Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework v3.5 Gill Cleeren Microsoft Regional Director

Visual Studio 2008 and the.NET Framework v3.5 Gill Cleeren Microsoft Regional Director

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Visual Studio 2008 and the

.NET Framework v3.5

Gill CleerenMicrosoft Regional Director

Who do you see in front of you?Name: Gill CleerenAge: 29Company: Ordina BelgiumFunction:

@Ordina:Software Architect Lead Developer

@Microsoft: Regional DirectorMVP ASP.NET

Blog: www.snowball.be and www.codeflakes.netEmail: [email protected]


• The evolution of .NET• A Tour around Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5

• IDE enhancements• Language Enhancements• Web Development• Services (Workflow and Communication Foundation)• Client and Mobile Development• Office Development

• .NET Framework 3.5 new assemblies• Questions & Answers


• The evolution of .NET• A Tour around Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 3.5

• IDE enhancements• Language Enhancements• Web Development• Services (Workflow and Communication Foundation)• Client and Mobile Development• Office Development

• .NET Framework 3.5 new assemblies• Questions & Answers

.NET Through the Ages

2002 2003 2005 2006 2007

Tool(Visual Studio) VS.NET 2002 VS.NET 2003 VS2005



Languages C# v1.0VB.NET (v7.0)

C# v1.1VB.NET (v7.1)

C# v2.0VB2005 (v8.0) as before

C# v3.0VB9

Framework Libraries NetFx v1.0 NetFx v1.1 NetFx v2.0 NetFx v3.0 NetFx v3.5

Engine (CLR) CLR v1.0 CLR v1.1 CLR v2.0 same version

same version

Team system Team system

Visual Studio Team System

Visual Studio in the year 2008

Visual Studio 2005

+ Service Pack 1 + SP1 Update

for Vista

+ WF Extensions + WPF & WCF


+ SharePoint Workflow

+ Visual Studio Tools for Office Second


+ ASP.NET AJAX Extensions

+ Device Emulator v2.0 + .NETCF v2.0


+ WM 5.0 Pocket PC SDK + WM5.0

Smartphone SDK

Visual Studio 2008

2006 2007 2008

.NET Framework - VS Roadmap


• VS Extensions for WF• VS Extensions for WCF/WPF CTP


SQL Server 2008 ADO.NET Entity


•VS 2008 Beta 2•.NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2

3.0 RTM

3.5 RTM

What is the .NET Framework 3.5?

.NET Framework 2.0 + SP1

Windows Presentatio

n Foundation

Windows Communicati

on Foundation

Windows Workflow


Windows CardSpace

.NET Framework 3.0 + SP1

.NET Framework 3.5

LINQ ASP.NET 3.5CLR Add-in Framework

Additional Enhancemen



• The evolution of .NET• A Tour around Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5

• IDE enhancements• Language Enhancements• Web Development• Services (Workflow and Communication Foundation)• Client and Mobile Development• Office Development

• .NET Framework 3.5 new assemblies• Questions & Answers

A tour around VS 2008 & .NET 3.5

Lifecycle Tools, .NET

Framework, &


Visual Studio 2008

Lifecycle Tools, .NET

Framework, &


Visual Studio 2008 Highlights

• Side-by-Side support• Works side-by-side with Visual Studio


• Multi-target Support• .NET framework version 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5• No project model or build changes• Solution can contain projects with

different targets• Enables organizations to move to Visual

Studio 2008 without upgrading all of your source code

Multi-targeting in Visual Studio 2008





DemoMulti-targeting in VS



Compiler Features

Most are LINQ enablers

XML Literals

Relaxed Delegates

C# 3.0

Extension Methods

Object Initialisers

Anonymous Types

Local Type Inference

Lambda expressions

Collection Initializers

Partial Methods

Automatic Properties

If Ternary Operator

Nullable Syntax

Lambda statements

C# 3.0 Language Innovations

var contacts = from c in customers where c.State == "WA" select new { c.Name, c.Phone };

var contacts = customers .Where(c => c.State == "WA") .Select(c => new { c.Name, c.Phone });

