World History Teacher: Miss Bunnell Roman Empire Name: _________________________________ Geography Rome is located in _____________. Italy is a _________________________ connected to _________________ The Apennine mountain range runs down the middle of Italy and separates the _____________ and ________________ sides. There are many large, fertile plains that are ideal for ___________________ The city of Rome was a favorite place to visit. o Located on the __________________________, and had its own route to the sea. Rome was ________________________________ because it was built on seven hills.

bunnellhistory.weebly.com  · Web viewPassed on models for sculpture, architecture, and literature. ... Loss of an army or naval fleet made them build more sections of the military

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World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

Geography Rome is located in _____________.

Italy is a _________________________ connected to _________________

The Apennine mountain range runs down the middle of Italy and separates

the _____________ and ________________ sides.

There are many large, fertile plains that are ideal for ___________________

The city of Rome was a favorite place to visit.

o Located on the __________________________, and had its own

route to the sea.

Rome was ________________________________ because it was built on

seven hills.

The Roman empire was situated in a very strategic area since Italy extends

in the center of the Mediterranean Sea.

Rise of Rome

The first peoples that settled the region were called _________________

because they lived in the region of ____________________, which is where

Rome was created.

Greeks also settled large portions of Italy from 750BC-550BC, and

influenced much of Rome.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

o Planted olives and grapes

o Passed on their __________________________

o Passed on models for sculpture, architecture, and literature.

Romans also borrowed ideas and culture from people known as the


o The ______________ and short cloak

o Army organization

The Roman Republic

509BC = The Romans overthrew all foreign rulers and established a


In a republic, the leader is ________ a ________________, and __________

citizens have the right to _____________

In the beginning, Rome was surrounded by enemies.

o For 200 years they were engaged in continuous warfare.

o In fact, they fought the nearby Greeks, but defeated them in 264BC.

The Romans created the “__________________________________” which

allowed Latins to have __________ citizenship.

Any other communities were made to be ________________ and how to

provide soldiers to Rome.

These allies could improve their status and become citizens if they remained


World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

Smart Strategies They allowed states to control their own affairs, but Rome was firm in

their ultimate power of the region.

Loss of an army or naval fleet made them build more sections of the


They ____________________ the towns they built, and all the roads

connected the towns together so that the troops could move quickly

through the territory.

Political Structure

Divided into two groups, _________________________________________

o ______________________: wealthy landowners.

o ______________________: craftspeople, merchants, farmers.

Men in ___________ groups were citizens who paid ______________,

owed military service, and could _____________.

Only _______________________ could be elected to government offices.

Chief executive officers of the Roman Republic were consuls and prators.

____________ consuls were chosen every year.

o They ran the government and lead the army into battle.

Praetors were in charge of ________________________________________

and were expected to be judges.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

They also created the _____________________________

o Select group of 300 patricians who served ______________________

The Senate was never a traditional democracy (with voting on the laws), but

the Senate did serve as an advisor council for government policies.

The Republic did allow rich and poor citizens to _____________________

to support the government. This is when they would __________________

the consuls and praetors.

Struggle of People

There was often conflict between the patricians and the plebeians.

Plebeians thought they deserved political and social ________________

since they also served in the army.

By 287BC, ___________________ Roman citizens were supposedly equal

under the law. But in reality, a few patrician and plebeian families formed a

ruling class and dominated the government.

Roman Law

Their first code of laws were the ___________________________ (450BC)

o Established that _________ citizens were ______________ before the


World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

As the population grew and changed there were questions about law for citizens and non-citizens.

o The established the “Law of Nation” which created standards for

justice that applied to all people.

Standards of Justice…

o __________________ until proven _________________

o Accused people are allowed to _______________ themselves before a


o A judge must weigh ______________________________ and proof

when making a decision.

Roman Expansion

The Romans controlled all of Italy, but soon they found themselves in a

struggle across the Mediterranean Sea with the Phoenicians in the city of

___________________ on the north coast of Africa.

In 264BC the two powers began a lengthy struggle for control of the


World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

The Punic Wars

Called “Punic” for the Latin word for Phoenician, which was “_______________”

First Punic War

Began when Rome sent their army to the island of ________________,

which the Carthaginians considered to be part of their empire.

The Romans realized they could not win the war without a ____________,

so they built a large fleet of ships.

o Eventually the Roman fleet defeated the Carthaginian navy.

