Rotary jet advantages Using Iso-Mix technology in breweries

ViskoLine Sign off v. rev3 - Alfa Laval · TheuniqueAlfaLavalIso-Mixsystem, basedontherevolutionaryand patentedrotaryjetmixertechnology,is anidealsolutionforbreweriesseeking astraightforward,cost-effectivewayto

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Rotary jet advantages

Using Iso-Mix technology in breweries

The unique Alfa Laval Iso-Mix system,based on the revolutionary andpatented rotary jet mixer technology, isan ideal solution for breweries seekinga straightforward, cost-effective way toexpand capacity, reduce process timeand improve consistency.

Iso-Mix systems can be used in manyplaces in brewery operations to boostthe efficiency of different processes.Typical applications include:• fermentation• deaerated water production• yeast management• mixing and blending.

Iso-Mix in fermentationWhen installed in fermentation vessels,the Iso-Mix system makes sure theyeast is kept in the desired state ofsuspension at all times, ensuring thebest possible contact between extractand yeast. Movement within the tankprevents sedimentation of the yeast inthe cone of the vessel, and anysupersaturated CO2 is nucleated by themixer. This in turn reduces processtime and minimizes stress on the yeastcultures.

The Iso-Mix advantagefor breweries

Iso-Mix systems yield rapid returns oninvestment, as proven in hundreds ofinstallations worldwide. For example,breweries have been able to shortenbeer fermentation times by more than30%, with a corresponding positiveimpact on bottom-line results.

How the Iso-Mix system worksThe Alfa Laval rotary jet mixer – apatented design – is equipped with twoor four rotating nozzles and positionedbelow the surface of the liquid in thetank.

Liquid is withdrawn from the tank outletby a pump and circulated via anexternal loop to the rotary jet mixer.The resulting flow drives a gearingsystem in the rotary jet mixer whichmakes the unit rotate around thevertical axis and the nozzles around thehorizontal axis. This double rotationproduces a mixing effect that reachesall the contents of the tank. This resultsin rapid, effective mixing of the entiretank content.

Furthermore, additives in liquid, gas orpowder form can be inserted into theIso-Mix loop, so that these are mixedinto the contents of the tank –efficiently and consistently.

The rotary jet mixer can also be usedfor cleaning all the inner surfaces of thetank, between batches. Any requiredcleaning fluids are delivered throughthe nozzles of the rotary jet mixer, withthe double rotation making sure thecleaning fluid reaches all surface areason the inside of the tank with a highmechanical impact.

2 Rotary jet advantages

Alfa Laval Rotary Jet Mixer IM 20

Example of a complete Iso-Mix system

Iso-Mix in DAW productionFor smaller breweries that do not needa continuous supply of deaeratedwater (DAW) or a fully automatedsystem, the Iso-Mix system canprovide a very cost-effective deaerationsystem. The system will produce high-quality DAW with oxygen levels downto 20 ppb.

The Iso-Mix technology is used toproduce DAW in a straightforward,reliable batch system. In suchinstallations, the rotary jet mixer isinstalled in a tank containing the water,and CO2 or nitrogen is injected into thecirculation loop, causing any oxygenpresent in the water to be stripped out.In addition, the forced convection

provided by the mixing results in faster,more controlled cooling than in aconventional system without mixingtechnology.

Installing the Iso-Mix system infermentation vessels providesmultiple benefits:• Shorter process time, makingit possible to increase capacitymuch more cheaply than bypurchasing and installing newtanks, which also take upprecious space.

• More consistent process time,which is important for effectiveplant management.

• Better utilization of the extractpresent in the wort. This makes itpossible to achieve lower residualextract and higher ethanol yields– resulting in more bottles of beerfrom the same fermentation.

• Faster cooling due to forcedconvection. Tanks with a limitedcooling surface can easily beconverted into efficient systems byadding a plate heat exchanger inthe Iso-Mix loop.

• Greater operating flexibility, making iteasier to adapt to changing marketneeds.

All these benefits can be achieved withno negative effects on the taste orquality of the product. The beerremains true to type and yeastviabilities are higher or similar thanbefore installing Iso-Mix.

This means the Iso-Mix systemprovides breweries with cost-effectivefermentation facilities, with the addedadvantage of a more consistent,reproducible process.

Process time saved in a range of different

breweries as a result of installing Alfa Laval

Iso-Mix systems in the fermenters.

Process time at mixed and unmixed conditions

for 18.5 °P lager fermentations. The black lines

are error bars indicating the variation in process


Iso-Mix in yeast managementIn most breweries cropped yeast isserially repitched. The yeast crop iskept in a storage tank until it is needed.If the contents of this tank are not keptin motion the yeast will settle. Thismeans subsequent pitching ends uptaking place with a slurry of varyingcomposition, making it very difficult tocarry out this key operationconsistently.

Mixing is therefore essential for keepingthe concentration and temperature ofthe yeast consistent throughout thetank, and to aid steady, controlledrelease of carbon dioxide from theslurry. In addition, the tanks must becleaned between batches, using CIPprocedures.

The rotary jet mixer has the bigadvantage of being an effective slurrymixer and an efficient tank cleaningmachine. Hence the Iso-Mix systemprovides a cost-effective,uncomplicated way to combine a high-efficiency yeast storage setup withexceptional levels of hygiene.

In modern yeast propagation, goodmixing is crucial to prevent formation ofoxygen gradients, and good gastransfer ensures that there is sufficientoxygen available for the efficientpropagation of the yeast cells.

The Iso-Mix advantageUsing Iso-Mix systems in breweriesprovides multiple benefits:• Faster throughput that boostsproduction volume

• Better control of key parametersin many different processes

• A wide range of opportunitiesfor process optimization

• The ideal way to addfermentation productioncapacity at low cost,and when space is limited

• More consistent fermentationtime and conditions for tankcontents

• Lower operating costs, due tolower residual extract and higherethanol yield in fermentation.

The Iso-Mix system is exceptionallyeffective as both a mixer and a gasdistributor, making it suitable for use inyeast propagation facilities.

Iso-Mix blendingThe Iso-Mix system is ideal for manybrewery tasks that require rapid,efficient blending. One example is inbright beer tanks where syrups,flavourings, etc. are added and finalCO2 adjustments carried out by theuse of the Iso-Mix system.

Rotary jet advantages 5

Producing beer on a commercial scale involves a constant focus onmaking sure operations are efficient, reliable and consistent.

Profit margins depend on being able to build new plants at lowestpossible cost. The cost-effective retrofit, expansion and upgrading ofexisting installations to achieve greater production capacity is alsocrucial.

Alfa Laval Iso-Mix systems are the ideal way for breweries to meet allthese requirements with a minimum of investment.

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Alfa Laval is a leading global provider ofspecialized products and engineeredsolutions. Our equipment, systems andservices are dedicated to helpingcustomers to optimize the performanceof their processes. Time andtime again.We help our customers to heat,

cool, separate and transport productssuch as oil, water, chemicals,beverages, foodstuffs, starch andpharmaceuticals.Our worldwide organization works

closely with customers in almost 100countries to help them stay ahead.

How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details forall countries are always available on ourwebsite at www.alfalaval.com