VOICE–TEL 866.313.0916 1720 Merrill Avenue Suite 300 – A Wausau, WI 54401 Ph 715.675.5432 ext 209 Fax 715.675.4302 Association Benefit Center, LLC Health & Life Insurance Corporate Benefits Randy Trollop

VOICE–TEL 866.313.0916 1720 Merrill Avenue Suite 300 – A Wausau, WI 54401 Ph 715.675.5432 ext 209 Fax 715.675.4302 Association Benefit Center, LLC Health

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VOICE–TEL 866.313.09161720 Merrill Avenue

Suite 300 – AWausau, WI 54401

Ph 715.675.5432 ext 209Fax 715.675.4302

Association Benefit Center,

LLCHealth & Life Insurance

Corporate Benefits

Randy Trollop

“I wonder about

Members of


Guaranteed Issue Universal Life Insurance

Sample Rates – Non-Smoker

Proposal For:





WhySECURITY MUTUAL LIFEFor more than a century, Security Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York has earned the trust, respect and confidence of hundreds of thousands of policyowners and has paid dividends each year for more than 110 years.

From $15,000 in assets its first year in existence, Security Mutual has grown to more than $1.5 billion in assets, with more than $26 billion of life insurance in force. The Company’s strong performance represents the cumulative effects of many steps taken over time. We have also made substantial progress to effectively position the Company to prosper and grow throughout the new century.

Security Mutual is committed to conducting business according to high standards of fairness, honesty and integrity. This guiding philosophy, combined with sound investment and management practices, enables the Company to keep its commitments and earn the public’s confidence, year after year. Security Mutual: commitment to policyowners, a tradition of excellence, a vision for the future.



Ratings*Our financial strength and ability to meet our obligations are recognized industry-wide by these independent ratings services:

A.M. Best. . .A (Excellent) Rating is the third highest on a 16-

step rating scale.

Fitch Ratings. . .A+ (Strong) Rating is the fifth highest on a 21-

step rating scale.

Standard & Poor’s. . .A+ (Strong) Rating is the fifth highest

on a 20-step rating scale.

*Ratings reflect the respective organization’s opinion of a company’s financial strength and ability to meet its obligations to policyowners. The organization’s rating is not a warranty of an insurer’s current or future ability to meet its obligations to policyowners nor is it a recommendation of any specific policy form.


TheSecurUL ADVANTAGESecurity Mutual’s SecurUL program began over 20 years ago and has grown steadily by providing outstanding products backed by superior service. The advantages of the SecurUL program are shared by your entire organization:

Advantages to Employer• Expand Fringe Benefit Program

• No Direct Cost

• Shows Concern for Employees

• Can Increase Employee Morale, thereby Reducing Turnover and Improving Productivity

• Enhances Employees’ Financial Security

• Hands-Free Administration

• Not Subject to ERISA or DOL – No IRS Approval


TheSecurUL ADVANTAGE (cont’d.)

Advantages to Employee• Affordable Premium Rates

• Increases Financial Security

• Convenient and Easy-to-Pay Premiums – Payroll Deduction

• Flexibility in Meeting Changing Needs

• Guaranteed Issue Underwriting

• Opportunity to Protect Family Members

• Continuation of Coverage after Retirement

• Tax-Deferred Account Values

• Portability

• Permanent Protection

• Personalized Enrollment

• Supplements Employers’ Fringe Benefits



Your employees are eligible for the following product and underwriting offer: • Guaranteed Issue

SecurUL is being made available to your organization on a Guaranteed Issue basis. All eligible employees may apply for coverage knowing that it will be issued and cannot be denied.

• Coverage Levels – Employee Maximum – Coverage purchased by

$10/week– Spouse Maximum – Coverage purchased by

$4/week– Child Maximum – Coverage purchased by

$2/week– Additional amounts available on a simplified

issue basis

• PremiumsOur guaranteed issue program allows employees

and spouses to participate at higher levels of coverage if desired. A blended unisex rate is available for all participants. Nonsmoker rates are available.



• Eligibility– Employee must be actively at work on a

permanent basis with your organization. – Spouses and children are eligible without

employee participation. – Coverage available through age 70 for

employee/spouse.– Children are eligible through age 23 if a full-

time student, otherwise age 18.

