futiomllsbed dill ooly to Col- .... Strong, at prices withiD 0.." . IItbeWor!d. ",very: city IIICI""" ColiuDbia cIeMf· VOL. 29. Of-NYU COMMENCE/I\ENT, END OUT TillRTY'ONE YOUNG MEN WITH TilE DEGREE D .D.S. Last nIght for the fifteentb time a c Ia In ', he Deqtal Department tep· ped out from the University into the rommencement of full Indi· vidual, professional life. Tbe size of tbe audience indicated the popularity oltbat department among tbe clti· zeD and otber studtmts, tbe . Opera House beIng crowded . Every seat was taken and ruany tood up tbroughout the exercIses. The first fn the order of elercises wa a marcb, "Unlver· fty oflowa," by the orcbestra, after wblcb the Univer Ity Band gave a se- lecLlon. Rev. George W. Watson, D. D ., delivered a very Imple prayer, and was followed by Mrs. Lillian Reid Cameron, who very effectl vely render- ed a vocal solo. The annual address to tbe graduat- Ing class was gIven by Profes or Wal- ter L. Blerring, M. D. Bls advice to tbe class was tbat in assuming tbe re- sponsibilities or tbe Immediate future It I profitable to Con Ider well and keep In mind what tbe Inventl ve and scleotific minds bave done to develop aDd enoble civilization and tbe world. He revlewl:d brleHy and concisel y a large Durubar of the inventions and eclentlOc aChievements that have had the ID08t notable effect upon the wel- fare or humanity. Be began with tbe treat ph1slcal In ven tions, coating down through the notewortby list, of .hlcb Watt, Fulton, Morse, Edison, etc., are the great landmarks, to the more modern llientific inventions of medicine and dentIstry, claiming that they all have been deeply Imbued with atendency to draw man Into closer and closer union wltb nature. Dental ,ullIery he held to be among or are· lult' or, these invention, that it kept ID view the preservation of Nature, and tbe alleviation of humau suffer- Ing. Aiter the address, tbe orchestra pleased the audience with a very fine o'erture, and then Pre iden t Scbaef- fer Introduced Dr. Abbott, Pre Ident or the State Examining Board, and member of the National Examining Board. Dr. Abbott said tbat tbe 'ork don\ln the Dental Department, both by the Faculty and students,was '.ry gratifying, and was of a quality luch u to put Iowa's University In the very front rank. He congratu· lated tbe Faculty, congratulated the eIaee, and congratulated bimself that be bad the prl vllege of offerl ng con- ,ra&nlatlons 80 conscientiously and .itb 80ch slnoerl ty. Atterhlm, the class roll WIIS called, and President with a few ftt\log remark8, conferred the degrees lor wblcb these thlrty-one young men have worked so faithfully and have 80 ttlf earned. Arter tbe conferring 01 degrees, Mrs. Comeron sang another solo, respond· lag to an encore, Berryhill's Orches· "'and In turn the UniverSity Band kept the music rolling wblle the largo a1ldleDCe was leaving the building. 80 cloeed 'he order of exercls68 of the JiftA!en,th Commencement of the Den- &II Dlpartmeot, and tbe proud and - Jtpnrttr. A TrJ.weekly Newspaper Published by Students or the State University of Iowa. IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY, MARCH 16. 1897. happy Seniors, wltb tbeir ladles, wend· ed tbeir way to the banquet.hall to commemo)'ate "more fully" tbeir aus- piciou graduation. Tbe following is a list of the gradu- ates: Anderaon, Arthur Lewis, Estberville. Baugbman, George P., Gri wold. Blancbard, Frederick Channing,Wat- erloo. Boo, Casper Milton Balti, Iowa City. Burns, Erwin Lester, Kensett. Clark, George Edward, Galesburg, III Coon, Frank, Cedar Rapid. Dodge, Clarence Augustus, Burlinll- ton. Donlon, Joseph Patrick, Elkader. Fox, Cbarles umner, Meriden, Conn. Griffin, Festus M., Mis oula, Mon. Ra ek, Voclay 0., Cedar Rapids. Bough, Norman II., Muscatine. James, Frank Hoynton, Iowa City. Jones, John M., Iowa City. Jones, 1Iarry Carson, Des MoInes. Kearns, Cbarles Rudolphus, Lincoln, Neb. Kennedy, Elmer FranCiS, Cherokee . . Littig, William B., Marcus. Leonard, George R., Billings, Mon. May tum, Burlington J., Wareaw. Morrow, Henry, Jr., Jowa City. Renshaw, Carroll W., Rock Valley. Rizer, Gustavus Earnest, Ft. Madison Scroggs, Richard 'Erskine, Ind'anola. Secor, Alson, Forest City. Silvis, Jobn C., Rock Island. Smitb, Roy F., Mitcbell, S. D. mitb, F. Potter, York, Neb. Toney, Samuel Breese, Cbicago, Ill. WilCOX, Cbarles Shuler, Elgin, III. Tbe Iowa State Board of Dental Examiners acted a a Committee on Final Examinations. Tbe members of tbo Board are: l're:;ident, J. 'r. Abbott, D. D. S., Mancbester Secretary, F. P. Webber, Cberokee. J. S. Kulp, D.D. S., Muscatine. E. L. Brooks, D.D .. , Vinton. Geo. W. Mlller, Des Moines. Ten candidate for tbe Yale'Var- sity crew bave been taken to tbe traIning table. Princeton bas reduced tbe number ot ber base ball candidates to twenty. From these the nine will be cho en. A cup bas been offerer! at Harvard to the man who hall sbow tbe great- ese improvement tbrougb the coming year In auy branch of athletics. Cornell has purcbased a naphtha boat wblcb will I'e used for paleunto- logical research in tbe lake of central New York and In Southern waters. The honor system Is receivIng con- siderable attention by the stud en ts of the University of Cblcago and a senti- ment In favor of It is rapidly develop- Ing. It Is underlltood that tbe stu- dent body will be to vote upon this question In the near future. Tbe Yale Juniors wbo sent to Pugil- Ist Corbett a letter and a Yale flag, with Yale's best wishes for Oorbett's success over Fitzsimmons, were sum- moned before Dean H. P. Wright ot the faculty, and ordered to make a re- traction In tbe Yale News of all phrases In wblch it wall presumed to represeot the sentlmeot of the Unl· versl ty. Sonl! of ex-Secretary of War Wbltoey and Governor Morris were among tbose who sent tbe letter.