Vocabulary 1000 words

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  • 8/9/2019 Vocabulary 1000 words


    1. Abase (v} To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.2. Abdicate (v) To give p (ro!al power or the like).". Aberration (n) #eviation $rom a right, cstomar!, or prescribed corse.%. Abet (v) To aid, promote, or encorage the commission o$ (an o&ense).'. Abhorrent (ad.) er! repgnant; hate$l.*. Abect (ad.} +ink to a ver! low condition.

    . Abre (v) To recant, renonce, repdiate nder oath.-. Abnegate (v) To renonce (a right or privilege).. Abominable (ad.) er! hate$l.1/.Abrasion (n) That which is rbbed o&.11.Abrogate (v) To abolish, repeat12.Absolve (v) To $ree $rom sin o$ its penalties.1".Abstrse (ad.) #i0clt to nderstand.1%.Abt (v) To toch at the end or bondar! line.1'.Ab!ss (n) ottomless gl$.1*.Accede (v) To agree.1.Accomplice (n) An associate in wrongdoing.1-.Accost (v) To speak to.

    1.Accoter (v) To dress,2/.Acerbit! (n) +orness, with bitterness and astringenc!.21.Achromatic (ad.) 3olorless.22.Acostic (ad.) 4ertaining to the act or sense o$ hearing.2".Ac5iescence (n) 4assive consent.2%.Acreage(n) 6and, estate2'.Acrid (ad.) 7arshl! pngent or bitter,2*.Acrimonios (ad.) 8ll o$ bitterness.2.Addle (v) To make ine0cient or worthless; mddle.2-.Addce (v) To bring $orward or name $or consideration,2.Adration (n) A vehement appeal."/.Adtant (ad.) A9iliar!."1.Adroit (ad.) 7aving skill in the se o$ the bodil! or mental powers."2.Admbrate (v) To represent be$orehand in otline or b! emblem."".Advert (v) To re$er incidentall!."%.A&able (ad.) :as! to approach."'.Aence (n) A pro$se or abndant sppl! o$ riches."*.A&ront (n) An open inslt or indignit!.".Agglomerate (v) To pile or heap together."-.Aggrandi

  • 8/9/2019 Vocabulary 1000 words


    %-.Accretion (non) addition to something%.Accre (verb) accmlate'/.Acme (non) height o$ e9cellence'1.A&able (ad) genial, pleasant'2.Ambient (ad) the immediate srronding'".Acmen (non)? abilit! to dge

    '%.A$t ( adv)? close to, back''.Adroit (ad) ? 5ick and skill$l'*.Astte (ad)? shrewd, incisive'.Ameliorate (ad)? make better or improve'-.Apocr!phal (ad)? m!thical, ctional, ntre'.Assidos ( ad) constant, nremitting*/.Apogee(non) the highest or most distant point*1.Assage( verb) to make milder or less severe*2.Aplomb ( non) 4oise, assrance*".Appetence (n) longing, desire*%.Arrogate (v) to attribte nstl! to*'.Atrabilios (ad) illtempered

    **.Atara9! (n) calmness, tran5ilit!*.Ascesis (n) the practice o$ sel$discipline*-.Adipose (ad) characteri

  • 8/9/2019 Vocabulary 1000 words


    %. elie (v) To misrepresent.'. elligerent (ad.) Cani$esting a warlike spirit.*. enevolence (n) An! act o$ kindness or welldoing.. enign (ad.) =ood and Dind at heart.-. enison (n) lessing.. ereave (v) To make desolate with loneliness and grie$.

    1/.eseech (v) To implore.11.lasE (ad.) +ated with pleasre.12.rowbeat (v) To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, b! stern, haght!, or rde

    address or manner.1".lwark (n) An!thing that gives secrit! or de$ense.1%.mptios (ad.) 8ll o$ o&ensive and aggressive sel$conceit.1'.A collection o$ some togh =>: words1*.all!hooed ver! mch e9cited1.alm! $airl! warm and pleasant1-.aronial large old $ashioned and impressive1.eatic e9pression o$ great happiness and calmness2/.arnstorming F energetic, ver! e9citing21.ash part! or celebration22.egiling charming and attractive2".enign kind, gentle and harmless2%.landl! calml! and 5ietl!2'.latant open or ver! obvios2*.lithe cheer$l2.oisteros nois!, livel! and energetic2-.onn! attractive and nice2.ra

  • 8/9/2019 Vocabulary 1000 words


    '".lear!dll, tired'%.leat to speak in a weak and high voice''.lightspoil'*.lime! srprise'.liss$l totall! naware'-.olsh! ver! angr!

    '.rawl to ght in a ver! rogh wild wa!*/.rickbat ver! inslting remark*1.rittle hard bt easil! broken*2.rised nhapp! or pset*".rs5e G crt and o&hand in manner*%.ccaneering nscrplos*'.colic related to contr!side**.lbos $at and blging*.mbling con$sed, disorgani

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    1/". aro5e complicated and elaborate1/%. anasic ncltivated, materialistic1/'. armecide F illsor!, imaginar!1/*. ight a crve or recess in a coastline. river etc.1/. isse9tile leap !ear1/-. robdingnagian hge, immense, gigantic


    1. 3abalism (n) +perstitios devotion to oneHs religion2. 3acophon! (n) A disagreeable, harsh, or discordant sond or combination o$

    sonds or tones". 3aiti& (ad.)3owardl!%. 3aole (v) To impose on or dpe b! Iattering speech'. 3allosit! (n) The state o$ being hard and insensible*. 3allow (ad.) Jithot e9perience o$ the world. 3almn! (n) +lander-. 3andid (ad.) +traight$orward

