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grangebaptistchurch.org.augrangebaptistchurch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/... · Web viewe has been saying to you through His Word Some of the passages are selections taken

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Page 1: grangebaptistchurch.org.augrangebaptistchurch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/... · Web viewe has been saying to you through His Word Some of the passages are selections taken


“The Cross”

As you read ask…What part of this reading resonates with me at the moment?Is there something I need to take heed of from this reading?

What can I do differently today as a result of what I have read?Make a note of your thoughts and talk to God about what He

has been saying to you through His Word

Page 2: grangebaptistchurch.org.augrangebaptistchurch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/... · Web viewe has been saying to you through His Word Some of the passages are selections taken

Some of the passages are selections taken out of context. If you have time it may be appropriate to read the surrounding passages so that you may better understand what is going on.

Sunday 26 Feb SERMON: Foolishness of the Cross 1 Cor. 1:18-25


Day Reading Reflection PrayerMon 27Feb

Mark 10:32-45

Mark introduces midway through his book both the impending death of Jesus and its purpose. Here, as well as a description of what will happen he links his death with “servanthood” and “ransom”. As we begin this journey looking at the death of Jesus, what images or words do you associate with what happened and why it happened?

Lord Jesus help me as I follow your footsteps to understand what you did for me and what that means for how I live for you and others now.

Tue 28 Feb

Mark 14: 32-36SHROVE TUESDAY

Jesus prays – “I wish there was another way. But whatever you want Father I am willing to do”. What do you think Jesus was feeling? Why? What does this tells us about why his death was necessary?

Father, help me to do whatever you ask, knowing that you are a good and loving Father who wants hat is best for me and will always do what is right for the world you love.

Wed 1 March

Mark 14:43-52ASH WEDNESDAY

Jesus appears to submit willingly to both the kiss of betrayal and the arrest by sword. How? Why?What can we learn about his understanding of what was about to happen and our own response to challenges in our lives?

Father, help me to be so aware of your love that I can face any situation with confidence and hope.

Thur 2 March

Mark 14:55-61(see Psalm 109)

False accusations are very difficult to receive. What does Jesus’ silence?

Father help me when falsely accused to respond with grace trusting in you.

Fri 3 March

Mark 14:61-65 Why did Jesus choose to respond now? What did he mean by what He was saying? What did the High Priest understand about what Jesus said? Why did he respond the way he did?

Lord Jesus may my life reflect the deep love you deserve

Sat 4 March

Mark 15:1-15 From this account, if appears if Jesus was crucified because he claimed to be their King. Do you agree? Why do people (you?) not want Jesus to be king? What do you do to avoid Him being your king?

Jesus forgive me for when I refuse to allow you to be King of my life and situation. Help me to see how your rule and reign in my life is the best thing I could ever hope for.

Sunday 5th March SERMON Behold the Lamb John 1:29 Rev.5:4,5, Psalm 22

Day Reading Reflection PrayerMon 6 March Mark 15:16-20 Picture the scene. Smell the dust, the

blood, the sweat. See the horror and pain for what it is. Feel the inhumanity, brutality

Jesus, what love is this, that would submit to such suffering and humiliation

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and hate of the soldiers, along with the willing submission of our saviour.

for me?

Tue 7 March Mark 15:21-24 This account, the actual crucifixion, is described with stark brevity. Is this significant? Imagine you were Simon, how would you feel being drafted in for this job? Do you think he had any idea of the significant role he played in the history of the world?

Jesus your death was just wrong. Like Simon I have had a part in putting you on that cross. For all that I have done that means you had to die – I am sorry. Thank you for dying willingly for me.

Wed 8 March

Mark 15:25-32 Jesus is crucified as the King of the Jews, between 2 criminals and amongst people who mock him. He is still mocked today for claiming to be King. How do the things you do, say and believe mock Him still?

Jesus, forgive me for when I mock you by the things I do. Help me to allow you to be truly King of my life.

Thur 9 March Mark 15:33-36 (See Psalm 22)

Jesus echoed what many of us feel when he cried out, and those there misunderstood it. Could that be because the reality of what he said is just too difficult to fathom. If it is actually true. How and why would God have forsaken him at this hour?

Thankyou Jesus that because of how you took on my sin, and as a result God turned his back on you I can know that God will now never leave me or forsake me. He is always for me.

Fri 10 March Mark 15:37-39 Something about how Jesus died was sufficient for one hardened solider to recognise Him for who he really was – the Son of God. What do you think that was? What is it about Jesus that most impresses you?

Lord Jesus help me to truly see you as you are and to allow you to be King and Son of God in my life.

Sat 11 March Mark 15:40-47 The tenderness of those who attended Jesus’ body is evident in today’s passage. Feel their love and grief as Joseph and the women attend his bruised, broken and lifeless body. How would they be feeling, what would they be thinking as this occurs?

