May 2013 One of my favorite preachers is Laurence White, senior pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas. When you read this short article you will see why. His biblical perspective is filled with application for our day. This is your invitation to our National Event this summer, July 24-31, in Rochester, New York. There are some mighty big giants there. They will come down in Jesus’ magnificent Name. Bible Thumpers Of The World, Unite! I am a Christian. I am not going to apologize for that fact nor will I attempt to devise some sort of watered down, evasive, non-threatening language to express that fact in a way that might be less threatening to the insecure unbelievers who populate our collapsing culture. As a Christian, I believe in objective Truth – Truth that does not depend on acceptance or popularity for its validity. I believe that anything which deviates from the Truth is a lie. As a Christian, I believe in objective morality – moral standards that are determined by the Truth – not t by popular opinion polls, or the ratings of a celebrity's national program or media spin. I believe that any thought, word or deed which contradicts what those moral objective standards declare to be right, is wrong. As a Christian, I believe that the one and only source of objective Truth and morality is the Bible, the inspired Word of God. That is why I am proudly a Bible Thumper. I am prepared to endure the scorn and disdain of worldly men, both inside and outside the church, who no longer trust in the Bible as the Word of God. Who insist that we must be more practical and realistic politically if we are to regain the moral heritage of our nation. I am an American who deeply loves his country. My forefathers stood upon the storm tossed deck of the Mayflower risking their lives to find a homeland where they could live as Christians without government interference. The nation which they and the generations which came after them established was firmly grounded upon a Biblical worldview. John Adams accurately observed: "The general principles upon which our fathers achieved independence

 · Web viewA slide show before and a second during the service illustrated David’s love of his ... like cattle being led ... Our good friend Chet Gallagher was arrested on

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May 2013One of my favorite preachers is Laurence White, senior pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas.  When you read this short article you will see why. His biblical perspective is filled with application for our day.  This is your invitation to our National Event this summer, July 24-31, in Rochester, New York.  There are some mighty big giants there.  They will come down in Jesus’ magnificent Name. 

“ Bible Thumpers Of The World, Unite! ” I am a Christian. I am not going to apologize for that fact nor will I attempt to devise some sort of watered down, evasive, non-threatening language to express that fact in a way that might be less threatening to the insecure unbelievers who populate our collapsing culture. As a Christian, I believe in objective Truth – Truth that does not depend on acceptance or popularity for its validity. I believe that anything which deviates from the Truth is a lie. As a Christian, I believe in objective morality – moral standards that are determined by the Truth – not t by popular opinion polls, or the ratings of a celebrity's national program or media spin. I believe that any thought, word or deed which contradicts what those moral objective standards declare to be right, is wrong.

As a Christian, I believe that the one and only source of objective Truth and morality is the Bible, the inspired Word of God. That is why I am proudly a Bible Thumper. I am prepared to endure the scorn and disdain of worldly men, both inside and outside the church, who no longer trust in the Bible as the Word of God. Who insist that we must be more practical and realistic politically if we are to regain the moral heritage of our nation. 

I am an American who deeply loves his country. My forefathers stood upon the storm tossed deck of the Mayflower risking their lives to find a homeland where they could live as Christians without government interference. The nation which they and the generations which came after them established was firmly grounded upon a Biblical worldview. John Adams accurately observed: "The general principles upon which our fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity." (1813) We presently find ourselves in the midst of the grim process of proving Adams' further observation that our constitutional form of government cannot survive without the support of a "moral and religious people". "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." (1798) Now the future of that homeland is in peril because a militant minority is imposing their godless religion upon my country. I indignantly reject the advice of those who demand that Christians silence their convictions in order to appeal to the apathetic undecided center. This is not political realism, it is the self-serving counsel of cowardice.

The only way to rescue America is to halt the killing of the innocent unborn and to restore the integrity of the family. These goals will not be accomplished by abandoning principle in the hope of seducing the center. The pathetic performance of the simpering establishment of the corrupt Republican Party establishment in recent decades is proof positive of that fact. These fearful, faithless weather-vanes care about nothing beyond their own ambitions. Even if they win, which most often they do not, nothing changes and the decline of America continues. The only way to rescue America is to rouse the faithful remnant of God's people throughout this land to finally stand for what is good and right and godly and take back their country. At this point, that will not be easy. Some have been intimidated by the lie of the separation of church and state. Some have yielded to a cynical resignation which concludes that politics is irredeemably corrupt and cannot be used for good. Still others, have become engaged in the political process, but have allowed themselves to be manipulated by that

A few of Dave’s OSA friends gather at his daughter, Tara’s house after service.

process because of their failure to carefully maintain a distinction between absolute moral truth and their own political ideology. All this must be swept aside in a grassroots uprising which will transform American politics from the bottom up. No more compromises! No more delays! No more settling for the lesser of two evils.