    . 3andor (n) The 5alit! o$ $rankness or otspokenness1/.3anon (n) An! rle or law11.3aprice (n) A whim12.3aptios (ad.) 7!percritical1".3arnage (n) Cassacre1%.3astigate (v) To pnish1'.3atastrophe (n) An! great and sdden mis$ortne or calamit!1*.3astic (ad.) +arcastic and sever1.3hagrin (n) Deen ve9ation, anno!ance, or mortication, as at oneHs $ailres

    or errors1-.3holeric (ad.) :asil! provoked to anger1.3lairvo!ance (n) Kntitive sagacit! or perception2/.3lamoros (ad.) Lrgent in complaint or demand21.3landestine (ad) +rreptitios22.3lement (ad.) 3ompassionate2".3ogni

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    ".3ontrite (ad.) roken in spirit becase o$ a sense o$ sin%/.3ontmacios (ad.) >ebellios%1.3onvalesce (v) To recover a$ter a sickness.%2.3onvivial (ad.) #evoted to $easting, or to good$ellowship in eating or

    drinking%".3opios (ad.) 4lenteos%%.3orrigible (ad.) 3apable o$ re$ormation%'.3lpable (ad.) =ilt!%*.3!nical (ad.) :9hibiting moral skepticism.%.%. 3andor honest! or openness%-.3avort Mmp or rn abot pla!$ll!%.3hipper cheer$l and livel!'/.3h&ed ver! pleased'1.3lement pleasantl! mild an dr!'2.3oltish energetic and ot o$ control'".3onsecrate o0ciall! declared hol!'%.3onvivial pleasant $riendl! and rela9ed''.3hrn $eel sick'*.3hrning moving abot violentl!'.3ircitos complicated'-.3lamm! npleasantl! stick!'.3landestine kept secret*/.3lastrophobic ncom$ortable and nhapp!*1.3lo!ing npleasant; too sentimental*2.3lnk! heav! and rather awkward*".3oarsen to become less polite*%.3oncssed loose consciosness or become sick*'.3onsternation $eeling o$ an9iet! or $ear**.3rabb!bad tempered and npleasant*.3rank!strange and eccentric*-.3rmm! o$ poor 5alit!*.3alamitos ver! n$ortnate or serios/.3allos ver! crel1.3arose behave ver! noisil!2.3atacl!smic npleasant".3atastrophic disasters%.3atatonic nable to move or respond'.3astic e9tremel! critical or crel*.3haotic disorderl! and con$singl!.3happed dr! cracked and sore-.3havinistic pompos, sel$ satised.3heek! slightl! rde or disrespect$l-/.3hbb! rather $at-1.3hic $ashionable and sophisticated-2.3hivalros polite, kind and nselsh-".3horeographed natral bt arranged-%.3lstered $riendl!, close, dissatis$action-'.3ocooned isolated and protected-*.3ogent 3onvincing-.3ognitive able to know or perceive

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    --.3ommiserate to show s!mpath! o$ pit!-.3orscating livel! intelligent and impressive/.3osset pamper and protect o$ strong.1.3apricios changeable2.3astigate to speak angril!, critici

  • 8/9/2019 Vocabulary 1000 words


    1"-. 3ollo5im an academic con$erence or seminar1". 3on5istador a con5eror


    1. #arkling (adv.) lindl!

    2. #astard (n) A base coward.". #ebonair (ad.) 7aving gentle or corteos bearing or manner%. #ecipher (v) To nd ot the tre words or meaning o$, as something hardl!

    legible'. #eco! (n) An!thing that allres, or is intended to allre into danger or

    temptation*. #e$ra! (v) To make pa!ment $or. #ei$! (v) To regard or worship as a =od-. #eign (v) To deem worth! o$ notice or accont. #eist (n) Bne who believes in =od, bt denies spernatral revelation1/.#electable (ad.) #elight$l to the taste or to the senses11.#eli5esce (v) To dissolve gradall!, and become li5id b! absorption o$

    moistre $rom the air12.#elirios (ad.) >aving1".#elde (v) To mislead the mind or dgment o$1%.#emeanor (n) #eportment1'.#eni

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    ".#iligence (n) 3are$l and persevering e&ort to accomplish what isndertaken

    "-.#isavowal (n) #enial".#iscernible (ad.) 4erceivable%/.discreet (ad.) Mdicios%1.#iscrsive (ad.) 4assing $rom one sbect to another%2.#isparage (v) To regard or speak slightingl!%".#issentient (n) Bne who disagrees%%.#issentios (ad.) 3ontentios%'.#istraght (ad.) ewildered%*.#irnal (ad.) #ail!%.#ocile (ad.) :as! to manage%-.#ogmatic (ad.) Caking statements withot argment or evidence%.#olor (n) 6amentation'/.#ilettante (n) A spercial amater'1.#apper neat and clean appearance'2.#roll witt! and amsing'".#awdle spend more time than necessar!'%.#ebilitate to case weakness''.#ecadent o$ low moral standards'*.#ecrepit the old and bad condition'.#eleterios have a harm$l e&ect'-.#esecrate G damaging something hol! or'.special*/.#espicable e9tremel! nast!, crel or evil*1.#esltor! nplanned and disorganised*2.#etrimental have a harm$l or damaging*".e&ect*%.#ipp! cold and nsal*'.#odder! old and nstead!**.#ripp! stpid and weak*.#dG nsccess$l*-.#ress $orced to do*.#weeb stpid and vage/.#elve discover new in$ormation1.#ink! well designed and attractive2.#isport eno! happil! and livel!".#ote to love or care%.#lcetgentle and pleasant to listen'.#isparage ridicle*.#it

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    -*.#iddle take mone! n$airl!-.#i0dent sh! and not liking to be noticed--.#abble take part seriosl!-.#iaphanos thin and transparent/.#owseto search


