VETERANS MEMORIAL ISLAND SANCTUARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, January 4, 2017 – 10:00 a.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, Vero Beach, Florida AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A) December 7, 2016 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Next Generation Veterans Request for a Proposed Monument – Mr. Doy Demsick and Mr. Bruce Cady B. Vietnam Traveling Wall Memorial 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. CHAIRMAN’S MATTERS 8. MEMBER’S MATTERS 9. NEXT MEETING DATE A) Next Meeting Date – February 1, 2017 10. ADJOURNMENT This is a Public Meeting. Should any interested party seek to appeal any decision made by the Committee with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Anyone who needs a special accommodation for this meeting may contact the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at 978-4920 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

VETERANS MEMORIAL ISLAND SANCTUARY ADVISORY …...HONORING PEARL HARBOR REMBERANCE DAY Ms. Loy stated that this is the first time she could remember the Veterans Memorial Island Committee

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Page 1: VETERANS MEMORIAL ISLAND SANCTUARY ADVISORY …...HONORING PEARL HARBOR REMBERANCE DAY Ms. Loy stated that this is the first time she could remember the Veterans Memorial Island Committee


Wednesday, January 4, 2017 – 10:00 a.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, Vero Beach, Florida





A) December 7, 2016



A. Next Generation Veterans Request for a Proposed Monument – Mr. Doy Demsick and Mr. Bruce Cady

B. Vietnam Traveling Wall Memorial





A) Next Meeting Date – February 1, 2017


This is a Public Meeting. Should any interested party seek to appeal any decision made by the Committee with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Anyone who needs a special accommodation for this meeting may contact the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at 978-4920 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Page 2: VETERANS MEMORIAL ISLAND SANCTUARY ADVISORY …...HONORING PEARL HARBOR REMBERANCE DAY Ms. Loy stated that this is the first time she could remember the Veterans Memorial Island Committee


Wednesday, December 7, 2016 -10:00 a.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, Vero Beach, Florida

PRESENT: Vice Chairman, Alma Lee Loy; Members: John Matthews, Joel Herman, Barbara Fallon, Curtis Paulisin, and Alternate member Don Wickstrand Also Present: Public Works Manager, Don Dexter; Recreation Director, Rob Slezak, and Senior Administrative Assistant, Rita Hawkins


Today's meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.


The Committee members and the audience joined together in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Ms. Loy said that it is her pleasure to introduce and welcome Mr. Don Wickstrand as a new Alternate member on the Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee.

Mr. Wickstrand thanked the Committee for welcoming him.


Ms. Loy stated that this is the first time she could remember the Veterans Memorial Island Committee ever having the opportunity to celebrate a world-changing event on the same day as their monthly meeting. The local press has been filled with coverage on Pearl Harbor. She asked Mr. Herman to provide some history on this historic event.

Mr. Herman stated that over 2,300 service members were killed in Pearl Harbor that day and 1,143 individuals were wounded. There were 23 sets of brothers on the USS Arizona battleship when it was attacked and none of them survived. There was 1.5 million gallons of fuel on the ship when it went down and it still continues to leak today at a rate of about 2 gallons per day. In 1961 Elvis Presley performed a benefit concert in an effort to raise $50,000 to complete the construction of the Arizona Memorial. The floating monument was completed in 1962. Another fact that he was not familiar with was that there was a child's remains aboard the USS Utah. An on board sailor's daughter died at birth and the um containing her cremated remains was in his locker when the USS Utah was attacked. The sailor had planned on scattering her ashes at sea and in 2004 they finally held a funeral service for his daughter.

Mr. Matthews stated that for many years there was an American Veterans (AMVETS) Post located near here of which he was the Post Commander and eventually the District Commander. The AMVETS was created for those Veterans who were not able to join the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the American Legion at that time. An important ceremony that the AMVETS recognized was honoring those who died in Pearl Harbor. As he was going through some of his files he found an old program from the 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. The Pearl Harbor Survivor Monument on Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary was placed there before the Veterans Memorial Island Committee was formed and before the City Ordinance was in place restricting the display of

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individual names. Twenty-five years ago those individuals were alive and they would meet at various locations and restaurants. He said that he was the Chairman of the 50th Anniversary and that he has a letter from General Snowden who was the individual they invited to be the guest speaker. General Snowden was a three star Marine General and was a great speaker. Most of those survivors have passed away and he is glad they have captured that history on the memorial on Veterans Memorial Island.

