Reunion in New York City= _g_st 16-18, _®_.

Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

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Page 1: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

Reunion in New York City= _g_st 16-18, _®_.

Page 2: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963



J 0 U R N A L L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95th INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_Minutes of Executive Council Meeting held on Monday, January 14th, 1963

at the La Salle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois called for the purpose of transacting allMarch, 1963, Vol. 13, No. 2 Business athand.

Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by President Radik. In the absenceOfficial publication of the of Association Chaplain Lester Wolf, the members observed a minute of silentNINETY-FIFTH INFANTRY prayer.

DIVISION ASSOCIATION President Radik, Vice President Halper, Vice President Sears, Secretary

P.O. BoxJ274 Chicago 90, Illinois Nelson and Treasurer Heffner present.

Council members, Jankoski, Mirabile, Peterson and Vlieger present. Kutz,Laskowski Marinangeli, Safarik, Sharkey and Wolf absent.NATIONAL OFFICERS

President Reading of Minutes--

EDWARD L. RADIK Sv/360FA Secretary Nelson, read the minutes of meeting held December 8, 1962. There5119 W. Oakdale Ave., Chicago, III. being no corrections minutes were approved as read.

First Vice-President Reading of Correspondence--

FRANK HALPER A/379 Letter from the Department of Army, Publicity Department enclosing Form7243 S. Spaulding, Chicago, Ill for information about our last Reunion, and City, Date and Hotel for 1963

reunion. Secretary reported this information was mailed to The Department ofSecond Vice-President Army.

DELBERT k. SEARS B/320 Engr.l0 N. School St., Mr. Prospect, Illl Letter from Lt. Col. Donald T. Paul, HQ 2nd Bn/378 advising us that hediscovered an old Roster of about 200 names of 95th men and offered to send it

Secretary to the Association or if we would furnish him with the necessary material, heTHEODORE NELSON Div. Hq. Co. would try and contact them. Secretary was instructed to answer his letter and1317 W. 72nd Place, Chicago, III. thank Lt. Col. Paul for his interest in the Association Membership but to send the

Treasurer Roster to the Secretary to be checked against his open files and to contact thosenames not listed in our files.FRED HEFFNER 1/379

• 1413 W. 171 St., E. Hazel Crest III. Letter from Mrs. Mitchell advising of Death of 95er James M. Mitchell,C 547th AAA, AW Bn. Secretary instructed to send letter of Condolence.


GERALD F. RAMSHAW ..... 195 -52 Cash receipts received for the period October 14, 1962, to January 14, 1963,WALTER J. LASKOWSKI ..... 1952-56 totaled $486.00, summarized as follows:

1961 dues ......... $ 6.00 New Members ........ 7FRED M. PETERSON ......... 1956-60 1962 dues ......... 249.00 Renewals ............ 122EDWARD L. RADIK ......... 1960-62 1963 dues ......... 165.00 Reinstatements ....... 11

Total dues ............ $420.00 140EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Donations ............ 39.00

LESTER WOLF L/378 1962 ads ............. 27.008032 S. 86th Cf., Jusfice, Illinois TOTAL ......... $486.00

E. MARINANGELI 320fh Med. Bn. 1965 1964 1963 1962 19611073 Creve Couer, LaSalle, Illinois

Paid Membership ...................... 2 5 356 1026 99FRED M. PETERSON K/377 Paid at Reunion and prior ................ 2 5 301 943 97

7725 Lavergn.e, Skokie,.ll]:'•RAYMOND R. VLEIGER K/377 For the period 10/14/62 to 1/14/63 ....... -- -- 55 83 2

2751 N. Troy St., Chicagq, Illinois upon Motion made, seconde d and carried, the following bills were approvedWILLIAM P. SHARKEY K/377 for payment: ':

6622 S. Campbell Ave., _hicago Theodore Nelson, Expenses for December, 1962 $ 102.17

._ADOLPH A. KlJl-z ' Diy. Hq./AG Southwest Printing, 5,000 dues statements ' 37.70R.7_179 Merchandise Marf,LChicago Council Meetings October, _November and December ............ 53.21

CLARENCE D. JANKOSKI K/3773053"N. Racine'Ave.i .Chicago, III. $ 193.08


!_ 912 N. Ridge, Arlington_Heighfs, III. Cash Balance, December 9, 1962 ........................... $2,546.03• _ Cash Receipts from Secretary during period December 9, 1962 toi_;ANDREW_:MIR,_BILE M/378 January 14, 1963 .................................... 341.00

WALTER J. LASKOWSKI Med/378 2,887.03467 Highland Ave., Elmhursf, III. (Continttedon Page 11)


Page 3: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

The Ninety-Fifth Infantry Division Associationm P.O. BOX 1274



One Page $20.00 My signature constitutes an Authorization for you to insert page in your Program.Upon presentation of printed Program I agree to pay $ ...... (The entire cost of

Half Page $10.00 advertisement minus the initial deposit.)

Quarter Page $5.00 14th ANNUAL REUNION

Patronage $ 2.0O STATLER. HILTON HOTEL ,_

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK _-4 AUGUST 16, 17, 18, 1963 _- "

to occupy the space of page, for the sum of $



SIGNED Solicited by

--_ coPY i_-

Page 4: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

_ • -- m

New York'sStatlerHilton Hotel SelectedAD PROGRAMKICKOFF

• rom ReunionHost- August16,17,18,1963Program Chairman of the Association.

..-'-- New York City--Richard J. Perlish (I/377) and John Topoozian (K/377),Well, men, its about time we started Reunion Co-Chairmen, have announced the selection of the Statler Hilton Hotel

working on our ad program for New for the Fourteenth Annual Reunion to be held on August 16, 17, 18, 1963.York's Reunion in 1963. It may seem

a little early but you'd be surprised The Statler Hilton Hotel, Seventh Avenue and 33rd Street, offers a conven-how the months fly by. I want to at lent location and excellent service to the Out-of-Towner. Shopping and Theatrethis time, thank all the men that partici- districts are nearby; transit lines and highways radiate in all directions.

pated in our 1962 Ad Program Book An ample block of rooms will be set aside for 95'ers, and a hotel reservationand made it such a wonderful success! card will be mailed to you in June, together with more information.! know without your help I would have

never achieved my goal. Plan to attend and bring the family. A special room will be set up for theyoung 95'ers.