-EL THEIS/I\, AN ANSWER TO PROFE OR SlIllTn's LECTURE. In tbe Unitarian Cburch In tun- day evening, Dr. Gilbert replied to Profe or Smith's lecture on Pantbe- ism, by an e 9ay on Theism. In Tbeiilm i to be tound one ot tbose problems over which tbe buman mind has truggled for centuries. Man bat! ever been puzzled with "be problem of reality, the nature of God, and the mystery of man. Tbe religious be- lief of rude men rest on what tbey have fel t and known of tbe pre ence and power of the supernatural in and about them. Bllt man cannot rest permanently on these mere beliefs. he must reflect, define and Interpret. Kllowledge Is scarcely wortby of the name unless it bas passed throullb tbe stages of dogmatism, skepticism and criticism: We admire the skep- tic in tbat be critically investigates, but we de pise him If bis skepticism leads him to agnosticism. Agnosti· clsm I not only mental cowardice but mental suicide. The question is not wbetber tbere is a God, but what is his nature. It anyone will not ac- knowledge God, you cannot prove hi existence like you can a proposition in There bas to be ,an ele· ment of faith; you have to feel tbe presbnce of God. 1t is not by reason thdot we find God, but it Is In life tbat we Ond bim. But taitb, for that matter, Is a part of all knowledge. All scientific discus Ion starts with some as umptlon. In trying to conceive of tbe super- natural, we bave to put It in tbe form that tbe mind can understand. What- ever conception we form of (:jod, it must be an Lbropomorpbic. It is DOt possible that tbe unIty of reality Is the result of acoident. Tbe form of the uuiverse Is sucb tbat Its forma- tion must have gained by some direoting IntellIgence. The tbeory rt Evolution Is ijhot tbrough and through with tbe thougbt of design. Evolu- tIon cannot go very far witbout im- plying all that is in Sucb terms as HeredIty, Survival of tbe Fittest, etc, are t,he only means of removlLg the final explanation far- tber away. 811conilln, The Opbthalmoscope and What It Reveals, II wa the subject of tbe paper read by Dr. F. J. Newberry, last Fri- day evening. 1'be Ophthalmoscope may be de- tined al an Instrument devised for tbe purpose of rendering vislblv the In- terior of tbe eye. On account of the anatomical structure of the eye, It Is Impossible, under ordinary circum- stances, to view tbe posterior por- tion of the interior of this organ. The consIderation ot a simple experi- ment will make It clear how the Uph- tbalmo cope overcomes this difficulty. Take a small box with a dark interior In the bottom of It put some printed matter to be vieWed. Over a small hole In tbe top of the box, place a lens of suitable foeus. Now, rays ot lljlht from a candle properly situated will pass through the lens, be focused up· RO. 65 on tbe pri nted matter, be reflected and through the iens back to tbe _candle. Now if you try to place your eye so as to catcb tbe rays returnIng from the box, you will at the ame time Int ercept tbo light going from the candle to bOX, and thus see notblng. It was Helmholtz, in 1851, wbo solyed tbe problem. He made a transparent refiector by placing rour pieces or gla 8 upon each otber. By this means tbe rays returning from the box Were reflected into bis eye without jnterfering with tbo e going into tbe box. Tbis is the principle in- volved In the Ophtbalmoscope. 1'bere are many different forms ot the in- strument. One form that Dr. Newberry sbow- ed to the audience consisted simply of a small concave mirror with a bole in tbe center, tbe mirror tbrowlng lIgbt into the patient's eye,and some of tbe returning rays paSSing through tbe mall hole into tbe operator's eye. Dr. Newberry tben disoussed the ap- pearance of tbe various parts of tbe eye as revealed by t, be Ophthalmo- scope, illustrating his remarks by means of colored cbarts. The use ot tbe in9trument i not at all confined to tbe examination ot di eases of the eye. Oertaln appearances of certain parts of tbe eye iudicate lesions In otber parts of the body. Tbe diag- nosIs ot many diseases, such as kidney diseases for be made at an earlier period and wi th greater pre- cision by means or tbe Ophtbalmo- scope tban in any otber way. The Columbia University crew will not be taken upon tbe water tor at least tour weeks. 'I'he University ot Wisconsin will send everal of her best track meo east this spring to contest in the Mott Haven game. The Harvard·Yale foot ball game will be pla.yed 13th at .New Haven, and the Yale-Princeton game 20tb at Princeton. President Andrews, of Brown Uol- ver. Ity, has decided no'. to re3ume bis work tbls year, and will not return from abroad unlll next Augu t. 'rpe faculty of Brown University has announced Its assent to tho reo quest of, tbe Senior class to exempt trom Onal examinations all those members of tbe olass wbose prevlolls work has been sutnclently creditable. The number of students now In at· tendance at tbe leading uoi verslties In tbe leadlng_eastero Universities bas been compiled aud Is as follows: HarvaJd, 3,674; Pennsylvania, 2,752; Mlcblgan, 2,706; Yale, 2,5J6; Cornell, 1,951; Columbia, 1817; Massachusett& IlJstitute of Tecbnology, 1,415; Prince· ton, 1,313; Brown, 910; Dartmouth, 602. Oornell and Pennsylvania met Mch, 6tb at Pblladelphla lor their fourth annual debate. 'fhe was: "Resolved, that the United States and several states should establish courts or compulsory adjustment of disputes betweeo employees and prl· vate corporations which possess Iran- chlses of public nature." Cornell woo the debate, upholding the This makes two victories for Oornell and two for Pennsylvania.

Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), 1897-03-16dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1897/di1897-03-16.pdffutiomllsbed dill ooly to Col Strong, at prices withiD ~f."". 0.." . IItbeWor!d. ",very:

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Page 1: Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), 1897-03-16dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1897/di1897-03-16.pdffutiomllsbed dill ooly to Col Strong, at prices withiD ~f."". 0.." . IItbeWor!d. ",very:

futiomllsbed dill

ooly to Col­.... Strong, at prices withiD

~f."". 0.." . IItbeWor!d.

",very: city IIICI""" .esl6icycle~

ColiuDbia cIeMf·

VOL. 29.




Last nIght for the fifteentb time a cIa In ',he Deqtal Department tep· ped out from the University into the rommencement of full {led~ell, Indi· vidual, professional life. Tbe size of tbe audience indicated the popularity oltbat department among tbe clti· zeD and otber studtmts, tbe . Opera House beIng crowded. Every seat was taken and ruany tood up tbroughout the exercIses. The first fn the order of elercises wa a marcb, "Unlver· fty oflowa," by the orcbestra, after

wblcb the Univer Ity Band gave a se­lecLlon. Rev. George W. Watson, D. D., delivered a very Imple prayer, and was followed by Mrs. Lillian Reid Cameron, who very effectl vely render­ed a vocal solo.

The annual address to tbe graduat­Ing class was gIven by Profes or Wal­ter L. Blerring, M. D. Bls advice to tbe class was tbat in assuming tbe re­sponsibilities or tbe Immediate future It I profitable to Con Ider well and keep In mind what tbe Inventl ve and scleotific minds bave done to develop aDd enoble civilization and tbe world. He revlewl:d brleHy and concisel y a large Durubar of the inventions and eclentlOc aChievements that have had the ID08t notable effect upon the wel­fare or humanity. Be began with tbe treat ph1slcal In ven tions, coating down through the notewortby list, of .hlcb Watt, Fulton, Morse, Edison, etc., are the great landmarks, to the more modern llientific inventions of medicine and dentIstry, claiming that they all have been deeply Imbued with atendency to draw man Into closer and closer union wltb nature. Dental ,ullIery he held to be among or are· lult'or, these invention, that it kept ID view the preservation of Nature, and tbe alleviation of humau suffer­Ing.

Aiter the address, tbe orchestra pleased the audience with a very fine o'erture, and then Pre iden t Scbaef­fer Introduced Dr. Abbott, Pre Ident or the State Examining Board, and member of the National Examining Board. Dr. Abbott said tbat tbe 'ork don\ln the Dental Department, both by the Faculty and students,was '.ry gratifying, and was of a quality luch u to put Iowa's University In the very front rank. He congratu· lated tbe Faculty, congratulated the eIaee, and congratulated bimself that be bad the prl vllege of offerl ng con­,ra&nlatlons 80 conscientiously and .itb 80ch slnoerl ty.

Atterhlm, the class roll WIIS called, and President ~chaeffer, with a few ftt\log remark8, conferred the degrees lor wblcb these thlrty-one young men have worked so faithfully and have 80

ttlf earned. Arter tbe conferring 01 degrees, Mrs.

Comeron sang another solo, respond· lag to an encore, Berryhill's Orches· "'and In turn the UniverSity Band kept the music rolling wblle the largo a1ldleDCe was leaving the building. 80 cloeed 'he order of exercls68 of the JiftA!en,th Commencement of the Den­&II Dlpartmeot, and tbe proud and

- Jtpnrttr. A TrJ.weekly Newspaper Published by Students or the State University of Iowa.


happy Seniors, wltb tbeir ladles, wend· ed tbeir way to the banquet .hall to commemo)'ate "more fully" tbeir aus­piciou graduation.

Tbe following is a list of the gradu­ates: Anderaon, Arthur Lewis, Estberville. Baugbman, George P., Gri wold. Blancbard, Frederick Channing,Wat-

erloo. Boo, Casper Milton Balti, Iowa

City. Burns, Erwin Lester, Kensett. Clark, George Edward, Galesburg, III Coon, Frank, Cedar Rapid. Dodge, Clarence Augustus, Burlinll-

ton. Donlon, Joseph Patrick, Elkader. Fox, Cbarles umner, Meriden, Conn. Griffin, Festus M., Mis oula, Mon. Ra ek, Voclay 0 ., Cedar Rapids. Bough, Norman II., Muscatine. James, Frank Hoynton, Iowa City. Jones, John M., Iowa City. Jones, 1Iarry Carson, Des MoInes. Kearns, Cbarles Rudolphus, Lincoln,

Neb. Kennedy, Elmer FranCiS, Cherokee . . Littig, William B., Marcus. Leonard, George R., Billings, Mon. May tum, Burlington J., Wareaw. Morrow, Henry, Jr., Jowa City. Renshaw, Carroll W., Rock Valley. Rizer, Gustavus Earnest, Ft. Madison Scroggs, Richard 'Erskine, Ind'anola. Secor, Alson, Forest City. Silvis, Jobn C., Rock Island. Smitb, Roy F., Mitcbell, S. D.

mitb, F. Potter, York, Neb. Toney, Samuel Breese, Cbicago, Ill. WilCOX, Cbarles Shuler, Elgin, III.

Tbe Iowa State Board of Dental Examiners acted a a Committee on Final Examinations. Tbe members of tbo Board are:

l're:;ident, J. 'r. Abbott, D. D. S., Mancbester

Secretary, F. P. Webber, Cberokee. J. S. Kulp, D.D. S., Muscatine. E. L. Brooks, D.D .. , Vinton. Geo. W. Mlller, Des Moines.

Ten candidate for tbe Yale'Var­sity crew bave been taken to tbe traIning table.

Princeton bas reduced tbe number ot ber base ball candidates to twenty. From these the nine will be cho en.

A cup bas been offerer! at Harvard to the man who hall sbow tbe great­ese improvement tbrougb the coming year In auy branch of athletics.

Cornell has purcbased a naphtha boat wblcb will I'e used for paleunto­logical research in tbe lake of central New York and In Southern waters.

