Voice of the Shore Voice of the Shore Voice of the Shore Voice of the Shore Congregation Torat El ~ Jersey Shore Congregation Torat El ~ Jersey Shore Congregation Torat El ~ Jersey Shore Congregation Torat El ~ Jersey Shore Jewish Center Jewish Center Jewish Center Jewish Center June 2017 - Sivan/Tammuz 5777 Congregation Torat El Board of Trustees, Sisterhood and Men’s Club Shabbat Installation Service & Dinner Friday, June 16th - 6:00pm We invite the entire Congregation Torat El Family to join us as we look forward to a year filled with continued growth and excitement. Our Shabbat Service will begin at 6:00pm with dinner immediately following. Please have all reservations to the Temple office by June 12th. Adults (ages 14 and up) - $20.00 Children (ages 7 - 13) - $12.00 Children (ages 3 - 6) - $5.00 Children (2 and under) - No Charge Family Max - $70.00 Please make Installation Dinner checks payable to Congregation Torat El and return by June 12th to the Temple office. Name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Total Enclosed: $_______________ # Adults ___ # Children (7-13) ____ # Children (3-6) ____ # Children (2 and under) ____

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Voice of the ShoreVoice of the ShoreVoice of the ShoreVoice of the Shore

C o n g r e g a t io n T o r a t E l ~ J e r se y S h o r eC o n g r e g a t io n T o r a t E l ~ J e r se y S h o r eC o n g r e g a t io n T o r a t E l ~ J e r se y S h o r eC o n g r e g a t io n T o r a t E l ~ J e r se y S h o r e J e wi s h Ce nt e rJ e wi s h Ce nt e rJ e wi s h Ce nt e rJ e wi s h Ce nt e r June 2017 - S ivan/Tammuz 5777

Congregation Torat El

Board of Trustees,

Sisterhood and Men’s Club

Shabbat Installation Service & Dinner

Friday, June 16th - 6:00pm

We invite the entire Congregation Torat El Family to join us as we look forward to a year filled with continued growth and excitement. Our Shabbat Service will begin at 6:00pm with

dinner immediately following. Please have all reservations to the Temple office by June 12th.

Adults (ages 14 and up) - $20.00

Children (ages 7 - 13) - $12.00 Children (ages 3 - 6) - $5.00

Children (2 and under) - No Charge Family Max - $70.00

Please make Installation Dinner checks payable to Congregation Torat El and return by June 12th to the Temple office.

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Total Enclosed: $_______________

# Adults ___ # Children (7-13) ____ # Children (3-6) ____ # Children (2 and under) ____

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Torat El Professional Staff

Senior Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun

Executive Director Pam Cardullo

Dir. Of Ritual Engagement Ben Laskowitz

Bookkeeper/Admin. Joanne Bass

Administrative Asst. Lisa Arnold

Youth Advisor Jane-Rachel Schonbrun

Torat El Executive Board

President Larry Shapiro

First V.P. Steve Fineberg

V.P. Warren Goode

V.P. Linda Pickelny

V.P. Laurie Gross

V.P. Neil Weitzenkorn

V.P. Michelle Winters

Treasurer Michael Breslow

Secretary Alan Morris

Board of Trustees

Dawn Barofsky Susan Berkowitz

Galit Binns Maddy Cohen

Marjorie Cotler Mindy Estin

Sheryl Kaplan Carl Koreen

Howard Lang Suzanne Michel

Fran Nudelman Beverle Richelson

Michele Robins Sherrie Robinson

Marc Schnabolk Dorothy Secol

Judy Solomon Mark Steinberg

Jason Stern Sara Turian

Cynthia Walsh Sonny Winters

Sisterhood Pres. Carri Silverberg

Men’s Club Pres. Neil Warar

Past President Rep. Alan Winters

Congregation Torat El Main Office 732-531-4410

Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun

[email protected] ext.13

Pam Cardullo, Exec. Director

[email protected] ext.10

Ben Laskowitz, Ritual Engagement

[email protected] ext.18

Joanne Bass, Bookkeeper

[email protected] ext.11

Lisa Arnold, Administrative Asst.

[email protected] ext.12

Committee Contact Info

Beth El Cemetery - Alan & Sonny Winters 732-222-2510

Chesed Chair - Alyce Isaacson 732-870-1492

Contribution Cards - Beverle Richelson 732-493-1595

Education Chair - Sherrie Robinson 732-513-9688

Finance Chair - Michael Breslow 732-493-4065

Hazak - Marjorie & Stanley Cotler 732-922-6590

Membership Chair - Suzanne Michel 732-695-0258

Technology - Howard Lang [email protected]

Koreen Family Library - Sandy & Carl Koreen 732-229-6125

Other Contact Info

Temple President - Larry Shapiro 732-531-4410

Sisterhood President - Carri Silverberg 732-245-8939

Men’s Club President - Neil Warar 732-299-9287

Youth Group Advisor - Jane-Rachel Schonbrun [email protected]