My hats off to the Youngstown, OhioFabulous New York awaits you- its Bronx Zoo, Empire State Building,Chapter No. 5, St. Louis, Missouri

Rockefeller Center, Statue of Liberty, United Nations Building, Bus tours, and aChapter and the Chicago, Illinois Chap- 3-hour Boat tour around Manhattan Island!ter. Guys like Joe Milianta fromRockford, Illinois and John Bowsher

from Columbus, Ohio. That's only a __ _ _ _few! I could go on and on! With

men like that pitching, how could welose?


As most of you know, who were at BUREAUthe business meeting in Chicago at ourlast reunion, I pledged myself to tryand achieve a $2,000 Ad Program. In the spirit of being helpful to those

95'ers who intend to motor to theI know it can be done, if every mangoing to the Reunion in New York Reunion in New York. The Gulf Oil

this year will just try. Just a little Corporation has offered to send FREEto any 95'er, marked maps showingeffort on your part, is all I ask. It'sthe best routes, as well as literature onfor you benefit, the bigger the Ad Pro-

gram the better the show, and all the points of interest along the way. Justsend a letter or postcard to Gulf Tour-beer we can consume.guide Bureau, City Avenue at Schuyl-

Men, here are a few tips on where kill Expressway, P.O. Box 8056, Phila-to get your Ads! Go to the people delphia 1, Pa.you patronize. For instance, your Em-ployer, Grocer, Gas Station, Bank,Cleaner, Florist, Bowling Alley, Tav-ern, Liquor Store, Auto Dealers and

a million more. This Journal has an Ad Contract in The rest is up to you men! Let'sit, so let's make use of it and not wait make the 1963 Reunion in New York

As for the Patronage Ad, every until the last minute. If you desire one that will be talked about for yearsmember of the Division should have more Contracts, contact the Division to come!

his name in on that, and I'll tell you Ad Program Chairman, P. O. Box Let's give it that old War Cry? GO-why! To begin with, the Division 1274, Chicago, Illinois. GO-GO! Frank Halper. A/379doesn't charge a $5.00 dues every yearlike most all other units do. Secondly, ]1 "

your buddies go through the book ]] COVER PAGE--WORLD LANDMARK

looking up names and addresses of The United Nations building in New York City is the newest of the city's touristbuddies that moved and left no for- attractions, and a pleasant addition to its famed skyline.

warding address. (Photo courtesy of United Air Lines)


Page 5: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

ORLANDO J. CAFASSO (C/379), Active Army Reserves. My rank is101 Main St., Everett 49, Mass. Was Major. My assignment is Headquar-employed by the Gas Compa_ny of ters Commandant of my Unit which is

Messages from Everett, Mass. for 21 years. Natural the 5063rdUNITED STATES ARMYmembers who wish gas came in and forced the plant to GARRISON, located in Milwaukee,

_o express them- close. Am now working for General Wisconsin. HELLO to all of you!

selves or give Electric Company as a fork truck oper- LEO E. THIBODEAU (E/379),reports on their ator. Am married and have a daugh- Box 328, Bejou, Minnesota. Would

buddies ter, Gail, nine years old and a s_,. .like to hear from anyone who servedJoseph, age five. Would like to hear with Company E, 379th Infantry fromfrom the boys of Company C, 379th Metz till the war's end.

'_'- - Infantry! MATHEW J. KOSHMRL (A/377),PAUL S. HUDGINS (lst Bn Hq/ 206½ W. Lake St., Chisholm, Minne-

ZINO BOVE (Sv/378), 6300 Eliot 378), Box 529; Bluefield, West Vir- sota. Matt sends a note along with hisSt., Long Beach 14, California. Sure ginia. Have returned to Bluefield (am dues telling us he's the owner ofwould like to hear from some of the a native) to open my own law office Koscak's Bar in Chisholm, Minnesota.boys from Service Company. If any and look after personal business here.95er is ever visiting in Long Beach, Any thirsty 95er's up that way?California, give me a ring! Phone: JOSEPH J. SPINA (A/378), 143 CLAUDE H. BUTLER, MD (DivGENEVA 14524. Stockton St., South Amboy, New Jer- Surg Office), Retreat State Hospital,

sey. Enclosed are my dues and a little Hunlock Creek, Penna. Visited withCHARLES N. HELM (F/379), extra. I still work for the Hercules Woodruff (Woody) Flowers, Jr. (AG

Oreana, Illinois. Here are my dues Powder Company of Parlin, New Jet- Office) and Julius W. Mann (G-l) dur-for 1962 and 1963. Sorry couldn't sey. My regards to members of Corn- ing recent trip to Washington and Fortmake it to the reunion in Chicago due party A, 378th Inf. Enjoy reading the Meade. Got my fourth "star" (grand-to illness in the family. Do hope to JOURNAL very much! child) recently. Sorry to be a bit latemake it next year! Still farming. Fam-

DOUGLAS WM. McKEE (Hq Co/ with my dues -- add the extra toily growing up fast. 3rd Bn/379), 17040 Gebhardt Rd., wherever needed.

JOHN J. TOLAND (K/377), 211 Brookfield, Wisconsin. Have been a FRANCIS A. BROWN (G/378),N. Osborne Avenue, Margate, New salesman for the Wynn Oil Company 620 Briarwood Avenue, Pittsburgh 34,Jersey. I was glad to see the picture for 13 years. Four sons and a daugh- Penna. Enclosed is check for $6.00of the "K" Company men m the ter and my wife Jan make up my living for 1962 and 1963 dues. Will haveJOURNAL (Editor's Note: see cover in this Milwaukee suburb, been married eight years on Septemberpage November, 1961 issue). Living BIAGGIO J. SCOLLO (C Btry/360 25, 1962. Have three daughters. Amin Margate. Three future 95ers. FA Bn), 126 LeSoir Avenue, Floral a salesman for National Gypsum Corn-

FRANK L. BEVER (F/379), Route Park, New York. I enjoy reading the pany. Have been to only one reunion1, North Manchester, Indiana. Still JOURNAL very much! After all these in Detroit when I lived there. Hopeengaged in the painting business in years one sort of forgets all the places to get to another one soon. AlthoughNorth Manchester. My wife, five sons the 95th "visited"! But, after reading I have lived in the Pittsburgh area fourand I are fine! Keep up the good work the JOURNAL and seeing the pictures, years, haven't had a chance, yet, to runon the JOURNAL! it seems like just the other day! I into any former 95ers. (Editor's Note:

