help REPAIR THAT CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war/bond lor a gallant navy ship! A R«i( WAR BULLETIN LONDON, Ceb. t QJi3—B*dlo A a lu n uUd todi)' IKil RiuiUn (reopa hmd ea. (errd RoXor uid that itrcet (icbtlat waa Ukint pUcc Intldc the «ll7. VOL. N0256 T\VIN FAL1«S. IDAHO. Mj)SDAY. FEBRLARY 8. lO J.I PRICE 5 CENTS LABOR DRAFT BILL INTRODUCED BILLRESIilG NlIlteWINS [m o m nr AR.MAND u uino BOISE, Pfb. a I-D-Tlie Walio home of repfesfntaUvr.i t<xlay pois- ed 44 lo ]« a pro;xMd coiiitUutlon' al cuiicndmcnt wlildi aouUl reslrJct and rcKUIntc .Uie right of voters oX Ihe ilate lo Initiate call- ti^S lor tiie approprltiloii of sLati Itinds. The proposal. tix,nv3re<l by the Jiidlclao' eommlllee, would require Uiat any inlUiUve wUlch calls lor or autlioriwd liie expenditure luiids would be required lo stau (irflnllrly Uir maximum amounl ol fund] to be &|>eiit. I furtlicr would require Uial-such inlilBilve meajures would be re- <jutred to »ute ihe nieiliod ot .raii- iriK tilt Ttvt-niic it^ulrrd tor Uii npiiroprlntlon of w hatever fuodi art needed. U>d> Debale n<p. Moffatl. R , Ada, chairman ot commlUee, led Ute debate Ir favor of Uie meajure. wUlch wsrlii- troduc«i frankly as a coimlcr-mea' ^ure ngttlnst the senior elUiens’ Kraiita act, jujt repealed by Uie leg- J-ilature and approved by the bov* Thlj Initiative measure called f.pr Ujc npproprlfttlon of money estlmal- e<l ai upw-ardj ot JlO.OCe.OOO for a 30 months period, nnd would have neeeisllated, oecordlns to Oov. Bol- llUfcn's estimate, a nve per cent sain la* to fminee.. Tlie problem of financing Uie .sen- ior elUiens' crants act in th« face of calls for economy In slate gov- ernment has been Uie principal one before lliU legblature. Musi Poit Trlcei Tlie hoiue pa.vied, wliJiout a dLs- jeniliig vole, o measure lo require liquor firms to p u i w-iih U)« Idaho liquor dispensary ihelr prices to other sutes. n ie mea«ufe, liOrodittcO ai- r »ennte bill and already paired by the upper houM, tequl«» that, lUiMor and wine firms also list with Uie superintendent of the dispensary the names of alt attorneys and asent« repreicntliiK them In Iifaho. Rep. Ritchie, n.. Goodinc. .^peak- . InB lor the measure, declared that llie reculnllon had been requestcrt by an aiidltlns firm wlilcli checked the stale dbpciisari's books as aid lo easier audlUnc ot Uie i ocdj. Vole on the hill was M to 0, BItl Delayed An nltempt to r.ecure tomedlnte action on anotlitr liquor bill In the hotlff failed Just previous to actloa on Uie price Ibt 1)111. nep. Anderson, II.. Dlngham. n.slc- (CoiiniH *11 ri(« i. oiiBB Mui’tausrii Warrior Kills 27 Japs ill Pacific Isle Fight <nbbibale«i fay United rrrsil SOMEWHERE IN TIIE SOUTJl PACIFIC. Jan. M (Delayed)—Sec- ond Lleul. Samuel Corder Turtier. n , U. s. M. C. of Murlaujh. Ida., lull a jxeroonWontxJwt into bailie on Tanambogo island, north of Guadalcanal, that he vas e o ^ to be killed. Dui he emerxtd unscratdieiJ after kllUne XI Japanese toldlera single- handed. ' Thre« monUis laler he was wound- ed by ahraptiel in anoUier engase- ment on Quadalcanal. TJie young lieutenant was among 90 nveiv and oJtlcers «lv3 hatl b«ei\ ordered » lake TanambOBO, a- Uny Ulajid. Acluall}-. iherc were 3S0. m wi of them conctaJed In well* forUfled caves. A week laler, Uie marlne.v who had mffered onli- 2i casualtlrs. burled 34B of the encoU' and toot nro prUOiitrs.' -When we hit the beach.- Tur- ner said. "It was every m»n for him- .•^elf. In front of us was a pillbox at tl« ba« ol ft hVll Wt had lo clean up that pillbox and take that hill to contn>I the situation. A.t we moved forw-»rd they were shooting at us from In front and behind. ' I was flanked by tw-o MrgeanLs as I moved toward Ihe hlll, One of Ihem shouted. 'You ciin'i live lor- ever. l>oy5.’ He was shot Uirough the head five mlnuies laler. dying In- lUnUy. "In aiioUier minute the other ^er- geant was shot thrvugh Uie back. I pul my IlTOvrning automaUc rltle against my chcst and started roll- ing on the Kround until I felt Into a shell-tiole 10 yards away. I was Joined lliere by anoUier serseanl. • At tills poltit 1 wade vip my mlr,d that rd be killed In another lew minutes anyway, ;.o tlie two of us left Uie shell-liole and ran up the hill and got behind the plllboi. swarming with JnjV!, The sergeant and I opened fire wlUi our rifles. Tliat'i where t was credited with gfttlng Tt of them. •They fired at us wltJi pLslob and when thrlr nmmunlUon gave out, UioVUiici- rocks al-ua. Ciccailonally the Jap-' would rusli out of their trenehe.s''wlUi Uielr knives and di wavlnc w ’lldly and cliurge julcldally Into marine bayonets,' rntr tiiVLMtd. In Ult marlne.t at, Portland. Orr„ In July 103B. He later w»s promoted to platoon sergeant. Uicn a d m im lo officers' candidate Khool and commissioned In May, I»3. MSIUEM nOISE. Feb- a (J’—Tlie first Joint Induction of men lor the ami)-, navj-, marine corrK and coast guard will begin here tomorrow for souiliwe.'<t- em Idaho .selecleej, Lleul. COI. Nor- man D. AdkMn. .st^itc eiecuUve of- ficer of Uie selective seo’lce said U>- <lny. Under plans formulates! at a con- ferrnce of service eiecuUves in Sati Lftke City recently, npproiimately two out of even- IJ men actually Inducted will tjc enlbted In the coast R U ^ . navy of marine corp*. he said. TJiLi proporUon may rtr>- from day to day during Uie InducUon period." Colonel AdkLson explained, •■but masl average lip nt Uie end, ami will not include tlicne men acceptPd who are unnble to meet the higher vLnial requlrenient.s of the nnvr and marlne.v Tim army will thus pel a higher proportion Umn nine out of each 11 men nccepted,- Men called lor Induction win not be ^lennlUed to eho»e Uielr ttfanch of service al local boarts. he Mid. but may ",stale Uielr preference when Uiey arrti-e at Uie InducUon it^on." 'The InducUon board will be In PC*ralell<> from Feb. 15 lo 59 and nwUi Idaho rexLsirnntJi will report to Spokane between Peb, 15 and 17 he added. USELESS JEFFERSON cm. MO, FVb. 8 (.?>—Senator Paul Jones, appro- prtatlons chairman of Uie MU- sourt senate, was quite proud of lilt fact he'd managtd lo otiialn nn adding maclilne (they'TV scarce now) . . . Until he found It would add onli- lo V9SiiSi. •'What good will lhat do?" he lamented. "Here we are with everybody asking for a million!" Rain and Mud Slow Down Africa Attack &7 The Auatlattd Prtu Rain and mud nyain boj.'Kcd down the aliicd ground pai{jn in Tunisia, restricting acUvily to patrols, war com- muniquM revealed today. A further closinR of the allied pincers upou Jliirshtil Rommel was indicated, ho%vcver, by a Cairo report which «aid British cii^hth army troops were in contact with tho enemy in the coastii! •rcpioh of the Tripolitanian-Tunisiai^ border we.tt of^TIsida and they wore believed to be preparing for i new attack. Emphasise AtUcL* BulltUns from both Cairo and aV lird headquarters In norUt Afric; eniphaslted Uie Sunday bomblntyi of Italian soil. Cairo dispatchfs said Hint Ameri- can a-24 LJberftlora. In nddlUoii to, slarUng flrt.i which thrcv,- up gr columns of Wnck smoke in nn lack at Naple.s, r<ore<l direct hlt-i Uirre merchant vcs;,cls. Tlie iuill.m Jilgh command .-mid In a cotniuuitlque broml;rtsl Ifom Rome Uint the dnmnge w,i.% exicn- ilve and that there were ca-sunltie.i. Jt WTu Uie 40Ui alUck on Naple.i, The Italian bulleUn decured nine raiders were shot down-four at Na- ples. four at Cagliari and one In Slcll)-. The allle.i .yiW only two' planes were Iwt, one' from Uie mid- dle east eom.-nnnd and one from. Uie aerial forces of Ucul, Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower. Ff»a rianei fihot Down Grounded aircraft were .-<1 afire, bombs exploded on the air field nnd airdrome bulldlng.svnml a se.xplane sUUoa were hit In tV Cnsllnrl raid. Uie communique frohi allied head- quarters In norUi Africa reported. Five challenglnB axl« fighters were declared to have been .shot down wlUiout loss lo Uie formnUon o; u-17 Flylan B-:6 Ma- rauders and the p-38 Lightning es- cort. ^ lie In Woodrow Wilson War.Aide Passes NEW YORK. Feb. 8 (U/5-PuneraI services for Frank L. l>olk. uader- secreUrj- of state In Prtsldtnt, Woodrow WlLson'i cabinet, will be held Wednesday. polk.. 71. became lU last week and died yesUrday. He was a grtal- nephew of President PoU and a Bnmdion 05 Lecsildas Polk, “the . fighting bishop." - HANDY JER5EY crry, n. j, r>b. s lUfa TJie neighbors of JoJin Ka-uda were thankful loday that he b etrong. When a fire trapped m family In an adjoining home. Kor. uda leaned out a Ihlrd-noor wln- da* and wunj Ihtm—* ba^. a woman and two men—one at « time to safety. Koruda is &3 and handles beef carcasses la ■meat packing plant. Errol Flynn ‘ Nearly Broke After Trial By FnEDERICK C- OTHMAN HOLLYWOOD, Peb. 8 Errol Flj-nn. "almost bttJte" but happy ovrr hb aejuntal, said loday that, statutory- rape charges were filed against him a.s a '•political schemc" and an aitempt lo dbcmllt him. I doni brllrie the people *1K pror<rute<l me ever Uiought they would find me KuUly." Flynn said. “A lot ot mud has been thrown, and I iuppoj« .some of It siutk. But r'am hnppy thnl U;e [lollUcal scliemlnK In tlie CU .VC ha-Mit Interfered wlUi American juatice.' He declined to elaborate on the nature of ttie *i>oIlllcal scheming.” ■Nearly Dr«ke~ Defending himself against claims by Belly liawen. 17-year-old Ne- bHL'ika wnlire.-.s, and Prggy Lartie Sailerlee. 16. night club eniertatner Uiat he had altarked Uiem If&s left lilm “nearly brokr.^' FljTin .said. “X think It L\ loo bod that no mucli ■•aluable Ume—the stale's, the Jur- »rs‘ and mine—and also a lot of tlie state's money and mine, has beeir •' muited while the world Is InTOlved In total war," Flj nn added. “It's too bad all this energy eouldnl hare been dlwrted toward a uaeful purpose at thl* Ume." C«sl Raru lilgb The actual can of the actor’* de- fcuMt remalnnl umlliclojed. Nelth«i Flynn nor liLs attorney, sfteran criminal law)er Jerry Glfsler. ii-ould rcrcal Uie laller's fee, hut estimates ranted high. AddlUonaily, Plynn was known to have Incurrtd crtat expense In brtnglt^ witnesses h « « from oihcr parts of the eounUr (CM iu»t4 •• rw« i. > ; RUSSIANS SIA AHACK ON NAZ BAS[AIMV . Ily The A»«Uled Prru Tlie red army sent shelLs scream- Uig Bcrik-j Uie Don river into Ger- man iK)\liloiiJ In Rostov today. Rus- sl.in Uispaiehes reported, as Uie fourUi b.Mtle for, this Iniiwrtani city opened while ma-vses of Soiirt troop', battered Uielr way toward Uie main nail dtJenies In souUiem llll^sla un a 500-mlle front. RuMUn forces' aelred the town of Arxjv. 15 miles southwejt of Kos- lov, yriierday. freeing the left bank of the Don of the lasl ccnler of German resistance and makmE a lnn;r-:-<-ale am ult on RaMOv jxis- r.lble, a ^J>eclaI communique an- nouiiCfil. . Threaten Sail Bastions To Uic norUuJluiilan troops eon- Unurd lo clear great areas of itus- r.lan .v>ll of the Invader and ihrrater Uie ureal German baitlons of Orel. Kur:.li and Ktiarkov, Mosrow rom- niuniaiii's laid. The railroad between Rostov and KharioT was cut wiui the c.ipture of Kramatorskaya and the lliit- between Belgorod and Kursk was snapped wiUi the cap- ture ol Gosteschevo. the Russians announced. SavlU'l, another railway center a smaller line between Kharkov and eiavj-awk. was also »eUed as Uie army ol Col. Gen. Nicolai F. VaiuUn mrsed torward Iti a move appar- ently ilrjignrd to Isolate boUi Iloo- lov and Kharkov. • Tlie Ocrmaila were reporled rusli- Ing thousands ot reserves Into ihi breaclic.s m Uielr lines In an effort to Mem Uie Soviet flood, but dU- palclm Indicated the giant lU-ssum offensive was crunching forward alUi unprecedented sliced for winter campalsii. NaUi lltport. “Qsdet" Tli« German lilgh command as- serted lhat ”ln Uie taluary area oT Uie Don as weU as In Uie great Don- cUi bend Ul# day ,<SumUy> was gm- erally "QUlti,” aiiparenily lo'lng U> minimise the Uireat to Rostov. Ita ted Uul Shoe Rationing Starts Tuesday After Surprise Federal Edict w ordtrrd frum tjy fconixnlc 1;; James F, Dym, slnn regiment which cro.-’.i.cd the 13 annihilated by niployed Donets at dai a German counter- Fierce Rusilan s’.rong tank force were fei«rted by inr oermans in Uie middle Donei.i iccior nnd west of the Oskol river, Uie area e.ui of KurJ; nnd Kliatko-., mid-day communique-is re- corded by Uie Sovir'. radio moniior In Lnndcn j.ald i!ic Oermans were re.-OsUng stubboml) la Ihe reslon of Kramalorskaya, reported captured by the IlMsslnia IxsV nislit. Eevru German tanks wrie reiwrted dis- abled there. ERECAPPERS S Tunbla was 'indicated by" reports <CulI,...4 .a r*(. Idaho Flier Dies In Plane’s Crash MOICED. Calif, F^b. t IUP>—Two »rmy fliers were killed instantly laie yesterday when their basic training pJanft crashed one mile northeast of PoUer auxUlary Hying field, neat a Nido. £:alif. Killed were LL James Jewell. 33. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jewell. Orotlna, Id i, and wtUUcr cjulel Howard O. Park, a, Minden. Nev. RUTLEDGE CONFmMED WASinNQTON. Feb. 8 fcPy-Thc senate eorvnnned todij Prtstdenl Roosevelt's nomituUen of WUey Btotmt RuUedg« ot Iowa ta be aa Kssocute JusUee ot the supremo court fuecwdlng Jamw T. Bymca. now eeoaamis sttblUaUoa <UrecUir. ii.s.pif[SMin S i D l i BASES A L L IE D HEADQUARTE31S, , NorUi Africa. Feb. 8 neary bombers raided the Imporunt enemy ba.s« « CsKllarl. Sardinia, m daylight yesterday, and Briaili planw bomlwl other Sardinia tar- gets la.st nlghi. an allied commu- nique Mid today. Boeing (B-171 Plying Fortrcs.-'es and MarUn tB-20) MAurnudcrs, es- corted by Lockheed <P-38i Light- nings, mode Uie daylight atUick. They set fire to groundtd enemy planes and blasted the airfield, ad- mlnlstiaUon btilldlngs and the near- by aeaplane ba.sc. Enemy fighters alUcked the American tormaUon, and five of Uiem were shot down. There were no American Ittuies. Ground acUvlty in Tunisia wa.i llmlUd to pnlrollng. headquarlers reporfnl. SHOELESS KANSAS crry. Feb. 8 (^V- The J . D. Dulles are shoele.vi un- U1 the sal« of shoes jtsumes Tues- day under rationing. The Dulles and their four chil- dren fled barefoot early today fmm their burning home. The only thfngs they saved wero three partly charred raUatx books. Dulles, clad in a lympqUieUe nelthbor's overslied shoes and cloUiinj. u looklnf for new raUon books, so the whol# family can CO to a tboe store. Twenty-four hn::r operallon •Irtually every lire mold in United State.s 'viU tc required to :t the eovem:iiriif.s trradlne and recapping demand.' !i-r 15U, m the opinion of lire rfiv.i'iifn who w- herc BUnday lo fnnn a state org: liaUon ol Ure rr;uirrrs and tappera. Part of a na:irn»idr-p!an t< cure the most and !t-.e best tr. way o f. repairing lircs. ihe local meeUnp wa.i held i>[ itie Rogervin hold, altciided by repreieiitatl' ot aU parts ot ihi- sinte but the "patituindle." W, M. t-tnipson. Idaho Falls. WHS elecinl chairman, and Phillip Shillii;!.-. BoUe, was named regional \if-r!:airman. Named ( lulrman George R. Ball.'n!. ;iroprletor of 'Uie Recapped Tlcc.-. T»tn Falls, was elected i':ni>oniO' ct«lr- man for a dlsUlct ci mix\-ed of Twin Fails. Gooding,and Jrro.me eouh- Ues. Ballard said t.“;a: a meellns of repairer* and cappers In the Uiree counUe.i will be heM n! Twin Falls wlUiIn the neli werk. lor the pur- pose of fomilng a i>eriiianent dis- trict onfanltallbn. He declared Ihni r.wipletlon of orsonliatlon of rU tire repalrtra will be followed b\Tounly dtsUlct nteellngs lo be held r"rr the naUon slmulUneously for i!tr purpose ol listening to a radio b-'ojdcast on the subject ot Ure repairing. The county and dl'tnct ortanitt- Uon mecUngs are held al the sue- eesUon Of William .M. Jeffers. mt>- • administrator, under the spon* IC«illnBt4 M ri(« :■ i> By IRVISC. rritLMintR WASHINGTON. 'Kfb. S i4'- . lllnal lo .-.rU MiKidav, but TUfsda,' iati,'!il;'.): -lar.A al iJif rail of three jalr.' a >ear Icr rich (itr- WUlu.ut an) aUxaiice aami.nr shoe raUw.i.-.i the White lira bUUaUon Dt.'TC' Sunday, Alnw t In-.mfdlJlclv cru»i!s ilomi- e^l slioe ccuu•,ts^ in t^priM- inc on Sund*\s in siirh widrlv scai- tered rllle.v as Ntw York, Kawjs city. Detroit and Columbu.’. Q, Crowded jiorr' in New Orlfiii.s anil Detroit were- raided by police afirr the o.-der wa.i iviird. Onl.v linu.-e slipper. lnfaiit.s’ roll- jolfd atioes and strrm-Irpe rulibfr- wear we.T exempied from Ihe r»- iionlng prt^ram. Pnlicfnien walkins , beats ard cimt wU iivtlve extra ratinn;. As for children mlm .snmeUmrs run thrcujh .■Oiw. at a dUiT»PRfe, Byrnes »*ld it daddy nr moiher lia\r some unuied .shoe rou[»ni they can use them for ihe k:ds. Abo, there wlU be no Iimli cn repairing or re- soling'shoes. Manufaciure of women's eienlng slippers, spiked shoe*, men's patent BLAB NEW YORK, Feb. advance hint ot ^hoe railoiiinK from Florcllo H. UiGuaidiu, coupled with the fact lhat luaui lower east r,lde slore.s do biblnr;.^ on Sunday, led lo n Iniyliii: r-.i.-h that huted unui lute In ihc iilKhl. In hU Sunday liniuilcivM nl I p, m. Uie mnj-or Uilnrnirrt hu Ibtcnera Umt "in a Irw hniirh Dir OPA will nnnouiice Ihc- frrerluK of nnoUicr roinini«lliy, bch'lii- iilng tomorrow inonilns." look to loniorro'*’ mom- tiiR's paper." lie said, "for tlic w nounceineni. wlilch nmy comr us a jurprLse. It wlU not Ix- food mid In the weantime <lo r.ot (to ntiy unneceiiary walklni;." leaUier shoes onrt other "less rs-'rii- liar slioes Li forbidden. Ttie ^hoe problem re.vulirrt. Iriiiil a Umlted supply of leather, much of which mii-st coinc over Mib- marlne-Jnfe.sted route.s from foreign eounlrles. A jot of leather Li home- grown, but the' armed sen'lrc.s .tre taking about a third of all sole- leaUier, Harold W. Volk of Dallar.. Tex. president of tho Nnllftnat Slirie Re- tailer?.' a-isoclaUon. de.'-crlbcd the ra- tioning ft.1 "one ot the fairest iha rould have been preimrcd lo meet Uip clrcumstancej." Prentiss M. Brown. OPA-adinliib- trnlor, said the rule.s w ill be ns lllj- crnl as Uie ration. 'Hie coujwns will be taken from the suRnr-coffee rallmi iKioks nlrendy. In ever)-b(Kly' hands. No. 17 stamp will be good fn one vulc of r U ocs iitilU Jwne Ui- A len-M for Uif present, there will be no rrKl-stratli^ii. no quc.^llouiiikiri no walling In line. If you buy a pair of iJioes ni don't like Uiem. you ran not on , reiurn them to ihc merchant—If ll's lib usuni buslne.y pmcUce , l.D;r lliem back—but fllso gel your coii|><{n .bnck. . aiorrs.-ifcr the present, will Just .ftiiW'iVic'tcupoui unUl nUlclals set up ft jvitem of trnnsferrlnff them to wliole!4ilrrs or manufacturers In ex- rlmiiKc for more shoe.'. Mennwlillc, fiore.1 mny order In their u.',ual mnn- Etorr.s may stock nnd sell nny types ot shots Uiey desire. Tlie 11m- nations on "less cs.-,enUal" tyjJes will apply only to future manu- fnclurlng. How Battle Is Brewing BURGLAR SELECTS WAR-SCARCE LOO' 400 wofUi of house- other arUcles wnj Merton O. McVey ichanan, Salurdny lar who gained ac- a hole In the scrccn carefully select«d I most raluablo .eJpotflW' Legislators Visit Mountain Home BOISE. T«b,'8 htmdTtd member* of Ute Idaho legtUature yesterday Inspected Uie Mountain Home air base eonsirucUon project grjesta of J. A. Tertellng and Sons, contraclors. - A Iew*Bfltse buslner.s men also enton the eieursloiu What they saw remained a mlU- tary and legislaUi-e secret, but It was apparetil the project was cne ot me. One member of Uie liouse of rtp- r&enUUm declared; This air b&se Is Uie only thiag ITt seen this year that it btner than the suite's II- nancl*] probltm.- >Up locates th^"G abn gap* b«Ulenrek on Tunisia's coaaUi pMa for which a battle a(tpean shaping cp. I.ondon aource* think RommrV* army, Wing fn m Llbyaly the Rrlllsh elxhlh army, m*y makV a ilsnd at (hb gap bttwKa the ira and the Cliott D}erid marslies. Br«ken a m w *hawa b«w the BritUh may by-pas> the .Marrth Hoe. Small arroww oorth ot “Gabei gap* ihoir where atllr* are preuing axfa troopt trying ta k»»p Remmtri escape corridor open to Tunis. U. S. Troops Narrow Jap Position on Guadalcanal By The Asseclatrd rrr»» A f!atikiii*r move apparently carrii'il out by n 'lO to !iO- mik' overland thrust ha.s put Unitoii St«ti'.s troop.s into a strons .striking position on the nnrtluvrst coii.s_t_<if_Gun(lnli canul. j'usi nvc miles fitifn the cneniy's hi'ailqunrterH on Cnpc Espcrar.ee. The new move, dosinjr in around Ua- Jjip.ine.se position the capo, wm announced yc.sterday in n navy communiciue which thr<‘w no further li;rht on the widc-.scalc sea find ntr liiiUlcs ri'\Kirtcd shtipinR up la.st wi’i'k in the Solomons area, lliere Navy ^creUiry Krank Kiio.'< .said operations were ncarinif n climax. ^lere was no IndlcaUon that the Jipancje rc4b'.«l Uie sudden Amer- ican Uinisi to Uie new poslUon at TIU. on the west of the Cape E!per- ance po.'llions wIilcli already were under attack Irom tlie .'^utheoal. Meanwhile GcnrrnI MocArthur's Australian nnd American forces prrved home Uielr air-won ndvnn- uge in Uie Wau area of New Guin- ea M they ni»\td .swVIU>- Into posV- tloas menacing Salnmnua. the next of Uie invaders' bases up Uie north- east of the big lilnnd north of Aus- tralU. An allleil communique said 30 more Japanese were killed in skir- mishes developing In the Wftu nrea, so.'ne 3i miles southwest of Sola- msua.' The allied poslUons there were sHtcyatded by fcUons atilal coKtt wtilch w-on one ot the clearest cut sictofin of the war In the sir from the Japanese Saturday. Of some 70 planes which the Jap- <CMUaM« M r««a 1. C^«a> Tl STOBY LO\XS PHIMDELPHTA. Feb. S-Edl- son Kocher loved to read the best seller* so much, DetecUve Thomas Donahue said, that whenertr he purchasesl one he alwaj-s loot sesTrsl other books with him. Donohue said more than 568 pew Joluaes were found Lt Koth- er's Kom. All of them had been reporiM Qxluinc troen a book store over the last la months. Kocher wa^ held L-i UOO ball on t d u n e of larctny. DRY HOIOR~ HtrrailNSON, Kan, Feb. 8 — 'Mbter. can you help lu Rod some Uquor In this town?" tnqutred a soldier. *\Ve can! find anything to drtnk.” The man sah} %hal wai too bad —but he couldn't quite hide hLi proud CTln. He leaa Sheriff Vf. O. Stapleton, who helps enfoiw the statcl Pro- I hlbltlca Uw.- lEPUBLICAN SOIONS REQUES' WAR S E R V IC E # By LYLE C. WIL.SON WASHINGTOK. Feb. 8 (U-P.) — HilLi to draft' men from J8- (o-65 and women from 18-to- 50 for war work on the sclcc- livo .service principle were jn- troiliiccd in both the senate nntl hoo.><o today. Sen. Wjirrcn Aii.stiit, R,, Vt., aiui Kcp, James W. Waii.s- worth, R„ N, Y., introduced the liill HimuUiincously. Tlielr jTTOiwred iiailonnl war ser- vice act of 180 would funclioii lliroiigli Uie rxbtlnK’ locnl drntt lxm«b. Men or women clvllluai lhai rliown for war work "nliaU be liable, lo contribute by per.ional service to the war effort In n noiicombntimt capacity, according to hb dr lier abilities." Uie bill slAles. It would give the govenimeiit authority to put reglsieietl and liable men and women on nny Job, anywhere, any time, sub- ject U) the llmlUUon of Uie regb- trnnl's ablUtles. "Tlie PTMldent," the bill stales, -/ilwll also specify the quotas lo be the QunllflcBtlon.1 dcsli«d in Uie persons to be selected, and. far as pmcUcsble. tlie places lo which the persons selected will bo assigned,- Those Exempted Among perwiii exempted from selccUvo sen'ice war work would be women caring for clilldren, aged persons or 111persons and any wosi- dUTlnj iwtsnancy. n a press eonftrence. Waibworth and Austin said one purpose of their bill was to ellmtnate coercion on civilian workers Uirough Uie mili- tary selective senrjec propwm. • "i^>r Initance,", Wadiworth said, ■•there li Ute leccnt order ot Ui« — miopower.tammlssloa io*<-*ll , I I aTw^ViCfn unSrtnTw - Ko-Karl Qftletcc 8«r#'iiiv» -»W>WTt. but U wtis vX benteaplated br eongreu that ■tM Mte^re itrvle« iboolct do atmAlnC The loot Included: One set'of dbhes (eight plate*, cup* and sauc- ers). one set of dishes (tour plalea. cups and saucers), three colored bowb ami a.double boiler (Ml sUiln* leas sterl), one chesr of sllverwdre service for elghl, a quonUly of linen tt&pklia and tablttloths. elRht bcd- /ihetts. Uireo pair of pillowcases, one blue wool blanket, one mirror elecWc clock, two glar.s vo.ie table lamps (White illk sliade* with blue flowrral. a eunbenin waffle Iron, a mlxmastcr, a Sunbeaii toaster, n Sunbeam elfctrlc Iron, an electric coffee maker, an Enstmnn Kodak 31 and case, ft cookie siieet and m uf- fin tlii.s, an ornnKc Juicer, a car oprnsr. a plwllc on\&rocnl (a mav riding a mule), and. a brne wlckcr cloUifA basket. The burglary wa.s an tmhappy climax to 10 days of .strfnuou.i ac» tlvlty for Mr, McVry, who dis- covered Uio lns.s when he re- turned from an-'orduoiis trip to the Stanley tssin to cnro' « pency rnUon.s.to a herd of c valuril nt approximately *16,000. Tt« occurred between T p, m, Sniurdny right nnd 1:01 a, m., while Mrs. McVey wn.i nl Uie home of a nelKhbor, awoltlng her hus- bnnd's return. \ Chief ot Pollce\Gll!etle rcachcd ew heights of inilgnallon at law- breakers as he InvesUgaied cluc-i to one of the largest houic bur- glaries here in :nme tUne. •To Rtenl such Irreplaceable or- Uclfj, ajul patUculatly U> violate the securily of a man's home In wnr time is the act of a snboleur," he <lc elared, "Anyone aiding in the ap- prehension of such a Uilef would hf-Tnaklng a pnUlotlc contribution lo Uie war effort." rPLAN 600GEISUPP0 WASHINGlX)N,J'eb, B(UP)-Bud- get Director Harold D. .SinlUi toda; urged en.-ictmeii: of iwy-ns-you-go IX legL-iInllon by. AprU I, SnilUi backed no specific plnn to effect tlie change-over from Uic currcnV basU ol paying Income taxes In one year on enrnings of Uio previous year. Hul .-.ome "ndjast- menl" should be made to that this ‘•over procc.’.n would not forcc Uixpayers lo pay l-,vo -years’ taxes In one year, he said In nn inter- view. He emjiliaslred that no plan yet put forih -woiilti exrwe ihr neces- sity of filing Die usual tax rrluma on March lb nhil of paying at, )crl.^^, the first Iminilmenl on Uie tax- payers' decianition," Tho budget director said lie was ..ot siieaklng In any wlrt tor the ftdmlnlstraUon. but was inercli- ex- pressing his own views. He aLno de- clared that In advDcaUne "adjust- ment* of tax llablUUcs. ho w u not necessarily favoriaj "fonlveness" ot anj- parUeular porUon of those Uabimies. ■ •The ahUt to swpm colleeUon for mu(t (axptyen. wlUiout coUectlns two yean taxu lo one year,** hft' said. ’*wll] r«<]Ulrc lin adjustment ^ tbelr {iraeat Ux UabilUjr.*, navr. or elso," E ^ l TreaUest Auslin Hid Uie new bUl woull establish 'equal treatment tor all* and "ph'emmcnl by conxnt ol Uio governed.* ' -Od UiB basis of previous accooi- - pllsliment, Uie backers of this bill nre likely to obuin lu enactment. SubstantUlly the tame element caiP« forward In 1940 with th« Hnt eelec- Utc service act and, wlthoulf'admln- IstraUon endorsement until Ui« battle was half over, promote) it so effecUrely that it became a law. Active In that campnlgn wm Grenville Clark, member of Uie New York Inw firm of Root. Clark. Buck- ner nnd Balenllne. In whose charo- bern much of the IflW selective serv- ice act iltftlcsy WM planned. Clatt conceived Uie "Plattsburgti Idea'* from whicli developed ttie officera* <C«a1ln^>< .a P.t. }. C.U>a':) 2 RESCUED FR O I KHrrCHlKAN. Alaska. Teb. 8 Ojrj —Ucwery .Mctidorf and Robert Gc- bo. inJ'jrecl when their airplane crsihed in ^Uie frosen Alaskan .lldernrs.i. were expected to arrive ere by coa.st guard boat tonight. Tliey were finally readied by a re.vue p.irly and removed by to- boRgnii to Smeaton bay where Uie bont waited them. Boti EllLs. who flew th* body of the pilot of Uie ill- fAlod trnnsport-plaiie to Ketchikan, iffered to relum the survivors by ilr. but Uiey refused the flight anti ctte taktn nboanl the boat. Percy CulUng. mechonlc, nnd JoiS- •pti TlpiielUi,'OAA employe, were found by coast guardsmen.on a barren strtlch of coast, niey told a inlo ot horror,'and Alaskan sour- doughs familiar with Uid wlUlcme.'S illed Uielr survlral a ••miracle." Crashed Month Ago Tlieir Locklieed traiisjxirt plane, owned by the Morrisou-Knudscn Coslruction Co„ a monUi ago after being forced down by toc and lack of fuel. Searchers gave up Uie hunt among Uie bfeak moun- tains a week aga Susjin Datier. 33. of Comas. Wash., caught her hand In the wreckage. After a coiiference, Uie men decided to ampuuie It. Slie died from losJ of blood. Tlic pilot, Harold Qlllam. trudsed otil to Sind help b',11 SeU and died few miles from Uie plane. Known I "Spill •&!. ThrUl 'Em OUlam."- was a famlUar flfure m the Alas* kan busli countir. A nwnie party ' dlscorered his body Battirday. Badly Injared . - Fhy&lciani who eumiped Uw two .^ten who cntsad Uit ZDOuntalu to , laletr nid thex « « t Id & Ttakea* ' M eoodlUco fnm tbetr own injtotes vA ihtlr loai nUtcoee oa K sm t,' raUMU. r : - rte rtseu* party waillni go' »nar tbo t« Ttmalnlni pawnmn 1' (T«d-the -f*itnir-ind“iiop«i' iSejr!' -nuld fet tAere la time.

