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  • 7/27/2019 Virtuoso Valley.docx


    Virtuoso Valley

    Here is an experimental writing passage from a particular excursion of the mind. There is not much

    regard for any conventional requirement for linear narrative. I have come to view life as something

    thats largely arbitrary. The reader therefore must observe the construe of every sentence.

    I am recruiting readers who are hungry for meaning. To uncover meaning sometimes it is

    necessary to believe that everything is a puzzle piece for something larger, something glowing and

    intoxicating. These sections can be read interchangeably:

    Accelerated Confusion

    The law claims its intervention in illicit drugs when considering personal offence is to

    prevent repetitive abuse/harm to the individual. How does this system work when offenders

    will risk reoffending for such a scorned curse?

    If you ever wanted one reason to distrust the drug classification of this country;

    Ketamine is currently regarded as less dangerous than Cannabis. This could be due to its

    increased availability, but surely because of the nature of its availability, there is a question

    whether it should be illegal at all? Remember that drugs cannot be compared by relative

    dose, because people will simply take as much as they need to abuse it. Find links between

    destructive tendencies within the human, and drug consumption.

    Legalise all substances, regulate them properly, and spend the drugs war money on

    education, instead of this pick and choose method that shows zero correlation to the

    measure of the substances:

    Drug harm factor/Proportionate law=no correlation (Ketamine is Class C, while Cannabis isClass B, despite the fact that Ketamine is far more dangerous than Cannabis when abused)

    Drug abuse/Proportionate law=no correlation(Other than occasional class As such as

    Heroin and Cocaine, most illegal drugs are abused excessively. There has been very little

    research into drug addiction of many illegal substances, which asks the question why is

    MORE acceptable to take Speed than it is to take Cocaine in respects to the class system)

    Illegal drugs/legal drugs = Very little research, yet the law has acted incorrectly to put

    people at grave danger(Its undeniable that drugs are the problem, not legal and illegal

    drugs (Drug, defined as a substance that alters the bodys natural state). I do not wish to

    echo the statistics that show alcohol and tobacco are responsible for far more deaths than

    many illegal drugs, as this argument is fraudulent, seeing as many more people drink alcoholand smoke tobacco than use heroin for example.

    It is the education and control that make alcohol and tobacco safer. On the contrary,

    it is the lack of education regarding illicit substances that can lead to health problems.

    Therefore, if illegal substances were regarded a different way, and collectively viewed the

    same as alcohol and tobacco wed see progression. If people were made aware of the things

    they could then choose to put into their body, wed have a stronger system. Id predict

    initial problems, and a higher death rate resulting from substance induce, although a

    Darwinist culture would emerge from this.

    There is also the dreaded legal highs. When substances start to get banned, a group

    of profiteers came along, and commissioned scientists to make legal chemicals that mimicthe effects of illegal drugs. An even smaller level of research has been conducted on these

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    products which are chased lazily by the law, who remain one step behind the lax laws that

    allow these chemicals to be sold as incense and plant food (Not for human consumption

    hint hint). Strangely, if the government were to ever tell you that drugs laws are there for

    your safety, legal highs are this arguments stumbling block.)

    The truth is that all banned substances are harmful, though so are many legal substances.

    Faith must be placed in the individuals knowledge in what they are putting in to their body.

    Prohibition has not worked for a single thing, fact:

    The banning of guns during the Nazi reign, which lead to a disarmed public bowing to the

    radical beliefs of Hitler, Alcohol prohibition in the United States which lead to impure illegal

    alcohol being produced by illegal gangs (Sound familiar?).

    Relinquish the faith, and hate yourself.

    The subculture are too busy getting fucked up. There used to be purpose, now there

    is faithlessness.

    Some people are heavily delusional of their significance.Just because our society isnt particularly resemblant of Nazi Germany or Stalin

    Russia, dont mistake it to be free. All failing societies are unique, and do not appear ugly

    on the surface. It will creep up on us, unless we stay wise to our instincts. If someone sells

    you poison, they wont sell it as poison, therell say that it will kill the rats.

    Why wasnt Nazi Germany stopped sooner if it was so evil? The answer is that the

    Nazis disarmed the rights and morals of their citizens at such a slow rate, that freedoms

    were not recognised as being removed. The advantage weve got now is that we live in a

    time where far more people are critical of their controlling governments.

    The disadvantage is that information is so widely accessible now that propaganda

    has become a far greater problem. Monitor your internet, and protest censorship of anykind.




    1. It is illegal to carry any object that may be perceived as a weapon of some kind. Thislaw will be a ruse to disarm the public in an attempt for tyranny.