BRIG. GEN. CHARLES F. RIG- certainly look forward to seeing the 95ers living in Pittsburgh, let's get outGLE, JR., (95th QM Co), State Ar- Division magazine, into the open! The days of defiladesenal, St. Augustine, Florida. I've WILLIAM P. BYERS (K/379), and cover are over!)been Air National Guard as full time 3103 Fenimore St., Covina, California. JOHN BLINDU (B Btry/358 FAtechnician since 1952. Appointed to Am working for the U. S. Post Office. Bn), 18565 Marx, Detroit 3, Michigan.Asst AG for Air, Florida National And all caught up on my homework. Enclosed is my money order for dues.Guard in 1959 and promoted to B/G Have been trying not to overdo it! We Hope to see the gang in New York inlast April. Where is:Harold Moore have six children. Sorry I was unable 1963.

now -- usta be in'> QM? (Editor's to make the :recent reiani6n's. _ _ EDWIN :R. :BARTHOLOMAE (D/Note: Lt. Col. Harold :Hunter Moore JOHN B.' STEN:_ (D/378y, i2743 378), 502 N._ Raines, Plainfeld, In-was last heard from as J_4stationed in Jefferson Ave. Ext., Washington, diana. Still working:for Federal Avia-Formosa. Any 95er aware:of Harold'spresent tour of duty,?) : ..... _Penna. Please find enclosed my 1962 tion Agency at Weir Cook Airport inHues plus a little extra. Noticed inthe Indianapolis, Indiana.

NORMAN N. NELSON (L/379), address list that Bill Taylor and ! were : OLEN B. SHAWHAN, Col. AUS-4207 Monona Drive, Madison 14, Wis- listed as "not known" organizationally. Ret (795th Ordn Co), 314 Bartramconsin. I was very sorry I was unable Give the 378th credit for a couple of Road, Riverside, Illinois. Mrs. Shaw-to attend the reunion in Chicago as we more! I have been a draftsman for han, our grandchildren, David andhad planned. I was injured and hos- Tri State Engr. Co. for the pa_t 14 Barbara, and I enjoyed very much ourpitalized. Am enclosing $6'.00 to catch years. My wife, Nancy, and I have 3 attendance at the Chicago Reunion.me up on dues. boys-- Bruce, Alan and Paul. Doing We were particularly glad that our

JOSEPH F. DIVITO (D/378), all right for a guy who had one foot grandchildren could have the oppor-5217 S. Hermitage, Chicago 9, Illinois. in the grave at Merten shortly after tunity to attend the Metz Hour Cere-I was married on October 13, 1956 Metz! mony. Chaplain Vincent and Coloneland we are happy to have a son -- JOSEPH E. SOMMERS (C/377), Jack Reilly delivered inspiring ad-age 2 years. "Hello" to all the boys 11229 North Valley Drive, 18 West, dresses. They are to be commended.of Company D, 378th Infantry! Mequon, Wisconsin. I'm still with the (Continued on Page 8)4

Page 6: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

SALLYING AROUND THE 9 e,w.o imoArvin C. Fowler, 1-378, from Havre.

LA SALLE WITH GENO SeeyouinN. Y. Boys!And - - - We would miss JohnnyHeins welcoming speech and our ac-by Geno Marinangell (320 Med Bn)

LaSalle,. Illinois ceptance by Company C, 377th - - -This is a ritual - - - And there goes

(Continued from November Issue) The sermon given by Chaplain Vincent that x _ X horn again.

They came from - - - Canton, Ohio,- must have been given to them a]ong No one was short of spirits duringtime ago. I am proud to mention - - - the dinner dance -- but Dean of themMike and Virginia Zovath M-377 - - - Len Koch, Les Wolf, Fred Peterson, all Hedley Casady, Cn. 377 _ withArt and Rosemary Krause, B-379,

--,, Belleview, Ohio -- and Bill and Evelyn Johnny Hein, Fred Heffner, Ray a gallon of VO on his table -- Just goPutz, H-378 from La Salle, I11., along Vleiger, Bill Sharkey, Seymour Trott, over and pour one. I-Iedley has a bar

Adolph Kutz, Clarence Jankowski, in Troy Grove, II1., right on Rt. 52with Steve and Betty Magelli, Ord. -- Fran Safarik, Henry Hardin, and Andy with a neon sign proclaiming mostUtica, I11. Steve is mayor of his townnear Starved Rock, I11. And -- there Mirabile. That's the Executive Coun- proudly -- "Largest Ham Sandwich inwas John and Lois Sorrenson, B-320 cil - - - 95ers all. the World" -- It's true too! We haveEng. with son, Dick and daughter We saw Col. and Mrs. O. B. Shaw- had them. A good guy and a greatPeggy, from Omaha, Nebraska - - - han (Ord.), proudly showing their 95er is Hedley and his most genialJohn and Jennie Sadowski with Mike grandchildren, David and Barbara, wife, Helen.and Helen Kalemonoff, Peru, Ill. -- from Grand Forks, S.D. Those kids We saw everything from the waltzJohn McCarthy making his first re- are a chip Off the old block -- and and slow fox trot -- which in ourunion -- and C. B. and Imogene Fridy that's saying something! The Col. humble opinion was the most popularfrom Ashlyburg, Ky. How about looked chipper and was happy to see -- They may say we are getting oldGerald and Lova Conroy, F-377 _ the 95ers carry on as of yore. Got to but how about the 95ers and theirthey never missed a reunion! There make N. Y. next year Col. We need wives doing the Twist -- and I meangoes that "x--X" horn again, you two very much - - - . they did the Twist! A simple thing

Must say something of two very fine And wasn't it something -- the way like a misplaced disc wasn't going tostop those 95ers! And there goes that95ers - - - Otto Fiala and his lovely they came -- we were jammed! A "X * * X" horn again!wife Anita -- Otto is a fellow that few inconveniences -- but like anymakes all the reunions and is willing other task we met it head-on - - - "The An ambition of a 95er was realizedto pitch in and help in any emergency 95th has never failed in its objectives" at ttiis reunion. This 95er was respon-- - - You know Otto was very instru- -- That goes for reunions too! sible for 12 of his closest buddies tomental in helping Dick Martin, St. We heard this at the Business Meet- be together (picture in Nov. issue). HeLouis Chairman, to have made it into ing -- "This is a meeting of receding started the project shortly after the St.one of our most successful reunions hair lines". -- It may be so -- but you Louis affair -- perseverance meant- - - says Dick "Otto made my job a can't stop the enthusiasm shown by the success -- it was proven by him inlot easier". 95ers during the meeting which turned Chicago. It was finally done by Andy