Extension methods

Lambda expressions

Query expressions

Object initializers

Anonymous types

Local variable type


Expression trees

Automatic properties

Partial methods

string name = “Bart”;string reversed = MyExtensions.Reverse(name);

Extension methods• Add methods to existing types “virtually”

• Static method with first “this” parameter• Scoping using namespaces

static class MyExtensions { public static string Reverse(string s) { char[] c = s.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(c); return new string(c); }}

string name = “Bart”;string reversed = name.Reverse();

static class MyExtensions { public static string Reverse(this string s) { char[] c = s.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(c); return new string(c); }}

Promoted first parameter

Automatic properties• Tired of writing properties?

• Compiler can generate the get/set plumbing

class Customer { private string _name; public string Name { get { return _name; }; set { _name = value; }; }}

class Customer { public string Name { get; set; }}

Setter required; can be private or internal

Object initializers• Ever found the constructor of your taste?

• Insufficient overloads, so pick one• Call various property setters

class Customer { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; }}

Customer c = new Customer();c.Name = “Bart”;c.Age = 24;

var c = new Customer(){ Name = “Bart”, Age = 24};

Can be combined with any constructor call

Collection initializers• Arrays easier to initialize than collections?!

int[] ints = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };List<int> lst = new List<int>();lst.Add(1);lst.Add(2);lst.Add(3);

int[] ints = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };var lst = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };

Works for any ICollection class by calling its Add


Anonymous types• Let the compiler cook up a type

• Can’t be returned from a method• Local variable type inference becomes a must• Used in LINQ query projections

var person = new { Name = “Bart”, Age = 24 };

var customer = new { Id = id, person.Name };

Infers the name of the target property by looking at

the rhs

Lambda expressions• Functional-style anonymous methods

delegate R BinOp<A,B,R>(A a, B b);

int Calc(BinOp<int, int, int> f, int a, int b){ return f(a, b)}

int result = Calc( delegate (int a, int b) { return a + b; }, 1, 2);

var result = Calc((a, b) => a + b, 1, 2);

Parameter types inferred based on the target


Demo Anonymous types,

automatic properties, collection initializers,

extension methods

First, A Taste of LINQusing System;using System.Query;using System.Collections.Generic; class app { static void Main() {

string[] names = { "Burke", "Connor", "Frank", "Everett", "Albert", "George",

"Harris", "David" };  var expr = from s in names where s.Length == 5 orderby s select s.ToUpper();  foreach (string item in expr) Console.WriteLine(item); }}


Query Expressions

• Introduce SQL-Like Syntax to Language• Compiled to Traditional C# (via Extension Methods)

from itemName in srcExprjoin itemName in srcExpr on keyExpr equals keyExpr

(into itemName)?let itemName = selExprwhere predExprorderby (keyExpr (ascending | descending)?)*select selExprgroup selExpr by keyExpr into itemName query-body

LINQ Architecture

LINQ-enabled data sources

LINQ To Objects


LINQ-enabled ADO.NET

Visual Basic Others

LINQ To Entities


LINQ To Datasets

.Net Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Visual C#


<book> <title/> <author/> <price/></book>


LINQ Architecture

LINQ-enabled data sources

LINQ To Objects


LINQ-enabled ADO.NET

Visual Basic Others

LINQ To Entities


LINQ To Datasets

.Net Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Visual C#


<book> <title/> <author/> <price/></book>


using System;using System.Query;using System.Collections.Generic; class app { static void Main() { string[] names = { "Allen", "Arthur",

"Bennett" };  IEnumerable<string> ayes = names

.Where(s => s[0] == 'A');  foreach (string item in ayes)

Console.WriteLine(item);  names[0] = "Bob";  foreach (string item in ayes)

Console.WriteLine(item); }}


LINQ to Objects• Native query

syntax in C# and VB• IntelliSense• Autocompletion

• Query Operators can be used against any .NET collection (IEnumerable<T>)• Select, Where,

GroupBy, Join, etc.• Deferred Query

Evaluation• Lambda


using System;using System.Query;using System.Collections.Generic; class app { static void Main() { string[] names = { "Allen", "Arthur",