    1. :bllient (ad.) +howing enthsiasm or e9hilaration o$ $eeling2. :ccentric (ad.) 4ecliar". :dce (v) To draw ot%. :&ace (v) To obliterate'. :&ectal (ad.) :0cient*. :&eminac! (n) Jomanishness. :&ete (ad.) :9hasted, as having per$ormed its $nctions-. :&lgence (n) +plendor. :&se (v) To por $orth1/.:goist (n) Bne who advocates or practices egoism

    11.:gotist (n) Bne given to sel$mention or who is constantl! telling o$ hisown views and e9periences

    12.:gregios (ad.) :9treme1".:gress (n) An! place o$ e9it1%.:lcidate (v) To bring ot more clearl! the $acts concerning1'.:lsion (n) :vasion1*.:maciate (v) To waste awa! in Iesh1.:manate (v) To Iow $orth or proceed, as $rom some sorce1-.:mancipate (v) To release $rom bondage1.:mbargo (n) Athoritative stoppage o$ $oreign commerce or o$ an!

    special trade2/.:mbe

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    ".:9igenc! (n) A critical period or condition%/.:9ods (n) A going $orth or departre $rom a place or contr!, especiall!

    o$ man! people%1.:9onerate (v) To relieve or vindicate $rom accsation, imptation, or

    blame%2.:9orbitance (n) :9travagance or enormit!%".:9otic (ad.) 8oreign%%.:9patriate (v) To drive $rom oneHs own contr!%'.:9pedienc! (n) 8itness to meet the re5irements o$ a particlar case%*.:9pedient (ad.) 3ontribting to personal advantage%.:9piate (v) To make satis$action or amends $or%-.:9plicate (v) To clear $rom involvement%.:9postlate (v) To discss'/.:9tenate (v) To diminish the gravit! or importance o$'1.:9tol (v) To praise in the highest terms'2.:9tricate (v) #isentangle'".:9trde (v) To drive ot or awa!

    '%.:9berance (n) >ich sppl!

    ''.:di$!to benet'*.:mollient to redce or lessen pain'.:nsconced to settle rml! and com$ortabl!'-.:legiac e9press sadness'.:maciated thin and weak*/.:gregios ver! bad*1.:9acerbate to make worse*2.:9crciating e9tremel! pain$l*".:9ecrable deplorable*%.:9piate $eel sorr!*'.:&ace to remove or destro!**.:0cacios e0cient severel!*.:mbellish look more attractive*-.:ndearto became poplar with*.:stimable disserve admiration/.:bllient livel! and $ll o$ energ!1.:nni bored and tired2.:5ivocal F vage in avoiding".:rsat< not genine%.:9coriate to critici

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    1. 8acetios (ad.) Amsing2. 8acile (ad.) @ot di0clt to do". 8actios (ad.)Trblent%. 8allacios (ad.) Kllogical

    '. 8allible (ad.) 3apable o$ erring*. 8astidios (ad.) 7ard to please. 8atos (ad.) Kdiotic-. 8ealt! (n) 6o!alt!. 8elicit! (n) A state o$ well$onded happiness1/.8ervent (ad.) Ardent in $eeling11.8ervid (ad.) Kntense12.8estal (ad.) Mo!os1".8iasco (n) A complete or hmiliating $ailre1%.8lagrant (ad.) Bpenl! scandalos1'.8lambo!ant (ad.) 3haracteri

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    %*.8lonce walk 5ickl!%.8lmmo9 con$sed%-.8lster nervos and con$sed%.8renetic $ast and energetic'/.8rigging emphatic'1.8migate to get rid o$


    1. =amt (n) The whole range or se5ence2. =arrlos (ad.)? =iven to constant trivial talking". =enesis (n) 3reation%. =enialit! (n) Jarmth and kindliness o$ disposition'. =ibe (v) To tter tants or reproaches*. =ormand (n) A connoisser in the delicacies o$ the table. =rimace (n) A distortion o$ the $eatres, occasioned b! some $eeling o$ pain,

    disgst, etc-. =risl! (ad.) 8earinspiring

    . =mption (n) 3ommon sense1/.=adamse or entertain11.=allivant amse or entertain12.=ng ho enthsiastic and e9cited1".=ss! dressed ver! smartl!1%.=sto energetic and enthsiastic1'.=ob snacked srprised or stnned1*.=rott! npleasant or o$ poor 5alit!1.=arbled con$sed or mbled1-.=holish show nnatral interest1.=lm sad and nhapp!2/.=nash angr! or $rstrated21.=nomic G di0clt to nderstand22.=aga cannot think clearl!2".=all behaving rdel!2%.=angl! tall thin and awkward2'.=arish gad!2*.=arrlos talkative2.=awk G to sta! in a stpid wa!2-.=eek! stpid or awkward2.=itto dislike"/.=lib ver! simple or eas!"1.=litch a problem or hitch"2.=loat arrogant and boast$l"".=lttonos greed!"%.=oo$! F sill! or ridiclos"'.=ormless stpid and nintelligible"*.=roch! badtempered and complaining".=rbb! dirt!"-.=r! rde and rogh".=& nonsense%/.=abble speak 5ickl!

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    %1.=a&e careless mistake%2.=angbster going strong and doing ver! well%".=entri$!to become e9pensive%%.=eriatric relating to old people%'.=ingerl! care$ll! or catiosl!%*.=ird to prepare

    %.=listen shine%-.=ltsrpls%.=ossamer ver! light thin or delicate'/.=rogg! $eel weak or ill'1.=rovel $rightened and respect$l'2.=mption think sensibl!


