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Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who

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Page 1: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who

1727 Lenasia 1820 011 854 4543 011 854 7886 VOLUME 22 NO:7 RAJAB 1440/2019

Page 2: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who

Hazrat Sheikh Junaid-e-Baghdadi t is the eleventh Imam and Sheikh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qaaderiyah Barakaatiyah Razviyah Nooriyah.

When he was seven years old, he went to Haramain Sharifain in the company of Hazrat Sirri Saqti t (His Murshid). When they reached the Haram Shareef, four hundred Ulama were seated there, discussing the topic of Shukr (Gratefulness). All of the Ulama presented their views during this sitting. Hazrat Sirri Saqti t then turned to Hazrat Junaide- Baghdadi and said, "O Junaid! You too should say something."

He lowered his sight for a few moments, and then said, "Shukr (gratefulness) is this, that you should not be disobedient through whatever bounties ALLAH has blessed you with, and you should not use it as a means of disobedience and causing distress." On hearing this, all the Ulama said together, "O Coolness of our Eyes. Whatever you have said, is the truth and you are honest in your words, and we cannot say better than what you have said." Hazrat Sirri Saqti t said, "O My Dear Son! From where did you learn such exemplary words?" Hazrat Junaid-e-Baghdadi t said, “This is through the blessing of your esteem companionship." [Masaalikus Saalikeen]

Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi t initially did business, and used to sell mirrors. His manner was that he used to enter his shop, and then read four hundred rakaats of nafil salaah.

This, he continued for many years. He then left his shop, and then sat in the khidmat of his Peer-o-Murshid. He took a room in the house of his Peer and then spent his time their cleansing his heart. When he used to enter the state of Muraqaba, he would remove the musalla from under him as he did not wish to concentrate on anything.

He only engrossed himself in the love of ALLAH and His Rasool r . He spent forty years in Muraqaba (spiritual ecstasy). For thirty years, he stood after Esha until Fajr and make Zikrullah. He used to make his Fajr Salaah with the wudhu of Esha. He says, "For twenty years, I did not miss the Takbeer-e-Oola (First Takbeer of Namaaz in Jamaat), and if the thought of any worldly thing during Namaaz, then I would repeat my Salaah, and if I thought of Jannat or the Hereafter in my Salaah, then I used to make Sajdah-e-Sahw." One Buzroog narrates, that he dreamt of the Prophet r and Hazrat Junaid-e-Baghdadi t was also seated in the Mehfil of the Prophet r. He then saw that a person came and presented a query to the Prophet r and the Prophet r said, "Hand it over to Junaid. He will write the

answer." The person then said, "Ya Rasoolallah May my parents be sacrificed at your feet. How can it be given to Junaid in your presence?" The Prophet r said, Just as the Prophets are proud of their entire Ummah, I am proud of Junaid. [Khazinatul Asfiyah vol.1 pg.86]

Hazrat Junaid-e-Baghdadi t spent his entire life, serving the Deen of ALLAH and His Beloved Rasool r . Once his Peer-o- Murshid, Hazrat Sirri Saqti t asked him to deliver a lecture, and he said that he did not find it ethical to lecture in the presence of his Peer. One night, he dreamt of the Holy Prophet r. Rasoolullah r commanded him to lecture. When morning came, he went to his Peer and found that his Peer was already awaiting his presence.

As he entered the Khanqah, his Peer said, "We have all been asking you to lecture. Now the Beloved Rasool has given you the command to speak." He asked his Peer how he had known of his dream, and he said, "Last night I asked of ALLAH Subhaanahu Ta'aala and I heard a voice which said that the Prophet r had already commanded Junaid to lecture."

He agreed to lecture on condition, that there were not more than forty people in his lectures. It as agreed and he delivered his first lecture. During his first lecture, eighteen people passed away. He then stopped his lecture and went back home. [Kashful Mahjoob pg 201]

After his wisaal, he was given ghusl. Those giving ghusl wished to put water on his eyes, when they heard an unseen voice saying, "Do not touch the eyes of my beloved, since those eyes that have closed in my remembrance, shall not open before they see me." They then tried to open his fingers, and the voice said, "Those fingers that have been closed in my name, shall only open on my command." [Masaalikus Saalikeen vol.1 pg 308].

Hazrat Junaid-e-Baghdadi t passed from this world, on a Friday, the 27th of Rajab, 297 or 298 Hijri.





