Vincentian Values on the Web

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  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    Vincentian Social Values

    Here are ten building-blocks upon which the Church's entire social teaching rests.

    1. The principle of the Dignity of the Human Person. "Every human being is created in the image of God andredeemed by Jesus Christ, and, therefore, is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family."

    2. The principle of Respect for Human Life."Every person, from the moment of conception to natural death, has inherent dignity and a right to life consistentwith that dignity."

    3. The Principle of Association."Our tradition proclaims that the person is not only sacred but also social. How we organize our society ? ineconomics and politics, in law and policy ? directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow incommunity."

    4. The Principle of Participation."We believe people have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking together the common good and well-being of all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable."

    5. The Principle of Preferential Protection for the Poor and Vulnerable.

    We believe that we touch Christ when we touch the needy.

    6. The Principle of Solidarity."Catholic social teaching proclaims that we are our brothers' and sisters' keepers, wherever they live. We are onehuman family.... Learning to practice the virtue of solidarity means learning that `loving our neighbor' has globaldimensions in an interdependent world."

    7. The Principle of Stewardship."The Catholic tradition insists that we show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation."The steward is a manager, not an owner. In an era of rising consciousness about our physical environment, ourtradition is calling us to a sense of moral responsibility for the protection of the environment ? croplands,grasslands, woodlands, air, water, minerals and other natural deposits. Stewardship responsibilities also looktoward our use of our personal talents, our attention to personal health and our use of personal property.

    8. The Principle of Subsidiarity.

    This Principle deals chiefly with "the responsibilities and limits of government, and the essential roles of voluntaryassociations."The principle of subsidiarity puts a proper limit on government by insisting that no higher level of organizationshould perform any function that can be handled efficiently and effectively at a lower level of organization bypersons or groups that are closer to the problems and closer to the ground. Oppressive governments are always inviolation of the principle of subsidiarity; overactive governments also sometimes violate this principle.

    9. The Principle of Human Equality."Equality of all persons comes from their essential dignity.... While differences in talents are a part of God's plan,social and cultural discrimination in fundamental rights... are not compatible with God's design."

    10. The Principle of the Common Good."The common good is understood as the social conditions that allow people to reach their full human potential and

    to realize their human dignity."

  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    Values QuotesRemember, Monsieur that roses are not gathered except in the midst of thorns and that heroic acts of virtue are accomplished

    only in weakness.Details

    Perfection consists in a constant perseverance to acquire the virtues and become proficient in their practice, because on God's

    road, not to advance is to fall back since man never remains in the same condition .Details |Quotes with related words

    [A] truly humble spirit humbles itself as much amid honors as amid insults, acting like the honeybee which makes its honey

    equally as well from the dew that falls on the wormwood as from that which falls on the rose. Details

    [W]ork at ridding yourself of the esteem you have had up to now for the glitter and sparkle of virtue and the vain applause of

    the world, which Our Lord so assiduously avoided and so often recommends us to shun, and that you labor in earnest to acquire

    true and solid virtues.Details

    One beautiful diamond is worth more than a mountain of stones, and one virtuous act of acquiescence and submission is better

    than an abundance of good works done for others.Details

    God has granted me today a very particular fondness for requesting of Him that same virtue of ever choosing the worst and

    that which is contrary to my own liking.Details|Quotes with related words

    We must hold as an irrefutable maxim that the difficulties we have with our neighbor arise more from our immortified moods

    than from anything else. Details

    Always be quite simple and sincere and ask God to grant me those two virtues. Details | Quotes with related words

    . . . Our Lord humbles in order to raise up, and allows the suffering of interior and exterior afflictions in order to bring about

    peace. He often desires some things more than we do, but wants us to merit the grace of accomplishing them by several

    practices of virtue and to beg for this with many prayers. Details

    In order to become soundly virtuous, it is advisable to make good practical resolutions concerning particular acts of the

    virtues and to be faithful in carrying the out afterwards. Without doing that, one is often virtuous only in one's


    Values Quotes

    Ordinarily, God allows these things [i.e. evil suggestions and wickedness] to happen to free us from some hidden pride and to

    engender in us holy humility. Details | Quotes with related wordsIt is true that zeal is the soul of the virtues, but most certainly, Monsieur, it must be according to knowledge, as Saint Paul

    says; that means: according to knowledge of experience. And because young people ordinarily do not possess this experiential

    knowledge, their zeal goes to excess, especially in those who have a natural asperity. Details

