1 The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis "The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis" is a swamp based adventure of intrigue and mystery designed for four to six 3rd level characters. This adventure takes place north of Draica, the capital of Lucidor, in the Grand Marshlands. This module is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and Labyrinth Lord™. The OGL can be found at the end of this product. Adventure Background The small village of Brynmoor has lived peaceably, for the most part, within the Grand Marsh for over a hundred years. The villagers scratch out an existence by cutting "Bog Mass" and selling it in Draica for fuel. The village has battled several creatures that have wandered in from the marsh, but nothing they couldn’t handle. Recently several of the farmers and travelers have disappeared in and near the marsh. The town constables left town to investigate and haven't returned. The town council has feared that a greater threat has emerged and they don’t have the resources to fight it. Adventure Summary The PCs are asked by the town council to find their citizens and constables and end the menace coming from the bog. They are guided to the last known location and left to their own devices. From there they can follow trail signs, fight wandering marsh monsters and find a cave opening. The PCs infiltrate a lost dwarven complex and discover a subterranean river. From there they battle Ratmen in a Sunken Shine to their foul god, Slith. Adventure Hooks There are several ways that the PCs can become involved in this adventure. Some of the hooks are easier to incorporate then others. The Party is traveling north from Draica looking for adventure and work and come upon the whole village debating what to do about the recent disappearances. A town councilman will notice their weapons and ask for their assistance. The party is sleeping in the village hostel when they hear a scream. Town citizens later explain that there have been recent kidnappings and they are all afraid and need help. The PCs are attacked by Ratmen in their hostel. The hostel keeper said two travelers went missing two weeks ago and haven't been found. The village constables went out looking for the missing villagers, but haven’t returned and are feared dead. The PCs are approached on the road by a merchant asking for their assistance in finding his daughter who was kidnapped by Rat-like creature three days ago. The local village is no help as they have their own problems. He offers money and points in the direction of where the raiders came from. He offers to accompany them, but is not very skilled in the use of weapons.

VisionVenture Module - The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis

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Roleplaying adventure using the Labyrinth Lord rules.

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Page 1: VisionVenture Module - The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis


The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis

"The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis" is a swamp based

adventure of intrigue and mystery designed for four to

six 3rd level characters. This adventure takes place north

of Draica, the capital of Lucidor, in the Grand

Marshlands. This module is compliant with the Open

Game License (OGL) and Labyrinth Lord™. The OGL

can be found at the end of this product.

Adventure Background The small village of Brynmoor has lived peaceably, for

the most part, within the Grand Marsh for over a

hundred years. The villagers scratch out an existence by

cutting "Bog Mass" and selling it in Draica for fuel. The

village has battled several creatures that have wandered

in from the marsh, but nothing they couldn’t handle.

Recently several of the farmers and travelers have

disappeared in and near the marsh. The town constables

left town to investigate and haven't returned. The town

council has feared that a greater threat has emerged and

they don’t have the resources to fight it.

Adventure Summary The PCs are asked by the town council to find their

citizens and constables and end the menace coming from

the bog. They are guided to the last known location and

left to their own devices. From there they can follow trail

signs, fight wandering marsh monsters and find a cave

opening. The PCs infiltrate a lost dwarven complex and

discover a subterranean river. From there they battle

Ratmen in a Sunken Shine to their foul god, Slith.

Adventure Hooks There are several ways that the PCs can become

involved in this adventure. Some of the hooks are easier

to incorporate then others.

• The Party is traveling north from Draica looking

for adventure and work and come upon the

whole village debating what to do about the

recent disappearances. A town councilman will

notice their weapons and ask for their


• The party is sleeping in the village hostel when

they hear a scream. Town citizens later explain

that there have been recent kidnappings and

they are all afraid and need help.

• The PCs are attacked by Ratmen in their hostel.

The hostel keeper said two travelers went

missing two weeks ago and haven't been found.

The village constables went out looking for the

missing villagers, but haven’t returned and are

feared dead.