Page 3: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who


Urs of the beloveds of Allah is an Islamic function, which is generally organized by the Khalifa to commemorate the death anniversary of a wali. To a wali, death is the culmination of a life long yearning to meet Allah and His Rasool r . In terms of the dictionary it means wedding. In Arabic, the bride and groom are called Aroos.

The Prophet r mentions in an authentic Hadith,"When the Munkar and Nakir (the angels who question the deceased after death), questions the wali in the grave about Allah, Islam and the Prophet r and the Wali successfully answers the questions, they (lovingly) declare Sleep like the bride who will only be awakened by the beloved (Mishkaat).

Hence the word Urs is traced to a Hadith. Annually on the day or month on which the wali parted from this world and entered into the hereafter, the mureed and followers and general public gather at the gravesite, recite Quran, Zikrullah, Khatme Khwajagaan and render Esaale Sawaab to the soul of the wali. Normally a lecture is given by an 'alim, who discusses Quranic verses and Ahadith relating to Aulia Allah. The life of the Wali is presented as an example for other Muslims to follow. People are encouraged to emulate the Imaan, Piety (Taqwa), sacrifices and services of the wali.

The roots of Urs are also traced to the actions of the Prophet r and the four Khulafaae Raashidoon. Ibne Ali Sheebah reports that: "The Prophet r used to visit the graves of the martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who used to visit the graves of Shuhadae Uhud (Those companions of the prophet r who lost their lives in the Battle of Uhud, which took place in Madina). (Fatawa Shaami, Tafseere Kabeer Durre Mansoor).

Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith of Delhi (son of Shah Waliallah) writes in his famous Fatawa Azizia, page 45:Secondly, many people must assemble, recite the Holy Quran, recite fatiha on something sweet and other edibles and then distribute it amongst those present. The Chaadar and Sandal procession is a public event designed to reflect love and respect of the soul of the wali. It is an event whereby homage is paid to the wali, and to his success in the hereafter. Trays are decoratively laden with many Ghilaaf (sheets of material used to cover the grave of the wali), flowers, Itr, Niyaaz and sandal powder. These trays are carried on the head as a mark of respect (This does not constitute Ibaadat in any way). The mureedeen and other devotees of the saint normally prepare the trays. A Shaamyaana (roughly translated as a four – handled shade, awning or umbrella) usually in the colours of the Silsila to which the saint belongs; is held aloft by those who are taking part in the procession. It is there to shelter on from the natural elements, viz. The sun and rain. It also lends dignity to the procession Devotional poetry based on the Hamd (Praise of Allah), Na' at (Praise of the Prophet r and Manqabat (Praise of Aulia Allah) are sung all the way during the procession. Salat o Salaams and Zikrullah are also recited in some countries. These processions differ in

different countries in presentation and style; as, the cultural flavourings and influences differ. These various cultural influences should not be mistaken as an imitation of any "religious denomination''.

Chaadars are placed on the grave of the Aulia Allah.This is an act of Sunnah. After the demise of the Prophet a sahaabiyah came to Sayyida Ayesha Siddiqah y and requested her to show the grave of the Prophet r. Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqah y then raised a Gilaf (sheet of fabric) from the grave of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah r . The sahaabiyah became very, very emotional, wept beyond control, finally collapsed and passed away. (Baihaqi Shareef).

Fatawa Shami, Volume 5. The Chapter on Libaas also states that it is good to place Chaadar on graves of Aulia Allah. The grave is then sprinkled with sandal, Itr and covered with flowers. To place flowers and other fresh branches on the graves is also a Sunnah. (Bukhari Sheriff Vol.1). Itr is sprinkled onto the grave, as perfume (itr), has a certain degree of affinity with the rooh and spirituality. The Holy Prophet r loved perfume. One of the three things made for Huzoor r to prefer in this world is perfume, (Hadith). The sprinkling of Itr is for our benefit. The spiritualised precincts of a wali's tomb are sprinkled with itr so that it ushers us into calmness and serenity.

It tends to purify our thoughts and is also synonymous with the state the wali is in. Aulia Allah is a special servant of Allah. Their graves are covered with a Ghilaaf just as we cover the Quran and Kaabah with Ghilaaf. The heart of a believer is the throne of Allah (Hadith). Even up to this day the walls housing the grave the Prophet r is laden with Ghilaaf bearing Kalima Sharief and other Quranic verses which can be seen clearly from the outside also. This Sunnah is in practice from the days of the sahaaba and maintained even by the present Wahaabi regime.