Facility Rental - Pam Cardullo 732-531-4410

Kiddush Information - Pam Cardullo 732-531-4410

Bulletin - Pam Cardullo 732-531-4410

JNF Tree Donations - Joanne Bass 732-531-4410

Gift Cards - Joanne Bass 732-531-4410

Donations - Lisa Arnold 732-531-4410



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Service Schedule

June Service Announcements

Weekday Mornings

Sunday: 8:30am Monday-Friday: 8:00am

Shabbat Morning: 9:00am

Weekday Evenings Monday-Thursday: 7:00pm

Shabbat Evening Services

1st, 3rd, 4th Friday ~ 6:30pm 2nd Friday ~ 8:00pm

Friday, June 2, 2017 Shabbat Service 6:30 pm Candles 8:02 pm

Pajama Shabbat 5:30 pm

YAHRZEITS: Bessie Barnett, Menashe Brand, Beatrice Burke, Sara Cooper, Mark Donner, Ida Gallay, Sam Greenberg, Jack Gribin, Beatrice Kempler, Joseph Kempler, Samuel Kramer, Louis Kreisler, Morton Lehrer, Golda Levine, Ruth Madnick, Eva Maltz, Harriet Miller, Mildred Rose, Ethel Rosenfeld, Meyer Rothman, Lillian Sacher, Susan Samuel, Marianne Santo, Grace Schreibman, Ethel Schutzer, Henry Silverman, Ruth Starrett, Lea Tuchfeld, Maurice Webman, William Weinberg, Anne Weiner Saturday, June 3, 2017 Parsha: Naso 4:21-5:10 Haftarah: Judges 13:2-25

Shabbat Morning Service ~ 9:00 am

Friday, June 9, 2017 Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Candles 8:07 pm

YAHRZEITS: David Alterman, Jeff Brustein, Albert Cannava, Elliot Dulberger, Rose Freedman, Lewis Friedman, Sarah Goldenberg, Dorothy Heiferman, Tessie Krivins, Ethel Leibman, Donna Lieberman, Max Miller, Joseph Popok, Philip Rosenbloom, Samuel Rosenfeld, Emma Schiff, Gail Schreibman, Milton Secol, Jean Sukinik, Stuart Yaskulka Saturday, June 10, 2017 Parsha: Beha’alotekha 8:1-9:14 Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7

Shabbat Morning Service ~ 9:00 am

Friday, June 16, 2017 Installation Shabbat Service 6:00 pm Candles 8:10 pm

Dinner to follow service

YAHRZEITS: Aliasghar Ardakanian, Gary Berger, Florence Brown, John Carchman, Anita Caslar, Sally Conners, Frieda Cotler, Samuel Friedman, Howard Grabelle, Eva Greenberg, Anna Gruber, David Holub, Irvin Korn, William Lang, Helen Leicht, Judith Lester, Ralph Lutz, Fanny Netkin, Evelyn Phillips, Ann Pollock, Morris Port, Michael Posnock, Hilda Schnabolk, Harry Shapiro, Elizabeth Tretsky, Isadore Vorchin, Evelyn Warm, Sally Weitzenkorn, James Wolf Saturday, June 17, 2017 Parsha: Shelah Lekha 13:1-14:7 Haftarah: Joshua 2:1-24

Shabbat Morning Service ~ 9:00 am

Friday, June 23, 2017 Shabbat at the Beach 7:15 pm Candles 8:11 pm YAHRZEITS: Max Barr, Maurice Brodman, Adolph Frankel, Milton Goldberg, Bernard Grossman, Martin Israel, Rose Kirsch, Herman Kreisler, Pamela Krosney, Charles Kullback, Abram Lavene, Eleanor Maron, Abraham Meyer, Herbert Michelson, William Miller, Joyce Nahan, David Pomerantz, Ronald Rediker, Ben Remar, Ben Reuben, Myles Sandberg, Mary Shapiro, Tillie Shear, Abraham Talansky, David Wallach, Matthew Warshauer, Neal Weber

Saturday, June 24, 2017 Parsha: Korah 16:1-17:15 Haftarah: Isaiah 66:1-24 Shabbat Morning Service ~ 9:00 am

Friday, June 30, 2017 Shabbat Service 6:30 pm Candles 8:11 pm YAHRZEITS: Samuel Barr, Mabel Cooper, Norman Copeland, Morton Elfenbein, Avrohm Friedman, Samuel Gold, Marion Goldfus, Bessie Gottlieb, Jerome Karasic, Charles Kaufman, Henry Kempler, Fred Klein, William Knifel, Edward Levitt, Richard Marcus, Inge Nussbaum, Esther Rubin, Goldie Sandberg, Max Schloeffer, Carole Schwartz, Shirley Sherman, Albert Silberman, Sylvia Singer, Sadie Steinberg

Saturday, July 1, 2017 Parsha: Hukkat 19:1-20:13 Haftarah: Judges 11:1-33 Shabbat Morning Service ~ 9:00 am

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As some of you know, last February I was privileged to attend a conference entitled “Songleader Boot Camp” (SLBC), which was launched in 2009 in an effort to create “immersive, inspirational, and strategic Jewish leadership programs for Jewish clergy, educators, and songleaders.” As a former song leader at Camp Ramah in my teens and college years, a congregational Rabbi who cares deeply about bringing the power of song and music into our community, and someone who always loves to learn new things about

leadership, I thought that this was a conference not to be missed. Thankfully, I was correct. The conference was simply incredible. Along with hundreds of Jewish educators, clergy, and lay leaders from synagogues, JCC’s and Jewish summer camps, we spent a few days remembering how to bring a sense of deep Jewish connection, purpose, and passion into our personal and professional lives.