    1. introspection e9amining oneNs own thoghts and $eelings2. philanthropist one who loves mankind". antidote medicine sed against a poison or a disease

    %. strive to make great e&orts, to strggle'. ambide9tros able to se the le$t hand or the right e5all! well*. retrospective 6ooking back on past. precrsors a person or thing that precedes, as in a process or ob.-. introvert one who trns towards himsel$. gerontocrac! government rled b! old people1/.ambigos dobt$l; ncertain11.braggart boast$l12.aggravate make worse; irritate1".enticeattract, lre1%.alleviate make (pain) easier to bear1'.adorn add beat!; decorate

    1*.e5ilibrim state o$ being balanced1.abhor to hate; to detest1-.connote +ggest or impl! in addition to the precise, literal meaning1.endeavor to make an e&ort, to tr! ver! hard2/.agile active; 5ickmoving21.renovate restore something to better condition22.crriclm corse o$ std!2".malevolent malicios; evil; having or showing ill will2%.amalgamate mi9; combine; nite societies2'.9enophile (

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    "'.a0nit! close connection; relationship"*.animosit! strong dislike".heterogeneos made p o$ di&erent kinds"-.$ragileeasil! inred broken or destro!ed".legac! e5est or inheritance%/.massacre crel killing o$ a large nmber o$ people

    %1.appease make 5iet or calm%2.sbmerge pt nder water li5id sink ot o$ sight%".adlteration making npre; poorer in 5alit!%%.combstion process o$ brning%'.prematre doing or happening something be$ore the right time%*.shnned avoided, kept awa! $rom%.angish severe s&ering%-.apt wellsited; 5ickwitted%.conceal hide keep secret'/.grmble to complain'1.indigenos native'2.o&hand Jithot preparation or $orethoght

    '".loll rest to sit or stand in a la

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    -%.ascend go or come p-'.asterisk the mark P (e.g.. omitted letters)-*.!arn tale stor! bers $or knitting-.arrogance prod; sperior manner o$ behavior--.divergence getting $arther apart $rom a point-.allegiance dt! spport lo!alt!

    /.vigoros strong energetic1.dwar$ person mch smaller the sal si

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    1"%. commemorate keep the memor! o$ 1"'. gait a manner o$ walking, stepping, or rnning1"*. dormant in a state o$ inactivit! bt awaiting development1". shard A piece o$ broken potter!1"-. chisel steel tool $or shaping materials1". encapslate enclose in capsle

    1%/. complaisant tr!ing to please; obliging1%1. grievos casing grie$ or pain; serios dire grave1%2. h!pocris! $alsel! making onesel$ appear to be good1%". en

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    1-%. ail to case pain, neasiness, or troble to.1-'. limp lacking strength; walking nevenl!1-*. arcane known or nderstood b! ver! $ew1-. mite A ver! small amont, portion, or particle1--. edi$! instrct; correct morall!1-. recperate become strong a$ter illness loss e9hastion

    1/. satiate satis$! $ll!11. !eoman man owning small estate; middleclass $armer12. delit! lo!alt! accrac!1". plck pll the $eathers o& pick (e.g.. Iowers)1%. perr! will$l 8A6+: statement nlaw$l act1'. paradigm a model e9ample or pattern1*. gllible easil! glled1. sobriet! 5alit! or condition o$ being sober1-. tractable easil! controlled or gided1. writ written order2//. mesmeri

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    2"%. enigma something that is p

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    2-%. reverent $eeling or showing deep respect2-'. imminent likel! to come or happen soon2-*. volptos arosing sensal pleasres2-. sppress prevent $rom being known pt an end to2--. irrevocable nal and nalterable2-. sogg! heav! with water

    2/. vindictive having a desire to revenge21. wanton nrestrained; will$ll! malicios; nchaste22. pinch be too tight take between the thmb and nger2". earthenware dishes made o$ baked cla!2%. nearth discover and bring to light2'. savor taste Iavor something2*. hoa9 mischievos trick pla!ed to deceive2. vitriolic corrosive; sarcastic2-. lo5acios talkative; garrlos2. deance open disobedience or resistance"//. candid $rank; straight$orward"/1. warmonger person who stirs p war

    "/2. gst otbrst o$ $eeling; sdden rain wind re etc."/". coalescing coming together and niting into one sbstance"/%. precrsor! preliminar!; anticipating"/'. conter$eit $orger!"/*. gsh brst ot sddenl!Otalk ardentl!"/. 5andar! state o$ dobt or perple9it!"/-. chortle lod chckle o$ pleasre or amsement"/. compnction$eeling o$ regret $or oneNs action"1/. plnge move 5ickl! sddenl! and with $orce"11. reverehave deep respect $or"12. swerve change direction sddenl!"1". abraded rbbed o&; worn awa! b! $riction"1%. pnitive 4nishing"1'. dawdler person who is slow waste o$ time"1*. no9ios harm$l"1. torment severe pain or s&ering"1-. s5ander spend waste$ll!"1. e9clpate to clear $rom a charge o$ gilt"2/. stiIed sppressed, kept back"21. antithetical direct opposing"22. deplete se ntil none remains"2". apropos b! the wa!"2%. recompense make pa!ment to reward pnish"2'. coerce compel to $orce to make obedient"2*. aseptic srgicall! clean"2. implacable incapable o$ being placated; npleasable"2-. holster leather case $or a pistol"2. proli$erate grow reprodce b! rapid mltication""/. propagation increasing the nmber; spreading; e9tending""1. personable pleasing in appearance attractive""2. reciprocit! granting o$ privileges in retrn $or similar""". vigilance watch$lness sel$appointed grop who maintain order

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    ""%. distraght distracted violentl! pset in mind""'. ineptitde 5alit! o$ being nskill$l""*. lstros being bright; polished"". condense increase in densit! strength make laconic""-. e9tol to praise highl!"". $orestall prevent b! taking action in advance; preempt

