 Tueadny morning

ftttnl In lid re8Uit9, occt.~rred to 'S ir Rol>ert ! nr e r~ht o'clut: k hy tlle'"lppearuuce vf •hs followh:g feet o~ .'Saturc.lb.y ev~r~~~·~. ps q1e -~ighi 'hoo~ Lulleuu :- . · ' Laro~et wa~ p~oce.edmg up Con~t illf 1on -h111, "A flu seven o'clork ·J.-11t n,ight Sir Jlol•ert PeP.I'.c ~D b_onehnck. ~rr Rohet• lt· fl hid r~ardence' "Y ml•tomll ~ertt .consuJerahly uggrnft r_,J, eo 111 1_o an Whhehall-~arden8 1hurtly be fore ~ve 0 ; .. cuu:e .. ulllch n_nx1ety ~t!llpecuug U•eu,. r.loek. attendtod by his ·rooin · ttnd r . d. · Ettrly alus n!ornto~. howe.ver, l•e hnd ·~me illfr throug'h the p ' rk ' t :d .' d • P o_cl!o ... 1 rPCru h111g sleep, anc..l lhtS alan;nwg •Y•lJfltorut h11ve J"' . . ' a ' lu orraYe nt- nrly op ¥O•IIewhttL Rbtt teJ. poslte lh~ nc.w ~nltonce into ~rosvenor-rlact' , · "Whutd~nll lml(put eight o'clock a .m.'' on Conslltulaoo h'all whc' n bt' · 11 · · ..1 f , • J • · ' ..... "' . , , . . • . .~~ or~o ~.uo~t>n X .('he l'r10ee Cc>nttort ftrnved at one o'eloc-k, t~•e.~ at 10,~eJ htuc.; that wu JHIUIIJ~ ,' eud mn~e i11rpurit't ou htHl~&l(o( hi• lloyal Hiaboell

acksng .up s.• .~et:lf, -~hre~ Sir RolJe rt o~l"r ancJ (u~~ ~Jtc~o::-uy th~ ~clt:~n. . ~·· headl ·c;»n ~~~~- fac~, t~ ttl~ road: · Ahh~li Tbe an!wer to all inquiries, up to naid·~ay, r~nd~re~ .'~•"?•able by the fa ll, Sir · Rubert wutt, IOttt S•r ltut~nY··rlccmHnued mucb the ••me to~ on~ ~?mt~• ret~wed hold ' q l the !Jtidlt:; n~ whe t' tho bJ!IttHI~ "~' 11•uet.1 Ill ~·It l'"' eia~' pro~al)ly It was entcsn,t .. d in aom" p:trt of his o cloC"~. • .

::iir ll olu~n Pt!e l CXJiired in the dining room or h i11 twu•aiou, from ,~· bich apttaunent "" luul 1101 Wt' ll rt:movoJ s1uce hi9 ilnivul at bo,me ufl~r the llCC Jt..l ~: Ill • , • .

DEATH OF THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. ,.. From the J.o11COn II atcl,man, July J 0.

AlJout (l).ur weeks Rt!o• his Roy:ll fl •gllneu ehe Dnl<e of Camhrut~e her.ume tlllli:~poll~rt. fl•s ft ,>ynl Highues:s was, in cunt!t'f}Uencu, prevenled frorn beinj.: prel!ent tct . Jbe rbri:>\t·tt iu~: of ahe infn111 Pr111~e Arthur, at Huck•n);bam .1'1\Jat:e, on •he· 22ull uf lasa 1111111lh, hut. the Oucltess of Cnn•hri•lge , Willi IIJ8, Priur.o~:l ~l .. ry nn•J rnnce of . Onugtt , were prttl>CIIL OA lb ts iut,.rt:stint.: occ11sion. On th tJ lui .. lowing dny (che 23rll ula.) urt.lere were ga ven tc poslpon" 11 .lnrl!e lldt'etn f•ly ime ru.letl to buve tael'h given hy Jj)e Docile s pf Cn•nhrid~e on Mouctay, tho ~.J .h ulr., nuJ atl:to o tlinuer pony on 1h~ IIU\:·

C'et:llm~ rlu). ller ltoyAI H ighoes:t the Vuc hetS:t of C~alllh,r•dt;tS ttlso, nf1er &hoi· d•cy, tleclilaed acccp11ug inYil•a1ion:~to lfltjtlrl Rllt.f pnr ~J~Ifl:iYt' ll UJ Ut" ICUu• inl( nobillry. }l," ltoyel H t~hllt.'$:t cnlllllluet.l lrcmi the CUIIIII!«:<IIC811Jehl of llllf inlii~JtOSlliOII 10 I'UfT~r fro m clduli•y nod loF~t of oppettte, "h•ch tile ~k11l nll•l tttt-rlllon of his ,,.~J . cul ad,• i:~t~nt lu •ltul 10 rt~· !tiUrr~ . Tbe physictuu~t, au~elher ~ llh !\lr. -.l{etll tl a111l Mr. lll iug~urth, we rH 1n conSIIIII r daJly """"* tlnnce IJO thl' royal lJ:lli t: 111 1 01111. dtlfllljl f191 o }'11:11 we~: k lhtS daily ucC•IUIIII were very I8VOlJrc•IJit) Ott

two or lllf418 c!iffen:nJ dwy11; etill, IJowever, uo cleclsive Jlll •y ' rouk pl11ce, ;uut tb~ slute of his Ruyul Highuet~s ht'came u Slll •j ~c t of nnxtel} oucl eullo• .. tutJo IO ull tho:~t- lo wltuiO the e:IIIIO:tllltl f1 •Ju lltl l!!4 ol &he royMI duke ere fa m ll u.r • .• .. . .. On !::f,tunlny bt~t ltoJial lli~hll cli:l C·J illlllllt't.l much an tlJe ~ a111~ 81i1°6, ~116 Wt•llklll:E8 s till CO!l t illUIIII:r• \Vhnl Bllj.:lol ut_cc rat ion lh t: r:e f\1311 m lai :t couolicion ''lid lnvour u i•IP.; anti the anower giv en lu i1111uir ieli WtH!, t..luu hl:J Jt.,ynl H•ghuees 'wus rath~r tJ"tter. The fu l· lowm,c hull~ltu of 1hc Duke of Cambncl#;e·w ht~allh w~ts 1ssu~t.l ou Sundu) : -•• U •II Hoyul ti •gil ness tiiCJ D ukt) ot c .. mbriu g··· \\ ho httl lltlt:ll luhuUrlltJ{ for scun_, ume unller aenous mdtspOil~ion, coll ttJJU t' li 111 u 8181tt o f greot cle bi lily .u

Thd m~olicu l gnu\lemen, on ,\)ondo! moruing, is:-ued cbe lullowang. hullt:lln :- /

Tht: ,nccounte rece ived or the harvest pro~pPClS a/.rou&houa the couuary couti11ue bighly luvoruble t

The gr:uul juries of the r ounties of Clare an1 Liu~t· rick, 1\tld the ci1y of L~ruerick. huvu sever nll1 lHt88~cl re~o lution~ npplying fur the miti~QtiO t\ ol JIJ tJ pun ishment rntlicltsJ on W 8 O'llnuu a & M Ufl 11 I:! laud.

A 11tory ia 1old of o hypochon•lriae ~entlcm '"of ra11k a n ti Iori Ulle jn lrt:lantl, ~ ho fun•:1e11 ouu of lai11 lc~8 o( unt~ re i•J!iuu onol~th~r o/ ·1\llOiht:r.

lie oot unfreq ue u1ly pule o11e ott.is unfo:-runa1tl leg• ouliufe ol lhts !Jell clothes 10 pumsb It f,r It' re~ll· g JOUI:i error!! .

Tn£ GoRII4~ L"A"E,- F e:H L luDGli4

1-:NT or T tu C c.• UIIT •••· Excllt' Q.UER.-Thts t;ule~f Hur.m P ... t .. luck del fVtll t:tl jullg wtll l u11 J\1 ~ucl ny uaornau•• :--. ' l' l C J c t :c Ollrl Wild UII UIII rn OUS y ttl OJIIOIOit-.thn r_ tiJIJ appeal llual l•l'tlll r•ghtly m•all" •10 llrtl j ut.l rcittJ com~ tll ill l't! of 11Je Privy tJuuJJt.:Jl, noJ clutt atte ru lw uitSi uh tl\ rll t)t.l hy IUd U I:! hOp u( l!:tetur-clh.l!tl, tb~rtffur"

1 lot) d tt-CIIIl rgetJ Wll b CO~\ ~ . .

Loui :~ f l11lippe is 8 rJt·~ dying of cancer in lhtt o;t ornuda, 1111LI 1118 1• ty,owitlll:t rtiUit: tbUt· lli:s (iltt cuu st~urct:ly lu:t t ~ IUull ~~ lou~er.

Coo J.avt:n. 0JL.-S.Jch ho. heeo the ~XIrn rmfi,r nary do ·IIHillt.l of lu re lur Co·t L 1vu Q ,l f·•~c..--~, nul purp 1. 1!:1 , lh 'll tile lJriC'.i IHi ru.,• t iu tiJ\, :tuut h, 1

t•ru 11HIIktl1:4 (rona uhvut £ 20 to £j6 ,pur tua. ­~olldou l! t t k~!J 1'imrs, July i.


FA1"1fF.I\ ~L~TIIr.w.-TiuJ r c~tt Tt!mJ,eronce OJII.II'tl., uo rl\' t~lfu t l .tt lle J(.ock,r 1k., It fe w tl.ays &Jlo, nut.! wu w•:rc c" uecrntld 1c1 lett 1 llt1H lte id in tetlhltt h~nlth fro111 .tha clfm' l'l of n r -! llt nuu~k of !Hlm. ly~ ' '· ll e wa:~ to IJllVO HlortetJ for lhe Uu1 Svrmge 011 the 18 h lfl::ll. lu r •hu r "Hto rulio rJ ol h•s (,t!u ltll ,

nl1er wh1ch he wuu ld rclur o 10 Lntle R..ack.-Pi~nJ · une, June ~. ·

The Q •lellec .Morning Cllronide ol the 8th insr. sAys: -The etory altout tlau Gov"1 nor Gentsrut•s rt!­~:~i~uutinn nnd re1urn tro:nelao.t ,;u J -~uut.l11l ion exce.~t lhRI, :" 11te U.ruuth MuuztJers ,werd tiUJIP ••tl~c..lto he uLou1 lo rtl~i~u , it watt ~u I'J.IOtud &lull L ord E lgio coulu;w~ loug s tuy h t~re.

11Ul{~lNG COUl{lElt. ~

ST. Jour;'s, \YE~NESDAY, JuLY 31, ·1850. " Gumbrictge House, July 8 . iSj O.