The goal of the conference was really not song leading, but rather a way to teach Jewish leaders from around the country about how to bring a sense of depth and connection back to their communities through leadership training, musical experiences, engaging prayer, and deep Torah study. The vehicle used to do this throughout the weekend was often music and song, but the vehicle was a means to an end, and not the end itself. In truth, the conference was indescribable in words, which is perhaps appropriate for a musically based conference. If I had to explain it using language, I would say that it was a conference where music meets leadership, meets Torah study, meets what I imagine an evangelical revival meeting must be like!

As with many conferences I attend, I left feeling spiritually uplifted, nourished, and refreshed. But I was left with one critical question. How can I take all that I experienced (or at least some of it), and bring it back to our community? How can I take the creative prayer experiences, the new and beautiful melodies, the sense of souls connecting to one another and to their Judaism, and bring it back home?

And then it hit me. Shabbat at the Beach was the perfect place to begin.

Each summer as we gather for our Friday night services on the beach, the location, the different pace of the beach season, and the sense of friendship and community that is felt between us always ensure that these Erev Shabbat services are some of the most special of the year. Shabbat at the Beach is the perfect setting to try to infuse a bit more kavanah (spiritual feeling and intention) into our prayer service. Shabbat at the Beach is the perfect place to begin sharing with you a bit of what I learned and experienced a few months ago at SLBC.

As a Conservative congregation, we are always striving to balance the keva (fixed liturgy) with a sense of kavanah (spiritual feeling and intention). That is part of the reason that we bought the Lev Shalem siddur earlier this year. Shabbat at the Beach this year is going to be a service in which we focus more on kavanah and less on keva. Those who know me know that I tend to be a “traditionalist” when it comes to prayer. And yet, I have come to realize that every so often, one has to take a pause in the keva to reconnect to the kavanah side of the equation. That is what we are going to aim to do on June 23rd at our first Shabbat at the Beach service. With the help of a few of our musician lay leaders, this service will have instrumentation and will be an abbreviated service. We will not “daven” every word of the service, but will rather take time to focus on praying “more” with “less” liturgy. We are going to aim to have a deeper, more contemplative, and soulful prayer experience through music, singing, and a more intimate seating arrangement.

I hope that you will all join us on Friday, June 23 at 7:15pm for our first Shabbat at the Beach of the season at Conover Pavilion in Deal. The second one will be August 11th at 7:15 pm. Give yourself this gift of welcoming in the Shabbat with prayer, song, and a sense of calm and spiritual nourishment that is a wonderful way to end each week. I am looking forward to sharing some beautiful music and connection with each of you, and wish all of you a wonderful “beach season” throughout the rest of the summer!

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REFLECTIONS OF MY PRESIDENCY - LAWRENCE H. SHAPIRO Well, it’s been two years already. Time flies when you’re having fun! And I mean that.

I came into this position with several goals for both the Temple and me personally. On a personal level, I hoped to work on patience,

being a better listener, and being open to the ideas, thoughts and feelings of others. Hopefully, I met those goals.

With regard to goals for the Temple, I think we, and I mean we, met a lot of the goals as well. That couldn’t have been accomplished

without the help, time and talent of many, many people. Of course our Executive Director, Pam Cardullo, our office staff, Lisa Arnold

and Joanne Bass, and Rich Salerno and Jacob Fineran. Also, a dedicated cadre of volunteers too numerous to name, so please accept

this “thank you” and expression of gratitude. By the way, being better at saying thank you was also a goal I had; hopefully I met that

one as well.

So, here are the goals I set for the Temple:

- add 50 new members;

- close our $100,000 plus budget deficit;

- resolve the Neptune Estates situation;

- enter into a long-term contract with the Rabbi; and

- stabilize the religious school.

In order to reach these goals, we built upon the solid foundation of how we had been doing things and made some changes. For

example, Pam now oversees our fundraising, working with a strong committee. We hosted Alan Dershowitz, scholars in residence, and

authors; enjoyed a Night at the Races; and shared some laughs at Comedy Night. Of course we continue our annual Brunch and are

excited to honor our Master Torah readers this year, with special guest Cantor Siegel. We also revamped and strengthened our

membership committee, thus expanding and strengthening the outreach of Congregation Torat El into the community.

Through the work of those two committees in particular, we have been successful in reaching the new member goal and closing our

budget deficit. Thank you, Michael Breslow, for your tireless work on our finances and budget.

As of today, CTE stands at 466 member units. We had 465 two years ago. However, this number is deceiving because we did attract

35 new members over the last two years. While that is short of my goal of 50, when considered in light of natural attrition such as

deaths, moving out of the area and the like, maintaining our membership number is quite remarkable.

