So B. It by: Sarah Weeks Reading Log and Study Guide Name: _____________________________________________

Web viewI know what an “I.Q.” score is.YN. ... Reading is a journey! ... word Vocabulary list: Word 1: Page: Word 2: Page: Sentence:

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So B. It

by: Sarah Weeks

Reading Log and Study Guide

Name: _____________________________________________

Class: ______ #: ______

Anticipation Guide

1. I know when my birthday is.YN

1. I know my last name. YN

1. I know who my father is. YN

1. I know a mentally disabled person.YN

1. I know what an I.Q. score is.YN

1. I have heard of agoraphobia.YN

1. My mom and/or dad know more than YN

23 words to use when communicating.

1. I have been home schooled. YN

1. Soof is a word.YN

10. I have been to New York State. YN

Short Answer

Directions: Please answer the following questions.

1. What is truth? (Truth is)

1. How important is communication in daily life? (In daily life, communication is _______ important because.)

1. Does every question have an answer? If so, how is an answer found?

1. Are we born knowing how to love or do we need to be taught how to love? Explain your answer.

Things to Mark in your BOOK!

Be on the lookout for examples of figurative language as we read. Some examples of figurative language to be on the lookout for include:

Figurative Language

Simile comparing two things using like or as

Metaphor comparing two things with a linking verb (this is this)

Personification giving human characteristics to something nonhuman

Alliteration repetition of beginning consonant sounds

Idiom a saying that cannot be translated literally

Hyperbole a saying that can be taken somewhat literally but is very exaggerated

Literary Devices & Sound Devices

Onomatopoeia words that represent sounds

Symbolism when an object or thing is used to represent something else

Alliteration similar sounds at the beginning of sentences

You will also be asked to also use the Reading Strategies that we have practiced this year. These include:

Questions What questions arise in your mind as you read?

Connections Is there a connection to another story? Your own life?

Visualizing what do you see in your mind as you read? Draw a picture.

Inferring what are the characters/author really saying?

Predicting do you think what you know will happen later in the story?

Summarizing whats the big/main idea? Whats it all about?

Why is this Stuff Important for Me?

Practicing these skills will make you a better reader and will help you comprehend So B. It in greater detail.

Figurative language can be tough to understand. By reflecting when you read, it will allow for you to see if you fully understood what you read.

There is depth to the characters in our story. Challenge yourself to put yourself in their shoes and to reflect on what they are thinking, feeling, and seeing.

Reading is a journey!

Put your reading caps on, Gamers!

Lets read So B. It!

Chapters 1 4 (Due _____________)

Clarifying Words: Create your own 2 word Vocabulary list:

Word 1:


Word 2:




Your Definition:

Your Definition:

Dictionary Definition:

Dictionary Definition:

Discussion Questions: Answer in complete sentences and be prepared to discuss.

1. Who is narrating the story?


2. What two realizations does Heidi have at the end of chapter 1? Where is she when she has them? How old is she (doesnt need to be exact age, but this helps us determine past, present, or future)?





3. Using page 37, fill out the list below.

Things I know about Mama:

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

4. _________________________________________

5. _________________________________________

6. _________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________

4. According to Bernie, why do people lie? Do you agree with this statement? 2 PART QUESTION! (pg.29)





5. Where were you born?


Chapters 5 8 (Due _____________)

Clarifying Words: Create your own 2 word Vocabulary list:

Word 1:


Word 2:




Your Definition:

Your Definition:

Dictionary Definition:

Dictionary Definition:

Discussion Questions: Answer in complete sentences and be prepared to discuss.

1. What happens when Mama and Heidi try to take the bus?


2. What are at least 4 details about the photographs that you think are important to remember? List them below.



3. At the end of ch. 6, Heidi is not getting the response from Mama that she wants. Do you think Mama realizes in her mind that she is avoiding the question? Why or why not?




4. After Bernies collapse in the hall, everything changed between Heidi and Zander. He handed her a tiny scrap of Truth. What does this mean? Why did things change? How does Heidi see Zander differently now?




5. In chapter 5, we learn what the image on the cover of the book is about. What does it symbolize to Heidi and restate how she describes it.



Chapters 9 12 (Due _____________)

Clarifying Words: Create your own 2 word Vocabulary list:

Word 1:


Word 2:




Your Definition:

Your Definition:

Dictionary Definition:

Dictionary Definition:

Discussion Questions: Answer in complete sentences and be prepared to discuss.

1. In chapter 9, Bernie tells Heidi, It doesnt matter where you came from; it only matters that youre here.

Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?




2. On her way to the Greyhound station, Heidi describes her feelings as a strange hollow sensation in the pit of my stomach and my mouth tasted funny, metallic like the water from the drinking fountain at the library. Why did the author use this language? In other words, what does this mean?




3. Write three things about Alice Wilinsky. (ch.10)

a. ________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________

4. What does Heidi discover about lying in ch. 10?