VIN FAL1«S. IDAHO. Mj)SDAY. FEBRLARY 8. lO J.I PRICE 5 CENTSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · a shell-tiole 10 yards away. I was Joined lliere by anoUier serseanl

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Buy an extra war/bond

lor a gallant navy ship!

A R « i(

WAR BULLETINLONDON, Ceb. t QJi3—B*dlo A alun

uUd todi)' IKil RiuiUn (reopa hmd ea.

(errd RoXor uid that itrcet (icbtlat

waa Ukint pUcc Intldc the «ll7.

VOL. N 0 2 5 6 T\VIN FAL1«S. ID A H O . M j)S D A Y . F EB RLA RY 8. lO J.I PR IC E 5 CENTS


N l I l t e W I N S[ m o m

nr AR.MAND u u inoBOISE, Pfb. a I-D-Tlie Walio

home of repfesfntaUvr.i t<xlay pois­ed 44 lo ]« a pro;xMd coiiitUutlon' al cuiicndmcnt wlildi aouUl reslrJct and rcKUIntc .Uie right of voters oX Ihe ilate lo Initiate call-ti S lor tiie approprltiloii of sLati Itinds.

The proposal. tix,nv3re<l by the Jiidlclao' eommlllee, would require Uiat any inlUiUve wUlch calls lor or autlioriwd liie expenditure luiids would be required lo stau (irflnllrly Uir maximum amounl ol fund] to be &|>eiit.

I furtlicr would require Uial-such inlilBilve meajures would be re- <jutred to »ute ihe nieiliod ot .raii- iriK tilt Ttvt-niic it^ulrrd tor Uii npiiroprlntlon of w hatever fuodi art needed.

U>d> Debalen<p. Moffatl. R , Ada, chairman

ot commlUee, led Ute debate Ir favor of Uie meajure. wUlch wsrlii- troduc«i frankly as a coimlcr-mea' ^ure ngttlnst the senior elUiens’ Kraiita act, jujt repealed by Uie leg- J-ilature and approved by the bov*

Thlj Initiative measure called f.pr Ujc npproprlfttlon of money estlmal- e<l ai upw-ardj ot JlO.OCe.OOO for a 30 months period, nnd would have neeeisllated, oecordlns to Oov. Bol- llUfcn's estimate, a nve per cent sain la* to fminee..

Tlie problem of financing Uie .sen­ior elUiens' crants act in th« face of calls for economy In slate gov­ernment has been Uie principal one before lliU legblature.

Musi Poit TrlceiTlie hoiue pa.vied, wliJiout a dLs-

jeniliig vole, o measure lo require liquor firms to pu i w-iih U)« Idaho liquor dispensary ihelr prices to other sutes.

n ie mea«ufe, liOrodittcO ai- r »ennte bill and already paired by the upper houM, tequl«» that, lUiMor and wine firms also list with Uie superintendent of the dispensary the names of alt attorneys and asent« repreicntliiK them In Iifaho.

Rep. Ritchie, n.. Goodinc. . peak- . InB lor the measure, declared that

llie reculnllon had been requestcrt by an aiidltlns firm wlilcli checked the stale dbpciisari's books as aid lo easier audlUnc ot Uie iocdj.

Vole on the hill was M to 0,BItl Delayed

An nltempt to r.ecure tomedlnte action on anotlitr liquor bill In the hotlff failed Just previous to actloa on Uie price Ibt 1)111.

nep. Anderson, II.. Dlngham. n.slc-(CoiiniH *11 ri(« i. oiiBB

Mui’tausrii Warrior Kills 27 Japs ill Pacific Isle Fight

<nbbibale«i fay United rrrsil SOMEWHERE IN TIIE SOUTJl

PACIFIC. Jan. M (Delayed)—Sec­ond Lleul. Samuel Corder Turtier. n , U. s. M. C. of Murlaujh. Ida., lu ll a jxeroonWontxJwt into bailie on Tanambogo island, north of Guadalcanal, that he vas e o ^ to be killed.

Dui he emerxtd unscratdieiJ after kllUne XI Japanese toldlera single- handed. '

Thre« monUis laler he was wound­ed by ahraptiel in anoUier engase- ment on Quadalcanal.

TJie young lieutenant was among 90 nveiv and oJtlcers «lv3 hatl b«ei\ ordered » lake TanambOBO, a- Uny Ulajid. Acluall}-. iherc were 3S0. mwi of them conctaJed In well* forUfled caves. A week laler, Uie marlne.v who had mffered onli- 2i casualtlrs. burled 34B of the encoU' and toot nro prUOiitrs.'

-When we hit the beach.- Tur­ner said. "It was every m»n for him- .• elf. In front of us was a pillbox at tl« ba« ol ft hVll Wt had lo clean up that pillbox and take that hill to contn>I the situation. A.t we moved forw-»rd they were shooting at us from In front and behind.

' I was flanked by tw-o MrgeanLs as

I moved toward Ihe hlll, One of Ihem shouted. 'You ciin'i live lor- ever. l>oy5.’ He was shot Uirough the head five mlnuies laler. dying In- lUnUy.

"In aiioUier minute the other er- geant was shot thrvugh Uie back. I pul my IlTOvrning automaUc rltle against my chcst and started roll­ing on the Kround until I felt Into a shell-tiole 10 yards away. I was Joined lliere by anoUier serseanl.

• At tills poltit 1 wade vip my mlr,d that rd be killed In another lew minutes anyway, ;.o tlie two of us left Uie shell-liole and ran up the hill and got behind the plllboi. swarming with JnjV!, The sergeant and I opened fire wlUi our rifles. Tliat'i where t was credited with gfttlng Tt of them.

•They fired at us wltJi pLslob and when thrlr nmmunlUon gave out, UioVUiici- rocks al-ua. Ciccailonally the Jap-' would rusli out of their trenehe.s''wlUi Uielr knives and

di wavlnc w’lldly and cliurge julcldally Into marine bayonets,'

rntr tiiVLMtd. In Ult marlne.t at, Portland. Orr„ In July 103B. He later w»s promoted to platoon sergeant. Uicn adm im lo officers' candidate Khool and commissioned In May, I»3.

MSIUEM► nOISE. Feb- a (J’—Tlie first Joint

Induction of men lor the ami)-, navj-, marine corrK and coast guard will begin here tomorrow for souiliwe.'<t- em Idaho .selecleej, Lleul. COI. Nor­man D. AdkMn. .st itc eiecuUve of­ficer of Uie selective seo’lce said U>- <lny.

Under plans formulates! at a con- ferrnce of service eiecuUves in Sati Lftke City recently, npproiimately two out of even- IJ men actually Inducted will tjc enlbted In the coast R U ^ . navy of marine corp*. he said.

TJiLi proporUon may rtr>- from day to day during Uie InducUon period." Colonel AdkLson explained, •■but masl average lip nt Uie end, ami will not include tlicne men acceptPd who are unnble to meet the higher vLnial requlrenient.s of the nnvr and marlne.v Tim army will thus pel a higher proportion Umn nine out of each 11 men nccepted,-

Men called lor Induction win not be lennlUed to eho»e Uielr ttfanch of service al local boarts. he Mid. but may ",stale Uielr preference when Uiey arrti-e at Uie InducUon it^on."'The InducUon board will be In

PC*ralell<> from Feb. 15 lo 59 and nwUi Idaho rexLsirnntJi will report to Spokane between Peb, 15 and 17 he added.


8 (.?>—Senator Paul Jones, appro- prtatlons chairman of Uie MU- sourt senate, was quite proud of lilt fact he'd managtd lo otiialn nn adding maclilne (they'TV scarce now) . . .

Until he found It would add onli- lo V9SiiSi.

•'What good will lhat do?" he lamented. "Here we are with everybody asking for a million!"

Rain and Mud Slow Down Africa Attack

&7 The Auatlattd Prtu

Rain and mud nyain boj.'Kcd down the aliicd ground pai{jn in Tunisia, restricting acUvily to patrols, war com- m uniquM revealed today.

A further closinR o f the allied pincers upou Jliirshtil

Rommel was indicated, ho%vcver, by a Cairo report which «aid

B rit ish cii^hth army troops were in contact with tho enemy in the coastii! • rcpioh of the Tripolitanian-Tunisiai^ border we.tt of^TIsida and they wore believed to be preparing for i new attack.

■ Emphasise AtUcL*BulltUns from both Cairo and aV

lird headquarters In norUt Afric; eniphaslted Uie Sunday bomblntyi of Italian soil.

Cairo dispatchfs said Hint Ameri­can a-24 LJberftlora. In nddlUoii to, slarUng flrt.i which thrcv,- up gr columns of Wnck smoke in nn lack at Naple.s, r<ore<l direct hlt-i Uirre merchant vcs;,cls.

Tlie iuill.m Jilgh command .-mid In a cotniuuitlque broml;rtsl Ifom Rome Uint the dnmnge w,i.% exicn- ilve and that there were ca-sunltie.i.

Jt WTu Uie 40Ui alUck on Naple.i, The Italian bulleUn decured nine

raiders were shot down-four at Na­ples. four at Cagliari and one In Slcll)-. The allle.i .yiW only two' planes were Iwt, one' from Uie mid­dle east eom.-nnnd and one from. Uie aerial forces of Ucul, Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower.

Ff»a rianei fihot Down Grounded aircraft were .-<1 afire,

bombs exploded on the air field nnd airdrome bulldlng.svnml a se.xplane sUUoa were hit In tV Cnsllnrl raid. Uie communique frohi allied head­quarters In norUi Africa reported. Five challenglnB axl« fighters were declared to have been .shot down wlUiout loss lo Uie formnUon o; u-17 Flylan B-:6 Ma­rauders and the p-38 Lightning es­cort. ^

lie In

Woodrow Wilson War.Aide Passes

NEW YORK. Feb. 8 (U/5-PuneraI services for Frank L. l>olk. uader- secreUrj- of state In Prtsldtnt, Woodrow WlLson'i cabinet, will be held Wednesday.

polk.. 71. became lU last week and died yesUrday. He was a grtal- nephew of President PoU and a Bnmdion 05 Lecsildas Polk, “the

. fighting bishop."

- HANDYJER5EY c r r y , n . j , r>b . s lUfaTJie neighbors of JoJin Ka-uda

were thankful loday that he b etrong. When a fire trapped m family In an adjoining home. Kor. uda leaned out a Ihlrd-noor wln- da* and w un j Ihtm—* ba^. a woman and two men—one at « time to safety. Koruda is &3 and handles beef carcasses la ■ meat packing plant.

Errol Flynn ‘ Nearly Broke


HOLLYWOOD, Peb. 8 Errol Flj-nn. "almost bttJte" but happy ovrr hb aejuntal, said loday that, statutory- rape charges were filed against him a.s a '•political schemc" and an aitempt lo dbcmllt him.

I doni brllrie the people *1K pror<rute<l me ever Uiought they would find me KuUly." Flynn said. “A lot ot mud has been thrown, and I iuppoj« .some of It siutk. But r'am hnppy thnl U;e [lollUcal scliemlnK In tlie CU.VC ha-Mit Interfered wlUi American juatice.'

He declined to elaborate on the nature of ttie *i>oIlllcal scheming.”

■Nearly Dr«ke~Defending himself against claims

by Belly liawen. 17-year-old Ne- bHL'ika wnlire.-.s, and Prggy Lartie Sailerlee. 16. night club eniertatner Uiat he had altarked Uiem If&s left lilm “nearly brokr. ' FljTin .said.

“X think It L\ loo bod that no mucli ■•aluable Ume—the stale's, the Jur- »rs‘ and mine—and also a lot of tlie

state's money and mine, has beeir •' muited while the world Is InTOlved In total war," Flj nn added.

“It's too bad all this energy eouldnl hare been dlwrted toward a uaeful purpose at thl* Ume."

C«sl Raru lilgb The actual can of the actor’* de-

fcuMt remalnnl umlliclojed. Nelth«i Flynn nor liLs attorney, sfteran criminal law)er Jerry Glfsler. ii-ould rcrcal Uie laller's fee, hut estimates ranted high. AddlUonaily, Plynn was known to have Incurrtd crtat expense In brtnglt^ witnesses h « « from oihcr parts of the eounUr

(CMiu»t4 •• rw« i. >;


Tlie red army sent shelLs scream- Uig Bcrik-j Uie Don river into Ger­man iK)\liloiiJ In Rostov today. Rus- sl.in Uispaiehes reported, as Uie fourUi b.Mtle for, this Iniiwrtani city opened while ma-vses of Soiirt troop', battered Uielr way toward Uie main nail dtJenies In souUiem llll^sla un a 500-mlle front.

RuMUn forces' aelred the town of Arxjv. 15 miles southwejt of Kos- lov, yriierday. freeing the left bank of the Don of the lasl ccnler of German resistance and makmE a lnn;r-:-<-ale amult on RaMOv jxis- r.lble, a J>eclaI communique an- nouiiCfil. .

Threaten Sail Bastions To Uic norUuJluiilan troops eon-

Unurd lo clear great areas of itus- r.lan .v>ll of the Invader and ihrrater Uie ureal German baitlons of Orel. Kur:.li and Ktiarkov, Mosrow rom- niuniaiii's laid. The railroad between Rostov and KharioT was cut wiui the c.ipture of Kramatorskaya and the lliit- between Belgorod and Kursk was snapped wiUi the cap­ture ol Gosteschevo. the Russians announced.

SavlU'l, another railway center a smaller line between Kharkov and eiavj-awk. was also »eUed as Uie army ol Col. Gen. Nicolai F. VaiuUn mrsed torward Iti a move appar­ently ilrjignrd to Isolate boUi Iloo- lov and Kharkov.• Tlie Ocrmaila were reporled rusli- Ing thousands ot reserves Into ihi breaclic.s m Uielr lines In an effort to Mem Uie Soviet flood, but dU- palclm Indicated the giant lU-ssum offensive was crunching forward alUi unprecedented sliced for winter campalsii.

NaUi lltport. “Qsdet"Tli« German lilgh command as­

serted lhat ”ln Uie taluary area oT Uie Don as weU as In Uie great Don- cUi bend Ul# day ,<SumUy> was gm- erally "QUlti,” aiiparenily lo'lng U> minimise the Uireat to Rostov. Ita

ted Uul

Shoe Rationing Starts Tuesday After Surprise Federal Edict

w ordtrrd frum tjy fconixnlc 1;; James F, Dym,

slnn regiment which cro.-’.i.cd the “ ■ • 13 annihilated by


Donets at dai a German counter-

Fierce Rusilan s’.rong tank force were fei«rted by inr oermans in Uie middle Donei.i iccior nnd west of the Oskol river, Uie area e.ui of KurJ; nnd Kliatko-.,

mid-day communique-is re­corded by Uie Sovir'. radio moniior In Lnndcn j.ald i!ic Oermans were re.-OsUng stubboml) la Ihe reslon of Kramalorskaya, reported captured by the IlMsslnia IxsV nislit. Eevru German tanks wrie reiwrted dis­abled there.


Tunbla was 'indicated by" reports<CulI,...4 .a r*(.

Idaho Flier Dies In Plane’s Crash

MOICED. Calif, F^b. t IUP>—Two »rmy fliers were killed instantly laie yesterday when their basic training pJanft crashed one mile northeast of PoUer auxUlary Hying field, neat a Nido. £:alif.

Killed were LL James Jewell. 33. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jewell. Orotlna, Id i , and wtUUcr cjulel Howard O. Park, a , Minden. Nev.


senate eorvnnned todij Prtstdenl Roosevelt's nomituUen of WUey Btotmt RuUedg« ot Iowa ta be aa Kssocute JusUee ot the supremo court fuecwdlng Jamw T. Bymca. now eeoaamis sttblUaUoa <UrecUir.

i i . s . p i f [ S M i n S i D l i BASES

A L L IE D HEADQUARTE31S, , NorUi Africa. Feb. 8 neary bombers raided the Imporunt enemy ba.s« « CsKllarl. Sardinia, m daylight yesterday, and Briaili planw bomlwl other Sardinia tar­gets la.st nlghi. an allied commu­nique Mid today.

Boeing (B-171 Plying Fortrcs.-'es and MarUn tB-20) MAurnudcrs, es- corted by Lockheed <P-38i Light­nings, mode Uie daylight atUick. They set fire to groundtd enemy planes and blasted the airfield, ad- mlnlstiaUon btilldlngs and the near­by aeaplane ba.sc.

Enemy fighters alUcked the American tormaUon, and five of Uiem were shot down. There were no American Ittuies.

Ground acUvlty in Tunisia wa.i llmlUd to pnlrollng. headquarlers reporfnl.

SHOELESSKANSAS crry. Feb. 8 (^V-

The J. D. Dulles are shoele.vi un- U1 the sal« of shoes jtsumes Tues­day under rationing.

The Dulles and their four chil­dren fled barefoot early today fmm their burning home.

The only thfngs they saved wero three partly charred raUatx books.

Dulles, clad in a lympqUieUe nelthbor's overslied shoes and cloUiinj. u looklnf for new raUon books, so the whol# family can CO to a tboe store.

Twenty-four hn::r operallon •Irtually every lire mold in United State.s 'viU tc required to

:t the eovem:iiriif.s trradlne and recapping demand.' !i-r 15U, m the opinion of lire rfiv.i'iifn who w- herc BUnday lo fnnn a state org: liaUon ol Ure rr;uirrrs and tappera.

Part of a na:irn»idr-p!an t< cure the most and !t-.e best tr. way o f. repairing lircs. ihe local meeUnp wa.i held i>[ itie Rogervin hold, altciided by repreieiitatl' ot aU parts ot ihi- sinte but the "patituindle." W, M. t-tnipson. Idaho Falls. WHS elecinl chairman, and Phillip Shillii;!.-. BoUe, was named regional \if-r!:airman.

Named ( lulrman George R. Ball.'n!. ;iroprletor of

'Uie Recapped Tlcc.-. T»tnFalls, was elected i':ni>oniO' ct«lr- man for a dlsUlct ci mix\-ed of Twin Fails. Gooding,and Jrro.me eouh- Ues. Ballard said t.“;a: a meellns of repairer* and cappers In the Uiree counUe.i will be heM n! Twin Falls wlUiIn the neli werk. lor the pur­pose of fomilng a i>eriiianent dis­trict onfanltallbn.

He declared Ihni r.wipletlon of orsonliatlon of rU tire repalrtra will be followed b\ Tounly dtsUlct nteellngs lo be held r"rr the naUon slmulUneously for i!tr purpose ol listening to a radio b-'ojdcast on the subject ot Ure repairing.

The county and dl'tnct ortanitt- Uon mecUngs are held al the sue- eesUon Of William .M. Jeffers. mt>-

• administrator, under the spon* IC«illnBt4 M ri(« :■ i>

By IRVISC. rritLM intR

WASHINGTON. 'Kfb. S i4'- . lllnal lo .-.rU MiKidav, butTUfsda,' iati,'!il;'.): -lar.A al iJif rail of three jalr.' a >ear Icr rich (itr-

WUlu.ut an) aUxaiice aami.nr shoe raUw.i.-.i the White lira bUUaUon Dt.'TC'Sunday,

Alnwt In-.mfdlJlclv cru»i!s ilomi- e l slioe ccuu•,ts^ in t priM-inc on Sund*\s in siirh widrlv scai- tered rllle.v as Ntw York, Kawjs city. Detroit and Columbu.’. Q, Crowded jiorr' in New Orlfiii.s anil Detroit were- raided by police afirr the o.-der wa.i iviird.

Onl.v linu.-e slipper. lnfaiit.s’ roll- jolfd atioes and strrm-Irpe rulibfr- wear we.T exempied from Ihe r»- iionlng prt^ram. Pnlicfnien walkins

, beats ard cimt wUiivtlve extra ratinn;.

As for children mlm .snmeUmrs run thrcujh .■Oiw. at a dUiT»PRfe, Byrnes »*ld it daddy nr moiher lia\r some unuied .shoe rou[»ni they can use them for ihe k:ds. Abo, there wlU be no Iimli cn repairing or re- soling'shoes.

Manufaciure of women's eienlng slippers, spiked shoe*, men's patent


advance hint ot ^hoe railoiiinK from Florcllo H. UiGuaidiu, coupled with the fact lhat luaui lower east r,lde slore.s do biblnr;. on Sunday, led lo n Iniyliii: r-.i.-h that huted unui lute In ihc iilKhl.

In hU Sunday liniuilcivM nl I p, m. Uie mnj-or Uilnrnirrt hu Ibtcnera Umt "in a Irw hniirh Dir OPA will nnnouiice Ihc- frrerluK of nnoUicr roinini«lliy, bch'lii- iilng tomorrow inonilns."

look to loniorro'*’ mom- tiiR's paper." lie said, "for tlic w nounceineni. wlilch nmy comr us a jurprLse. It wlU not Ix- food mid In the weantime <lo r.ot (to ntiy unneceiiary walklni;."

leaUier shoes onrt other "less rs-'rii- lia r slioes Li forbidden.

Ttie ^hoe problem re.vulirrt. Iriiiil a Umlted supply of leather, much of which mii-st coinc over Mib- marlne-Jnfe.sted route.s from foreign eounlrles. A jot of leather Li home­grown, but the' armed sen'lrc.s .tre taking about a third of all sole- leaUier,

Harold W. Volk of Dallar.. Tex. president of tho Nnllftnat Slirie Re­tailer?.' a-isoclaUon. de.'-crlbcd the ra­tioning ft.1 "one ot the fairest iha rould have been preimrcd lo meet Uip clrcumstancej."

Prentiss M. Brown. OPA-adinliib- trnlor, said the rule.s w ill be ns lllj- crnl as Uie ration. 'Hie coujwns will be taken from the suRnr-coffee rallmi iKioks nlrendy. In ever)-b(Kly' hands. No. 17 stamp will be good fn one vulc of rUocs iitilU Jwne Ui- A len-M for Uif present, there will be no rrKl-stratli ii. no quc. llouiiikiri no walling In line.

If you buy a pair of iJioes ni don't like Uiem. you ran not on , reiurn them to ihc merchant—If ll's lib usuni buslne.y pmcUce , l.D;r lliem back—but fllso gel your coii|><{n .bnck.. aiorrs.-ifcr the present, will Just

.ftiiW'iVic'tcupoui unUl nUlclals set up ft jvitem of trnnsferrlnff them to wliole!4ilrrs or manufacturers In ex- rlmiiKc for more shoe.'. Mennwlillc, fiore.1 mny order In their u.',ual mnn-

Etorr.s may stock nnd sell nny types ot shots Uiey desire. Tlie 11m- nations on "less cs.-,enUal" tyjJes will apply only to future manu- fnclurlng.


400 wofUi of house- other arUcles wnj Merton O. McVey

ichanan, Salurdny lar who gained ac- a hole In the scrccn carefully select«d

I most raluablo


Legislators Visit Mountain Home

BOISE. T«b,'8 htmdTtdmember* of Ute Idaho legtUature yesterday Inspected Uie Mountain Home air base eonsirucUon project

grjesta of J. A. Tertellng and Sons, contraclors. -

A Iew*Bfltse buslner.s men also enton the eieursloiu What they saw remained a mlU-

tary and legislaUi-e secret, but It was apparetil the project was cne ot me.

One member of Uie liouse of rtp- r&enUUm declared; This air b&se Is Uie only thiag ITt seen this year that it btner than the suite's II- nancl*] probltm.-

>Up locates th^"Gabn gap* b«Ulenrek on Tunisia's coaaUi pMa for which a battle a(tpean shaping cp. I.ondon aource* think RommrV* army, Wing fn m Llbyaly the Rrlllsh elxhlh army, m*y makVa ilsnd at (hb gap bttwKa the ira and the Cliott D}erid marslies. Br«ken am w *hawa b«w the BritUh may by-pas> the .Marrth Hoe. Small arroww oorth ot “Gabei gap* ihoir where atllr* are preuing axfa troopt trying ta k»»p Remmtri escape corridor open to Tunis.

U. S. Troops Narrow Jap

Position on GuadalcanalBy The Asseclatrd rrr»»

A f!atikiii*r move apparently carrii'il out by n 'lO to !iO- mik' overland thrust ha.s put Unitoii St«ti'.s troop.s into a strons .striking position on the nnrtluvrst coii.s_t_<if_Gun(lnli

canul. j'usi n v c miles fitifn the cneniy's hi'ailqunrterH on Cnpc Espcrar.ee.

The new move, dosinjr in around Ua- Jjip.ine.se position the capo, w m announced yc.sterday in n navy communiciue

which thr<‘w no fu rth e r li;rht on the widc-.scalc sea find ntr liiiUlcs ri'\Kirtcd shtipinR up

la.st wi’i'k in the Solomons area, ll ie re Navy ^c reU iry Krank Kiio.'< .said operations

were ncarinif n climax.^lere was no IndlcaUon that the

Jipancje rc4b'.«l Uie sudden Amer­ican Uinisi to Uie new poslUon at TIU. on the west of the Cape E!per- ance po.'llions wIilcli already were under attack Irom tlie .'^utheoal.

Meanwhile GcnrrnI MocArthur's Australian nnd American forces prrved home Uielr air-won ndvnn- uge in Uie Wau area of New Guin­ea M they ni»\td .swVIU>- Into posV- tloas menacing Salnmnua. the next of Uie invaders' bases up Uie north­east of the big lilnnd north of Aus- tralU.

An allleil communique said 30 more Japanese were killed in skir­mishes developing In the Wftu nrea, so.'ne 3i miles southwest of Sola- msua.'

The allied poslUons there were sHtcyatded by fcUons atilal coKtt wtilch w-on one ot the clearest cut sictofin of the war In the sir from the Japanese Saturday.

Of some 70 planes which the Jap- <CMUaM« M r««a 1. C^«a> Tl


PHIMDELPHTA. Feb. S-Edl- son Kocher loved to read the best seller* so much, DetecUve Thomas Donahue said, that whenertr he purchasesl one he alwaj-s loot sesTrsl other books with him.

Donohue said more than 568 pew Joluaes were found Lt Koth- er's Kom. All of them had been reporiM Qxluinc troen a book store over the last la months. Kocher wa^ held L-i UOO ball on t dune of larctny.


HtrrailNSON, Kan, Feb. 8 — 'Mbter. can you help lu Rod some Uquor In this town?" tnqutred a soldier. *\Ve can! find anything to drtnk.”

The man sah} %hal wai too bad —but he couldn't quite hide hLi proud CTln.

He leaa Sheriff Vf. O. Stapleton, who helps enfoiw the statcl Pro-

I hlbltlca Uw.-



W ASHINGTOK. Feb. 8 (U-P.) — HilLi to draft' men from J8- (o-65 and women from 18-to- 50 for war work on the sclcc-

livo .service principle were jn-

troiliiccd in both the senate nntl hoo.><o today.

Sen. Wjirrcn Aii.stiit, R,, V t., aiui Kcp, James W . Waii.s-

worth, R „ N, Y ., introduced

the liill HimuUiincously.Tlielr jTTOiwred iiailonnl war ser­

vice act of 180 would funclioii lliroiigli Uie rxbtlnK’ locnl drntt lxm«b. Men or women clvllluai lhai rliown for war work "nliaU be liable, lo contribute by per.ional service to the war effort In n noiicombntimt capacity, according to hb dr lier abilities." Uie bill slAles. It would give the govenimeiit authority to put reglsieietl and liable men and women on nny Job, anywhere, any time, sub­ject U) the llmlUUon of Uie regb- trnnl's ablUtles.

"Tlie PTMldent," the bill stales, -/ilwll also specify the quotas lo be

■ the QunllflcBtlon.1 dcsli«din Uie persons to be selected, and. far as pmcUcsble. tlie places lo which the persons selected will bo assigned,-

Those Exempted Among perwiii exempted from

selccUvo sen'ice war work would be women caring for clilldren, aged persons or 111 persons and any wosi-

dUTlnj iwtsnancy. n a press eonftrence. Waibworth

and Austin said one purpose of their bill was to ellmtnate coercion on civilian workers Uirough Uie mili­tary selective senrjec propwm. •

"i >r Initance,", Wadiworth said, ■•there li Ute leccnt order ot Ui« — miopower.tammlssloa io*<-*ll ,

I I aTw ViCfn unSrtnTw -

Ko-Karl Qftletcc 8«r#'iiiv» -»W>WTt. but U wtis vX benteaplated br eongreu that ■tM Mte^re itrvle« iboolct do atmAlnC

The loot Included: One set'of dbhes (eight plate*, cup* and sauc­ers). one set of dishes (tour plalea. cups and saucers), three colored bowb ami a.double boiler (Ml sUiln* leas sterl), one chesr of sllverwdre service for elghl, a quonUly of linen tt&pklia and tablttloths. elRht bcd- /ihetts. Uireo pair of pillowcases, one blue wool blanket, one mirror elecWc clock, two glar.s vo.ie table lamps (White illk sliade* with blue flowrral. a eunbenin waffle Iron, a mlxmastcr, a Sunbeaii toaster, n Sunbeam elfctrlc Iron, an electric coffee maker, an Enstmnn Kodak 31 and case, ft cookie siieet and muf­fin tlii.s, an ornnKc Juicer, a car oprnsr. a plwllc on\&rocnl (a mav riding a mule), and. a brne wlckcr cloUifA basket.

The burglary wa.s an tmhappy climax to 10 days of .strfnuou.i ac» tlvlty for Mr, McVry, who dis­covered Uio lns.s when he re­turned from an-'orduoiis trip to the Stanley tssin to cnro' « pency rnUon.s.to a herd of c valuril nt approximately *16,000. Tt« occurred between Tp, m, Sniurdny right nnd 1:01 a, m., while Mrs. McVey wn.i nl Uie home of a nelKhbor, awoltlng her hus- bnnd's return. \

Chief ot Pollce\Gll!etle rcachcd ew heights of inilgnallon at law­

breakers as he InvesUgaied cluc-i to one of the largest houic bur­glaries here in :nme tUne.

•To Rtenl such Irreplaceable or- Uclfj, ajul patUculatly U> violate the securily of a man's home In wnr time is the act of a snboleur," he <lc elared, "Anyone aiding in the ap­prehension of such a Uilef would hf-Tnaklng a pnUlotlc contribution lo Uie war effort."


WASHINGlX)N,J'eb, B (UP)-Bud- get Director Harold D. .SinlUi toda; urged en.-ictmeii: of iwy-ns-you-go IX legL-iInllon by. AprU I,SnilUi backed no specific plnn to

effect tlie change-over from Uic currcnV basU ol paying Income taxes In one year on enrnings of Uio previous year. Hul .-.ome "ndjast- menl" should be made to that this

‘•over procc.’.n would not forcc Uixpayers lo pay l-,vo -years’ taxes In one year, he said In nn inter­view.

He emjiliaslred that no plan yet put forih -woiilti exrwe ihr neces­sity of filing Die usual tax rrluma on March lb nhil of paying at, )crl. , the first Iminilmenl on Uie tax­payers' decianition,"

Tho budget director said lie was ..ot siieaklng In any wlrt tor the ftdmlnlstraUon. but was inercli- ex­pressing his own views. He aLno de­clared that In advDcaUne "adjust­ment* of tax llablUUcs. ho w u not necessarily favoriaj "fonlveness" ot anj- parUeular porUon of those Uabimies. ■

•The ahUt to swpm colleeUon for mu(t (axptyen. wlUiout coUectlns two yean taxu lo one year,** hft' said. ’*wll] r«<]Ulrc lin adjustment ^ tbelr {iraeat Ux UabilUjr.*,


or elso,"E ^ l TreaUest

Auslin Hid Uie new bUl woull establish 'equal treatment tor all* and "ph'emmcnl by conxnt ol Uio governed.* '-Od UiB basis of previous accooi- -

pllsliment, Uie backers of this bill nre likely to obuin lu enactment. SubstantUlly the tame element caiP« forward In 1940 with th« Hnt eelec- Utc service act and, wlthoulf'admln- IstraUon endorsement until Ui« battle was half over, promote) it so effecUrely that it became a law.