Mr. Paulisin stated that one (1) gentleman actually lied about his age and he was only 15 years old when he joined the service. He lives in Vero Beach and is currently 92 years old.

Ms. Loy said that individual is Mr. Bob Cook. He attended a Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee meeting some time ago and shared his story. Ms. Loy reported that a retired schoolteacher Ms. Linda Moore placed a handmade fresh wreath near the Pearl Harbor monument today. Ms. Moore's father is a Pearl Harbor Day survivor and she will remove the tribute at sunset.

Mr. Herman commented that there are only five ( 5) Pearl Harbor survivors left and four ( 4) of them are making it back for the 75th Anniversary ceremony.

Mr. Wickstrand explained that the National Park Service maintains the Arizona. Any of the survivors of the Arizona can have their cremated remains placed with the sunken ship if they choose to. The National Park Service has a diver that will place the urn in the ship.

Ms. Loy asked everyone to join her in observing a moment of silent prayer for the Graves family who lost their son in a tragic boating accident.


A) November 2, 2016

Mr. Paulisin stated that on page 4 of the November minutes the correct spelling for Colonel Sam Coons should be "Kouns".

Ms. Fallon made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2016 Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee meeting with the one correction made. Mr. Paulisin seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


A) Chairman

Ms. Loy stated that she has enjoyed serving as the Vice-Chairman under Mr. Tony Young and she would be pleased to continue in that role if they so desire. She stated that the floor is now open for nominations for Chairman.

Mr. Paulisin made a motion to nominate Mr. Matthews as Chairman. Ms. Fallon seconded the nomination.

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Ms. Loy asked for any other nominations. There were no other nominations.

Mr. Matthews stated that he would be proud to serve as the Chairman and hopes that he can follow in the steps of such great leaders.

The motion passed unanimously and Mr. John Matthews was elected as Chairman of the Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee.

B) Vice-Chairman

Ms. Loy asked for nominations for Vice-Chairman.

Ms. Fallon made a motion to nominate Ms. Loy, since she gladly volunteered to continue on in that role. Mr. Paulisin seconded the motion and with no other nominations the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Alma Lee Loy was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee.

Ms. Loy stated that their first goal should be to secure one (1) additional member, so they have a full Committee going forward.

Mr. Matthews stated that he will take over as Chairman at their next meeting and asked Ms. Loy if she would continue with today's meeting. Ms. Loy agreed.


Mr. Anthony W. Young, City Councilmember, came to today's meeting to express his.gratitude to the Committee, Mr. Don Dexter, Public Works Director, and Mr. Rob Slezak, Recreation Director for all their help over the past seven (7) years while he served on the Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee. It was an honor to be a part of the Committee and the work they did to make Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary a vital expression of healing, hope, and pride for Indian River County. Today is the 75th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and as Mr. Herman noted there were many men and women killed in that attack. Veterans Memorial Island has both a World War II (WWII) monument and a Pearl Harbor Survivor's monument and there are over 100 men recognized on those monuments. There is not a day that people don't visit the Island and gain from that experience, because it is a place of healing, reflection, and hope. In looking back over the past seven (7) years, some of the Committee's accomplishments, with the help of the City include the restoration of the Less We Forget monument, the update of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Monument, the dedication of the Vietnam Monument, an update of the City Ordinance thanks to Mrs. Peggy Lyon, the addition of five ( 5) cenotaph markers for men who served but were never recognized, and several other cenotaphs were updated to reflect corrected information. He spoke briefly about some of the casualties of WWII and then welcomed Mr. Wickstrand to the Committee.

Mr. Herman asked Mr. Young if it would be possible to get the biographies and the history on all of the gentlemen who are recognized with cenotaph markers on the Island.

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Mr. Young explained that the formal biographies have not been completed. He will continue to provide as much information as he can to the Archives Center at the Library. Mrs. Pam Cooper retired, but Ms. Michelle Wagner is the new contact person at the Archive Center.

