Vicious circle of fish losses, vulnerability of natural resources and the poverty trap Authours Scope & Purpose Methodology RESULTS & DISCUSSION Conclusions This poster illustrates the findings of a situational analysis on post-harvest systems conducted in 2013 and 2014 in the Volta Basin, a shared water body in West Africa through the NEPAD-FAO Fish Programme (NFFP), within the framework of a collaborative undertaking between FAO, the Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) of the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD). Why the Volta Basin? (i) The Basin is one of the poorest areas of Africa, thus making issues of food and nutrition security a priority (ii) The ecosystem of the Volta Lake, suggests that climate change and variability may have an impact, therefore exacerbating the level of vulnerability. The study was thus commissioned to identify inefficiencies in the post-harvest chains, then develop elements for sustainable reduction of post-harvest losses and greater regional trade. (iii) The Basin spreads over six West African countries (43% in Burkina Faso, 42% in Ghana, and the remaining 15% in Togo, Benin, Cote dIvoire and Mali). A stepwise, phased and more inclusive approach: (i) takes into account the sustainable value chain elements and (ii) goes beyond the common prism of PHLs occurrence. Significant PHLs, nearly 30% of the landings, with levels ranging from 13.5% to 45.5% depending on the country. These figures are comparable to the average global estimates of 35% for the loss &wastes of fish and seafood. This inclusive approach that fully took into account the elements of the sustainable value chain in the existing post-harvest loss assessment (PHLA) tools enabled to draw a fairly complete picture of the causes and effects while putting in context the complex patterns in the occurrence of PHLs. It is the first ever of its kind to raise these intricate multidimensional issues and clearly establish the cycle of poverty and vulnerability directly perpetuated within the PHL context. It highlights that reducing PHLs efficiently and sustainably requires thinking outside the technology and infrastructure box and consider addressing other important factors that undermine resource sustainability, efficient and competitive post-harvest systems and trade. The strategy was developed to consolidate the efforts of the countries in reducing PHLs. But overall, the approach followed, the fundamental dimensions raised, and lessons learned can create good practices in other geographic contexts. They will be useful in informing the implementation of the recently endorsed global instrument, the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. The Volta Lake is the largest man-made lake in Africa (8700 km2). It is a significant source of employment and livelihoods. Secondary source data review for an overview of the status of PHLs, how they are reflected in the various sectoral documents. The collated information were instrumental in the selection of specific sites and value chains. (i) High losses as a result of fish of poor quality (quality or qualitative fish loss) or is of illegal size; incommensurate to the volume of fish physically removed from the supply chain (physical or quantitative loss), thus concurring previous studies. (ii) the drivers of PHLs are multifactorial, starting from upstream (prevailing conditions in the ecosystem within the fishing) all the way to the level of consumers: In fact, while 65% of causes are linked to the lack of improved technology, infrastructure and good manufacturing practices, the other 35% are due to the actorssocial and cultural dimensions of vulnerability, and the lack of responsible governance, regulations and their enforcement; (iii) Real or potential impact on three levels: (iv) That coping strategies resulting in further PHLs and interwoven factors have paved the way for a vicious circle where the threat to resource sustainability, fishersresilience to climate variability, food security due to PHLs may lead to increasing the poverty trap. Primary data collection in selected sites : 4 major riparian sites in Lake riparian sites in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Togo-between 40-75 percent of the Basins outputs (totalling between 70 and 93 percent of the total production share from the Basin of each of the three countries) were surveyed through: The check list used in this process mainstreamed socio-economic issues including: Subsequent proposed interventions informed a regional strategy aimed to strengthen the efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of the fisheries in the riparian countries, an instrument in support of the implementation of the African Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy Framework and Reform Strategy (AFPF & RS). The Volta Basin This geographic coverage and predominance of small-scale fisheries provide the opportunity to document multiple dimensions in appraising post-harvest losses (PHLs) and fish trade. Food security impact Income level of the actors along the value chain Environmental impact (sustainability of natural resources) Different sizes and poorly handled Tilapia The Exploratory Fish Loss Assessment Method, based on the accelerated method of participatory rural appraisal, Questionnaire Loss Assessment Method (QLAM) to cover a variety of parameters. Some load tracking was conducted on specific issues. Gender Policy Climate change dimensions Consumer roles Natural resources Rosenthal, Illia, Independent Consultant, Rome, Italy [email protected] Diei-Ouadi, Yvette. Food & Fishery Industry Officer, Fish Products, Trade and Marketing Service, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Tel: + 39 06 570 53251 – Email: [email protected] Sodoke, Boris Komivi.B.K., Independent Consultant, [email protected] Oduro, Frieda Adjoa, Senior Fishery officer, Ministry of Fish. and Aqua. Development, Ghana, [email protected] Ouedraogo, Yacouba, Specialist/Sociologist, Fisheries and Aqua. General Directorate, Burkina Faso, Email: [email protected] Bokobosso, Kissem, Ministry of Agricculture, Togo, [email protected] McDonough, Sakchai, Junior Aquaculture Officer, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (RAF), Ghana Email: [email protected] © FAO 2016 the poor asking for cheaper/illegal fish VISCIOUS CYCLE OF LOSSES, VULNERABILITY OF NATURAL RESOURCES & THE POVERTY TRAP Impoverished rural consumers Policy & Regulation Poor knowledge & handling practices Inefficient technologies Weak infrastructure & services Poor availability or management of market information Gender & other social interests related determinants Waste of natural resources/inputs Fisheries resources dwindling and changes in species distribution Coping Mechanism: Unsustainable fishing practices Vulnerable & poor fishing communities Too many people chasing fewer fish Higher price of available (good quality) fish Lower income Climate Change Post-Harvest lossess DRIVERS “loss transfer” from fishermen to female operators a mean to meet market demands Source: villagevolunteers.org CO138e/1/06.16