"Bennett" };  IEnumerable<string> ayes = names

.Where(s => s[0] == 'A');  foreach (string item in ayes)

Console.WriteLine(item);  names[0] = "Bob";  foreach (string item in ayes)

Console.WriteLine(item); }}


using System;using System.Query;using System.Collections.Generic; class app { static void Main() { string[] names = { "Burke", "Connor",

"Frank", "Everett", "Albert", "George",

"Harris", "David" };  IEnumerable<string> expr =

from s in names where s.Length == 5 orderby s select s.ToUpper();  foreach (string item in expr) Console.WriteLine(item); }}


using System;using System.Query;using System.Collections.Generic; class app { static void Main() { string[] names = { "Burke", "Connor",

"Frank", "Everett", "Albert", "George",

"Harris", "David" };  Func<string, bool> filter = s => s.Length == 5; Func<string, string> extract = s => s; Func<string, string> project = s = s.ToUpper();  IEnumerable<string> expr = names


.OrderBy(extract) .Select(project);  foreach (string item in expr) Console.WriteLine(item); }}


LINQ Architecture

LINQ-enabled data sources

LINQ To Objects


LINQ-enabled ADO.NET

Visual Basic Others

LINQ To Entities


LINQ To Datasets

.Net Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Visual C#


<book> <title/> <author/> <price/></book>


LINQ to SQL Overview

LINQ to SQL Architecture



SQL Server

from c in db.Customerswhere c.City == "London"select c.CompanyName


SELECT CompanyNameFROM CustomerWHERE City = 'London'

SQL Queryor SProc



db.Customers.Add(c1);c2.City = “Seattle";db.Customers.Remove(c3);


INSERT INTO Customer …UPDATE Customer …DELETE FROM Customer …

DML or SProcs

Demo LINQ to Objects


A tour around VS 2008 & .NET 3.5

Lifecycle Tools, .NET

Framework, &


Web Applications

• ASP.NET 3.5• Microsoft AJAX libraries and project templates• ListView, DataPager, LinqDataSource

• Visual Studio 2008 IDE Enhancements• New HTML Designer• Shared with Expression Web• Rich CSS support, Nested Master Pages• Split view with better switching performance• Javascript IntelliSense and Debugging

HTML Designer

• New Split View mode• View source and design side by side• Updates in real-time

• Dramatically faster than previous versions• Switch between design, source, or split view with no lag.

CSS Designer

• Dramatically simplifies building and managing CSS styles.• Intuitive visual designer• Summary mode helps troubleshoot/trackdown where styles

are being applied.• Shares same CSS engine as Expression Web

• Developers and designers have access to same features.


• New data-bound control• Evolution of DataList and Repeater• Designer-friendly

• Full control over markup, including container• Use CSS to style layout

• Bind arbitrary elements (e.g. <select>)


• Follows extender model• Add paging to any control that supports it (e.g.

ListView)• Flexible layout – choose from a number of fields to

create a customized pager


• Increased productivity• Fewer concepts, fewer lines of code

• Easier to author, debug, and maintain• Well integrated with design and development tools

• Seamlessly integrated application model• Works with ASP.NET pages and server controls

• Works everywhere – cross-browser, standards based

A framework for building richer, more interactive, more personalized web experiences.

Demo JavaScript debugging

CSS SupportAjax controls

A tour around VS 2008 & .NET 3.5

Lifecycle Tools, .NET

Framework, &


Windows Applications

• Windows Forms• ClickOnce improvements• Consume ASP.NET Provider Services• ASP.NET login, roles and profiles• Caching

• Consume WCF Services in Partial Trust• Host WPF controls and Content (and vice versa)

• Windows Presentation Foundation• XAML• Visual Designer Integrated into Visual Studio• XBAP deployment to FireFox

Mobile Applications

• NETCF v2.0 SP2 and v3.5

• Unit Testing• Cert manager• Config Manager• Device Emulator 3.0• CoreCon wrapper• WM5 SDKs

• C#3 and VB9• LINQ • WCF• CLR Profiler / RPM• Compression• Client-side certs• Sound APIs