When we are dealing with life of an unborn child and the marriage covenant – the lesser of two evils is still evil. As people of faith we must trust in God enough to do the right thing and leave the outcome to Him. The killing of the unborn and the destruction of the family must stop – now! As Christian voters we must resolve to support only candidates who are genuinely committed to these fundamental goals – no matter how bad the other guy is. 

The hour is late. The death toll is overwhelming. The damage to marriage and family is devastating spreading across generations. This is not the time to be intimidated or discouraged into silence. No, this is the time to faithfully declare the Truth of God, come what may. This is the time to arouse the people of God across this troubled nation to fearless action. As Christians we have no choice. We must engage in this battle. Failure to do so would be nothing less than a betrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must engage in this battle not merely as Americans but as Christians! We must engage in this battle not as liberals or conservatives, not as Republicans or Democrats but as sons and daughters of the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Thumpers of the world, unite! If that makes the media elites and the professional politicians squirm - great! There is no better affirmation of faithfulness to Christ than fear and loathing from the world.

Memorial Celebration for David LackeyOn Saturday April 6, 2013 over 200 people gathered at Garywood Assembly of God in Hueytown, Alabama to celebrate a life well-lived for King Jesus; David Lackey. As we all know Dave’s mission in life was saving

babies from abortion and evangelizing the lost for Jesus. He did this daily, locally, nationally, and worldwide. David used the OSA T-shirts as a unique evangelism tool to open conversations about his Lord. He wore them everywhere so in his honor and at the request of his family we wore David’s favorite “red” T-shirt to his graduation into the church triumphant.

A slide show before and a second during the service illustrated David’s love of his Lord, his family and all children. The service, led by Pastor Flip Benham opened with David & Denise’s favorite hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Cal Zastrow, Phil King, Tom Radell, Pastor A.J., Colten Hamrick and Rusty

Thomas shared humorous and poignant incidents when serving with Dave. Louise Jones & Kristene O’Dell celebrated his life with song. All who spoke recalled wonderful memories, gave glory to the Lord for Dave’s life, encouraged all to trust Jesus, and invited any who did not know Him to surrender their lives to Christ.

We laughed and cried as we remembered David’s faithfulness, love, and, of course, his mischievous sense of humor. We remembered that at every OSA event and wherever he went all over the world – Lackey Happened!

“All of these people were living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own…they were longing for a better country – a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.” Hebrews 11:13-16

Unlike memorial services for the lost, this was a great celebration! We will miss our friend, brother, and fellow warrior. He has finished his race – a race he ran to win. Now it is passed to us. He is in a “better country” and leaves a strong legacy of what it means to be a Christian. Dave’s life is now and “Ebenezer stone” to encourage us to run our lap of the race.

Victory over Death! Dave stomping on Satan’s

Druid Altar in Ireland

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith who for the joy set before Him …” Hebrews 12:1

‘Saints in New Orleans – Crawfish and Easter”Faye and I had the very great privilege of joining the saints in New Orleans (Nawlins) for Easter.  What a time we had allowing the theology of heaven to become biography at the very gates of hell.  Dale and Michelle Sochia and their church are a joy.  This is their report. Enjoy!

What an incredible Resurrection weekend! Rev. Flip Benham and his amazing wife, Faye, came to New Orleans for an awesome weekend of ministry and fellowship!

On Friday, March 29, 2013, we went to the Murder Mill in New Orleans with Rev. Flip Benham, Pastor Bill Shanks, Pastor Dale Sochia and many, many precious and faithful warriors for Christ. We literally were at the very gates of Hell (see photo). Sadly, this was the busiest day we have seen at an abortion clinic in years. The girls were just flowing in there, like cattle being led to the slaughter. One girl came in and out several times and finally agreed to talk with us. Her warped logic was that she wanted to do things right this time (she already had a 1 year old) and do what's right as a mother and get married first – then have her baby. We tried to encourage her to give her baby up for adoption, but she said she wouldn't want someone else to raise her child and, again, she wanted to do the right thing as a mother. Her thinking was so confused and she was so deceived.