' " The Onke o( Ctunlm•lg~ wos in a Vt"ry ex .. hl\usted Slatu tluring &he uight, but h111 Royul Hl~b ut:till lla-. rullit!'\.1 cun:iitleruhly l hts' moinwg.' ~

IIi~ lt'lyal lltghnt-aa J'rmce ~eorgo went from THe mails arrived ·here on ~l undny nrory -· Ctunllri d~£-s llou~~ in the forenoon to Buckm••haOJ iu~ las t a t nn early h'our, per lltt! strnaiu~r l'atlace, und hud an iutervicw with hef"l\~etv. Merlin, Copt. Corbin, from -H nli (ax, bringing :rne Queen ttn t.l Pa int:e AltJtm ~~rrived at Cumbru.tg~ the usual files of Bnglish ~tnd American pnpers. Uoua_, ut •be multile ol the day, and wert. received -The most startli 11g\ l!iece of intelligence hy laer ·Ruylll ti•ghne&ll the Uucbel!6 of <Camhrit.lgt- · . ·. . .. · u(·con.pauie.d by t'riuctt Oeorg15 1, 11cJ {he Princtt~:~~ rt cer\'etl , Is of 1he acc1d~otal . d.eath ot Sar Mary •. Tbo Equ~::rriea in Waluog,Volori~J Uuckley, RoBERT PEF.L, nn event wh1ch han thrown .a nutt- L•eutt:nnll\· Colon.el tb11 Hou. Alexll.flder c;,,r ~ 1 gloom over men c;>f all partiP.s ~ad Qpinions don, autn•lcd. rb_e <.-!u~eu cw cl 1he Prmc·u on t•or:te. in Englnnd. \Ve havm nlso R~· account of t.ack. H er M :•j"-8 IY aoJ Prmce A lbernouk lt:aVt!• I d H' R -,... . . r ul 111~: Uucht:•3 ut' ~ambridgtS about 0 j18. o'clock. l I~ e~rh of. a~ o.yal l:J !ghoess. he ke~ Q

In coa•l t'IJIIence of al•e .. eriuu• intt1· flO -1·0 ~r Cambndge,,vl_lo h;u) nttnmed to flJS 7th year, . .. . " Sl I n u d h . t d . . -• I . I ,. r: I I ~· R~}'al H•gltnesfll, t~tt lullowiu~ uolice wa11 on w o aa _ nc.q~areu t lr_ong ~ ·!•e, .\ 10 -~ aar ..

1::~auel.l au the c:ul.lrts uf ~~~_, t.luy : - · . ac1er .of an nmtable ~~d hbcral m10ded "Lord Chambertt~in'4-uffi~!e, July 8, 1850. prince. We regret to ousen·t: ·that. the p.eti•

•· NoJice ia hut:lJy ,riven, that o\\ins • to tbe uons for the commutation ol the Et:ntence of lll,ur~111 1l illne~s of but Royal H•&h~ess tht Duke P~;ofessor \VE~STBn, a(tcr having ·been re ­o. Catnb'rtdg~~ 1118 UtftWIOtf Rof)CU ·~lendt'll to be. fttrred lP the committee o( pardons of the-heJd. by her !\luJesty aa St J•me•'• Palace to·morrow, G • .. ·1 · h d b ' ' f 1 · the 9 1b inu. i and 1t1e . s"10 llall at 8J1ckan~baua .

1 o~ernb~r s Gotdmca

1 ~- ~I . een un_s\~cceh ss bu 1~

lJef•ce, oo ·Wcutuuc..lay nex& 1be JO.h i~t. t\illllot l 1ear o ~ect, nn ~ 1at us execttliOil as een take a•lact~.'' · ·. ~ · . ' ' · fi.:ted for the 30th of August nex

.ller Royn~· !'iiMbne· .. t!Je J)acheai.of Gluuce~_••r · \ve d~vo.te . our paper ~o--:day to s1,1ch reaurned l~ '?•n•bruJg~ jtuu•" at h~lf·l• .. t om~ EnoUsh •nd. otb~r iuuHii.Jrence u we deem · o'clock '"" naghr, 1011 ten fn iDUttl ataerwar'-'e lhtt ;::, • · · ·-;::, d · · Duk• oa,· t'a111brtd1e eapued. . • · . may bo. gratafymg to our rea ers. ~· · . .

1'be: folluwin1 i1 . tbe IJulletin 1D9ouooing t tse ·

. -

periiOO~ . and !be horsts ~eir.a thtore'by suddenly A I hhlf ·PIIII one o'clo.e~. 1\D.Otfler ~eclical con­chec~ed, (eiJ 'hei"ily on s.~ Robert, the ani.. suhnliOI.' IOUk vlace, ,.,., fthUit of wb\9b .. _. UJetJe Jual'• koeullr~kto~. the~i lit ' tao'n. bhronet know~at 1wo ~'clock,lJytti.,·· I•~IJh~~tlqu of · '.be

~ o( ba~. -'4or,al Ha,a.nen. · 1.'here · 11~~e alr~ady ar;ived 11l this port · '\ Gamhridae .Hour~; July 8, JO (l.m. S ixteen Spanish · ve~els, of 1~ tous,.!or ...

H Hi~oyal liithnell the 'Duke of Combridce, fish cargdes. . beawe .. n a he •llopt~·u. , he fint 'tleraon• to follu":ml hualet•n :- ~ • ~ i'atae Sir ltoltefc (rom I ., around w~r . l •• s.~ ~uberl ·Peel e~nre•e• tllm,elr •• aaCI'csriDI 1eollemen . named TowJI a-uti .Kin _ 8

wo lees r••m ; ••.•d in ot.her ru,.e~ t• ie ~uite well ~ . ;.h . ~ on• re" aa he wu rht~t morntnJ.

Wldwlll io l" ,,ei~lt;n•~1--ce, ~~d 1~14~ _o .. ber i~ S~, " July~~ ball•patt ou~ l'·m.-•

·. .. .. .

' , -· ,. . . ··-

after l'•••tul ~ .tr•~quth dtty, e~pired . tou,~wbet tuddtnly and ~nbuuL •uO'~ranr, at 20 mj~uttll be• · , · · • fut• JQ o'cluek.'' · . We pUbli~lron <lllr fi.rst;P!I&e the Pastoral

"Directly. alter the dee,ue or bie Royal H•sbneet, A rldress of the Right. 'l{ev. Ur. fdULLOOK,

Abjor 4J\ron l{au•"•ck, a•riuc•J:'a.l cclu"''. ro tbt, addressed~ to his congregation on $uoday-lasc

.. \....{

. \ ' ,

. .


Page 3: VOL·. 5. . No·. 61.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18500731.pdf · ~en of ~ood feeling and attachrntsnt llcft much. gralaticd, . IJunk\Va i11 well Bl~ualell on

. , .. • I

r . I ;;e \ q •• I ~ .

) ... ! .. . . . . ., .,

• -.I • •

on the ' occasion of his :1ssuinins th~ dut.ies · of hi~ B~hopric .in the' roo.ru;:. of. the late

·: P~: . ~ ... J.~)fiNt· ·. .. ' . . . ~ , , - ::;::s::ap - - • I

-. ·'l'he H~ .C.rop in~ t~j.s dis~rkt ·is .now nearly gathered; h l~ad ·b.ecome p1,1rched and ~rowneo hy tch~ long 'cont:m.iance· of dry and ,\\'arm weuther. 1:\D.d_ \\:.as .bey_oti.d be.ing im· . proved by r.ain. 'i'his crop will be very' far short of nn average, nnd ther. \ '11 be much

-. )'O,OJU. (o'r in•J\Or,tntion, ·.bJo~ay night ~nd .. 'J'uesd:ay JllOfiiiJlg we had. some hea.vy r.ams

,which are .f)O;\V .nJUCh ·needed for £he potatO crop wllich looks ~t lhi.s titr.e very p,romisjng

. '

. The .:ac.r..o'niHs from th.e fishery generally arP. no.t e~couraging, the .Opinioh is that i.l ·~\·.ill l>e ,mder. n.r:1 ay,er'nge •. · ·

01to,-On 1\.lonilay mornin,r, CAROLal"fr. LrotA-, ~h d'wgh1er ol Mr Lionel T H. (;hara~y.

· ' 1-'he Jt~• Rnlpb ~obl>, of .th~ (4'ree ~hureh, 11

cll;rJ!)tllttn w .. ll known m 1hi14 ·rily, •lierf lost Wt:tk ill Ham,tl•.ou,< ! W.-Nuvauo.lian, Jul!J15.


• ·- I


t • •

)- . .. . ! !: I !

· .

··a utttou Sal ts. . . .

-·· , Tlats Dqy .. (~ednesday), c_0~2 o'c~~~

ON THE ·WHARI' OF .: . Barvey ~

~·0 'Pnncb eons n •i iish ltlo~sses 20 Do · Do R IUii, · ,

Now lnoding u : BtLF .uT, from ~~. Vi11cent. R . PR.O\VSE,

A~ctioneer . ; ' July 3 J

·vJl.B B AGE, ONI NS. &c.

-~. (Wednt>sday,) al. wo o'clock,·

.AT Til£ . ~1 H:t OP

Emmett .~ . Mitchell,

<.911 . .Sa.le. · BY

B~·BT7' A• .11l1TCHBL mo.UR-Superfine .and F1no . .r .. BRE~D..:_Nos. t ond,2 .. BUTTbiR..:.io · tubll ao·d 'firkin• CORN MEAL-\\'hilo 1 ••

_QA~~:EAL......:In bnr'rel¥' l!lld half. bahol~ .:PEASJt'~do do · . · B.Ji~ANS-Wbi'o ~ RICE;-Caro!ina, in tit-r~ts and horrola CANDLES-London 1\Ioulds - l in hoxe~

· ' Do . 'Ameri«-nn &. Oporto i & ludf.,lo SOAP-~jvcrpooJ and Cork. ·· SUGAR-in barrels . 1J

PICKLES-Wetit India i'£A, BQOTS and SHOES · lllliled ctnd Rnw iiNSE8·l> · OU, \\.• H ITE LEAD und BLACK' PAINT.

J uJy 2~.

'I'll~ sv·nsCICIDElt OF' Fl::J\!l FOR SAI. E



. '• .. , .;• --

" . ..... .

; . . . . . . · ..

c ~HE <100 · ~lliTf!tn' 'saa.~ .UCTI~& · ...•.

. (?llllt ·~omilly.," . 1o2 Ton•, .N , l\1,

FNDALL, 1\luler.::::-For further parlic'-larf _app(y to : . · ·

-~ L .. O'llRlEN- &:'Co. . . . ·For ~ale·, o~1 ·b ot;u·cl ·,,/;p,"V ~81· el, 1 :

A C~llGO- CADIZ SALT June -6. ·

N ot itt~.