    "%/. stiplate state or pt $orward as a necessar! condition"%1. lament show $eeling o$ great sorrow"%2. provoke make angr! va9"%". plmmet $all plnge steepl!"%%. sbpoena written order re5iring a person to appear in a low cort"%'. accre accmlate"%*. idolatr! e9cessive admiration o$ "%. apprehensive grasping nderstanding $ear nhapp! $eeling abot

    $tre"%-. nihilism total reection o$ all religios and moral belie$s"%. soot black powder in smoke"'/. valoros brave"'1. complaisance tending to compl! obliging willingness to please"'2. illicit nlaw$l; $orbidden"'". viscos stick!OsemiIid"'%. aversion strong dislike"''. haght! arrogant; conceited"'*. concord agreement or harmon!"'. latent present bt not !et active; developed or visible"'-. topplebe nstead! and overtrn"'. spersede take the place o$ "*/. entangle pt into di0clties"*1. variegate To mark with di&erent shade or colors"*2. inept nskill$l; said or done at the wrong time"*". deviance being di&erent in moral standards ($rom normal)"*%. ennciate prononce (words)Oe9press a theor!"*'. polemic a controversial argment O a person engaged in sch an

    argment"**. pristine primitive nspoiled pre as in earlier times nadlterated"*. impediment something that hinders (e.g. stammer)"*-. Ioe a sheet o$ Ioating ice"*. malevolence wishing to do evil"/. prevalent common"1. ndermine weaken gradall! at the base make something nder"2. ardos steep di0clt ascent; laborios

    "". slack slggish; dll; not tight"%. calisthenics e9ercises to develop strong bodies"'. placate soothe paci$! calm"*. palateroo$ o$ the moth; sense o$ taste". regicide crime o$ killing a king"-. iconoclast person who attacks poplar belie$s". pngenc! sharpness stinging 5alit!"-/. aloo$ reserved; indi&erent"-1. indomitable not easil! discoraged or sbded

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    "-2. nesse delicate wa! o$ dealing with a sitation"-". whimsical $ll o$ odd and $anci$l ideas"-%. tamper inter$ere with"-'. reclse person who lives alone and avoids people"-*. hsh make or become silent"-. $elon person gilt! o$ mrder

    "--. $rgal care$l; economical"-. shn keep awa! $rom avoid"/. mendacios l!ing; habitall! dishonest"1. apprise give notice to in$orm"2. mer cloth worn rond the neck; silencer"". bigot stbborn; narrowminded person"%. imperative rgent; essential"'. enthral take the whole attention, enslave"*. smolder brn slowl! withot Iame". dismal sad; gloom!; miserable"-. perilos dangeros". lavish giving or prodcing $reel! liberall! or generosl!

    %//. trickleIow in drops%/1. diabolical having the 5alities o$ a devil%/2. vehemence $orce$lness%/". disencmber$ree $rom encmbrance%/%. impending imminent; abot to happen; e9pected%/'. stickler person who insists on importance o$ something%/*. stigma mark o$ shame or disgrace%/. avow admit; declare openl!%/-. castigation severe pnishment%/. benevolence wish or activit! in doing good%1/. incessant 3onstant%11. s5at crochOsettle withot permission%12. indlge grati$!; give wa! to satis$! allow onesel$ %1". deter discorage hinder%1%. incredlos skeptical; nwilling to believe%1'. tenacit! rmness persistenc! adhesiveness tending to hang on%1*. e9berance state o$ growing vigorosl! being $ll o$ li$e%1. apostate one who abandons longheld religios or political

    convictions%1-. gist the point general sense%1. transient temporar! Ieeting%2/. connotation sggestion in addition to%21. engrave impress deepl!%22. berate scold sharpl!%2". conciliator! reconciling; soothing; com$orting; molli$!ing%2%. sbde overcome bring nder control%2'. soar rise I! high%2*. empirical rel!ing on e9periment%2. procrastination keeping on ptting o&%2-. tassel bnch o$ threads%2. immaclate pre; $altless%"/. astteclever 5ick at seeing to get an advantage

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    %"1. Ianting show o& complacentl!%"2. impairworsen; diminish in vale%"". prone prostrate; inclined to (ndesirable things)%"%. co! sh!Omodest (especiall! o$ a girl)%"'. pillage plnder (especiall! in war)%"*. incorrigibilit!cannot be cred or corrected

    %". e9trovert cheer$l person%"-. approbation approval%". e&ace rb or wipe ot, obliterate%%/. tacitrn nspoken, silent%%1. molli$! make calmer or 5ieter%%2. e9orbitant mch too high or great%%". sober sel$controlled%%%. trce (agreement) stop o$ ghting $or a time%%'. conviction convincing rm belie$ %%*. bolster give greatl! needed spport%%. precepts rles establishing standards o$ condct%%-. castigate to chastise; correct b! pnishing

    %%. crtailmake shorter then was planned%'/. $allacios based on error%'1. espose To take in marriage%'2. nonchalant not having interest%'". Iambo!ant brightl! colored; Iorid%'%. gorge eat greedil!Onarrow opening with a stream%''. ve9 anno! distress troble%'*. grandilo5ent sing pompos words%'. poncho large piece o$ cloth%'-. impassive nmoved; $eeling no sign o$ passion%'. pit$all covered hole as a trap nsspected danger%*/. coddle treat with care and tenderness%*1. inscrtable incapable o$ being discovered or nderstood%*2. shrill sharp; piercing%*". arboreal o$ connected with trees%*%. boorish crde; rde%*'. lll become 5iet or less active%**. timoros $ear$l timid a$raid%*. impertrbable calm not capable o$ being e9cited%*-. perch take p a high position%*. prdence care$l $orethoght%/. cohorta grop or band o$ people%1. sagacios having sond dgment; perceptive; wise like a sage%2. ignoble not noble; in$erior%". intersperse place here and there%%. oblivios naware; having no memor!%'. rescind repealOannlOcancel%*. neblos clodlike; ha