Active In that campnlgn wm Grenville Clark, member of Uie New York Inw firm of Root. Clark. Buck­ner nnd Balenllne. In whose charo- bern much of the IflW selective serv­ice act iltftlcsy WM planned. Clatt conceived Uie "Plattsburgti Idea'* from whicli developed ttie officera*

<C«a1ln >< .a P.t. }. C.U>a':)

2 RESCUED F R O IKHrrCHlKAN. Alaska. Teb. 8 Ojrj

—Ucwery .Mctidorf and Robert Gc- bo. inJ'jrecl when their airplane crsihed in ^Uie frosen Alaskan .lldernrs.i. were expected to arrive ere by coa.st guard boat tonight. Tliey were finally readied by a

re.vue p.irly and removed by to- boRgnii to Smeaton bay where Uie bont waited them. Boti EllLs. who flew th* body of the pilot of Uie ill- fAlod trnnsport-plaiie to Ketchikan, iffered to relum the survivors by ilr. but Uiey refused the flight anti ctte taktn nboanl the boat.Percy CulUng. mechonlc, nnd JoiS-

•pti TlpiielUi,'OAA employe, were found by coast guardsmen.on a barren strtlch of coast, niey told a inlo ot horror,'and Alaskan sour­doughs familiar with Uid wlUlcme.'S illed Uielr survlral a ••miracle."

Crashed Month Ago Tlieir Locklieed traiisjxirt plane,

owned by the Morrisou-Knudscn Coslruction Co„ a monUiago after being forced down by toc and lack of fuel. Searchers gave up Uie hunt among Uie bfeak moun­tains a week aga

Susjin Datier. 33. of Comas. Wash., caught her hand In the wreckage. After a coiiference, Uie men decided to ampuuie It. Slie died from losJ of blood.

Tlic pilot, Harold Qlllam. trudsed otil to Sind help b',11 SeU and died

few miles from Uie plane. Known I "Spill •&!. ThrUl 'Em OUlam."-

was a famlUar flfure m the Alas* kan busli countir. A nwnie party ' dlscorered his body Battirday.

Badly Injared . - Fhy&lciani who eumiped Uw two

. ten who cntsad Uit ZDOuntalu to , laletr n id thex « « t Id & Ttakea* ' M eoodlUco fnm tbetr own injtotes v A ihtlr loai nUtcoee oa K s m t ,' raUMU. r : -

r te rtseu* party waillni g o ' »nar tbo t « Ttmalnlni p aw n m n 1'(T«d-the -f*itnir-ind“iiop«i' iSejr!'-nuld fet tAere la time.

IJaRC ’ITVO TIMES-NEH'S, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Monday, February 8, 1943


m i i E11

LO^T»^^.•Pcb. 8 iv—"nir Ra p f»vr Lftr Orrm»n s;ibT.irlr.e at Lcrlrsil. J'ra:i(T, 1!j

o{ Uif lu ; and s Im«il«ckr<J tarstU :;i Kit Infliatru /U!UT, me »'-r i-iroiasrttlicxJay.

PTTt!n\ln»r>‘ rrporu indlciitd Ut&t crr*i <5t5micUon » « cj-i-rii to Vhe tUack ofi Uirifn:. a co.T.-.iunique fold. T!if .'.uL'iiutir.c biie t;;crc t-jd bftn U i’. W>:r.l>cd Ui*. Thursilay iiHhi. «Kijunc:io;i wi:Ji ttucks p:i r.orihf.-n /u.’y and t.'if Riijir.

Seven boir.iKr »rrr rr;x;.-.rtl loj; l;i U i; Rljhri ojicralicrj.

Canadian alrnirn »fio pjrtirlpaled 1.1 Uie »lL»ck upoii LofUrr.l uld the j)o:t Ui'' tumfd ln:o a jca ot lUnifs MiJblc IW aajv. Tlir liiia lt. t;if cj;ll o.' t;if anr. «•« in kPtpliig «ltli ai'.iiounrrd purpotr ol Uic IIAF to Jlatirn ttir U-bt>»l laelllUci pulfl-.tlr.s na.-} ;

Tlic Gi ralilj l:iclui!f a ilajluhl pQinmrlliu; by llie U- B KKT.

\ DfTlin Jisilu IJ} loDicn iili3 lha! I,’l n.^y la-,t

tjombrrt in altartj 'o:i ' Frrncli Allanllc co.i?'.."

Folkrstojie c’j^fnfrs a forrnitio.-i o! Spj;;im roared Job- over Uo\rr Jiralt »ntl \iniCi«J into lllp Jia:c o\fr Uic rrriK.'i cw.s’. firlj- ihu attrmoon lo maintain Uie of* ;rnil\e atalm: rtitmy tarsc'^

Tlif lirrUli radio ;»ld a snull iiunibfr ot B.'iUUi bcjiiiKu cattI sI ■?iut ahai It tiUfd ‘'jinjlp nul'aiicc raws' on ursum 0«7n»nj. U as- tfried dam#Ke »a i n«£tljib)f.


wn.hl;< ot liw NaUotial AnoclaUon of Indfpendrnt Tire DuJffi and the National IwUtuie of Trtidmi Sundardi. Waihlnston. D. C.

ExpUnaUan Tlie rraion that 24-h8U.* opera­

tion of tire moldi probablr will be • rc^ulmJ eventualty Ij fxplalnrt in

the cuTTtnt Issue of Tlr« Serxlrt tilatlon. a cMSartoe of the lire re­pair industrr.

"In official quarter? In Waahlns- loji." jajri the xnasulnr. "it u tU lfd thaV IhiTt art abonV 10,NO molds In serrlce UutmsSiou: Uie ■country. «lth 40 per «n t of ihlj total belnc on TaeUle coast. Of the mold* on the rejt coMl. 11 Is bellcrtd that one-third are otw>- ]cte. u compared vlUi a 10 per rent 0b.v)le3cence tn the rounlt? as a whole. A mold over six year* old U held-Ao be objoleicenl by Sovtnj' oenl'aetney men.

“AcconUne t« WaahlcsUn data.. kbo(it ‘I.000.003 reeapi were lumed . €Nt‘o! Ihe W'unUr’a «hoT» durtns. ' put renr-a pra^ara oObl

l?r UiB production of between JS I sad U mlUlon unltA. The aiut;i-

.inent of anjthlns apprcaehlnc such iQ I»U !s held to be iznpca

■"Im more equipment and malerUU are made available, the manpower alluallon b Imprmed. and Individ- uaU Btep tip their production to i

'-Cl-hour a day basis.”

De Gaulle’s Son B IlL R E S lC ff lC N m iE S W IN S

Tm t ii Falls News in B rie f

SM t—

Mesbcn e; VIoom a=d V o m e. i£x3» vU * : «;J5 p. a . Tue*- tfXT t i C-.« 1 .0 .o r . haU.

^v«TT« Cnat«4

U;tQ:r» haa bea crar.ifxl la <ta* tr-.,n fojTt tv j , \v. P xver to Mrs. E i- j G. U sstan fr«a KwipJ D. lAr.=Lan. Th« =airi*d Oct. » , :aa a T «ta M.-x Ua-= « c.*-jL-5ri cTJc:?;-.

O b I Io m tK ^

n.'..*-. Hartea. daax*i>r d Mr. krJi Mrs- S.^ersiia UJiJow. ::5 Taj- ~ . U a e>i hocXr.:-! the :i*3: K-jr.erter c,' t.MJ vrar at PTUIip* ur-veri;;r. l i u i Ot:*.

Btoclr M»traWiLvv. lU tabe. W .» coe. rr-

pe.-.rt to pcCice Sur>i*.Th:» b**« t*krn f T::*.“.rr» 11 waj i t n ae*r L-.e P.'itT rosjpaav cTTV e t^r.u J: rrvi ar>i wsi:e.

.\%plnal P&UUsp*•on »r Ibr rifhcfet rrraeb cm- m L tUnds aboard a aaval Kntt on which h« U an •RWr>c*drC The ru* Bodrr ■tieh be wr^ta rtln la bMkn^iuL

I Cbianr.’T litarta Fh*1 .\n cirrr.ritrtf c .:^ri

kdili s;Arf c

Sun ia j. It >.ad been bettp* -.tit Ts*

rr.rr.t amtrtf D»r=»S» wra aald to be T .e .o•c»e beijc^p tsFr»=k McCrra.-T.

BlrtiitT»-.ri. b-Mi bajT.. e e n birr, v: iir.

an i Mrv .*wt C, G r v . Elcr. raf. 6; a w»a besTJ to i t . asd5i-v R. K. K;«T.*v». ryb.&. aai a wo w ^ b a n to i t . a:;;! Si.-V W. B. Oa^ratfi. Twla Feb.

as FjCU cccs:s^:e.-iycr hfase.

LABOR M R E IS i i o o y c E D

traW nj cxt.p# c.’ We.- d » v t a id tJje Infalle:}' r-?er'.«- c.'tlcer Cii- diatei’ ?«:hoo;j c.; W^rld war tl.

Crwlox OqinWatlca A.' o>::a;c<l i;-*". Ctart sc* Is ^a

6ro»in£ ofyir.;3:l-'c luc—the eltl»rJectr.T:lf.eefcT»•«ar ierr’.ee »c'- Tj cha2=An DcKU'.aa Arar.U Hi

ti* Sciiri t-r I ccMsmxTifr?, «tre

e e>.tJ.-r.

t cc* ;I inavrr- tiles a reX-co- r

Thomas E. Walton Services TuesdayBumx\‘. Feb. B-FUneral aerr-

Ices for Thonw.' E. Walton. B3. father of Uie late Bob Wolton. former ahcr- n i oi MUUdoiia count}', will be held #l J p. m. Tuesday at the Butlrjr funeral home chapel with Rev. Broolu Moore, putor of U:e Butlr; Metiiodlat chURJi. offkLiUns. Bur-

. lal »IU be in Uie Dutley cemclrry •Rlth Verti McCulloeU ta clivrse.

Mr. Walton died Prldaj- lUsht a the He?4 hcCTe ,«ouihe»st of Ru­pert. where he had reilded lot the lait four years.

He was bom on J.fay 5. liiO. Ln Pcna'vlvanla a]>d look ui> ■ home­stead new Altiion in 18T6. In IDIJ, he and his fa-’nll.v moved lo BjrVy. where lUi alfe. Helen Jar.e fallen, dlrU in October, loa.

He leave* five sons. Wesley Wal­ton. American Falls: Thomas ar.d

WaUon, Poca’.tV-o. lUnry Waluvi. Pearl Harbor. a:;d WiUum Wnlton. Sha'hone; t«o ilauiiucrs. Mrs. Helen .Mecuai. YaUnsa. WaNJi. and Mrs. Roy J. Fife, Rupert, and S craiidchlldren.

WEATHERT»In Falb and tklnllr—Oc-

easletial loow t«Klay. rolder t»- day and tsnUbl. IHth tnterday U. I«v 31. preelptUtlsD .» , U « Ihb raemlnf 31.

U.. U.~ Iny.


- nVU>.rM OtT____


lofsjer p.'tnJient of Bar a.’>.‘Wl3'Jct»,

•Hie Ametkran Ijei'm aincM».'e<; that It wouM join fccrei lieeltiserj cemmlitee la afiTwatJic bill, Maurtrt F- Oevl=e. chalr—aa lof the Lestca'a natsccil I«*c.nl!tee. said:

”CntT»r»a] aervW la war h*» bees atjvoeated bv t.'-.e Aaerttin for more than 70 Tiilj policeeositemplatn »ar Iv the fcuitaew ci tTfry citiien ar.d that Uscb*- art unab:e to se.-vr in the arrseC rs tw have an e<;'iil c>ai:«itJcr. to V-.* xi~ <lierX aa oblUitlco to serve iwisini \i-.e Unei.“

It Li fcir to l=pclr'.*a^ amex^un^ to come be.'ae a Dr!»:TW- tlc eteisTTs.' lanJer Repubi>.-ar pjcei. bu*. liu t jtratecr »crkrd weU on the 5e;t\-t; -e ♦erti.-e act 1>C, Wadittof Hi jpor.'crrd l^J,t tiz; la tie how-v and in the aeaate It « is c<- fered br a noJjt:? an;i-NeT nvialer. Sonr.tr S5en. Rl«aM,-R. I?..Neb. The C-.:rkr-W4djwcr’_“. cvcLi^- rjllon ma.v have been a laeaiiJlt-.f the.ainvlalitntu-r. tc> h>^i* tale be.'o.-t er-i.-:«r.4 a dra.':,

lUndlrd at lleoe, ..........c: todAx J sreajureI eipliin ef the cb.wtivr,p.-cbjb:.v mruW >,• acrrc-p: '.''-e<l c « ' I bis:.'i br caU:.-. I:r.;prr? te.'.'.-e t,' cvca^- I:.-n, T;-,c-. cm;v ,\i; e t.'-jt no '

tar,V ctliciili se'.ect civtl-ir-j ■for «Vf,a3.-k b-.;; l.*-jt i:ie ;.•* be d:i:e 5s.v L*-.? w.xl bctt--di cf

' nc» p;ck =ea lie

E rro l F Im h i

i^early Broke

A fte r Trial

a .V* : xrr.

iiii- - r= x -ry : ii.’ a=y —.xe^aivN;*. ;t at th

U* i.> wtth >.-:=re:.*.\» :.r r

Meethit.-S in ilti' e^Jl^>:er Ncv 5, I>.sab:f<i Aasencaa Veteraa* c i the Wcc-5

, , at « p. a . T.:««UJ. rvb. >. a; Le«iM ^.aU. The D. .V. V. Lixi::a.*y w-u: kXso eosreae at t.*!e laa^e hc«r. Refrrjisseatt wiU t* er*ei a: a >.xr.t MXtal =;eei;as toJ-

irwtac t ^ bussteaa

.M Ctlj

cv:' i e K ^ u jo r " at M f*:»CtTv. Me*, repcits, t^.al rr>:er.t ar nral< IT. the M eaM n eaTtlaJ mt» M.T Kerjco Orrr?: *r«! her ter. U 'ji DaiJt Grr«s. T«-.a Fa T^e ^r>er reported that Grren w-j; tperx! srtrr^l wrrks vxr* tr.i l-> rvTcb^Je a.-v1 ML'S Oreea. a Jt^iifat o! MUl* coUe«r . w-.:: retaaui J.-r- a !«a«5eT oj 5y««a: Sparusi


.rr« . !>«« <W1.a; rc-.u.--h tr.v;*. were ce«i'tC.siat- •.r arm- rwM^s.is* ae*r D.'eie: Mia-

l i suirv »: *. .-«re»t cl T*«it Cu arte? »-.thi.-a*-.r.s frcsa U'-aV

tier c a ^ '^

T^‘ :e:t the

C r « j« MtvUnc Twa F»:u Orar.*» wia aeet I:

rrril*r »e4il» » : • ? . » . Wnlncs-<Jar.

Ketvraa Frva U 't iCa. iUr-'-Ji T-'ner. of the Idaho

Drpartatr.: Jt.ve, has returned from Ntw Tort C-.y af.er a rnocih * buy- la* trt;x.

IfaiMtLa Mr«( Sel Waneaa clua »'.U meet wlUi Mrx

EHU** MU.-.er r---,p-Jy at I p. .. . tcaj»Tww. iln . Graham. tc.Th bearer a.-«l I/.eriture craft Camp F.:t irjtro:uv.«'.U be fjeit, tpeaker.

.It Caap r«ew>tHerbert R. McDcr.ald. jr . huaband

o.’ M.1. . Jer.e MrDoaald. 3<l Fburth a»ra-.-» r.cu~..*». aad Bobby Prmacl* nowyrr. *0.-1 e! .Mr, and Mrj. Charlej Bowytr. Sevfrlh avenue aTT been aaair^rd to the naval

tuUaa a: FarraTJl. Ida.

Skte at DeflveeM ia AMc MuUen. CS'ciCO. left

Si.~.iaT tee W.r.ttr Patt. Co'*, near Der.»er. f-x • wrek cf akllnc before r»:-:r.:af sa the tatd«est She '-lilt­ed here for a wrek with fter tiothrr aad i:sur-:n-'.ar, i t . and Urx Jaa-,es J. M'.:i;ea

DriU aad M««ie«ca. t lia.*-.o tolinleer rmr\e»,

wiJ meet a: T,» p m, today * i the citj- jaraje fir ea’jitheaics and drill The merv-jv* r.11 marth lo Idaho Fomtf'auir.c.'j-.i.'n lo *ee ooUoa pic­tures »ii:;r..7£"actuaJ batlJe acenea. T>.« fi-i»-«U be p.-ovide<J by Stand- a.t3 OJ of Caiforala. /

T t w t ^ d e n t DietAlben ^•urr>ev. about TO. a forme?

tetiiew e l the Tw-.- Falls comrma-; i;y. d:ed Sunday tnoentas In a Los Ar.ceica hcvpttaL He had been tuf- frr.r.« wiUi heart dUe*.ie for taro ye*rx Mr. aad Mr*. Jourwy moved rnci TW1.-1 Palls to Lea Anctles aboct 20 year? aca i

COURT OF HONORThe ce’eb.'wtico of Boy Scou> wrek

t i the Saake rtver area council win be m s»ed today with • court of hcaoi- at the Twin FlJl* county

, cwinhouie at « p. ta. Dr. Cordon R. Te*a W113 rtfesJie w Jth W, Ft»at» »errtr.c aa eltrt:.

A redevSlf*Uon procram al>o »ill ?» held wtth a broadcast over tu Ucffi K'lTl at * i i » ,

Plans fee a court of honor lo I held Frtday r.l*ht wiU be made at raUj and bi>aM oI review meellne i the Minidoka rtlocaUon camp. Hunt, tcr.lfh!.

Other evmta to be heW tonight wtU tac>jd» a poUxifk wpper foe tfocp ffT at the MfthodL't church. Qecgge Parti l i i. ie Scouiaiajler.

•Kasiac the dispUya of Scouts d-.:rtr.C the cpenlns ceren;.*ale.'» here Saf.irvlay wa* that of troop 71 In the B^wn tumJlur* ««r» wtncSow, It oa-jisted cf M dlfferen: t.vpes of kaccv Spea."er N. Roblruon U ' SovvtanLMer.

e*a *^Try sa^en-ta

»-tt-ieh r r « it QoletV rrra:.-. v\-ca.T.-r.;C-'e re;<ir.ed

No Married Men In March Draft

Slr=.i*r? ? ; ’the iutrv.-: atu-rr.f • stiS vui t>.!? i i i a,'t ka.-» ; wtetirr v ti.'n w.t^II be xnz.'- M jj Saf.rt-r^. w^; H tt. tr\l d-,i-.r.: t ie tr.al t i.ii >>•

i-. il'^ta: v'r-m;:.--.

iiv '\r.-j K4j---*r. >*■ -Tat '

« i# tifr .-r a.--; j:he had x■;pJ» -. d.

Essential Work Training Opened

t itTPrea;


:.•«»» Jvid bera 5-et =eatJ.T.ed

a.-tivity L-i the -» rer.-a aad raid a

. beea'repiU'

ei C..:-.. c -a-rr-t ejvled Frl- S'V T'■irr^ ha.t destroy,

.V rr.ra-.' a;:\-MrT arxJ d a a a ^ T .-.-jr-.r—T\l w-.'-h a .\25er1*

:M:r* Ir--: cv- These

•:;? •.-'-alt ~fV.-‘V e erU.- j j j eseasy

rU an ;e;rrr.t>; aad » 4 dastard, acair.'i ifS piaaf» J » t ec

T>- rv:;_- rfcd..\ ctrtai a naxl »rrv.-c .'irr.7a^,\»ai3. 1.CC0u_M t:rvs-» M- 1 . c*pr.s»<! aad ♦ -.i.ri.' ;r. Taaijta iiare.•la n

PUOKCI; MTT rH XDi.v.-rce beta r>d !a

.-.-.r-. >rrv sv Mrx Ha.---.a K-r,?a;. S.- a;a_-ut Dewry Kia:-

T V B u h i . 1» attceaey

T«Js Fa^i ecuniy marr.pd men wh? are la clauiXVaUoas rluib> icr the dra-l can rest ea?y for at lejjl a.-!cC'.rr' maath.

T^e «>-,:aty selective e vt.-f• i>sard I has-receirtd a call tc; i i rsea

ft-.- iUrch 13 bet the caU srecifliaJ- ty :.»ti es;t as aairvtd sata K-'t be dr»l;«sl

Thj» does n it Bieaa. acvord:r.c lo Opt. J . K. Seavtr. c>rk t i the board. Uial taarrled men ca--.r.oi w-:-ia:eer fof the draft.

T se col: It ihe aaiTesl received b7 the l»sal board In saaihs.

Thu-iiay Tl ^electee*, maatly yotthi ta the 18 tod iJ-jear old cUav «t2 lear* for Boiw ter ihtlr naal aad laducuoa6sto the ealUted laa^ rrserve eorpa.

4 British Pilots Killed in Crash

s.\CR.\ME.vro, Cali:. rv5, s .V —Fc-.ir Britltt pil-t «ere i i ' •he coi:i-i?a of tie--- traiaiasi^iaae* ' :;eir Sicrameaua Pr-.i*y ^

l.Ta.'- aaao-.:.-.fed tixUy.Bc<■•.e cf t.^e Ir^r E- t, wetr

fc-uad ua t.'-.e wreciaft c.* t ie :r ;

» -- : *sd at

T>e .-?rrjr.rs a: 'CCea«- are ;yr^rs ft.' a ^ .

--•vw eaia£t>i — w « t . Trxaa* ;vr-L*_rc :> t.jrai.05Kl. ai; eipea.**3 i.-e *a i t ie tr*:aer» rr>,-e.-re saX-r ci tl^S.' a saaath. Cssrses


r , «.-C.IU.-F-.ai: rties Jar Mrv . I D.-rri.',v D X.-C..Z be oaa^xted

' i i '- ' ~r -ai lha B«y^

1 o o . r . ee=»t«y.

p:a.te,::.'a c: tie (

r jjr enter :» a c-ccajOeie

recaU crv-i ’t-s i'TT* exr^ctayr eatJT sa.l^a:y wr«ve. Rissa:

I C,V.=1EY—P.:r.era: ae.-rtrea far WU.V\, C*.-rT wu; Se beU at J p.

at r.-tiday tr. t.' e W iJte sjcetaary C>.a7»; Rrr r. BcCs ef.

*“ * “ &=*tI __ ______________ ____

Three Youths Go

To Na\-j’ InductionT^ree iT*year-ol4» were wml la

Beii« to be swtaa tato the rjty by the Twti Paai B*ry ncrJUac *u- U.'O.

T^e lhre« w«» Verrsoa Joitph WUliaavKct. *33 of Mr. aad Mrs. Ja-'eph L. xruHaaaoa, Haie;-.aa; Wayae Hal SUals. loa cf Mr. had Mn. J. n. SUats. Jerose. aad Sam- stl Ocrtaa Pe»»ca. »ca of Mr. aad ifcx r . U Pe'-erjaa. Filer,

Th* local •tatloa'i qyou for the w»A a Ccose^ueatlytwa cCsm -Bin b* »*at to Bc4ie iater.

T se tcaJ a u u a hai beea la* tKSsed that Leroy L. Slatter. PUrr h « x-htoJ athlete, ha* beea certed r « esllttseal at Boise.

Sbcria^ !t» t man aeuleaenu b»«aa la 1550. •icecdiaf-to dw> tstata to a d ta Volacda.

Keep the H’h lff f iap of Safety Flirinp

Now 27 da^s aUAout a tra//ie death in our Jilaffie VaUey.

AU :cur were tstias aa i.'-rasired , courJe at the C. S a.-atT s iuthe? ■ field to Sccosie ui2tr\:;t»3.

The Hospital

rUas a; th* Xatxia*: .‘vite: Ki Biir>T T ^»U7. T=e»4jiy t-ljM aa i T«.n cJ Wt«£ie»i*.-r •v-TKvtsa. He w-J

• 6tTart=iKt ?« ;OC»t XTe«*KUy

a.;te:ai.-«c aiad a ^ i t . r r t^ a a c »

er»i hospital M sa^tAD.Mrm©

M.- . Oca SV.>Ma.*d. U rrr Ml--:i,*S at:d G. C. Blur. aU d Tns Falls; Mi-xheil DeCraff. KlaLberir; H. Beaxxharas »--.dvitv Betta Mccn. bcuh or Buhl; iis . J . w. osssc- . haai. Rocersca; Ma. M. L. y^-T aad Mn. Ed Oier. b:-sh c: rJer.

D isansstD Mrs. Edwa KBOWles. i£ » . £ T.

Joaea. it r v Jaa«» KeeL 5 , -*«aa MlUer. Mrs. C. E. O w s . EaSy Itefr- ert Steresi. Euceae U tSa aad Jeaase RUae. a3 cf Twla P*2j: A » Oaelda. Shoahcce; Ocy White. Filer, and Joe SulU^ Buhl

— ^< T Y for 10 daffs^m


}-vNir Nvx IT Supxr S t i= ? i s i cc ifr » p iir

cf 5 i^ « .

:J1>95 up, to SS.45 CeU Mr, Posne



, ortKATx ce s STATES



2 2 7' m x x tssoiSD c-Kunss.S K IU O CmCXEN'T atOTCSS WDO


C W w t «Cttk TKk Sente* AMjmtm *■ ^


Annual bud««t bearlnc at which taxpayen may voice crtilclamt ar>d aufstsUons opened MoGday at of- fleea of ih« Tvln Falla county com- mlaslooera. It *IU b* contlnsi^ tiaU 5 p. at. next prUUy. '

Far th* pait » e m l ywan the , betfta(i hav« taUed ta pro ian rrta one taxpayer with ocoplalsU.

The ca&Bimiooer* bav« aet tip a 1M3 prellmlnarr budget, of t&3}.4M for Twin FkHs county. At coxKliatoo of the heartns the board vUl ap< prfive the final budtel for the year. 11 may reduce aaiounii la the trnuuve b-jdget but cannot lacreaae them..-The preli.'ninary bJdcet a* ap­prove by the board Jan. Z3 U 113.. i5*J« hUher than the IBU lUial budstt and tSl.Til.S) more than tht actual expeadliu-ta cf the .pait year.

Estimated iiirplus which,-wai-car­ed over to b l3 ‘j-*ar fnaaj IHJ Is

art at U3.SaO.

Seeu TodayShoe clerks doing a lot'ohfx-

plainins . . . Caady-l<s»- candy ca- es In lota of places . . . Ditto.' only more so. chewrin* euro . . . Set. Georre Paubcrt double-tlm- Ing dovn Shoshone with tirtiljpg to aiart at hKh school in exactly four minutes and *3 aeconda . . . UtMlenant and hli wUe tiytr.i to shush baby who persists la ahout- tne as they dine at reauutnat. . . Fellow canyln* several caies of canned coods laio residence In cast end of town . . . Tnick i laeh 'tfroanlac «nd pedeaUtana aUitac a* heavy barret oocnes, Uiroush sidewalk freljht 'hit'cJl'. . . Man looklat at his mallMn postefflre box. then pottln* Tl b«ek and learlrtg Jt tn Ute box . . . And pickup truck bUihely Isnortas red llSht to mate a prohiblled left turn at the f w comer*.

Names ia tBe News

Dr. Robert Oordoo SprwiL IwJ- dent of the UrJverslty of Callfor* nla. dteliwed that US scleniliU are worklnc on a ••secret problem* which Is aft Important that the Called Na­tions could be defeated tf Germany should solve It first.. .

Onen ^Velle* dlwlowd he U tir­ing op hla be»rd becaoM ' I think rm eld eaeofh new that I don't need ene to make me l»«k eld rneoth lo vote*. . .Louis wiitfnkoni. o . author ot

such plays aa "Five Star Final” and a former New York nevjpapennan. *a* buratd to death Suaday when flames from a (as stove, on which he was maklns coffee, l^alted hb clothlag at his Wilkes-Barre, Penn, home, . .

Nadan Hansen. bUind actma. appears before Saperioe Jod|» llarald D. Jeffery today t* renew her plea for a divarte from itel- via Skkafftoae. tlndl* art dlrte- te. whaci ahe chaaes threatened he»with bodily harm. . .Darwin S. Barrett. ;r, S3, vlce-

pTfi'.dtnt ot the Chr.'jipeake and 0:ilo railroad and dlreclor of nu-

ccenpaniM controlled by the Van Sertncer interrjLv died yester­day Bt Colc,-ado Sp."ln^3. Colo. . .

Ca« Son, femer vandevlllr |a<- jleT aad bookiaf a^ent, returned la llollywoed fee a vtalt aad chaU with atars «b»o be c*ve their nrtt boeklncs—Bob llape. Corai and Allen. Waller Iloston. Charley Craprwla aad the Marx btvthtre.

. Pr^ucer Harry Sherman dl-wlos- fd he win pnx5uce .tU BopalBr.« Casildy films this year for Called .i^rtlja studios. alor4 with a hls- to.'lcal drasisu two Richard Dlx ;arrlnc vehicles and a technltolor

production ba.^ed « i the life of B-jf- talo Bin Cody aad atatrtae JoelMCCrea,__________________ ■

oit-\Ttn;DEKANSAS c m ' . Feb, »-A T »iu

tnvmtor persuaded the ratlonlp.e board he ahould retain his caso- Unt beck deyptte a con-TlcUon,

"Fine.” he beamed, when the board yielded lo his plea. "Sow 1 want to be a.1 »quar» with you, . , III ihow j-ou all about my inven- Uon.“

He pulled up a chair and befan to open his brief case.

Chairman I t E Parsofts .<Jld some olher tto* would do. I


SHOES—RaUon effective Feb, 9; Uttlt thret pair pe: year per person; tin t coupon for one pair is atiwnp 17 freai tha xucar-coftee ration book, food to June IS.

SOOAR-Iuuaa stamp No. 11 ex* plres Marth is.

COFFS.-SUISP Ko. became effective Feb. 8. and expires i i u t h

OASOLlNB-etamp No. « end i Uanh 31 for A-card holder*.

TlIlES-Inspectlon period for A- card automobUes explrea March 31 B. C^and T card autos Feb. 28.

CANNZD GOODS-Bales atop at midnlcbt Feb. 30.


iFn* P«i. Out) aaese hurled Into the attack at that time. 41 were destroyed or damsged bad.tt- by American tlehtcr planes rhlch came off wllhout a lou.FcUowlni up their advantage, al­

lied airmen bombed and slrafed en­emy posiUons In Dulch New Guinea, ihe Celebi and Cape Gloucfsler. The Japanese, alter their severe setback Saturday. «ere repo.'tcd Inactive in. ihe'air.

On the Burma front, too, Amcr- ican-mad* waipUnea dealt heavy blows to the enemi'.

Poiff-mcloTed Uberator bombers manned by the RAF dropped nenrly 30 tons of explosives on Rangopn last nljhl. leavins the * larget--ln flames.

All the nlderi «iurnM , llie Brit­ish said.


Utur Guy Empey has wrlllen five books, two plays, 17 film ncrn- arloa and score# of magatine Bto- Tlts. bi)t-

He now has his first red Job. he Mid.

He's a guard at an aircraft plant.

J ^ K urtr-

-nti" *W 4* U« r*li«i<1n> hi>i iMfiJ li Ik*n rWr. Ak.inill (>n •t.H S MJrt , l .kM In .»• TMr an: w,f N*1 Tk»T'f» B»1 rallonlnr V. ;


iD M O i T i n m i .

PRICES THIS snow ONLYM.ATINEE_____ lOo and 30cE^TNINO _____15c and <0o

(U. S. War Tm Included)


3 y The AaaoeUted P«a«

Afltr'ilx years in the llmellghi as Italian foreign mlnUlcr, Premier Muisolinl'j wn-ln-Uw. Count Oale- aszo Cltno, wu rtleso^d today to the comparaiJvely ob«ure potf cf ambaisftdor lo the Vatican.

TTiB appolnunenl announced last night in axis broadcasts lew than 48 hours after the dapper count had been ousted from the ,forelgn ministry In a Rweepln* cabinet shakeup which sUrred widespread speculailen in aUltd clrclfs.

Italian propAgiindUta belatedly set 'm about to Uw aliakeup ■ yesterdoy by chsracterlxing it ai merely ft quest for new blood and

, declared It was do'oid cf any real ylgnlflcance.

'Prevent Otalflcallon”In a brosdcait recorded by the

Aasoclated Press. Ihe lullan Slefanl news agency said ilio upheaval km ‘ii'uied by Muasollnl'fl deiermlnailon to ■•prevent o,MjfJe«tloa“ ot hla #d- mlnlstrAtlon.

Tliough such ttell-Vnown fa. clst leaden a« Count Dlno Qrandl. who U>ok [lart m the march on Rome, were among 'those who lost Impor- lanl Jobs, the news agency aald -the change lataa."! nothing In paniruVar and will hare na etfecl on forelga policy.-

“It n-M JU.M one of those chanje* of personnel nl Importiml p « tj which are characterWlc of a faacbt rcBlme." fitefanl declared.