We don't have to prove to these guys out to be a very lively affair. Revella, Bat. A-359th of Girard, Ohio.How about that? A great 95er is Andy!the time they are going to have - - - How about this for some real good But -- aren't they all? Four otherthey know it -- and we are sure the Chicago hospitality - - - Around three great 95ers who enjoyed all the pro-first timers know it too. As O'Toole, .in the morning, Bill Putz and his gang ceedings -- George Ders, Mil andOrd, (Camp Coxcomb) says "The guys -- around thirty or more -- decided Harvey Youngberg, Harold Dietenne,and gals that are missing this reunion on some coffee. While walking down and Steve Bush, all of Chicago. Theseare surely pulling a "boo-boo" - - - Madison St., a squad car pulled up and guys -- Medics -- Co. D-320th Med.And another -- "Twenty years ago at asked -- "What's up?" Bill answered Bn., never miss a reunion and reallyCamp Swift -- I never thought any- -- "95th Inf. Div. Reunion". "Good had themselves a time -- And -- Mar-thing like this would happen-- All the outfit, I know them, line up and I'll ion Laskowski, wife of Walt Laskow-guys ain't here -- it's impossible for bring you to a good joint." In cadence ski, crowned queen of the 95th --some -- you know what I mean _ they were escorted to Gibby's Res- What a Queen! Who said the stagebut the guys here are the greatest _ taurant. You know something - - - has a monopoly on class-- Our Queenwe saw it from the bottom -- and now an hour or so later they escorted Bill Marion did not have to take a back seatits the top! Any guy that could get and his gang back to the Hotel - - - from anyone -- Congratulations Mar-here and didn't is sure pulling a boner." How's that! ion -- Hope you will be our queenOur sentiment Pal, and the hundreds of Jim Gwartney, Div. Hq. enjoyed all next year!95ers that are here too! Thanks Bud- the affairs -- as did Joe Roach, H-377, Was glad to see Dr. Wilbur Twy-dy, that's a 95er for you. N.Y. City. Joe is publicity man for man, Spec. Trps. and his beautiful wife

Now here is a good reason why our the N. Y. chapter and he does a terrific from Louisville, Ky. Has been a longreunions click - - - I would have to be job- and -- a guy who really thrilled time, Doc -- surely hope to see youan Amcham to do them justice _ but the kids at the dance was Charles J. in N. Y. City next year. Joe Ferrone,maybe in my own humble way, I will Keller, Helena, Mont., 95th Sig. Co. Div. Bd. -- playing Sax for Hal Mun-try to mention a few words about a real He was dressed royally as a cowboy roe -- visited our table -- enjoyed hisgood bunch of guys. Never expecting and he surely looked and acted the part company very much. We were glador wanting a pat on the back, or never - - - the only thing missing was his to see him and we know he was gladonce trying to use their office to further horse. Judging from the time he had to see us too! You did a great jobtheir ends -- they simply go out and -- he will be in N. Y. Maybe kids, Joe- .do a job and you see what they do! next time he'll bring his pony. Another (Continued on Page 7)


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Andy Revella's I.F.H. Club in Girard, The newly elected Officers are:Ohio. The newly elected officers for President .......... Richard Perlish President.Richard Martin, A.T. 378th1963 are as follows: 1st Vice President... Sidney Schwartz 1st Vice President ]

Edward Godec -- President 2rid Vice President.. Joseph M. Roach John Fields, F. Co. 377th

Joe Miklos -- Secretary Secretary ........... John Connolly 2nd Vice PresidentBilly Pounds -- Treasurer Treasurer Thomas Crag Sam Disheroon, 320th Engr.Clarence Dohman -- Rec. Sec. • ........... Treasurer... Wenzel Wogh, 95th Ord.

They had a very good turn-out for Secretary..Paul Stoicheff, 359th ArtY.the January and February meeting, The St. Louis Chapter meets everyconsidering the bad weather, two months, business meeting one

On March 10 they are holding a CHICAGO CHAPTER month and social meeting next month.Banquet for the Auxiliary and Chapter Officers are as follows: Since the Reunion, they held a Bar-B-Qfor the installation of new officers, at President -- Andrew Mirabile at Jefferson Barracks in September andAndy Revella's I.F.H. Club. Andy is about 40 people turned out and theChief Cook -- steak and chicken with Vice President -- Fred Peterson Chapter furnished the beer and soda.all the trimmings. Secretary- Edward Radik On Dec. 15th they held a Christmas

A family picnic is being planned for Treasurer -- John Hein party at a V.F.W. hall in St. Louis anda dance was held Jan. 26th.July at Silver Springs, near Cortland, Plans are being made for a lateOhio. Anyone in the vicinity of spring meeting. CHIT-CHAT

Youngstown, Cleveland, Pittsburgh Sam Disheroon is still selling thearea interested in information, contactBilly Pounds, 37 N. Hazelwood Ave., new Chevies and says they are going

very well. Hopes to be in N.Y. for theYoungstown 9, Ohio. They hold a next Reunion .... John Fields wentmeeting the second Sunday of every OFFICERS back to work at Shell Oil after a longmonth and vote on the next meetingplace. WASHINGTON CHAPTER strike. God willing, will be in N.Y ....Wenzel Wogh works for Budweiser

AUXILIARY NO. 1 Brewery making the good stuff. Hopes

The Women's Auxiliary will hold Hon. Chairman -- Maj. Gen. Autrey he can make N.Y .... The big news iselection of officers at the March meet- J. Maroun that on Dec. 8th Paul Stoicheff (Stew-ing. They are positive of picking up kie to his Army Buddies) and his wife,a new member. Plans are being formed Vice Chairman m John Blazek Jackie, had twin boys after 14 years.to hold public card parties to increase Secretary re.Arthur H. Rice His older son, Stacey, is a pretty goodthe treasury. So far only illness keeps Treasurer ,_--- August K. Bott 95er himself. Paul is still sweating itthe women away from the festivities out in a steel mill ....and meetings. ,'


Her Majesty, Mrs. Walter (Marion) Las-kowski, was crowned /or her reign as 1963Queen o[., tire 95th. Doing t/re honors is "retiring 1962 Queen, Mrs. Wolf, mother o/Lester WolJ, L/378.


One o/ the most pleasant duties o[ Del ,4 SALESMAN RELAXESSears, B/320 Engrs., Reunion Chairman, Bernard Nelson, son o/ your Secretary, en-was presenting the door prize to the sar- ioys a brief respite between customers atprised winner, the Reunion soavenir cortnter.


