· Web viewthugs overran their town. Many more fled to Syria while Yazdi women were kidnapped. This was a necessary rescue operation, but hardly …

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Page 1:  · Web viewthugs overran their town. Many more fled to Syria while Yazdi women were kidnapped. This was a necessary rescue operation, but hardly …

Date 12/22/14


HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines





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Hamas conducts rocket tests in Gaza, drawing the attention of the Israeli military

IDF denies Syrian report that Israeli drone was downed

Livni at Western Wall: This 'holy place will remain under Israeli sovereignty forever.'

Ya'alon: If Herzog and Livni will lead Israel, Hamastan will be established in Judea and Samaria

Jordan: Palestinian U.N. measure on Israeli withdrawal 'will take time'

2014 - a year of setbacks for US-led peace process

Kerry prepares for new Middle East peace push at end of tumultuous year

Netanyahu: Israel is under attack on two fronts at once

Bethlehem's Tourism Industry Suffers in Wake of Bloody Gaza War

Egyptian 'spy' charged for allegedly passing Israel intel on Iranian warships' movements

US-led forces launch 13 air strikes in Iraq, three in Syria

20 jihadists killed in failed east Syria airport attack

Nigeria's Boko Haram extremists pose regional threat with cross-border attacks and recruitment

Iran hails US-Cuba thaw as proof sanctions do not work

North Korea: 1.2 Million Troops, Nukes and a 3,000-Strong Cyber-Elite

North Korea denies Sony hack but warns U.S.: Worse is coming

New York gunman told public 'watch what I'm going to do'

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Killings of 2 New York officers trigger backlash

President, mayor criticized for 'antipolice' rhetoric

FAA drone approvals bedeviled by warnings, conflict, internal e-mails show

Wearables May One Day Live Inside, Not Outside, the Human Body

5.8 magnitude earthquake hits near Pacific-Antarctic Ridge

5.0 magnitude earthquake hits near Agrihan, Northern Mariana Islands

Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,000ft

Attkisson: CDC Hiding Numbers of Possible Ebola Cases in US

Satanic Temple, Christian state senator mount dueling displays outside Michigan Capitol



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IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...  Gaza ripe for new explosion, analysts warn ISIS sneaks behind US-backed Kurdish

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victories in Iraq to retake Baiji refinery city North Korea: 1.2 Million Troops, Nukes -- and

a 3,000-Strong Cyber-Elite Nearing Midnight: A New Low in Cowardly

Capitulation to Muslims Terrorists It's WAR On The Streets Of America The Daily Jot: A time for honest dialogue and

truth Daily Devotion: God's Gift to Us Featured Article: A Hook in the Jaw... 

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 Gaza ripe for new explosion, analysts warn - Adel Zaanoun - http://news.yahoo.com/gaza-ripe-explosion-analysts-warn-005632269.html  Barely four months after a bloody conflict battered Gaza, experts warn that a new war could be in the offing if reconstruction is not accelerated and Palestinian divisions remain. Since the end of the deadly 50-day war between Israel and Hamas, which killed nearly 2,200 Palestinians and 73 in Israel, little has changed on the ground in Gaza. Swathes of the territory lie in ruins and tens of thousands of people remain homeless.  With reconstruction still conspicuous by its absence and talks to bolster the August truce repeatedly postponed, frustration is growing in Gaza -- and with it the danger of a new outbreak of violence. This weekend, for the first time since the war ended on August 26, Israeli warplanes struck southern Gaza after militants fired a rocket over the border, the third time this has happened in four months. Although nobody was hurt on either side, the exchange of fire raised concerns that the fragile truce could deteriorate rapidly. Last week, as Hamas militants paraded through Gaza with rocket launchers and missiles in a show of force to mark the 27th anniversary of the Islamist group's founding, they were quick to warn that the situation was unsustainable. "If there is no reconstruction of what Israel destroyed, we warn you that there will be an explosion," warned the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing.  "If our demands are ignored, there will be consequences for the enemy, its people and its leaders."  - Slipping towards war - The glacial pace of reconstruction is the most immediate concern for Gaza, where UN figures show more than 96,000 homes were damaged or destroyed in the war, leaving 100,000 people homeless.  Over the past eight years, Gaza has been subjected to an Israeli