• The PCs are approached on the road by a

merchant asking for their assistance in finding

his daughter who was kidnapped by Rat-like

creature three days ago. The local village is no

help as they have their own problems. He offers

money and points in the direction of where the

raiders came from. He offers to accompany

them, but is not very skilled in the use of


Page 2: VisionVenture Module - The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis


Wandering Monster Table – Swamp/marsh

Monster Roll d4

Brigand Men – 1d4 1

Giant Black Spider 2

Troglodyte- 1d4 3

Giant Leach 4

Act one: The Dwarven Fortress Whatever the PCs reasons for entering the marsh,

whether it be one of the adventure hooks or their own

invention, they find themselves near a small hill

protruding from the marsh and discover a small cave


General Features

Dungeon Walls: Masonry

Dungeon Floor: Flagstone

Temperature: Cool

Illumination: Dark (individual creatures may carry


Room #1

Cave Entrance - Natural cave opening

Pit Trap - mechanical; location trigger- loose flagstone;

automatic reset; 20 ft. deep (1d4, fall)

Monsters - None

LL Note - Nothing of value

Room #2

South Entry - Unlocked Closed Stone Doors

Room Features - six massive stone columns support the

ceiling. A raised platform of 2 feet with stairs on either

side lies in the northern part of the room.

Monsters - Goblin (2) AL C, MV 60' (20'), AC 6, HD 1,

#AT 1, DMG 1d6 (spear/short sword, ML 7, Treasure:

8cp, 4sp, 2gp each

LL Note - The goblins have just entered this

underground complex and are not with the Ratmen. The

goblins are just looking for loot and food.

Room #3

East Entry - Unlocked Stone Door

West Entry - Locked Stone Door

Room Features - 20' x 15' masonry walls, small stone

table and benches sit across the room. Looks like it used

to be a dining hall.

Monsters - None

LL note - Nothing of value

Room #4

East Entry - Unlocked Simple Wooden Door

Room Features - Dripping water from the ceiling,

several barrel-shaped objects. A large stone bench is

stationed along the northern wall.

Monsters - Purple Blob (1), AL N, MV 1, AC 8, HD 2,

#AT 0, DG 1d4 per round, SV (see below), ML 10,

Treasure: Ring of Confidence (see Appendix for full

description), 7gp, gold ring with diamond insert (75gp


LL note - The barrels were once used for water and food

storage, they are now empty. The Purple Blobs treasure

is in the northwest corner of the room.

Room #5

North Entry - Rubble filled hole

Room Features - Natural cave with a large pool of water

in the middle. Scattered bones litter the cave.

Monster - Cave Fisher (2), AL N, MV 1, AC 4, HD 3, #AT

2, DG 2d4/2d4 Pincer, SV F1, ML 5. (See Appendix for

full description)

Room #6

West Entry - Stuck Stone Door

Room Features - Circular, large broken statue lies on a

raised platform on the east side of the room.

Monster - None

Treasure - Metal Flask, 10' Wooden Pole, Metal shovel

and Metal miners pick.

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Room #7

South Entry - Locked Stone Door

North Entry - Locked Stone Door

Room Features - Circular, Large raised circular platform

in the center with a bust of a statue. There is a closed

stone door to the west.

Monster - Goblin (2) MV 60' (20'), AC 6, HD 1-1, #AT 1,

DMG 1d6, Morale 7, Treasure: 8cp, 4sp, 2gp each

T-1 Trap

Dart Trap - mechanical; location trigger; manual reset;

Dmg 1d4 - the trap is located just to the right of the door

as one enters and is activated by a loose flagstone on the


Room #8

East Entry- Stuck Stone Door

North Entry- Secret Locked Stone Door

Room Features - Circular, masonry walls and several

small statuettes line the walls.

Monsters - None

Treasure - Nothing of value

Trap T-2

Burning Hands Trap - magic device; proximity trigger

(alarm); automatic reset; spell effect (Burning Hands DG


Room #9

South Entry - Locked Simple Wooden Door

West Entry - Locked Simple Wooden Door

East Entry - Locked Stone Door

Room Features - Stone benches and tables line the east

and west walls. A small raised platform protrudes from

the northern wall.

Monster - None

LL Note - Nothing of value

Room #10

East Entry - Locked Simple Wooden Door

South Entry - Secret Locked Stone Door

Room Features - Wooden furniture, bed, desk and

wooden chest.

Monster - None

Treasure - Inside locked/trapped wooden chest: 5gp,

25sp, 100cp, garnet gemstone (25gp value)

LL Note - The chest is trapped with a poison needle,

Save vs. Petrify or Paralyze or fall asleep for 1d4 hours.

