Virus Removal Tips

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  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


    How to Remove Autorun.inf

    Autorun.inf Virus Removal

    What is autorun.inf?

    Autorun.inf is a setup information file or INF used to install or setup softwares and drivers. This is usually

    used and seen on the CD ROM with the Autoplay. The autorun.inf makes the CD ROM will autoplay, it

    means this will automatically play or setup upon clicking or play itself or what we called auto

    installation. If you can see an autorun.inf in your CD ROM drive, this is normal.

    When do we say that Autorun.inf is a Virus?

    Some people says autorun.inf is a virus but the reality is not. Autorun.inf was only used by the virus to

    execute or install themself by clicking. On the autorun.inf it contains a setup information or a program

    setup that will trigger the virus to execute when they are being clicked by the user. This autorun.inf was

    usually found in the windows C: or in the removable disk. And it is mostly set to invisible or hidden in the

    windows drive or removable drive.

    Ok here we go, let start removing the autorun.inf in your system drive.

    First you must enable your Folder Options, make your hidden files be visible to your eyes. You can

    enable by clicking-left to your My Computer > Tools > Folder Options.

    You can follow this configuration when you enable the Folder Option to visible all the hidden files in to

    your system drive.

    After this, you can now start deleting the autorun.inf into your drive C: or removable drive. And you can

    also remove the unknown files like Braviax.exe, Ravmon.exe, Kxvo.exe, Amvo.exe, Bar311.exe,

    Svchost.exe or any unknown files that are exist in to the system drive.

    How to Remove Kxvo.exe Virus Manually

    OK here is another trojan virus again that one of the common problem in our PC is the virus - a

    computer's parasite. Your PC performance will become slow and almost hang-up that would turn to

    invalid boot-up of your PC. I just want to share it to you again a trojan virus that i've been experience in

    my friend's internet cafe shop. This trojan/backdoor virus is almost thesame with the amvo.exe virus

    which is very harmful that might your PC shutting down. After I have posted about how to remove

    amvo.exe virus manually, some of you used this instructions and it works successfully, and some are not.

    Well, in removing the kxvo.exe virus is almost thesame for process of amvo.exe virus. Below you can

    check on how to do this, but we need to study first, what is kxvo.exe virus is?

    What is kxvo.exe virus?

  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


    Go to MSCONFIG by typing msconfig in the RUN. And check the start-up settings and un-checked the

    following files ?bar311.exe?, password_viewer.exe, or the ? if they exist.

    2. Next go to your REGEDIT to edit some registry files that may cause the problems. Go to Run and type

    REGEDIT edit the following registry .

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

    "Userinit"="userinit.exe,bar311.exe" ?> remove ", bar311.exe" only? leave userinit.exe because this is

    used by Windows when you log-in?






    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]

    "autorun"="c:\Windows\pc-off.bat" ?> remove "c:\Windows\pc-off.bat" or delete the autorun key.

    3. Press Window + R and place a drive you want to access like this C:, D: and Enter, when accessing the

    drives to avoid triggering the autorun? Delete the autorun.inf and password_viewer.exe or bar311.exe if

    they exist. And restart your PC now.

    You maybe used the step #2 to checked if the bar311.exe if exist on the registry directories.

    4. Use this method to delete the following files if you like just open notepad then type this following

    syntax below:

    @echo off

    del /a /f c:\Windows\bar311.exe

    del /a /f c:\Windows\password_viewer.exe

    del /a /f c:\Windows\

    del /a /f c:\Windows\pc-off.bat


    Then please save this as virusremoval.bat then click to run. This will execute the syntax to remove virus

    running into your system.

    If you are lazy to do this you can follow and go to this directories location and delete this file manually:



  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips




    And you?re done! Just simply of that you PC is now safe for the bar311.exe virus. You maybe used this

    but I always recommend you to used any updated antivirus.

    How to Remove Braviax.exe Virus?