•Optional RidersEmployees may choose policies with optional

riders to best meet their needs. Optional riders available to your workforce include:

– Disability Waiver, available for issue ages 0 through 55

– Accidental Death Benefit, available for issue ages 0 through 60

– Living Benefits Rider, available for issue ages 0 through 70

– Children’s Term Rider, available for issue ages 14 days to 18



• Interest Rates4.5% is the guaranteed minimum rate5.25% is the current interest rate

• Portable CoverageOnce purchased policies remain in force as long

as premiums continue to be paid. Even if employees change jobs or retire, coverage remains intact and SML simply bills directly through a variety of convenient payment methods.

• CommunicationPrior to the actual enrollment the SecurUL GI

program will be communicated to eligible groups through a combination of:

– Brochures– Posters– E-mail– Small Group Meetings





LifePlanWhole Life Insurance



Presented byWorld Financial Group

POLICY FORM NOS. 2064 & 2067GM-10055 Rev. 5/01

• Premiums– The amount of premium payable is selected by the applicant, subject to

specified minimums and maximums. A blended unisex rate is applicable to all participants in the program. Smoker and nonsmoker rates apply forissue ages 21 and greater.

• Cash Value– The cash value of the policy grows on a tax deferred basis. No income tax

is due until the policyowner withdraws the funds or cancels the policy.

• Dividends– The policy is eligible to receive dividends provided premiums are paid in full.

Dividends are not guaranteed. No dividend will be payable for the first policyyear until all required premiums for the second policy are paid.

LifePlan – Whole Life


POLICY FORM NOS. 2064 & 2067GM-10055 Rev. 5/01

• Disability Benefits–Under the optional waiver of premium feature, the insurer will continue to make premium payments if the insured is totally disabled for six months ormore, as defined in the policy.–Available for issue ages 0 – 55.

• Accidental Death Benefit–Additional protection can be purchased by adding this rider. This protection is available only through issue age 60. It provides a death benefit in addition to the base policy death benefit, if death occurs as a direct result of an accident.

• Spousal Coverage–An employee can apply for coverage on the life of his or her spouse. The cost of the spousal policy is included in the employee's deduction.

• Coverage of Children–Qualifying children of eligible employees may also obtain insurance coverage.They can be covered through the purchase of either a separate policy or a term rider.

• Living Benefits Rider–This rider provides for a portion of the death benefit to be payable if the insured is terminally ill (as defined in the rider). Not available in all states.

LifePlan – Additional Coverage


POLICY FORM NOS. 2064 & 2067GM-10055 Rev. 5/01

Your group is eligible to apply for coverage on a conditional guaranteed issue basis. No medical exam or blood test will be required to apply. Acceptance within the program is dependent on the answers to a few short questions in the application andthe truthfulness thereof.

• Eligibility– Employee/Spouse

•Actively at work, 17 1/2 hours a week•Employed at least three (3) months•Coverage available through issue age 70

• Children– Under age 23 and a full-time student, otherwise age 18

• Issue Limits– Employee

•Minimum – $4.00/Week•Maximum – $100,000 Death Benefit

– Spouse• Minimum – $4.00/Week• Maximum – $7.00/Week

– Children• Minimum – $2.00/Week• Maximum – $2.00/Week

LifePlan – Specifications


POLICY FORM NOS. 2064 & 2067GM-10055 Rev. 5/01


LifePlan – Whole Life

Rates and Values $10.00 NONSMOKER WEEKLY PREMIUM

Dividend Option – Paid-Up Additions

Non-Guaranteed Cash Values and Benefits** Guaranteed Cash Values* 2001 Dividend Scale

Paid-Up***Issue Death 10th 20th At 10th 20th At Death Benefit Death Benefit Age Benefit Year Year Age 65 Year Year Age 65 At Age 65 At Age 65

25 $64,167 $3,391 $11,017 $30,540 $3,582 $13,141 $55,338 $108,054 $100,848

30 51,113 3,549 10,769 23,449 3,787 13,000 38,191 77,125 69,600

35 40,111 3,539 10,254 17,462 3,814 12,516 25,752 54,678 46,930

40 31,115 3,446 9,563 12,611 3,702 11,664 16,818 38,451 30,649

45 23,956 3,300 8,745 8,745 3,545 10,690 10,690 27,313 19,481

50 18,119 3,064 7,742 5,341 3,291 9,477 6,095 19,394 11,108

55 13,535 2,765 6,635 2,765 2,967 8,133 2,967 13,863 5,408

60 10,251 2,474 5,619 924 2,658 6,914 942 10,274 1,717

* Guaranteed Cash Values are based on the assumption that the Premiums shown are paid when due and no policy loan exists under the policy. ** Non-Guaranteed illustrated values are based on Security Mutual’s 2001 Dividend Scale and are subject to change. Values may be higher or lower,

but will never be less than the values shown under “Guaranteed Cash Values” column heading as long as the policyowner pays the required premiums and does not borrow against or surrender any Guaranteed Cash Values.