Room #11

West Entry - Locked Stone Door

East Entry - Ruble and water filled hole

Room Features - Rectangle, 2 foot deep water on the

eastern side. Some broken and rotting wooden furniture

lies scattered around the room.

Monster - None

LL Note - Nothing of value. The partially submerged

cave leads to Room #12.

Room #12

West Entry - Ruble filled hole

Room Features - Natural cave, scattered bones, ripped

cloth, shiny objects lie about.

Monster - Rogue Aquillion - AL C, MV 40' (Swim 120'),

AC 6, HD 3, #AT 1 (underwater #AT 2) DG 1d4/1d6

(Claw/Weapons: Trident/Axe) SV F3, ML 8

Combat: The Aquillion will lie in wait in an alcove

above the cave and jump down to attack.

LL Note - There is 10gp, 7sp and 37cp scattered around

the dry and water areas. These items were "left" by the

Aquillion's previous victims.

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Room #13

West Entry - Carved archway

Room Features - Natural cave with an underground

river running North and South. A small wooden boat is

beached in the middle of the cave. A waterfall is on the

north part of the river.

Monster - Ratmen (2) AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 6, HD 1,

#AT 1, DG 1d6 (Spear & short sword), SV F1, ML 7, 2 gp,

6 sp, 15 cp each.

LL Note - These Ratmen are here to guard the

underground river entrance and their boat. They will

fight the PCs until they get below 1/2 of their hp then

they will jump into the river and swim downstream,

leaving the boat.

To entice the PCs to travel down the river, the LL may

want to insert an injured, kidnapped girl:

Instra Refisa (AL L, AC 9, 2 hp) she may tell a story of

being captured by the Ratmen several days ago on a

road and becoming hurt (injured leg). She has seen

several other people taken down the river in boats to

parts unknown.

Act Two - The Sunken Shrine General Features

Dungeon Walls: Masonry, Natural and Carved

Dungeon Floor: Flagstone (light rubble)

Temperature: Warm

Illumination: Dark

Room #1

LL Note - If one or more of the Ratmen from Room #13

make it here, they will be on guard.

River Entry - Constructed cave entrance

Room Features - Natural cave built by the subterranean

river. 15' long by 8' wide. Pile of rubble near the

northern entrance.

Treasure - Nothing of value.

Monsters - None


Wall Blade Trap - mechanical; touch trigger; automatic

reset; hidden switch bypass (1d6, short sword). The

bypass switch is hidden in a small hole on the west side

of the cave.

Room #2

Southwest Entry - Constructed cave entrance

Northwest Entry - Closed stone door

Northeast Entry - Closed stone door

South Entry - Closed stone door

West Entry - Constructed cave entrance

Room features - Large natural cave with several stone

buildings protruding from its walls. Piles of ruble are in

several places evidence of recently excavation. Stalactites

hang from the ceiling.

LL Note -There is nothing of value. The Ratmen here are

fanatical and will fight to the end.

Monsters - Ratmen (3), AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 6, HD 1,

#AT 1, DG 1d6 (short sword), SV F1, ML 7, 3 gp, 8 sp, 11

cp each

Room #3

LL Note - If the PCs don’t ambush the Ratmen in room

#2 then the Ratmen sub-leader and 1 Ratmen will rush

from this room to room #2 to investigate.

East Entry - Constructed cave entrance

West Entry - Locked double stone door

Room features - Natural cave with recent excavation

ruble pile littering the room. A large double stone door

carved with rune-like engravings looms on the west side

of the cavern.

Monsters - Ratmen sub-leader (1) Ratmen (3), AL C, MV

120' (40'), AC 6, HD 2, #AT 1, DG 1d6 (short sword), SV

F2, ML 8, 1 pp, 8 gp, 15 sp, 9 cp, gold chain (25 gp value)

Ratmen (2), AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 6, HD 1, #AT 1, DG

1d6 (spear, short sword), SV F1, ML 7, 3 gp, 8 sp, 11 cp


Room #4

South Entry - Closed stone door

East Entry - Locked stone door

Room features - 10' x 12', masonry walls, 2 wooden

benches and a table are in the center of the room. Some

shields and weapons are piled in the northwest corner

Treasure - 3 small shields, 2 spears, and 1 mace (belongs

to the NPCs)

Monsters - Giant Rat (2), AL N, MV 120' (40'), AC 7, 2 hp

each, #AT 1, DG 1d4-1 bite (Save vs. disease, 2d4 days ill

and lose -1 initiative), SV F1, ML 8)

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Room #5

LL Note - The Ratmen's slaves are kept in this room

when their not working. The door is barred and locked

on the outside.