The Fuqahaae Kiraam have stated that the intentions behind covering the graves of Aulia Allah is love and respect for their spiritualized souls.

It also displays recognition of the achievement and success of the departed soul. It also dawns on the observer that this is the grave of a beloved of Allah who has reached the ultimate goal of nearness to Allah. The Fuqaahae Kiraam (Islamic jurists) have stressed that chaadars should not be placed on the graves of the general Muslim public. To further highlight the status and honor of the Aulia Allah, let us take into account the following ayah of the Holy Quran: Thus, then, if he be of nearest to Allah, (there is for him) rest and satisfaction, and a 'Garden of Delights'. (S.56.V88/89.)

Page 4: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who


In his childhood Hazrat Hassen Basri was fortunate enough to drink the water that was left in the cup by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad t. When the Prophet knew of it he remarked, “This child will receive from the Lord an amount of knowledge equivalent to the water drunk.” When they brought Hazrat Hassen Basri, as a newly born child before Hazrat Umar t, he said, “Call him by the name of Hassen Basri, as he is beautiful. He was initiated by Hazrat Ali t. A very interesting incident records the conversion of Hazrat Hassen Basri. Before turning a Sufi, he was a jeweler. One day he proceeded to Rum (in Asia Minor) on business, and put up with the minister of the Sultan. The minister told him, “You will have to wait for some days as we are presently accompanying the Sultan on an important private errand. If you so desire, you may accompany us.”

Hazrat Hassen Basri went in company of the Sultan, the minister, and others. They entered a vast wilderness. In the middle of it, they saw a magnificent tent fixed up, which was guarded by army officers. The officers entered the tent and then came out. Then they circumambulated it and went away. Some very old respectable citizens who, like the officers, entered the tent, uttered some words, came out, circumambulated the tent and then went away followed them.

Then came some medical experts who did likewise. Then came two hundred extremely beautiful young maidens, who entered the tent and acted as the previous ones had done. Lastly came the Sultan accompanied by his ministers, he too entered the tent, uttered some words, then circumambulated the tent and went away. Surprised at the incident Hazrat Hassen Basri inquired of the minister what all that meant. The minister replied, “A very beautiful and brave son of Sultan died and his corpse is interred in a tomb on which stands that tent.

Every year all of us visit it, and perform the ceremonies like the ones you saw today. First, the members of the army approach the tomb and addressing the Prince say, “If by our arms, we could save thee from the God of Death, we would have sacrificed our life for the fulfillment of that aim, but we are helpless.” Then come the learned citizens who say, “If our knowledge and experience could save thee we should have surely averted thy death, but before Death we are helpless.” Then come the medical men, who say, “If our medicines could save thee, we would have left no stone unturned to save thee from the clutches of Death, but we were powerless before it.” Then come the beautiful maidens who say, “If our beauty and accomplishments could save you, we would have sacrificed our all to save you but we were powerless before Death.” Then enters the Sultan in turn accompanied by the ministers and says, “My son! We tried our best with our army, doctors, and other means to save thee, but no change was possible in Divine dispensation. We bid you good-buy now and shall visit you nest year at this time.”

This incident made such and indelible mark on the mind of



Hazrat Hassen Basri that he decided to pass the rest of his life in prayers and worship to face that inevitable end. He returned to Basra, gave up his business, took to solitude, and vowed never to smile in his whole life. Moreover, for seventy years he passed every moment in prayers. The cause that made Hazrat Hassen Basri most famous was that in his life he felt only one necessity---God. In his anxiety to meet God, he took concern of nothing besides Him.

When Hazrat Ra'bia Basri would not come to attend the sermons of Hazrat Hassen Basri, he would deliver no discourse that day. People in the audience asked him why he did that. He replied, “The syrup that is held by the vessels meant for the elephants cannot be contained in the vessels meant for the ants.” He was asked, “What is Islam, and who is a Muslim?” He replied, “Islam is in the books and Muslim is in the tomb.” Hazrat Hassen Basri said that four incidents gave him the greatest lessons of life: One: - Once I pulled off the garments of an eunuch in mere fun. He said, “Kindly return them to me, for nobody knows my real state.” Immediately the thought crossed my mind: What shall be our condition when on the Day of Judgment, we shall be made naked and all our sins lay bare?

Two: - A drunkard was struggling in mire. I told him to beware lest he should sink in it. He replied, “Hassen, if I fall I alone shall suffer. However, you take care of yourself. For if you fall, all your congregation will stand condemned.”