Vicious circle of fish losses, vulnerability of natural resources and … · 2017-11-28 · Vicious circle of ˜sh losses, vulnerability of natural resources and the poverty trap

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Page 1: Vicious circle of fish losses, vulnerability of natural resources and … · 2017-11-28 · Vicious circle of ˜sh losses, vulnerability of natural resources and the poverty trap

Vicious circle of �sh losses, vulnerability of natural resources and the poverty trapAu



Scope & Purpose Methodology


ConclusionsThis poster illustrates the �ndings of a situational

analysis on post-harvest systems conducted in 2013 and2014 in the Volta Basin, a shared water body in West Africa

through the NEPAD-FAO Fish Programme (NFFP), within the framework of a collaborative undertaking between FAO,

the Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) of theNew Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).

Why the Volta Basin?

(i) The Basin is one of the poorest areas of Africa, thusmaking issues of food and nutrition security a priority

(ii) The ecosystem of the Volta Lake, suggests that climatechange and variability may have an impact, therefore

exacerbating the level of vulnerability.

The study was thus commissioned to identifyine�ciencies in the post-harvest chains, thendevelop elements for sustainable reduction ofpost-harvest losses and greater regional trade.

(iii) The Basin spreads over six West African countries(43% in Burkina Faso, 42% in Ghana, and the remaining 15%

in Togo, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire and Mali).

A stepwise, phased and more inclusive approach: (i) takesinto account the sustainable value chain elements and

(ii) goes beyond the common prism of PHLs occurrence.

Signi�cant PHLs, nearly 30% of the landings, with levelsranging from 13.5% to 45.5% depending on the country.

These �gures are comparable to the average globalestimates of 35% for the loss &wastes of �sh and seafood.

This inclusive approach that fully took into account theelements of the sustainable value chain in the existing

post-harvest loss assessment (PHLA) tools enabledto draw a fairly complete picture of the causes

and e�ects while putting in context the complexpatterns in the occurrence of PHLs.

It is the �rst ever of its kind to raise these intricatemultidimensional issues and clearly establish thecycle of poverty and vulnerability directlyperpetuated within the PHL context.

It highlights that reducing PHLs e�ciently andsustainably requires thinking outside thetechnology and infrastructure box and consideraddressing other important factors that undermineresource sustainability, e�cient and competitivepost-harvest systems and trade.