As you all know, we were also successful in entering into a long-term contract with the Rabbi and will enjoy his leadership and hard

work for years to come. A special thank you to the Rabbi, with whom I have had the pleasure of working closely over these last two

years. His tireless efforts, enthusiasm and smarts are an asset we are lucky to have. Also, thank you to Jane-Rachel for her dedication

and support of the Temple, all while juggling four kids. It truly is a family affair for the Schonbruns. Come to services any Saturday

and you will see!

Our move from a dues model to a sustainability/pledge model continues to be a success.

The Neptune Estates debacle was resolved and the sale of a portion of the Temple Beth El Cemetery to a reputable builder was

completed. As a result, and due in no small part to the tireless work of the Cemetery Committee, we have been able to establish a

perpetual care fund for the cemetery, begin much needed renovations to the Cemetery and create an interfaith section. In a related

vein, and in keeping with our open and welcoming nature, we have opened up the Temple building to hosting funerals for all members

and allowing non-members to use our facility through an approved funeral home.

We have transitioned to a new siddur and lay leadership at services has continued to grow and flourish. Thank you to Ben Laskowitz for

his work with both B’nai Mitzvah students and our lay leaders, and to the Ritual Committee for their work and dedication in ensuring

that CTE meets its halachic and ritualistic obligations.

With regard to the religious school, we have maintained the school after the departure of Rabbi Metz and will be announcing our new

Education Director in the coming weeks as we look to expand and enhance our school. In that regard, thank you to Sherrie Robinson

for being our acting religious school director.

In a related matter, we will be opening our Early Learning Center in September which we hope will build upon the successful

Mommy and Me programs we have been running the last few months and also be a feeder to our school. Thank you to Pam and our

consultants for their hard work, and to Mark Haber for helping with physical plant issues in getting this off the ground.

We have overseen significant renovations and repairs to our building including the roof, the exterior walls, portions of the HVAC, and

remodeling several classrooms. We also have new lights in the Social Hall and new carpet in the office thanks to the generosity of

Men’s Club and Sisterhood. Thank you.

Finally, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support of me and Congregation Torat El.

It is only because of all of you that we continue not only to survive, but thrive.

L’dor v’dor,


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Our sincere thanks to the following members who made membership commitments at or above our Sustaining Giving Level

for the upcoming 2017-2018 fiscal year! (as of May 15th)

Michael & Fern Aaron

Rita Abrams

Michael & Lisa Absatz

Daniel & Carol Amrany

Jonathan & Dawn Barofsky

Seth & Brooke Bass

Neil & Zelda Becourtney

Steven & Susan Berkowitz

Michael & Ellen Breslow

Steven & Marcy Cohen

Bill & Sheila Cooper

Stanley & Marjorie Cotler

Robert & Linda Dennis

Jeff Donner

Dorothy Dweck

Mark & Melanie Engel

David & Mindy Estin

Steven & Vicki Fineberg

Vera Gitten

Charlotte Gold

Gary & Laurie Gross

David & Ellen Grossman

Howard & Lisa Guss

Ira & Ricki Horowitz

Stephen & Carol Hunter

Gary & Sheryl Kaplan

Bernie & Renee Karasic

Jerome & Loretta Kessel

David & Ralee Konigsberg

Howard Lang

Albert Levitt

Matthew & Tracie Lissauer

Larry Lorman

Yuval & Lisa Madar

Jason & Cara Malek

Richard Marlieb

Ken & Ellen Marowitz

Mitchell & Ellen Marx

Stuart & Robin Meyer

Gary & Suzanne Michel

Steven & Carol Miller

Dan & Bonnie Reiss

Howard & Beverle Richelson

Andrew & Michele Robins

Zeke Rose

Ron & Sandy Rosen

Joel Rubin

Kenneth & Deborah Rubin

Marcia Sacks

Russell Scheer & Deborah Alpert

Ben & Kathy Schneider

Joshua & Lori Schor

Harvey & Jay-Ann Shooman

Steven & Ilene Schwaber

Barry Shapiro & Alison Block

Zel & Pam Steinberg

Alan & Fran Stern

Marvin & Sharon Talansky

Matt & Jackie Tobin

Gabriel & Andrea Tomae

Larry & Penny Turtel

Art & Jodi Vasen

Charlotte Vineburg

Sam Warm

Martin & Carol Weinstock

Regina Weiss

Neil & Marcia Weitzenkorn

Lew & Nancy Wetstein

Alan & Sonny Winters

Leonard & Vivian Zimmerman

In addition, we gratefully thank the many donors who wish to remain anonymous.

Thank you for your support and generosity!

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Welcome to the Koreen Family Library. We are located across the hall from the Main Office. The hours are the same as the Congregation Torat El office hours, plus 10am -1pm on Saturdays. We use the honor system to check out books and materials. The method is very simple: take your membership name card out of the Membership File Box, clip it with a paper clip to the book card, and drop them into the Checkout Basket on the desk in the Library. Done! Books and materials may be borrowed for two weeks or longer, if needed. As new books and materials arrive, we will review them in this column. If you borrow a book from this library and would like to write a review, please let us know. The following is a review of a new book that just arrived:

Jerusalem: A Cookbook

Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi

With this cookbook, the authors have sought to unravel the sensations and the alphabet of Jersalem, to experience the magnificent flavors of their childhood and to inspire the reader by the 4,000 years of history during which time the city changed hands endlessly. Jerusalem is an immense tapestry of cuisines, due to the unlimited number of cultures and sub-cultures residing within its walls. The inherent passion and energy the Jersusalemites have in abundance result in some fantastic food and culinary creativity.