Ms. Loy thanked Mr. Young for a wonderful history lesson.

At this time Item 9) on the agenda was heard.


A. 2016 Annual Report

Ms. Loy said that she would like to recommend a couple wording changes to the annual report. On page 3 paragraph 5, she would like the last part of it to read, "so our Committee requested funds to be approved from the Veterans Memorial Island account for the marker replacement". Also the seventh bullet point on page 3, she would like to change the words "them to use the Island" to "their use of the Island'.

She asked if there were any other requests for changes. There were no other changes.

Mr. Herman made a motion to accept the annual report with the suggested changes. Ms. Fallon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


A. Update on Ribbon Palm Trees - Mr. Don Dexter, Public Works Manager

Mr. Don Dexter, Public Works Manager, reported that they are required to get price quotes for the purchase of the trees from three (3) vendors and they are still waiting on one ( 1) vendor to provide them with their quote. He suggested that they change the wording in the annual report that pertains to this project to read, "Funds from the City Tree Mitigation Account will be used", because those funds will not be utilized until 2017.

The Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee members agreed with Mr. Dexter's requested change to the annual report.

Ms. Loy stated that the Committee would like to thank the City and especially Mr. Dexter and Ms. Nanette Haynes, Grounds Maintenance Manager, for everything they do for the Island. It is beautiful and it makes them proud.

Mr. Dexter replied that Ms. Haynes and her crew consider it a privilege to work on the Island.

Mr. Rob Slezak, Recreation Director, reported that the Veterans Day ceremony on November 11, 2016 was great event and it went smoothly. The Veterans Council organization has been phenomenal and the City enjoys working with them.

Ms. Loy thanked Mr. Slezak for all his assistance in screening numerous application requests to use the Island to make sure they are appropriate and follow the rules.

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A. Thank You - Anthony W. "Tony" Young

Mr. Matthews stated that Mr. Young did a great job. Not only did he serve on this Committee, but he also led the veterans of the community as the President of the Veterans Council for Indian River County. He always displayed great leadership during the ceremonies and while working with the various organizations and dignitaries.

Ms. Fallon said that she is impressed with all ofMr. Young's leadership skills.

Mr. Young said that he appreciates all the kind words. He thanked Mr. Jim O'Connor, City Manager, and the City staff for all the support. He said that the seven (7) acre Island has been utilized very well and it is amazing.

Ms. Loy stated that Mr. Young has set the bar high for those who are going to follow him. He is welcome to attend any of their Veteran Memorial Island Sanctuary Committee meetings.

At this time item 7) on the agenda was heard.


Mr. Matthews stated that he enjoyed the Veterans Day Ceremony. He commented that the Marine Corp Ball was a successful event and they had some great newspaper coverage. He said he hopes that he can do as good of job as Chairman of the Veterans Memorial Island Committee as the other have done.

Mr. Herman stated that they are going to miss Mr. Young, but he will do fine in his new position.

Mr. Paulisin thanked the City and the County for working together to fix up the Veterans Service office parking lot.

Mr. Wickstrand said he appreciates that Mr. Young talked to him about this position on the Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee and he looks forward to serving with them.

Mr. Young asked to make another change to the annual report. He would like to add a separate bullet point to recognize the first retirement ceremony on Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary, which was for Chief Petty Officer Buck McTee. He told Mr. Matthews that he will pass along the mementos he has for the Island, so they can be used for future ceremonies.

The Commission member approved Mr. Young's change to the annual report.


A) Next Meeting Date - January 4, 2017

The next meeting of the Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary Advisory Committee is scheduled for January4, 2017.

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Today's meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


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IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN Era Veterans Memorial Project for ndian River County

Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary

January 4, 2017

Page 9: VETERANS MEMORIAL ISLAND SANCTUARY ADVISORY …...HONORING PEARL HARBOR REMBERANCE DAY Ms. Loy stated that this is the first time she could remember the Veterans Memorial Island Committee



Vero Beach Veterans: Next Generation is a locally chartered group comprised of veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces who served honorably from 1990 to present day.