Three: - A child was one day carrying a lighted lamp. I asked him wherefrom he had brought the light. The child extinguished the light and said, “Tell me, where is the light gone?”

Four: - A beautiful young woman was running one day along the street with her head uncovered, and was complaining about her husband in harsh terms. I told her to cover her head and face.

She said, “The love of my husband has made me lose my senses so much that I am not conscious of my body and of my surroundings. If you had not told me that my head and face were uncovered, I would have never known it. I would have walked like that in the street. However, it is a matter of surprise, O Hassen, that you pretend to be a lover of God, and yet are conscious of everything that crosses your way and retain your senses. What is this love of God like in you?”

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did his action entail and imply? He was cleaning the mess somebody else made. He was cleaning the dirt somebody else had left behind. He was fulfilling the honour of a classical Peer-o-Murshid. Cleaning up behind the mess a mureed may leave through his sins and error.

A true believer covers the faults of a believer. The Rasool r himself one who cleaned the excrement of a guest of his, said that "He is not a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”

In todays world we watch how we mess-up our lives. A man will see to himself enjoying the misfortunes of his brother. Who will clean his brothers mess? No, his brother will wish for him to drown in it.

Who even amongst the elite, will attend to the challenges facing the religion of Muahammad r .

Who will clean up the mess of the ummah today? Who will undertake the dangerous and difficult challenges facing the ummah? Most will give eloquent speeches, write ta'waaez, and pass fatwas. Yet none of these can remove the dirt like direct action will.

May Allah guide us and bless us with truth and sincerity. May He empower us to serve Him by also serving His creation with love, respect, sacrifice and mercy! May Allah preserve the legacy of Hazrat jehangir Shah, the true slave and friend of Allah and Allah's Rasool r , eternally!

May Allah always spread His Noor upon the souls of the Truthful and Sincere from His servants.

Not too long ago appeared a mystic, a descendant of our Holy Prophet Muhammad r, who had renounced the pleasures and temptations of this world, to commit himself as a slave of Allah and a seeker of the next world.

He donned the garment of poverty and pursued his journey through the Sabri tariqa. He soon became the embodiment of Love and Servanthood, while his lofty achievements were praised and sung in the royal courts of the spiritual empire of Sainthood.

He was Hazrat Sayyad Jehangir Shah Sabri Kambal- Posh (RA). From Ajmeri roots he settled in Kalyar Shareef where he volunteered to work as a khadim (servant / attendant) at the shrine of Makhdoom Ala'uddin Sabir Paak (RA). Here he displayed his astounding spiritual pedigrees and rose to become the most famous Sabri sheikh of the time.

Such a noble soul chalked an even higher credential by the level of humility he arrived at, which was clear to see. He would with his own blessed hands clear the mess and excrement that visitors to the shrine left around the precincts.

Most analysts view this action of his as testimony to his humility and also his love and respect for Hazrat Sabir Paak, whose devotee he was. But look closer and deeper. What


22nd March Mehfil-e-Naat

Page 6: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who


The video is chilling- 23 year old Mahmoud el- Ahmady desperately appeals to the judge in an Egyptian court. His testimony is agonising to watcha young man who has obviously been brutalised by an unfair regime, now trying to prove his innocence before a flawed justice system. In August 2016, Mahmoud el-Ahmady, Abulqasim Youssef and Abubakr Ali told an Egyptian court hearing that they had been pressured to confess to a crime they did not commit. El-Ahmady, a student at al-Azhar University, said he was tortured for 12 days before being forced to record a video in which he said he took part in a government official's assassination. "I was blindfolded, hung on the door upside down for seven consecutive hours, and electrocuted in sensitive areas of my body," his friend Youssef added to the testimony. As a result, he lost sight in his right eye. Mahmoud, Abulqasim, Abubakr and six others were all executed by the Sisi regime last week Wednesday.

Reacting to news of the executions Maya Foa, director of Reprieve, the anti-death penalty rights group, said they showed that the use of the death penalty by Egypt's president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is now a full-blown human rights crisis. "Executions have spiked - bringing the total number to 15 in just two weeks - amid widespread abuses including gross due process violations, torture, false confessions and the repeated use of mass trials. It is shocking that these abuses continue unabated while the international community remains silent." 1813 death sentences have been meted out in 3 years by a farcical judicial system and the Egyptian Coordination for Rights and Freedoms, an independent group, documented 256 deaths in custody, with 209 detainees having died due to medical negligence. This has all occurred since al- Sisi took office in June 2014, when he overthrew the democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood in a Western backed coup.