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blockade which has effectively barred the entry of most construction materials on grounds that militants could use them for other purposes. After the war, the UN brokered a mechanism which would allow such goods in while ensuring they do not fall into the wrong hands. Palestinian officials say Israel has effectively blocked reconstruction by limiting supplies entering Gaza, but diplomatic sources say the UN-brokered mechanism has taken longer than expected to get up and running. The process has also been slowed by infighting between Hamas and Fatah, its West Bank-based rival which dominates the Palestinian Authority and has been tasked with managing reconstruction. "The circumstances are as they were before the war," Israeli commentator Avi Issacharoff said. "If the blockade continues, the borders remain closed and building is slow in the next six months, Hamas will move towards escalation, and depending on Israel's response, it could turn into a new war." Gaza-based analyst Walid al-Mudallal agreed that Hamas was under increasing pressure.  "If it remains frozen in terms of reconstruction, war will be the only option. Hamas will have no choice," he said. Figures cited by international aid charity Oxfam indicate 287 truckloads -- each carrying around 40 tonnes of essential building materials -- entered Gaza in November.  But officials say that if Gaza is to be rebuilt within three years, it would need to be receiving at least 7,000 tonnes -- or 175 truckloads -- every day. "The options are few and very difficult, ranging from bad to worse. As Israel slows the entry of building materials, Egypt closes the (Rafah) border and reconciliation fails to be implemented," Mudallal said. - 'At boiling point' - Reconstruction aside, analysts say the conditions which led to the deadly summer conflict are largely still in place. "Gaza, almost four months after the war, remains a pressure cooker at

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boiling point," wrote Amos Harel in Israel's Haaretz newspaper, saying the situation was similar to before the fighting that began on July 8. Before the war, Hamas -- already struggling under the Israeli blockade -- found itself under increasing pressure from Egypt which dealt Gaza a harsh blow by destroying a network of cross-border smuggling tunnels and closing the Rafah crossing, triggering a major financial crisis.  In a bid to ease the pressure, Hamas signed a unity agreement with Fatah in the hope that the Palestinian Authority would facilitate payment of its Gaza employees. But the deal has never been properly implemented, and tensions between the two has only festered.  "The likelihood of war is there," said Naji Sharab, a politics professor at Al-Azhar University.  "Hamas's popularity will wane if the building freeze continues and if the financial issues aren't solved, and this will happen the longer reconciliation stagnates," he said. With the Palestinian Authority slated to play a key role in reconstruction and monitoring the crossings with Israel and Egypt, overcoming internal divisions is crucial. "If the political and internal situation continues like this and Hamas does not find a way out, then it might decide it has no other option" than war, Sharab said. 

ISIS sneaks behind US-backed Kurdish victories in Iraq to retake Baiji refinery city- http://www.debka.com/article/24307/ISIS-sneaks-behind-US-backed-Kurdish-victories-in-Iraq-to-retake-Baiji-refinery-city    American, Kurdish and Iraqi officials have hailed as a "major victory" the release of thousands of distressed members of the Yazdi community, trapped for four months on on Mt. Sinjar in northern Iraq, since Islamic State thugs overran their town. Many more fled to Syria while Yazdi

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women were kidnapped. This was a necessary rescue operation, but hardly a major victory, say debkafile's military experts. ISIS continues to maintain its grip on vast stretches of Iraq and Syria, defying the efforts of sparse US and coalition air strikes to dislodge them - beyond minor tactical withdrawals. The town of Sinjar is not mentioned in the US and Kurdish releases, because large sections are still in jihadi hands. Even less is heard about the situation on the northern Iraqi-Syrian border, where Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has achieved almost total supremacy.  But the most telling omission by the US-led allies is the fact that, while they focused on Mt. Sinjar, ISIS forces restored their siege of Baiji, Iraq's main oil refinery center, after pushing Iraqi troops out. This happened after a majority of the local Sunni tribes who fought alongside the Iraqi army up until November, switched sides. The tribal chiefs complained that the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who was installed in Baghdad with Washington's support last year, as a figure able to unite the country's Sunni and Shiite communities for the war on ISIS, reneged on his promise of pay checks and weapons for the tribesmen who threw in their lot with the national army.  Instead, he is accused of aggravating disunity in the armed forces by firing Sunni officers and replacing them with officers loyal to Iraq's pro-Iranian Shiite militias, who take their orders from Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps commanders. debkafile's military and counter-terrorism sources describe the current military state of play in Iraq as bizarre, fought on three more or less disconnected levels: 1.  In the north, a mixed Iraqi-Kurdish force, accompanied by US military advisers, is poised to attack the key town of Tal Afar, which lies 50 km west of Mosul. Friday, Dec. 21, they took the town's Iraqi military base that fell to ISIS in June. But, like in Sinjar, the assault force has not yet occupiedy the town. 