The strategy was developed to consolidate thee�orts of the countries in reducing PHLs. But overall, the approach followed, the fundamentaldimensions raised, and lessons learned can creategood practices in other geographic contexts. Theywill be useful in informing the implementation ofthe recently endorsed global instrument, theVoluntary Guidelines for Securing SustainableSmall-Scale Fisheries in the Context of FoodSecurity and Poverty Eradication.

The Volta Lake is the largest man-madelake in Africa (8700 km2).

It is a signi�cant source of employment and livelihoods.

Secondary source data review for an overview of thestatus of PHLs, how they are re�ected in the varioussectoral documents. The collated information wereinstrumental in the selection of speci�c sites andvalue chains.

(i) High losses as a result of �sh of poor quality (quality orqualitative �sh loss) or is of illegal size; incommensurate tothe volume of �sh physically removed from the supply chain(physical or quantitative loss), thus concurring previous studies.

(ii) the drivers of PHLs are multifactorial, startingfrom upstream (prevailing conditions in theecosystem within the �shing) all the way to thelevel of consumers: In fact, while 65% of causes arelinked to the lack of improved technology,infrastructure and good manufacturing practices,the other 35% are due to the actors’ socialand cultural dimensions of vulnerability, and thelack of responsible governance, regulations andtheir enforcement;

(iii) Real or potential impact on three levels:

(iv) That coping strategies resulting in further PHLsand interwoven factors have paved the way for avicious circle where the threat to resourcesustainability, �shers’ resilience to climatevariability, food security due to PHLs may lead to increasing the poverty trap.

Primary data collection in selected sites : 4 majorriparian sites in Lake riparian sites in Burkina Faso,Ghana and Togo-between 40-75 percent of theBasin’s outputs (totalling between 70 and 93 percentof the total production share from the Basin of eachof the three countries) were surveyed through:

The check list used in this process mainstreamedsocio-economic issues including:

Subsequent proposed interventions informed aregional strategy aimed to strengthen thee�ciency, competitiveness and sustainability ofthe �sheries in the riparian countries, an instrumentin support of the implementation of the AfricanFisheries and Aquaculture Policy Framework andReform Strategy (AFPF & RS).

The Volta Basin

This geographic coverage and predominance ofsmall-scale �sheries provide the opportunity to document

multiple dimensions in appraising post-harvest losses (PHLs) and �sh trade.

Food securityimpact

Income level of theactors along the

value chain

Environmental impact(sustainability of

natural resources)

Di�erent sizes and poorly

handled Tilapia

The Exploratory Fish Loss Assessment Method, based on theaccelerated method of participatory rural appraisal,Questionnaire Loss Assessment Method (QLAM) to covera variety of parameters. Some load tracking wasconducted on speci�c issues.

Gender Policy Climate change dimensions

Consumer roles Natural resources

Rosenthal, Illia, Independent Consultant,Rome, [email protected]

Diei-Ouadi, Yvette. Food & Fishery Industry O�cer, Fish Products,Trade and Marketing Service, UN Food and Agriculture Organization,Tel: + 39 06 570 53251 – Email: [email protected]

Sodoke, Boris Komivi.B.K.,Independent Consultant,[email protected]

Oduro, Frieda Adjoa, Senior Fishery o�cer,Ministry of Fish. and Aqua. Development, Ghana,[email protected]

Ouedraogo, Yacouba, Specialist/Sociologist,Fisheries and Aqua. General Directorate, Burkina Faso, Email: [email protected]

Bokobosso, Kissem, Ministry of Agricculture, Togo,[email protected]

McDonough, Sakchai, Junior Aquaculture O�cer, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (RAF), GhanaEmail: [email protected] © FAO 2016

the poor asking for cheaper/illegal �sh

















ES &






Impoverished rural consumers

Policy & Regulation

Poor knowledge &handling practices

Ine�cient technologies

Weak infrastructure & services

Poor availability ormanagement of

market information

Gender & other social interests

related determinants

Waste of natural resources/inputs

Fisheries resources dwindlingand changes in

species distribution

Coping Mechanism: Unsustainable �shing practices

Vulnerable & poor �shing communities

Too many people chasing fewer �sh

Higher price of available (good quality) �sh

Lower income

Climate Change

Post-Harvest lossess


“loss transfer” from �shermen to female operators

a mean to meet market demands

Source: villagevolunteers.org