The honor system Is receivIng con­siderable attention by the stud en ts of the University of Cblcago and a senti­ment In favor of It is rapidly develop­Ing. It Is underlltood that tbe stu­dent body will be a~ked to vote upon this question In the near future.

Tbe Yale Juniors wbo sent to Pugil­Ist Corbett a letter and a Yale flag, with Yale's best wishes for Oorbett's success over Fitzsimmons, were sum­moned before Dean H. P. Wright ot the faculty, and ordered to make a re­traction In tbe Yale News of all phrases In wblch it wall presumed to represeot the sentlmeot of the Unl· versl ty. Sonl! of ex-Secretary of War Wbltoey and Governor Morris were among tbose who sent tbe letter.-EL



In tbe Unitarian Cburch In tun­day evening, Dr. Gilbert replied to Profe or Smith's lecture on Pantbe­ism, by an e 9ay on Theism.

In Tbeiilm i to be tound one ot tbose problems over which tbe buman mind has truggled for centuries. Man bat! ever been puzzled with "be problem of reality, the nature of God, and the mystery of man. Tbe religious be­lief of rude men rest on what tbey have fel t and known of tbe pre ence and power of the supernatural in and about them. Bllt man cannot rest permanently on these mere beliefs. he must reflect, define and Interpret. Kllowledge Is scarcely wortby of the name unless it bas passed throullb tbe stages of dogmatism, skepticism and criticism: We admire the skep­tic in tbat be critically investigates, but we de pise him If bis skepticism leads him to agnosticism. Agnosti· clsm I not only mental cowardice but mental suicide. The question is not wbetber tbere is a God, but what is his nature. It anyone will not ac­knowledge God, you cannot prove hi existence like you can a proposition in ~eometry. There bas to be ,an ele· ment of faith; you have to feel tbe presbnce of God. 1t is not by reason thdot we find God, but it Is In life tbat we Ond bim. But taitb, for that matter, Is a part of all knowledge. All scientific discus Ion starts with some as umptlon.

In trying to conceive of tbe super­natural, we bave to put It in tbe form that tbe mind can understand. What­ever conception we form of (:jod, it must be an Lbropomorpbic. It is DOt possible that tbe unIty of reality Is the result of acoident. Tbe form of the uuiverse Is sucb tbat Its forma­tion must have h~en gained by some direoting IntellIgence. The tbeory rt Evolution Is ijhot tbrough and through with tbe thougbt of design. Evolu­tIon cannot go very far witbout im­plying all that is \mpli~d in Teleolo~y. Sucb terms as HeredIty, Survival of tbe Fittest, etc, are t,he only means of removlLg the final explanation far­tber away.

811conilln, The Opbthalmoscope and What It

Reveals, II wa the subject of tbe paper read by Dr. F. J. Newberry, last Fri­day evening.

1'be Ophthalmoscope may be de­tined al an Instrument devised for tbe purpose of rendering vislblv the In­terior of tbe eye. On account of the anatomical structure of the eye, It Is Impossible, under ordinary circum­stances, to view tbe posterior por­tion of the interior of this organ. The consIderation ot a simple experi­ment will make It clear how the Uph­tbalmo cope overcomes this difficulty. Take a small box with a dark interior In the bottom of It put some printed matter to be vieWed. Over a small hole In tbe top of the box, place a lens of suitable foeus. Now, rays ot lljlht from a candle properly situated will pass through the lens, be focused up·

RO. 65

on tbe pri nted matter, be reflected and pa~s through the iens back to tbe _candle. Now if you try to place your eye so as to catcb tbe rays returnIng from the box, you will at the ame time Intercept tbo light going from the candle to tb~ bOX, and thus see notblng. It was Helmholtz, in 1851, wbo solyed tbe problem. He made a transparent refiector by placing rour pieces or gla 8 upon each otber. By this means tbe rays returning from the box Were reflected into bis eye without jnterfering with tbo e going into tbe box. Tbis is the principle in­volved In the Ophtbalmoscope. 1'bere are many different forms ot the in­strument.

One form that Dr. Newberry sbow­ed to the audience consisted simply of a small concave mirror with a bole in tbe center, tbe mirror tbrowlng lIgbt into the patient's eye,and some of tbe returning rays paSSing through tbe mall hole into tbe operator's eye. Dr. Newberry tben disoussed the ap­

pearance of tbe various parts of tbe eye as revealed by t,be Ophthalmo­scope, illustrating his remarks by means of colored cbarts. The use ot tbe in9trument i not at all confined to tbe examination ot di eases of the eye. Oertaln appearances of certain parts of tbe eye iudicate lesions In otber parts of the body. Tbe diag­nosIs ot many diseases, such as kidney diseases for example, ~can be made at an earlier period and wi th greater pre­cision by means or tbe Ophtbalmo­scope tban in any otber way.

The Columbia University crew will not be taken upon tbe water tor at least tour weeks.

'I'he University ot Wisconsin will send everal of her best track meo east this spring to contest in the Mott Haven game.

The Harvard·Yale foot ball game will be pla.yed Novembe~ 13th at .New Haven, and the Yale-Princeton game No~ember 20tb at Princeton.

President Andrews, of Brown Uol­ver. Ity, has decided no'. to re3ume bis work tbls year, and will not return from abroad unlll next Augu t.

'rpe faculty of Brown University has announced Its assent to tho reo quest of, tbe Senior class to exempt trom Onal examinations all those members of tbe olass wbose prevlolls work has been sutnclently creditable.

The number of students now In at· tendance at tbe leading uoi verslties In tbe leadlng_ eastero Universities bas been compiled aud Is as follows: HarvaJd, 3,674; Pennsylvania, 2,752; Mlcblgan, 2,706; Yale, 2,5J6; Cornell, 1,951; Columbia, 1817; Massachusett& IlJstitute of Tecbnology, 1,415; Prince· ton, 1,313; Brown, 910; Dartmouth, 602.