APPLICATIONS addressod to th tary, w1ll be received by the mmis"'

sioners of LIGHT HOUSF.S, uo'il the 15th proxinao, from persons desirous to obtain lho situation of '

1--:-r-------- - :-- ·--- !2!!1 - I (BECK 1S 'covE)

300. H E t\ ns CA BRAG E. 2 barrel!' ONJOSS !! Brl:~ B~E 1'::>. 'l c.J\) Cuc~~rd

Ex FREE. Tn.,o£, CouNTRY MAID, and other Ke~t•e•• oC t h e ca11e Pin e Light uupnn r\IJ?ns, IIO llffC, ,

.f.RRI Y£D. 60 'l'ONS Hardwood Tli\ll3ER-suiloole such applications to bo nccompanie<t by tea•

fur keel unc.J '"tie p1eces timonial~t of characlcr and quali6cl\tion. 20 I> Z" ll PAILS )0 CHAIH.r. WAGGO~~. 20Q Ungs SALT

July 27.-Pul.ill, Barret, Sa J11go lie Cuha, ?2 dnye. t; ~· U ~"II IICll & Vo-,.ugl\r. t-: .. rtq.u a: v l''t:1l o:: rtro. !\l~:aurao, H~tVIIRn, J5 tlnyfl, C F. Bennell ?;. (;o

10 l{ t'g~t (.;alACK I·: It~. 5 Bo:<ea cl•uo . !ll K~>gs Sauced Till P~. 10 Toalet TABLES JO \Vtt ~ hs~tlrarls, 1 l{l!ll l" •gct

40 M. Hacdwood PLA.NK-1, 1~. ~~. 3, , A. SHEA , Secrelar11 • nnd 4 inch ;J


1 -llaUIG1'Sf' l9. Ati,el, LP.Ul1t11r1 Jj"thur l'« 1 5 oay:!, J \\:, \;V IJnycl-1 u mht:r. T11u11ans, ~I arch ildo,n, Qllt'hrc.h o cht)t• Clift Woi)J &. Co-tl~r SlaYt'tl

sw•l 1 i uJ•~:r. ~:1 .-A tvhora~ine, J oncnfl, Que b ee, J 9 clnyt~. BatnP

John:Hon & Vo-Jl•ovJ:oaot•l!. ~lurus, Uou~llll, Mnu11e11l, 14 d&)tt, l{.,hiu.;on 13rovku•c, & Vo·­fluur & men I. lldmons, c.;u:llc~, ~)'clllf')', 3 till).!', J H G• •zeatt~-heef ltutt~r nn•l cn., J. Con-1'111\1 Pnn.«4, Matat "' ''"• 17 tlctye:, (; 1<' Bcnn till •\:.. lo-mo i a~;~.;a . Acoru, l.<'et:lutn, Qut! hec, 10 tlnr H, .I H11rrou- tlour uu1't l•ullt'r. Chum;11n11, ~leurn:-, S)•ltn·)' , !.?o tla )to, D SlePic'- coal. M c •liu, Cur· (.,u; ll ul•lax 1: 11d ~tdne), 3 d"Y "· Bniu t: J o lttiSh>U ~· t:o-11 ;\1 11111ir::. Alplln, GamJ111, Muuar~11l, 1:1 ''" )'i', 1-: & N S "bh-pron~kJtl!'. tiltumr uc·k, 1\m •, .\nch•1•, 4 dtt)S, C111l Wuotl & ~0~.1lllt' .

SO.-AmnJ!CIII 1 ~ ldutlr.ulll, ,\liiaruichi, 5 da)S1 J . & W. Bvyol-h1111 hllr. r.fudu~try, i\ llurtl 1 J\itllturet. H du)t' , J &. \V. BuyJ-Iu111ltl'r. Geucrul \Vu· h· 1 11~ 1 011, lluullllllll tl 1 BuilOit 1 8 J O)'I!, T. (; Jau.t.-:. -c; ~:ntrol CMJ;O. • •

' CLEAR£0,

Antf S11111lry otht>r nrlich:H.

_Ex G£~&rur. \.Y ASIIINOT ON, from Bos1on. July 31.

'l'o-Jio•·•·o\v . ./ (ThurE~ny) at E ' ~v~n o"dork, l.Jy

Geo19 ge Loveys~ 20 1lf Ff1:~":T Sprucn' BO \ItO

ll • 9M.fetHdu . PLANJ\ 6 ~t. l•'t·tt llctralwo'lrl P lnuk- 1 ~ to 4 incbee 2 .M. F ct! l Br,.zr l B·1rr .. 1 111-:AIHi'H;

fiO ,\1 . Pnu! Shi~t~ ll'~. ~0 l\l. ,,'p rU " A ditto 15 Pieced P 1uc aotl ::;prw:e TUl UI::IL

J u ly :11.

<9u .Salt. . .. _ . : ' . - -:-:::----:""-=-=-"":===-

Pipes, Pipes, Pipes Ji'(n• the 1Uillion, .

20 Tuns Spruce SCA NTLI~G-large -l ung lt>ngtlis .,

2 ~ and 3 inch P111e DECKING -ALso--;-

A large assorrmr-nt of

Spars and ~last~Pieces. JUHN \\'OODS

J .tly 2G. ..

A FEW Ca~es ,·cry Supe'rao·r EAU DB (;O ..

I' l,(J'JN~, loa Sulc lty • ~

July J7 . B~llilETT & l\1lTVliELL

PU-I:tll~ · canada llants&BuUc1• For Bult:. by .

July . 13' . P H CARTER & Co

Jul) 27.-Sylpla L~UwutT, {..luPbec, Stnhh Row &. Rtcciv~ll per nu·~.J .:\·, fr6rh G.ettnnrlc, C..:u-..muJ.,.-d,. nrad :J1J i 11r. Frt!" Tn·d ~. Bo.~r( •rrtJ N. MAC DOUGALL

V. 0 .-l •~ ! -~oo· 111u~. ~~·dney Co:tl Now laml ing nt the Wh8rf of ti•O SuiJscri•

llr.r, ex Scbol)ne r '.' Rolea!le.,' ' "ill be suiJ low if tukeu lrd:n !11: ,·~ssel imuu~l.lintcly. '

lh.ltl , <'k, C U, J vhu \\'ootla-cum ua~ul. V"'"" July ~I , , lllf ), Tho"'l'~"'"• ~\lnrli!Hr•tl, J H (J~ -n~-hll'(.

iuly ·~~~ ' . G.LOV F:YS.

J..... IS dllldo~ c .. tt:,~ell, N t:w t : ur llt-IC, Ct.rr BY THE 8UDSClllBEll, \\'"o l ~ Co-hnllnt. JSrutltl!rr<, K ~thon, ::Eytl· AT JIIH UOC_K YARn, ~IAGO'l'TY COVE!, ' "~ ), l,;.1f1 \V .., .. ,J ~· Cu--•a ll HIIJ m~al. C 1wda. For 'enle on accommodating term:3 hy llut!.tl, Cole, B J:- 1•111 1 GnutlrJttge & L· • t~ h -ula 2.1,600 llr\RD\VOOD PLtlNJi, Jul1 s: P. ROGEHSON' & SON """· \V 11l uam , Ud.t~ t~:y, Auut;oau:~h, J 11 l,;u. 3 nud 4 inch, superior quality . 7~: n :--hul l u31, JUST RECEI V EO, -u.so-

~\:;:,~ovc, 1\J ..: LP.llttn, S .ttlnt y, J ll c,,z •u•:~-bol. A Quan~ity SPARS (lur~e siz .. . ) F.x SrENDID, from New Yo1k,

30. -1,G ()I .J ,. nnrov~>, lltycs:'o UMhadttes,J. U. Ull rn et July 3J 1

JOHN \VOODS - t-_ ASD FoR SHE · • ..


&. ~u-fiih. Oaa~CJ, Pt~ur, ~ydu~:y, <:1111, Wood ----- -· ·--- .. -.-· ~5 BARRELS PORK=-City Inspection 61. Co-b~tllusl . 20 C \~1-:S CAPI~It5-rontnill'n~ 12 houl"" ~B Burrel:~ Bl!:EF-primu

Puch.i 20 tlu IION~Y-do do do· JI_U t PET.l!:R ROGERSON & SON J.OADI~G. ' up ~:tprP.s:~ly lor (;utl' ly use . I· or l!llle hy J

• Julr 6.- J ee!'lie , L otulon, E ,\: N ~~"""· J•:ly ;31. E ~DJio~TT & MITCHELL. ·Juno '29 · 16- J .1lllf! l', Gr~l'llurk, J ,\:., \\' :Stt'Wurr. l 'yn•~o a u , L 1Hrpoul . \V & II Ttw a111u1 bL Co !lti-C• C)U tHh.~ , W lrul~t·:t, Jl111 Yfl"~ Fux S1J.-G1jl.,q, Gro~:uuck, Mc U alt: ~ K llrr.


In lhfl Merlin (rom Hnlti•• X, Mr Rnd :\I iss Grieve, - Ma·s i\Jr(J-~e. lle v Mr Mu ir. L O'Urteu, E · q .• ,\lr

lt•dh·y', )1 r McLnchlau. f'ore Culma-M r Coo .. wuy, Cavt l<'tr,nauJ.-z, Mr Bobt>go:~. Fro111 tiyd­n~)'- ,\1r John Harron an.J 100.

' In the (i l!ueral \Vusl• inelortfrom llo111ron, M .. s~rd P Wsl~h, C Hw~u, J e~ u'~" Onol~y, Jum"e tihte~

· l111n, L:o1; iuatt \: ouu~, Anti Mrs Cltlt. ., f'rona ll'ilmer o/ Smll/a'$ Europtan



June 27 7"1leroint, Cocliz. 2S -U.,icorn. Villn• nA. !!9-Thomna, Le~thorn Julv G·-Holln, Uut>H••If" town. 7-Giulhll, L iverJiool.' 8-Vucntllu, l<'lll · naou1h ; Eupht'll(ln, the Clytie. 9-Kittgaluch, lfrneseo11. JO-Beaeon, do.


Junf! 29-Uady N"l•ier.Crtd .z ; Anuie Morice,do. July 6-i!:ra,'uea l. 9-l tJa:t , l'•y•nouth; Pullja,. Guenat~l'y, JO-Uit:lt:ford 1 L iverpool.

l:ivtrpool- Loqding-Lovely Mary, Spray, and Emma, for Sa J ohu'~t, Newfoundland. ~rtdon -L?ading-Syrn 111etry ,and 1\tu ria Grace,

fut :;t JohA'd, · Ndwf''""'llrwtJ. . 7'/t,. C(~e-Loading-H11Iclutha,N t~wlpund lnncl.

. Lioupool-0/e,rt.d - Ann, Newlou~ttll.soal . ' V£SIELI SPOKEN AT SEA.

Thomu, fr"m St J\lbn'.i, N 1-', 20 h June, lat 46 N, I on 6:> W. '

t;asrilien Alaitf, LiYet'Jlool to New(oundlend, 261h Jun11, lat5l N,. 1ul1 10 W. . G .. orge, ol Pooht, for NewtouocJJend, ~0 h June, lat48N,lon .l8W.

Lnyi\liar, for New(ouodlend, 27lb Juue, lel N, lou JS W. ·

dcud, Cad z to NewfouodlancJ, 7 .b Juoe, '"' 37 N, Jon 1~ W.

Vdaper, Ntwr,.,,,tJand ,to <.:ape JJretoo, 1 Jth June, lot 45, lou .50.

THFl Office of the Saving~t' ~k hae I.Jeen reaao•ed from ~orb~r'cial Room• to

the ColooiaJ Buildlda. , .

July 31.


E. MORRIS , Clerk~ ~ (2io., . . .

••E~e,"Y 'JN'r and muulh," nrry, even day &ends {u"l h. 1ome ntto o11es. ~

TilE Jllcrliu brinl.!~ us ah iR lime-Strinlt'"'r anrf Tuwut~erul':~ lntt>rnntionul Mo~"zine, Nn. 2 :

CoLh'lll's '( \V rn. ) Cotrngn Eronorny ; ll oltlen 10 Mt~g •·zine fur July ; Thft Initmls-a stvry of mo­de~ Ide, qui r_, n:t &!Oorl os J .ane F.yre · Lossio~·~~ Fee I,.JtooK of the It ·volution, No. h; Earl's Uau hl~ r. hy S •·wcll, 11111hor of lin" kestone; Sl111k• ,apeurc oud his l<'rieuds ; T11e ~Oth Nu. of Mr.ss r~ • Philip!', S3mp-:ou and Vos . new odtlion of Shttk• s~eurl!. ; Tbe You1t, of Shnke11~Rre; Tho Secret l'astoion ; A fu rlhar ~U11 ply oi .Shirlcy; Crtrlyle'd L ·allerMl3)' l'.JIIIJI I•It· td, No i ; Th" JcHlny L nd ::3•rogiler, ~'' · I ; HnllJoc~e 'ci«'nce ot 1l1e Suul ; :;llrpentcrll u.,t rothe~l .ala~n ; llt>IOi t'tS or the Ura · r!'Veui .. ,J ::>ccrea, by l'al~i; A Q •t11rrer•Rnre in Kt:naucl(y; J..u1e Aruerir11n Pctpera tn nny qu11nti•y, duane tilt l nu~ 118 I he 27th iulf.t. U 1u:ry- W 110

woulaJ hnve ahoughr, I&J fif•y yenr11 ago, 1bat n U<Jstuo pnpdr two doys •fter 1he dote of iiP puh• licntion. woul•l b~ receivetl in · St. Joho4, Ne~· fountJiuntl? By tile vuy, we have rtceiYecl a very neat eduion or HumbohJ's Aspects of Nttture.