The Mission ofNext Generation: * Create a Network of the Next Generation of Veterans * Provide a Venue for Social Support *Combat Misconceptions about Returning Veterans * Represent our Generation by Positively Engaging the Community

Accomplishments to date: * Indian River County PTSD Support Group - professionally led * Creation of a support network for crisis intervention * Community engagement through active participation in local events * Engagement with the local business community for Veteran employment * Creation of youth program to prepare for military service

- PT in the Park * Successful fundraising programs to support Veterans programs in IRC

- Hump for our Vet's - Zero Dark Thirty *Advising the Veterans Council on Iraq/Afghan Veterans needs

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We, the Veterans of IRC who served from 1990 to today in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan, have organized as a group - we are called Vero Beach Veterans - Next Generation. We must honor our brothers and sisters who have fallen by establishing a memorial on Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary in Vero Beach. This memorial will allow us to remember our sacrifices and educate our neighbors about the battles we fought.

Intent: Providing an opportunity for our members to gain experience leading a large scale community engagement effort.

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-Y-~ Ross Power - Artist NEXT GENERATION

Ross Power has been creating sculptures professionally since 1970. Commissioned works are displayed in locations such as Hyatt Regency Hotel, Maui and The Metro Goldwyn Mayer Film Studios, Los Angeles. In 1985 he debuted his artwork in the Key Largo Undersea Art Gallery which inspired his desire to create the sculptural marine habitat "Focus". This ecological project enables him to become a spokesperson for the ocean and remind our society that we must have an environmental conscience. Extensive media coverage for his undersea art ranged from national television and radio talk shows to newspaper and magazine coverage such as Art News, Skindiver Magazine and Time Life. Power now focuses on combining multimedia with his art realizing that the media is part of his medium. Power was introduced to the idea of creating artwork to honor our fallen men and women from the Iraq & Afghanistan era wars through the Cultural Council of IRC. Power has been a frequent leader and contributor to projects in our county for the past 10 years.

"Our nation has earned its freedom through the sacrifices of the men and women who serve in harms way. We must honor this generation with a memorial that serves the fallen and lifts this community to serve each other." Ross Power

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Ross Power - Artwork NEXT GENERATION

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Playtime. bar none 1\ :-. c.: ul~1urc by n~i.S Powe r M'r\ C!i ll li Jt sort or muukcy bu rs for Thursday nl the Museum o( Scit•nce. Power'8 !iculptur(·ll s tmlc· nt '" from Bay lfurhor E lt! JJI CUll) ry Schuol who li pcnt u~ually SJH'nd hid( the tim() under waler .

''No Tur.nlng 6.:n:J..." · 1$96 ·~· l;irgo U1td.:r~ea ArtG.1.lle l"'., ·

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Ross Power - Artwork NEXT GENERATION

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Vietnam Traveling Wall Memorial

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (The Mobile Vietnam Wall Replica) has published its 2017

nationwide tour schedule with Vero Beach stop #1 on the schedule Jan 25th (Opens in evening) thru Jan

29 at the Indian River County Fairgrounds! ALSO Vero is the ONLY Florida stop in 2017 for this

honorable and historic memorial that has never been to Vero Beach! Patriot Productions is proud to

host them and help make it possible for the community

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES at the traveling Vietnam Wall Memorial "The Wall That Heals" coming to

the 3rd annual Vero Beach Military History Expo from Washington D.C. January 25 through January 29,

2017 at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. Approx 100 volunteers are needed to host this historic and

meaningful memorial that makes its first visit ever to Indian River County! Be part of something greater

than ourselves.

Below is a link to an online volunteer roster specific for this event. You will note the date and the shifts

that need to be filled with volunteers. You simply select the ones you want and done! You can volunteer

for more than one shift per day if you want to. Some shifts are 3 hours and some 4 hours (Over night

shifts). Security will be present 24/7 at the wall and lit up at night. The shifts are simple and easy as far

as work is considered. But all are very important. Complimentary Bottled water, coffee, and snacks for

volunteers will be available 24/7. There will be portable restrooms nearby.

Thanks again for your support for our nation's military and its veteran sacrifices. If you have any

questions please ask.

To volunteer go to: http://signup.com/go/fTdLFp