West Entry - Locked stone door

Room features - 10' x 10' masonry walls, metal wall

scone with lit torch, 2 wooden chairs, 3 humans and a

dwarf stand or sit near the wall opposite the door.

NPCs - Alcinder Stonebreak (Dwarf), AL L, MV 120'

(40'), AC 7 (leather), hp 11, # AT 1, DG 1d4 fists, SV F2,

ML 5)

Orlando Adamah (Human male Fighter LV 3), AL L,

MV 120' (40'), AC 7 (leather) , hp 12, #AT 1, DG 1d4 fists,

SV F3, ML 6)

Lexi Merrow - (Human female Magic-user LV 3), AL N,

MV 120' (40'), AC 9, hp 10, #AT 1, DG 1d4 fists and

spells, SV MU3, ML 5) Spells memorized: Fire Ball,

Magic Missile

Konrad - (Human Cleric LV 3), AL L, MV 120' (40'), AC

9, hp 10, #At 1, DG 1d4 fists and spells, SV C3, ML 6),

Spells memorized: Cure light wounds, Hold Person

Monsters – None


Poison Dart Trap - mechanical; location trigger; manual

reset; (1d4 plus poison, dart); save vs. poison or be

paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. No further effects or loss of

hit points.

Room #6

North Entry - Stuck stone door

South Entry - Secret locked stone door

Room features - 10' x 15" masonry walls, wooden bed,

desk, chair and open chest.

Monsters - None

LL Note - Nothing of value

Room #7

North Entry - Locked stone door

Room features - 10' diameter circular in design, 2 closed

metal boxes, wooden desk and chair

Trap - Both metal boxes have poison needle traps. Save

vs. poison or become sick for 1d4 hours (-2 initiative)

Treasure - Box #1 - Emerald chalice (50gp value, Golden

pendant (35gp value), Onyx ring (20gp value), Ring of

Tongues (Allows the PC to read and understand any

creature within a 30' radius.

Box #2 - 5ep, 23sp,

Potion of Wakefulness - See appendix for full details

Monsters - Cave Dangler (2) AL N, MV 120' (40'), AC 5,

HD 2, #AT 1, DG 1d4 bite, save vs. paralysis 2d6 min, SV

F2, ML 6)

LL note - Danglers are dog-sized spiders which inhabit

the deep underground realms. Their carapaces are

smooth and transparent, making them almost invisible

even under lighting.

Combat -True to their namesake, danglers typically hunt

by hanging unnoticed atop a cavern ceiling. When prey

passes underneath, they drop down to attack, injecting a

potent, paralyzing toxin. Meals are cocooned and stored

in crevices in the ceiling, to be drained later.

Room #8

LL Note - Nothing of value

South Entry - Stuck stone door

Room features - 10' x 15" masonry walls, destroyed

furniture and bones are scattered around the room.

Monsters - None

Room #9

LL Note - If surprised the Ratmen Shamans will only

attack/defend with weapons and will not have time to

conjure up their spells. To "spice up" the combat, the LL

may want to have the Ratmen guards defend/attack first

so the Shamans have time to prepare their spells.

East Entry - Locked double stone doors

North Entry - Locked stone door

South Entry - Unlocked stone door

Room features – Large rectangular room, roughly 15’ x

20’, masonry walls, large raised dais on the west end.

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Monsters - Ratmen Shamans (2), AL C, MV 120' (40'),

AC 6, HD 2, #AT 1, DG 1d6 and spells (spear & short

sword), SV F2, ML 8, Silver holy chains (35gp value).

Ratmen (4), AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 6, HD 1, #AT 1, DG

1d6 (spear, short sword), SV F1, ML 7, 2gp, 5sp, 13cp


Ratmen Shaman Spells

Confusion (lesser)

Level 2

Duration: 12 rounds

Range: 60'

See page 29 of LL guide for remaining description

Acid Drops

Level: 2

Duration: Instant

Area of Effect: 3' long 120° cone

Explanation/Description: This spell acts as Burning

Hands except it does damage with a spray of acid. 1d4

damage. Saving Throw: None

Room #10

LL Note - When the PCs enter this locked room, roll for

surprise (LL guide Pg 50). If the PCs lose the initiative,

then the Wererat will fire his crossbow first and let his

giant rats attack next. The next round the Ratmen Master

Shaman will attack with her Cold Ball spell

South Entry - Locked stone door

Room features - 10' x 15' masonry walls, partially

destroyed furniture and wall tapestry. A parchment

with strange runes lies on the table.