    [E]xcess in the practice of virtue is no less imperfect than the lack of it. Details

    [L]et us work to rid ourselves of our attacks of over-zealousness especially when it offends against respect, esteem, and


    . . . in the final analysis, virtue is not found in extremes, but in prudence . . .Details

    In God's name, Monsieur, let us remain indifferent; let us strive to be equally attached to whatever obedience marks out for us,

    be it agreeable or disagreeable. By the grace of God, we belong to Him; what else should we desire except to please

    Him? Details | Quotes with related words

    I know well, Monsieur, how much you have to endure in your present duty, and I ask Our Lord to strengthen you in your

    difficulties. It is in such circumstances that we acquire virtue; where there is no suffering, there is little merit. My wish is that

    God may grant us great indifference with regard to duties. O Monsieur, how sure we would then be of doing His Holy Will,

    which is our sole aspiration, and how much peace and contentment we would enjoy, or so it seems to me!Details |Quotes with

    related words

    In the name of God, Monsieur, let us not be so little attached to Gods service that we yield to a useless fear which may cause

    us to abandon the task He has given us.Details|Quotes with related words

    Experience has shown us that virtue puts down only shallow roots in those who are there for just a short timeDetails
  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    In God's name, Monsieur, let us remain indifferent; let us strive to be equally attached to whatever obedience marks out for us,

    be it agreeable or disagreeable.Details |Quotes with related words

    Values QuotesIt seems to me that the best way will be the one that is most gentle and forbearing, which is more in conformity with the Spirit

    of Our Lord and more apt to win hearts.Details

    There are some persons who are content with everything and others who are scarcely content with anything. These latter need

    patience to bear with themselves.Details

    [V]irtue is not found in extremes, but in prudence, which I recommend as strongly as I canDetails

    God allows us to give rise to the practice of two beautiful virtues: perseverance, which leads us to attain the goal, and

    constancy, which helps us to overcome difficulties. Details | Quotes with related words

    Put your trust in Him and following His example, always act humbly, graciously, and in good faith. Details

    Practice humility and patience.Details

    Let us do our duty well; let us go straight to God; let us work to become very humble, very patient, very mortified, and very

    charitable.DetailsWe must be firm but not rough in our guidance and avoid an insipid kind of meekness, which is ineffective. Details

    If your men grow weary of the work or balk at obedience, you must bear with them. Get what you can gently from them. True,

    it is good to be firm in attaining your goal, but use appropriate, attractive, and agreeable means.Details

    [M]ay you be more advanced in the school of solid virtue, which is practiced in an excellent way in the midst of suffering, and

    which keeps good servants of God in fear when they have nothing to suffer!Details

    Values Quotes

    I can understand that the man you told me about has offended you, and I am very annoyed that he forgot himself like that.

    However, you must not consider what he did as coming from him but rather as a trial which God wishes to make of your

    patience. This virtue will be even more a virtue in you who are more sensitive by nature and have given less cause for the

    offense that you have received.Details

    We must be firm but not rough in our guidance and avoid an insipid kind of meekness, which is ineffective. We will learn

    from Our Lord how our meekness should always be accompanied by humility and grace so as to attract hearts to Him and not

    cause anyone to turn away from Him. Details

    it will be easier for you to bring him around to where you want him more by gentleness and patience than by being too


    I thank God that you know the art of tearing yourself apart - I mean the way to humble yourself truly by recognizing and

    realizing your faults. You are right in believing yourself to be as you describe and to be most unsuitable for any kind of duty; it

    is on this foundation that Our Lord will base the execution of His plans for you. Details

    Charity Quotes[L]ove is inventive to infinity. Details| Quotes with related words

    Who will excuse us before God for the loss of such a great number of people, who could be saved by the slight assistance we

    could give them? Details|Quotes with related words
  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    The kingdom of God is peace in the Holy Spirit; He will reign in you if your heart is at peace. So, be at peace, Mademoiselle,

    and you will honor in a sovereign way the God of peace and love. Details | Quotes with related words

    [I]t is His good pleasure that we remain always in the holy joy of His love Details

    There is no act of charity that is not accompanied by justice or that permits us to do more than we reasonably can. Details

    Charity is the cement which binds Communities to God and persons to one another . . .Details

    . . . [I]n the kingdom of charity, one prefers to suffer some inconvenience rather than inconvenience the neighbor. Details

    We cannot better assure our eternal happiness than by living and dying in the service of the poor, in the arms of Providence,

    and with genuine renouncement of ourselves in order to follow Jesus Christ.Details

