Viewpoint View Columns View: APAA AP Additional Addresses Stores the additional Address available to Vendors Index Name Columns In Index biAPAA VendorGroup, Vendor, AddressSeq Column Viewpoint Type Input Length Max Length Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted Table No VendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 No Vendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0 No AddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 No Type tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 Yes Description bDesc varchar 30 30 Yes Address varchar varchar 60 60 Yes City varchar varchar 20 20 Yes State varchar varchar 4 4 Yes Zip bZip varchar 12 12 Yes Address2 varchar varchar 60 60 Yes Notes bNotes text 0 16 Yes UniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0 No KeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0 Yes Country char char 2 2 View: APCD CLEAR DISTRIBUTIONS Stores the GL distributions for each transaction to be cleared. The total amount grouped by AP Co, Mth, BatchId, and GL Account must be 0.00 to clear. Rows are added and deleted from this table as transactions are added or removed from bAPCT. Only the Payables GL Accounts are tracked. Insert - reject if header in bAPCT does not exist. Update - reject primary key changes. Delete - not needed. Index Name Columns In Index biAPCD Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq, GLCo, GLAcct Column Viewpoint Type Input Length Max Length Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted Table No Co bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 No Mth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5 No BatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0 No BatchSeq int int 10 10 0 No GLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 No GLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20 No Remaining bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 View: APCO AP COMPANY Company wide parameters,defaults, and posting optionsfor each company of AP, PO, and SL. Insert - validate interface levels, don't validate company #s, GL Accounts, or Journals. Add bHQMA entries for all new records. Update - reject primary key changes. Other validation should be same as insert. Add bHQMA entries for all changed values, except Notes Delete - reject if entries exist in bAPVA, bAPFT, bAPVH, bAPVC, bAPTH, bAPRH, bAPUI, bAPPT, or bAPPH. Add bHQMA entries for all deleted records. Index Name Columns In Index biAPCO APCo Column Viewpoint Type Input Length Max Length Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted Table No APCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 No GLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 Yes ExpJrnl bJrnl char 2 2 No GLExpInterfaceLvl tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 Yes GLExpSummaryDesc varchar varchar 60 60 Yes GLExpTransDesc varchar varchar 60 60 Page 1 ViewColumns .rpt 07/02/10 02:12:40 PM Date Format - MM/DD/YY

Viewpoint View Columns - almobile.com View Columns.pdf · Insert - header in bAPTB must exist. Validate Line and Seq, must exist in bAPTL and bAPTD. Update - reject primary key changes

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APAA AP Additional Addresses

    Stores the additional Address available to Vendors

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPAA VendorGroup, Vendor, AddressSeq

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoAddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesCity varchar varchar 20 20

    YesState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesAddress2 varchar varchar 60 60

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesCountry char char 2 2


    Stores the GL distributions for each transaction to be cleared. The total amount grouped by AP Co, Mth, BatchId, and GL Account must be 0.00 to

    clear. Rows are added and deleted from this table as transactions are added or removed from bAPCT. Only the Payables GL Accounts are tracked.

    Insert - reject if header in bAPCT does not exist. Update - reject primary key changes. Delete - not needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPCD Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq, GLCo, GLAcct

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    NoRemaining bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


    Company wide parameters,defaults, and posting optionsfor each company of AP, PO, and SL. Insert - validate interface levels, don't validate

    company #s, GL Accounts, or Journals. Add bHQMA entries for all new records. Update - reject primary key changes. Other validation should be

    same as insert. Add bHQMA entries for all changed values, except Notes Delete - reject if entries exist in bAPVA, bAPFT, bAPVH, bAPVC, bAPTH,

    bAPRH, bAPUI, bAPPT, or bAPPH. Add bHQMA entries for all deleted records.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPCO APCo

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesExpJrnl bJrnl char 2 2

    NoGLExpInterfaceLvl tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesGLExpSummaryDesc varchar varchar 60 60

    YesGLExpTransDesc varchar varchar 60 60

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APCO AP COMPANY - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesGLJobDetailDesc varchar varchar 60 60

    YesGLInvDetailDesc varchar varchar 60 60

    YesGLEquipDetailDesc varchar varchar 60 60

    YesGLExpDetailDesc varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPayJrnl bJrnl char 2 2

    NoGLPayInterfaceLvl tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesGLPayDetailDesc varchar varchar 60 60

    YesGLPaySummaryDesc varchar varchar 60 60

    YesDiscOffGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesDiscTakenGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesExpPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesJobPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesSubPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesRetPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoOverridePayType bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesRetHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoCMInterfaceLvl tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoJCInterfaceLvl tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoNetAmtOpt bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoINInterfaceLvl tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoEMInterfaceLvl tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoInvTotYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoSLTotYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoSLCompChkYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoSLAllowPayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoPOTotYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoPOCompChkYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoPOAllowPayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoChkLines tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoAuditCoParams bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAuditPayTypes bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAuditVendors bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAuditHold bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAuditComp bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAuditRecur bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAuditTrans bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAuditPay bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    NoAPRefUnqYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesCheckReportTitle char char 60 60

    YesOverFlowReportTitle char char 60 60

    NoJobLineDescDfltYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoAPRefUnq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoAllCompChkYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAllAllowPayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoUseTaxDiscountYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APCO AP COMPANY - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoPMVendUpdYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoPMVendAddYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoICRptYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesICRptTitle char char 60 60

    NoICPayAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoPayCategoryYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    NoAuditUnappInv bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoInvExceedRecvdYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoPOItemTotYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    NoJobLineJobPhaseUMDfltYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoEMLineDescDfltYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAttachBatchReportsYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAttachVendorPayInfoYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesVendorPayAttachTypeID int int 10 10 0

    YesCheckReportTitleByVendor char char 60 60

    YesEFTRemittanceReport char char 60 60

    YesEFTRemittanceReportByVendor char char 60 60


    Used to temporarily store transactions to be cleared. A batch should be empty when user cancels, or exits. Insert - validate Batch info in bHQBC,

    Source = "AP Clear", TableName = "APCT", etc. Lock existing bAPTH (update InUseMth and InUseBatchId). Update - reject primary key changes.

