Friday December 6, 2019 No.183 Vientiane Times CHINA YUNNAN FOCUS Yunnan and Northern Laos enhance cooperation CHINA STORY CONNECTIVITY HI-TECH english.yunnangateway.com Editor: Zu Hongbing E-mail: [email protected] Follow Amazing Yunnan on Facebook To take better-targeted measures to help the poor and lift them out of poverty, we should im- prove their impact. The key is to find the right approaches, establish effective mechanisms, make real efforts in tar- geted policy-making, and deliver real results in policy implementation. ——Excerpt from Presi- dent Xi Jinping’s speech at the Central Confer- ence on Poverty Allevia- tion and Development on November 27, 2015 On November 28 th , theYunnan- Northern Laos Working Team held their tenth meeting in Kunming and passed the minutes of the meeting. 2019marksthe10 th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Laos, as well as the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Yunnan-Northern Laos Working Team. In recent years, the two sides have carried out frequent exchanges at both the governmental and non-governmental levels under the Yunnan-Northern Laos cooperation mechanism. Fruitful results have been achieved in cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, connectivity, technology, education, culture, health, energy, agriculture, forestry and tourism. Chen Hao, secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress, expressed the hope in his address at the meeting that the two parties would deepen exchanges and cooperation in connectivity, ecological protection, culture, education, tourism and health. Chen said that Yunnan and Laos should help each other, increase exchange visits, carry out effective cooperation at higher levels, and contribute to the building of a community with shared future for both countries. Chen furthermore pledged to continue Yunnan’s assistance and support for Lao youth to study in the province and help Laos with personnel training and health care. The Lao Minister of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Laos-China Cooperation Commission, Khemmani Pholsena said that the Yunnan-Northern Laos cooperation mechanism should be strengthened. The two parties should increase exchanges between governmental departments at all levels, making the mutual communication smoother, and solve the operational challenges in a timely and effective manner. Both parties should advance the construction of the China-Laos economiccorridorandaccelerate theprogressofmajorcooperation projects such as the China-Laos railway and expressways, special economic zones and comprehensive development zones. The two sides should contribute to the building of a community of shared future for both countries through more pragmatic and effective cooperation, according to Phosgena. Other activities during the meeting included an exhibition on the achievements of the Yunnan-Northern Laos Cooperation Working Mechanism in the past 15 years, a top level think tank forum and investment promotion. During the forum, more than 70 experts and scholars from China and Laos conducted in-depth discussions on the construction of the China-Laos economic corridor and the development of China-Laos think tanks. They concluded the forum with the Kunming Consensus. (Yunnan Daily) Yunnan-Laos cooperation pragmatic and fruitful Dajianshan tunnel construction of Yuxi-Mohan railway goes smooth On November 29 th , the China Railway 18 th Bureau Group Co., Ltd, holed through the Dajianshan tunnel of the Yuxi-Mohan railway from the entrance to the No. 1 Inclined Shaft. The tunnel, with a total length of more than 14,000 meters, is a key project on the Yuxi-Mohan railway. As an important part of the China-Laos railway, the 500 km Yuxi-Mohan railway has been designed for a speed of up to 160 kilometres per hour. (Xinhua) China sets up 113,000 5G base stations On November 21 st , the first World 5G Confer- ence themed “Changing the World, Creating a New Future”, was held in Beijing. The conference included a forum, an exhibition and a design competition. Its aim was to assemble high-quality innovation resources and drive the development, application and global exchanges of 5G technol- ogy. At the opening cer- emony, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced that China has set up 113,000 5G base stations, hope- fully reaching 130,000 by the end of this year. The country already has 870,000 5G mobile sub- scribers. (Xinhua) IPR PROTECTION China issues guideline for enhancing IPR protection The general offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council have jointly issued a directive calling for intensified protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). Titled “The Guideline on Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Protection,” the document aims to implement decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on stepping up IPR protection and improve related systems and mechanisms. “Strengthening IPR protection is the most important content of improving the IPR protection system and also the biggest incentive to boost China’s economic competitiveness,” reads the document. The document said China will make comprehensive use of the law, technology and social governance policies to step up IPR protection. According to the document, by 2022, China will strive to effectively curb IPR infringement, and largely overcome challenges including high costs, low compensation and difficulties in providing evidence for safeguarding intellectual property rights. By 2025, social satisfaction with IPR protection in China will reach and maintain a high level. (Xinhua) As the only Chinese province bordering Laos, Yunnan has continued to deepen cooperation with Laos in recent years, and connected China with Laos by jointly developing the Belt and Road. Transport The highway between Kunming and Mohan has been converted into an expressway. The Yunnan section of the China-Laos railway has been making steady progress. Yunnan has opened five air routes to Laos, and Lancang-Mekong shipping has continued to develop further. In addition, Yunnan and Laos have opened 19 passenger and freight transport routes. Economy and trade From January to September, the volume of Yunnan-Laos trade reached 853 million US dollar, a year-on-year increase of 22.9 percent. As of September, Yunnan has established 221 enterprises in northern Laos with a cumulative investment of 2.464 billion US dollars, accounting for 79.5 percent of Yunnan’s actual investment in Laos. People exchanges In 2019, 5,321 Lao students were studying at universities in Yunnan and 397 scholarships were provided to Lao students by the Yunnan Provincial People’s Government. In Shangri-la City, northwest Yunnan’s Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, the Nixi Township is famous for the black pottery. In recent years, many pottery artisans have upgraded their family-based workshops and established enterprises. While expanding their business, they hold pottery- making training for local villagers and help them increase income. In the Tangdui Village of Nixi, more than 150 households are now involved in the industry. Dangzhen Pichu is the seventh inheritor of Nixi black pottery. He learned pottery making skills from his father when he was seven and is now a craftsman with 40 years of experience. “We have lived in Nixi for generations. Black pottery artworks can be used as life utensils and for decorations. They are specialties of Nixi,” said he. It is complicated to make black pottery, especially in selecting raw materials which are a mix of three types of earth, namely powder of weathered sandstone, white clay and red clay. With exquisite craftsmanship and unusual shapes, each pottery artwork has to go through 12 processes before they can be sold. In recent years, Tangdui villagers have increased their annual income from several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan by joining in the development of black pottery. As e-commerce thrives, their handiworks have been sold to other places of the country, even the rest of the world. (Xinhua) Traditional pottery making boosts income of villagers in NW Yunnan Mr. Chen Hao(Right), Secretary of CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee met Ms. Khemmani Pholsena, Lao Minister of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Laos-China Cooperation Commission on November 28 in Kunming. Photo by Lei Tongsu A craftsman makes black pottery in Tangdui. (Xinhua)