. . \V,. J. SHIRLBY .. , Americ~n ~~ok S torP, J_uly Sl. _ · - - -----my Jlo &J me l:rt~~iJY~ eo l' llli{INS rntMB cu.\un-:n~ANb

._,l ~· (, ~ \ ··-

Just rtcr-i•ed per Tlute Brclhtfl fro1r. 1\hrgaree. July 17. .

BY TilE SUBSCRIBER, Now ltlndul~ , ('X. b'r ig..a ntioe Evr.LIN"A, ·

50 M H 1!::\l LOCK Board and Jot~ t'l • 6 M. Herring llnrrcl Staves


A Small Quantity of BRICK.

June Q6. G. LOVt::Ys.1 -r.

20 DO~~-~·~~~!~ogl~I'~l RS 10 Boxc:s PIPES .

Fn:uc:h BED~Tl~ADS, &c. &.c. By E.JU.METT C,· JlllTCHELL.

June 15. ,~

TlT ES'I'PIIALJ';\. 11 .>\.~IS and l~o­VV lone ~3U!j:t;cs. very primo "uy.

Juno 2~ : BM~lB'l'T &. 1\IITGHELL

.NO\V LANDING, From tl,e Ba1·que W ANDERE" from Hambu1•gh

100 BAGS No. I DREAD 400 do No, 2 do, and

200 Bags Nn. 3 Do - AND ON IJ.\ND-

40,000 IRISH BRlCJ{S, euperioif quality, ANO

A few Tierces Davis~ Strangmao's PonTJft .

JAMES & ROBERT Kb:NT. ' May 29. .

J UST RECF.IVEO,Per Prt~cnoa.::..\VALNUTS i'}j JUS'1' ALMON Of;, Pteacned Plunu, Alaccaroui arid

Gand les. ' .

, RECEIVED, .Ez "ANT,u .

·' . AND J'OR &ALB JlT-

'""')17 EMMETT& MJrcHELL Mu.rray ~ Srnall, A PLEASURE BOA'l' Hydra ulic Of ft Yery euperior :ilodel, Cutter ritt~ted 1·aod aailt~ remarkalrly ~ell. 1'\rr pttrticulare 'III'IY ro · • ~

E:\U1E1'1' & MITCHELL. Io barrolr,:-balf-barrefe', anti quArter barrel•. June ~6. ( - --:---=-:--:-::--'i""""'-:---:----=...:..· ------:- A L80-A N A'IIORTl\1 EIS'T OV

<9W~~@>W.:l' Iii@Uf~~ ~@mln~9 CHIMNEY CANS AID SIIIOKE PREVEiiliEBS .(IND OTHER JJL.!lNKS, I . 01 uniqqe patterow, wbic;b will bu aold cboop.

For Sale at this offia.. . · f..· Nay ~5: ..r

·4 )

. ... ..J ~ .

,' " I • 1\f R. l\1Y£RS uega leave to inform lhe iohabi

1nu1s of S l' John'8 and it11 vicin ity thut he ~~~~~ nrrive•l with a full ftnd complete as:sortrnent of P.ouoforle Warea, Huffing, Lea1her, Cloth, nnd all 1ho Applioncet4 n~c~snry for Tuniog, Repa iring nnd Attjusting b:nh tllut intrument oud the Or~ gun. An early , opplica1ion will oblige, as his etoy iu tbis l~lond, owing to , ot~er engsgemenl&, must be short. Tbe Accordion oud Fiu1ina tauebt iu ten eosy lraso ne.

Instruments of every dcecriptioo Tuned and. ReD paired. ~

July 17



SU~l:\lER P E::3. for best cultiuretl Farm unt.ler which

te~ms ore intended l ,lao con eyed, goo:t (euctl',gales ,nb. uce of st nei nne! w eecl!l, goo.c.J nops, conveui.:ot · furm omces, onLI ngricull urn I utcn • 8 il~, c!uiry nrru11gem1!nts, &c.; 10 lJe competed lor uy tbe lalroriug ft.r.-Jner nlooe ••.... . . ....•. .. • • • .•. £5

l-'or 8ccoud l>cst ·do .". · . •.. . •. ...

1. .. . 3

l;-or · 1birtl h~:at do . .. ... . . . . . . . • • . . . • 2

AUTU.\IN PlUZE . Bt:s eamplo of Wheilt ( 1 lru:~he l) Ho liar ley { 1 hu:tl1el) .. .. . . . . . ,. Do 0Jts ( I bu~hcl) . .. ... .... .. Do Mangel \Vu1z:~ l (20 roole) ..... ...• o, Swedt!lll Turnip!! ('lO root~) .. ... . .• Ou Putulo6s {I IJurrt~l) . .. . .... ..... .. . D o Ca rro1s {20 roots) .. , . . ..... ..... . Do P :trll n ip.~t (lO root~') . . •......... . . Do Cheette (u£ 001 lcs:t \VCIJ:; ht 1hnra 6 1h) Do fte s!l Htttter (of uot lees thBn 41b} . Do sttlte•l or pic'kled Uuuer, of N tw ..

f,•uodlund pror!uce , oo lt:stt titan 1 firkaft ............... . . .... . · . .. .

To lre d•s •nl•utecl ( ; I deemec.J. dttsar;, lrlr) in Jl riZ-lB fur uneuumernted Vegt: tl\• l.Jict1 or Gruiu o( cxcdlenco ... . . .

1 • J 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 1



0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 o· o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0 ---

£2S 0 0 SPRI~G PRIZP.:) OF 1851,

( 1'o be cvmptled· for in Jllarch ) Ox, bPet fed, Le:St ~b·aped, and in be1tt

conrlitiou for he sl1amblcs, and f.:ll• lenec.J l>y 1ho con\peti lor .. ... . . ... £3

~co111l hest 0~ or Cuw, os nlJove , . .. !! 1 ·hird hesl Ox. or Co,v. os nLov6 : .. ..... 2 Ox or· (;ow of Nttwloundltihd grow1h,

hl's (ec.J ,beJ shwed ,nod i o bet~t co:1.· · ll ition fcSr' the sharnllles-futtc'net.l loy

0 0 10 0 0 0

tilts competitor.......... .. .. . .. .. 3 0 0 S '· ·' d n_ • 0 0 t;cond u !!Sl uo o ......... ~ ....... Fur 1be three lwst oud beJit ~d Shet ,

and in Lest condititlo ' lor th~ tdanm· . lrles-fnuen t:J IJy the compe,ilor. , 2 0 0 Oo •do llo o f N , wJour. tllnod produce 2 . 0 0 l'u he clhllribu r:d (if tleemed doiirebl t.' )'

in Prll..:a fur c\ny other animals of f!Xc"llence •• .. . · • •. ' .. . ... ...... , •

For the largest pair of l''owh, . . .. ·: . . ..• fo"'or t.l o4t'!ll ol laretos l Hen Egge ..... .. . For b o larg,eet paiJ hr Duck a .. ..•.. • . .

o o o· 0 10 e()

0 5 0 o to:· o

P.rovided tllat no ·animal s.hall car y off a prize unleu it be in prime order, ,an that no on~ peNon ahall roceite two prizes for ahe eamo detcrtption of article, ln.all prizes pre­fer<'o~o ehall bo giten where tho things lr.e • equRI, to opera in farmen and feedeu . .

Jr:::P"The Summer r.rizcs lo bo awarded and ~i.-en, at the Autumn F..tbibitioh, an'd the Aulum eshibitio-n to bo helfl oo tbtt firU MondAy in November,

By ordet of tho Commilt!'t-, BU.YAN ROBINSON,

. . . •· Preeident July 3.


. .. ·-.. .._ ~ .. · . ..

. ) . .

. .



Page 4: VOL·. 5. . No·. 61.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18500731.pdf · ~en of ~ood feeling and attachrntsnt llcft much. gralaticd, . IJunk\Va i11 well Bl~ualell on

. , .....

~ ..



() ,




' '



, . ~

.... , A t ' ,. I

I .... I

... .. ' .



• : r

... .. '•

· . . . ,

-. ~·



--.. .... ..

., . . '

• • • • . .

'f.'tlE ··l\iORNING ~.. :.j \ . ' . .. COURIER .

•. ,•, t

N c t fttrJ~· •. ( , .. "\ .· . ·oF J'lTii'l Rfi'('IT T.O ·LL '· &c . . The ~r~k jtointe ~·r~,.· j; ;',. rio~ .hnd \o :IItke _ '' ~...,:~~i::w:w: . 1 tl 1!1 00 ll ~>r 1!1YP8 tumi, fln•l. nt>ver lt'Ji.nd o~to ri.ve: ·

.. c~ ·~......---.. = -~------;- • . I .Uy11p . HfllJ J.i v~ r ~OlhJ'flilll8 ru re.J. IIDd. •'-- · . . N .~TJOXAL LO\>f F.u~n . ' . ,........,.f,R.Ot<:I<:~SQi_t -{\.~ "' · : ·.JJA>RRY·~ . . TO TBE LADIES. ~;_· all . Vt•~J '".(.u nt.J S o u t)Jf'tn )!c-.~riJ l"t.ll''"" '~··l it . .. ·Li-Fn ··Ass. t.uia.i.~ce · .·soc·ie.~y·_ · T.J~.~.-~ q·_·o.~.~:i'.· :.:rt.l.~E.~ .. ·.·.n. ,:.:o··u .. ~ .. , · .n.:ry ·


'b" JldU , , • . Loogler · ~:~ · t;·, _tl·a \\~stt:~u. · "

. ,






';JtP ... .4:., n: NJ Tbe G_enuine Dai.Jil oC (Jol.tJIU ia lnd• , It 1.1 1:111, WllUilllltsd . lO cur"' the rt~O~>I "'" ~ ,. ()I,\ 1,0, " 1)0~ • I . • "'" ........ , ' •t ,.1 . I" t'' ·• (j ,np' . ·aDd ' . ·¥OR RESTORING TH.E li~IR • -.. ~erd c I'Ptl of · Jle ohove -remt·~"in.ta. l~o~~~ <J( ·ul' ..