    2. Its illegal not to declare every penny you own by tying all funds into a regulatedbank account of some sort. This law will be introduced by a heavily regulated tax

    system that monitors incoming and outgoing payments into your account. This laws

    purpose will be to immobilize the public, and their spending power to nullifyresistance and outside control.

    Born to the law from birth, how is this fair?

    Disciples of getting fucked up, and dying painfully in a weeping meadow, speaker

    graveyard. There is no resistance.


    The selective girl, the girl of intrepid dream who seeks something she thinks she wants. She

    has never really wanted at all. She is swan like in grace, yet she does not care toacknowledge the existence of others below a certain level. Although of course like everyone

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    she is arbitrary. One rule could never be applied and adhered in the grand galaxy of her


    How could a clockwork goddess of such magnificence close herself? The difference

    disease never existed in the beginning, so where did it begin?

    Let yourself go, then lose yourself in vain possibility. She is my friend I figure, and

    she supports my endeavours. The energy vampire which gobbles at the souls of everyone

    Ive ever met to some degree resides in her surely? She will want me more when my words

    are proved as profound.

    In to the nullified escape void, alone next to everyone, in the madness. Are these

    people for real?

    Lost in an intentioned sense of dejection, years spent getting nowhere. Travelling

    around, getting down. Her earthquake smile, provokes abstract insanity. I wish to be within

    her head, linked somehow. A beautiful atrocity she is!

    Its insane what people will put up with when given the time to adjust.

    Lunar night stars burn upon the horizon that invites and glows in haunting green harrow.Rocking your very being, the current rests easy on the waves.

    Always begging for love like theyre sick... and they are. The will is not as strong as I

    thought it would be in this instance. In fact, this trip is the only thing to think about. Their

    personalities are morbid, nothing else can matter.

    Questions revolve such as, If the ultimate master of the universe has granted his

    mysticism to two armies at war with one another, then who is true in the face of death and


    Conclusions which are lost and null upon further thought.

    Haunting, violent green light bleep... Violent swaying... This is the devils lair... Shaking...Swaying... Just noise of the phantom mood that consumes.

    Lets deal with death like fading away, the letters rearrange. They are diamond

    constellations of another place.

    I listen to what I need to hear. Find my own relationships in this world, yet hold the

    older ones dear somehow? Even though they no longer exist, and never will be again. Here

    is the equation for sentimentality.

    Rock in a haunting rock, sadistic shake... Feel something cool... Real and neat...

    Pandemic heat.

    Conceived on a bed tripping LSD. I wonder, how high were the people who wrote the

    bible? And what was in that potion of theirs (Or conversely their imaginations)?

    Mushroom stew, and everyone whove ever tried. Outreach of emotion across the page,

    tangled in love and longing. Watched longings, replaced by contented living arrangements.

    Together, alone, broken.

    People whove got love, that positive energy that youd do gravely negative things to

    protect and preserve. Like the essence of your whole living is found in that one type of

    exposure, how sad.

    It can never happen to you, it can never happen to you. It happened to me, now its

    in my head.

    Its fantastic to get enlightened, but when that enlightenment pervades throughmultiple eyes, you have an obsession (=Religion).

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    Fixation, watch fixation, and watch religion. Grow free in yourself, then true answers

    will forgive you.

    Braid my cares.

    Flies attracted then burned by the fire, a sensational overload.

    Concentrated no one.

    If and when I go crazy, then what do these thoughts become? Are they translated

    membranes that signify the currency of thought?

    Random as a fruit machine reading...

    People are scared to explore their minds for fear of what they might find, like fearing

    the scare in a horror movie. Allow delving to commence. Grow at ease with yourself. I am

    cynical that this place is bliss. But its one less war commencing if Im easy with myself.

    I naturally reach for life, proving that I wish to preserve my being for as long as I feel

    the hunger to live, and grab at exposure.

    Concentrated to no avail...

    Dont lay upon the grass and watch the ground grow over you. Grow with theground, and leave the ground, and stand free as your own wondrous orbit.

    When youre ready to suffer for the exposure you need to live upon, youve invented

    your very own economy for living.

    Im great.......... Once was.

    Survived too much to die.

    Thank you for bringing the stars along for this excursion.

    Everything in the universe has already happened.

    Boys going from girl to girl to girl to find love.

    Time will preserve what is, and was.

    High as if your head was the ceiling.

    Nightmare gaze, I graze upon the pastures of madness. They are plentiful if you are

    blind and uncaring of whats consumed, but have the most magnificent fruits if you wish to

    become a hybrid of selection.

    Going so fast, the speed camera cant read me.

    Id rather be humble than intelligent.

    Ive seen the underside of the sky.