Lord Jesus may my life reflect the deep love you deserve.

Sunday 12th March SERMON Power of the Cross Isaiah 53

THE CROSS AS CULMINATION OF HISTORYDay Reading Reflection PrayerMon 13 March

13 Gen 3:8-15

Immediately after Adam and Eve disobey God and judgement occurs as a result of our sin, God points to a time when this will be reversed and our rebellion dealt with once

Father help me to live with the hope of full restoration of how you intended your creation and in partnership with how you are brining that about.

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and for all. Can you begin to imagine a time when Satan and his works will be completely crushed. What would that look like if it occurred here and now?

Tue 14 March

Psalm 22 Some suggest that in quoting the beginning of this Psalm, Jesus was referencing all of it; others think he was only reflecting on its opening verse. Do you think it makes a difference which way you lean? Could this Psalm ever be a reflection of how you feel? Why not write it out in your own words?

Thank you that because of Jesus you have saved me and now will never leave me.

Wed 15 March

Is.53 Which part of this passage speaks most powerfully to you? Why?

Use this passage as a prayer. AS you read through it slowly and with pauses, thank Jesus for what he achieved by his passion and death.

Thursday 16 March

Zech 12:10,11 This promise of God for the healing of his people through the death of his son, comes with a sense of grief at what they have done. Take some time to think about the things you do, say and think that have made it necessary for God’s Son to die for you.

Father thank you for giving us Jesus and that through his death we can experience your forgiveness and restoration.

Fri 17 March Mark 10:45 Jesus came as servant and ransom. How has he served you? What do you understand about how his death was a ransom?

Father, help me to understand the full extent of what you achieved by the death of your Son for me.

Sat 18 March Psalm 40:1-8 How much do you think this Psalm is a reflection of what Jesus was doing, and how much does it reflect how we need to respond because of what Jesus did?

Father thank you for Jesus example and because of what he achieved we can follow it. Help me to do so today.

19th March Virtue of the Cross (what it achieved) John 20:21

Day Reading Reflection PrayerMon 20 March

Gen 22:1-2, 6-14

Here in this story is a vivid portrayal of what Jesus did for us. Like the ram, he took our place. What does it mean for you that he took your place?

Thank you Jesus that you died instead of me.

Tue 21 Isaiah 25:1-9 I find it interesting to think that the mountain described here could be pointing towards Calvary. How is this prophecy a description of what Jesus achieved by his death? How

Lord Jesus, Help me to experience what you achieved by your death as a feast of rich food for all people, including me and the people I love.

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is it a description of your experience?

Wed 22 Exodus 12:5-15, 13:3

The Passover and the death of Jesus are intrinsically linked in the Biblical narrative. What do the events of the Passover and its impact on God’s people have to say to you about the significance and effect of Jesus death in our place?

Thank you Jesus that by dying for me you have set me free. Help me to live fully in the experience of this freedom as you intended.

Thur 23 Lev.16:1-10 Passover and the Day of Atonement were two festivals in Israel’s calendar which pointed toward what God would accomplish in Jesus. What do the practices on the Day of Atonement tell us about what Jesus accomplished with his death?

Thankyou Jesus that by your death all the impact and effect of my sin and rebellion were dealt with. Help me to live in the reality of this great news.

Fri 24 Heb.8:3-6 Jesus is described as our High Priest. A mediator between God and man. The one who brings us together. List all the ways you can think of that Jesus’ death reconciles us to God.

Thank you Jesus that because of your death I can know God personally and be brought into right relationship with Him.

Sat 25 Eph.3:3-6 What Jesus achieved by his coming, death and resurrection is described here as God’s mystery revealed. The reconciling of all things and people. How are you experiencing his reconciling power and presence in your life at the moment? Where do you need to?

Lord Jesus help to both experience and express your reconciliation in my relationship with you and others today.

26th March Victory of the Cross Over Satan Hebrews 2:14,15, Romans 8:37 1 John 3:8,


Day Reading Reflection PrayerMon 27 Romans 1:16-

17How do you think the gospel is God’s power of salvation? Where does the death of Jesus fit into this gospel (good news)?

Lord Jesus help me to fully experience the righteousness that is mine because of your death for me. Help me to live in the reality and fullness of it today.

Tue 28 Romans 5:6-11

The death of Jesus is described as a demonstration of the love of God for us. Take some time today to reflect on how much God loves you. Find some way to express it.

Father God, thank you for loving me enough to send you one and only Son to die for me.

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Wed 29 Romans 6:1-14

As we respond to the death and resurrection of Jesus we are told our old sinful selves are put to death with Jesus and we are raised as a new creation (2 Cor.5:21). What do we need to do to ensure that our old selves are indeed dead and buried and how do we best participate with God so that our new lives have free reign?

