Physical exposure of operators during road and motorway maintenance. The state of concentra9on/a;en9on of road users can lead to accidents (distrac9on, speed, irresponsible behaviour). The solu9ons used today to signal roadblocks cannot easily adapt to changing environments and have very short life cycles. Barriers to overcome Benefits Prevent and minimize accidents that may involve workers and/or vehicle drivers. Signal and protect cut-off lanes and equipment used for road maintenance. Obtain a set of solu9ons that can be quickly deployed and are adaptable to mul9ple scenarios and road environments. Challenge Origin Vision 0 is an interna+onal road safety project that aims to reduce deaths and serious injuries on the roads. Sacyr Conserva+on Projects include temporary lane cuts to carry out conserva+on and maintenance opera+ons in the lanes themselves or in the immediate surroundings, or because of the need to protect areas from traffic accidents. To mark a temporarily cut lane, the same elements are used to physically protect the operators: Cones system, New Jersey system (water), and Mixed systems (New Jersey with high screens for more visibility). These cuts are made with high level of exposure of the operators to the traffic both during the placement and removal of elements, as well as during the actual work on the road. Objec6ves To find technological solu+ons that help to improve safety and protec+on of workers and drivers during road maintenance opera+ons. To improve the environment in which road maintenance opera+ons are carried out, covering relevant aspects such as: informa+on, preven+on, detec+on, warning, and protec+on. Vision 0 for lane cuts What new system could be implemented during lane closures to improve the placing / se8ng down of equipment, to op<mise the safety of our workers and to avoid pu8ng the lives of drivers at risk? Aspects to consider Solu+ons must take into account the high complexity of the environment in which maintenance opera+ons are carried out (road typologies, weather condi+ons, communica+on with/among vehicles, protec+on of drivers and operators) and resolve in a simple way the limita+ons of current systems. Special considera+on will be given to all solu+ons having the least possible impact on the ecosystem and environment: eco-responsible materials, renewable energy supply, par+cipa+on in the circular economy.

Vision 0 for lane cuts · 2020-06-29 · •The state of concentra9on/a;en9on of road users can lead to accidents (distrac9on, speed, irresponsible behaviour). •The solu9ons used

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Page 1: Vision 0 for lane cuts · 2020-06-29 · •The state of concentra9on/a;en9on of road users can lead to accidents (distrac9on, speed, irresponsible behaviour). •The solu9ons used

• Physical exposure of operators during road and motorway maintenance.

• The state of concentra9on/a;en9on of road users can lead to accidents (distrac9on, speed, irresponsible behaviour).

• The solu9ons used today to signal roadblocks cannot easily adapt to changing environments and have very short life cycles.

Barriers to overcome


• Prevent and minimize accidents that may involve workers and/or vehicle drivers.

• Signal and protect cut-off lanes and equipment used for road maintenance.

• Obtain a set of solu9ons that can be quickly deployed and are adaptable to mul9ple scenarios and road environments.

Challenge OriginVision 0 is an interna+onal road safety project that aims to reduce deaths and seriousinjuries on the roads. Sacyr Conserva+on Projects include temporary lane cuts to carryout conserva+on and maintenance opera+ons in the lanes themselves or in theimmediate surroundings, or because of the need to protect areas from traffic accidents.

To mark a temporarily cut lane, the same elements are used to physically protect theoperators: Cones system, New Jersey system (water), and Mixed systems (New Jerseywith high screens for more visibility). These cuts are made with high level of exposure ofthe operators to the traffic both during the placement and removal of elements, as wellas during the actual work on the road.

Objec6vesTo find technological solu+ons that help to improve safety and protec+on of workersand drivers during road maintenance opera+ons.

To improve the environment in which road maintenance opera+ons are carried out, covering relevant aspects such as: informa+on, preven+on, detec+on, warning, and protec+on.

Vision 0 for lane cutsWhat new system could be implemented during lane closures to improve the placing / se8ng down of equipment, to op<mise the safety of our workers and to avoid pu8ng the lives of drivers at risk?

Aspects to considerSolu+ons must take into account the high complexity of the environment in whichmaintenance opera+ons are carried out (road typologies, weather condi+ons,communica+on with/among vehicles, protec+on of drivers and operators) and resolvein a simple way the limita+ons of current systems.

Special considera+on will be given to all solu+ons having the least possible impact onthe ecosystem and environment: eco-responsible materials, renewable energy supply,par+cipa+on in the circular economy.

Page 2: Vision 0 for lane cuts · 2020-06-29 · •The state of concentra9on/a;en9on of road users can lead to accidents (distrac9on, speed, irresponsible behaviour). •The solu9ons used

Improvements in the signalling of the works:

• Intelligent elements that adapt to the environment through connec+vity.• Integrated solu+ons to cover the life cycle of the works (informa+on,

preven+on, detec+on, warning and protec+on).• Communica+on systems with the road environment (V2V, V2X).

Reducing worker exposure:

• Systems for forecas+ng and warning of "intrusions" in work areas and alerttechnologies.

• Solu+ons for the robo+c and autonomous placement of signalingelements.

• Solu+ons for remote and real-+me control of work areas (UAV, wearables,Lidar, etc.).

Protec:on of workers present at rail cuts:

• Solu+ons that improve the warning system for workers in the event of laneinvasion by a car.

• Elements and/or materials that change their behaviour in the event of acrash.

• An+cipa+on solu+ons for remote detec+on of driver behaviour.• Solu+ons for reducing car speeds (direct or indirect).

We look for…

Vision 0 for lane cutsWhat new system could be implemented during lane closures to improve the placing / se8ng down of equipment, to op<mise the safety of our workers and to avoid pu8ng the lives of drivers at risk?