Page 8: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

SALLYING AROUND WITH Seems like a long time ago! 20 years, that would be fitting for such a grand

GENO (Contintted from Page 5) Buddy -- and we all must agree those reunion, so -- as usual -- I turn toyears went by too-too fast. Nathan Amcham who says -- "The

Reunion is over -- but the feeling ofWe had some great bands play for It was to be a great day for Joe exhilaration in renewing acquaintances

our reunions -- but on Aug. 18, Hal and Frieda -- their wedding day. All with old Buddies -- and their familiesMunroe (Harry Berkover, Div. Band) the principals were to meet at 10 in -- and new 95ers will linger for manygave us our greatest show--- He was the morning, in Austin, Texas. Joe, months -- until the time arrives forterrific and the 95ers let him know it like most bridegrooms was late -- he the next reunion. Not a single 95er-- But what did we expect? We knew missed the bus. Was the Bridegroom who attended failed to be pleasantlywe were getting the best and we got it! panicky? No Sir -- he hitched a ride surprised in meeting an old Buddy for-Maybe Joe and Hal juiced the boys a to Austin on a garbage truck -- made gotten in the turning of calendar pages.

, bit with some help from the 95ers. the wedding -- and had a weekend The feeling is one of mystery or mir-You kfiow - - - you could get a drink honeymoon -- Says Joe -- "I bless acle. No one is forced to attend, yetin-that ballroom - - - .j every garbage truck I see." Says there is an inner compulsion which

The little girl dancers -- Bernadette Frieda -- "Ditto." drives us to meet, meet and meet againFusco, daughter of Nick Fusco, B-320 We danced and danced -- and occa- -- and what a thrill to meet the wife

• and growing children of a long separ-Eng., and her tiny girlfriend, Nicollette sionally "had a little rap" -- then wePantalena were given a tremendous danced some more. We visited and ated Buddy! It's just like meeting aovation by obliging 95ers. They were member of your own family andwonderful and as one 95er said- "At revisited- had a little nip -- andthen we would visit some more -- and what a family we 95ers are -- prosper-that age I had a tough time learning another little nip and finally a friendly ing and enjoying and raising wonderfulto walk -- look at those kids -- good night was played by Hal and his families under the free-est conditionsPros!" and Adolph Kutz's "Come boys -- so we could get ready for the ever known to man! Let us hope andHeah!" And Frank Halper's "x--* Main Event. We cannot afford to mtss pray that at our next reunion" more--x" horn again, the Metz Hour. friendships will be renewed -- and

more of our Buddies and their familiesA bunch of guys and gals from Co. They came that morning -- they will come back home to the 95th -- at

I, 379, had a little reunion of their came -- Everyone. Every seat was our only possible home--The Annuaiown. They were -- Joe Mrowicki, taken by a 95er, his wife and children. Reunion." I showed this to Gert --Genevieve and three kids from La The organist was great as they walked she said -- "You can't add, anythingSalle, Ill. -- Dick and Jennie Clay in and 'took their places. In the Illinois to that". So I won't, ofrom Elmhurst, I11._ Larry and Mrs. Room that morning, something myster-Shippett from Chicago, Floyd Ganske, ious seemed to happen. What is it --Wis., John Cash and family from De- What can it be? Maybe an A1 -- Tom

troit, Bill and Mrs. Kukla from Niles, -- Louie -- Joe -- Jim -- or -- he is ( _1_--[- A _NEA]c_y )111. and our newly elected treasurer, not here or is he? In the hearts and

Fred Heffner. Most of those fellows prayers of the 95ers he is -- he has to _ _/_]]k]_l_. _/did not see each other in 15 years, be- The color guard- at attention / -

No need wonder why they suffered so -- Old Glory on the right and our own [(

much from "Bottle Fatigue" -- espe- 95th Banner on the left -- all standing _\cially Joe. At intermission Joe de- so proudly! Don't let anyone tell you " IYl/;cided to impart some of his vast knowl- they don't choke up when ,Old Glory

edge,,virtuesOnaofsubjectDrinking,,__deartOlhiS heartit -- and our own Banner are side by side.guess was We were proud -- and humble too -- _/00_

avery interesting talk -- wish we could at that moment for our departed "__!

have heard it -- but the mike was dis- comrades.connected. Joe said "Never gave a

life".greater Speech in my Chaplain Vincent's sermon --- Cour-

age, Devotion, Obedience -- and Col. ] _/_'_r'_A Guy that has made all the Re- Reilly's oration was superb -- and

unions and had a whopping good time it was an honor to participate in what .1 , l_;[ _ .-- Lynn Bradley, (360 FA), Canton, to us is -- a most sacred ceremony.Ohio .... Brad doesn't care where the Then -- it is over -- and the goodbyesReunions are:held -- he'll be there -- which are getting harder and harder to ....another guy reflecting the spirit of the95th. And from St. Louis, Sam say. Maybe Ruth Perlish has the idea 10

-- -- "It's hard to say goodbye -- I'll > ._ .__Disheroon (320 Eng.) and his lovely only say -- so long." Seconded by _ ,wife. ' _Sam helped make the St. Louis Walt Laskowski.Reunion one of our best--'a bulwark" _A]in the St. Louis Chapter--and devotes This has been our 13th Metz Hourmuch time and effort toward the suc- and as time goes on it becomes moreCess of that Chapter. Always glad to and more important to us. We whosee them and hope to see them without wRness the Metz Hour will never want 'fail in New York ...... to miss it -- or to forget it ever --

-' :_'_ Our Main Event -- And so -- the 95th '"_ "'Joe'a'iadFrieda Trivigno hadr_them - Inf. Div. Assoc. Reunion of '62 is

selves'_a time which reminds Us--j ca. closed.This happened during those hectic -_basic training days at Camp Swift. I don't think I could write an ending

Page 9: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963


MAIL BOX viously did work for General Motors Military Academy. Had a great time

(Continued from Page 4) but plant moved. Would like to hear at the Chicago Reunion. Almost did-from any 95th buddies -- especially n't make it. To those I didn't see at

ALLAN R. POLIPNICK (C/378), B Company, 320th Medics. the Reunion -- best of luck!416 N. Oak St., Sauk Centre, Minne-sota. Sorry I couldn't make the Re- ALFONSO J. PASCARELLA (Sv/ DR. MERRILL I. FELDMANunion this year but hope to this coming 378), 56 Linley Rd., Trumbull, Con- (Med Det/377), 75 Sargent Road,year. If any 95ers travel thru Sauk necticut. I expect to attend the 1963 Swampscott, Massachusetts. On a re-Centre, Minnesota, please stop at the Reunion in New York City. cent European trip went over a lot of

377th Infantry fighting ground. Aug-Legion Club. NICHOLAS A. KAMZIC (F/377), ustdor. Metz. Amazing how unrec-