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    %-1. Ike lck!; stroke%-2. ebllient overIowing with enthsiasm showing e9citement%-". pliant easil! bent%-%. endearing making dear or liked%-'. precarios ncertain risk! dangeros%-*. in$erno hell

    %-. palpitate tremble beat rapidl! and irreglarl!%--. embellish make beati$l%-. ominos threatening%/. Istermake nervos or con$sed%1. matriclation be admitted enter a niversit! as a stdent%2. ssceptibilit! sensitiveness%". gra

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    '"1. veer change direction'"2. benign kind and gentle'"". lacklster (o$ e!es) dll'"%. chastisement pnishment'"'. breach opening; broken place; breaking'"*. rare$! to make thin to make less dense to pri$! or rene

    '". dissent have a di&erent opinion re$se to assent'"-. neoph!te person who has been converted to a belie$'". reticence ncommnicativeness'%/. pios dti$l to parents; devoted to religion'%1. trdge walk heavil!'%2. thri$t care econom! thriving prosperos'%". dant intimidate make $ear$l'%%. veneration regard with deep respect'%'. grave serios re5iring; consideration'%*. $renetic $rantic; $ren

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    '-1. conndrm a riddle dilemma enigma'-2. incite stir p; rose'-". $alter waverOmove in an ncertain manner'-%. drawl slow wa! o$ speaking'-'. clamor shot complain with a lot o$ noise'-*. ne9s a connection or link

    '-. render deliver provide represent'--. clinch come to gripsOsettle conclsivel!'-. abet helpOencorage somebod! (in doing wrong)'/. decorm propriet! properness'1. 5iescence state o$ being passiveOmotionless'2. discreet care$lOprdent'". ale $ermented alcoholic beverage similar to bt heavier than beer'%. sash long strip worn rond the waist''. r0anviolent crel man'*. tepid lkewarm'. itinerate to travel $rom place to place to peregrinate'-. dole$l dismal; mor$l

    '. innocos casing no harm*//. e9hastive complete; thorogh*/1. abrogate repeal or annl b! athorit!*/2. recanttake back as being 8A6+: give p*/". crsh press lose shape sbde overwhelm*/%. talon claw o$ a bird o$ pre!*/'. 5ack person dishonestl! claiming to something*/*. emaciate make thin and weak*/. sever break o& */-. sodden soaked; satrated*/. mephitic 4oisonos; no9ios*1/. sketch! shortl!, roghl!, 5ickl!*11. intrepid $earless; brave; ndanted*12. preternatral not normal or sal*1". pariahan otcast a reected and despised person*1%. n$eigned not pretended sincere*1'. servile like a slave lacking independence*1*. ossi$! to trn to bone to settle rigidl! into an idea*1. prim neat; $ormal*1-. chrlish (ad) boorish*1. 9ate stare at*2/. commodioshaving plent! o$ space $or what is needed*21. Iinch draw; move back; wince*22. insrrection rising o$ people to open resistance to*2". recast cast or $ashion anew*2%. thwartobstrctO$rstrate*2'. transgress break go be!ond (a limit)*2*. engrossing taken p all the time or attention writing in large or $ormal*2. vili$! slander sa! evil things*2-. intransigence nwillingness to compromise stbbornness

    intractabilit!*2. covertdisgised

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    *"/. heinos odios (o$ crime)*"1. in$se pt; por; ll*"2. bi5itos present ever!where*"". 5i9otic $anci$l, $antastic, imaginar!*"%. $racas nois!; 5arrel*"'. ptre$action becoming rotten

    *"*. torpid dll and slow*". assage make something (pain desire) less*"-. insinate sggest npleasantl!; make a wa! $or something gentl!*". s!cophant person who Iatter to the rich and power$l*%/. rbane elegant rened in manners*%1. ebllience e9berance otbrst o$ $eeling*%2. astere severel! moral and strict simple and plain*%". inadvertent not pa!ing proper attention*%%. assail attack violentl!*%'. sting! spending sing nwillingl!*%*. e5ivocal having a doble or dobt$l meaning; sspicios*%. proclivit! inclination

    *%-. cower croch shrink back*%. colander bowlshaped vessel with man! holes sed to drain o&

    water*'/. mal hrt b! rogh handling*'1. provisional o$ the present time onl!*'2. brnish to polish; rb to a shine*'". penr! e9treme povert!*'%. dirge a song o$ grie$ or lamentation*''. ire anger*'*. vain withot se reslt conceited*'. rdd! reddish, health!looking*'-. $or$eit s&er the loss o$ something*'. engender case prodce give rise to**/. occlded blocked p**1. rotnd rich and deep; plmp and rond**2. perile childish**". savant person o$ great learning**%. pro$se abndantOlavish**'. enervate weaken deprive o$ strength attenate***. adamant kind o$ stone; inIe9ible**. d!namo a generator something that prodces electric crrent**-. e5ivocate tr! to deceive b! e5ivocal langage**. gnaw waste awa!; bite steadil!*/. wean to trn awa! ($rom a habit)*1. pr! get something in5ire too criosl!*2. beati$! to bless; make happ! or ascribe a virte to*". discrete distinct*%. hegemon! predominance*'. glt sppl! to mch ll to e9cess**. crease line made b! crshing white line on the grond in cricket*. ascertain get to know*-. $ora! to ventre

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    *. gileless honest; straight$orward*-/. sting something sharp*-1. splice oin (two ends)*-2. penitent $eeling or showing regret*-". eleg! a lament a melanchol! composition*-%. reticent reserved; ntalkative; silent; tacitrn

    *-'. psillanimos cowardl!; craven*-*. obtse blntOstpid*-. pacit! scarcit! a lacking o$ *--. retine $ollowing; attendants*-. diatribe bitter and violent attack in words*/. cogitate think deepl! mediate*1. consmmateper$ectOmake; per$ectOcomplete*2. stolid showing no emotion impassive*". e&ronter! boldness impdence arrogance*%. dissoltion disintegration looseness in morals*'. derision ridicle mocker! deriding**. indolence la

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    2. lmber move in a clms!Onois! wa!"/. discredit re$se to believe"1. recidivism relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior"2. lrk be ot o$ view read! to attack"". coda passage that completes a piece o$ msic"%. corncopia abndant sppl!