. A. Sl.V.BGS' BHK 'Fnn"ra_~ ·wwnw .nu onPnl.: ~.· . .. ...... ~· " ~.~ ten ~':." ,~. 0~ ... r. . . . . . ' ,/' . pt:lite) b•.llious r~,-ec.I IOIIS .DOU !'~tlige~lion I 1\U, l•t:r·.· . . . E~ JJO lt ~ t:;.l)· hy ~t\.\i~r r .Pro..[Wl.::!J.oiaul 'tolcnt' in .. Long 'hnir is a gl«?ry'.to 'vormto.'' t!Dys l,uul { !nn.Mutly. cu;~::LI'"1,•y · ths 11116 • · J 111

, t;:reat 'l•?h•t 81

e £)11'0 \\: EKEO' llY ACT (lf' P .\t:J . J ,\~l E~T.. . ' tl it> • . U ••i·~~~;:;rutt'~~ ,fli :~a§y .r:rt ~c~Uid ·hy l(wu. An•t .(lfl fe~l tbe trub of t.his Jli OU:! llUotu\1" 11 • tl IS no{ bnlj , IQ l&fe ; tlof'8 .Cot·. I~~VlY'Ibe hO\\-fl.f

C. . .1 500 OOO ~~ · •}, · tt:ullld ~I the ~ttt~ l •' kfJ•I wn CHI.?. t\1, \ohl ~111 l'r•ce Pre1->!rve ir •ben_.· Ju~ iea . .:....your glory uut"y fttll, . ,.0,ive. anti . ,never lP.V-ek Jlniri io , itlt ,opt-:ar ion"' _ aptta "£ ' . ~tel Ing' .wlnc.k ~)IU~:t ·i.t:. \.''· ! ' 'U ~v tho r~~ ~~ u( ~Vl'I)' (~, _· y, - tJu~ess yuu p'rotect 'with tlU:I Jlr~u rowou . . Thid_ Pu'nOC( d ,, ill n•JitOVt! ..ull. !l•e-bud Llle ti'ulll · ,·h~' · · If'. · r t>coluiueh(lcd lly J~rnul~ of tlw ~est ~".'"'hug 111 / If you w_i~h (L. rkb,' luxurjont ht>.u.J of. hn ir , fre~ s ·o.mncU ~snd !:iVc!S. ~fgor H>.'!he Fysem ru1ll ~uepst•lf

Ex.chlsivr of a. Rescn·~ll tl' ll'\J d .( Surplus P'n·- Jho co.;tllry, for t-J a i~l! 'nri tl \\ UJdy ditfdtWI pur. from rJdn•lri.q" 80tr8curfl t,lu 1101 fuilta procur~J ' the ~·II ntuu:ks of .u .ullf.ll!tnl fever8. If lhe tl'tllucll ld

· · mium~) · o f £3'T:O.JU titg.. po:-I!:J a11tl ·c,•t,-rp) h~rt: in d'emo~~~ur.r)· '~ Trir · ~o..eouine llnlm of Cotu'ml,in: Jucase~ c1f t..ul·J~, ess 11a ·e ltealalry t~stpe a ~ I e p ~ ,.. ol tl•e tkiu llru • . • Cl~JIItt! fOIJS IOl tf " "' renrkl'ti.ly 1\fOijOIII' Ced, ·on ll•e it ·\\' 111 more thlln exce~tl your e~JleCIUIJOIIS. ~lllny opt:.,ll, tr~ 08 10 itdmir of tr ... tt OtbnlniiOIId trout tlte

· •llp SI iflt' ulllt'~ rti \Je evnleuc~; Ill~· bP.'i 1, t l t t! cheopes.t WhO .J.uve 'Josi ,he.ir hu ir for t\\'f'Oty yenr!l, lltey b u1r.v. tlltrC CaO lte no u llnc:-k oJ' feV c.- r. 'J'hi.S t.office L n C.\J.. DIJ\ECToll: S, IJ .U.IFA3: . ~. S . • (

Tuo~J.\:'1 lt Grt .\:'l.il $, .b>q Jlr , •, C.'l l i l'll)Cl;' .uuJ lll " d' V<•{1ld ar p ro:p, r ., uo••; or fl':! l •· riu~. uucl h.u.J i! ,restoret.l 10 i'1s ong iual p t>Jft-c1ion h.y ·dl ~ u~." the .Pant~ c"o willpos i•ivttly 11cd 'ortu,untl we rl.'t'"':t · , . . !.t:uUtll .' !"l·P•J iot: hutr, c· r•! d lt' ntu'~ t l .~ . ~curl aut.J I of hi:~ bulm. Age 1 fj lale,. o.r l:OIII_litiun, R ppcn r ::~ to lllt:lfll oil to try lllltl urta..:lt: 11' lh~y \\ iSIJ

10 t:IIHJrt~

Ji1l,'r1 S! rllcha·ll , E q. lll•.fl. S :omll t'll;uht•rJ ilhodtlllf, uod c; uA111g ' all 1 1 ~-tm~t:.:l uf til l-' 1-k111, ' llt: rto ob~lucle whlt.• c.ver; ll al:,o c nu:oell •he flu .d heultlt duriur:: tbe Y~"Hr. As fama ly uu-111c

111L' jl .


T~v::~, .C. Kirlllf'llr , l·:~q . .J .ollll' o .. rr.,,,., J.:::',q. "'" ll111 .3t:h•l:f Qll ll ~la u Jr'. ' "I il"ll hH ' vcr hi'Cfi ~ IJ!J 1'0 0 ··~ w ii lt wh ich the tlt!lica ~e huir tuh~s li re _fi lled IIIIJIIIrnJie ft: •l l.vr .C•I U~ltl', roltl~, untl ull t.Ji~en~I!-Jon .. t\lli:-on, E ,q, · , P.C.IIdl; E.·'l· .llanngu l e rl' cltu 1he •ul•l l.: ct tltt· r 1 lloc ut.( wu.rl·i br th~ hy nhu·h IOt' lftt:t . tbuu!ontls (wllo!>e hutr '"":! crl'y ol tht! bJ,, .,J, '""' kltiiH'Y no 1 I!Cr oluln cou•~·J .uu.h . · ADV,\~TAG"s ()f'f'EnEo u r Till~ suCit::T\' . IIC\'~<, l t t!(nud:~ o t>.:.-.' . 1 hod uo hrotlt t' t nuit llt~lhe Asiutw P-nglur tm,v., bu~ •hei r lluir rc~ • urcd 'J'b~ Ga·c;&t P:ai;a li.iJJei·.

) ' £Uf'SCT ' Ecctn_T\'. l'rlsi~tg lrCH.n Q i~:~r.~.P. /d. ltk.,#uo ur\Hht:r. \ ' 0 11012 of, Ulld l t{ fl:tc !tlltl l to its l16lllrtd 'c o lor by t hl!l \'n l u:. ble ICOI I.' Jy In ' • . . . C'u pit 1d · to~n11y iudt:pco.~c=nt ·of d~~.~ P1cmau,m 11 nalytirul ptoof of i : · · II~ arrou•p••hi t> s eH·•y ! uti r~scs of ft!v"r it w tll he fou111l the mo~1 pl~u!'atll N·> mctl••· tne hull .bCt'O tiJs•·<.>vc•etltlrat 111 so l1np"

F • bottle. Tu g;J illsuy _t tt! r• ,C••r<J lb in o pc~;- th ~ c , l ~r wn ·h tlout C'Oil be u set! A few ll['pl.rutu,; 1 1 ~ ,u ul}· 1"1> ud "l'l~tl _ro U:tc: lltlt·rnully u:s tl•o ps lu he ' '' '-t:n , uL:~:-zs.:...Two tli ir l!~ of tho ·annu a l Gserni~ cn:ry .pur.cltuser n•ltl::r 09tl ruore lo tho I•·J.! ' '! u " ' .. r,• nect'ssr!ry .~o k~op the ltu tr lrt . lll lu l lin~ l •ul. I• I ullJ ~rl J•e•I•Jrtlt :tHCh wo,,uc:r:~ wium upplu:tl t'X ~ • .. · ...... \\' 1111":>~ 1!:' 01 I ll)" d ih \ s •hu lottl l. Tho p.l l tiii:H•phy :.lft:lll' lluw:f I he r 00 ~.il ll t'VCr farls 10 lflljJUrl u rll' ll It' I II Oily ·.· :~ . u wa, b , . or lol,l t h, tor ,fnclluu. A y ""'

urns llllld' or. hulf the: Pt•cm:ums fur tt' " nrs l 1 ,. I' " ~t.Pl• rt •' I~ Ct:lll ) I n i l I I k ,.. - ul iiS it!Jt: r •aiio. is ~imp l c. •:.- lrSt 11CIIt• lll::f ' ' ll''" tiOSii)' uppt-nrunce · uutlu:t 11 p.l'•fuu'" fur tho ot is, : · o:o' " 11 )OU lltv.•! •• rr~ tu try five )'t.'nrs; nhi.ch Jnuy r e•uu an h n ill'E'I'C:'I, l't• the tikul. It ;.: t:llll) l>ll;uulutt:s t:n: ry tuqnd \' t·:-.• c l, IJ j s lllt l' 'l ' l " llt~·~. It hold:~ th ot:c llmt> s us """·h a~ Ill ; Ul•u u:; '"'u a Utll cau IJ.: no ui.J~cl to tbe flru . ue (lcducl('d (rom ihe 'nmo'unt of Pu ltOj Ullht: nr.d cturlol o.: s lt.t ll irt! , ' h )• II \ i-i · r u u .a, l ot'l)lldu l t' l· l u ,her III.~C-t. !l tiJ hdir n : :storutivl!:<, uuJ ll:> IJiuru d p r ·clor, ll 1:1 hupl!d tbat 811l"". a prtCil Cll ll IJc 110 d cnth of the Q::!S Un•d, lozi, IO . 1J1rU\Y l fT Ul )' u , fll.l : llll t tt 'll•tl, ~ I II JIII III I or f'~c lunJ toi •:- •Ul:Jt! IU uuy latll flJ, attJ "Ill lt:Vt: r prt:t't:lll i t:s

Low HAl'tS u.F Pr~t::OJI U~r . -Tho rot•·s of PXIIIha ,iou of lht! fX ' l ' m u i n: t: IJ b~tu ._r.i . 11 ll •e o::J-Caution -NPvrr buy ~ uu l e ;~s you find 1ltc 111 111 ' . . . Pl;-t' IIIIUffi urc us luw 'u:l ally Society of t·.q•JHI iufl :ttflll l!ll ufl be c •u•w tl U) Fo cu•, :-) •ra m, or l.rt. i:-t•, ll :llll t: of Coms•oc k & Co, Jlrupr iel(l rtt nn th•· J, 1:! IIOI tn le u d c.J IO JtUt tlll:t ,; reot heultng f l' ..

tl e dlc cl • ~ 1h., tr sn u1 'l't•u uh:-u. bcu •:t 11ru Ill· \\ rttjtpt- r of euch IJult lt: or) uu aru ch e:~tetl w 1111 u lne .ty " ' ") lite lln~td:~ ol llru/o!:.pa> tc<, \\ JJ ., b n vtJ t'O stuntlt ng · • • . . Yl•• r. ra •ell lh':S t'Xd h \ ' 3H• d ltluod •s ~'""' 11 1\cn u p, couut:rft:i l ur11clc 11 111 1) u t:!"" ~. t l o ll • ;;:~ ul tlu:1r u"" 10 ro CtJII •IIIt: ucJ, ~1\· rs z o~s OF Pno.nT.;- I he ilon~srs 1 1 lite 1 11 ~ 1 ;,JI 1',11111 n;,tl tl t! C' v lu ru t~vu l:l 1, 1111 V•· · l. J11 · t1111 lu k fur 11 ll h \11}:1 IV II h \.'t• U•,. 1y 111 ~: 1 duu11 ~, ur Soct t"ty nru decldrcd nnnu nlly ond l:'rc pe r- ' Rh e u.n.ull.:t :", s\vc::ll ml! tJf lb.!! ~ : .. .. . J. , a •tt l "" at· Connell's .1Jagical Pain 1-:xtl·\l .1os•. '" tu"n:t Ill lnu•·y o.r . •:ry c uoll!>tur ... :-r ,"' Ill •c •u · moneu~ .. u no euch year d le ,\;~surc d ltn s l't,e I ,;·ccivn~ Ol tl·t: i ll t t- i i. II!CIII, II clt't 'i ~l'· l: . li t:t lll ) TilE \\,Onr.o's w o:-:o.£n-f'll0 :'\0U:\C£11 suD\' I t!fiii •Ct! br' l' • Pt::! • . l l.c J•fiCt: lt tt iiJ IWt: IVt! !O !itty 1