    If APTrans changes, unlock old entry, and lock new. Delete - reject if bAPCD exists. Unlock APTrans.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPCT Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoExpMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoGross bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoPaid bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRemaining bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


    Holds detail information about each transaction line to be paid within the batch. Insert - header in bAPTB must exist. Validate Line and Seq, must

    exist in bAPTL and bAPTD. Update - reject primary key changes. Delete - no needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPDB Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq, ExpMth, APTrans, APLine, APSeq

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

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  • Viewpoint View Columns


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoExpMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoAPSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    YesTotTaxAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


    Table tracking Equipment distributions from an expense batch. Loaded when batch is validated, used to print Equipment Audit list, and updates EM

    when batch is posted. Cleared during update process. No triggers needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPEM APCo, Mth, BatchId, EMCo, Equip, EMGroup, CostCode, EMCType, BatchSeq,

    APLine, OldNew

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoEquip bEquip varchar 10 10

    NoEMGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoCostCode bCostCode varchar 10 10

    NoEMCType bEMCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoOldNew tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesTransDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesPO bPO char 10 10

    YesPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesWO bWO varchar R 10 10

    YesWOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesCompType varchar varchar 10 10

    YesComponent bEquip varchar 10 10

    YesMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20

    YesLineDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesUM bUM varchar 3 3

    NoUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APEM EM DISTRIBUTIONS - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    NoEMUM bUM varchar 3 3

    NoEMUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoTotalCost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10

    YesTaxType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoTaxBasis bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoTaxAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    View: APFT 1099 Totals

    Stores the totals by Vendor, Year, and Type for 1099 reporting

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPFT APCo, VendorGroup, Vendor, YEMO, V1099Type

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoYEMO bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoV1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    NoBox1Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox2Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox3Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox4Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox5Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox6Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox7Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox8Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox9Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox10Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox11Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox12Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox13Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoAuditYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoBox14Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox15Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox16Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox17Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBox18Amt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesOtherData varchar varchar 60 60

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesDIVBox7FC varchar varchar 30 30

    YesICRptDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoTIN2 bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    NoCorrectedFilingYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesCorrectedErrorType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesOldVendorName varchar varchar 60 60

    YesOldVendorAddr varchar varchar 60 60

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APFT 1099 Totals - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesOldVendorCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesOldVendorState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesOldVendorZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesOldVendorTaxId varchar varchar 20 20


    Table tracking GL distributions from an expense batch. Loaded when batch is validated, used to print GL Audit list, and updates GL when batch is

    posted. Cleared during update process. No triggers needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPGL APCo, Mth, BatchId, GLCo, GLAcct, BatchSeq, APLine, OldNew

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoOldNew tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoSortName varchar varchar 15 15

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesTransDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoLineType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPOLineType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesLineDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10

    YesPhaseGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesPhase bPhase varchar 6R-2R-4RN 14 20

    YesJCCType bJCCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesEquip bEquip varchar 10 10

    YesEMGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesCostCode bCostCode varchar 10 10

    YesEMCType bEMCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesLoc bLoc varchar 10 10

    YesMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20

    NoTotalCost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APHB HEADER BATCH - Continued

    Batch table holding old and new transaction header information. Insert - validate Batch in bHQBC, Source must be "AP Entry", TableName must be

    "APHB". If BatchTransType "A", set InUseMth and InUseBatchId to batch month and Id on existing APTrans in bAPTH. If UIMth and UISeq are

    not null set InUseMth and InUseBatchId in bAPUI to batch month and Id. Batch month must equal APTrans month on existing trans. Other

    validation occurs when batch is posted. Update - reject primary key changes. Can not change BatchTransType from "A" to "C" or "D", or change it

    from "C" or "D" to "A". Delete - reject if bAPLB exists. If BatchTransType "A", set InUseMth and InUseBatchId in bAPTH to null. If UIMth and

    UISeq are not null set InUseMth and InUseBatchId in bAPUI to null.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPHB Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq

    biAPHBVendor Vendor

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoBatchTransType char char 1 1

    YesAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesDiscDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoDueDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoInvTotal bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10

    YesPayControl varchar varchar 10 10

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoPrePaidYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesPrePaidMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesPrePaidDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesPrePaidChk bCMRef varchar R 10 10

    YesPrePaidSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPrePaidProcYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoV1099YN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesV1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    YesV1099Box tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPayOverrideYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesPayName varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPayAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPayCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesPayState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesPayZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesInvId char char 10 10

    YesUIMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesUISeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    YesOldVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesOldVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesOldAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesOldDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesOldInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesOldDiscDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APHB HEADER BATCH - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesOldDueDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesOldInvTotal bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesOldHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10

    YesOldPayControl varchar varchar 10 10

    YesOldPayMethod char char 1 1

    YesOldCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesOldCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    YesOldPrePaidYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesOldPrePaidMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesOldPrePaidDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesOldPrePaidChk bCMRef varchar R 10 10

    YesOldPrePaidSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesOldPrePaidProcYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesOld1099YN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesOld1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    YesOld1099Box tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesOldPayOverrideYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesOldPayName varchar varchar 60 60

    YesOldPayAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesOldPayCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesOldPayState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesOldPayZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesPayAddInfo varchar varchar 60 60

    YesOldPayAddInfo varchar varchar 60 60

    YesDocName varchar varchar 128 128

    YesOldDocName varchar varchar 128 128

    YesMSCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesMSInv varchar varchar 10 10