Vientiane Times CHINA YUNNANenglish.yunnan.cn/uploadfile/english/2020/0305/... · YUNNAN DAILY PRESS GROUP Vientiane Times Friday December 6, 2019 No.183 Vientiane Times english.yunnan.cn

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Page 1: Vientiane Times CHINA YUNNANenglish.yunnan.cn/uploadfile/english/2020/0305/... · YUNNAN DAILY PRESS GROUP Vientiane Times Friday December 6, 2019 No.183 Vientiane Times english.yunnan.cn



Friday December 6, 2019 No.183 Vientiane Times




Yunnan and Northern Laos enhance cooperation





Editor: Zu HongbingE-mail: [email protected]

Follow Amazing Yunnan

on Facebook

To take better-targeted measures to help the poor and lift them out of poverty, we should im-prove their impact. The key is to find the right approaches, establish effective mechanisms, make real efforts in tar-

geted policy-making, and deliver real results in policy implementation. ——Excerpt from Presi-dent Xi Jinping’s speech at the Central Confer-ence on Poverty Allevia-tion and Development on November 27, 2015

On November 28th, the Yunnan-Northern Laos Working Team held their tenth meeting in Kunming and passed the minutes of the meeting. 2019 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Laos, as well as the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Yunnan-Northern Laos Working Team. In recent years, the two sides have carried out frequent exchanges at both the governmental and non-governmental levels under the Yunnan-Northern Laos cooperation mechanism. Fruitful results have been achieved in cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, connectivity, technology, education, culture, health, energy, agriculture, forestry and tourism. Chen Hao, secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress, expressed the hope in his address at the

meeting that the two parties would deepen exchanges and cooperation in connectivity, ecological protection, culture, education, tourism and health. Chen said that Yunnan and Laos should help each other, increase exchange visits, carry out effective cooperation at higher levels, and contribute to the building of a community with shared future for both countries. Chen furthermore pledged to continue Yunnan’s assistance and support for Lao youth to study in the province and help Laos with personnel training and health care. The Lao Minister of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Laos-China Cooperation Commission, Khemmani Pholsena said that the Yunnan-Northern Laos cooperation mechanism should be strengthened. The two parties should increase exchanges between governmental departments at all levels, making the mutual communication smoother, and solve the operational challenges in a timely and effective manner. Both parties should advance the

construction of the China-Laos economic corridor and accelerate the progress of major cooperation projects such as the China-Laos railway and expressways, special economic zones and comprehensive development zones. The two sides should contribute to the building of a community of shared future for both countries through more pragmatic and effective cooperation, according to Phosgena. Other activities during the meeting included an exhibition on the achievements of the Yunnan-Northern Laos Cooperat ion Working Mechanism in the past 15 years, a top level think tank forum and investment promotion. During the forum, more than 70 experts and scholars from China and Laos conducted in-depth discussions on the construction of the China-Laos economic corridor and the development of China-Laos think tanks. They concluded the forum with the Kunming Consensus.