I , Orandl. fermer ambo.v$ador lo ^((Vla^U'as minister of JuaUce.■ TfiB'^new-jnlnlAlers were to be sworn In todrjr.-wth Muisollnl him­self laklng o\-er ihe foreign minis­try portfolio. ■"

ShJkeupTlie Japanese radio halletf the $

Italian cabinet shakeup aa an in- vlgoraUns rnm'e. saylns that younger mcn.laductcd Into hlgfi PO-'ii« would "help overcome enemy forces in Afrlcfc which temporwlly have dt- Drived Ilnly of her colonies."

London commenuiora Interpreted Clano's new appointment a.i an Ital­ian mo\-e to Imprm-e relations with Pope Plat x u and poMiSfy lay the groundwork for an Italian peace plea throiiBh the Vatican when Uie time is ripe.







'mary ASTO»-RUpr v A itm .


"African InraaJon" i i Latest Nefva

Starts Wednesday | i)

Neil Sondar


If i Tenlfie

Mondar, February 8 ,194S TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page TKres

JE llO iC flU N IY U R y iN CALLED

JEROME, rvb, »-Thf rtbm iry u--f court opened

s:i Jtrvr.-.t today »iih U c loUoannE ca::rU :o,- jar> jcrru-t:

x;c-;niiy: crvMlci Muj-ar^J. H-y S UorCoti. rrwik E. Gr»nu J-i.c Cir»,v. LJo'tJ Wf?l, R. O. Lcf.

llcr.n. L. W. Bctboul. R. A lk«rt-.h».Ti<r. rr»nk E. Ownc.'

H. A. faUilfr. E. S. J'alk a;iil E. C. Monif03irrT.

A. r-it»lnbuTt, Ar- G. Biuch. C:»« UixS^ry. A. F.

Hi^csih. W»;:fr O' 'n tar-jL'. Ben Rf«5. W. lUr.:?w W R. Ui:r. Rav O. Dfan. Olrn Tunicr. Wil-.cr Rc*:aftt. T. J. Dfan. V. S. Lrcjult. Guv DUcm. C. A. Clxzt. J. S. Hurf. E.>.-.iMxl Loudfr. 1. U \V«lli«:oa. s. s. Orakr. Don- ■M M A(lx-.•_ »i'd t- W. J!»rdlni:.

CaaT0.i-'‘K<^R- ” • Callfn, J. H.lA\-rrL\ John A.

Mc'srr.Tn. Wcolivw WiL'.on. Glfii RoJxr, M»\ I lfW . J- H Handy fcnd Volt

t’al'j C-.u-V»rcvt LicUry. Drrkhry Mwt.-. JUr.'M Mcttl'. r. 11 Hov Jullin T- Rickrlt'.Arthur liird. C. 'V. Bird and C.’rhoa-A'oii.

liM-.:! A-.;n:. H. L. Su- ter. Ela;rr Sl:\x;<r. H im B. Gftpf.

t> Vor. p. r- Ti.ncl, tU: I

Mystery Death

Kiktrllr Carjr (abotr). in iKrar- rr model. *a» tlaln In hrr nortli dr <-tilrato apartment amid clr-

lUnfr* that Indlcalrd Hie r Ml fire In the Hat In an ef- to ronreal the trimr. The

'I's head wan battrrrd and her reel and Irca burned. KImnen anil twiiremen ronnil (he bod;. A fane killlne—oHh )>lnt« nf a m^Xerv

ORM R O S F iS H E OliOCLYWOOD, Feb. 8 lUPJ-Fllm

^ars of ttell-e.itftb;bli«l rejniUtlon uoii lii^cftleiice over llollyaotxl's iie«ccmi rs loiliiy lii l!ie Ibt cl riom- liialloii.' lor llie iiiolloii picture In- duMrj covcted •■Oxarr',’'

Tlir nojiitnatlon.' wcic aniiouiacd liiM iiIkIu by till- Ac.idniiy ol Mo­tion Pli'turc Ati.i and Sclcn^c , nncl balln-.lni; will bcsln Feb. 13 In llie nciiclrmy'.-i ISlli niimmi pre.'rntatloii nf aunrd. f(ir lilni m'-rlt. A»urd.< lor actliiK, dlrfclln;:. writliiK, [ihoioji- raptiy niid leclinlcal rxcellence «U1 be iimilr Mairti 4 at llir aninial ncadcirty <ll!inrr.

KHf [xTMins In Mch rliv.vJ(lcatlon •rr no;nliialc<l lor br;,t iwrlonn-

, , . and fe­male. Ten nim.i were nomliiulnl lor the (iiii.stnndlriK iiictiirr of iJic year.

Nonilniiltoivi liieludfd:Fur t>r.,i iM-rJurmance by an actor.

Jamrj Cactiey. "Yankee Doodle Daiklv": RoniUd Coleni.in. "Ran­dom }larve.\i''; aiir>- Cooper. ''Pride of the Ynnkre. ■•; Waller Pldueon, ■Mr.i, Miniver"; and .Monty Wool­ley, -riir Pled Piper,"

Tlie bcr.l perlonnnnce by an nc- tre:.% Bette Divli. ".S'ow Vojauer"; Greer Cariou, "Mrs. Miniver"; "Kiitharlnc Hrpbtirn. "Woman Uie Year": Ra'.ulind Rtuv.ell. •, Sl.ster Klleen." and Ti-rcia Wrlglit, "Pride of the Ynnkers,"

For l)tit fupi)orUnK nclre.'j. TVt' eN.1 Wrlxlit In "Mra. Miniver"; Ola- dy. CooiK.-r, •’Now VoyaKcr"; Acne.i


•nie M. I. A- officers aiid members of Uie »[>eel*l Inlere- l da.w enter- lulned »t liie home of Mr. and Mrj. Jean Pil:e lionorliis Mr. anJ Mr.i, f'dDii Laricn. *ho are leavins Uie community t j make their humc in Ueclo.

.MembciJ of the Relief wiety nre busy ni»kllli! the ward quota oI 17 ijuilti for Hie L. D. B. cimrcli uel- fnre. An all day (mllilnir w.-v-t held at tile home of Mrs. Edora Allred.

Mr."and Mn. Je.-s Mathi Ilex BltiRham and Mrs. Oro.-.ebet'V nude a bmlnejj trip to T*n Falli,

.Mr, »nd' Mrs. Harold Cheney l;.T.e moved lo Uielr new home in I’aiil. They have been liMnK llic, lu.M year al the home of S.iinuel ll.inner.

Mrs. E. V. and Mrs. J, O. WnUrr, Mr.'. Ejiinia Kewlcr and Mit.. M>ri;e IJoaen, Pella; Mrs; John 13o»en, Diirley and Mrs. Alfred Crane <iere Kuc.-,Li at n luncheon al the hi>nir or .Mrs. Eira Bingham, hnnorinic Uie birthday annlversar>’ of Mri. UIiik- hnin.

Mr. aiul Mrs. Alfred Crime. Jr.. luvf moved to Burley to make their home. Mr.- Crane lin.i cmiiloymenl In the Chevrolet EaraRf.

Mr. and Mrs. Jlermun Stoner lia\e purchased Uie Ellb farm. Mr. and Mrs. Buriif

a farm near BrigliCity ____

Mr. and Mrs. Frlti ll.imer iinve sold Uielr form and boiiKlit a larger acreaRc In Jerome vicinity. Tliey will leave .won.

Tlie advanced senior clav. nf [hr Siihday .«liool and parulr^^ are




GOODING, Feb. 8 -

* .............. ........ X'lUtlli J .Rev. Wulilniil-t ,.111 i;n IP Axalon,

the rank of lirui

I'll W. I). Iiriiun. Who nJuiie :o. 1337. Hr Jiad • PlilUpi.lnei aw wa.s

P e n e t r O3U5j.r:W..I.KjlJrl,, Ucmana iluiilru )'

Brother Among Ytuith’s Relief At Guadalcanal

RUPERT. Feb. B-Tlie world bn ’t &o IiLrse nfler all. In the opinion of the ^Qldlcr lon.i of .Mr. and Mr.v Dart NulUnK ol Ru;>erl,

While w-ttltluE to Iravp Quad, alcanal. where he tiad been flslit- Ine Uie Jftju flnce rurly U.-.t fall. Cpl. WlUard Nutllni; no', one of UiB blSKCsl . urprl5r.• of liLi llle.

Amone-Ujt,i’'Ol'Ileri mnrehlng down the ganRpIank WTCIierc- hl.i conthiRcnl was his broiher- .MnJ. RlehBJd Nuttlnc-

Telephone Line Broken by Heavy Snow Is Repaired

IIAILEV. Feb. 8~C»rl Batey of the Mountain Siate. Tclrcraph and TeleerapJi company and Geonte Swalniton from the Krtchiim ranRcr stftllon have repaired the leleplione line h(;iween Ketchiuii and Oalena which wa pul out of order by the heavy unou,'.

Stale hlfihway e()ulpnient ha»l opened Hie road a.i far Iloulder FlaU. about half ot the distance,

More C om forl Wearing


and the men vere able to set that far by truck. From there on it, waa necesaaiT to travel on nkLs and webb snow jilioej. They followed Ihe lino to Rus-slan John ranKt> atallon tlie fln>l day. a dLilance of about Jour and one-half miles from Boulder. After spending the night al Uie rta- tlon. they turted nut again the next morning, reaching Galena, a dlaiAnee of eight mlle. , about 6 p, m. Several brenti wen found and re­paired. A hUh wind and badly drift­ing fnow helped lo mnke the trip a difficult one. Wlien the men report­

ed the7 tald it would probibir Uki U»em 1*0 day* to make the rrtom - trip. They refwrted that Mr. and Mr*. Storey and Mr. and M n Btr- i>er. who have been uiovbound at Oalena for Uie pait Uiree weeks, have sufficient lupplln and Storey reported that by feeding his hor»« very llglujy he will have tnoujh hay to losl two more week*.

It takes a year to train an army nlr force man for oTeraeu duty. Tlie A. A. P. ti graduating plIoU at Uie rate of 40.000 annually.


32 Box SpriiiKs .......................S39.50 cach

11 Bo.\ Spring & Mattress Sets ?59.50 cach

99 Mattresses............ .?9.95 to $42.50 each

42 Swing Rockers.....$32.50 to $49.50 each

6 Occasional Chairs $6.50 to $69.50 each

49 Breakfast Sets.... $15.95 to $61.50 each

242 9x12 Felt Base R u r s 53.95 to $7.95 eachGO P .M T K RN S TO CHOOSE KROMl

M O O N ' SPaint & Furniture Store

Irt® Every l u t i ia ' fYour family »il) enjoy llie Family Cinrle M»f;aiine. to bc-wire lo get your free ciipy every Tut«i»y.'

u(i-Jo-f?ie-mmiife movie reviewn. »peci»t liotiwliolil hints, ami otlier inlee- citing fealurcs ar' a rrfiuUr jiirl of Ihit ipriRhtly nmRaiine. (ie{_ your FilKK copy cach TuejHuy, -

This list will help you plan really nourishing breakfasts(Prices good Tuesday thru Saturday)

All Bran S r i ,

ruR t»tak/aitj.Krc(70Be'«>atk'. . ing harder aad loam. So bt nt« and itazt your (railyoff toworic or aeliMl wtU fortified witbade- iiciou*. balasctd bRaUut,BOiB- iflS after noniiaf.


Paj^Fonf T7MES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO MondaT. Februnry 8. W «

A «ee»eiy*Uee M )*■Tto«. MUfcUtlMi) la IM4. •»« I** T»l“

r«kikM *wk 4tn mnleci. «m:

K K i u ’s a r c ' . ” : . * "


^ W H I R L I G I G

Cnund M * pnlsfrici la Tvti

UNHAPPY U IRT H D A YThe Third Rclcli cllcln’l jiiivc n very hnppy

blrlhdny party In Berlin. Tl\cre was no flag

waving, by ofriclal order. There wa.s a rather dispirited droop to the oratory. And there were tho.^e impudent nclRhbors Irom ncro.«

the chonncl who had Lhe bud taste to heckle.The RAF's birthday •‘.sinROKrams" came

whining down /rom the skies and ]an\led with n disconcerting thud Just nbout the time Ooerlng and Oocbbels were clearing their

' throats before launching forth in the fa ­

miliar defense of the bo.i.s aa Europe’s .-javlor. I t must have been most disconcerting, for It didn’t give the speaker any chancc to amend their remark.^ In the llBht of most recent developments,

Oocrlng. Goebbcl.'! and Hitler had sclectcd Russia as the main target of the atxnlvcr- sory remarks, and there wna no time to change signala. To be sure, Goerlng hnd an

— hour of unfortunate Interruption In which he m ight have made some alterations or add i­tions. But It is conceivable th a t the Relch- morshal, between the hours of 11 and rioon,

■was more concerned with the protection of his ample and bedizened bulk than he waa In the contents of his mann,scrlpt.

So when the all-clear sounded and Oocr- Ing gftVhcied up hla spccch tvnd his dignity,

his tut with the ogre of Bolshevism went on as scheduled. While he spoke to the assem­bled soldiers of Oermany's efforts in the East to save Europe from a fate v,-«r^ than democracy, his audience must have been listening with one ear while tho-other was cocked for the fam iliar, drone of enemy

bombers. And while Ooerlng held forth upon the struggles and dangers confronting them In Russia, the soldiers must have had the uncomlortable Icellng th a t there was also some danger from other quarters. S ignifi­cantly absent vas the fam iliar off-stage chorua of "Moll HltlcrsV excepti at the very

■ end, and then Goerlng had.to lead the cheers' hlmaelf.

I t must have been a b it uncomfortable, too, for Ooebbels’ civilian audience, who went

through a second bombing tfs a prelude to the afternoon's main addre.«. The relch prop­aganda minister told them that “Our confi­dence In our .soMlers is unlimited. Our con­fidence in the fuehrer cannot be surpassed a t all."

'There wasn’t much old or comfort In the message. Hitler, of course, told the old. old story oC Ills 10 years of power. B ut for the

first time Oocrlng or Ooebbel;; uttered some statements that bore the ring of truth. Ooer- Ing asserted that "Nobody can Judge tho.se being led without always th ink ing of the leader. This exemplifies the relation between

the German people and their leader.^,” He’ll get a good deal of agreement on that.

Aa for Ooebbels, no one will question his statement that "•Battle ' was tlie slogan In those days of the National SoclaiI.-it move­m ent from Its very inception and 'Battle' has remained our slogan unto this very day."

At least one of Goebbel.s' .seiucnces can be

cho.^cn os common. •’I t h obvious." .said he, "why our enemies' .storm agahwt the new Reich as If desperate and 'from all sides,"

I t Is Indeed obvlou.s, Herr Ooebbels. And we shall try to bring It home to you even more clearly as the war pro^rcMc.s. ■

\SNEEH—Tlie ilubborn senate ftslit o ;li'« "old I*mlJy Weiid.” Edward J. nyi

hli wtUidrawBl from the ortna.byihl» wtlttr on Jan.duce «erloui vid surtl....aUonj In the Prcaldeni's Imnifdlate itfaits)' *nd posibflluin proiiram RfgMiJlcja of the mcrlla of llie con l/oversy conctrrilnB the dlpIomaiU nominee* ntntss. espllol lilH’a hov itle sttUude Elves Uie dlcUtors i. weapon (or-UM atiaJiut Uie Uiilt«d Nation*,

Tbe kalier's Cernwiiy bid down Itj armi partially because of lhe

__ liope which Woodrow Wilion's HRAX TL'CKER pomia exl«i(!«l to them, Europe's ■msll nations looltfd to America wiUi trust In vlrw )f me srcurlty Uial the of NnUoai prombetl.It 15 dllficult now to recall Uie ecstntlc lalUi which

conllntnt whtn It aiitlclpatetl that the WINlight be r allied.

...... ... .ipper chamber rtfu.'ed to ratify the cov-tr.»nl or JoUv U« IMereiiUonRV UVtiut\&l. Englitid as\U K;i>iicc ciik-aKed In a same of power politics with the relch aa the pawn. Hitler's slow rise to rule wiis caused In pa t by hU ffllerallwi that his people hnd been •'doulJle-cru;#ed’' by tlie Allies, ejpcclally Uie United Statf.i. Since few Europeans understand our iiovern- mental nyttem. these charges contrlbutetl lo the reellnB of 111 »m toward u» In the twenties. Thti help- eil to keep Uie world In turmoil rlsht up to September, 2039.

F D I I—lu liiiil .Mr. Wilson—ha.» pleilKcd llmL the (Iniiocraclr,? will jt.intl by aJtcr the conflict. He ha-t bern niurr Keneroiu Uitn his old chief, h'ood a» well tLi bullriA »on north Africa and both will be counted on to rnrain more Important territory, Vlce-Pff;.ltleiil Wnllnce liM declared that Uncle Sam will pby good samnritjin lu Uie slobe.

Aih oie.'lords know that few of thene BUarontees can be .unilerwrllten except by stnaiorlal So the .ipectnele of contreu dcnuunclnij

croiiy »HiS coropeUlim him lo ijMlt opportunity to sneer nt our rrc-'et

erln|!. . It Is n chance Uicy surely wtlial

spokesmen advanced In Uvor of tJir

rnu pro


OVEllTI.ME-Kry Dei deiKS that the President can be reeieeie<i vided he vrcst3 the nomination from th Jamts A. mrley and company. Leaders makhiR these pre<i(cIloii.4 stand w ctoe to Uie executive mntiMon that lhe occup.int’s determination lo run nKaln can* nov b« gftlnsRUl.

They frankly base Ihelr expectfltlon* on Uie belief that Mr. Iloosevell will once more command Use near* b'-.ioll[l.aupport,.of. OTBanlied Ubor. They recostUj- that tlie farmers have turned agalivu him. He rsrrlrd the ajricultural sLaWs In 1D<0. li is true, but only be- cnme he rolled up In.tupernblB plurallUes In the big cllle.'L. fleyond the iiiburbs he led In only a few cniin- llM »nrt desertion of the rural folk wiw reemplisslicd la-i November. New Deal spokesmen also reallrc that imall business Is dbgruntled, and ti;ai the people are irrltatfd by bureaucratic pin prlcti. NeverthelcM. they iMlJl that the votes of Ui# workljiBman and lil.i wife, combined wllh noririal party ballois. wlU put, F. D, It. over.

ThU recipe for victory explains Uie admlnlstra- lion's cavalier treatment of men In overalU. They are Uio majorlly't only "ace Ijj Uie hole." When faced wlUj tlio prospect of r«tumlng Roosevelt or elecUna a Re­publican whoie economic philosophy Is unknown or

ilemt^Mrnlwl In ftcllon. presldenllal pal' inntnlnln It the toller wWi a full enveloiw will not gimble

ANOTHER FOU L HALL?It's easy to understand why the local .salv­

age dealers are up in arm.s over the OPA’s order lowering the celling price on scrap metal.

When the scrap metfll campaign got under way several months ago. the scrap dealers, the .county salvage committee and the new.s- papers proceeded in good fa ith by explaining that-the prices to be paid for old iron and

steel would be controlled and maintained by government ceilings.

The salvage dealers were given to under­stand they would be safe In buying all the scrap metal available a t prices In keeping w ith these ceilings. Although .skeptical of such an arrangement, they Joined whole- heartctUy in doing their part to meet a war-

time cmergcncy. To demon.strate their con- 3clcnUousnc.s5, the local salvage dealers paid on the average of $2 more per ton than waj! received for scrap metal bought generally throughout the aUte.

They unddrstood at the outset it would be neccssary for them to «crap-pllc m uch of this metal. That was port of the natlon-wldc plan so a ll of the old Iron and steel would be made Immediately available and delivery to the mUlJ could be controlled so as to maintain a steady flow.

B u t the metal these salvage dealers have

In their scrap piles was bought under the original price celling, and w ith th jit celling .now kicked cut from under them, anyone can see th a t i t leavea them hold ing the bag.

We'd llko to assume tha t there'a some mis­

take— that this won't turn out to bo another of those things that Just don't make wnse. For the benefit of the salvage dealers, a t least, we hope that the "we-havc-declded" boys— the bureaucrats— will get on the beam and stajr put.'

... ^

newcomer.f^ir Uil.i re.von—and this alone—Uierr l.i iMr.-vnt pcxs-

ilblllty Uint Uio Prwldenl will endorNe aemands for I <a hour week without overUme. clarlllcatlon of N. W. L. B.-.1 wage policies, rerlslon of N. L. K. n. In

Uio employer, or any other elinnRes that might cost him Murray-Oreen backing.

KIGItT—But the RepubUcans I\ave concocted a pre. scrlpUon for regalnlnjf power. A* the DemocraLV plaru furnish a prevlev of Ihclr party's long ranee ■jaten'. so the O. 0. P.'» schtmlnn torcshadous tlwir Jture^pro«rflm at WailihiRton.Tlif Spanglers wlil wage the batUe on two dnmestlc

Issues—bureaucracy and taxes. U Is no cblnclrirnre Uiut two prospective or jecond-placc candldftip%-,- Qovemor-i John W. flrlcker of Ohio and Leveretl S.il- tonstall of Ma.i4ftchwett.i-nnve lately devoted ma)or Iryoiil sprechM \o \hrr.c suUJecVs. Audience re.iclloiii clmly reveal that they struck a populnr—or uniwp- ular—chord. So do nil private and public poll.i.

Hence Uie tapltol hill minority will lean sllehtly (ownrd the intemationalbUe tide for 'thb session. If only for show window purpo«M. Tliey will vote every nickel for war. They wlir not opiMse renewal of the

eicluslvely forecast In Uvla column.lehd-leanicy nit up only a n fight agalnJ >nUn

irlffsatlon of Uic nuUiorlty to negoUate reciprocal Tlius tlir>; may sIourIi off present and future charges that they are "hopfleu UoIatlonlsLs."

•Tnien. - adds one of Uielr leglslaUve oracle cacv only Krt rid of Old Man WlUkle we'll Ua' chance.'’

Other Points of ViewVT'S EASY TO DF. SMAIIT

Ln.H June. Prime Minister Cliiirchlll and Preslrienl Roo!.evelt held a conference. The eyes of the world were ui)cn them. Noitilng much seenled to come out of IL The blB br«u hnrns In the front row of Uio band bbrrd out uliii a big "oonipah.r and Uin little hnrns and piccolos .'nnK Uielr "tweedledee dtcdledee," But folk. .laid It w. siH-e efferl, tall talk, nothing doing. Men asked; Wimt's Uie matter with the United Nations anyway? Wiiy don't Uiey act or Ull iis



POT Sh o t sw ith the


E.MnAnnAssiNC, »i3o woR-ni Dea* PoUle:

Talk about rmharrassinc rao- mrnti, Yeoman Second Clau tmlo Termunde. lhe navy rrerolt- er. was haTinf one the other day

itered the recrultlne of-(lee for of ll n the wa>

>ai busy pastlnc tinc lo hli boss, I Mate Edmund iman tmie did in envelope ad.

Chief :tlarhlnl9 Bannon. All Yeoman wat lo (ear up an e drrued lo tUe chief b jnoved the $130 cheek hr really trat at sea trithoul pad- tSlVni n«V •>» «>e '>rlny deep. .\ny-

- ' Ipeclallit U'alt

Inilde. Doy,

for tr-to talk-9

-The Irlih jn jU i

AN IMr()llT.\NT l..\DY’

ecruiter In the: ns. that diuxl u,My ofie mont!

achieved I

and .Mrs, (Ju-uilly) l.flUEh' n ir new k-rsnrtp iri-nts an d Mrs. R. t. Mnrehoitfc; anc!

d Mr.inclp.'dn-l

I. Po-

Aiid five months later c ceanlc troop movtnient In i LasV week Ca.sa\ihnca

.nd ngaln lhe band plaj ed 0 if noise, lots Of blow, but wi Tlilns.i I

ame the greatest trans- kll hUtor}'. to Cuablanca.

ax aiiotJier eonletence. Again folka said: "Loui I of It?-'

Koint (aster now. Walt six v.eek.i or and «e shall see what Caanblancn

ver one may ssy aboilt Uie corrupUon. fumbUng. urumbllne. Inromjieience ^f of

•tfort, the fact remaliu that we'are netUng the . LO Uie frcMit. We are supplying Uiem and mnklns

of them Jlghtcrs Unt arc winnlnu Uic war. WlnnlnK r Is a real war Job, and no patrloUc Amerlwi ihhold hb praise for whai has been done and

Is being done, cluin.Mly #j Uje Job may be gomg, lo win this war aivl mske a possible Uj establish a new

1 ajnons men of good will.Liicic are a Ini of green-eyed vipers In this

countrj- who would r»ihcr »ee ls lose a battle U Uiey can win an election by ll. And we are naming no names.—Emporia Oateiie.

•BUT NEVEIl JAM TODAY'IX Americana do not want to become *\n»Uon of

MoUier Hubbards »mi scanty cupbbards thiy wUi re­frain from trj'Ing to iiock up on supplies naw placed under Uie auihorliy of ihe office of price administra­tion by order of the secreury of asrlculture. The latest of Uiesc Inetude canMd n\U*. wne fju ll producta. processed fLih. Jellies. Jams. fUUonlng of auch com-' modules may make a .ihortage of them pracUcally palnle.'j. But hoarding of them can make an abund­ance seem like lack.

Some people crltlelie Uie auUiorlUes for announdng Uie names of articles likely to be rationed. They recaU U« BrJUjh nvoided a itamiwie lo buy soap by describ­ing Uie rauonlng measure at a "nuuneg ration" until 11 had been perfected and put Into openUon. Bui the atlllude of American auUiorltlea Is that U)e people ••can uke It." And anyway a rule requiring that each raUon-book holder declare his current stock* of any riUoned commodity helps to discourage hoarding.

Posslbl}', since Jam Is on the Ust of probable items for fulure raUonlng. lhe public will us«fuUjr're- mlnded of the \Vhlie Queen's rule on UiU dellwury.

Jam today." The White Queen had tome of Uie logic of Uie average hoardex, who. being accustomed u» plenty of Jam for himself yesterday, InaUU on plenty of Jam for hlmwlf for tomorrow, and wlndi up wlUi no Jam far the reit of ui today.—Chrlitlan Scleoca Monitor.

the Mr.

Ilo: .Mr. and Mrs. L. O. PollaK Long llrach. .Cftlif.; Mr. und Mn Cornelius Sli.iiish:in. S:in Krniiclsco, and Sir. and Mrs. Hlch.ird Haymond, Loi Anselej.

u i:ki.k( tion

f' cle-nii.” Vrp. J'.nrlck )leno'- '■p.i:rio:,

—Ja^la Krieod

Ihere's a new I, cou-'ln of Oen. Honest, Tarenu


IKar PoU'.Il'a prcity cuy tu u-11 iimi Tl«s

Don held 1 . .sale when.jy do Ihey never Bell Uic

farm?" Often Uic fta\wer ii: If Uie * inner had a form he wouldn't be riling hLi llve.stock and implemenu.

-A , A. r..A.

DeiT Pot Bliota;1 am encloslns a poem handed to

me by Robert Coates, a radio man Uilrd cla.li aboard the San Prnncts* CO. U was .wrliien toy a friend of hi* who wrote It after hearin;: the news from Uie sUtei Uiat men were strlkUiK Ior*double pny for overtime work In fntlorles.

-E. r. o.SAY3 A SAILOR

We're out In Ihe Pacific pnlnilllng We've sighted not one lonely s.iiL If we're lucky well set in ou

Mondayveek.1 a»or(nient or niMI.

/e'll fin ll Uier

For s!or '—and National DrSrv.-.t.

We\c ti DarkenUnderway we re given up And loU of other things We’ve acquired eyes like a It, WM Uinl—or a henrilul And our leg.i arc aU coi

i e've learned to eat beam, rice and cabb.ige

And forgotten atjoul Uilnxs liki We've cautiously daie<l-our



■.My motiier faur>J ou: t^al 1 hart been slttlr.* L-; Uie park my boy fnend evenini* when I w»s .upppaed !o be at chci; orll my gL-1 friend's ho«e statdr.*. 3he was vcrr tpeet abou: i;and loJd the bc7's father and c»ih- er. much to my embamiKBer.V Do you think s.*!? did ngSi » essb^rraai

e Uke ihal?- A question

of them co.r.9 than jou t>Jr.t a lack of undersUndinj c< a gu-" relationship to her tfrier.di and her boy Jr.end that ippalltns. TS'.e c.-Uy UUr.; ihe sa 11 the whcCe situiuon her oi •mbamwaient on haf_-; her lavlnr broujhi lo the auentisa cC the bov'. parrn:

did r -

mOOCN—t)o M l be a U betan <;stBC rt*d . vbo^c RaSaa w a r has codie ortr M our tlie u d- «s la l»t%-ts ftth ta t the G«^'tnara. This pocil- bts;7 b not t»a- UxUe tjeculaUCB. n ta h u d (c a aau* of ccoTtJC- t t t rrtdCM o6-UOacd trocB theeadenrwsad la J dacel peaJajo!/ tad tTvasiiiet

wwesti.uu're ~ Tcfk.Tbe meat shak^» ia eesj«::iil- BMtaancsen-

Tbt pMtaer lUUer tnzitd and hettved tnto sUvrrr U eactrl}' S^tU!* tcf Ihc Ugnal

TiMis c a frf lhe _____The aituatkn Is dinerrot frtm

lhat la olher laadi. U the Cwted Satteo* ahoftJd Uad la F nstf. Bel- «{-.ax Honassd or N or»v lhe pe«ple •wwiW try ta rrroJu but Twtoa ca. chla* r a a t o U bold ttrm 1:. eireet A pm fr«*a sahotaf and !rtt*i=c lhe prtxcera cwUd do r.o s w t daaujt to the rtlehawtKr than did the Be^ctara ta the last n r 'But nalj has a aU3aa men ir.ob. Ua*d la lhe wath—fa.nhest frcsn the AastTJJi hcrter. Be»rm to it.t allei Ll ac r^ Afrtc»—exssuaanded by Crr TTi rrLare t;aberto who ab- h=s lhe svksuka. iReporu from eae clala tTraberta haa noibeen crderrd t» cocr.aiar.d all tt-s-.ayitr.j ru ian dlTliicrj. u

The pjtienr* ci so rr.ar.y soltUen Is sot aa acdder.t. The taiUiary hlera-thy. atrrr fascls; party tatn a»d a:«a,rs Oerr-.an .v.obe* rt- fiaed to eipoft Its fcstta as Derli-T dr=ta:^ed. De^te propsicanda lhal RccM leyl.:as a-T Kat:errd from tJse Arctic to lhe dtaen. the ofTirial t irzm show u-Jil. befo.-T a w w defrats, niae tfiriuaas itrzt in Rus- sa: :S Lt Y trw ^ ’ ta.. Grtece and crau^ ruTppe; eight In Africa: acd JO ftUIy ei;'.u;pe<a d:r^csu of ctsshat lr«?s» ih.t crraa tht CTCp-ta addi-.toa to a hldita tn the heel aad ue of the Jtahaa bocC

BITS—PrtSihets d.-easur.g of poi;be:^ja «^-id r_-d;ed tv .«=< ic*a pasesjer as i trarjpi.-! pUoea

b« r jd t^ 4T»ken«L The capable Br.U^h b'.ii:s<vj=ta «I rci th» e=pi.’« OQ «hich the %x seTtc. used to jet Inter.a u» ha'

t-Mag to xay la U-.e malle They puhhily eiprrij their pa: rjde Taf,_pur airT.elis.equ^n^csg »he=i with bccsbers and hflpiag drrrr ihe a ia frco his aa.'«\j'» coUclfv But aT.tr Uie ftrAl ^ l e has hlsxrx. ve l'u U be

iprcted to pack v:p aad go Ixxae. Traae is, trxie.

t=J»rthar.it of iieas <» that de’.:r*:e isSyc; cv-c-.i.-Ttd U;e other Ifht ta p>r:nneai at the Uil end r a ix * »ess;rJi de%«:ed to.nasi LToctiea. to ccOy a haadful heard . B;.-. l: U «;':::e U:u=;laatlae-*t ■ait to US. T rers^rse." decU.td

Earl Wlatertco. ^ l «U be repre- d to that the fat I that

they are

ihonUes that in resxrd to“rouiea run by Uiem for miatar) purposes and which might have a coaunertial ^alue In peace- Use all bels would be off afief lhe « r . “ On being given mis re- kasurlos news about \\asnington'steneixwly—tiJormaUon which theAmerican public has not heard—the laember^ chetrrd.

V HOSTILE—The deeper Americans oig beneath the s'jriace In north Africa the moir social and pollUcal Ills -they discover. / clesr plelurv of ihU unsavoiT mess Is necessary \t the peop;* 65 U%e Uf.tted States

• ■ -h)-s ajid•her of




behind the bscks of our loldler^.Previous 10 our taking over Mor­

occo the public here wa.s toJd It wa: a Uiid flowing with mUk and honei «hlch the Oeraans looted Which before tr.r conP.lrt had been the bread b iiie l of nielropoliuu J-ronce. When o'i- CougUbojs Mram bled asiiorr l.Vy'foiL-id jlamns beg S*r» dressed In rats-.Tlie unpiib llshed facts are Ihe^e, according t‘ rrcrnt arrlvsls In New Y ante-beUuni dayj-Rn eitre;Uie strip along the AU^r yielded mililnni of tons i anr.uallv. But 1m Indlten'e- UTr^-.•J5ared llt;le of Uil; ane«. Tl'.t svtiln SiMiis 'wen e<J by a Frtneh .-yndlcalf a ed by labor gangs pslcl two cents »n hour.

lA>cal peasants tilled the Icfi-ovrr plalrts which were .warrely belter than dewrta, IMmlUie ploughs were drawn by calUe. Except in the brief rainy ieiion water U lo j.e.vrcc that the principal c*uje of murder a when sc.-neone diverts a stream. For ceJ'.iurles the Inhabitant have raised c&ata, which destroy all wild treea?