In 241BC Carthage gave up the rights to Sicily and ____________________

to the Romans (to pay for war damages).

Carthage vowed revenge and added new lands in _______________.

The Romans then encouraged a Spanish ally to revolt against Carthage.

In response, ___________________, a great general of Carthage, struck

back… and this began the Second Punic War.

Second Punic War

Lasted from 218BC-201BC

Hannibal took the Carthaginians by land across Spain and crossed over the

_________________________________ to the north of Italy.

o 46,000 men

o Horses

o 37 battle elephants

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

The Alps mountains took a toll on the army and most of the elephants did not survive.

The Romans met Hannibal head-on Big mistake!

o Hannibal destroyed the Romans at ___________________

o Some Italians cities ______________________________ against the


o Rome refused to give up, so they put more men in the army.

A change of strategy!

o The Romans left Hannibal alone in Italy and went straight to Carthage

to attack them.

o Hannibal went back to Carthage to help, and there his forces were


o Carthage lost Spain, now it belonged to Rome.

Third Punic War

50 years after the end of the Second Punic War, they had a Third.

Finally, in 146BC the city of Carthage was completed destroyed.

o For 10 days the Roman soldiers burned the city.

o All the people were sold into slavery.

Rome took over Carthage and now controlled a part of north Africa.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

By the way, while all of this Punic stuff was going on, Rome was also fighting Macedonia… they took that.

o And they took __________________.

o Aaaand they took Pergamum in ____________________.

So now Rome controlled the entire Mediterranean.

Decline of the Republic

By the 100sBC the Senate became more powerful, but all the members were

from rich aristocratic families.

However, the backbone of the state and army had always been the plebeians,

especially small farmers.

The aristocrats bought out the land from the poor farmers, forcing them to

move into cities.

Now there was a large class of people who were poor, landless, & homeless.

Bothers named _______________________________________ (aristocrats)

tried to fix the situation.

They tried to pass bills that would give public land back to the landless


Many Senators, who were aristocratic landowners, were furious.

___________________ was killed in 133BC; _____________ was killed

soon after.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

The attempts of the Gaius brothers opened the doors for more istability and conflict.

For the next 50 years there was competition for power and civil wars caused

by the competition.

Eventually three powerful men - _________________, ________________,

and ______________________________ - held enormous military &

political power.

o Crassus was the __________________ man in Rome.

o Pompey was a __________________________________.

o Julius Caesar was also a military commander, but more of a power-

hungry ____________.

In 60BC the three men joined so they could rule together.

The First Triumvirate

A _________________________ is a government ran by three people with

equal power.

Combining their money and military strength gave them incredible

dominance in Rome.

But then _________________ died in battle in 53BC.

Caesar was very popular, and the leading senators decided that rule by

Pompey alone would be the least harmful.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

They voted to make Caesar step down his command.

Caesar was furious. He took his army and ___________________________.

o He defeated Pompey and took complete control of the government.

Caesar declared himself the _______________________ in 47BC.

Julius Caesar

Granted citizenship to the ________________________________________

Changed the calendar to use the Egyptian system of ___________________

Began to plan building projects and military campaigns to conquer lands.

The Senators resented his growing power and wanted the old republican

system back.

In ___________ a group of Senators ambushed Julius Caesar and

assassinated him by ______________________ him to death.

The Second Triumvirate

After Caesar’s death, three new men joined together to take power.

o ______________________: Caesar’s heir and grandnephew.

o ______________________: Caesar’s ally and assistant.

o ______________________: Caesar’s cavalry commander.

Soon only two of the men were truly in control.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

o Octavian took the ___________.

o Antony took the ____________.

o They immediately came into conflict.

The Battle is On

Antony allied himself with Egyptian Queen, ________________________

(who once before had been in love with Julius Caesar).

31BC = Octavian’s forces defeated Antony’s & Cleo’s at the ___________


Both of them fled to Egypt and committed ________________________.

Octavian was now the supreme ruler of the Roman world.

o He was only 32.

The Roman Empire

27BC = The Senate awarded Octavian the titled of ____________________

which means “_________________________________.”

The civil wars ended and he became highly popular.

He was also the ___________________, meaning he was the commander

and chief over the army.

Augustus kept an army of about 150,000 men.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

“_________________” were military troops in units of 5,000 troops.