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 This Tel Afar operation was a compromise in the disagreement the Iraqis and Kurds had with Washington. They asserted they were fully capable of recapturing Mosul from the Islamists, while the US military advisers disagreed and warned that this offensive was doomed to failure.  2.   While Iraqi and Kurdish peshmerga forces are concentrating their assaults on areas where ISIS forces are thin on the ground (like Mt. Sinjar), the jihadis are throwing strength into capturing and controlling the Iraqi and Syrian oil industries (like Baiji). They are by now accruing revenues running into $2 to 2.5 billion, despite falling crude prices. In fact they are dumping the looted oil for $25-30 per barrel, well below the world market prices.  3.  Washington is sparing too little attention for the ISIS outgrowths mushrooming outside Iraq and Israel - especially in Libya, Egypt and Egyptian Sinai.  

North Korea: 1.2 Million Troops, Nukes -- and a 3,000-Strong Cyber-Elite - Sam Kim - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-21/north-korea-hacking-shows-kim-jong-un-s-global-reach.html   North Korea's alleged ability to hack into Sony Pictures Entertainment is extending Kim Jong Un's reach far beyond the range of his missiles.  While North Korea has kept Western defense officials guessing for years about a nuclear program that it may or may not ever use, the regime's ability to wage cyber war adds a new dimension to its standing abroad. "There is this image that North Korea never carries through on its threats," said Bruce Klingner, senior research fellow on Northeast Asia at the Heritage Foundation in Washington and former deputy division chief for Korea at the Central Intelligence Agency. "But it sometimes does carry through. You can't always dismiss North Korea threats as simply being words."  The Kim family is often mocked in European and U.S. media for its style of totalitarian rule and bursts of anti-Western invective. And yet, poking

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fun at the regime's eccentricity ignores North Korea's technological prowess in areas where it chooses to pour resources. South Korea has already accused the North of numerous attacks over the past five years, and now Pyongyang may be showing its global reach.  In June, North Korea promised to "mercilessly destroy'' anyone associated with "The Interview," a Sony Pictures action-comedy movie about a plot to assassinate Kim. Six months later, Sony Pictures pulled the movie from release after hackers invaded its computer systems. Greater Skills  "Fears of North Korea's hacking skills and also its general offensive capabilities have risen," said Kim Jin Moo, a North Korea researcher at South Korea's state-run Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul. "The perception that North Korea is a terrible threat has gotten stronger."  North Korean cyberintimidation is no surprise to South Korea. The country says North Korea has carried out six major cyber attacks on its institutions since 2009, costing the country $780 million. It includes an attack on one of South Korea's largest banks, Nonghyup, that left about 30 million account holders unable to withdraw money for days in 2011.  In response, the government plans to more than double the size of its cyber-defense unit to about 1,000 by 2030, while the science ministry warned in January that North Korea has been stepping up efforts to steal information from computers by using hacking emails.  Pentagon Threat  North Korea yesterday warned of damage "thousands of times" greater if the Obama administration punished the country over the Sony hack, saying its targets would include the White House and Pentagon. The country's National Defense Commission also maintained its denial of involvement in the Sony attack. Obama told CNN over the weekend that he was considering putting the North back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism, from which it was removed in 2008.  "We cannot have a society in which some dictator in some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States," Obama told reporters in Washington on Dec. 19.  North Korea has for decades tried to make up for its deteriorating