Some of the recipes contained in this cookbook include traditional, age-old dishes, with no change or modern touch. Others are fairly traditional, but the authors have updated them to suit the times or their sensibilities. And then there are recipes that are loosely inspired by the flavors of Jerusalem but have not yet become local classics. Typical local dishes are left neglected, for example kugel, bagel, challah. According to the authors, the justification for the collection of recipes are their preferences and cooking habits, and those of their readers. The authors draw deep inspiration from Jerusalem and its food, but are in no way trying to represent its realities.

Cookbook sections are allocated to vegetables, beans and grains, soups, stuffed meat, fish, savory pastries, sweets and

desserts, and condiments. Looking through the recipes and trying some out will inevitably lead you to new and exciting

scents and flavors. Let us know which ones you like!

Beth Jacob


Yasher Koach to Eric Scheer for leading Services on Friday Night and Shabbat morning, and for chanting Torah and Haftarah so beautifully on his Bar Mitzvah!

Yasher Koach to Noah Gutman for leading Services on Friday Night and Shabbat morning, and for chanting Torah and Haftarah so beautifully on his Bar Mitzvah!

Yasher Koach to Sheila Morris for receiving her Yad in recognition of her 18th Torah reading! Mazel Tov!

During the month of April 2017, the following individuals performed the Mitzvah of reading Torah, chanting the Haftarah, and/or leading Shacharit, Musaf and the Torah Service:

Brian Bauer Noah Gutman Russell Scheer Ari Binns Harvey Jacob Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun Matthew Cohen Ben Laskowitz Joshua Schor Mark Engel Alan Morris Lori Schuldiner Schor Steve Fineberg Sheila Morris Joel Schulman Mitch Grayson Michele Robins Sam Weiner Jacob Gutman Eric Scheer Jen Weiss Jared Gutman Jacob Scheer Neil Weitzenkorn

Yasher Koach To All!!!

If you are interested in chanting your Bar/Bat Mitzvah Haftarah, or if you are interested in learning to become a CTE Leader/Reader, please contact Ben Laskowitz at [email protected], cell # 732-861-7450.

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The Torat Family extends condolences to:

Leslie Poznak on the loss of her father, Arnold Chernin

Lori Chernin-Rosenzweig on the loss of her father, Arnold Chernin

Jacqueline Tobin on the loss of her mother, Mary Hathaway

Staci Nussbaum on the loss of her father, Barry Margulis

Irving & Terry Zimmerman on the loss of their daughter, Sheila Gold

Karen Friedman on the loss of her brother, Kenneth Mark Negin

The Torat El Family wishes Mazel Tov to:

Alan & Meryl Morris on the B’nai Mitzvah of their children, Hannah, Ethan & Paul

Sheila Morris on the B’nai Mitzvah of her grandchildren, Hannah, Ethan & Paul

Jane & Garry Grabelle on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Jordan Grabelle

The Torat El Family welcomes:

Rebecca & Dan Gerard

Please contact Mike Gordon at [email protected] for your appointment. Walk-ins are also





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2017-2018 Hazak Calendar of Events (subject to change)

Feb. 11 - Program

March 18 - Movie

April 15 - Trip

May 6 - Movie

Aug. 13 - Paid-Up BBQ

Sept. 10 - Movie

Oct. 15 - Apollo Theater Trip

Dec. 3 - Movie and Dinner

Jan. 21 - Brunch Program

Hazak 2017-2018 Membership Application $25 PER PERSON

Name(s) ___________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________

Phone _______________ Email _________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $_____

Yes, sign me (us) up for the August 13th Paid-Up Barbecue # attending ____

Please make checks payable to Hazak and return to CTE, 301 Monmouth Rd. Oakhurst, NJ 07755


Hazak is dedicated to serving the educational, spiritual, social and religious interests

of Jews 55 and older. Shore Area Hazak invites you to become part of the action.

2017-2018 membership is $25.00 per person and is open to everyone in the Jewish community.








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Jeanne Isaacson and Janet Cohen - Co-Presidents

Janet Attner - Vice-President Melanie Engel - Vice-President

Susan Sferas - Vice-President Bonnie Zimmerman - Financial Secretary

Gidget Friedman - Treasurer Diane Resnick - Corresponding Secretary

Eva Wiener - Recording Secretary

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made my three years as president of CTE Sisterhood a great success. There are too many people to thank individually, but know that it has been a pleasure to serve as president. We have done many wonderful programs over the years -- Torah Fund, Rummage Sale, Hamantashen Bake-a- thon, Shalach Manot baskets, January Luncheons, and May evening events, just to name a few. We even added a new program this year to teach members and non-members of the temple to learn to play Mah Jongg. I am very proud to be part of such an amazing group of women.

Thank you also to our office and maintenance staff. I could not have done it without you as well.

