Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Time in Children Olga Zilberberg Family Consultant CBT and NLP Practitioner [email protected]

Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time [email protected] • Guidelines and Recommendations

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Page 1: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations



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•  GuidelinesandRecommendations

•  Whatchildrenneed.•  Physical,Emotional,SocialandBehaviouralImpactoftechnology.

•  Whatkeepsourchildren‘addicted’

•  TheroleofDopamine•  TheFourMsModel•  SuggestionsandUsefulWebsites.

Page 4: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

GuidelinesandRecommendations•  ScottishIntercollegiateGuidelinesNetwork(2010)andtheNationalInstituteforHealthandCareExcellenceNICE(2015)Nomorethan2hoursofsedentarybehaviour,particularlyofscreentime(watchingTV,computeruseandplayingvideogames),forchildren/youngpeopleperday.

•  WHO–Noscreentimeforchildrenunder3yearsofage

•  UKChiefMedicalOfficer–Parentstomonitorscreencontentandtime.

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Page 5: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

GuidelinesandRecommendations•  TheAmericanAcademyofPaediatricsScreenTimeGuidelines(2016)recommends:– Upto18months,avoiduseofscreenmediaotherthanvideo-chatting.

–  children18to24monthsofage–1hourhigh-qualityprogrammingandwatchitwiththeirchildren.

–  Childrenaged2to5years-1hourperdayofhigh-qualityprograms.Parentsshouldco-viewmediawithchildrentomonitorwhattheyareseeing.

–  Childrenaged6yearsandolder,limitsonthetimeandcontentshouldbeplacetakingintoaccountphysicalactivities,sleepandgoodnutrition.

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Page 6: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations


•  Behaviouralissues:Meltdowns,tantrums,angeroutbursts,aggression,violence.

•  SocialSkills:socialandcognitiveskillsarebetterdevelopedwithanotherperson,interactiveplaywithcare-givers.

•  Wellbeing:SleepDeprivation,rushedmeals,lackofexercise,visionproblems.

Page 7: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

Whatkeepsourchildren‘addicted’?•  Inherentdesirefor


•  Belongingandsocialconnections–Safetyinnumbers,beingpartofthepack,beingaccepted(pseudofriends)

•  Competence–Masteringtechnologyskills,mastetingastageofagamewhichbuildsselfesteemandaccomplishment.

•  Novelty,ExcitementandEscapism–Beingsomeoneelse,thrilloftheunknownandexcitementofadventuresahead.

[email protected]

Page 8: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

TheRoleofDopamine•  Dopamineisabrainchemical(neurotransmitter)centralincreatingourdriveforrewardandmotivation.

•  Dopamineisreleasedinresponsetoapleasurable,exciting,thrilling,novelexperience.

•  Dopaminereleaseincreasesthedesiretorepeatapleasureabletaskoverandoveragain.

•  VideoGames,YouTubeVideos,SocialMediaalltapintothebrain’srewardsystemincreasingdopaminereleaseandreinforcingthepleasurablesensationseekingbehaviour.

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Page 9: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations


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Page 10: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

Model•  Modelthebehaviouryouwanttoseei.enophoneinthebedrooms,atdinnertableetc

•  Modelpositivesocialskillsi.ePutyourphoneawaywheninteractingwiththemorothers,switchoffTVwhileconversing.

•  Modela‘HealthyDigitalDiet’.Talkaboutbeingactive,careforyoureyes,healthymealswithnodevices.

[email protected]

Page 11: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

Monitor1.  WhenandWheretechnologyisused2.  Whatapps,programs,sitesareallowed.

Havethempreparealist.3.  Whoachildcanconnecttoandhow.4.  Monitorcontent,language5.  Setupdevicefreezones6.  Setupa‘DeviceBedTime’.

[email protected]

Page 12: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

Manage•  Becomethebufferbetweenyourchildandthedigitalworld.

•  Provideactivitiesthatmeetthedopamine-drivenneedsofyourchild.

•  Managecontentandlengthofexposuretodetermineifanyemotionalneedisbeingmetandplantomeetthemintherealworldexperiencesi.eachievement,friendships

[email protected]

Page 13: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

Mentor•  Beawareofyourchild’semotionsandemotionalsignals.Understandandbepartoftheirworldsoyoucansupportthemintimesofneedi.eescapingnegativeemotions.

•  Askthemhowtheythinktechnologyishinderingorenhancingtheirlives.

•  Beawareofexposuretounsuitablecontenti.eViolentvideogamesthatalterplayersthink,feelandbehave(desensitization).

[email protected]

Page 14: Video Games, Scial Media and Screen Family Consultant Time in … · 2019. 10. 8. · Video Games, Social Media and Screen time olgaztherapy@gmail.com • Guidelines and Recommendations

TakeAways•  Staycurrent:wherekidsaregoingonline,whotheychatwith,whatsitesarebeingused.

•  Setclearrulesandboundaries.Beingspecificandconsistentonwhatisacceptable

•  ModelHealthyDevicesDiet.•  Beawareofemotionalneedstobemet.•  CollaborativeProblemSolving:

I.  TheproblemII.  TheconcernIII.  ThePlan

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PresentationSlidesavailableonwebsiteunderservices/workshopsandprograms www.olgaz.co.uk



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