    YesAddendaTypeId tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPRCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesEmployee bEmployee int #####0 15 15 0

    YesDLcode bEDLCode smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesTaxFormCode varchar varchar 10 10

    YesTaxPeriodEndDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesAmountType varchar varchar 10 10

    YesAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesAmtType2 varchar varchar 10 10

    YesAmount2 bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesAmtType3 varchar varchar 10 10

    YesAmount3 bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesOldAddendaTypeId tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesOldPRCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesOldEmployee bEmployee int #####0 15 15 0

    YesOldDLcode bEDLCode smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesOldTaxFormCode varchar varchar 10 10

    YesOldTaxPeriodEndDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesOldAmountType varchar varchar 10 10

    YesOldAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesOldAmtType2 varchar varchar 10 10

    YesOldAmount2 bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesOldAmtType3 varchar varchar 10 10

    YesOldAmount3 bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APHB HEADER BATCH - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoSeparatePayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesOldSeparatePayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoChkRev bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoPaidYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesAddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesOldAddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesSLKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesPayCountry char char 2 2

    YesOldPayCountry char char 2 2


    Tracks hold codes applied to AP transaction detail. Insert - reject if header does not exist in bAPTD. Validate HoldCode. Update - reject primary

    key changes. Delete - not needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPHD APCo, Mth, APTrans, APLine, APSeq, HoldCode

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoAPSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10


    Table tracking Inventory distributions from an expense batch. Loaded when batch is validated, used to print Inventory Audit list, and updates IN

    when batch is posted. Cleared during update process. No triggers needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPIN APCo, Mth, BatchId, INCo, Loc, MatlGroup, Material, BatchSeq, APLine,


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoLoc bLoc varchar 10 10

    NoMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoOldNew tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APIN IN DISTRIBUTIONS - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesPO bPO char 10 10

    YesPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesLineDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    NoUM bUM varchar 3 3

    NoUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

    NoECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    NoTotalCost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoStdUM bUM varchar 3 3

    NoStdUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoStdUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

    NoStdECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    NoStdTotalCost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


    Table tracking Job Cost distributions from an expense batch. Loaded when batch is validated, used to print Job Cost Audit list, and updates JC

    when batch is posted. Cleared during update process. No triggers needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPJC APCo, Mth, BatchId, JCCo, Job, PhaseGroup, Phase, JCCType, BatchSeq,

    APLine, OldNew

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10

    NoPhaseGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoPhase bPhase varchar 6R-2R-4RN 14 20

    NoJCCType bJCCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoOldNew tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesTransDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesSL bSL varchar 10 10

    YesSLItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesPO bPO char 10 10

    YesPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20

    YesLineDesc bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesUM bUM varchar 3 3

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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APJC JC DISTRIBUTIONS - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    YesJCUM bUM varchar 3 3

    NoJCUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoJCUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

    YesECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    NoTotalCost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRNIUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoRNICost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRemCmtdCost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10

    YesTaxType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoTaxBasis bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoTaxAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRemCmtdUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoTotalCmtdUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoTotalCmtdCost bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


    Batch table tracking old and new transaction lines. Insert - Header must exist in bAPHB. All other validation occurs during batch posting. Insert

    entries into bHQBC as needed. Lock PO and POItem, SL and SL Item (update InUseMth and InUseBatchId in header and item, reject if already in

    use by another batch. Update - reject primary key changes. If PO, PO Item, SL or SL Item changed, unlock old and lock new as needed. If GL Co

    changed, insert new bHQCC entries as needed. Delete - Unlock PO and PO Item, SL and SL Item if not referenced by other entries in batch.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPLB Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq, APLine

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5 bAPTL

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0 bAPTL

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0 bAPTL

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0 bAPTL

    NoBatchTransType char char 1 1 bAPTL

    NoLineType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesPO bPO char 10 10 bAPTL

    YesPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0 bAPTL

    YesItemType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesSL bSL varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesSLItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0 bAPTL

    YesJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10 bAPTL

    YesPhaseGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesPhase bPhase varchar 6R-2R-4RN 14 20 bAPTL

    YesJCCType bJCCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0 bAPTL

    YesEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesWO bWO varchar R 10 10 bAPTL

    YesWOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0 bAPTL

    YesEquip bEquip varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesEMGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesCostCode bCostCode varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesEMCType bEMCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0 bAPTL

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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APLB LINE BATCH - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesCompType varchar varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesComponent bEquip varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesLoc bLoc varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20 bAPTL

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20 bAPTL

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30 bAPTL

    YesUM bUM varchar 3 3 bAPTL

    NoUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3 bAPTL

    NoUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5 bAPTL

    YesECM bECM char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    YesVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0 bAPTL

    NoPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    NoGrossAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    NoMiscAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    NoMiscYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    YesTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesTaxType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    NoTaxBasis bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    NoTaxAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    NoRetainage bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    NoDiscount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    NoBurUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5 bAPTL

    YesBECM bECM char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    NoSMChange bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    YesOldLineType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldPO bPO char 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0 bAPTL

    YesOldItemType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldSL bSL varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldSLItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0 bAPTL

    YesOldJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10 bAPTL

    YesOldPhaseGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldPhase bPhase varchar 6R-2R-4RN 14 20 bAPTL

    YesOldJCCType bJCCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0 bAPTL

    YesOldEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldWO bWO varchar R 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldWOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0 bAPTL

    YesOldEquip bEquip varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldEMGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldCostCode bCostCode varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldEMCType bEMCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0 bAPTL

    YesOldCompType varchar varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldComponent bEquip varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldLoc bLoc varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APLB LINE BATCH - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesOldMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20 bAPTL

    YesOldGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20 bAPTL

    YesOldDesc bDesc varchar 30 30 bAPTL

    YesOldUM bUM varchar 3 3 bAPTL

    YesOldUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3 bAPTL

    YesOldUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5 bAPTL

    YesOldECM bECM char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    YesOldVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0 bAPTL

    YesOldPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldGrossAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    YesOldMiscAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    YesOldMiscYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    YesOldTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10 bAPTL

    YesOldTaxType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPTL

    YesOldTaxBasis bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    YesOldTaxAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    YesOldRetainage bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    YesOldDiscount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPTL

    YesOldBurUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5 bAPTL

    YesOldBECM bECM char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    NoPaidYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16 bAPTL

    NoPOPayTypeYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPTL

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0 bAPTL

    YesOldPayCategory int int 10 10 0 bAPTL

    YesSLDetailKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0 bAPTL

    YesReceiver# varchar varchar 20 20 bAPTL

    YesSLKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0 bAPTL


    Holds payment header information throughout the payment process. Cleared when the batch is posted. Insert - validate Batch info, Source = "AP

    Payment", TableName = "APPB", etc. Other validation will occur when payment batch is posted. Update - reject primary key changes. Delete -

    reject if bAPTB entries exist.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPPB Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq

    biAPPBCMRef CMRef

    biAPPBVendor Vendor

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPPH

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5 bAPPH

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0 bAPPH

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0 bAPPH

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPPH

    NoCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0 bAPPH

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1 bAPPH

    YesCMRef bCMRef varchar R 10 10 bAPPH

    YesCMRefSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPPH

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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesEFTSeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0 bAPPH

    YesChkType char char 1 1 bAPPH

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0 bAPPH

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0 bAPPH

    YesName varchar varchar 60 60 bAPPH

    YesAddress varchar varchar 60 60 bAPPH

    YesCity varchar varchar 30 30 bAPPH

    YesState varchar varchar 4 4 bAPPH

    YesZip bZip varchar 12 12 bAPPH

    YesPaidDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8 bAPPH

    NoAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPPH

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0 bAPPH

    NoVoidYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPPH

    YesVoidMemo varchar varchar 255 255 bAPPH

    YesReuseYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPPH

    NoOverflow bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPPH

    YesAddnlInfo varchar varchar 60 60 bAPPH

    YesAddendaTypeId tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPPH

    YesTaxFormCode varchar varchar 10 10 bAPPH

    YesEmployee int int 10 10 0 bAPPH

    NoSeparatePayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPPH

    YesSeparatePayMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5 bAPPH

    YesSeparatePayTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0 bAPPH

    YesJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10 bAPPH

    YesJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPPH

    YesSL bSL varchar 10 10 bAPPH

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0 bAPPH

    NoPayOverrideYN bYN char UCASE 1 1 bAPPH

    YesAddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPPH

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0 bAPPH

    YesCountry char char 2 2 bAPPH

    View: APPC AP Payable Category

    Stores the AP Payment Categories

    Index Name Columns In Index

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    YesExpPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesJobPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesSubPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesRetPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesDiscOffGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesDiscTakenGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesGLCo tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APPC AP Payable Category - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


    Stores payment information by payment number and transaction. Insert - reject if header in bAPPH does not exist. Validate APTrans. Insert

    bHQMA entries if AuditPay = "Y" in bAPCO. Update - reject primary key changes. Insert bHQMA entries for changed values if AuditPay = "Y" in

    bAPCO. Delete - Insert bHQMA entries if AuditPay = "Y" in bAPCO and PurgeYN = "N" in bAPPH.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPPD APCo, CMCo, CMAcct, PayMethod, CMRef, CMRefSeq, EFTSeq, Mth,


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1

    NoCMRef bCMRef varchar R 10 10

    NoCMRefSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoEFTSeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoGross bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRetainage bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoPrevPaid bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoPrevDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBalance bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesTotTaxAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


    Hold GL distributions associated with a payment batch. Used to print the GL Payment Audit list and update GL when the batch is posted. No

    triggers needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPPG APCo, Mth, BatchId, GLCo, GLAcct, BatchSeq

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1

    NoCMRef bCMRef varchar R 10 10

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  • Viewpoint View Columns


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCMRefSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesEFTSeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesName varchar varchar 60 60

    NoAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesPaidDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8


    Stores the header level information about each check, such as vendor, payment month and date, and void flag. Insert - validate APCo, CMCo,

    CMAcct, PayMethod, Vendor, and Supplier if no null. Insert bHQMA entries if AuditPay = "Y" in bAPCO. Update - reject primary key changes. If

    changed, validate Vendor and Supplier. Insert bHQMA entries for changed values if AuditPay = "Y" in bAPCO. Delete - reject if bAPPD exists.

    Insert bHQMA entries if AuditPay = "Y" in bAPCO and PurgeYN = "N"

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPPH APCo, CMCo, CMAcct, PayMethod, CMRef, CMRefSeq, EFTSeq

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1

    NoCMRef bCMRef varchar R 10 10

    NoCMRefSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoEFTSeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesName varchar varchar 60 60

    YesAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesChkType char char 1 1

    NoPaidMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoPaidDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoVoidYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesVoidMemo varchar varchar 255 255

    YesInUseMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesInUseBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoPurgeYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    YesAddnlInfo varchar varchar 60 60

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesNotes varchar varchar -1 -1

    YesCountry char char 2 2


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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APPT PAYABLE TYPE - Continued

    Identifies the GL payable account used when expensing or paying an AP transaction line. Insert - validate GLCo#, and Account. Must be active,

    subledger type "P" or null, not a Heading or Memo account. If bAPCO AuditPayTypes = "Y" insert bHQMA entries for all new records. Update -

    reject changes to APCo and PayType. Validate GL Co# and Account as above. Insert bHQMA entries for changed values if AuditPayTypes = "Y".