Good luck to Jeanne and Janet on their co-presidency. I am here, along with all our amazing CTE women, to support them for the next two years. Carri


Come one, come all To Sisterhood’s call Where we know You’ll love us all ‘Cause… WE NEED YOU Hooray, hooray, let’s all cheer We need lots of new ideas Come meet an active crew But most of all… WE NEED YOU Come to our summer board meeting See all that we do Give us a try ‘Cause… WE NEED YOU Look at CTE’s bulletin For our monthly events Just come to anything It’ll be time well spent

Come to meetings to meet and greet Where there’s always something good to eat Our programs are light, our meetings are fun

Topics that interest everyone

Come to Torah Fund where we all bring food Help make a yummy Shabbat dinner

Which puts all in a good mood And could you help bake some hamantaschen

Once you taste one you won’t stop noshin’

If you love Mah Jongg We have a tournament for you

Be with friends, have lunch And maybe win some prizes, too

Come one, come all To Sisterhood’s call

You won’t be “BORED” Just get “ON BOARD”



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Presented by the Men’s Club of Congregation Torat El

visit www.golf.torat-el.org

Wednesday, July 26th

Jersey Shore Charity Golf Outing

To Benefit Jewish Family & Children’s Service

of Greater Monmouth County


Shabbat at the Beach

Conover Pavilion - Deal, NJ

Save the Date

Friday, June 23rd - 7:15pm

Friday, August 11th - 7:15pm

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The Nominating Committee is pleased to report the following nominations:

Board of Trustees (three-year term ending June 2020):

Dawn Barofsky Mindy Estin

Susan Berkowitz Sherrie Robinson

Marjorie Cotler Carri Silverberg

Executive Board (two-year terms ending June 2019):

Steve Fineberg, President

Laurie Gross, First Vice-President

Warren Goode, Vice-President

Linda Pickelny, Vice-President

Neil Weitzenkorn, Vice-President

Michelle Winters, Vice-President

Michael Breslow, Treasurer

Alan Morris, Secretary

The following Trustees have unexpired terms:

Terms ending June 2018:

Galit Bins Michele Robins

Suzanne Michel Dorothy Secol

Jason Stern

Terms ending June 2019:

Sheryl Kaplan Beverle Richelson

Carl Koreen Judy Solomon

Howard Lang Mark Steinberg

Fran Nudelman

In addition, ex-officio Trustees will be determined by these entities:

Men’s Club

Past Presidents


Youth Group

Nominating Committee:

Andrew Robins, Chair

Carol Amrany

Ira Horowitz

Carri Silverberg

Neil Warar

Board of Trustees Proposed Slate 2017-2018

Please join us on Sunday, June 11th at 9:30am for our

Congregation Meeting.

Agenda to include vote on Board of Trustees Slate,

Budget Presentation, President’s Report

and Committee Reports!

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We Believe…

That a warm, thoughtfully designed environment engages children and inspires curiosity.

That even the youngest members of our community should have a safe and supportive place to begin learning.

By welcoming, nurturing and shaping these little minds and hearts from their beginnings, your child can develop both a sense of identity and self confidence. ◘ Infant and toddler learning and care

◘ Early childhood school programs

◘ Small classes

◘ Warm and stimulating learning environment

◘ Professional, nurturing staff

◘ Early drop off and late pick up available

You’re sure to quickly realize why there’s

something special about this place!

Coming In September 2017! Register Now

Call 732-531-4410

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A BIG thank you to our Men’s Club for carpeting the offices! Stop in and see how great it looks!

A BIG thank you to our Sisterhood for replacing the lighting

in the Social Hall. Work to begin soon!

A BIG thank you to our office volunteers! We appreciate all of your help!

Emily Fineberg Sherrill Kobb Sheila Morris

Marian Warshauer


If you would like a yahrzeit plaque to be hung on the memorial boards in the Main Sanctuary in time for the High Holy Days, now is the time to

place your order. The cost of each plaque is $500.

The light next to each plaque is illuminated on the individual’s yarhzeit and the four Yizkor services during the year. The individual’s name will

also be included in our annual Book of Life and Remembrance.

To ensure your loved one’s plaque is placed on the memorial boards by Rosh Hashanah, we must have your order and payment in the Temple

office no later than June 30th.

Call the Temple office

for more information.