    "'. veneer sr$ace appearance covering the T>L: natre"*. petri$!to make hard rocklike". censre e9pression o$ blame or disapproval a rebke"-. elicit draw ot". serration having a toothed edge%/. daint!prett!Odelicate($ood)Odi0clt to please%1. castic biting sarcastic%2. highbrow (person) with sperior tastes%". odios replsive; hate$l%%. abrepromise or swear to give p%'. chavinist a blindl! devoted patriot%*. t!ro a beginner

    %. inane sill!; senseless%-. dilate speak comprehensivel! become wider large%. deprave make morall! bad;corrpt'/. denigrate blacken; belittle; sll!; de$ame'1. dplicit! deliberate deception'2. protracted prolonged'". tat tightl! stretched'%. trbid mdd! having the sediment stirred p''. Iedgling an ine9perienced person.'*. pnctilios Ceticlos'. bellicose inclined to ghting'-. ignominios shame$l; dishonorable; ndignied; disgrace$l'. interim as an installment*/. avid eager; greed!*1. Iorid ver! mch ornamented natrall! red (e.g.. o$ $ace)*2. malign to speak harm$l ntrths abot someone*". inndate Iood cover b! overIowing*%. attenate make thin; weaken; enervate*'. consme get to the end o$ **. phlegmatic calm; slggish; temperament; nemotional*. sanctimon! sel$righteosness h!pocritical with 8A6+: piet!*-. inimical harm$l or n$riendl!*. prevaricate to e5ivocate to stra! $rom the trth/. ingenos naive; !ong; artless; $rank; honest; sincere1. veracit! trth2. barren not good enogh; nable to have !ong ones withot

    vale". pla5e Iat metal on a wall as a memorial%. lien legal claim ntil a debt on it is repaid'. e9igenc! emergenc! an rgent sitation*. chagrin ve9ation. aver a0rm; assert; prove; sti$!

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    -. credlit! too great a readiness to believe things. snb treat with contempt-/. libel statement that damages reptation-1. $orbearance patience; willingness to wait-2. volbilit! Ienc! verbosit! eas! se o$ spoken langage-". conceit overhigh opinion o$ too mch pride

    -%. idios!ncras! personal mannerism-'. obdrate hardened and nrepenting; stbborn; inIe9ible-*. dd no se person something that $ails-. $acile easil! done--. contigos toching neighboring near-. ene insbstantialOdllOimmatre/. wa$t scent waving movement carr! lightl! throgh1. resigned nresistant; sbmissive2. abt border on". nagle to practice deception or $rad; scheme.%. repdiate disown re$se to accept or pa!'. tocsin a signal, especiall! o$ alarm

    *. verisimilitde appearing T>L: or real. $ringe edge ornamental border part o$ hair over the $orehead-. chastened corrected pnished. somatic o$ the bod!-//. pernicios harm$l; inrios-/1. hsk worthless; otside part o$ an!thing-/2. insipidwithot taste or Iavor-/". coa9 get somebod! to do something b! kindness-/%. dolt stpid $ellow-/'. penrios poorOsting!-/*. parle!negotiation-/. evia otIow in a stream o$ particles a no9ios odor or vapor-/-. incrsion a raid; a sdden attack-/. ob$scate to darken; make obscre; mddle-1/. preclde prevent make impossible-11. =>: Jord 6ist %-12. disingenos sophisticated art$l tr!ing to deceive cnning-1". encmbrance brden things that get on the wa! o$ -1%. obtainto be established accepted or cstomar!-1'. morose illtempered; nsocial-1*. gloat over look at with selsh delight-1. 5irk habit or action pecliar to something-1-. e9tempore withot previos thoght or preparation-1. disparate essentiall! di&erent-2/. regaleto delight or entertain to $east-21. scorchbecome discoloredOdr! pOgo at high speed-22. perpetrate be gilt! commit (a crime)-2". $oil prevent $rom carr!ing ot-2%. salbrios health$l-2'. malinger to $ake illness or inr! in order to shirk a dt!-2*. grose 3omplain or grmble (verb)-2. 4alpable Bbvios

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    -2-. discern see with an e&ort bt clearl!-2. wae talk vagel! and withot mch reslt-"/. transitor! brie$ -"1. per$nctor! done as a dt! withot care-"2. pnditpedant athorit! on a sbect-"". e9tantstill in e9istence

    -"%. mndane worldl! as opposed to spirital commonplace ever!da!-"'. delge great Iood heav! rsh o$ water-"*. visceral o$ the internal organs o$ the bod!-". lachr!mose casing tears; tear$l-"-. ascribe consider to be the origin o$ or belonging to-". slliedto be stained or discredited-%/. e9scind to ct ot ct awa!-%1. temerit! boldness brashness intrepidness-%2. e9tenate redce the strength o$ lessen seriosness partiall! e9cse-%". grovelcrawl; hmble onesel$-%%. collsion secret agreement $or a deceit$l prpose-%'. s5alid $ol lth!