Oornell and Pennsylvania met Mch, 6tb at Pblladelphla lor their fourth annual debate. 'fhe qu~stlon was: "Resolved, that the United States and several states should establish courts or compulsory adjustment of disputes betweeo employees and prl· vate corporations which possess Iran­chlses of public nature." Cornell woo the debate, upholding the n~atlve. This makes two victories for Oornell and two for Pennsylvania.

Page 2: Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), 1897-03-16dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1897/di1897-03-16.pdffutiomllsbed dill ooly to Col Strong, at prices withiD ~f."". 0.." . IItbeWor!d. ",very:

I • • ~:t,.,. , .. •• , • ." u 0# ." W.,A,,,,t.,, It,.., ... "

TOUDn, THUUDn un IlTnDll ~'''''', , •• o.I,.,/et. rH~ et , ••

U"/ .. "It, .f I ••••

l!~·CItNI. F. W. BICIU ••• M!n141f141 HI/if.".


A"It1/ll, HdlUn. B.RTlfA BLUM. W... NXINay. Loo.II Bo Ha, F . 1'. 1I0p AN • eR". O. 01 I. MABEL Fo TaR .

lAx . O. Loa.NZ JOHN C. PRALL. AI.'" [MItr.

D n","" PI/.w". I' PaTa ..... oaR.1.- DqNln""Itl. ".11. TalaLIN, "dlLal/Jt-pQ[t",MI. ... A . T A TLOIl. H_fIIMI" /RrNIn"",.,

. W . MAOla .. ,lJ""'II,*lu,,1 Dqiarl"'lItl. If. p. Wal.u. uncJtJIOqNJrl.w.

Btu/lUll MIZIflIIV1. W. T. RVANI. H. R. TULOR,

T ... ,.. •• P r,e r. • • • • • • If not paid belore January 1, 1 07, 810,1 Cop"

,1.211 1.110 .08

0111 at th RfPubllCJIn!Priotln, CompeD" tOil W hlnlrlon tr I.

The paper will lit &eDt to old IUbecribui Datil rd red ppeel and an ana" pald.

COpl" I r MI. and ubecr1plloo. lIkeD:al tbe book r and at WI D k ' ..

Add all commuolCJIli DItO THI 'IDma. RlPOIIUII,

I,.a Clll, I ••••

------------------Katered al tbe lo""a City Iec:oad daM malter.

====== And now It would

tb oth r cI

olor cl not a mooop· oly 00 tbe I 1 fuoctlon of tbe Unl· ve Ity.

Llk an ver.bo\,erlng gbo I. of tb dr ry p t, tbe athletic debt till

ban over t.h rutur pros U. 1. Editorial have

rt air; m m cUn n plano d and con ummat

till, unrequited, un tla d, dlmlo hcd, the aameold debt throw. a gloom UpOD our hope and till to

be cany own membo On tbe r ulr. ot tbl

d pend tbe hole fut.ure of our tbletl L \. tbl b r 00 ruber· ed wbeo the IIclto pproach you, and let It. Iso be borne 10 mind that. under pr team and no track team tbis are more than a probability.

Tb Inauguration of a policy of divided examination by one of tbe Chal 10 the Coil late Departmeot, I aD 10nOyatioD tba I balled wltb appr elation and gratitude by tb a­den fortunate a to com under ita beneficial influence. At boit x· arulnatlons are a pr of drugery, at tim approximating absolute phy leal bard blp. When qu tloo, umclent to occupy tbree or four

bou time, are placed before a tu· dent with \he ex~ctatlon tbat be will

answer them In t.wo, the result. must Inevitably be, either tbat tbe que.


uperflclally tr l d, or th t only portron of tb OJ will be at. mpted. Tbl I

n xamlnatlon, Is mo. t w 1 ru to a larg part. or tbe t.ud 01. INdy.

N.tlce, There will be a meeting of the VI·

DETl'E-REPORTER Boa rd atCI Hall Wedn ay, a 1:30 p. m. Member bear 10 mind the bourand be present.

De.f.ess C •••• t ~e C.red by locaIappUca1Ions, .. they canoot reach the dl ued porion of the ear. There Is only ODe .... y cure deafn and that II by Ctlast\m­tOina! remedi Deafuess is caused by In 10-flamed condltlon of the muoous linlng of the e Iacblan lObe. \ beD th tube gets In­flamed you bave I rumblloj[ lOuod or Imper· fect hear1o.g and wbeo It " entlrely doted duloe Is the rtlUlt, and uDI the Inllam. matJoD can be lIkeo ODland this lObe rat red to ito normal coodlUon. beariDl{ wm be de· .uoyed forever; niLe COl ODt of teo are ca by caWTb wbich La notblnll' bulan In· flamed coDlhtlon of the mDCOt15 umces.

We WlU 11'1 e One Hundred Dollant for any caat of Deato (caosed by CaWTb) that can· not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ad lor c:ircuI8s, free.

F. J. CHENEY "" CO.,~Toledo, 0: Id by Druggists, 75c.

Hall'. Family PillJ are the ~

We go by the Calender, not by the Weather.

e~ Latest

Shapes. Latest


~~ G;,~

Our Spring Blocks in Hats are Here. Coast & Easley.

earter School of Elratory. Located in Close Hall.

We teach Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic Art According to the new school of Expression.

pecial Work In Physical Culture if desired. Our Motto, "By Art, conceal Art. For information, te rms, etc., add res ,

E. A. CARTER, Principal and Proprietor. r, 0, B01, t72t. IOWA till, tOWI

A Position./~. Can be secured wltb RaDd, McNall v & Co. that w(J\ br(oll' good returos to students for this work durloK vacation · We wisb rep­reaentativea on our Atla , Maps aDd other publications.

All About the ·Baby. By ROBERT N. TOOKER, M. D., of Chicago Medical College, I·u., \lIIued , 18 the book for mtldical students. Cataloll'ue and olrcu IrB BeDt on applloatlon.

Special Representatives. We want a few epeclal repreaeotatlvea In the C'"ollege. For thlt poaltloo, experlencec book: men should write us at once, sta\IDg pMt experience.

Rand, McNally ~ Co., "DelNrt.ut S," Chicago.