    Delete - reject if used as Expense, Job, Subcontract or Retainage Pay Type in bAPCO, or used in bAPTL, or bAPRL. If bAPCO AuditPayTypes =

    "Y" insert bHQMA entries for all deleted records.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPPT APCo, PayType

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


    Tracks header level information for invoices posted on a regular basis. Insert - validate APCo and Vendor. Other validation occurs during batch

    posting process. Insert bHQMA entries if AuditRecur = "Y" in bAPCO. Update - reject primary key changes. Insert bHQMA entries for changed

    values if AuditRecur = "Y" in bAPCO. Delete - reject if bAPRL entries exist. Insert bHQMA entries if AuditRecur = "Y" in bAPCO.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPRH APCo, VendorGroup, Vendor, InvId

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesInvId char char 10 10

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesPayTerms bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10

    NoFrequency bFreq varchar 10 10

    NoMnthlyYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesInvDay tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPayControl varchar varchar 10 10

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoV1099YN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesV1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    YesV1099Box tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesLastMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoLastSeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoInvToDate bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesExpDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoInvLimit bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesAddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

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  • Viewpoint View Columns


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


    Stores the line level information needed when posting a recurring invoice, such as line type, units, and all amounts. Insert - reject if bAPRH does not

    exist. Other validation occurs during batch posting process. Insert bHQMA entries if AuditRecur = "Y" in bAPCO. Update - reject primary key

    changes. Insert bHQMA entries for changed values if AuditRecur = "Y" in bAPCO. Delete - Insert bHQMA entries if AuditRecur = "Y" in bAPCO

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPRL APCo, VendorGroup, Vendor, InvId, Line

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesInvId char char 10 10

    NoLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoLineType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPO bPO char 10 10

    YesPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesItemType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesSL bSL varchar 10 10

    YesSLItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10

    YesPhaseGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesPhase bPhase varchar 6R-2R-4RN 14 20

    YesJCCType bJCCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesWO bWO varchar R 10 10

    YesWOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesEquip bEquip varchar 10 10

    YesEMGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesCostCode bCostCode varchar 10 10

    YesEMCType bEMCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesCompType varchar varchar 10 10

    YesComponent bEquip varchar 10 10

    YesINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesLoc bLoc varchar 10 10

    YesMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesUM bUM varchar 3 3

    NoUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

    YesECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGrossAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoMiscAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoMiscYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

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    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10

    YesTaxType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoTaxBasis bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoTaxAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRetainage bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    View: APT5

    Index Name Columns In Index

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPeriodEndDate smalldatetime smalldatetime 16 16

    NoVendorGroup tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoVendor int int 10 10 0

    YesOrigReportDate smalldatetime smalldatetime 16 16

    YesOrigAmount money money 19 19 4

    YesReportDate smalldatetime smalldatetime 16 16

    YesAmount money money 19 19 4

    YesType char char 1 1

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    NoRefilingYN char char 1 1


    Tracks each transctions associated with a payment in the batch. Includes summarized information about the transaction at the time of payment.

    Insert - reject if header in bAPPB does not exist. Validate and lock APTrans (update InUseMth and InUseBatchId in bAPTH). Update - reject primary

    key changes. Delete - reject if bAPDB exists. Unlock APTrans.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPTB Co, Mth, BatchId, BatchSeq, ExpMth, APTrans

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0 bAPPH

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5 bAPPH

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0 bAPPH

    NoBatchSeq int int 10 10 0 bAPPH

    NoExpMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5 bAPPH

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0 bAPPH

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15 bAPPH

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30 bAPPH

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8 bAPPH

    NoGross bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPPH

    NoRetainage bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPPH

    NoPrevPaid bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPPH

    NoPrevDisc bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPPH

    NoBalance bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPPH

    NoDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2 bAPPH

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    View: APTB PAYMENT TRANS BATCH - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0 bAPPH

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0 bAPPH


    Most detailed level of AP transactions- stores amount invoiced by type (posted pay type and retainage), as well as discounts and payment

    information. Insert - Reject if Trans/Line does not exist in bAPTL. PayType must match bAPTL PayType or Retainage PayType in bAPCO. If Status

    is 1 or 2 (open or on hold), all paid info must be null. If Status is 3 (paid), all payment info is required. If Status is 4 (cleared), PaidMth and PaidDate

    are required, other payment info must be null. Validate Supplier in bAPVM if not null. Update Vendor Activity (bAPVA) based on Status - if 1 or 2

    (open or hold), accumulate Amount using Trans Month; if 3 or 4 (paid or cleared), update paid and discount amounts using Paid Month. If Status = 3

    (paid) and transaction flagged for 1099, update bAPFT (1099 Totals) paid month's calendar year end. Update - Reject primary key changes.

    Validiation same as insert. Update Vendor Activy (bAPVA) and 1099 Totals (bAPFT) based on Status or paiyment changes. Back out old using

    "deleted" values, add in new using "inserted". Delete - reject if bAPHD entries exist. If Purge = "N" in bPOHD, back out invoiced using Trans month,

    and paid amounts (if Status = 3 or 4) using paid monh from bAPVA

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPTD APCo, Mth, APTrans, APLine, APSeq

    biAPTDCMRef CMRef

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoAPSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscOffer bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDueDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoStatus tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPaidMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesPaidDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    YesPayMethod char char 1 1

    YesCMRef bCMRef varchar R 10 10

    YesCMRefSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesEFTSeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    YesVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesTaxAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesTotTaxAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2


    Tracks header level information for each AP transaction. Insert - validate APCo, Vendor, HoldCode, PayMethod, CMCo, CMAcct, Prepaid info must

    be null if PrePaidYN = "N". Validate 1099 info. Add bHQMA entries if AuditTrans in bAPCO = "Y". Update - reject primary key changes. Validate as

    per insert. Insert bHQMA entries for changed values if AuditTrans = "Y" in bAPCO. Delete - reject if bAPTL exists. Insert bHQMA entries if

    AuditPay = "Y" in bAPCO, and PurgeYN = "N".