    -%*. ndlate to move in wavelike $ashion Ictate-%. $agged too tired-%-. shrewd astte; showing sond dgement-%. hollownot soled with hole-'/. harbinger Bne that indicates or $oreshadows what is to come; a

    $orernner.-'1. agst maestic; venerable-'2. conspicos easil! seen remarkable-'". epiphan! A 3hristian $east celebrating the mani$estation o$ the

    divine natre o$ Mess to the =entiles as represented b! the Cagi.-'%. ri$e widespread

    -''. evince to show clearl! to indicate-'*. 4astiche work (sall! artistic) which imitates-'. gacherie sociall! awkward; tactless behavior-'-. snare trap-'. rancoros $eeling bitterness; spite$lness-*/. nical too $ss! abot $ood clothing etc.-*1. melliIos sweetl! Iowing-*2. macabre gresome; sggesting death-*". ncoth rogh awkward-*%. amorti

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    -*. lope move along with long strides-. e9postlate arge earnestl! to dissade correct or protest--. discorse speech lectre-. lioni

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    2*. $acetios hmoros; $nn!; oclar2. $atos withot sense $oolish; sel$satis$action2-. reproach scold pbraid2. wan looking ill, not bright"/. rapacios greed! (esp $or mone!)"1. st!mie to hinder obstrct or block

    "2. bale$l harm$l; ominos casing evil"". obtrsive proecting; prominent; ndesirabl! noticeable"%. preen tid!Oshow sel$satis$action"'. ibe gibe; make $n o$ "*. e9tricable that can be $reed". grehead carved image on the prow o$ a ship"-. benison blessing". provident $rgal; looking to the $tre%/. rivet 9 take p secre metal pin%1. barrage articial obstacle bilt across a river%2. $etid stinking%". brgeon grow $orth send ot bds

    %%. overweeningpresmptosl!; arrogant; overbearing%'. discontenance re$se to approve o$ %*. vacillation being ncertain hesitating%. eschew avoid%-. pedantic bookish showing o& learning%. impetos having sdden energ!; implsive'/. re$l deected'1. e5animit! calmness o$ temperament'2. hbrisarrogant; pride'". kiboshblock, halt, stop'%. mendicant a beggar''. soporic prodcing sleep'*. atonement repa!ment death o$ Mess'. $ord shallow place in a river (to cross)'-. $orswear renonce; disallow; repdiate'. e9coriation severe criticism*/. macerate make or become so$t b! soaking in water*1. spplicate make a hmble petition to*2. satrnine gloom!; dark; sllen; morose*". ski& small boat*%. boggle To hesitate as i$ in $ear or dobt*'. pro$ndit! depth**. blithe cheer$l; casal; care$ree*. slr oin sondsOwords (indistinct)*-. contemn to scorn or despise*. blandness polite manner; com$orting; ninteresting/. clotre closing device (in 4arliament) to end a debate b! voting1. hallowto make hol!; consecrate2. tortos deviosOnot straight$orward". egress wa! ot e9it%. scabbard sheath $or the blade'. rant se e9travagant langage

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    *. vacit! idleness. dereliction deserting and leaving to $all into rins-. seminal like a seed constitting a sorce; originative. petros like a rock hard ston!-/. prdish easil! shocked; e9cessivel! modest-1. mendacit! dishonest!

    -2. machination plot; scheme (esp. evil)-". restive re$sing to move relctant to be controlled-%. perspicacit! 5ick dging and nderstanding-'. lab!rinthine to entangle the state o$ a&airs-*. esoteric abstrse intended onl! $or a small circle o$ -. perd! treacher! breaking o$ $aith--. entreat ask earnestl!-. prne dried plm sill! person/. incmbents o0cial dties1. contrite lled with deep sorrow $or wrongdoing2. maladroit tactless; clms!". probit! prightness incorrptibilit! principle

    %. manacle chains $or the hands or $eet'. indigence povert!*. $ervid showing earnest $eeling. imbroglio complicated and embarrassing sitation-. stigmati

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    1/2*. interdict prohibit $orbid1/2. oneros needing e&ortl brdensome1/2-. predilection special liking mental pre$erence1/2. Iot reect mock to go against (as in going against tradition)1/"/. demagoge person appealing not to reasons1/"1. belligerent (person nation) waging war

    1/"2. char! catios; war!1/"". $eint pretend1/"%. proIigate waste$l prodigal licentios e9travagant1/"'. impte to attribte to a case or sorce ascribe1/"*. pbraid scold reproach1/". cabal a scheme or plot a grop o$ plotters1/"-. deprecate protest against; e9press disapproval o$1/". obse5ios too eager to obe! or serve1/%/. inveterate deeprooted. longestablished1/%1. retard check hinder1/%2. sprios $alse; conter$eit1/%". propitiator! conciliator!; appeasing; mitigating

    1/%%. madlin sentimental in a sill! or tear$l wa!1/%'. shnt send $rom one track to another la! aside evade discssion1/%*. aplomb sel$condence1/%. dlcet melodios; harmonios1/%-. tatolog! a repetition a redndanc!1/%. inredaccstomed to adapted1/'/. nemesis deserved and navoidable pnishment $or wrong doing1/'1. gregarios living in societies liking the compan!1/'2. denoement an otcome or soltion; the nraveling o$ a plot1/'". hone stone sed $or sharpening tools1/'%. crsor! 5ick; hrried1/''. $orge workshop $or the shaping o$ metal to shape metal lead1/'*. impecnioshaving little or no mone!1/'. sordidwretched; com$ortless; contemptible1/'-. argot argon; slang1/'. plethora glt1/*/. sinos winding; ndlating serpentine1/*1. vigilant member o$ a vigilance committee1/*2. libertine immoral person1/*". desltor! aimless;hapha

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