Hack and 8us Line. HICD furnished at all bODn. Leave orden al Hoheoschuh & Wieneke's.

~nEN'NQ ,.AIfTIEa A a"ECIA/"TY.~

Telephooe • . A. J. HANLEY, Manager. 28·25 Capitol !It.

The eontinental Restaurant ~ AKD LUKCH ROOM. ~

HeadqDarters for Studen"'. Banqueh and Parties Promplly Family Tn4e a Speclalty oE • talr;en care of. • :-

• • • FITZPATRICK ci FRISBY, ManageJ1l. • • •

ANDERSON, The .... rtt·stlc Tailor 4IlRUB BOTEL IUlLtII', ~ , CEDAIt IUI.S, lOll


fat Ctltlry DtI~1t-1M '"I tail Pn.

f.11I Warrlltd

Tbe CENTURY II made of tbe best materials througbout. Is fited with a 16 KT Gold Pea Jrldlom.Polnted, and abould Jut alHetime. For sale at .O.EJlSClll •• WIII1UI'I.

LJ\TE8T STYLE H,A.T8 J\N-Jd FU~N-I8HIN-(9 (900Jd8 f\T BLOO}t\ & }tlf\YER'8.

Only I ~J1

G F;

ilcool\llltly reee told II Cblcago J

W. W. No. l --




I .

Page 3: Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), 1897-03-16dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1897/di1897-03-16.pdffutiomllsbed dill ooly to Col Strong, at prices withiD ~f."". 0.." . IItbeWor!d. ",very:

test Shades.

new 8chool

College, l·u.' aod clrcu Ira

For thil ooce, st.ltiDI

• IDe.

r pI-ACE,


Only Eight Hours. ~ From Chlc;lgo. ~

Gunther's Famous Candy.

IscoostanUy received fresh by Express and Is IOIdat Cblcago prices at Cresc~nt Pharmacy.

W. W. MORRISON, Propr. No. 117 Coliege Street. -----

ftl74. lDr. mOOn, 1897.

Consultation Rooms. Ilround floor, first door west of Crescent Pharmacy

In Crescent Block.

Residence and Office, Telepbone No. 58.

••••••••••••• o lSE B lLL Supplies, Spald­Dil 1\ inll League Ball,

Mlts, Masks, etc. Mlnllle~ should send for samples and peclal rates. livery requisite for Tennte, Golf, Crlck:et. Track and Field, Gymnasium Equlpments and Outfita. Complete Catalogue of Spring and Summer Sports free .

"The Name tbe Guarantee. 1. G, SPALDING. BROS.,

New York, Cbicago. Philndelphla.

•••••••••••• Btbletic Exercise.

Builds up Strength and Creates Healtb. It btlps the man to grow. To make our buslnesi flOW we mU8t exercise fair trea'ment toward ClIItomers, give them jlood honest work and thup Induce th~m to come again.

TIE III IruBBlE C. O. n. un.nIY, . 211-218 Iowa Ave.

KENYON &: HAMM, Proprietors. (Succeesors to A. T. CalklDs.

Tel. 107. Sign of the Big Collar.

I Gencral1tne of

(l;roceries •

Cor. Dubuque SI. audla. Ave. at ~obler's.

Waahhurn Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos aDd Zithers are the tand. Ird of artistic: excellence. In the rreat essentials. Tone, Darablllty and Work­manship, they are peerless. Used and endorsed by the

Iadior artiIa everywhere. Ask your lIIUIic cIWet for the 1Va lit burn, and -tbatitbwa ~ familiar trade-mark, _ Catalogue mailed free.


--- - - -- - ------,--StilJ Readv . . . .

To cater for student trade. We can always furnish you with

Au IIQflctllllerg,)Ce Cream, Soda Water and other Carbnn Ized Drinks, Oysters Served io All Styles.

Irs. N, B. Cblbak, 115 Iowa A vtltlil.





@,ver&G, Have moved to

18~ Clinton 8t We invite comparison. vet our Prices on

Groups and remember tbat we bav\! the best Igbt in tbe city for vroups, of wbicb we make a specialty. Second Floor.

Nothing is good enough if there is Somdhing Better.

Welidon 't go on and be content with tb~ work done by oth~r laund­ries and console yourself with tbe Idea tbat it Is good enough. Wedo the best worli and it does not cost you any mort!. Wby dont you brlnll your work to us and get the beg!? Try US-drof a card or ring us up (telephone S5 aDd we will call for and dell ver your work promptly.

Hawkeye Laundry, 218 S. CII nton St.

~~ Marshall D. Ewell, LL.D.,M.D., Deall •

Winter term op~neo Nov. 8u, lS00. Di­plomaadmlts to bar. Improved metbods unit­Ing tbeory and practice. The school of practice II the leadla. f\lliare. Evening sessions of ten houl1! a week for each class. Students can be self supporting while studying. For cata­logues address, M. D, EWELL, Dean.


· · "S. V, 'I," · "WHITE ROSE" ~

"SWEET ROSE BUD." CIC~RS Are the Best In the City.



INCORPORATED 18 ••• Vocal and Instrumental Music. Harmony an41

and Musical Theory and Normal MeUhods. COUrBt! arranged prOll resslvely leadinll' to

graduation when diplomas are conferred. Especial attention given to University 8tu­

dent8. Please call at office for terms and full partlcu·

lars. " . W. RUGlGlL.ES, PRESIOENT.

10 CENTS (sliver or slamps) pays for a complett! $50U.OO prize stOry

a true love story 01 college days and uther in ­teresting matter. The regular price of the book Is 25 cts. Our I,uslness is til secure positions for teacbers in scbools and colleges. We baw a few vacancies In offices. a1S(). Address

Soal.era Teachers' Bareaa. L.allYllle, Ky.

WANTED-FAITHFUL MEN OR WO­MEN to travel for res ')onsible establlsbed

bouse In J owa. Salary $7S0 and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self addressee! stamped envelope. Tbe National, Star Insurance Bldg., Cbicago.