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conventional war-fighting forces by developing nuclear bombs, ballistic missiles and long-range artillery. In recent years, it has added elite hackers to its list of asymmetric weapons as Kim charts a new era under his leadership.  Hacking Sony was something that North Korea would have felt had to be done because the movie involved its "supreme dignity," the defense institute's Kim said.  Elite Hackers  Even though North Korea ranks among the lowest in Internet infrastructure, it operates an elite unit of 3,000 cyber experts in addition to an army of 1.2 million troops and a nuclear arms program, South Korea's then-Defense Minister Kim Kwan Jin said at a conference last year. Most members are recruited from top schools such as Kim Il Sung University, and they take turns as attackers and defenders in teams to cope with their country's isolation, Kim Heung Kwang, a North Korean defector who taught at Hamheung Computer College, said by phone. He said he received information from his former students who are now in the "121" unit.  "They are put into posh apartments in Pyongyang and live in groups, commuting by bus and allowed to meet with families and friends on weekends," said Kim, who now heads activist group North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity in Seoul. "North Korea is poor, but it funnels resources into what a dictator thinks it needs. The country gets the best computers and people it can get to enhance its cyber warfare skills."  Trained Unit  Recently the unit has been training in gleaning big chunks of data from foreign networks and analyzing them, Kim said, saying he suspected it is also behind the attack on Sony Pictures.  Understanding North Korea's capabilities has taken time. Following the attack on Nonghyup Bank in 2011, many South Koreans, including major daily Dong-A Ilbo, initially reacted with skepticism to the allegation that the North was behind the incident, saying Internet Protocol addresses traced to Pyongyang may have been manipulated by hackers trying to divert blame to one of the world's most opaque countries.  A "denial of service" attack on the anniversary of the outbreak of the

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Korean War last year and an attack in March that crippled the networks of some Korean banks and broadcasters were also linked to North Korea.  'Unique Situation'  "Korea is in a unique situation because a truce is still in effect between the North and the South, and IP addresses are often all that it takes to say that the North is the culprit," Hwang Jun Won, a professor of cyber-hacking security at Seoul Hoseo Technical College, said by phone. "But it takes more than a couple of pieces of circumstantial evidence to nail down the offender. Finding a smoking gun can involve steps as difficult as raiding the site where hackers sat."  In a mutual acknowledgment of threats posed by North Korean hackers, U.S. and South Korean defense chiefs agreed at a 2012 meeting in Washington to create a joint military body that discusses ways to defend against hacking, the South Korean Defense Ministry said on its website.  South Korea's military set up a cyber-defense command in 2010 after authorities said North Korea masterminded a 2009 cyber attack that paralyzed the websites of U.S. and South Korean government websites, including that of the White House.  "Kim Jong Un is so interested in hacking because cyber skills are the most cost-effective way to wage war," said Kim Heung Kwang, the former defector. "Hacking can be performed even in peacetime and costs little compared to developing weapons of mass destruction. It's is really worth the time and effort." 

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Nearing Midnight: A New Low in Cowardly Capitulation to Muslims Terrorists - Todd Strandberg - http://www.raptureready.com/rap16.html   It's official. America is the most evil nation on earth in the area of torture. Here I thought the events surrounding the Ferguson, Missouri Grand Jury are proof enough that we have entered the zone of insanity. Now comes the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence CIA's use of controversial interrogation practices.  Days before the release of the torture report, the press began warning that the content of the report would be so explosive that Embassies around the world needed go into lock down. In fact, over 2,000 Marines were placed on standby. The fear was that the Arab world would learn of our dastardly deeds, and be compelled by rage to go on a murderous rampage. The Muslim world seems have to missed its cue (but maybe