    Even convicts, with whom I have spent some time, are not won over in any other way. Whenever I happened to speak sharply

    to them, I spoiled everything; on the contrary, when I praised them for their resignation and sympathized with them in their

    sufferings; when I told them they were fortunate to have their purgatory in this world, when I kissed their chains, showed

    compassion for their distress, and expressed sorrow for their misfortune, it was then that they listened to me, gave glory to God,

    and opened themselves to salvation.Details

    . . . . [P]ersons who love very much, easily take offense at trifles. No doubt your excessive affection for me makes you a little

    diffident about mine. But there is no harm done; I hope you will soon be over this slight jealousy and be convinced that nothing

    can change the genuine affection Our Lord has given me for youDetails

    Charity Quotes

    We must be full reservoirs in order to let our water spill out without becoming empty, and we must possess the spirit with

    which we want them to be animated, for no one can give what he does not have. Details

    If you grant asylum to so many refugees, your house may be sacked sooner by the soldiers; I see that clearly. The question is,

    however, whether, because of this danger, you should refuse to practice such a beautiful virtue as charity. Details

    I hope that this man can be won over by your bearing charitably with him, advising him prudently, and praying for him. This is

    what I do for your family in general and for you in particular. Details

    Faith Quotes

    God's affairs are accomplished gradually and almost imperceptibly and His spirit is neither violent nor

    tempestuous.Details|Quotes with related words

    He also always blesses humble beginnings much more than those accompanied by a lot of show.Details

    In a word, we are like the servants of the centurion in the Gospel with regard to the bishops, insofar as when they say to us:

    go, we are obliged to go; if they say: come, we are obliged to come; do that, and we are obliged to do it.Details

    [Do not] overburden yourself with rules of devotion, but persist in doing well those you have, your daily actions, your work; in

    a word, let everything revolve around doing well what you are doing.Details

    [I[f you are happy at the foot of the Cross where you are at present and which is the best place in this world you could be. So

    be happy there, Mademoiselle, and fear nothing.Details

    The kingdom of God is peace in the Holy Spirit; He will reign in you if your heart is at peace. So, be at peace, Mademoiselle,

    and you will honor in a sovereign way the God of peace and love. Details | Quotes with related words

    [I]t is His good pleasure that we remain always in the holy joy of His love Details

    Since I am a great sinner, I cannot reject those who have been, provided they have good will.Details

    It is a ruse of the devil, by which he deceives good people, to induce them to do more than they are able, so that they end up

    not being able to do anything. The spirit of God urges one gently to do the good that can be done reasonably, so that it may be

    done perseveringly and for a long time. Details

    In the name of Our Lord, Monsieur, do all you can to regain your health and take good care of it so that you can serve God and

    the poor for a longer time. This moderate care does not preclude the obligation we have of generously risking our lives when

    the salvation of our neighbor is concerned. Details
  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    Faith QuotesI feel so strongly about the truths Our Lord taught us by word and example that I cannot help but see how everything done

    according to that teaching always succeeds perfectly well, while things done the opposite way have a quite different


    . . . Practice teaching catechism and preaching. Missionaries must apply themselves to these tasks and although they do not

    accomplish them as successfully as others do, according to the opinion of men, it must be enough for them that they are doing

    the Will of God and perhaps producing more real fruit.Details |Quotes with related words

    We must endeavor to have God reign sovereignly in us, and then in others. The trouble with me is that I take more care to have

    Him reign in others than in myself.Details

    Perfection consists in a constant perseverance to acquire the virtues and become proficient in their practice, because on God's

    road, not to advance is to fall back since man never remains in the same condition .Details |Quotes with related words

    . . . It is God's plan that those who are to help others spiritually fall into the temptations of mind and body by which others can

    be tormented. . . . Scorn both these evil suggestions and the wickedness of their author, who is the devil.Details|Quotes with

    related words

    I am the only wretch who keeps on heaping new iniquities and abominations on myself. O Monsieur, how merciful God is to

    put up with me with so much patience and forbearance, and how weak and miserable I am to abuse his mercies so

    greatly!Details|Quotes with related words

    His Divine Goodness asks that we never do good in any place to make ourselves look important but that we always consider

