vincon final111

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  • 7/21/2019 vincon final111


    International Business

    Croitor Tudor

    Moraru Silviu

    Munteanu Madalin

    Olaru Lorena

  • 7/21/2019 vincon final111


    Table of ContentsPresentation of the rm.............................................................................................. 3

    SWOT analysis of Vincon............................................................................................ 4

    Products description................................................................................................... 5

    !aluation of forei"n mar#ets...................................................................................$%

    Political &actors......................................................................................................$%

    conomic &actors.................................................................................................. $$

    Sociocultural &actors............................................................................................. $$

    Technolo"ical &actors.............................................................................................$$

    n!ironmental &actors...........................................................................................$$

    'e"al &actors......................................................................................................... $(

    PST' )nalysis on *ountries...................................................................................$(


    &rance................................................................................................................... $4


    nited /in"dom..................................................................................................... (%

    Ireland................................................................................................................... (3

    0ar#et selection 1 nited /in"dom..........................................................................(40ar#et strate"y to enter forei"n 2ine mar#ets........................................................(5

    The Product...........................................................................................................(



  • 7/21/2019 vincon final111


    Presentation of the rm

    The company was established in 1949, as the biggest wine processing company from Romania.

    Initially the company had to process the entire quantity of grapes harvested from the vineyards,

    spread on more than !""" hectares that belongs to the state.

    #tarting with 19$9, the vineyards were given bac% to the former owners, and our company had to

    ma%e huge financial efforts in order to ensure the grapes needed for the wine ma%ing process

    from its own resources.

    In 1999, the company became entirely private, and its main shareholder has decided to ma%e it

    what it deserves to be& 'I()*( 'R+()+ - the largest wine spirits company, from


    In order to do so, /rs. 0uchi eorgescu, the main shareholder of the company and )hairman of

    the 2oard, decided to start an impressive program that too% into consideration two fundamental

    aspects& preserving the heritage by procuring its own vineyards and moderni3ing the processing

    and sales processes.

    Today, the company means simultaneously& /ore than !" years of eperience in wine ma%ing,

    more than 15"" hectares of vineyards planted with both Romanian and international varieties of

    noble grapes, !"" employees that put their passioninto each drop of wine spirit that reach ourcustomers, a portfolio of wines spirits of more than 1" products sold through all channels of

    distribution, both on Romanian and international wine mar%et.


  • 7/21/2019 vincon final111



    analysis of Vincon#6*T is a basic, straightforward model that assesses what an organi3ation can and cannot do as

    well as its potential opportunities and threats. The method of #6*T analysis is to ta%e the

    information from an environmental analysis and separate it into internal 7strengths and

    wea%nesses8 and eternal issues 7opportunities and threats8. *nce this is completed, #6*T

    analysis determines what may assist the firm in accomplishing its obectives, and what obstacles

    must be overcome or minimi3ed to achieve desired results.

    #trengths 6ea%nesses

    :eatures the most homogenous and wide

    vineyard landscape stretched across thecountry 7,15" ;ectares8m?ioas>

    Rom?neasc>, 2usuioac> de 2ohotin si