~ opt1011 of rcc t> iving rho Profit in C ASII, in throu" h t ho pvrt·~ uu .J u h. • > . h t' t a l~ u 1 u u : Is ~ ~ ~· .• ! WIJr) HAV£ 1!\"Eit U<' t::D rT. l:l"ll':., [' t> r llulllc, n1·eu" l"'l; to llltJ ~ ~·: , w tll t-lla l•ltl

rt:~ction of Prc n11um, or in ud d; tJ O[J to the . of 1h~ tl t~C· • ~ t· . l 1:1 \\ Ot ·do: ; t •d • II .. , In r c• ... •\ 111(;, \\'h i re Swt· l l iug~ 1 l u ll rtfiiii1Ulll • ll ,l' ,,"' iu th e I!:trk ·111111 us~ 11. l • ) '"' tluullt hq; ~ r~ \.\lilt u rw d vu ~u iusur~ u. ~lo~:, i u:;, ur;d hcu llt liY '" !.! .. ,.., I• "' • tllll "" p r • . • ' ' e:•!< Li111 h~, T~::uJc::r or ~ure F t:c:: . und tdl :-!c•ofu - ~·· ~~ ~ 1 ·~}'1~>, • 111111 111 I~\.' ,} rtllllt \t' )CIUr tl• •ubt ... , '' '"I

1 b 'J A fl JJulf. tiU N •J th1111 ·•lt 1:1 t•rfl•• tt r y uiLt-f't•··~ tq u11 !IJt: uhs ~'l :'t:S nro !'pcetltl_l ' tt nJ p er.n nllc llll}' r t:r II . u . k c ) II U 1 uy ttll•l U:)t, Utod r .- co'""•t:lld 11 10 )uur · rcm1urn'J may ~ p u t nnun .v • ... ' . . · · :.,.::r ,, ., • 1

l . 1 1


.: . • · ' , • •' ~kill o f tlto llcod. J Iii! tit \ ~ ·· •~" "' ;; ll11ttl t:t•a ltlcs hy Ct•u•• tdl'~ l\lagtcnl P a iii ·Ex trt;t"l ur ; ;\ll t>CIOII ,. 1.' 11 1 ~ 1 1" 1 t' .' 11·11 onu •uno r e o 1 tr•lul:u tt::) \\ oo Uitl, ~cnrly or Qunrtc)ll}. t h <! HU I JI (IJ J't'f ~ ll 'ltl lilt h lll'l lolol" l''"l•c•ty. T h.: '· ' l ht: Lun:!~ , A;,;ut" Ill tl •ll F ace, Urt:tltH T •c . !J J .. \\ !~ ll \\ Ill , _,, It) lr}' II, l l. t · ll, llohJ dotV~ "'" Ulltl

.ln::~urunco mur l>o elfc cl P.d .r.~r 1100 yt>or, ·I'C:urf " "" \hill Jrutr \\ fti CII II IS· " .,!I!i~h l: llnol:tii OII d ounwu x CllrOIIIC :SurA Eycil l·l l>h! rc.J S to r l.tce . ~U ~ Hll 1"t: ),~,r. " Yo~_rk $h~ll l ll;!. . for five years, or fur li ft~, \\'1 \ h ctr \\ 1thou1 Ita:~ 11 11vwl'~1 lu uc'' '"'""" ' ~"• tt l tJ ~~~· o~ u o lf; 11"· &c. lis eq t~ u lly l• l! •n· li~iul 111.all ku11.J ~ of J,. IJ:,.,1• I h •:~ I .,ILV b.li..LJ.:;.R tuuy l1e u~e•l " " " 11 p articipouon in tho prc,fitll o f 1!113 S1.4ci f iY . vt>:; t-t ui i\ C p r iiiC•jdc li u.J~ no '' "Y t ,, ah :: \' c• tc l t· · ,., ,, :vry JJ a~c .t~cs t-ucll ~~~ ;:; .. r 0 (\ a pl'lc ~ uu•l l!:y .. ,. ~IICn-: :- l:l IIJut \~ d l II I\ IUIII, ~I tl .~ l.t"!to ldur " ' t!tJ rh Crh

A .ht)erol ullowuuco fo r the ~urrtoder of 111 \\l llch ·111 e. lonu i~ l to•J ' "'! , an I d tt· } ur .: :- uppl l~tl j :'prutu :~ lt l•cllcllu l l:<n t \\' lu t tS SiH• I I fl•~ n11tl Uh:cr~ 0o O!o •l •u lui.•• Wfl• j: ,-CI~ult· ru ~hu Lu,., lJ,~rr.-r bt u-' po ' ll:ic~. n!<> it 1\t'rt: ''' """' uu t!u·~r 1i l cl!, \\ lll l'lo :- t r ,· •· c; IH.: u~ . li r u l:t':(, Buru:o, Cl•l ii .J ., ill:' 1 £ r.' ~ ' l >tl : ~, Hilt•:> , & 1• ):;c •_' 1 ~' 1 Y•, U u 111 Ill ~lit: ~·u~ twtl :StoUHII' It, (;.,111:

J.-\:\1£S J . nOGER~QN ,' •nw s •o:- n:- , ~losS• II >,"'" ' lto·~•,li t b t· \' t: •) !i : •r •: u1u1tl 1-."'" q•11.:klyl' ' '~ rt: l•c '' •: .t t.y u ie '.' tfpllc.111ull 111 ~-:,~·u>· ,·,',',':' ·,'0· ~~~~ ~·.", • 1:'\L1 111 1• 1 1t- IUU~ I• fu t11Lulru 1, 1 lJn ?


· · " i.J OIII j>lt i !CIII n r lo11111' tJ .-~;,nut':. a l••··d l•y a11 tl l 1:0. ·II II.S e:,ah· ~: · h is r ~ lll • r.al o lu ~ll llu ll \'c J•ll · ,. c:-"' :- 1 " · o ~ ~ 41 • I ur cu~ t. II 1 r c u, l•c~u St. b . .. IJ;!·r t:l. ·' i u:joum!l.m. J . . . ' . . J I c Hu · II ,. u 1.10 I li I r (\ ,. s J J IC ll h llflc lll. 'l o• t! 'hll tC 1e r ltl t :t. ' ~' l! j•tl llt!· JI IU \~l il t:!; llla lty \l rt UtS ll t' Vt r Ill III• Y ll l h~ r Utr tdc, l ll:t:i ' ': ' o ' •, " 1 !lt'll~od, ·~ lllll')t •lll tl liV

r . •l hll·~. N .. F ., .1JIIC U, l iJ.:>O. Cilll:!t' S ~X I::I' l ll~ lo<J ir ltJ J! IU W, :-ll llll) l.llt; !l Itt! '·ol t.: II( I I" C UJII~I I ! tlflcC.I power OV• r ,, IJ f1 3 tlte; l •) fin• , !•··· lllllt •:, C ll lfldauls .l• tu.•lcol ~1111" 111:-, l'l t' \ ' t: l· l

If) iLi dlL"' l-:\..1 lf ~-( r O<I ' S, 11 1 J t l. th the l jlo) t' :1 \\l.i ..: u II •\' l.l · la. l•· u 11111 :.fl i\·d ) &l !uyiu:: he suiTt!rllt~ ul ll•l' !l l i 111 11 oe o1Ja t o ly 11, JJ t• ~ ~r 1' 11 ' 11 l l url• ~, B ul.•_rr l$1t-Jo :- •r1

!\'' '" ·'i .!I j[_ U::.. l'~ ~.i~ 11 rt s uu ll t el'lacl't.l l•y 11t:l\' " "t"" . H c.: n~cll ot•e • l h nt

1 "1'011 11:5 UJ'J' Ii•·ulfull It' li llY d l :.l ll lt c \t~ Itt •· ~111ft"~ (.;ru•~ · l''• llun· , ::>.:ro.~ I C.!Co cor !'vru l:'lc:,:,l1

1 l~fl • d

. . • I I f. I . I I I . I I I I ut .:;,, ,,,..s F . A Iff I hid " ll l • t: lllt , ll :o :. - 1 llo ~f.'t: · . I : , .. .. dl·•·a· ·· tJ t : e l ""' lll ·"'-; WUII t carn•:s t y Ill VII•: I ltl lll to_ I'll otl ll ' 1· 1: • • • • ' • I . . 1 'Ire ss L' ranee ~{_...on pan y :- Ioiii , aud lll itld l : u. :~, , IJ~II II I il l ; r til tit •; lt l\ l f - 1:- s .. !.J • t· :\:t tl t llle thb lllllltt!rouo ' 1111:-UitC tU.· ·I nrtlirnt •·s ul c .1(' 11< I C .\ I ~s l fl li .! D \0 1111110 rl)l~"' lit' pu h I Jlllll fi :ay 10 uno: h wt~Jr,.cJ p t~ r l't;rd ·~ •• cup~· r tila u ' t•: 11111 1k uLit) CUI!!~ wn.wcht l•y 1111 -. ~ ··hlr J, 1 ~:1 .: ••r l. n l, " " " '"11.!, •he: " ~"" l t:r l u l1 dl".:ct:l ul " i\los.

LU)I.!l . .\f:D STRE irr .\ ·,o .CII .\!: HG Ck.U ·: . :.u v o th• r pnq.:o ru llu 'l ,., tlu:: 11n r " ' ''· !..:r u .o utlls p:. sl hecu · ~ o1• 1 tlf' u:t •l•u follo W II•;.; I• L l~ru \\ o,':o P u ll• h .. t1 1:,1 , •· lmt •l•c·y u•u to • c· •. w .. ••ull

lO~DO~ . · :Sul ci ur lnr!!'tJ l•uttl .. ~ , l•tiCt! :t3 , ... .. , ~~. n t the l! fllllt·i •ustvwu:if thuu!lcr" D!!n•1il"'rl t: t:tly:o•• · ·•." ·lu-st •t lvr liJIId ... o ul uu 111• 1 11; u ,,J-..i hc -0 .. ., EST .:i!JLISRED IrJ' 1782. l'r iiiCIJ HI I oru~ .... I;Ji , tl • . tlo l\\' lt\, j\; ~· \Y \' vd<.- 11 :- ii~J aut!· {' Y•· n lh• li;;lrt >' d W ll l o i :S eli• ·•: · ... '""' · .:::;. l .. ll l io j! IIIJidt: \'\ Ill"" II IVIC ll · .tiJ u lhv Uts.n.d tilt

F~r ~tilt! by tho: l'I II ·, . , IJ" I 1 .~l~• .c:; .• u t; "'"1 . l > • u••· l '"' ' "l'r•.• •or~ tf: 11 d11l u .lt ful ly UJI ~ wcr u ~.o r ' r , t:oll• · 1• ·•CJW/l llcHU :< , 1l ' 1011 VIIIt:t: d.t •J u-cr, F ot i ii .'W I'ill g Cl:(ry /, hul rtf P ropJ. r/!1 ll 1!1:118, :)o r u llf! l•(.llll l ht: u .. lfctl ::S IIIH':o ' '"" lj·.,uutl -t Il l · IIJHIItHl their fiiOIIC~ \\'3:i n : :u rncJ l lllllltld lfllCI) ~ta;·aliUi:;' l·'acts.