Monsters - Wererat (1) AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 4, HD

3+1, #AT 1, DG 1d8 (Heavy crossbow & Long sword), +1

dagger, SV F3, ML 9, SD sustain damage from +1 or

better weapons, 20pp, 8gp, 11sp, 5cp, Ruby gem (30gp


Ratmen Master Shaman (1) AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 6,

HD 3, #AT 1, DG 1d6 (short sword) & spells, SV F2, ML

8, Gold holy chain symbol (50gp value), Candle of

Darkness (100gp value), 20gp, 5sp, 2cp

Candle of Darkness: This unusual candle, when lit,

actually produces magical darkness of a 50' range. It also

lowers the temperature within 10' by a significant


Master Shaman Spells:

Sleight of Gaze

Level 3

Duration: 3 turns

Range: 40 feet

It creates an illusory perception filter, an illusion that

does not render its subjects invisible, but rather makes it

difficult for a creature to focus on them. As long as the

subject does not draw attention to itself, other peoples’

gazes simply slip off of them, and their words fade into

silence. Save vs. wands to notice a subject. However,

characters that have already noticed the subject are not

affected by the perception filter. If a subject draws

attention to itself (for example, attacking a creature,

casting a spell with obvious or visible effects, or directly

addressing or touching another creature), it loses the

benefits of this spell.

Cold ball

Level: 3

Durations: d4 rounds

Range: 10 yards/level

Area of Effect: 30' radius

This spell causes d4 points of damage to all creatures in

the area of a 30' radius. In addition, creatures failing a

save vs. spells are affected as per a slow spell for the

duration of the spell. Save vs. spell.


Level 2

Duration: 4 turns

Range: Touch

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

This spell causes an object to radiate shadowy

illumination out to a 20-foot radius. All creatures in the

area gain concealment (20% miss chance). Even creatures

that can normally see in such conditions (such as with

darkvision or low-light vision) have the miss chance in

an area shrouded in magical darkness.

Normal lights (torches, candles, lanterns, and so forth)

are incapable of brightening the area, as are light spells

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of lower level. Higher level light spells are not affected

by darkness.

If darkness is cast on a small object that is then placed

inside or under a lightproof covering, the spell’s effect is

blocked until the covering is removed.

Darkness counters or dispels any light spell of equal or

lower spell level.

Arcane Material Component: A bit of bat fur and either a

drop of pitch or a piece of coal.

Treasure in the room - NPCs Spell book, Magic missile

staff (4 charges), Cleric holy book, +1 Short sword,

Parchment with runes (see below)

Giant Rats (2) AL N, MV 120' (40'), AC 7, 2 hp each, #AT

1, DG 1d4-1 bite (Save vs. disease, 2d4 days ill and lose -

1 initiative), SV F1, ML 8)

Room #11

North Entry - Unlocked stone door

Room features - Rectangle, masonry walls, stone

benches and tables. Shelves line the walls with empty or

broken pottery.

Monsters - None

LL Note - Nothing of value

Concluding the Adventure If the PCs manage to defeat the Ratmen and secure the

release of the slaves, the village is most grateful and

showers the PCs with small home-made gifts and what

little money they can come up with. If the Wererat and

some of his henchmen escape or the PCs are repelled,

the Ratmen may attack the village one last to time to get

rid of the PCs.

If the PCs rescue the slaves and it involves the plot hook

of the merchant he will offer 200gp each and will request

their service as bodyguards on his next journey into the


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Overland Map

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Dwarven Fortress Map

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The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis

Appendix Included in this appendix are new spells, magic items

and monsters.

Purple Blob AL N, MV 1, AC 8, HD 2, #AT 0, DG 1d4

per round, SV (see below), ML 10,

Description: Hideous growths, Purple Blobs are

different shades of purple and pink, sticky and wet. It

grows in dark subterranean places on walls, ceilings and

floors. This blob cannot attack but is sensitive to

vibrations and often drops from the ceiling onto a

passing victim. Purple Blobs attach itself to living flesh

and starts to feed. The damage is 1d4 per round. Purple

Blobs can eat through wood at an inch an hour and will

eat through metal at about 3 inches per hour. Blobs can

be scraped off quickly, cut away, frozen, or burned. A

cure disease spell kills green slime, but other attacks,

including weapons and spells, have no effect.