Lord Jesus thank you for giving me new life. Help me to live in the light of this today.

Thur 30 1 Cor.1:18-25 Here the message of the cross is described as both being foolish and weak, but also the power of God and the wisdom of God. How is the cross foolish and weak to those who are not interested and power and wisdom to those who respond?

Father, Help me to experience the wisdom and power of the cross in my life today.

Fri 31 2 Cor.5:11-21 Reconciled. What is it that meant Jesus death resulted in our reconciliation? Where does reconciliation with God mean for you? What do you need to do in order to express God’s reconciling action to others?

Father help me to fully experiencing the right relationship that I can have with you because of what Jesus did and to help others to experience it also.

Sat 1 April Col.2:6-15 This is a powerful statement about the effect of Jesus death and resurrection. Make a list from this passage of what it achieved and what that means for you.

Father, thank you for all that you have done for me by sending Jesus to die in my place. Help me to live in the reality of that and share this great news with others by all I do and say.

2nd April Suffering and the Cross Phil.1:29, 1 Peter 5:10

JOHN’S RECORD OF THE EVENTSDay Reading Reflection PrayerMon 3 John 18:1-11 Jesus enters the garden after

praying, knowing full well what will happen to him as a result. Why does he do it? Do you think this makes it easier for him or harder? Do you think it influences how he responds when betrayed and captured?

Father help me to know that because I am in your care and you are fulfilling your plans for my life and the world, that I can know your strength and peace in all circumstances, both good and bad.

Tue 4 John 18:12-14 (John 11:45-57)

What do you think of Caiaphas and his statement? When have you experienced God speaking to you through others - irrespective of their own faith? Are we open to seeing God at work in all things? What makes this hard?

Father help me to believe and see how you are always at work and so to see you in all those with whom I interact today.

Wed 5 John 18:19-24 Jesus is not intimidated by the High Father help me to know how to

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Priest. As followers of Jesus we are called to be as wise as serpents and gentle as doves. What does this encounter tell us about how we should stand up for our faith with others?

respond to others with gentleness and respect while not shrinking back from my responsibility to share the truth of who you are in the world.

Thur 6 John 18:28-40 Jesus is taken from the Jewish ruler, to the Roman Governor, Pilate. Here there appear to main themes – truth and the rightful King. Take some time to consider what you think Jesus was saying about these two things and what this means for your life and response to Him.

Father, thank you that you are the source of all truth. Help me to submit to you as my rightful King.

Fri 7 John 19:1-3 Is Jesus really your king, or do you mock him as King, by the way you live?

Jesus, Help me to truly allow you to be King of my life in all things.

Sat 8 John 19:4-16 What is going on here? Who is in charge? What is the role of Pilate, the chief priests, the crowds or Jesus in the eventual outcome? Why do you think the crowds were so opposed to having Jesus as their King?

Lord Jesus help me to see how in all things you are at work and in charge and so to trust you always.

9th April Take your Cross Palm Sunday Mk.8:34,35. Gal.2:20

Day Reading Reflection PrayerMon 10 John 19:16-18 Take time today to gaze at this

scene. Look carefully, hear the sounds, feel the wind, see the chaos, experience the grief and confusion.

Talk to God about what you have experienced in reflecting on this passage today.

Tue 11 John 19:19-22 Again the theme of Jesus as King is before us. But who can come to grips with a bloodied, humiliated and crucified King? What sort of King is this? Is this a king you want? Why?

Jesus, help me to see you as the king you really are. Not just the king I want you to be.

Wed 12 John 19:23-24 As is mentioned many times in the events of Jesus crucifixion, what happens fulfils what the Scriptures had foretold. Why do you think John and the other gospel writers keep telling us this? What difference does it make for you in understanding the significance of these events?

Thank you Father for being faithful to your promise and for the hope this brings because we know you will fulfil your plan for the world you made and love.

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Thur 13 19:25-27 What must this have been like for Mary? From his birth she knew something like this might happen. Take some time today to stand in the shoes of Jesus’ mother.

Father thank you for the faithfulness and example of Mary. Help us learn all we can from her today.

Fri 14 14 John 19:28- 37

“It is finished” What do you think Jesus meant by this statement. Take some time to think of all the things Jesus has accomplished by his death.

Thank God for all these things and for what they mean for you.

Sat 15 John 19:38-42 I can’t begin to imagine the confusion and grief the disciples and friends of Jesus felt the day after his death. Today try and take a significant period to feel their desolation and despair.

In my darkest moments, Father, remind me you are there and you are at work. Help me believe that this is true in all areas of my life.

16th April On the Third Day Easter Sunday Eph.1:19 1 Peter 1:3,4