    Him directly, immediately, and without intermediary in all our actions. Details

    . . . Our Lord humbles in order to raise up, and allows the suffering of interior and exterior afflictions in order to bring about

    peace. He often desires some things more than we do, but wants us to merit the grace of accomplishing them by several

    practices of virtue and to beg for this with many prayers. Details

    God asks that we never do good in one place to make ourselves look important in others but, rather, that we always regard Him

    directly, immediately, and without intermediary in all our actions and allow ourselves to be guided by His paternal

    hand.Details |Quotes with related words

    . . . God is pleased to communicate himself to the simple and humble and to use the smallest and lowliest to make them great

    and exalted. In a word, it is He Himself who has called and approved them and even inspired their humble manner of


    Faith Quotes

    God uproots the vine that He Himself has not planted. Details|Quotes with related words

    Would that God, Monsieur, had rendered us worthy of spending our lives, as Our Lord did, for the salvation of those poor

    souls so far removed from all assistance. Details

    Let us reflect that we shall always do God's Will and He will do ours when we carry out that of our Superiors.Details

    [I]t is the maxim of the saints that when a matter has been decided in the presence of God after many prayers and the seeking

    of advice, we must reject and consider as a temptation whatever is suggested to the contrary.Details

    Ordinarily, God allows these things [i.e. evil suggestions and wickedness] to happen to free us from some hidden pride and to

    engender in us holy humility. Details | Quotes with related words

    Our Lord and the saints accomplished more by suffering than by acting.Details

    [N]or should you move so fast! The works of God do not proceed in that way; they come about of themselves, and those He

    does not create soon perish.Details |Quotes with related words

    [W]isdom consists in following Providence step by step. And you can be sure of the truth of a maxim which seems

    paradoxical, namely, that he who is hasty falls back in the interests of God. Details | Quotes with related words
  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    He is greatly honored by the time we take to weigh with mature deliberation matters having to do with his service, as are all

    those with which we deal.Details

    Well! bon Dieu! what better opportunity awaits you to suffer something for God? I certainly see none. In the name of God,

    Monsieur, let us not be so little attached to God's service that we yield to a useless fear which may cause us to abandon the task

    He has given us.Details|Quotes with related words

    Faith QuotesWith God's help, you will continue to succeed in your leadership and in your duties, because Our Lord's work is accomplished

    not so much by the multitude of workers as by the fidelity of the small number whom He calls. Details | Quotes with related


    I have never come away from you without reflecting that the Spirit of God and His holy workings reside in

    you. Details | Quotes with related words

    Things arrange themselves with time. Only God can have everything to His liking; His servants should act as Our Lord

    did. Details

    So, do not dwell any longer on what you are, but consider Our Lord close by you and within you, ready to put His hand to the

    work as soon as you call upon Him for help, and you will see that all will go well.Details

    May God be pleased to make it known to you, and fill you increasingly with His Spirit, so that through you it may be poured

    into the souls you guide, and your own soul may be more greatly sanctified! Details|Quotes with related words

    We cannot better assure our eternal happiness than by living and dying in the service of the poor, in the arms of Providence,

    and with genuine renouncement of ourselves in order to follow Jesus Christ.Details

    In God's name, Monsieur, let us remain indifferent; let us strive to be equally attached to whatever obedience marks out for us,

    be it agreeable or disagreeable. By the grace of God, we belong to Him; what else should we desire except to please

    Him? Details | Quotes with related words

    I know well, Monsieur, how much you have to endure in your present duty, and I ask Our Lord to strengthen you in your

    difficulties. It is in such circumstances that we acquire virtue; where there is no suffering, there is little merit. My wish is that

    God may grant us great indifference with regard to duties. O Monsieur, how sure we would then be of doing His Holy Will,

    which is our sole aspiration, and how much peace and contentment we would enjoy, or so it seems to me!Details |Quotes with

    related words

    (1) Be convinced that exactness in rising is one of the most important practices in the Company and that as the day begins so

    the rest of the day continues; (2) give yourselves sincerely to God on going to bed in the evening, asking Him for the strength to

    overcome yourselves in the morning and to obey His voice without delay.Details |Quotes with related words

    Providence must call us and we must follow it, if we are to go forward confidently. Details

    Faith Quotes

    The works of God are not accomplished when we wish them, but whenever it pleases Him.Details|Quotes with related


    God often delays the conclusion of a holy endeavor so that those involved in it might merit its grace by the length of the work,

    their patience, and their prayers. This is why I beg you not to grow weary in yours. Although He may delay, He will reveal that

    it is pleasing to Him, if it is done, nevertheless, in a spirit of resignation regarding the outcome. Details| Quotes with relatedwords