    Solace At Pleasure Station

    The chaplain of pain waves solemnly from the other side of the bars. I am a caged creature

    who will surely be executed for possessing these illegal substances. Illegal as determined by

    the law I was tied to from birth. He reads a prayer from the religion I never chose to believe

    in, nor follow. I sit down to my plate of dead animal. I chew the blood like A MAN, and spit

    out the bones, and the soul of the former life on my plate ebbs from the carcase that lies

    upon the floor, now as inanimate as a stone, despite the fact it once flew and breathed air.

    You are sentenced to be put to death for large scale trafficking of drugs in breach of

    the Federal Drug Policy Of The United States Read the chaplain disdainfully from his brief

    Whats the bad news? I reply.

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    Oh, such insolence from this creature that by lawful definition is the devil! Why

    dont we castrate this poor fucker before we put him in the chair?

    Lead to the death chair as it was nicknamed. I was kicking and screaming like an animal.

    The chair appeared to vibrate as the electric current passed through it, soon to pass through


    It seemed befitting that both of the officers who were given the job of cooking me

    up were drunk beyond speaking. As I was strapped up to the chair, they were having some

    conversation about Ritalin, and how both of their kids were fucking crazy. But that it was ok,

    because both had been prescribed Prozac Suicide Pills, and theyd probably hang

    themselves before turning to the dirty world of illicit drugs.

    In the background were several sullen individuals in suits. Theyd come to seek some

    masturbation material from old death row. There was a sign that read AUDIENCE BOOTH,

    which I gathered means that these people had taken time out from their lives to watch my


    My charge was read aloud by one of the drunken officers who stumbledembarrassingly across the words.

    Haha, hes only drunk, not high! Dont worry daaaarl, youd have paid your dues any

    minute now! Assured a lady in the audience.

    The spectators straightened their glasses, and pressed their noses against the

    window to guarantee best viewing. The two officers held each others hands to pull the

    electrocution switch. The romantic idea of law appeared to have consumed everyone in the


    I thought Id get a ringing shock, instead it was more of a burning sensation that

    passed on right through my body, and hurt like hell!

    Thank god that awful man has finally paid the price for what he did to our societycalled a member of the audience.

    Cyber Slut

    Never give to the abyss where you can perceive it.

    Flinching in psychedelic confusion.

    Get in a freezer, because times ageing everything.... yeah. All the preservation

    techniques are directly trying to defy time, but eventually it will age everything you hold


    Britain is a dead colony.

    I hear the sound all around me, until one creature witters down the vice of nature,

    cynical as a prayer, that one creature is me.

    Sometimes I beg on the street just to see the current levels of sympathy, when

    crossed with the synthetic boundary of inflation.

    All the phony young people medicated on the ideas of what has been before. Theyre

    all going crazy, trying to get their living done before their working lives begin. Never have

    they been truly young.

    The human is in a constant state of flux, positivity then negativity. Elongated periods ofboth. Moods of the brain which cannot change. Your discontentment is as random as your

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    contentment. Both evolve to constantly derail gratification. One requires the other to fulfil

    the existence of both moods.

    Wishing the beach was longer. Its a small world when youre beside me.

    Universities full of the next generation of aggressive capitalists to continue

    capitalisms current plight in to the ground. Aspirations sacrificed for principal, and the

    overruling of the wealthy chosen ones.

    Watching my one and onlys come through the revolving doors of the train station,

    drifting in and out of my life instantaneously.

    Visuals are all the rage in poser land. Their facial expressions are always illuminated

    to regulate the constant perpetual scorn around all of them. Like theyre constantly being

    watched. It wont be long before they are.

    I wouldnt worry though. As long as youre not a terrorist, and you dont mind the

    harassment of the Home Offices finest jolly officers youll do fine. After all, how

    unreasonable is it that an officer can search all your clothes and bags without good reason?

    As long as youve got nothing to hide, surely this is fine? And if youre in a hurry, and you do

    not wish to cooperate, dont even think about resistance, as that would be illegal.

    Dont accept unwholesome gifts from those whose long term goal is to immobilize you.

    Believe who you are.

    You are what you become.

    Nihilism Religion Fanatics

    The weather has become harsh upon my face, in my otherwise youthful being.

    I always lie and say I wish to be a journalist rather than a writer.

    Everyone bow to jah for fear of social exclusion.I look up at the sky with spirituality eyes.

    If you prevent everything, you cure nothing.

    Things are only crazy if you interpret them that way.

    Left over miracle, must say Im cynical.

    Im sorry Im not happy.

    The Only Way Is Essex. Its good to see post modern Nazi culture is alive and well in our

    country. That goes for anyone who endorses that program as any kind of natural culture.

    Get pretty caned on the smoke during the day, then write for hours into the twilight.

    Asphyxiate.As my brain grows, my ego shrinks.