Impoxerbhed Eerben get along veil wllh Uip poor French .vltlers.' Both are hostile toward the wealthy biL'luess mocuK colonial offlclal.i atyl^lUtAry men who live hke lord.' In the cities. Watch for more trouble thajt the De GavvUe-Oln»ud dl.scord.

ERJN-Tlie empnlng of uiilver- smrs tn' iHlfelllgtrent nations is Uie

divru-sMon in Eire. More and more the sirticde J taking boys frtwi the lecturTh*ll5 if Uhe United States, and the latest

d.-an in Great Orlialn has Ult near­ly none bui crtpp'.ea at Oxford and Camhr.djre. But enrollment-n nrn Increasing at Trinity college, the

;lonal Lnlve.- lly and olher gre.M tera tn ’Dublin. Cork and -Gal-

Pacully member* In lhe jjfe. neu- :ral ro'uni^ ar*i^nstanUy callliis it'enUfo to Uie coatra.st, preacJilng :hat Irtland's mlision Is to keep Jie light of learning aglow now Aat U ha--\ been i5ut ovit In w many ’.a. s oc •ns. tn the .MxUi century Erta had » jimllsr role. Her banls

;inn of claxvlcal culture arrr.ies of oUier powers » lag la Europe and ravt

>unl.->Mde. Tt

to u-Tder tA.-j •■Jie wvJ grtt:aj U» c:c« li

danger line in s1:;l-.c out la park with the bey a;4ht after

• had no fear for her repu-


eggsalluo- .ilder than Darwin

,’e'v« put nwny UiouRhU of lii-ir cooking

Ai dreams of a very pail teiw While we brenkfasl on prune» i

stale crackers. .For glory—and NaUonivl Deffire.

e forgolten Uie days when s liar

MlBht buy ti* a moifle and diw.cr Instead of procuring a .tand'ai.li ~ filic of a dollar and thlnu'r.

remember Uie grocer ami t ilkmunthr bussard who reap% m t

We nrmber

t^3r glory—an(J National Deren.-e.

We’ve forgoUcn the resting onSundayhr pleasure of sleeping all niji ,'e've forgotten the looks ol fainlllfs \\ul we sUlI reAvember the plljln

Of Uie W-hour men we're defending (TTiose .“itrlke-fde-overtlme gtiitsi- kVe Uilnk aboui'i them In our ji

a day. '* ;For glory*-and NaUonal DeJeiivc;


. . Father iwlitfd his ankle ng lo fUden tin eani! . . .-



tJ YEAR.S AGO, t'EB. 8, 1J2» Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Y’oung ■e the parents of a «in born Mon-

da}% Feb. 6, al a private aanltMlum.

In Falls Boy Scouts will ob- "Oood Turn " day today in

connection wlUi ihe window dbplay f Koutcraft.

Twin PalU county CoopcraUve D«lTb-ni«t\'4 assoctatlun mtmbtrs di­vided last year J307.007.73 In pay­ment for 888.«T9 pounds of butter- fat, an average of <34 cenla per pound.

57 YEARS AGO-FER 8. ISIS fisuanee of 180.000 municipal

bond! for the purchase by Uie city of the Twin FaJla Waterworks sjs- tem WM npproTed by <jualiried voten at Uie special elecUon held last vttk. Only 11 ^ot« wert.eart against the bonds.

Intere-st manifested and elaborate preparations being made by mem­ber* of Uie Ttrenueth Century club Indicate that the aiinuai Colonial ball, lo be held Friiay evening wUl be the most aucceisful erer heUl. The grand march will be led by ■ ■ a P. W. McRobtrts. Co. D.

6ldt« guard.

nulllaMor».'.-.ert hei' wcrd to he r.incrnird. lying s;eft>'i:y to her. She :;-i<l nn real loyaly lo iicr girl f::e;;d »:ien ,'hir prennded to b« with her >)ien she was silting out w;ta thi txiy, J mW one Idea pavve.v- d

C L A P P E R ’S O B S E R V A T I O N S


nted a 1-.1 '.rt e re ­took

ind e'.er^body go or.i

Knows She EmSelli.Oineva like that Is bnm of

nipidity. A Itri in her leens, lUh ?choo;. who ^havfO Uke l lu no-e,xruse. S>;e kr.r«-» in te;' -»ordi 'th i............... .......—mgeni errtni but -V

.nd gc« hr. hoping that nctody w;: ll!. That U staptd thlak.

1 caU 11 thlskliK-at

! to da wiih.sach I er frcra herjelf? Dei

ilnj LnteUlgtae* aad treat her as'.aa infaai. which the I'. In this particular. E x ? i^ to lirr In the abort elewx wcrds of the English language how the is behai ing. whal her behavior ceasa to hi and lo other people. arraa?t to haw

follow a strict routiaed pro- awJ hoUl

latteiaper\tsiccv a

ho* laccrmay be for the supemsoe.

' An Adol(M«at Stage Tl'.ere are icaay' beys aad gl

«ho. during adolesctace. l.-ee poUe »nd Judgment and good serje. It i.'ielr condiuoa. not Lheir fau. Hirlr co.isclousaeM Is T.ooded fcr lew and unfamlllaf teaaa-.lca tha: loaiis out ereryday tfuiies aad «ca-' •envs and holds only the fee iij far he ctsnpany of the oee girt, the >ne boy. of the aoeent. T its u tot :helf fault and they t n tisi ia bt Jlsmed for the seealsg stspdilty. They have to be 4.howa thiag^ as

are. talked to pUlaiy. aad il- rected to aaner wayi.

Tills Is easy to say Wt diffic^'t i the dolns. It Is r.o easy s a tu ;

to follow an adolesceat throcjh th*, especlalty whea one hxs oe»'s work to do. bat the cearrr that

-jdard one can ccsae Uie better. These chlldreti are lopsiled la thetr growth aad uaUi that caa be ri£ht- ed by time aad exjerleat*. It is someone's duty to stand by «cd

islntaln the baiance by whatrrer ein. in Uielf power.Whatever happens one aust keep

ht temper. Anger. scoMlag. eaLS:* na.Ties. wUl help nobody. Patjrace. good hnaor. an accrpUace of the need for help for Uie thse beh*. . usuaUy carries the paUeat lh » : ;a the crlili.

WXSUISOTOS. Feb. »—The be» tf here ar-J la that Hitler-

11 depeDdias ea hli suha-.artaw to hi=3 f.rra: defeat is ^trrajth-

eatd t r th» rueh-Tr jrcssstixi ej A d m ir a l Karl

anae T.ee:,

ribsaartae fleet. J'ist a. wehid L^e Je.terT-arTRr-aix .N,

ax be;STA-jietu r«bi*?. hUh e<^are { IrsAaal taxet ihlpa. » there h-J .av4 beta a esUar atruggli

IRtleri chief h s * R?w aua ta slew dowa th« aS;e thro-.ah =anae o;rraU*i. Hi' aratyx itrrar-h has bera « cr.?r-?d ta R is ju that It* cifeaslvT day.' day te ctrr. It = s « fcavt yifferrNi aim a arvrre k s of ;x«atlge ccafUtBee. Ukrwlw the Cerraan firw has been toag supertortty

LTxl the Aaertraa eperatissa a » jast betfar.lac. as the

and Lhe BrlU\h eipeci

the airplane, and the combina- 1 cf all other pOi.^b’.e klnd.s of ick. will be nece.vnry to hold our V. The ne t GfTTr.an naval com- nder deil-^d the wolf-pac

l.- LTip.-0Ted and ela'born

Thl< L»l'he MIent war. menu vj.Tound s-.itimaru »;th extreme rrtlcr:


rials aaj iUllCOiir o:fl-


•I been

.^=*rfeaa bestSii of Oerraaay wret j-^aswtx pair la »=hrJ' warfarV «cMi HltJer w* a.-.y

trospeet eC cheeEag the rt-jag atrtagth af the a^Jei. Sa it Is r. ' crwl that he shcaili Ktw rjtcaar ec&sswsta «per»t;?c-A the

bxh as to =aier-Xi aad as

ThJ.\ fcowTTtr. Ss a defh-.ltely de~ s ep. It is aa atie=-4< to

dcwa th* aUlea by ti.vkade, esiBa* the allied s i^ ^ t lir.es «xrtM the JietfSeTraaeaa, ■T.ls ij a delayla* satas=rt ca tise part of Rit- Itr. eteadtd to tflsortaalse the

that the a2les I»?e to at.tke year. SlaszCal says vtctorr

« a go to the side that caa hold cut a ir:a.teT of an hSKr Varxtr. Ri-.:er w;:: 13* the wiSsnajia. to try > get that las: ^aaner-h«.The aZits have txperted this for B * t ^ ^ We bait had c cc .'^ c:

v a n is t r»nicahi:a- a the hl^h tale c; e JeA is * esasirantaa ta Gerrsaay aad the <limc-.:lly of brraklac It 19 bcsahAg. Aa has teea suted ^ th* Br.thh covem- tseat a ccgrtfTA. the hlshrsi rate of siaksgs ta the whole «ar fol- tswrd al>d Undtagt la aorth

«chs«^pest t=jyvt «seg.t ta the tfa te t Twa casrW «tth tt aa coes-

■ I basi: t=5CtiT«3*=i ta the sCisatte aad bath cm aclwa

danger.■> a' yet to piiblLsh

•-e racv« nrou; submRfine finktnK.%. •.at wouW dramallir Uie extent : the effectlrely.SVvne good rea-wns esist !fv wltli-

holdtac the laformatlnn. alUiough a •IxTwl comprrml'e mUnt I

rhrd ; lat Uie pub: iw-arr of Uie Mt


: lie' belli!

•hicli I

-s liAd n

lectedwith the ?lupp:ng :.‘inriace.

The a-.an whc penrrxe. in aatl thar> a:iyo.* i ely prr b.ibly l Ad- axlral Sir Ferrt Noble, now m Wa.'Ji- l^J:;.^a as Byti«h nsval reiirestnt.i- tire on the coaihir.ed cWefi of i.UH rccimlltef. He sa\a there U no rovnl road lo juceeNs oiTr the Mib-marlne. Numbers of eatnrt jhips tninert to wwk tn learns *iih iynchronlred

re lhe chief anil--- ..iporw a.% he seei lU

Isaprwed de'.eclSon dericrs and In- trrajSig »klll of crens may mane the» wrapora graduallT more ef-

r in Uie AUantlc ... .he coming months r far the lighting In

Atntk and Europe will gel t

Pumping Company

Fixes $3.90 LevyJEROME. Feb. 8-The aiuiual

budget meeting of the North Side PisapUig company was held at the l<£laa hall la llaalioa. The main- teaaaw lery w ^ set and th# budget OKalaeti aad approvwJ. ApproTal was cleen also lo the board 1 action to establish a alaking fund of »iS.- COO fee future ir.alntenanc* work This wws ordered placed in haad*.

A lasla irry of « JO was set for all fire plaala. However. 18 cents extra wia t* charged .for all lands under plaau NO0. 4 and 8 for the purpose ctf sttng« water used solely cn


Monday. Fcbnlao* 8,1943 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Five


Miss M. Slatted Richard Rowen

Wed at CtiurcliNearly ‘SOO rclativca nnd

f r i e n d s Rathcrcd nt the Church o f the Nazarcnc at

8 :nO p. m- Fridoy to witnwa the candlc- li^h t marriage se'rvicc o f M iss Mnrjorte Slat- tcr. Twin Falls, dauffhter of

Mr. and ftlVa. V. B. Slutter, Jerome, and Richard Bowen,

.son of M rs. J . F. Ynlcnline,

Kimberly.Rev, Fm i A. Hills. Jr., K&mpo.

•ftij the ttSIlclailnK cl#rti>rnnn. m- tisltO by Ilev. Leonard 8. Oliver, paiWr of the local Nftsarene cliurch.

Tlie brldf L' a Bracluule of tJie Pilfr hiKli f.cliool nnrt bUo ftl UiP Northwrst Nnznrtne collfge Dt Nampa, Tlic brldccroom was Rraduaicd rrom Iht Twin f'alU high, r.chtxi! and Li rnlljicd In llic nrmy nlr corpj rrienc. He U now cn- rollfrt al Uie Unlvcrjlty or Idaho. Mojcow,

• Tlie bride wore n while taffeta RO«n wlili II floor lenKth veil. She carried nn old-fashioned bouquft «( r.nar>-<»r«l!OWi and tar-nntloiu. For .^entlmrnl she carried *11 Trl.'.h rinbroldercd hankerchlef tthlrh had been carried by Uie brWrKTWJiTi's Kisw.tfwoll^rr Rl Ihtr ttptliUn*- 53 yrnn aw-

Mlr.', Clare Slntler, «l-iler of the Lflilr. was mnU! of lionor. and MLm Ruiiicr Boyil nnrt M1n-( Hnnlti Btiyd were Ihr brldrsfnaldi. Tlie flower Kirl waa Lcia Lee sutler, niece of the bride.

Uti'JtTt. Howen. tw5n brother oI the iJrldenroom. wa.i liest man and nnymond Edward.i nnd Merle Dc Doarri were ushers.

The hrinoT n\trnrtnnl ur tajfei.-v Kown nnd carried a cascade of orchids nnd pink carnations. Tli brldc.imald.i were dre.i. cd In Him liar ^lrlp«l. r.rer.MJcker Kown.' nnrt carried bouquel.1 of cDntrastlnR floiprs.

MKs Tv,\l» Hnrp. Kller, plnyrrf \he prore.V'loiinl. Mlvi Lillian 1j»u- beiihrlin sane "Because" and MLm KVa Diinhnm .mnR ’‘All for You." acromimnled by Mrs. Nellie O.nlrom.

A reception 'vn.i held shortly after llie wrddlns nt-the home of Uie hrlrte* parents near Jerome. Mr. arnt Mr>. Ro«en will be at home at

. Morco'v.V • ¥ ¥

Cub Pack Meetsrvii No. I of Crib Scout iwck No.

6 met dL the home of Mni. £d Skin­ner, Hen moiher. to hear a tallc by nny n.'tlmforUi. new 6co<ii execu- llvp. Tliey planned n dbplny In hon­or of .Srniit week. Oeorce Ifalpln fiiniiilip?! refre.' hmrnl-':. Next inrrl- Inu wn.% planned /or Monday evenlns.

Married Fifty Years

Marian Martin Pattern

Wedding of Miss

Sliirley B row n

Announced HereMr. itr.il Afri. U’/IJlnn» C.itfier

Drown announce the mwrlaRC of Ihelr youngest dauRliter, Ml.'-? Khlr* ley Jtan Brown. W Sam Lee Iloilliin. jr., .Maywood, Calif., ron of Mr. and Mra..S. L. nalllnfl, Mulesloe, Tex.

Tlie wedding woa solcmnlied Sun­day tititrnoon.'JMi. 3J. n i Uie Wed- dliiK chapel In L<w Anselea, with nev. C. N. nedmond readlns the double rlnc ceremony. •

For the niipUah the bride choi.e .. wcxjI .suit of winter while with bbcic accei’sorle.i nnd carried a white Bible covered with j irdenla.';. MalrorL.oI-honor wa.s her .sljter, Mrs. Edwin W. HuKhe.s, An- gele/i, who wore cold with brown aece.wirleA. Her corrnRe wji:. ol Rnrdenla.'., De:.l mnn lor Mr. Hoi-

hti cou.sln, Cyril McCul- lOURli, Olendale.

The ceremony wn.s wltne.-.-.ed by Mr. and Mrs. lliirJip. brother-ln-

iiid -si."iier of the brldeitrooni. MLw Helen Uurkr imd John n-jrl:e, Mr«, Cyril McCuIIourIi nnd Mrs.HURhe.1.

Mrt. Rollins U a Rrnduaie of Cnslleford hlRh whool. She lived

the home of her parcni.i In Twin Fftlh for ihree vear.s -prior to i Ins to California, where r.lie Is ployed by Vena Aircraft corporation at Burbank. Mr. flolllns Is employed by Vullee nircrafr, Downey.

Tlie couple Is now at home n: 107 We.sl NlnUi Mreel, Lo« An.


CalendarShiftlnR Mother* of the U D. S.

second ward will hold a Ji|vclal practice at 3:30 p. m. Wediie.?UBy.

¥ * *Women’s Afotor Trnnspori ils-

foclntlnii will ini'et M 6 p. ni, Tiie'dny In the Idaho Tower iitidl- larhtm,

*• ¥ ¥ ¥Blue Liikes Boulfvnrd club will

convent at 2 p. m- Wedne.sday at the home of tr.'l. Ida Sweet. Mrs. James VniKlenhark will direct Uic program.

¥ ¥ ¥Communlly church Ljidlej' aid

will meet for n n0-h0!,t luncheon al 1 p, ni- Wednesday nl the r.liurch. Tlie Rroiip will finish n comforter nnd Red Cross work,

¥ ¥ ¥Sumhlne Circle club will meet.

wlUl Mrs. Juek HecK. 425 Klfth avenue eiust. nl 2 p. ttv. Wedcics- dny, Mrs, Mable young arul Mrs. l-'rni White Mill be hosle.--ses. A Valentine exehanse will be con­ducted.

¥ ¥ ¥Good Will cUib will meet nt

2.-30 p. m. Wednesday with Mrs. W. A., MlHutck, 002 Blue J.akts boulevard. Handkerchief exchange will bt conducted. Members were re<]ue.sie<l to bring presenta for the vclcratts' hoj.viltftl.

¥ ¥ ¥Mentor club will meet for an

all-day Red Cross i.cwlng Wed- iwxSfty ftl the home o5 Mr.v Ed Tolbert. Mcmben were ajketf to .bring a covered dhh or nand- wlches. mere will be a Valentine cxcl\a«Rt.

¥ ¥ ¥Fldells clRM of the Baptist

churcli will meet Tue.sday, Feb. 0, ralhtr Uiw Feb. i6 a* pUnntd. at Uie homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Clark, west of nier, Thwe wWi- 1ns transportation or tho«e who ................................... lUon

Golden Wedding Day. Is Observed

By Local CoupleGoWoii wcddinK annivcr.'^ary

\va.s olxscTVcd-Monday by M r.

and Mr.t. C. W . C k rk , Twin Falls. The couple wa.s married

in Dei Novto, Colo., and lived

in the San Lui.t valley fo r 20 year.<, where three duiiKhterH nnd two .son.s were born.

Children are Mrs, Arley D. Ward. Vancouver. Wivsh.; Ru.'.sell C, Clark. Portlnnd. Ore., nnd Pvt. Che.ster R. ClnrK< stationed nl Clark Camp llowM Tex. AnoUier son of Mrs. Clark is Frank Htstlngs. CasUe- ford. Tliere are Uiree Krandchlldren and two Rreat-irrandchlldren. Tno dniiRhters have died.

■Mr. and Mrs, ClnrH nre llfelonc members of the Baptist chtircJi and of the Odd Fellow.s and Rebeknh lodRts. hiiV becivusc ot HI hnve not been active members for fome lime,

Modern Menus

T1V0-PIE''E OUTFITA specl.ll Jor Uie Junior

K'ha knows her fa.shlon cue5~Pat- lem 034 by NrarlAii Martini In a pI.Md fabric, tt-s elnsslc two-piece

U perlecl lor campus or. tport^wear. In one of Uio new pu- tel rayoni. trimmed with a quartet of applique bows. Uio aame two- piecer looks all dres-spd upl

Pattern DJ84 may be ordered only In Junior mlis sIim JI. 13. 15, 17. 61a: 13 reniUres 3>i yards 35-lnch.

Send SIXTEKN CZST6 In coiai ■ for Uils - Marian Morun pattern.• 'Vrtte pUlnb' SIZE. NAME, AD- ; DUESS and STVLE NUSIDEIt.' Just Out — our Spring Pattern

Dock! A practical sewing guide. •> ilx make-over designs; amart, slm-

?le-to-;eff work, tports. and dresi-. JP styles for nil ages. Pattern book, ■n cents.

requested W call C, D, Requa.¥ ¥ ¥'

Students EnactBenefit Drama

JEROME. ■ Feb. 8—The members of the Washington school Junior Red Crocs presented a benefit per­formance: here at the high school auflllorlum Friday evening, attend­ed by 400 parents-and other ffucstj. Total recelpU collected from the benefit play will be employed Jn furthering Junior Bed Cross a,c. Uvltles.

The play was entitled "Have You Seen Red?", and Ihe following young Junior Red Cross grcup ap­peared iB' the cast: Gordon HollU field. Wayne Jepion. Wajne CorJ* ton, Nancy Crandall. PaulLie Bragg, Jean Hatuett, Lyle Wlsemin. FIot* ence Matland, Belly Ann. Coats, Harel Gordon. Edward Churchman. Velrl William*, H ow d Morgan, and Dann; Callen.

Opening seJecUons were by the WashlngUin achool orchestra. SixthL\> R. ■. WashlngUin achool orchestra. Sixth

■ ^«M-Ne»s. grade girls chorus presented apcclal-f ^ttern Department. T»'la Palls, utt, u>d a rtadlng « u by

BY MHS. OAVNOn MAHDO.K NEA Kfrs'Ice Htaff Writer

You mny hove ml.-.icd ihc.'e hn* portnnt hlnt.s on how to get best results under the point ,riitlonlnK .yst£;n.- So let> review iheni, •

Spend the hlKh-|xiInt value stamps flnii. Tills will leave the lower, more easily mnnlpulnted cle- iiomlnntlons. keepliiR the Innilly rn tlon budRet flexible.

Tlie avcrnRe hoiuewlfe will hav two or more ration books to worl with. If top value sLninjxs nrc spent flr.sl. she will Imvc plenty ■•chanKe" left In tlie combined book.s of Uie whole family? n'--- r.islly be sern llmt undrr |»lnt llonlnR, two or more ran live — not chPapcr — but more rAllsfs'lnit thnn one. For on Indlvldunl living

ration Ijnok, oni* luxurj-. or Bcnhce canned delicacy, for lastnnce. mlRht 'wIpe out n while weefa canned food point budcet. A family operating on four rntlon boo|:s.

other hand, might easily nfford xucti tmuo' to be r.hattd by

the four persons.In eonirn.st to the coupon ration

program for suRnr nnd coffee, polnu . r from oiit nit-loii period

will be rrdeemnble during the be- Rlnnlng of the next period. Do

ru.sh out on the ln. t day of Uie I ttr.M poU«a ration Intervnl nnd cn?1i In on tJio.-.c few rfnmlnlng points Igft In jour book, fitting your iieed.i with difficulty to the exact number of 5»lnts ItU In ihe booX. Wall un­til you cnn add to thore points Iftt n few polnUs for the Uie next perlo<l nnd buy .•.omethlng’ you really want MMl.iited.

Here's another thing to remrm- ber-lt lm.1 been definitely decided Umt undfT the point rationing pro- Rrnm no VchanRe” In stamps will be given, if. ihcrefore. n hou.sewlfe hns only aw S.point- atamp for can­ned foods left in her book and she wishes to buy a can of beans worth' ft stamp*, she will either lose the two exu-a points or will be forced to buy an Jtem wortii the a-polnts' dif­ference Sn order to get the full value o: her stamp.


Trees Discussed ■

By Garden ClubF^tured on the pfoffram o! the

Twin Palls Garden club last Week ■ dl.icuaslons of fruit produ

Uw8. e-tpecjally nut trees and dwarf trull, trees, Mrs. J. 8. FcWhuitn le- ported that various fnilUs cat produced on trees which have been irrafled to dwarf root slock so Uiat the tree nevtr bccwnes Im e. Tlie.’w

of special Interest lo cliy dwell- l>ecause Uiey take little space can be sprayed wiU> a hand

swn. and Iht trtn. start bearing at "1 early ftse.

Mt3. Peldhusen slated that the black u-ttlnut. which is accepted u

of the most atSapUble sliade 1 for this area, had been im­

proved so that (he nuts are of a better flavor and softer shell. Dis­cussion Btemed to Indicate that lew nut tree* have been ft-led on this tract.

Mrs. H. T. Blake gave Inform** Uon en the NaUonal Federation of Garden clubs. The roll call topic waa “my favorite garden catlogue." Next meeting will be held at the home ol Mrs. H. H. Payne March 3.

¥ * ¥It has been said of Vugoslavla

that no other European country hsJ been despoiled by so many asgrcf

20th CenturySpecial music by Mrs. Dean

.Million and a review of the recent play -Tlie E\-e of St. Mark's" by .Maxwell Andersen, rrad by Mrs. W, W. Thoma-s. will highlight the meeting of the Dnuna and Liter­ature deportment of the Tuen* tleth Century club to be held at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday at the Ameri­can U jlon hall. Election of of­ficers «IU alto be held.

Boy Scouts Give Church Program

At L D . S. WardTYoop 59 Of Uie Boy Scouts was

In chnrse of the Sunday evening service of the first ward L. D. S. church wth Jay Merrill conducUne the meeting.

As the troop entered Uie earrylns the flag, the boy* sang •'God Bltiss America." TJie flag cer­emony was conducted and Duane Hansen led In Uie InvocaUon. Spe­cial music was provided by Ehlrlry Hin. Wet Dagley and Mlsi Donna line Bsgley.

Roll call of first ward men In the service was retd by Mr. MerrlU and dtslgnaUon was made of Uiose who were Scouts. IntroducUon of Ihe troop officials was given with wi appreciation of thett ier\’lc« by Cart freeman.

A report of troop acUvlUes for |«2 wa.s presented by Clark Cam- on, BceMlmtiiter. P. L. Lavrtnce

and Lyle Williams gave appropriate •nddressM. The troop-dlstr)bUte<J re­minders in the form of wnsll over­hand knoU to the congrrgkUon to

In doing a good turn dally, dialogue was presented by Mr.

and Mrs. Cloyd Soren ^ and son. Clpyd. Mrs. Austin G r*n antS 'Wil­liam lUppIeye, The meeting closed by sUiKiiic "America Uie Beautiful” and benediction by Bob Cameron.

Hard Time Party

Held by BereansDieascd In overalls nnd house

frock.s, the Derean class of the Church of the Iltelhrcn met at Uie ■ oine of nnd Mr.'. Verne Mellon ir a hsrdtlme party.Mr.s, Ida fimltli condurtert tlie lori business meeting and Mrs, E.

L. Ikenben>’ led Uie devotions nnd RAve the Scripture*. Quartet of Charles Ronk, Marioi5 Holloway, nev, E. U. IkenberT>' and Vtrnt Mel­ton accompanied bv Mrs. Ikenberry sang IV hymn selection. Prank Heist- and gave the prayer,

Mrs. Uclitand toiwlueieii gamti. Mrs. Ham' BarrlnRton, Mr*. Ronk. Mrs. Ikenberr>' and Mrs. Melton were the evenlnk's htX'.le.s.w.s. Next roeetlnR will be held nl the home of .Mr. and Mrs, L, I* Magoffin.


Eldon John.son, .Mountain Home, visited ills parents. Mr. and Mri. Earnest Johnson, nnd famlb'.

Julius Neumann has left on a business trip to Phoenix. Ari:.

Tlie Milner Hrishts Red Cro.y chapter met with Mrs. Clarence Sean and daURhier. June, Nine members spent the nftenioon doing hand sewing.' Refre.shmenls were served by the hONte.s-se.s. Tlie next mceUng will lie Feb. 17 with Mrs. Enrl Sears.

Tlie community enjoyed a pro­gram nt Uie chspel. Tlie program consisted of seitrni numbers In­cluding a one-set Negro comedy; readings. "Earlv Life of Lincoln" by Eunice Reinholt and •'Oeltys- burK Address” by Irene Neumann: Song "Cotton Pickin’ Time." Ne«ro (juariet; rending, "That Water­melon," Ralph Klilnger: song.' "Black and White." Shirley nnd Doris Relnholi; one-aci comedy, "Love nnd Lathfr." by Estel Sar- Rant, Richard Vanswit. Mrs. Mabel Sarsant, Mrs. Esiher Vaasant and Reglonald Vaniant,

Miiiidoka Mass Choir Offers Concert Here Tuesday

Pictured in the H unt audKnrium U (he }^IinIdohn ma.s9

choir that will appear wilh conccrt wilolats nt the Firnl

McthodLst church here at 8 p. m. Tucjjday, Feb. 9. The con­

cert Is under the sponsorahip of the ISv in Falls Chamber of

Commcrcc, Twin FnlU w n icc clubg. (he Twin Falls Minis­terial as.socialion. St. Edward’s church and the Itilct- church Y ou th affiliation. (Staff EnRravinfi:)

Ruth E. Raedels Engaged to Wed

California ManPrenUss a. RaedeLs, of Duhl, n'

present iwiaWK in San Dirgo, Ciillf., nnnouncea the cn>;nfc;enicnt of Ills daughter. Ml.ss RuUi Eleanorn. ILip. dels to &islgn Tliomo.', Hntnmond PerkJns, U, S. navnl rwerve, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Abrnm Cutter Per. kins, Escondido, Cnllf.

MlM Raedeb attended Buhl hisli school flnd aan D.’ego fitstc collcce whero she wns affiliated with Kap. pa DelUi Pi. Mr. Perkins Is n graii- uale of the University of Soiilheru California. He wiis a member- of OeltA SlRmn Pi frnternlty.

No definite plans have been made I yet for the wedding.

Twin Falls and Buhl Women Go

.. In WAAC Ranks

Tlie engine oil coolers nnd super­charger intercoole.t on a Flying Pottrcss cwlslnK IS.OOO feet do a. cooling Job eriulvalrjjt to that of 1800 home-lj-pe refrlctrators.

Latest enrollees in the won .... auxiliary army corps Include three women from Tain FnlLs county, HavInK successlully completed ex­aminations In Snit Lake City, the three are on Inactive duly Maius at Uie present time,

Tlie new WAACs include Marj- PrancU Jefferts, 182 Sixth avenue north. Twin mils; Mnxlne a . Hud-

Buhl, nnd Stella P. Dass. Twin Falb.

An employee of Uie Mounlnin Stales Telephone company In Twin Palls. Auxiliary Jefferl.s would like

do Office work In the WAAC- SheUie daughier of Mrs, Mnbel D.

Jefferls and Is a grndunle of Albion State Normal.

Aiixlllnr>' Hud.'ion Is the dauRhlcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlle.s L, Hud.ion of Cnslleford. and ts employed at the Modem beauty salon in Buhl. Com­munications work Is her goal In Uie WAAC.

Over.srn.s work wlili tJie WAAC Is the hope- of Auxiliary Dorj, who Is w-ell known In Twin Falb. S ie has been employed recently in Boise.

Auxllhiry Do.-.s is behiK a.vsl(ined lo T«ln l-’all.s tcmpornrlly In con­nection wlUi recrultlnR dutle.s.

¥ ¥ ¥

Ray Smith Speaks

To’Eden GrangersEDE.V. Feb. 8-Eden OrnnRe met

in resuhir se. slon Inst week. Rny Smith, Wendell. lreo.surer and depu­ty of state Grnnge. was present and gave Instructions on Grange work. An open meeting will be held Feb. 18, at wliirh time Jerome Coopcrn- Uve erenmerj- will present the pro­gram, During the lecturer's Hour. readlnRj were presented by Mrs. Guy Lnttlmer and Mrs. Prank Balls nnd a Jtunt was prc.sented by Dorrcl Andfr.'on nnd Roy Gordon. Lunch wa-s served by Mr, nnd M>s. Lnttl­mer and Mr. nnd Mrs, Oscnir Porter.

Entertains Card ClubFILER. Feb. 8-Mr. Mid Mrs. J.

M. Jamcrson tnttrtnlned 18 mem­bers of the Cedar Drnw Pinochle club on Snturdny evening at their home at a no-host dinner nnd card riMiy.


Carroll Kellogg Weds on Coast

.Mr, and Mrs. m n k T. Kellocf have announced the marrlnge of their ton. Carroll T. Kcllocs, lo Miis ClMt llttn Nichols. daMRlUer ol Mr. Elmer J, NJchoLs, Palo Alto, C• llf.. nt Uip home of the bride's ttiollitr.

Mr. Kellogg Is n graduate of Ta in pnlli high school nnd ntiendcd fiianford university, and liLs bride was Kradunted from Pnlo Alto high scJiooJ nnd fian State college.

After 'a short wedding trip the couple ho-s established a home In Pnlo Alio where the brldegroo.m Ls 1 business,

¥ ¥ ¥

Miss Elaine Hunt Marries at Fort

Worth CeremonyGOODING. Pcb. 8-MIM Elaine

Hunt became Uie bride of Val Der- rlochon at Fort Worth. Tex, Jiu. 10. Tie single ring cernnotiy wiui rend by Rev. Wnrren Johnston of the Fort WorUi Metliodl. l church at 3 p. m. Sunday attcruooji. The bridal couple stood before the flower bnnked fireplace in the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Unyd Eason.