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPTH APCo, Mth, APTrans

    biAPTHVendor Vendor

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    View: APTH TRANS HEADER - Continued

    Tracks header level information for each AP transaction. Insert - validate APCo, Vendor, HoldCode, PayMethod, CMCo, CMAcct, Prepaid info must

    be null if PrePaidYN = "N". Validate 1099 info. Add bHQMA entries if AuditTrans in bAPCO = "Y". Update - reject primary key changes. Validate as

    per insert. Insert bHQMA entries for changed values if AuditTrans = "Y" in bAPCO. Delete - reject if bAPTL exists. Insert bHQMA entries if

    AuditPay = "Y" in bAPCO, and PurgeYN = "N".

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPTH APCo, Mth, APTrans

    biAPTHVendor Vendor

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesInvId char char 10 10

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    NoInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesDiscDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoDueDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoInvTotal bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10

    YesPayControl varchar varchar 10 10

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoPrePaidYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesPrePaidMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesPrePaidDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesPrePaidChk bCMRef varchar R 10 10

    YesPrePaidSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPrePaidProcYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoV1099YN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesV1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    YesV1099Box tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPayOverrideYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesPayName varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPayAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPayCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesPayState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesPayZip bZip varchar 12 12

    NoOpenYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesInUseMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesInUseBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    NoPurge bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoInPayControl bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesPayAddInfo varchar varchar 60 60

    YesDocName varchar varchar 128 128

    YesAddendaTypeId tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPRCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesEmployee bEmployee int #####0 15 15 0

    YesDLcode bEDLCode smallint ####0 5 5 0

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    View: APTH TRANS HEADER - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesTaxFormCode varchar varchar 10 10

    YesTaxPeriodEndDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesAmountType varchar varchar 10 10

    YesAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesAmtType2 varchar varchar 10 10

    YesAmount2 bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesAmtType3 varchar varchar 10 10

    YesAmount3 bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoSeparatePayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoChkRev bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesAddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesPayCountry char char 2 2


    Line level information abount each AP transaction - identifies the line type (PO, SL, WO, Job, Equip, Inv, Exp) and associated data. Insert - reject if

    not in bAPTH. Validate LineType as follows: 1 = Job - validate JC Co#, Job, Phase, and JC Cost Type. 2 = Inventory - validate IN Co#, Location,

    Material. 3 = Expense - no special validation needed. 4 = Equip - validate EMCo#, Equip, CostCode, and EM Cost Type, 5 = Work Order - validate

    EMCo#, WO, WOItem, Equip, CostCode, and EM Cost Type. 6 = PO - validate PO, POItem, and ItemType. 7 = Subcontract - validate SL and

    SLItem. All types - validate GLCo and GLAcct, Supplier if not null, PayType and Tax info. Add audit entry to bHQMA if AuditTrans = "Y" in bAPCO.

    Update - reject primary key changes. Validate as per insert. Insert bHQMA entries for changed values if AuditTrans = "Y" in bAPCO. Delete - reject

    if bAPTD entries exist. Insert bHQMA entries if AuditTrans = "Y" in bAPCO, and PurgeYN = "N".

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPTL APCo, Mth, APTrans, APLine

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoLineType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPO bPO char 10 10

    YesPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesItemType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesSL bSL varchar 10 10

    YesSLItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10

    YesPhaseGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesPhase bPhase varchar 6R-2R-4RN 14 20

    YesJCCType bJCCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesWO bWO varchar R 10 10

    YesWOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesEquip bEquip varchar 10 10

    YesEMGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesCostCode bCostCode varchar 10 10

    YesEMCType bEMCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesCompType varchar varchar 10 10

    YesComponent bEquip varchar 10 10

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    View: APTL TRANS LINE - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    YesINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesLoc bLoc varchar 10 10

    YesMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesUM bUM varchar 3 3

    NoUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

    YesECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    YesVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGrossAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoMiscAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoMiscYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10

    YesTaxType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoTaxBasis bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoTaxAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRetainage bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoBurUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

    YesBECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    NoPOPayTypeYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesReceiver# varchar varchar 20 20

    YesSLKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    View: APTT 1099 TYPES

    Used to validate 1099 form types. Insert - Not needed. Update - Reject primary key changes. Delete - Reject if used in bAPFT.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPTT V1099Type

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoV1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    View: APUI Unapproved Invoice Header

    Stores the Invoice Headers for Unapproved Invoices.

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    View: APUI Unapproved Invoice Header - Continued

    Stores the Invoice Headers for Unapproved Invoices.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPUI APCo, UIMth, UISeq

    biAPUIVendor Vendor

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoUIMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoUISeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesAPRef bAPReference varchar 15 15

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesDiscDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesDueDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoInvTotal bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10

    YesPayControl varchar varchar 10 10

    NoPayMethod char char 1 1

    NoCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoV1099YN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesV1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    YesV1099Box tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoPayOverrideYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesPayName varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPayAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPayCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesPayState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesPayZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesInUseMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesInUseBatchId bBatchID int #####0 6 6 0

    YesPayAddInfo varchar varchar 60 60

    YesDocName varchar varchar 128 128

    NoSeparatePayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesNotes varchar varchar 2000 2000

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesAddressSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesPayCountry char char 2 2

    YesReviewerGroup varchar varchar 10 10

    YesSLKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


    Holds line level information for Unapproved Invoices. Automatically deleted when Invoice is approved and posted as a transaction. Insert - bAPUI

    must exist. Other values validated when posted. Update - Reject primary key changes. Delete - No trigger needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPUL APCo, UIMth, UISeq, Line