He extended Roman control to the Balkan peninsula.

However, the ____________________ massacred the legions that Augustus

sent to conquer them.

Augustus ruled for 45 years until he died in 14 AD.

Rome would continue to always be ruled by emperors.

Life in the Roman Empire

Succession of Emperors

Augustus’ system allowed for an emperor to ____________ his successor

from his ______________ or ___________________ family.

The next 4 emperors took more power away from the Senate, thereby slowly

becoming more corrupt.

o The fourth, ___________, would have people killed if he wanted them

out of the way. Including his own _____________________.

After Nero’s death in 69 AD a major civil war broke out.

But beginning in the 100’s AD there were “Five Good Emperors.”

o Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius.

o They continued a time of prosperity in Rome known as the “________

__________________,” or the Roman Peace.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

Pax Romana Lasted almost 200 years.

Rulers treated the ruling classes with respect and stopped executions.

Rulers were known for _______________________.

They adopted capable men as their sons and reduced the changes of

succession problems for the empire.

Created new ______________________________.

o Trajan provided state funds to help poor parents in the raising and

educating of their children.

Created new ___________________________ that added new roads and

structures throughout the empire.

Local cultures were tolerated and given from freedoms, and Roman and

______________ culture mixed freely.

o Western half of the Roman Empire spoke _______________

o Eastern half of the Roman Empire spoke ________________


Largely based on _____________.

o Reached as far as __________________.

___________________ was still the most important job.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

Despite a thriving empire economy there was still a ____________________between the rich and the poor.

o Thousands of unemployed still depended on the emperor’s handouts in order to survive.


The Romans adopted many features of the old ___________ styles of art.

____________________ were very popular and were in public buildings and


o However, Roman statues put more focus on ___________________

and intense ______________, even if the feature was not



Used many styles of the ____________, but the Romans used arches, vaults,

and domes in their buildings.

Most buildings were made from ____________________.

Built ______________________ to help control the flow of water

throughout Roman cities.

Built ________________________________________________

Public and private ____________ were built to supply fresh water for

bathing while the dirty water was flushed out.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

Mathematics The Romans used ________________ to represent numbers.

The letter symbols made math easier because long numbers could be

_______________________ for adding and subtracting.

I = C =

V = D =

X = M =

L =


o IV = VIII =

o IIL = CD =

Science Again, they were influenced by the _______________

Expanded their knowledge of illness, anatomy, and medicine.

Galen, a physician, believed that the body had ___________ main bodily

fluids (“_______________”) that needed to remain balanced in order for the

body to be healthy.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________


______________ wrote Aeneid.

o About a man named Aeneas who is the ______________________

o The poem expressed that the Romans were meant to rule the world.

______________ wrote The Early History of Rome.

o Traces Roman history all the way back to 9BC.

o Out of 142 books, only ________ have survived.

Family Life

All Roman upper-class children – boys and girls – were expected to learn to

___________ and _______________.

Teachers were often _______________________________

Roman boys learned: reading, writing, moral principles, family values, law,

and physical trainings.

Female Society

Romans believed females were ___________ and needed male guardians.

o ___________________________

Fathers arranged the marriages of their daughters.

Min age for marriage was ______, but it was more common around _______

o Marriages were “______________________,” but divorce

began in the 200sBC and was easy to get.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

In the 100sAD the husband’s absolutely authority over his wife disappeared,

and women were ____________________ required to have male guardians.


Slavery has always been common in the world, but no one had more slaves

than the ___________________.

Most slaves were people from ______________________ areas around the

Mediterranean Sea.

___________ slaves were in demand as tutors, musicians, doctors, and


A Roman writer argued it was _______________ to work a slave to

_____________ and replace it rather than treat it well.

If a slave killed his owner, _________ the slaves of the household would be


Living Conditions


Walking at night was dangerous

Filth was thrown from the upper-story windows of apartments.

World HistoryTeacher: Miss BunnellRoman Empire Name: _________________________________

_____________ were common in the apartments.

Poor people received grain __________________ from the emperors.

There were three major types of entertainment…

o Horse and _________________ races

o Drama in the theater

o ____________________________________


Believed that their success and strength meant that the gods (copied from the

Greeks) favored Rome.

Romans were __________________ of other religions, even Judaism.

o Eventually there will be struggles and oppression of Jews, and then

later ________________________.