    After reviewing the braviax.exe virus while ago, I just want to share also on how to remove it into your

    system files and folders running. That I know some of our users today are annoying in this kind of virus

    running to your system, some anti-spyware advertisement pop-ups, that makes you annoying to your

    work jobs.

    Ok here we go! Before doing this and following this steps on how to remove braviax.exe, please make

    sure to back-up first your computer to avoid system lost and data.

    Please note: This manual removal process may be difficult and you run the risk of destroying your


    Step 1: Use File Search Tool to Find braviax.exe

    1. Just go to Start > Search > All Files or Folders.

    2. In the "All or part of the the file name" section, type in "braviax.exe" file name(s).

    3. To get better results, select "Look in: Local Hard Drives" or "Look in: My Computer" and then click

    "Search" button.

    4. After the windows finishes your search, hover over the "In Folder" of "braviax.exe", highlight the file

    and copy/paste the path into the address bar. Save the file's path on your clipboard because you'll need

    the file path to delete braviax.exe in the following manual removal steps.

    Step 2: Use Windows Task Manager to Remove braviax.exe Processes

    1. To open the Windows Task Manager, use the combination of CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC.

    2. Click on the "Image Name" button to search for "braviax.exe" process by name.

    3. Select the "braviax.exe" process and click on the "End Process" button to kill it.

    Step 3: Detect and Delete Other braviax.exe Files

    1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > cmd and then press the "OK" button.

    2. Type in "dir /A name_of_the_folder" (for example, C:\my-folder), which will display the folder's

    content even the hidden files.

    3. To change directory, type in "cd my_folder".

    4. Once you have the file you're looking for type in del "my_file".

    5. To delete a file in folder, type in "del my_file".

  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


    6. To delete the entire folder, type in "rmdir /S my_folder".

    7. Select the "braviax.exe" process and click on the "End Process" button to kill it.

    Good luck to everyone, and hope this instructions might help you to remove the virus on your computer.

    I will be waiting for your great feedback, comments, and suggestions regarding this issue by leaving your

    message in the comment box.

    What is Braviax.exe Virus?

    Braviax.exe Virus Information

    Virus Name: Braviax.exe

    Known as: Trojan.Virantix.C, TROJ_RENOS.ADT

    Command Location: C:\Windows\System32\braviax.exe

    Some of the antiviruses detect as a Trojan.Virantix.C Trojan that starts automatically into Run, RunOnce,

    RunServices, or RunServicesOnce entry in the registry. This Trojan displays fake a security alerts in your

    Windows taskbar that advertises rogue anti-spyware products.

    This braviax.exe virus is also create, copies, and deletes some files and folders like autoexec.bat and

    create a file like c:\windows\system32\univrs32.dat into your systems

    Some braviax.exe virus behavior:

    * Created as a process on disk

    * Executed as a Process

    * Has code inserted into its Virtual Memory space by other programs

    * Added as a Registry auto start to load Program on Boot up

    * Terminated as a Process

    * Registered as a Dynamic Link Library File

    It also uses some filename aliases that running into your PC like a system files, like shown on the list




    * 24234393.DAT

    * 95164862.DAT

    * 31018098.SVD

  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


    * 36346119.DAT

    * 29434265.SVD

    * 27044453.SVD

    * 57134588.DAT


    * 56846728.EXE


    * 63594485.EXE

    * 16782586.SVD

    * 37741952.EXE

    If you are having this kind of virus into your computer, please scan your PC immediately and remove this

    trojan viruses the might get harm your systems files and data store on your computer.

    You may also use this step on how to remove braviax.exe virus? that would help you on this problems,

    just try and follow some instructions. on how to remove it.

    How to Remove SCVHOST.EXE, SVCHOST.EXE Virus Manually

    This are the following tips on how to remove the SCVHOST.EXE virus/worm. Firstly we must know what

    is SCVHOST.EXE is.

    What is SCVHOST.EXE?