H om e ur :lb,·oatl, from Los~ or D a: I' · 1 1 1 i 0 J) 1 z l •I u n rl ""' ·t 0 11 1 1 1 · 1 • >ewuro n I' " Cvll0 4 t:l.t...t~ llu ' Ul IIU .., l .. r p t: r I ' Jt :o • ' ' ••su •· fill:! ~~~ u '"" u •c llw • tlrc · l~ uf Cu ti J rt:~l tl ul r ~ 3 •tt lo!l yrnr 'y 71l fl!:JC /.,y };'ire-. . _....-/ llulllt' . • v : !tea'-.tll •.s uuw :0!11; ur!tl we t-lll'[•ly 11:-k 11 I he " 1111 "t't' lll·, "ht> ll H~' ll l;l

01 1, r t•au ,;u IHtb ~.,,.,, 1 ~-,..~ ~··P ",·'(~: -: 1 , - .,. r~· " : ·7"-c-~ J 1111 e s. , 1'••h1•.c ~o u t.l t!lltufltl au}lln n;:; 111ur t! re .• svu uld,· .. .. 1 . 1 ,,., ~ 1· .1 "' 1, u

11, ..

1 , ..

0 1, .. .

1 1-<

11 11111·,, , •. ,

1 l·y • •• · ~ ... ,: .•A J::-"' Lf l ~"" <.•., &..,; \ .... J .~ · ·)..,J~ . :J~ · , . I I "" .... ... . "

4XJ .:. - """" \ltat Jlllfl' lll, \ct•p 11 con~HII! Liy O!t ; ,:t ll •l f 111 c .,~t-Jr'lttr~ } )re 111~11/'(IT:((;$ Ill llt. bt t.ffecle .• on lhe most lt' ~~· !Jj' J' !}' It u· L u 1~. ·l~ :u• i)' ~· '·;' H Iii · ' ' . . f &II t:o · aur ·, t ll u l s ··u r 11 II lll •tll \\011111 11 o r clotl ·l

;r - l ~ '"' l. lL J I u l ltl't: lduts t II) llrt! It " uwy l•o hJ~t Wtliflttl " ; IIII I t- .\1:'1:- h c.l wtw t ' ' 'l' ~ OIII • cr ur illlt' r trou l. lt: tl \ \1 ; 1 rcasor:au~ terms ) "> i·.s u :1u u li hurus ;tre t>IH•J •'l~l 111 a:~ t'Oiftl\11, tanlc,., 1

. ~ \\i. II h ' l · J · "" '-'""· "' ' ' ''' l. utt o!o t·o b tl , · ,~~ · \\ l · •··lt ~ .· .· 1, ,, ~, ns (' [l lll . l •:- "'u •" u IIIJII IO ' I P II :S ,.roprael a q ' 10. 11 11 1' 01) ~r'l-l·~ 0 1"> '1.·0 1)1·~ 1.'•" '', ll u Vfl• l" ar t• tlt:"' lfll\' . • ·r-t=>('t tlllt'ol& N' ·· " I ~ v .. ~" ; • ~ ..., 1 • - ~ ) - .c.+ •

1 " ~ J ' u l"-J - v f ·• 11 ~IIJIP•· sui . l 'l t! r, fc .. rl.- 1 11 11 , ruJol, CJ r ~O II•t: l.cr u l•· u ary . li d~, • I'"~' • p r1111: •1 j , • • o l pu l l•c u •t l a[y. ·r.... J • t;.'<•llc to r Clt ll h u ~ .. 11urrtc U ltl · 11:. )••U tiutl th e ISIJ!- II' 1

J I h ' And inwu..diale 7'0sstssion !.!tl'C/1. , " 't; cut lit:~ u ,,.,. I "'V.: t d o l ''' t: IHIII'" " fu 11'11 1) -\J•u •l• p · t : u• .'' ro 11• l r It:• ri •Jin t-• ., Wll w lnt· ,, 1lo e _, llltlur c ul l:ot.t~ lu rk o\:. Cu. l. ll 11.11 WIUJ•Vt: r o~l t:at.ll " . '· ' v 111 uutl_,.,

1, .. ,. Ul t: t•l ,, u r ou .. ,


11 11, .. _,

11 l'u• l• l

n•o:ot l•r• pnr, uut ln · 9•·:. lu• \t• ltP tll m ud.: ;.: u'\li l u1 TllAT p lt:n'sultt .ly. sll u u•Cd Pu·cc ul LAND, h ux. Ut:w:u~ uf cuuu~::tfc l t J " ..

I 1' J l 1 1 U \ •· .. lu.vult .. t•fltn•cltlft ' t:tlll•o•h•y y tht: ll:>t: lJ i aiJ, t ·• 1 11: '-'u111pa 11) , a rt~ \ \l' • <II .. ,\ II, lll•• a 111;.!1! t•at • •~ · culllll lnlyg uhout .au 1 t·r~, Ill l ilt! u t::.t )1' •

tal• •• (; ,, , 'l: rt •ntt:lol :-"\cu ra : : ..: :tl:! nt td l l i lit:;, ht:l .t Ill ~ : u te of cu lltvultun; togctht· t• '" ' " t h•i l'n •·K· ,c;lfncss. tJe ul Atdmslod·• ':s 1/c~mif•rgt, u til e c··~• o t a 'JIIU• •

~'lt • l a · C". ' ,.,,. tl ··· l l' ' ' rt'•·· - . · U Use Or 1\td\uit'tt .\cuu:t cOil, (or tlt c " t.·re. of l t: r o l 11 tl u ll.,r . ll o •v r h Kt: t 1 •:( t l•c lltllll4!1tl tl et J " 0\\ F:LLl~G-IlOV~E. l3A H~ und 0 · ' 1 1 1 '

' L'11c Jll i \' , ;, ( ,.; .. ,,,. o J t' \' f' r\' inol i\·:d tt!.l e: hu rt> - Ocuft•t>~:l Al~o. all tloo:.c tll:)n:: rcc 11 1olc 11u r .. cs · teat: I fi r•;::. ~ •utdtl ~·c-uud h .. r 1· 11 f' \c· r l'u · ,_; l\d · Ol,.flCES, l . tcly in 1ho <•ccuJ•flncy of : he ·1 · t '• •u · lv ~ 11r1 ,, 1 y 1 I' t.'( · 1 h olul' r ' " t !oc c:on•t •« :: " , .., t e:o l' •msa hl~ . :Lr · II ; 1~ 11 - II t c aJ,e loiiZ'ZIII;! of II•Sct : t~, fu lln t!! of "" ' l'r,l'ldo

1z. '·· ~c t.., 1 1\ 1 •ng ' ' "' ' 01111 .._,.r ermu1a vr,

J ""' • • tJ'·s··rl 'oe ...... 'l' ltc Prt·nlt!-'"•1 lt r•· ·"l', u n· <-'-1fh•.•ul f w't 11 1 11 ~ ll• U\V tl 1 v 1 g 'ig• m•·n111, '' "'! 1111 f" r-o1f •u·u red 111 t l• •.c 1 fli .:u i:o ·:> u ~ 1' - '- " .. n:u ..,., ~111 r.: ul tSicuffl, wluclt ure ::-) ruptt•ll l!' •• UJI I , r uhc lo

1112 ' ~ '- ) ' •a t: " 1 . , ll . c; c l:'tl \\'u:. tll· t

l ll.t•la for t ho l .. ct~· s ., f u•l • e r~. lb ill the CCI :lO u f ·ao yu rd!t lr ~o m ,thc 111 11 111 ronJ lt: ndw~ tu !:)j ~,; nl d t' UIUO:!:I Ml\uy J' t.'r;,OIIll Wh o h u \ 0 u t:i: fl ~l'lll lur 1\Urlll~ lll h l'd t l c.:y COIIlt.l 11011 hy "" Y f'Od!! ih oluy Cut• rdt ll lito ll s.wu· 1!':'. IIIII ( \\' ilh wiltch i t CII IOIIIII II iCu lc~ uy n ·road ) . ' \ell, 11flt:e n. u r 1\Vt: ll ty } 1:!018, llll d \\l lfU !>UI•j.- t: t 10 I 0 1· UII-UII l bh\IIY::I good lief a I •Ur;.:n,ll\'C l..t lltd

'fh · I 1 d lo .. o. :lu ltu \t hal II IIIUV. " u lldo· r >~~n · J It" \ '" ~ he c,>n oppo int,•d 1h .. un<.l llliiiiCdlut c ly ud}1tnin::; lh c pn· ru t s o:~ ltlt: IJ• u: c e .tr• •ru1upc t:1 l ttVt:, Hll l' t' uou:•• uu tS or twu A_t;C I · ~~ of th e ul ot•9 •J c .. . ,a'" y f: rt tlae f !>lllfld of OC<'Opu: <.l ""Uti ,\cOUl'II'Y· The L uud 1111 tile .Outd l!iltltruwu u~itltl tht!l:lt: lllllll(H! I~ hc irt" Illude Ht: UICiflbt: r, li~k lor K u1tn:J!or k 's l'enmju~e. N t: \\ loundluu d , 1:ru ,,, ,.,,:1h .J tu :! 1\'u eve r y 111t't..•r· d · 1 1 Jlt:rlcc lly \\ t:lf h h 1tS cured c.1ecs uf 1 .. 11 °, tilt• ·t:l·.· All t h tS a ltnvu ur lldt:ti ~~~ltl l•y Cuu1:)1uc l\ &. Ca . ~- \ V . . ici c Ita:~ 11 ro u c ~oHl ii Cclaug ll \Ill 1 I lt: .. u • J · N tl ii!IIOII 11 11 lo r ate:< c, r h c :v •c n a, .\'c. , to n up1.J ca - l3 ll lltl CVt: ll 1h11ty year!. ' t>.>h llt!lll g t•l' tlctdllc• s ro t'ltt'n·. " Ol tU ~ t rt.- l'l, r c1'11 l'urk , u.u ll hy t ion, 1111 d w ~rl11 o t P .,ltc lt·s •1 t l.I •U IO•IIl'':l ~~ ~~~~ • . :- 1 .\l n m Ht.:nd l~utllll~ 'to Qt~u!t Vad t l.y EN· I) ~: h • ....,. k !nt ! E ,.,. · J J ;,.... .b •llfJ'zi m


• • J~ l•' ·t 11' ' u11y . , . tlae t• .:!Jt»O n s ~cc • ~::a&c;u :ac 1e h.enacd~· • • •uu-a. ... :a lla'JI. ._, .. , •O·:i ur ti .JIII ·;;"! t.y [•'•re, t>n 1111: !'}'li t, l•y u: h id 1 11 N ~:TT 8 'urm . rom 1 s Ct•ll g · ' · .., \ I b .1• '

( I l ll " ' ll, ·.tnd " lJt' t nblcii"S" (or J, yto!! o ut 111 Bu!ld. Whu w ill t-ulft:. r wuh thnl II s l't.':-:!mc cnrt 1r.ru 111 t. r so Y • 111..:.\-i " d o •'"- CJ . · J. J. O c!ttrin 11111 fiH VIOJ! c, I It: ti'lllrl\1 •lu ty ( ·· h .tr~l'!tl olt: t•O nil Pvli· - "' ., .. " \ V I \' r. 1·' · · L 11' C 1 1 11 1\IJC II lll t: lll:!tl'j.l~ u l1 a 11d t11 r11 \\til ll •ll t'u t l lot Cttr•· · • ·• . • c \ a'. c'le:l ·~:)'Ut:J Ill ~ · J;.: and) wd . Ill~ ' n ·· reotl. Ill~ ! 'ls,il (I Cl'd tu tho npsl .t lilt u liVIIUrU) t! ~ -------- ..,..----

.John tiU. c:c~ad4•H ~fi- If". o. tlllJIOI' lU IIII Y ~ or 111\'Col m e Ill.- Pari icu lurs 1110)' Y''"? l'tll:! rell~tly W ill dl'c:t' ltluily tl ~:-trt~y U•ly lll· • . 'J. 'lll.OSl tlcsil"l'tblc IJIVC'Stlll.eut ., .~ • ,lll' k of lt t:atl.oc '" ollllt'r 11c1 vuus u r lt.lauu~. l. JJU:.