Peter A. Dey, Pres. G. W. Ball, Vice Pres. Lovell Swlsber, Casb. John Lashek, As'tCash.

First National Bank IOWA CITf. IOWA.


Peter A. Dey, J . T. Turner, E . Bradway, C, S. Welch. A. N. Currier. Geo. W. Ball.

Stubents t ...... -..._ ..... When In need of a LIVERY call on

murpb~ a lReba. Cab Orders for Parties and Dances a specialty.

Entrance at 114 Washington St.



Oysters Served in all Styles.

. The P.Iaw~el!. Restaurattt.

Open Day and Nigbt Board. $8.00 per week 8rd door E . of P. O. J. J. RI1TENMEYER. !'rop

New Livery Siable At 214 South Dubuque Street you can ,l!'et

the beFt Turn-outs, Single and Double Rigs, of any Barn In the city.

Open at all b()ul'l!. Gentle borses for Ladies to drive. Rates reasonable.


- Smoke tbe -'f)a\?ana "<tuban 'Rose," IlIIeO "bawke\?e," anb (llgars. ")prtncess." Mrd by Konvalinka &\ Stoddard, 207 la. A.e

" ....... .. • The Old Reliable •

i Calkitts : Steam • Lauttdry.

Cor. Ia. Ave. and Linn St.

First Class work Guaranteed.

Goods Called for and Delivered Free.


You clln s~cure Steuographers, Buy Typewriting Mllchln~8,

.. Relit Typewriting Machines aDd bave Copying doue to order at

., Miss Irisli's School of "".

ShorthattdZTypewritit1g DUbuqrMr~~h. Fred Zimmerli. Ground Floor, •• 22 Clinton St. LeIters and reports written and Tbeses coplt.l.

181 College. St. Cor. Col. and Dubuque.


LAW BOOKS ro"STUDENTS. " BI ck'," Law Student', Review.

a Voll., • $5.00

Common Place and Briel Bookl, 4.00

Evans on Pleading, 2.50

Ford's Legal AnalYlls,' 1.50

Descriptive circulars mailed on

application, and exchanges made.

E. B. MYERS & CO.,

Law Booksellers,

122 Quincy Street, CHICAGO,

Locals. Watch A. M. Greer'8 Windows for

For tine contectlonaries go to Fie· tor' bakery.

For two days only ales continue at A. M. Greer's.

See that hand'palnted Rudalstadt china at John Hands'. It is the finest tbing 10 that line ever brougbt to Iowa City.

Twenty per cent dl count on all winter undorwear atBloom & Mayers.

A desirable room ror rent a.t ]]0 Bloomington t., at favorable terms for spring se Ion.

See the new tyle In colored sboes at Theobald & Smith's.

IF you cbange your boarding place try

tbe Brock Club, 229 N. Co.pltolj price, $2.25.

W. C. KEELER, Steward. Hands, tbe most successful watcb

repairer. Spring Dunlap now on sale at Coast

& Easley's. One furnished ro ' m for rent next

term. Enquire or A. M. Greer. Bave your watcb cleaned by John

Bands, 22 Ollnton street. Since times are so close you all

want tbe best at lowest prices, so by going to the St. James Arcade Cigar Store you will get a cigar for 5 cents tbat wili suit yOUj try tbem.

Buy your sweaters of Bloom & Mayer.

Latest sbapes in Spring bats at Coast & Easley's.

fact and~Rumor.

EDITORS - Bertha Blum, F. :Po Hot· mann.

The Betas gave a party last nigbt. Mr. Dorcas, '95, is vi Itlng friends

bere. Miss Voss Is wearing a Delta Gam·

ma pledge pin.

Cbancelor MCUlain left yesterday for Des Moines on Code business.

JQbn Bull bas returned to Des Moines a.fter a brief visit in tbe city.

Dr. Woodbury, of Council Bluffs, attended the Dental Commencement exercises.

Miss Moota Porter, '00, wbo has been ill tor some time, is again able to attend classes.

laundry Work. Mrs. T. J. Jennings, of 411

A. H. Vorwerk's Sister and niece, Daven. or Burlington, are attending Medical

commencement. port Street, will be tban kful tor any washing tudents may have. Goods called tor and dellvered upon notice, Notlty by postal card or leave order witb tbe janitor or the Y. M. C. A.

Flctor's bakery for candies.

Bloom & Mayer are giving 20 per cent dIscount on all overcoats and ulsters.

You will miss It If you do not at· tend A. M Greer's sale8.

A new line of Fprlng goods at Jos. lavata's. Every quarter or a do](o.r counts

the e hard ti me ,and you can save a few or tbem by buying your boes of Tbeobald & mitll

1:.. J, rrlce & Co, for every thin, In the Jewelry line and witch rualrln" 106 Clinton St.

Ella Jones, '96, wbo is teacblng at Williamsbnrg, was at borue for 80

sbort visit last week.

Helen and Fred Larrabee bave been called tu Mlnnea.polis by tbe deatb of their Ister, Mrs. Dolliver.

Will Jones, L. '95, now located at n"venport. wa In the city the last or the week on legal buslnes .

A portrait or John Prall, Iowa'S champion sprinter, adorn the atb· letic page or the Des Moines New.

WII on 1'. Roed, a graduate or . U. 1., Collegiate cla 8 or ' I, died atols home in Carroll, Ia., on March L3th. The rema!ns were taken to prl ng· Ileld, ilL, tor Interment. Mr. Reed was manager of the Green Bay Lum· ber Oo's yards at Co.rroll.

" . @j\LL ON BLOO}tl & ~j\YER FO~ @LOTHIN<9 j\Nld H;\T8.

I . • ' j' ' . I .. t , ' \

Page 4: Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), 1897-03-16dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1897/di1897-03-16.pdffutiomllsbed dill ooly to Col Strong, at prices withiD ~f."". 0.." . IItbeWor!d. ",very:


RICHMOND Straight Cut No.

1 Cigarettes. CWARltTTa SMO" •• Yoh are will Ina 10

PlY a little 111" th n Ih price chara ,I furtbe unlln I')' trad l.'llI'ar U will tlnd 1'111 llkA IU ul.erlurtoaU thent.