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WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING DONATIONS Congregation Torat El General Fund In Honor of: The B’nai Mitzvah of Ethan, Hannah & Paul Morris – children of Alan & Meryl Morris, grandchildren of Sheila Morris by Be Yeamans The Bat Mitzvah Jordan Grabelle – granddaughter of Jane & Garry Grabelle by Irene & Al Landis Betty Goldin’s birthday by Madeline & Joel Schulman, Sandra Blackman, Esther Kaftol Jerry Berkowitz’s birthday by Marjorie & Stanley Cotler Neil & Marcia Weitzenkorn’s birthdays by Marjorie & Stanley Cotler, Madeline & Joel Schulman Alison Block running the “Meet the Author” program by Madeline & Joel Schulman Speedy Recovery to: Martin Sukinik by Irene & Al Landis In Memory of: Arnold Chernin – father of Lesli Poznak, Lori Chernin-Rosenzweig and Larry Chernin by Jane & Garry Grabelle Rabbi Schonbrun’s Discretionary Fund In Honor of: Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun by Ali Friedman, Stacey & Glen Abrams, the Poznak & Chernin families The B’nai Mitzvah of Ethan, Hannah & Paul Morris –children of Alan & Meryl Morris, grandchildren of Sheila Morris by Be Yeamans In Memory of: Arnold Chernin – father of Lesli Poznak, Lori Chernin-Rosenzweig & Larry Chernin by Stan & Bobbi Meckler Kiddush Fund In Honor of: Neil & Marcia Weitzenkorn’s birthdays by Sheila Morris, Warren & Joan Goode Marcia Sacks on her special birthday by Eva & Howard Wiener The dedication of the Koreen Family Library by Sheila Morris In Memory of: Arnold Chernin – father of Lesli Poznak, Lori Chernin-Rosenzweig & Larry Chernin by Amy & Mike Addeo Garden Fund In Memory of: Reva Goldberg by Michael Gordon Morning Minyan Breakfast Fund In Honor of: Neil & Marcia Weitzenkorn’s birthdays by Marian & Bill Warshauer Tree of Life A leaf has been added in honor of Ariana Rose Lindberg, granddaughter of Mitchell Grayson by Mitchell Grayson A leaf has been added in memory of Frances McKenna, grandmother of Jacob Fineran by the Fineran family

Susan L. Samuel Memorial Fund In Memory of: Susan Samuel by Ellen & Myron Samuel Lawrence Boff – husband of Maxine Boff by Ellen & Myron Samuel, Michelle & Andrew Samuel Arnold Chernin – father of Lesli Poznak, Lori Chernin-Rosenzweig & Larry Chernin by Ellen & Myron Samuel, Michelle & Andrew Samuel Murry Opatosky by Ellen & Myron Samuel Annette Klein – mother of Jeff Klein by Ellen & Myron Samuel Rabbi Jacob Friedman Fund In Memory of: Arnold Chernin – father of Lesli Poznak, Lori Chernin-Rosenzweig & Larry Chernin by Ali Friedman, Eric, Stacey, David, Jess Hansel & Families Paul Morris Liturgical Music Fund In Honor of: Betty Goldin’s 75th birthday by Sheila Morris The B’nai Mitzvah of Ethan, Hannah & Paul Morris – children of Alan & Meryl Morris, grandchildren of Sheila Morris by Be Yeamans In Memory of: Anita Caslar – sister of Sheila Morris by Sheila Morris Bessie Gottlieb – mother of Sheila Morris by Sheila Morris Maxine Green – sister-in-law of Sheila Morris by Sheila Morris Albert Morris – father-in-law of Sheila Morris by Sheila Morris Siddur Lev Shalem In Honor of: The Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Rose Morris by Vera Gitten The Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Michael Morris by Vera Gitten The Bar Mitzvah of Paul Benjamin Morris by Vera Gitten In Memory of: Lawrence Boff – husband of Maxine Boff by Alan & Fran Stern Cecille & Paul Gould by Len Rokaw Contribution Cards To Marcia & Neil Weitzenkorn in honor of their special birthdays from Sheryl & Gary Kaplan To Jackie Tobin in memory of her mother Mary Hathaway from the Barofsky family, the Winters family, the Estin family To Lesli Poznak in memory of her father Arnold Chernin from the Barofsky family, the Winters family To Lesli Poznak, Lori Rosenzweig-Chernin & Larry Chernin in memory of their father Arnold Chernin from the Estin family To Lesli Poznak & Larry Chernin in memory of their father Arnold Chernin from Steve & Diane Resnick

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Temple Grams To Jeanne Isaacson in honor of becoming co-president of Sisterhood from Toby & Martin Sukinik, Beverle & Howard Richelson To Janet Cohen in honor of becoming co-president of Sisterhood from Toby & Martin Sukinik, Beverle & Howard Richelson To Carri Silverberg in honor of a job well done from Toby & Martin Sukinik, Beverle & Howard Richelson To Toby Sukinik with congratulations on receiving the “Woman of Achievement Award” from Phyllis Jacobs To Janet & Alan Cohen in honor of their son Matthew’s marriage from Toby & Martin Sukinik To Gidget & Mike Friedman in honor of their son Josh’s engagement from Toby & Martin Sukinik To Carri & Bruce Silverberg in honor of their son Evan’s graduation from graduate school from Toby & Martin Sukinik To Diane & Steve Resnick in honor of their daughter’s graduation from college and their son entering the Army from Toby & Martin Sukinik To Marcia & Neil Weitzenkorn in honor of their special birthdays from Fran & Ned Meyer To Sheila Morris in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of her grandchildren Hannah, Ethan & Paul from Eva & Howard Wiener To Alan & Meryl Morris in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of their children Hannah, Ethan & Paul from Eva & Howard Wiener To Martin Sukinik with wishes for his speedy recovery from Beverle & Howard Richelson, Sheryl & Gary Kaplan To Jerry Berkowitz with wishes for his speedy recovery from Sheryl & Gary Kaplan, Toby & Martin Sukinik To the Poznak and Chernin families in memory of their father Arnold Chernin from Eva & Howard Wiener To Jackie Tobin in memory of her mother Mary Hathaway from Carri, Bruce, Evan & Justin Silverberg To Carol Winograd in memory of her husband Elliott from Toby & Martin Sukinik