With a track record that has abolished all the freedoms and rights that the Egyptian people won through the 2011 revolution, Sisi has proven to be far worse than the dictator they fought so valiantly to overthrow, Hosni Mubarak. The democratically elected party, the Muslim Brotherhood, and its leader Morsi languish in jail as Sisi's government is legitimised by Western powers and the Egyptian population is left to be forsaken to yet another brute.

What is even more shocking is the recent decision to appoint Sisi as the newest chairperson of the African Union. It is as if the world has suffered a bout of serious amnesia when it comes to the crimes of the Sisi regime and instead of atonement for all of the gross human rights violations he metes out on the Egyptian population daily, they have decided to reward it with positions of power. Further, his

collusion with Israel in ensuring the dehumanizing blockade of Gaza has been stringently employed adds to the list of his many unsavoury acts since assuming leadership.South Africa's silence is deafening in this regard. I recall attending numerous protest marches in support of Sheikh Abdul Salam Jad Bassiouni in 2015, a South African citizen, well respected leader, teacher and dedicated humanitarian who was imprisoned in the infamous Torah prison by Sisi's regime and tortured, without due process or trial.

Having only been released and returned to SA recently, it is shocking that SA too should show no opposition to the election of an obvious dictator as the newest chairperson of the AU, especially when his actions were directly responsible for the brutalisation of one of our citizens.

The double standards that mar the moral compass defining the world today are shocking. Human rights groups, including Amnesty International, have emphatically stated that the Egyptian court system has made a mockery of due process, with defendants often tried on the basis of confessions obtained through torture or other mistreatment. The magnitude of injustice is difficult to overlook. Yet, despite all the facts, we still see the country lauded and propelled into positions of power amongst its peers. It is glaringly obvious that if a country serves the purpose of enabling the Western agenda further, they will be exempt from foreign interventions under the guise of establishing democracy and freedom.

Pictures of Mahmoud saying his final goodbyes to his family before his execution are daunting. His case is just one amongst thousands, an indication of the curse of dictatorship and imposition that has been plaguing the Egyptian population for years.

When decisions such as that made by the AU most recently as well as the sharp rise in executions goes unchallenged, it is a slap in the face to our brethren in Egypt, a direct insult to justice and a humiliating blot to our continent.


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Page 7: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who


Q1) What is the importance of the month of Rajab?A1) First of all we would like to wish one and all a blessed month of Rajab. It is this month of Rajab that the Holy Prophet r went for Me'raj and this month also hold the Urs of a great Wali of his time, Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty Ajmeri t. Regarding Rajab there are many blessings which we cannot comprehend.

In the time of Hazrat Esa u there was a man who was in love with a woman. One day he got the opportunity to satisfy his lust, but suddenly he heard a commotion that the people were talking about the appearance of the moon. He asked the woman as to which month's moon were the people were sighting, she replied Rajab. Although this person was a disbeliever, as soon as he heard the word Rajab, he immediately left the woman, refraining from committing adultery with the intention of honouring Rajab.

Allah Ta'aala commanded Sayyiduna Esa u to go and meet that man. Esa u went to the man and informed him about the message of Allah and the purpose of arrival. Upon hearing this, his heart shone with the Noor of Islam and he immediately became a Muslim due to respecting the sacred month of Rajab. So if a Muslim respects the month of Rajab he will undoubtedly receive tremendous blessings and rewards. Muslims should honour and respect the month of Rajab.

The Holy Quraan also prohibits people from wronging themselves (committing sins) in the sacred month. It is stated in Nur-ul-Irfan regarding the Ayat “Do not wrong yourselves in these months”. Do not commit sin in these 4 holy months, committing sins is tantamount to wronging oneself (or) do not oppress or harm one another. [Nur-ul-Irfan pg 306]

Hazrat Anas t has narrated that the Holy Prophet r said, “The one keeping fasts on 3 days (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) in the sacred months, will get the reward of 2 years worship.” [Majma uz-Zawaid vol 3 pg 438 Hadith No 5151]

Rajab is one of the blessed and sacred months. It is stated in Makashafatul Quloob, that our pious saints have said, 'There are 3 letters in the month of Rajab. Raa, Jeem and Baa. The Raa stands for Rahamat-e- Ilahi (Mercy of Allah), the Jeem stands for Jurm (crime) of the person and Baa stands for Birr (kindness).' In other words it is as if Allah is saying, “Place my servants crime between my mercy and my kindness.”