ALLE GINTER, Tht Amuican Tobacco Company,

8a r. ...I.uuer, RICHMOND. VIROINUI.

fure, fur

'Repatrtng, (taps

anb mittens.


D.F.Rosencrans 19 • Cllnton t.

rOcr (tOtO tmooo (rom

J. J. 1Rtttenme~er.

(too"er's 1Restaurantt


lDtntno~oom 1arge al\~1tgbt

l3est Ser\'ltce tn tbe (tttp •• 1ocation (ton\'lentent. . • • • l3oar~, $2.50 per 'UUleelt .•

81t1.Le THE


Office on Burlington treel. Opposite Burlington Depot.

Suit. made to order. Cleaning and rel>alrln II' neaUy done. H9 Dubuque Streel. up Stairs.

~ew St, :tames

§l 'Q :tobn £, (tuber, J)rop,

Hot alld 00111 batIt.. Iowa OltV. lo,.a. toe Iowa. AN. t 1Ioo,.ut 01 P. O.

~nmm~'~J and tJ! iil1tJ~1 Burke's Restaurant \l!QJ i i;~\ ,. PJ~a. Lunches at all hours.


~. 5tartsman, atcbes, Cloclls, :teweltll

Slloer anO J)latcO 'QJarc. Spectacles a Speclaltll,

toe Wad//lfWt It.

T C. CA ,Prat. WI<. A. En. Casbier • • L. Luana. V. Prest. G-o. L. F.wc,AAt. Catb.

Johnson County


Oysters In Every Style. • Board $3.00 per week .••

~barmac~ . ...-----Comer Wasbln!lton and Dubuque Streets.

Come and lee our line of PERFUMES, BRUSHES, COMBS AND

CleARS. We keep everythlng In the DRUG LINE

and IOliclt your patronage.


5tubentet • ~orcb & 50n

Hive the beat equipped

1t",er~. D'''.~ •. TbOl. C. Canon, .. L. Ldewe, J . C. <.:ocb. Give them a call.

rail, Ed Tudor.' 'lharpl , L. B. Patter- llS <:'pltol Street .on. H. Strohm, C. F. Lovelace. Max Marer.

1W1. b Graff,

pbarmacistt Ito. 9 lDubuque St.


Call and lee my luon UJ POCKET DIVIS, the beat that mooey can buy.

GUN. TO RENT. IIKA TES, 119 S, Dubuque Street.

Lostr-A Pi .BeLa Phi arrow ~Ick plo. Will lIoder please kindly return IDrugs, __ .... ....-to Mabel F ter, or to any member of I

-• THE NEW ST. JAMES • the Unlversltychapter. I mtbtctnes,

AND Perfumes. lohn C. Prall recommeods Joho V. Crum" "Rub Out. '

<F1nt-C'" Hotel,)

U, " ute fa all ... en ._,N".el'" Eat 01 CamPIII,-POIt oalee BuIldlD,.




Fre b PleM. Cakes. ookles and Pretzels (bind made) always on band alth~ ,

<2ity Bakery. c. A. SCH~IDT, Proprietor.

C InIon '1 r~el.



6randrath Bros. SUCC~S.OI'llIO A. C. IJ inman.

c. HURLE"l, Practical Plumber,

Steam and Gas flttlo,s. omc~ 210 S. Clinton St.

.0 Kom. t. Really Com,lete Wlthost I new 189T .odd

Wasbburn Oultar, Mandolin, 8aDjo or Zither.

Prlcu have been lClIIed down aa a result of tht W ashburn'. ~normoa. popularity 10 that now)'ouCaJI buy a lIenulne Washburn of lhe very latest des""

Prom "5.00 Upw.rd. The new Wa. hbum ,Mandolin I. a radical depArtu,"

(rl)ln former slyles. It I. the neatest, dalntlest and lIghtesl Mandolin Imaginable, and Its tone IPpr<llchd nry nUl' to that of " fine old CremOM Violin. \vuh· bum. ore BOld at fixed and uniform prlces b1 all /into

c1~t)':~b:,~~r~~heev"'7k;;~~ftdged standard of the world. They are uced exclusively by the ltadlnl Artists, Teachers and Glee Club.. Our ne" Wuh· bum catalogue containing portraits of over 100 ArtIIU and full informaUon, pric,"" endorsements, elc., wlll ba ~nt free on receipt of appllcatlooT. If )'our locII d ..... cannot .apply you we will ~nd \Vashburn. C. O. D. with privilege of examlllllUon, direct from the factory.

A Washburn Improve, with age and ..... a alft that Increases In value .. the yean JO ",. It I. really worth many tI .... ,s Its cost.


'It is Good Form to ride the Columbia bicycle-the acknowl­edged standard of bicycle excellence-com­bining in the highest degree every essential qUality of design and construction. The old· est riders, the best riders, the intelligent wbee).

men of the country ride

$100 It..dud of tile Worl' te aU aUk.

•• nford .10,01 •• , second only to Col­ombias, ,,., seo, '.0,.... Strong, handsome, lerviceable and at prices withiD reach of everyone.

POPE MFa. CO., Hartford, _ G_ Bicycle Factori .. in the World. BratICb~

or dealer in "lDOIt nery city lad -...

Sead ODe _t IIImp for haacIaomest bicycle ~ ftU iIaued. Free by c:aIliac on aD, CorWDbia daTer.


VOL. 29.

Ne,er b departmen ts and gowns Lbat ,iewed

U'es of the classes of '91 evenlog.

A large of the tbe house log pieces of ryhlll's Band, Rev. Church, proprlate -orchestra ence with President ward and

ory, prlately eel

The Degl -118 conferl

Charles B J Lowell EA Charles A J

Walter S E WIlUamJ Walter ~ E VletQr WI CbarleeS\ GtolleA( JObn weI Henry ED GtorgeE I Conra4De JOIepbPI Jll8bU,AI A.~D PaulO' lleur,Ll ObarlflB' lllGrlll\ laYlllonG