Demo Windows Applications

A tour around VS 2008 & .NET 3.5

Lifecycle Tools, .NET

Framework, &


Services (WF and WCF)

• Windows Communication Foundation• HTTP without SOAP

• XML or JSON serialisation• Syndication• RSS + ATOM Support

• Partial Trust Support

• Windows Workflow Foundation• WCF Send/Receive• WorkflowServiceHost

A tour around VS 2008 & .NET 3.5

Lifecycle Tools, .NET

Framework, &


Office Business Applications• 2003 & 2007 Support

• 2007 Customisations• Document Level• Application Level• Office Ribbon Designer• Outlook Form Region Designer• Custom & Action Task Panes• Word Content Controls• ClickOnce Deployment and improved Security• VBA <-> VSTO interop• Workflow and SharePoint support

Expand the “Ribbon”

Use full power of Office Excel

Task Pane linked to

business data

Extend the Office Ribbon• New Look and Feel for Office UI

• Replaces Command Bars in “the big 5” Office apps• Introduces a new extensibility model called RibbonX• Enables you to:

• Customize tabs• Add to built-in tabs• Remove tabs, groups, controls• Add to Office menu• Override built-in UI





Extend the Office Ribbon• Visual Ribbon Designer• Office built-in support for XML-based customization model• VSTO 2005 SE support:• Simplifies hookup from .NET via pre-generated classes and sample XML

• VSTO – Visual Studio 2007 support: • Adds full-blown visual designer support• “Export to XML” option• A more robust programming layer

Property Grid

Ribbon Control Toolbox

Design Surface

Extend the Office RibbonRibbon XML structure requires a specific hierarchy

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" onLoad="OnLoad"> <ribbon> <tabs> <tab idMso="TabAddIns"> <group id="MyGroup" label="My Group"> <toggleButton id="toggleButton1" size="large" label="My Button" screentip="My Button Screentip" onAction="OnToggleButton1" imageMso="AccessFormModalDialog" /> </group> </tab> </tabs> </ribbon></customUI>

For example:

Create Custom Task & Actions Panes• VSTO simplifies and speeds up task pane UI

design process with visual designers and .NET hookup• Actions Pane: • Associated with a specific Word or Excel

document• More robust, easier to program alternative to

Office’s built-in “Smart Document” technology• Custom Task Pane: • The same general idea as Actions Pane, only

on the application add-in level, not individual doc

DemoOffice applications


• The evolution of .NET• A Tour around Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 3.5

• IDE enhancements• Language Enhancements• Web Development• Services (Workflow and Communication Foundation)• Client and Mobile Development• Office Development

• .NET Framework 3.5 new assemblies• Questions & Answers

Framework v3.5 New assemblies• System.Core.dll• System.Data.Linq.dll• System.Xml.Linq.dll• System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll• System.Web.Extensions.dll• System.WorkflowServices.dll• System.ServiceModel.Web.dll• System.AddIn.dll, System.AddIn.Contract.dll• System.Windows.Presentation.dll• System.Net.dll• System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll• System.Management.Instrumentation.dll• System.VisualC.STLCLR.dllAddIn framework

Add-in frameworkAn add-in is custom code (i.e., a customization) usually written by a third partythat is dynamically loaded and activated by a Host application,based upon some context (e.g., Host startup,

document loading, security, lifetime,…)and typically not tested by the Host

The Add-in provides a service to a Host, Automates a Host, or provides Hosting functionality via public API’s (i.e., Object Model), which are typically made available via an SDK.


• MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/ • MSDN BELUX: http://www.msdn.be • Visual Studio 2008 Training Kit:

http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7602397 • OBA:


• LINQ Samples 101: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vcsharp/aa336746.aspx

• Channel9: http://channel9.msdn.com/• CodePlex: http://www.codeplex.com/

Agenda• The evolution of .NET• A Tour around Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 3.5

• IDE enhancements• Language Enhancements• Web Development• Services (Workflow and Communication Foundation)• Client and Mobile Development• Office Development

• .NET Framework 3.5 new assemblies• Questions & Answers

Gill CleerenSoftware [email protected]