    In some antivirus they are detected as W32/YahLover.Worm.gen from McAfee Antivirus and

    Win32/Autorun.R.worm from NOD32.

    This virus will installs itself into your PC by using its INF file autorun.inf. The Autorun.inf file has an

    scripts that will trigger to execute the SCVHOST.EXE. Mostly in a removable disk is this occurred as you

    noticed that there is an Autoplay instead of Open. Once you double click the drive or removable disk,

    the autorun.inf run its scripts that this will trigger to execute the SCVHOST.EXE and spreading itself unto

    your system. It also copies itself through all your shared folders directories and on your computers

    throughout the network and run itself in the registry entries remotely using a GUEST account (through



    * When pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del it blocks to launch the Task Manager

    * It blocks the Registry Editor.

    * When you try to go to the command prompt CMD, it will restarts the computer.

    * The shared folders will duplicates itself to different locations of. The duplicated virus uses a FOLDER

    icon with an .exe file extension. The configuration of your Yahoo Messenger has been changed.

  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


    How to Remove It

    OK here we go, you must follow this step on how to remove this virus in manually method:

    * Restart your PC and press F8 and select the option Safe Mode Command Prompt Only

    * And after you log-in the command prompt you must log-in as Administrator.

    * Type cd C:\windows\system32

    * Type dir /ah, to display all hidden files on this directory folder. You will see the following files which is

    used by the virus to spread itself: AUTORUN.INI, BLASTCLNNN.EXE, and SCVHOST.EXE







    * Type CD\



    You are almost done, reboot your PC you may seat back and relax.. while loading...

    Go Start Menu and click the Run and type the REGEDIT command. Take note guys before make any

    changes into your Registry Editor you must make a full back-up to your registry to avoid system errors.

    Look the location entry:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run, if you see an entry Yahoo!

    Messengger (it?s spelled like this) with a value c:\windows\system32\scvhost.exe, Delete this entry.

    Look the location entry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, in the entry

    named: SHELL, a value = Explorer.exe,SCVHOST.EXE. Edit this value, delete the SCVHOST.EXE only and

    the value must be Explorer.exe. Once you delete all this value, your computer will not login anymore.

    OK we are now done.. Please Restart your PC now and Enjoy!!! Thank you and hope this tips will help for

    everyone..Just post your comments about this problem.

  • 8/8/2019 Virus Removal Tips


    How to Remove the Amvo.exe Virus Manually

    First of all you we must know what is the amvo.exe is? what the symptoms when we have amvo.exe in

    our PC and how to remove it manually without using any software. Ok here we go!

    What is Amvo.exe?

    * Amvo.exe is Trojan/Backdoor


    * Folder Option is not working - you cannot enable the Folder Option or show the hidden files running

    into you computer.

    * Hidden file problem

    * Always open new windows in all drives

    * Error occur of the memory reference (Low Disk Space)

    How to solve this?

    This is the solution on how to remove the amvo.exe and to fix the folder option problem. Just follow this


    1. Uncheck amvo.exe from msconfig>> startup (type msconfig in run and click on the startup tab) also

    and restart your system

    1. Click Start > Run and type REGEDIT

    2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer >


    3. On the right side, double click the hidden value and give it a value of 1.

    4. Same for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer >

    Advanced > Folder > Hidden > SHOW ALL Change the value of Checked Value to 1.

    5. Check if your Folder Option if its working now. If it works! OK you are now ready to delete the

    Amvo.exe virus now.

    Go to your Folder Option and enable the show all the hidden files and you remove the following files if

    they are exist in the exact location or directory:






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    c:\windows\system32\ amvo.exe

    c:\windows\system32\ awda2.exe


    c:\windows\system32\ mvo.dll

    c:\windows\system32\ amvo1.dll


    Lastly go to Run and type cmd then type regedit, press Ctrl + F to find the files amvo.exe and delete it.

    After that, reboot your PC. OK that's it. Guys please your comments if your PC is working now for using

    this procedure..