Brother Bill and Flip were able to confront the abortionist as she walked into the clinic and shared truth with her. This clinic has a huge window facing the sidewalk and the girls all sit right inside the window and can hear every word we say. We were able to share God's truth, His hope, and His love for over 2 hours to the girls sitting in the waiting room. We did not see any women leave that day, but pray that their hearts were pierced and they fall to their knees in repentance.

From the New Orleans abortion clinic, we then all took a road trip to Hattiesburg, MS, to join Brother Cal Zastrow and the saints in MS in front of the proposed site for a new Planned Parenthood. Rev. Rusty Thomas, Jan Villavaso and her family, Richard and Melody Miller, Cal Zastrow and his family, and many of the saints from MS joined us as we lifted up the name of Jesus in front of PP. There were eleven police cars in front of PP!

The police watched and listened as we worshipped the Lord and the men preached and prophesied that no babies would die here! Please stand with us in prayer, believing that God will supernaturally shut this place down.

On Saturday morning, we all went to the Ridgelake murder mill in Metairie. They were killing that day also, but it was much slower than the New Orleans clinic yesterday. One woman, who had already had her abortion, came back for a check-up. When she got out of the car, she immediately walked over to Dale and Flip. She was very broken and remorseful. She gave her life to Jesus that day!!! Glory! Two other ladies chose not to kill their babies! Praise God!!

On Sunday, Brother Flip preached a powerful message on how some may need that second touch by Jesus in order to see clearly (Mark 8:23-25). Many answered the altar call and committed to read the Word of God every day. Three people expressed a desire to give their lives to Jesus! God’s presence was at the service and lives were touched and forever changed! After the morning service, we had a crawfish boil. We still couldn't get Flip to eat crawfish, but he is getting close ...

“Abortion Mill in Birmingham Open Illegally”Diane Derzis, owner of “New Woman, All Women” abortion mill in Birmingham, AL, has reopened this abortion mill after it was shut down a

year ago for 76 health code violations by the Alabama Department of Health.  Dave Lackey and several saints in Birmingham have been faithfully interceding on behalf of preborn children at this mill for the past twenty-five years.  What is particularly heinous about this is that Diane Derzis shows no fear of being prosecuted under the law.  She is illegally operating a business that has been shut down by the Alabama Department of Health! Who else can do this?  She skates because the city and the media provide cover for her. She also owns the last remaining abortion mill in the state of Mississippi. It is disgustingly filthy. Kermit Gosnell anyone?  

When the enemies of our Lord’s precious preborn children have no fear of being prosecuted under the laws of our land or being exposed by the media, you can rest assured that the salt has indeed lost its saltiness. 

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter … for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the holy One of Israel.”  Isaiah 5:21-24.

Judge Blocks Closure of Last Remaining Abortion Mill in MississippiUS District Court Judge Daniel P. Jordan extended an injunction to block the State of Mississippi from shutting down forever the last remaining abortion mill in the state.  It is amazing how the devil uses the court system in America to continue moving his agenda of robbing, killing, and destroying.  There can be no doubt that the courts in America hate Almighty God.  “…all who hate me love death.”  Proverbs 8:36. 

Our courts have been the devil’s lapdog for years pouring out foolish decisions that bring with them only death.  This federal judge blocked the will of the people of Mississippi, the will of the state to stop all abortions, and the will of God to bring life and not death. Pray for the saints in Mississippi.  May they continue moving forward in the mighty Name of Jesus – the gates of hell will not prevail!    

Our good friend Chet Gallagher was arrested on April 17th by a police department hell bent on removing the Gospel of Christ from the last remaining abortion mill in the State of Mississippi.  Several others have been arrested on ludicrous charges for preaching the Gospel of Christ and reaching out to mothers and fathers in crisis pregnancy situations at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization (JWHO).  The Mississippi State Department of Health was blocked from shutting this mill down on April 18, 2013, by federal judge Daniel P. Jordan.

The people of Mississippi want this abortion mill shut down.The Church of Jesus Christ in Mississippi wants this abortion mill shut down.The Mississippi State Department of Health wants this abortion mill shut down.Both Houses in the state of Mississippi Legislature want this abortion mill shut down.The Governor of Mississippi wants this abortion mill shut down.  

The devil will do anything to prevent gentle Christians from presenting to God the first abortion-free state. The gates of hell, however, will not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ.

Breaking News – Two clinics in Delaware associated with Gosnell have been shut down. They may be the last two in the state. Delaware may be our First Abortion Free State. Jesus is on the move!