Viagens Ao Exterior

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VIAGENS AO EXTERIORI had to change planes in Bahrain.Tive que mudar de avio em Bahrain.I'm jet lagged, and I need sleep.Estou com jet lag, preciso dormir.At customs, they looked through my luggage.Na alfndega, eles examinaram minha bagagem.Back home, it's about 2 a.m.De volta para casa, so quase 2 a.m.I think he's feeling some culture shock.Acredito que ele esteja sofrendo um choque de cultura.They checked my visa when I went through immigration.Eles verificaram meu visto quando passei pela imigrao.Advrbios do present perfect Use os advrbios yet, already, never e ever com o present perfect para indicar um perodo de tempo at o presente. 'Yet' Use o advrbio yet para falar de algo que ainda no aconteceu, ou para perguntar se algo j aconteceu. O advrbio costuma aparecer no final da frase. I haven't printed my boarding pass yet. Ainda no imprimi meu carto de embarque.They haven't packed their bags yet. Eles ainda no fecharam as malas.Has she left for the airport yet? Ela j saiu para o aeroporto?'Already' Use o advrbio already para falar de algo que j aconteceu, ou para perguntar se algo j aconteceu. O advrbio costuma vir logo antes do verbo principal. You can't come? But I've already booked the tickets! Voc no pode vir? Mas eu j comprei as entradas!Carly has already been to Paris, but I haven't. Carly j esteve em Paris, mas eu no.Has John already been to the Louvre? John j esteve no Louvre?Never' e 'ever' Use o advrbio ever para perguntar se algo aconteceu, ou para perguntar sobre as experincias de algum. Para respostas negativas, use never. Os advrbios geralmente vm antes do verbo principal. A: Have you ever lived in another country? B: No, I've never lived in another country. Voc j morou em outro pas?No, nunca morei em outro pas.Nota do idioma: Um erro comum de alunos usar o advrbio ever em declaraes afirmativas. Observe a resposta correta no exemplo. A: Have you ever been to Paris?B: Yes, I have been to Paris. Voc j esteve em Paris?Sim, j estive em Paris.I haven't stayed in the ice hotel yet already never .I've already yet ever tried Laotian food.Haven't you ever yet never been to Rome?Susan and Dane have already yet ever hiked the Grand Canyon.I've never ever yet walked the Great Wall.Advrbios para o present perfectHave you ever been to the Blue Lagoon?Voc j foi Lagoa Azul?No, I haven't.No, nunca fuiI've already seen Niagara Falls.Eu j fui s Cataratas do Nigara.But I haven't seen Victoria Falls yet.Mas ainda no vi Victoria Falls.I've never been to Canada.Nunca fui ao Canad.The bad news is that I've still got terrible jet lag after my 26-hour flight on Monday. The good news is that, yesterday, I hiked the red coast of Tasmania. It's the most beautiful place I've ever camped, and the night sky is gorgeous. I've been to the Atacama Desert in Chile. I've visited Valentia Island in Ireland. And I've traveled in Australia before, but I've never seen so much light in the night sky. Tonight, I'll have to go for a walk and look for Tasmania's special animals, like wombats and kangaroos. I haven't seen any of them in the wilderness yet.