Tilt brliSt -A'2A Kuwnwl In a wool­en suit of llRht Kreen. c.irrylng ac- c«i.sorlfs and wearing u corsage of while gnrdenla.s.

AUendlnB ihe couple were and Mrs. E.ison. clo.’.e friends of Uie couple In Dolse. The bride's at- tcndanl wore n green suit wllh black acce.'.rorles.

Tlie newly married couple Irft for Hlkeston, Mo.. linmrdlaU-ly follow­ing Uie ceremony. They will mate Uirirhome In Blke.ston'for the prts- enl.

Tlie bride Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hujjli Hunt, residents of Gooding for many years, now of Twin FalL'i. Mrs. Jlcnlochoa Is o Rraduate of the Ooodlng high school, She attended Uic UooditiK college for two years. Since that time she has been employi-d In Uol.se at ^ub•dcpot at the Cio-.scn field nlr base. .Mr,';. Uerrioclion held a llinlletl eomrncrelul pilot'.-, llcensc nnd has been nctlii; hi wonirn's pilot's clubs. She b a p:L-.t prr.’.lUcnt of Uie Boise chajiier of tlic A.'..'.oclnlcd Women PIloLi cl Ihe norihwe^t and n past .■.cati:ii/'of (he NorUmcit assocln-

Tlie IjrldrKrooin Is an Imlruclor In the nlr corps flei.iclimcnl 3DD A. A. F. In t!ip nrmy pontract .school nl Slkwtnii. He n-.is nn liv.tnictor at Gowcn fli ld lor-II ye.ir .prior to MH'ndlni; ^oule lime m the same work In CiUlfornlij and nt Port Worth. He wa-s Just recently trans- fcrted to Ids preient station.

ntt.iln Ihr go.al of 125,000 mili­tary alrciAfl s(l by the governmenl for IStl tUf Ui\lifd StntcR 5.UI re- fjulre PO per eent of the nsUon's cap.irltv nt 2.l«l.OOO,COO pounds of niumlnura ye-irly.

$ 1 00 ,0 00 .00 V TO LOAN ON



f=A NOT!fle of...and message bf deep appreciation

to dealers.. . and consumers!



ProprietorAfter tlz >-em of very successful business, usr shortncM make U

Imperative that ve wichdrtw mir popular product from the market.

The cookln? oil used In the manufoeture of our chips Is simply no

Jonger nvaU»ble. Our thanks to you nil—deslera and consumers

•llko—for your marvelous support and patrtinage. We will b«

back with you whea eondlUons have changcdl

Jerome Society MeetsJEROME. Feb. e-Mcmbtrs of the

Baptist Mlaslonnry society nicl Tliursday afternoon nl the home of

Mrs, J. R. Wllfy. wlUi Mn. Earl Kaurln glvlnff a review of the llrsl chapter ot Isaiah.

Mrs, Owen "TiaTU was given a Handkerchief shower as a surprUe. In observance of Uie birthday in- nlversaiy of Mrs. HatUe Zbuiden,

'ffcoiosmisery dirtet

-WlUwut ”<forfnf7»'


^ D e lic io u s ^ 'ew

E d d y 's Pan Dandy Bread

Th a t Gives You TW O and\rW O -TH IR D S

More Vitamins and MinoraIs\Addcd Than

Ordinary. Enrichcd Bread. \

A t /Vo E x 'ira C o s t styLadies, here's good news. Important hcaUh news! Now''

your family can have 8 cxfra vitamins and minerals at

every m c jl, every day, automitlcjHy. No fuss cr bother.

Just serve,new, delicious, floldcn-toasting Eddy's Pan

Dandy.white bread. You'f/ love its flavor and tcxturer-

A «d it will thrill you to see ysur family getting Iho

extra health advantages of 8 extra vitamins and minerals.

And best, of all— this enfiched-PLUS loaf costs not ono

penny extra. q


Enrichod With Theso 8 Vitamins

and Minerals

VfrASnif B l—the "calm nerve" vltamla

VITAMIN BJ—the "srowlh" vlUmln

\TTAMI.V D—the "sunshine" vitamin

VTTAMIN PP-tho “skin" vitamin (niacin)

vrrARHN B«—tho “co-ordination" vllnmln

VITAMIN E —Um "muadfr-tont" vlUmln

.'itlNE&AL ZBON—(hs -red-blood” mineral

SIIN’EBAL OALaOM-lhe "food teeth- rtlnertl





Mondav. Febrowv 8, 194^

BASEBALL MEN TOLD OF NEED POR GAME AS AID TO MORALERickenbacKer, Landis, Willkie Speak at New York Gathering


N EW YORK, Keb. 8 (U.R)— BA.so!«i!l, Jcix’tniinj: mi n pert-

ernmcnt ‘Vo nJn'acl" for ils cxu^U-ncc in .-hn-.i'd h a v f

m ililftnt voicc in \Va,sliinpton dcfotuliiiK it-'' w ith o u tnpoJoff?" nnd the Jintion’s fan.s should take ijp tho f i; :h l

favor of the national pastime.■ Thfit, in c.ssencc, was the keynote of .'pokc.'tiicii « i:o took

th e off<;nsivc umt the dcfen- ‘ nivc for m ajor lennUf l>;iscb;ill.

Demands BasebaHors’ a.sj^ocjntioii last niphl at the I/otcf CommofJorc.

An lmi>rr-.3l‘ r IW o! ••itrakfr', In* diidliiic C.ipt, Wtllc nifkfiib.ickfr.\\Vnrt''!? OunnA'i'iuifTKpii<‘'hw M. UillciL', Elnirr D.ivn of

otUrc «! tnlotTO Uim, M'Ajnr f , JI. I.aCimirillii. UaW litiUi i>i>d Jiimcj J, WAlkrr. fotiiid-xl Ilii- kt-v-

I llrfmil'-jiiirt oj l.’i'' Amrrtran “ ny <<l II '' aiKl n.' Midi df'frvrd U> ccmllinip.

“ ■•••or mid Mln l o! Uif• ,1 tor baJfbxUi.poXtA

■ flt I cirlllli;


n nil p-JrLi of Il;f aorltJ ;'j Of I.’ir c:>i:ip.

Orly Tlr nia.l coll l<lrr,•' IjOunrdU

ihii( iL-Mdc fnmi I• oblrm cJ ....(iMWfWllon—wWdi '»'• I'.i'Mi'v Knt Jli f.V'V York—llir imlj- Ur fur

lt\ Africa, AunWi Ui utul Eivi'l -lnl)a5pljali.-<-0fr.s,

UiridM fliiinicltrl/fxl li:i!.rb3ll nras fls on • upll.'f for our IixliiinK nirn.

‘Tlir sub]«l ol llif Kiiine’.' roii- tlniinncf flt liih Urpr h lO liiiiKirinnl UMkl I nm'V U cu s 11." Ilf >-vW. "Dr' .ipllc the luaidrixis ot wnfilmi- protj- Ifms li> Anicrlcn. llir aiirMlon of l)n.',rball'* corilliiunnff Ims conic 10

. t>r lui imporfafic oiir.••prPcPdlnj ppcakr;* liti\P rffplor-

rtl tliP luck ol a iiillil.iiil volcr In WftAhiriKion ddcniJlns our camt. Tlicy have jjild Uiry rrail nUunte UiltiRs tn lt\e neuT.!ViiKrs niwl hear even sLraiiRrr dlsciv'sloii> lu lo llic j».vlDllliy 0/ b:l. Pball «toi>ptns l«-, cauip of llip war, but Hiat Hip strancf.'it Uilnu of all I» ubvnce o f, nn auilinrlt-iUvp volcc cr>’lns lo Uic ttovcmmfiit—'you caiit."

Plan lo ••lay •Tlify li'"c Hlilrr has

klllfd n Kfpnt many IhhiKs In oud jlvp.i but doirt IcL him kill bajpball. Olid that lliLi l.t no limp tor niiolo- Slfs or iK-MlmWn. In llte main. I iiffrrc «lih tJiPm but for obvtnin rra- j.ons camitA come ouV -KHh such etiilfniPiiU.

mp wiy oiifp tw<l tiir all. Hvst AS lone as ttp can pul iilnp men on Uiff firlci on p.nfh tPam, t)ic Ranie will not (lie bill—und tliU lo my ntind 1.1 m'o.'Umpon.ml—«p wUlnoi f.lc any lavors ol anyotip."

TJip vriiPrablP rear of tli<* major leaRWii shook inoi' oS UaVr and poiituiPtl liip Inble Kltli botli han ii lor cmpha.ib.

"11 Li my chlpf ol>jrtU»« In Uil.i crucial mnnipui not Ici liavr Uip Jaiv% in Uie .■(lanrts nor thp loiaiprs «:><I

^ lJa r» ovrr.'f.xt fppl tliul ba.wball men a.re exfinpl Jrwsi any oS \iip dt- irmnds on Uic nvemsp cUlirn," lip eontlnufd. "if t)i« fniis believe U\c came aliould Rt> on. Ici ihtm raUe a collccllve voice for li.i coniinu-

Klnl Thouihl of Boyi "Whciwvrr. iifU' luvi ujp po.v\rO

that mlKl'l ixvvilbly concern b.vc- ball I <Io iioi Uilnk ot our ueUatt My flrsi-thoiiKlii ii of ihp boy.i or tJic Riuid.i of Africa or the occjn^ ol Uic world. I liavr iilrendy un(Ir^^ lI n p!nn to see ihiit re.'iuli.i of even Music Kumr \hnt may l>p (ilajpxl util be broiitlcujl to the nmipd forcr.v

"In coiieUulou. repeal; Let Uic i.\ «UP be put lo Uie fan.i ami llit , o|. <ller.-t-ttc wnni to AalUfy thenv nU- njKl let Uieni .ipfiik now or ehr.". WlllklO Mill llinl ttiP KUHIC rrlK-fkwlnl 11 <lpllnlip [Wirt of ihp .Viier.

y of life and should nui neibti.

"If Uin Anierlcai vay of lifr I.,

Rlioulcl jxTlsh, then Inhit I iwrl of Rh.it

ilflvlni; tn proircl Vlll nid."Tea Wllllnnii ol iUe Ho'lon Ti

Sox. iilUioiish uiiuble lo nilriul « awarded u «-utclv Iht pl.ivir llip year. Sl.l .Merrer. vrteran Ni Vork Jlllim.ll-Alllrrlrnii «tvv •ncrlljc. ;loil.'i . o Dir

King Hill Cops 2 From Hagerman

KINO Hfl.l-.'Kpi). hlRli ttcfcalnl UaRrriii; 5i.iluril»y. v>limliiK the 2<-20,' nnd Hip "B" k:

In the vnr, lly p.ini ledviiractlrally all i.hea 14- ndvaii:

i-Kliis Jltll II nice here

'. KinE llill hoidtn;

;hr lialf. 1nit MaX'ton. JthiK Iltll.

■ftfll, TiiKennan. ttiiii p.ij point leadrr;.. \

Coriitilirtu tollfil upKins Ilill hi ihp -n" ........ ......Cady hart four to lead Uic nian qiiliiict.

Iji a third Kanie plavrd S.iiuriUy Uic B lhi rlrh <Icfe.iltd the Hacrr- man Clrb. 33-iaj Ulticaii liad la poinla for the winners, t-ao ‘ than Ifendcr«in of Uie loien.

t'rUUy u1k!i\. Mmmuiln llnme de- featPd KinK Hill. 25-21. In a j;n played in Uie former «tiooVs k> nasluni.

Wisconsin League Ballots to Quit

MILWAUKEE.'Feb. S t 'J-Dlfre- tors of the Wlicoii.-.ln iilate ba.-.pbaa JeaKUC. D cln.M D circuit, voted Sat. unlny nlglit lo mivpend opcraiiorj lor the dtirtvllon of Uie •war.

Herman WTiltc, leaeue president, said the acUoii, effecUve Ftbnsary 35. teas taken "In n spirit of coop< rratlon n'ltii Uie man poser con mlaiJon ftnd otJier federal asenclf: and that the \-ote to suspend was unanimous.

Teams tn the Jeaffue, which had operated the lu t three ytirs, were La Crosst, Green Day. Oahkcah. Af>- pleton. Janesville. Shet»ys»n. W\s- consln Rapids am) Fond du Lac Sheboysan won the cliamplonahlp last year.

J lD C t l.\XUIS

Yaiidals Lo!>e Minor Sjiorl!; Tilts to w s i;

MOSCOW. Trb * .n-WayUI ton iJtaie efl^p.f vt-tJ a vielor>- ovrr l.*ie Unli-mry cf he.'p S.itu.-riiv afierroco in a r.-. xporl.i tnre!. Tlip P'ollT.an *rrj;

a JS lo 0 -Klis ou: o! Mo.coir nieti an:l :i.r W.vh::'.; xwuameni V'rv>K',or>l Ihr Vi;

M to i:. llip Iilal

in the >wi.-

Ties Feature

Battles in Bowling Loo])s

cJeMllocked for lop i) In the .Major. Idjlic

Oa:e and Coca Cnl.i

Generalls' ^?eakU;i,

Roily Jcnri si.\jp<. Majorj ulUi » i:

Unne^ar nioip<tn !pUeiu; Roy PrI'.. ’■v.« Irll vlt ti'< polnti.

L^»di::C boulrrs In e.n'li Ipi'KUp;Majw iMfUP— I

Johnson 1S2. Callwi I«2. i'lllliniiii ISO. Kunkle 173. I*jrl'!i l‘ G. N. O Johnson IW. Sosn ITD. Wrllrr 177 GU1> 1T7.

Minsr nruir.;ar 1ST. I-'iill\TJ. PviUmati S77. Wool 17tv. Mullcv 176. D. Cal/on 17C. MrDoliaUI 172 Nraton 171. Henr>- i:o, V. Catron ITO.

Matlc CllT Urtip,' Iracur—IlOR.I IM, P.11' 1 16J. <

WfUtr 160, Klriii . 1X8, Shaw 157, Jlenry 11 148. Tomlinjon US.

Tram s’.atisUiiK\:Mafic Cllj

Testis VVuBoaladro-np . 12Safevay No 330 3 Rcjerson Coffee Stioji "Coca Cola............ 4Tro'iinser'i ---- .i— 2Sunfrcte . 2

Minor U-sixi]Trams

Motor Co. .. Crrrj.Urulpy .

No. 330 - Tl.-r;«.Sc«s

Hi-o. a y .Wri; Bro\.Ee<;>'s Cakeo’ ...... Rlia.'iD ESK '

.Maier LracueTfi:i\sIda.' 1 PoaiCa.-:>Ccv* Cola -e ;i» .. ...Klr<-.';o:ip Bosladrome .

' I j

Game Groups Will Fight Plan to End Commission

con-ft D Ai ENr:, id.v. fc!i. i''.\r KW.rr.al ro'.HV.y WlUlllte Snl- ra;l;:i u p;i:«pU Io lp ;L l. tlVP jiro- *v.Aj \n a3o:L'.a i!ip Idaho tuh i iul i3P rc.T.mi.vMci and pmiK’-.rd k- ■a_za;.f.n o: Irappln/r.

8 f.r,

ht havrl ilt sarars atUrI ran will harp «odomn iBun tn haul war wock- . . . ^inrr he «on thr hamtam- thl llllp Ia«l .\uinM. Manuel :ix ha\ dnnr all rirhl at onr ft

pli I rillarx of K1 frnlro.alit. • I ICO-a

H!;:iUt foulv

GOING TO THK DOOS Thf war d»r lond. whUh li

enllmlnr cnoner to tlnanr* thf ■doffi (Of monnxel.■ orkrd out a plan of awardinc honorary milllan lllln ta clilUan ranlnt renlrlbotorv . . for J! j»nr peoeli ran trt a nrrabrnhlp tar and a cvrtifleatr dnl{ftatlac aa • priratr; U m ain hla a trr- iw iV fte. . . So lar. lh»rt'» n» provlvloB for rnlliUnt tbr {arallf pet, («eitnlnt (tndtr. aa a W.V.VC or a >V»vK


malaprip: -TJikf Jacote m tora ■rlUi a sold tooth In his cesuih."

atONDAy M .«tNtE The BatUmtR Ort»lt4 art r«n-

aTdrrlat a 1* |k. la. curfrw fM-

p trurkv a billiard parlor and: I-,-,.: U fcacUfT t.{ a MittViall tram. . . > ; ‘ an j. \prallnt of n Crntro. thp);,:.-.:e. r.p ,lr, ira^rlrd tSOl wUe* UUi P'.xr ' xprin'f l« train thrrr and gtl barkr: ;. . . for thr itart of the va«en. Thi«r..-;r.al , ?rar. tralnlnt at Manrlr. Ind , and

in opmlnr at Chirare. their whole'.hr ri; mill onl» alK.ut 500 mllr*.

la' ; TOt^\VS r.Vf-ST sT.vnU'-„ KfTfp. New Orle.in:

T-.nx-:.-r;.'lw.r.e; *Wilh boi.{<t 1\P< « e a.ls-.lt irt-belnf dead wrons when :: prrdl::r<l that Ne» Orlei ' :xv; r^rnrrs a-ou’d not rr.- irt to c ;;r.e •..'-.p of the law b>- tnfcinef'i-.'C'.rrs t.i ulihin a couple of

rf tlie raer track. Chir local a-.'7,»TTn'.V>' arr no roSilpjjTLljnn

-.ax:- in LoutsMik. Nea- \Vf« or

srKMiT ni:rr..xnrr BLarine MaJ. Itob Galer.

fonnrr I'nirrrUly of Washlnttan tiaa.rlhal]er who haa ahot doirn 13 Jap ;Oaaei at Gnadakanal. «a< hrwit»i\ Aova h\att\l lor thrlhJrd tiiar. rrperird lo hU c«mhtand> lac eCOw: -<otT?, Ur; W ! k «P th li BP n i bf a Japan«*^a«.". . . B m nr SantUt*. Parlflc coaat mMdlrwt^tht. now lUllonrd at r.rtr«T fkU. tVaO>, may be maUh-

with A) imtak for a bout ai 5catUt.

i!iip chiini|>lna-,)ili> bacX till dLihlliK It out—or iil ipil-.i m

pUins to do lu a tUat.Hr haa rrported lo the Kanta

Ana aerojr ate bate as an avlatlmv cadet In (he batnbaniler uchool In Caliromfa.

Now, I'm lipplnf all llir bei.1 hi the world for Windy lllll In llie

rvety »•peaka lie knocka off a Jap or a nail.

jiut I could iKilnt nut lo'llip offl- rlula who hiimllP the piibllriiy at Dip air base rcliool. that Ihrv are 'lUlaly li\ error on tlirlr ii-lf:v:p. nrn If Ihp tt'orri.i mny him' come froin voluble Wllllnm hlimell.

Tlie. report r.ay-i;••Bill Schubc!. who pltchi-d ii!>'iUy r .'.irlkr.' for ihn Wr«- Vwk

anil^ihe Chlcaiji) Cub.*, h now KPiiliiK rc.ioyT j liurl ft .illsliily if'frj- rr proJcctllc down Hip kihovp for Unclp Sam, The lO-yrar-oltl munnil

from Portlnnc! ha.i rciwictl to I ie SatiU Ann. army ulr li;c.e iin avUUon cadet in the bombardkr .\chool,

Schubel wii.i ,iU’ned by Hip Yank-' whllr plichhiR for Portlaiul In tlie

‘‘ ml AinPrlcnn LeKloii chrini- ilpi. He played five years wllli

til? OoiUnm ciiAiiiivi, Ki>liis Ui'm ltliT<- lo UiP Ncwiirk Hc-iir-, Sfalllr. Kiihilrri, Chicago

nd Hen i In .Ilnwm i .-.piL'.oii.i hr .itiiiHixl l.iiv m OreRon Slale.-i. uln-re lie in'Pd'. jii'.i «ie mnrp ounrtcr for 111.-; ilrsrrr."

Tnjp, Mr. SehuWt wa» onned hy thr New Vork Yank»-ljg| ai tie a» the rrcord* iihow. tUll uevrr 5et foot on thr diamond of a ma. Jor leapie park: that Hip W't pllrhinf hp rver did land Ihr (ic>t rrrnrdl wai for Twin rail* In tlir I'loneer league; ani the liUlinl he rvrr tot wai with Ihr la-l-plare rv 'la n J WeavtTn Uutlnj Hit pa»l

Al.'O. s.tiro‘ mil Vkch''<*Aa.s n KOO<1 hitter, lo. icnieinlier?) lor Ihp Cowboys, lie rcfiorloj he war

Harvard boy—ihP only one In tin Ploni'or IcaKue, Iip clalined.

t'rom llil.-

Vou Jll l ran'l. The boya ran 'llher >Iinol |innl, plar coif. fool, lilt, tia-.Vetl«all. ot li\.nmr oilier nar mp ihrir lianili hal woulil fit them a» a ciitiner.If ynii M.inn.vlx- a siinner, Jii't

ilep rl{ht lip—Ihr army needs

(v:. .'.iraiiup ihlii;.--: Look at (all tctunmmctil t«-li>s lu'Ul HP lili;h .•fliriol'.' otll-dnlei' r which you IlUl. l kIvp llv Chamber of Commerce i al Oil llie hark lor under 'iieh n prrcnrloii': flnanclnl in tlinfv like ihr-.' . . .

meevr. I). 12 nnd U V111 b.- niiid

n rejiorllnK •'213,000 lanif llern.'.c bi:ycr.\ H.oin lirrnsM wer pj'.l bicnnhim . . nrd Top niiitk io 17,',:.I. ;,old III im ,i ilrop i'.G,

Itrer wSiitrilnt hi thr north rnd nf Ihr Cav'la dlvKlmi nf thr IMtn* IdoVa nallniul fnre^t, arr dolnc

and thoolil »iiffrr only llslitl«n< eathrr iH-rfi

areorillnj to (;pn»erTallor> Otflrer Herman Koppn . . . On a trcenl tour ot Jlie orea. nrrom* panled by firmer llavU and Wen­dell Twitehell, Koppr* and patiy rounird 1.763 deer tn aertn dayi.

Kcesey Uncertain About Bali Plans

BOISE. Feb. 8 i-}’;-Managcr Jim Kee.sey of Ihe nohr Plloi.i Is non- commll.il on rrji-iri;. he will-remain In Portland Uils ycvoii nl his .\hlp» yard Job,A fMrtland nrA.s|ui>rr rrporicd

Kee;.ey Mould j'liy wnii nn ii srl;il leaKUc ip.iin at Uip ,\hipyni

•'I havrn't aiiyihlUK lo say about the Portland .leiup." Kewey replied to que. tloner.',.

North Carolina’s DeerNorth Carolina ha.i more Ihnt

200.000 neres under state and fed' cral control devoiert to jiroducUoi and con- rn-aUon of deer.

Output upDurlnc ihe first half of 1041 llie

^l^el Indiutry of the UrUltd Slate.i Inerea-ied lu annual capacity by nearly 2,000.000 ions.

New York U., Notre Uamc Meet Saturtlav

ftrck'.'. nalblit, llir l\e;u‘.: llonal clash b rni.i"—the ni: York unive .

Tliey t.ini5!( 0;irden iJjilU!

n It.-, h;ii

■UK. Kel). I i.I’t - Tl;t . fnr ini>'icoIleslale con.

(fnwrts this (lii.il ijx'.kelball dom

s Ihe raui-

n of

__ , 'iiidri>fnd-il-meetlnB of Nca- iiDd NoLrc Dame..MatllKin Square

■ anil as ttsual. Uie ri.-, hall, liw a ;.p1I* AtUlluK r%Ua iplce

?ir rivalry ihLi the Irish and if the nallon's :-43 campaign.

KlfJ M l

■ vw’.'-..'- •'•ere.l(),-rn •iaris until they to lUiffttlo to keep a y nliilii o‘»l lltlle-her- ra knocke<l Uiem Off. e nf the seaion's more [•t:„ N. y. U. just rack ll-df In the flrit p.:|)i!p a .•«ond-perlo<l■ ■ftlD'ii ihpy ouUcort

s. 34.22, Uiey

I'hMlfWl lie Satur< ded Nlac

5G-48. for <X-vrlllnK ti coiildn t ui h.ilf, nnd.■iiirnc. tiiirii the acKre.',',

ever civURlw up.Coiiipured lo N. U j record of : win,', and one .•.eibeck,

r n i.fx.on niark of 11 starts Into Uii

Garden. Only Keiilucky. Uie*SouUi 1 confrrent'c'.s top team, ha; bln lo .'.top the Saturday A'oirc D.tmr {>Iayed Jli flna'

lu;olt Wi-torr lieiultiiK ex'.t and sv.a«V- •d .Michigan Sl.-vtr. 45-3<,

n ie ■•.f.v.on honor;. In at Ica*l hree confprriice.-. — SouUiae.Mcni

Kouihra.'.icrn and the northe.’Ti dl L'.lon nf the Parilic ccsisi—may be < UU-<1 before the week li out. tich other.-! as Die UlR Ten. the

Soiiihcrn nnd ihi' limiern Inlercol' irnlatr IriiKiir '^itl hrari Into tliclr •<-roo;,linl" .Maces:

-Southwrat Tanjlr In Uie aouUiwrnt, Trx?s and

Arkansa.', running one.two al Ihr hraJ of Uip pack. Untit In a ivo-camei Vrlday and Satgr- day to Iron <iut the tllte tlluatlon. Trxa% tak«» on lUcr Tutiday, and if (hr (xmchorny win (hat onr. thry'tl nred only onr victory o»rr Arkanu^ The aouthwenlern >rr* llorr* 2><-'l }noklnC oulfU up lo now. howrvrr. appran lo br the L'orptii Chrl'll naval tralninc •tatlon Sharp-Shoolrrs, who dnivnrd Klee twlrr la»l wrrk and tiovt hold Tiii drtlMons ovtt t^n- frrrnee rlubo.AliliouKli thfi official SQucIie.istert

conference chnmploii-'Jilp uon'i b< .’.eilled until the unnu:il lo;iniaii;ent hie OiLi Ptoiillt. Ihc varloi:\ cojlrcr- arc liavlnc quite n liir.r -.rttlliu llic TfKulnr .-■en-'-on «vrii-Uvt l.aiireV A Kn-k ii«o. Kditurky vi:iv kniKk- cr\ olt by AlatJamn nivi-Hi;,;iivxl o.il ot the top .ipol. \rTlTrh !/>i:ubin Bute loot over. nvJl lUe btc.s ft«;t the blue Kriuvi i;ot thrlr rrvtr.k-« ;>alllrdav iil(;»t bj' Ix-lltiii: 'll:uin 67-41. With LfiU droppin,: a n:ir. jxihit hcartbrcakpc to Ceo.vi-i To-.'ii Kentiieky rllmbed ~ •'•'ilrlvtr'.i ; eal. wlUi . cri) ot !.).x H'in-1 ; coniparrd lo prcond-iilnee Tf .tc's 4-i imil LStJ's I-:. Mlc: ? irapc.Alabanm affair .Mr.nil-i >.Uotp ihlni; luuy tii- cleii ' lip 'reniie.v.cc-Ketiiuckj

S.iturdiiy.Kpm Pair

Wiu'hhiKton n nd V lalc. Imlf 0 Kiilili

■ confp;

II confer

. •••putWfck luid play i

line opart in infcjt'orr'.' t ^ of pa

ii-doy ; , »........................ ffrlc?.Scwlhcni CaUtoruin, llie wvii j.ectloii boM. in ihe cnamii;ti bracket.

ibralrn In ’Indiana, a of th

S.iturdiiy II nan, while the confrr

1 th' conlrr...jrliiK loa.

ilKht In troijiiciiis Mic! Illlnolt. a3,w linbe,iten

cnmpnlK’nlrik'. w .-,lx clerblnn.*.. rcnli^wl o‘'t'Slate. 00.40,' 'Hie Hoa-.lerv iuxm ui\«h vropTRnt UiU'* ’‘•'e'-t.Mlrhm.in iiRnln and then riillid with Wliconiln. now in third pi 111 the loop. Illlnol.i hiL'. niKl Olilt) State on lap-

Allpr a .slow .itart. D.-irtnio:;rh KWi it-1 drive up toward Ihr lop IhP E.xsiern IntcrcollrKlntP lr.it ivhlDpltu: Yale. 62-30, Snturtlny nl toi lv.1 Slilril clTCMll. « ln ot tUr -j.' Till.' left -the lndlnn.1 wiili a record, tralUns Pcniisylvanla i Prlncclon.

reiin T'lr^t*After whlpphi!: Cornell. 4.’-3.>.

Uielr iMt conference stnrt. the Pe: sylvanlans me?t up with fifth pi Columbia durlnB tlie, comUix wi Prlnceion flRure.i to hate a touch lutalMl both "yalf and Jl vanl. who haven't vrt hll the column in Uie conference. D. momii plays Con«U.\piie ol toiisher outfits. Saturday. • .

CKlKhlon looV: R tonK tlrU'.e to- ward the ML'-sourl Volley confcrrnci champloiLshlp by invndln^c Okla. homa and knocklns off Oklnhcmr A. and M. nnd TuLia durl.-i; ih< pa-'t week to run lt< 1oo< -Mtins'lc five In n row. Tlic Blur Jays taki on T^bn al Omaha n ts l Saturday. whlle^Wa.shlngton university ol st. Loul-.. in ^econd 'IW' toy?wm.i wid one .letbjick.. nwru Uir 01:t*lioina AkkIm Frldaj-, -

Kan.uis. rocXcUhf along at tin head of Uie Blir Sljt conference at t 50.1'olnt a KRme clip. Rliould havi casv Roln* this week. Its only itami Li with third plnce NebrwVa. rot ^oo touEh nn a.«iKninent for a Kansai ctub that. hM swept paM aU tour of It.' loop foc«. Oklalioma. In second place, looks for <ven smoother sail- in f asaUist ftfUi-placc Iowa Slat* and last-place Kamas 8Ute.

Dtiroelier Takes His Annv Esam

Lro nurorher. Dodtrr manatrr riamlnallon by hli dralt board, phytlelan John Roaor.

from BrooUin. «b* wat raDrd lo rrport ter hit ^-inderllon phy\W'ai rrrvim » ptcltalaary riasiaatMa by SL LMua cily hmpllal autf

Fans Urged to Speak Minds On Baseball

nr JACK ClTt)Y

Xn%V yOHK. Frb S .JP—To t.' inllIJniu of ha.'r'j.i'.l fa:--N In t! countr>' and in the armed .smici v.« j.ay itxiav-e'.M-.fr rpcak pirce no?;- or fu.'rur ho'ui yo< jieace.

Pe/.'lmhlic arn;chalr puniitUs ha' adopled iKr •.xtnmd's tV.al. tl'.e '.•4tu ot the nalional •ixirts ts Uirraier.i by the oork.or-iuiil edict that kp inlii rffecl n:i April l. Tliat niay I

bv direct orders from the sovcrt melit, i f prrfer the optx-altr pi.;;ot vlea— prtnK IralrunK »iil cr:

lirrd• do s.

It ha,i her Id Wa.'i)ii);lon and ribp a '• volcc” in dcfeii.'C of l>.c car.-

T»kn Dull By Horni

Well. Uie vent.'able b'-l f dodderinK lop man ol bJ-'ct the bull bv the horns la.- Ill ihP 20i.'i annual di.iner Nett' Y’orU Ba.'cb.ill WrKer

(I [xit iV.e usue :11 to the fa:: ■Tm told :i ! thr

•■Well.iipUilon I ■houli! cu

-niP' •av U«I lliP

II br :.Xlp;>cd ou b.v'eh.xller'.

faivs and r\\c

Monty Schwartz Looms as Next Notre Dame Mentor

«rr.i^T c: Pa..' .•.•.••• i f !. hi-id orj.-h a; N i"r wi-.rr. Frs-k l.riX’- r--' •

-Jv'V tact:

jNortFi Division

Cage Race Is Ti«htcued

” <r t .v i t>.r.-

rtay Good Carat

ii and morale purpo r— -s e';l. what a.'r tliev waiting for? I.''- Ihrs’. i\U pteV. up the IJalor. a.r.d s.a:e C--< batile.’

Get lo Work

And • i:li ■

iy. If the lho l .in's rf ba.vbaU I. Ihroushoui the nillon *.ant same to ko on. nnd theV.-xicr n lierr and abroad reed nen' : •irore.s nf baseball xs ihe;r o:i'.y to homelolki—(trab ihp r;:d.-rl : come oMt fliisRln;. Wn'*- cr "e vnur consrrso.rn.in. fleod U;e fa;v uUh V.roill from' i

Orr v-V ar..: Oa-r.'

r..zr.N-r .-C

y to E CerWinly r

Ildit stven thr ss fonirt.i ll'.p c

• la'president Ro<vrvell, He fl-vhed •'Ko'* slsnal apparenll:-- teca'.; • believed that major lessur b.v had a drtlnlie value Vo o'-r • worried nation. Hr sel no lex tor that particular I

None believes that b.T.%»ball i rssrnllal IndiLstry. Nevrrthe!e% , R.ime affonU a bis boori to nal: morale and therrfnrr shoiiM r. the ro».sldr,'atloii Ihst only the ; 11c e.in demand. Tlie Qur.'tlo" wh tr ba.-ebtdl i>rrlormtT:( ahou'.i In defrnse Indiist.-les or «r. u;r to thr Cftuntry'i tr.orale on diamond li dtlfieult to arj ’wr.

