VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh

VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule due date: Tir 18 th 2

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Page 1: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

VHDL Project Specification

Naser Mohammadzadeh

Page 2: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Schedule due date: Tir 18th


Page 3: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2



One person

Page 4: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Honor Code Rules


Using somebody’s else code and presenting it as your own is a serious Honor Code violation and may result in an Fail grade for the entire course.

All student teams are expected to write and debug their codes by themselves and are not allowed to share their codes with other teams.

Students are encouraged to help and support each other in all problems related to the basic understanding of the problem operation of the CAD tools

Page 5: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Platform & Tools


Target devices:1. Xilinx FPGA Virtex 7 family

Tools: VHDL Simulation: ModelSim VHDL Synthesis: Xilinx XST 14.6i or later Implementation: Xilinx ISE 14.6i or later

Page 6: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Final Deliverables


1. All block diagrams and ASM chartsdescribing the entire circuit and its components(electronic form, PDF)

2. All synthesizable VHDL source codes

3. All testbenches used to verify the operation of the entire circuit and its components, and the correspondinginput files containing test vectors, and output files containing results

4. Timing waveforms demonstrating the correct operationof the entire circuit and its components

5. Final report

Page 7: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Final Report (I)


1. Short description of the block diagrams and ASM charts. Discussion of any alternative architectures and solutions.

2. List of source codes and a short description of major modules.

3. Source of test vectors and a way of generating these test vectors.

4. Format of input & output files. Short description of a testbench.

Page 8: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Final Report (II)


5. Results resource utilization (CLB slices, LUTs, FFs,

BRAMs, etc.) post-synthesis timing

clock frequency throughput latency critical path

post placing & routing timing clock frequency throughput latency critical path

Page 9: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Final Report (III)


6. Discussion of the obtained results and and any optimizations applied in order to obtain the optimum design.

7. Speed-up vs. software implementation.

8. Discussion of dependence of results on parameters of the application.

9. Deviations from the original specification, encountered problems, and unresolved issues.

Page 10: VHDL Project Specification Naser Mohammadzadeh. Schedule  due date: Tir 18 th 2

Main Project


Resource:1. B. Parhami, “Computer Arithmetic, Algorithms and Hardware Designs,” 2000.

(you can find it in

“ftp://eng-ftp.sh.local/Professors/Mohammadzadeh-PhD ->

Advanced Digital Design-> Resources”)

Projects: Double Precision Floating Point Multiplier (Figure 18.5)