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


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  • Viewpoint View Columns


    Holds line level information for Unapproved Invoices. Automatically deleted when Invoice is approved and posted as a transaction. Insert - bAPUI

    must exist. Other values validated when posted. Update - Reject primary key changes. Delete - No trigger needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPUL APCo, UIMth, UISeq, Line

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoUIMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoUISeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoLineType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesPO bPO char 10 10

    YesPOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesItemType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesSL bSL varchar 10 10

    YesSLItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesJCCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesJob bJob varchar 5R-2RN 8 10

    YesPhaseGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesPhase bPhase varchar 6R-2R-4RN 14 20

    YesJCCType bJCCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesEMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesWO bWO varchar R 10 10

    YesWOItem bItem smallint ####0 5 5 0

    YesEquip bEquip varchar 10 10

    YesEMGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesCostCode bCostCode varchar 10 10

    YesEMCType bEMCType tinyint ##0 10 10 0

    YesCompType varchar varchar 10 10

    YesComponent bEquip varchar 10 10

    YesINCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesLoc bLoc varchar 10 10

    YesMatlGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesMaterial bMatl varchar 20 20

    YesGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    YesDescription bDesc varchar 30 30

    YesUM bUM varchar 3 3

    YesUnits bUnits numeric ###,###,##0.000 15 15 3

    NoUnitCost bUnitCost numeric ##,###,###,##0.00000 20 20 5

    YesECM bECM char UCASE 1 1

    YesVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesPayType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoGrossAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoMiscAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoMiscYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10

    YesTaxType tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoTaxBasis bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoTaxAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoRetainage bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoDiscount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesPayCategory int int 10 10 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesSLDetailKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesReviewerGroup varchar varchar 10 10

    YesInvOriginator varchar varchar 20 20

    YesReceiver# varchar varchar 20 20

    YesSLKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


    Tracks Reviewers assigned to approve Unapproved Invoices. Is kept as history when the unapproved invoice is added to a transaction batch and

    posted. bAPUR is updated with the expense month and aptrans. Insert - bAPUI must exist. Validate Reviewer in bHQRV. Update - reject primary

    key changes. Delete - no trigger needed.

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPUR APCo, UIMth, UISeq, Reviewer, Line

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoUIMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoUISeq smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoReviewer varchar varchar 3 3

    NoApprvdYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoLine int int 10 10 0

    NoApprovalSeq int int 10 10 0

    YesDateAssigned bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesDateApproved bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesAmountApproved bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesRejected bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesRejReason varchar varchar 50 50

    YesAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    YesExpMonth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    YesMemo bNotes text 0 16

    YesLoginName bVPUserName varchar 40 128

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    YesRejectDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesReviewerGroup varchar varchar 10 10


    Summarizes all purchases and payments by vendor and month. Insert - validate APCo and Vendor. Insert bHQMA if AuditVendors in bAPCO = "Y".

    Update - reject primary key changes. Validate as per Insert. Insert changed values in bHQMA if AuditVendors in bAPCO = "Y" and AuditYN = "Y".

    Delete - No validation. Insert deleted records in bHQMA if AuditVendors in bAPCO = "Y" and AuditYN = "Y".

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPVA APCo, VendorGroup, Vendor, Mth

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

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    ViewColumns .rpt

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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns


    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoInvAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoPaidAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscOff bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoAuditYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


    Compliance codes associated by vendor. When adding, or editing info, users will be given the option to update open Purchase Orders and/or

    Subcontracts with Comp Code info. Insert - Validate APCo, Vendor, and CompCode. Insert bHQMA if AuditComp in bAPCO = "Y". Update - Reject

    primary key changes. Validate as per Insert. Insert changed values in bHQMA if AuditComp in bAPCO = "Y". Delete - No validation. Insert deleted

    records in bHQMA if AuditComp in bAPCO = "Y".

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPVC APCo, VendorGroup, Vendor, CompCode

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoCompCode bCompCode varchar 10 10

    NoVerify bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesExpDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesComplied bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesMemo varchar varchar 255 255

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


    Hold codes assigned to a Vendor. Used to put transactions on hold when added through an expense batch. Insert - Validate APCo, Vendor and

    HoldCode. Insert bHQMA if AuditHold in bAPCO = "Y". Update - Reject primary key changes. Validate as per Insert. Insert changed values in

    bHQMA if AuditHold in bAPCO = "Y". Delete - No validation. Insert deleted records in bHQMA if AuditHold in bAPCO = "Y".

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPVH APCo, VendorGroup, Vendor, HoldCode

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoHoldCode bHoldCode varchar 10 10

    YesMemo varchar varchar 255 255

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0


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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APVM VENDOR MASTER - Continued

    Tracks static information and defaults about Vendors associated with a Vendor Group. Vendor Group assigned in bHQCO allowing multiple AP Co#s

    to share a single Vendor Master. Insert - VendorGroup must exist in bHQGP. Type must be "R" or "S". State and POState must exist in bHQST or

    be null. CustGroup and Customer must exist in bARCM or be null. TaxGroup and TaxCode must exist in bHQTX or be null. PayTerms must exist in

    bHQPT or be null. GL Account must be active, subledger type "P" or null, not a Heading or Memo account, may be null. V1099Type must exist in

    bAPTT or be null. V1099Box must be between 1 and 13, or null. EFT must be "A","N", or "P". All bYN columns are bound to brYesNo and need not

    be validated. Insert bHQMA for all new entries if any AP Co# using this Vendor Master has AuditVendors in bAPCO set to "Y". Update - Reject

    primary key changes. Validate as above. Insert bHQMA for all changes values (except Notes and AuditYN), if any AP Co# using this Vendor Master

    has AuditVendors in bAPCO set to "Y" and AuditYN = "Y". Delete - Reject if Vendor in use in bAPVA, bAPFT, bAPVC, bAPVH, bAPTH, bAPRH,

    bAPPH, bPOHD, or bSLHD. Insert bHQMA for all deleted entries if any AP Co# using this Vendor Master has AuditVendors in bAPCO set to "Y".