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they will catch on later).  After an exhaustive three-year investigation, the Senate Intelligence Committee cited typical examples of torture that didn't quite lived up to the hype; waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and isolation. Some examples are just plain weird: The hanging of family photos next to the person being interrogated, operating a cordless power drill near their body, and the playing of rock music and animal noises. Others were not even real torture: Force-feeding prisoners who were trying to starve themselves and restraining those who tried to do themselves bodily harm.  We have actually known of these interrogation practices for over a decade. The May 2004 Taguba Report which cited what took place at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, showed nearly all the same abuse as in this just released report. It took an incredible amount of chutzpah for the press organizations to act like this old news just happened yesterday.  The underlying intent of this one-sided accounting drawn up by Senator Dianne Feinstein's Intelligence Committee report was to take cheap shots at the CIA. After spending $40 million of tax payers money to find few new tidbits of information, Feinstein needed her minions in the press to shape public opinion. The one thing I dislike the most about the liberal media is their apparent entitlement to determine the relevancy of news. The Islamic group ISIS has been committing unspeakable acts against helpless people in Northern Iraq, but those atrocities will have to wait while we take a trip down memory lane. The press has been playing this misdirection game for decades with some of history's most heinous events. Every time the adversary of 9/11 comes along, the perpetrators are always absent from the reflection.  The report has been widely criticized for lacking a purpose. It makes no recommendation about the problems it addressed. The Committee members didn't interview anyone involved in the torture program. (They just gleaned through old emails looking for dirt.)  By calling ourselves out as monsters of torture, we are giving nations like Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China a blank check justify their own torture programs. These nations don't just pour cold water on people. They use methods that inflict lasting damage. I can just see North Korea, with its vast network of concentration camps, saying, "Well, at least we're not like evil Uncle Sam." Having seen spy satellite photos that show row after row of mass graves that surround North Korea's death camps, I can confirm that they do indeed operate differently from

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us.  I think the use of torture is the result our leaders inability to take proper action against our enemies. The first line of defense is not allowing people who view themselves as enemy agents to emigrate to our nation. The second step in eliminating the need for torture is to stop trading with Arab countries that support terrorism.  Iran would be a desert wasteland if Western nations chose to buy their oil from countries with a less radical agenda. The third step, kill terrorists before they get a chance to act. This is something that we do, but could be improved upon by being more decisive in our actions.  If our lawmakers really care so much about justice, they should revoke the bill they passed that gave the president the power to kill any U.S. citizen he views as a terrorist. Another problem they can work on is the unlawful stealing of property from Americans who were never convicted of a crime. Also, we continue to launch drone attacks that are guaranteed to kill innocent civilians with each strike.  Bleeding heart liberals are intent on gnawing away at the web of protection that has kept Americans safe. If some biological or nuclear attack should suddenly occur in a major city, the anti-CIA folks won't be eating crow. Just like after every other major or minor attack, further erosion of our freedom and liberties will be the first casualty.  "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).

It's WAR On The Streets Of America - By Michael Snyder - http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/war-streets-america   Make no mistake - there is now a state of open warfare on the streets of America.  Earlier this year it was being reported that the number of police officers killed on the job was up 40 percent in 2014, and that was before all of the civil unrest caused by the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.  At this point, attacks on police officers are becoming a frequent occurrence all over the country, but no incident has stunned the nation as much as the "execution-style" murder of two NYPD

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officers on Saturday by a radical Islamic gunman identified as Ismaaiyl Brinsley.  Just prior to the attack, Brinsley posted a message on Instagram in which he declared that he was "putting wings on pigs today".  Many would like to dismiss this as an "isolated incident" and pretend that everything is just fine in America, but that is not the truth.  The reality of the matter is that anti-police sentiment in this country is at an all-time high, and the level of anger and frustration in our increasingly radicalized urban communities has reached a boiling point.  As economic conditions continue to deteriorate and police tactics become even more brutal in the years ahead, the kind of rioting, looting and senseless violence that we witnessed in Ferguson is going to become commonplace in major cities all over the United States. The mainstream media and many national leaders on the left end of the spectrum have been stirring up strife and division for months on end.  So now a toxic environment has been created which is inevitably going to lead to even more violence.  At some recent "protest marches", we have heard demonstrators enthusiastically chant extremely threatening slogans such as this: "What do we want? Dead cops!"  And when news broke that Ismaaiyl Brinsley had brutally murdered two NYPD police officers, lots of very twisted people on Twitter were actually celebrating. We are moving into a period of time when it is going to be extraordinarily difficult to be a police officer in America.  I couldn't even imagine going to work every day knowing that you could become the next target at any time. Yes, there have been lots of abuses.  In fact, I have written dozens of articles about the emerging Big Brother police state in America.  In many areas of the country today, our police officers are actually being trained to be physically brutal, to bark orders at ordinary citizens and to treat everyone around them like dirt.  This culture of brutality and oppression filters down from the very top, and so ultimately the root of the problem is at the federal level. But most police officers that are serving our local communities are just average people trying to do their jobs.  Without the police, crime would be wildly out of control.  So I am very thankful for the police in my local area.  I sleep better at night knowing that they are there. And the reality of the matter is that we have made their jobs so much tougher.  Thanks to unchecked illegal immigration, there are now approximately 1.4 million members of criminal gangs living in our cities.  And the Obama administration is allowing the UN to import thousands of Muslim radicals to communities all over the nation.  The police have to deal with well-armed threats that they simply did not have to face 40