HENRY L. GERMANS (Sv/379), 5322 S. Western Avenue, Chicago, Illi- ognizable many of these places have23 N. Kelsey Avenue, Evansville 10, nois. Am former professional baseball become.Indiana. Enclosed is my check for player with the Milwaukee Brewers,$6.00 to cover my membership dues St. Louis Browns and Cincinnati Reds. FRANK A. VOLPE (C/379),for 1962 and 1963. Sorry that we had After getting seriously wounded in 2069 Portland Avenue, Scotch Plains,to miss the Chicago Reunion as we Germany during the war, Nick worked New Jersey. Am presently Vice-Prin-know that lots of our friends were as a professional baseball scout for the cipal at Scotch Plains-Fanwood Highthere. I am currently working in the Cincinnati Redlegs for ten years and School. Have two daughters- CathySystems Dept. of Faultless Caster Corp. the Milwaukee Braves for five years. 21/2 years and Debbie aged one.and we recently installed a computer. In November, 1961 he joined the fast, DONALD L. PHILBRICK (DivSince that time considerable overtime up and coming and aggressive Los Hq/G-5), 21 Oakhurst Road, Capehas been my schedule and prevented Angeles Angels organization who have Elizabeth 7, Maine. I shall be onour attending the Reunion. However, been the miracle team in the American active duty with the Air Nationalwe are looking forward to attending the League. The Angels, less than two Guard at Otis Air Force Base, Mass.convention in 1963. years old, challenged the Yankees all at the time of the Chicago Reunion.

ZEKE ARMSTRONG (M/377), season for the pennant. So, will not be able to be present. I931 N. 19th St., Elwood, Indiana. It SIDNEY SCHWARTZ (B Btry/ enclose $2.00 to support the program.seems something comes up each year 360th FA Bn), 328 N. Brookside Ave., ROSS W. HALL (Hq & Hq Co/3rdand I miss the big Reunion. Here's Freeport, New York. Sid journeyed to Bn/377), 2215 W. 10th St., Stillwater,hoping to make the next one. I'm still Chicago for the 2 minute Patterson- Oklahoma. We enjoy the JOURNALDistrict Sales Manager and also on the Liston bout. However, of more im- very much and it always is a greatBoard of Directors of the Old Crown portance, Sid brought with him the wel- pleasure to hear of some one we haveBrewing Corp. So -- when in Indiana, come news that the New York Chapter lost track of. Our son, Ross, Jr., whothink of o1' Zeke and have an Old is assembling a hard working Reunion was born while the 95th was in Ger-Crown Beer or Ale. Better yet, look Committee Team that will spare no many, has enlisted in the Special Forcesme up and have one on me! effort in programming a wonderful and Reserve and will take six months ac-

exciting Reunion. On to New York tive duty upon graduation from highROBERT R. BUCHTER (F/378), in '63, 95ers!441 New St., Lebanon, Penna. My school next spring. Editor's Note:family and I get to the Gap quite often. LOUIS TOLIVE (E/377), 1213 Col. Ross W. Hall was recently namedWe go there to feed the fish in the lake. Harrison Avenue, Mamaroneck, New Assistant Division Commander of theThe place still looks the same and is York. Very happy to hear the Re- 95th Infantry Division (Training). Aused every summer to train the guard union next year will be held in New more complete resume will be carriedand other outfits. Please find my check York. Still working with Grand Union in the next issue of the JOURNAL.enclosed for my '62 and '63 dues. as a carpenter. My son graduatedSorry to be late but my wife threw out from High School in June and is en- JACK McWHORTER (F/379),my notice! I expect to get to New tered at Hunter College in New York McWhorter, West Virginia. I hadYork for the Reunion. City to major in Mathematics. Also, planned to be at the Chicago Reunion

daughter Linda, is in high school. Time but had to cancel plans at the lastLEO H. DREDZE (Div Hq), 7414 sure has gone by -- but where? minute. Wishing you all the very best

N. Lowell Ave., Skokie, Illinois. Am of luck and hope to see you next year.enclosing my check for current year's RICHARD H. SCHOEN (Med Det LOUIS H. THOMPSON (95th QMdues. Very happy to be considered a /377), 614 St. Andrews Rd., Toledo Co), 3828 Pillsbury Avenue, Minnea-member. I am now an Assistant Prin- 7, Ohio. Fully intended on makingcipal of the Prescott Elementary School the Annual Reunion this year in Chi- polls 9, Minn. Can't make this year'sReunion. Very sorry about Ted ,A[in Chicago. All four Dredzes are fine. cago with family; but arrival of our Beckmann.We all wish the Association much suc- 12th child (7 Boys -- 5 girls), antici-


cess in its endeavors, pated in late August, needless to say NORRIS O. OLSON (F/379),changed our plans. Will try to include Cashton, Wisconsin. The Chicago Re-

ROBERT B. HILL (B/320th Med New York next year in our vacation, union was my first and I enjoyed itBn), RR _ 1, Rush Rd., New Madison, very much. Met several fellows fromOhio. Enclosed is my check for 1962 RICHARD H. RAMSAY (A/320th good o1' "F" Company. Would likedues. Look forward to receiving the Med Bn), Dexter, Maine. Married. to hear from some of them. Am alsoJOURNAL and hearing of some of the One boy -- Phillip; age 15. Am in looking forward to getting the JOUR-buddies. Keep up the good work! the furniture, flooring and appliance NAL again and am hoping to makeHave missed the last 3 or 4 Reunions; business, the next Reunion. Would like to hearbut am going to try for New York in M/SGT. ADOLPH MASSA (F/ from Daniel O'Connell and Charles'63! I am running a printing press for 379), Culver Military Academy, Cul- Podolski.Avco Corp in Richmond, Indiana; pre- ver, Indiana. I'm still here at Culver (Continued on Page 9)


Page 10: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

.-L_.///,,iP,_ J ...L_LILFI I//IL.,,! Div. Hq./A.G.

iThis is the natural and customary Association -- and for the greater part

' time of the year to bring forth the their thought of their former soldiersubject of membership. Our mem- comrades with whom they had exper-

H AT 5 O F F bership has increased very lightly over ienced the most trying chances for their

7-0 a period of time, and it mostly took survival.place at the conventions. From time An excellent introductory site forto time, every effort was employed by any new members is the scheduled con-

FRED HEFFNER the officers and executive council to vention in New York City next August.DONALD T. PAUL instigate an upward thrust thru some The formation of conventional activi-

ANDY KOZAK form or another, but the resu!ts were ties is in the hands of seasoned 95'ersinsignificant, who have performed an excellent job