*** The policyowner has the contractual right to request that the policy be placed under the Paid-Up Life Insurance Non-forfeiture option. If elected,the Death Benefit will be the amount that the Cash Surrender Value will purchase when applied as a single premium. Paid-Up Life Insurance shares in divisible surplus.

POLICY FORM NOS. 2064 & 2067GM-10055 Rev. 5/01


LifePlan – Whole Life

Rates and Values $20.00 NONSMOKER WEEKLY PREMIUM

Dividend Option – Paid-Up Additions

Non-Guaranteed Cash Values and Benefits** Guaranteed Cash Values* 2001 Dividend Scale

Paid-Up***Issue Death 10th 20th At 10th 20th At Death Benefit Death Benefit Age Benefit Year Year Age 65 Year Year Age 65 At Age 65 At Age 65

25 $130,241† $6,883 $22,361 $61,987 $7,270 $26,672 $112,326 $219,329 $204,703

30 103,744† 7,205 21,858 47,596 7,688 26,385 77,513 156,534 141,260

35 81,413 7,184 20,812 35,442 7,740 25,402 52,264 110,970 95,246

40 63,154 6,994 19,409 25,596 7,512 23,670 34,129 78,034 62,197

45 48,624 6,699 17,751 17,751 7,196 21,697 21,697 55,437 39,540

50 36,777 6,220 15,713 10,841 6,680 19,236 12,372 39,365 22,546

55 27,472 5,611 13,467 5,611 6,023 16,507 6,023 28,137 10,976

60 20,807 5,021 11,406 1,876 5,397 14,031 1,913 20,855 3,487

* Guaranteed Cash Values are based on the assumption that the Premiums shown are paid when due and no policy loan exists under the policy. ** Non-Guaranteed illustrated values are based on Security Mutual’s 2001 Dividend Scale and are subject to change. Values may be higher or lower,

but will never be less than the values shown under “Guaranteed Cash Values” column heading as long as the policyowner pays the required premiums and does not borrow against or surrender any Guaranteed Cash Values.

*** The policyowner has the contractual right to request that the policy be placed under the Paid-Up Life Insurance Non-forfeiture option. If elected,the Death Benefit will be the amount that the Cash Surrender Value will purchase when applied as a single premium. Paid-Up Life Insurance shares in divisible surplus.

† Amounts over $100,000 are subject to additional evidence of insurability.

POLICY FORM NOS. 2064 & 2067GM-10055 Rev. 5/01

LifePlan – Whole Life



Dividend Option – Paid-Up Additions

Non-Guaranteed Cash Values and Benefits** Guaranteed Cash Values* 2001 Dividend Scale

Paid-Up***Issue Death 10th 20th At 10th 20th At Death Benefit Death Benefit Age Benefit Year Year Age 65 Year Year Age 65 At Age 65 At Age 65

0 $22,029 $271 $1,425 $11,683 $271 $1,594 $40,000 $71,383 $71,211

5 19,017 396 1,519 10,036 401 1,728 29,996 53,776 53,400

10 16,240 411 1,575 8,417 419 1,803 21,744 39,421 38,710

15 13,755 426 1,641 7,001 436 1,889 15,750 28,949 28,038

20 12,175 518 1,811 6,062 539 2,121 12,168 22,763 21,662

* Guaranteed Cash Values are based on the assumption that the Premiums shown are paid when due and no policy loan exists under the policy. ** Non-Guaranteed illustrated values are based on Security Mutual’s 2001 Dividend Scale and are subject to change. Values may be higher or lower,

but will never be less than the values shown under “Guaranteed Cash Values” column heading as long as the policyowner pays the required premiums and does not borrow against or surrender any Guaranteed Cash Values.

*** The policyowner has the contractual right to request that the policy be placed under the Paid-Up Life Insurance Non-forfeiture option. If elected,the Death Benefit will be the amount that the Cash Surrender Value will purchase when applied as a single premium. Paid-Up Life Insurance shares in divisible surplus.