Til ~ I.H! k n u\\'n o n upp+i cn~rou lo HollEHT Pllu \\'SE, .:ured ca:;e:. of wcnty yen. '~ !'lut:tl ang ~- In u hcal: l1y, tt'tirctl, ntsd s~cu r~ part ofthc \E~q . , Notury Pul> l ic, or :n · O Town. B 6 r tt I ,·sun 1 ~ fl ~~ co 1~ P.l \Ty ) J A:'llb::5 AN.D EltSON. ays' Linhaaeul Col· lhc pj ~s. A I~ those two D \V h' L L I · ~ G

; J ~ ~ Ul~ ~ ~·' ' \Yho also ofi't>t's to !'t>l l ur let u u lcu ... ..s ih • Tht: W0.8Jitttucks o f tlt t! I 'Jic:~ nre <ltli:c•u.u llv nuol J1 0U51<::5 onu GROONOS, tn :'lt: • OF uv ER POOL. :J__ pt> Cilt'(UIIy, other BU 1 LD I!~ (~ LO r s . tll lllatecl f'CriMtn t!ll lly I'U retJ in 8 bhOrt lillie loy .. hu ll~d l•f d

I3RITISH .Al'\D l•'OR~;~_ .. ~ r lilt: gt:ltUIIlo llay'• l.lllirllt'lll Uun:ft~d " IJI Otlr ft•llyltud out, t;Hu n.tu b:ttst o( nu . llt·twec n tho uiJovu uroJ•c r J v und th" Sr~nol " .J ' • •I · f l\I .A.utltori..zt:d by Act of Parliumel~ . 1 I iII Ho:\d: r " lir~l C:IIIZCili lllruu_!;hOul I li e COUll try l :nv~ llit: tl ellis ,, GOt•JUI.IllllJt . ~. 10 p:outtJsesR 0 'd n r ~

Omtlfl t:ltt wa t11 cowplt:re toUt'Ct! s l • 1s nutruw~d >t::NJA:\IIN rtli:EN, uuu vppns1:e t tl1 t'S t ~rrcu ·

"'!!!!'!!!i\!!J!'!!.,!!y~!!1 !!·!'!!!!~~~~::'*'!!)~~~=~~===~~~~- lo cc~~·cl• othu mN?eol ng~ruvu lt:tl ,cu~t:8 fi ,~, ( 1\llr J olf~N DnoL~Kl.EilA.'\K, E q.. laelougin~ to

....... . (;npitai-'~\VO iUII .. LiaX§, ~t; .

\\' itb n lnrJ.:e nrul ill<'reusi u~: l{e ·e r\',.d Fu111l Th u Ageuts 10 th e nhovu F 11e ut.JJ L . l t: Olli o·e

heg 10 DIIIICIUOC6 thut they C O UIIIIU o! 10 IS :-1111 l'v l•. cit~s lor.re, hy whidt n SliVII If.!' c,( ll•e ~'u "'P O uty i.­~flectt'l!. ·n, ... lurge cup11u1 ul tlto c .. u'l'"''Y• :: ••c ~b., nunl,f•er o~ul i tt!l ueur: e of' fl tl ptoprlt lur:~ . t ll~t lllc ll to rulrk wuh 11,., 11108! tshg 1Dics Ofli,. >:o 111 t l tt~ Uuiterl Kin~.tc.lom, wi1h l'eSpect to ll.c ~tdvuntJgt!:-

• oLf.:rctl au tho puLJi ic. Ftro lue:Htruuct>~ lOAf be pfl ,: cr ecl nt m nd ern1e

ra tes of Premtu!ll, on property of nil ·kiuda. '1'11 11 Compa ny wdl e ver di :!l!ll~u •sh its t'll by 11:s J,Jro 111pt• uees 111 the 6ettlemetH ol t.•lni m!'.

Assur nuces are granle•llor shorter period~ thult, ~year. • . · !

l'lte lollowmg oro arnonrz lito ndvnn•n!!~~ of e.,: lec•inA l.ile Jn uruncc witlt th t& C ollljlllll\'­

r\bsolultl gu.&lll htee of at. 11mple cupitul. Extensive arnv~l!wg len vi) \\ nll_out c:x1ra r.ltnr~P.

• Sum O!bUrt:cl, nmclo I"'Yilhle, 11 rt qui. cd na n ·Biven Rge, or •u deu1h, if i 1 tttk11 p lr.ce prevl•tt;t~ly.

Large ,clivttion of profi ts nmu11~ tht! ""~'Jr t:<J. A porriun of the Prt:rr'l1Ufll8 anuv r" "'n"' ~ C'rc

clit,or Adurlllrof US way be ~ffl'r.t• •I ~ n vuri"u" .,.'11y to meet 1he t()nv~niunce of p tHti l's . .' D~:~tn~le:J l'ru.I' JI!'Cll!8f'8 o•ny be l1uJ on "l'?lies £> ~1on, w.nlr tnbfu. tJ f rate@, &c. kc. .

DrcK:Idcb~•al~ & Anthon)·, All~fltil lfll' ~ t-\VIottlfl t tlund

-;: ~ YLr. \ ,_ l 11.-J. Yer , uy II 1111 e.•r4 \OU l •ll 1 tr.; un 111~ • r, .JESitY •,)1:\~F.TT, • ~0 '·ot il.tt. of Cou.atoctt 4' Cu. upon th ~ wrnpper, pu.rl't •c t o r~; Full l •.at:ticu l ur:~ mude known by tke Sub.

l-' or a te rm ot years, and I'O· scs:)ion given on ll1e 1st of l\l<~y n<> xt,

'fll :\ 1' . UJUCK DW E LUNG . 1-IOUSE AND Sfi,OP

.O~!tsi!llii. :~illlulPd 11 11 the }{ in:!'.o; 0 Par.fl , t1tltf now occuptcd ' hy tire Dtrcctors o f the A(:ndcmy .

The Houe" contnius ShoJ) , J)1n1ng nud nr!lwiug Room~. fliX Bcd-rnomM. gnr·d I<11chen, nud c q rnrilodtous C cjlnt·ngo, ~ ~~ ~~ Pump, on<! ·a cnpucious Yurd i• ul»o Ul •

•u tbt1 ~:~nutuu uruct.·. or l uu ure cbcallf d wuh " a~ribl't • wbo is autiiiJI'i!lt·d tu t:ffccl d An lo .• CO UUt:tt't:l t , FRED~HlCK ·H.. PAG~.-.llotbcr's RelieC--~n'di~D Disco1'Cr!· June ~, Laucl · S~rvoy••r , ~c.

All eliJI.t:Cting ro hccon1o rnoth P. rt!l, nnl'f-or.xtoug 10 ) · llvoid the IHII I • ~. tll t' Ut:l'8 sud d1w~crs ,,,. c hild '2f (2) U) £ '9 t,g ®So ht·t~rmg nret'Orll.,elly ~n r'rt:a · e•l loculm .th t' Jr fciJUI ullay lltetr u~rvuu~tllt!S:c, tttul sooth~ tl1e ir wuy by Rx TwEED. f•om . New ' r • , .. ., u11e of &has extrl\ort.J•nury Vt.'gernblu Jlrotlucnou . 1£0 · Pncknges Assort~d Qnlllitje,s l:bu:-e wbo ~ill camJitJiy ob~t:fVIS Ill vin ut s, IIIUI!I • By P. ROG~H.SON· .& soN I ''l'l'rqvo uf it in '"~ ··r httttr•«J; tvttry k1utJ uutJ allr~- June 5. ' · IIOIIIIIt:. hlltiiJut-.tl Wll~ ft:el it. hiS IIIO'tt ttOICIIIfl llu• ----------------:----.._.""; ty to ollt~v•n• e th~ distr~s h•s w.te he UJiose 1 1o CUSTOM BOUSIJ E'OR'IVIS,

tachcd. Further p:.r:iculq.u

plica: iu n to

hy ft tl'uft) "'"' A certuiu auethot! Wh1c11 JS that

1 :>hii'J•IIll! ~tpt:nt ~lUIIe ot Enhauge

1• of thitt .Mo\u:r•• Jtt·lit:f 1 ' • , !:;,:11 m 1111 • 11 Nut~a Utll:t of L:ttlio~ : may be f\RO\\ n upon ap ... Un1'c !'0~~ a CO~I;'Il ?-Do not ~e.; l•rtcu· Cum:ut Autl.tl•o Na;w T .u:trr:

Ap;oil 13 JA~lES SLUMS, .fR.

Altornt!y a • Lrfitl l . t t·oa U L& AT 't ll~ •• L '·NDON aoox t'TOIU: •

S'{!C I • · I' 1\prll G JA~~l~S JOSI!:I'Il c.lltAH~M Thousanrl,s hne ·, .. ~, ll f1rt:mnture d'tolh .fur 1t • "' '!!!!!I wont ot n1r~:~urion tP a contmutt rolct. R t< v • • o. s - 2!2!2! • U..r_. ~oJOJIJe~•• ~JJpec.roraol Pmk Syru1• will m0,., Tuc J.IOitllv~l»'. t;ivo r~liel llntl II RYe you I ro111 that mos~ awtul •Jitteu, ruhu6nary CliOIUIUJilion Whtci• ueunlly ll'ft:ep' imo ahe l§fAwe thoUdlllldlf ut tbo )Ouog th~ pliJ tbtt lovttly aud 1he goy

-Lor,gle''' ,Great Weat'ern Indian ~ . Panacea~ . •

MORNING .COURIER·. h t•nnl~li an•l t•ublish"d hy J O~lf.Pif WC'OPS

al 1.1tt O.llire in 1\tt.H.. ODwn~a'a 8ri~lt Bu ,,,. inlle, Ueek.,a, Cote 1 \Vut'lt" 8treet, e.v_,,., \~to' Pl-tliD .u and. ~.u·oan•T mor01n~. · ~·ums.· T• &~TI' SJJILLJ~o• ~urrtncy 1aer unoom •

' .. 1. ,'For-Cnlt.l• and feteri~h f~e!in~~.ancl prn~niog' ~ e~trl • . ~: for Atthma,LJver ComJ•Iahue;ab4.l Uti·

. \.~ . ..--~- -~---..... : ho•Jc attecuont. 3. For DtartLah, Jndige•tioo, and

BR$'f. LO!~ODS · }VHlTE LEAD. Ex L.,.,, of AJI&•e•ic~. c.· Jc~or Cosuveneae iu leuaalet JB(t)(Q)JK .'llllrlcdl Jr«J>JS :Jp>J!JIMTJ!NG

Molly trtt.ul.tcl al lit~ o.ffu:t of IAeJ\10JtNINO Coou&a alllttt•hqrltll nolict tAt ·Miurt oftlu work. • J£•sr£. ~ or,d rneto,.Mnd·'oenou,a co,.,plaiolt. ~ For,Sto ·

Juoc 29.; )!:MM,E't:T &. MITC r .r.L, •m11cb alfccoioDO • . DJope~oia, P . .a ... Rfieuruaobro

_J .

· w•ll.d..W of. ·

... ' .

~- ',