Tills Is thr lime for actST Uie part of major leairue f

le Ifs r. br«U;e;


.vhoQls were closed for o.ie day be- fiauie drUllnf inow had made it iV«»(5ilble to keep the roads open. Timnday all rsads tn Uvat xUtrMXy were blocked. Frelsht tyurks a.-.d stages were unable to get tAroujh.

W ill pay highest p r i« 3

'fo r tame or w ild


— SKINS—Ortnj la your fleet sttcs. tool

Idaho Hide & TallowTvla FalU - Gaedlac • Bspctl

A TTE N TIO N !: Cash Paid

For \VorlhlcN.s or Dwrf \ ; Co«T5, Horses and {’rice of

PftLs; for Dead Sheep




5S OOOCC rtC ItlT . iiV-3. S-::. >.U la p «5 Bas?.feeders aid i=.U rarVv aJ ~as u,”3 OLDS COITC. hjrt prTa tx li.U o=e- PW'.'JT Jtod s^Jpe, tcc. \3 aiEVSLTS C O lT t l/.T » ie C W i aU cster pa.*tj Ja erp siapr,3* V» CO IT U B.-CT. frtirri. i i : s«;=r cS*sia pa.-ts. Oe*. brrr eaity.3 DOPGC. Tra=j, d_'l t s i b-tiT i2 a pod liape. Rear fradca csiS. Ue =c*.;r.

Twin Falls JeromeAuto Wrecking Auto Partsrtnooo is t. Tmt» r»a». B u ra r b « * « , j « » *

m b W rite . W in . or Pliooc. W e S liip C. a



'WiaCKOTO.V. JVb. B ( r —T»o& CUh »ftd t«o ta Idaho

t««n 4x«T fd W LV n r aan- « = .s s x » J * wuila.ti3a hy

W aa i a»n d*p»rw.KiU Tor tnirurxc of » m «id

^tteid la IS* ifmfd ftWM,

V=;itn;?f o! :ll»^c> »1 M imhst.• V^a.'; xr^rnrry »t s»;t l * i r c t r

Cuh sa ;e Arnru:tii.-»J c«llfcf »t Lpfic h»w »r?ewfd b«.-> n r erp»n=r75'. Icr ir»Sair^

Arttwwi f « artav • tU»tl> . cjJrU t> t^t CW'-tsr or 1 ^ 0 »t ca :iw 2. Ja UMI y>.t »’jo U Vuh

.Vfrtru.'isrU <o2f«t-.O.acte*r la* csa=Uiloa »p

trr-wl SU n*-;^^irr*3 *cliwl-v rel J?tT9 cT-ttnJura.

1T:» lV f in t tot r k )3ir.t coasilttft o!

l i* M ar, s»TT aad tMCiportr e«n- a te c a !w Cit nfV w «ia lr .c Txttsrwa. JliTT othrrt ni3 be '

:»»f, r»«>SKUT i

U»-Tr.f fccrjr^ix*. i . ______

iw ^ r t s IM or.lv ti{«c:1!Uk pm\i

ta ib f ir.:»:T.-;pd tnr.i:

i b r ^ KTulirr-d fci;

List Honor Paid ToJamesA.CromA ta J»ai(

0 * = Vt fr^rr..l a-fl rrUHw f»:i^rrri Si.indir »nf.-n,->cn »t ihe T i '^ s:x*.~in- r>.»prl Srrr-i,-n »T.-f >T r.fv, C. E.

■ ri-jT, bv ;M fr> X Srtir.U>, T«.a

« u .i-. Pd by nuKh SfT. Nrr-.r.i.-h

r*r_-i i t r jrrr. Nrr-_-,!rh W. f. Tw;i. r. C Gru'p?, IX-n siafjord. •’ O \r»rrra Lc«rn' »rdy C S>t=tt-strrrr %-rrf n»!;varm,

w n: T«V2 rar^i

T h e T im e s -N e v r s



F »nncr5 * Aoctiftntcrfl

■n; « m e i » <*»Uy list,fcs c l r r c j 5>ra iCtrrCsed ts T^=:r»<Cr»x Prwrct cosr »»;* di:» t j cnsr.t r» ir ttrtT~ Csesitsi: ta ««rJr,

BLTERSU::s cA'c=i3 <u;iF . . . n

« r r « TiTsaSljrs S: »:: v*2ej-.


c. w , rAnaLCots-VfX»TVl«»»TlV IV i. I

FEBR l’ R Y 11


• n i ls CU RIOU S W O R L D By V/iUi&m Ferguson

\s A N e>ccEu_ENr•N51XATOR iM S/7ZBUT ViS^ZV-yCWOC IN '

A W V 5V Z> .'

S om e people have ro^rrDOWN TO FIGURE OUT HOW THEY STANDw"Jm

JO iEpH AVUaiW, A(M,'r6r^,A'W

Churchill W ill Make Complete

Report on Casablanca SessionBy,.SIDNEY J. Wll.LIAMS

LONDON, Feb. 8 (UP>-Pr«nc Mln- . _!fr \Viw:on C))urtJ!J)l prcpare<i loikS to rciXJTt to Lilt lioiiic of i

In one ol hu bis i prfchi •»r on hl4 hlsioric mLiMon lo

Afrlra Kid «ip middle c»M,Ht am\Td home ycMcnliiy »fi«i

con.'trrinE Wlh Prcsldfnl Iloo.'.evelt Ca«blaiic» and PrrMiIent l.-'tnct

Ir.cnu of T^rkfv at ArtftRa, nnrt vLi' ;inc/ihf nnihli flKlilli nm y ni

Tnry>ll «iul nlllnl lic.idtiii;irlcrr, Ir raniiBTn Afnca.

ThroaiU Forelcn Sccrciwy An- EJfn. Cliurchlll had promUed

full rrport to tiie cpmmoiis on a.*. poCiUble and he

jyftrd to make hW ^pcech nl ... arllfst opporlimlty during Uils cfi'i aliuns of the hou.-.e.Sc»a alter he at^-cd Churchill

ru busy drafting a ---- ■* •' -'cabinet and Martins jpffch. In addition to dbiio;.mr. of [u-ork »hlch had accumulnieJ tlurlnc hl.1 abifncc.

Lail cvealnis he summoned lo No. ) OoWTSlne &lTMt, hU oUlclRl TCt>l- pr.w. a'fTOUp of cabinet and flithl- •E MTTlcc l,eaders Including

Clfsienl AlUff. domlnloiii j.ecrclary aad deputy prims mtciUtcc; Lnbor MlrUiier Emtf. Bevln. home /ecrc- ur>- iiad sfcurliv Minister Hcrl>ort Uomioa: A, V. Alexander. Jlrnt Innl of the adtaliaUr. Sir ArchlbnW anelur. air lalnUier; Vlicount SI-

lord cliancfllnr; Urendnn nrackrn. Informntlon minbtfr: Oen, SIT H^iiinci lr.may. deputy wllltnry %Kn\nn- tfl the wnr cabinet: Ad- i1.t11 of the Flfrt Sir Dudley Pound.

wa lord nnd chief of niivnl ,aff; Air C|)lct MfcnhaJ Str Charlej

SPOT CASHFct Dead or Woriiilcis Hones,

Mulei nnd Cow

Can CollNt oac-jj. Twin Fallj MART ALICE mOUT FAR.M

Portal, ehlcf of air ataff. nnrt Ston' ley Bruce, high eommttloner for AujtrtlJa-

Late last night Churchill «lUi Mr , Anthony Eden Mid a Rroup at iemee offlcerivftfiil lo the iiilnlstO’ of Information movie theater to MC the current film bucccm. Cftsablwica. and neu-i reel plctMita of Uls lour and hw arrival home.

Pollilenl quarters foreca-'.l Umt CluirctiHl's commons .v«ch woiild be loiiK nnrt rouslTtE, They expecied him to dlicua fully hl.i meeting with Pre.'.ldenl Roosevelt nnd Presi­dent inanu and to make briefer iflerencej to his vWta, W E[r>'Pl. Cypnu and Tripoli. In addition to Klvlnff the house an Important sum- marj- of the entire war outlool: In connection wllh the ajreemenl lie reached sith Pre.ildent Roosevelt that the three big axis nation. would be forced Into unconditional !,ur- render.

Relative Asks for Estate Authority

A petition for lettern ol admlnU- trntlon'ln Hit estate ol Tlobctl 51. Ilobert.1, who riled last Dec. 13 in Los AnKeles county. ha.T been lUed In probate court by J. O. Jordan.

Tilt Mlntc eoiislM.> ot Ie llScnUal property valued at not In exee-vi of S3,M)0. nccordlnf! to the petition,

}{flr* listed are Almedn Uemlller. daUKhtrr. Alhambia, Calll.; J. C. Roberta, »on, Lynwood. Calif.; n, r. Robcrti. ton, E-.condldo. Calif,; P, P. Robert. , fon, Compton, Calif.: T. J. Utibftu, ion. Tuln Palls; nnd Cracc Siumpf. dauRhtcr. Downey. Calif.

JiidRr C. A, Ballry i.:iiil ft letter irom lilt Boise Irsal Jlrm -fchlch drew up the petition IndlAtca thnl the petlUontr Is a brother of Mrs. Roberts, the widow of Robert D. Uobitla, Mn, Hobttt.'i' name doc* not appear on the petition.

Judge Bailey tet Uie heiirlng for 10 a, m, Feb. 17.


Here’s One Type Of Farm Device That’s Unwanted

Pity the jw r aprlng tooth hirniw! With ntatly every otlitr toiplt-

ment of the farm demanded by hundreds of farmers. Uie iprini; tooth harrow U Kast of all de* sired.

'Itiat the Twin IVILi ciiunly farm iiinciilnery raUonlnc comiiiuirc du- covered Saturday as It prepaied to »ind wp U\e .ralionins ot larm mn- chinery to 'the county fanners,

Tlte committee waa given a (juota of eight spring tooUi liarrowj but llitit wn» only on* tequtii lor the Implement from among Uie hun­dreds of farmera who filed appll- cattans for larm machlneo’,

Tlie aprlns tooth harrow ijuola Win one of thrte which were more than sufficient to cover the iice<Li of llic county farmers, the cum-

m<T announced. Only 10 milking iichliies have been rationed from (luota of 33. Likewise, only four

wai;on.i out of Die county'. quota of flit were given out.•Die committee exi>ccu to com­

pile Itj big task by ■ur clay alter a fulL^^et*: Btudyine the lliousands Ol appllcaUoii.i inr ma­chinery and then railonliiR out the Implements to farmers iiiu:t need of them.

Baldy Mountain’s Measuring Stake 'Covered by SnowHAILEY. Feb. 8—All whiter For­

est Ranger 'fllen Drudo at Ket. chum has taicq.- htT- field Kla-i' c,'. out once a weelc and read the drpih of tlie snow as recorded on an ciKht- foot slake maintained on lop of Old Baldy mountain by U19 U, B. forest Bcn'lce,

TJien the Rtnke dhap|x-ared, fio Brado and Wallace Saling of the Hatley forest office got on their skis nnd climbed the mountain to look for lU Tliey failed In Uielr nili- itlon lu (he »lal;e'fra« so completely cohered with snow Uiat they were untble to locale It. '

The altitude of DaJdy U 0,000 feet nnd It look the two nieii four hours lo reach the top. Three .illde.' were encountered. Several of the iwlcj of the Union Paclfle akl lift had been dlr.lcxlKcd nnd a patrol hoiv.e w,v; tipped on end, Tlicy reported the .'.khnt: txTfi-cl bccau^c of the dry powdered .mow, ’Die return trip wiu'i mnde In a short time.


BiDSSlOCKSMarkets a t a Glance

NEW YORK. 1>I) H (,]■—I-1irllirr profit cB-shlni; tol.i.x .hiiiprd iiiic- llonn off mast iii:iikct iciidrrn without doliiK a k:c-.i; clr:il of d.im- ugc 10 IhcJJn ii.\ ii -.Uiolr.

Tlir dircrtlon w.r. .-.ll liilv upnnrcl nl the openhiK tiut phi .'icns loon were erased In innny Wtiilcjcattrrcd M’ol' I'f qiil't ;trr:ii’lh j)er,-,l.netl, nilimi- iloniliKitrd 111 till- fi

Dc,iltn|V, ai)i)ri'X


rd SJKJ.t>jQ

;ill wii.s a prcip fur

IlOOil. 1. Wr^

n tmckrcl In I Unlor

5 lain1 Ofiir

.Motor,-, iil'O toiiclU'd br;,t levrU ot 1012-43. Ahciid nt IntcnaLi u<Tr American Tflephdnc, Chf!n|)r;vl;i' .V: Ohio. Goodrich, Derr.-, U, S. fii.rl. John.%-M:iuv'ltlr. Iturnuitlotml Nkt- •I nnd We.'illntrhtni'.r.Bondi were narrow.

Woman Burglary Suspect Demands Hearing in Court

Bills Passed

PUBLIC SALEH iv in r rraJcd roy farm , I u il l sell nt Public A uc lion, a t the farm 7 miles Enat

« f tU t th o a oT» hishvi-aj', and tvrt-half iniJc N o r lh . . .

WED., FEB. 10, 1943B esiaa in j: 1 P . the following Property: Lunch Served by Grecmvcod Grange

H O R S E S1 Br\''TT. 10 yrs. old. \vL IGOO

1 Irr.T GrA.v Mxre. -: yn;. old, xvL ITUO

1 Ir r i 'G rn y X!&w, 6 jr s . old. w u 1700

1 Gray M arc. 10 yr.«i. old, \vt. 1500

1 Gray M arc, smooth mumh, wt. 1500

1 Colt

. L

M A C H I N E R Y•1 k-.v\3 as new

^ 1 "B " Tractor, in fir.^t

d tss .<>JL7*e

1 A llif-O ^n^crs 16-iach Plow, new

1 AU is-Chilscrs S^oot Mower

' I A ’lLMThi.Irr-frs CulU\alor

I AHij-CJu-'r.^rrs B e in C u ltiw tor

1 Beoa C~t:tT

\ 0~ rer ;S3ce R iire , sctr -

1 OliTtT D =r:p Ril-p, new

1 O 'iv rr I t ^ c h Ttro-Wiy Hcrtc Plow

1 Mower

1 O liT tr rc-taio D jjijrrr

1 8-Ineh B u rr Grmdor

1 JohnD.ecrc Scan Planter

1 JoJ\n Deere Bctvn CulUvnlor

1 -McCormick-Deerinfr Potfito Planter

1 Case Tumble-Buff Pl'ow,'vl.l-inch -

1 3-Section W ood Harrow

1 Boan Tickler

1 Potato C u ltivato r

1 Moline Tandem Disc

1 John Deere Single Disc

1 K napp Corrufrator

1 Cyclonc W eeder

1 Five-foot C urler

TERMS: CASH—Unless Arranged >vith the Clerk

G. W. FAIRBANKS, Own6rW . J . H O U X N B E C K , Aoctionrer H . E . GU N D ELFIN G ER, Clerk

IN THE StNATESJM 6 by nKrIculture—Menii iK coiiRrcu to suspend operalloii ot iL- ncricultural adjustment admin- iraiUin for ttic <lurallon ot the war. B» 63 by stale affairs—AmcmllnK <• .•llon of ilie law relating to the

lenslh ot time Khool warronta may be held by r.tUool dlstrleu,

SB flO by counlic.s nnd county boundnrle.',—Rcc1;im1I> liiff countli Inr ihe purpo. e of fl.xlnc .'.rvlarli ot pco;.cuUcvs tltoriwyi li\ itvcr:

luntles.HU 50 by McCabe. D„ Henewnh-

To define and rcKUlate the bi ' if loiins in lilt WWWWOO or Icr.v

nn C3 by l. t iilfiiirs fomnllttre —EmpowcrlnB thu slulc board of cducftWon \f> ma!st a tivcliml study and compilation of the effects of al­coholic drlnk.1. stimiilruit.i and nar­cotics n ^ provlcflnic for courfc.i of i.ludy la hiitli Miblrcts In public f.ehools, and providing for n Lix 0:1 retail llijunr salei to |i:iy for Ihe purpose of ihr net.

UB 69 by Vlnrenl, R.. Ada- Amendlng Uie to require that person* 15 to 16 yesrs of age nmy marry with pareiiuv consent but that consent of a probate court ihnll be required al.io for persons e.vi than 15 years of age who fcek

to marr ',113 19 by Ander:nn, R-. Bingham

nnd Other.i—Prohibiting the m.iln- tenance of tobac 'o vending ma­chines accev.lble lo minors.

HB 81 by indusiry corporatlnn— Amending the law. rplatlni: tn Ilm- Itallaai upon Uie flinniiniNhat be loaned by n b.ink lo any rower.

Mrn, Sii' prellinlnai

as arriUKiie C. A. Ballry 1 in the flr.M 1

■ r 10 a. I

demaniled • he;irlns whrn ;,he bi'forc Probiitir Juilcr

n !i cl;;iri:<- of biirclar)' ■>;ie. Tlir hrarhig w;u. 1. Krb, in.■■ w.L. broiicht fruin ; witli u auantlly ofNnnipa. nli

articles; Idcntitled lu j.toirn Iron here, nftpr .-.he tuvd b«-pn arre-’.ted w Niiinpa with Cliirnirr Darrah. Dar. rah wius Klvc'ii n prnltrntlnry^seii.

for biirc'

New York StocksNEW YORK. Ttb. 8 ni.ra - Tlie

market closed lower.AItt.\ktt Juneuu ......... ............. 3\Allied Slore.1 .___....No salesAlhs Chainlets---------- I3'iAmerican C m .........................78'.

AmerlcaJi Rad. <k Bid. Ban.American Rolling MllU ....... l l ' iAmerican Smelt, f i Refining .... 33'.AnirrlcaJi Tel. Tel...............131\American TolHxcco B ......— 51'JAnaconda Copper .....— ........ :'i;SAlUnttc Refwlntt ----- - : i ' ;iloldwln Locomotive________ i: ',Baltimore <5; Ohio ..... .......... .. 4Bcndlx AviaBethlehem Btcel ....................58'.liulova ......................... - ....... -i jBurroughs ............................. 10'.California P(Canadian Paciiii; ................... t,»,J. I. Caje Co................... .... a:>.Cerro de Pa.v:o Corp. -.......... 3j\Clie.'.apeake A: Ohio ...............35‘,Clio-’ ler Corti......................... nCoca Cola ........................... 8ii\Colorado P. A: I .................Nopiile.iCommercial ooivniwi ............. 11.Con.Holldated Copper . . , . S'.-Cnn.vollrintc<l Edison ........... 17\Consolidated O i l ..................... 7',ConUi«i\lal Cftt\ ........-..........:3'-.Conilnenlul Oil ..................... 2nsCorn Produet-'i .................... oi'.CuctlM WrisDu Pont ............................ mFlre.itone Tire & Rubber ....27Freeport Siuiiiiur ..................General Electric ................. 33 \Oc-neral FouOrneral Motors ..................... iiGillette Safely Rozor ............ C .Goodrich .... .................Otxirtyear Tire it Rubber ......27'.Greyhound Cp.........................15'.llousien Oil ..........................Hottc Sound ....................—... 31'.Jnsp. CopperIntematlonnl Hurvester ....... ,'0\InleruaUonat Nickel ...............i\Inlernnllonttrrel. i Tel......... -'iJohns Manvllle ....................'3'.Kcnnecoit Copiwr ... • .......... 30'.Kre.ve.eLjrrllard ..................... ........... I8'i.Mack Trucka .......................... 32Miami CopiXT ....................... - O';

.Moiitgomery Ward _____Nw.h Kelvlnutor________National Ulicull .....National CMli Register ... National Dalr>‘ PrOducU . .National Olttlllers .......—

Nurtli Amerlcun Aviation .Northern Pacific ...............Ohio Oil ............— —I’aciard Motors --------Piiramounl-Pub. ____ _J. C- Penney Co. ________ :Prnii-,ylvtinla R. R . ... ......

Public Senlco of N. J.Pullman

Oil .Jttiilio Cor;), of America______ CRaata KelUi Orplveutu ...— * ’

)ubllc Steel ...................15'lUynolds Tobacco B 23

f.i Roebuck ...... ........... . *3Uhfll Union Oil ........... .....— 20KUnm'uw Co....... -......... 18'Bo ony Vacuum .................... . 11'SoulWrn Pacific ........... ........ lU'Soullicm Rallwuy ____........... IVSperry CoriKirnilon ............... 30’

............... yStandard on of Callfdrnla ..... 31'Standard Ollof Indiana . ........ 23'SUinilanlOllofNew Je^^cy .... « 'BUiiltbaVtr ....................... . TSMMlilnc Mlnta .....- ........ .. <’Hwtit fi Co----- ----- -- 24'Toxn.' Corpormion .................43'Tlmitn Roller Bearing.......Nor-ilr'I'ramamerlca ................ 0’Union Cntblrt....................... - KO'Union Paclllc ........ ...... ..........8 rUiilUd Alrcrall Corp............... 2D'United Airlines ................... —. 18'United Slates Rubtjer... .......... 28'Unlled SlnUs Slcel ............ .. £-0''Warner Bmlher.s ......... .......... 0IVfitern Union ..........— .......- 31WesllriKhouse Electric ........— MK, W. Woolwortlt................— 33''

N. Y. CUItn HTOCKSnunVtr Hlll-Sullivan ...... .... - 10•CWts Bmict ................ O'-I'lediSr BuWl fc Share 3 fiulf Oil of Pennsylvania .... 42’-

Livestock Markets

trnce in C.\nynn lary.

■nie v,heibrouKlit hen

artlcle.s In Nampa wlilch D:v-'rah f.tole lu'rv. nnd had ;nUt lUteo Inick- load;; of artlrlr.s heri- h( . al l Uar- rah had liil:>-n Iriim Nampa home;..

She U belli;: held in Jull unde: tl,(JO(J bond i\ltcr livr wrralKSuneiii.

Time Tables

VV|;i,t_.S llttA.NCII

Bcu'll'l iind

i'mon i'acikic sfAcr.3

U..r« -

17 Destroyers “Lost”TntJa’ilrtal eve acrlSem.i are esll'

mated to have ra-.: B..'>oo,noo man- dnys of work diirlnt: ICHI. enougli time to build JT il<-. troyers.



Pour Door Sedan, equipped irtlh radio, healer, extra good tires.

1036 ClinVROT-KT Two Door Sedan. Very, clean and'fc good valjje. Good Ure-% motor, new pamt job.

Comer Bhoihone A 2nil Art. W.

rbooe S53

DENvnn I llKSVKIt. J'.li, *

l<: S.UW. I.t00. lot

t.os *sr;i:t.»:.s LivirKTori:

UKIIA.V—tlr.dr lo Iflf

l'l>. and >)«•• I IM. IH.J5 u

IrT >Wi> an.) h.llrra lUiicf


CHICAGO, Feb. B MV-Hed«e aeU- Ing which apparently came from the southwest eaased a minor de­cline In wheal prices today. Ottier grains mainly followed Uie breftd cereal lower.

Traders tairt reports from wuth- v.•e lem marketa Indicated holders of "free" wheal were offering It mtjrc readily. It wa.s aUo considered likely that more wheal under eov- ernnient loan wa.s belntf redeemed and offered In the open market.

Wheal clcned on Uie lows, off ’.3- \. May 1139';.S. July $lJ9U-’i: com was lower. May oats dropiwl \-l cent, ryu tost *i- 1'. and M.ay soybeaas were off 3 cent-v


lil(k L«» Omi


wulirl or bruth-

"0 nV» “‘n'''l^«:’’ co"lSl^llr-t SlrCIUM. •■•hnl IS. .Vti.ratki llllu Trlumphi vMhnI i:.50. Wrofninf JI1I»

ind Oni( :uresFutures

B iillc ra n d Eggs

.1. urrr s'i lU. :cc;

I li.'i ■■ /'lrmou‘ui'’ ll"'L

....... 1. 'Vh"l« 'IlJ:Sl'jr; Mcpr ll'i- SSi^c: t.mllrra unil.

si'jft srari.’RiafB

i.oH As«ri,i;s rnont;n:

. ii»iif___ai»tt 'to *

CotKlInf {tonnw|TB«in xilu No. IS and t(. ad » » rUltr ----- tiSO a. n.



location of Twin Falls office

340 4th Ave. South( T r u c k L a n e ) •

Peas—Beans Phone\^165

T^viii Falls Mai'kets

lIti.Ur»«l8M k««K»r» .•l-xklnc >»«>. K<arr __I'acklnl *0*1. IUhl --

r«ntOn« <lc

oTitEH <:nais'9(lUrWT lod oati mului tlueiulaa •

IkH ««mas4. Sa BnllPTBltfd*ll» SrlN* «MlaA «»» nrr !*• *• rnua cosuttetx lijUd Ul««l.B»rl«f . •'

0‘ ia !___________(Osa d«4l«r


(Obi dMtor (twtad)

nCAKS firwl N«nli»rB». No. I — Cmt Nonharni. No. 1 —

: dnltn


Uclwrn ro>t.. uncUr

<k>Ior«d fo«U. S'; Itn. Husi, under Sti lb*.

OIJ tocki. "nu c«eki,Croolnl t«. ti«rtUck> ai)4 alltht

Miiiiii" Stocks


CHICAGO I'linnucB ^^CltlCAdO. tVL, s C«—Uuiuy

l*iid'V»*rUita D

: firm; frr.li sr»M aiu»

^nimmlala u

Erta* tB.mSr

Bridges Denied Another Appeal

SACRAMENTO. Calif- M . 8 W Federal Jutfso Martin Welsb todv denied « i appUeatlon by H itir Bridges, CIO loanhortaen'i pr«sl- denC. for ft writ of haheM corptu to forestall depocUUoa to Auiti«UB.

Brtdges had kpptUd Xor tti* .wrl( ...1 the frolin'aa Uiat V. 6. Attomejr . General Pranclt Slddto Mt»l legally lu t year vbea b» ordertd Ihe labor lender deported.

PaireKi-jlit . TIMES-N£;WS. TWIX FALI^. IDAHO MoTtdsj-. r«inrary *.




Oa'Q — v-.»—•1 elcctrt<M)ly« '--il cpct.n l»lDn; k Jfi of CQllv Thf C0L.1 «rre Qltachetl to »Inc ns.ichlr.e •ar waJL OnlrihU macWr.e .....

' ' r.'-.idOTtr Jon.h Loprn nyl il^.ac.ry. r-.oMaj: rMtIrs. ;y aboa: Uir *iinblcr lojc!:. 11

horror-.Jonah Lf«an •-

n c!;srr- TT;e of —ematch rtvra:«J *n oprn. s;iihi:r- humoro'jj fa.x. r.oUb:? ’-or r ^ r rvra nrvJ B »:df crir^r^l

irr - r .;f Uuo-.l-..... ..........3 rttfiW a" onlU'.arymovie scfTtn tlMUr.rd for Uair.r tup.

•'Vo-j knoi. Mah^r.fv.' Jor^ah i»U. in a kl:;d c'awnl «:•.!.• prr. *ihe pcr-'.lhl'.Hln o! 'p^'to tmnrrirfo—•. wit rcn-.f'.—f i 51 al

•Whals Ihrrr lo L-c varrd of?' Inq-Jlrcd Ma>.pr.;j-. a-n Uvr man.

-T!ic vfTT thouih'. of »^.»t I <]o with It. Ana, a.-.x;-.cr l.'il.-.j! Wifi'J evrr harp fl;',:rrd I'd

<rnlor? Tilnlt of lU Mj;;"r!ry. A!- rx^iiidtr Grx'-.x-n L^;'c:i. ilar- coiil and Lojan. lloir's lhaV toe a Lackfie:d?"

"VouTt tr«Trlln‘ In fj't ctxnpa.-O'. Chief." Mahonfy uld.

••n ay la I . . .- Cut. all a? re. Jonah s;o;>ped ar.d hlj jr t^ c

body »fnt rtiid.AcUniy had bfxun la the cc=l-

nous-Iooilflf: mathJr.t. A faint jr!- lo* Usht sIowKj bfhinJ * h'OST Ifhs In the front of It. Thf luht n x rr ta a momfni. drtper.al.

“Ah.“ b.-rathPd Jona*i. "S.':c-'s bc- jlnnlnc to cook.- all ruh‘•”

•Tlilnfc »hc*l TOt hrrr l i e s.Jie tfld In Nftr York?' a.rtPd Mahor.rr. ■

-W'hy no!? Give hfr * tcach aorr , Julcr.-

Mahonry co.T; i;«l. The hparts atnlln^ oil the colls lafrr-a'- M In niinibfr and Inier.'Siy. ici.vUi Uie machine. Ufhl leetr.ed to f.'ju.T. •round. Tlien. «uc!dtn3y. ta a m San lo ajvear oti ihe ir.or’.e scirm.

At llr.1t they were wranir*;; '.: blurs. totaUy unrwucnlwt>. 13-.:: Jonali Locan slepped o%rr to t.'if machine. He toe* a fi.v-jiluht frcin hli pocket »tx) Ihe bca.-n picked out * s.’nall dial. Jonah ivistcd Uie ii:al cartfLlir.

And preienlly. the Indistinct b!ur on the Krren rw^\ed thrtrjelrr into ouUliies. Uien :-’iap«.

The scene -wai a xaUey. Oa ei'.hr side of 11 r»n a ra--\je o' lo» t-.C'j. MCiewhat paraJVl to each other. On the /ar slope. Ihtre of forrlcn and antiquated arehltcc-

■ lure. VLilble. abo. «ere a r.-j=-.5«T of unaller luilillniv A h:i> f.'rri: l>efch treta rUiM these rsiatliih- nientx.

••Looks like thafs the fans ther called Houjou-tidt,!,' Jor.ah »pcke crtjply. Jonah kr.e* socset.1Uu Btwul Ihe fletlilTe enfracnsen'j of hUtory.

-Huso. uho7- iild Ma. cx'XT tr.rj.; tin«l. Mahoney knew notliL-n: aiwjt tne deeWre enca«emeni.'< of hlj:rrr.

Before Jonah roold re?^ svrlnli Of tiny »hlte puffs sti.~eO up Irx'cn Uie low hllU on each -iJt c! U-e ■'•alley. And. with st.vCin.: abrjr<- iie?3. n Kreat company Pf hr,-jc=:ca.

'JlSht Kleamlnjr olf draini .>jt>crj. c<:f rpauJets. off the tcetal'inrfc of trl- dlfs, poured down the s;o;y ir. forrRround. Thej- elurjed in a ia moving mx^s acroM the unetea ter­rain o;. U'.e ralley. And f:\-m faiTO. and t!ie woral orw:nd ar.r - oUier whi:e pufLv liie cc;:c^ b.V'< toseed into the air frr v~'fT- c'-''- dren. ” “

•Ooih." M ahonev n rlils iH ••Tliat ain't a bid pitcher. Clucf

5Io=d»r. Febnair S, 1DS3 HMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pago Nine



WAXT AD RATESB a» i CO Cal-pet~xxxi

I d iT ________ _— i : per

5 O n _____i f pfT P«

6 - j g per per

• 10 tS



c a Eis: tu i Pisaae 3S>.R


Wfrt U «. s;. S 5 = iu « P- a s*ririxy'

ciiKr:bo to c * CDtf* i i Ck* li* Al^^K»l»acJ .Sr»Tpi»?rf O isxT ^“ i; i£ lU z i^ tn m rrvo ts«

*:s4 xc\rrj2i:it -u: *ar c*rt3'.i« » T ^«-Snt^ tcs o'isi- ter kK ur_<Fas a s be B:\xa a .

» l i t * iw ae r .

C rtm is is a te rf?5.“.P i la- S3fvt:»;c:T. S3 i li jn a c * wJl M asxi* :cc =1 Usia ece tef«r»

Life’s Like That By Neher »ay, grain and feedPEZD trWdla* (Ptioae c«Ilj oti

irtnmng). Ption® 31B. PUer. uort- Itnd MUUn< Service.

Pefd srtndlnj—STlnd inywhert Ortr 3 tons 8c. Phone 0i03>ni. MILLER M n x m o SERVICE

P.«T . prr^rr.-, T;- =ir—-WN X*:

TOTR UTX-.'.r stiTUlTp r ibf r.T - Ux: c»r. t>f ciVilr.fvi :t. iTiirt:? l ir a i i i J- iST-W.

■ntY ccr TiviiUr.; jtrr T.:::TVfT5 S?;.v Rr:uu* a cu-kx T«-.n r» :j.


SCHOOLS AND TRAlNLNGrS£r.\R2=X\tS3 a p.-<«st

krr=^:^^ P:tT*-*T :.-c ^aeiUass t- U liilr.; *S i.'-.e

T»t= pi::^ S ^ n a Va;w.Ti:y.


= r= » rsr. ISO ilxlAsrs.


BEAITY SHOPSrT5iii.c<rN-ra. l:^ ^ sjr?, sr±=stz

rr-.-ct ;:{T. catt :=ifpeaif=t Mrx:


CLT1U-MOOER.V thrrr room <Ju- pits tcc rtaU Phont 5 « . J . E Whltf.