The third kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah Ta'alah created Adam u . The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah Ta'alah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah). Then Allah created Adam u .

When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All praise be to Allah)The angels liked this act so much that they added this to their praise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah".

Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh u was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah." The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim u was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismael u. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar.”

More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammedr ascended to the Heavens with Jibraeel u. Nabi r added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem.” (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, The Great).

Thus the kalimah now became Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighty Allah.

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to take water from Ana Sagar, they saw that the Ana Sagar water was totally banned for them and the Military was posted there. The companions became very much frightened. Khwaja t followers returned with an empty jug to Khwaja t and explained whatever they had seen.

On hearing the events, Hazrat Khwaja t felt deeply hurt and he himself took the Kooza (tumbler) and went down towards Ana Sagar. As soon as Hazrat Khwaja t came across a soldier, he prevented him from taking water from the Ana Sagar tank. Hazrat Khwaja t looked at his face with his miraculous eyes. The soldier could not tolerate Hazrat Khwaja t angry face. He became nervous and fell down on the ground unconscious and dropped the sword from his hand.

The Great Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty t absorbed and fetched the whole water of the Ajmer city in the Kooza (tumbler) including the Ana Sagar water. All sources of water for the city mysteriously disappeared. Even the milk in the breasts of nursing mothers and animals dried up.

This disappearance of water was noted by Prithviraj's people with consternation. This miracle caused a great change in the sentiments and ambitions of the public. Consequently, a large number of people embraced Islam at the hand of the Great Khwaja t. The strength of the opposition to him decreased owing to this unprecedented miracle. Raja Prithvi Raj was criticised by the public for the disappearance of the water. In spite of his best efforts and tactics water could not be restored.

At last Raja Prithvi Raj Chowhan personally went to the Great Hazrat Khwaja t and said that in future he would not ban the use of water for any human being or creature, which is a free gift of nature. He apologised to the Saint and the water facility was restored to all instantaneously.

The Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty t remained settled with his few followers on the bank of Ana Sagar Lake. The followers of the Holy Saint used to draw water from it and sometimes they would catch fish from the Sagar and rarely slaughtered cows.

These activities were repugnant to the sentiments and religious feelings of the Raja. Around Ana Sagar there were many temples. The Brahmin priests of these temples complained about such anti-Hindu activities to the Raja. The Raja immediately ordered the removal of all these Muslim derveshes and his companions from the Ana Sagar Hill.

Raja Prithvi Raj's servants not only demanded the removal of Hazrat Khwaja t and his followers but also arrogantly insisted on their vacating the Ajmer soil. This notice of leaving Ajmer was made in a very indecent and improper tune. In no circumstances could the Great Hazrat Khwaja agree to the withdrawal from Ajmer with his companions because he was there under the instructions and command of the Holy Prophet r and by the will of Almighty Allah.

When all these temple Brahmin priests mobbed and attacked the Great Khwaja t with the ultimate aim of murdering him, Hazrat Khwaja t took some dust in his own hands and threw it upon these cruel Brahmins which made them retreat and some of them lost sense and some of them lost eye sight and a few even ran away in terror. When the Raja noticed this he became very perturbed and disheartened. Then he took a very inhuman step against the Muslim Faqir and his companions. The Raja in accordance with the Brahmins request, ordered that the water from Ana Sagar be stopped for the Great Khwaja t and his followers.

Raja Prithvi Raj Chowhan raised the alarm and posted his army on all sides of Ana Sagar and strictly ordered the soldiers that Muslims should not be allowed to carry water from the Ana Sagar. When Hazrat Khwaja t followers came

Page 9: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who


hair. It energizes the nerve endings in your hair roots and makes them active. This is beneficial for getting back the natural vitality of your hair and keeping it healthy.

8. Promote hair growthActivating the roots of your hair has another added benefit—growth! The hot water promotes the regular activity of the roots and subsequently accelerates the growth of your hair.

9. Prevent dandruff Hot water keeps your scalp hydrated and helps fight against dry scalp or dandruff.

10. Enhance blood circulation and promote a healthy nervous systemAnother important benefit of drinking hot water is that it enhances your blood circulation, which is important for proper muscle and nerve activity. In addition, it keeps your nervous system healthy by breaking down the fat deposits around it.

