VITAMIN DEFICIENCY DISCEASES TABLE 1. VITAMIN DEFICIENCY DISCEASES Vitamin  Deficiency disease Source  Functions    W    a    t    e    r    S    o     l    u     b     l    e    V    i    t    a    m    i    n    s Thiamine (B x ) Loss of musclc tone ; general fatigue. Damage to nerves and heart ultimately leads to Beriberi.  Yeast, meat unpolished cereals egg yolk, nuts pulses  Coenzyme in cellular respiration ; nutrition of nerve cells.  Riboflavin (B,) Cracked lips inflammation of the tongue. Damage to the eyes. General weakness. Lever, eggs, cheese, milk, green vegetables. Prosthetic group of flavopro-tein enzymes used in electron transport  pathway s in cellular res piration and also for growth.   Nicotinic acid (Niacin) Prolonged deficiency cause Pellagra (dermatitis). Damage to the skin, lining of intestine and nerves. Meat, yeast, milk, fish pulses whole meal cereals. Converted into nicontinamide, a  precursor of NAD and NADP These are the two important coenzymes for redox reactions in the cell  Folic acid Anemia Kidney, eggs, liver, green leafy vegetables synthesised  by intestinal bacteria  Used in the synthesis of coenzymes of nucleic acid metabolism. Also for the formation of RBCs.  Cyanocobalamii (B12) Pernicious anemia, degeneration of nerve fibers of the spinal cord. Liver, egg. milk, moulds, fermenting liquors. Coenzyme B| 2 used in shifting hydrogen atoms. Each molecule contains one atom of cobalt, important for the maturation of RBCs.  Ascorbic acid (C) Scurvy, characterised by hemorrhages into the tissues under the skin and from-the gums. Citrus, fruits, berries, tomatoes green peppers and green vegetables, liver, kidney.  Coenzyme in synthesis of collagen, formation of intercellular matrix, maturation of RBCs*    F    a    t    s    S    o     l    u     b     l    e    V    i    t    a    m    i    n    s Retinol (A) Stunted growth Night blindness Xerophthalmia Dry skin and hair  Milk, butter, oils, fish liver oil, carrots and green vegetables  Precursor in the systhesis of the 1'ght absorbing pigments of the eye. Stored irr the* liver. Toxic in large doses. Maintains healthy epithelial tissues. Cholicalciferol and calciferol (D) Sun-ray-vitamin, Osteomalacia and Rickets, abnormal Ca ++ and P04 metabolism resulting in abnormal bone and tooth development  Fish liver oil, butter, cheese milk, eggs, steroid, containing foods irradiated ' with U V. light.  Synthesised in the human skin upon exposure to ultraviolet light. Toxic in large doses. Essential for healthy bones and teeth Important in calcium and  phosphorus me tabolism.  Tocopherol (E) Sterility Egg yolk, milk, butter, salad, green vegetables, oils nuts. Maintains healthy muscular system.  Naphthoquino ne (K) Muscular dystrophy Slow clotting of blood Spinach and other green leafy vegetables. Synthesis- ed by intestinal bacteria, fish, liver, fruits.   Necessary for the synthe sis of  prothrombin, an es sential agent in the clotting of blood. 

Vitamin Deficeiency and Disceases

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