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or 50 years ago.  Our society is becoming increasingly unstable, and the police have to contend with the bleeding edge of that instability day after day. So Ismaaiyl Brinsley did not appear out of a vacuum.  Even though the mainstream media is playing this angle down, the truth is that Ismaaiyl Brinsley was probably a member of an extremely violent criminal gang, and he was most definitely a radical Muslim. According to his Facebook page, Brinsley spoke Arabic, and he also posted extreme passages from the Koran.   But Brinsley was not just a Muslim radical.  According to Aaron Klein of WND, there is also evidence that he was a member of a particularly violent gang known as the Black Guerilla Family... The gang to which NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley may have belonged, the Black Guerilla Family, is allied with U.S. leftist groups and worked as an ideological partner with Bill Ayers' Weather Underground terrorist organization. Apparently, this gang dominated the prison where Brinsley once spent time... The New York Daily News reported investigators went to Baltimore to probe Brinsley's ties to the Black Guerrilla Family, which dominates the Maryland prison where Brinsley spent time. The BGF is an African-American Marxist revolutionary organization that seeks the overthrow of the U.S. government. Numerous Baltimore media outlets confirmed law-enforcement officials are probing the BGF link. And is it just a coincidence that the FBI issued a memo on Friday warning that the BGF was targeting "white cops"?... On Friday, the Baltimore FBI office issued a memo that the Black Guerrilla Family gang was targeting "white cops" in Maryland, an agency spokeswoman confirmed. The memo, circulating among officers, said a contact who had given reliable information in the past said members of the gang - connected to the high-profile corruption scandal at the Baltimore City Detention Center - were planning to target white officers to "send a message." There are a lot more radicals out there just like Brinsley. 

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And thanks to the toxic environment that now exists in this country, it is inevitable that there will be a lot more violence. As this war escalates, we could eventually see pandemonium in major cities from coast to coast. If you are not convinced that this is a war, perhaps you should heed the words of the NYPD's union.  The following is an excerpt from an alert that was just released... Starting IMMEDIATELY: At least two units are to respond to EVERY call, no matter the condition or severity, no matter what type of job is pending, or what the opinion of the patrol supervisor happens to be. IN ADDITION: Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest. These are precautions that were taken in the 1970's when police officers were ambushed and executed on a regular basis. The mayor's hands are literally dripping with our blood because of his words actions and policies and we have, for the first time in a number of years, become a 'wartime' police department. We will act accordingly. Sadly, I believe that they are right. In fact, if it wasn't for an empty gun, a third NYPD police officer would have lost his life this past weekend... A third cop narrowly escaped with his life Saturday night when a suspect pointed a gun directly at the officer's head and pulled the trigger in The Bronx - not realizing it was empty. Cops went to East 140th Street in Mott Haven at 9 p.m. on reports of a man shooting out windows with a .357 caliber revolver. They spotted the suspect, identified as Raymond Leonardo, 18, and ordered him to drop the gun. Instead, he took point blank aim at one of the officers, officials said. When the gun didn't work, he put it in his pocket and ran. Cops tackled him a few blocks away. Something has fundamentally shifted in this country. 

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I fear that this is only just the beginning of the war on the streets of America. Hopefully I am wrong. But I don't believe that I am.