ABRAHAM ABARBANEL by Sandy Kuchin BELLE BALKIN by Nancy & Tom Redman BARNEY BARRETT by Lois Barr Barrett ESTELLE BASS by the Bass Families HARRY BASS by the Bass Families MILTON BAZER by Ron Bazer JEANNE BERGER by Beverle & Howard Richelson ISADORE BEY by the Bey Family MIRIAM BLOCK by Janice & Paul Holub FRIEDA BLUFSTEIN by Sophy Kirsch & Family SIDNEY BLUME by Alan & Patti Blume & Family ELEANORE BOTNEY by Loretta Kessel MORRIS BRODSKY by Ruth Glatter ALBERT BROWN by Janet Brown RUTH CELSO by Toby & Martin Sukinik SIGMUND CHAPMAN by Loretta Kessel LARRY COHEN by Barbara & Larry Lucisano EVA COTLER by Stanley Cotler EVELYN DAUER by Charlotte Vineburg IDA DEITCH by Tanis Deitch & Family MALCOLM DEITCH by Tanis Deitch & Family SOL DORFMAN by Sandy Lehrer JANE GABRIELSON by Madeline & Joel Schulman IRVING GERSHON by Simon J. Gershon SIDNEY GOLDSTEIN by Marjorie & Stanley Cotler MILTON GOODMAN by the Bass Families ROSALIE GOODMAN by the Bass Families NOREEN HUNT by Sam Goldenberg PEARL JACOBS by Cynthia Roberts DR. TED JACOBS by Cynthia Roberts YETTA JOBRECK by Ruth Abramowitz SAM KAPLAN by Alan & Judy Sherman BENJAMIN KARASIK by Stevie & Jon Shutman MELVIN KIRSCH by Sophy Kirsch & Family LOUIS KLEINFUS by Ruth Lowy

ANDRED KNIFEL by Claire Knifel Cohan IRVING KONNER by Ellen Sue & Larry Hirshfield DORA KOYNER by Ali Friedman & Family LOUIS LEFTON by Cindy & Lewis Fisher & Family BEATRICE LEHRMAN by Renée & Walter Schindler LILLIAN LEVINE by Jane & Garry Grabelle MILDRED LEVY by Harriet Popok NATHAN LICHTMAN by Mark & Odette Lichtman RUTH LIGHT by Edith Light ISIDORE LIPSCHITZ by Mildred Przytyk SIGMUND LIPSON by Sandi Friedman DAVID MECKLER by Stan & Bobbi Meckler HELEN MECKLER by Stan & Bobbi Meckler MILDRED MICHELSON by Anita S. Nathan-Michelson BEVERLY NEEDEL by Marcene & Jonathan Brown JACOB PRZYTYK by Mildred Przytyk AARON RIEVEN-GOLDENBERG by Maddy Cohen & Family DR. BERTRAM ROBERTS by Cynthia Roberts MEYER ROKAW by Len Rokaw ALICE SCHULTZ by Harriet Haddad BESSIE SHAPIRO by Gerald & Renée Klein HYMAN SHAPIRO by Carole & Stan Shapiro BERTHOLD SHERMAN by Carole & Stan Shapiro BERTHOLD SHERMAN by Alan & Judy Sherman MERYL SHERMAN by Carole & Stan Shapiro MERYL SHERMAN by Alan & Judy Sherman BERNICE SHUTMAN by Stevie & Jon Shutman EUGENE SHUTMAN by Stevie & Jon Shutman CHARLES SINGER by Stevie & Jon Shutman BESSIE SLOVIN by Harvey & Loretta Slovin & Family PHILIP SOLOWEY by Carol & Paul Wasserman ROSE TERRIS by Helen & Harry Terris BESS WALDEN by Sophy Kirsch & Family BERISH WETSTEIN by Lewis Wetstein RUTH WOLF by Carole & Stan Shapiro



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Marc I. Feldman D.D.S. SP#2458

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Arpami Pavilion 2101 Route 516, Suite C

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Barry D. Shapiro, CPA Partner

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Congregation Torat El Jersey Shore Jewish Center 301 Monmouth Road Oakhurst, NJ 07755 732-531-4410 www.torat-el.org




Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Temple Office Closed

Shavuot/Yizkor Service 9:00am


Candle Lighting 8:02pm

Pajama Shabbat 5:30pm

Shabbat Service 6:30pm


Shabbat Service 9:00am


Tribute Brunch 11:00am



Board of Trustees Mtg 7:30pm




Candle Lighting 8:07pm

Shabbat Service 8:00pm


Shabbat Service 9:00am


Congregation Meeting 9:30am


Blood Drive 4:00-9:00pm


Ritual Mtg 7:30pm




Candle Lighting 8:10pm

Installation Shabbat Service & Dinner 6:00pm


Shabbat Service 9:00am




Exec Board Mtg 7:00pm




Candle Lighting 8:11pm

Shabbat at the Beach 7:15pm


Shabbat Service 9:00am

25 26


Education Mtg 7:30pm


29 30

Candle Lighting 8:11pm

Shabbat Service 6:30pm

June 2017