THREE Ttwenj. dlnftlf. rmcjt and hM l» :v Claw ta. Ttr;*;iiwe 5WS-W.

FOR M »s IJ 80 prr w t , c*a >T«iT v»c»ni room,ikTanawl or hou^! CtU 38. T’.ata-Nf**.


PJase low . ewalyi. Sunday.

CLZ.\X. wsatccutif. »un< a w ts f a l »t Co:t&;t .Apanrifau.

»wj>tfd. Phone JC3*.

liU IK H i. lalfiilf »c«j ’.»dy Ck rxiTTJihfd henrxtft^ir.s room. STTxaa r.ocr. Phaae 3J0. Room 34.

*3m-lA aa « u . Dr»=:j tssa; Ora=tj =

FEUt-CvTTCTa J’-M S03 .'frTcrssa *=w.. P i w ;£3i-J U ajsc S lu a iljCiSe.

SM.\U, =;Cvir.-T» •pir-T.fnt-dosC 1.1. E1TO-AL-.S lUTVli.'lPd. C i. Pr.aar 2034.

ATTR.\cn\'E ruTTiWinl »par.' n:tr.L C.,-w tn. Rtiswah;?. 511 Saiti *XT='jf fast.


5 ROOM HOME •stod rrn . BU.<M<l'tn ilHplnc

poreh. IruulUfd. stoker. Close m. Crilrable location. R«a»on- abl>' priffd.Write Box 4«. ’nmes.-New •

ATTRACTIVE S t» live room home. Plreplacr,

Aiokcr. alr-condlUontr. fenwd back yard. Beit locaUon. Terms-

CECIL C. JONES Bant & Tnuv BWe. Pho. 30«

fi RM. tr.od. home, cldse In. on I Jot. DU' water. lull baiemftit. tumace, Jtoker. elee. hot water fteattr, cood outbldci, orchard and paslurr. On oIIr I road. A real ho.-ne. »5.7i0.

6 RM. ne» mod. home. FuU flnbhfd bx<<nient. fu.*nace. stoker, «le .. Mter heatfr Jlreplace. hcl«-d. iloorx, cancr. Close In. Blue Laku Add-n. Priced to .•<11 at M.840,

* W l. \5jrr »od. home. I bedroom*, hdwd. tioors. tement baiemenl. lumace. sanse. lota ol ahrub* bfrj-. Price «iOO.

3 Il.\l. hoase. mod. except heat USM. 5 RM. hou.'e,- mod. eicept heat. «500, S R.\I. houje. link in kltchfn% rement

*!dr»-alk. lot* ot ahade. Priced iflJ $1000.

E. A. MOON-Real EM.Me

SPSdAL—»iCO a : ;«= i=e= t. *3K; U K cC perrtasrtit »Ji3 t- a ^ Sifter aztd Bt*;::? SOCP Fti=»C4.

T ICUS r a » ! •; M.-vlenv. il.-vkt Ap-j^ =;d ,\«T


CjC rar>' Cccr,-a=T. Re- j

: x ^ : r v » .: : krw; ior.t bsvi.' Mi-.-ir? tT-jXf R:i-ari. V j

Pi:*.. \ r..v_'. ».-iCOL I

« i r i

MODERN tv-.e Urre rreuTi =f.-.L AiulU. :i9 TlUfTl r ccOi. '



■ T*VE rxsr.v {iTT.xrr, i■. ter., rascii. part^ acjJem. Plione


KSrt.VTvD :,tr iti.’t i Suii P]\X msa r.siitntairr. rrrs: B.-«:?-T«'.a rt<«. Dc'.:b;

rK-_V i J Sssiay i UM._____ t-

U O V ^ vT.-_ix liiru;.- F l'R N lS H E D HOUSES

'■ r~TUiiM 1*0 rocea andf ^<JZ ' W..V V..-V __baU'u is: .Vo.-u'i Wa;.‘\to£ton.

s r ru .x T io N s w .v n t e d


•l^-0 ACRES Sa'--:;.-w be*ni. L. Peterj, ' c*»: HcCatr.


RXSrO.'SCSLE fVTT:tfs«\! s i a fiT- .•ar-cT tr-; r.3h: 'n t i s a a . Tte«-Xr-«5 vir.k-r. Ca2 !x &t*r.

5 « r » x

GOOD aZ irrcixl i ir a ^arxi. t x jrar .VSb. IrrttMW ?*:=,• 5 r x d T W i rv\J pres>a»J-g g r . ;i: = j.^ .<.^0 c Sir-

PCRN1SHED a M 89 affti. Exprrl. «S5». RttrrracTs. t P. Havklni, Rssae a. Bos 4ST, PonUnd, Ore.

SS-I63 ACRE rarra. ^q•i:penenl and jsdsk r j- h iw t Bait o«ti he;^ re re w t i. irrai Tfo.-<x. Rou> 3, 13 s;::«3 m t Jeroae at rock house.

S3 7 0 339 ACRES r>T cood bean and poutd laad. Pre.'er pa.Tlne caih

B 3 3JJ, piictie m i . Wea.


AOinAOE—WlE aakt low doro ^T=sest or rtat. Bot ST. T la j« . Ke«».

»OtSXS and aov, ta »*U. I tarr bajtra « th

x-v«iv. E. .«L Maea-ReaT EiUt*,


100 .NCRES cliwcr land, on hlsh ra}-.Vfr>- desirable.

SO atres on SouUi\!dr Tract. »4^00. C. A. RotJimon

FIU3ERAL LaiyJ Uank 160 daW larm ta-o ml>i from Ooodlne. *5 avfTs culuvated. » ocrtx good rljated p.>N;urr. 127 ^hares »-ater »iock l.n DijXWood Canal C«npan,v. Good .\ix roiVn^dwrllmB. fair outbulldinsj. Price, 15.000. subium ul down wmenfc. liber­al temii on balance. NaUonal F»rm Loan .K^uiciations, Ooodtnf, \daho. Phtmr » .


) ACRES. Etjuipmfnl

COO ACRES scod f.\nn land Sirlrker rancii .'or rent. Lucy Strieker.

40 ACRES sood bean and .'pud tand tor «L\ii rtni. Good Uve room' hctfne. bam. larse chicken housfc Phone 563. RoberU and Hen


1 5 ^ McCORMICK-Deerlng Irmc- ta*. Sixth hou.'e north Sub Su- UCEX

16-INCH Pape* hai‘ chopper. »20ai 3-lnch Wood Broihera Uirtsher on rubber, train, bean. se«l attach- m<nla. 1600. Phone 0181R1.


RESIDENCE, four roooii and bath, Xor blacksmith or repair »BDp e<julp.-nent or North Mde Canal stofk. Roy Waihbum, Jerome. Idahck


PUREBRIO SuXlollt e*e lambs and bucks. LUUe Jeaklni. Ueybum.

^Phon» 0187-R3..__________________

YOUNG u-ork horse* 4nd mtrti. AIM bean cultivator.- >■* louth South park. Carl Woollfy.

POn SALE: 200 head ranch »heep with lamb* and W head feeder lamb*. Mn. Henry Stelnmetz. Zden, Idaho.

DCTRA fine pair Bel;lan horses. 3. 4 years old. WeU broke, auar- anleed. l South, 3U weti Klmbcr- Ij'. Molj-neux._____________ .



HIQIICST CAili prlCM piild for poul­try. Independent Mcut Company Phone 163.


D I R E C T O R YAbsiraeia

Adding Machines

Ca»h rejlsterj. adding mathine* and iype*mten repaired. Supplies- <il Main E. Phone US*J.

/Ipph’ancc Repairlnff

ffai/ia and flfasaaffcsThe 8U*W«11. 831 MttJn W. PU m

Bicycle Sales and Service


.WANTED: Se>-era3 Palomino saddit honej. stallions. BcldlnB.% 01 marej. 15 lo 10 liand»—1.050 ti: IJiO pound.i—3 to 8 years old Must be irnlned, uund and true • wlUiout blcmUh. (tood eonfomu Hon and solden color with white manej and latla. Write lull par- Uculan and prleo Co Box 3f Tlmes-New.


ORDEH yours (oday. Be.it .•'election, low prlff.i. A-ik n l»u l our fifty day Donfl. Oumble Stores. Phone 056J.

BABY thlcka available cnch Wed- neiday. Swift and Company. Phone 165. Tft'la Fall*.

TRIPLE-DRED \Vhlt45 LeRhoms and Ilampihlrcs from Sales and Bourkt Hntcherj-. Booklnn nowl Globe Seed and Peed Company.


SELECTED 4-A cradc baby chicks avaUabla Immediately at Se.irs* .Roebuck Company. T*'ln Pallj, Phone 1C<0,

TURKEY P011II.V broad-brriLstcd type, Booklnc now for April do- liven’. Globe Sei-d and Feed Com­pany.

AUSTRA-WHITES. New Iliimp- .%lilrc.i. 300-rKf: It. O. P. :.lri'd ' horns. Rock.1 e-icli ttc< k Mii: Pebrua^' 8U1. Hiiye.'. Hiilctir

YOOR dog will do nctl on Bugler Dob Pood Menl. made ri;;tit here In Twin PftlU by Globe Seed and Feed CompaJiy.


Insect Externiinaior

Bed Bug fumlEaUoii. T. P. Floral Co,

Floor Sanding

Pred Pfclfle. 733 Locust. Ph. IBOfl .

Sander—Edge: rent By hr. Gimblei.


For Plro nnil Casually Insurance, Surely nnd FliJelliy Doiids, see Swim Investment Co„ Bausb Bid;.

Key Shop

Mimeographingr. p. Btuloeu University. Phaiic 2U,

Money to Loan

SALARY LOANS Btrlcily conflclcniui

t t lo $50 to employnl pro|):e or your own r.licnaturc

CASH CREDIT C0M1>A-SY Room 3, Burkholder u:d;;. I'li. 7

Oatcopalhic Phumian

Dr. O. W Rose MO .M N Tli S37.W

Plumbing and Heating

Abbou Plumbloj Co. Pii. Ci-W,

Taxicab Service



Gem Trailer Company- Phone 439.


Sale*, rentals and service. Ph. 60.



IP YOU have 6ct them out cla.'. lflcd ailt.

STOVE repairs, order them Sitetll PomltuT* Biore. Phone1333.

JUST received! Shli>.mrnt of U. rock wool. Call 16<0 fur cw.Li of Irv^ulatlnK your lionie wiUi cst Insulation on the mnrltet. 33 pound bnK, $1.13. Senr*-1 Company.

PAIR of nriv blnoculnr:—elKht ]x)-*'cr. Four lic» .23 rlfli-.i .shells. Hcd'.N TRicllfiK Po-M.

GOOD CLV-.orjiient of rubber bell­ing, A1.'0 Kcxxl lelccUon of end- le j belt , ocurj.Riwbuck Co, Twm Pftlls. Phone IMO.

IRfNO 111 thii broken window be- foiT! Uicrc b a shortage of kIrs.v No charsc for telllns- Phono 5, Moon's,

1W5 of electric lljht bulbs. Also ec wny. citnr or colored.

Puli line of luggage and dUlie: FIRESTONE DEALER •

Comer JJoln and Shoahone



JERSEY and Gui StUoQ. BrowVs Filer avenue, E Piione 13G3-M,

JTV mill:. 35c ly.iUry Uivnch, IK coiilainers.

NCTTED Grni l«>' cwt. Brins *■"!> 3 blocks ea.'.t, Wa.Miington .'cli

SPUDS-J5 poiiiirf-, -lie: S1.25 liuii- dredwetsht. Jl-.SO bu.-JielDelivered, Hulold!. Market, Ht Washlnglon. Phone 838-J.


PEW jUcks of '0Write or phone N. W, Arrlnaloii. Phone 0390-R3. T^:!! Falls.

CLASSIFIED nd> ar« raUonod. and thrrr tlei on the result.'.:

SMALL movable hoii'e rfnd other btiUdlnss. Edwm Ui>inmun. Phone 0389JI. Mary Alice Park.

WASltlNG macWin':. electric luo- lOT, coal ranses. vacuum clean­ers. Western Auto.

WAlflBD: Wood or wire nangen. la eood cos)diuon. IHc each. TroyOf National plant.___________

WILL buy rnanMre. $100 loRd. w,.. Kay. I east. >4 south east end Main.

IRON, all kind.'* tnclals, cotlon rags, coltoo matlftises- Idaho Junk House.

CASn paid lot used tumlvurt, atoitj u d circulating Heaters- Moonl. Phones.


M BUSHELS ot-CederaUon wheat. 3 ^ east Washington school. How. ard Johnson.


Ka.,,.; 3___ _tT w rsi ar?'arel »J fc-v:-. iir-

rrr-, .\j atsr tm e i CC c^.--=-4 Ck? -.= »c- q a * ? . A ; ^ S 3 U. TSsr>-Xr«

^ .B U S IX E S S O P rO R T l N IH E S ' _______________> ,_____ _____ _— i ^«««. runiaee. ataker.

xni.tss»> a i l nanh pa.t. Good Jocauon. »1.000 ------- -- «»a:>»»anan<ile. Good terras. Rob-

j SETGi » « a t«ae. cJcae la. aod- ! rm rszt^ heat. s atP dorn

lEtT.t. 4:» r_'Uj A m i« east.

y jc tia iir .'Ct r . .'eraat- bcrts la d Htoaa.

X)R PRODUCTION FEEDBugler Laying Mash____ tSAOcwiBugler Baby Chick M ajh_M «cwUBugler Orowlng Ma&h-- »3.15cwt.B>i8ieT Chick Scraich-__$a.75cwl. Bugler 43% hoc supplement $425 cwu Bugler CaU Meal, 35 lbii._ |li5 Bugler *yrup dairy

t»Uon ............. ...............$325 cwt.Banner All-Purpose

MWet»U _____________ HiOcwt.GLOQCSES) & FEED CO.

WE PAY CASH for your car




P1CKUPS-W« pai- Jilthejt cash prices In W»-n. CHANEY MOTOR CO,-PlJ. 1818



COAl. iind oil lieiiier.v fumnccs. • 0 (x*l Ji.'.sortmcnt of Mrr.i iind lypej

ntw and used. Robert Lee Sales.

Dt:aK, la.Tip. bed, chest. Westing. hoiL'c raiiKc. rug nnd pad. daveno. tv;a tvihs. cottee tnblB, Call WiOW niter six o’clock.


RECOIlDINO baritone and French horn. Wonderful bargains. Adi .Mwic Siore.

RESPONSIBLE person ,wlU store pi;;iin for use thereof. Phono IHIJSW,





JOE IVIE, PlalnUff,


greetings to DELPHENE IVIE, thi above named defendant.

You are hereby ’notified that 1. complaint ha-t been filed against you In the District Court of the Elrventli Judicial District of Uie Stale ol Idaho, In and lor Twin Falla county fa>' the above named plaintiff, and you are hereby noU- flrd to appear and plead to the said complaint within twenty days of the eerx'lce of this lumraons; and

ire further noUfled that unln* so Bp5)car and plead lo «ild

complaint within the time herein specified. Uie plaintiff will lAke Judgment against you a* prmyed. In Mid complaint. This Is an action to Secure a Decree of Divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty.

Witness my hand and the seal of « said District Court, this J5th

day of January*. 1943.PAUL H. GORDON,

iseal) Clerk.RAYBORN M RAYBORJt,Attorneys for Plaintiffne.ildlii« at Twin PalU. Idaho 1Pub; Jan. 25. Ptb. 8. 15, 33. IM S'



ty of Twin Falls, Slate ot Iclnlio,In ttie mailer of the estate of Ed<

ward U WonacoU. dtccnied, Pltrsuont to an order of said court

made on the Cth day of February 1043. notice la hereby glvtii tlmt Friday, tlio lOlh day of February, 1D43. at 10 o'clock n- m, of Mild diiy at U>e court room of i.ald court, at the court, house Ui tlic clly 0! T'Jiin Falfl, county of Twin Fallj, Idaho, haa been appointed as tluMI:nP iinil place for proving Uie will of ,lld Edward A. Wonncolt, drciMM'd, for hearlnc the aiiiillcatlon of Addle A. Wonacott, for Hip li-Miancc lo her of letters tc.'.tamenlar>’. when anil where any person Intetcr.tcd mny ap­pear and conte.-,t the srvme.

Dated FVbruoiy C. 1513.(Seal) • C. A. HAILEY.Probate Judge nnd Ex-OIficIo Clerk.

Publish: Feb. 0. is, la. 1D43,


CaUiollc Women s lrr.Kuc members met at the home of .Mr. Paul Rudy, Mra. FianK Thus >iu\ a:o>istai\t hos­tess. Plntii were m;ulc lor a dinner to be ser-ved iiiembi-r.i of Uic Junior choir at Uie home of Mr.i, Wilson Churchman lonicht,-.Mr:., 8. L. Thorpe will be icsl.Mam lio.Mcsa. A card parly will be held at the parish house Feb. 32. .Mmiln.i iiL.o ore planning a St, P-ilii.K. diiy dance.

Lotih tftrolent • Ilm

. H;i.-.• IH. :• hl'l

n pa

lU- Hiformed liiat. lu'i' ;un K ivull. lie is in the U. S. Ii;ival force-;,,. He tele- plmncd 111;, molhrr.

Clrclr I of ilii- I’rrr.bylorlan Wo­mens a-.-.ooi.-ition iiirt at the Home 0? Mrs. J. T, titellt;.'.sr., \Mlll flKlil,In a I-. Manbcr;, pl;iilli I for

cool:ed food sale lo be htld.ln doft ntown Jerome Feb, 13. The next meeting will be ihe Kcneral ;.p.s.Mon of the S'Trrbvseil:>ii Womnib 6r.- soclatlon Feb. 18 at tli churcli. Cir­cle I \Mll be liuMc.vi i;riHi|).

Menilier:. of tlu' 1*. K- O- Sl.stcrliood nicl at the- home of .Mrs, A. U- Mc­Mahon. .Mr-v Stella, Moore had charge of the prOh'r.iin. Refre;.h-

rvccl.Tuesday Contsact club mtmbers

Infd ..the IMrs. GciirKf Gllle.'iilf. GutM.s were Mrs, P. II. Bcierldcc nnd .Mr.i. A. t . Gould. PrUM were nwajdttl Mrs. Slella Moore and Mrs. A. D. Mc­Mahon. Di-;;.i-ri W.XS .MTved.

cnlbt•r. of the Oamiiia Rho to- ciety met at the home of Miss Joyce McMahnii. A brief bu.s1ne.ss te;.Mon

coiulucu-d mill the Kroup later atlciided the high sdiool boxing matchfi. Ml.s.s .MrMalion was hos-

to lier Kur;.l--. al a chill /.up-

annunl p;vrty arranged by rmbers of thr I’liineer Bridge club honor ihelr liu.'.b.iinls Kms held al

Uie home of .Mr.v Gilbert White. Sunocr wa-s .served. On the orranse- nient-s comnUitce ivere Mr;:, White. Mrs. A. f l GouUt and Mrs. QeorRC Gillespie, PrtiM for cards went to Msr. Gould. Paul .11.. Koitj.ke, Mrs, E. M. Clwrchnuii.and George Oil. lesple.



1 Hong. duUKliler 0! Au.Min Uanclolpli. u St. Luke’.s ho..j)lt;il.

J . T. "Sliadov.” Jone.s, ;.ca:nim f.n (Hid cli.--’ . Is «i>ciidlng u nlni--di le ivc at the home of tiU p;ireii! .Mr^niid .Mrs. Joe L. Jonci. Joii iii!!,..;n1 in Ihe naiy Oct. 13, 1S«. He h r.uiloned al Camp Farra;;ul. ttlK-ie he is in Ulc StOCfkeepcra'sch.Nil,

Mr, and Mrs. Rtx PaSi\ler are ptn- eni-s of twins, mu and daughter, bom at til# Goodlnj htopllal, TJic bable\ have been nanird Jay Rex juid Candice Anne.' A ;oii was born to Lieut, Murlnn rtiiiii:ler nnd .Mn. Klmcler iit ihf Goodlin; luir.pllnl Jiui. ?J, Thr fir; I t;n.mlrlilld of Jiidje nnd .Mn. Dor.nii ........................ baby li

I Doran Rlrhn . MlKlliinlrr l.s wltJi dll' mi'dlciil eor|; now Min'lng in Alrlca.

Hirih' rciwted ut ihe lia-.pltnl In elude: Mr. -Mill Mr.v Chnrlk- Adum; OixxUiiK. " K'rl; Mr. untl ^Sr^. Henry C.u- li. a boy; .Mr. nnd Mrs. Mun'lii W.'bb, Olenns Ferry, a lilrl, and Mr. nnd .Mr.v Doirfild Snniiy. Shoshone, a iKiy. Feb. 1.

Members of Uie Chrl'tlnn church enjoyed a broUicrliood dinner at ihe church. Rev, A. C, Hartley, assisted by C, F. Sanderson. Milton Roberts and Mrs. Hartley, led a panel dls- cu.s.sion In the Interuis of world re­lief.

I, C. Darker has left for Salt Lake CUy to visit briefly with hla son. -Mr. Bnfkcr will ihen go to Ocean- Mdr. Call!.. Where he win make his home wiih a broihtr.

Mi.ss fVano Drlgjj. student at the University of Idaho, southern brimch, vfslled between semesteri at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Burton Drlggs.

■■ - . tiu .h his

parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Clyde Hawks..Mnelj finunders. high school conch,

nnd KclUi Waite. In.siructor in Ihe Junior hiRh rcIiooI. attended the liliy.sleal education iii.structors and .school fuperlntentlcntj meeting In Twin Falb.

EpUropat Guild member# spent the ufternoon Eeivmg on basaar ar- ilclr.s at Uie rcgulnr meetUiB at Uie home of Mrs. Clint Oakley. Mrs. Leon Wcek.1. president, pre.slded.

Byron Nelson, Jr., nnd Keith Tester have left for Pocaiello. where they will enroll as studrnL.! in Uie imlversliy. Nelson will rcKlslcr In pre-mctllM and Tejler will regbter in chemical engineering In Uie navy V-1 program.


. Murine Gunner Roberl ReynoWs and wile who fpcnt n iihnrt lur- louch here wiUi lih parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Reynolds, have re­turned to San Dlrco. Where he Is siationril. He !;pcnl 18 monUia Midway.

Mr, mid Mr.v Tom Boatright and fnmllv nave gene lo Uinh, where he will be employed ot Hill field, l l ir lr dsughter. Mrs. Ward Volker*, a:id two clillilreii vLilted them, turning lo ihclr home at Buhl.

.Mrs. Ed Stiftfcr, who before her marrlnKc recrnily was Ml.w Uiurlne Redford, vl-.lied hrr parrnln. Mr. and Mrs. H, H. Rtrtford, retumlnB lo American Fall^ where r-he la a Itachtr,

Dr. D. P. .Sliivln. a surgical palicnt al Uuprrt KenernI liMplial. has been released nnd taken home,

Milton Hyde Is ^c^•ing on the fed­eral ghnil Jury In Bol.'ic-

Mr. nntl Mrs. .V. W. Abel ccle- brtiU-d tlu'lr t'Qth aeddtng attnlver- snn’ at Ihelr liome with their fions- In-lnw and ilaiiKlilrrs, .Mr. and Mrs. Wlnfr-n Wnlkrr anil .Mr. and Mr.'., llnino Albert, ns guest.'. On Mr. AbelVi 7,'.tll birlhilny, his wife enter- laliie<1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Wrrn Cox nnd Mr. nnd -Mrs, E. .Cnmbi as dinner. Mr.jind Mr:.. Abel rnmc to Uie Mln- l[li)l:a projrct In 1516.

Mr;;, Starr Whillry nnd Infant daughter have Jolnnl Mr. Whitley It Louisville, Ky„ shere he I.1 In ifflcerr.' Irnlning at Fort Knox,’ .Ml;.s FJleen Cochrane, teacher In

Twin Palls schools, »lsll«l her als. wr. Mr?. Mars&sttw sttphtnson.

Sales at the Rupert victory «tor« for the week ending Jan. 30 wero Si2a2, Receipts for the week brought enough to Uie Minidoka and lleybum bond' funds to purchASO a bond for eacli village. The Rupert bond fund ha.'* Ho dale provided eight bonds for Uie city and the Paul fund has provided Uirte for that town,

Mr. and Mn, Tttm Nall. Kimber­ly. wrro vbltors'at Uie Eierelt Jack home.

HAILEYMrs. Helen Seymour entertained

hrr bridge club. Mrs. Clara Kill*- millers birthday »%s obsen'ed wllh a birthday glfl. Mra. KItlimlller nL'.o received the high score pVUe. Mr,’ , Leah received Ihe second prire nnd Mr.v Helen Dehlln the travel­ing pri?.e.

•Die Udlex' guild of Ihe E lL-ico- p,il church held ibi regular meeUng al the Sur cnfc. Tlie next meeUng wlH be held al Uie home of Mra. Victoria McMonlgle In two weeks.

Twelve Juniors of the Hailey high school enjoyed a slelEh ride party and-a chill feed at Uie home ot MLs.s Cecelia Thompson, three miles noriii ot HaUty. The parllclpatils played Ramts by Iht Ujht from & huge fireplace in Ihe Tliompson living room.

"fMn Nlgbl* wu held by the MIA at Hailey. Community singles wu conducted wlUi Mrs. Walter Scott at Uie piano. A reading was given by Avon Deckard. Refresh­ments were Knrd and the re­mainder cf the evening was spent In playing games.

Deborah Rebckoh lodge Ka 3 held' a aoclil evening. Serving were Mrs. E. O. FosUr. Mra- Raymond Walk­er, Mr*. E.-H. Sowern, Mr?. Georso Slates and Mra. George McCoy. The evening was spent playing SOa The high score for the men was mad# by E G. Foster, wllh George Slates second. Mrs. Prank Oelakey won high prlre for Uie ladles with Mrs. C. E. McGraw second.

Tlw tecond e! a »trt« of parties being given by Clrlc club women to raise fund-t took place at the home of Mrs. L. A. Dremolskl. Mr*. Drem- olskl. Mrs. Ed Andrews and Mra. P. A. Grossenback were hostesses, the party featured a desseft lunch­eon and fUe table* of bridge we» In play. Mrs. Paul Jones received Uie prise for high score and M n. L- E. Outza the second.


The Elmwood Social club will meet Feb. 10 with .Mrs. Clara Slat- ter lo do Red Cross sewing. A no- hwt luncheon will be ier>ed,

MI.SS Marilla Digley Is vacailonlng at Ban FrancLsco.

Leslie LeRoy Blatter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Slater has enrolled in Uie na\7 and Is stationed at Caoip Parra gut.

Paul Baker, wlio has been staUon- ed at Iowa City lor Uiree months, Is vlslUng his parents. Mr. and Mr«. Milton Baker. He will leave for Col* Ifomlft for further tralnlng-

Byron Wright, who has a position wllh the SUndard Oil company ot Pocatello, ho-1 been home for sev­eral days sufferlni from pn Infecled hand which resulted from a bum by n torch.

Mr. and Mrs. Ilay Lincoln anti small son. who have been vLsliint; his parents. .Mr, and Mr*. Will Lin­coln. have left for Boise.

Flier Masonic lodge will meet TuPsilay evening for degree work.

Fifteen women »liended the Red Cros.1 RucRlciU dttiilns clarji at the reiilrnl grnde school and completed 3 » drc.vslngs, .Mrs. Grant Padgel. Tuln Fnlli, was n gucsi. Thb cla-v ,•111 meet Tuc.sd.iy afirmoon, from

7:30 lo 0:35 p, m. Tliursday and t>ldny afternoon.

,Mr.s. E.irl S. La Hue. who had tt blrUiday anniversary, was sur­prised wllh a luncheon at her home given by Mrs. G, C. DavLi. Mrs. R. K, Dillingham and Mrs. O. J. Childs.


nmi S g . g i i

Bills Introduced

IN THE SENATE SB 100 by ;.tuie nffnlrs committee

—Authorlilns ihe governor 10 ap­point a three man comml&sloo to sludy the waters of the Bear river wlUi auUiorllles from Wyoming and Uuh.

SB 07 by sUte affalft committee -Amending laws relating lo Uie *c- qutslUon by the United State* of property In Idaho.

SB 1)8 by banks and banking com- mlllee-Amendlng laws to provide for esUblLshment of branch banks in Incorporated villages where no banking facllllles now exist.

NoUilng of Uie character of Uie wner (s revealed by a weak chin r a sUons Jaw.

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Pape Ten TIMES-xMEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Monday. FebruAry 8, 1948 .

HERE'S W HATA dan u Music Co.

The Album


C. C . Anderson Co.The AmalRamalcd Sugar Comfiany

Bean Growers Warehouse Associalion

Bertha Campbell’s Store

Bla-siuK Cyclery D r. \Vallace Bond

* The Bowladrome

Claude Brown Music & F um ilure Co. Miles J . Browning, Inc.

C ity Fuel Co.Clos Book Store

Continental Oil Co.

Dctweilcr Bros., Inc.Diamond Hardware Co.

Dumn-s-Warner.Music Store-

Falks. ScliinK ARcntH for Sears Uocbuck

Farmers Auto Inlcr-In-surance ExchanRC F idelity National Bank

First Federal Savings & Loan Assuciatiun Ford Transfer


Globe Seed & Feed Co.

Va*l Henderson’s Idaho Barber and Beauty Shop

Home Lum ber & Coal Co. Hoo.sier'I'urniture Co.

Howard Tractor Co. • Iludson-Clark Shoe Store

M N DO FOR V i m y IN

B U Y b o n d ;Yes sir! And yes ma’am! I t ’s as simple as that— just buy bonds— but do it with a vengeance to

bring home those boys fronvGuadaicanal, Africa, England, Greenland, Australia, India . all

those far-away places where American fighting men are storming the forts of fascism and'dic­

tatorship. Buy ’em as if you were throwing slug's into a Jap pill-box with a steaming, red-hot,

shoulder-shaking machine gun. Make up your ni ind right nwv your bonds do help to win the war!

We’ve talketl about ten per tent— let’s top that this month and every month. Let's repair the

Cruiser Boise and a couple of sister ships besides! Let’s not be content with one bond, let’s strive

for two! And when it comes to that— who are you helping anyway? Sure—you’re helping that

fighting man in some steaming jungle or wind-swept desert—but remember, too, you’re helping

yourself to the sweetest investment that was ever offered by

your Uncle Sam. You’re helping yourself, that’s who! Now—

get in there and pitch for Victory in 1943 with every penny you

can spare! Don’t wait! Invest pennies, d im es, quarters and

dollars in War Stamps and Bonds now—the investment every

dictator-ridden Jap and German would like to be able to buy!

Support These Bond Events

in Twin FallsMID.Vlatrr PREVIEW-Sponjorpd by Lloni Club for rcpnlr of CniUt’r Buy a bond— Uike 11 lo Ihe spfclal booUi In Uic Orphcvim

UK'nicr nnd rrcelvc ii tided for & bis mldnlic prtrlew Saturtl»y, F<1). 13,

BIO BO.ND.DA.*<OE-£pon50red by Joc*J civic club.s' and fenturlnj music by the Gown flfW

irillltaiy dance band. A unlqu* event to capture your lotircsl *nd pul ImporUnt InvMtmcntj m yeur hands. Feb. 12.

Idaho Department Store

Idaho E rr I’roducerK Co-op A-ssociation Idaho Hide & Tallow Co.

Idaho Packing Co.Idaho I’owcr Co.

Intermountain Seed & Fticl Co.

Glen G. Jenkins, Chevrolet Jerome Co-op Creamery

Kinney’s \Vhole.sjile Co.

.M. H. K ing Co.KrcnRel’H Hardware

Kugler's Jcweler.s

^ • '

L. I,. Lnngdon Co.Ur. J . E . I-nngcnwaitcr

Mngcl Auto Co..Magic Valley Processing Company

Matson Beauty Salon The fllnyfair Shop

McVey’s Implement & Hardware

Stunrt Morrison Tire Shop

Mountain Stales Implement Company

Nalionnl Laundry & Dry Cleaners C. R . Nelson, Inc.J . J . Newberry Co.

Orange Transportation Co.. Inc.The Orpheum and Idaho Theaters

Ostrander Lumber Co.

Pacific D iamond-II Bag Company \

' The ParK) C<v (Parisian Laundcrcr.H & Dry Cleaners

The Park Hotel

• .R . & G. Jewelers

Reed’s Riteway Store Richardson’s Cleaners & Dyers

RowIea-.Mack Co.

. •

Safeway Storw , Inc. Sav-M orDrug Sawtooth Co-

Dr. Geo. I*. Scholer, Optometrist

• Self .Manufacturing Co.Shcnvcod Typewriter Exchange

Soden *Elcctric Co.

Shell Oil Co., R . J . Holmes Sterling Jewelry Co.

Sumner Sand & Gravel Co.Berl A.-Sweet & Son, Furniture

Geo. N . Taylor. Naturopath

Timcs-Newa Trinidad Bean & Elevator Co.

Twin Falls Bank & Trust Company

Twin Falls Mortuary Twin Falla Motor Co.

Twin Falls Motor Transit Co.

Union Motor Co.

Van Engelens The Vogue

, •

W arberg Bros. Coal & Trans. Co.

W h ite Mortuary