The Daily Jot: A time for honest dialogue and truth - Bill Wilson - www.dailyjot.com   We are all part of the human race. While some have different cultures and different skin colors, we are all human. Prejudice and bigotry have no place in a Christian society. The Lord says in 1 Samuel 16:7, "for the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." Man seems to see and characterize others often by their appearance, or man often judges another by the content of his own heart. Have you ever been accused of something that you never considered, yet the accuser (you find out later) does exactly what he accused you of doing? Unfortunately, far too often judgments are made that are counter to peaceful and righteous living. It doesn't help when a man of color is placed in the White House promising to be a uniter and he ends up being a divider. Instead of words of encouragement, reconciliation and unification, he has been the lecturer, the avenger, the user of words that justify actions against one another. This should not be. It is a wasted opportunity. We can debate the politics of it. The right and wrong of it. But without trust, truth, and honesty, there is no end to what I would call cultural bias, what others would call racial bias. But I must say, as Christians--one to another--we are not called to hate. 1 John 4:12 says, "No man has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwells in us, and his love is perfected in us." Indeed, perhaps too many incidents have happened, too many mouthy baiters and haters pointing fingers at those who do not harbor such accusations in their hearts, too much water has flowed under this bridge. But we owe it to ourselves and our God to try to find ways to shine the light of Christ on situations where hate and animosity grow

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unabated like a viral disease. There is a need for outreach, dialogue, discussion. There is also a need for accountability--consequences. There is a need to forgive, to repent, to assist, to understand, to cross the line, to hold the line, to not jump to conclusions, to know the facts, to seek the truth. In truth, there is freedom. All too often it is difficult to face, but liberating in its sight. When we read stories about how a Black muslim executed two policemen (an Asian and an Hispanic) to avenge the deaths of two Black men, it is grievous. Moreover, it appears that there is a war against police in America and it was incited, at least in part, by the Attorney General's and the "president's" words and lectures. As Christians, we can play a role in all this by showing the truth of Christ. Through Christ, a difference can be made. Those responsible should be held accountable, not only to the law, but to society. For the rest, we must somehow navigate through the politics and the cultures and the rage to, as Christ said in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

Daily Devotion: God's Gift to Us - Greg Laurie - www.harvest.org   For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. -John 3:17 When you're a child, Christmas is all about receiving gifts. In December, your head is swimming with nothing but images of your favorite toys.  But the true message of Christmas is not the presents we give to one another. The true meaning is the gift that God gave to us, His Son Jesus Christ.  During the next two days, I want to point out to you three things about the gift God gave to us in that tiny manger in Bethlehem. The first thing we want to realize about God's gift to us is that it came in simple wrapping. Some people will go to great lengths to wrap presents beautifully. But God's gift came to us not in beautiful, ornate wrapping, but in a dirty manger found in a cold cave in a little-known town called

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Bethlehem.  That's the beauty of the Christmas event. Jesus took His place in a manger so that we might have a home in heaven. The Savior was not wrapped in satin sheets, but in common rags. There in a manger rested the greatest gift in the plainest of wrapping.  The second thing I want to point out about God's gift to us is that we don't deserve it. Consider this: God gave us the ultimate gift of His Son Jesus Christ while we were still sinning against Him (see Romans 5:8).  We did nothing whatsoever to merit or deserve His gift. That is the amazing truth of Christmas. Despite who we are, God sent His Son so "that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). With Christmas just days away, begin to prepare your heart for the celebration of the birth of our Savior. Meditate on the fact that Jesus was born to die so that we might live. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6We celebrate Christmas in order to rejoice over God's most precious gift to us. The birth of Jesus Christ is a gift from God that came in simple wrapping, as well as a gift we don't deserve. But the gift of Christ also explains His purpose for humankind.  The gift of Christ was no afterthought. Long before there was a stable in Bethlehem, before Adam and Eve ever set eyes on each other, and even before there existed a garden called Eden, God decided to send His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins.  From the beginning, God knew humankind would fall short of His glory. That is why the Scriptures proclaim that Jesus Christ was slain from the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8).  God made a decision from the very beginning that Christ would come to this earth to live and die and rise again from the dead. God's gift to us proves His purpose to redeem us. The gift of Jesus Christ is what Christmas is all about. Jesus came near to us so we could come near to Him.  Christmas is not about tinsel or shopping or gifts under a tree. Christmas is about the gift God gave on the tree where Christ died for

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our sins, giving us the gift of eternal life.  That is what He has accomplished. This is the gift He extends. And if you receive it, you will experience the merriest Christmas of all.