    God has great plans for you, directed towards helping you do what Jesus Christ did when He was on earth. This requires you

    do resist temptation vigorously, with special confidence in the assistance of His Divine Goodness. Courage then, Monsieur. Be

    faithful to Him, and the Divine Goodness will be favorable to you.Details |Quotes with related words

    I beg Our Lord, Monsieur, that we may be able to die to ourselves in order to rise with Him, that he may be the joy of your

    heart, the end and soul of your actions, and your glory in heaven. This will come to pass if, from now on, we humble ourselves

    as He humbled Himself, if we renounce our own satisfaction to follow Him by carrying our little crosses, and if we give our

    lives willingly, as He gave His, for our neighbor whom He loves so much and whom He wants us to love as ourselves. Details
  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    In the name of God, Monsieur, let us not be so little attached to Gods service that we yield to a useless fear which may cause

    us to abandon the task He has given us.Details|Quotes with related words

    Since God is satisfied with our good will and honest efforts, let us also be satisfied with the outcome He gives to them, and

    our actions will never be without good resultsDetails|Quotes with related words

    All of you desire to belong entirely to God, and God also wants all of you to belong to HimDetails|Quotes with related


    Furthermore, the apostolic life does not exclude contemplation but encompasses it and profits by it to know better the eternal

    truths it must proclaim Details

    Let us be submissive to Providence, He will see to our affairs in His own time and in His own way Details

    If after so much effort and prayer, the matter is not successful, it will be a clear sign that God does not will it.Details

    Faith QuotesPeace is worth far more than anything they might take from you. Details

    You know, Monsieur, that, although the contemplative life is more perfect than the active life, it is not, however, more so than

    one which embraces at the same time contemplation and action, as does yours, by God's grace.DetailsThere is a vast difference between an Apostolic life and the solitude of the Carthusians. The latter is truly very holy but is not

    suited to those whom God has called to the former, which is in itself more excellent.Details

    [T]hese losses of the Church in the past hundred years give us reason to fear in the present misfortune that in another hundred

    years we may lose the Church entirely in Europe. So, keeping this fear in mind, blessed are those who cooperate in extending

    the Church elsewhere.Details

    [L]et us believe that all is going along the best in the world when we take no satisfaction in it, provided we humble ourselves

    for this and redouble our confidence in God.Details

    The angels would become incarnate if they could, so that they might come to earth to imitate the example and virtues of the

    Son of God!Details| Quotes with related words

    In a word, we owe obedience to the bishops in all things pertaining to our work in the missions, with ordinands, etc., but the

    spiritual and internal direction belongs to the Superior General. DetailsNever betray His principles for any reason whatsoever, and take great care not to spoil God's affairs by too much haste in


    It is no wonder you are tempted; on the contrary, it would be something new if you were not, because man's life is nothing but

    temptation, and no one is exempt from it, especially those who have given themselves to God; his own Son even passed through

    this trial. But if it is necessary for everyone, it is also a source of merit for those to whom God grants the grace of turning all

    things to good, as you do.Details|Quotes with related words

    The children of our Lord walk gladly in his ways; they have confidence in him, and so when they fall, they rise again; and if,

    instead of stopping to grumble about the stone they have tripped over, they humble themselves at their fall, this helps them to

    advance with great strides in his love. Details

    Faith QuotesI would rather him to bear patiently with it than to put himself in danger of a greater evil.Details

    Put your trust in Him and following His example, always act humbly, graciously, and in good faith. Details

    Your soul will be blessed, Sister, if you bear patiently the troubles of mind and body His Providence sends you, or which come

    to you from within and without.Details
  • 7/31/2019 Vincentian Values on the Web


    Rarely is any good done without difficulty; the devil is too subtle and the world too corrupt not to attempt to nip such a good

    work in the budDetails| Quotes with related words

    Let us do our duty well; let us go straight to God; let us work to become very humble, very patient, very mortified, and very


    God has seen fit that, since our services are useful to many persons, everyone approves them, but only when they are carried

    out in the spirit of Our Lord. Details

    In this way, through experience they will be formed adequately, will be encouraged, and will be capable of rendering service

    to God.Details|Quotes with related words

    Be acted upon rather than active. In this way, God will do through you alone what all men put together could not do without

    Him. Details|Quotes with related words

    To this end, we should help and support one another and strive for peace and union among ourselves. This is the wine that

    cheers and strengthens travelers along the narrow path of Jesus Christ.Details

    Oh! how happy the man of means who uses his wealth and his life for the greater glory of God, from whom he has received

    them! Details