Fred Heffner, I Co/379, your new The officers and executive council at the last convention in New YorkTreasurer, has done a wonderful-jobof printing the Annual Christmas have conceived another idea, not novel, City. This is sure confidence that theMessage. If you will recall, he also but somewhat optimistic. It is almost convention will be a success and provescooped the country, in enclosing with 18 years since the 95th Infantry Divi- to any new members that the 95ththe Christmas Message his smiling sion was dismantled as an active mili- Infantry Division's spirit is very much"Mona Lisa" several weeks before the tary combat unit. During this passing alive.other "Mona" arrived in the United time, children have grown up, mort- A good suggestion has appeared,States. All of his time and material gages have nearly reached the finish over and over again, which had been

line, job promotions have occured, mentioned and thought of many times,was at no cost to the Association. aches and pains have liquidated from but never exposed in writing for relay-

Lt. Col. Donald T. Paul, Hq/2nd those strenuous training and combat ing to our brotherhood. It alwaysBn/378, mailed us a Roster of about days, et cetera, many individuals have occurs as a permanent thought in most200 names to check for membership, come to the approach of life where the households prior to convention time,He states he will be unable to make potentiality of becoming an active the old saying "will so and so bethe New York Reunion as he is taking member of the Association has arrived, there." Now is the opportune time toa battalion to Germany in April and Now, to discover who those prospects remind your company buddies bywill be gone for a few months, are, would solely be a matter of interest direct mail your plans on being at the

to the entire active body to dig into August convention so that you may beAndy Kozak, B/379, mailed us a its old address books or other para- there as a grot_p. However, if your

list of 40 names to check for member- phernalia denoting 95'ers places of close comrades for some known reasonship. Andy and wife and two sons abode and write a few invitational are unable to attend the convention,have now returned to Chicago and words to join the Association. Your one will find the entire 95th clan a verybought a new ranch-style home. The own choice of words of inducement, happy and friendly group. Your newdesire to settle out West did not ma- would no doubt, be most resultful -- acquaintanceships may be well cher-terialize and they are happy to be back give them that personal touch, ished from either a social or a business

in the old home town. The Chicago Convention held last point of view.summer has proven the interest of the Another subject of importance is a

The 95th Association is indeed existing active membership. The out- word on overlooked or neglected pay-thankful for these staunch supporters, come and attendance were exemplary ment of dues. It is a well known fact

and worthy of commendation. It em- in any organization of any rank thatphatically pointed out that the 95th the payment of dues contributes to itsInfantry Division is, and will exist, for solidity and endurance. It is only fairBACK COVER PHOTOmany years to come. In addition, it to every one that this matter be given

Courtesy o/the New York also assured and brought out the in- particular attention -- longtemps vivre'.. Convention Bureau. terest of the 95'ers who attended; their la 95th Association! -- Nein kaputan!

faith and loyalty in the integrity of the New York here we come!

MAIL BOX JOE LYDON (A/379), 669 So. JOHN L. TUDOR JR. (B/377),(Continued from Page 8) Harrison St., Arlington, Va. Just ar- Sunset Trailer Court, N. Warren, Pa.

SEYMOUR S. TROTT (95th Sig. & rived back in the U. S. I am assigned I received a letter from one of myFin.), 316 W. Barry Ave., Chicago 14, to the U. S. Army Research and De- Army buddies. He located me throughIllinois. Seymour was recently pro- velopment Office in Washington, D.C. my letter that you printed in the Julyrooted to Vice-President of the Ex- issue of the Journal. I was very muchchange National Bank of Chicago, Illi- GILBERT L. MILLER (Hq Co./ pleased to hear from him and it makesnois. That's where the 95th Associa- 378), 4108 - 8th Ave., Moline, Ill. me realize the importance of havingtion keeps its account! Congratulations, Really enjoy the Journal and look for- an organization such as ours.Seymour! ward to getting it. (Continued on Page 11)


Page 11: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

Earl E. Holm Hq Co/2nd Bn

temortam -NEW MEMBERS 320 Benking AvenueWoodstock, IllinoisOur warmest greetings and welcome Tony Kaniess Hq Co/3rd Bn

is extended to the following 95'ers who 40l W. Lake Streetbecame new members at the Reunion Waconia, Minnesota

and subsequently to February 15, Walter Weiss Co. E & K1963. 613 l N. RockwellChicago, Illinois

Norris O. Olson Co FDIVISION HEADQUARTERS , Cashton,Walter E. Wendt Wisconsin

646 Cleveland Street Frank J. Vassar, Jr. Co FNeenah, Wisconsin 413 Jefferson Street

Steve J. Wisniewski Lockl_ort, Illinois13434 Buffalo Avenue Alex Boychuk Co I

Chicago 33, Illinois 2360 MapledaleFerndale, Michigan

377th INFANTRY REGIMENT John L. Crumley Co MLeon G. Alexander Co B Route _2

901 W. Elm Street West Salem, OhioHartford City, Indiana

Joseph F. Vedder Co C 359th FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALIONRoute #2 Howard Culver A Btry

Murrayville, Illinois 315 E. Main StreetHarry G. Christopher Co E Wabash, Indiana

James M. Mitchell 163 31st S.W.

C/547th AAA.A W. Bn. Barherton, Ohio 360th FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALIONJack W. DePuy Co F Ralph B. Thurman Sv Btry

212 E. Pelham 4526 w. 88th Street 38 S. Elm StreetSelma, North Carolina Oak Lawn, Illinois Northlake, Illinois

Pete Milhaievich Co H 320th MEDICAL BATTALION95'er Mitchell passed away Novem- 5739 S. Kilbourn

ber 15, 1962, following a ten-year ill- Chicago, Illinois Jay L. Hyatt Co Aness. He leaves his widow and three Ed Ruperta Co H 304 W. Thoaaas Street

children, aged 5, 8, and 15. Mrs. 1239 West Ohio Street Lansing, MichiganMitchell would appreciate hearing Chicago, Illinois 320th ENGINEERS BATTALIONEdward Slominski Co Hfrom other 95'ers who were his 8720 s. Harlem Avenue Edward E. Wilson Co BRoute 1buddies. Oak Lawn, Illinois Piper City, Illinois

Harold Garrigan Co I617- 7th Street 95th SIGNAL COMPANY

Everett W. Dick Menasha, Wisconsin John S. Fuchs/ D1320 Med. Bn. Charles B. Whittington Co I 8129 Jackson Park Blvd.