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Featured Article: A Hook in the Jaw...  - By Matt Ward - http://www.raptureready.com/soap2/ward4.html    There is a perfect economic storm rising in Russia.    Seventy percent of the Russian economy is dependent upon oil. In order for the Russian economy to break even they need to be able to sell oil at $109 per barrel. Right now the price is $59 per barrel. Despite Putin recently winning: Russian Man of the Year for the  15th straight year, he is in big trouble.    The one major failing of Putin since he came to power is that he promised the Russian people he would diversify the Russian economy and wean them off their over reliance on oil. He has failed to do so and this failure is now coming back to haunt him.  Now, because of competition between OPEC oil producers in the Middle East and the United States over American Shale production, OPEC has increased the amount of oil produced each day and  reduced the price of the oil per barrel. Their intention is to flood the oil market with really cheap oil and therefore kill off the U.S. shale market, which has considerably higher costs per barrel in terms of production. This has crushed the Russian oil price index.  This is exacerbated by unusually poor demand for oil in 2014, especially in Asia.  Russian actions in Ukraine and Crimea have drawn a reaction from the United States and its allies in NATO that have surprised and even shocked Vladimir Putin. The resolve and unanimity with which the West have applied sanctions against Russia has substantially contributed to the devastated oil price which is crippling the Russian rubble.     Vladimir Putin blames the West for the collapse of the Russian rubble. Vladimir Putin has hinted that he could interpret these financial actions as an economic attack on Russia, as an act of war.  This comes against a background of increased Russian military mobilization in previous months.  

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 Common place has been the headline of Russian long distance fighters and nuclear capable bombers "probing" and "testing" both US and western European air defenses by coming unusually close to infringing member nation sovereign airspace. The Soviet Navy last month sparked a huge search and destroy operation from the Swedish military after it was revealed they were "90% certain" that a Soviet nuclear submarine had entered the country's main bay, just a number of miles from the capital Stockholm. [1]  This act was described as a blatant act of aggression by both the Swedish military and by Nato's Secretary General,  Anders Fogh Rasmussen.  Parallel news reports also disclosed in the last month that Russia may have developed a new game changing supersonic nuclear delivery system that employs stealth technology. A system that has been successfully tested. This would render all US and NATO first strike warning systems, and therefore first strike retaliations, as null and void. It would allow the Russian military the opportunity to deliver a devastating nuclear first strike without fear of immediate nuclear reprisal.  At the same time Moscow, whilst the US and NATO are downgrading and cutting back their nuclear arsenals, have been investing millions in developing the next generation of nuclear weapons and in particular in building a huge central command and control post deep under the city of Moscow. This facility in itself at a cost of multiple billions of dollars (in an economy already struggling)  Vladimir Putin is preparing for something. Putin now truly has his back against the wall and has limited options for quickly reversing the situation he finds himself in.     80% of the Russian public, according to recent surveys think Putin is doing a good or very job. 85% of the Russian public unconditionally support the Russian military. What are Putin's options now?  He could further raise interest rates, but this could turn a recession into a depression, or they could allow the rubble to continue its fall, but this may trigger inflation. Putin could move closer to China...or he could lash out and start a war.  In the past this has been his traditional fall-back position when faced with extreme domestic issues. Does anybody remember when Putin first came to power and his position was weak and unstable? He

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immediately launched a full scale war in Chechnya.     Putin has worked hard to established close relations with a significant number of major players in the Middle East region. Russia is deeply involved in developing the Iranian nuclear program Israel has such issue with. Turkey is now considered to be a major ally of Russia, both against the United States and against Western Europe, who have denied Turkey membership of the European Union.    Russia also enjoys substantial influence over Syria through Bashir al-Assad, who Russia directly financed and protected during his most unstable period 3 years ago (even going so far as to house Assad and his family on board a Russian Naval Vessel in the Mediterranean so he would not be assassinated during the initial stage of the Syrian civil war)  Let us also not forget the newly discovered Leviathan Gas/Oil Field resting in the Middle East. A field so vast that by some accounts it dwarfs  fields found in Saudi Arabia, and will make the nation controlling it the sole oil superpower for the majority of the next century.   And the  Leviathan field is owned by Israel. "And say, Thus saith the Lord  God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:  And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.   Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. Thus saith the Lord  God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, 'I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, to take a spoil, and to

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take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land'" (Ezekiel 38:3-12).  Vladimir Putin is cornered. The pertinent question is this: Is he going to lash out?  Is the hook in his jaw yet?  Endnotes  [1]   http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/24/sweden-calls-off-hunt-submarine-stockholm-archipelago )


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