    Power transfusion.

    Dumber than Manhattan, dumber than the masses.

    Dont worry, its just that Im on a different level of humanity to you. I am not dumb

    or incoherent.

    Speed through this place, blowing sparkles from the roof.

    Problematic queen of the high horse mountain.

    People wish they were so strong to be alone.

    Today I realized how people in London go insane. What the fuck is up with that place?Confined and neglected, I locate my intelligence.

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    The world is a bruised whore, yet we still bay for one more crevice to exploit.

    Surrounded by everything, I see nothing.

    I see other people as other people.

    Freedom- the modicum given to the people, while government ceases more and

    more power.

    The most intelligent race is destructive, the earth is dead.

    The rich man is not rich, but constantly envious.

    I am the cancer of this world.

    Grow clever whilst seeking information, put this information together.

    Perception zap.

    Get your racism receptors out, were on a witch hunt.

    I failed so hard, but nothing happened. Other than the disconnection of loves which were

    false anyway. I was extremely critical of this fact, as my life has been built upon the

    prevention of failing. For failure is ultimate death theyd have you believe. How wrong I was.

    Failure is learning.If only humanity had a single focal point to move towards, cooperation could be

    harnessed. Instead we have six billion slightly different perspectives. None of which are fully


    Repose, rest and calm.

    Its fun to play with peoples feelings, to conceive new realities within your

    relationships with one another that wouldnt have otherwise existed within your current

    boundary ridden relationship.

    Listen to the Sex Pistols outside Westminster.

    If we circum to the veil of this is for your safety. Then safety gradually develops alarger and larger callus over time, until a bastardized equilibrium is formed.

    Capitalism, like any political theory works fine with cooperation. The new generation

    do not wish to run with the working class model any longer though. The derelict buildings,

    and starving families also have a lot to account for, considering the richest one percent of

    the United States has a wealth thats equivocal to the other ninety nine percent of the

    country. The current population of the United States is around 317,000,000, therefore

    3,170,000 have the equivocal wealth of the other 313,830,000.

    How on earth did that policeman catch me without breaking the speed limit


    Legal is legal, is not ethical.Any system can be manipulated, and WILL be manipulated.

    A system should always reflect the nature of the people who abide by that system.

    Never scorn upon anything, because legality and irony are the craziest things!

    Its called a pseudo democracy. So the United States have justified almost every war

    its declared on the claim that they are fighting for democracy. So how many political parties

    realistically have a chance of election in the United States, other than the Republicans and

    the Democrats?

    A playful drifter of the landscape.

    People make decisions based on legacy as opposed to harmony.Man doesnt destroy the world, mans motivations destroys the world.

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    Principal and the deformation, and hypocrisy of such a term.

    Life is a solitude journey. Though it is the exposed enrichment of the life around you

    that contrasts a life from another.

    Im not oblivious, I just dont care.

    Somewhere around, the nature of self mutilation is the humans longs to get high.

    Amidst the perpetual fear brigade.

    Smart to be dumb and dumb to be smart.

    Endurance of the life.

    Being wise means sensing all of earths bad nature

    Reflection mirror light.

    Whose words are in your head?

    Lovers come and go. Its the age of this time, and the manifesting feelings that

    signify love.

    People will only like what is cool. You can be as good as you like, it doesnt matter

    now. Intelligence and construction are a liability if anything.

    Do you bury yourself with your money?

    I associate with THAT PLACE so what does that make me?

    Transmits milky strains of dread.

    Were all looking for spirituality, living in fear of the higher mind.

    Its not a bad life, but Id settle for strange.

    Whats all this pressure spurning from longevity of this world?

    I know humans who go out of their way to stagnate and waste away their lifetimes.

    And Ive accidentally stood on beetles, which I killed instantly.

    Dont let their exposures fool you, seek your own.

    In the end it comes down to being a specimen of this place to be observed. Thats what it

    comes down to. Your dents will be what determines the durability of your impact on this


    I forgot the pain, so it stayed away.

    If there was a planet with solely one animal, it would thrive far more naturally than a

    human occupied planet. Humans look for ways to exploit nature as a first protocol, rather

    than obtaining ways to live alongside it.

    When people misunderstand, that doesnt make you wrong.

    I cannot get over how much time has elapsed from my recent memory.

    Radicals, both good and bad are criticized.The material addiction that fuels the world is far more dangerous than any other

    known compulsion.

    The curse and praise of instant emotional exposure. The mind must grow strong to

    absorb all exposure, as the absorption of all exposure provides the beholder with a stronger

    and stronger skin to absorb exposure.

    And this part of ground was where I lost and found the will to live. Now lost it is,

    with every other piece that my life once was, but never is.