11. Better digestionHot water is particularly beneficial for digestion. Studies have shown that drinking cold water during or after a meal can harden the oil present in the consumed foods. This can create a fat deposit on the inner wall of your intestine, which can eventually result in intestinal cancer. However, if you replace the glass of cold water with a hot one, you can avoid this problem.

12. Facilitate bowel movementsFinally, hot water can help to make your bowel movements regular, healthy and pain free.

Dehydration can result in chronic problems with constipation. As the stool gets accumulated inside your intestine, the movement of the bowel becomes slower. It is always recommended that you consume a glassful of hot or warm water every morning when your stomach is empty. It decomposes any remnant foodstuffs and makes the movement of the particles smooth and less painful through the intestine.

1. Weight lossHot water is great for maintaining a healthy metabolism, which is what you want if you are trying to shed a few kilos. The best way to do this is to kick start your metabolism early in the morning with a glass of hot water and lemon. As an added bonus, hot water will help to break down the adipose tissue (aka body fat) in your body.

2. Assist with nasal and throat congestionDrinking hot water is an excellent natural remedy for colds, coughs and a sore throat. It dissolves phlegm and also helps to remove it from your respiratory tract. As such, it can provide relief from a sore throat. It also helps in clearing nasal congestion.

3. Menstrual crampsHot water can aid in diminishing menstrual cramps. The heat of the water has a calming and soothing effect on the abdominal muscles, which eventually can help to cure cramps and spasms.

4. Body detoxificationHot water is fantastic for helping your body to detox. When you drink hot water, your body temperature begins to rise, which results in sweat. You want this to happen because it helps to release toxins from your body and cleanse it properly. For optimal results, add a squeeze of lemon before drinking.

5. Prevent premature agingThere's a reason you should clear your body of toxins:they make you age faster. Drinking hot water helps to repair the skin cells that increase the elasticity of your skin and are affected by harmful free radicals. Subsequently, your damaged skin becomes smoother.

6. Prevent acne and pimplesThe benefits for your skin just keep on coming. Hot water deep cleanses your body and eliminates the root causes of acne-related infections.

7. Hair health and vitalityDrinking hot water is also good for obtaining soft and shiny

Page 10: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who


equal,” the two leaders opened their document by saying: "Faith leads a believer to see in the other a brother or sister to be supported and loved. Through faith in God, who has created the universe, creatures and all human beings (equal on account of his mercy), believers are called to express this human fraternity by safeguarding creation and the entire universe and supporting all persons, especially the poorest and those most in need.”

MOSCOW, Russia - Muslims will make up 30 percent of Russia's population by 2034, according to the country's Grand Mufti , Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin. He said that during last year's Eid al-Adha prayers, more than 320 000 Muslims came to mosques in Moscow, adding that this was a record and an indicator of the rising numbers of Muslims in the country. He also said there was a need for dozens of new mosques in Russia's big cities. The Muslim population of Russia is currently believed to be about 25 million.

Bangkok, THAILAND – Cambodian Muslim students enrolled in religious seminaries in the country, are reportedly being profiled by authorities ahead of elections in Thailand. Authorities have scheduled a meeting of representatives of more than 600 privately-run Islamic schools where hundreds of Cambodian Muslim students are enrolled. Thai authorities have accused Islamic seminaries of recruiting youth for insurgency groups active in the south of the country. Thai military authorities have also accused the seminaries of operating as training camps for the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN), an umbrella group of Muslims seeking either seek greater autonomy or independence from the Buddhist-majority country.

Sharjah, UAE - Ruler of SharjahSheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi has announced fully-funded scholarships for young Arab acting talent to study at the Sharjah Performing Arts Academy. He made the announcement at the closing ceremony of the third edition of the Sharjah GCC Theatre Festival, organized by the theatre section of the Department of Culture. He also reiterated his determination to provide the Sharjah Performing Arts Academy with the latest equipment to ensure continued links and sharing of experience and information with local and international institutions.

Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA – Hamza Bin Laden, the son of slain Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, has been stripped of his citizenship following a Saudi royal order after the US State Department offered a $1 million reward for information on him. The location of Hamza Bin Laden has been the subject of speculation for years with reports of him living in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria or under house arrest in Iran. Bin Laden, who according to the United States is around 30, has threatened attacks against the United States to avenge the 2011 killing of his father, who was living in hiding in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad, by US special forces.