R. R. _1 Wauwatosa 13, Wisconsin1394 W. Adams Ave. Elizabethtown, Indiana _,

Kirkwood 22, Missouri Charles W. Andrews Co K 95th MILITARY POLICE PLATOON240 E. Oak Street Anthony J. ChiapponeTaps were also sounded for Everett Villa Park, Illinois 1645 Norton Street

W. Dick on Christmas morning, 1962 William J. Coenen Co K Rochester, New Yorkfrom heart failure. Mrs. Dick writes 847 Appleton Street

Menasha, Wisconsin 377th INFANTRY REGIMENTof the interest and enjoyment that Andrew C. Drog Co K Edwin L. Rathbun Co BEverett experienced as a member of 1023 N. Mercer Street 1805 Lynwood Drivethe 95th. Princeton, Illinois Champaign, Illinois

Joseph Pitassi Co M William Tarlton Co G2835 S. Wells Street North Street

Oscar Patzer Chicago, Illinois Caldwell, OhioCo. D1379 Erven M. Kozlowicz Sv Co

1336 N. 71st Street 378th INFANTRY REGIMENT617 Lake Street Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Edward J. Murphy Co BSt. Joseph, Michigan 378th INFANTRY REGIMENT 1939 Palmgren Drive

Taps were also sounded recently Eugene C. Judd Unknown Glenview, Illinoisfor Oscar Patzer, who had been ailing 1708 5th Street Jake Sinner Co FRock Island, Illinois 5122 Lenoxfor the past ten years. He was serious- Ivain D. Davis Co A Lincoln, Nebraskaly wounded and received the Bronze Scottland, Werner Z. Engelsberg Co 1Star Medal for Heroism in fighting South Dakota 778 Bergen StreetNewark 5, New Jerseynear Saarlautern, Germany, January John J. Wieckowski Sv Co25, 1944. 4007 S. Clinton AvenueBerwyn, Illinois 379th INFANTRY REGIMENT

Antonio N. Agneta Co A379th INFANTRY REGIMENT 929 Raritan RoadGeorge S. Boyd Hq Co Clark, New Jersey

These Buddies will be missed and 2503 16th Avenue Dick De Knikker Hq & Hq Coour heart-felt condolences go out to Rockford, Illinois 2521 S. 26th Streetthe bereaved families and friends of all. Bernard J. Cooney Hq & Hq Co Omaha 5, Nebraska

6309 W. Roosevelt Road James B. Johnston Co BBerwyn, Illinois Hoople, North Dakota


Page 12: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

MAIL BOX _Cona,.,ed lrom Page 2)

(Continued lrom Page 9) Less, bills approved December 8, 1963 Meeting ................ 779.57DON "MURPHY" C. RINEHART,

Box 326, Owen, Wisconsin. Regret Cash Balance " 2,107.46that we were unable to attend the Re-union. Hope we can make it next Add: Secretary's Petty Cash fund ................... $ 100.00year. If any 95er should happen to Savings Bonds at cost ......................... 2,880.00

get near Owen, I do wish they would ]interest on Bonds ............................ 576.00 3,5_56.00stop in to see us. I operate Don'sHobby Shop and Rinehart's Jewelry TOTAL ASSETS ............................ $5,663.46-Store here and inquiry can be made ofmost anyone for my residence. Hope SPECIAL REPORTS---

............ everyone had an enjoyable time. o--President Radik reported-tfiat nothing new was heard fromthe New Yoi:k ........

COLONEL SAMUEL L. MET- Reunion Committee and expressed confidence everything was being taken careCALE (CO/378), 550 W. 173rd St., of in good order.New York 32, New York. A telegramreceived from Helen Metcalfe at Re- Vice President Halper reported it was "Kick off time" for the 1963 Adunion Time: COLONEL METCALFE Program, and brought 2,500 contract applications to the meeting, all those inIS IN GERMANY VISITING HIS attendance received applications and the Secretary was requested to mail appli-SON. HE ASKED ME TO LET YOU cations to all members absent and 25 each to every Chapter.

KNOW THAT HE HOPED TO PAR- Treasurer Heffner was given a rising vote of thanks for the Christmas CardTICIPATE IN THE REUNION BY Mailing at no cost to the Association.GOING TO METZ AT THIS TIME.

I'M SURE EACH AND EVERYONE The meeting was recessed for thirty minutes as 6 Members of the 30thWILL BE REMEMBERED THERE. Division Association dropped in to swap Association experiences. After theyBEST WISHES TO ALL. departed it was agreed that we run a "damn good Association."

ALVIN B. SMITH (C/320th Med Secretary Nelson was granted permission to apply for a non-profit mailingBn), 2166 W. Forest Lane, Anaheim, permit. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. to February 18, 1963.California. My wife and I moved toArizona in August, 1960. As we did Secretary,not care for the extreme hot weather Theodore S. Nelsonin the Phoenix area, we moved on to TN:vn.Anaheim, California in December,1960. We really enjoy the wonderfulclimate of southern California and in- S/SGT. VINCENT A. DEMAR- Passed along our Association addresstend to make this our permanent home. TINO (Hq Co/3rd Bn/378), 41st to both, hoping they would write in.I am employed as a General Account- ORD Co (DAS), Fort Bragg, North Will be stationed here until Octoberant at Hunt Foods Ind., Inc., at Fuller- Carolina. It's been a long time since and then overseas for me again. I'veton, California. My wife is a Cosme- I last made a Reunion. Missed the just been promoted to S/Sgt. which,tologist in downtown Anaheim. If any last two while stationed in Okinawa. currently, is the same rank as our oldof the 95ers of the Association live Met several former 95ers while in T/Sgt. rating. Please include mymili-nearby, would enjoy hearing from them Okinawa -- George Lenior from one tary address in the JOURNAL should-- or, better yet, seeing them. of our old Artillery Battalions and anyone like to write me.

Jack Pryor from 379th Infantry.


9Sth INFANTRY DIVISION ASS'N. Do Not Write in This BoxP.O. Box 1274 [] New Member Card No.

Chicago 90, Illinois [] Renewal Amount[] Reinstatement Date Rec'd

Here are $3.00, my annual membership dues for calendar years 1962 I-7 1963 (-]

NAME Unit ServedPleasei_Print (Last) (First) (Middle) (Co. or Btry.)

Address Army Serial No.

City Zone__ State__

Make Remittance Payable To9Sth INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION Signature__

Our Goal 1000 1963 Memberships By June 15, 1963...... ............................................... .... ............. ...... .... ........... ........ ..... .......... . ..................... . ..... J


Page 13: Vol 13 No 2 Aug 1963

f q

Statl,er Hilton Hotel Hosts 95ers