Virtual Child Summary

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  • Lucas Carneiro

    CHLD 10

    June 4, 2013

    Virtual Child Summary

    1. My virtual child, Caue, is now eighteen years old and is on his

    way to college to study at a "prestigious out-of-state institution".

    For the most part, he has shown to be a responsible child,

    especially in the area of academics. Physically he's never had

    any problems, no hospital visists, broken bones, ecognitive

    development has always been above averge. During parenting I

    tried to let his interests guide him, but at the same time I tried to

    encourage positive behavior and challange him as much as

    possible. The only area where Caue showed any trouble was

    socially. In his early years, he was very shy and took a while to

    warm up to new people and places. During his teens he got into

    some trouble, like drinking, coming home past curfew, getting a

    tattoo, and a car accident, which can be partially attributed to

    hanging with the wrong crowd. His emotional development

    however seemed stable throughout. He never had any emotional

    outbreaks or episodes. I believe he is more than well prepared for

  • college life and will be very succesfull

    2. To consider if I've met my goal as a parent I must first define

    what I think my goal as a parent should be. I believe that the

    ultimate goal of a parent should be to produce a young adult who

    is physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally ready to live

    life independently. When raising Caue I couldn't help but reflect

    back on my own parent's parenting style, which was for the most

    part, permissive. Looking back now I realized things for me

    could've turned out different if they had exerted just a little more

    control and guidance, because a lot of the time as a child and

    teen we really don't know what is best for us and it helps to be

    pointed in the right direction. That is what I tried to do with Caue.

    I wanted him to experience as much as possible, but in controlled

    postitve environments which would foster his development. I

    opted for a authoritarian parenting style, believing that this

    method would be most effective in getting Caue to make correct

    decisions for himself. I'm really happy, and even pleasently

    surprised, of how well he turned out to be.

    3. As a former child, I can remember that during schoolyears,

    especially in middle and high school, your peers are at the center

    of your focus. I'd imagine it was virtually the same for Caue.

    Many firsts happen with friends instead of family. Like first a first

    kiss, first drink, first social event, among other things. One of the

  • things that I'm reminded is when Caue began asking questions

    about different religions and world views. He seemed interested

    in the questions of religion even though that was something I

    hadn't emphasized in his upbringing. Also the fact that he joined

    his school's humane society was a surprise for me because it was

    something that he did all on his own. It was fun to see that the

    concepts of caring and kindness that I tried to foster in him as a

    young child were now coming to manifest.