New Delhi, INDIA – India's quota for Hajj pilgrims has been increased from170 000 to 200 000. This was announced by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman during his state visit to India. He also said that 850 Indian prisoners would be released from Saudi jails. Addressing a joint press conference with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House, the Crown Prince said he saw investment opportunities of more than $100 billion in India over the next two years as the two countries signed five agreements and MoUs on investment in infrastructure, housing sector and tourism.

Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA – The Malaysian Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), is planning an age-friendly city, according to Deputy Prime Minister Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. “We shall be challenged by the changes in our demographic profile where Malaysia will become an aging society by 2030 in which almost 15.3 percent of the population will be 60 years and above, bringing about new challenges in health service needs and suitable physical environments,” she added.

Abu Dhabi, UAE – Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church, and Dr. Ahmed El-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al- Azhar Al-Sherif, launched a joint appeal for the world to come together to promote the concept of human fraternity. The appeal is contained in a 'Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,' signed by the two religious leaders during a meeting held at the Founder's Memorial in Abu Dhabi. Framing their appeal "in the name of human fraternity that embraces all human beings, unites them and renders them

Page 11: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who



The threat made by a leading member of Modi's government to boycott Muslim business after the attack on the Indian military in Kashmir resulting in the death of about forty military personal. This call was made on the basis of the attack being branded as a terrorist attack. Any reader of international law will be able to inform the public that the attack which happened in an occupied territory in what has been declared a conflict zone and against armed military personal cannot be classified as a terrorist attack. The policy of victimising minorities on the basis of so called cultural superiority and taking the “other” to be weak and to be subjugated, a policy propagated by Modi and his party fits into the profile of fascism. Despite this open leaning to fascism and the known historical tragedies created by this absurd thing Modi is still honoured within the corridors of political power.

How different is Netanyahu and Trump when the profile of this detested political ideology fits them like a glove. The reality of what is happening in Palestine and Venezuela shows the callousness of their political leadership. The fact that both are subject to legal investigation shows that they have lost their moral compass. The Chinese political leadership are also in the same boat as the other named leaders.

When we witness the atrocities, human right violations, acts of subversion and breaking the barriers of all acceptable moral norms in a blatant way by these fascist then should the warning signal of a global catastrophe not be sounded. The media to stay in business are as complicit in not highlighting these issues with the fascist in the same manner as the media was prior to the two world wars. The only counter to this threat is to ferociously stand up and be counted by strongly advocating the true reality of the dangers posed by these fascist and not to brush aside the facts, Undoubtedly the will be attempts to rephrase the definitions of the term fascism because it is so clearly undefined but these attempts should be countered. It would be a tragedy of immense proportions if the politicians would only react when they are threatened as was the case of the two world wars.

Fascism is not easily defined even by academia. This word is normally used within the political environment to denigrate or belittle political opponents when all else fails. Despite this the threat of fascism cannot be ignored. It was the catalysed for two world wars. Furthermore through its skewed biological understanding such as the pure Aryan race genocide on the gypsy population was perpetrated and strangely to this day this tragedy has been sidelined for political reasons.

There can be no doubt that this act of overlooking a catastrophic event can only be seen as silent consent. There was a political will to ensure that the rise of fascism would not happen again on any scale. Taking into account the current political environment we have to question if this political will still exists today.

In order to understand this term “fascism” we need to examine the characteristics found in this concept of fascism. The following characteristics have been extracted from a political commentator named Mathew Sharpe:· A political movement aimed to take over the state, destroying institutions like an independent media and individual rights.

· It is a struggle between the strong and the weak (to ensure that the weak remains weak).

Equality, tolerance progress and pity are seen as weak characteristics·Separating people on the basis of differences.· The specificity of nations or groups or the “volk” is fought for. In essence they are populist.

· Often use or concoct dire national emergency measures.·Use of language with scant regard for consistency, clarity or accuracy Other traits would include disrespecting sovereignty and human rights.

Conscience and good morals takes a back seat. When we take the above stated characteristics and use that as a gauge against some of the current political leaders such as Modi, Netanyahu, Trump and others who would be courageous enough to deny the reality that these fascism traits are ominously present. When we take the policies and their actions into account the danger signals become more

Page 12: Vol 22 No 7-Media Kausar.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · martyrs of the Battle of Uhud every year. He used to send Salaams to them. The four righteous Khulafa upheld this Sunnah also, who