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPVM VendorGroup, Vendor

    biAPVMSortName VendorGroup, SortName

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoSortName bSortName varchar 15 15

    YesName varchar varchar 60 60

    NoType char char 1 1

    NoTempYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesContact varchar varchar 30 30

    YesPhone bPhone varchar 20 20

    YesFax bPhone varchar 20 20

    YesEMail varchar varchar 60 60

    YesURL varchar varchar 60 60

    YesAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesAddress2 varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPOAddress varchar varchar 60 60

    YesPOCity varchar varchar 30 30

    YesPOState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesPOZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesPOAddress2 varchar varchar 60 60

    NoPurge bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesCustGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesCustomer bCustomer int #####0 15 15 0

    YesTaxGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesTaxCode bTaxCode varchar 10 10

    YesPayTerms bPayTerms varchar 10 10

    NoGLCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesGLAcct bGLAcct char 5R.2RN2RN 10 20

    NoV1099YN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesV1099Type varchar varchar 10 10

    YesV1099Box tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesTaxId varchar varchar 12 12

    YesProp varchar varchar 30 30

    NoActiveYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoEFT char char 1 1

    YesRoutingId varchar varchar 34 34

    YesBankAcct varchar varchar 35 35

    YesAcctType varchar varchar 1 1

    YesLastInvDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APVM VENDOR MASTER - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAuditYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    YesAddnlInfo varchar varchar 60 60

    YesAddendaTypeId tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesReviewer varchar varchar 3 3

    NoSeparatePayInvYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoOverrideMinAmtYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesMasterVendor bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoAPRefUnqOvr tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesICFirstName varchar varchar 28 28

    YesICMInitial varchar varchar 1 1

    YesICLastName varchar varchar 40 40

    YesICSocSecNbr varchar varchar 9 9

    YesICStreetNbr varchar varchar 5 5

    YesICStreetName varchar varchar 40 40

    YesICAptNbr varchar varchar 4 4

    YesICCity varchar varchar 40 40

    YesICState varchar varchar 4 4

    YesICZip bZip varchar 12 12

    YesICLastRptDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    NoUpdatePMYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    YesCountry char char 2 2

    YesPOCountry char char 2 2

    YesICCountry char char 2 2

    NoAddRevToAllLinesYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoAUVendorEFTYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesAUVendorAccountNumber varchar varchar 9 9

    YesAUVendorBSB varchar varchar 6 6

    YesAUVendorReference varchar varchar 18 18

    YesPayInfoDelivMthd char char 1 1

    NoIATYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesISODestinationCountryCode varchar varchar 2 2

    YesRDFIBankName varchar varchar 35 35

    YesBranchCountryCode varchar varchar 3 3

    YesRDFIIdentNbrQualifier varchar varchar 2 2

    YesGatewayOperatorRDFIIdent varchar varchar 8 8

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    YesT5FirstName varchar varchar 12 12

    YesT5MiddleInit varchar varchar 1 1

    YesT5LastName varchar varchar 20 20

    YesT5SocInsNbr varchar varchar 9 9

    YesT5BusinessNbr varchar varchar 15 15

    YesT5BusTypeCode char char 1 1

    YesT5PartnerFIN varchar varchar 9 9

    YesAusBusNbr varchar varchar 20 20

    YesAusCorpNbr varchar varchar 20 20

    YesudVendorType varchar varchar 10 10

    View: APWD Payment Workfile Detail

    Stores the Workfile details used in AP Payment

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  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APWD Payment Workfile Detail - Continued

    Stores the Workfile details used in AP Payment

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPWD APCo, Mth, APTrans, APLine, APSeq

    biAPWD_UserId APCo, UserId

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoUserId bVPUserName varchar 40 128

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoAPLine smallint smallint (up to 32767) 5 5 0

    NoAPSeq tinyint tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoHoldYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoPayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoDiscOffered bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesDueDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    YesVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    NoAmount bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesUniqueAttchID bigint uniqueidentifier 0 16 0

    NoCompliedYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoKeyID bigint bigint 19 19 0

    View: APWH Payment Workfile Header

    Stores the workfile headers used in AP Payment

    Index Name Columns In Index

    biAPWH APCo, Mth, APTrans

    biAPWH_UserId APCo, UserId

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoAPCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    NoUserId bVPUserName varchar 40 128

    NoMth bMonth smalldatetime mm/yy 5 5

    NoAPTrans bTrans int ######0 7 7 0

    NoPayYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoUnpaidAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    NoPayAmt bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2

    YesDiscDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesDueDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

    YesPayControl varchar varchar 10 10

    YesPayMethod char char 1 1

    YesCMCo bCompany tinyint (0 to 255) 3 3 0

    YesCMAcct bCMAcct smallint ###0 4 4 0

    NoHoldYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoVendorGroup bGroup tinyint ##0 3 3 0

    YesSupplier bVendor int #####0 15 15 0

    NoSeparatePayJobYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoSeparatePaySLYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    NoTakeAllDiscYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesDiscCancelDate bDate smalldatetime mm/dd/yy 8 8

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    Date Format - MM/DD/YY

  • Viewpoint View Columns

    View: APWH Payment Workfile Header - Continued

    Column Viewpoint Type Input




    Decimals SQL Type Format Nulls Posted


    NoManualAddYN bYN char UCASE 1 1

    YesNotes bNotes text 0 16

    NoDiscTaken bDollar numeric #,###,###,##0.00 16 16 2