(Yunnan Daily)

Yunnan-Laos cooperation pragmatic

and fruitful

Dajianshan tunnel construction of Yuxi-Mohan railway goes smooth

On November 29th, the China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co., Ltd, holed through the Dajianshan tunnel of the Yuxi-Mohan railway from the entrance to the No. 1 Inclined Shaft. The tunnel, with a total length of more than 14,000

meters, is a key project on the Yuxi-Mohan railway. As an important part of the China-Laos railway, the 500 km Yuxi-Mohan railway has been designed for a speed of up to 160 kilometres per hour. (Xinhua)

China sets up 113,000 5G base stationsOn November 21st, the first World 5G Confer-ence themed “Changing the World , Creat ing a New Future”, was held in Beijing. The conference i nc luded a fo rum, an exhibition and a design competition. Its aim was to assemble high-quality innovation resources and drive the development, application and global exchanges of 5G technol-ogy. At the opening cer-e m o n y, t h e C h i n e s e Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced that China has set up 113,000

5G base stations, hope-fully reaching 130,000 by the end of this year. The country already has 870,000 5G mobile sub-scribers. (Xinhua)


China issues guideline for enhancing IPR protection

The general offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council have jointly issued a directive calling for intensified protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). Titled “The Guideline on Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Protection,” t h e d o c u m e n t a i m s t o implement decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on stepping up IPR protection and improve related systems and mechanisms. “Strengthening IPR pro tec t ion i s the mos t i m p o r t a n t c o n t e n t o f improving the IPR protection system and also the biggest

incentive to boost China’s economic competitiveness,” reads the document. The document said China will make comprehensive use of the law, technology and social governance policies to step up IPR protection. According to the document, by 2022, China will strive to effectively curb IPR infringement, and largely o v e r c o m e c h a l l e n g e s including high costs, low compensation and difficulties in providing evidence for safeguarding intellectual property rights. By 2025, social satisfaction with IPR protection in China will reach and maintain a high level.


As the only Chinese province bordering Laos, Yunnan has continued to deepen cooperation with Laos in recent years, and connected China with Laos by jointly developing the Belt and Road.

TransportThe highway between Kunming and Mohan has been converted into an expressway. The Yunnan section of the China-Laos railway has been making steady progress. Yunnan has opened five air routes to Laos, and Lancang-Mekong shipping has continued to develop further. In addition, Yunnan and Laos have opened 19 passenger and freight transport routes.

Economy and trade From January to September, the volume of Yunnan-Laos trade reached 853 million US dollar, a year-on-year increase of 22.9 percent. As of September, Yunnan has established 221 enterprises in northern Laos with a cumulative investment of 2.464 billion US dollars, a c c o u n t i n g f o r 7 9 . 5 percent of Yunnan’s actual investment in Laos.

People exchanges

In 2019, 5,321 Lao students were studying at universities in Yunnan and 397 scholarships were provided to Lao students by the Yunnan Provincial People’s Government.

I n S h a n g r i - l a C i t y , n o r t h w e s t Yu n n a n ’s D i q i n g T i b e t a n Autonomous Prefecture, the Nix i Township i s f amous fo r the b lack pottery. In recent years, many pot tery ar t isans h a v e u p g r a d e d t h e i r family-based workshops a n d e s t a b l i s h e d e n t e r p r i s e s . W h i l e expanding their business, t h e y h o l d p o t t e r y -m a k i n g t r a i n i n g f o r local villagers and help them increase income. In the Tangdui Village of Nixi, more than 150 h o u s e h o l d s a r e n o w involved in the industry. Dangzhen Pichu is the seventh inheritor of Nixi black pottery. He learned pottery making ski l ls f rom his fa ther when he was seven and is now a craftsman with 40 years of experience. “We have lived in Nixi for generations. Black

po t t e ry a r tworks can be used as life utensils a n d f o r d e c o r a t i o n s . T h e y a r e s p e c i a l t i e s o f N i x i , ” s a i d h e . It is complicated to make black pottery, especially in selecting raw materials which are a mix of three types of earth, namely powder o f wea thered sandstone, white c lay a n d r e d c l a y. Wi t h exquisite craftsmanship and unusual shapes, each pottery artwork has to go through 12 processes before they can be sold. In recent years, Tangdui villagers have increased t h e i r a n n u a l i n c o m e from several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan by joining in the development of black pottery. As e-commerce thrives, their handiworks have been sold to other places of the country, even the rest of the world.


Traditional pottery making boosts income of villagers in NW Yunnan

Mr. Chen Hao(Right), Secretary of CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee met Ms. Khemmani Pholsena, Lao Minister of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Laos-China Cooperation Commission on November 28 in Kunming. Photo by Lei Tongsu

A craftsman makes black pottery in Tangdui. (Xinhua)