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Cave Fisher AL N, MV 1, AC 4, HD 3, #AT 2, DG

2d4/2d4 Pincer, SV F1, ML 5.

Description the cave fisher is a large insectoid that has

adapted to life below ground. It combines many of the

characteristics of a spider and a lobster. The cave fisher

has a hard shell of overlapping plates and eight legs. The

6 rear legs are used for movement and traction on stony

walls and corridors. Because of these limbs, the fisher

has no difficulty in moving up and down vertical walls.

The front pair of legs is equipped with powerful pincers,

which are used for killing and dismembering prey. The

most unusual feature of the cave fisher is its long snout,

which can fire a strong, adhesive filament. The monster

can also use its adhesive to anchor itself in place on

walls and ledges

Cave Dangler AL N, MV 120' (40'), AC 5, HD 2, #AT 1,

DG 1d4 bite, saves vs. paralysis 2d6 min, SV F2, ML 6)

Description Danglers are dog-sized spiders which

inhabit the deep underground realms. Their carapaces

are smooth and transparent, making them almost

invisible even under lighting.

Combat -True to their namesake, danglers typically hunt

by hanging unnoticed atop a cavern ceiling. When prey

passes underneath, they drop down to attack, injecting a

potent, paralyzing toxin. Meals are cocooned and stored

in crevices in the ceiling, to be drained later.

Potion of Wakefulness (100gp value)

The user of this potion will be able to remain awake and

alert for a day and a half with no adverse effects. Food

and water will need to be consumed every 4-6 hours as

usual. No more than two doses in a row can be used

safely. Drinking a second potion right after the first 36

hours expires will be effective for only 30 hours, and will

cause a temporary loss of 1 point of dexterity due to

slight, uncontrollable trembling. Trembling will last for

30 hours. Drinking a third potion in a row will have

twenty four hour duration and -2 dexterity penalty and

a -1 penalty for any intelligence proficiency check.

Lastly, anyone under the influence of this potion is

immune to magical sleep spells or potions.

Ring of Confidence (+1 Wisdom) (250gp value)

This simple, tarnished band of silver has an engraved

inscription on the inside, saying "Wear Martyrs Tread

Lightly" in an old dialect of the common tongue. When

placed on a finger it shrinks in size to fit the digit

perfectly, turning polished in the process. The ring

bestows courage and confidence in the wearer to the

point where he can tackle any foe without fear.

Naturally this curse will only serve the wearer well if he

is a great hero capable of matching courage with his

deeds. If the wearer put another ring on either hand this

ring will increase in size and

will constantly fall off.

Candle of Darkness (100gp


This unusual candle, when lit, actually produces magical

darkness of a 50' range. It also lowers the temperature

within 10' by a significant degree.

Product Identity: The following items are hereby

identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open

Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not

Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks,

proper names (character, deities, artifacts, places, etc.),

artwork and trade dress

VisionVenture Modules are published by Knightvision

Studios under the Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright


Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All other trademarks are

property of Knightvision Studios®. ©2009 Knightvision


Labyrinth Lord™ copyright 2009 by Daniel Proctor.

Labyrinth Lord™ and Goblinoid Games™ are

trademarks of Daniel Proctor. The trademark is used

under the Labyrinth Lord™ trademark License 1.0

available at www.goblinoidgames.com

Further VisionVenture Modules, Ebonyr campaign

setting, Knightcast podcast and videos can be seen at the

at our website, Knightvisionstudios.com

Page 12: VisionVenture Module - The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis


OGL The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" Means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means The game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and Is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work Covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, Thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, Photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, Likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or Graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to Identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to Use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the Licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms May be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate your acceptance of the terms of This License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant you a perpetual, worldwide, royalty free, Non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You is Contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are your original creation and/or you have sufficient rights To grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the Copyright date and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with The owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the Ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any Authorized Version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless you have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for you to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then you may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming Aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be Unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker. Labyrinth Lord TM Copyright 2009, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor. The Sunken Shrine of Syraskis™ Copyright 2009 Knightvision Studios, Author J. Michael End of License